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January,  1931 

Cage  Season  Reaches  Halfway  Mark 

!  m 



'Make  this  Mildness  test 

and  you'll  smoke  Chesterfields 
like  I  do*  says- 

Open  em  •  Smell  em  Smoke  em 

Compare  Chesterfield  with  any  other  cigarette 

Make  your  next  pack  Chesterfield. 
if  up. ..smell  that  milder  tobacco  aroma- 
no  other  cigarette  has  it.  Smoke  Chesterfield 
and  prove  what  every  tobacco  man  knows 
...tobaccos  that  SMELL  MILDER 

-Smoke  Milder 



/  co-sfarring  with  Alan~ladd 

in  "BRAN DEE* 

A  Paramount  ProMction 
Color  by  Technimlor 



Smells  MILDER  *  Smokes  MILDER  */K?  unpleasant  after-taste 



(Member  of  American  Alumni  Council) 
Published  at  Durham,  N.  C,  Every  Month  in  the  Year  in  the  Interest  of  the  University  and  the  Alumni 

Volume  XXXVII 

January,  IQ5I 

Number  I 



Editorials ,  3 

Recent  Air  View  of  Duke 4 

Student  Draft  Problem 5 

Second  Gift  of  $1,500,000 6 

Students 7 

Medical  Achievements 8 

Alumnae  Week  End 9 

February  Events .  . ' 9 

Alumni  in  the  News 10 

Service  Address  Request 12 

Local  Associations 13 

Sports 14 

Gerry  Gerard  Dies 15 

Faculty 16 

Chapel  View 17 

Books    17 

Sons  and  Daughters  of  Duke  Alumni.  .  19 

News  of  the  Alumni 20 

Editor  and  Business  Manager 

Charles  A.  Dukes,  '29 

Managing  Editor Eoger  L.  Marshall,    '42 

Associate  Editor Anne  Garrard,   '25 

Advertising  Manager Thomas  D.  Donegan 

Layout  Editor Ruth  Mary  Brown 

Staff  Photographer Jimmy   Whitley 

Two  Dollars  a  Year  20  Cents  a  Copy 

Entered  as  Second-Class  Matter  at  the  Post 

Office  at  Durham,  N.  C,  Under  the  Act  of 

March   3,   1879. 


Helen  Kindler  Behrens  (Mrs.  Robert  H.),  '45 

U.  S.  Information  Center 

OLC-WB,  Stuttgart 

APO  154,  c/o  Postmaster,  N.  Y. 

As  the  twins  recently  celebrated  their  second  birthday,  it  occurs  to 
me  that  I  haven't  let  you  know  our  whereabouts  since  we  were  preparing 
to  cart  them  off  to  France  three  months  after  they  joined  the  family. 
All  has  gone  well  with  us  since,  briefly  in  the  following  manner: 

We  were  in  Paris  for  over  a  year,  while  Bob  worked  on  his  doctorate 
thesis  for  the  Sorbonne.  I  had  an  interesting  job  with  the  Embassy 
there,  and  we  were  fortunate  in  having  a  nice  apartment — a  rare  thing 
indeed  in  that  town  where  there  are,  I  swear,  more  Americans  than 
French.  We  were  continually  running  into  old  friends,  but  strangely 
enough,  none  from  Duke.  I  guess  I  should  have  started  an  alumni  chap- 
ter; actually,  I  suppose  we  were  considered  rather  snobbish,  working  for 
the  Embassy  instead  of  EC  A,  living  on  the  Right  Bank  instead  of  the 
Left,  and  having  occasional  moments  of  central  heating  and  almost 
enough  hot  water  for  daily  baths.  It  was  a  fine  year,  and  the  children 

After  finishing  his  thesis,  Bob  got  a  job  as  head  of  the  Information 
Center  here,  a  Cultural  Affairs  position  with  broader  scope  because  of 
the  tremendous  job  to  be  done  on  the  Germans.  Library,  concerts,  lec- 
tures, plays,  children's  affairs — anything  you  might  imagine  that  could 
give  information  of  the  outside  world,  something  the  people  haven't  had 
since  1934.  This  work  fascinates  both  of  us.******  Of  course,  to  my 
mind,  it  is  probably  the  most  interesting  spot  in  the  world  today,  though 
some  of  the  Americans  who  have  been  here  several  years  don't  agree. 

I  suppose  by  now  the  music  department,  or  somebody,  has  received 
a  set  of  Dad's*  records  which  I  had  sent  from  Washington.  I  hope  they 
will  be  Hseful  to  you,  and  that  you  will  enjoy  them.  My  idea  was  to  have 
someone  carry  them  after  I  had  warned  you  that  they  were  coming,  so 
I  hope  none  were  broken,  and  that  they  got  into  the  right  hands. 

I  think  often  of  Alpha  Chi,  the  Chronicle,  and  the  Duke  Players, 
and  of  all  of  you  in  Durham.  Which  reunion  I'll  be  able  to  attend,  I 
can't  say,  but  I'm  looking  forward  to  it.  I  wouldn't  be  at  all  surprised 
if  the  Alumni  Fund  is  still  going  strong,  so  enclose  a  check. 

*  Dr.  Hans  Kindler,  late  Conductor  of  the  National  Symphony  Or- 


Duke's  new  basketball  coach,  Harold  Bradley,  gives  instruc- 
tions to  his  star  player,  Dick  Groat.  Coach  Bradley,  who  took 
over  at  the  beginning  of  the  season  has  proved  efficient  as  a  cage 
mentor,  and  is  well  liked  on  the  campus.  Dick  Groat,  stellar 
guard,  has  made  for  himself  the  reputation  of  being  the  best 
athlete  ever  to  play  on  Duke's  hardwood. 




We  have  all  O  T5ypes  of  Composition 

When  setting  type  we  give  due  consideration 
to  the  ultimate  purpose ...  In  deciding  whether 
to  use  linotype,  monotype  or  hand  composition, 
we  first  ascertain  the  function  of  the  particular 
piece  of  work.  Each  method  was  designed  for 
a  specific  service,  therefore  initial  cost  is  beside 
the  question.  We  shall  be  glad  to  assist  you  in 
deciding  which  of  the  three  will  do  the  best 
job  for  your  particular  problem.  Our  composing 
room  service  is  planned  for  today's  demands. 


415  E.  Chapel  Hill  St.         W       1<W)  Durham.  N.  C 


[  Page  2  ]  DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 


Volume  XXXVII 

January,  1951 

Number  I 

The  Old  Year 

At  this  time  of  the  37ear  it  seems  appropriate  to  stop  for 
a  few  minutes  and  see  what  the  old  year  has  put  on  the 
credit  side  of  the  ledger.  The  staff  of  the  Alumni  Office 
remembers  pleasantly  the  many  ways  in  which  the  alumni 
family  has  cooperated  to  make  the  past  twelve  months 
noteworthy  in  the  history  of  the  institution. 

Enthusiastic  interest  and  support  by  the  alumni  assure 
the  University  that  it  will  be  able  to  intensify  its  program 
and  increase  its  services  to  mankind. 

We  Like  to  Think  About: 

— The  many  hours  spent  in  preparation  for  special  oc- 
casions, such  as  Homecoming,  Pounders'  Day,  Commence- 
ment, class  reunions — of  how  the  alumni  responded  and 
returned  enthusiastically  to  share  these  pleasant  occasions ; 

— The  alumni  who  have  taken  to  their  hearts  the  com- 
bining of  the  Loyalty  Fund  and  Development  Program 
into  the  Development  Campaign  and  the  several  thousand 
who  have  volunteered  their  services  to  President  Edens  to 
help  in  this  program ; 

— The  alumni  in  three  areas  who  have  organized  new 
alumni  associations; 

— The  local  alumni  officers  of  such  associations  as  New 
York  City  and  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  who  are  mailing  newsletters 
periodically  to  their  members; 

— Those  alumni  who  have  called  to  the  attention  of  the 
Admissions  Office  outstanding  students  in  their  commu- 
nity ; 

— Alumni  who  have  served  on  scholarship  committees, 
such  as  the  Angier  B.  Duke  Prize  Committee ; 

— The  more  than  10,000  alumni  who  have  been  prompt 
in  sending  their  changes  of  address; 

— The  alumni  who  have  given  new  scholarships  or  have 
contributed  to  old  ones ; 

— The  Class  of  1925  which  had  the  largest  percentage 
of  participation  of  any  class  in  its  activities  and  gift  to 
the  University  on  the  occasion  of  its  25th  reunion ; 

— The  officers  of  the  General  Alumni  Association,  the 
class  officers,  local  association  officers,  and  the  thousands 
of  other  alumni  who  have  served  Duke  in  the  past  twelve 

The  New  Year 

As  we  look  to  the  New  Year  we  see  the  days,  weeks,  and 
months  ahead  clouded  by  unsettled  conditions  and  by  a 
feeling  of  unrest  such  as  this  country  has  never  known. 
However,  in  spite  of  these,  we  are  counting  on  our  alumni 
to  have  a  place  in  their  thinking,  in  their  hearts,  and  in 
their  everyday  life  for  Duke  University. 

We  Hope: 

— That  you  will  visit  the  campus  as  often  as  possible ; 

— That  you  will  drop  us  a  line  when  you  change  ad- 
dress, for  this  is  particularly  important  now ; 

— That  you  will  call  on  the  Alumni  Office  for  any  serv- 
ice it  can  render  you  or  for  any  information  it  can  furnish 
you  about  Duke  or  its  alumni ; 

— That  you  will  cooperate  with  the  officers  of  your  re- 
spective association  and  class. 

We  hope  that  you  will  do  the  above  things,  for  construc- 
tive and  enthusiastic  interest  on  the  part  of  the  alumni 
means  much  to  Duke  University. 

We  wish  for  each  of  you  a  Happj-  New  Year. 

Development  Campaign 

Some  time  in  the  next  few  months  a  fellow  alumnus  will 
get  up  from  his  desk  or  stop  her  household  duties  to  call 
on  you  and  remind  you  that  Duke  is  counting  on  you  to 
have  a  part  in  the  Development  Campaign. 

When  this  call  comes,  please  give  thoughtful  attention 
to  the  request  and  give  according  to  your  ability.  Alumni 
are  being  asked  to  invest  in  Duke's  future  by  subscribing 
in  minimum  shares  of  $25.00  per  year.  Surely  each  of 
you  will  find  it  possible  to  grant  such  a  reasonable  request. 


[  Page  4  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 


Duke  Moves  to  Meet  Emergency 

Speed-up  Program  Starts  in  June.  Committee  Will  Advise  Students  on  Draft. 

Moving  to  meet  serious  educational 
problems  created  by  a  growing  national 
emergency,  President  Edens  has  an- 
nounced that  a  "speed-up"  program  to 
enable  students  to  graduate  in  three  years 
will  be  instituted  at  Duke  in  June. 

Similar  to  the  program  adopted  by  the 
University  during  World  War  II,  the 
new  curriculum  will  make  it  possible  for 
students  to  by-pass  traditional  summer 
vacations  and  complete  in  six  Summer 
Session  terms  of  six  weeks  each  work 
normally  accomplished  in  two  semesters 
of  the  regular  academic  year. 

"The  University  deems  it  essential  to 
provide  opportunity  for  high  school  grad- 
uates to  begin  their  college  training  at 
the  earliest  possible  date,"  President 
Edens  stated.  He  added  that:  "High 
school  seniors  are  urged  to  apply  at  once 
for  enrollment  in  the  Summer  term  of 
1951  beginning  in  early  June.  This 
would  enable  them  to  comj>lete  the  major 
part  of  a  half  year's  work  before  the 
usual  opening  in  September." 

With  the  drafting  of  18-year-olds  an 
imminent  possibility,  and  with  a  tighten- 
ing up  of  deferment  regulations  that  con- 
cern college  students,  it  is  evident  that 
colleges  and  universities  face  difficult 
responsibilities.  Duke  has  thus  taken  the 
lead  in  formulating  a  well-defined  policy 
for  safeguarding  opportunities  for  higher 
education  by  qualified  students. 

The  implied  purpose  of  the  program  is 
to  encourage  students  to  begin  or  con- 
tinue college  work  until  it  is  mandatory 
that  they  must  withdraw  from  the  Uni- 
versity to  enter  armed  service.  The  speed- 
up program,  it  is  felt,  will  allow  larger 
numbers  to  graduate  before  being  called 
through  the  draft. 

"This  program,"  the  President  com- 
mented, "is  in  line  with  the  advice  of 
national  leaders  and  high  school  counsel- 
ors who  are  urging  young  people  to  begin 
their  college  work  as  soon  as  possible,  be- 
cause of  the  imminence  of  military  serv- 

Under  the  announced  acceleration,  a 
student  enrolling  as  a  freshman  in  June, 
1951,  will  graduate  in  June,  1954.  If 
drafted  before  graduation,  he  will  at  least 
have  completed  a  greater  part  of  his  work 

than  would  be  the  case  under  normal 

Freshman  registration  for  the  Summer 
Session  will  be  on  June  12.  The  cus- 
tomary series  of  placement  tests  and  the 
program  of  orientation  will  begin  a  few 
days  earlier. 

In  spite  of  the  speed-up,  every  effort 
will  be  made  to  protect  the  quality  of 
education  at  Duke  and  to  permit  the 
student  to  derive  maximum  benefit  from 
his  work.  High  standards  are  not  to  be 

An  Advisory  Committee 

Another  recent  step  taken  to  help  the 
University  and  its  students  face  prob- 
lems spawned  by  the  national  emergency 
is  the  formation  of  a  special  faculty-staff 
advisory  committee,  which  will  offer  coun- 

sel to  students  on  questions  related  to 
military  service. 

In  recent  weeks  a  growing  student 
anxiety  has  been  reflected  in  the  numbers 
of  men  approaching  deans  for  informa- 
tion and  advice.  The  advisory  committee 
is  established  to  channel  such  requests  to 
faculty  and  staff  members  who  are  ac- 
cumulating all  available  information  on 
the  subject  of  the  draft  and  its  effect 
upon  University  students. 

Members  of  the  committee  will  assist 
individual  students  confronted  with  a  de- 
cision to  continue  or  discontinue  their 
education.  The  committee  will  be  large 
enough  to  make  possible  personal  inter- 
views and  to  answer  requests  for  infor- 
mation without  delay. 

Co-chairmen  of  the  faculty  committee 
(Continued  on  page  6) 

Dr.  W.  Brewster  Snow,  B.S.  '32,  left,  associate  professor  of  civil  engineer- 
ing, counsels  two  Duke  students  on  problems  relating  to  military  service.  Dr. 
Snow  is  a  member  of  a  new  faculty  advisory  committee  formed  to  aid  Duke 
students  select  the  best  method  of  furthering  national  defense  efforts  on  the 
campus  and  in  uniform.  Students  are  William  Stone,  center,  Raleigh,  N.  C, 
junior,  and  Robert  Shackleford,  right,  High  Point,  N.  C,  senior. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

[  Page  5  ] 

Second  Gift  of  $1,500,000  Offered 

Contingent  Upon  Raising  of  Matching  Sum 

A  second  gift  of  $1,500,000  to  the  Duke 
University  Development  Campaign  was 
announced  earlier  this  month  by  Presi- 
dent Edens. 

Like  the  General  Education  Board's 
gift  in  December,  this  latest  proffered 
donation  is  contingent  upon  the  raising  of 
a  matching  sum  by  alumni  and  friends. 

The  donor  has  asked  to  remain  anony- 
mous. President  Edens  termed  the  do- 
nor's generosity  to  Duke  "an  act  of  faith 
in  higher  education  and  an  act  of  confi- 
dence in  Duke  University." 

This  brings  to  a  total'of  $3,000,000  the 
amount  that  has  been  offered  to  the  Uni- 
versity providing  other  contributors  give 
an  amount  that  matches  it  dollar  for  dol- 

Every  dollar  that  an  alumnus  or  friend 
now  gives  during  the  Development  Cam- 
paign will  bring  another  into  the  Univer- 
sity. Two  great  acts  of  generosity,  which 
were  also  expressions  of  confidence  in 
Duke's  ability  to  give  increased  service  to 
mankind  through  intensified  programs  of 
education  and  research,  have  brought  be- 
fore alumni  and  friends  an  exceptional 
opportunity  to  help  Duke  build  for  the 

National  Campaign  Is  Opening 

Opening  of  the  general  campaign 
throughout  the  nation  will  be  signalled 
by  a  meeting  on  Feb.  6  in  Charlotte, 
N.  C,  to  begin  the  general  canvass  in 
Mecklenburg  County. 

Shortly  thereafter  campaigns  in  other 
areas  will  start  just  as  soon  as  soliciting 
organizations  have  completed  preliminary 
work  and  are  ready  to  go. 

Three  million  dollars  must  be  raised 
between  now  and  June  30  in  order  to 
reach  the  1950-51  goal  of  $8,650,000  and 
provide  the  matching  funds  needed  to 
assure  the  two  contingent  gifts  of 

"Within  the  next  few  weeks  it  is  antici- 
pated that  alumni  in  almost  every  part  of 
the  country  will  be  contacted  by  fellow- 
alumni  who  are  serving  as  campaign 
workers  in  their  home  areas.  These  cam- 
paign workers  will  be  well  informed  as  to 
the  purposes  and  procedure  of  the  De- 
velopment Campaign  and  will  be  able  to 
give  prospective  contributors  information 
that  should  encourage  generous  giving. 

It  is  not  planned  that  campaigns  in 
every  locality  be  opened  simultaneously. 
The  pattern  will  be  similar  to  the  highly 
successful    one   followed   by   the   Loyalty 

Fund  solicitations  during  the  past  three 
years.  Campaigns  will  begin  one  at  a 
time  during  February  and  the  three 
months  of  spring,  timed  so  that  the  1950- 
51  drive  for  gifts  for  major  projects  will 
end  at  Commencement  in  June.  This  will 
leave  the  month  of  June  for  a  clean-up 
campaign,  if  it  is  necessary  to  reach  the 

New  Chairmen 

Meanwhile  the  appointment  of  cam- 
paign chairmen  and  the  organization  of 
local  committees  is  being-  pushed  rapidly 

Most  recently  enlisted  chairmen  are 
John  B.  Harris,  '24,  in  District  4  of 
North  Carolina;  W.  Herbert  Smith,  '23, 
in  northwest  South  Carolina ;  and  Wil- 
liam M.  Courtney,  '38,  in  northeast  Flor- 
ida. These  three  alumni  leaders,  who  in 
the  past  have  served  Duke  in  various 
ways,  received  an  expression  of  apprecia- 
tion from  President  Edens  for  their  ac- 
ceptance of  important  campaign  posts. 

Support  at  Home 

While  preparations  are  being  made  to 
open  campaigns  in  numerous  cities  and 
counties  both  inside  and  outside  North 
Carolina,  two  groups  close  to  home  have 
just  about  completed  their  Development 
Program  drives  and  are  showing  excep- 
tional results. 

The  City  of  Durham  campaign,  in 
which  business  Amis  and  non-alumni  in- 
dividuals participated,  currently  stands  at 
more  than  $220,000  from  approximately 
175  contributors.  Final  report  of  the 
Durham  campaign  was  due  at  a  meeting 
scheduled  for  Friday,  Jan.  30.  Thus 
funds  for  remodeling  West  Campus 
Union,  the  Administration  Building  and 
parts  of  Page  into  a  Student  Activities 
Center  are  virtually  assuz-ed. 

The  Faculty-Staff  campaign.,  begun 
early  this  month  by  a  committee  headed 
by  Dr.  Frank  T.  DeVyver,  has  at  this 
writing  raised  approximately  $60,000. 
Actively  engaged  in  the  campaign  as 
workers  are  50  faculty  members,  includ- 
ing at  least  one  for  each  major  instruc- 
tional department  in  the  University,  and 
a  four-man  staff  committee  headed  by 
Walter  G.  Cooper,  personnel  director. 

The  success  of  these  two  campaigns  is 
particularly  significant  and  is  especially 
encouraging  as  the  national  campaign 
gets  underway.  The  people  closest  to  the 
University,   in  the   city  that   is  its  home 

Large  Gifts  Announced 

Two  large  gifts,  one  by  a  firm  and 
one  by  a  friend  of  the  University's 
were  recentlv  announced. 

The  first  was  a  gift  of  $105,000  by 
Liggett  and  Myers  Tobacco  Company 
to  be  used  for  research  projects  related 
to  the  tobacco  industry  as  a  whole. 

The  second,  announced  on  Jan.  25, 
is  a  gift  of  $100,000  to  the  Develop- 
ment Campaign  by  Mr.  David  Ovens 
of  Charlote,  N.  O,  vice-president  of 
Ivey's  Department  Store  and  a  close 
friend  to  the  University.  Mr.  Ovens 
generous  gift  was  the  first  of  the 
Mecklenburg  County  Campaign  which 
is  just  getting  underway. 

and  upon  its  own  instructional  and  ad- 
ministrative staffs,  are  the  most  capable 
of  making  a  critical  appraisal  of  Duke's 
needs  and  its  opportunities  for  future 
service.  Their  very  tangible  expressions 
of  loyalty  and  confidence  should  do  much 
to  warm  the  hearts  of  far-flung  alumni 
to  the  causes  which  the  University  serves 
and  encourage  their  active  support. 

Duke  to  Meet  Emergency 

(Continued  from  page  5) 

are  Dr.  Paul  M.  Gross  and  Dr.  Herbert  J. 
Herring,  both  University  vice-presidents 
closely  associated  with  students  on  the 
campus.  Chairmen  of  committees  to  co- 
ordinate advisory  functions  of  appointed 
faculty  members  are  Dr.  Alan  K.  Man- 
chester, dean  of  undergraduate  instruc- 
tion, and  Dr.  William  Archie,  assistant 
dean  in  charge  of  freshmen. 

The  anxiety  of  the  student  body  is  in- 
creased by  uncertainty  as  to  present  and 
contemplated  draft  policies.  While  cur- 
rent regulations  have  been  set  forth  in 
directives  from  Washington,  students  feel 
that  there  is  some  doubt  as  to  how  local 
draft  boards  will  interpret  them.  Most 
perplexing,  however,  are  repeated  an- 
nouncements that  changes  in  regulations 
are  forthcoming,  but  no  one  seems  to 
know  just  when  or  to  what  extent.  As 
might  be  supposed,  this  gives  rise  to  ru- 
mors of  all  sorts  of  pending  action  that 
will  affect  students.  Fortunately,  under- 
graduates at  Duke  are  evincing  a  cautious 
attitude  toward  such  rumors,  and  the  Uni- 
versity to  date  has  not  lost,  through  vol- 
untary withdrawal,  as  many  students  as 
some  other  institutions.  But  it  is  ex- 
pected that  the  end  of  the  fall  semester 
this  month  will  see  quite  a  few  dropping 
out  to  enlist,  rather  than  risk  being 
drafted  in  the  middle  of  the  spring  term. 

[  Page  6 ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

Campus  Busy  with  Activity 

Top  Students 

Honorary  class  scholarships  valued  at 
$350.00  each  have  been  awarded  to  17 
students  in  recognition  of  outstanding 

The  scholarships,  given  annually  to  the 
five  top  ranking  students  in  the  sopho- 
more, junior,  and  senior  classes,  are 
awarded  on  the  basis  of  the  previous 
year's  work  and  are  applied  toward  tui- 

Sophomore  winners  are :  George  R. 
Abbott,  Lewisburg,  W.  Va.;  Dante  Ger- 
mino,  Durham;  Frederick  P.  Brooks, 
Greenville;  Mary  H.  Dawson,  Sanford; 
and  Eleanor  B.  Lake,  Charlotte.  Miss 
Dawson  and  Miss  Lake  tied  for  fourth 
place  with  identical  averages. 

Winners  in  the  junior  class  are :  Wil- 
liam L.  Noel,  Birmingham,  Ala.;  Denni- 
son  I.  Eusinow,  St.  Petersburg,  Fla. ;  J. 
Woodford  Howard,  Jr.,  Prestonburg, 
Ky.;  Thomas  T.  Bannister,  Urbana,  111.; 
and  Richard  B.  Dannenburg,  Cedarhurst, 
N.  Y. 

Senior  class  winners  are :  Arnold  I. 
Roth,  Birmingham,  Ala. ;  Bowen  B.  Sim- 
mons, Opp,  Ala.;  Sanford  Radner,  Mun- 
roe,  N.  Y. ;  Thomas  E.  Morgan,  Jr.,  Jack- 
sonville, Pla. ;  William  L.  Baldwin,  Dur- 
ham; W.  Kenny  Withers,  Jacksonville, 
Fla.;  and  George  Binda,  Medford,  Mass. 

Three  students,  Baldwin,  Withers,  and 
Binda,  who  are  enrolled  under  Public  Law 
346  for  veterans,  tied  for  fifth  place  in 
the  senior  class.  They  received  cash 
awards  of  $100.00  each. 

