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Full text of "The Canadian Pacific Railway [microform] : Manitoba, the Canadian north-west, testimony [of] actual [sett]lers"

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1  2  3 












■.i"'    'I 


^teen's  University  at  Kingston 




An^  A  -CTc 




'  o»  ■ 

EMBODIED  in  the  following  pages  are  plain  facts  from  farmers  in  the  Canadian 
North-West,  on  many  points  of  interest  to  intending  settlers.  It  should  be 
stated  that  circular  letters  asking  for  information  were  sent  ont  in  the  month  of 
September,  1884,  to  all  farmers  in  the  country  whose  addresses  could  be  procured 
The  replies  received  were  so  numerous  as  to  make  it  quite  impossible  to  embody  them  all 
in  one  pamphlet.  Those  given  in  the  following  pages  relate  chiefly  to  the  main 
questions  present,  in  the  first  instance,  to  the  mind  of  an  intending  settler. 

The  full  address  of  each  settler  is  given  in  the  first  instance  only.  It  is,  of 
course,  competent  for  any  reader,  by  writing  to  the  address  given  in  each  case,-  to 
verify  the  accuracy  of  the  answers  now  published. 

Eegttlations  for  the 

Sate  of  lanl 


The  lands  within  the  Railway  belt,  extending  24  miles  from  each  side  of  the  main  line,  will  be  disposed 
of  at  prices  ranging  from 

$2.50  (10s.  sterling)  PER  ACRE 

upwards,  with  conditions  requiring  cultivation.  Prices  of  lands  without  conditions  of  cultivation 
can  be  obtained  from  the  Land  Commissioner.  When  cultivation  or  settlement  forms  part  of  the  con- 
sideratibn,  a  rebate  for  cultivation  will  be  rJlowed,  as  hereinafter  described. 

TAese  Regulatious  are  substituted  for  and  cancel  those  hitherto  in  force. 

If  paid  for  in  full  at  time  of  purchase,  a  Deed  of  Conveyance  of  the  land  will  be  given  ;  but  the  pur- 
chaser may  pay  one-sixth  in  cash,  and  the  balance  in  fiv6  annual  instalments  with  interest  at  six  per  cent, 
per  annum,  payable  in  advance.  Payments  may  be  made  in  Land  Grant  Bonds,  which  will  be  accepted 
at  ten  per  cent,  premium  on  their  par  value  and  accrued  interest.  These  bonds  can  be  obtained  on  appli- 
cation at  the  Bank  of  Montreal,  Montreal,  or  at  any  of  its  agencies  in  Canada  or  the  United  States. 

A  rebate  of  from  $1.25  to  $3>50  (5s.  to  14s.  sterling)  per  acre,  according  to  the  price  paid  for  the 
land,  will  be  allowed  on  the  acreage  actually  cropped,  on  the  following  conditions  : 

1.  The  purchaser  will  not  be  entitled  to  rebate  unless  at  time  of  purchase  he  enters  into  an-under- 
takjng  to  cultivate  the  land. 

2.  One-half  of  the  land  contracted  for  to  be  brought  under  cultivation  within  four  years  from  date  of 
contract.  In  cases  where  purchasers  do  not  reside  continuously  on  the  land,  at  least  one-eighth  of  the 
whole  quantity  purchased  shall  be  cultivated  during  each  of  the  four  years. 

3.  Where  a  purchaser  fails  to  carry  out  fully  the  conditions  as  to  cultivation  within  the  time  named, 
he  will  be  required  to  pay  the  full  purchase  price  on  all  the  land  contracted  for.  But  if  from  causes  beyond 
his  control,  proved  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  Company,  a  settler  so  fails,  he  may  be  allowed  the  rebate  on 
the  land  actually  cultivated  during  the  four  years,  on  payment  of  the  balance  due,  irxluding  the  full 
purchase  price  of  the  remainder  of  the  land  contracted  for. 

O-BOSrEIS-AuILi    C02>Tr)ITI0±TS. 

All  sales  are  subject  to  the  following  general  conditions  : 

1.  All  improvements  placed  upon  land  purchased  to  be  maintained  thereon  until  Bnal  payment  has 
been  1  made. 

2.  All  taxes  and  assessments  lawfully  imposed  upon  the  land  or  improvements  to  be  paid  by  the 

3.  The  Company  reserves  from  sale,  under  these  regulations,  all  mineral  and  coal  lands  ;  and  lands 
containing  timber  in  quantities,  stone,  slate  and  marble  quarries,  lands  with  water-power  thereon,  and_ 
tracts  for  town  sites  and  railway  purposes. 

4.  Mineral,  coal  and  timber  lands  and  quarries,  and  lands  controlling  water-power,  will  be  disposed 
of  on  very  moderate  terms  to  persons  giving  satisfactory  evidence  of  their  intention  and  ability  to  utilize 
the  same. 

5.  The  Company  reserves  the  right  to  take  without  remuneration  (except  for  the  value  of  buildings 
and  improvements  on  the  required  portion  of  land)  a  strip  or  strips  of  land  200  feet  wide,  to  be  used  for 
right  of  way,  or  other  railway  purposes,  wherever  the  line  of  the  Canadian  Pacific  Railway,  or  any  branch 
thereof,  is  or  shall  be  located.  ^ 

Liberal  rates  for  settlers  and  their  effects  will  be  granted  by  the  Company  over  its  Railway. 
For  further  particulars,  apply  to  the  Company's  Land  Commissioner,  John  H.  McTavish,  Winning, 
Montreal,  December,  1884. 


young.  J 



little,  Ja 

Field,  Ed 

I^itch,  A 


!  Vandervo 

[Smart,  G 
|Kenny,  D 







!  con- 



r  cent, 
1  appU- 

for  the 

i  date  of 
;h  of  the 

^  named, 

rebate  on 
the  full 

id  by  the 

md  lands 
reon,  and, 

to  utilize 

used  for 
ny  branch 



When  did  you  first  settle  in  the  North-West? 

How  much  capital  did  you  commence  with? 

What  do  you  consider  the  present  value  of  your  farm  ? 

These  questions  eUcited  the  following  answers  from  actual  settlers  : — 


Proctor,  Henry . . . 
Young,  John  M.L. 
Curhie,  William. . . 

Cameron,  G.  A.. . 
Dickson,  J.  W . . . 

Wagner,    W.    (M. 


Mercer,  James.... 

Bole,  J 

Little,  James. 

Field,  Edward.... 

Leitch,  Angus.... 

i  Walker,  J.  C 

I  Vandervoort,  G. . . 

Smart,  George. .. 
[Kenny,  David  W. 

[orton,  Thos.  L.. 
lawson,  James . . . 

Postal  Address. 

Woodlands,  Manitoba. 
Moosomin,  P.O.  Asa.. 
Chater,  Man 

Indian  Head,  N.W.T.. 
Amaud,  P.O.,  Man... 

Ossowa,  Man . 

Black  Ox  Farm,  G.  vi> 

fell,  N.W.T 

Regina,  N.W.T 



Shell  River,  Man... 

Griswold,  Man 

GlendaleP.O.,  Man. 
Alexandria,  Man. . . . 

Holland,  P.O 

WolfCreek,  Sec.3i,T. 

15,  R.  10,  Asa 

Gladstone,  Man 

Mountain  City,  Sec.  16, 

T.  2,  R.  6,  W.  Man. 










Capital  at  Commencement. 


I  was  in  debt  $10 

Had  no  money  to  begin  with,  but  made 
about  $2,000  the  first  two  years  with 
warehouse  on  river 

Carpenter's  tradewas  all  the  capital  I  had 

None,  but  what  it  cost  to  build,  and  all 
of  that  I  made  by  working  out ..... 


Value    of    Farm, 
Sept.  '84.. 


None ;  I  had  to  be  an  agricultural 
borer  at  first 

Not  any 

I  had  a  team  of  horses,  waggon,  plough 
and  harrow 



None  whatever 

No  capital  at  all.  Upon  entering  on  my 

homestead  I  had  not  one  dollar  left . . 


What  paid  the  passage   for  my  family 

and  freight 


Not  any 




About  $10,000  to 


$2,000  to  $2,500 

Iwas  offered$2oper 
acre,  and  reAised. 



I  have  320  acres, 

which  is  worth 

$7,000 ;      town 

property  $1,000. 






Say  about  $5,000. 




Chambers,  S 

Agnew,  James. . . . 
Bruce,  George. . . . 
Perley,  W.  D  . . . . 

McGill,  George. . . 

Harward,  Fred.. , 
Rorison,  W.  D . . , 
Davis,  John  B . . . . 
Troyer,  Christian. 

Pollock,  John .... 

Little,  J.. 

Wilson,  James. . . . 
McGregdr,  D.... 
Riddle,  Robert. .. 

Hall,  P 

Bolton,  Ferris .... 
Carter,  Thomas... 

Warren,  R.  J 

McCorquodale,  C. 
Taylor,  William.. 

Burgess,  J.  W . . . . 
Garratt,R.  S.(J.P) 
Lawrie,  J.  M 

Kines,  William. . . 

Postal  Adress. 

Wattsview,  P.O.,  Man. 

Brandon,  Man 

Gladstone  P.O.,  Man.. 
Wolseley,  N.W.T 

Carrolton  P.O.,  Man.. 

Littleton,  Man 

Oberon  P.O.,  Man .... 
McLean,  Assa.  N.W.T, 
Sec.  22,  T.  3,  R.  2,W. 

2,  Alameda,  N.W.T. 

In    Southern     Man 


Wolf  Creek,  Assa., 

J!N«  VY  %  X  •••••••••• 

Neepawa,  Man 

Stodderville,  Man 

Griswold,  Man 

Salisbury  P.O.,  Man.. 
South  Antles,  N.W.T. 
Calf  Mountain,  Man. . . 
Woodlands,  Man 

Oliver,  Man 

Morden,  Man 


Bale  St.  Paul,  Man: . . 

Fleming,  N.W.T . 

Kenlis,  N.W.T 

Birtle,  Man .......... 

Big  Plains,Osprey,Man 














Capital  at  Commencement. 

No  cash  capital.     Had  one  year's  provi 
sions,  one  yoke  of  oxen,  cow  and  some 

I  was  a  poor  man,  and  had  bnt  little 

Not  5  cents 

Not  much, 

Very  little  after  landing  in  this  country, 

I  had  $2.50  when  I  landed  at  Emerson 


I  borrowed  $40  to  come  here  with. 


$100  cash,  I  yoke  of  oxen,  two  cows 
and  a  good  stock  of  clothing 






$400,  with  $1420  to  follow  in  II 
months.  The  collector  absconded, 
and  the  $1420  never  came  to  hand. . 

About  $400. 

About  $400. 
About  $400. 




$475,  with  a  wife  and  three  children. 


Value    of    Farm, 
Sept.  '84. 



I  cannot  say.  I  have 
only  80  acres. 

Situate  within  two 
miles  of  Wolseley 
it  ought    to    be 

worth$3.25ah  acre 

As  farm  property 
does  not  change 
hands,  can  make 
no  estimate. 

My  wife  says 

About  $1,500;  if  I 
were    selling    it 
would  be  $2,000 
.  $8,000 

<  $6,000 
Have  refused$4000 
will  not  take  less 
than  $5,000 
About  $1,000.     I 
have   $1,000  in 
implements,  and 
$2,000  stock. 
•  $3,500 
1,088  acres,  valued 
at  $25  per  acre. 
At  least  $5  an  acre 
$10  per  acre. 
Sold  my  homestead 
and  pre-emption 
lost    spring    for 



















jr.l  have 


;hin  two 


;    to   be 



)t  change 

can  make 





ife      »ay» 


1,500;  if  I 

selling  It 




aot  take  less 


31,000.       A 

$1,000  m 
ements,  and 
00  stock. 

icres,  valued 
55  per  acre. 
St  $5  an  acre 
)  per  acre, 
ly  homestead, 
spring    for 


Cowlord,C.  (J.P.) 

iHall,  W,  B 

•Chester,  A 

Postal  Address! 

Tate,  James....... 

•Connorson,  James. 
'McCor  mac  k,David 

Kempt,  John 

Connell,  T.  K. . . . 
Beesley,  John  G.. 
"McKitrick,  Wm.. 

Rogers,'  Thomas.. 

'.Sheppard,  Jos.... 

Farmer,  W.  A.... 
'Ogletree,  Francis, 

Bonesteel,  C.  H . . 

Ossowa,  Man 

Headingley,  Man 

Marringhurst,  Man. . . . 

Sec.  30,  Tp.  a,  R.  2  W. 

Alameda  P.O.,  Assa. 
Minnewashta,  Man .... 
T.  II,  Sec.  22,  R.    30. 

FJeming,  P.O.,  Man. 

Austin,  Man 

Osprey,  P.O.,  Man. . . . 
Moose  Jaw,  Assiniboia. 
Rose  Bank  Farm,  Crys- 

tal  City  P.O.,  Man.. 

Railway  View  Farm, 
Moose  Jaw,  Assa. . . 

Indian  Head,  N.WT.. 

Headingley,  Man 

Portage  la  Prairie,  Man. 

Plieasant  Plain,  Kenlis 
P.O.,  Assa.  N.W.T 

'  Anderson,  George. 
'McCaughey,  J.  S.. 

Heaslip,  J.  J 

Day,  Samuel 

Stevenson,  G.  B. . 
Doyle,  W.  A.(J.P) 

Wat,  James 

Haney,  A.  W.... 

.Hind,  Brothers . . . 

Reid,  Alex 


Reid,  E.  J 

[Drew,  Wm.D.... 
iLambert,  W.  M.. 
leaney,  Jonathan. 


Grenfell,  Assa.  N.W.T. 

Alameda  P.O.,  N.W.T. 

Alameda  P.O.,  N.W.T. 

Sec.  34,  T.  13,  R.  30, 
Fleming,  N.W.T... 

Brandon,  Man ........ 

Beulah,  Man 

Brierwobd,  P.O.,  Man. 

Wolseley,  N.W.T. .... 

Pense,  Assa.,  N.W.T.. 

Of  Messrs.  Callender 
and  Reid,  farmers 
and  general  store- 
keepers, Millford, 

Plum  Creek,  Man 

Brandon,  Man 

Regina,  N.W.T 

Meadow  Lea,  P.O., 

Oak  Lake,  Man ...... 







Capital  at  Commencement. 


About  $500. 
ISoo , 








I700 ..^ 

$700 r. 

$800 , 

I  brought  $800  in  cash  with  me,  but  a 
young  man  will  make  a  fair  start  in 
life  with  $400,  that  is,  if  he  can  get 
a  wife  easily 

$1000;  increased  it  by  another  $1,000 



About  1 1,000. 
Under  |(,ooo. 

Value     of     Farm 
Sept.  '84. 

Under  9i|Ooo. 



About  $1,200 



$1,500  to  use  in  starting 

About  $2,000 

My    partner    and    myself  had  $2,000 
between  us. 

About  $ic,ooo 
^2,ooo;bat  1  would 
not  sell  it  for  twice 
that  amount. 



$7  per  acre 

(320  acres). 




I  consider  my  farm 



$7    per    acre.     I 
would  not   like 
to  sell  it  for  that, 
but  I  suppose  I 
could    not     get 
more  than  that 
just  now. 
$  to  $5,000 
$10  per  acre. 

About  $10,000 
About  $4,000 
About  $3,500 
6,000,   what   it  is 
assessed  for. 


About  $2,000. 




About  $5,000 
600/.  to  $4,000 
I  would  not  care 

to  take  $4iO00 
Assessed  at  $4,000 

and  stock  $3,000 




Postal  Address. 

Chambers,  W . .  • . 

Lawrence,  Joseph, 

Miller,  Solomon . . 
Hayter,  W.  H.... 

Robertson,  P 

Gilbert,  Josiah . . , 

McEwen,  Donald. 

Malhiot,  Zephirin. 
Grigg,  Samuel . . . 

Harris,  James.... 
Armstrong,  George 
Elliott,  Joshua... 

Bobier,  Thomas.. 

Mclntyre,  John. . . 

Harrison,  D.  H... 


Sec.   i8,  T.  71,  R.    26 
W.,5irke,  Man.... 

Clearwater,  P.O.,  Man. 

Alameda  P.O.,  Assa.. 
Alameda.Assa.  N.W.T. 

Rapid  City,  Man 

Durham    Park    Farm, 

Brandon,  P.O.,Man.  •< 

Wolseley,  N.W.T... . 
Carman  P.O.,  Man. . . 
Sec.  7,  T.  II,  R.  18  r 
W.  Brandon,  Man.  \ 
Moosomin,  N.W.T. . . . 
Dalton,  Brandon  Co.. 
Sourisburg,   Man 

Moosomin,  Assiniboia, 

Milton      Farm,      near 
Regina,  N.W.T.... 
Newdale  P.O.,  Man. . . 

Thistle  and  Wright 
Farms,  Qu'Appelle, 
Assa,  N.W.T 












$3,000     I  have  a  large  family . 


About  $4,000 

Capital  at  Commencement. 


About  $3,000. 



$5,000 . 

1^5,000. .  ••••• 


About  $6,000. 

My  two  sons  and  self  fetched  $7,000  in 

cash,  stock  and  implements 



$30,000  invested  up  to  1st  September, 

Value      of    Farm''' 
Sept.  '84. 

$5,000;  more  when 
we  get  M.  N. 
Western  Railway 
All  my  lands  are 
Do  not  want  to  sell. 
$6,000  to  $7,000 
It  should  be  worth 

I    would  not  sell 
under$i5  per  acre 

$8,000  for  the  one 

I  live  onv 
$12,000  for  the  sec. 

from    $12,000    tO" 

1,200,  that  is  my' 
half  section. 

Have    several;.. 
$12  per  acre. 
$7    unimproved 
per  acre. 

Following  are  the  names  and  addresses  of  other  settlers  whose  testimony  recurs  through- 
out the  Pamphlet : — 





Anderson,  George 

Bailey,  Zachary 

Lothair  P.O.,  Man. 
Morris,  Man. 
Moose  Jaw,    Sec.   2,   T. 

17,  R.  27,  W.2. 
Calf  Mountain,  Man. 
Postmaster,  Bellview. 
Wellwood,  Norfolk,  Man. 

Davis.  W.  H 

Day,  Tohn  F 

i^ec.    27,   Tp.    I,    R.  12, 
Crystal  City  P.O.,  Man.- 
Fleming,R.3o,  T.13,  S.4. 
Souris  P.O..  Plum  Creek. 

BartleV,  Noah 

jjAmcs.  X*  •  A.  ••«■>  •«•••• 

Devell.  Tohn 

Battell,  H.  C 

Dick.  David 

Moline  P.O..  Man. 

Dickin.  Georee 


Bedford.  Tacob ..... .... 

Dickson,  Phillip. 

Downie.  Tohn 

Chater.  Mdn. 

Bell.C.  T 

Oak  River  P.O..  Man. 

Blick,  G.  R 

Elliott,  T.  D 

Alexandria  P.O.,  Man. . 




re  when  ■ 
M.   N. 
nds  are 


it  to  sell. 


je  ■worth 

not  »eW 
5  per  acre 

)r  the  one 


for  the  sec. 



hat  is  my 




er  acre, 
proved  and 

; through- 


I,    R.  «. 
P.O., Man. 

i>lum  Creek. 

I  Man. 

lo.,  Man. 
To.,  Man. 

.BUckwell,  James 

Blythe,  R 

Boldrick,  Robert .' 

Boulding,  G 

Bowes,  John.. .. 

•  •  •  t  •    •  • 


Brown,  W.  J 

'  Caflerata  and  J  efferd . 

'Cameron,  Wm.  C, 

Campion,  Brothers 

Campbell,  Robert 

Carroll,  A.  H 

Champion,  W.  M 

Connell,  Robert 

'Coay,  ITiomas 

Cox,  William 

Cox,  John  T 

Daniel,  Joseph 

Hanna,      S.    (Reeve 

Harris,  A.  B , 

. Hartney,  James  H 

Hoard,  Charles 

Hoptf,  George 

Hornor,  T.  R 

■Howey,  Wm 

Hutchinson,  A.. 

Hume,  Alex 

Ingram,  W.  A 

Jeffrey,  William  (Junr.).. 

Johnston,  James 

Jones,  James 

Kennedy,  Thomas 

•King,   M 

Kinnear,  J.  H 

Lang,  Robert 

Leepart,  R.N 

lK>thian,  James 

Mc Askie,  James 

McBean,  Angus 

McDiarmid,  Colin 

McDonald,  W.  W 

McDougall,     Adam     G. 
(Reeve  of  Wallace). . . . 

McGee,  Thomas 

rMcGhee,  James 

TMcIntosh,  Archbid 

Virden,  Min. 

Bljrthewood,  Wapeila. 

Balgonie,  Assa.,  N.W.T. 

Regina,  N.W.T. 

Sec.  25.  T.  9,  R.  26,  Vir- 
den P.O.,  Man. 

Pomeroy,  Man. 

Sec.  24,  T.    18,    R.   24, 
Fense  P.O.,  N.W.T. 

I'Mgeley    Farm,  Qu'Ap- 


Bridge  Creek,  P.O.  Man. 

Carrolton,  P.O.,  Man. 

Reaburn  P.O.,  Man. 

Osprey  P.O.,  Man, 


Millford,  Man. 

Box  44,  Rapid  City, Man. 

Postmaster  and  Farmer, 
Moosomin,  N.W.T. 
of  Griswold,  Man. 

Beulah  P.O.,  Man. 
Souris,  Man. 
Lake  Francis,  Man. 
Carberrr,  Man. 
Pendennia,  Man. 
Warleigh  P.O.,  Man. 
Craven  P.O.,jiear  Regina 
Chater  P.O.,  Man. 
Millford,  Man. 
Rapid  City,  Man. 
Brandon,  Man 
Portage  la  Prairie,  Man. 
Stoddartville,  Man. 
Belle  Plain,  N.W.T. 
Plum  Creek,  Man. 
Oak  Lake,  Man. 
Balgonie,  Assa,  N.W.T. 
Pipe  Stone  P.O.,  Man. 
Beaver  Creek,  P.O., Man. 
Brookdale  P.O.,  Man. 
Gladstone  P.O.,  Man. 
Fleming,  N.W.T. 
Virden  P.O.,  Man. 

Bumside,  Man. 
Blake,  Man. 
Broadview,  Assa.,  N.W.T 

Elliott,  Robt.  W 

Elson,  John 

Fannery,  W.J 

Fargay,  John  H 

Fintay,  James 

Fisher,  Henry 

Fraser,  John  S , 

Fraser,  John < 

Fraser,  D.  D. 

Garratt  and  Ferguson.. , 
Gibson,  William 

Gilmour,  H.  C . . 
Gordon,  Leslie . . 
Graham,  Mark... 

Giang,  J 

Grimmelt,  D.  W . 



Haddow,  James. 
Hall,  David .... 
Obee,  F 
Oliver,  Thomas. 

Orr,  James  D 

Osborne,  Daniel ... . 

Parr,  James  E 

Parsiow  and  Healey. 

Patterson,  Abr. 

Paul,  James  M. 
Paynter,  W.  D, 
Paynter,  J.  E. 

Phillips,  S 

Pierce,  Stephen 

.«.«  •••••• 

Plunckit,  Robert . 
Pollard,  Alfred.. 
Pollard,  E.  Sep. 

Pollard,  H , 

Powers,  Chas.  F . 

Prat,  John 

Reid,  William . . . 

Rutherford,  Johnston 

(P.M.  and  J.P.) 

Screech,  John 

Shipley,  Martin 

Shirk,  J.  M." 

McLean,  N.W.T. 

S.  34,T.  1.  R.I  I,  W.Man. 

McLean,  N.W.T. 

Manitou,  Man. 

Shoal  Lake,  Man. 

Regina,  N.W.T. 

Beulah  P.O.,  Man. 

Sec.   13,   Tp.  12,  R,    19, 

Brandon,  Man. 
Oak  River,  Man. 
Kenlis  P.O.,  N.W.T. 
Loganstone   Farm,    Wol- 

seley,  N.W.T. 
Moose  jaw,  N.W.T. 
Qu'Appelle,  N.W.T. 
Portage  la  Prairie,  Man. 
Cartwright,  Man. 
Sec.  26,  Tp.  8,  R.  28, W, 

Elm  Valley  P.O., Man, 
Austin  P.O.,  Man. 
Glenboro'  P.O.,  Man. 
Bumside,  Man. 
Cartwright,  P.O.,  Man. 
Fleming,  Man. 
Crystal  City,  Man. 
Sec.  20,  T.  19,  R.  20.W., 

Regina,  N.W.T. 
Alexandria  P.O.,  T.  2,  R. 
,  6,  W.,  Man. 
Sec.  15,  T.  15,  R.  12,  W. 
Beulah  P.O.,  Man. 
Beulah,  Man. 
Rapid  City,  Man. 
Tp.  12,   Sec.   28,  R.  30. 

