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tv   Action News Weekend 6AM  ABC  October 12, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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>> good morning it's 6 a.m. sunday october 12. i'm nydia han here's what's happening on "action news". >> no matter how many procedures are put in place we can't get the risk to zero. >> this in a new case of ebola in u.s. and new warning as screening for virus is about to begin at more u.s. airports. >> and eagles play giants tonight prime time pig skin that can shake up nfc east and if you head out this morning temperatures hovering in the 30s and 40s.
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meteorologist chris sources is here with more on that in accuweather. good morning. >> it's temporary. we warm up nicely later this afternoon. we show you what is going on out there. there's the view of center city sky line that looks better than yesterday when he had all the rain and patchy fog and low-level cloud. we cleared out nicely now and expect temperatures to climb up into the 60s when all is said and done today. here's what we have to do. let's look at the present temperatures. poconos, tanersville, still frost advisory in effect 8:00 this morning. 31 martins cek and 36 st. st. david's in pottstown. cinnaminson 4. hammonton 43 and woodbine 47. only real issue this morning some locations picking up fog. most of us are seeing fairly decent conditions out there. every now and then we get to open areas and visibility lowers. so if you travel over the next hawr or two take it slow.
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allentown case in point down to 1.3 miles and everybody else doing all right. over the next several hours we see sunshine out there. patchy fog through 8 a.m. and temperatures quickly climbing by 10:00 mostly sunny up to 56. coming up we talk more about the milder temperatures in the 7 day forecast. we can be close to 80 by tuesday and there's chance of rain and i'll detail that with future tracker 6 in a bit. nydia. >> chris, thank you. we have breaking news from dallas, texas there's a second case of ebola virus in the u.s. a healthcare worker that cared for thomas eric dunkin in the hospital where he died. the worker developed a fever friday night and was immediately isolated and tested. meantime airports in the u.s. have become a front line in detecting virus. at jfk first of five major u.s. teernts come on board, new extensive screening beginning
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there this morning. all passenger as living from those countries at the epicenter of ebola out ut break now checked for fever and asked if they have had "any patients there. overseas 100% of travelers leaving those countries are screened on exit. >> fever no vomiting no headache no. >> and with more than 36,000 passengers not a single case has been detectd no matter how many procedures are put if place we cannot get the risk to zero. >> czc admitting this screening would not have picked up on thomas eric dunkin the man turned away from a dallas hospital to return later dieded there from the disease. >> eric did not know that he had ebola when he came to america. and as he satisfied to luiz i would have preferred to stay in liberia and die then come here and put the love of my life and
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only child through this. >> in liberia u.s. troops now on the groundwork around the clock building a 25-bed hospital for healthcare workers from ebola isolation units throughout that country. marines there too have their temperatures taken before they can begin relief work. back at home free lance camera man showing slight improvement. the state of new jersey is putting members of his crew under mandatory quarantine after 21 day isolation agreement was breached. "abc news," new york. new this morning two young men are hit by a car in delaware. around 1:00 this morning middletown road, new castle county. police say both help were walking on the shoulder of road when driver of nissan the ma hit
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both of them. both were taken to the hospital one in critical condition and other in stable condition. police arrested the driver and not announced any drivers yet. investigators in gloucester county are trying to figure out what sparked a factory fire. it broke out last night seriously damaging the old mars graphic building. the building is abandoned and fires fighters are expected to burn themself out. no injuries reported. >> we're continuing count down to kickoff. eagles take on the giants tonight in huge show down in nfc east and standings paint the picture going to 8:30 kickoff at the linc eagles and cowboys 4-1 and giants behind 3-2. look what happens if the eagles lose and cowboys win in seattle. eagles fly to third place behind new york and dallas going to the bye week. for now the birds are safering first place they know those wins have not been the smoonlest. >> i need to play bester airport continue to play better we're a
