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Full text of "Contingent reinforcement in budgeting and performance appraisals"

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Faculty  Working  Papers 


David  J.  Cherrington,  University  of  Illinois 

J*  Owen  Cherrington,  Pennsylvania  State  University 


College  of  Commerce  and  Business  Administration 

University  of  Illinois   at  Urbana-Champaign 

College  of  Commerce  and  Business  Administration 
University  of  Illinois  at  Urbana-Champaign 

April  19,  1973 


David  J.  Cher ring ton,  University  of  Illinois 

J*  Owen  Cherrington,  Pennsylvania  State  University 





David  J.  Cherrington 
Assistant  Professor  of 
Business  Administration 
College  of  Commerce 


J.  Owen  Cherrington 

Assistant  Professor  of 


Pennsylvania  State  University 

Proof  and  manuscript  copies  should  be  sent  to  David  J.  Cherrington, 
Department  of  Business  Administration,  University  of  Illinois, 
Champaign,  Illinois,  61820. 

Digitized  by  the  Internet  Archive 

in  2011  with  funding  from 

University  of  Illinois  Urbana-Champaign 


Many  important  questions  are  frequently  asked  by  organizational 
leaders  regarding  the  use  of  quantitative  measurements,  eg.  should  for- 
mal performance  appraisals  be  made  on  each  employee,  should  minimum 
performance  standards  be  established,  should  employ e'es  participate  in 
the  preparation  of  budgets  and  performance  standards,  should  a  manage- 
ment by  objectives  program  (MBO)  be  utilized  to  reward  employees  for 
achieving  their  objectives,  etc.?  These  are  important  practical  ques- 
tions to  those  who  are  faced  with  the  day  to  day  operations  of  an  or- 
ganization.  The  research  stimulated  by  these  questions,  however,  seems 
to  have  raised  more  questions  than  answers.  A  manager  who  seeks  a 
straightforward  answer  to  whether  he  should  have  his  workers  participate 
in  preparing  the  budget  is  often  told  that  it  depends.  If  he  asks 
"What  does  it  depend  upon?"  he  is  told  "Just  about  everything."  Research 
on  these  topics  has  been  inconsistent  and  unclear.  It  is  our  contention 
that  the  proposed  answers  to  these  questions  have  been  based  upon  re- 
search findings  obtained  in  unique  conditions  of  experimental  control 
and  the  most  salient  considerations  (viz..  the  reinforcement  schedules 
and  the  performance -reward  contingencies)  which  should  have  been  ab- 
stracted from  these  studies  have  been  imbedded  in  the  experimental 
Reinforcement  Schedules 

The  work  of  B.  F.  Skinner  and  the  operant  conditioners  has  been 
largely  neglected  in  the  areas  of  management,  accounting,  and  organiza- 
tional behavior.  Within  the  past  few  years,  however,  the  principles 
of  operant  conditioning  have  begun  to  emerge  from  the  learning  theory 
literature  and  appear  in  other  areas  of  industrial  psychology  and  organ- 
izational behavior.1  We  are  suggesting  here  that  the  principles  of 


operant  conditioning  and  reinforcement  can  be  meaningfully  applied  to 
the  processes  of  budgeting,  performance  standards,  and  performance 
appraisals  to  predict  and  control  attitudes  and  behavior. 

The  basic  principles  of  operant  conditioning  center  around  the 
development  of  stimulus-response  (S-R)  bonds.  One  speaks  of  an  S-R 
bond  when  a  particular  stimulus  regularly  elicits  a  particular  res- 
ponse from  an  organism.   In  genera.    le  strength  of  an  S-R  bond  is  ■ 
increased  when  the  occurrence  of  the  response  is  followed  by  a  reward 
and  decreased  when  followed  by  punishment.  In  other  words,  the  sti- 
mulus comes  to  elicit  the  response  dependably  because  the  response  ob- 
tains for  the  organism  something  of  positive  value. 

To  explain  the  reinforcing  properties  of  rewards ,  moderate  be- 
haviorists2  have  assumed  the  existence  of  primary  drives  such  as  hun- 
ger, thirst,  sex,  activity,  curiosity,  and  removal  of  pain.  Corres- 
ponding primary  reinforcers  are  food,  water,  sexual  activity,  exercise, 
information,  and  freedom  from  pain.  In  addition  to  primary  drives 
and  reinforcers  there  are  secondary  drives  and  reinforcers  which  are 
learned  by  the  organism  because  of  the^r  association  with  primary  re- 
wards. Thus  such  diverse  goals  as  money,  status,  promotions,  verbal 
praise,  associations  with  friendly  co-workers,  etc.,  can  be  concep- 
tualized as  secondary  rewards,  linked  by  past  associations  with  such 
primary  rewards  as  food  and  water. 

Radical  behaviorists3  do  not  make  a  distinction  between  primary 
and  secondary  drives  and  rewards.  Nor  do  they  rely  upon  drives,  needs, 
or  other  mentalistic  processes  to  explain  reinforcement.  Instead, 
when  a  stimulus  following  an  operant  response  increases  the  strength 
of  the  S-R  bond,  it  is  called  a  reinforcing  stimulus.  Thus  a  reinforcer 


is  said  to  be  positive  when  the  effect  of  the  operant  response  is 
experimentally  observed  to  "produce"  the  reinforcing  stimulus.  In 
contrast,  whenever  the  effect  of  an  operant  response  is  experimentally 
observed  to  "eliminate"  a  stimulus  ,  that  stimulus  is  called  a  negative 