Fleming  Station,  Man. 
Sidney.  Man. 
Sidney,  Man. 
Brandon,  Man. 
Rounthwaite,  Man. 
Tp.    13,  R.    20,  Sec.  16, 

Rapid  City,  Man. 
Silver  Creek,  Man. 

Routhwaite,  Man. 
Wavy  Bank,  Man. 
T.    8,   R.  18,    W.  of  ist 
Mer., Rounthwaite  P.O. 







McICellar    Duncan  ...    . . 

Rapid  City,  Man. 

Arrow  River  P.O.,  Man. 

Bumside,  Man. 

Chairman  Municipal  Ccl. 
S.  Qu'Appelle, N.W.T 

Gladstone,  Man. 

Asessippi  P.O.,  Man. 

Sec.  1 8,  T.  3,  R.  2,  Ala- 
meda P.O.,  N.W.T. 

Minnedosa,  Man. 

Minnedosa,  Man. 

Minnedosa,  Man. 

Balgonie,  Assa.,  N.W.T. 

Hanlan,  P.O.,  Man.  Sec. 
i8,  T.  13,  R.  I,  W. 

Postmaster,  Brookdale, 

Littleton,  Man. 

Sec.  4,  T.  17,  R.  I,  2W. 

Tp.  7,  R.  16,  Sec.  20, 
Millford  P.O.,  Man. 

Carberry  P.O.,  Man. 

Birtle,  Man. 

Ossowa,  Man. 

Lucas,  Man. 

Moosomin,  N.W.T. 

Emerson,  Man. 


Sifton.  A.  T^......  ...... 

Brandon.  Man. 

McICenzie.  Donald ...... 

Sirett.  Wm.  F 

GlendaleP.O.,  Man.   ' 

McKenzie.  Kenneth . .  •  •  • 

Slater.  Chas.  B 

E.^S.  34,  Tp.  I4,R.  23, 

W.  I,  Wapella,  Assa. 
Beaver  Creek,  Man. 

McLane,  A.  M •  • 

Smith.  Wm 

McLean,  John  A 

McLennan,  Thomas 

McMurtry,  Thomas 

Smith.  W.  P 

Souris,  Manitoba. 

Stevenson,  F.  W 

Stirton,  James , 

Stowards,  R.  C 

Griswold,  Man. 
Calf  Mountain  Man. 
Maryville,    Arrow  River, 

P.O.,  Man. 
Griswold,  Man. 

McRae,  Roderick 

McTellan,  Tohn 

Malcolm,  Andrew 

Tavlor,  Tohn 

S.  32,T.7,R.  25,  Belleview 
Beulah,  P.O.,  Man. 
P.M.,  Beaver  Creek,  Man. 
Griswold,  Man. 

Middleton,  Alex 

Miller,  Roberts 

Taylor,  William 

Thompson,  Stephen 

Todd,  P.  R 

Mitchell.  Tohn. 

TuUoch,  Andrew 

Uoiohn,  Frank 

Broadview.  N.W.T. 

Lake  Francis,  Man. 

Mitchell,  T 

TJrton.  W    S 

Moosejaw,  N.W.T. 

Neepaw?i,  Man. 

Sec.  34,T.  17,  R.  I4,2W„ 

Qu'Appelle  Station. 
Balgonie,   Assa.,  N  W.T. 
Douglas,  P.O.,  Man. 
Birtle.  Man. 

Moore,  George 

Warnock.  Wm 

Mooney,  John 

Muirhead,  Thos.  • .  •  • .... 

Webster,  A ; 

Whitney,  Charles 

Willmott,  H.  E... 

Wood,  James  H 

Wright,  Charles 

Yardley,   Henry 

Nelson.  Robert 

Newman,  Chas 

Nickell.  William 

Beaconsfield.  Man 

Niff,J.  R 

P  0   Oak  Point:  Man. 

Nugent,  Arnold  J 

Information  for  the  Guidance  of  Intending  Settlers. 





the  A 





the  h*n 







On  arriving  at  Winnipeg  or  any  other  of  the  principal  stations  along  the  line  o 
the  Canadian   Pacific   Railway,   the   first  step  should  be   to   visit  the  Land   Office 
of  the  Canadian   Pacific   Railway,  where   the   field  notes    and  maps  descriptive   of 
the  lands  may   be  inspected,  and  the  most  minute  details  obtained  as  to  the   soil 
and  general  character  of  each  locality.     This  will  enable   the  intending  settler  to* 
choose  a  locality  in   which    to  seek   his  farm.      The  land   grant   of  the   Canadian 
Pacific   Railway  along  the  main  line   has   been  divided  into  agencies   as   far  west 
as  the  third  meridian,  within  the  limits  of  which  lands  belonging  to  the  Company  can  be: 
purchased  from  the  Agents  of  the  Company  at  the  stations  hereinafter  indicated. 

BRANDON. — Lands  in  main  belt,  ranges  11  to  23  (inclusive)  west  of  First  Meridian. 
VIRDEN. — Lands  in  main  line  belt,  ranges  24  to  28  (inclusive),  excepting  townships  14, 
15,  16,  west  of  First  Meridian. 


to  every 

to  pre-ei 

-acres,  m, 

•end  of  t 


•three  y 




:,  Man. 







.  MOOSOMIN. — Lands  in  main  line  belt,  ranges  28  (part  of)  to  33  (inclusive)  ^^st  of  First  • 

BROADVIEW. — Lands    in    main    line    belt,    ranges    i    to    7    (inclusive)  west    of  Second 

WOLSELEY. — Lands  in  main  line  belt,  ranges  8  to  13  (inclusive)  west  of  Second  Meridian. 
REGINA. — Lands  in  main  line  belt,  ranges  14  to  23  (inclusive)  west  of  Second  Meridian. 
'MOOSEJAW. — Lands  in  main  line  belt,   range  24  west  of  Second  Meridian   to   range    10  * 

west  of  Third  Meridian. 
SWIFT  CURRENT.— Lands  in  main  line  beh,  ranges  ii  to  20  west  of  Third  Meridian  to 

Fourth  Meridian. 
MAPLE, CREEK. — Lands  in  main  line  belt,  range  20  west  of  Third   Meridian  to  Fourth 

MEDICINE    HAT.^Lands  in  main  line  belt,  from   Fourth  Meridian  to  range  10  west  of 

Fourth  Meridian. 
CROWFOOT. — Lands  in  main  line  belt,  range  1 1  to  20  west  of  Fourth  Meridian. 
CALGARY. — Lands    in  main  line  belt,  range  50  west  of  Fourth   Meridian  to   summit    of 

Rocky  Mountains. 

The  business  of  the  Swift  Current  and  Medicine  Hat  Agencies  is  foi'  the  present 
'being  attended  to  by  the  agent  at  Maple  Creek,  and  that  of  Crowfoot  Agency  by 
the  Agent  at  Calgary. 

The  Agents  at  the  Land  Offices  have,  for  free  distribution,  maps  showing  the 
lands  open  for  sale,  and  those  already  disposed  of,  plans  of  the  town  plots,  and 
pamphlets  giving  descriptive  notes  of  the  lands  within  their  agencies.. 

The  Government  have  established  Intelligence  Offices  at  various  points  along 
the  line,  in  charge  of  officers,  who  will  give  the  fullest  information  regarding  home- 
stead lands.  Attached  to  these  offices  are  Land  Guides,  whose  services  arc  always 
available  gratuitously  for  locating  those  in  search  of  homesteads. 

Settlers  arriving  in  Winnipeg  should,  before  going  West,  call  at  the  Land 
Department  of  the  Canadian  Pacific  Railway,  the  office  of  which  is  located  •  in  the 
station.  There  they  can  ascertain  what  lands  are  open  for  homesteads,  and  the 
•  situation  of  the  Government*  Intelligence  Offices. 

line  o 

Itive   of 

le   soil 
[tier  to- 
Ir  west 

lean  ber 

;  ,  How  to  OUain  Government  Lands. 

The  Dominion  Government  makes  a  free  grant  of  160  acres  of  agricultural  land 
to  every  British  subject  over  the  age  of  18  years,  and  also  affords  settlers  the  right 
to  pre-empt  another  160  acres;  that  is,  the  settler  may  take  up  the  additional  i6o 
acres,  making  a  payment  of  from  2  to  2^  dollars  (8  to  lo  shillings)  per  acre  at  the 
end  of  three  years  of  settlement.  Settlers  taking  up  Government  free  homesteads  are 
required  to  reside  on  their  farms  for  at  least  six  months  of  the  year  during  the  first 
three  years. 

In  the  case  of  taking  free  homesteads,  pre-empting  or  purchasing  from  the 
hOovemment,  the  business  will  have  to  be  transacted  at  the  nearest  of  the  following 
s  X)ominion  Land  Offices  : —  .        .  ' 



I:     I 

,  *                 Agency. 

Post  Office. 




A.  H.  Whitcher. 



W.  H.  HiAM. 

Little  Saskatchewan 


W.  M.  HiLLIARD. 



W.  Ct.  Pentland. 





Repina  •«..••  ....  ......  ....  .... 

E,  C.  Smith. 

Turtle  Mountain •• 

J.  A.  Hays. 
J.  J.  McHuGH. 
W.  H.  Stevenson. 

Coteau  .•-• ...... ........  ....a 

Regina • 

Touchwood  Hills .  • . .  • 

Touchwood  Hills ..•• 

J.  MoTaggart. 
J.  McD.  Gordon. 
P.  V.  Gauvoreau. 


Oalfarv  ......  ...........  ...... 



Prince  A Ibert 

Prince  Albert. 

Geo.  Duck. 

^  ^    Liberality  of  Canadian  Land  Eegulations. 

•  The  land  regulations  of  the  Canadian  Government,  combined  with  the  advantages 
offered  by  the  Canadian  Pacific  Railway  Company,  are  the  most  liberal  of  any  on  the 
North  American  Continent.  The  fee  for  taking  up  a  homestead  in  the  Canadian 
North-West  is  only  $io,  whereas  it  is  $26,  and  in  some  cases  $34  in  the  United  States  > 
and  the  taking  of  a  homestead  does  not  in  Canada  prevent  the  pre-emption  of  other 
government  lands,  or  the  purchase  oif  Canadian  Pacific  Railway  or  Government  lands. 

The  Climate. 

Following  are   the  opinions  of  actual  residents  in  regard  to  the  climate.    The 

questions  asked  were  : — 

About  what  time  does  winter  regularly  set  in,  and  when  does  it  end  ?  Have  you 
suffered  any  serious  hardship  or  loss  from  the  climate  in  winter?  Is  the  climate 
healthy?    For  postal  address  of  each  settler,  see  pages  3,  4,  5,  6,  7  or  8. 


Dickin,  George 

Hind  Brothers . , 
Urton,  W.  S  . . , 

Yardley,  Henry, 


1st  week  in  November,  and  1st  week  in  April.  No  loss  or  hardship.  I 
travelled  20  miles  with  ox  train  in  the  worst  blizzard  last  winter.  Climate 
very  healthy. 

Latter  end  of  November,  till  middle  of  March.     Climate  can't  be  better. 

Begins  end  of  November.  It  is  always  very  pleasant  in  the  daytime.  No  less- 
or hardship ;  you  need  endure  none  if  you  are  careful.  It  is  most  certainly 
the  healthiest  climate  I  have  seen. 

About  loth  November  to  about  20th  April.     Climate  very  healthy  indeed. 




■'Hutchison,  A. 


Proctor,  Henry 
Knight,  W.  G. 

Smith,  W.  P 

Blythe,  R , 

'Field,  Edward.... 

Lawrence,  Joseph, 

■  Screech,  John . . . . 

■  Cameron,  Wm.  -C, 
.  Lothian,  James. . , 

''Gibson,  Wm 

:  Bruce,  George . . . . 

■  Middleton,  Alex . . 

Wamock,  Wm . . , 
;  Reid,  Alex 

Fraser,  John 

Perley,  W.  D.... 

"  McGill,  George. . . 

■<  Grimmett,  D.  W. 

SPurdy,  Thos.  F. . , 


a  small  tent 
favorable  to 

2nd  week  in    November  to  last  of  March  or  first  of  April.      No  hardship 

whatever.      Climate    very  healthy    indeed,   probably  one  of   the    healthiest 

in  the  world. 
About  15th  November  to  about  1st  April.    Our  family  (Father,   Mother  and 

14  children)  have  been  very  healthy. 
5th   November  to   5th  April.     Three  years  ago   I   was  living  in 

until  the  end  of  November,  my  house  not  being  built.    The 

registered  considerably  below  zero  at  times.     The   climate  is 

healthy,  the  exceeding  dryness  of  the  air  in  winter  being  very 

the  healthy  and  vigorous  action  of  the  lungs. 
Begins  middle  of  November.     Climate  very  healthy. 
About  15th  November  to  beginning 'of  April.     Had  several  slight  frost-bites. 

Climate  decidedly  healthy. 
About  isth  November;  very  often  later,  and  sometimes  earlier.     No  hardship 

or  loss.     Climate  very  healthy. 
About  20th  November  to  about   March  20th.     I  never  lost  a  dollar  from  the 

climate  in  winter.     Climate  as  healthy  as  any  under  the  sun. 
Middle  of  November  to  20th  April.     No  hardships  or  loss ;  with  care  there  is  no 

danger.     Climate  very  healthy. 
2nd  week  in  November  to  end  of   March.      No    hardship  or  loss  whatever. 

Climate  very  healthy. 
About  2nd  week  in  November  to  end  of  March.     I  have  ploughed  for  three 

seasons  up  to  the  7th  of  November.     No  serious  hardship  or  loss.     I  believe 

the  climate  to  be  very  healthy. 
Last  year  nth    November  to  middle  of  March.     No  hardship  or   loss  as  yet. 

I  can  say  the  climate  is  very  healthy,  as  two  of  my  childred  had  had  bad 

health  in  Scotland,  and  we  have  all  had  the  best  of  health  since  we  came  here. 
The  snow  generally  goes   away  about   the  second  week,  of  April.     I  like  the 

winter  well,  good  steady  weather,  no  slush  and  mud  here.     Climate  healthy. 
Frost  set  in  2nd  week  in  November,   1883 ;  first  heavy  snow  about  middle  of 

December ;  had  fine  weather  after  22nd  February ;  winter  ended  1st  week  in 

April.     Climate  very  healthy. 
For  farming  operations  from  middle  of  November  till  last  of  March.     No  hard- 
ship or  loss.     The  climate  is  cold,  but  steady  and  healthy,  and  stock  do  well. 
There  is   very  seldom  any  really  cold  weather  in   November.     I  have  always 

been   better  here  than  I  was  in  Scotland  in  winter.   ,  Climate   very  healthy 

About  15th  November,  ends  in  March.     Have  been  very  comfortable.     Climate 

very  healthy  ;  no  better  in  the  world. 
Not  much  dependence  on  open  weather  after  1st  November.     Some  people  sowed 

in  March  this  past  season.     I  like  the  climate  much  ;  it  is  dry  and  immensely 

1st  November   to  middle  of  April.     No  hardship  or  loss;  persons  soon  learn  to 

avoid  them  both.     Climate  undoubtedly  healthy ;  never  hear  a  person  cough- 
ing in  church. 
6th  November  to  middle  of  April.     No  hardships  or  loss.     Have  chopped  in 

woods  in  January  with  hat  and  mittens  off.     The  climate  is  the  best  I  have 

seen  as  yet. 
Last  year  frost  came  on  the  7th  of  November,  but  no  snow  till  the  end.     No 

material  loss  or  hardship,  no  worse  tlian  from  Belleville  to  Montreal  and  in 

Western  Ontario.     Climate  very  healthy ;  those  that  come  here  will  find  that 

out  when  they  come  to  feed  themselves.  ^ 





I ' 

Rogers,  Thos. , 
Downie,  John, 

Anderson,  George..., 
Young,  Jno.  M.  L.... 

Doyle,  W.  A. 

Oliver,  Thomas 

Sheppard,  Joseph 

Stevenson,  T.  W..... 

Blackwell,  James 

McGr^or,  D 

Powers,  C.'F 

Rutherford,  J 

Carter,  Thomafi 

Bobier,  Thomas, 

McKitrick,  Wm...... 

Cameron,  G.  A 

Bailey,  Z... 

Black,  G.  R 

McLennan,  Thos 

Farmer^  W.  A 



The  climate  is  certainly 
for  them  the  winter  is  toO' 

Last  year,  loth  November  to  15th  March.  No  loss  or  hardship  whatever- 
Climate  very  healthy  indeed ;  can  go  three  good  square  meals  every  time. 

Ploughing  stops  5th  to  7th  November.  Winter  doesn't  begin,  till,  say,  from 
1st  to  loth  December.  No  hardship  compared  with  the  settlers  of  Ontario- 
Climate  perfectly  healthy;  clear,  dry  atmosphere. 

About  15th  November  to  generally  the  1st  April.     No  hardship  or  loss.     My 

wife  and  family  suflfered  in  Ontario,  but  not  here.     Climate  healthy. 

I  can  hardly  say  that  winter  always  begins  as  early  as  November,  but  it  generally 

ends  between  March  15th  and  April  ist.     No  hardship  or  loss.     I  drove  su 

yoke  of  oxen   140  miles  in  six  successive  days,  starting  February  ist,  about 

the  coldest  time  we  had,  and  did  not  suffer.     I  consider  th? .  climate  very  ' 

healthy,  far  ahead. of  Ontario.  r 

About  20th  to  30th  November  to  about  last  of  March.     No  hardship  or  loss* 
whatever.    I  have  frequently  in  travelling  slept  inthe  snow  rolled  up  ixu 
a  buffalo  robe  and  have  never  been  frost:bitten.     ~       - 
healthy,  except  for  consumptives  in  late  stages  ; 

About  the  middle  of  November.  I  like  the  winter,  as  it  is  always  dry  and  a 
good  deal  of  fine  weather.     Climate  very  healthy. 

Last  year  loth  November,  and  opened  for  seeding  on  the  25th  March,  if  I  was- 
ready.  This  is  a  good  climate  to  live  in.  It  is  healthy  because  the  air  i»- 
pure  and  the  nights  cold. 

Last  year  9th  November.  No  serious  hardship  or  loss,  but  frost-bites  now  and 
then.   .  Climate  extremely  healthy. 

Latter  end  of  November  till  generally  the  end  of  March.  No  loss  or  hardship- 
Climate  very  healthy. 

loth  November  till  April  1st.     A  little  loss  both  years.     Climate  healthy. 

About  the  middle  of  November  to  about  i  st  of  March.  No  hardship  or  loss  at  all .. 
All  stock  winter  well.  Climate  very  healthy.  My  wife  came  here  weighing  130* 
lbs.  and  sickly,  now  she  weighs  184  lbs.  and  has  good  health. 

About  1st  November  till  ist  week  in  April.  No  hardship  or  loss.  Stock  do 
well,  if  half  cared  for.     Climate  the  most  healthy  in  the  world. 

About  2oth  November  till  about  15th  March.  No  hardship  whatever.  My 
fowls  also  do  well  in  winter.  I  have  a  few  black  Spanish  fowls,  and  my 
Brahmas  also  do  well.     I  know  the  climate  to  be  very  healthy. 

About  '1st  of  November  to  end  of  March.  The  snow  being  dry  a  person  never 
has  wet  or  damp  feet  during  winter.  The  climate,  is  most  decidedly  healthy^ 
that  is  one  of  the  reasons  I  am  in  this  country. 

15th  November  to  ist  April.  I  can  say  from  experience  this  is  a  healthy 

loth  or  2oth  of  November.  No  hardship  or  loss.  Climate  is  healthy  ;  I  nevw 
heard  any  one  deny  it. 

Middle  of  November  till  April.     No  hardship  or  loss.     We  have  all  been  very  . 
healthy ;  consider  climate  very  healthy. 

Middle  of  November  and  breaks  up  in  the  beginning  of  April..    No  hardship- 

or   loss  whatei)«rj  and  I  have  roughed  it   as  much  as   any  of  the  settlers>v 

Climate  very  healthy. 
About  15th  November    to  1st  April.      A  little  hardship ;    had  to   sleep    out 

15  or   16  nights,    but  no   less  whatever.      Climate  healthy,  could  not    be 

more  so. 
5th  Npv.  to  15th  March.     No  hardship  or  loss.     Climate  very  healthy. 

»l»«Mtt*t«  I 





Drew,  D.  W 

Ogletree,  F 

Thompson,  S 

Bonesteel,  C.  H 

Anderson,  Geo 

McDougall,  A.G 

Hume,  Alex 

Stevenson,  G.  B 

"Wagner,  Wm 

Nelson,  Bobert 

Mcintosh,  A 

Bolton,  F, 

Morton,  Thos.  L 

Wilson,  James 

Slater,  Chas.  B 

Connerson,  James . . . . 

McKenzie,   K 

Kennedy,  Thos 

Harris,  A.  B«  ....... . 

Burtley,  Noah . . ; 

Chambers,  W 

Carroll,  A.  H 


About  the  middle  of  November ;  we  are  apt  to  have  some  good  weather  after 

that.     Winter  ends  about  end  of  March,  but  some  grain  was  sown  in  Mavch 

this  year.     No  hardship  or  loss.     Climate  healthy,  myself  and  fitmily  all  hailing 

good  health  here. 
Three  years  since  I   came,    we  ploughed  until  the  middle  of  November,  but 

oftener  the  ground  is  closed  the  latter  part  of  October.      Never  toffered 

any  hardship  ;   am  well  pleased  with  the  winter.     I   consider  the  climate 

very  healthy. 
1st  week  in  November  till  about  April.    No  hardship  or  loss.     I  have  been 

out  a  good  deal  with  team  in  winter  •,  never  been  frozen  yet. 
About  the  last  of  November,  and  ends  in  April  sure.     I  suffered  no  loss  from 

the  climate  last  winter.     I  consider  it  a  very  fine  winter,   much  more  so 

than  I  ever  expected  to  see  hete.     Climate  very  healthy, 
loth  to  15th  November  and  ends  in  March.     No  hardship  or  loss,  and  don't  know 

of  any  one  in  this  section  having  Buffered  anything  serious. 
About    15th  to  20th  November,  ends  about    ist  April.     No  hardship  or  loss. 

Climate  the  healthiest  in  the  world. 
It  freezes  up  about  the  1st  Nov.     No  hardship  or  loss.     Climate  healthy. 
Have  ploughed  three  years  till  5th  November.     No  hardship  or  loss.     Climate 

1st  to  15th  November  till  1st  April.     No  hardship,  but  by  the  neelect  of  my 

stableman  I  have  lost  two  calves  through  being  frozen ;  cow  calved  during; 

night.  Very  healthy  climate.  I  left  Toronto  with  a  fever-ague  and  rheumatism,, 

and  to-day,  65  years  old,  I  am  strong  and  healthy. 
About  the  Sth  November  till  1st  April.     Can*t  say  I  have  suffered  any  hard- 
ship or  loss,  but    have  felt  it    cold,   and  I   lost  some    poultry.     Climate 

healthy  upon  the  whole.     Climate,  as  far  as  I  can  judge,  is  favofable  to  sue- 

cessftil  settlement. 
Have  not  suffered  any  serious  losses.     Climate  extremely  healthy. 
About  20th  November  till  20th  March.     No  hardship  or  loss.     Winters  are  cold 

but  dry,  and  therefore  I  prefer  it  to  softer  climate.      Climate  particularly 

Averages  from  15th  November  to  15th  April.     No  hardship  or  loss  whatever. 

Climate  very  healthy. 
Ploughing  stopped  about  loth  Nov.     No  hardship  or  los5i.     Climate  healthy. 
In  1883,  November  15th,  ended  25th  March,  1884.     No  hardship   or  loss  in 

the  sHghtest.     Extremely  healthy. 
About  15th  November  to  17th  March.     No  hardship  or  loss.     Climate  by  all 

means  healthy.     All  the  family  in  perfect  health;  was  twenty- eight  years  in 

Holland,  but  never  so  well  and  happy  as  nere. 
Ploughing  stops  about   7th  November,  but  generally  fine  weather  after.     Ends- 

about  latter  end  of  March.     No  hardship  or  loss.     Climate  healthy. 
About  5th  November  till  the  loth  to  20th  April.     No  hardship  or  losff.    l^either 

myself  nor  family  have  had  any  sickness  since  conaing  here. 
1st  November  to  1st  April.     No  hardship  or  loss.     Climate  very  healthy. 
1st  November  to    loth   April.     No  hardship  or  loss  in  any  respect.     Climate 

considered  very  healthy  by  almost  everybody.  1 

About  1st  November  to  middle  of  April.     I  hav«i  found  the  winters  most  enjoy-^ 

able.     I  have  been  in   various  countries,  and  can  say  that  this  is  the  most 

healthy  of  any  I  have  ever  lived  in.  ' 

About  the  last  of  November  tili  the  latter  end  of  March.     No  hardship  or  lost ;. 

enjoyed  the  winters  exceedingly.     Climate  v<  ry  healthy. 