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4-1 team. >> we're winning football games. do we have to improve? definitely. that's going to be the story throughout the entire year. that we can always get better and there's things we can do and always fix things. >> whovsh plays with us is a big reason we're 4-1. i don't -- the fact that we're not playing to our potential that we're still 4-1 it goes to speak what kind of character we have within the team. >> if you like history eagles won 7 of past 10 meeting again g-men more on the match-up ahead in sports and join our conversation about the game go on twitter an use the #6abceagles action family and you talking all the things first. >> anti-bullying rally planned for toont cross new jersey high school at the center of a football hazing scandal. 7 players are facing serious charges, several players are accused of aggravated sexual
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assault. alleged victims are fellow players. the head coach is not accused of any wrong doing and said yesterday "now it not the time to address the allegations" the team's football season is cancelled. ♪ fight back ! >> hundreds marched through the streets of st. louis once again continuing weekend protests over the police shooting death of michael brown. last night's protest was peaceful between markers and police a cout out of 3,000 on a saturday arch and part of a protest called furgeson october. organizeers want to change the way police look and at treat minorities. >> this is not going to change overnight. this is not the end. this is the beginning. once we protest we have the vote and once we vote we continue to organize communities and educate people to replace the people doing injustice. >> organizeers are planning kli
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matic event monday calling it wave of peaceful resistance led by local and visiting klermy. it's expected to lead to wide arrests. >> "good morning america" is at 8:00 after n this newscast with more on furgeson and he we'll be. >> cellphone video catches passengers during emergency landing and this is not the only fear in the guy. a year and a half ago flames consumed a building killing a firefighter. this morning there will be a new honor for his service and sacrifice. >> and stolen dog reunited with grateful owner how chichi ended up in hair salon and how the owner cracked the case. >> we're expecting sunshine out there today. shew be much nicer afternoon. you don't have to go far south to close the next system coming in. i'll show you when this arrives
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in the 7 day forecast when we i'll show you when this arrives in the 7 day forecast when we come back skippy!!
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yippee!! fun fun fun! shiny! you never listen! what? is someone talking? ♪ skippy!! ♪ yippee!! i'm bored. hashtag bored. skippy!! yippee!! look a ride! (vo) made with the funnest peanuts ever! skippy. yippee!! ♪
6:11 am
i'm robert de niro and new york is my home. it's the best place to visit in the world and now it's the easiest, because now there are new tourism guides on the road, and on your phone that make it easier to find the places you love. find great dining, amazing history, and world-class entertainment, no matter where you are. take the ultimate road trip and see why i love new york. for more information, go to >> welcome back, sunday, 6:11, 48 degrees, sky6 taking a look at the ben franklin bridge. 48 degrees. feels chilly to me. >> one of the milder numbers. >> north and west they're down to the 30s. >> o.
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>> it could be worse than that. >> lets go live on sky6. you'll need to bundle up this morningment temperatures dropped down north and west of city and you get into the lehigh valley and poconos especially feels more like winter out there this morning. 47 in philadelphia. it's not too terribly bad, 40. winds calm. there's the chill up here. allentown down to 37. poconos degree below freezing sitting at 31. plan agent caster 39 and millville 45 and trenton 42. visibility-wise most locations now doing all right. an hour ago we were locked in pretty good in some outlying areas and much improved here over the last hour or two. allentown about 1.7 miles so visibility is lower there. reading three miles. poconos three and millville 8. satellite 6 and action radar there's yesterday's mess. with what a miserable day yesterday. all that cloud cover and rain throughout the morning and then patchy drizzle in the afternoon. we're left with mainly clear
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skies and you do see cloud cover here across central pennsylvania and today promises to be nicer looking day as high pressure right here will control our weather. at least through the next 24 hours. here's the next system we're watching. remember what's going on here. we have a stalled out frontal system and it really is just sitting there. it's been sitting there for a couple of days. and as this thing kind of me apders about we'll get waves of low pressure wide ride ago long it and every time we get a wave it brings clouds into the reej region and threat of showers and clouds and maybe a rumble of thunder. this gets in here tomorrow. got news with this shouldn't be like what we saw yesterday morning this fizzles out as it travels northeast to mid-atlantic. we're looking at nothing more than cloudy skies and few scattered showers throughout the day on monday. otherwise this is not a big deal. we'll skip over today. today looking at combination of sun and cloud later this afternoon and here's tomorrow, midday mainly cloudy. couple showers possible north and west and note lighter shades