Duke  Debate  Team 
Wins  First  Place 

Duke's  negative  debate  team,  composed 
of  Dennis  O'Donovan  of  Miami,  Fla.,  and 
Henry  Clark  of  Reidsville,  won  first  place 
in  a  debate  tournament  held  late  in  No- 
vember at  the  University  of  South  Caro- 
lina. The  affirmative  team,  made  up  of 
John  Maxwell  of  Bethesda,  Md.,  and  Tom 
Sanders  of  Asheville,  tied  for  second 

In  winning  first  place  in  the  tourna- 
ment, the  Duke  team,  coached  by  Joseph 
C.  Wetherby,  assistant  professor  of 
speech,  won  out  over  debate  teams  from 

15  Southern  colleges  and  universities. 
The  debate  question  for  the  tournament 
was :  Resolved :  the  non-communist  na- 
tions of  the  world  should  form  a  new 
international  organization. 

The  South  Carolina  tournament  was 
the  first  major  tournament  attended  by  a 
Duke  debate  team  this  year. 

wBest  Debater" 

Hunt  Ricker,  sophomore  from  Tampa, 
Fla.,  won  the  title  of  "best  debater"  in  a 
field  of  more  than  70  contestants  from 
Southeastern  colleges. 

The  event,  the  Dixie  Debate  Tourna- 
ment, was  held  at  Charlotte  early  in  De- 
cember. It  attracted  36  debate  teams 
from  12  colleges  and  universities,  and 
was  sponsored  by  Mary  Washington  Col- 
lege, Fredericksburg,  Va.,  and  Wingate 
College,  Wingate. 

Two  of  Duke's  10  teams  entered  in  the 
tourney  were  awarded  places  in  the  "Top 
Ten"  teams  selected  by  the  judges.  Mem- 
bers of  the  two  teams  were  Hunt  Ricker; 
Dan  Castor,  Tampa,  Fla.,  sophomore; 
Richard  Thigpen,  Charlotte,  senior;  and 
William  Werber,  College  Park,  Md., 

Other  Duke  participants  at  the  meet 
were :  James  Best,  Dunn,  junior ;  Sam 
Brown,  Tallapoosa,  Ga.,  junior;  Pat  Car- 
ter, Gulf  port,  Miss.,  junior;  Elinor  Prae- 
ger,  Washington,  senior;  James  E.  Ritch, 
Jr.,  Charlotte,  sophomore ;  and  Fred  Stef- 
fey,  Charlotte,  sophomore. 

Joseph  C.  Wetherby,  assistant  profes- 
sor of  speech  who  accompanied  the  teams, 
stated  that  none  of  the  Duke  team  mem- 
bers had  ever  before  participated  in  an 
intercollegiate   debate. 

Sixty-nine  Candidates 

Sixty-nine  students  are  now  working 
toward  graduate  degrees  in  English  and 
American  literature,  Dr.  Paull  F.  Baurn, 
director  of  graduate  studies  in  English, 

Eighteen  students  began  graduate  work 
in  English  this  fall,  and  46  are  now  in 
residence  at  Duke.  Some  37  students 
are  working  toward  the  Ph.D.  degree, 
with  11  studying  American  literature  and 
26  majoring  in  English  literature. 

Fraternity  Men 
Upset  Statistics 

Duke  fraternity  men  have  been  getting 
better  grades  than  non-fraternity  stu- 
dents, contrary  to  a  downward  fraternity 
scholarship  trend  reported  by  most  col- 
leges and  universities  in  the  country. 

Dean  Robert  B.  Cox,  dean  of  under- 
graduate men,  stated  that  every  one  of 
the  19  fraternities  at  Duke  topped  the 
all-men  student  scholastic  average  of  1.24 
quality  points  per  semester  hour  during 
the  academic  year  1949-50.  Fraternity 
members  earned  an  over-all  average  of 
1.38  quality  points  while  over  the  same 
period  non-fraternity  students  recorded  a 
score  of  1.15. 

"This  is  the  first  time  at  Duke  that  the 
fraternity  average  has  surpassed  the  all- 
men  scholastic  rating  in  recent  years," 
Dean  Cox  declared.  He  pointed  out  that 
in  1949-50  only  50  per  cent  of  the  fra- 
ternities made  grades  higher  than  the 
non-fraternity  average,  and  at  most  col- 
leges throughout  the  country,  the  fra- 
ternity averages  are  below  the  all-student 
average.  Much  of  the  credit  for  the 
scholastic  gain  should  go  to  the  Scholar- 
ship Committee  of  the  Duke  Inter-Fra- 
ternity Council,  which  has  staged  a  "back- 
to-the-books"  campaign.  A  trophy  and 
individual  plaques  are  awarded  to  the 
fraternity  showing  the  most  scholastic 

Duke  fraternities  have  received  na- 
tional recognition  of  their  scholarship 
achievements  in  a  series  of  Scholarship 
Newsletters  published  by  the  National 
Inter-Fraternity  Council. 

Future  Teachers 

Fifty  future  teachers  mingled  with 
teen-agers  at  Durham  High,  Carr  Junior 
High,  and  East  Durham  Junior  High  as 
Duke  education  majors  began  their  prac- 
tice teaching  by  observing  classroom  pro- 

After  a  two-month  delay  caused  by  a 
change  in  contract  with  the  Durham 
School  Board,  the  students  got  their  class 
assignments  on  the  first  day  after  Christ- 
mas vacation.  Before  the  end  of  January 
they  are  expected  to  have  completed  at 
least  ten  of  the  45  required  hours  of  ob- 
servation to  meet  requirements  for  a 
North  Carolina  certificate. 

Before  the  end  of  the  year,  students  in 
practice-teaching  must  have  spent  an- 
other 45  hours  in  actual  teaching  and  18 
more  in  conferences  with  the  critic  teach- 
er, the  supervisor  and  the  director  of  the 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

[  Page  7 ] 

Recent  Medical  Achievements 
Add  to  Health  and  Happiness 

Medical  science  at  Duke  is  quietly 
achieving  major  and  minor  triumphs  in 
the  never-ending  battle  against  diseases, 
ailments  and  accidents  which  shorten  and 
torment  human  lives. 

The  discovery  and  isolation  of  a  cancer- 
causing  virus,  advances  in  the  treatment 
of  gastric  ulcers,  a  new  use  of  ACTH 
in  treating  severely  burned  skin  tissue, 
and  the  effects  of  ACTH  in  relation  to 
high  blood  pressure  are  just  a  few  re- 
cently announced  accomplishments  to  be 
added  to  the  many  contributions  that 
Duke  doctors  have  made  toward  a  health- 
ier and  happier  mankind. 

Cancer  Virus  Isolated 

One  team  of  Duke  scientists  ended  a 
long  struggle  by  many  medical  researchers 
by  isolating  and  photographing  the  tiny 
virus  that  causes  fowl  leukosis,  a  type  of 
cancer  in  chickens  that  is  closely  related 
to  the  human  cancer,  leukemia. 

Announcement  of  the  discovery  was 
made  in  an  article  in  Proceedings  of  the 
Society  for  Experimental  Biology  and 
Medicine  by  a  team  composed  of:  Dr. 
Joseph  W.  Beard,  professor  of  surgery 
in  charge  of  experimental  surgery  and 
associate  professor  of  virology,  Mrs. 
Dorothy  W.  Beard,  R.N.,  research  asso- 
ciate in  surgery;  Dr.  D.  Gordon  Sharp, 
A.M.  '37,  Ph.D.  '39,  assistant  professor 
of  biophysics  in  experimental  surgery  and 
biophysicist  to  Duke  Hospital;  Edward 
A.  Eckert,  and  T.  Z.  Csaky. 

The  importance  of  the  find  is  the  ability 
to  study  directly  the  causative  agent  of 
the  disease  and  perhaps  find  a  way  to 
cure  or  prevent  it.  Implications  of  such 
a  discovery  are  great;  fowl  leukosis  costs 
the  poultry  industry  $75,000,000  every 
year.  The  scientists  emphasized,  however, 
that  the  report  is  just  a  preliminary  one, 
and  it  is  too  early  to  predict  any  success 
in  efforts  to  kill  the  virus  or  develop  a 
vaccine  against  it. 

Leukosis  virus  is  small — so  tiny,  in 
fact,  that  it  will  pass  through  the  invisible 
pores  of  an  ordinary  urglazed  china  din- 
ner plate.  When  magnified  15,000  times 
and  photographed  by  the  electron  micro- 
scope, it  is  shaped  like  a  tadpole  with  a 
head  about  60  one-millionths  of  an  inch 
in  diameter  and  a  tail  somewhat  longer. 

Fowl  leukosis  affects  certain  cells  in  the 
bone  marrow,  causing  young  cells  to  mul- 
tiply in  tremendous  numbers.  These  are 
thrown  into  the  blood  stream  to  form  a 
sort  of  "floating  cancer."  The  normal  red 
cells  are  killed  and  replaced  by  the  can- 

cerous cells,  which  collect  in  vital  areas 
causing  paralysis  or  blindness.  The  chick- 
ens die  of  anemia  and  starvation. 

The  Duke  team  made  thousands  of  tests 
before  determining  that  the  fatal  virus  is 
carried  from  chick  to  chick  through  the 
breed,  through  plasma,  or  by  virus  in- 
fected cells.  Again  and  again  they 
whirled  virus-laden  plasma  at  high  speeds 
in  a  centrifuge,  gradually  separating  com- 
ponents until  the  tiny  killer  was  isolated. 

The  fowl  leukosis  virus  is  minute 
enough  to  pass  through  the  invisible 
pores  of  an  ordinary  unglazed  china 
dinner  plate,  but  when  magnified 
15,000  times  and  photographed  by  the 
electron  microscope,  it  looks  like  this. 

Isolation  of  virus  by  Duke  scientists  is 
nothing  new.  A  Duke  team  in  1937  puri- 
fied the  first  known  cancer-causing  virus, 
that  of  rabbit  papilloma.  The  dread  New- 
castle disease  virus  was  isolated  a  few 
years  ago. 

Wonder  Hormone  Heals 

While  the  above  work  was  going  on, 
another  Duke  team  struggled  to  save  the 
life  of  a  nine-year-old  boy,  badly  bumed 
four  and  a  half  years  ago.  Eighty-five 
blood  transfusions  kept  him  alive  while 
the  doctors  desperately  attempted  to  graft 
skin  on  charred  tissues.  Forty-two  at- 
tempts failed;  the  transplanted  skin  tis- 
tue  melted  away  and  vanished  within  a 
week.     It  looked  hopeless. 

Then  the  doctors  decided  to  try  ACTH, 
the  wonder  hormone  that  controls  and 
eases  so  many  crippling,  stubborn  and 
painful  diseases.  A  four-man  research 
team  consisting  of  Dr.  Frank  L.  Engel, 
assistant  professor  of  medicine  and  in- 
structor in  physiology;  Dr.  Samuel  P. 
Martin,  associate  in  medicine  and  bac- 
teriology; Dr.  Benjamin  F.  Edwards  and 
Dr.  Theodore  B.  Schwartz  reported  the 
results  of  the  test  at  the  second  ACTH 

Conference  held  recently  in  Chicago. 

The  child  was  given  the  hormone  for 
two  days,  and  then  small  experimental 
skin  grafts  were  attempted  on  the  small 
patient's  chest  burns.  Eighty  per  cent 
of  them  survived.  Two  more  grafting 
procedures  were  tried — again  success,  as 
healthy  new  skin  began  to  grow  spon- 
taneously on  the  edges  of  the  less  severely 
burned  areas.  ACTH,  as  it  has  many 
times  before,  was  easing  a  child's  pain 
and  saving  his  life. 

Possible  Cause  of  Blood  Pressure 

Duke  doctors  have  been  busy  studying 
ACTH  for  some  time.  Only  last  spring 
they  established  a  connection  between 
high  blood  pressure  in  persons  with  ne- 
phritis (kidney  disease)  and  the  amount 
of  ACTH  produced  in  their  own  pituitary 

The  disease  may  be  caused  by  the 
amount  of  ACTH  produced  in  the  body. 
Furthermore,  eating  a  diet  low  in  protein 
seems  to  decrease  the  gland's  output  of 
ACTH  and  thereby  lowers  blood  pressure. 

Dr.  Philip  Handler,  professor  of  bio- 
chemistry, and  Dr.  Frederick  Bernheim, 
professor  of  pharmacology,  have  been 
making  investigations  of  the  hormone. 
Implications  of  their  discoveries  may  be 
important  in  the  treatment  of  high  blood 
pressure  and  heart  disease  in  humans. 

Subjects  of  the  Duke  experiments  were 
rats  with  high  blood  pressure  produced 
by  removing  one  kidney  and  partially 
damaging  another.  Drs.  Handler  and 
Bernheim  proved  that  when  these  rats 
were  fed  large  amounts  of  protein,  their 
blood  pressure  rose  quickly.  When  they 
ate  low  protein  diets,  the  pressures 
dropped  back  to  normal. 

Seeking  an  explanation,  the  Duke  sci- 
entists gave  ACTH  to  rats  that  had  been 
eating  small  amounts  of  protein.  In  four 
hours  their  blood  pressure  rose  from  nor- 
mal to  a  high  level — about  as  high  as  if 
they  had  been  eating  the  high  protein  diet. 
Then  they  gave  the  hormone  to  rats  that 
had  been  eating  larger  amounts  of  protein. 
Although  these  rats  already  had  high 
blood  pressure,  the  level  went  no  higher. 
In  the  same  way,  ordinary  rats  with  un- 
damaged kidneys  were  not  affected,  re- 
gardless of  what  they  ate. 

The  investigators  concluded  that,  in 
rats  with  kidney  disease,  high  blood  pres- 
sure occurs  only  when  the  animal  is  mak- 
ing sufficient  amounts  of  ACTH.  They 
also  obtained  evidence  suggesting  that 
eating  a  low  protein  diet  results  in  a  de- 
creased secretion  of  ACTH  by  the  pitui- 
tary, gland,  thereby  explaining  the  effects 
of  such  a  diet  on  high  blood  pressure. 

All  this  may  answer  many  questions 
about  diet  and  about  the  action  of  ACTH. 
When    scientists   have   discovered   why   a 

[  Page  8  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

low-protein  diet  affects  the  body  in  this 
way,  they  may  be  on  the  way  to  a  solu- 
tion to  the  problems  of  high  blood  pres- 
sure and  kidney  disease  in  humans.  How- 
ever, there  is  much  work  to  be  done  be- 
fore a  final  conclusion  can  be  drawn. 

Ulcer  Drug  Successful 

More  advances  were  recorded  for  Duke 
medicine  when  Dr.  Keith  S.  Grimson, 
professor  of  surgery,  recently  described 
excellent  results  from  a  new  drug,  Ban- 
thine,  used  in  the  treatment  of  peptic 

Banthine,  a  trade  name  for  the  gen- 
eric jaw-breaker  beta-diethylaminoethyl- 
xanthene-9-carboxylate  methobromide,  has 
been  found  helpful  in  blocking  the  trans- 
mission of  nerve  impulses  which  cause 
spasms  in  the  stomach  and  upper  intes- 
tines. These  spasms  often  result  in  mas- 
sive hemorrhages,  considerable  pain,  and 
the  need  for  operation.  The  new  drug 
relieves  the  pain  and  helps  to  eliminate  or 
delay  surgery.  It  is  available  only  on  a 
doctor's  prescription. 

Dr.  Grimson,  speaking  before  the 
fourth  annual  Clinical  Session  of  the 
American  Medical  Association  at  Cleve- 
land, announced  the  results  of  a  study 
made  by  him  and  two  Duke  alumni  asso- 

ciates, Dr.  C.  Keith  Lyons,  M.D.  '46,  and 
Dr.  Benjamin  H.  Flowe,  M.D.  '49,  which 
involved  100  patients. 

The  treatment  began  back  in  March 
1949  and  these  patients  will  be  followed 
through  at  least  five  years  of  close  study 
before  any  definite  conclusions  will  be 
made.  Results  of  the  tests  so  far,  how- 
ever, have  been  encouraging.  Of  the  100 
patients  covered  in  the  study,  62  had 
shown  symptoms,  pain,  spasms  and  some 
massive  hemorrhaging,  indicating  a  need 
for  operation.  After  treatment  with 
Banthine  varying  from  five  to  45  weeks, 
only  10  of  the  62  subsequently  required 

Of  the  52  not  yet  requiring  an  opera- 
tion, 20  (38  per  cent)  experienced  con- 
tinuing complete  relief  from  pain,  23  (45 
per  cent)  satisfactory  relief  and  only  nine 
(17  per  cent)   suffered  brief  recurrences. 

Of  the  other  group  of  38  patients  not 
needing  surgery  at  the  time  they  were 
placed  on  treatment,  24  (63  per  cent) 
experienced  continuing  complete  relief, 
12  (32  per  cent)  satisfactory  relief  and 
only  two  (5  per  cent)  had  brief  relapses. 
Clearly  this  demonstrates  the  great  possi- 
bilities for  the  new  drug. 

Dr.    Grimson    cautioned    against    any 

sweeping  optimisms  and  conclusions  by 
stating  that  it  was  still  too  early  to  fore- 
tell the  extent  of  the  protection  offered  by 
the  drug.  Although  there  is  no  evidence 
of  chronic  toxicity  or  evidence  of  increas- 
ing tolerance  with  use,  there  are  some  side 
effects  including  dilated  pupils,  dryness 
of  the  mouth  and  relaxation  of  the  blad- 
der. Patients  are  required  to  take  Ban- 
thine every  six  hours,  sometimes  every 
four  hours,  day  and  night.  Much  depends 
upon  their  co-operation  with  this  schedule. 

The  surgeon  concluded  by  saying  that 
gastric  ulcers  with  their  associated  risk 
of  malignancy  should  be  still  treated  in 
the  conventional  surgical  manner  with 
"medical  management  being  indicated 
only  when  prompt  and  complete  healing 
is  demonstrated." 

Continuing  medical  progress  at  Duke 
Hospital  and  the  School  of  Medicine  is 
accomplished  by  the  #  teamwork  and  co- 
operation of  competent  doctors  working 
steadily  and  indefatigably  in  research. 
The  work  of  these  able  scientists  in  mak- 
ing Duke  one  of  the  leading  medical  cen- 
ters in  the  South  is  a  source  of  great 
pride  to  the  University,  its  community 
and  alumni,  and  to  the  city  and  state  in 
which  Duke  is  located. 

Alumnae  Week  End 

The  announcement  concerning  Alumnae 
Week  End  on  April  6,  7,  and  8,  which 
appeared  in  the  December  Alumni  Reg- 
ister, has  meet  with  widespread  approval 
according  to  information  received  in  the 
Alumni  Office.  The  idea  of  returning  to 
the  campus  during  regular  school  time, 
rather  than  during  spring  vacation,  ap- 
peals to  alumnae  of  all  ages.  Final  plans 
are  being  made  and  a  complete  program 
will  be  mailed  to  alumnae  within  the  next 
few  weeks. 

Dr.  Gloria  M.  Wysner,  an  authority  on 
the  Near  East,  who  is  the  only  woman 
ever  named  as  a  consultant  to  The  Inter- 
national Missionary  Council  in  Associa- 
tion with  the  World  Council  of  Churches, 
is  to  be  one  of  the  featured  speakers. 
Her  book,  Near  East  Panorama,  is  being 
used  this  year  as  the  official  mission  study 
book  for  many  churches  including  the 
Methodist,    Presbyterian,    and    Episcopal. 

Dr.  Wysner  is  in  the  Near  East  at 
present,  but  will  return  shortly  before 
Alumnae  Week  End.  Her  address,  there- 
fore, will  be  timely,  and  based  on  first 
hand  information. 

The  Week  End  program  will  open  with 
a  dinner  in  the  West  Campus  Union  at 

(Continued  on  page  18) 

February  Events 

Feb.  2 — Arts  Council  Exhibit  and 
Reception  in  the  evening. 

Feb.  3— Duke-N.Y.U.  basketball 
game  in  the  indoor  stadium.  8  :30 

Feb.  4 — Chamber  music  and  organ 
recital  by  Mildred  L.  Hendrix,  Uni- 
versity Organist.  Julia  Mueller, 
violinist,  and  Dr.  Ernest  Peschel, 
cellist.  4:00  p.m.,  Duke  University 

Feb.  5 — Gieuseppe  Di  Stefano,  ten- 
or, presented  by  the  All-Star  Ar- 
tists Series.  8:15,  Page  Audito- 

Feb.  5 — Duke-George  Washington 
basketball  game.  8 :30  p.m.,  In- 
door stadium. 

Feb.  6 — Duke-William  and  Mary 
basketball  game.  8 :30  p.m.,  Indoor 

Feb.  9 — Pasquier  Trio.  Music  Room, 
201  East  Duke  Building. 

Feb.  13 — Student  Forum  Lecture  by 
Hodding  Carter.  Woman's  College 

Feb.  14 — Duke-Washington  and  Lee 
basketball  game.  8 :30  p.m.,  Indoor 

Feb.  16— Concert  by  the  Men's  Col- 
lege Glee  Club.  8:15,  Page  Audi- 

Feb.  18-22 — Religious  Emphasis 

Feb.  22 — Duke  Symphony  Orchestra 
Concert.  Woman's  College  Audito- 

Feb.  23 — Duke-Carolina  basketball 
game.    8 :30  p.m.,  Indoor  stadium. 

Feb.  27 — Student  Forum  Lecture  by 
Pearl  Buck.  Woman's  College 
Auditorium,   (tentative) 

Feb.  28— Faculty  Talent  Show.  8 :00- 
9:30  p.m.,  Woman's  College  Audi- 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

[  Page  9  ] 

State  Supreme  Court  Member 

Jeff  D.  Johnson,  Jr.,  '22,  recently 
sworn  in  as  Associate  Justice  of  the 
North  Carolina  State  Supreme  Court, 
climaxed  a  career  of  service  to  the  people 
of  his  state  as  an  attorney  and  legislator. 

North  Carolina  voters  recognized  his 
outstanding-  ability  and  long;  service  by 
confirming  in  the  November  elections  his 
earlier  nomination  by  the  State  Demo- 
cratic Committee  to  fill  the  vacancy  cre- 
ated by  the  death  of  Associate  Justice 
A.  A.  F.  Seawell. 

Within  moments  after  taking  the  oath 
of  office  from  Chief  Justice  W.  P.  Stacy, 
Justice  Johnson  donned  his  robe  and 
joined  his  new  colleagues  in  a  review  of 
appeals  from  the  Ninth  and  Twelfth  Dis- 

The  soft-spoken,  friendly  new  associate 
justice  is  the  antithesis  of  a  staid  and 
solemn  individual  one  might  expect  in  the 
State's  highest  court.  His  gift  for  catch- 
ing and  remembering  names,  his  quiet, 
unassuming  manner,  and  his  personal 
warmth  have  won  him  an  untold  number 
of  friends  during  his  long  career  as  a 
popular  North  Carolina  lawyer.  Stead- 
fast in  purpose,  unswerving  in  honesty 
and  indomitable  in  the  defense  of  a  right, 
he  has  commanded  the  respect  of  all  who 
have  known  him.  An  example  of  this 
esteem  is  the  fact  that  he  as  a  Democrat 
has  carried  the  election  in  every  office  he 
has  held  in  a  solidly  Republican  county. 
His  combination  of  humanitarianism, 
keen  intellect  and  great  capabilities  will 
certainly  be  reflected  in  decisions  handed 
down  from  the  Supreme  Court. 

Justice  Johnson's  participation  in  State 
affairs  dates  back  to  1936  when  he  was  a 
member  of  the  State  Senate  which  passed 
such  legislation  as  old  age  assistance  and 
aid  to  dependent  children,  and  the  Un- 
employment Compensation  Act.  Four 
years  later  he  was  appointed  chairman  of 
the  important  Senate  Committee  on 
Roads.  He  introduced  and  pressed  the 
passage  of  a  bill  making  the  Motor  Ve- 
hicle Bureau  a  separate  State  department. 
He  was  regarded  by  his  colleagues  as  a 

Born  on  June  6,  1900,  Justice  John- 
son is  a  "Tar  Heel"  from  way  back.  His 
ancestors  settled  in  areas  around  Garland 
in  Sampson  County  before  the  Revolu- 
tionary War.  As  a  boy,  he  worked  and 
played  on  his  father's  farm  at  Garland, 
a  farm  which  the  elder  Johnson  still  op- 

erates in  addition  to  his  lumber  business. 
The  young  Jeff  Johnson  attended  the 
Garland  High  School  and  Trinity  Park 
School  in  Durham,  and  enrolled  at  Trinity 
College  in  1919.  Originally  he  planned  a 
business  career,  graduating  with  an  A.B. 
degree  in  the  class  of  1922,  but  later  he 
switched  to  law  and  returned  to  Trinity 
to  study  under  the  late  Dr.  Samuel  Fox 
Mordeeai.  The  admiration  he  had  for 
this  great   teacher,  plus   a   gamecock   de- 

Jeff  D.  Johnson,  Jr.,  '22 

termination  to  succeed,  inspired  him  to 
lead  the  class  of  1926  in  scholarship,  fol- 
lowed closely  by  Fred  C.  Owen,  '26,  of 
Durham,  and  Bryce  R.  Holt,  '23,  A.M. 
'24,  of  Greensboro,  who  is  now  U.  S.  At- 
torney for  the  Middle  North  Carolina 

To  defray  his  college  expenses,  Justice 
Johnson  worked  as  representative  of  a 
clothing  store  and  boarding  house,  sec- 
retary of  the  Trinity  College  Athletic 
Association,  taught  school  for  a  year,  and 
played  semi-professional  baseball  during 
the  summers. 