The  above  description  of  operant  conditioning  is  greatly  simpli- 
fied and  has  not  considered  several  salient  aspects  of  conditioning, 
eg.  the  timing  of  the  reward  and  the  importance  of  immediate  feedback 
on  performance.  A  crucial  aspect  is  the  reward  schedule ,  which  is 
the  frequency  with  which  a  reinforcer  is  administered.  A  fixed  inter- 
val reward  schedule  is  when  the  reinforcement  is  given  after  a  speci- 
fied period  of  time.  With  this  schedule  the  reinforcement  is  not  con- 
tingent upon  (ie.  related  to)  a  specific  response  but  is  only  con- 
tingent upon  the  passing  of  time.  A  continuous  reward  schedule  is 
defined  by  a  1:1  association  between  a  response  and  the  occurrence 
of  a  reward  i.e.,  every  time  the  response  is  emitted  it  is  rewarded. 
With  an  intermittent  reward  schedule,  only  some  of  the  specific  res- 
ponses are  followed  by  a  reward.  There  are  two  basic  ways  in  which 
intermittent  reinforcement  can  be  administered.  Every  nth  response 
may  be  reinforced  on  a  fixed  ratio  schedule,  or  an  average  of  1/n  of 
the  responses  may  be  reinforced  in  a  random  pattern  on  a  variable  ratio 
schedule.  Ratio  schedules  tend  to  generate  a  high  rate  of  response; 
furthermore,  the  variable  ratio  schedule  leads  to  a  more  durable  res- 
ponse (i.e.,  does  not  extinguish  as  rapidly  once  reinforcement  is  ter- 
minated) than  both  the  fixed- ratio  and  continuous  patterns.  Under  a 
fixed  interval  schedule  there  is  an  uneven  behavioral  pattern  that  varies 
from  a  very  slow,  unenergetic  response  immediately  following  reinforce- 

ment to  a  fast,  vigorous  response  immediately  preceding  reinforcement. 
Fixed  interval  schedules  have  also  led  to  what  has  been  called  "super- 
stitious" behavior  in  animal  studies.1*  Numerous  other  reinforcement 
schedules  have  also  been  tested  for  their  effectiveness  in  changing 
behavior,  and  organizational  leaders  responsible  for  constructing  re- 
ward schedules  ought  to  examine  this  information. 

Strategies  for  changing  behavior  can  be  implemented  by  punishment, 
extinction,  and  positive  reinforcement.  Punishment  is  a  widely  used 
technique  for  behavioral  control  and  often  has  a  rather  immediate  effect 
in  stopping  or  preventing  undesired  responses.  Punishment,  however, 
has  generally  been  considered  an  inefficient  technique  for  controlling 
behavior  for  a  number  of  reasons.  Essentially,  punishment  causes  dys- 
functional consequences,  e.g.,  (a)  it  might  inhibit  a  specific  response 
but  possibly  for  only  a  short  time,  (b)  it  does  not  produce  the  cor- 
rect response,  (c)  it  might  interfere  with  the  acquisition  of  the. cor- 
rect response,  or  (d)  it  might  lead  to  avoidance  and  dislike  of  the 
punishing  agent. 

Extinction  generates  fewer  dysfunctional  consequences  than  punish- 
ment but  still  does  not  increase  the  probability  that  the  correct  res- 
ponse will  be  emitted.  Positive  reinforcement  is  most  efficient  in 
changing  behavior  for  at  least  t;  reasons.   First,  it  increases  the 
probable  occurrence  of  the  desired  response.  Second,  the  adverse  emo- 
tional response* associated  with  punishment  and  extinction  are  apt  to 
be  reduced  and  favorable  emotions  may  be  developed. 

Since  about  1958,  the  use  of  positive  reinforcement  has  been  exam- 
ined much  more  intensively  to  see  how  the  principles  of  operant  con- 
ditioning can  be  applied  to  social  behavior  outside  the  experimental 

•  5- 

laboratory.  Most  notably,  a  reinforcement  analysis  has  indicated  that 
the  acquisition  of  numerous  responses  is  consistent  with  the  principles 
of  operant  conditioning,  e.g»  ,  perception,  verbal  conditioning,  inter- 
personal attraction,  attitude  formation,  conformity,  and  leadership. ^ 
Nord  has  attempted  to  apply  the  principles  of  operant  conditioning  to 
management  and  organizational  behavior     <as  emphasized  the  value  of 
variable  reinforcement  schedules  in  job  design,  reduced  absenteeism, 
and  training  and  compensation  programs.* 
Appropriate  Reinforcement 

The  determination  of  what  constitutes  ' 'appropriate"  reinforcement 
is  necessarily  a  subjective  judgement  and  numerous  theories  have  been 
suggested  which  consider  different  factors  which  influence  one's  sub- 


jective  evaluation.   Cherrington,  Reitz,  and  Scott  have  suggested 
that  appropriate  reinforcement  is  defined  by  the  performance -reward 
contingency.  Appropriately  reinforced  individuals  were  the  rewarded 
high  performers  and  the  nonrewarded  low  performers.  Inappropriately 
reinforced  individuals  were  the  nonrewarded  high  performers  and  the 
rewarded  low  performers . 