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of green. we're not expectsing anything too terribly heavy. lingering monday. monday nights cloudy, tuesday morning could be patchy fog and we get some of that patchy drizzle once again by arch. tuesday not a bad looking day. we get to wednesday and thursday and another wave rides that front and pushes to the delaware valley and we have the greater chance of showers and maybe a couple thunderstorms. forecast for today, sun and clouds, nice arch. get out and enjoy this one. 64 in philadelphia, millville 64. atlantic city 64. trenton 62. lancaster 6 and dover 63. no humidity out there. shew feel fantastic and for eagles game 8:30 start time against giants will feel chillyment partly cloudy. 56. kickoff temperature 4th quarter down to 52. numbers will continue to slide from there. here's your exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast. 64 for today. 68 tomorrow. we'll say a stray shower around.
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tuesday warmer with sunshine. once again hit or miss shower. tuesday nice, 77. wednesday cloudy, possible couple showers and periods of rain wednesday night to thursday that stretch looks miserable. 70 thursday afternoon and friday sun and clouds 72 and saturday we start next weekend off on bright and sunny note, 70 degrees. >> thank you. don't forget to take the new with you wherever you go. the smart design changes lay yot to fit any device. no matter how small ar large the screen. check it out by visiting any time anywhere. >> this were not one but two emergency flight airlines at the north carolina airport this weekend take a look at cellphone video inside a flight from la guardia. the pilots were forced to drop from 30,000 10,000 because of pressure issue and the oxygen masks came out.
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>> just all of a sudden oxygen masks and amazingly calm everybody did what they always tell you to do every time you get on a flight. >> about 45 minute later another flight made emergency landing charlotte airport. u.s. airways says a regional flight from greensboro had u.s. airways says a regional flight from greensboro had hydraulics issue. anncr: the great thing many breakfast options... you did a great job. it looks good! anncr: they're right next to our many other breakfast options. just another good reason to book now. feel the hamptonality on groceries at momacme's stock up sale.d up well, if she can get whatever she wants, why can't i?
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hello, chocolate donuts with sprinkles. it's acme's stock up sale. get delicious deals on the things you love most. jif peanut butter or hot or lean pockets are .99 cents. and green giant frozen vegetables are .79 cents. this is big, people. this is acme. you're in for something fresh. hey mom, you want glazed or chocolate? exactly the way you want it... until boom, it's bedtime! your mattress is a battleground of thwarted desire. enter the sleep number bed. right now, you can save $400 on our most popular bed. he's the softy. his sleep number setting is 35. you're the rock, at 60. and snoring? sleep number's even got an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. right now save $400 on our most popular bed, plus 36-month special financing. hurry ends columbus day. know better sleep with sleep number. a remote that lives more wi-fi in more places.
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of philadelphia a teen was shot and police are questioning a man. bullet shell casings were found next to a car in the 200 block of mederi avenue a boy was shot in the leg while sitting in the passenger seat of the car. police saw a blood trail leading by a nearby home. they found a man mopping up blood. the teen is hospitalized and in stable condition. developing overnight despite u.s. led air strikes islamic state militants are moving closer to baghdad. look at isis training video. 10,000 isis militants are on attraction in am bar province. isis forces are within a few miles of baghdad airport. the militants near the airport are armed with shoulder to air missiles and have 20 miles range and could threaten tlaenz in and out of the airport. they are taking credit for car
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bombings. iraqi officials believe iraqi troops and mallishias can keep isis from move into bag dunkin' donuts. russian president vladimir putin has ordered troops top move away from country border to ukraine and return to bases. the latest order is ahead of a planned meeting between putin and i pet row porshinko. they're skeptical the order will be carried out and repeatedly acaused russia of fueling surgeencey in eastern ukraine where pro russian insurge vents been fighting since april. and a hit and rub that has a woman fighting for her life he remains unsolved just after 1:00 new linden hill road pike creek dell dem. a 2009 yolks wagen jetta slammed into a girl's carch the woman in the jetta got out and ran away.