He  was  a  stellar  first  baseman  for  the 
Trinity  College  nine,  and,  in  his  senior 
year,  was  a  member  of  the  team  that  won 
State  and  Southern  Conference  champion- 
ships. Later,  after  turning  down  an  offer 
to  join  Pittsburgh's  farm-club  at  Wichita, 
Kansas,  in  the  Western  League,  he  played 

on  various  semi-professional  teams  in  the 
Carolinas  and  in  Mississippi.  He  de- 
clined an  offer  to  manage  the  Meridian 
Club  in  the  Cotton  States  League  in  1926 
in  favor  of  continuing  his  law  studies. 

Three  of  his  former  teammates  at 
Trinity  are  now  city  school  superintend- 
ents: J.  0.  Sanderson,  '24,  of  Raleigh; 
L.  E.  Spikes,  '24,  M.Ed.  '34,  of  Burling- 
ton; and  Charles  F.  Carroll,  Jr.,  '21, 
M.Ed.  '30,  of  High  Point.  Other  friends 
and  teammates  included  Joseph  E. 
"Smokey  Joe"  Caviness,  '22  (who  pitched 
with  a  World  War  I  bullet  in  his  chest), 
of  Lillington;  Fred  Folger,  '23,  of  Mt. 
Airy;  Neal  Salmon,  '20,  of  Lillington; 
and  L.  B.  Hathaway,  '21,  of  Winston- 
Salem,  who  is  now  president  of  the  Physi- 
cal Education  Directors  of  the  Carolinas. 

In  1926  Justice  Johnson  began  his  law 
practice  at  Clinton.  Two  years  later  he 
was  town  attorney,  a  job  he  held  for  13 
years.  He  was  also  chairman  of  the 
Sampson  County  Board  of  Elections  for 
six  years. 

Justice  Johnson  was  married  to  the 
former  Miss  Virginis  Frances  Faison  in 
1935.  Mrs.  Johnson,  a  graduate  of  the 
Woman's  College  of  the  University  of 
North  Carolina,  was  at  that  time  a  school 
teacher.  They  now  have  three  children : 
Frances  Faison,  13,  Mary  Lily,  11,  and 
Jeff,  III,  nine. 

Justice  and  Mrs.  Johnson  make  their 
home  at  304  Main  St.,  Clinton,  in  a  large, 
comfortable  century-old  house.  They  at- 
tend the  Methodist  Church,  where  Mrs. 
Johnson  takes  an  active  leadership  and 
where  he  is  chairman  of  the  board  of 
trustees  and  former  chairman  of  the  board 
of  stewards.  Justice  Johnson  is  also  a 
member  of  such  groups  as  the  American 
Legion,  of  which  he  was  a  former  Post 
commander,  Masons,  Sigma  Chi,  Sigma 
Nu  Phi  legal  fraternity,  Red  Friars, 
Tombs,  and  Omicron  Delta  Kappa. 

The  new  associate  justice  relaxes  from 
his  legal  duties  by  reading  widely  of  his- 
tory and  biography  and  listening  to  good 
music.  An  occasional  hunt  and  quiet 
family  diversions  make  up  the  rest  of 
what  little  leisure  time  he  has. 

Benjamin  F.  Few,  '15,  has  been 
named  President  of  Liggett  and  Myers 
Tobacco  Co.,  effective  February  1, 
1951.  A  Director  and  senior  Vice- 
President  of  the  Company  with  which 
he  has  been  associated  since  1916,  Mr. 
Few  succeeds  J.  W.  Andrews  who  is 

Mr.  Few  is  a  trustee  of  the  Univer- 
sity and  National  Chairman  of  our 
Development  Campaign. 

[  Page  10 ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

California  Senator 
Is  a  Duke  Alumnus 

Senator  Richard  Milhous  Nixon,  LL.B. 
'37,  adds  a  strong  voice  to  the  1951  United 
States  Senate  after  recently  defeating 
Representative  Helen  Gahagan  Douglas 
in  the  California  senatorial  race.  He 
joins  Senator  Knowland  to  give  the  Re- 
publicans both  seats  from  a  large  and 
fast-growing  state  that  will  have  an  im- 
portant voice  in  the  1952  presidential 

During  his  two  terms  in  the  House  of 
Representatives  from  1946  to  1950,  Sena- 
tor Nixon  was  credited  with  being  a  vig- 
orous fighter  for  a  thorough-going  inquiry 
into  the  influences  of  Communism  in  the 
government.  Perhaps  his  biggest  achieve- 
ment was  breaking  the  Hiss-Chambers 
case  by  issuing  a  subpoena  leading  to  dis- 
covery of  the  famous  ''pumpkin  papers." 
This  was  accomplished  when  he  was  a 
member  of  the  House  Committee  on  Un- 
American  Activities.  He  also  figured  in 
pressing  prosecution  of  eleven  Commu- 
nist leaders  and  Judith  Coplon.  Recently 
he  succeeded  in  getting  Lee  Pressman  to 
testify  before  the  committee. 

The  only  California  Representative  to 
receive  two  committee  appointments  at 
the  same  time  during  the  session,  Senator 
Nixon  also  served  on  the  Education-Labor 
Committee.  In  this  capacity  he  played 
a  considerable  part  in  drafting  and  sup- 
porting the  Taft-Hartley  Bill.  He  was 
regarded  as  advocating  a  consistently 
"middle-of-the-road"  approach  and  fought 
the  Truman  administration's  "Fair  Deal" 
program.  He  also  served  on  the  Herter 
Foreign  Aid  Committee. 

"Capital  Cloakroom'' 

North  Carolina  Democratic  Senator 
Willis  Smith,  '10,  Duke  University 
Trustee,  and  California  Republican 
Senator  Richard  M.  Nixon,  LL.B.  '37, 
were  recent  guests  on  the  major  net- 
work radio  program  "Capital  Cloak- 
room." By  interviewing  members  of 
the  legislature,  the  program  attempts 
to  inform  the  listening  audience  of 
personal  views  and  activities  of  the 
men  the  nation  sends  to  Washington. 
Mr.  Smith  and  Mr.  Nixon,  two  of 
Duke's  outstanding  contributions  to 
the  political  field,  were  among  a  small 
group  of  new  Senators  interviewed  on 
the  program.  They  each  outlined  some 
of  their  opinions  on  the  world  situa- 
tion and  what  they  think  should  be 
done  about  current  international  prob- 

On  November  7,  1950,  election  clay,  California's  new  United  States  Senator 
Richard  M.  Nixon,  LL.B.  '37,  Mrs.  Nixon,  and  their  two  daughters,  Julie  and 
Tricia,  went  to  the  polls  in  Whittier,  Calif.  The  election  resulted  in  victory 
for  Senator  Nixon  over  his  opponent  Helen  Gahagan  Douglas. 

In  1948  Richard  Nixon  was  chosen  by 
the  United  States  Junior  Chamber  of 
Commerce  as  one  of  the  10  outstanding 
young  men  of  the  entire  country. 

In  the  bitter  California  election  cam- 
paign, Senator  Nixon  emphasized  his 
work  with  the  House  committee  and 
charged  that  Mrs.  Douglas  followed  the 
Communist  Party  line  in  voting  against 
the  group.  The  substantial  majority  he 
obtained  over  Mrs.  Douglas,  who  ran  with 
powerful  Administration  and  Labor  back- 
ing, indicated  the  effectiveness  of  his 

Senator  Nixon's  start  in  politics  was 
itself  something  of  happenstance,  and 
certainly  a  curious  one  in  the  great  game 
of  seeking  public  office.  In  1945,  a  com- 
mittee of  100  persons  in  California's  12th 
district,  which  includes  24  medium-to- 
small  towns  east  of  Los  Angeles,  adver- 
tised for  a  candidate  to  run  for  Congress 
on  the  Republican  ticket. 

The  gesture  afforded  amusement,  and 
aroused  derision  on  the  part  of  politi- 
cians. Not  a  bit  daunted,  Mr.  Nixon,  then 
32  and  still  in  the  Navy,  answered  the 
advertisement,  became  the  candidate,  and 
defeated  Democratic  Representative  Voor- 
hees  by  a  substantial  majority.  In  1948 
he  polled  86.9  per  cent  of  the  vote  after 
receiving,  under  California's  cross-filing 
system,  both  the  Republican  and  Demo- 
cratic nominations. 

The  new  Senator,  son  of  a  California 
citrus  grower,  was  born  in  Yorba  Linda, 
Calif.  He  graduated  from  Whittier  Col- 
lege and  Duke  Law  School,  and  practiced 
law.  in  Whittier,  Calif.,  from  1937  until 

Although  Richard  Nixon  was  of  Quaker 
parentage,  he  waived  Quaker  immunity 
in  the  last  war,  and  saw  duty  in  the 
South  Pacific,  earning  two  battle  stars 
and  attaining  the  rank  of  lieutenant  com- 
mander in  the  Navy. 

In  1940,  Senator  Nixon  was  married  to 
Patricia  Ryan.  They  have  two  daugh- 
ters, Julie  and  Tricia.  The  Senator's 
younger  brother,  Edward  C.  Nixon,  is 
now  a  junior  at  Duke  University. 

Duke  Well  Represented 
On  State  Legislature 

The  1951  General  Assembly  of  North 
Carolina  boasts  sixteen  Duke  alumni  in 
its  membership.  Five  of  the  50  Senators 
received  their  education  at  Duke,  as  did 
eleven  of  the  120  Representatives.  Two 
more  legislators  are  husbands  of  Duke 
alumnae,  one  is  the  son  of  an  alumnus, 
and  one  is  the  father  of  an  alumnus. 

Returning  from  the  previous  Senate 
is  Sam  Campen,  '10,  Pamlico.  Joseph  T. 
Carruthers,  Jr.,  '29,  LL.B.  '32,  Guilford, 
has  also  had  previous  senatorial  experi- 

Among  the  new  Senators  are  Thomas 
B.  Sawyer,  '38,  Durham;  James  P.  Low- 
der,  '16,  Stanly;  and  E.  T.  Bost,  Jr., 
LL.B.  '33,  Cabarrus. 

Representatives  who  are  returning  from 
the  last  session  are  Alonzo  C.  Edwards, 
'25,  Greene;  Lee  Whitmire,  '20,  Hender- 
son; and  Fred  S.  Royster,  '30,  Vance. 

Others  who  have  had  previous  experi- 
ence in  the  House  of  Representatives  are 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

[  Page  11  ] 

S.  E.  Burgess,  '34,  Camden ;  Bruce  Eth- 
ridge,  '99,  Dare;  and  Oscar  Barker,  '23, 

Paul  G.  Stoner,  LL.B.  '31,  Davidson; 
Richard  T.  Sanders,  LL.B.  '39,  Durham; 
David  H.  Henderson,  '35,  LL.B.  '37, 
Mecklenburg;  B.  I.  Satterfield,  '22,  Per- 
son; and  W.  N.  Ireland,  '29,  Yadkin,  are 
new  Representatives. 

James  H.  Pou  Bailey,  Wake  Senator 
who  has  had  previous  senatorial  experi- 
ence, is  the  husband  of  Piquet  Pate 
Bailey,  '44.  Crockette  Williams  Hewlett, 
'33,  is  the  wife  of  Addison  Hewlett,  Jr., 
Representative  from  New  Hanover. 

Another  new  Representative  is  Howard 
0.  Woltz,  Jr.,  son  of  Howard  0.  Woltz, 
Sr.,  '21.  F.  L.  Gobble,  Sr.,  father  of 
Dr.  F.  L.  Gobble,  Jr.,  '41,  is  a  new  Sena- 
tor from  Forsyth. 

Price  Control  Assistant 

William  H.  Tate,  '34,  Chicago,  111.,  and 
Washington,  D.  C.  attorney,  has  begun 
his  new  duties  as  special  assistant  to 
Michael  V.  DiSalle,  director  of  price  sta- 
bilization, with  offices  in  Washington. 

Mr.  Tate,  who  was  formerly  attorney 
for  the  federal  alcohol  control  adminis- 
tration in  Washington  and  Chicago,  has 
been  admitted  to  the  Bars  of  Illinois, 
Indiana,  District  of  Columbia,  and  the 
Supreme  Court  of  the  United  States. 

Mrs.  Tate  is  the  former  Ruth  Hart,  '35. 
They  have  three  children. 

New  Shell  Oil  Department 

W.  M.  Upchureh,  Jr.,  '31,  LL.B.  '36, 
is  the  manager  of  the  recently  formed 
Employee  Publications  Department  in 
Shell  Oil  Company's  head  office  in  New 
York  City.  The  new  department  was  cre- 
ated in  recognition  of  the  steadily  increas- 
ing importance  of  providing  informa- 
tional and  educational  material  to  all 
Shell  employees. 

Mr.  Upchureh  joined  the  Shell  Develop- 
ment Company  as  personnel  director  in 
1942.  Until  that  time  he  was  director  of 
the  Duke  Appointments  Office  and  of 
Student  Activities  as  well  as  manager  of 
Quadrangle  Pictures.  Mr.  Upchureh  served 
in  all  three  capacities  at  the  same  time. 
His  former  duties  have  since  been  broken 
down  into  two  separate  jobs.  During 
one  summer,  he  also  directed  the  Chapel 

In  1944,  Mr.  Upchureh  left  the  Shell 
position  to  enter  the  Navy.  After  return- 
ing in  1946,  he  worked  in  the  Personnel 
Department  of  the  Shell  Development 
Company  until  the  time  of  his  new  as- 
signment with  the  Employee  Publications 

Service  Addresses  Please! 

The  Alumni  Office  is  eager  to  keep  up  with  all  alumni  in  the  armed  forces,  even 
though  it  involves  frequent  changes.     Please  keep  them  informed. 

Christmas  cards  were  sent  to  all  alumni  in  the  armed  forces  in  the  Pacific  area 
for  whom  the  office  had  addresses.  The  following  letters  give  some  idea  of  what 
this  sort  of  thing  means  to  the  alumni. 

7th  Infantry  Division 

December  25,  1950 
Capt.  Wilmer  C.  Betts,  M.C.,  059715,  '46,  M.D.,  B.S.M.  '48 
Surgeon's  Section 
Hq.  7th  Inf.  Div. 
APO  #7,  c/o  Postmaster 
San  Francisco,  Calif. 

I  appreciated  your  card  very  much  and  got  a  lot  of  pleasure  out  of  showing  my 
friends  the  photograph  of  the  Chapel.  It's  awfully  comforting  to  be  remembered 
by  friends  back  home;  for  as  you  can  guess,  Christmas  here  is  rather  dismal  except 
for  the  thoughtful  remembrances  such  as  yours. 

Please  give  my  very  best  regards  to  all  my  friends  back  at  Duke.  I  hope  that 
perhaps  the  New  Year  will  see  my  return. 

Masan,  S.  Korea 
December  30,  1950 
Lt.  (jg)  Grover  S.  Patterson,  MC  USNR  497961,  M.D.  '47 
Hq  Co,  1st  Engi\  Bn.,  1st  Marine  Div.,  FMF 
F.  P.  0.,  San  Francisco,  Calif. 

I  received  your  Christmas  greeting  and  the  beautiful  Chapel  night  scene  brought 
back  many  cherished  memories. 

So  far,  I  haven't  run  into  any  Duke  friends  here  in  the  1st  Marine  Division, 
though  there  probably  are  some  from  the  Marine  V-12  program. 

We  landed  at  Inchon  on  September  15  and  captured  Seoul.  From  there,  we 
reloaded  and  landed  at  Wonsan,  proceeding  to  Hamhung  and  then  to  the  Chosin 
Reservoir.  I  was  not  among  the  encircled  Marines,  having  returned  to  Hamhung 
three  days  prior  to  the  attack.    We  left  Hungnam  by  sea  and  ended  up  here. 

The  Marines  form  a  wonderful  fighting  outfit.  Fortunately,  our  own  Engineer 
casualties  have  been  light  thus  far. 

I'll  certainly  be  glad  to  get  back  to  civilization  and  my  wife  and  daughter. 

I'd  appreciate  any  alumni  news  you  can  send.    I  get  the  Medical  Alumni  News. 

Dr.  Harvill  Is  President 
of  University  of  Arizona 

One  Duke  University  graduate  has  suc- 
ceeded another  to  the  presidency  of  the 
University  of  Arizona. 

Dr.  Richard  A.  Harvill,  A.M.  '27,  for- 
mer member  of  the  Duke  economics  fac- 
ulty, will  assume  the  post  of  president 
next  July.  He  will  succeed  J.  Byron 
McCormick,  S.J.D.  '33,  who  has  resigned 
the  presidency  to  return  to  his  professor- 
ship in  the  University  of  Arizona  Law 
School.  Dr.  Harvill  was  unanimously  ap- 
pointed by  the  state  board  of  regents  to 
fill  the  new  post. 

A  graduate  (with  distinction)  of  Mis- 
sissippi State  College  in  1926,  he  received 
his  doctorate  at  Northwestern  University 
in  1932. 

His  teaching  career  has  included  in- 
structorships  in  economics  at  Mississippi 
State,  and  in  economics  and  business  'ad- 

ministration at  Duke.  Dr.  Harvill  went 
to  the  University  of  Arizona  in  1934  as 
assistant  professor  of  economics,  and 
after  serving  as  visiting  professor  of  eco- 
nomics at  the  University  of  Buffalo  in 
1937-38,  he  remained  there  in  an  assistant 
professorship  until  1939  when  he  returned 
to  Arizona  as  associate  professor  of  eco- 

In  1942-43  he  was  assistant  district 
price  executive  in  the  Office  of  Price  Ad- 
ministration at  Phoenix;  from  1943  to 
1946  he  was  district  price  executive  in  the 
same  office. 

Dr.  Harvill  returned  to  the  University 
of  Arizona  campus  for  the  third  time  in 
1946  as  dean  of  the  graduate  college  and 
professor  of  economics.  In  1947  he  was 
named  to  his  present  post  of  dean  of  lib- 
eral arts. 

Mrs.  Harvill  is  the  former  Geroge  Lee 
Garner,  A.M.  '30,  and  they  live  at  1326 
East  Mabel  Street,  Tucson,  Ariz. 

[  Page  12  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

Bishop  Garber  Succeeds 
Retiring  Bishop  Peele 

Bishop  Paul  Neff  Garber,  former  Duke 
University  Divinity  School  clean,  will  be- 
come administrative  head  of  the  North 
Carolina  and  Virginia  conferences  of  the 
Methodist  Church  on  February  15  with 
the  retirement  of  Bishop  William  Walter 
Peele,  '03,  from  the  post.  Bishop  Peele 
is  relinquishing  bis  duties  because  of  ill 

Although  he  will  perform  no  official 
duties  in  connection  with  the  Richmond 
area,  Bishop  Peele  will  remain  on  the  ac- 
tive list  of  bishops  until  he  is  due  for 
compulsory  retirement  because  of  age 
when  the  Southeastern  Jurisdictional 
Conference  of  the  Methodist  Church 
meets  in  Roanoke  in  July,  1952.  A  na- 
tive of  Gibson,  N.  C,  Bishop  Peele  was 
assigned  to  the  Richmond  area  when  he 
first  was  elected  a  bishop  in  1938. 

For  the  past  six  years,  Bishop  Garber 
has  spent  most  of  his  time  in  turbulent 
postwar  Europe  as  chief  of  the  13-nation 
Geneva  area.  Barred  from  much  of  his 
official  territory  in  Central  and  South- 
ern Europe,  he  will  continue  to  hold  the 
post  of  bishop  at  Geneva  while  serving 
here  as  the  acting  head  of  the  Richmond 

Bishop  Garber  taught  church  history  at 
the  Duke  Divinity  School  before  serving 
as  dean  from  1941  to  1944.  Ordained  as 
a  Methodist  minister  in  1926,  he  was 
elected  bishop  in  1944  and  assigned  to 
the  Geneva  area.  He  is  a  former  pastor 
of  Trinity  Methodist  Church  in  Durham. 

Alumni  Affairs  Assistant 

Thomas  D.  Donegan  has  replaced  C. 
Heber  Smith,  '43,  who  recently  resigned, 
as  assistant  to  Charles  A.  Dukes,  '29, 
director  of  Alumni  Affairs,  and  as  adver- 
tising manager  of  the  Duke  Alumni 

Mr.  Donegan  has  been  doing  work  to- 
ward his  masters  degree  in  history  at 
Duke.  He  is  a  veteran  of  World  War  II, 
having  served  as  a  Captain  in  the  United 
States  Army.  Mr.  Donegan,  his  wife, 
and  their  six-year-old  son,  Tommy,  are 
living  in  the  Westover  Park  Apartments, 
B-l,  Durham. 

College  Honors  Louis  Jaffe 

The  entire  October  issue  of  the  Trojan 
Echo,  magazine  of  the  Norfolk  Division 
of  Virginia  State  College  for  Negroes, 
was  dedicated  to  the  memory  of  Louis 
I.  Jaffe,  '11,  because  of  his  great  interest 
in  the  growth  of  the  college. 

Mr.  Jaffe,  editor  of  the  Norfolk  Vir- 
ginian-Pilot, died  of  a  heart  attack  last 
March   12   at  the   Norfolk   General   Hos- 

pital. He  was  a  national  figure  in  the 
newspaper  profession,  and  devoted  much 
of  his  time  to  the  advancement  of  the 
principles  and  practice  of  freedom,  op- 
portunity and  education. 

A  $10,000  Louis  I.  Jaffe  Scholarship 
Fund  has  been  started  by  the  college  to 
perpetuate  his  memory.  It  was  felt  that 
Mr.  Jaffe  himself  would  prefer  this  to  a 
floral  tribute. 

Alumni  Hold  Local  Meetings 


The  North  Carolina  Annual  Conference 
of  the  Methodist  Church  held  its  twelfth 
session  at  Queen  Street  Church,  Kinston, 
N.  C,  from  November  1  through  5.  Dr. 
Hollis  Edens  gave  an  address  on  "Chris- 
tian Education  Today"  at  the  Board  of 
Education  anniversary.  At  the  anniver- 
sary of  the  Board  of  Lay  Activities,  Dr. 
B.  G.  Childs  of  Duke  was  the  speaker. 

Bishop  W.  W.  Peele,  presiding  bishop 
of  the  Richmond  Area,  was  in  charge  of 
the  program  for  the  Conference.  Bishop 
Richard  C.  Raines  of  Indianapolis,  Ind., 
was  the  principal  speaker  for  the  meet- 
ing; Governor  W.  Kerr  Scott  and  M.  G. 
Mann  of  Raleigh  were  among  others  who 
also  spoke  to  the  Conference. 

Six  hundred  ministers  and  laymen,  of- 
ficial representatives  of  the  Conference, 
plus  several  hundred  visitors  attended  the 
five-day  meeting. 


The  first  annual  meeting  of  the  Louis- 
ville Alumni  Association  was  held  Decem- 
ber 5  at  the  Louisville  Boat  Club.  Dean 
Robert  B.  Cox  was  the  principal  speaker. 
Almost  50  alumni,  guests,  and  parents  of 
Duke  students  attended  this  meeting,  and 
heard  Dean  Cox  discuss  what  Duke  is 
striving  to  accomplish  in  the  way  of  new 
buildings,  keeping  full-time,  experienced 
teachers,  and  giving  the  students  "quality 

Officers  for  the  coming  year  were 
elected  at  this  meeting.  They  are  Byron 
C.  Grimes,  '31,  president;  P.  J.  Walter 
Prince,  '22,  vice-president;  Sam  Tyler, 
'35,  treasurer;  Ann  Markin  Bethune 
(Mrs.  E.  P.),  '48,  secretary;  and  Frank 
Whatton,  '48,  correspondent. 

Everyone  was  well  pleased  with  this 
first  annual  meeting  of  the  newly  formed 
association,  and  great  things  are  expected 
from  the  organization. 


New  officers  elected  by  the  Guilford 
County  Alumni  Association  at  their  meet- 
ing in  Greensboro,  N.  C,  on  December  6, 
were:  Dr.  R.  M.  Taliaferro,  '41,  presi- 
dent; Tim  Warner,  '46,  vice-president; 
Claude  Long,  '50,  secretary-treasurer;  and 
Roy  Booth,  '31,  alumni  representative. 