We  have  attempted  to  apply  the  concept  of  appropriate  reinforce- 
ment to  the  budgeting  process.   Essentially,  we  postulate  that  when 
budgets  are  useds  appropriate  reinforcement  is  provided  when  an  indi- 
vidual's reward  is  contingent  upon  some  combination  of  estimated  and/ 
or  actual  results,  depending  on  his  ability  to  control  each.  Rewards 
should  be  contingent  on  a  budget  only  if  the  individual  is  free  to  set 
an  estimate  without  undue  pressure  or  interference  from  upper  manage- 
ment.  Inappropriate  reinforcement  can  exist  (a)  when  rewards  are  based 
upon  the  budget  and  the  individual  is  coerced  into  submitting  an  unreal- 


istic  budget,  or  (b)  when  he  is  required  to  set  a  budget  but  not  re- 
warded for  making  it*  Essentially,  rewards  for  estimates  and/or  per- 
formance should  be  compatible  with  the  level  of  emphasis  placed  upon 

In  a  laboratory  study  using  230  undergraduates,  significatly 
higher  measures  of  both  performance  ion  were  obtained 

under  conditions  which  approximate-.  nforcement.  Three- 

person  groups  estimated    ir  performance  and    n  performed  a  simple 
task  over  6  periods.  The  Ss  were  under  one  of  three  reinforcement 
contingencies,  and  one  of  four  conditions  of  budgetary  control  regarding 
the  acceptance  of  the  estimates.-5-0  As  predicted,  the  highest  perfor- 
mance and  satisfaction  scores  were  obtained  by  Ss  in  conditions  where 

(a)  points  were  given  both  for  the  number  of  items  produced  as  well  as 
the  number  estimated  and  the  groups  had  complete  freedom  in  setting 
their  estimates,  and  (b)  the  groups  were  forced  to  accept  a  high  esti- 
mate but  there  was  not  a  sizable  loss  of  points  if  the  estimate  was 
not  reached.  On  the  other  hand,  the  lowest  performance  and  satisfac- 
tion scores  were  obtained  from  (a)  the  groups  who  were  allowed  to  sub- 
mit a  very  lenient  (low)  budget,  regardless  of  point  schedules  and 

(b)  from  the  groups  who  were  required  to  submit  an  estimate  and  could 
submit  any  estimate  they  desired,  but  who  were  rewarded  only  for  the 
number  of  items  made  and  not  for  the  number  estimated.  These  results 
are  illustrated  in  Table  1  which  shows  the  deviations  of  the  performance 
and  satisfaction  scores  for  each  cell  from  the  overall  mean.  ' 

Insert:  Table  1  about  here 


The  reward  schedule  in  which  the  highest  performance  and  satis- 
faction scores  were  obtained  provided  the  same  number  of  total  points 
for  an  item  estimated  and  made  as  the  other  reward  schedules.  How- 
ever, the  relative  weights  attached  to  the  number  of  items  estimated 
and  made  were  different.  These  weights  had  been  determined  by  a  group 
of  research  assistants  in  a  pilot  group  who  were  specifically  asked 
to  subjectively  decide  what  they  considered  to  be  the  most  appropriate 
reward  schedule  based  upon  the  nature  of  the  task,  what  would  be  a 
reasonable  incentive  for  increasing  the  group  estimates,  the  risk 
associated  with  predicting  their  performance,  the  control  they  had 
over  their  output,  etc.  Thus,  appropriate  reinforcement  was  defined 
by  the  subjective  decisions  of  this  group  regarding  an  adequate  combina- 
tion of  points  for  the  amount  estimated,  the  amount  produced,  and  a 
penalty  for  overestimation. 
Budgets  and  Performance  Estimates 

The  question  frequently  asked  is  what  are  the  effects  of  budgets 
on  people.  We  do  not  think  this  question  is  the  most  meaningful  one 
to  ask  for  several  reasons,  most  of  v     are  associated  with  the  lack 
of  operational  specificity  regarding  budgets.   It  is  not  budgets,  per 
se,  that  have  an  effect  on  people,  but  the  positive  and  negative  rein- 
forcing consequences  associated  with  budgets  and  their  reward  contin- 
gencies which  need  to  be  more  clearly  specified. 

The  basic  concept  of  budgeting  involves  estimating  future  perfor- 
mance ,  comparing  actual  results  with  the  estimate  and  studying  the 
differences  (variances)  between  them.   The  term  "budget"  is  not  a  uni- 
tary concept,  however,  but  varies  from  organization  to  organization. 
Some  of  the  factors  which  determine  the  type  of  budget  and  its  effects 


include  the  type,  of  organization,  the  personalities  of  people  affected 
by  the  budget ,  the  leadership  style  of  the  organization  leaders ,  the 
method  of  preparing  the  budget,  and  the  desired  results  of  the  budgeting 

.Several  aspects  of  budgets,  both  functional  and  dysfunctional,  have 
been  discussed  in  the  literature.   Some  of  the  functional  aspects  of 
budgets  are  the  positive  contributions  budgeting  makes  to  planning,  coor- 
dination, implimentation ,  and  control,  and  it  provides  a  basis  by  which 
efforts  are  rewarded ..  More  specifically,  planning  means  establishing 
objectives  in  advance  and  identifying  the  steps  by  which  the  objectives 
are  to  be  achieved.  The  planning  process  initiates  coordination  and 
clarification  of  subgoals  to  achieve  major  enterprise  goals.  A  coor- 
dinated plan  (or  budget)  provides  a  "blue  print"  for  implimentation 
and  control.  As  the  plan  is  implimented,  continuous  feedback  is  needed 
to  evaluate  actual  results.   If  actual  results  are  compared  with  planned 
activities  on  a  timely  basis,  corrective  action  may  be  taken  as  needed 
to  achieve  ultimate  goals .  Lowe  and  Shaw  have  described  an  organization 
in  which  the  major  planning  decisions,  resource  allocations,  and  organ- 
izational control  were  centered  around  the  budget.  x 