Garratt  &*  Ferguson. 

Garratt,  R,  S 

McLean,  J.  A 

Bedford,  J 

Elliott,  Joshua 

Todd,  P.  R 

Dickson,  Phillip .... 

Hoard,  Charles 

Connell,  Robert . . . . 
Cox,  William 


About  last  week  in  November.      We  have  only  lost  one  ox,  and  that  was 

through  neglect  in  the  ist  winter  in  the  country.     Climate  very  healthy. 
Between  the  15th  and  last  of  November,  ends  about  the  20th  April.     A  man 

can  do  more  work  and' with  greater   comfort  than  he   can  do  in   Ontario. 

Climate  healthy. 
From    1st  to    15th  November,   ends  from  March   15th  to  April  1st.      I  say 

emphatically  I  have  suffered  no  hardship   or  loss.     Climate  healthy,  rety 

much  so. 
About  i^th  November,  sometimes  later.     No  hardship  or  loss  whatever.  Climate 

certainly  healthy ;  I  Bnd  it  so,  and  so  do  a  good  many  more. 
Commences  at  different  times  in-  November,  breaks  up  in  April.     No  hard- 
ship or  loss.     Climate  healthy  for  young  and  healthy  people ;  too  severe  for 

aged  and  infirm. 
The  plough  is  generally  stopped  by  frost 

suffered  considerably  from  cold,  hut  do 

Climate  very  healthy. 
Ground  frozen  November   7th,   not  much 

to  graze  about  April   ist ;    some  snow 

loss.     Climate  healthy. 
About  last  of  the  month  to  1st  of  April.     No  hardship  or  loss. 

more  so  than  any  country  I  have  been  in. 
About    1st  to  loth  November  till  about  end  of  March.     No  loss  or  hardship. 

Climate  wonderfully  healthy. 
Beginning  of  November,  sometimes  in  October.     Not  very  many  hardships  or 

losses.     Climate  healthy,  but  wants  plenty  of  clothes  in  winter. 
November  15th  to  April  15th.     No  hardship  or  losses.     No  healthier  climate 

could  be  desired. 

1st  to  15th  November.      We  have 
not  know  that  we  have  lost  much. 

snow  in  November.     Cattle  b^an 
till   18th  April.     No  hardship  o 

Climate  healthy, 

The  Farming  Seasons. 

The  following  are  the  farming  seasons : — 

Spring. — April  and  May.  Snow  disappears  rapidly,  and  the  ground  dries  up 
quickly.  Sowing  commences  from  the  middle  to  the  end  of  April,  and  finishes  in 
the  beginning  of  May. 

Summer. — ^June,  July,  August  and  part  of  September.  Weather  bright  and  clear, 
with  frequent  showers — very  warm  at  times  during  the  day  ;  night  cool  and 
refreshing.     Harvesting  commences  in  August  and  ends  in  September. 

Autumn. — Part  of  September  and  October  and  part  of  November,  perhaps 
the  most  enjoyable  season  of  the  year,  the  air  being  balmy  and  exceedingly  pleasant. 
At  this  period  of  the  year  the  prairie  fires  take  place,  and  the  atmosphere  has  rather 
a  smoky  appearance,,  but  it  is  not  disagreeable. 

Winter. — Part  of  November,  December,  January,  February  and  March, 



In  the  early  part  of  November  the  Indian  summer  generally  commences,  and  then 
follows  the  loveliest  portion  of  the  season,  which  usually  lasts  about  a  fortnight.  The 
weather  is  warm,  the  atmosphere  hazy  and  calm,  and  every  object  appears  to  wear  a 
tranquil  and  drowsy  aspect.  Then  comes  .winter^  generally  ushered  in  by  a  soft,  fleecy 
fall  of  snow,  succeeded  by  days  of  extreme  clearness,  with  a  clear  blue  sky  and 
invigorating  atmosphere.  In  December  the  winter  regularly  sets  in,  and,  until  (he 
end  of  March,  the  weather  continues  steady,  with  perhaps  one  thaw  in  January,  and 
occasional  snow-storms.  The  days  are  clear  and  bright,  and  the  cold  much  softened 
by  the  brilliancy  of  the  sun. 

Summer  Frosts. 

In  considering  answers  to  the  question  * '  Are  summer  frosts  prevalent  or  exceptional  ?" 
it  should  be  remembered  tha,t  last  year  a  most  exceptional  frost  appeared  on  one  night  in 
September  throughout  the  whole  northern  part  of  the  United  States,  and  in  some  parts 
of  British  North  America.  The  damage  done  to  crops  in  the  Canadian  North- West  was 
proved  by  Government  statistics  to  be  much  less  than  that  generally  experienced  on  the 
continent  of  North  America ;  and  the  fact  that  the  following  replies  were  given  immediately 
after  a  frost,  even  though  it  was  most  exceptional;  adds  largely  to  the  value  of  the 

It  should  further  be  remembered,  as  will  be  seen  from  the  testimony  of  many  settlers, 
that  ill-eflfects  from  summer  frosts  may  be,  in  almost  every  case,  avoided  by  a  system  of 
early  ploughing ;  so  that  each  settler  has  his  remedy  in  his  own  hands. 

104  farmers  answered^  "  Exceptional!^  Following  are  replies  of  others,  whose 
postal  addresses  may  be  found  on  pages  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  or  .8. 



— \ 

Dicken,  G jExceptional,  doing  little  or  no  damage  if  wheat  land  is  autumn  ploughed.     Have 

I     seen  frost  by  chance  in  July,  in  England. 

Urton,  W.  S ....'Exceptional;  most  certainly  not  the  rule.       .  "^ 

Hutcbinf^on,  A [Have  never  experienced  any. 

Smith,  W,  P .'.Il  believe  exceptional.     This  year  up  to  date  (September  13th)  no  frost  to  hurt 

I     the  greenest  grain. 
Blythe,  R  !We  have  had  two  slight  frosts,  but  not  to  do  much  harm. 

Field,  E. 

Lawrence,  J ', . .. 

Screech,  Jolin 

Lothian,  J 

McGhee,  J 

Bruce,  G 

Wamock,  William. . . . 

I  should  say  exceptional ;  but  after  first  week  in  September  we  generally  get 

I. never  lost  a  dollar  by  summer  frost. 
There  has  been  none  here  to  do  any  harm. 

Very  rare.     I  have  only  seen  it  once,  and  that  nothing  to  speak  of. 
No  summer  frosts  here. 

We  have  never  suffered  from  frost  during  summer.^ 
Are  the  exception,  the  frost' of  1883  being  the  only  one  I  have  seen  in  six  years 

to  do  any  harm. 




Reid,  Alex 

Orang,  J 

Perley,  W.  D 

Grimmett,  D.  W 

Purdy,  T.F 

Leepart,  R.  N 

Ingrain,  W.  A 

.Anderson,  G . .- 

Young,  J.  M.  L 

Doyle,  W.  A 

Newman,  C.  F 


Sheppard,  J 

Stevenson,  F.  W 

Finlay,  J 

V/alker,  J.  C 

Honor,  T.  R 


Malcolm,  A 

Pollock,  Jno 

Reid,  £•  J •••••• 

Rutherford,  J 


Little,  James 

McKitrick,  W 

McFellan,  J...'. 

Troyer,  C : 

Vandervoort,  G. 

Wood,  J.  H 

!liJrown,  W'.  J 

Chambers,  S.  W...... 

Patterson,  A 

Little,  J 

Black,  G.R 

Wright  6*  Sons 

Whitney,  C 


The  exception  from  all  I  can  learn  from  men  who  have  been  ten  years  in  the 

country.  Very  seldom  coming  before  the  25th  September. 
Once  in  four  or  five  yeats,  there  is  frost  about  7th  September. 
We  do  have  slight  frost,  but  not  to  do  any  general  or  serious  damage.     As  the 

country  becomes  cultivated  I  feel  sure  they  will  disappear,  as  all  new  countries 

in  British  America  have  had  that  experience. 
Very  rare  in  growing  season. 
I  think  they  are  exceptional.     Cultivation  will  improve  that  as  the  turf  gets 

worked  off  the  land. 
No  frost  this  summer. 

Exceptional  in  our  locality — Souris  district. 
Last  year  was  the  first  that  I  have  seen  to  injure. 
Summer  frosts  that  are  injurious  are  very  exceptional. 
I  have  not  lost  $10  (2/.)  per  year  by  frosts.    Late-sown  grain  is  never  safe  from 

September  frosts. 
Not  hurt  anything,  except  last  year. 

I  can  answer  for  Oak  Lake  only  by  experience.    None  whatever. 
They  are  exceptional ;  this  is  my  second  year,  and  th^y  have  done  no  harm.    I 

have  peas,  the  second  crop  in  blossom 'to-day  (September  12th). 
Prevalent,   but  seldom  do  harm.     Vegetables  not  injured  this  year  till   7th 

Summer  frosts  do  no  harm  here. 

Last  year  was  the  only  frost  that  did  any  damage  since  I  came  here  in  1877. 
I  have  grown  four  crops,  and  had  one  damaged  by  frost. 
Cannot  tell  yet,  but  I  hear  they  are  exceptional. 
We  have  occasional  summer  frosts,  but  not  often  to  do  much  damage.     Grain 

that  was  a  little  late  has  been  damaged  twice  during  my  seven  years  resi- 
dence here. 
They  are  prevalent  here  to  a  certain  extent.  ■       ,     • 

They  are  no  worse  than  in  Ontario. 
We  have,  but  seldom  to  do  much  harm. 
Last  year  was  considered  the  worst  in  ten  years,  and  I  raised  1,400  bushels  of 

grain  and  did  not  have  30  injured  by  frost  as  it  all  was  sold  for  seed. 
There  was  frost  on  1st  July,  I883,  but  did  not  do  much  damage. 
Light  frosts  are  prevalent  in  my  district,  but  heavy  frosts  are  exceptional. 
Never  suffered  but  once  in  nine  years. 
I  have  never  had  anything  frozen.    They  are  the  exception,  late  sowing  the 

We  generally  have  a  light  one  in  this  part  about  the  first  of  June. 
I  have  not  suffered  from  summer  frosts, 
lliey  are  never  looked  for. 

No,  not  to  any  serious  extent ;  still  they  are  not  exceptional  in  this  part. 
They  are  more  exceptional  than  where  I  came  from  (Ontario). 
I  have  farmed  for  15  years  and  have  never  had  frozen  grain  with  the  exception 

of  once... 

Have  seen  no  serious  summer  frosts.  ^ 

There  was  not  the  slightest  frost  this  season  from  the  first  week  in  May  until 

the  seventh  September. 




McLennan,  T 



Fraser,  D.  D 

Crilmour,  H.  C.  •••••• 

Drew,  W.  D 

Ogletree,  F , 

Harris,  Jas 

Smart,  G , 

Elson,  John.... , 
EUiott,  T.  D..., 
!McArkie,  ]...*. 
Osborne,  D . . . .  , 
Harrison,  D.  H, 
Thompson,  S . . . 

'Chester,  A 

3onesteel,  C.  H. 

Nugent,  A.  J 

McCormack,  D . . . 
Lambert,  W.  M.. 

Bowes,  J 

■Champion,  W.  M. 

"Mclntyre,  J 

Tate,  James 

T^cMurtry,  T 

McCaughey,  J.  S. 
Stevenson,  G.  B  . , 

■  Shipley,  M 

Wagner,  W.  (M.P.P.) 

Heaslip,  J.  J 

Nelson,  K... 

.  Stirton,  J 

Bolton,  F. 

Morton,  T.  L , 

Campbell,  R. 

Sifton,  A.  L 

McDonell,  D 

Hall,  P , 

McGee,  T 

McEwen,  D'. 


iDay,  Jno.'F, 

Exceptional,  I  think.     Never  did  me  any  harm,  and  I  have  had  three  crops. 

We  have  had  no  frosts  this  summer.  ^ 

Hoar  frosts  are  exceptional. 

Not  common.     Cut  my  first  frozen  wheat  last  season. 

Here  we  have  had  none. 

Summer  frosts  have  done  no  harm  here  since  I  came,  excepting  September, 

They  are  not  prevalent  in  this  part  of  the  country.    In  my  e^cperience  of  16 

years  the  frost  last  year  was  the  first  that  ever  injured  wheat,  exeept  patches 

sown  late. 
None  to  hurt  this  year,  nor  last  either.  ' 

Exceptional,  such  as  last  year,  but  often  have  slight  frosts,  not  injurious. 
Not  prevalent  m  Southern  Manitoba. 

We  were  hurt  with  the  frost  last  year  ;  none  any  other  year.  , 

Never  saw  any  before  the  7th  of  September,  and  that  last  year  only. 
None  this  year  to  hurt. 

Exceptional ;  not  more  frequent  than  in  Ontario. 
Last  year  we  had  early  frost.    The  cucumbers  are  not  hurt  yet  (September 

They  are  the  exception,  not  the  rule. 
I  have  not  been  here  long  enough  to  be  certain,  but  I  think  they  are  exceptional. 

Last  summer  we  had  frost,  tUs  summer  none. 
The  exception  till  this  season. 

We  have  had  no  frost  to  do  any  damage. 

None  in  June,  July  and  August  this  year.        '  . 

The  exception  since  I  have  been  here,  as  the  frost  of  September  7th,  1883,  is  th« 

only  one  I  have  seen. 
No  summer  frost  this  year,  1884. 
Summer  frosts  have  done  no  damage  in  this  part. 
We^  are  not  troubled  with  summer  frost. 
In  some  localities  prevalent,  in  others  exceptional. 
Have  not  seen  any.     Had  an  early  frost  last  fall.     I  lost  nothing  by  it,  and  only 

late  grain  was  hurt. 
I  have  only  seen  one  in  eleven  years  do  any  harm  worth  mentioning. 
Not  prevalent ;  last  year  was  the  first  one  which  did  damage  to  my  knowledge. 
Exceptional ;  none  since  1  came  here. 
My  experience  is  that  there  is  some  danger  from  it. 
Have  had  no  summer  frosts  to  hurt  even  the  tenderest  vegetables. 
Exceptional.     1 883  is  the  only  year  frost  did  any  harm  since  I  came  here. 
Exceptional ;  only  one  year  smce  1873,  ^  think  1875.     Barley  and  oats  were 

cut  on  loth  June,  but  no  damage.  ^ 

Summer  frosts  are  not  prevalent  in  this  part. 
None  in  this  part. 

Very  exceptional  in  this  part ;  one  this  summer  in  the  latter  end  of  August. 
None  where  I  am. 

Exceptional.     More  seasons  without  than  with  frost. 
We  have;  had  slight  frosts  this  season  from  the  5th  September,  but  so  fiir  no 

damage  to  growing  crops. 
Never  seen  any. 




Fargey,  J.  H 

Connerson,  J 

Rorisnn,  W.  D 

McKenzie,  Kenneth . . 

Daniel,  J 

Nickell,  Wm 

Harris,  A.  B 

Bartlejr,  N 

Chambers,  W 

Faynter,  W.  D 

Hayter,W.  H 

Wilmott,  H.  E 

Wright,  C... 

Johnson,  J 

Garratt,  R.  S.  (J.P.)- 

Day,  S.  and  A 

McDonald,  W.  W... 

McLean,  J.  A 

Beaford,  J....^ 

Elliott,  J 

Todd,  P.  R 

Boldrick,  R 

Dickson,   P 

Cafferata  dr*  Jefferd. . . 

Connell,   R 

Fisher  H 

(settled  in  1884). 
Miller,  S 


They  are  exccf  tional.  We  have  only  had  one  frost  in  seven  summers — vii.,^ 
September  7th,  1883. 

About  the  loth  of  June  and  loth  of  September  we  had  very  slight  frost,  but  little- 
harm  done. 

Prevalent  from  7th  September  in  this  part. 

They  are  not  prevalent,  only  exceptional ;  more  exceptional  than  in  Ontario. 

Not  prevalent.     Seldom  seen. 

Prevalent  in  some  districts  about  here.  ' 

When  grain  is  sown  in  April,  or  up  to  the  15th  May,  there  is  no  danger  of  frost ;. 
after  that  time  it  has  to  run  chances.  For  five  years  we  have  had  frost  be- 
tween the  25th  August  and  6th  September. 

I  should  say  exceptional.     Some  light  frosts  sometimes  cut  tender  plants. 

My  1st  year's  experience  was  in  '82  ;  first  severe  frost  that  killed  my  tomatoes  took 
place  on  the  night  of  September  26th.     I  think  them  exceptional. 

Generally  free  from  frost  from  the  middle  of  June  to  end  of  August. 

No  worse  than  Ontario. 

They  are  prevalent  in  this  district. 

We  have  always  slight  frosts  in  this  part  in  June  and  early  September,  but  the;- 
seldom  do  harm. 

Exceptional  and  not  generally  injurious. 

Prevalent  in  certain  localities.    'Iliey  are  exceptional,  generally. 

Haven't  seen  any  yet. 

They  are  exceptional  ;  never  seen  any. 

We  were  visited  with  summer  frost  twice,  since  I  came  here. 

Exceptional,  generally  one,  the  latest  the  first  week  in  June. 

Not  in  middle  of  summer,  but  it  comes  too  soon  for  grain  sown  late. 

Have  ripe  tomatoes  grown  in  open  air. 

Summer  frosts  that  do  any  serious  harm  are  exceptional. 

Have  had  frost  in  June,  but  never  suffered  from  it. 

No  frost  here  from  first  week  in  April  till  September  7th. 

Very  prevalent  this  summer,  but  not  done  any  damage. 

I  fear  to  some  extent  prevalent,  but  with  good  cultivation  and  activity  in  spring- 
a  farmer  can  escape  ill  effects. 

We  have  had  no  frost  to  hurt  any  vegetable  in  the  summer  since  I  came  to  the 
country  (May,  1882). 



Winter  and  Summer  Storms. 

In  many  parts  of  America,  anxiety  is  felt  by  farmers  on  account  of  winter  and 
•summer  storms.  Manitoba  and  the  Canadian  North- West  are  happily,  for  the  most 
part,  outside  of  what  is  sometimes  called  the  "  storm  belt,"  and  it  is  but  rarely  that  the 
■country  is  visited  in  this  way.  This  may  be  seen  by  the  following  testimony,  and  it  is 
noteworthy  how  great  a  number  have  experienced  no  loss  whatever ;  as  many  as  150 
thinking  the  damage  of  so  little  real  importance  as  to  simply  answer  it  by  the  words 
^'  No  "  or  "  None."  Storms  do,  it  will  be  seen,  occasionally  visit  some  few  parts  of  the 
country,  but  it  is  undoubted  that  they  are  exceptional. 

The  question  asked  was  : — "  Have  you  suffered  anv  nerious  loss  from  storms  during 
either  winter  or  summer?" — In  reply  112  farmers  simply  answered  "  ZVf>,"  and  4a 
answer e4 " None''  Following  are  the  replies  of  the  remainder.  Their  full  names  and 
postal  addresses  are  given  on  pages  3,  4,  5,  6,  7  or  8. 


Urton,  W.  S 

Hutchison,  A 

Proctor,  H 

■Warnock,  Wm 

Fraser,  Jno......  .. 

Perley,  W.  D 

Miller,  Solomon . . . . 

Purdy,  D.  F 

Davis,  W.  H 

kogers,  T 

Kines,  Wm 

Doyle,  W.  A.  (J. P.; 

ItfcRae,   R 

Walker,  J.  C 

Honor,  T.  R 

Graham,  M 

Malcolm,  A 

Rutherford,  J 

Little,  James 

McKitrick,  W 

Cameron,   G.  A . . . . 

Warren,   R.J 

■Chambers,  S.  W.. .. 

Howey,  Wm 

JMercer,  J 


No  ;  they  are  rare.  , 

No  loss  whatever. 

Very  little. 

No  ;  not  worth  mentioning. 

No  ;  weather  very  pleasant. 

This  country  has  not  suffered  from  storm. 

Not  to  the  value  of  10  cents. 

Nothing  uncommon  to  Ontario. 

Partial  loss  two  seasons  with  hail. 

None  whatever,  so  far. 

Not  much. 

None  ;  nor  has  any  portion  of  this  community. 


I  had  my  house  roof  blown  off  in  June,  1884,  but  no  other  damage. 

I  have  never  suffered  from  storm. 

Never  until  this  year. 

Three  years  ago  my  grain  was  all  cut  down  with  a  hailstorm,  but 

up  again*^  and  I  had  a  good  crop. 
We  never  have  had  any  storms  or  blizzards  here  yet,  and  suffered  no  loss. 
No,  not  yet. 

Nothing  serious  from  storms. 
A  little  last  year  from  hail. 

No,  we  have  no  bad  storms  here  as  we  had  in  Ontario. 
No  loss  of  any  kind. 

No,  never.     Never  saw  a  bad  storm  here. 
Not  in  winter.     I  have  lost  a  great  deal  of  haj  through  the  heavy  rains  in 

summer.  ,iu,'ii_^ 

it  grew 



Lawrence,  J 

McLennan,  T 

Gilmour,  'H.  C 

Ogletreee,  F 

McAskie,  J 

Harrison,  D.  H 

Thompson,   S  .  • .  •  <    .  • 

Chester,  A 

Bonesteel,  C.  H 

Anderson,  G •  • 

McConnack,  D 

McDougall,  A.  0 

Dickson,  j.  W 

Lambert,  W.  M 

Hunoe,  A 

Tate,  James 

McGill,  G 

Stevenson, G.  B  

Shipley,  M 

Wagner,  W.  (M.P.P.). 

Nelson,  R 

Orr,J.  D 

Upjohn,  F 


Morton,  T.  L 

McDonnell,  D 

Heaney,  J 

McBean,  A 

Connerscn,  J 

McDiarmid,  C 

Rawson,  J 

Bartley,  N 

Chambers,  W 


Garratt,  R.  S 

McDonald,  W.  W.... 

Mitchell,  John 

Jones,  James 

McLean,  J.  A 


I  lost  part  of  my  crop  this  year  by  hail   storms,  but  it  is  the   first   I   lost  since- 

I  came  here  5  years  ago. 
No,  never  saw  a  bad  one  in  this  part. 
Have    never    suffered    any  loss  from   storms  of  any    kind,    either    winter    or 

I  never  suflfere  1. 

Yes,  this  harvest  from  hail  storm. 
No,  we  are  not  in  the  storm  belt. 
Have  had  the  top  blown  off  stacks,  not  hurt  much. 
I  have  never  suffered  any  loss  from  storms. 
I  never  have,    and  think  that  last  winter  was  a  very  fine  one. 
No  loss  whatever. 

From  hail  this  summer,  but  crop  has  come  along  again  well. 
Yes.     One  hail  storm  last  summer. 

None  yet  of  any  kind.  .  .  ■ 

None  whatever. 
I  have  not. 

Have  not  suffered  in  any  way  from  storms. 
Lost  none  by  shelling   first  year ;  lost  some  last  year    and    this  year ;    none 

from  winter. 
A  little,  three  years  ago  by  hail. 
Nothing  worth  mentioning. 

Never.     We  had  this  year  an  hour's  hail,  but  did  no  damage  to  any  amount. 
No,  nothing  to  speak  of. 

Yes,  all  my  crop  in  1883.  '  " 

Never  until  this  harvest. 
Not  in  the  least. 

None  in  winter.     In  1876  hail  destroyed  half  crop. 
The  storms  have  never  injured  the  stri,k  or  house  and  stable,  <Sr^. 
There  was  a  little  hail  this  summer  which  did  a  little  damage. 
Yes ;  lost  all  crop  by  hail  in  1883,  and  badly  damaged  by  rain  1884. 
No,  had  no  damage  whatever  m  six  years. 
Only  from  hail. 
Yes,  twice  in  summer  from  local  hail  storms  and  frost  on  7th  September,  i88.3,. 

though  quite  exceptional.  „^    , 

Not  any,  except  by  thunder  and  lightning,  which  destroyed  ontbuildings,  stock 

and  implements. 
Never  have  seen  a  storm  other  than  thunder  since  I  came. 
This  partis  not  subject  to  storms  in  summer.  .  \'- _. 