Friday,  February  16,  is  the  date  of  the 
big  dinner  dance  being  planned  by  the 
New  York  City  Alumni  Association.  A 
full  roast  turkey  dinner  will  be  served  at 
7  p.m.  in  the  Wedgwood  Room  of  the 
Beekman  Tower  Hotel,  49th  Street  and 
First  Avenue,  New  York  City.  A  Uni- 
versity representative  will  be  a  guest  at 
the  affair.  Following  a  very  brief  busi- 
ness meeting,  the  party  will  move  to  the 
ballroom  for  an  evening  of  dancing. 

Seated  at  the  speaker's  table  during  the  first  animal  meeting  of  the  Louis- 
ville, Ky.,  Alumni  Association,  held  at  the  Louisville  Boat  Club,  were,  left  to 
right:  James  S.  Pope,  Jr.,  '48,  who  introduced  Dean  Cox,  the  speaker;  Anne 
LeCompte  Pope  (Mrs.  J.  S.),  '49;  Dean  Robert  B.  Cox,  speaker;  Byron  C. 
Grimes,  '31,  newly  elected  president ;  Mrs.  Grimes ;  and  Everett  P.  Bethune, 
Jr.,  '48,  member  of  the  nominating  committee. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

\  Page  13  ] 

Cage  Team  Starts  Impressive  Season 

Running  through  a  racehorse  schedule 
in  its  first  season  under  the  leadership  of 
Coach  Harold  Bradley,  the  Duke  Uni- 
versity varsity  basketball  team  has  looked 

The  Duke  outfit  has  clinched  a  spot  in 
the  hearts  of  the  basketball  fans  of  the 
Duke  campus  and  surrounding  territory. 
In  its  first  home  outing,  the  Blue  Devils 
tied  nationally  ranking  N.  C.  State  67-67 
at  the  end  of  the  regulation  game,  then 
dropped  a  77-71  decision  in  an  overtime 

While  the  Blue  Devils  were  expected 
to  have  a  fair-to-good  team,  play  at  times 
thus  far  in  the  season  has  been  nothing 
less  than  sensational.  Biggest  factor  in 
the  success  of  the  team  has  been  the  bril- 
liant play  of  junior  guard  Dick  Groat. 
Through  the  North  Carolina  State  game 
of  January  6,  Groat  had  scored  no  less 
than  314  points  in  13  games. 

Four  times  this  season  Groat  has  broken 
the  Duke  record  for  most  points  scored 
in  a  single  game.  Prior  to  this  season 
the  record  was  30,  tallied  by  All-America 
Ed  Koffenberger  in  1947.  Groat  scored 
31  points  against  Hanes  Hosiery  in  the 
first  game  this  season  to  break  that  mark, 
then  rebroke  the  record  with  34  points 
against  Washington  and  Lee.  His  36 
points  against  N.  C.  State  reset  the  mark. 

Besides  Groat,  the  most  outstanding 
players  for  the  Blue  Devils  have  been 
Capt.  Scotty  York,  a  much  improved  ca- 
vorter  at  guard;  Dick  Crowder,  John 
Engberg,  and  Bill  Fleming,  junior  for- 
wards; Keston  Deimling,  the  best  sopho- 
more on  the  squad,  who  plays  forward 
and  center;  Dayton  Allen  and  Jim  "Red" 
Kulpan,  both  junior  centers;  and  Dick 
Johnson,  a  sophomore  guard. 

The  Blue  Devils  opened  the  season  with 
a  76-71  win  over  Hanes  Hosiery,  then 
followed  with  a  72-60  win  over  the 
McCrary  Eagles.  Both  of  these  teams 
downed  the  Devils  last  fall.  Groat  led 
the  scoring  against  Hanes  with  31,  while 
Crowder  dropped  15  points.  Against 
McCrary,  John  Engberg  was  the  top 
scorer  with  15  points,  while  Dick  Groat 
and  Scotty  York  each  had  14. 

Duke  scored  a  20-point  win  over  Vir- 
ginia in  its  first  match  against  college 
opposition  December  9.  Groat  again  was 
top  scorer  with  20  tallies. 

In  games  played  in  Virginia  Military 
Institute's  new  gym  the  following  week- 
end,  the   Duke    crew   remained   unbeaten 

in  five  contests  by  downing  V.  M.  I.  86- 
66  and  Washington  and  Lee  97-69.  The 
lopsided  win  over  W.  and  L.  constituted 
the  most  points  ever  scored  by  a  Duke 
basketball  team  in  a  single  game. 

The  sensational  Groat  was  the  top 
scorer  in  both  of  the  games  played  at 
Lexington,  Va.  He  tallied  27  points 
against  Virginia  Military  Institute,  then 
sank  a  record-breaking  34  points  against 
Washington  and  Lee.  In  his  performance 
against  the  latter  outfit,  Groat  dropped 
14  of  15  free  throw  attempts  and  had 
connected  on  eleven  straight  at  halftime. 
Dick  Crowder  was  runner-up  against  the 
Generals  with  26  points. 

On  December  22,  Duke  made  it  six 
games  without  defeat  by  edging  George 
Washington  at  Washington  70-67.  The 
Devils  froze  the  ball  the  final  three  min- 
utes of  play.  Groat  led  the  scoring  with 
21  points,  while  Center  Dayton  Allen  had 
13  and  Keston  Deimling-,  soph  forward, 
had  11. 

The  following  night  against  the  nation's 
No.  1  team,  Bradley  University,  at  Peoria, 
111.,  Duke  dropped  its  first  game  by  93- 
58.  Groat  again  was  top  scorer,  this 
time  getting  26  points  against  the  Brad- 
ley powerhouse. 

The  Devils  dropped  an  84-69  decision 
to  Colgate  on  opening  night,  but  came 
back  to  trounce  North  Carolina  71-63  on 
the  second  day  and  pull  the  biggest  sur- 
prise of  the  entire  tourney  by  beating 
Tulane  University  72-71  on  the  final  day 
of  the  tourney.  The  surprising  part  of 
the  Tulane  game  was  that  Duke  trailed 
by  29  points  at  halftime  and  at  one  time 
during  the  contest  trailed  by  32  points. 
Dick  Groat,  by  scoring  32  points  against 
Tulane,  copped  the  tourney  scoring 
championship  with  a  total  of  71  tallies. 
He  marked  up  16  points  against  Colgate 
and  23  against  rival  Carolina. 

Apparently  tired  from  a  tough  sched- 
ule, the  Devils  dropped  their  next  three 
engagements.  Canisius  won  69-57  on 
New  Year's  Day  in  a  game  played  at 
Buffalo,  N.  Y.  and  two  days  later  against 
Penn,  the  Quakers  won  85-76.  Against 
Canisius  Groat  took  off  high  scoring  hon- 
ors with  11,  but  it  was  his  poorest  night's 
work  of  the  season.  Deimling  and  York 
were  runners-up  in  the  scoring  against 
Canisius  with  ten  points  apiece.  Against 
Pennsylvania,  Groat  was  high  scorer  with 
23,  while  sub  center  Jim  "Red"  Kulpan 
was  runner-up  with  15. 

The  loss  to  N.  C.  State  was  the  most 
heart-breaking  of  the  season.  Duke  led 
by  eight  points  near  the  end — the  Devils' 
first  lead  of  the  game — but  the  State  crew 
tied  the  count  at  67-67  with  less  than  a 
minute  to  go  and  the  score  ended  that 
way.  State  won  easily  77-71  in  the  over- 
time period.  Duke  fans  had  one  consola- 
tion out  of  the  loss,  however.  In  that, 
their  Dick  Groat  outscored  Sam  Ranzino, 
the  State  ace,  36  to  32. 

A  field  goal  from  near  mid-court  by 
Captain  Scotty  York  with  only  ten  sec- 
onds left  in  the  game  gave  the  Blue  Devils 
their  winning  margin  in  a  60-58  victory 
over  South  Carolina.  Dick  Groat  led  the 
Duke  scoring  with  21  points,  while  Dick 
Crowder  had  nine  and  Red  Kulpan  had 
eight.  Slim  Jim  Slaughter,  six  feet,  elev- 
en inch  center,  paced  the  South  Carolina 
scoring  by  ringing  34  points. 

Duke  won  another  thriller  at  home  on 
January  13  by  edging  West  Virginia  77- 
73  as  Groat  again  led  the  Duke  individual 
scoring  by  hooping  28  points,  including 
ten  free  throws.  West  Virginia's  high 
man  was  big  Mark  Workman,  six-nine 
center,  who  sank  22  tallies. 

Duke  was  upset  by  a  scrappy  band  of 
William  and  Mary  Indians  in  their  last 
game  prior  to  exams.  William  and  Mary 
won  74-57  on  its  home  court,  sophomore 
forward  Bill  Chambers  leading  the  upset 
by  sinking  28  points.  Duke's  high  scorer 
was  Groat  again,  but  he  was  held  to  16 
points.  Bill  Fleming  had  12  points  and 
runner-up  honors  for  Duke. 


Jan.  13 — Virginia  Tech,  here 

Feb.    5 — Georgia  Tech,  here 

Feb.  15 — Davidson,  there 

Feb.  23 — Washington  and  Lee,  there 

Feb.  24— V.  M.  I.,  there 

Feb.  28— North  Carolina,  here 

Jan.    8 — William  and  Mary,  here 

Jan.  12 — Virginia  Tech,  there 

Jan.  13— V.  M.  L,  there 

Feb.    3— W.  and  M.  (Norfolk  division), 

Feb.    8 — Pennsylvania,  there 

Feb.    9 — Williams  College,  there 

Feb.  20— N.  C.  State,  here 

Feb.  22-24 — Conference  meet  at  Chapel 


Feb.      17 — North  Carolina,  here 

Feb.      23 — Maryland,  here 

March    3 — North  Carolina,  there 

March  10 — Georgia  Tech,  there 

March  17 — Maryland,  there 

March  24 — Conference      championships 

at  Chapel  Hill 
March  30-31 — National    meet    at    Ann 

Arbor,  Mich. 

[  Page  14  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

Death  of  Coach  Gerard  Mourned  by  Many 

The  death  of  Kenneth  C.  (Gerry) 
Gerard  on  January  17  was  mourned  by 
the  entire  University  community  and  by 
the  hundreds  of  alumni  who  were  counted 
among  his  many  friends. 

"Gerry"  Gerard  relinquished  his  post 
as   cage   coach   just   this   year  to   take   a 

Geret  Gerard 

leave  of  absence  due  to  ill  health.  For 
many  months  he  had  been  under  the  con- 
stant care  of  a  physician  and  for  the  past 
few  weeks  he  had  been  in  a  critical  con- 

The  death  of  the  popular  coach,  who 
was  also  one  of  the  South's  top  athletic 
officials,  occasioned  sincere  and  glowing 
tribute  to  his  fine  character  and  splendid 
sportsmanship  in  newspapers  throughout 
the  region  of  the  Southern  Conference. 
The  attention  devoted  by  newspapers  to 
his  death  and  past  career  was  a  profound 
testimony  of  Gerry's  multitude  of  friends 
and  the  esteem  in  which  he  was  always 

Twice  during  the  past  three  years,  as 
Blue  Devil  cage  coach,  Gerard  took  teams 
that  were  plagued  by  ill  luck  and  a  lack 
of  material  into  the  finals  of  the  South- 
ern Conference  Basketball  Tournament, 
and  won  for  himself  honors  as  Confer- 
ence Coach  of  the  Year.  Although  during 
his  eight  years  at  the  helm  of  the  Blue 
Devil  cagers  he  won  two  conference 
championships  and  went  to  the  tourna- 
ment finals  six  times,  these  last  three 
years  gave  unimpeachable  evidence  of  his 
courage  and  will  to  fight. 

For  during  these  last  years  recurrent 
illness  and  a  major  operation  created  con- 
stant fear  that  "Gerry"  might  never  re- 

cover from  the  ailment  that  eventually 
caused  his  death. 

Typical  of  the  tribute  paid  him 
throughout  the  South  were  these  remarks 
by  his  University  colleagues: 

President  Hollis  Edens  said,  ''Coach 
Gerard  lived  and  worked  in  the  highest 
tradition  of  good  sportsmanship  and  his 
quiet  courage  and  innate  goodness  won 
the  respect  of  those  who  knew  him." 

"Gerry  Gerard's  colleagues  everywhere 
have  lost  a  good  and  great  friend,"  E.  M. 
Cameron,  director  of  athletics  said.  "On 
or  off  the  playing  fields  he  was  always  the 
'good  sport.'  He  was  never  too  busy 
to  do  a  favor  or  pass  along  a  kind  word. 
He  was  always  the  good  friend,  and  in 
consequence  his  friends  were  legion." 

Southern  Conference  Commissioner  and 
former  Duke  football  coach,  "Wallace 
Wade  said :  "It  has  rarely  been  my  for- 
tune to  have  worked  and  lived  with  such 
a  man.  His  life  is  an  example  to  all  of 
us  and  the  people  of  this  region  and  all 
over  the  Xation  will  never  forget  him.'' 

Funeral  services  were  held  in  the  Duke 
University  Chapel  on  January  18,  with 
Dr.  H.  E.  Spenee,  professor  of  Biblical 
Literature,  and  Profesor  James  T. 
Cleland.  preacher  to  the  University,  offi- 
ciating. Assisting  were  the  Reverend 
R.  E.  Brown  and  the  Reverend  Kelsey 
Regen.  Interment  was  in  the  new  section 
of  Maplewood  Cemetery. 

Born  at  Mishawaka,  Ind.,  on  July  14, 
1903,  Gerard  was  an  outstanding  athlete 
in  high  school  there.  He  entered  the 
University  of  Illinois  in  the  fall  of  1925, 
and  soon  became  a  star  at  track  and  foot- 
ball. He  was  a  member  of  the  Phi  Gama 
Delta  fraternity. 

He  was  graduated  with  a  B.S.  degree 
in  physical  education  from  Illinois  in 
1928.  After  coaching  for  a  year  at 
Athens  (Pa.)  High  School,  he  returned 
to  Illinois  as  an  instructor  in  physical 
education.  In  1931  he  came  to  Duke  as 
an  instructor  in  physical  education  and 
as  director  of  intramural  athletics. 

He  established  at  Duke  an  intramural 
athletic  program  that  is  now  ranked  as 
one  of  the  best  in  the  nation.  In  1935  he 
organized  and  coached  the  first  Duke  soc- 
cer team,  and  in  1943  he  became  basket- 
ball coach  when  Coach  Eddie  Cameron 
moved  up  as  athletic  director  and  war- 
time head  football  coach. 

Gerry's  success  in  basketball  was  phe- 
nomenal. In  eight  years,  his  Duke  teams 
went  to  the  finals  of  the  Southern  Con- 
ference tournaments  six  times  and  won 
two  championships.  He  was  named 
"Coach  of  the  Year"  twice  during  the 
last  three  seasons. 

He  was  made  an  honorary  member  of 
the  Duke  Chapter  of  ODK,  national  lead- 
ership fraternity. 

Coach  Gerard  was  past  president  of 
the  Southern  Conference  Football  Offi- 
cials Association  and  was  rated  the  num- 
ber one  football  referee  in  the  Conference. 
He  officiated  at  Conference  basketball 
games  before  he  began  coaching,  and  was 
in  great  demand  as  a  track  official.  He 
also  did  play-by-play  radio  announcing 
of  basketball  games. 

In  1935,  Coach  Gerard  married  Ellen 
Moses,  '29,  of  Norfolk,  Va.,  who  survives. 
Other  survivors  are  his  two  daughters, 
Joan,  14,  and  Nancy,  7;  his  mother,  Mrs. 
W.  C.  Gerard,  of  Mishawaka,  Ind.;  a 
sister,  Mrs.  William  L.  Pippenger,  of 
Mishawaka ;  and  a  niece,  Carol  Pippen- 
ger, of  Mishawaka. 

Dick  Crowder  Chosen 
Athlete  of  the  Week 

A  record  number  of  West  Virginia  re- 
bounds and  a  substantial  contribution  of 
points  and  rebounds  in  the  South  Caro- 
lina game  won  the  Greensboro  Daily  Neius 
Athlete  of  the  Week  award  for  Dick 
Crowder  recently. 

In  these  days  of  the  high  scoring  play- 
ers, those  boys  who  score  less  than  20 
points  in  a  game  often  find  themselves  in 
the  "also  played"  sentences  of  basketball 
reports.  But  Dick  took  at  least  half  of 
the  36  rebounds  the  Blue  Devils  snared 
in  the  West  Virginia  game,  which  ended 
77-73  in  Duke's  favor.  According  to  many 
observers,  this  turned  the  tide  in  the  im- 
portant Southern  Conference  contest,  for 

West  Virginia's  ace  Mark  Workman  gets 
most  of  his  points  with  tap-ins  and  under- 
the-basket  shots. 

Harold  Bradley,  Duke  basketball  coach, 
said :  "Crowder's  fine  play,  especially  in 
getting  the  ball  off  the  defensive  back- 
board, helped  immeasurably  in  the  victory 
over  West  Virginia.  If  he  continues  to 
play  as  well  as  that  he  will  be  one  of  our 
most  valuable  men." 

Dick's  scoring  average  was  not  bad 
during  the  week  either,  for  he  made  18 
points  against  West  Virginia,  and  nine 
against  South  Carolina.  He  took  10  re- 
bounds in  the  60-58  conquest  of  the  South 
Carolina,  team. 

A  six-foot,  195-pounder,  Dick  Crowder 
comes  from  High  Point,  N.  C.  He  is 
secretary  of  the  men's  student  government 
at  Duke,  and  is  a  pre-ministerial  student. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

[  Page  15 

rVii*f»f»  F^enitivp  Posts 

M.   Ill  *_^V^  -■— '- 

Three  members  of  the  English  depart- 
ment have  been  named  to  executive  posts 
in  the  South  Atlantic  Modern  Language 

Dr.  R.  Florence  Brinkley,  dean  of  the 
Woman's  College  and  professor  of  Eng- 
lish, was  named  chairman  of  the  English 
Section.  Dr.  Francis  E.  Bowman,  asso- 
ciate professor,  was  elected  president  of 
the  Section  on  Teaching  of  English,  and 
Dr.  Lewis  Leary,  professor  of  American 
Literature,  was  elected  secretary  of  the 
American  Literature  Section. 

Dr.  Crum  Elected 

Dr.  Mason  Crum,  associate  professor 
of  Biblical  literature,  has  been  elected  to 
membership  in  the  South  Carolina  Circle 
of  Omieron  Delta  Kappa,  national  lead- 
ership honor  society. 

Dr.  Crum,  a  native  of  South  Carolina, 
is  well  known  in  the  field  of  religious 
education  and  a  frequent  contributor  to 
leading  periodicals.  He  is  also  the  author 
of  a  number  of  works  including  Gullali: 
A  Story  of  Negro  Life  in  the  Caroline 
Sea  Islands,  The  Project  Method  in  Be- 
ligious  Education,  and  The  Story  of  Lake 

Dr.  Sponer  Presents 
Paper  at  Cambridge 

Dr.  Hertha  Sponer,  professor  of  phys- 
ics, presented  a  paper  on  electronic  levels 
in  naphthalene  at  a  meeting  of  the  Fara- 
day Society  at  Cambridge  University, 
England,  during  a  recent  tour  of  Europe. 

Collaborating  with  Dr.  Sponer  in  prep- 
aration of  the  paper  was  the  late  Dr. 
Gertrude  P.  Nordheirn,  former  Duke  part- 
time  instructor  in  physics  and  wife  of 
Dr.  Lothar  W.  Nordheirn,  professor  of 

During  the  tour,  Dr.  Sponer  lectured 
at  universities  in  Lund,  and  Stockholm, 
Sweden,  and  Uppsala  in  Norway. 

Grant  Awarded 
Dr.  Kempner 

Dr.  Walter  Kempner,  associate  profes- 
sor of  medicine  and  noted  specialist  in 
the  rice  diet  treatment  for  high  blood 
pressure,  has  been  awarded  a  $40,949 
research  grant. 

The  funds  will  be  used  for  continued 

research  by  Dr.  Kempner  and  his  asso- 
ciates in  studies  of  hypertension  and  dis- 
eases causing  hardening  of  the  arteries. 
The  U.  S.  Public  Health  Service  made 
the  award  on  the  recommendation  of  the 
National  Advisory  Heart  Council. 

Placement  Association  Head 

Miss  Fannie  Y.  Mitchell,  director  of 
the  Appointments  Office,  was  recently 
elected  president  of  the  Southern  College 
Placement  Officers'  Association  for  the 
coming  year. 

Miss  Mitchell  and  other  officers  were 
elected  as  the  Association  ended  its  fourth 
annual  convention  in  Miami  Beach,  Fla. 

Dr.  Proctor  Resigns 
as  Education  Head 

Dr.  Arthur  M.  Proctor,  '10,  professor 
of  education,  recently  resigned  as  acting 
chairman  of  the  Department  of  Education 
because  of  ill  health,  and  Dr.  John  W. 
Carr,  Jr.,  '15,  was  appointed  to  succeed 

In  speaking  of  Dr.  Proctor's  resigna- 
tion, Dr.  Edens  said,  "The  weight  of  his 
many  duties  made  it  necessary  for  Dr. 
Proctor  to  ask  relief.  Fortunately  he  has 
agreed  to  remain  on  as  professor  of  edu- 
cation." Dr.  Proctor  has  been  a  member 
of  the  Duke  staff  since  1923. 

Dr.  Carr,  who  has  been  on  the  faculty 
since  1926,  has  assumed  two  other  posts 
in  addition  to  his  duties  as  acting  chair- 
man :  director  of  graduate  studies  in  the 
department  and  assistant  director  of  the 
Summer  Session. 

The  new  chairman,  a  specialist  in  the 
field  of  child  education  and  a  frequent 
and  well-known  contributor  to  national 
education  journals  and  other  publications, 
was  principal  of  the  Advance  and  West 
Durham  Schools  before  coming  to  Duke. 
He  also  served  as  superintendent  of  the 
Schools  of  Durham  County  from  1920-24. 

Arts  Council 
Receives  $5,000 

A  gift  of  $5,000  from  an  anonymous 
benefactor  for  improved  art  exhibition 
facilities  was  announced  recently  by  Mrs. 
Calvin  B.  Hoover,  president  of  the  Duke 
Arts  Council. 

The  money  will  be  used  to  replace  in- 
adequate gallery  lighting  and  provide  the 
latest,  ultra-modern  fluorescent  lighting 
fixtures.  According  to  Dr.  Katharine  E. 
Gilbert,  professor  of  philosophy  and  chair- 
man of  the  Department  of  Aesthetics, 
Art,  and  Music,  present  lighting  provides 

only  20  per  cent  of  the  illumination  nec- 
essary to  show  the  paintings  to  best  ad- 

In  addition  to  improved  lighting,  the 
gift  will  provide  for  the  installation  of 
six  metal  and  glass  constructed  museum 
eases.  These  will  be  used  to  exhibit 
ceramics  and  textile  art,  old  manuscripts 
and  other  similar  objects.  Special  locks 
will  safeguard  valuables  lent  for  display. 

A  number  of  major  events  are  sched- 
uled by  the  Council  for  the  coming 
months.  On  February  2  there  will  be 
an  exhibit  of  water  color  paintings  by  the 
modern  Swiss  artist  Paul  Klee.  At  the 
time  of  his  death,  several  years  ago,  Mr. 
Klee  had  gained  world  renown  as  one  of 
the  greatest  of  modern  painters.  His 
works  are  highly  valued  by  connoisseurs. 
The  Council's  exhibit  will  consist  of  a 
number  of  the  artist's  works  loaned  by 
Dr.  Joseph  A.  McClain,  Dean  of  the 
School  of  Law.  Other  Klee  water  colors 
will  be  supplied  by  Yale  University  and 
the  Phillips  Gallery,  Washington. 

The  Arts  Council  is  sponsoring  a  con- 
cert in  April  by  two  nationally  known 
vocalists :  Miss  Norma  Heyde,  soprano, 
of  the  University  of  Michigan,  and  Wil- 
liam Hess,  tenor,  of  New  York  City.  They 
will  be  accompanied  by  the  Duke  Cham- 
ber Orchestra  under  the  direction  of 
Allan  H.  Bone,  assistant  professor  of 

Du  Pont  Awards 

Duke  University,  along  with  several 
other  institutions  in  the  country,  has  been 
awarded  a  post-graduate  fellowship  in 
chemistry  by  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours 
and  Company,  Inc.,  of  Wilmington,  Del. 

Selection  of  candidates  for  fellowships 
and  choice  of  projects  are  left  up  to  the 
universities  receiving  the  awards.  Each 
of  the  post-graduate  fellowships  provides 
$1,400  for  a  single  person  or  $2,100  for 
a  married  person,  together  with  an  award 
of  $1,200  to  the  university  for  the  next 
academic  year. 