Several  dysfunctional  aspects  of  budgets  have  also  been  discussed 
in  the  literature.  The  dysfunctional  aspects  observed  by  Argyris  are 
{*.)   budgets  are  used  as  a  pressure  device  which  tends  to  unite  employees 
against  management,  (b)  reward  structures  provide  success  to  the  finance 
staff  by  making  factory  personnel  appear  as  failures,  (c)  emphasis  on 
the  departmental  level  to  achieve  the  budget  creates  a  department-cen- 
tered enterprise,  and  (d)  supervisors  use  the  budget  as  a  means  of  jus- 
tifying and  expressing  their  coercive  leadership  style  and  personality.12 


Another  dysfunctional  aspect  is  the  negative  connotation  associated 

with  the  term  "budget"  and  the  negative  attitudes  created  by  budgeting.^3 

Most  of  the  dysfunctional  consequences  identified  above  appear 
to  represent  a  failure  of  management  to  construct  the  appropriate  re- 
ward  schedules  and  reinforcement  contingenci*    It  is  not  too  surprising 
to  learn  that  budgets  are  some times  viewed  by  workers  as  a  pressure 
device,  because  sometimes  budgets  are  intentionally  used  to  pressure 
employees  for  higher  productivity.  Rather  than  criticising  them  for 
uniting  against  management  we  perhaps  ought  to  commend  them  for  being 
so  perceptive.  While  varying  degrees  of  pressure  can  be  exerted  by 
budgets,  this  pressure  is  not  necessarily  good  or  bad.   In  the  study 
reported  earlier  high  budget  pressures  increased  performance  without 
reducing  satisfaction,  but  only  when  the  Ss  were  rewarded  accordingly.  ** 
The  dysfunctional  consequences  of  budget  pressures  seem  to  exist  when 
budgets  are  used  as  punative  devices  for  criticising  performance  and 
withholding  rewards.  The  solution  to  this  problem,  as  well  as  the 
problem  of  negative  attitudes  associated  with  budgets,  is  most  likely 
to  be  found  in  the  use  of  appropriate  reinforcement  for  the  desired 
responses.  Beddingfield  has  suggested  that  the  people  affected  by 
the  budgets  will  respond  with  a  proper  attitude  only  if  they  are  assured 
by  experience  that  the   use  of  the  budget  is  to  improve  their  operations 
and  not  to  simply  single  them  out  as  an  inefficient  element  in  the  firm.^ 

le  other  dysfunctional  consequences  attributed  to  budgets  are 
created  by  inadequate  contingencies  of  reinforcement.  When  the  success 
of  the  finance  staff  is  at  the  expense  of  the  production  personnel,  or 
when  one  department  can  maximize  their  rewards  at  the  expense  of  another 
department,  there  quite  clearly  is  a  need  to  rearrange  the  reward  con- 


tlngencies.   If  two  departments  are  interdependent  then  their  reward 
contingencies  ought  to  be  tied  together  to  the  extent  that  coopera- 
tion is  required.  On  the  other  hand,  if  they  are  independent  their 
reward  contingencies  should  not  be  too  closely  tied  together  since 
such  a  situation  leads  to  a  loss  of  control  and  noncontingent  rein- 
forcement . 
Budget  Participation 

Much  has  been  written  relative  to  the  effects  of  worker  parti- 
cipation in  the  budgeting  process.  The  primary  purposes  for  solici- 
ting participation  in  the  budgeting  process  are  to  (a)  gain  accep- 
tance of  a  plan  of  action,  (b)  improve  morale  among  employees  and 
toward  management,  and  (c)  increase  productivity. 

Participation  in  the  budgeting  process  has  been  found  in  some 
studies  to  increase  the  probability  of  its  acceptance.  Argyris ,  in 
a  study  of  the  effect  of  manufacturing  budgets  upon  frontline  super- 
visors, points  out  that  "....goals  are  more  often  accepted  if  the 
individual  members  can  come  together  in  a  group,  freely  discuss  their 
opinions  concerning  these  goals,  and  ta'.e  part  in  defining  the  steps 
by  which  these  goals  will  be  accomplished."16  Similar  arguments  have 

•n  made  by  others,  e.g.,  McGregor-!-^  In  studying  resistance  to  change 
by  employees  in  a  pajama  manufacturing  plant,  Coch  and  French  found 
that  employees  who  participated  or  who  were  represented  in  a  group 
meeting  to  discuss  the  need  for  change,  new  job  plans,  and  piece  rates 
had  a  more  cooperative  and  permissive  attitude  toward  making  the  change 
than  those  not  represented.  °  The  belief  that  an  individual  will  be 
more  receptive  and  more  favorably  disposed  to  a  procedure  if  it  contains 
his  ideas  is  common  to  several  theories  of  management.  ^ 


There  is  also  evidence  in  the  literature  that  participation 
improves  morale.  Coch  and  French  found  a  much  lower  turnover  rate, 
fewer  grievances  about  piece  rates,  and  less  aggression  against  the 

supervisor  as  individual  participation  in  planning  job  changes  in- 

creased.    French,  Israel,  and  As  in  studying  participation  in  a 

Norwegian  factory  found  that  worker  participation  increased  job  satis- 
faction by  satisfying  important  needs  such  as  the  need  to  be  valued 
and  appreciated  by  others.21  Active  participation  seems  to  be  desired 
by  employees.   It  makes  them  feel  more  a  part  of  the  activities,  less 

dominated  by  a  superior,  more  independent,  and  thus  improves  the 

employees  attitude  toward  his  job. 

