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tv   Fox 29 Morning News at 5a  FOX  October 16, 2014 5:00am-6:01am EDT

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>> new details on the nurse who contracted ebola from a patients in texas. what she did that put a lot of other people at risk. >> new video, fox 29 captures an inmate beaten women camera what happened next that has the inmate's lawyer taking action today. >> this actually gives her a sense every normalcy. >> so cool. smile on their faces, the spirit of halloween coming alive. the children at chop come together for an incredible day. >> i weigh thinking, spirit day, wear purple. >> so orange isn't the new black. the new-new black, stars of an important message for your wardrobe this morning.
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what they want you to wear, and it is purpose, evidently. >> okay. >> is this purpose snell. >> no, definitely not. that's blue. you're color blind, so you wouldn't know. we could say you tried. >> but blue -- >> blah blah blah. >> more coffee, clearly, ready, i promise you. >> and it is time for sue. by the way, before we get to sue, national boss' day. don't forget. that will you can tweet us using hashtag fox 29 good dayment tell us what you love. or maybe you don't like all that much about your boss. >> get it out. but only if it is good, if you still want a job. this is really getting serious now with hurricane gonezalo, just in from the national hurricane center. category four hurricane 140-mile per hour winds, one of the most powerful storms we've seen in years, and it is heading right toward the island of bermuda. major destruction, probably be a three tomorrow, when it does make landfall right over the
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island. so that is a really bad situation there. just upgraded, again, gonzalo to category four hurricane -- hurricane, 140-mile per hour maximum winds. seventy-four the high today. we expect the rain to linger little while longer in some areas and it is on its way out. we could have a stray shower or two, but generally things will be improving and that's your weather at 5:02. going to the blue route eastbound approaching 95. an accident there, has two lanes blocked. that's going to slow you down, even at this hour of the morning. now, on i-95 southbound, past cottman avenue, disable vehicle has the right lane blocked. and another problem on another part of i-95, at girard avenue, there is a disable vehicle, that has the right lane block. we go over to new jersey, 295 northbound, near mt. holly exit, reports of a vehicle fire there. chris? >> sue, thank you very much. stay on top of what's going on with the ebola situation in america. the texas hospital, where two nurses were infected with '
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bowl, a now offering rooms to any of its employees impacted by the virus. officials at texas health presbyterian say they're doing this for peace of minds, not as is a medical recommendation. they say the rooms are available to anyone who treated thomas duncan, who died of ' bowl, a at a hospital there last week and to avoid potentially ex positioning friends, family, to the virus. >> 53:03. amber vincent, second nurse infected with ebola, in atlanta being treated at emory university hospital. president obama has canceled his travel plans once again today to stay in washington and monitor the government's response. now, had very chest contact with thomas duncan and associate press review of medical records show she inserted catheters, drew blood, dealt in essence with his bodily fluid of the still cdc officials cleared her to board a flight from cleveland to dallas despite having bit of a fever. frontier has taken that particular airplane out of service. three schools in texas, and
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two schools in cleveland, are closed today because students and staff members at those schools traveled on the same plane. and for a second day in a row, as we mentioned, president obama cancelled vets outside of washington so co-speak with federal health officials. he says they're reviewing what happened in dallas cents to make sure that it doesn't happen again. you probably have a loft questions about ebola at this point, because it is changing every day it, seems. what can happen by way of symptoms to your body, who can get infected, and how, what's the risk, all kinds of questions on answered. just go to the home page. we'll have the very latest for you, as well. philadelphia prison coming under fire after inmate is brutally beaten by a corrections officer. >> an attorney for that inmate says the evidence speaks for itself. fox 29's jennifer joyce live for you. >> good morning, kerrey, chris. lawsuit could be filed in this case as early as today, just a warning, the video that you're about to see is intense.