Granting  of  the  fellowships  continues 
a  company  plan  to  encourage  graduate 
research  in  chemistry.  It  has  been  ex- 
tended to  take  in  several  other  fields  also. 
The  du  Pont  Company'  has  made  78  post- 
graduate awards  and  post-doctoral  fel- 
lowships to  47  universities,  and  grants- 
in-aid  to  10  universities  to  "stock-pile" 
knowledge  through  the  advancement  of 
fundamental  research.  It  is  expected  that 
the  program  will  help  maintain  the  flow 
of  technically  trained  men  and  women 
into  teaching  and  research  work  at  uni- 
versities and  into  technical  positions  in 

[  Page  16 ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

Unique  Chapel  View 

This  latest  aerial  photograph  featuring 
a  new  angle  of  view  of  the  Gothic  beauty 
which  characterizes  the  Duke  University 
Chapel  has  been  presented  to  the  Uni- 
versity by  Mr.  Wyman  Viall. 

An  aerial  photographer  from  Raleigh, 
N.  C.,"Mr.  Viall  made  the  oil  tinted  print, 
a  20  by  24  inch  mount  in  a  gold  34  by  36 
inch  frame,  which  now  hangs  over  the 
fireplace  in  the  West  Campus  Union 

The  picture  offers  a  different  artistic 
perspective  of  the  qualities  of  height, 
massiveness  and  disposition,  and  empha- 
sizes the  cruciform  plan,  formed  by  the 
transepts  and  nave,  that  is  typical  of 
medieval  European  ecclesiastical  archi- 

Each  new  Chapel  picture  is  in  some 
way  different,  in  some  way  displays  an- 
other aspect  of  the  intricate  grandeur  of 
the  structure. 

Alumni  who  desire  copies  of  the  photo- 
graph may  obtain  information  about  them 
by  writing  to  Mr.  Wyman  Viall,  Aero- 
pix,  8%  West  Hargett  Street,  Raleigh, 
N.  C. 



By    Costen    J.    Harrell,    '06,    D.D.    '40. 

Abingdon- Cokesbury  Press. 

Dr.  Harrell,  '06,  D.D.  '40,  bishop  of 
the  Charlotte,  N.  C,  area  of  the  Meth- 
odist Church,  has  published  a  new  edition 
of  his  many  inspirational  observations  in 
Friends  of  God.  The  book,  consisting  of 
43  brief  meditations,  each  followed  by  a 
prayer,  was  brought  out  on  September  5. 

Bishop  Harrell  deplores  the  tendency 
"to  excuse  sin  by  explaining  it."  He 
points  out  that  excuses  do  not  excuse, 
stating:  "Of  late  we  have  become  ex- 
perts in  this  business.  Some  of  our  false 
modern  prophets  are  telling  us  with  an 
air  of  superiority  that  our  behavior  is 
chargeable  to  our  inheritance;  that  we 
are  caught  in  the  stream  of  life  and  are 
no  more  responsible  for  what  we  do  than 
driftwood  on  a  river." 

He  goes  on  to  say,  "Faddists  are  dis- 
posed to  attribute  all  evil  deeds  and  tend- 
encies to  physical  disorders.  But  how 
account  for  the  fact  that  the  physically 
whole  are  sometimes  moral  reprobates? 
Others  excuse  the  wrongdoer  on  the 
ground  of  unfavorable  environment.    And 

yet  profligates  and  criminals  come  out 
of  godly  homes,  as  the  rankest  weeds 
grow  in  the  richest  soil.  Or  perhaps 
weak  sentimentalism  dulls  our  moral 
sense.  We  pity  the  culprit  until  he  be- 
comes a  martyr  in  our  eyes.  We  sen- 
timentalize the  fallen  and  weave  their  sins 
into  a  romance.  But  'all  the  perfumes 
of  Arabia  will  not  sweeten'  the  hand  of 
a  murderer,  nor  all  our  maudlin  tears 
change  a  wrong  into  a  right." 

Dr.  Harrell  also  holds  degrees  from 
Vanderbilt  University  and  Randolph- 
Macon  College,  and  is  a  trustee  at  Emory 
University.  In  more  than  40  years  of 
service  he  has  held  pastorates  in  Vir- 
ginia, Georgia,  and  Tennessee. 

Among  Bishop  Harrell's  other  books 
are  The  Way  of  the  Transgressor,  The 
Radiant  Heart,  The  Prophets  of  Israel, 
In  the  School  of  Prayer,  The  Bible:  Its 
Origin  and  Growth,  and  The  Word  of 
His  Grace. 


Costen    J.    Harrell,    '06,    D.D.    '40,    and 
Mack  B.  Stokes,  B.D.  '35,  contributors. 
Abingdon-Cokesbury   Press. 
Two    Duke    alumni,    Bishop    Costen   J. 

Harrell,    '06,    D.D.    '40,    and    Mack    B. 

Stokes,  B.D.  '35,  are  among  the  authors 

of    an    important    new    book,    Fruits    of 

Faith,  a  comprehensive  symposium  edited 
by  J.  Richard  Spann  and  published  on 
September  5. 

Dr.  Harrell,  bishop  of  the  Charlotte, 
N.  C,  area  of  the  Methodist  Church,  and 
Mr.  Stokes,  professor  of  theology,  Emory 
University,  are  members  of  a  panel  of  18 
outstanding  writers  who  pooled  many 
years'  experience  in  the  fields  of  preach- 
ing, teaching,  counseling,  church  and  col- 
lege administration,  prison  reform,  and 
labor  relations  to  write  a  volume  on  the 
unequaled  impact  of  Christianity  on 
world  culture. 

The  theme  of  the  book  is  well  expressed 
in  the  words  of  John  Frederick  Olson, 
professor  at  Syracuse  University :  "Chris- 
tianity is  a  creed  for  heroes.  .  .  .  Cen- 
turies of  experience  have  only  deepened 
Christian  confidence.  There  have  been 
those  who  were  despairing  and  hopeless — ■ 
as  for  example,  Jerome,  who,  from  the 
security  of  a  Palestinian  monastery, 
watched  the  Roman  Empire  collapse. 
But  more  courageous  souls  have  formed 
our  faith  .  .  .  heroic  realists  ready  in  the 
face  of  apparent  disaster  to  call  for  a 
city  of  God,  raised  on  the  ashes  of  the 

The  book  is  divided  into  three  sections 
on:  (1)  The  Faith,  (2)  Fruits  in  the 
Individual,  and  (3)  Fruits  in  Society. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

[  Page  17  ] 


Ecu  aid  Press 

Dr.  Hugh  T.  Lefler,  '21,  A.M.  '22,  is 
co-author  of  a  new  history,  The  United 
States:  A  Survey  of  National  Develop- 
ment, just  published  by  The  Ronald 

Dr.  Lefler,  who  for  some  years  headed 
the  Department  of  History  at  North 
Carolina  State  College,  is  professor  of 
History  at  the  University  of  North  Caro- 

The  United  States  is  a  textbook  for 
college  courses  in  American  History.  It 
is  characterized  not  only  by  expert  syn- 
thesis and  interpretation,  but  by  an 
abundance  of  detailed  factual  informa- 
tion. It  will  be  useful  on  the  shelves  of 
the  alumnus  as  well  as  in  the  classroom 
of  the  undergraduate. 

A  historian  of  substantial  reputation. 
Dr.  Lefler  has  published  numerous  works 
in  his  field.  They  include  The  Papers  of 
Walter  Clark  and  The  Growth  of  North 
Carolina.  At  present  he  is  engaged  in 
compiling  the  records  of  the  vice-admiral- 
ty court  of  colonial  North  Carolina,  an 
undertaking  commissioned  by  the  Ameri- 
can Historical  Association. 


By  Helen  Smith  Bevington 
Houghton  Mifflin 

Mrs.  Helen  Smith  Bevington,  assistant 
professor  of  English,  has  recently  pub- 
lished a  lighthearted  collection  of  sophis- 
ticated verse.  Gay  and  gracious,  the 
poems  contain  a  kind  of  intellectual  play- 
fulness that  is  usually  light  in  texture 
but  often  deep  and  very  literate. 

She  comments  on  diverse  subjects  rang- 
ing from  witty  reflections  on  eighteenth 
century  literary  figures  to  personal  and 
serious  recollections  of  her  childhood. 
There  are  poems  of  airplane  flights  at 
night,  landscapes,  and  scholars;  there  is 
a  girl  in  a  jeep  and  a  homesick  child  in 
a  railroad  car.  Whether  it  is  the  eccen- 
tricities of  Sam  Johnson,  the  Third  Ave- 
nue "L,"  or  "19  Million  Elephants,"  the 
dextrous  Mrs.  Bevington  handles  all  with 
equal  felicity. 

Mrs.  Bevington,  who  is  the  author  of 
a  previous  book  of  humorous  verse  en- 
titled Dr.  Johnson's  Waterfall  and  Other 
Poems,  has  taught  English  at  Duke  since 


By  Dr.  Juan  Castellano 

Dr.  Juan  Castellano,  associate  profes- 
sor of  Romance   Languages,   has  written 

a  true-to-life  account  of  a  trip  by  jeep 
from  one  end  of  South  America  to  the 
other.  Composed  in  Spanish  especially 
for  the  use  of  intermediate  language  stu- 
dents in  college,  the  narrative  is  mostly  in 
dialogue  form  and  is  both  amusing  and 
informative  in  its  description  of  South 

The  book  is  a  personal  chronicle  of  Dr. 
Castellano's  adventures  on  a  journey 
taken  in  1947  with  a  friend,  Dr.  George 
N.  Mayhew,  from  Vanderbilt  University. 
Traveling  from  Caracas,  Venezuela,  the 
two  professors  motored  some  8,000  miles 
through  Colombia,  Ecuador,  Peru,  Bo- 
livia, Chile,  and  Argentina.  Their  ex- 
periences ranged  from  misunderstandings 
with  the  Venezuelan  customs  officials  to 
the  problem  of  obtaining  automobile  tires 
in  remote  localities. 

Stressing  idiomatic  Spanish  of  value  to 
students,  the  book  contains  a  vocabulary 
and  exercises  by  Mrs.  Marjorie  Carter 
Dillingham,  a  former  Duke  faculty  mem- 
ber. Tentative  plans  have  been  made  for 
publication  of  a  popularized  English 


By  John  Cline,  '17,  A.M.  '40,  Ph.D.  '48 

The  Reverend  John  Cline,  '17,  A.M.  '40, 
Ph.D.  '48,  of  Carthage,  N.  C,  has  pub- 
lished a  book  of  his  own  poetry.  The 
Lights  of  Home  contains  300  poems  on  as 
many  different  subjects. 

The  title  poem  is  indicative  of  the  gen- 
eral contents  of  the  book.  It  deals  with 
the  simple  yet  meaningful  joys  of  home 
as  a  haven  of  rest,  a  pillar  of  strength,  a 
luring  light  to  guide  in  the  darkness,  a 
forecast  of  permanent  happiness  in  a 
future  home.  A  perusal  of  the  table  of 
contents  indicates  the  widespread  inter- 
ests which  are  treated :  Faith  and  Wis- 
dom, Neighborly  Chats,  October  Days, 
Palaces  of  Prayer,  Excuse-Makers,  and 
hundreds  of  others  dealing  with  almost 
every  phase  of  the  manifold  interests  of 

The  book  has  the  rather  odd  arrange- 
ment of  publishing  the  poems  as  they 
were  written  chronologically,  rather  than 
by  topics.  Since  the  book  is  to  a  great 
extent  the  expression  of  Dr.  Cline's  reac- 
tions to  life,  it  is  quite  fitting  that  this 
arrangement  should  be  followed  since  it 
shows  the  ripening  wisdom  and  maturing 
reactions  of  the  author. 

JThe  reader  is  able  to  look  through  Dr. 
Cline's  eyes  at  life's  simple,  beautiful  and 
glorious  experiences  and  feel  with  the 
author  the  emotions  which  a  minister  feels 

as  he  enters  into  partnership  with  both 
his  people  and  his  Maker  in  interpreting 
life.  The  book  should  provide  thoroughly 
enjoyable  reading. 


By  Dr.  Richard  L.  Watson 
University  of  Chicago  Press 

Dr.  Richard  L.  Watson,  assistant  pro- 
fessor of  history,  is  a  major  contributor 
to  the  fourth  volume  of  the  projected 
seven- volume  war  history,  The  Army  Air 
Forces  in  World  War  II,  just  released  by 
the  University  of  Chicago  Press.  The 
history  is  a  comprehensive  account  of 
Air  Force  organization,  war  plans,  and 
development  of  new  equipment,  as  well 
as  combat  operations. 

Dr.  Watson,  who  was  a  major  in  the 
Army  Air  Force  Historical  Division  serv- 
ing as  project  director  of  research  on  the 
history  of  the  war  in  the  Southwest 
Pacific  area,  has  written  a  four-chapter 
account  of  the  air  arm's  part  in  the  mid- 
dle phase  of  the  South  and  Southwest 
Pacific  campaigns.  Collaborating  with 
Dr.  Watson  on  one  of  the  chapters  was 
Kramer  J.  Rohfleisch  of  the  history  de- 
partment at  San  Diego  College,  San 
Diego,  Calif. 

Another  Duke  faculty  member,  Dr.  Ar- 
thur B.  Ferguson,  assistant  professor  of 
history,  has  written  several  chapters  on 
strategic  bombing  for  Volumes  I  and  II 
of  the  Air  Force  history.  Dr.  Watson 
also  contributed  extensively  to  the  first 
two  volumes. 

Co-editor  of  the  project  is  Dr.  Wesley 
Frank  Craven,  '26,  A.M.  '27,  professor 
of  history  at  Princeton  University. 

Alumnae  Week  End 

(Continued  from  page  9) 

6  :30  p.m.  on  Friday,  April  6,  followed  by 
a  lecture  in  Page  Auditorium.  A  coffee 
hour  will  give  the  alumnae  an  opportunity 
to  visit  together  after  the  lecture. 

A  highlight  of  the  full  program  of  ac- 
tivities planned  for  Saturday  will  be  the 
Alumnae  Association  tea  honoring  seniors 
in  the  Woman's  College  and  the  School  of 

A  committee  of  Durham  alumnae  in 
charge  of  room  reservations,  announces 
that  plenty  of  private  rooms  will  be 
available  for  the  week  end  and  will  be 
reserved  for  those  sending  in  advanced 
registration.  This  should  be  made  as  soon 
as  possible  after  the  program  is  published. 

[ Page  18  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 


1.  Carol  Alexander.  Stewart  M.  Alexander,  Jr.,  '41.  Lex- 
ington, X.  C. 

2.  Richard  Allen  Bailey.  Bette  Jane  Bailey.  George 
Robert  Bailey.  Martha  Culbertson  BaileY,  '37.  G.  Robert 
Bailey,  '37.    Baldwin,  X.  T. 

3.  Betsy  Loftus.  Barbara  Jesehke  Loftus,  '44.  Frank  Lof- 
tus,   '44.     Milwaukee,  Wis. 

4.  Christine  Rhodes  Behrens.  Eric  Kindler  Behrens. 
Helen  Kindler  Behrens  (Mrs.  R,  H.),  '46.  Stuttgart, 

o.  Robert  Brandon  Smith,  III.     Richard  Ballenger  Smith, 

Jr.     Carol  Basset  Smith,   '43.     Capt.  Richard  B.  Smith,   '43. 
Quantico,  Va. 

6.  Palmer  Robeson.  Stuart  Robeson,  Jr.  James  Robeson. 
Stuart  H.  Robeson,   '31.     Washington,  D.  C. 

7.  "Chip"  Parkhurst.  Gay'  Parkhurst.  Roy  Parkhurst. 
Margaret  Powers  Parkhurst  (Mrs.  T.  D.),  '42.  T.  D. 
Parkhurst.     Milwaukee,  Wis. 

8.  Elizabeth  Anne  Phillips.  Preson  P.  Phillips,  Jr.,  B.S. 
&  A.M.  '43.  Mrs.  Phillips.  Greenville,  S.  C.  Grand- 
mother:  Elizabeth  Evelyn  Jones  Phillips   (Mrs.  P.  P.),   '14. 

9.  Robin  Heller.  Richard  Heller.  Morton  A.  Heller,  '42. 
Mrs.  Heller.    Jackson  Heights,  X.  Y. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

[  Page  19  ] 


Charlotte  Corbin,  '35,  Editor 



R.  Dwight  Ware,  '22,  Asheville,  N.  C. 
J.  W.  Braxton,  B.D.  '32,  Elkin,  N.  C. 
Louisa   Hooker   Bourne    (Mrs.    C.   W.),   '33, 

Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Edna  Taylor  Poindexter   (Mrs.  C.  C),  '17, 

Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Tina  Fussell  Wilson  (Mrs.  L.  A.),  '21,  Rose 

Hill,  N.  C. 
Iva    Jennette    Carver     (Mrs.    M.    J.),    '24, 

Rougemont,  N.  C. 
Thelma  Albright,  A.M.  '37,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Alma  Hull,  '36,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Rev.  Preson  P.  Phillips,  Jr.,  B.S.&A.M.  '43, 

Greenville,  S.  C. 
Jacqueline    Lentz    Carriker    (Mrs.    H.    H.), 

'41,  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 
William  H.  Elder,  Jr.,  '42,  Levittown,  L.  I., 

N.  Y. 
Robert  A.  Duncan,  '50,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Mary  G.  Shotwell,  '06,  Oxford,  X.  C. 
Ida  Shaw  Appehvhite  Barber  (Mrs.  W.  L.), 

'36,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Mary  Anna  Howard,  '31,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Mildred  Crawley,  R.N.&B.S.N.  '44,  B.S. 
N.Ed.  '49,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Coma  Cole  Willard  (Mrs.  W.  B.),  '22,  Ra- 
leigh, N.  C. 

Betty  Jean  Culbreth,  '48,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

C.  W.  Perdue,  '50,  Norfolk,  Va. 

Billy  Ritchie  Wharton  (Mrs.  G.  W.),  '37, 
Durham,  N.  C. 

George  W.  Wharton,  Jr.,  B.S.  '35,  Ph.D.  '39, 
Durham,  N.  C. 

Ben  L.  Smith,  '16,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

William  M.  Werber,  '30,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Lt.  Eric  F.  O'Briant,  '50,  Hamilton  AFB, 

Richard  P.   Spencer,  '42,  Palto  Alto,  Calif. 

Kenmore  M.  Brown,  '47,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Cora  Mecum,  '26,  Walkertown,  N.  C. 

Robert  B.  Yudell,  '50,  Durham,  N.  C. 

W.  Lemuel  Clegg,  '24,  Burlington,  N.  C. 

John  W.  Hartman,  '44,  Darien,  Conn. 

C.  Turner  Foster,  '34,  Manakin,  Va. 

Charles  T.  Thrift,  Jr.,  '30,  A.M.  '32,  B.D. 
'33,  Lakeland,  Fla. 

Classes    holding    reunions    at    Commence- 
ment, 1951,  will  be  as  follows:  '01,  '10,  '11, 
'12,  '26,  '35,  '36,  '37,  '41,  '49. 

'20  * 

President :  Bernice  Rose 

Class  Agent:  Sam  H.  Lee 
LEE  E.  COOPER,  real  estate  editor  of  the 
New  York  Times,  received  top  national 
honors  among  metropolitan  newspapers  for 
outstanding  coverage  of  realty  news  for  the 
past  year.  Decision  of  the  judges  was 
unanimous.  He  received  the  scroll  at  the 
annual  dinner  of  the  National  Association 
of  Real  Estate  Editors  in  November.  It  is 
the  second  time  that  the  Times  and  Mr. 
Cooper  have  won  the  national  award.  The 
citation  read :  "Chosen  for  its  extensive  and 
thorough  coverage  of  the  real  estate  field, 
for  its  general  presentation,  the  excellence 
of  its  layout  and  illustrative  material,  and 
its  conservative  treatment  of  editorial  and 
advertising  content." 

'26  . 

President :  Edward  L.  Cannon 
Class  Agent:  George  P.  Harris 
pastor  of  the  Harrisonburg,  Va.,  Methodist 
Church  from  1946  to  1950,  has  been  ap- 
pointed pastor  of  the  Centenary  Methodist 
Church,  Lynchburg,  Va.  In  addition  to  his 
duties  as  pastor  at  Harrisonburg,  Mr. 
Blackwell  was  associate  professor  of  Bibli- 
cal Literature  in  Madison  College  for  the 
past  three  years. 

Last  fall  ROBERT  L.  JEROME,  '26,  B.D. 
'29,  was  transferred  from  Centenary  Meth- 
odist Church  in  New  Bern,  N.  C,  where  he 
had  been  pastor  for  five  years,  to  First 
Methodist   Church  in  Elizabeth  City,  N.  C. 

'28  » 

President :   Robert  L.  Hatcher 
Class  Agent:  E.  Clarence  Tilley 
JOHN   C.   BURWELL,   JR.,   '28,  M.D.   '34, 
of  101  N.  Elm  Street,  Greensboro,  N.  O,  is 
an   obstetrician   and   gynecologist.     He   has 
three    children,    John    Cole,    Jr.,    10,    Jean 
Deost,  7,  and  James  Henry,  5. 
HELEN    DEANE    CHANDLER,     116    W. 
Third  Avenue,  Gastonia,  N.  C,  is  a  secre- 
tary for  Gray  and  Daniel,  Inc. 
W.   T.  HAMLIN  is  the  Pacific  Coast  sales 
manager    for    the    B.C.    Remedy    Company. 
The  Hamlins  and  their  two  children,  Char- 
lotte and  Tommy,  live  at  709  Manlsby  Drive, 
Whittier,  Calif. 

H.  G.),  who  lives  at  2513  Berkley  Place, 
Greensboro,  N.  C,  is  an  assistant  professor 
at  Guilford  College.  She  has  a  thirteen- 
year-old  daughter,  Sue. 

M.)  is  living  on  a  farm  near  Pantego,  N.  C. 
The  Pauls  have  a  two-year-old  son,  Lewis 
Whitford  Paul,  II. 

Miss  Charlotte  Purcell  and  E.  CLARENCE 
TILLEY,  '28,  M.Ed.  '33,  were  married  in  a 
private  family  ceremony  at  the  home  of  the 
bride  on  December  15.  They  live  at  1212 
Carolina  Avenue  in  Durham. 

*29  > 

President:  Edwin  S.  Yarbrough,  Jr. 

Class  Agent:  T.  Spruill  Thornton 
R.  HAROLD  ELLISON,  who  lives  at   1954 
Robin  Hood  Road,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C,  is 
telegraph  editor  for  the  Twin  City  Sentinel. 

LITTLEJOHN  FAULKNER,  who  is  mayor 
of  Wilson,  N.  C,  manages  the  Faulkner 
Neon  and  Electric  Corporation.  He  is  di- 
rector of  Post  T,  T.P.A.,  an  international 
counsellor  of  Lions  International,  and  vice 
chairman  of  the  Wilson  District  of  Boy 
Scouts.  The  Faulkners,  who  live  at  1600 
Branch  Street,  have  four  children,  Suzanne, 
Littlejohn,  Jr.,  Claude  McCullen,  and  Nellie 

is  with  the  W.  L.  Robinson  Tobacco  Co.  in 
Durham.  His  wife  is  the  former  Josephine 
Britt,  and  they  have  two  children,  Robert 
M.,  Jr.,  6,  and  Martha  Moore,  2.  The  John- 
sons live  at  2411  Pickett  Road. 
MR.  and  Mrs.  EDWIN  S.  YARBROUGH, 
JR.,  who  live  at  3225  Surry  Road,  Durham, 
have  announced  the  birth  of  a  son,  Stuart 
Johnson,  on  December  10. 


President:  John  Calvin  Dailey 
Class  Agent :  C.  H.  Livengood,  Jr. 
STUART  H.  ROBESON  is  a  lawyer  with 
offices  at  1726  Pennsylvania  Avenue,  N.  W., 
Washington  6,  D.  C.  He  and  Mrs.  Robeson 
have  three  sons,  Palmer,  Stuart,  Jr.,  and 
James,  whose  picture  appears  on  the  Sons 
and  Daughters  Page  of  this  issue. 

'32  » 

President:  Robert  D.  (Shank)  Warwick 
Class  Agent:  Edward  G.  Thomas 
MARGARET  G.  BLEDSOE,  of  Apartment 
215,  1220  N.  Troy  Street,  Arlington,  Va., 
is  a  research  assistant  for  the  National 
Geographic  Society,  Washington,  D.  C.  She 
is  the  third  woman  in  the  history  of  the 
magazine  to  be  listed  on  the  masthead. 
and  their  family  have  moved  from  Gaines- 
ville, Fla.,  to  Greensboro,  N.  C,  where 
Meredith  has  purchased  "The  College  Shop" 
on  Tate  Street.  Their  home  address  is  508 
Willowbrook  Drive. 

FLOYD  M.  RIDDICK,  '32,  Ph.D.  '35,  repre- 
sented Duke  University  on  October  28  at  the 
inauguration  of  Richard  Daniel  Weigle  as 
President  of  St.  John's  College,  Annapolis, 
Md.  He  is  Senate  Editor  of  the  Congres- 
sional Digest,  Senate  Section.  His  office 
is  Room  71,  Capitol  Building,  Washington, 
D.  C. 