Increased  productivity  may,  but  does  not  necessarily,  result 

from  worker  participation.   Prior  research  has  been  contradictory  on 

this  point.  Coch  and  French  found  greater  productivity  as  a  result 

of  worker  participation.  v   However,  in  attempting  to  replicate  the 

study  in  a  different  organization  and  culture,  French,  Israel,  and  As 


found  productivity  uneffected.    The  results  of  a  field  experiment 
conducted  by  French,  Kay,  and  Meyer  found  no  significant  differences 
in  goal  attainment  between  participative ly  and  non-participatively 


set  goals.  *•  Tli us ,  the  literature  suggests  that  there  is  no  direct 
correlation  between  participation  and  improved  productivity. 

It  has  been  argued  by  some  that  participation  exerts  an  impact 
on  productivity  chiefly  through  its  effect  on  group  cohesiveness. 
However,  several  studies  have  shown  that  there  is  not  a  direct  rela- 
tionship between,  group  cohesiveness  and  productivity  but  that  the 


relationship  is  mediated  by  the  norms  of  the  work  group.    If  the 

group  norms  are  counter-productive  or  inconsistent  with  the  goals  of 


the  organization  then  increased  group  cohesiveness  would  most  likely 
decrease  productivity. 

Like  the  term  "budgets,"  the  term  "participation"  is  subject  to 
different  empirical  interpretations  ana  there  are  great  differences 
in  the  situations  in  which  it  has  t        Led.    One  could  attempt 
to  develop  a  complete  categorization  of  the  various  forms  of  partici- 
pation and  a  catalog  of  situations  appropriate  to  each  form.   It 
seems  more  appropriate  to  us,  however,  to  focus  upon  the  positive  or 
negative  reinforcing  properties  of  participation. 

Participation  in  the  preparation  of  a  budget  is  a  form  of  job 
enrichment  and,  hence,  is  a  potential  positive  organizational  rein- 
forcer  for  most  individuals.   Katz  and  Kahn  have  argued  that  indivi- 
duals want  to  be  involved  in  significant  decisions  which  affect  their 
own  fate.29  They  attributed  the  failure  of  French,  Israel,  and  As  to 
find  performance  increases  in  a  Norwegian  shoe  factory  to  the  lack  of 
freedom  the  workers  were  allowed  to  make  significant  decisions,  and 
to  the  absence  of  accompanying  rewards.   Besides  the  major  factor  of 
influence  in  significant  decisions,  participation  invokes  powerful 
forces  of  self-expression  and  self-determination.  Not  only  are  people 
discussing  important  matters ,  but  each  individual  is  given  a  chance  to 
express  his  own  views  and  to  persuade  others.  Hulin  and  Blood  have 
suggested  that  job  enrichment  is  a  significant  positive  outcome  for 
individuals  who  espouse  the  Protestant  work  ethic  (which  suggests  that 
participation  may  not  have  acquired  reinforcing  properties  for  all 
individuals).    For  those  individuals  who  value  enriched  jobs,  parti- 
cipation in  the  budgeting  process  (as  well  as  participation  in  other 
activities,  e.g.,  decision  making,  and  performance  appraisals,  etc.) 


should  increase  job  satisfaction.  Productivity,  however,  might  in- 
crease, decrease,  or  stay  the  same  depending  upon  (a)  appropriate 
reinforcement  for  the  actual  level  of  performance,  (b)  the  pressure 
(which  is  itself  a  form  of  positive  or  negative  reinforcement)  from 
either  peer  group  norms  or  management  for  a  high  performance  standard, 
and  (c)  the  efficiency  of  the  organizational  structures  or  production 
processes  adopted  by  the  group  as  a  result  of  their  participation. 
Performance  Appraisals 

The  entire  notion  of  appropriate  reinforcement  and  performance- 
reward  contingencies  requires  that  performance  be  evaluated.  Like 
the  topics  discussed  above,  however,  performance  appraisals  produce 
both  functional  and  dysfunctional  consequences. 

At  the  beginning  of  this  article  the  question  was  posed  whether 
performance  appraisals  should  be  conducted.  This  is  a  moot  question 
since  they  are,  in  fact,  done.   It  isn't  really  a  question  of  whether 
or  not  we  should  conduct  performance  appraisals,  but  how  we  do  it 
more  effectively.   The  demands  to  hire,  fire,  promote,  and  compensate 
all  necessitate  some  form  of  evaluatioi  .  Supervisors  have  always 
evaluated  their  subordinates  and  it  is  no.  doubt  true  that  evaluations 
made  in  a  random  and  unsystematic  fashion,  unrecorded  and  undefended, 
whether  valid  or  not,  have  in  the  past  been  just  as  important  in 
influencing  personnel  actions  as  evaluations  made  in  a  more  formal 

Numerous  systems  have  been  suggested  for  evaluating  performance. 3^ 
It  is  usually  desirable  to  obtain  objective  data  when  possible  and 
applicable.  Objective  measures  include  production  data  (e.g.,  number 
of  items  made,  number  of  errors,  volume  of  sales,  commissions  earned, 


number  of  publications,  etc.)  and  personnel  data  (e.g.,  absences,  tardi- 
ness, accident  rates,  number  of  suggestions,  etc.).  When  objective 
measures  do  not  exist  or  can't  be  obtained s  subjective  judgments  can 
be  obtained  from  peer  ratings ,  suborc      ratings  or  superior  ratings . 
Such  evaluations  are  subject  to  various  weaknesses  which  can  be  quite 
serious  in  some  conditions.    aphic  rating  scales  (where  the  rater 
makes  his  evaluations  on  a  scale  from  1  to  n  regarding  various  charac- 
teristics) have  frequently  been  subject  to  (a)  unreliability,  (b)  the 
halo  effect,  (c)  leniency  in  judgments,  and  (d)  errors  toward  the  cen- 
tral tendency.   Some  of  these  weaknesses  have  been  minimized  or  eliminated, 
however  by  employee  comparison  methods  and  forced-choice  techniques  as 
well  as  by  more  refined  rating  scales.   Some  of  the  most  frequently  used 
characteristics  include  quantity  of  performance,  quality  of  perfor- 
mance, dependability,  job  knowledge,  initiative,  cooperation,  and  over- 
all performance. 