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a choke hold, a head lock, and 15 punches to the head, according to inmate, jonathan akubo attorney. the attorney says the entire time his client was defenseless, hands cuffed. violent attack happened after the inmate was pepper sprayed following argument with a correctional officer related to phonecall he was making. the incident which was caught by two camera angles happened on september 20th, inside the dining hall of the curran-fromhold prison. office here we are not identifying while the case is still pending wrote verbally threatening us, also spitting on myself, but his attorney says the video doesn't support the spit story and none of this warrant the assault seen on surveillance footage. >> as violently as you can imagine, such an assault on any other human being, think about it when your hands, handcuffed behind your back, completely defenseless, completely put in a position where you just have to suffer
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the blows of an angry correctional officer. >> he also claims before it was over, the officer bit him in the head. prison official tells fox 29 the officer did face preliminary discipline for excessive force, however, he is still working in a different unit as the case remains under review. that official also tells us that he has had numerous incidents close to 20 while in prison with extensive and violent disciplinary history. the inmates attorney says he thinks the prison is trying to cover this whole thing up. chris, kerry? >> much more to come on this, jennifer joyce, i'm sure, thank you. meantime happening today a philadelphia firefighter accused of sexually assaulting a woman is due in court, a preliminary hearing will be held for jamal johnson, who prosecutors say posted as police officer before they say he force add woman to perform a sex act on him in a pick-up truck. a philadelphia charter school plans to hold a lottery
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today to cut its enrollment by half. water d palmer ship learning charter school currently has nearly 1300 students, but charter agreement only allows 675 students. tonight's lottery in northern liberties will determine which 600 kids will have to leave. vice president joe biden will be in philadelphia today. he'll be in town for an event highlight being the importance of investing in america's infrastructure, vice president, and senator bob kacie, will tour a dredging barge, and then deliver brief remarks at the great plaza at penn's landing. real housewives of new jersey star, joe guidice, accepted plea deal on false identification, and i am percent nation charges, the reality star briefly had some second thoughts about the plea, but he ultimately went through with it. the plea means that guidice will serve 18 month sentence running concurrently with the
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15 month sentence he received on fraud charges. two pennsylvania lawmakers lucky to be alive after getting involved in a shoot-out near the state capitol. start representative marty flynn, and representative ryan bizarreo, leaving dinner with colleagues, when approached by a gunman trying to rob them. flynn seen here on right, former prison guard, and he's license today car a handgun. so he drew his weapon, and he exchanged gunfire with the suspect. >> can you imagine? >> no, nobody bass hurt -- was hurt, but did tell the associated press he might had been killed had he not been cashing that -- caring that concealed pistol. >> 5:08, in washington state, gunman goes on shooting spree against police in three cities last night before being shot by officers and being taken into custody. happened about 40 minutes north of seattle. at least one officer was injured, but his injuries are not life threatening. it is unclear why this guy was targeting police. and police also say that a 19 year old man killed his father, his mother, and his sister.
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prosecutors say the motive was cents to gain access to a publishing fortune, allen ruby charged in the shooting death. authorities say he was having money problems. he owned a loan shark. his father, john ruby, was publisher for rural newspaper, the march low review. >> his mother and father had recently bought him as far as his finances cents go, were not going to allow a lot of money to come out to him any more. they were going to cut him off. >> prosecutors say after the shootings, he went on lavish trip to texas, and the victim's bodies were discovered together by a made. >> a delay in debate between the candidates for governor in florida for a very strange reason. incumbent republican rick scott refused to go on stage at the beginning of the debate because his opponent had a fan. no, not allowed supporter in the audience, but an electric fan right there under his podium. scott said democratic challenger charlie crisp's fan broke the rules, so he took the stage about seven minutes
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late. by the way, crisp kept that fan under the podium for the duration of the event. >> well it, does get hot i would imagine under the lights, stress. >> absolutely. >> maybe just let them both have a fan? >> again reminds the of the 1906 presidential debate between nixon and jfk where they say nixon losses that election because he was sweating profusely. come to find out he had a cold before that debate. >> right. >> come to find out popular vote -- >> a little, sue? >> right. >> that's a weather toss, isn't? isn't it? >> weather news, gonzalo now hurricane four hurricane, five is the maximum. 140 miles per hour winds there is storm is only 540 miles away from bermuda traveling toward the north. as is we showed you last time, projected path has cents it right over the island by tomorrow. it looks like at that point it will be category three
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hurricane. talking major destruction with that, the track of gonzalo, hurricane warning in effect until tuesday morning, because the residual effect of the storm. as far as we're concerned, we still have rain around our area. it is on its way out. but still need your umbrella if you are leaving this morning. and there may and stray shower this afternoon, real quick look at the seven day forecast, shows, 73 degrees today, two ten's for tomorrow, saturday, and real chilly change on sunday. that is your seven day forecast, let's get to traffic. roads are wetment take your time on i95 southbound past cottman avenue. we've got pothole in the roadway that has the right lane blocked. this happened undoubtedly because of the rain, penndot is on its way to repair that pot hot. chris? >> sue serio, thank you. so, scratching our heads at this point. we've heard of people being allergic to dogs. but what about a dog allergic to people? meet this pup for yourself. hear what they're doing so he can have a loving home. skippy!!