[  Page  20 ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

'33  » 

President:  John  D.  Minter 
Class  Agent:  Lawson  B.  Knott,  Jr. 
Last  fall  WALLY  F.  J.  WEMYSS  organ- 
ized the  A.N.M.C.,  which  is  covering  service 
installations  of  the  armed  forces  in  the 
eastern  part  of  the  state  of  New  York  on 
a  line  of  carefully  selected  items  relating 
to  the  tobacco  industry  and  allied  lines. 
Headquarters  are  at  162  West  Hill  Road, 
New  York  City.  Wally  joined  the  Ameri- 
can Tobacco  Company's  sales  staff  after 
Shis  days  at  Duke  and  continued  this  con- 
nection until  World  War  II.  Following  a 
ifour-year  service  in  the  Navy,  he  became  a 
member  of  the  Regent  cigarette  sales  staff, 
resigning  last  summer  in  order  to  begin  his 
present  work. 

'34  » 

President:  The  Reverend  Robert  M.  Bird 
Class  Agent:  Charles  S.  Rhyne 
is  a  dermatologist,  practicing  in  Jackson- 
ville, Fla.  He  and  Mrs.  Farrington  and 
their  two  children,  Kirby,  2,  and  Allison,  5 
months,  live  at  1717  Woodmere  Drive,  Jack- 
sonville 5. 


Next  Reunion:  Commencement,  1951 

President:  John  Moorhead 
Class  Agent:  James  L.  Newsom 
Twin  sons,  William  Alexander,  and  Donald 
Wadsworth,  III,  were  born  on  October  12  to 
Mr.  D.  W.  McArthur,  Jr.,  and  MRS.  Mc- 
mailing  address  is  Box  32,  Cocoa,  Fla. 


President:   Dr.  Joe  S.  Hiatt,  Jr. 

Class  Agents:  James  H.  Johnston,  Clif- 
ford W.  Perry,  R.  Zack  Thomas,  Jr. 
On  September  4  of  last  year,  JOSIE  BRUM- 
FIELD  was  married  in  Panama  City,  Pana- 
ma, to  Comdr.  Mason  Morris,  Jr.,  MC,  USN, 
a  graduate  of  the  University  of  Southern 
California  and  Georgetown  Medical  School. 
Their  address  is  U.  S.  Naval  Hospital  No. 
720,  c/o  Fleet  Post  Office,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
WALTER  P.  BUDD,  JR.,  of  Durham,  is 
the  vice-president  of  the  Budd-Piper  Roofing 
Company.  A  charter  member  of  the  Durham 
Junior  Chamber  of  Commerce,  W.  P.  was 
named  head  of  the  1951  March  of  Dimes 
campaign  in  Durham,  sponsored  by  the 

PHILIP  H.  KIRKLAND  and  his  wife  be- 
came parents  of  a  son,  Philip  Wenford,  on 
September  10.  They  live  at  2803  Elgin 
Street,  Durham,  and  Phil  works  in  the  Duke 
Station  Post  Office. 

'37  » 

Next  Reunion:  Commencement,  1951 
President:  Thomas  F.  Southgate,  Jr. 
Class  Agent :  William  F.  Womble 
RICHARD  E.  AUSTIN  of  4291  West  196th 
Street,  Fairview  16,  Ohio,  is  staff  assistant 
to   the    division    manager    of    Westinghouse 
Electric  Corporation,  lighting  division.     He 

is  also  the  president  of  the  Cleveland  Chap- 
ter of  the  National  Association  of  Cost 

The  Baileys,  Richard  Allen,  Bette  Jane,  and 
George  Robert,  Jr.,  whose  picture  is  on  the 
Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this  month,  are 
the  children  of  G.  ROBERT  and  MARTHA 
CULBERTSON  BAILEY.  Their  home  ad- 
dress is  2  Derby  Road,  Baldwin,  N.  Y.  Bob 
is  president  of  the  Sterling  Casket  Hard- 
ware Company  in  Maspeth,  N.  Y. 
JOSEPH  W.  RILEY  and  his  family,  which 
includes  Petey,  8,  and  Billy,  7,  have  moved 
from  Ardmore,  Pa.,  to  195  Overlook  Drive, 
Milbrook,  Greenwich,  Conn.  MRS.  RILEY 
is  the  former  DOROTHY  CREERY,  '39. 
Joe  was  recently  made  vice  president  of 
Nedick's,  Inc.,  and  a  member  of  the  Board 
of  Directors. 

WILLIAM  F.  WOMBLE,  '37,  LL.B.  '39,  of 
Winston-Salem,  N.  O,  son  of  B.  S. 
WOMBLE,  '04,  is  a  member  of  the  Council 
of  the  Junior  Bar  Conference  of  the  Ameri- 
can Bar  Association  for  the  Fourth  Judicial 
Circuit.  The  Fourth  Circuit  comprises  the 
states  of  Maryland,  Virginia,  West  Vir- 
ginia,  North   Carolina  and   South   Carolina. 

'38  o- 

President:  Russell  Y.  Cooke 
Class  Agent:   William  M.  Courtney 
A   daughter   was   born   on   November   29   to 
B.  TROY  FERGUSON,  JR.,  and  Mrs.  Fer- 
guson,    whose     address     is     5     Brooklands, 
Bronxville,  N.  Y. 

Miss  Rachel  Nancy  Hoover  became  the  bride 
of  JOHN  ALLEN  KIMBRELL  in  a  cere- 
mony at  the  Covenant  Presbyterian  Church, 
Charlotte,  N.  C,  on  October  22.  Mrs.  Kim- 
brell  is  a  graduate  of  East  Carolina  Teach- 
ers College,  and  prior  to  her  marriage  was 
a  member  of  the  faculty  of  the  State  School 
for  the  Blind  at  Raleigh,  N.  C.  John  is 
now  affiliated  with  the  Kimbrell  Furniture 
Stores,  and  the  couple  is  making  their  home 
at  200  North  Laurel  Avenue,  Charlotte. 
DONALD)  and  her  husband,  who  is  execu- 
tive secretary  of  Central  Virginia  Industries, 
live  in  the  Chestnut  Hill  Apartments  in 
Lynchburg,  Va.  Marguerite  has  had  an 
interesting  career,  having  served  as  a  lieu- 
tenant, senior  grade,  with  the  Waves,  act- 
ing as  administrative  officer  in  the  public 
relations  department  in  Washington,  during 
the  war,  and  worked  as  a  member  of  the 
staff  of  Hugh  Scott,  Jr.,  chairman  of  the 
National   Republican   Committee   afterward. 

'39  * 

President:   Edmund  S.  Swindell,  Jr. 

Class  Agent :  Walter  D.  James 
The  marriage  of  Miss  Jane  D.  Gibbs  to 
ROBERT  D.  BASKERVILL  took  place 
on  December  2  in  the  First  Presbyterian 
Church,  New  Bern,  N.  C.  They  are  living 
in  Warrenton,  N.  C. 

JAMES  H.  CURRENS,  M.D.,  a  heart  spe- 
cialist, is  assistant  in  medicine  at  Harvard 
Medical   School   and   Massachusetts   General 

Thomas  F.  Southgate 

Wm.  J.  O'Brien 

Established  1872 




Insurance  Specialists 
DURHAM,  N.  C. 


The  Fidelity  was  the  first  bank 
in  the  State  of  North  Carolina 
authorized  by  its  charter  to  do  a 
trust  business . 

For  over  60  years  our  Trust 
Department  has  rendered  faith- 
ful and  intelligent  service  in  vari- 
ous fiduciary  capacities  to  both 
institutions  and  individuals.  We 
welcome  communications  or  in- 
terviews with  anyone  interested 
in  the  establishment  of  any  kind 
of  trust. 




1  Main  at  Corcoran 
•  Driver  at  Angier 
•  Ninth  at  Perry 

•  Roxboro  Rd.  at  Maynard 


Member  Federal  Reserve  System 

Member  Federal  Deposit  Insurance 


DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

[  Page  21  ] 

Weeks  Motors  Inc. 

408  Geer  St. 

Telephone  F-139 

Durham,  North  Carolina 

Your  Lincoln  and 

Mercury  Dealer  in 



W.  P.  Budd,  '04,  Secretary-Treas. 
W.  P.  Budd,  Jr.,  '36,  Vice-President 

DURHAM,  N.  C. 

*  *   *   * 

Contractors  for 





Duke  Chapel,  New 
Graduate  Dormitory 
Indoor  Stadium  and 

Hospital  Addition 

*  -K    *    * 




Hospital.  He  is  also  cardiologist  at  Cam- 
bridge City  Hospital,  consulting  cardiolo- 
gist at  Long  Island  Hospital  and  associate 
cardiologist  at  Boston  Lying-in  Hospital. 
During  the  early  fall  he  and  his  wife  made 
a  trip  to  Paris,  where  he  gave  two  addresses 
before  the  International  Congress  of  Cardi- 

Last  Xovember,  J.  DEWEY  DAANE,  mone- 
tary expert  of  the  Federal  Beserve  Bank, 
Richmond,  Va.,  was  named  head  of  a  com- 
mission created  by  the  International  Mone- 
tary Fund  to  aid  the  South  American  re- 
public of  Paraguay  with  its  fiscal  prob- 
lems. It  was  expected  that  the  work  would 
require  about  three  months.  Dewey,  who 
is  also  an  instructor  of  business  cycles  in 
the  School  of  Business  Administration  of 
the  University  of  Richmond,  was  awarded 
the  degree  of  doctor  of  public  administra- 
tion by  Harvard  University  last  year,  this 
being  the  first  such  degree  ever  awarded  by 
that  institution. 

A  recent  letter  from  W.  CLABK  ELLZEY, 
B.D.,  said  that  during  the  war  he  was  a 
Field  Director  for  the  American  Bed  Cross 
and  that  since  that  time  he  has  been  teach- 
ing at  Stephens  College,  Columbia,  Mo., 
where  he  is  now  located.  He  is  also  chair- 
man of  the  Audio-Visual  Materials  Com- 
mittee for  the  National  Council  on  Family 
Belations  and  the  American  Association  of 
Marriage  Counselors,  and  is  a  member  of 
the  Commission  on  Marriage  and  Home  for 
the  Federal  Council  of  Churches. 
GEORGE  W.),  '39,  A.M.  '42,  and  her  hus- 
band of  Turkey  Point,  Edgewater,  Md.,  have 
one  son,  David. 

Announcement  has  been  received  of  the  ar- 
rival on  October  31  of  Charles,  III,  to  MB. 
and  Mrs.  CHARLES  KASIK,  who  reside  at 
5069  X.  Bay  Ridge  Avenue,  Milwaukee  11, 

PAUL  ABBOTT  LOYELL,  49  Bochelle 
Street,  Springfield,  Mass.,  is  manager  of  the 
wholesale  and  apartment  division  of  the 
Springfield  Gas  Light  Company. 
The  marriage  of  MADELIXE  MeGIXXIS 
and  Francis  Y.  Shaw,  Jr.,  took  place  in  St. 
John's  Boman  Catholic  Church,  Orange, 
N.  J.,  on  October  21,  and  they  are  living  at 
836  Bloomfield  Avenue,  Montclair,  X.  J. 
Mr.  Shaw,  an  alumnus  of  the  University  of 
Kentucky  and  Tampa  University,  is  with 
the  St.  Regis  Paper  Company  of  Xew  York. 

'40  a 

President :  John  D.  MacLauchlan 
Class  Agent :  Addison  P.  Penfield 
STEADMAX   BAGBY,    B.D.,    is    pastor    of 
the    First    Methodist    Church    in    Jackson, 
Tenn.     He  has  been  a  member  of  the  Mem- 
phis Conference  since  1930,  and  has  held  the 
pastorate  of  the  First  Church  at  Dyersburg, 
Tenn.,  for  the  past  five  years. 
A  son,  Thorne  Page,  was  born  on  Xovember 
4    to    Lt.    Comdr.    and    MRS.    EOBEBT    A. 
CLARKE,  of  4331  Forest  Park  Road,  Jack- 

sonville, Fla.  Mrs.  Clarke  is  the  former 
Mr.  and  MRS.  WILLIAM  M.  DAVID,  JR. 
(AXX  BAUSCHEXBEBG)  have  announced 
the  birth  of  a  son,  Jonathan  Comly,  on  Sep- 
tember 4.  The  Davids,  who  live  at  35  W. 
604,  Shanks  Village,  Orangeburg,  X.  Y., 
have  two  daughters,  Judy,  6,  and  Lucy,  2%. 
Mr.  David  is  working  on  his  Ph.D.  Degree  in 
International  Relations. 

Announcement  has  been  received  of  the  ar- 
rival of  a  son,  James  Wayne,  to  JAMES 
HALSEMA  and  Mrs.  Halsema  on  Septem- 
ber 5.  Their  address  is  United  States  In-  j 
formation  Service,  American  Consulate  Gen- 
eral, 26  Raffles  Place,  Singapore  1. 

'41  > 

Next  Reunion:   Commencement,  1951 

President:  Robert  F.  Long 

Class  Agents:  Julian  C.  Jessup,  Meader 
W.  Harriss,  Jr.,  Andrew  L.  Ducker,  Jr., 
J.  D.  Long,  Jr. 
Little  Carol  Alexander,  whose  picture  ap- 
pears on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this 
month  is  the  daughter  of  STEWART  M. 
ALEXAXDEB.  Friends  will  be  glad  to 
know  that  "Skip,"  who  was  injured  in  a 
plane  crash  in  Evansville,  Ind.  several 
months  ago,  is  recuperating  nicely.  He  and 
Mrs.  Alexander  have  recently  joined  little 
Carol  at  the  home  of  "Skip's"  parents,  Capt. 
and  Mrs.  S.  M.  Alexander,  in  the  Johnson 
Apartments  on  Watts  Street  in  Durham. 
"Skip"  is  to  have  additional  plastic  surgery 
done  to  his  hands  at  Duke  Hospital. 
GAX  D.),  M.Ed.,  and  her  husband  live  at 
10  Windsor  Drive,  Greenville,  S.  C.  Lena 
is  a  teacher,  and  her  husband,  an  alumnus 
of  the  University  of  South  Carolina,  is  an 
elementary  sehool  principal.  He  attended 
the  Duke  University  Summer  Session  in 

SIDXEY  BELLEE  and  his  wife  purchased 
a  new  home  at  35  Sholes  Avenue,  Xorwieh- 
town,  Conn.,  last  July.  They  have  two 
daughters,  Margaret  and  Deborah.  Sidney 
is  a  certified  public  accountant  with  the 
firm  of  Sullivan  and  Beller  Xew  London, 
Conn.,  of  which  he  is  a  partner. 
DR.  ALBERT  A.  BEUST,  JE.,  and  MBS. 
BEUST  (ELEAXOE  BBETH),  '42,  are 
living  at  819  South  Crescent  Avenue,  Cin- 
cinnati 29,  Ohio.  Al  is  an  instructor  in  in- 
ternal medicine  at  the  University  of  Cin- 
cinnati. They  have  two  children,  Albert  A., 
Ill,  1,  and  Frances  A.,  4. 
DR.  IRA  J.  JACKSOX,  whose  address  is 
Foundation  Apartments,  Galveston,  Texas, 
is  a  teacher  and  surgeon  at  the  University 
of  Texas  Medical  School. 
Mr.  and  MES.  EOBEBT  D.  MYEES 
(HAZEL  HAYXES)  of  5613  Cross  Country 
Boulevard,  Baltimore  9,  Md.,  have  an- 
nounced the  birth  of  a  daughter,  Laura,  on 
Xovember  25. 

Visitors  to  the  Alumni  Office  in  Xovember 
included  ALEX  WIXTEESOX  and  his 
bride,  the  former  Miss  Gertrude  Anderson, 

[  Page  22  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

who  were  married  on  November  5  in  St. 
Peter's  Lutheran  Church,  New  York  City. 
Alex  is  a  building  superintendent  in  Bald- 
win, N.  Y.,  and  they  are  living  at  3026 — 
149th  Street,  Flushing. 


President:  James  H.  Walker 

Class  Agents:  Robert  E.  Foreman,  Willis 
Smith,  Jr.,  George  A.  Trakas 
BOBERT  D.  AUFHAMMER,  of  442  W. 
70th  Street,  Los  Artgeles,  a  representative 
of  the  Penn  Mutual  Life  Insurance  Com- 
pany, received  special  commendation  for  his 
outstanding  production  record  during  the 
month  of  September.  He  was  a  member  of 
the  record-breaking  team  which  produced  a 
total  of  $1,903,000  of  new  life  insurance 
protection.  As  a.  result  of  the  phenomenal 
volume  of  new  life  insurance  written  during 
the  month,  production  leadership  shifted 
from  the  east  coast  to  the  Los  Angeles  area 
for  the  first  time  in  the  103-year  history  of 
the  company.  Bob  is  associated  with  the 
Frederick  A.  Schnell  Agency,  which  achieved 
an  all  time  high  in  life  insurance  sales,  led 
the  entire  company  and  surpassed  all  pre- 
vious Los  Angeles  Agency  one-month  dis- 
tribution records. 

Last  fall  PHILIP  S.  COVINGTON,  A.M., 
associate  professor  of  English  at  Wofford 
College,  Spartanburg,  S.  C,  since  1947,  be- 
came dean  of  students  at  Wofford.  He  is 
also  an  alumnus  of  Emory  University,  and 
has  taught  in  Georgia  and  Florida  public 
schools  and  at  Charleston,  S.  C,  high  school. 
The  Covingtons  have  three  children. 
MR.  and  Mrs.  LOU  H.  FRACHER  have  an- 
nounced the  arrival  of  a  son,  Christopher 
Howell  Fraeher,  on  November  4.  The 
Fraehers,  who  live  at  140  Robertson  Ave- 
nue, Danville,  Va.,  have  a  daughter,  Gret- 
chen,  and  another  son,  Geoffrey. 
A  picture  of  MORTON  A.  HELLER,  his 
wife  Adrienne  and  twin  children,  Richard 
and  Robin,  is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters 
Page  of  this  issue.  The  Hellers  live  at 
35-25  Seventy-seventh  Street,  Jackson 
Heights,  N.  Y.  "Mort"  is  in  the  retail 
ready-to-wear  business. 

RALPH  LAMBERSON,  LL.B.,  has  recently 
joined  the  staff  of  Olin  Industries,  Inc., 
where  he  is  serving  in  the  capacity  of  As- 
sistant to  the  Director  of  Research  and 
Development.  His  home  address  is  1107 
Washington  Street,  Apt.  7,  Alton,  111. 
ELIZABETH  FAYE  LONG,  of  Roxboro, 
N.  C,  is  assistant  executive  secretary  with 
the  North  Carolina  State  Nurses'  Associa- 
tion, having  assumed  this  position  last  fall. 
Previously  she  had  served  as  an  Army  nurse 
for  a  year,  as  assistant  supervisor  in  psy- 
chiatry at  Gallinger  Hospital,  Washington, 
D.  O,  and  as  ward  head  nurse  at  Stanford 
University  Hospital,  San  Francisco. 
husband,  Don,  and  three  children  "Chip," 
Gay  and  Roy,  live  at  4620  North  Bartlett 
Ave.,  Milwaukee  11,  Wise.    A  picture  of  the 

Parkhurst  family  is  on  the  Sons  and  Daugh- 
ters Page  this  month. 

Last  summer  L.  E.  ROBERTS,  Ph.D.,  be- 
came president  of  Middle  Georgia  College  in 
Cochran,  Ga. 

A  son,  Allin  Vallentyne,  was  born  on  No- 
vember 19  to  MR.  and  Mrs.  JAMES  H. 
WALKER,  of  421  N.  Blount  Street,  Ra- 
leigh, N.  C.  A  graduate  of  the  Harvard 
Law  School,  Jimmy  who  is  the  son  of  MRS. 
ELISE  MIMS  WALKER,  '08,  is  now  prac- 
ticing law. 

'43  « 

President:  Thomas  R.  Howerton 
Class  Agent:  S.  L.  Gulledge,  Jr. 
SNYDER  BOEHM  have  moved  from  Har- 
risburg,  Pa.,  to  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  where  Ken 
is  district  manager,  Northern  Pittsburgh, 
for  Bell  Telephone  Company.  Their  home 
address  is  258  Nordica  Drive,  Longrove 
Acres,  Allison  Park,  Pittsburgh. 

BETTY  ERICSON  and  Mr.  Richard  En- 
right  Kruse  were  married  August  19  in  the 
South  Presbyterian  Church  in  Dobbs  Ferry, 
N.  Y.  Mr.  Kruse  is  time  recording  man- 
ager in  the  midtown  office  of  International 
Business  Machines  Corporation  in  New 
York  City.  They  are  living  at  100-36 
208th  Street,  Hollis,  L.  I.,  N.  Y. 

B.)  was  graduated  from  George  Washing- 
ton Law  School  on  November  11,  receiving 
the  degree  of  Juris  Doctor.  She  has  been 
admitted  to  the  United  States  District 
Court,  and  her  husband  moved  her  admis- 
sion to  the  United  States  Court  of  Appeals. 
Her  address  is  2533  Waterside  Drive, 
Washington  8,  D.  C. 

A  son,  James  Harrison  Greene,  Jr.,  was  born 
September  16  to  MR.  and  Mrs.  JAMES 
HARRISON  GREENE,  '43,  LL.B.  '48,  of 
134  Oakdale  Drive,  Syracuse  7,  N.  Y. 
The  marriage  of  Miss  Janet  Redman  to  DR. 
SAMUEL  R.  HILL,  JR.,  took  place  on 
October  28  in  Trinitarian  Congregational 
Church,  North  Andover,  Mass.,  and  they 
are  living  in  Winston-Salem,  N.  C,  where 
Sam  is  connected  with  Bowman  Gray  Medi- 
cal School.  The  bride  is  a  graduate  of 
Abbot  Academy  and  Vassar  College. 
A  daughter,  Amy  Christine,  was  born  on 
October  13  to  KERMIT  R,  LINDEBERG, 
BSME,  and  Mrs.  Lindeberg,  of  Apt.  D4, 
Pyramid  Drive,  Pittsburgh  27,  Pa. 
have  announced  the  birth  of  a  son,  Michael 
Byron,  on  September  14.  They  are  living  at 
2277  Mimosa  Place,  Wilmington,  N.  C, 
where  Bill  is  with  the  United  States  In- 
ternal Revenue  Department. 
PRESON  P.  PHILLIPS,  JR.,  B.S.  &  A.M. 
'43,  is  pastor  of  the  Monaghan  Presbyterian 
Church  in  Greenville,  S.  C.  He  is  working 
toward  his  Ph.D.  degree  at  Bob  Jones  Uni- 

versity in  Greenville.  Previously  lie  re- 
ceived his  B.D.  at  Columbia  Theological 
Seminary.  A  picture  of  Preson,  Mrs.  Phil- 
lips and  their  small  daughter,  Elizabeth 
Anne,  is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page 
this  month. 

BASSETT,  Brandy  and  Rick  are  living  in 
Quarters  G-4,  Marine  Corps  School,  Quan- 
tico,  Va.  Dick,  who  is  a  captain  in  the 
Marine  Corps  is  an  instructor  there.  A 
picture  of  Brandy,  Rick  and  Carol  is  on  the 
Sons  and  Daughters  Page  of  this  issue. 

We  are  members  by 

invitation  of  the 

National  Selected 


the  only  Durham  Funeral  Home 
accorded  this  honor. 


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C.  B.  Martin    V.  J.  Ashbaugh 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

[  Page  23  ] 

'44  * 

President:   Matthew  S.   (Sandy)  Eae 
Class  Agent:   H.  "Watson  Stewart 
A   daughter,  Nancy   Kimball,   was  born   on 
November     14     to     ELEANOR     PLTLEE 
BAIED  and  WASSON  BAIED,  '45,  of  476 
Heath    Place,   Apt,    26,    Hackensaek,   N.   J. 
Nancy  is  a  granddaughter  of  11.   T.   PLY- 
LEE,'  '92,   A.M.    '97,   D.D.    '37,   of   Durham. 
GEORGE    N.    BEEE,    BSME,    has    written 
that  1950  brought  two  new  additions  to  his 
family:   a  daughter,  Mareia,  on  March  15; 
and  a  new  house  on  October  1.    His  address 
is  95  Meadow  Drive,  Eochester  18,  N.  Y. 
The  marriage  of  HELEN  BEOOKS  to  Capt. 
Wesley  C.   Brashear,   USAF,  took  place   on 
November    25     in    the    First    Presbyterian 
Church,   Weston,   W.   Va.     Mail  may  be   di- 
rected to  her  in   care   of  her  mother,  Mrs. 
Leslie   Brooks,  Jane  Lew,   W.   Va. 



1105  BROAD  ST.- PHONE   X*I224 


Complete  Office 

Telephone  L-919 

105  West  Fairish  Street 

Durham,  North  Carolina 

62  7/ea4d 

of  continuous  service  to  Duke 
University  Faculty,  Adminis- 
tration and  Alumni. 