Perhaps  the  most  important  point  to  remember  is  that  these  evalua- 
tions are  value  judgments.  When  evaluating  an  employee's  performance 
the  rater  is  imposing  his  own  value  system  of  what  is  good  or  bad, 
valuable  or  worthless  upon  the  judgments  he  makes.  This  suggests  that 
serious  thought  be  given  to  the  characterisitics  and  dimensions  upon 
which  an  individual  is  evaluated.  Guion  has  suggested  that  all  eval- 
uations be  compared  against  the  concept  of  an  ultimate  criterion  (after 
Thorndike).  2  The  ultimate  criterion  is  not  a  measure;  but  it  is  an 
abstraction  embodying  everything  that  ultimately  defines  success  on  the 
job.  As  a  theoretical  guideline,  Guion  suggested  that  performance 
appraisals  be  free  from  the  contamination  of  anything  unrelated  to  the 
ultimate  criterion  but  not  leave  anything  related  to  it  out. 


Several  dysfunctional  consequences  associated  with  performance 
appraisals  have  been  identified  in  ongoing  organizations  and  described 
in  the  literature.33  Labovitz  has  argued  that  "at  the  higher  levels 
of  organizational  life  a  greater  portion  of  an  individual's  perfor- 
mance becomes  difficult  to  measure  in  quantitative  terms.  Technical 
demands  placed  on  individuals  at  tech.  can  usually  be 

measured  by  some  objective  standards,  -while  the  executive  or  adminis- 
trative  functions  cannot.    While  executive  or  administrative  func- 
tions are  more  difficult  to  quantify  it  is  unnecessary  despair  to  say 
that  they  can't  be  evaluated.  When  objective  measures  are  not  avail- 
able, subjective  judgments  can  be  obtained.  When  we  say  that  super- 
visor A  is  better  than  supervisor  B  or  that  supervisor  A  is  doing  a 
good  or  poor  job  we  are  simply  stating  an  attitude  regarding  their 
performance.  Considering  the  amount  of  thought  and  research  which 
has  been  devoted  to  attitude  measurement ,  it  is  quite  likely  that 
these  attitudes  can  be  measured  reliably. 

Furthermore ,  even  though  it  is  desirable  to  have  quantitative 
measures ,  such  as  the  number  of  units  produced  or  errors  made ,  there 
are  other  important  dimensions  in  every  job.  Any  evaluation  or  ap- 
praisal which  only  looks  at  the  quantity  and  quality  of  performance 
in  objective  terms  omits  the  spontaneous  and  innovative  behaviors 
(discussed  by  Katz  and  Kahn)   which  are  vital  to  organizational  ef- 

The  difficulties  associated  with  measuring  the  diverse  aspects  of 
an  administrator's  job  along  with  the  dynamic  nature  of  such  a  job 
have  been  cited  as  some  of  the  major  problems  associated  with  management 
by  objectives.36  MBO  provides  for  an  individual  to  participate  in 


selecting  his  own  goals  or  objectives  and  assumes  that  he  will  work 
hard  to  accomplish  them  and  be  pushed  internally  by  reason  of  his 
commitment.  However,  he  is  frequently  evaluated  on  something  less 
than  the  ultimate  criteria,  and  his  rewards  are  tied  to  the  appraisal. 
Consequently,  if  behavior  is  a  function  of  the  reinforcement  contingen- 
cies, as  suggested  earlier,  only  those  activities  included  within  the 
appraisal  will  be  performed.  Several  activites  vital  to  the  effective, 
coordinated  functioning  of  the  organization  are  them  omitted.  The 
solution  to  this  problem  is  to  make  the  evaluation  more  closely  appro- 
ximate the  ultimate  criterion.   In  addition,  Levinson  has  suggested 
that  every  MBO  and  appraisal  program  should  include  regular  appraisals 
of  the  manager  by  his  subordinates  and  be  reviewed  by  the  manager's 
superior.   If  the  supervisor  is  free  to  say  that  a  subordinate  was 
sometimes  irresponsible  and  would  not  complete  various  odd  jobs  when 
asked,  then  the  subordinate  should  be  able  to  say  when  he  evaluates 
his  superior  that  sometimes  his  task  instructions  were  so  garbled  that 
he  frequently  didn't  know  what  to  do.  This  points  to  the  advantages 
of  joint  appraisal  reviews  when  time  permits. 

Thompson  and  Dalton  have  argued  in  favor  of  an  objective-focused 

performance  appraisal  approach.    Essentially  what  they  advocate  is 

specifying  the  specific  objectives  of  each  Individual  in  advance  and 
holding  them  responsible  for  the  outcomes  during  the  performance  ap- 
praisal,. This  procedure  avoids  the  negative  consequences  of  a  zero- 
sum  situation  in  which  some  workers  must  be  evaluated  below  average  in 
order  to  have  other  workers  evaluated  above  average.  Since  each  man 
has  different  tasks  and  different  objectives ,  there  is  no  reason  why 
he  cannot  experience  some  success.  Marked  improvement  in  the  perfor- 


mance  of  one  person  does  not  automatically  require  that  someone  else 
must  slip  backward. 