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yippee!! fun fun fun! shiny! you never listen! what? is someone talking? ♪ skippy!! ♪ yippee!! i'm bored. hashtag bored. skippy!! yippee!! look a ride! (vo) made with the funnest peanuts ever! skippy. yippee!! ♪
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>> 5:15, the owe bamm administration finally came up with a fame for the war against isis, they're calling it operation inherent resolve. operation inherent resolve, despite the us coalition, new fox pole indicates 57% of you disapprove of the president's actions, toward isis, meantime, there are reports from the syrian town of kabani
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that the air strikes could be having effect here, curds i shall officials are saying they're helping them make gains against isis. >> at 5:15, pentagon has admitted at least 17us soldiers were expose today chemical weapons after the invasion of iraq in 2003. but said that no investigation had been ordered. in 2004, and in 2006, it was widely reported us troops discovered hundreds of chemical war head shells or aviation bombs, all part of saddam hussein's decaying stockpile. they weren't the weapons of mass deck stricken sean that the bush administration used to justify the invasion, but these chemicals themselves nonetheless dangerous, soldiers say they were left untreated and claim their military commanders ordered them not to talk about it, pentagon denies that, though. former olympian oscar pistorius, bamm in the courtroom for fourth day of sentencing hearing, today prosecutors asked prison commissioner about the conditions pistorius could experience if sent to jail. last month the judge convicted him of culpable homicide for killing his girlfriends reeva
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steenkamp back in 2013. could get anything fine to 15 years in prison when sentenced. hong kong's leader says the golf is ready to start talks with student protesters, this, comes after violent clashes between the protesters and local officers. the student-led protesters entered their third week of occupying key roads in the in hong kong's business district. activists ordering more democratic government. hong kong's leader said i'll start talks as soon as next week. >> so, when it comes to no carb diets, few main foods people avoid, bread, pasta, and well, these, potatoes. now new research is suggesting one of those foods is not like the others. people who include potatoes in their meals actually lost weight according to the study. research is suggesting that at 5:15 in the morning, you should have six cups of coffee before trying to anchor. no, research is suggesting as long as dieters reduce their
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calorie intake, overall potatoes, don't hurt the waistline. potatoes are prepared properly, so, in other words, you can't put cream and but the nerve them, make mashed potatoes, low on the glee seem i can index do, not cause spike in blood sugar levels like bread and rice. new study claiming par against to extreme measures for good night's sleep. found 56% of dads pretends to be sleeping when their kid get up crying at night to avoid getting out of bed. guilty as charged. >> are you kidding me? >> totally. >> what's wrong? >> listen, i can't nurse the kid. you can. >> not your kids. >> well, not any more. my kids are older. i'm talking about when they were newborns. excuses range from work schedules to just being too tired. psychologists say it is not uncommon for this i shall too cause fights among cup. >> never. >> one in five dads say their kids only call for mommy. hey, they don't want me. they're calling for you. >> oh, i hate. >> one in ten say their partners just better dealing
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with the situation. the kid keeps crying. here, take him. >> and all of those excuses are garbage. >> no, it is -- >> it is true? >> see this? we're a married couple fighting over there. >> you're technically my work husband i suppose. >> you look good this morning. >> still can't nurse your kids. >> that's really creepy. my kids are ten and seven now, that's really weird. >> they like that casino of thing. >> halloween coming early for the little ones, at children's hospital of philadelphia. chop, the spirit of children event helps youngsters celebrate, and these are children who may not have a chance to go out and trick-or-treat, and it was all courtesy of volunteers. i was cents there yesterday. check it out. >> to the children's hospital of philadelphia, for the first time in a long time, two year old joey moore has a lot to smile about. >> what's your costume going to be? >> ghost. >> you're going to be a ghost? are you going to scare everyone? >> ya.