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they're look fooing are her. the driver of the other car is in city cap condition at christianne hospital. enter row die russ d 68 has taken life of a 21-month-old ghirl michigan. last week a boy from hamilton new jersey 4-year-old eli waller died of ept row d 68. cdc says five people up infected died. so far 691 people in 46 states in washington d.c. were diagnosed with virus. most of patients are children. >> police officer in michigan gaining worldwide attention for traffic stop that led to act of compassion. officer ben hall responded call of a requireding in a vehicle without a car seat when he pulled over alexis she admitted she was wrong and had fallen on hard times and couldn't afford one. instead of ticketing her she bought her a booster seat. >> a ticket does not solve the situation. what solves it is the child being in a booster seat like she shew be is the eedzest 50 bucks
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i ever spent. >> i'm at a loss for words he didn't have to do that. >> delorenzo says she plans to pay his act of kindnes we thought our cable internet was fast. but, our uploads are half the speeds of our downloads so our internet is really half-fast. so half-fast. someone did a half-fast job of posting our vacation pics. when i post my slow jams, i'm a little half-fast. totally half-fast. stop living with half-fast internet.
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only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - uploads as fast as downloads. so his homework won't be so half-fast. that is up to him.
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>> 6:24 quick look at tropics over the island of bermuda this thing better organized during the overnight hours. deep convexion all colors sitting around the corner. we switch to wind stream map there's a lot going on. here is fay sitting over bermuda and here's an area of high pressure. winds blow ago way from the high. blows in clockwise fashion and
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that high bumps this low off to sea. we don't have to worry seeing too much from fay. maybe it elevates chop in surf a bit off the eastern sea board. watch how the high take over the storm and it bumped out to sea seament it shew be a small problem for shipping interestings in the atlantic. >> giants won the opener and scored three runs early against cardinal ace adam wainwright. the bullpen closed 3-0 win. missouri other baseball team had better night. royals won in baltimore 6-4 to take commanding two game to nonlead in alc west. >> the eagles usually have eli manning's number and will they
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have it tonight at the linc. jeff skversky has more on that. >> there's annie mccormick mated cartoon on eagles web site of eli mapping extra crying because he's so skird of eagles defense. yup, it's giant's week and that only means one thingch the trash talking is amped up. can you wait for kickoff tonight at the linc, giants, eagles, what a match-up. tom conklin and eli man ago riffing in ep my territory. they don't like philly and the eagles are hoping to send them home tonight as unhappy. manning lost more games against eagles then any other team in the nfl. how do you beat him? hit him. >> as great quarterback you can not give them nothing. he definitely takes advantage. he's a great quarterback. but that's any quarterback you put their hat on them a little they game change a little. we're hoping to do that. we definitely need this. >> much more on eagles later
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this morning on eagles game day kickoff 11:30 with ducis rogers and mike quick. for the third straight year flyers have zero wins, three games into the season. yeah it's not pretty so far. things are not going to get easier for orange and black. next 7 games against playoff teams from a year ago. wane simmons looking sharp so far against mopt reel brought a game left in four minutes and flyers scored twice. semin scores flyers take a 2-0 lead. less than a minute into the second. fourth goal. didn't have this many until almost thanksgiving last year. they have a meltdown open the ice in the third and give up 3 goals in 7.five minutes and we're tied at 3. you're not going to like this game goes to shootout. pa parent owe and beef emery and flyers lose 4-and they're still
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looking for win number one. >> they took it to us and i think we respect that team and know what they got and how they can buzz around and you know it's unfortunate that we cannot hold a lead like that. we shew be able to. >> that's sports. i'm jeff skversky. have a good day. i'm jeff skversky. have a good day. ♪ (barking...)