A  hail  storm  destroyed  my  crop  in  1883.  '    '     •       ' 

I  have  never  suffered  or  seen  any  bad  storms. 
Last  year  I  lost  all  the  grain  1  had,  about  the  middle  of  August. 
Not  so  far. 
I  suffered  some,  one  year  by  hail  storm  during  growing  season. 



ist  since- 

The  Soil. 

The  high  average  yield  of  crops  in  Manitoba  and  the  Canadian  North- West— more 
than  double  that  of  the  United  States — is  in  itself  a  practical  proof  of  the  rich  quality  of 
the  laiul,  and  of  its  adaptability  to  agricultural  purposes.  Still,  it  is  interesting  to  study 
the  chemical  properties  of  this  extraordinary  agricultural  tract  excelled  by  none  and 
equalled  only  by  the  alluvial  delta  of  the  Nile. 

Dr.  Stevenson  Macadam,  of  Edinburgh  University,  an  undoubted  authority,  says 
the  soil  is  "  very  rich  in  organic  matter,  and  contains  the  full  amount  of  the  saline 
fertilizing  matters  found  in  all  soils  of  a  good  bearing  quality."  The  soil  is  in  general  a 
deep  black  argillaceous  mould  or  loam  resting  on  a  deep  tenaceous  clay  subsoil,  and  is 
so  rich  that  it  does  not  require  the  addition  of  manure  for  years  after  the  first  breaking 
of  the  prairie,  and  in  particular  places  where  the  loam  is  very  deep  it  is  practically 

The  question  asked  on  this  point  was :  "  Please  state  the  nature  of  soil  on  your  farm, 

and  depth  of  black  loam  ?"    The  description  of  one  farm  in  each  district  only  is 

given  to  economise  space.     Where,  however,  the  description  of  lands  in  the  same 

district  differ,  the  answer  of  each  settler  is  given.     (For  postal  address  of  each 

,      settler,  see  pages  3,  4,  5,  6,  7  or  8.) 


Hind  Brothers. . . . 
Caflerata  and 




Beesley , 

Phillips , 

Hutchinson  . . . . , 

Proctor , 

Mercer , 














Pense . 

Moose  Jaw, 
Moose  Jaw , 
Moose  Jaw, 
Rapid  City, 


Woodlands  , 
Grenfell .... 


Clearwater. . . 
Cartwright. . . 
Rounthwaite. . 
Lake  Francis. 

Lake  Francis. 
Littleton  .... 
Pipestone  . . . 



Gladstone .... 


Rich  black  loam,  average  depth  18  in. 
Sandy  loam  :  about  9  in.  of  black  loam. 

Soil  various,  all  good  ;  loam.6  to  12  in.  deep  where  tested. 

Deep  rich  clay  on  clay  subsoil. 

Alluvial  soil,  4  ft.  of  loam. 

2  ft.  black  loam  on  clay  subsoil. 

Sandy  loam  on  gravelly  clay  suhsoil,  loam  from  9  in.  to  2  ft.  . 

Black  loam,  with  clay  under,  2  ft.  deep. 

Depth  of  black  loam  18  in.     Under    black  loam  is  gravel  and 


Sandy  loam,  with  clay  subsoil. 
Blaek  loam,  18  in.  to  2  ft.,  with  clay  subsoil. 
Soil  is  good,  with  foot  of  black  loam  and  clay  subsoil. 
Soil  heavy,  black  loam  15  in. 
Soil  is  good  but  somewhat  stony  and  bushy  ;  Slack   loam  6  in; 

to  I  ft.,  with  clay  subsoil. 
Depth  of  black  loam  8  in.  to  a  foot. 

Soil  is  varied,  clay,  sand,  gravel  and  oLa^e  from  6  to  24  in. 
Black  loam^  clay  subsoil ;  loam  8  to  12  in.  deep. 
Clay  loam,  from  16  in.  to  2}4  ft-  black  soil. 
Sandy  soil,  from  18  in.  to  2  ft.  deep. 
Black  loam  2  ft.  deep,  on  a  clay  subsoil. 
There  is  a  small  creek  through  my  place,  which  also  divides 

the  soil,  the  one  half  is  sandy  loam  and  the  other  black  loam. 








































Warren  ......... 

McKnight.. ...... 




'.McCorquodale  . . . 




Brandon . 
Brandon. . 



Arrow  River 
Plum  Creek . . 
Alameda  . . . . 


Regina ..., 
Osprey ... 



Indian  Head 


Shoal  Lake 



Headingley  ...... 


Portage  la  Prairie 


some  scrub, 

clay  bottom. 
On  level  prairie  2  to  3  ft., 

Carberry  . .  . . 
Minnedosa.  ., 
McLean  ..... 
Silver  Creek, 
Oak  River.  . , 
Oak  River.  .. 
Crystal  City.. 



Pomeroy  .... 


Well  wood... 

Sandy  loam,  with  2  ft.  of  black  loam. 

Black  sandy  loam,  4  ft. 

320  acres  of  clay  loam,  with  black  loam  30  in.;  160  acres  of  sandy 

loam  24  in.  deep. 
From   1 2  to  18  in.  of  black  loam,  then  yellow  clay  mixed  lightly 

with  sand. 

Black  loam,  i^  to  2}4  ft*  in  depth  ;  clay  subsoil- 
Sandy  loam  of  4|^  ft.,  with  clay  subsoil. 
Black  loam,  top  depth  2  ft.;  clay  bottom. 
Some  of  it  clear  prairie  ;  depth  of  soil  15  to  20  in. 

with  3  ft.  loam. 
Cousiderable  alkali,  2  ft.  loam. 
Loam  3  ft.  in  depth. 
Black  loam,  20  in. 

Good  rich  soil ;  2  to  3  ft.  black  loam  ; 
Rich  loam,  depth  l  ft.;  clay  bottom. 
Rich  black  loam,  average  15  in.  deep. 

rich  alluvial  soil  on  river  slope. 
Black  clay  loam,  all  alike  as  far  as  you  may  go  down ;  now  and 

then  you  strike  gravel  25  or  30  ft.  down. 
Heavy  clay,  loam  depth,  20  to  30  in. 
Black  loam,  depth  from  I  to  2  ft. 
Black  loam  ranges  from  8  in.  to  22  in.  deep,  with  sand  on  clay 

Clay  soil ;  black  loam  6  in.     There  is  also  a  gravel  ridge  running 

through  the  farm. 
Black  loam  about  2  ft.,  and  generally  clay  subsoil. 
Clay,  about  3  ft.  of  black  loam. 

1  black  loam,  or  vegetaTile  soil.     Black  loam  from  18  to  36  in. 
8  in.  black  loam,  then  clay  below. 

2  ft.  of  loam  ;  claysubsoil. 

Top  soil  black  loam,  about  20  in.  subsoil  clay. 

Clay  loam,  about  12  in. 

8  to  12  in.  of  black  loam,  with  clay  subsoil. 

Heavy  black  loam,  varying  from  l}4  ft.  to  2^  ft.  with  clay  sub- 
soil 6  ft. 

Black  loam  and  clay,  15  in.  black  loam,  clay  subsoil. 

Black  sandy  loam,  from  about  i  to  2  ft.  deep. 

Clay  and  part  sandy  loam,  black  loam  10  in. 

Black  loam,  slightly  mixed  with  sand,  depth  of  soil  l^  to  3  ft. 

2/4  ft-  very  black  rich  loam,  very  heavy  clay  under. 

Black  loam  and  clay  subsoil,  i  to  3  ft. 

The  black  loam  is  about  18  in.  in  depth,  and  2  ft.  of  white  marly 
clay  ;  below  that,  clay  and  gravel. 

Sandy  losm"  black,  depth  about  2ft.' 

Clay  loam,  from  I  to  3  feet. 

Sandy  loam,  from  2  to  3  ft.  deep.  .        . 

Sandy  loam,  varying  from  6  in.  to  2  ft.  on  black  loam. 

Clay  subsoil,  with  12  to  18  in.  of  black  loam. 

Sandy  loam,  with  clay  subsoil,  black  loam  about  18  in. 





Whitney . . . 
McLennan . 




Harrison  ... 
Thompson . . 
Chester .... 


Kenny  . . . . . 
McDonald . . 
Dickson . . . . 



Champion . . 
Hume  . ...  . 
Shipley  . . . . 
"Wagner. ... 

Mcintosh  . 



Campbell  .., 


Wilson  .  . . , 


Heaney  , . . . 


Rorison  . . . , 
Nickell  .... 


Paynter. . ,. 



Lawrie  .... 
Wilmott  ... 

Wright  ..... 




>utherland*.  . 


;  Speers  . . . . . 


Minnewashta  . . . . 





Belle  Plain 

Alexandria. ; 


Beaver  Creek 

Marringhurst  . . . . 


Wolf  Creek 








Wavy  Bank 



Calf  Mountain.. . 


Bridge  Creek 

South  Antles 



Meadow  Lea 














St.  Andrews 




First-class,  can't  be  beat ;  loam  4  ft. 

Subsoil  of  grey  clay,  with  about  3  in.  of  black  loam. 

Clay  loam  ;  6  in.  black  loam. 

Black  loam  from  18  to  24  in. 

Sandy  loam,  4  ft. 

Heavy  clay  loam,  3  ft.  deep. 

The  soil  is  (irst-class,  black  rich  soil  i  ft.,  then  a  rich  brown  day 

for  6  ft. 
18  in.  black  loam  on  a  clay  subsoil. 
Sandy  loam,  black  loam  from  12  to  18  in. 
Clay  subsoil,  with  from  1 1  to  12  ft.  black  loam. 
Black  rich  loam,  depth  4  to  5  feet. 
Black  loam,  from  6  in.  to  2  ft. 

Black  loam,  12  to  15  i  1.,  with  clay  subsoil.  > 

Clay  loam,  18  in, 
All  clay,  and  about  I  ft.  of  black. 
Black  loam  and  heavy  clay. 
Dark  clay  loam,  depth  about  4  ft. 

Heavy  black  loam  14  in.  Clay  subsoil,  more  or  less  limestone. 
Heavy  clay,  loam  about  12  in. 
Part  sand  loam,  and  part  clay  about  I  ft.  - 
Black  loam   from  5  to  12  in.,  with  limestone,  gravel  or  (^sCmb^ 

under  which  is  heavy  clay. 
Black  loam, on  top  from  10  to  16  in.,  with  clay  and  loam  subsoil. 
Black  sandy  loam  ;  clay  subsoil  from  16  in.  to  2  ft.      . 
About  3  ft.  on  clay  subsoil. 
Black  loam,  on  clay  subsoil,  12  to  15  in.  deep. 
Clay  bottom,  10  in.  black  loam.  ' 

White  clay  subsoil,  black  loam  from  2  to  6  ft. 
Black  sandy  loam  from  2  to  3  feet  deep. 
Clay  loam,  about  a  foot  en  average. 
I  ft.  to  2}^  ft  of  black  loam. 
Black  Joam,  2  ft.  deep. 

Black  loam,  clay  subsoil,  10  to  12  in.  of  loam. 
Black  loam,  12  to  36  in,  clay  and  gravel  subsoil. 
Sandy  loam,  with  gravel  ridges,  18  in- 
A  rich  sandy  loam,  12  to  18  in. 
The  part  of  my  farm  under  cultivation  is  grand  gravelly  loam^ 

warm  early  soil ;  the  black  soil  is  from  i  ft  to  18  in. 
Black  loam  from  8  to  24  in.  deep,  clay  subsoil. 
A  Mack  clay  loam  with  clay  subsoil,  the  black  loam  from  8  to 

15  in.  deep. 
Sandy  clay  loam,  I  to  2  ft. 
Clay  loam,  2  ft. 

Clay  loam,  from  I  to  3  ft.  of  black  loam. 
Black  loam  fro>m  I  to  2  ft.,  with  clay  subsoil. 
Black  loam  from  6  to  10  inches. 
Black  loam  2  ft.,  yellow  clay  subsoil. 
Dark  clay  loam,  depth  about  4  ft. 



Fuel  and  Water. 

Recent  investigations  show  that  in  addition  to  the  clumps  of  wood  to  be  found 
"dotted  here  and  there  on  the  prairie,  and  the  timber  with  which  the  rivers  and  creeks 
are  lined,  there  is  in  tliese  new  regions  an  ample  supply  of  coal.  The  coal-beds  in  the 
Bow  and  Belly  River  districts,  tributary  to  Medicine  Hat  on  the  main  line  of  the  Cana- 
dian Pacific  Railway,  are  the  first  to  be  worked,  and  settlers  now  obtain  this  coal  at 
moderate  prices.  Other  mines  have  been  discovered  immedi?.tely  on  the  line  of  the 
railway,  between  Medicine  Hat  and  the  summit  of  the  Rocky  Mountains,  and  some  of 
these  will  be  in  operation  during  the  present  season.  Valuable  and  extensive  cdal 
beds  also  exist  in  the  Souris  district  in  Southern  Manitoba  and  the  south-eastern  and 
western  part  of  the  North- West,  and  these  will  shortly  be  opened  up  by  the  projected 
Manitoba  South-Western  and  other  railways. 

As  regards  the  water  supply,  the  North- West  has  not  only  numerous  rivers  and  creeks, 
but  also  a  very  large  number  of  lakes  and  lakelets  in  almost  every  part  of  the  country, 
and  it  has  been  ascertained  definitely  that  good  water  can  be  obtained  almost  anywhere 
throughout  the  territory  by  means  of  wells ;  in  addition  to  which  there  are  numerous 
clear,  running,  never-failing  springs  to  be  found  throughout  the  land.  An  ample 
supply  of  water  of  different  qualities  may  always  be  found  on  the  prairie  by  sinking  wells 
which  generally  range  in  depth  from  eight  to  twenty  feet.  Rain  generally  falls  freely 
during  the  spring,  while  the  summer  and  autumn  are  generally  dry. 

On  these  two  points  the  farmers  were  asked  :  "  What  sort  of  fuel  do  you  use,  and 
is  it  difficult  to  obtain  ?"  Have  you  plenty  of  water  on  your  farm,  and  how  obtained  ? 
If  from  a  well,  please  state  depth  of  same."  The  full  name  and  postal  address  of  each 
settler  may  be  found  on  pages  3,  4,  5,  6,  7  or  8. 


Dickin,  George. ..-,.« 

Hind  Brothers 

-Urton,  W.S 

Yardley,  Henry 

Hutchinson,  A 

Proctor,  Henry 

Mercer,  James 

Knight,  W.  G 

Jeffery,  Wm 

.Fisher,  Henry 


Wood  getting  scarce  ;  will  be  able  to  get  coal.     Plenty  of  water,  springs  rising 

to  surface,  usual  depth  7  ft.  to  20  ft. 
Wood  within  four  miles.     Plenty  of  water  from  wells  15  to  20  ft.  deep. 
Wood,  close  at  hand,  is  ratherscarce,  but  there  is  plenty  within  15  miles.     Coal  is 
cheap  here.     Plen/y  of  water  from  two  wells  22  ft.  each ;  one  in  house,  one  in 

stable  with  pumps. 
Poplar,  about  three  miles  distant.     Plenty  of  water  for  general  use  in  summer  ; 

well,  4  ft.  6  in.     I  get  water  for  cattle  in  winter  at  a  swamp  up  to  the  middle 

of  February. 
Wood  is  easily  obtainable  at  present.     I  have  Long  Lake  on  one  side  of  farm  ; 

also  a  spring  of  good  water,  and  a  well  30  ft.  deep. 
Plenty  of  poplar  wood  in  this  settlement.     Five  wells  of  the  best  water,  depths 

20,  25,  26,  30  and  36  ft. 
Poplar ;  no  difficulty,  lots  of  it  here.     Plenty  of  water,  the  Qu'Appelle  River 

runs  through  my  farm. 
Wood,  and  there  is  plenty  in  this  district.     Plenty  of  water  from  small  lake  for 

cattle,  and  a  well  for  house  7  ft. 
Wood.    I  have  never  been  short  of  fuel.     Plenty  of  water  from  a  spring,  the 

water  rising  to  the  surface. 
Wood;  chiefly,  but  it  is  costly.    Water  from  Wascana  Creek. 



mgs  rising 

Smith,  W.  P 

Blythe,  R 

Field,  Edward 

Pollard,  Alfred 

Orr,  James  D 

Screech,  John 

Robertson,  F 

Harward,   F  ........ 

Hall,  D... 

Lothian,  James 

Bruce,  Geo 

Bell,  C.J 

"Warnock,  Wm 

Haddow,  Jas 

Reid,  Alex 

Perley,  W.  D 

Prat,  Jno 

Miller,  Solomon 

Grimmett,  D.  W 

Leepart,  R.  N , 

McBean,  Angus 

Young,  Jno.  M.  L. . . . 
Doyle,  W.   A 

Newman,  C.  F 

Sheppard,  Jos 

Armstrong,  George . . . 

Pierce,  S 

Graham,  Mark 

Malcolm,   A 

McGregor.  D 


Plenty  of  water-  not  very  good.     All  neighbors  have  good^ 

Plenty  of  water  from  wells  and 

Wood,  hard  to  get. 

water  at  15ft. 
Poplar ;  easily  obtainable  from  the  bluffs. 

sloughs  ;  deepest  well  at  present  16  ft. 
Poplar;  no  difficulty.     Plenty  of  excellent  water  from  well  22  ft.  deep. 
Dry  wood  (poplar)  in  abundance.     Splendid  water  by  digging  12  ft. 
Dry  poplar  and  oak,  which  are  not  difficult  to  procure.     Not  too  much  water  ;. 

two  wells,  one  23  ft.  and  the  other  10  ft. 
Poplar  poles,  but  rather  scarce.     Surface  water  for  the  cattle ;  well  for  house- 

6  ft. 

Wood,  getting  difficult  to  obtain.     Plenty  of  good  water  ;  wells  10  to  20  ft. 
Poplar  wood.     I  have  plenty  on  my  own  place.     Plenty  of  water,  a  lake  6  ft., 

deep  and  a  stream  running  in  summer. 
Poplar  wood  ;  no  difficulty  to  obtair .     Water  from  running  creek. 
Wood,  poplar ;  about  nine  miles  to  haul.     Good  water  for  home  use  in  well 

16  ft.  deep. 
Poplar  and  hardwood  ;  I  have  a  good  deal  on  my  place.  I  use  river  water  in 

winter  and  well  water  in  summer.     3  ft.  deep.     The  finest  water  in  the  province. 
Coal  and  wood  ;  both  are  now  difficult  to  get  here. 
Wood,  popular  and  white  birch,  easily  got.     Plenty  of  water  ;  spring  creek  and 

well  20  ft.  deep. 
Wood ;  it  is  difficult  to  obtain,  and  so  is  water,  on  my  farm. 
Wood,  no  difficulty  in  getting  it.     Plenty  of  water.     Oak  creek  runs  through  it. 
Wood,  and  plenty  in  this  district,  at  $3.00  per  cord  at  your  house.     A  good 

lake,  and  could  get  water  by  digging  a  short  distance. 
Wood  ;  quite  close  to  the  house..   Plenty  of  water  from  a  well  about  4  ft.  deep. 
Coal  and  wood  ;  wood  three  miles  to  draw,  coal  about  25.     Plenty  of  water  j. 

water  from  well  25  ft.  deep. 
Elm  and  maple  ;  enough  on  my  farm  to  last  twenty  years.     One  elm  measured  1 1 

ft.  5  in.  in  circumference.     Pipestone  Creek  runs  through  corner  of  my  farm  j; 

depth  of  well  3  ft. 
Poplar ;  ten  miles  to  get  it.     Water  from  well  16  ft.  deep. 
Wood  very  difficult  to  obtain.     Plenty  of  water,  boggy  creek ;  wells  12  to  14  ft. 


Poplar,  very  handy.     I  have  always  had  plenty  of  water  from  a  well  6  ft.  deep. 
Wood,  dry  poplar  ;  an  ample  supply  here.     Water  from  two  spring  creeks  and 

seveiral  good  springs. 
Poplar  or  ash,  plenty  of  it.     Plenty  of  water  from  a  well  15  ft.  deep  and  out 

of  my  little  lake. 
Poplar  wood,  costs,  six  miles  from  my  house,  $1.50  per  cord.     Water  is  rather 

hard  to  get  in  some  places,  but  easy  in  others. 
Wood,  to  be  had  for  the  drawing  and  a  fee  of  50  cents  for  enough  for  a  year's 

use,  for  house,  stable  and  some  fencing.     Water  for  cattle  from  a  deep  pond 

and  for  domestic  use  from  wells.     Have  one  well  at  17  ft.  never  failing,  and 

another  at  28  ft. 
Wood  in  bluffs  on  homestead.     Plenty  of  water. 
Wood,  poplar  and  oak.     Not  very  difficult  to  obtain.     Plenty  of  water  by  digging, 

about  12  ft.  . 

Wood  ;  is  plentiful  here.     Plenty  of  water  from  a  living  spring. 
Elm.     Plenty  of  water  from  Assiniboine  River. 





Bobier,  Thos 

Warren,  R.J...... 

Niff,  j.  R 

Chambers,  S.  W. . . . 

Bailey,  Z 

Black,  G,  R 

Champion  Brothers. 

McKenzie,  D 

Fraser,  D 

Farmer,  W.  A 

King,  M 

Thompson,  S 

Anderson,   George . . 

McDougall,  A,  G. 
Tate,  James 

McMurtry,  Thos.. 
McCaughey,  J.  S, 
Heaslip,  J.  J 

Bolton,  F 

Campbell,  Robert 

Paynter,  J.  E 

McEwen,  D. ... . 

Connerson,  J. . . . 
Kennedy,  Thos.  . 
Johnston,  Jas. . . . , 

McLean,  J.  A. 

Wood  ;  have  to  six  miles,  but  intend  using  coal,  as  I  hear  we  are  going 

to  have  it  at  $6.50  per  ton.     Good  water  from  wells  8  ft.  deep;  all  of  my 

neighbors  get  plenty  of  gootl  water  by  digging  from  8  to  20  ft. 
Wood  ;  have  got  plenty  on  my  fiirm.     Plenty   of  water  from  wells  and  springs  ; 

depth  of  well  14  ft. 
Poplar  ;  difficult  to  obtain,  but  will  use  coal.  Plenty  of  water  from  well  18  ft.  deep. 
Wood,  any  amount  of  it  in  this  district.     Plenty  of  water  ;  a  spring  for  home 

use,  and  a  spring  creek  for  cattle. 
Wood,  rather  scarce,  but  coal,  which  is  superior,  is  easily  got  at  Railroad  Station. 

Plenty  of  spring  and  river  water,  wells  10  ft. 
Poplar  ;  any  quantity  three  miles  off.     Plenty  of  watei;  and  good  well,  38  ft.  deep. 
Dry  oak  and  poplar ;  not  difficult  to  obtain.     Generally  plenty  of  water,  one 

well  5  ft.  and  another  16  ft. 
Poplar  fuel.    We  have  plenty  yet,  handy  by.    The  Arrow  River  runs  through 

my  farm.     I  have  a  spring  at  my  house. 
Wood  getting  scarce  ;  expect  to  use  coal  soon.    Plenty  of  water.     Ponds  and  wells 

14  ft.  and  30  ft.  deep.     Any  amount  in  latter,  could  not  be  bailed  dry.  s 

Wood  and  coal.     River  water. 
iWood  from  Qu'Appelle,  and  coal  at  $9.00  per  ton  on  Canadian  Pacific  Railway. 

Water  ia  very  scarce,  and  draw  it  five  miles.     Have  no  well  yet. 
Wood ;  from  three   to   five   miles  off.     Plenty   of  water.     Beaver  Creek    runs 

through  the  farm.     Wells  are  from  8  to  12  ft.  round  here. 
Wood,  abundance  in  this  district ;  the  Weed  Hills,  Woolf  Hills  and  Qu'Appelle 

being  very  adjacent  and  well  timbered.     Price  to  townspeople  12s.  per  cord. 

We  depend  on  slough  water  in  summer  for  stock.     Wells  range  from  6  to  35 

ft.  in  depth. 