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>> joey was born with subpoena bifita. for him and the other pediatric patient here, he's -- these donated costumes help mask the real life scares he and his parents face this halloween. >> this actually gives her a sense of normalcy, just because every october we're here, and we never know if we're going to get home for halloween. and this allows her to have that. >> the group spirit of halloween makes this possible. non-profit focus on making hospitalization less scary for kids and their families, and 134 hospitals across the us and canada, including chop. >> it is such a joy to be a part of this program and see how much this really lights up the kids, and really bring joy to a day that would otherwise be a little scary for them. >> the crafts, costumes, candy, were only out done by the power rangers, but this is the casino of all out effort every parent here would come to expect from chop. >> it is definitely special. it is great for the kids to have that opportunity to pick
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out a halloween costume and be able to enjoy and celebrate the holiday, in a hospital, amongst the the other children, as well. so they're good at putting together events for the kids here. >> and so many smiles on the faces of those kids yesterday. by the way, kerrey, a lot of these parents at chop yesterday, come once a year for treatment, and they come from all over, the one couple we heard from came all the way from new orleans. >> yes, people come from overseas. >> chop is so good. >> amazing, chris, thanks. 5:20, you have likely heard of petal err gist. what about pets? being allergic to humans. right? it actually hams. apparently. one indianna woman was left scratching her head just as her dog scratched its head. his name is adam. he sure seemed to be allergic to people. she rescued adam, fell in love with him, but ever since she's had him suffering from skin problems. his vet finally figured out what was wrong.
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>> humans, and i didn't believe it at first, i thought she was kidding no, just like we cab letter jibbing to dogs, he is allergic to human dander. >> isn't that inch shane. >> i didn't know we had tannedder. >> well, yes, that's why they make head unshaledder. >> oh, that's dandruff. >> same thing in essence. >> all right? thank you, doctor barrett. >> you will have to wear one of those cone things on your head. just like humans, adam is going to start getting allergy shots, people allergy shots. >> i should have a cone of silence. >> yes, i vote for that notion. >> beginning now! >> oh, stop it. >> taking a look at our weather for today, happy to report that things will be improving. we've got sunshine on the way, not much, there will be a lot of cloud cover, still some rain around this morning, temperatures in the 60s, we get into the lower 70s, by the end of the afternoon, breezy, and nice, the rest of the day. that's your weather authority forecast. and on the roads, well,
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they're wet, and they're slippery in a lot of neighborhoods with all of the leaves that fell. but, on 295 northbound, past rancocas woods side, there is cents an accident that has the right lane blocked. more of the fox 29 morning
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good morning, 5:25, in your money, disappointing
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economic reports. reignited growth worries, sending the dow tumbling, shed as much as 460 points yesterday afternoon. eventually, rebounding, so just landing less than 173 points, from the day prior. ended up at 16,100, if that makes sense, s&p fell 15 points, to 1862. nasdaq fell 12 to lands at 4200. meanwhile, netflix stock plunged 23% yesterday after the company delivered its third quarter results. disappointing some investors already spooked about hbo's plan since we talked about earlier in the show to begin that on line streaming service. netflix ceo blaming shortfall on 1 dollar price increase, which kicked in last may. he says that it turned away new viewers. >> 23%. >> a lot. >> huge drop. expecting another big a nunsment from apple today. just few weeks after iphone, i watch, company will gather the press to reveal something else new this morning. rumors are, there will be an
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ipad upgrade. >> 5:26. gloucester police on the case, they believe they've caught the couple responsible for stealing from a target. how much they allegedly almost got away with. >> then, an injured officer is getting back on his feet after losing one of his legs. but, he's not just walking again, what else he's doing that takes real persevere earns.