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(meowing... & more barking) this is just too good to keep quiet! petsmart's low prices on your favorite food brands just got lower! shop a wide assortment of food, and now save up to $7 on select natural and specialized nutrition for dogs. at petsmart®.
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>> here's more on breaking news out of dallas, texas a second person there tested positive for ebola virus. the woman was a healthcare worker in contact with thomas dunkin at the hospital in dallas where dunk up died wednesday. the hospital said the worker developed fever friday night and was tested and put in isolation immediatelych the centers for disease control and prev neption atlanta is conducting further tests to confirm the initial tests results. we've been following develop. s on ebola outbreak an we'll bring you up dates. you can find resources and more information about the ebola virus on time is now 6:30 meteorologist chris sowers joins us with a preview of the accuweather forecast looks chili out there.
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>> that's the only issue out there this morning. nice, live on sky6. we'll show what you is going on. there's the view at penns landing and you see twilight now as sun gets ready to rise. a lot of clear skies across the region. lots of sunshine out there today. today promises to be a nicer looking day. that clear sky allowed temperatures to fall and off a cliff in some locations. allentown down to 36. we're seeing patchy frost developing in the lehigh valley and poconos. poconos 31. lancaster 39 and normally we see first frost up here between let's say october 20 and 31. it's a little ahead of schedule. but not by much. millville 45. a aisle city 50 and tren tone 42. here's satellite and radar and with high pressure sliding in west to east to north here we'll continue to see clear skies throughout the day. maybe a few, high, thin, cirrus clouds later on. that's about it. expect sunshine and milder temperatures and feels better
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out there. 9:00, 506789 lunchtime, 59. 3:00, 64 for kaingtd high and then by 6:00 down to 61. what's ahead here as we look into the new workweek. big warm-ups in store for delaware valley, tuesday and wednesday with highs close to 80 in parts of the area and that also comes the chance of showers. and thunderstorms. actually there's several chances of showers and thunderstorms ahead. and we'll talk more about that in the 7-day in a bit. nydia. >> chris, thank you. >> a dog is now been reunited with her owner. the pooch was dog napped several months ago and thanks to sharp ion "action news" chichi and her owner are here again. kenneth moton has the story. >> chichi owner is thanking central detectives and "action news" and good samaritan that lost a lot of money. >> this one has been a regular here north broad. hanging out with customers and going home with barbara henery collins who caught him.
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>> he said he was leaving for semester and couldn't take the dog home. >> that was a couple months ago. fast forward tuesday. colin saw "action news" report about the thieves who stole electronics and a pomaranian from a home. they were able to release video. the dog's name chispaaka, chichi. >> i went home did experiment called chichi and she went woop. >> they picked her up sean checked her chip and god darn it we have a match. >> 7 weeks after chichi dog napped she was back in homes of owner nia core anursing student at penn state. >> i'm happy we were able to get her back. >> it was not a hard decision.