Wood.     Coal  this  year  $6.50  per  ton.     Plenty  of  water  from  well  14  feet  deep  . 
Coal  in  winter,  wood"  in  summer,  both  of  which  are  easily  obtainable.     Get  water 

from  a  never -failing  spring. 
We  uee  coal,  it  is  quite  handy.     We  get  water  from  a  well  about  12  ft.  deep. 
Coal  and  wood,  easy  to  obtain.     Water  from  well  25  to  40  ft.  deep. 
Coal  from  Souris,  18  miles  from  here  ;  not  difficult  to  obtain.     Plenty  of  water 

from  a  well  15  ft.  deep. 
Poplar  and  oak  wood  in  'abundance ;  haul  three  miles.     Wells  28  ft.    deep. 

Ponds  for  cattle  in  summer. 
We  get   our  fire  wood,  fencing  and  building  timber  from  the  Riding  Mountain, 

four  miles  to  draw.     We  get  our  water  from  Stoney  Creek,  a  spring  creek 

rising  in  the  mountain  and  running  all  the  year  round. 
Wood,  difficult  to  obtain.     Plenty  of  water  from  a  well  7  ft. 
Wood  at  present,  but  intend  using  coal  for  winter.     Expect  to  get  it  at  Brandon, 

about  $7  (28s.)  per  ton.     Plenty  of  water,  well  and  sloughs.     Wells,  one  20 

ft.  another  35  ft. 
All  oak  wood ;  in  abundance.     Water  in  abundance  all  the  year  round  from 

"Dead  Horse  Creek."  ' 

Wood,  not  difficult  to  obtain  in  my  case,  but  some  have  to  buy.     It  costs  about 

$2.50  per  cord.     Plenty  of  water.     1  lave  a  good  spring  creek. 
Wood  and  coal.     Have  had  no  difficulty  so  far  to  obtain  supply.     I  have  a  nice 

creek  crossing  farm,  but  supply  buildings  by  wells  from  10  to  15  ft.     First- 
class  water. 
Poplar,  oak  and  ash ;  very  easy  to  obtain.     I  have  to  dig  for  water,  the  depth 

is  from  8  tc  12  ft. 



Grain  Crops. 

The  following  tables,  taken  from  official  sources,  will  show  at  a  glance  the  average 
yield  in  bushels  per  acre  of  the  crops  of  Manitoba  during  the  last  six  years  : — 














































Turnips ...... 


Fla- '. 






The  following  arfe  the  chief  averages  of  the  chief  wheat-growing  countries  of  the- 
World,  as  officiallly  given  for  a  series  of  years  : — 





Manitoba,  average  yield  per  acre  in  bushels. .. 

Great  Britain  and  Ireland 

Minnesota  (the  Empire  Wheat  State^  of  the  Union) 

United  States , : 

Ontario • 

South  Australia 




Indiana ^ 








1 1-4 



















Asked  as  to  the  probable  jield  per  acre  of  their  wheat,  barley,  and  oats  crops, 
farmers  replied  as  follows  : — 





Sheppard,  Joseph 

Stevenson,  T.  W 

Little,  James 

"Mortou,  Thos.  L 

McLean,  John  A , 

Paul,  James  M 

Rutherford,  Jonathan . . 

Wat,  James 

Boulding,  G.  T 

Stowards,  R.  C 

Day.  John  F 

Leitch,  Angus 

Daniels,  Joseph 

Reid,  E.  J 

Bobier,  Thos 

McKenzie,  Kenneth . . . 

Todd,  P.  R 

McBean,  Angus 

Harris  James 

Osborre,  Daniel , 

Slater,  Charles  B '. 

AV right,  Charles 

Proctor,  Henry    

Smith,  W.  P 

Robertson,  P 

Lothian,  James 

Bruce,  George 

Webster,  A 

Downie,  John 

Sirett,  W.  F 

Young,  John  M.  L. . 

McRae,  Roderick . . . . 
Armstrong,  Geo .... 
Finlay,  James 

Deyell,  John 

Bailey,  Zachary 

Patterson,  Abr 

Howey,  Wm 

•Grigg,  S 

Elliott,  T.  D 

Yield  of  Wheat  per  acre 
in  bushels. 

About  40 


Average  40 

40  at  least,  I  had  45  last 



About  35 . . 



Expect  35 




About  35 


32,  very  good 



About  3O  or  40 . . . . 

From  30  to  35 

Between  35  and  40. 

30  to  35 

Between  30  and  35, 

Average  about  30 . . 

A  certain  30 




30  • 







About  30 , 






About  40  or  50. 
40  to  50 


Black  barley  average  25 

40  last  year 



Over  40, 1  should  think, 
not  thrashed  yet ... . 

30  on  this  sea4on's 

50,  the  best  I  ever  saw 

40 ,.. 

have  none  ;  but  my 
neighbors  will  yield 
about  45 

30  last  year,  and  my  crop 
is  better  this  year .... 







On  account  of  a  dry 
spring  it  will  not  go 
over  30 







About  40 . 

About   50. 

Partly  70  and  partly  40. 

Average  70. 


Some  60  and  some  80. 

About   50. 


Expect  70. 



50  to  60. 

About  45. 

About  80. 

50  to  80. 

About  60. 

40  to  50. 


Average  50,  good  crop. 

•70  at  least. 


Badly      wasted     by     hail 


40  on  this    season's 


60  to  70. 

40.     They  did  not  do  well 

this  year  ;  too  dry  in 

the   spring. 

50  to  60. 

About   60. 

60.  * 

9(    ■      ■      ■    . 


A  dry    spring   makes  a  small 
yield,  say  35. 




Chester,  A 

'"viDeey  1?  •..»•• .  .•..«• 

Muirhead,  Thos 

Mcintosh,  Archd 

Hall,  P 

Speers,  A.  R 

Mitchell,  Jno 

Miller,  Solomon 

Hope,  Geo ' . . . . 

McLane,  A.  M 

Gibson,  John.. 
Thompson,  S. 
iHaney,  A.  W. 

Hall,  W.  B 


Harrison,  D.  H. 

Taylor,  Wm 

Sterenson,  G.  B 

Yield  of  wheat  per  ache 
in  bushels. 

Certainly  expect  30. 
30  ■ 

Average  will  be  30. . . . 





Average  30 ... . 
Good  maturity. 


Expect  average, 

probably  28  or  30 . 

About  28 


About  28 

I  expect  it  will  yiled  26, 
as  it  is  a  good  crop. . . 


26  on  land  broken  last 

year,  not  backset. . . 
25  to  30 

Heaslip,  J.  J 

'  Coay,  Thomas 

Pollard,  Alfd 

'McGhee,  James 

Austin,  A.,  senr ...  . . 
•Purdy,  Thos 

Smith,  Wm , 
Lang,  Rbt.. 



SO  or  55. 



35  on  Spring  backsett- 


25  to  30 

25  to  30.. 

25,  and  likely  30. 

About  30 . 


About  30. 
Fully  50. . 

25  to  30. 

25  to  30 

Averaging  25 . . 


About  25 

Estimated  at  25 . 

About  25. 

About  25 

Averaging  60. 

25  ;  land  not  well  tilled 



50  to  60  • 

Average   50 


Probably  40 

Between  50  and  60 

25,  on  Spring  backsetting 

About  45 

7c,   on  land  broken  last  year, 

and  not  backset. 

About  40 

50  to  60 
About  40 
Only  about  40;  last  year 
I  had  65 
From  50  to  70 
About  50  or  60  on  average 
Averaging  50 
About  40 
40,  badly  tilled ;    on    ac- 
count  of  dry  weathej, 
last  year  sod  did  not  rot. 


Roots  and  Vegetables. 

All  root  crops  yield  wdl,  turnips  standing  next  to  potatoes   in  area  of  cultivation. 
They  are  in  no  reported  instance  infested  by  flies  or  other  insects.      Mangold-wurzels 
.and  carrots  are  not  cultivated  as  field  crops  to  any  great  extent.      . 

All  garden  vegetables  produce  prolific  creeps,  and  the  Province  sustains  an  extraor- 
dinary reputation  for  their  production.  During  recent  years  a  very  large  and  general 
■increase  has  taken  place  in  the  acreage  devoted  to  the  cultivation  of  garden  products. 
In  the  earlier  years  of  the  Province's  history  new  settlers  had  but  little  time  to  devote  to 
gardening,  but  -once  having  srot  their  farms  into  good  working  order,  they  are 
devoting  more  attention  to  it,  with  most  satisfactory  results. 



The  following  are  instances  taken  from  farmers'  reports  of  successes  in    the  growth 
of  vegetables,  and  in  conjunction  with  these  reports  it  must  be   remembered  that   Very 
•few,  if  any;  of  these  farmers  used  special  means  to  produce  these  results.      The  question 
asked  was  :  "  What  yields  of  vegetables  have  you  had,  and  what  is   your   experience  in- 
raising  them  ?"    For  postal  address  of  each  settler,  see  pages  3, 4,  5,  6,  7  or  8. 


Dicken,  George. 

Yardley,  Henry. 
Proctor,  Henry. 

Knight,  W.G.. 

Jeffrey,  William 
Blythe,  R 

Field,  Edward.. 

Pollard,  Alfred. 

Answer,  in  bushels  per  acre. 

Orr,  James  B.... ,. 
Lothian,  James 

McGhee,  Jas 

Gibson,  Wm 

Bruce,  George 

Mitchell,  John 

Middleton,  Alex.... 

Have  had  carrots  12  inches  round,  and  grown  cucumbers  successfully  in  the  open. . 
Beans  and  potatoes  very  good,  better  than  I  ever  raised  in  England  with  20  • 
years'  experience.    Turnips  very  good,  and  mangolds  good. 

Potatoes,  300.  I  have  grown  in  the  garden  beans,  peas,  carrots,  parsnips,  beets, 
cabbage  (several  kinds),  onions.    With  attention  all  do  well. 

Potatoes,  300,  well  manured;  turnips,  600,  well  manured.  Carrots  and  peas,, 
beans  and  flax,  have  also  done  well  in  small  lots.  I  have  grown  almost  all 
kinds  of  vegetables  with  the  best  results. 

Potatoes,  about  160.     All  kinds  of  garden  produce  grow  luxuriously  ;  that  is, 
all  and  every  kind  that  can  be  grown  in  England,  and  do  not  require  manure- 
for  some  years. 

I  have  grown  almost  all  kinds,  and  the  quality  is  splendid 

Potatoes,  150,  on  the  breaking;  my  beans  were  frozen.     The  first  year  it  is- 
not  well    to  sow  vegetables  on  the  breaking,  except  for  home  use ;  other- 
wise, aftere  the  ground  has  been  properly  worked,  nearly  all  vegetables  thrive- 

Potatoes,  300 ;  turnips,  from  500  to  700.     Carrots,  'peas  and  beans,  I  have  only 
grown  on  a  small  scale ;  the  yield  is  good.     Vegetables  are  a  great  success  in^ 
this  country,  and  come  on  very  rapidly.    I  have  grown  potatoes,   onions, 
carrots,  beets,  com,  cucumbers,  parsnips,  radishes,  lettuce,  cabbage,  broccoli, . 
cauliflower,  melon  ;    in  fact  same  as  we  grow  in  England. 

Potatoes,  300.  An  abundant  crop  of  turnips,  carrots,  peas  and  beans.  My 
vegetables  have  this  year  generally  been  a  failure.  I  have  grown  almost  every 
description  of  vegetables  with  great  success. 

Potatoes,  300  ;  turnips,  400.  I  have  only  grown  vegetables  in  the  garden,  but- 
they  all  do  extremely  well. 

Potatoes,  300.  Have  raised  cabbages,  carrots,  onions  and  beet,  all  of  which  did 
well.  With  a  little  experience  of  the  climate,  I  believe  gardening  can  be 
made  a  success  in  all  sorts  of  vegetables. 

Potatoes,  100.     This  country  is  second  to  none  for  vegetables. 

Potatoes,  200.     Cabbage,  Scotch  kail,  rhubarb,  onions,  carrots,  turnips,  parsiey, 
pe^s,  pumpkins  and  sage,  all  do  well  with  climate  and  soil.    We  have  used 
potatoes  two  months  after  planting  them. 
Potatoes,  400.     I  have  grown  almost    every  kind  of  cabbage  and  garden  stuff 

you  can  mention.     I  h«re  lifted  cabbage  this  fall  20  lbs.  in  weight. 
Potatoes,  180.     Turnips,  carrots,  onions,  beets,  parsnips,  parsley,  lettuce,  and 

iadishes  all  grow  well.      I   have  not  made  such  headway   with    cabbage. 
Ihubarb  grows  splendidly. 
Ifind  no  difficulty  in  growing  any  of  the  vegetables  I  was  acquainted  with  in^ 
Scotland.     They  all  require  to  be  sown  early  in  the  season. 







Perley,  W.  D. 

Prat,  Jno. 

Miller,  Solomon . 
McGill,  George. . 

Smith,  William. 

Ingram,  W.  A. 
Lawrie,  J.  M... 
Hoyle,  W.  A. . . 

'Sheppard,  Jos. ... 
Stevenson,  T.  W. 

Aliswer,  in  bushels  per  acre. 

iDepell,  John . . . .  T  ■ 
Walker,  J.  C 

Mooney,  Jno. 

.'Homor,"  T.  R . 

Davis,  Jno.  B. 

Powers,  C.  F. 
iRutherford,  J . 

Potatoes  grow  splendidly,  and  of  fine  quality,  without  manure.  Carrots  will 
grow  fine,  but  have  not  bad  much  experience.  Peas  grow  splendidly.  I  be- 
lieve manure  would  help  and  produce  a  large  crop,  but  for  quality,  the 
present  can't  be  excelled. 

Have  some  parsnips  grown  on  land  which  had  a  crop  of  peas  and  potatoes  on  it 
last,  and  no  manure  was  put  on  it,  and  .took  one  or  two  potatoes,  a  week  ago, 
which  were  2^  inches  in  diameter,  and  long  in  proportion, 
otatoes,  400;  turnips,  750. 

Potatoes  average  250  bushels  (of  60  lbs.)  per  acre.  Never  saw  a  better  crop  of 
potatoes,  in  any  country,  than  I  have  this  year.  Turnips,  carrots,  peas,  beans 
and  flax,  are  good. 

Potatoes,  300 ;  turnips,  800.  Have  also  grown  carrots,  parsnips,  onions,  cab- 
bage, cauliflowers,  pumpkins,  melons,  citrons,  cucumbers,  lettuce,'  squash, 
tomatoes  and  raddish. 

Potatoes,  .300  to  500 ;  turnips,  carrots  and  beans  do  well ;  peas  30,  and  flax  20. 
Everything  in  the  way  of  vegetables  does  immensely,  except  Indian  corn  and 
tomatoes,  which  I  do  not  find  as  yet  a  success. 

Potatoes,  2150.  Only  raised  turnips  and  carrots  in  garden,  but  they  would  do 
well  here.  My  experience  is  that  vregetables  cannot  be  raised  mor€  success- 
fully in  any  other  country 

Potatoes,  about  250  ;  peas  about  25.  Have  never  seen  vegetables eqial  to  those 
of  Manitoba.  We  cannot  raise  squash  melons  or  pumpkius  to  maturity, 
however.  Carrots,  beets,  maize,  onions,"  salsify,  celery,  chicory,  radishes  and 
cucumbers  all  do  unusually  well  with  us. 

Potatoes,  200  ;  peas  60  lbs.  per  acre.  Vegetables  very  good  ;  you  can  raise  every 
kind  to  perfection. 

Potatoes  300.  Turnips  not  attended  to,  would  have  produced  400  or  500 
bushels  per  acre.  I  never  saw  as  fine  vegetables  anywhere  else,  except 

Potatoes,  359,  turnips  800     Peas  do  well.     Vegetables  do  very  well. 

Potatoes  3oo,  turnips  600,  carrots  300,  peas  30  and  beans  40.  Have  grown  with 
good  results ;  potatoes,  turnips,  mangold- wurtzels,  beets,  carrots,  parsnips, 
onions,  radishes,  cabbages,  cauliflowers,  and  many  others 

Potatoes  from  300  to  400.  Turnips  600,  and  peas  30.  All  vegetables  do  well . 
Have  also  grown  carrots,  beets,  cabbage,  tomatoes,  squash,  citrons,  onions, 
rhubarb  and  pumpkins. 

1  never  saw  vegetables  grown  to  better  success  than  here ;  in  fact,  they  are  the. 
surest  crops  we  can  grow.      I   have   grown   potatoes,  turnips,  cairots  and 
beets  with  perfect  satisfaction. 

Potatoes  300,  turnips  600,  carrots  600,  peas  30,  beans  25,  and  flax  30. 

'  ■'■      pie 


also    grown    cabbage,    beets,    tomatoes,    radishes,    onions,    salsify, 
lettuce,  pumpkins,  grapes,  artichokes,  pepper,  and  parsnips. 

Potatoes,  200  ;  turnips,  500 ;  carrots,  400  ;  peas,  30.  Beans  do  well.  All  vege- 
tables can  be  grown  with  great  success. 

Potatoes,  350  ;  turnips,  600  to  800 ;  carrots,  400  to  500  ;  and  peas,  40  to  50.  I 
have  grown  successfully  :— Cabbage,  carrots,  pai  snips,  beets,  onions,  lettuce, 
radishes,  beans,  dr'c. 

ith  in^ 




Bobier,  Thos. 

Stevenson,  G.  B... 

Stirton,  James 

Slater,  C.  B....... 

Burgess,  J.  W 

Connerson,  James, . 

Rawson,  James. 

Patterson,  Abr. 

Fraser,  D.  D... 

Osborne,  Daniel 

Harrison,  D.  H 
Thomps<.n,   S..^ 

Answer,  in  bushels  per  acre. 

Potatoes,  about  300.  1  umips  generally  have  not  done  well  this  year,  the  weather 
being  very  dry  when  they  were  sown  in  the  spring.  I  never  grew  any 
except  in  the  garden  ;  these  are  excellent.  Have  grown  peas  two  years ; . 
they  do  first-class  here.  Beans  can  be  grown  here  in. abundance.  I  have 
grown  the  finest  potatoes  that  I  ever  grew  in  my  life,  both  in  quantity  and 
quality.  Carrots,  cabbage,  cauliflowers,  and  other  garden  stutlf  grown  in 
this  country  are  of  the  very  best  quality. 

Potatoes,  from  250  to  3(X),  and  turnips,  500.  Carrots  average  450.  All  kinds 
of  vegetables  grow  well.  I  have  also  grown  beet,  onions,  radishes,  cabbage, 
cauliflower,  melon,  citron,  and  cucumbers. 

Potatoes,  turnips,  carrots,  peas,  beans,  and  flax  do  very  well,  without  any 'care 
and  trouble.  If  the  seed  is  only  sown  early,  with  care  and  cultivation,  the 
yield  is  enormous. 

Potatoes,  2CO  bushels  from  half  acre.  The  yield  of  turnips  and  carrots  was 
poor,  owing  to  the  drought  in  the  spring.  1 1  ix  was  good.  Vegetables 
did  fairly.     All  cullender  vegetables  do  well  hef<?. 

Potatoes  300,  really  magnificent.  Also  turnips,  carrots  and  mangolds ;  the 
latter  yield  well.     Cabbages  and  cauliflowers  do  well. 

Potatoes  about  350.  I  had  nine  waggon  loads  (about  30  bushels  each)  of 
turnips  off  half  an  acre  last  year.  Carrots,  500 ;  peas  50  bushels  off  two 
acres  one  year  ;  beans.  40  to  60  ;  flax  15  ;  all  kinds  do  well  here — cabbages, 
cauliflowers,  beets,  melons,  cucumbers.  &'c.  Onions  do  splendidly.  Tomatoes 
are  not  a  success ;  we  have  lots  of  them,  but  they  are  green  yet  (Sep- 

My  potatoes  are  the  best  I  ever  saw  i »  this  country.    Turnips,  very  heavy  yield, 
also  carrots  ;  peas  30.     This  equab  any  country  for  the  growth  of  vegetation. 
Have  grown  beets,  onions,  melons,  citrons,  cucumbers,  pumpkins,  tomatoes, . 
radishes,  celery  and  lettuces. 

Potatoes,  400,  and  Peas  40  All  garden  vegetables  usually  grown  on  a  farm, 
grow  first  class.  Onions  and  cabbages  grow  extra  large  and  are  of  fine 

I  had  a  fair  crop  of  potatoes  this  year.     My  turnips  were  poor  on  breaking.     The 
yield  of  carrots  was  good,  but  frost   killed   my  beans.      Carrots,    cabbages,   ^ 
onions,  parsnips,  potatoes  and  beets  are  all  doing  well. 

Potatoes  500,  turnips  1,000.     Have  also  grown  beets. 

Potatoes  200,  turnips  abeut  250,  and  peas  and  beans  from  14  to  15.  I 
think  I  could  raise  about  300  bushels  of  carrots  per  acre.  Vegetables  grow 
first-class.  Sweet  corn,  cabbages,  carrots  and  long  and  turnip  beets 
grow  to  perfection,  tomatoes  splendidly  ;  onions  in  abundance.  Have  also 
grown  celery,  musk  and  water  melons,  dr'c.  Took  $15  prize  money  two 
years  ago. 

Yield  of  potatoes  and  turnips  heavy  ;  carrots  are  simply  immense  ;  peas  are  not 
good  here,  the  land  is  too  heavy ;  beans  do  well,  and  flax  yields  from  20 
to  30.  ITiis  is  a  splendid  country  for  vegetables.  I  have  also  grown 
mangold-wurtzels,  onions,  beets,  parsnips,  tomatoes,  cucumbers,  melons, 
citrons,  squash,  celery,  cabbage,  cauliflower,  radishes,  kail,  brussels  sprouts, 
lettuce,  salsify  and  mushrooms.  I  have  the  Provincial  Diploma  for  the  best; 
collection  of  garden  vegetables. 

PLAIN   rAOTS   AS  TO  THU  0AIfiW4i<f   NO«f*-.  «ril8T. 




Chambers,  W, 

Bole,  J 

Day,  S.  D.  A 

McDonald,  W,  M. 
McLean,  J.  A.. .. 

Speers,  A.  R . . . . . 

Answer,  in  busiiels  per  acre. 

Potatoes  300,  turnips  1,000,  and  white  Belgian  carrots  500.  Drought  aAected 
my  peas  this  year,  but  they  will  yield  25 ;  beans  do  well  here.  A  little 
capital  invested  in  flax  seed  culture  and  the  manufacture  of  twine  or  cord  for 
our  self-binding  machines,  would  result  in  great  wealth.  Onions,  table 
carrots,  parsnips,  beets,  turnips,  radishes,  lettuces,  melons,  tomatoes,  peas, 
parsley,  and  all  sorts  of  garden  and  field  vegetables  can  be  grown  here  to 
perfection  ;  at  least,  that  is  my  usual  experience. 

Potatoes  300.  All  kinds  of  vegetables  do  well  in  the  Ncrth>West  when  the 
ground  is  properly  prepared. 

Potatoes  about  400 ;  turnips  600,  and  peas  20.  Have  very  fine  cabbage,  carrots, 
turnips,  beans,  parsnips,  beets,  onions,  lettuce,  spinach,  rhubarb,  radishes 
and  cucumbers.     Have  raised  tomatoes  and  Indian  corn,  but  not  with  success. 

Potatoes  500;  turnips  1,000,  and  peas  30. 

Potatoes  409,  sometimes  more  ;  turnips  from  400  to  600.  Peas  and  beans  do 
well.  Any  and  every  kind  of  vegetable  does  wonderfully  well  in  this  country. 
I  believe  there  is  no  better  country  in  the  konwn  world  that  can  come  up  to  the 
country  for  vegetable's. 

Potatoes  400,  turnips  1,000,  peas  30,  flax  40.  Carrots  remarkably  good  crop; 
beans  yield  splendid. 

The  Use  of  Uanure. 







re  not 

Im  20 





Fertilisers  are  not  used  in  the  North- West,  for  they  are  not  needed,  and  common 
manure  is  used  but  sparingly.  The  land  is,  indeed,  in  most  cases,  so  rich  that  the  using 
of  it  during  the  first  years  of  cultivation  would  be  apt  to  encourage  the  growth  of  straw, 
and  make  the  crops  too  rank.  After  the  second  year  manure  in  limited  quantities  may 
be  used  with  advantage  to  prevent  any  exhaustion  of  the  land. 

This  is  the  general  experience  of  settlers  to  be  found  related  with  their  opinions  on 
many  other  useful  subjects  in  an  additional  pamphlet,  to  be  had  free  on  application  to 
Mr.  Begg,  Canadian  Pacific  Offices,  88  Cannon  Street,  London  : — "When,  you  have  it, 
pu  t  it  on  your  Hght  land,  don't  waste  it ;  but  it  is  not  necessary  for  years."  One  settler, 
Mr.  Williaim  Gibson,  ofLoganstone  Farm,  Wolseley  says  :  "I  have  used  manure  to  a  few 
potatoes  to  try  the  effect  it  had  along  with  others  planted  without  manure,  and  they  did 
no  better  with  it." 