Using  performance  appraisals  to  reward  performance  implies  an 
underlying  personal  value  to  the  effect  that  there  should  be  a  ba- 
lance between  the  contributions  of  the  employee  and  his  level  of  com- 
pensation. This  personal  value  has  underlied  this  entire  discourse 
and  it  is  appropriate  that  this  fact  be  recognized.  What  we  are  basic- 
ally saying  is  that  in  return  for  the  compensation  an  individual  re- 
ceives from  the  organization  it  is  appropriate  to  expect  him  to  make 
a  reliable  contribution  to  the  organization  which  will  be  evaluated  and 
determine  in  part  the  magnitude  of  his  reinforcement.  Aside  from 
this  value  is  the  idea  that  appropriate  reinforcement  which  is  contin- 
gent upon  certain  desired  responses  will  increase  satisfaction  and 
performance  as  was  discussed  above.  Someone  with  a  different  value 
system  might  feel  differnetly  about  the  need  for  a  compensation-contri- 
butions balance,  but  should  agree  upon  the  effects  of  appropriate 
reinforcement . 



1.  See,  for  example,  Albert  Bandura,  Principles  of  Behavior  Modi- 
fication (New  York:  Holt,  Rinehart  and  Winston,  Inc.,  1969); 
Kenneth  Goodall,  "Shapers  at  Work,"  Psychology  Today  (November, 
1972),  pp.  53-63;  and  Walter  R.  Nord,  "Beyond  the  Teaching 
Machine:  The  Neglected  Area  of  Operant  Conditioning  in  the 
Theory  and  Practice  of  Management,"  Organizational  Behavior  and 
Human  Performance,  IV  (1969),  pp.  375-401. 

2.  Defined  by  Sal vat ore  R.  Maddi ,  Personality  Theories :  A  Compara- 
tive Analysis ;  (Revised  ed. ,  Homewood,  Illinois:  The  Dorsey  Press, 
1972),  Ch.  11. 

3.  Ibid. 

4.  B.F.  Skinner,  Contingencies  of  Reinforcement:  A  Theoretical 
Analysis  (New  York:  Applet on- Century- Crof ts ,  1969). 

5.  For  a  good  collection  of  readings,  see  Elliot  McGinnies  and 
C.B.  Ferster,  The  Reinforcement  of  Social  Behavior  (Boston: 
Houghton  Mifflin,  1971). 

6.  Nord,  op,  cit. 

7.  J.S.  Adams,  "Inequity  in  Social  Exchange,"  in  L.  Berkowitz  (ed.), 
Advances  in  Experimental  Social  Psychology,  Vol.  II  (New  York: 
Academic  Press,  1965),  pp.  267-299;  and  Robert  L.  Opsahl  and  Marvin 
D.  Dunnette,  "The  Role  of  Financial  Compensation  in  Industrial 
Motivation,"  Psychology  Bulletin,  Vol.  LXVI,  No.  2  (1966),  pp.  94-118. 

8.  David  J.  Cherrington,  H.  Joseph  Reitz,  and  William  E.  Scott, 
"Effects  of  Reward  and  Contingent  Reinforcement  on  Satisfaction 

and  Task  Performance,"  Journal  of  Applied  Psychology ,  Vol.  LV,  No.  6 
(1971),  pp.  531-536. 

9.  This  study  has  been  reported  in  greater  detail  in  David  J, 

Cherrington  and  J.  Owen  Cherrington,  "Appropriate  Reinforcement 
Contingencies  in  the  Budgeting  Process,"  (A  paper  presented 
at  the  Empirical  Research  in  Accounting  Conference,  Chicago, 
May,  1973). 

10.  The  three  reinforcement  contingencies  were  "output-only"  (5 
points  per  item),  "budget-oriented"  (1  point  per  item  made,  4 
points  per  item  estimated,  and  -6  points  per  item  overestimated), 
and  "output-budget"  (4  points  per  item  made,  1  point  per  item 
estimated,  and  -2  points  per  item  overestimated).  The  four 
budgetary  control  conditions  were  "imposed"  (only  a  high,  stated 
estimate  was  acceptable^  "pseudo-participation"  (a  high  but 
unstated  estimate  was  required),  "lenient"  (a  low,  stated  esti- 
mate was  necessary \  and  "group-based"  (the  group  was  free  to 

set  its  own  estimate).. 

11.  A.E.  Lowe  and  R.W.  Shaw,  "An  Analysis  of  Managerial  Biasing: 
Evidence  from  a  Company's  Budgeting  Process,"  The  Journal  of 
Management  Studies,  Vol  V,  No.  3  (October,  1968),  pp.  304-315. 

12.  Chris  Argyris ,  "Human  Problems  with  Budgets,"  Harvard  Business 
Review  ( January- February ,  1953).  pp.  97-110. 

13.  Milton  F.  Usry,  "Solving  the  Problems  of  Human  Relations  in 
Budgeting,"  Budgeting ,  Vol.  XVI  (November-December,  1968), 
pp.  4-6. 

14.  Also  reported  in  Cherrington  and  Cherrington,  op.  cit. 

15.  Ronald  Beddingf ield ,  "Human  Behavior:  The  Key  to  Success  in  Bud- 
geting," Management  Accounting  (NAA),  Vol.  LI  (September,  1961) 
pp.  54-56. 


16.  Argyris,  op.  cit.,  p.  108 

17.  Douglas  McGregor,  The  Human  Side  of  Enterprise  (New  York: 
McGraw  Hill,  1961). 

18.  Lester  Coch  and  John  R.P.  French,  "Overcoming  Resistance  to 
Change,"  Human  Relations ,  Vol.  I  (19*18),  pp.  512-532. 