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>> passengers at philly international having second concerns on flying with the ebola concerns. >> there is a little more rain around, not as much as is we had yesterday. when it leaves, and what is going to change over the weekend. it is all coming up. >> gloucester police on the case. they believe they've caught the couple responsible for stealing from target. >> plus an officer loses a leg, but he's back on his feet, even more so, he's back at work, how he's returning to historying russ job, despite his amputation. >> good for him. great attitude. >> yes. >> 5:30, good day everyone, it is thursday, october 16th. national boss' day. tweet bus your boss, you like him, hate him, cool, uncool? use the hashtag fox 29 good day, we'll share your tweets
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on line. >> so might want to use -- >> use little discretion. >> yes. >> most of you actually have been pretty positive. a lot of you are your own bosses. >> interesting, i like that they don't micro manage us here, sue. >> yes, great advantage. 5:31 is the time. anyway, he's got the umbriel up a now. he will be able to put it down in a little while. but, leaving right now, there are some showers out there, little breezy, temperatures are in the 60s, the rain is on its way out. we do expect some improvement. so, pleasant temperatures, and a seven out of ten, for today, we will have some lingering clouds, some showers around, as well. but you can see, most of the cold front off shore, precipitation, all off to the east, still showers around the philadelphia area, still, some heavy rain in parts of the pocono mountains, down at the
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shore, little lightning, briefly, in cumberland county, but most of the rain is going away, temperatures are mostly in the 60s, this morning, 66, in philadelphia, should hit high of 73 degrees, limited sunshine, today, stray shower, next out of the question. but, it certainly is better than yesterday. and that's your wet r authority forecast. 5:32 the time. this is a live look at the schuylkill expressway, eastbound, just eastbound, just past montgomery avenue. there is an accident there, traffic already back up, slow going anyway on the schuylkill when it is wet. so that's going to be an area to avoid, accident eastbound past montgomery drive two right lanes blocked. on 42 freeway south bound, two left lanes block, i59 southbound past cottman avenue, we still have the
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pothole out there, right lane block, penndot's on its way, in frank cone ya, allentown road and dan berry drive. an accident there, as well. so we've got to slow down this morning. >> it will be a mess out, there and there are leaves on the road, as well making things so slick. >> thank you, 5:33, we've got to get to the very latest on ebola in america. there are rooms now available for employees at the texas hospital where two nurses cents had been infected with ebola, potentially ex positioning anybody else to the virus. officials at texas health presbyterian say they're doing this with peace of minds, not a medical recommendation, say the rooms are for anybody who treated thomas duncan, who of course died of ebola at that hospital last week. >> all right, so, meanwhile, amber vincent, second nurse infected with ' bowl, a now being treated at emory university hospital in atlanta. and president obama is rearranged his schedule yet again today to stay in washington and oversee the government's response. associated press review of thomas duncan's medical records show vincent had close
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contact with him. she inserted catheters. she drew blood, and she dealt with of course his bodily fluids. still, cdc officials cleared her to board a frontier airlines flight from cleveland back to dallas, frontier taken that airplane out of service, but out of caution, three schools in texas, two schools in cleveland, closed today because student, staff members, at those schools traveled on that same plane. and for second day in a row the president has canceled his plans to travel. he's going stay in washington, he's going to oversee what's going on, with the cdc, and how they're responding. he has also ordered federal health officials to respond to future cases within 24 hours, that was announced just yesterday. >> we should mention the cdc is asking anybody who may have traveled on that plane to call them. the number on our website in case. ebola patients not considered contagious until they have symptoms. that's one of the difficulty about the case.