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i knew it was right decision. >> colin who paid 500 said his 3-year-old son will be devastated but cora plans to get chichi bred so he can have one of the puppies. >> he was excited to get me my puppy back. >> in a strange coincidence chichi owner was in that north philadelphia salon a couple weeks ago and that day chichi was not there. reporting live outside central detectives. chapel 6abc news. >> happening today. a local fallen firefighter will be honored at national memorial. michael goodwin died while battling a fire in april 201 3. he will be one of 107 to be honored at national fallen firefighters memorial service in
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maryland it's app you'll tribute to those that lost lives in the line of duty. >> the search is on for two men that rocked a bank on the main line. this is surveillance from inside the td bank in wane 9d yes morning. one mavrked map was armed with .9 millimeter hand gun. roberts forced three employees into a safe and got away with catch. a 7500 reward is offered for information to solve the case. >> ebola epidemicit hading close to home for a church in philadelphia. good people there are uniting to offer age for people of liberia. nora muchanic was in mt. airy for giving. >> they worked in shifts collecting and sorting through bags and boxes of donated medical supplies and canned food all zest inked for liberia now in grip of ebola crisis. >> they need basics and things we take for granted we're good
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doing our best to get these supplies to them as quickly as possible. >> chlorine bleach, medical masks, hand sanitizeers and wipes these are donated and collected through the heart for liberia project. >> most appreciating issue from our possession on this earth is the ebola crisis. >> where the victims kids are kidding in africa with substandard to that which we are receiving here in america. >> with ebola cases rapidly multiplying working to provide cost of liberia is crewial for lisa hopkins directly affected. >> we're volunteering on behalf of family i have and we lost a uncle august 28 with he ebola crisis. >> they need a lot of stuff. >> and young david freeman understands the need. over 250 boxes packed with smridz. he nonhas a relationship with
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lot carry mission and school in liberia. >> we hope we can be help in halting the spread. >> all items will be shipped to the school in brewer town liberia and districted from there to those that head to them. >> i'm nora muchanic, "channel 6 action news." >> two local acme super markets are shutting down the stores on e 3 and west butler in chalfont. they will close by november 1. 130 employees will lose jobs and acme officials will be offered positions at other stores. sagging sales are blamed for the shut down. >> first lady michelle obama is coming to philadelphia to sway the vote in final weeks of pa elected next governor. mrs. obama is said to head the event at dorothy emmanuel recreation centerp wednesday.
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he'll take on tom corbett november 4. >> "action news" profiling big political races in our area with less than a month to go for election day. matt o'donnell takes a look at the congressional race in 7th district. >> the 7th congressional district is oddly shaped as they come. parts of delaware, chester, montgomery, berks and lancaster counties and some say looks like donald duck kicking goofy and in this election a political newcomer hopes to kick out a veteran politician. republican pat meehan is in second term in gop leaning district and never lost election. former u.s. attorney says he has the political experience you just can't beat. >> i like to hope that i'm in a good position. because people believe that i pay attention to things they care about. >> democrat maryel ep surprise lasalle political science professor. she's struggled to match the fundraising advantage but
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putting hopes in a poll that says one in three voters in the district even know meehan is their congressman. >> there's many people outside of the district millionaires and billionaires i feel like people in this district are hurting. >> preventing cyber crimes like data breach at acme is a priority. he hopes to change provisions in affordable care act and hold line on income taxes. >> it's not always just a question of more taxes. but the real key is generating more revenue is to create a growth economy. >> they would seek to reduce gun violence, raise taxes for americans and fight foregender equality. >> they're saying i have the best chance of the only woman in the pennsylvania delegation. that's pretty pity full out of you know 18 house members. >> meehan versus altonez.
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election day is november 4. i'm matt o'donnell "channel 6 action news." >> a rivrlry resumes in south philadelphia tonight. nourk giants are in enemy territory for tussle with the eagles. a few new yorkers will be at the linc for prime time match-up. eagles aligned secondarys look tough against improved giant's owe peps. we'll see if lesean mccoy breaks out of the slump. kickoff is 8:30, eagles are off next week. >> more to come, sky6hd taking a live look battle ship new jersey meteorologist chris sowers is next with the exclusive accuweather forecast and technology role in war against infectious diseases and germ fighting robot sends uv lights 20,000 times brighter than it looks like. >> it looks simple but these students are learning valuable less gones of the environment th
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>> a typhoon packing winds of 100 miles an hour hit japanese island of oak gnaw what and the high winds and heavy winds have been blamed for 35 injuries and 150,000 people are ored to evacuate the island of fusu. >> time for accuweather in our area.