19.  Rensis  Lickert,  The  Human  Organization  (New  York:  McGraw  Hill, 

20.  Coch  and  French ,  op.  cit. 

21.  John  R.P.  French,  Joachim  Israel,  and  Dogfinn  As,  "An  Experi- 
ment on  Participation  in  a  Norwegian  Factory,"  Human  Relations , 
Vol.  XXII  (1960)  pp.  3-19. 

22.  Reviewed  and  discussed  by  Victor  H.  Vroom,  Some  Personality  Deter- 
minants of  the  Effects  of  Participation  (Englewood  Cliffs,  N.  J. ; 
Prentice-Hall,  1960). 

23.  Coch  and  French,  op.  cit. 
2^.   French,  et.  al. ,  op.  cit. 

25.  John  R.P.  French,  E.  Kay,  and  H.H.  Meyer,  A  Study  of  Threat  and 
Participation  in  a  Performance  Appraisal  Situation  (New  York: 
General  Electric  Co.,  1962). 

26.  For  example,  two  authors  who  have  stated  this  argument  are  V.  Bruce 
Irvine,  "Budgeting:   Functional  Analysis  and.  Behavioral  Implications," 
Cost  and  Management  (Canada),  Vol.  XLIV  (March- April,  1970),  pp.  6- 
16;  and  E.D.  Smith,  "Human  Behavior:  A  Factor  in  Accounting," 
Management  Services ,  Vol.  II  (September-October,  1965),  pp.  53-58. 

27.  Victor  H.  Vroom,  "Industrial  Social  Psychology,"  in  G.  Lindzey  and 
E.  Aronson  (eds.),  The  Handbook  of  Social  Psychology,  Vol.  V  (2nd 
ed,  Reading,  Mass.:  Addison  Wesley,  1969),  pp.  196-268. 


28.  G.  Strauss,  "Some  Notes  on  Power  Equalization,"  in  H.J. 
Leavitt  (ed.),  The  Social  Science  of  Organizations  (Engle- 
wood  Cliffs,  N.J. :  Prentice -Hall,  1963),  pp.  39-84. 

29.  Daniel  Katj:  and  Robert  Kahn,  The  Social  Psychology  of  Organ- 
izations (New  York:  John  Wiley,  1966),  Ch.  13. 

30.  Charles  Hulin  and  Milton  Blood,  "Job  Enlargement,  Individual 
Differences,  and  Worker  Responses,"  Psychological  Bulletin, 
Vol.  LXIX,  No.  1  (1968),  pp.  41-55. 

31.  Robert  Guion,  Personnel  Testing  (New  York:  McGraw  Hill,  1965), 
Ch.  4. 

32.  Ibid.,  p.  113. 

33.  G.H.  Labovitz,  "More  on  Subjective  Executive  Appraisals:  An 
Empirical  Study,"  Academy  of  Management  Journal,  Vol.  XV,  No.  3 
(1972),  pp.  289-304;  Paul  H.  Thompson,  Performance  Appraisal: 
Some  Unanticipated  Consequences  (Boston:  Harvard  Business  School, 
Unpublished  Doctoral  Dissertation,  1969);  Paul  H.  Thompson  and 
Gene  W.  Dalton,  "Performance  Appraisal:  Managers  Beware," 
Harvard  Business  Review  ( Jan uary- February ,  1970),  pp.  149-157. 

34.  Labovitz,  op.  cit.,  p.  290. 

35.  Katz  and  Kahn,  op.  cit. ,  Ch.  12. 

36.  H.  Levinson,  "Management  By  Whose  Objectives,"  Harvard  Business 
Review  (July-August,  1972),  pp.  125-134. 

37.  Thompson  and  Dalton,  op.  cit. 


Table  1 

Deviations  from  the  overall  means:  performance3  and 

satisfaction  scores 


Group - 

Budget a 










Perfor-  ] 



Satis-    Perfor-  Satis- 
faction |  mance    faction 




■■  ■■ 1 


A  +  .58 

-.  ... ... , 

A  -  .81 

A  -  .01 

A  -  .57 


+  0.8 

B  +  .31 
C  +  .33 


B  -  .65  1 
C  -  .73 

-  0.2 

B  +  .05 
C  -  .17 

-  1.5 

B  -  .53 


C  -  .78' 


D  +  .48 

D  -  .84 

D  -  .07 

D  -  .53 



A  +  .03 

A  -  .12 

A  -  .11 



A  -  .11 


i  +  2-2 

B   .00 
C  -  .16 

+  0.4 

B  -  .01 
C  -  .16 

+  2.3 

B  +  .20 
C  -  .19 

-  2.2 


B  -  .33 
C  +  .14 


D  -  .07 

D  -  .09 

D  +  .03 


D  -  .09; 


A  +  .28 

-'■-       • 

A  +  .30 

A  +  .47 

■•■ "•*  "H 

A  +  .07 

Output  £ 


I  +  0.8 


B  +  .17 
C  +  .26 

+  2.0 

B  +  .56 
C  +  .79 

+  2.0 

B  +  .35 

C  +  .53 

-  1.9 


B  -  .11 


C  +  .12, 


D  +  .24 

D  +  .46 

D  +  .31 



D  +  .16 



a.  The  overall  performance  mean  for  all  six  periods  was  21.9. 

b.  Satisfaction  scores  were  based  on  a  1  -  7  scale;  1  =  unfavorable  and  7  =  favorable. 
The  attitude  measures  are  indentified  by  the  following  letters: 

A  General  Satisfaction  (overall  mean  =  4.63) 

B  Personal  Competence  (overall  mean  =  5.22) 

C  Supervisor  Consideration  (overall  mean  =  5.02) 

D  Supervisor  Competence  (overall  mean  =  4.61)