HIBBERD,  Florist 

Durham,  N.  C. 
Opposite  the  Washington  Duke 

TTS  live  at  2977  N.  Stowell  Avenue  in 
Milwaukee,  Wise,  where  Frank  is  assistant 
general  manager  of  Res  Manufacturing 
Company,  a  metal  stamping  company.  A 
picture  of  Betsy,  their  21-months-old  daugh- 
ter, is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  of 
this  issue. 

FRANCES  CROWE  OAKES  became  the 
bride  of  Dr.  Robert  Hammond  Sease  in  a 
formal  ceremony  in  the  Weldon,  N.  C, 
Methodist  Church  on  October  27.  Dr.  Sease 
was  graduated  from  the  University  of 
Richmond  and  the  Medical  College  of  Vir- 
ginia. He  interned  at  Bex  Hospital  in  Ra- 
leigh, N.  O,  and  specialized  at  Chesapeake 
and  Ohio  Hospital,  Clifton  Forge,  Va. 
During  World  War  II  he  served  as  flight 
surgeon  in  the  Pacific  theater.  The  couple 
is  making  their  home  Apt.  5,  1  Malvern 
Ave.,  Richmond,  Va. 

JOE  J.  ROBNETT,  BSEE  '49,  and 
at  1620  Martin  Street,  San  Angelo,  Texas. 
Joe  works  with  the  Humble  Oil  and  Re- 
fining Company  of  Houston,  and  has  also 
taken  on  the  job  of  assistant  coach  at  the 
Junior  College  there.  He  officiates  for  all 
the  high  school  football  games,  keeping  him- 
self busy  indeed.  The  Robnetts  have  three 
little  girls.  Their  last,  Patricia  Reacle,  is 
one  year  old. 

Announcement  has  been  received  of  the  ar- 
rival of  Sharon  Linell  on  October  17,  1950, 
to  LINWOOD  J.  STEVENSON,  B.D.,  and 
Mrs.  Stevenson,  whose  address  is  P.  O.  Box 
397,  Evanston,  Wyoming.  The  Stevensons 
also  have  a  young  son,  Lin. 

'45  » 

President:  Charles  B.  Markham,  Jr. 

Class  Agent:  Charles  F.  Blanchard 
The  address  of  JACQUELINE  BARTHEN, 
who  was  married  last  April  to  Mr.  John 
Hunter  is  West  Road,  Petersham,  Mass. 
Mr.  Hunter,  an  alumnus  of  Stevens  Insti- 
tute of  Technology,  is  a  mechanical  engi- 
neer with  Rodney  Hunt  Machine  Company, 
Orange,  Mass. ;  and  Jaecpieline,  who  has 
studied  at  the'  Latin  American  Institute, 
is  a  secretary  for  an  advertising  agency. 
Mr.  and  MRS.  WALTER  C.  ERWIN,  of 
62  Hillcrest  Drive,  Concord,  N.  C,  have  an- 
nounced the  birth  of  Walter  Clark,  Jr.,  on 
October  31.  Mrs.  Erwin  is  the  former 

The  address  of  ANN  WALKEE  HATHOEN 
and  GUY  B.  HATHORN,  Ph.D.  '50,  is  Box 
812,  Davidson,  N.  C.  Guy  is  an  assistant 
professor  of  political  science  at  Davidson 
College,  having  previously  been  an  instruc- 
tor at  the  University  of  Mississippi,  where 
he  received  his  A.B.  degree,  and  at  Duke 
University.  They  have  a  young  son  who 
was  born  last  September. 
AETHUE  P.  LEONAED  is  Commercial 
Agent  (Foreign  Trade)  for  the  District  Of- 
fice of  the  U.  S.  Department  of  Commerce 
in  Louisville,  Ky.  Since  leaving  Duke  he 
has  received  a  B.S.  degree  in  Foreign  Serv- 
ice at  Georgetown  School  of  Foreign  Service, 

spent  a  year's  duty  with  the  Bureau  of 
Census,  and  a  period  of  service  in  Atlanta, 
Ga.,  with  the  Department  of  Commerce.  His 
office  address  is  U.  S.  Department  of  Com- 
merce, 631  Federal  Building,  Louisville  2. 
AETHUE  L.  MESSINGEE,  who  was  gradu- 
ated from  the  University  of  Illinois  College 
of  Medicine  in  1949,  is  serving  an  ortho- 
pedic surgery  residency  at  the  Veterans  Ad- 
ministration Hospital  in  Portland,  Ore.  His 
address  is  3405  S.  W.  11th,  Portland  1. 
Mr.  and  MES.  H.  BLOSS  VAIL  (CAEO- 
LYN  KING)  have  announced  the  birth  of 
a  daughter,  Mary  Bloss,  on  June  20,  1950. 
Their  address  is  903  Glenshire  Eoad,  Glen- 
view,  111. 

and  her  husband,  Julian  William  West,  who 
were  married  last  May  28  in  the  First 
Methodist  Church  of  Mount  Olive,  N.  C,  are 
living  at  1310  E.  Walnut  Street,  Goldsboro, 
N.  C.  Betty  is  a  medical  social  worker  with 
the  North  Carolina  State  Commission  for 
the  Blind,  and  her  husband,  an  alumnus  of 
Davidson,  is  a  partner  in  the  mercantile  firm 
of  Smith  and  Pelt,  men's  clothiers. 
The  address  of  ANNE  WHITLINGER 
HANKS  (MRS.  H.  FREDERICK)  is  Hill- 
crest  County  Club,  Lincoln,  Neb.  She  and 
Mr.  Hanks,  who  is  manager  of  the  Club  in 
which  they  live,  have  a  year-old  son,  Fred- 
erick H. 

and  her  husband  have  announced  the  birt'i 
of  a  son,  Gary  Herbert,  on  July  15.  They 
also  have  a  daughter,  Gretchen.  The  family 
lives  at  510  Linden  Street,  East  Lansing, 

GEORGE  W.  WOOD  and  Mrs.  Wood  of 
2436  W.  Capital  Drive,  Milwaukee  6,  Wise., 
visited  the  Alumni  Office  the  past  summer 
following  George's  two  weeks  of  active  duty 
with  the  Marines  at  Camp  Lejeune.  He  is 
working  with  Allis-C'halmers  Manufacturing 
Company  in  Milwaukee. 

'46  > 

President :  B.  G.  Munro 

Class  Agent :  Eobert  E.  Cowin 
Announcement  has  been  received  from 
FRANCIS  A.  BENEDETTI,  '46,  LL.B.  '49, 
to  the  effect  that  he  has  opened  an  office 
for  the  general  practice  of  law  in  Yuma, 

Mr.  and  MES.  STANLEY  P.  BLACK 
announced  the  birth  of  a  son,  David  Earn- 
say,  on  June  13.  The  Blacks  live  at  1537 
A  Wilder  Avenue,  Honolulu  14,  Hawaii. 
working  with  the  Landis  Tool  Company.  He 
lives  at  145  S.  Church  Street,  Waynesboro, 

ARTHUR  W.  DENNIS,  B.D.,  is  a  Chaplain 
attached  to  the  United  States  Naval  Receiv- 
ing Station,  United  States  Naval  Station, 
San  Diego  36,  Calif. 

[  Page  24  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

WILFRED  P.)  and  her  husband  have  an- 
nounced the  birth  of  a  son,  Daniel  Mark, 
on  August  17.  They  are  living  in  a  house 
at  1760  Syracuse  Street,  Denver,  Colo.,  and 
Sandy  says  that  all  Dukesters  travelling 
through  are  welcomed. 

and  her  husband,  who  live  at  680  Madison 
Avenue,  Albany  3,  N.  Y.,  have  a  daughter, 
Pat,  who  was  a  year  old  last  September. 
PHYLLIS  GROH  was  married  last  June  to 
Mr.  Charles  L.  Pitzer,  a  graduate  of  the 
Electrical  Engineering  School  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  Virigina.  They  are  making  their 
home  in  Hagerstown,  Md.,  where  their  ad- 
dress is  in  care  of  Edison  Groh,  Route  2. 
LOIS  J.  HANLON  is  now  Mrs.  Dennis  B. 
O'Neil  and  is  making  her  home  at  1619 
Haskins  Street,  South  Boston,  Va. 
ISRAEL  S.  LARKIN,  BSME  '47,  and  MRS. 
B.S.,  have  announced  the  birth  of  a  son, 
Jeffrey  Herman,  on  June  8.  They  are  liv- 
ing in  2927  Berkley,  Houston  17,  Texas. 

CORDIE  L.  PEARSON,  JR.,  and  his  wife, 
who  live  at  3006  S.  W.  24th  Street,  Miami, 
Fla.,  have  a  year-old  daughter,  Deborah 
Anne.  They  visited  the  Alumni  Office  early 
in  the  fall. 

Mr.  and  MRS.  RALSTON  M.  POUND,  JR. 
(DEANIE  SHAW)  have  announced  the 
birth  of  a  daughter,  Martha  Lynn  on  Oc- 
tober 27.  The  Pounds'  address  is  3146  Wil- 
low Oak  Road,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
The  Asbury  Methodist  Church,  Durham,  was 
the  scene  of  of  the  wedding  of  CAROLYN 
THOMAS  and  Mr.  Thomas  Lee  Loveless. 
Carolyn  and  her  husband,  who  is  an  alum- 
nus of  Alabama  Polytechnic  Institute  at 
Auburn,  Ala.,  are  living  at  1145  Carolina 
Avenue,  Kingsport,  Tenn. 
The  wedding  of  Miss  Geraldine  Morris  and 
JOHN  VAN  DICKENS,  JR.,  took  place 
at  the  Hayes  Barton  Baptist  Church,  Ra- 
leigh, N.  C,  on  July  29.  Mrs.  Dickens,  an 
alumnus  of  Cathedral  Latin  High  School, 
Saint  Mary's  School  and  Junior  College  in 
Raleigh,  is  a  member  of  the  Raleigh  Junior 
Woman's  Club.  She  is  employed  by  the 
Carolina  Power  and  Light  Company,  and 
John  is  working  with  the  National  Cash 
Register  Company.  They  are  residing  at 
2004  Smallwood  Drive,  Raleigh. 

JAMES  E.)  and  her  husband  are  living  at 
2212  West  Louise  Street,  Grand  Island,  Neb. 
Her  husband,  an  alumnus  of  the  University 
of  Chicago,  is  in  the  real  estate  and  in- 
surance business  with  the  firm  of  Dill,  Hus- 
ton, Wenger. 

'47  » 

President :  Grady  B.  Stott 

Class  Agent:   Norris  L.  Hodgkins,  Jr. 
JEAN  E.  DUNN  has  been  a  hostess  at  Lig- 
gett &  Myers  Tobacco  Company  in  Durham 
since    March,    1950.      Her    address    is    1023 
Gloria  Avenue. 

CLARK),  R.N.,  and  her  husband,  who  live 
in  Rivercliff  Apartments,  #456,  Little  Rock, 
Ark.,  have  a  two-year-old  daughter,  Jan. 
Dr.  Gillespie  is  obstetrician-in-chief,  Trinity 
Hospital,  Little  Rock. 

(MRS.  WILLIAM  O.)  and  her  family  are 
living  at  3785  Buckingham  Road,  Beaumont, 
Texas.  She  has  a  daughter,  Kathy,  4,  and 
a  son,  John,  1.  Her  husband  is  contract 
manager  for  the  local  office  of  Pittsburgh 
Plate  Glass  Company. 

The  address  of  JESS  HARWELL,  B.D., 
and  Mrs.  Harwell,  whose  young  daughter, 
Amy  Jane,  will  be  a  year  old  on  May  25, 
is  431  S.  Indiana  Avenue,  Kankakee,  111. 
Jess  is  personnel  director  at  Bradley. 
JOHN  HOLDEN,  LL.B.,  of  Cimarron, 
Kans.,  was  married  to  Miss  Lois  Davis  of 
Gray  County,  Kans.,  on  September  3.  Last 
fall  he  was  re-elected  county  attorney,  run- 
ning on  a  Democratic  ticket  in  a  Republi- 
can stronghold. 

FRANCES  HUDSON  was  married  to  Mr. 
Frederick  Lee  Bronnenberg  last  October, 
and  they  are  making  their  home  at  144  West 
13th  Street,  Anderson,  Ind.  Mr.  Bronnen- 
berg, a  graduate  of  Purdue  University,  is 
with  the  Delco-Remy  Division  of  General 

Miss  Georgia  Reynolds  Mayberry,  an  alumna 
of  Peace  College,  and  HUBERT  KARL 
CLARK,  BSME  were  united  in  marriage 
last  June  24  at  the  First  Baptist  Church, 
Rocky  Mount,  N.  C.  Hubert  is  a  power 
plant  engineer  at  the  State  Hospital  in 
Goldsboro,  N.  C,  where  they  are  residing. 
WARREN  J.   MEYER,   BSME,  is  working 

Statt  Clecttlc  Company.,  3nc. 



with  The  Texas  Company  (S.A.)  Ltd.,  Caixa 
Postal  520,  Rio  de  Janeiro,  Brazil. 
RICHARD  H.  MILLER,  BSEE,  is  working 
for  General  Electric  Company  in  Alden,  Pa., 
being  in  the  Power  Circuit  Breaker  Division 
of  Switehgear  Divisions.  He  is  married  and 
has  a  young  daughter,  Carol  Elizabeth,  who 
was  born  last  September. 
The  marriage  of  Miss  Mary  Louise  Quaile 
B.S.,  '47,  M.F.  '48,  took  place  October  7  at 
St.  John's  Church,  Salisbury,  Conn.  Mrs. 
Kiefer  is  an  alumna  of  Emma  Willard 
School,  Monticello  College,  and  Connecticut 
College  for  Women. 

Announcement  has  been  received  of  the 
marriage  of  FREDERICK  L.  WALKER  to 
Miss  Constance  Norton  on  December  2  in 
Maplewood,  N.  J.  Their  present  address  is 
455  West  30th  Street,  New  York  1,  N.  Y. 

Zflowerton-lpryan  tffo. 

'    HOME     FOR    FUNERALS    ' 

L-977  100S  W.  Main  St. 

E.  T.  Howerton,  '08 


Wholesale  Paper 

208  Vivian  St.   """""    801  S.  Church  St. 
DURHAM,  N.  C.      ROCKY  MOUNT,  N.  C. 

Serving  North  Carolina  Since  1924 

JOHN  A.  BUCHANAN,  President 

Home  Insurance  Agency 


Insurance  of  Every  Description 


212> 4  N.  Corcoran  Street 

Opposite  Washington  Duke  Hotel 

Telephone  Number  F-146 

Durham,  N.  C. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

[  Page  25  ] 

'48  >~- 
President:  Bollin  M.  Millner 
Class  Agent:  Jack  H.  Quaritius 
The    address    of    MARY    LOU    BRATTON 
BALL,    '50,    and    JAMES    H.    BALL,    JR., 
who  were  married  June  6  in  the  Duke  Uni- 
versity  Chapel,   is   138    Harris   Place,   Dan- 
ville,   Va.      Jim    is    employed    by   the    Dan 
River  Mills. 

Miss  Elizabeth  Dolores  Taylor  and 
CHARLES  M.  CORMACK,  JR.,  of  Green- 
belt,  Md.,  were  married  last  June  17  in  the 
All  Souls  Episcopal  Church,  Miami  Beach, 
Fla.  The  bride  is  a  graduate  of  Mary  Wash- 
ington College  of  the  University  of  Virginia. 
HELEN  DAY  is  Mrs.  William  L.  Jackson, 
Jr.,  having  been  married  on  June  14  of  last 
year.  Her  address  is  in  care  of  her  mother, 
Mrs.  W.  W.  Day,  Sr.,  Box  1068,  Pensacola, 

ELIZABETH  DeLOACH,  R.N.,  B.S.N.,  is 
living  at  794  Springdale  Road,  N.E.,  At- 
lanta, Ga.,  where  she  is  assistant  head  nurse 
on  a.  medical  floor  at  Emory  University 

DAISY  MAE  FARLOW,  R.N.,  who  was 
married  last  summer  to  Mr.  Arlie  F.  Culp, 
Jr.,  lives  in  Asheboro,  where  she  is  a  general 
duty  nurse  at  Randolph  Hospital.  Her  hus- 
band is  a  graduate  of  Catawba  College. 
LEARY  were  married  in  the  Country  Church 
of  Hollywood,  Hollywood,  Calif.,  on  June  12. 
Jim  is  attending  law  school  at  George  Wash- 
ington University,  and  also  works  for  the 
Government  Employees  Insurance  Company. 
Jean  is  working  toward  her  Master's  De- 
gree at  George  Washington.     Their  address 


Power  Company 

Electric  Service 
and  Appliances 



^Vorth  Carolina 

is  c/o  Hon.  Brooks  Hays,  1317  33rd  Street, 
N.W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

HAROLD  H.  HOGG  and  his  wife,  RUTH 
HAIG  HOGG,  '49,  who  were  married  last 
June,  live  at  382  Whitney  Avenue,  New 
Haven  11,  Conn.  Harold  is  assistant  man- 
ager of  Whitlock's,  Inc. 

OPHELIA  GRAY  STRUM  and  Mr.  Daniel 
Jefferson  Faulkner,  Jr.,  were  married  in  the 
Church  of  the  Good  Shepherd,  Jacksonville, 
Fla,,  on  June  8.  They  are  now  living  at 
2752  Vernon  Terrace,  Jacksonville.  Mr. 
Faulkner,  an  alumnus  of  Alabama  Polytech- 
nic Institute,  Auburn,  Ala,,  is  in  business 
with  the  lamp  department  of  the  General 
Electric  Company. 

CHARLES  W.  WHITE,  LL.B.,  is  practicing 
law  in  Durham,  where  he  and  his  wife,  the 
former  Miss  Mary  Pierce  Johnson  of  Wel- 
don,  N.  C,  are  living  at  #10  Alastair  Court, 
Swift  Avenue. 

'49  » 

Next  Reunion:   Commencement,  1951 
Presidents:    Woman's  College,  Betty  Bob 
Walters  Walton  (Mrs.  Loring)  ;  Trinity 
College,    Robert    W.    Frye;    College    of 
Engineering,  Joe  J.  Robnett,  Jr. 
Class  Agent :  Chester  P.  Middlesworth 
IDA    ABRAMS    has    recently    moved    from 
Washington,    D.    C,    to    Oak   Ridge,    Tenn., 
where  her  address  is  217  Bayonne  Hall. 
WILLIAM  A.  BADER,  LL.B.,  is   engaged 
in  the  general  practice  of  law  with  offices  at 
945    Main    Street,    Liberty    Building,    Suite 
400,  Bridgeport,  Conn. 

and  WALTER  GEORGE  OLLEN,  who  were 
married  July  9,  1950,  are  living  at  214- 
06  B  69th  Avenue,  Bayside,  Long  Island, 
N.  Y.  Frances  is  teaching  at  the  North 
Merrick  Public  School,  and  Walter  is  a 
statistician  with  the  Merchants  Fire  As- 
surance  Corporation. 

ARD THOMAS  FARRIOR,  M.D.  '49,  were 
married  June  9  in  the  Duke  University 
Chapel.  They  are  in  Iowa  City,  la.,  where 
Dick  is  an  assistant  resident  at  Iowa  Uni- 
versity Hospital. 

ARD G.  KRITZER,  who  were  married  in 
March,  1950,  are  making  their  home  at  2068 
Higbee,  Memphis,  Tenn.  He  is  with  Buck- 
eye Cotton  Oil  Company. 
LEWIS  HODGKINS,  whose  address  is  Box 
125,  University  of  the  South,  Sewanee, 
Tenn.,  is  editor  of  the  "Theo-Log,"  maga- 
zine which  covers  the  events  at  St.  Luke's 
Seminary.  He  finds  the  work  quite  inter- 

is  an  attorney-at-law  in  Yadkinville,  N.  C. 
His  mailing  address  is  Box  135. 
HUGH  ALFRED  LEE,  LL.B.,  Box  306, 
Rockingham,  N.  C,  is  practicing  law  with 
the  firm  of  Boggan,  Page,  Lee  and  Page. 
Laurence  F.  Lee,  III,  was  born  on  October 
18  to  RUTH  WOMBLE  LEE  and  LAU- 
RENCE  F.   LEE,   JR.,   3903   Ortega  Blvd., 

Jacksonville,  Fla.  Young  Larry  is  a  grand- 
son of  B.  S.  WOMBLE,  '04,  of  Winston- 
Salem,  N.  C. 

GEORGE  WOOD  LYON,  BSEE,  is  a  sales- 
man for  George  T.  Wood  and  Sons,  High 
Point,  N.  C.  He  is  living  at  206  Boulevard 

JOHN  E.  REYLE,  who  lives  at  Apartment 
15  B,  University  Heights,  Burlington,  Vt.,  is 
a  salesman  for  Gibson  Art  Company. 
GUY  L.  BOBBINS,  BSEE,  is  a  Firestone 
commercial  salesman,  315  Fayetteville 
Street,  Raleigh,  N.  C.  He  is  married  and 
has  a  son,  Guy,  Jr.,  who  is  a  year  old. 
a  chemist  for  the  du  Pont  Company,  lives 
at  14  Valley  Road,  Apartment  8,  Drexel 
Hill,  Pa. 

CLAUDIA  SMITH  is  a  medical  technician 
at  Erlanger  Hospital,  Chattanooga,  Tenn., 
where  her  address  is  315  Lindsay  Street. 

'50  * 

President:  Jane  Suggs 

Class  Agent:  Robert  L.  Hazel 
ALBERT  P.  CLINE,  JR.,  is  a  dental  stu- 
dent at  the  University  of  North  Carolina. 
He  and  his  wife,  the  former  Bebe  Medford, 
who  were  married  August  5,  are  living  in 
Glen  Lennox  Apartment  43-C,  Chapel  Hill, 
N.  C. 

TOM  F.  DRIVER  is  attending  Union  Theo- 
logical Seminary  in  New  York  City. 
ELGIVA  RUTH  DUNDAS  of  Southern 
Pines,  N.  C,  is  living  at  The  Three  Arts 
Club,  340  W.  85th  Street,  New  York,  N.  Y., 
while  she  is  working  as  an  actuarial  clerk 
for  the  Mutual  Life  Insurance  Company  of 
New  York. 

207  West  Lancaster  Avenue,  Dowingtown, 
Pa.,  is  working  with  the  Berkshire  Life 
Insurance  Company. 

BETTY  HABENICHT  writes  that  she  i3 
now  Mrs.  Harold  F.  Park  and  that  her  ad- 
dress is  1430  Sunnyside  Drive,  Columbia, 
S.  C. 

field,  W.  Va.,  is  attending  the  Duke  Divinity 

The  Duke  University  Chapel  was  the  scene 
of  the  marriage  of  ELIZABETH  KUTZ 
HARRISON,  B.S.,  and  Emmett  Watson 
Bringle,  Jr.,  on  August  26.  Mr.  Bringle 
was  graduated  from  the  School  of  Textiles 
of  North  Carolina  State  College  this  past 
June.  They  are  living  in  Covington,  Tenn., 
where  he  is  emplyoed  as  textile  engineer 
with  Hyde  Park  Mills. 

C.  JEROME  HUNEYCUTT,  B.D.,  and  Mrs. 
Huneycutt  are  attending  the  Institute  of 
Far  Eastern  Studies  at  Yale  University  for 
a  year  for  instruction  in  the  Japanese  lan- 
guage, both  oral  and  written.  Following 
that  they,  together  with  their  three  chil- 
dren, will  go  to  Japan,  where  they  will  serve 
in  the  mission  field  of  the  Methodist  Church. 
Jerome  was  pastor  of  the  Durham  Circuit, 
composed   of   Pleasant    Green   and   McMan- 

[  Page  26  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

Hen's  Chapel  Methodist  Churches,  for  four 
years  prior  to  leaving  Durham  in  September. 
MARGARET  G.  JONES  is  director  of 
Christian  education  and  music  at  the  Ham- 
let, N.  C,  Methodist  Church. 
CLAUDE  H.  LONG,  of  604  Summit  Avenue, 
Greensboro,  N.  C,  is  working  for  Burling- 
ton Mills. 

MALCOLM  MAGAW  is  an  instructor  of 
English  at  Glynn  Academy,  Brunswick,  Ga., 
and  is  living  at  1000  Edmont  Street  there. 
CELIA  ANNE  McELROY  is  a  laboratory 
assistant  in  Ripon,  Wisconsin,  where  her 
address  is  434  Watson  Street. 
head  of  the  department  of  mathematics  at 
Presbyterian  Junior  College,  Maxton,  N.  C. 
He  has  had  wide  experience  in  the  teaching 
and  research  fields,  having  been  special  in- 
structor in  physics  at  Virginia  Military 
Institute  Army  Specialized  Training  Re- 
serve Program,  and  having  taught  at  Duke 
in  1944. 

JOHN  R.  PFANN,  B.S.,  is  working  at  the 
Marshall  Laboratory,  E.  I.  du  Pont  de 
Nemours,  3500  Grays  Ferry  Avenue,  Phila- 
delphia 46,  Pa. 