Stock  Raising  and  the  Hay  Supply. 

The  general  healthiness  of  the  climate  and  the  favorable  conditions  for  feeding 
horses,  cattle,  and  sheep,  make  stock-raising  a  most  profitable  industry.  The  boundless 
prairies,  covered  with  luxuriant  grasses,  giving  an  unusually  large  yield,  and  the  cool 
nights  for  which  Manitoba  is  famous,  are  most  beneficial  features  in  regard  to  stock  j  and 
the  remarkable  dryness  and  healthiness  of  the  winter  tend  to  make  cattle  fat  and  well- 
ponditioned.    The  easjr  access  to  good  water  is  another  advantage  in  stock-raising.  The 



al)undance  of  hay  almost  everywhere  makes  it  an  easy  matter  for  farmers  to  winter  their 
stock  ;  and  in  addition  to  this  there  is,  and  always  will  be,  a  ready  home  market  for 

Owing  to  the  abundance  and  excellence  of  prairie  hay,  little  has  hitherto  been  done 
in  the  cultivation  of  grasses,  though  what  small  quantity  is  cultivated  is  largely  of  the 
Timothy  and  Hungarian  classes.  The  average  yield  of  hay  per  acre  is  2  J  to  3  tons  ; 
sometimes  4  tons  are  gathered,  and  in  wet  seasons  as  many  as  five  tons.  The  crop  of 
1882  was  an  abundant  one,  and  was  generally  saved  in  good  condition,  while  in  1883 
almost  a  double  yield  was  gathered. 

On  these  points  the  experience  of  settlers  is  especially  valuable.  Their  statements 
answer  the  questions  :.'*  How  many  horses  and  cattle  have  you  ?  Have  you  plenty 
of  hay,  and  do  cattle  thrive  on  the  wild  prairie  grasses  ?  How  do  your  animals 
thrive  in  winter,  and  where  do  you  stock  them?"  For  postal  address  of  each  settler, 
see  pages  3,  4>  5»  6,  7  or  8. 

Dickin,  George. 

Hind,    Brothers 
Urton,  W.  S... 

Yardly,  Henry. 

Philips,  S 

Hutchison,  A.. 

Mercer,  Jas . . . . 
Knight,  W.G.. 

Field,  Edward. 

17  cattle.  Can  cut  20  tons,  and  can  get  ^  other  oa  goverment  land.  Cmttle 
do  equally  as  well  as  they  did  in  pasture  in  England  ;  they  thrive  well  in 
winter  with  the  same  shelter  they  get  there,  pole  and  hay  stable. 

I  horse  and  ten  head  uf  cattle.     Ves.     Cattle  do  well ;  wintered  first  class. 

5  horses  and  I  cow.  Yes.  Cattle  do  splendidly,  better  than  on  English  hay. 
They  are  slabled  in  winter  during  very  bad  days,  but  are  turned  out  most 

I  have  3  oxen  and  2  yearling  steers.  I  have  sufficient  hay  for  20  head  of  cattle  ; 
they  thrive  first  class.  Last  winter  I  took  12  head  of  cattle  from  a  neighbor. 
They  came  out  in  the  spring  eqnal  to  when  I  was  in  England.  I  kept  them  in 
open  sheds  with  yards  last  winter.  My  neighbour  has  his  in  stables,  and  they 
do  not  do  as  well  as  mine. 

30  horses  and  20  head  of  cattle.  Plenty  of  hay  ;  cattle  get  fat  in  summer  on  the 
prairie  grasses.     I  house  them  in  a  log  stable  during  winter. 

20  head  of  cattle,  3  horses,  19  flheep,  and  2  pigs.  Yes  ;  cattle  get  very  fat  on 
the  prairie  grass  in  summer ;  the  do  well  in  the  stable  in  winter.  I  fed 
them  on  liay  alone  last  winter  ;  this  winter  I  intend  using  grain  and  roots  in 
small  quantities. 

9  head  of  cattle  at  the  presfcnt  timp.  Plenty  of  hay.  Cattle  thrive  well  on  wild 
grasses.  I  have  wintered  over  twice  the  above  number  of  cattle.  I  stable 
young  cattle  ;  large  cattle  run  loose  in  open  sheds. 

No  horses,  45  head  of  cattle.  Plenty  of  hay.  My  thoroughbred  short- homH 
have  nothing  but  the  wild  grasses  of  th«  country,  and  ihey  are  in  splendid 
condition,  in  fact  quite  fat.  I  should  take  a  prize  for  Christmas  beef  in  Eng- 
land; the  beef  cannot  be  beaten.  Cattle  thrive  well  in  winter,  on  hay  only. 
Some  are  in  stables  and  some  out. 

Plenty  of  hay.  Cattle  undoubtedly  thrive  well  in  winter,  and  get  very  fat 
in  summer.  Both  horses  and  cattle  do  well  in  the  winter  in  the  stable  at 
night.  Heifers,  steers,  dr'c.,  in  open  sheds.  Native  horses  and  half-bred 
horses  thrive  well  out  on  the  prairie  all  winter,  if  you  have  no  work  for 

FfiAIIf    r/OTS   AH   TO   TIIK   CAIfADlAy   NORTH-W BRT. 



on  the 

r  only. 

PolUrd,  Alfred  

Robertson,  P 

Cowlord,  C 

Gibson,  Wm 

Bruce,  George  . , 

Middleton,  Alex 

Warnock,  Wm 

Reid,  Alex 

Fraser,   John 

Perley,  W.  D... 

Malhiot,  Z 

McGill,  Geo • . . . . 

Grimmett,  D.  W .  ■ . . . 

Purdy,  Thos.  F. 

Pownie,  Jno. 
McBecn,  A., 


A  scarcity  of  hay  in  this  part.  Cattle  thrive  wonderfully.  I  house  them  in 
winter,  and  feed  them  on  straw,  hay,  and  roots. 

3  horses  and  12  cattle.  Plenty  of  prairie  hay,  and  cattle  do  well  on  it. 
The)r  get  on  well  in  stable  in  winter.  I  let  them  out  every  day,  if 

67  cattle  and  3  horses  Cattle  do  all  that  1  can  wish.  I  winter  them  in  log 

3  horses,  2  colts,  i  pair  of  oxen,  2  cows,  i  bull,  and  2  sheep.  I  have  hay  in 
abundance  ;  cut  it  this  summer  66  inches  long  ;  and  cattle  get  ht  on  it  with- 
out any  other  seed  in  winter.  I  winter  cattle  in  log  stables,  and  they  get 
nothing  but  hay.     Horses  have  hay,  with  a  little  oats. 

18  head  of  cattle.     They  do  well  on  prairie  hay,  and  do  well  all  winter. 

2  work  oxen  and  cow  and  2  calves.  Hay  has  been  difficult  to  put  up  owing 
to  light  crop.  Cattle  thrive  on  wild  grass.  When  well  housed  ;  tbwy  thrive 
well  in  winter  on  hay  and  water,  with  a  little  salt. 

3  horses  and  15  cattlo.  I  have  enough  hay  for  present  stock  ;  they  do  better 
on  wild  hay.  I  winter  my  horses  and  milk  cows  in  stable  ;  steers  and  young 
stock  in  shed  open  to  south,  and  they  thrive  well. 

Plenty  of  hay.     Cattle  lo  splendidly  on  the  wild  grasses,  better  than  on  some 

hay.     They  thrive  'ell  in  winter  ;  I  stable   them  at  night  and  let  them  out 

during  the  day. 
7  head  of  cattle  and   team -of  horses.     Plenty  of  hay,   and  cattle  come  out 

fat  on  with  nothing  but  prairie  hay  in  spring  ;  they   do  well  in  stable  in 


1  have  only  a  small  stock,  but  they  do  fine  in  winter.  I  have  not  much  hay, 
but  the  prairie  grass  all  over  the  N.W.  far  exceeds  the  best  quality  of  cultivated 
hav'in  the, East.  I  never  saw  so  fine  and  fat  animals  as  this  prairie  grass  will 

18  horses.  Plenty  of  hay  ;  and  cattle  are  doing  very  well.  I  winter  them  in  a 
frame  stable,  and  they  do  first-class. 

2  h6rsrs.  %  cows,  and  some  young  stock  Cattle  winter  better  on  prairie  hay 
in  this  climate  than  they  do  in  Ontario.  A  better  name  for  it  would  be  "  lawn 
hay,"  a  quality  well  understood  in  Europe.  1  keep  the  cattle  in  rough  weather 
in  winter,  and  they  winter  easily. 

1  yoke  of  oxen  and  2  ponies.  Plenty  of  very  nutritious  hay.  Cattle  fatten  on  it 
in  winter.  I  can  put  it  up  at  200  dols.  per  ton,  and  make  money.  I  winter 
my  stock  in  sod  and  strew  stable,  and  they  thrive  well,  that  is,  when  I  fatten 

6  horses,  4  oxen,  2  cows,  and  2  yearlmgs.  Hay  [plenty  in  certain  localities.  Cattle 
do  splendidly ;  never  saw  them  get  so  fat  on  grass.  I  have  a  barn  16  by 
45  dug  in  bank;  it  will  house  16  head,  horses  and  cattle.  Lofl  on  top; 
will  hold  10  tons  of  hay.    The  cattle  do  well  in  winter. 

2  horses  and  12  cattle.  Plenty  of  hay  ;  cattle  fed  on  the  hay  here  are  fit  for  the 
butcher  in  spring.  I  keep  them  in  winter  most  generally  in  stables ;  they 
are  rolling  fat  in  the  spring  on  hay  and  water. 

15  horses  and  50  cattle.  Cattle  thrive  well  on  wild  grasses  ;  I  winter  them  all 
inside  and  they  thrive  very  well,  >vhere  feecj  can  be  obtained. 



Sirett,  Wm.F. 

Doyle,  W.  A. 

Ivang,  Robert 

Riddle,  Robt 

Pollock,  John.... 
Powers,  C.  F 

Rutherford,  J 

Bobier,  Thomas. 

Little,  James. 
McKmght,  R. 

Vandcrvoort,  Geo. . . , 

Black,  G.  R , 

Howey,  Wm 

Gilmour,  H.  C . . , . . 

4  horses  and  seven  head  of  cattle.  Plenty  of  hay ;  cattle  do  better  here  than  on 
the  cultivated  grasses  or  in  the  woods  of  Ontario.     I  stable  them  at  night 

.  in  the  winter  and  keep  them  in  a  yard  in  the  daytime  ;  they  thrive  w«^ll.  I 
milked  my  cows  nearly  all  winter,  bull  and  young  stock  lived  at  the  straw 
stack  all  winter. 

2  horses  and  47  head  of  cattle  and  hogs.  Plenty  of  hay ;  my  cattle  do 
not  seem  to  want  anjrthing  but  the  wild  hay  if  well  cured,  and  they 
winter  well  without  buildings,  if  in  tinchel  out  of  wind.  The  working 
bullocks,  milk  cows,  and  calves  are  stabled  in  winter,  the  balance  have 
sheds  as  windbraks  severely,  and  a  belt  of  Tinchel  to  shelter  from  winds 

lo  horses  and  35  horned  grades  which  do  well.  Plenty  of  hay.  Never  saw 
cattle  do  better  ;  my  stock  does  well  in  log  stables  during  winter. 

2  horses  and  head  of  cattle.  I  have  an  abundance  of  hay.  Cattle  do  well.  I 
winter  my  stock  in  the  open-air  sheds,  and  they  thrive  well. 

1  have  I  yoke  of  cattle.  Plenty  of  hay,  and  cattle  do  very  well  on  it  without 
grain     They  do  splendidly  in  winter  in  a  stable  of  sods  or  logs. 

10  horses,  10  cattle  and  20  sheep.  I  have  20  acres  of  Timothy,  plenty  of 
wild  hay.  Cattle  all  do  well.  I  winter  my  stock  in  stables  made  from 
logs,  and  covered  with  straw.  Cattle  and  sheep  do  better  than  in 

2  horses,  i  yoke  of  oxen,  3  cows,  2  two  year  olds,  I  one  year  old,  and  5 
calves.  I  winter  my  stock  in  the  house  when  very  cold,  otherwise  let 
them  have  their  liberty,  as  stock  thrive  best  to  get  their-  liberty  to  move 

I  cut  too  tons  of  hay  (handless).  Thousands  of  cattle  in  Ontario,  and  had  600 
acres  under  pasture  there,  but  never  had  cattle  do  so  well  in  Ontario  Cattle 
and  horses  do  very  well  in  winter,  and  the  great  reason  is  that  there  are 
no  rain  or  sleet  storms  here  during  winter,  I  winter  my  stock  in  a  stable  built 
of  poplar  posts  sunk  in  ground,  gided  with  lumber  and  sodded,  covered  with 
poles  and  straw. 

All  kinds  of  stock  do  well  here.  There  is  all  the  hay  that  I  require.  I  winter 
my  stock  in  stables,  and  some  out  of  doors  where  there  is  shelter. 

4  horses  and  29  cattle.  Anv  amount  of  hay.  Cattle  do  well  on  prairie  grass. 
In  winter  I  stable  my  stock  at  nights,'  and  run  out  during  days  ;  they  are  no 
trouble  to  keep  fat. 

3  horses  and  2  cows.  There  is  a  goodly  supply  of  hay,  and  cattle  thrive 
better  on  wild  hay  than  they  do  on  cultivated.  In  winter  I  stable  horses  and 
milch  cows,  but  let  the  young  run  in  an  open  shed  around  the  straw  stack. 
They  thrive  splendidly,  only  I  think  horses  require  a  little  more  grain  than 
they  do  in  Ontario.    . 

9  horses  and  cattle.  No  hay,  but  cattle  do  exceedingly  well  on  the  wild 
grasses.  I  stable  my  stock  in  winter  with  straw  and  a  little  grain.  I  have 
no  trouble. 

4  horses,  and  8  head  of  cattle ;  lots  of  hay ;  cattle  keep  fat  on  it  all  the 
winter.  I  wintft  my  cows  in  stables,  young  stock  outside,  and  they  do 

We  have  a  team  of  horses,  and  28  head  of  cattle.  We  have  plenty  of  hay,  and 
cattle  do  exceedingly  well  on  it.  They  wiiit^r  wejl  in  ^  log  stable  on  the  open 
prairie,  •      -     . 




Hartney,  J.  H. 
Smart.  George 
Elliott,  T.  D.. 


1 1  horses,  2  mules  and  4  head  cattle.  Plenty  of  hay,  and  homed  cattle  thrive 
exceedingly  well  on  prairie  hay.  Up  to  this  time  I  have  wintered  my  stock 
in  log  stable,  covered  with  poles  and  straw,  and  they  thrive  well. 

2  horses  and  5  cattle.  Plenty  of  hay,  and  cattle  thrive  well  on  wild  grass.  In 
winter  I  feed  my  stock  on  prairie  hay,  *and  let  them  run  at  straw  stack. 
They  are  as  fat  in  the  spring  as  in  Ontario  in  the  &11. 

13  horse  kind  and  10  of  cattle.  Plenty  of  hay,  and  cattle  do  well.  They  all  do 
well  in  winter  in  sheds  made  of  straw. 

,^        Sheep  Raising. 

Sheep-growing  is  now  becoming  an  important  industry  in  the  Canadian  North- West, 
and  the  climatic  conditions  are  such  as  to  render  tlie  yield  of  wool  much  finer  and  the 
fibre  considerably  shorter  than  that  from  the  same  class  or  breed  of  sheep  elsewhere. 
Sheep  have  been  entirely  free  from  disease  in  the  North-West,  and  foot-rot  has  never 
occurred  so  far  as  can  be  ascertained. 

"  Do  sheep  thrive  in  the  Canadian  North-West,  and  is  sheep-raising  profitable  ?" 

In  answering  this  question  57  settlers  replied  ''Yes"  The  replies  of  the  others  are 
given  below.  The  full  name  and  postal  address  of  each  settler  are  given  on  pages  3,  4, 
5,  6,  7  or  8. 

I  thrive 

ss  and 

I  stack. 



[11  the 
[ey  do 



Dicken,  G. ... 
Urton,  W.  S.. 
Yardley,  H... 
Hutchinson,   A 

'  Proctor,  H. . . . 

Mercer,  J 

Lawrence,  J. . . 

Pollard,  A..., 
Robertson,  P.. 


Yes,  only  cannot  get  them  here  to  suit  the  settlers  in  small  lots. 

They  thrive  well  and  are  veiy  profitable. 

In  my  opinion  sheep  will  do  well ;  very  profitable. 

Am  testing  the  above  now,  and  believe  they  will  both  thrive  and  be  profit- 

Very  profitable  and  do  well. 


Yes,  sheep  thrive  well  and  are  profitable. 

Yes.     I  don't  think  there  is  anything  that  will  pay  better.    They  do  much  better 
than  in  England  or  Ontario. 

Should  like  to  go  in  for  this  branch  largely,  if  means  were  forthcomihg. 

Sheep  require  a  great  deal  of  attention  in  this  country.     No  doubt  they  could 
be  raised  to  pay  well  here. 





Upjohn,  F. 

Harwardf  F. 

McGhee,  J 

Bruce,  G. 

Warnock,  Wm. 
Fraser,  John . . . 

Grang,  J 

Purdy,T.  F.... 
Davis,  W.  H  . . 

Rogers,  T. 
Downie,  J. 

Anderson,  Geo. 
Young,  J.  M.  L. 

Doyle,  W.  A... 
Armstrong,  Geo , 
Walker,  J.  C... 

Riddle,  R 

Wat,  J 

Powers,  C  F. . . . 

Carter,  Tr 

Bobier,  T 

Warren,  R.  T... 

Mcknight,  R 

Chambers,  S.  W , 
Patterson,  A. ... 

Little,  J 

McLennan,  T . . . 

McKenzie,  D. . 
Gilmour,  H.  C 

Ogletree,  F 

Harris,  J , 

Smart,  G 

Elliott,  T.  D.... 

Shirk,].  M 

Chester,  A 

Lambert,  W;  M 
Boulding,  G.  W 

Mclntyre,  J 

Wagner,  W 




No  stock  pays  so  >yell,  and  they  are  neither 
I  find  them  unprofitable  for  want  of  mills  in 

In  this  location  they  do 

trouble  or  cost. 
Sheep  are  scarce,  but  do 

my  neigbourhood. 
They  do  very  well.     Sheep  raising  is  very  profitable. 
Sheep  thrive  well  here  and  are  very  profitable. 
Yes  ;  have  found  them  do  splendidly,  with  Mr  profit. 
Yes,  sheep  do  well ;  yery  profitable. 
Yes,  for  those  who  have  capital  to  put  into  it. 
Sheep  do  well ;  very  profitable  at  present. 
Sheep  thrive  well,  but  would  not  pay  in  this  part  yet,  as  there  are  no  woollen 

manu&ctories  in  this  part. 
Sheep,  I  feel  sure,  will  do  well,  and  be  profitable. 
The  best  sheep  I  ever  saw  were  raised  in  Manitoba.     I  saw  mutton  with  three 

inches  of  fat  on  the  rib.     S^^eep  raising  is  profitable. 
I  have  some  sheep  ;  they  thrive  well,  and  would  be  profitable. 
Sheep  do  well  in  some  parts,  but  the  spear  grass  in  some  places  gets  into  their 

wool,  and  is  severe  on  them. 
Yes  ;  will  be  profitable  when  market  for  wool  is  obtained. 
Yes,  particularly  well,  being  profitable  for  mutton. 
Sheep  do  well  and  pay  well. 
They  thrive  well  and  are  profitable* 
Yes,  if  we  had  a  market  for  wool. 
I  think  the  most  profitable  of  any  stock. 
Thrive  well  and  are  profitai  le  to  those  who  have  them. 
Where  there  is  no  spear  grasS  they  do  well  and  pay  well. 
They  do  well,  and  will  pay  the  man  that  raises  them,  as  the  wool  and  meat  are 

needed  in  the  country. 
Thrive  well. 

Sheep  do  well,  they  are  a  paying  stock. 

Sheep_thrive  well.     Nothing  I  know  of  would  be  more  profitable. 
Sheep'thrive  well,  and  I  think  would  be  profitable  if  there  were  more. 
Sheep  thrive  well  and  are  very  profitable. 
Yes,  sheep  thrive,  and  sheep  raising  is  profitable.     It  would  be  more 

were  wool  factories  in  this  neighbourhood.      Good  inducements 

enterprizing  man. 
Sheep  do  well  ;  they  are  profitable. 
I  have  a  small  flock  of  sheep,  and  they  do  exceedingly  well.    I  think  it  very 


They  thrive  well,  but  I  do  not  consider  them  very  profitable  at  present. 
Sheep  have  been  tried  in  this  country  and  do  very  well,  and  are  profitable. 
Yes  ;  no  demand  for  wool,  as  yet,  in  this  part,  else  it  would  pay  better. 
This  is  a  first-class  sheep  country. 
Yes,  it  is  considered  profitable. 

There  are  not  many  sheep  here.     What  there  ar^  do  well. 
Sheep  do  well  and  are  profitable. 
Do  well,  with  profit. 
Sheep  thrive  well  and  are  profitable. 
Yes,  and  pay  well.    Farmers  get  from  12  to  14  cents  per  pound  in  carcase. 

so  if  there 
for  some 







Is  in 





)  their 

»t  are 




Nelson,  R 

Stirton,  J 


McDonell,  D 


Heaney,  J 

Fargey,  J.  H... 

Connerson,  J 

Rorison,  W.O 

McKenzie,  K 

Kennedy,  T 

Harris,  A.  B 

Bartley,  N 

Chambers,  W 

Garratt  and  Ferguson. 
Todd,  P.R 

Sutherland,  W.  R 


Speers,  A.  R 

Cox,  W 


Yes,  they  do  well  and  will  pay. 

Sheep  do  splendidly,  and  pay  better  to  raise  than  any  other  stock. 

Sheep  thrive  well  in  different  parts  of  the  conntry. 

Sheep  raising  is  very  profitable,  if  on  a  high  scale. 

They  thrive  well. 

Do  very  well  and  pay  well. 

It  is  a  first-class  country  for  sheep  raising. 

Yes,  very  well  and  profitable  by  keeping  them  dry  in  winter. 

No,  unless  on  cultivated  land. 

They  thrive  well  and  will  be  profitable. 

Yes,  I  believe  it  would  be  profitable  if  properly  attended  to. 

They  thrive  well,  but  get  too  fat  to  breed  to  advantage.      No  fair  trial  has  yet 

been  made  in  this  vicinity. 
Sheep  are  considered  very  profitable  and  thrive  well. 
All  the  sheep  I  have  seen  are  doing  well  and  will  be  profitable. 
Yes,  they  thrive  well  and  it  will  profitable  to  keep  them. 
Our  sheep  do  exceedingly  well ;  they  run  the  prairie  in  summer,  and  are  under 

shed  in  winter. 
Sheep  thrive  well  and  are  profitable. 
They  do  splendidly.        / 
Yes,  very  profitable. 
Sheep  thrive  very  well  and  are  found  to  be  very  profitable. 

Horses,  Pigs  and  Poultry. 

The  raising  of  horses  has  not  as  yet  assumed  any  considerable  proportions,  though 
what  has.  been  done  in  this  direction  has  met  with  success.  There  are  few  countries 
where  the  horses  have  such  immunity  from  the  diseases  of  stock  as  they  have  in  the 

As  to  pigs,  the  Berkshire  breed  seems  best  suited  to  the  country,  as  the  pigs  of  this 
class  mature  rapidly  and  fatten  easily,  living  on  the  grass  and  making'  good  pork  in  six 
or  seven  months  with  proper  feeding.  The  breeding  and  fattening  of  pigs  increased 
considerably  in  1882  and  subsequent  years,  and  no  disease  was  reported  among  them. 

Poultry  do  exceedingly  well  in  the  North-West,  especially  turkeys,  ovving  to  the  dry- 
ness of  the  climate.  Manitoba  is  itself  the  home  of  the  wild  duck,  goose  and  chicken,  and 
those  who  devote  care  and  attention  to  the  raising  ^f  poultry  are  sure  of  a  good  return. 

It  is  important  to  add  that  no  disease  of  a  contagious  or  infectious  character  exists 
among  the  cattle  and  sheep  of  t^e  North-West,  and  that  every  care  Is  taken  by  the 
Provincial  Governments  to  promote  the  interest  of  breeders.  Among  the  more  recent 
measures  adopted  is  the  appointment  of  veterinary  surgeons  in  each  county,  to  look  after 
the  interests  of  stock  raisers,  and  to  carry  out  the  stringent  regulations  now  in  force  to 
prevent  the  introduction  of  disease  among  cattle  and  horses. 