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cdc says it is very unlikely other pass inning that's were on her plane despite, asking them to call you, were at risk? still, air travelers are generally uneasy of course. fox 29's sabina, live in philadelphia at the airport, looking into this, and what travelers are doing, so any travelers expressing concern to you there in the terminal this morning? >> you know what, guys? we talked to passengers last night, then again this morning, and the difference has been pretty stark. people this morning are really concerned, some of them even telling us they have second thoughts about flying over concerns over ebola, especially if they're flying with children. now, they've done the research. they know what to look for in terms of symptoms. but, now, they view flying as a risk. >> talking to friends, family, when we should even travel. once we decided to travel, what we should do. to make sure we were safe. so we actually have hands
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sanitizer, so for the, try and avoid contact with surfaces there is one, will put his finger in his mouth. so anything he touches, he feels the need to sample. >> amy flying to batten ruge via houston. said something i'm sure rings true for a loft passengers. she said now even the slightest call from another passenger on her airplane is going to make her look at that person suspiciously, i'm sure, a loft people are feeling that way, a lot of people this morning, on edge, if they're flying, now, later this morning, delaware county officials are going to be holding a press briefing to talk about the report that they got from philly international about the trauma protocols in place right here, that happened at 11:00 in media. chris, kerry? >> interesting you what said there about the stark difference in people when it comes to the level of fear
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from yesterday to today. so many questions about ebola, when can you get it, how can you get it, how do you stay safe. all of the answers on and you can actually i think post questions there, as well, we will be answering them for you throughout the day. 5:37. neil patrick harris coming back to tv near you. you new gig he's lining up. >> he is so talented, isn't he? then two stars from oranges of the new black, are speaking out this morning, what they want you to hear -- wear today, what it supports. want you to hear -- wear today, what it supports. that's coming up in the
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(barking...) (meowing... & more barking) this is just too good your favorite food brandstsmartn just got lower! shop a wide assortment of food, and now save up to $7 on select natural and specialized nutrition for dogs. at petsmart®.
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so we're asking to you sends us what you think of your boss this morning, using the hashtag fox 29 good day, because it is national boss' day. >> indeed. getting some tweets in, already, so this one, comes to us from camera, says, she actually likes her boss. it is the rest of my co-workers that i can't stand! drama and lies. >> oh, i'm with you. i mean, look at the company i have to keep every morning. >> stop! well, maybe the drama part? >> i love you guys. >> i love it. always tweeting us. >> one of the most loyal viewers. we have a good core of people that tweet and watch in the morning. >> you know what she can do, she likes her boss, so tamara, you can can go to your boss and say these other wack jobs, can we get rid of them bring in some cool people? >> why not? >> difference on that?
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>> nope. no. i like you. >> i love too. we're having fun, aren't we? >> keep sends cents g us your tweets,. >> i didn't even notice. >> i had already stopped listening to you. >> it is like we're married. >> tune it out immediately. all is right with the world. all right, we've got a powerful hurricane, churning in the atlantic ocean, in case you hadn't heard, hurricane gonzalez, strengthened now category four, with 140-mile per hour winds, expects today feel the effect in bermuda starting this evening, and they have a hurricane warning effect, probably three when it slams into the island with six or more inches every rain, dangerous storm surge, with amazing flooding, predicted, and of course those winds that will be pretty powerful, so that's what's going on there.
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flood advisory for parts of berks county, lie high valley, for some of the pocono mountains, until 7:30, because of all of the rain that -- the worse of it is out of here. i think we can safely say that now as we look at the philadelphia area, and see that everything is casino of moving up to the northeast of us. so the seven day forecast has clouds clearing, get to the sunshine, still can't rule out a shower but should be good deal. then two, ten's, friday, saturday, loverly day, change with temperatures below average, here we got close to 80 degrees, the other day only 56 sunday, look at the low temperature for monday morning 39 greeks, yeahs, your forecast, at 5:42, this is a big problem this morning on the schuylkill expressway, a live look, at that part of the roadway, we are looking at the eastbound side on the right. that is traffic moving toward the city, just past montgomery drive. and an accident blocking the right lanes, traffic seems to
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be at stand still right now, avoid that part of the schuylkill. this morning. we'll be with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on. three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month. under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation. and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years.