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calm but chilly this morning. >> chilly out there you need an extra cup of coffee and sit on couch with blanket anden squoy yourself the next couple hours. sky6, surprise warming things up later on. chilly start to sunday. there's the view in atlantic city. clear conditions out there and chilly temperatures. we're sitting at 47 in philadelphia with a dew point of 40. so air starting to dry out. pressure reading 30.22" and holding steady. look at the numbers north and west. 38 in reading, allentown down to 36 with patchy frost developing and same thing with poconos 3 1. lancaster 39. colder north and west that than what we're seeing south and east. most numbers exception being coast there. most numbers are below average 8 to 1 colder. allentown 14 degrees colder than yesterday at this time. again the pattern continues to change almost every day here. we have high pressure running u.s. canadian border and that continues to provide us with north, northeasterly breeze.
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that keeps temperatures on cooler side, milder than we saw yesterday. still cool relatively speaking and that's as we get into monday and tuesday more clouds start to stream on in here and threat of showers and thunderstorms returns. heeshz wider view. again we have frontal system draped over the mid at laptic, ten teb, ohio valerie and lifts north in front of warm front. areas of low pressure develop and pull to northeast as this process take place. it will be nice out there today. we have miserable weather unfortunately in the 7 day forecast to deal with. 39 in shy up to. cincinnati 4 1. there's our 7. cooler north and milder south which is to be expected and again that mild air is lifted with the low and pulls north. there's a warm front. we get into tomorrow, tomorrow features clouds, passing shower or two and as this front sweeps through that opens the door to warm air which i'll show you in
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a second. future tracker in the meantime skipping over today, here's tomorrow, 1bg, scattered showers far western suburbs and everybody else seeing mainly clouds and that is the trend throughout the afternoon. not a wash. i would not cancel outdoor plans. keep an eye to the sky. there could be a threat of shower at any point in time. monday through wednesday jet stream lifts north well into canadian provinces and will tap into mild air as we get to tuesday and wednesday. one of those days would not be surprised if a couple locations hit 80. so for today, morning fog. otherwise sun and clouds later this afternoon. nice afternoon. 6. winds southeast at 5 to 10 mile an hour here's the day planner gradual increase in high, thin clouds. 00, 64. and by 6:00, we're back down to 61. here's the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast stray shower possible tomorrow. otherwise today sun and clouds,
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64. eagles game no weather issues than chilly. bring along something with sleeves temperatures dropping into low 50s. tuesday warmer with sunshine and 77. wednesday there's another 77. the only difference we see a lot more in the way of clouds and squattered showers which will eventually transition to steady soaking rain wednesday night into thursday. thursday high 70. friday clearing sun and clouds 72. and then saturday mostly sunny skies and a very comfortable high of 70. so other than today every temperature above average. we have several chances of rain unfortunately. >> today is a nice day for parade. it so happens happening today philadelphia annual columbus day parade the parade celebrating italian american culture can be seen here 6abc and begins broad and moore street just this afternoon and the parade makes its way to oregon avenue and alicia vitareli anchors coverage at 1 stwarting on "action news" at noon.
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columbus day festival is going on 10 to 6 day. on 10 to 6 day. we'll be right back on groceries at momacme's stock up sale.d up well, if she can get whatever she wants, why can't i? hello, chocolate donuts with sprinkles.
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it's acme's stock up sale. get delicious deals on the things you love most. jif peanut butter or hot or lean pockets are .99 cents. and green giant frozen vegetables are .79 cents. this is big, people. this is acme. you're in for something fresh. hey mom, you want glazed or chocolate?