Raising  of  Bees. 

Apiculture  is  successfully  carried'  on  in  the  North- West,  as  bees  r'squire  a  clear,  dry 
atmosphere  and  a  rich  harvest  of  flowers ;  if  the  air  is  damp,  or  the  weather  cloudy,  they 
will  not  work  so  well.  Another  reason  why  they  work  less  in  a  warm  climate  is  that 
the  honey  gathered  remains  fluid  for  sealing  a  longer  time,  and  if  gathered  faster  than  it 
thickens,  it  sours  and  spoils.  The  clear  bright  skies,  dry  air  and  rich  flora  are  therefore 
well  adapted  to  bee  culture. 


Wild  fruits,  attaining  to  great  perfection,  abound  in  Manitoba  and  the  North- West. 
Wild  plums,  grapes,  raspberries,  gooseberries,  strawberries^  cherries,  cranberries,  and 
other  berries  of  various  kinds  abound  and  are  of  luscious  quality.  Little  attention  has 
hitherto  been  paid  to  fruit  growing,  owing  to  the  time  of  settlers  being  too  much  occu- 
pied with  the  important  work  of  erecting  buildings,  and  getting  their  lands  fairly  under 
cultivation,  but  as  the  general  improvement  of  the  farm's  progresses,  fruit  culture  will 
doubtless  receive  its  due  share  of  attention.  .  Following  are  but  a  few  representative 
statements  from  farmers  on  the  subject  ;  a  remarkable  array  of  testimony  on  the  subject 
may  be  found  in  the  pamphlet  to  be  had  free  on  application  to  Mr.  Begg,  Canadiant 
Pacific  Railway  Offices,  88  Cannon  Street,  London,  E.G.. 

'*'  Strawberries,  currants,  gooseberries,  raspberries,  and  in  fact  all  small  fruits,  bear  in  the  greates 
abundance  and  give  every  promise  of  being  very  profitable. 

"  W.  A.  Farmer.  Headingly." 
''  Planted  twenty  apple  trees  two  years  ago,  which  are  growing  very  well. 

"  Arthur  J.  Moore,  Nelsonville." 
*<  I  have  over  i,ooo  apple  trees  doing  very  well,  and  also  excellent  black  currants. 

«*  James  Armson,  High  Bluff." 
••Strawberry,  raspberry,  brambleberry,  gooseberry,  black  currant,  cherry,  cranberry,  saskatoonberry, 
and  ethers.    Mrs.  Gibson  has  made  over  loo  lbs.  of  jelly  this  summer  from  wild  fruit. 

•'William  Gibson,  Loganstone  Farm,  Wolseley." 
"  I  planted  this  spring  currants,  gooseberries,  and  mulberries,  and  so  fax  they  are  doing  well. 

•♦  John  Prat,  Rounthwaite." 
••  Cuitantsi  gooseberries,  strawberries,  plums,  cherries,   raspberries,   huckleberries,   in  profusion. 
Only  commencing  with  apple  trees  and  cultivated  fruits  ;  going  in  for  a  nursery. 

•'  Thomas  Rogers,  Railway  View  Farm,  Moose  Jaw." 
"  Plums,  black,  white,  and  red  currants,  strawberries,  raspberries,  dnd  saskatoons       Rhubarb  does 
remarkably  well. 

•*  W.  F.  SiRKTT,  Glendale,  P.  O." 


Wild  hopis,  pronounced  by  brewers  to  be  of  ex^Uent  quality  for  brewing  purposes, 
attain  to  a  luxuriant  growth  in  nearly  every  portion  of  Manitoba,  the  soil  and  climate 
being  apparently  thoroughly  suited  to  them.  Hops  from  these  parts  have  for  some  time 
past  commanded  good  prices,  and  the  cultivation  of  the  hop  plant  is  believed  to  be  most 
profitable  to  the  grower.    A  resident  settler,  writing  on  this  subject,  says  : — 








"  Hops  will  do  well  cultivated.  I  have  planted  wild  hops  out  of  the  bush  into  my  garden  along  the 
fence  and  trained  on  poles,  bearing  as  full  and  fine  and  as  large  as  any  I  ever  saw  at  Yalding  anc^  Staple- 
hurst,  in  Kent,  England. 

"  Louis  DuNBSjNG  (Emerson.)" 

Flax  and  Hemp.* 

These  important  crops  were  cultivated  to  k  considerable  extent  by  old  settlers  many 
years  ago,  the  product  being  of  excellent  quality  ;  but  the  universal  complaint  at  that 
time  was  the  want  of  a  market,  or  of  machinery  to  work  up  the  raw  material,  and  this  led 
them  to  discontinue  this  important  branch  of  husbandry.  Its  cultivation  has  been 
renewed  extensively  by  the  Russian  Mennonite  settlers,  on  whose  reserves  in  the 
southern  portion  of  Manitoba  a  considerable  quantity  is  produced.  At  West  Lynne 
alone  over  6,000  bushels  were  brought  in  during  the  first  week  in  December,  alone,  in 
one  year,  averaging  80c.  (3s.  4d.)  per  bushel.  Flax  is  peculiarly  suited  to  the  Province, 
and  so  much  is  this  felt  that  an  English  capitalist  has  started  in  Winnipeg  an  extensive 
linseed-oil  mill.  This  fact  and  the  demand  for  flax  seed  that  must  necessarily  arise, 
will  still  further  increase  the  area  of  its  cultivation.  Xt  can  only  be  raised  successfully 
in  a  cool  region,  the  warm  climates  of  the  south  causing  the  bark  to  become  brittle  and 
hard,  and  the  rapidity,  with  which  it  there  matures  preventing  the  lint  from  obtaining 
consistency  or  tenacity.  On  account  of  their  extremely  favourable  climate  for  this  cereal, 
Manitoba  and  the  North- West  territories  are  likely  to  prove  formidable  rivals  to  northern 
Europe  in  its  cultivation. 

Shooting  and  Fishing. 

There  is  excellent  shooting  everywhere  in  the  woods  and  on  the  prairie,  as  may  be 
seen  by  the  following  list  of  birds  and  animals  to  be  found  :— Small  Game  :  Prairie 
chickens,  ducks,  geese,  pheasants,  partridges,  pigeons,  cranes,  snipe,  plover,  rabbits, 
&c.  J  Large  Game  :  Moose,  deer,  antelope,  buffalo,  elk,  and  a  large  number  of  fur- 
bearing  animals. 

The  rivers  and  lakes  abound  with  the  following  fish  : — Sturgeon  of  large  size,  white 
fish,  pickerel,  pike,  bass,  perch,  suckers,  sun-fish,  gold  eyes,  carp,  trout,  and  maskinonge. 


Small  centres  of  trade  are  continually  springing  into  existence  wherever  settlemeots 
take  place,  and  these  contain  generally  one  or  more  stores  where  farmers  can  find  a 
ready  market  for  their  produce.  The  stations  along  the  line  of  the  Canadian  Pacific 
Railway  are  not  more  than  eight  or  ten  miles  apart,  and  the  liberal  course  adopted  by 
the  railway  company  in  dealing  with  persons  willing  to  undertake  the  erection  of 
elevators  for  the'  storage  of  wheat  and  other  grains  has  led  to  the  establishment  of  a 
large  number  of  these  warehouses  along  the  line  of  the  railway  in  Manitoba  alone.  These 
have  a  total  capacity  of  over  1,500,000.  and  enable  farmers  to  dispose  of  their  grain  at 
good  prices  almost  at  their  doors.    A  glance  at  the  map  demonstrates  that  Manitoba, 




via  the  Canadij'n  Pacific  Railway,  will  have  closer  connection  with  the  seaboard  than 
Minnesota,  DaKOta,  or  any  of  the  more  Western  States  now  have  with  New  York  ;  so 
so  that  the  export  of  grain  from  the  Canadian  North- West  at  remunerative  prices  is 
assured.  The  very  large  influx  of  people,  and  the  prosecution  of  railways  and  public 
works  will,  however,  cause  a  great  home  demand  for  some  years,  and  for  a  time  limit  the 
quantity  for  export. 

Success  of  Settlers. 

"  Are  you  satisfied  with  the  country,  the  climate,  and  the  prospects  ahead  of  you  ?" 
This  is,  after  all,  the  most  crucial  question.  For  what  are  enonnous  yields  and  sub- 
stantial profits,  if  the  country  cannot  be  made  a  home — a  resting  place  of  comfort,  of 
independence  and  of  freedom  ?  There  are,  of  course,  drawbacks  in  the  Canadian  North- 
West,  and  in  these  pages  the  settlers  speak  their  own  minds  fully  on  these  points.  But 
what  country  under  the  sun  has  not  some  drawbacks  ?  If  so,  it  were  indeed  an  earthly 
paradise  How  will  old  England  or  bonnie  Scotland  stand  in  the  matter  of  drawbacks  ? 
The  point  is  this: — Are  the  drawbacks  of  the  Canadian  North- West  anything  approach- 
ing in  importance  those  under  which  I  am  now  living  ?  Is  the.  North- West  a  desirable 
place  for  settlement  in  my  own  peculiar  circumstances  ?•  Can  I  hope  to  live  there  with 
greater  comfort  and  less  anxiety  for  the  future  of  myself  and  my  children  than  in  the  old 
country  ?  No  impartial  reader  will  have  difficulty  in  answering  for  himself  by  the  aid  of 
these  pages. 

In  regard  to  the  replies  to  this  particular  question,  it  should  borne  in  mind  that  thp 
Canadian  North-West  is  an  immense  country.  Its  perfect  development  is  naturally  a 
work  of  some  time.  Railways  have  been  during  the  past  year  or  two  built  there  at  a 
rate  perhaps  unknov({n  in  human  history,  and  the  work  still  proceeds.  But  there  must 
yet  be  districts  without  immediate  contact  with  the  iron  horse,  though  another  year  may 
see  these  very  districts  the  centre  of  a  system  as  has  been  the  experience  in  the  past.  It  is 
of  course  natural  that  each  farmer  should  want  the  railway  running  through  his  farm  and 
even  close  to  his  own  door.  But  such  a  thing  is  impossible  even  in  long  established 
Britain  :  how  can  it  be  expected  in  newly-settled  Canada?  It  rests  with  each  intending 
ettler  to  ch90se  his  own  land  ;  there  is  still  ample  to  be  had  with  good  railway  facilities. 

In  answering  the  question,  Are  you  satisfied  with  the  country,  the  climate,  and  the 
prospects  ahead  of  you  ?  %^  farmers  replied  simply  "K?^."  Following  are  the  answers 
given'by  others.    Their  postal  addresses  are  given  on  pages  3,  4,  5,  6,  7  or  8. 


Urton,W.  S.. 
Yardley,  H . . . 

Hutchinson,  A 


Very  well  satisfied. 

Yes,  I  am  quite  satisfied.     If  I  had  more  papttal.  could  make  a  fortune  in  a  few 

Perfectly  satisfied. 






Fisher,  H , 

Field,  E 

Lawrence,  J 

Scrcecli,  J 

Upjolin,  F 

Harward,  F 

Cameron,  Vr .  C 

Lothian,  J 

McGhee,  J 

Bruce,  G 

Bell,  C.J 

Middleton,  A 

Wamock,  W 

Reid,  A. 

Fraser,  John. 

Grang,  J 

Ferley,  W.  D. 

Kinnear,  J .  H . . . 
Miller,  Solomon. 

Webster,  A, 
McGill,  G., 

Grimmett,  D.  W , 

Purdy,  T.  F 

Davis,  W.  H... 
Refers,  T...... 

Smith,  Wm 

Downie,  J 

Kines,  Wm... 
Ingram, W.  A. 

Anderson,  J . . . . 
Young,  J.  M.  L. 

McRae,  R 

Oliver,  T 

Lang,  R 

Sheppard,  J , . . , 



Stevenson,  F.  W. 
Armstrong,  Geo.. 

Deyell,  J 

Walker,  J.  C 

Robertson,  P.... 

Settled  in  June,  1884  ;  more  residence  is  necessary  to  answer  this  question,  but 

I  think  with  capital  a  man  will  do  well. 

I  am  ^«ell  satisfied  with  the  country  and  the  climate. 
Perfectly  satisfied. 
Yes,  very. 
Yes,  fairly  so. 
Yes,  by  all  means. 

Perfectly  satisfied  with  the  country,  and  prospects  are  fair.     '  . , 

Very.    Prospects  good. 
Yes,  very  well. 

I  am  quite  satisfied  with  the  country,  climate  and  future  prospects. 
Yes.      Except  to  go  on  a  visit,  I    have  no  desire  to  go  back    to   the    Old 

Yes,  I  am  perfectly  satisfied,  if  only  a  little  more  railway   facility  ic  this  dis- 

trict  (Millford). 
Yes,  perfectly  contented  and  good  prospects  ahead. 
Yes,  if  we  hail  railway  communication  to  this  place  (Cartwright). 
Remarkably  well.     It  is  a  most  wonderful  country,  and  with  energy  and  peit> 

severance  skilfully  directed  a  fortune  can  be  made  soon. 
Well  satisfied. 
I  am  well  pleased  with  the  country  and  climate,  and  if  we  had  a  railroad  here 

(Alameda)  I  would  be  well  pleased  with  my  prospects. 
Yes,  fully. 
Yes.     So  far  as  climate,  it  is  more  desirable  thap  Great  Britain  or  Ireland  on 

the  whole.     Winter  is  clear,  dry  and  healthy  ;  no  need  of  umbrella,  mud-boots 

or  top-coat  round  home. 
Well  satisfied. 

Very  much  indeed.    I  think  this  will  be  a  great  country. 
We  require  railway  facilities  in  this  place  (Crystal  City). 
Perfectly  satisfied. 
I  am  satisfied. 
Perfectly  satisfied,  and  would  not  go  back  to  Ontario  to  farm    if  paid  for  it. 

There  is  not  half  the  hard  work  here  that  there  is  in  Ontario. 
Satisfied  with  country  and  climate. 
I  am.     In  this  locality  (Millford)  we  want  a  railroad,  or  a  market  where  we 

can  go  there  and  back  in  one  day. 
Certainly  satisfied.     All  we  want  is  railway  facilities  to  this  place. 

am  perfectly  well  satisfied. 
Yes.  you  bet  I  am. 

Yep,  I  am,  if  we  had  railways  through  the  county  (Burnside). 
lam.     Although  62  years  of  age  I  am  determined  to  make  this  my  home  for 

the  future,  as  it  is  a  farming  country. 
Perfectly  with  all.    Lovely  weather  is  the  rule  here. 
Yes,  fully. 

I  am,  if  we  had  branch  railway  here  (Plum  Creek,  Souris). 
I  like  the  climate,  the  only  drawback  is  the  rather  long  winter. 




Blackwell,  J 

Honor,  T,  R 

Hope,  G 

Malcolm,  A 

Pollock,  Jno 

Reed,  E,J  

McGregory,    D 

Powers,  C.  F 

Rutherford  J.      (J.P-) 

Carter,  T." 

Bobier,  E 

Little,  Jas 


Taylor,  W   

"Warren,  R.  J 

McKnight;  R 

Troyer,  C 

Vandervoort.  G 

Wood,J.H :... 

Chambers,  S.  W 

Baily,  Z 

Little,  J 

Rlack,G.  R 

McCroquodale,  C.T.C 

Wright  6r'  Sons 

Whitney,  C 

McLennan,  T 

McKenzie,  D 

Fraser,  D.  D 

Gilmour,  H.  C 

Drew,  W.  D 

McKellar,  D 

Hartney,  Jf.  H 

Ogletree,  F 

Harris,  Jas 

Smart,  G 

Shirk,;.  M.. , 

McAskie,  Jas 

Osborne,  D 

Harrison,  D.  H. 

Chester,  A 


Am  satisfied  with  the  country  and  climate,  but  this  country  wants  more  rail- 
roads to  make  it  prosperous. 

I  am  satisfied  with  the  climate  and  natural  resources  of  the  country  and  my  own 
prospects  ahead.  • 

Well  satisfied.  •  . 

I  have  no  reason  to  be  dissatisfied.  There  are  drawbacks  here  as  well  as  in 
other  countries,  but  I  know  of  no  place  where  I  can  go  to  better  myself. 

I  am  very  well  satisfied  in  every  respect. 

Well  pleased.  ,  .  • 


lliree  sons  and  myself  all  well  satisfied  with  the  country. 

I  am,  and  have  great  confidence  in  the  future  of  the  country. 

Right  well. 

I  consider  it  ahead  of  Ontario  for  farming  and  health.  I  am  well  pleased  with 
the  country,  or  I  would  not  be  here  if  I  was  not. 

Yes  ;  I  find  this  country  ahead  of  Ontario  and  better  for  crops  and  stock. 

The  country  and  cliuiate  are  better  than  I  expected  ;  the  scarcity  of  timber  and 
railroad  facilities  are  drawbacks  to  this  part  (Crystal  City). 


Yes,  as  I  was  worth  80/.  when  I  came,  and  now  I  am  worth  1,400/. 

Perfectly  satisfied  and  prospects  are  good. 

I  am,  with  one  exception,  railway  facilities  to  this  place  (Alameda). 

I  am  well  satisfied  with  everything,  even  to  the  C.P.R. 


Yes,  more  than  satisfied. 

Perfectly  satisfied. 

Perfectly  satisfied. 

The  country  and  climate  can't  be  beaten  :  the  prospects  are  fair. 

Entirely  so. 

Well  satisfied. 

I  am  well  satisfied. 

Yes,  very  well  satisfied  with  the  country,  climate  and  prospectis,  if  we  only  get 
the  railway  to  this  place  (Asessippi). 

I  am  well  satisfied.  • 


I  am  very  well  satisfied  with  the  counntry. 

I  am  well  satisfied,  and  have  unbounded  faith  in  the  future  of  the  country. 


Perfectly,  if  we  had  a  branch  railway  to  this  place  (Souris).   ' 

I  am  well  satisfied  with  the  country,  the  climate  and  prospects  ahead,  I  would 
not  change  under  any  consideration. 

Yes,  very  much. 

Yes,  if  we  had  a  market  and  railroad  here  (Holland). 

Personally  not  exactly,  as  I  have  been  rather  unfortunate  in  losing  animals,  &*c.., 
but  think  the  general  prospects  are  good. 

Very  well  ;  the  winter  is  pretty  cold  ;  the  spring,  summer,  and  fall  axt^  de- 

Very  well  satisfied. 

Very  much,  would  not  leave. 

I  am  well  pleased  with  the  country,  thci  Climate  is  good,  and  I  am  sure  this 
must  be  a  grand  country  yet. 





I  in 


y  ge^ 




— m 


Bonesteel,  C.  H 

Nugent,  A.  J , 

Obee,  F 

Anderson.  George  . . . 


Kenny,  D.  W.... 
McDougall,  A.  G 

Muirhead,  T 

Barnes,  F*  A 

Lambert,  W.  M . . 

Bowes,  J 

Champion,  W.  M 
Boulding,  G.  W . . 

Tate,  J 

McMurty,   T 

McCaughey,  J.  S.. 

Taylor,   Wm 

Stevenson,  G.  B 
Wagner,  W.  (M.P.P.) 

Heaslip,  J.  J 

Nelson,  Rm  . .  •  •  • 

Mcintosh,  A 

Stirton,  J 



Bolton,  F  .. 
Morton,  T.  L 
Campbell,  R. 

Cox,  J.  T. . . 
Sifton,  A.  L. 

McDonell,  D 
Wilson,  Jas . . 
Kemp,  J  . . . . 
Paynter.  J.  E 
McGee,  T..  .. 

Heaney,  J 

McEwan,  D 

Slater,   C.    B . . . . 

Frazer,  J.  S 

Connerson,  J  . . . . 



Rawson,  J , 

Nickell,  W 

Harris,  A.  B 

Bartley,  N 

Chambers,  W 

Paynter,    W,  D 

Payter,  W.H  . , 

Very  well  sati!>fied  as  yet. 

All  right,  if  change  in  Government  policy,  still  I  am  a  good  Conservative. 

I  am  well  satisfied. 

I  am  thoroughly  satisfied  with  the  country  and  climate,  and  my  prospects  art 


Perfectly  satisfied  at  present. 

With  the  country  decidedly,  but  want  a  little  more  capital  in  my  business. 
I  am  quite  satisfied. 

Yes,  and  prospects  are  good  ahead.  • 

Yes,  they  are  all  that  can  be  desired. 
Most  decidedly. 

This  country  has  done  well  for  me. 
Very  much. 

Am  satisfied  with  country  and  climate. 

I  am  satisfied  with  the  country.  ' 

Yes,  I  am  ;  all  we  want  is  a  railroad  to  this  part  (Alameda). 
Well  satisfied. 
Yes,  well  satisfied. 
Yes,  very  much. 

Yes,  perfectly,  if  we  had  a  railroad  here  (Alameda)  ;  otherwise  no. 
As  to  country  and  climate,  yes  ;  as  to  my  own  present  prospects,  no. 
I  have  no  reason  to  complain. 
Quite  satisfied  with  the  country  and  climate,  but  want  free  trade  in  lumber 

machinery,  and  the  Hudson  Bay  Railway. 
Yes,  winters  are  a  little  too  long  ;  but  think  this  country  equal  to  any. 
Most  decidedly  so. 
Yes,  if,  the  Government  would  see  fit  to  remove  the  duty  off   implements. 

think  it  would  be  all  right.  • 

Yes,  well  satisfied.  •      . 

Perfectly  satisfied  with  country  and  climate.     The  only  drawbacks  are   want 

additional  shipping  facilities,  and  high  tariff  on  implements. 
[Yes,  very  satisfied. 

With  the  country  and  climate,  yes. 

Yes,  the  country  and  climate  are  first-class. 

Not  entirely. 

I  am.     I  came  to  the  country  without  any  experience,  and  am  well  satisfied  with 

I  am  yery  well  satisfied. 

Yes,  perfectly. 

Yes,  perfectly.        , 

Yes,  tfwe  had  a  railroad  here  (Beulah). 

Yes,    I   feel  happy,   and   all  my  family,  six  sons,    four  daughters,  and  twenty 
grandchildren.     All  in  Manitoba  ;  all  well  and  happy. 

With  the  country  and  climate,  yes. 

Fairly  well  satisfied  with  the  country. 

I  am,  if  we  get  railway  accommodation  here  (Beulah). 

Yes,  providing  we  can  get  market  and  railroad  facilities    here    (Wattsview.) 

If  I  were  not  satisfied  I  would  have  left  long  ago. 

Yes,  if  we  get  railway  accommodation  here  (Beulah), 

Yes,  quite  sa(isfi^4< 





Parr,  J.  E 

Wright,  C 

Garratt  and  Feiguson.. 

McLane,  A.  M 

MeLean,  J.  A 

Bedford.  J 

Todd,   P.  R 

Boldrick,  R 

Tulloch,  A 

Speers,  A.  R 

Caflferata  and  Jefferd. . . 

Connell,  R 

Cox,  W.  T 


Yes,  very  well. 

The  country  is  all  right,  but  we  want  more  railways  in  this  part  (Beaconsfleld). 

Quite  satisfied,  if  we  can  get  our  grain  sold  at  satisfactory  price. 

I  have  faith  in  the  whole  country. 

I  am  satisfied  with  all  of  them. 

I  should  like  it  better  if  December,  January  and  February  were  warmer. 

Well  satisfied.     Only   objection  is  a  little'  too  hard  frost ;  storms  arc   nothing 

like  I  expected. 
I  do  not  know  where  i  could  better  myself. 
Perfectly  satisfied. 
Yes,  perfectly. 