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why would we give tom corbett four more years? that's all i crave.e that's where this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. and that helps put my craving in its place. that's why i only choose nicorette. i to the acidity in any never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. he told me to use pronamel. it's going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee, and it was a real easy switch to make. well a reason why a lot of philadelphia to atlantic city is because it's so close, it's like a quick getaway. the ocean is a big draw. you can come and get some exercise, get some ice cream. love to come to the casinos, get some good food, put your feet in the water, and of course fishing. i love to fish off the pier. i'm a great fisherman. flounder, sea bass, striped bass, you name it, i'll eat it.
5:45 am
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there are leaves down, as well, makes things extra slick. but, this traffic is barely getting through. trying to get exact how long the back up is, but it is continuing to grow. so, we'll stay on top of this, bring you updates as we get them, of course sue has weather and traffic on the once's, all throughout the morning, right there headed over to shredder sports in a minute. >> the flyers back on the ice wednesday, getting ready to start a three game road trip, and trying to figure out what's behind yet another close start. flyers have two losses and two shut out losts in their first four games, not pretty. and that road trip coming up isn't real easy. games in dallas, chicago, and pittsburgh. >> this hurt mentally. but, you know, they got to deal with it, part of it, adverse verse at this, and it is more, i think, you know,
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start of the season, it is magnified more. so it was in the middle of the season right now, wouldn't be magnified as much. >> all right, game four of the american league championship series, trying to get to the world series, great defense, right there, alex scored with the catch off j.j. hardy. royals up two to one in the ninth. they need one more out. j.j. hardy the batter again, little easier. this is a win for the kansas city royals for the first time in 29 years. they're headed to the world series after sweeping the oilers. that's sports in a minute. have a great day everybody. >> 5:47. victory for the us women in the first night of the world's world cup qualifying games, the us took on trinidadian tobego, and the us won this one, one to zero, does that make sense? they won it one to is her glow a loft one that's. >> the us is playing guatemala tomorrow. >> and it is one mill. >> philadelphia police need your help to catch couple every dog nappers caught on
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camera. they stole a pug left outside, while its owner went into a store and in mayfair. >> this happened on the 6400 block of frankford avenue, shortly before 10:00 last saturday night. now, if you know something that might help catch these thieves, call the philadelphia police. who steels a dog? >> awful. now, "fox 29 news" working to get results south philly man says city trash truck crushed the sidewalk right in front every his row home, and woe like to know who is going to fix it already. we contacted streets department which says sidewalk maintenance is the responsibility of the homeowner. but what if it was city vehicle that did the damage? that's not right. city stays will look into whether it is liable in this case, but even if it is, it is to still wants the man to file a claim with his homeowners insurance. >> oh, come on. >> europe insurance company tells this is a sit problem. >> yes. >> you feel like you're inbetween these two, i'm sure. >> yes, sir. >> of course he's got to be so frustrated. if the claims paid the sitly
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cover the deductible. if the claim is rejected the sit i would pick up the entire tab. but first, it has to except responsibility for the damage. ya. >> some sad news in the entertainment world. actress elizabeth tania has died. manager said shy died tuesday of natural causes after brief illness, roles such as lone star, tv modern family, she was born in new jersey, already career sands four decades, she was 55. >> actor neil patrick harris has been named the host of the 2015 academy awards, how i met your mother star announcing on twitter account it will be crossing off oscar host from his bucket list. this will be the first time hosting the academy awards for harris, most recently seen in the box office hit gone girl. but of course, he's already hosed the tony and emmy awards, they were huge successes, when he did. the oscars will air february 22nd. it is spirit day today. a day that is set to support the lbgt youth community two,
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stars from orange is the new black tell you how you can show your support. >> did you know on top of students feel they feel unsafe at school ... that's kind of like unacceptable, totally unacceptable. >> i was thinking spirit day wear purple, hashtag spirit day on twitter, facebook, instagram, all of the things, put it everywhere. >> yes, stand up against bullying. support the lgbt youth community. >> spirit day anti-bullying campaign that began in 2010. do you like your bosses? today is national boss' day, tweet us what you think about your boss, using the hashtag fox 29 good day, we will read your responses, all morning long. >> again, getting some good ones, too. >> before we hit 6:00. we have a very special person to wish happy birthday to.