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>> people in the front lines ob battle of ebola is taking precautions and technical is lending them a hand. >> from fears about ebola virus, ept row virus and the come on cold. >> this machine will clean this room entirely. >> entirely. >> in just 15 minute. >> they met the match a robot blasting bursts of ultra bright light after the room cleans affectionally named amber this technology has been a vital part of cleaning crew for two years now. shuttled room to room catching what people can't. >> this is a germs zapping robot inside is znon lamp and when you pulse lamp it produces a sdam to
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viruses and spores it's 25,000 times brighter than sunlight. >> we've seen in the last two years since this came on board greater than 25% reduction in hospital acquired up infections all runts either ought or near zero hospital ininquired up infections on annual base sglis alongside tried and true methods of germ prevention technology is leading fight of ebola from cleaning hospital rooms to people taking temperatures with tablet advice. a vital test to determine if someone becomes ill. >> it's not as precise obviously as core body temperature. but it's more precise than any other remote or in touch infrared or other kind of technological system. >> the ebola scare also has some people taking matters into their own hands. in idaho survivalists grabbing
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anything they can at government surplus stores like these masks at cost of 8 to 20 dollars a piece jop shift says he cannot keep enough open shelves. >> my perception people got emotional and want to act on that he motion. >> what shew do you u you do to protect your family. education is the best defense. >> this is certainly a serious disease and big problem in west africa. it's not in this country fortunately and with the basic healthcare system we have and basic sanitation that we offer, and the access to running water and soap, we're pretty well protected from an out break of that happening. >> each as certificate experts sea the u.s. is prepared and some believe extra layer of protection offers more piece of mind. george all atlanta.
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they showed kids out to put out the flames and try open gear. paramedics gave live the flames and try open gear. paramedics gave live demonstrations a party on people! blinds to go's 60th anniversary sale continues celebrating with 20% off the entire store. you heard right, 20% off the entire store. we're talking employee pricing baby! hey, you need 'em, you want 'em, and now there's no better time to get 'em. blinds to go. blinds for life.
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6:55 am
blinds to go's 60th anniversary sale continues! woo-hoo! as our gift to you, take 20% off the entire store. twenty percent! the entire store! hey, with savings like that, you could redo your entire house. just sayin'! blinds to go. blinds for life. >> epa national canoe mobile arrived in our area. lisa thomas laury was there for it sglawl they tested their can ewing skills first wiggins park marina before heading out on delaware dell. >> over the next two weeks these classmates join other urban students who paddle the delaware river learning about key water
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issues. officials from the epa and state and county agencies gaermed at marina for student in camden. >> most don't know how to swim. >> few have section cec to there over purps. >> we're beginning to affect stigma urban industrial waters have across the country. >> volunteers teach them every impact on land affects water. >> these guys are known as indicator species and they imprint animals in research. >> for many students it's their first experience on the water. >> i was scared of water at first because i've never about in it. >> would do you it aagain. >> yes, i would like tat. >> there they would no doubt bring back what they learned to
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families and communities. >> what did you learn about water you deposit know before? >> that if it gets dirty the fish can die. >> i liked about it i goat learn new things about science. >> students in philadelphia chester wilmington and reading will also participate in the program before it ends in our area on october 19. lisa thomas laury, "channel 6 action news." 6:57 now still to come "action news" is following break is news and it's not a corp girl case. new over fight a cash crashes through a bus shelter and into 'tree. three people were in the video. hazardous materials were called it a local parent and meteorologist chris surz and it a local parent and meteorologist chris surz and accuweather will be right
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>> here's what's happening on "action news". >> how many procedures are newt place. we cannot get the risk to zero. >> breaking overnight a new case of ebola in texas and as screening for virus about to
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begin at more u.s. airports and eagles play the giants tonight prime time pig skin can could shake up the nfc east and bundle up temperatures hovering in the 30s and 40s. oids to meteorologist chris sowers for the accuweather details, good morning, chris. >> good morning, nydia. it's chilly. forget about the second cup of coffee take a step out for a couple minutes i'm sure there will take a look at numbers. 32 right now in freezing mark. poconos, and quakertown 39, 39 votesville and kenit square 40 and chester 43. ina cross the pine barrens upper 30s and 40s and hammonton 4 2. buena 44. cinnaminson 43, smyrna 45 and wood pain 37. yesterday it's off the coast and