Satisfied  with  the  country  and  climate. 
Yes.    Our  only  drawback  is  the  lack  of  local  railway  facilities  (Milford)* 


The  Class  of  Settlers  now  in  tlie  North- West.— The  great 

number  of  settlers  come  from  the  Eastern  Provinces  of  the  Dominion,  Ontario  contributing 
by  far  the  largest  proportion,  composed  principally  of  the  very  flower  of  her  agricultural 
population.  The  arrivals  from  Europe  are  piincipally  English,  Scotch,  and  Irish, 
including  tenant  farmers,  labourers,  servants  and  others,  most  of  whom  readily  adapt 
themselves  to  their  new  life.  There  are  also  a  good  number  cf  Germans  and 
Scandinavians,  hard-working,  law-abiding  citizens,  whose  co-patriots  have  proved  them- 
selves to  be  among  the  most  valuable  settlers  in  the  United  States.  Some  settlers  are 
contributed  by  the  American  Union,  a  small  portion  being  repatriated  French-Canadians, 
principally  from  the  State  of  Massachusetts,  and  the  balance,  farmers  and  farmers'  sons, 
almost  entirely  from  the  Western  States,  while  there  is  also  a  large  settlement  of  Russians, 
Mennonites,  and  Icelandics,  who  are  now  comfortably  settled,  contented  and  prosperous, 
the  last-named  having  formed  an  Icelandic  settlement  at  Big  Island,  Lake  Winnipeg. 
The  French-Canadians  settled  along  the  Red  River,  who  emigrated  from  Boston  and 
other  cities  of  the  New  Englai.d  States  of  America,  are  reported  to  be  in  good  circum- 
sances,  and,  their  crops  having  yielded  largely,  their  prospects  aic  excellent.  Speaking 
generally,  the  people  of  tho  North-West  are  highly  respectable,  orderly,  and  law- 

Farm  Ijaboiir* — It  is  difficult  to  give  definite  information  on  this  point. 
There  is  no  doubt  it  has  been  high,  especially  during  harvest  time,  when  there  is  a  great 
demand  for  men  to  take  in  the  crops,  but  the  very  large  number  of  people  going  into  the 
country  during  the  past  few  .^easons  has  tended  materially  to  reduce  the  scale  of  wages. 
One  pcJint  should  be  remembered — that  the  farmer  in  Manitoba,  with  his  immense  yield 
and  fair  prices,  can  afford  to  pay  a  comparatively  high  rate  of  wages,  and  still  find  his 
farming  very  profitable. 

Churches* — ^The  utmost  religious  liberty  prevails  everywhere  in  Canada. 
Churches  of  nearly  all  denominations  exist  and  are  in  a  flourishing  conditipp,  and  where 



a  settlement  is  not  large  enough  to  support    a  regular  church,    there  are  always  visiting 
clergymen  to  do  the  duty. 

Schools* — Means  of  education,  from  the  highest  to  the  lowest,  everywhere 
abound  in  the  Dominion.  The  poor  and  middle  classes  can  send  their  children  to  free 
schools,  where  excellent  education  is  given  ;  and  the  road  to  the  colleges  and  higher 
education  is  opep  and  easy  for  all.  In  no  country  in  the  world  is  good  education  more 
generally  diffused  than  in  Canada.  It  is  on  the  separate  school  system,  and  receives  not 
only  a  very  considerable  grant  from  the  local  government,  but  there  are  also  two  sections 
in  each  township  set  apart  by  the  Dominion  Government,  the  proceeds  of  which,  when 
sold  are  applied  to  the  support  of  schools.  There  is  a  superintendent  to  each  section, 
and  teachers  are  required  to  pass  a  rigid  examination  before  they  are  appointed.  A  high 
class  of  education  is  therefore  administered. 

Municipal  Governmeilt* — There  is  a  very  perfect  system  of  municipal 
go  ernment  throughout  the  Dominion.  The  North-West  country  is  divided  into  munici- 
palities as  fast  as  settlement  progresses  sufficiently  to  warrant  it.  These  municipal 
organisations  take  charge  of  roads'and  road  repairs — there  being  no  toll  charges — and 
regulate  the  local  taxation  of  roads,  for  schools,  and  other  purposes,  so  that  every  man 
directly  vo'es  for  the  taxes  he  pays  ;  and  all  matters  of  a  local  nature  are  administered 
by  the  reeve  and  council,  who  are  each  year  elected  by  the  people  of  the  district.  This 
system  of  responsibility,  from  the  municipal  representative  up  to  the  General  Govern- 
ment, causes  everywhere  a  feeling  of  contentment  and  satisfaction,  the  people  with  truth 
believing  that  no  system  of  government  could  give  them  greater  freedom. 

Last  Words  of  Settlers. 

The  last  request  made  of  settlers  in  the  course  of  the  enquiries  dealt  with  in  this  pam- 
phlet was  that  they  would  supply  such  information  as  they  might  "  deem  desirable  to 
place  the  Canadian  North-West  before  the  world  in  its  true  position  as  an  agricultural 
country  and  a  land  suitable  for  successful  settlement."  Space  will  allow  of  the  publication 
of  but  a  very  few  herje. 

C.  H.  BoNESTEEL,  of  Pheasant  Plain,  Kenlis,  P.  O  ,  Assiniboia,  N.W.T.,  says  : — "I 
consider  this  country  a  grand  field  for  emigration  for  all  that  are  homeless  and  farmless, 
not  only  in  the  old  country,  but  in  Ontario.  Why,  I  know  of  hundreds  where  I  come 
from  that  are  working  for  daily  and  monthly  wages,  who,  if  they  only  knew  or  could  be 
persuaded  what  this  country  is,  or  the  chances  that  there  are  here  for  them  to  get  a  home 
of  their  own,  they  would  come  at  once.  Even  if  they  only  took  a  homestead,  i6o  acres, 
which  they  get  for  lo  dollars  (;^2),  it  would  make  them  a  good  farm  and  home,  which 
they  can  never  hope  to  get?  where  they  are.     This  is  my  honest  belief." 

Messrs.  Campior  Brothers,  per  R.  E.  Campior,  who  omit  to  forward  their 
Manitoba  address,  say  : — "This  country  is  surer  and  safer  for  a  man  with  either  small  or 
large  capital,  being  less  liable  to  flood  and  drought  than  any  part  of  the  Western  States 
of  America,  speaking  from  experience.  Intending  settlers  on  landing  should  first  know 
how  to  work  and  drive  a  team  and  stick  to  it,  and  they  are  bound  to  succeed." 


PLAIN    rACT«    A8   TO    THl    CANADIAN    NORTH-WBHT. 

William  Wagner,  M.P.P.,  of  Woodlands,  Ossowa,  Manitoba,  writes  : — "Very  ft)w 
inhabitants  have  visited  Manitoba  and  North  West  as  myself.  I  have  seen  the  settler  in 
his  first  j^ear,  and  again  after  three  and  four  years,  and  what  a  difference.  The  first  year 
much  misery,  then  again  comfort.  I  have  seen  a  good  many  English  settlers  in  the  first 
year ;  they  are  a  great  deal  disappointed  ;  but,  after  they  have  been  accustomed  to  our 
ways,  they  ard  happy  and  contented.  We  have  in  Woodlands  about  thirty  English 
families'  who  had  but  little,  and  they  belong  to-day  to  our  best  of  farmers,  and  with  us  we 
have  ntver  heard  of  ^ny  discontent." 

James  Connerson,  of  Minnewashta,  Manitoba,  writes  thus  : — "  Keep  back  from 
whisky,  contract  no  debts,  sign  no  notes,  stick  hard  at  work  for  two  years,  and  be  up  and 
at  it.  If  one  has  no  means,  work  out  with  a  farmer  for  a  time  ;  pay  as  you  go  along.  is  my  humble  advice  to  all  intending  settlers.  I  know  hundreds  of  very  decent 
P'iople  in  Glasgow  (Scotland),  also  in  Holland,  who  would  be  thankful  to  come  out  here 
and  get  a  homestead  free." 

James  Little,  Postmaster,  of  Oak  River,  Manitoba,  says  : — "  This  is  the  best 
country  in  the  world  for  settlers  to  come  to  ;  for  instance,  they  can  get  their  land  for 
nearly  nothing,  and  in  three  years  be  worth  between  4,000  and  5,060  dollars  (;^8oo 
to  ;^i,ooo)  just  in  the  rise  of  the  price  of  the  land  ;  besides,  he  can  raise  all  the  stock  he 
requires,  perhaps  the  same  amount  or  more.  There  is  not  much  work  to  do,  it  can  be 
done  with  machinery,  and  a  man  that  is  fond  of  sport  can  shoot  all  the  fowl  he  wants, 
I  can  kill  hundreds  of  all  sorts  of  wild  fowl  here,  geese  ducks,  prairie  chickens,  snipe 
and  wild  turkeys  in  abundance. 

Thomas  Carter,  of  Woodlands,  Manitoba,  says  : — "  The  Canadian  North- West 
needs  no  vindication.  It  will  soon  be  as  well  known  to  the  world  as  is  the  Rock  of 
Gibralter.  As  fqr  the  cold,  I  have  been  more  miserably  cold  on  the  heights  of  Shom- 
clifTe,  Kent,  (England),  than  I  ever  have  been  in  the  North- West.  Of  course  a  man  may 
allow  himself  to  freeze  to  death  if  he  chooses,  or  if  he  is  standing  near  a  fire  he  may 
allow  himself  to  burn  if  he  chooses — it's  all  a  matter  of  taste." 

G.  A.  Cameron,  of  Indian  Head,  N.W.T,,  writes  : — "As  good  a  place  as  a  man  can 
find  if  he  has  plenty  of  money  and  brains,  or  if  he  has  no  money,  but  muscle  and  pluck. 
Send  as  many  here  as  you  can  and  they  will  bless  you  for  it." 

William  Taylor,  of  Beulah,  P.O.,  Man.,  says  : — "Settlers  should  be  used  to  labour 
with  their  hands  without  kid  gloves,  unless  provided  with  ample  means.  The  grumblers 
here  are  composed  of  men  raised  idle  at  home,  who  have  not  means  to  carry  it  out  here. 
Laboring  men  and  hired  girls  coming  out  with  those  that  hire  them  do  not  want  to  be 
bound  for  any  length  of  time,  as  wages  rule  much  higher  here  than  in  the  old  countries." 

Christian  Trover,  of  Sec.  22,  T  2,  R  2,  W  2,  Alameda,  Assiniboia,  N.W.T.,  says: 
— "I  should  advise  intending  settlers  to  encumber  themselves  as  little  as  possible  with 
extras,  with  the  exception  of  clothing,  and  be  cautious  on  their  arrival  to  husband  their 
resources.  As  I  claim  to  be  a  successful  north-wester  I  would  be  pleased  and  most 
happy  to  give  advice  and  information  to  intending  settlers  free." 

J.  R.  NiFF,  of  Moosonim,  N.W.T.,  states  : — "The  fact  that  I  settled  shows  that  I  had 
confidence  in  the  country,  and  after  two  seasons'  experience  I  am  more  than  satisfied. 
As  a  grain-growing  country  I  believe,  with  proper  cultivation  and  energy,  it  cannot  t>^ 






George  Vandervoort,  of  Alexandria,  Man.,  says  : — "  I  consider  Manitoba  or  the 
North-West  is  the  proper  place  for  a  man  to  go  to  get  a  home  with  ease." 

George  H.  Wood,  of  Birtle,  Man.,  writes  : — "Speaking  from  what  I  know  as  one  of 
the  leaders  of  one  hundred  and  fifty  in  this  locality,  I  don't  know  a  single  instance  of  a 
sober,  industrious  person  who  has  not  benefitted  by  coming  here,  and  I  do  know  of 
many  who  always  lived  ''from  hand  to  mouth"  in  Ontario,  who  are  getting  rich.  All  we 
require  is  a  railway  to  get  on  well,  and  all  get  rich.  Farming  pays  here,  the  Farmers' 
Union  grumblers  to  the  contrary  notwithstanding." 

S.  W.  Chambers,  of  Wattsview,  P.O.,  Man.,  writes  thus: — "  Af^er  more  than  five 
years'  experience  in  this  country,  I  am  satisfied  that  no  other  country  in  the  world  can 
approach  the  Canadian  North-West  as  a  field  for  agricultural  productions.  And  to  the 
man  who  is  willing  to  rough  it  first  and  to  roll  up  his  sleeves  and  work  for  two  or  three 
years,  it  offers  a  comfortable  independence  in  a  very  few  years,  with  very  little  capital 

'  Ct.  R.  Black,  of  Wellwood,  County  Norfolk,  Manitoba,  says  ^ — "  This  country  is 
the  best  place  for  a  man  with  a  small  capital  to  make  a  home  that  I  have  seen,  and  I 
have  been  through  eight  states  of  the  United  States,  and  I  have  seen  nothing  to  com- 
pare to  this  Canadian  North-West.  I  would  advise  settlers  coming  .  from  Europe  to 
bring  nothing  but  clothes  and  bedding  dnd  light  materials.  I  would  say  in  explanation 
that  I  have  raised  as  high  as  40  bushels  of  wheat  and  75  of  oats,  but  that  is  not  the 

Montreal   Herald   Print. 





Mr.  A.  R.  Speers,  of  Griswold,  Manitoba,  writes  on  6th  September,  1884: — "I  consider  this  the 
greatest  grain  producing  country  in  the  world  without  any  exception,  and  as  I  have  handled  considerable 
stock  here  I  know  that  to  pay  well.  Last  spring  I  sold  one  stable  rf  cattle  for  100  dollars  (;^2o)  per 
head  for  butchering.  My  sheep  have  paid  well.  Milch  cows  do  very  well,  and  also  poultry,  and  in  fact 
everything  I  have  tried.     No  man  need  fear  this  country  for  producing  anything  except  tropical  fruit." 

Mr.  P.  R.  Todd,  of  Griswold,  Manitolia,  writes  on  12th  September,  1884: — "I  believe  that  any 
man  who  is  willing  to  work,  no  matter  how  small  his  means,  can  improve  his  circumstances  financially  in 
this  country,  and  there  is  a  good  chance  for  a  man  of  means  or  large  capital  to  run  business  on  a  large 
( <.  scale  profitably. 

Mr.  W.  H.  Hayter,  of  Alameda,  Assiniboia,  N.  W.  T.,  writes  on  i6th  September,  1884: — *•  A 
single  man  can  come  here  and  farm  on  a  small  capital,  say  500  dollars  (j^ioo).  I  have  a  family  of  six 
boys  to  start.     We  are  well  satisfied  with  the  prospects  ahead." 

Mr.  James  Rawson,  of  Mountain  City,  Sec.  16,  Township  2,  R.  6,  W.,  Manitoba,  writes  on  13th 
September,  1884: — " Persons  coming  to  this  Province  should  have  500  dollars  (j^ioo)  in  cash  to  start 
with ;  not  but  what  a  person  can  get  along  with  less,  as  I  have  done,  but  it  is  difficult.  Magnificent 
count|:y  for  persons  who  have  plenty  of  money.     Climate  healthy,  water  good,  plenty  of  game." 

Mr.  Thomas  McGee,  of  Burnside,  Manitoba,  writes  on  19th  September,  1884: — "I  think  that 
the  Canadian  North-Westiswell  for  industrious  haid  working  people,  either  laborers,  farmers  or  mechanics. 
I  was  a  mechanic  before  I  came  here,  and  am  sati^fled  that  the  country  is  a  good  one  for  people  that 
want  to  make  homes  for  themselves." 

Mr.  John  Kemp,  of  Austin,  Manitoba,  writes  on  7th  September,  1884: — "The  soil  is  immensely 
rich,  and  will  raise  large  crops  for  a  long  time  without  manure.  I  am  a  Canadian  by  birth,  and  have 
travelled  over  a  good  part  of  the  States  and  Canada,  and,  all  things  considered,  I  have  seen  no  part  of 
America  to  equal  this  country  for  agricultural  purposes." 

Mr.  Thomas  L.  Morton,  of  Gladstone,  Manitoba,  writes  on  8th  September,  1884  : — "  My  land  is 
all  brush,  which  1  consider  the  best  in  the  end,  but  more  labour.  I  have  twenty  acres  dark  loam,  sown 
with  Timothy,  red  top  and  clover ;  25  head  of  stock,  and  50  acres  of  crop,  which  pays  far  better  than  100 
acres  of  crop.     Pigs  pay  well.     Native  hops  grow  well." 

Mr.  Robert  Campbell,  Bridge  Creek  P.  O.,  Manitoba,  writes  on  15th  September,  1884: — "My 
opinion  is  that  any  man  with,  say,  from  500  to  1,000  dollars  (;^ioo  to  ;^2oo)  and  energy  to  go  to  work, 
will  have  no  difficulty  in  making  a  comfortable  home  tor  himself  and  family." 

Mr.  John  T.  Cox,  Box  44,  Rapid  City,  Manitoba,  writes  on  12th  September,  1884: — "  As  an 
agricultural  country  it  is  a  splendid  one — that  is  the  crops  must  be  put  in  early,,  and  then  they  will  do  all 


Mr.  DuNC/VN  McDoMELL,  Baie  St.  Paul,  Manitoba,  writes  on  19th  September,  1884 :— "  The 
Canadian  North-West,  if  once  settled,  will  be  and  is  the  best  agricultural  country  of  ail  I  have  travelled 

Mr.  Joshua  Elliott,  of  Sourisburg,  Manitoba,  writes  on  7th  September,  1884: — "I  think  the 
Canadian  North- We:>t  is  one  of  the  best  farming  countries  in  the  world,  and  would  think  that  many  in  the 
British  isles,  with  tact  and  energy,  might  do  well  here.  This  is  a  very  poor  country  for  those  who  will 
not  work." 

Mr.  W.  W.  McDonald,  Fleming,  North- West  Territory,  writes  on  9th  September,  1884: — "I 
consider  this  country  the  best  in  the  world  for  all  classes  of  farmers.  For  the  capitalist,  plenty  of  room 
and  safe  returns;  and  the  man  of  limited  capital,  to  secure  a  good  home  and  be  independent.  I  have 
given  you  a  true  statement  of  my  own  experienc  •.  You  have  my  address  above,  and  persons  wanting 
infurmation  by  sending  a  stamped  envelope  1  will  answer  it,  and  give  them  the  benefit  of  all  my 

Mr.  Samuel  Day,  Sec.  34,  T.  13,  R.  30,  Fleming,  N.  W.  T.,  writes  on  i8th  September,  1884 : — 
"  I  should  like  to  see  the  emigration  agents  go  more  into  the  farming  districts  of  England,  and  induce 
more  farm  laborers  to  come  to  this  country.  I  would  suggest  Devonshire,  as  labor  is  plentiful  there  and 
wages  low.  I  am  afraid  some  of  those  city  people  will  not  make  good  settlers,  and  hence  have  a  bad 
effect  by  writing  home  bad  accounts.  I  am  satisfied  this  is  one  of  the  best  countries  for  an  industrious 
man  with  energy." 

Bolton,  Ferris,  of  Calf  Mountain,  Manitoba,  says: — "I  firmly  believe  that  this  country  has 
advantages  over  all  others  for  growing  grain  and  raising  stock,  and  would  advise  all  young  men  who 
have  not  made  a  start,  and  all  tenant  farmers  with  limited  capital  to  come  here — that  is  if  they  ha -c 
perstverance  to  rough  it  for  a  few  years  " 




of  the  Company  on  Lake  Superior,  will  be  resumed  on  the  opening  of  navigation. 

It  is  fully  expected  that  the 


^1,X  mMWL  m^WTM^ 

north  of  Lake  Superior  will  be  open  for  traffic  in  May  next,  and  a  first-c'ass  through  train  service  from 
Montreal  established. 

Information  in  regard  to  rates  for  settlers  and  tlielr  efitects  ^ivlll 
be  furnlslied  upon  application  to  OBO.  1¥.  HIBBARD,  Asst.  Genl. 
Passeniper  Agent,  Montreal ;  or  to  D.  llIcNICOL,!^,  General  Passengfer 
Affentf  Ontario  DlTlslon,  Toronto. 

Montreal,  April  ist,  1885. 


f  *  ■  ♦* 

#?  *» 


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<»  I 


• -*«»  This  thorough'y  built  and  splendidly  equipped  line,  which  was  only  opened  for  traffic  in  August,  1884,  has  already  earned 

a  reputation  for  comfort  and  regular  time  that  few  lines  in  America  hav*  ever  reached,  and    none  until  after  many  years  of 

■t   .  operation.     In  the  construction  of  this  line  the  utmost  care  was  taken  with  every  detail,  and  nothing  was  left  undone  to  make 

it  what  it  was  intended  by  its  projectors  to  be,  tbe  very  best  ne^w  line  ever  Constructed  on  tlie 
-9^     4     American  Continent. 



.   ^  The  cuttings  are  unusually  wide  and  thoroughly  drained  ;  the  embankments  are  very  wide  and  solid  ;  the  bridges,  resting 

•  "        on  first-class  masonry,  are  of  steel,  and  of  twice  the  ordinary  strenj;lh  ;  the  rails  are  of  the  best  steel,  manufactured  under  rigid 
inspection,  and  are  laid  with  angle  splices  of  double  strength;  the  ties  are  large  and  closely  laid,  and  the  track  is  ballasted 
'\  with  the  best  materials.       ,.  , 


The  new  line  is  equipped  with  the  finest  Passenger,  Sleeping  and  Parlor  Cars  in  the  world.    The  wheels  used  under  all 

the  passenger  rolling  stock  are  of  Krupp  steel,  40  inches  in  diameter,  not  one  of  which  has  ever  failed  ;  the  axles  are  of  steel 

and  of  the  full  size  of  the  iron  axles  used  on  other  lines.     The  car  bodies  are  strongly  framed  to  meet  any  contingency,  and  are 

•    »  ^        wider  and  higher  than  those  of  any  other  railway.     Both  first   and  second  class  cars  are  designed  to  secure  uniform  warmth 

,  Jk        combined  with  perfect  ventilation  in  winter  and  an  abundance  of  cool  air  with  freedom  from  dust  in  summer,  and  the  cars  of  no 

\   ,  other  line  cr.n  compare  with  them  in  these  respects,  nor  in  strength,  elegance  and  comfort. 


are  owned  and  operated  by  the  Company,  and  no  expense  has  been  spared  to  make  them  perfect.     They  are  finished  outside 
;      with  polished  mahogany  and  their  interiors  with  their  rich  carvings  and  beautiful  fittings  are  beyond  comparison.     The  berths 
^     are  wider  and  longer  than  in  other  sleeping  cars.     The  curtains,  lilankets  and  linen,  made  expressly  for  the  Company,  are  of 
the  finest  (luality. 


1  are  run  on  this  line  instead  of  the  ordinary  second  class  cars.     They  are  handsomely  finished   in  light  woods,  on  the  general 

I  plan  of  ordinary  sleeping  cars.     They  are  bright  and  pleasant,  and    so   comfortable  that   they   are  largely  used   by  first-class 

piissengers  in  making  short  trips.    :no  extra  cliar{[e  Is  made  in  tliese  Cars. 


The  trains  of  this  line  are  run  sharply  on  time.  The  through  trains  m.ikc  very  few  stops,  and  no  annoying  delays  are 
permitted  to  occur  at  stations.     All  freiLiht  trains  are  kept  well  out  of  ihe  way  of  passenger  trains,  and  no  train  IS  per* 

niitted  to  follo^v  a  passeuKer  train  from  a  sta^tion  until  it  has  pat»sed  t|te  next- 
station  aliead.     This  IS  the  only  Inie  in  America  wlieie  this  rule  is  in  force,  .vj,  ;• 


■  •  Every  appliance  of  proven  value,  calcul.ited  to  secure  safety,  has  been  adopted  on  this  line  without  regard  to  cost  These 
are  too  numerous  t(j  mention,  but  they  include  an  elaborate  guard  sysicni  at  all  biidges,  Cooke's  patent  safety  switch  at  all 
turn-outs  from  the  main  track  —the  unly  safeiy  switch  in  use  in  Canada,  ,ind  the  only  one  known  that  will  with  certainty  pre- 
vent derailment  from  a  niisplactd  switch  Kspecial  care  has  been  taken  to  make  the  heating  apparatus  on  trains  entire!) 
safe,  and  the  oil  used  in  lighting  the  cars  is  manufactured  expressly  for  the  Company,  and  is  safer  even  than  candies,  while  11 
affords  a  most  brilliant  liglit. 


i'lhe  civility  and  attention  of  the  ernployeesof  the  Company  are  spoken  of  by  every  traveller  on  the  line.     The  cleanliness 
of  cars  and  stations  is  also  noticed.      I'hcsc  two  points  are,  next  to  safety,  most  carefully  watched  by  the  management. 


Some  of  the  finest  scenery  in  Canada  is  found  along  this  line  It  varies  from_  beautiful  to  magnificent,  and  is  now()ere 
uninteresting.  Broad  fields  and  rocks  and  lakes  and  forests  are  passed  in  succession.  The  beautiful  Ottawa  River  is  on  One 
side  oi  the  other  from  Carleton  Junction  to  Montreal.  A  fine  view  of  the  picturesque  Parliament  Buildings  at  Ottawa  is 
obtained  from  'he  passing  trains,  and  the  line  crosses  directly  over  the  magnificent  falls  of  the  Lievre  of  Buckingham. 


s .  ;-i 