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>> aaron -- erin elizabeth murphy, there she is, holding a chicken at some neighbor's house look how sweet she is. >> a door job she is 12347. >> seven today. still missing those front teeth. you can see the two front big ones starting to come in through those gums. so happy birthday to my caughter. >> stinking cute. >> yes, my mom flew in. >> she looks specially in the eyes. >> so you don't think i need to get paternity test done to make sure? >> no, you're fine. >> oh, good. >> so grand ma flew in last night, delayed in chicago to get to philly because of all of the rain we had last night. >> yes, a lot of problems yesterday. it was a messy, messy evening commute. well, look at the morning commute. we start with traffic this time. because of this huge mess on the schuylkill expressway. this is just past montgomery avenue, and it is eastbound going into the city, montgomery drive, i should say, apparently is overturned vehicle there. the alternate of course is mlk drive or kelly drive. if you are driving a truck,
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you got to take montgomery to belmont. and to girard, and then back to the schuylkill expressway. also, getting reports after accident on route one northbound, the off ramp to 252, overturned vehicle there, as well. we have got to take it east think morning, i'm telling you, there are so many wet leaves on the roadways, it is almost like ice when you try break on those wet leaves. all right, taking quick look at this picture. he says: at least we don't have to shovel rain. casino of puts it all in perspective. that is not a live picture couple every ten's, then big chilly change sunday high only in the mid 50's, that's your seven day forecast, lots of changes coming. >> indeed. look at that.
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5:52. an injured officer getting back on his feet after losing a leg, but not just walking again, what else's he is doing a leg, but not just walking again, what else's he is doing that takes
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>> name the bands. >> it came back to my, led sped lynn. >> thank you. >> who is the drummer? >> oh, who was the drummer? >> last albumn. >> again, see, as soon as -- >> may he rest in peace. name that song by the way, how appropriate. 5:56 is the time. police officer in california, inspiring others, with his story, after bouncing back from serious injury, suffered on the job. >> yes, california high with a patrol officer mike mitchell lost his leg when patrol car crashed during high speed chase. about three years ago. well, today he has prosthetic leg. spent months in rehab learning to walk again, and just a year after his injury he returned to full duty. >> being able to shoot, being able to run, be able to drive all over again, just trying to row learn the job all over again. because you basically almost lose your job, and you have to prove that you can do it again. >> mitchell now shares his story with others, at career fares, put on by the state of
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california. and he hopes that others will find the strength to look beyond their disabilities, and fulfill their dreams. >> a would-be robber messes with the wrong pennsylvania lawmaker. how he saved himself in a fellow state representative. inmate suffered brutal beating, jennifer, good morning. >> that's right. all caught on tape, chris. as a philadelphia prison inmate was cents assaulted by a correctional officer. now the inmate's attorney is accusing the prison of a cover up. we'll have the story coming wish you could give hair moisture
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>> live look at the schuylkill expressway, the right lanes are eastbound lanes, snarling traffic, you can see the wet roads out there, sue serio will let up know how to get around this in your morning commute. >> also there is morning, the second nurse, diagnosed with ' bowl, a arrives at hospital in atlanta the texas hospital she works for, is making some changes this morning, to prevent that disease from spreading further. closer to home, tough video to watch. an inmate claims correctional officer attacked him, now look to go sue. other officers tried to cover this up?