ROBERT  ELDON  RHINE,  of  908  Club 
Boulevard,  Durham,  is  a  purification  plant 

RUTH  SEELEY  and  Mr.  Beverly  Alan 
Ross  were  united  in  marriage  September  1 
in  the  Duke  Memorial  Methodist  Church, 
Durham.  Ruth  is  the  daughter  of  Professor 
and  Mrs.  Walter  James  Seeley  of  the  College 
of  Engineering.  Her  husband  is  an  alumnus 
of  North  Carolina  State  College. 
JANE  TUTTLE  was  married  to  Mr.  Peter 
Langsdorf  Hays  at  the  Hotel  Saint  Regis 
in  New  York  City  last  March,  and  they  are 
living  at  405  West  23rd  Street,  New  York. 
Mr.  Hays,  an  alumnus  of  the  Irving  School 
and  Wesleyan  University,  is  employed  by 
ithe  S.  Stein  &  Co.,  woolen  importers. 
citrus  buyer  for  Polk  Packing  Association, 
Winter  Haven,  Fla.  His  home  is  at  215 
Miramar  Drive,  Lakeland,  Fla. 

'51    a 

W.)  is  a  student  and  doctor's  receptionist 
at  the  Richmond  Professional  Institute  of 
William  and  Mary  in  Richmond,  Va.  Her 
husband  is  also  a  student  and  assistant  to 
the  Secretary  of  Admissions.  The  Kellys, 
who  were  married  June  10,  live  at  928  W. 
Franklin  Street,  Richmond. 
The  address  of  MARY  DAN  McCLASKEY 
AUTER  (MRS.  JAMES)  is  in  care  of  Mr. 
H.  M.  McClaskey,  Glenbrook  Road,  An- 
chorage, Ky. 

MARY  CHANDLER  MARTIN,  whose  ad- 
dress is  27  West  55th  Street,  New  York  19, 
N.  Y.,  is  a  student  nurse  at  the  Cornell 
University — New  York  Hospital  School  of 

MR.  and  MRS.  DON  A.  PREMO  (ANNE 
RAMSEY)    have  announced  the  birth  of  a 

daughter,  Penelope  Anne,  on  March  13. 
Don  is  an  engineering  student  at  Duke, 
and  they  are  living  at  102%  W.  Maynard 



U.  Benton  Blalock,  '96,  died  at  his  home 
in  Wadesboro,  N.  C,  on  December  26, 
following'  a  long  illness. 

Funeral  services  were  held  at  the  First 
Methodist  Church,  Wadesboro,  and  inter- 
ment was  in  Eastview  Cemetery. 

Mr.  Blalock  was  the  only  freshman  to 
make  the  varsity  football  team  at  Trinity 
in  1892.  Following  college,  he  became 
engaged  in  cotton  merchandising,  then  the 
hardware  business.  In  1906  he  was  ap- 
pointed a  member  of  the  North  Carolina 
Board  of  Commissioners  to  the  James- 
town Exposition.  Mr.  Blalock  served  as 
a  member  of  the  Anson  Board  of  Edu- 
cation, and  during  World  War  I  was 
Anson  Food  Administrator  and  mayor 
of  Wadesboro.  In  1922  he  was  elected 
general  manager  of  the  North  Carolina 
Cotton  Growers  Cooperative  Association, 
and  in  1931  was  elected  to  the  presidency 
of  the  American  Cotton  Cooperative  As- 
sociation. From  1939  to  1947  he  served 
as  a  representative  from  Anson  in  the 
State  Legislature.  He  also  served  as 
president  of  several  other  organizations 
and  business  enterprises. 

Mr.  Blalock  is  survived  by  Mrs.  Bla- 
lock; a  son,  David,  '41;  U.  B.  Blalock, 
Jr.,  '36  and  Mrs.  Monte  Roper,  '29,  chil- 
dren by  his  first  wife  who  passed  away 
in  1915;  and  six  grandchildren. 

L.  T.  COOK,  '02 
L.  T.  Cook,  '02,  of  Purcell,  Okla.,  died 
on  October  11,  1950.     No  additional  in- 
formation   was   immediately   made    avail- 

R.  Earl  Whitaker,  '05,  passed  away  on 
June  26  in  Oceanside,  N.  Y.,  of  heart 
failure.  He  is  survived  by  a  son,  Charles 
S.  Whitaker,  B.S.M.,  M.D.  '38,  and  a 
daughter-in-law,  Marie  M.  Assenheimer 
Whitaker  (Mrs.  Charles  S.),  '37,  of 
Clarksville,  Md. 

GEORGE  H.  STARR,  '06 
It  was  learned  in  the  Alumni  Office  that 
George  H.  Starr,  '06,  is  deceased.  Mr. 
Starr  had  been  in  the  wholesale  grower's 
business,  Starr  Nursery,  Turlock,  Calif., 
prior  to  his  death.  The  Starr  Nursery 
specialized   in   California  dried   and  pre- 

pared  flowers,   bedding   plants,   and   dish 
garden  plants. 


Clarence  Shaw  Warren,  '10,  widely 
known  representative  of  a  publishing 
house  and  a  former  superintendent  of 
Lenoir,  N.  C,  city  schools,  died  at  a  Le- 
noir hospital  on  December  19,  1950,  fol- 
lowing a  10-day  illness. 

Funeral  services  were  held  at  the  First 
Presbyterian  Church. 

Mr.  Warren  was  a  former  professor  at 
two  colleges  in  Oklahoma  and  at  Duke 
Summer  Sessions  for  eight  years.  He 
was  a  former  superintendent  at  Hamlet, 
and  Mt.  Olive,  N.  C,  and  also  taught  at 
Tech  High  in  Atlanta,  Ga.  He  headed 
the  Lenior  schools  for  20  years  before 
resigning  in  1945.  Mr.  Warren  was  an 
active  civic  leader. 

Survivors  include  the  wife;  a  son.  Dr. 
J.  Ben  Warren,  '47,  M.D.  '51,  of  Raleigh 
and  Durham;  and  a  daughter,  Mrs.  John 
W.  Terrell  of  Hickory,  N.  C. 

The  funeral  service  of  the  Reverend 
Moffat  Alexander  Osborne,  '15,  retired 
minister  of  the  Western  North  Carolina 
Conference,  was  conducted  at  Vander- 
burg  Methodist  Church  near  Mooresville, 
N.  C,  on  November  16.  Interment  was 
made  in  the  cemetery  at  Monroe. 

Mr.  Osborne  passed  away  suddenly  at 
his  home  on  November  14.  At  the  time 
of  his  death  he  was  serving  the  Jones 
Memorial  Methodist  Church  at  Moores- 
ville as  retired  supply.  He  served  the 
Methodist  Church  34  years  as  a  regular 
minister  and  two  years  as  supply  in  ad- 
dition to  the  present  year  as  retired 

Surviving  Mr.  Osborne  are  his  widow, 
three  daughters,  two  sons,  one  brother, 
three  sisters  and  six  grandchildren. 

Hilliard   C.   Folsom,   '20,   passed   away 
July  13,  1950,  of  a  heart  attack  in  Sum- 
ter," S.  C. 

WILLARD  W.  FULP,  '21 
News   has   been   received   that   Willard 
W.  Fulp,  '21,  of  Kernersville,  N.   C,  is 

Dorothy   Taylor,   '25,   passed  away  on 
July  14,  after  an  illness  of  several  years. 

BELLE  C.  GHOLSON,  '25,  A.M.  '27 

Belle  C.  Gholson  (Mrs.  J.  O.  D.),  '25, 
A.M.  '27,  died  December  15  in  Watts 
Hospital,  Durham,  after  being  ill  for  two 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 

[  Page  27  ] 

weeks  with  a  heart  ailment.  Funeral 
services  were  held  at  the  Clyde  Kelly 
Funeral  Chapel  and  interment  was  in  the 
family  plot  in  new  Maplewood  Cemetery. 

Mrs.  Gholson  was  retired  in  1948  after 
serving  the  city  schools  for  about  30 
years.  She  was  affectionately  known  to 
all  her  students  as  "Ma."  Prior  to  teach- 
ing at  Durham  High  School,  where  she 
was  head  of  the  Social  Science  Depart- 
ment, she  taught  at  Edgemont  School  and 
E.  K.  Powe  School.  Among  her  many 
activities  at  Durham  High  were  coaching 
of  the  debating  teams  and  responsibility 
for  starting  the  Current  Events  Club  for 
boys.  At  the  time  of  her  death  she  was 
a  member  of  the  staff  at  the  Durham 
Public  Library. 

Surviving  are  a  son  and  daughter-in- 
law,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Claude  S.  Gholson,  302 
Milton  Avenue,  Durham. 

SAM  V.  ROWE  '29 

Sam  V.  Rowe,  '29,  of  2  E.  Peace 
Street,  Raleigh,  N.  C,  died  at  his  home 
November  13  after  a  short  illness. 

Mr.  Rowe  had  been  working  with  the 
Southern  Bell  Telephone  Company  for  17 
years.  He  was  quite  a  baseball  enthusiast, 
being  a  member  of  the  varsity  baseball 
and  basketball  teams  while  at  Duke,  and 
later  playing  on  the  Southern  Bell  soft- 
ball  team  and  on  semi-pro  baseball  teams 
in  West  Virginia  and  Kentucky. 

Survivors  include  the  wife  and  daugh- 
ter, three  brothers  and  four  sisters. 


Robert  Cline  Alley,  '33,  former  inves- 
/  tigator  for  the  State  Paroles  Commission 
in  Raleigh,  N.  C,  died  suddenly  Decem- 
ber 16,  at  his  home  in  Richmond,  Va. 

Five  years  ago,  Mr.  Alley  left  his  work 
with  the  State  Paroles  Commission  to  ac- 
cept a  position  as  district  manager  of  the 
National  Security  Insurance  Company  of 


William  Alfred  Bryan,  A.M.  '33,  died 
after  a  heart  attack  in  Sumter,  S.  C,  on 
December  17.  Funeral  services  were  held 
at  St.  Anne's  Catholic  Church  with  in- 
terment in  St.  Lawrence  Cemetery  in 

Mr.  Bryan  did  his  undergraduate  work 
at  the  College  of  Charleston,  where  he  re- 
ceived the  Alumni  Medal  for  highest 
scholastic  average  in  1927,  and  took  his 
A.M.  in  English  at  Duke  in  1933.  After 
several  years  of  educational  work  in  pub- 
lic schools  and  C.C.C.  units,  he  returned 

to  Duke  in  1940  to  study  for  a  Ph.D.  in 
the  field  of  American  literature.  He 
taught  in  the  Navy  V-12  program  in 

From  1945  to  1948  Mr.  Bryan  was  as- 
sistant professor  of  English  at  the  Uni- 
versity of  Mississippi.  Following  that  he 
accepted  a  teaching  position  at  East  Caro- 
lina  Teachers   College,   Greenville,   N.    C. 

For  the  past  several  months,  he  lived 
in  Durham,  engaged  in  writing  his  doc- 
toral dissertation  on  the  subject  "George 
Washington  in  American  Literature,  1775- 
1865."  He  had  completed  all  work  for 
the  degree  except  the  final  examination, 
which  was  cancelled  due  to  illness. 

Mr.  Bryan  had  published  a  number  of 
articles  connected  with  his  research,  the 
latest  being  "George  Washington,  Sym- 
bolic Guardian  of  the  Republic,  1850- 
1860,"  which  appeared  in  the  January, 
1950,  issue  of  the  William  and  Mary 

He  is  survived  by  his  wife,  Enid  Parker 
Bryan,  A.M.  '33,  406  E.  8th  Street, 
Greenville,  N.  C. ;  his  mother,  Mrs.  C.  M. 
Bryan,  Sumter;  five  brothers,  and  three 


Dr.  Jesse  Lee  Cuninggim,  D.D.  '36, 
president  emeritus  of  Scarritt  College, 
died  at  his  home  in  Nashville,  Tenn.,  on 
November  25.  Funeral  services  were  held 
in  Nashville. 

Before  completing  his  course  at  the 
University  of  North  Carolina,  Dr.  Cun- 
inggim determined  to  enter  the  ministry 
of  the  Methodist  Church,  and  studied  at 
the  Vanderbilt  School  of  Theology.  Ob- 
taining his  degree  there,  he  returned  to 
North  Carolina  to  begin  active  preaching. 
He  spent  a  summer  in  graduate  work  at 
the  University  of  Chicago,  and  this  ex- 
tended into  a  four-year  course  at  that 

While  at  the  University  of  Chicago, 
Dr.  Cuninggim  wrote  a  pamphlet  on  bet- 
ter training  for  ministers  through  cor- 
respondence courses  and  other  university 
extension  methods.  This  so  impressed 
Southern  Methodists  that  it  was  decided 
to  put  his  ideas  into  practice  at  Vander- 
bilt, and  he  was  made  head  of  the  new 
work.  Thus  he  inaugurated  one  of  the 
first  departments  of  religious  education 
in  the  South.  He  remained  in  charge  of 
this  work  until  1914,  when  he  returned  to 
North  Carolina  to  preach.  He  later  went 
to  Southern  Methodist  University  in  Dal- 
las, Tex.,  to  inaugurate  another  religious 
education  department  there. 

After  a  few  years  there,  Dr.  Cuninggim 
was  made  head  of  Scarritt  College,  and  he 

continued  as  president  until  his  retirement 
in  1943. 

In  addition  to  his  book  The  Family  of 
God,  Dr.  Cuninggim  was  the  author  of 
other  books  of  a  religious  nature. 

He  is  survived  by  his  widow;  a  daugh- 
ter, Margaret  Louise  Cuninggim,  '36, 
dean  of  women  at  Tennessee  Polytechnic 
Institute;  a  son,  Dr.  A.  Merrimon  Cun- 
inggim, A.M.  '33,  chairman  of  the  de- 
partment of  religion  at  Pomona  College; 
and  three  grandchildren. 

P.  H.  GRICE,  B.D.  '39 

News  has  recently  been  received  in  the 
Alumni  Office  that  P.  H.  Grice,  B.D.  '39, 
is  deceased. 

MURRAY  S.  MAYER,  '43 

Murray  S.  Mayer,  '43,  died  on  Septem- 
ber 30,  1950.  He  is  survived  by  his  par- 
ents who  live  at  Pompei  Del  Lago,  Chi- 
waukee,  Wis.,  P.  0.  Winthrop  Harbor, 


Randolph  G.  Adams,  who  died  January 
4  in  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.,  is  vividly  remem- 
bered by  a  number  of  the  alumni  and 
faculty  of  Duke  University.  He  taught 
history  at  Trinity  College  from  1920  to 
1923,  leaving  to  become  director  of  the 
William  L.  Clements  Library  of  Ameri- 
can History  at  the  University  of  Michi- 

In  the  short  time  he  was  at  Duke,  Dr. 
Adams  made  substantial  contributions  to 
the  intellectual  growth  of  the  college.  He 
and  the  late  William  K.  Boyd,  one  of 
Duke's  greatest  library  collectors,  worked 
together  with  an  enthusiasm  which  alone 
could  have  built  up  the  remarkable  library 
of  manuscripts  and  newspapers.  It  was  at 
Dr.  Adams'  instigation  that  the  faculty 
instituted  a  student  fee  for  the  purpose  of 
buying  books  for  the  library.  The  Li- 
brary of  Trinity  College  was  thus  in- 
sured of  a  steady  income  which  was  one 
of  the  factors  enabling  it  to  make  the 
transition  to  a  University  Library  on  sure 

The  first  book  published  by  the  Duke 
University  Press  was  The  Political  Ideas 
of  the  American  Revolution,  written  by 
Dr.  Adams.  He  was  also  president  of  the 
Trinity  College  Historical  Society  in  1921 
and  1922.  He  recast  History  91,  the  basic 
course  in  American  History,  into  the  form 
in  which  it  still  exists — a  form  which 
rescued  it  from  the  dullness  of  the  con- 
ventional textbook  course  in  American 
History.  Thus  there  are  living  monu- 
ments to  Dr.  Adams  remaining,  for  which 
the  University  is  indeed  grateful. 

[  Page  28  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  January,  1951 




It's  a  far  cry  from  comfortable  home  under  mother's 
watchful  eye  to  the  crayon  drawing  book  in  a  hospital 

There  are  consolations,  however.    High  hospitaliza- 
tion-surgical  expenses  need  not  cause  Daddy  to  with- 
draw savings,  borrow  or  mortgage  his  home. 

Hospital  Saving  Association,  a  pioneer  in  Tar  Heel 
health  service,  provides  Blue  Cross-Blue  Shield  pro- 
tection that  is  positive — guaranteed — and  simple  to 







Please  Send  Information  on  Blue  Cross-Blue  Shield  Group 

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Campus  Interviews  on  Cigarette  Tests 

NUMBER  4  .  .  . 


"■*  re 

Let's  get 
down  to 
bear  facts!" 

J.  he  sudden  rash  of  quick-trick  cigarette 
tests  may  have  caused  panda-monium 
on  the  campus— but  our  scholarly  friend  was 
unperturbed.  He  pondered  the  facts  of  the 
case  and  decided  that  one-puff  or  one-sniff  tests 

. . .  single  inhale  and  exhale  comparisons  are 
hardly  conclusive.  Proof  of  cigarette  mildness  doesn't  come 
that  fast !  And  that's  exactly  why  we  suggest .  .  . 
THE  SENSIBLE  TEST-the  30-Day  Camel  Mildness  Test 
which  simply  asks  you  to  try  Camels  as  your  steady  smoke— on 
a  pack  after  pack,  day  after  day  basis.  No  snap  judgments 
needed.  After  you've  enjoyed  Camels  — and  only  Camels— 
for  30  days  in  your  "T-Zone"  (T  for  Throat,  T  for  Taste) , 
we  believe  you'll  know  why  . . . 

More  People  Smoke  Camels 

than  any  other  cigarette! 



i  1931 

I      Bill  Murray  Named  New  Football  Coach 

It's  the  Easiest  Test 
in  the  Book... 

OPEN  'EM  •   SMELL  'EM 

Make  the  Tobacco  Growers  Mildness 
Test  yourself .  .."Tobaccos  that  smell  milder 
smoke  milder" 

Compare  Chesterfield  with  the  brand 
you've  been  smoking  ...  Open  a  pack...  smell 
that  milder  Chesterfield  aroma.  Prove  - 
tobaccos  that  smell  milder  smoke  milder. 

Now  smoke  Chesterfields-  they 
do  smoke  milder,  and  they  leave 


c«  Virginia  mayo  w  Gregory  Peck 

(/>  ■ifarrina  in 


•A  Warner  3$W4„  'Production 
WO&r  l'u  ,7rt/i nito/t-r 

*  Virginia  Mayo  enjoys  her  coffee  and 
a  Chesterfield  while  the  hairdresser  arranges 
her  hair  between  scenes  in  the  shooting 

Make  your 
next  pack 

Smells  MILDER-  Smokes  MILDER*  Leaves  no  unpleasant  after-taste 

Copyright  1951,  Liggett  &  Myers  Tobacco  Co 


(Member  of  American  Alumni  Council) 
Published  at  Durham,  N.  C,  Every  Month  in  the  Year  in  the  Interest  of  the  University  and  the  Alumni 

Volume  XXXVII 

February,  1951 

Number  2 



Editorials 31 

Alumnae  Week  End 33 

Engineers  Shotv   33 

Faculty-Staff    Campaign    33 

National  Campaign   34 

Duke  Receives  Bequest 34 

Monastic  Treasure  Troves 35 

Alumni  in  the  News 37 

Alumni  in  the  Armed  Forces 39 

Local   Associations    40 

New  Football  Coach 41 

Sports 42 

Center  Theatre  Trophies 43 

Arthur  Bradsher  Dies 43 

Recent  Events  on  Campus 44 

"Voice  of  America"  Broadcast 45 

Art  Exhibits   45 

Glee  Club  Concert  Series 45 

Calendar  of  Events ! 45 

Sons  and  Daughters  of  Alumni 46 

News  of  the  Alumni 47 

Editor  and  Business  Manager 

Charles  A.  Dukes,  '29 

Managing  Editor Roger  L.  Marshall,    '42 

Associate  Editor Anne  Garrard,   '25 

Advertising  Manager Thomas  D.  Donegan 

Layout  Editor Ruth  Mary  Brown 

Staff  Photographer Jimmy   Whitley 

Two  Dollars  a  Year  20  Cents  *  Copy 

Entered  as  Second-Class  Matter  at  the  Post 

Office  at  Durham,  N.  C,  Under  the  Act  of 

March   3,   1879. 


December  31,  1950 

S/Sgt.  Preston  Bradsher,  '33 
452d  Motor  Vehicle  Squadron 
452d  Bombardment  Wing  (Light) 
APO  75  Unit  1,  c/o  Postmaster 
San  Francisco,  California 

I  wish  to  express  my  heart-felt  appreciation  for  your  timely  Christmas 
Greetings  card  that  reached  me  here  at  Miho  Air  Base,  Honshu,  Japan, 
shortly  before  December  25. 

It  is  truly  a  pleasure  to  be  able  to  keep  in  touch  with  former  class- 
mates through  the  medium  of  the  Alumni  Register,  and  I  always  antici- 
pate its  coming  with  avid  delight.  Since  my  arrival  in  the  Far  East,  I 
have  been  especially  appreciative  of  its  offerings. 

Inasmuch  as  my  father  is  an  alumnus  of  old  Trinity  College,  '92 ;  my 
brother,  Dr.  James  S.  Bradsher,  Jr.,  a  graduate  of  "the  Buffalo  Class"  of 
1917 ;  and  I  a  short -timer  with  the  class  of  '33,  I  feel  very  near  to  Duke 
University.     I  shall  always  love  it  and  what  it  represents. 

I  am  currently  serving  in  a  small  capacity  with  the  now  renowned 
452nd  Bomb  Wing.  Ours  is  a  largely  reservist  component,  whose  per- 
sonnel are  ninety-five  per  cent  Los  Angeles  County  Californians.  We 
have  a  splendid  organization  and  I  am  happy  to  contribute  my  small  part 
to  its  laudable  successes  in  the  see-saw  Korean  campaign.  Our  continued 
stay  in  Japan  will  be  determined  by  the  turn  of  events  in  our  struggle 
with  Red  China  and  the  North  Koreans. 

December  19,  1950 
William  R,  Rowland,  '50 
1033  Maple  Avenue 
Sharon  Hill,  Pa. 

May  I  thank  you  for  your  letter  of  the  28th  of  November,  the  basket- 
ball schedule,  and  the  copies  of  the  Alumni  Register  which  have  finally 
arrived.  Duke  is  to  be  congratulated  for  the  latter — it  is  certainly  one 
of  the  finest  alumni  publications  that  I  have  yet  seen,  and  it  serves  its 
purpose  well  if  it  is  intended  to  keep  the  University  before  the  eyes  of 
the  graduate  in  such  a  manner  as  to  make  him  feel  he  is  still  a  part  of  it 
and  it  a  part  of  him. 

{Continued  on  page  56) 


Eddie  Cameron,  Duke  Athletic  Director,  welcomes  Duke's 
new  head  football  coach,  William  D.  Murray,  '31,  back  to  the 
campus.  Behind  them  is  a  picture  of  the  football  stadium,  where 
Coach  Murray  and  his  teams  will  stage  their  gridiron  battles.  This 
photograph  was  taken  by  a  Herald-Sun  photographer. 



We  have  all  %B  T5ypes  of  (Composition 

When  setting  type  we  give  due  consideration 
to  the  ultimate  purpose ...  In  deciding  whether 
to  use  linotype,  monotype  or  hand  composition, 
we  first  ascertain  the  function  of  the  particular 
piece  of  work.  Each  method  was  designed  for 
a  specific  service,  therefore  initial  cost  is  beside 
the  question.  We  shall  be  glad  to  assist  you  in 
deciding  which  of  the  three  will  do  the  best 
job  for  your  particular  problem.  Our  composing 
room  service  is  planned  for  today's  demands. 


413  E.  Chapel  Hill  St.        wZuwMl  Durham,  N.  C 


[  Page  30  ]  DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 


Volume  XXXVII 

February,  1951 

Number  2 

Just  Rambling 

The  new  year  has  begun  with  as  fast  a  tempo  as  has 
ever  been  experienced  on  the  Duke  Campus.  Every 
member  of  the  administration,  faculty,  and  University 
community  is  conscious  of  the  important  place  the  De- 
velopment Campaign  is  to  play  in  Duke's  future. 

The  greatest  problem  is  the  lack  of  hours  and  days  in  a 
week.  However,  it  gives  one  a  mighty  good  feeling  to  see 
how  alumni,  faculty,  and  students,  of  the  University  are 
joining  to  make  the  program  a  success. 

William  D.  (Bill)  Murray,  '31,  has  been  elected  head 
football  coach  and  he,  along  with  the  other  members  of  his 
staff,  is  in  the  midst  of  spring  practice.  .  All  of  us  here  on 
the  campus  welcome  Bill  home  and  anticipate  an  outstand- 
ing football  program  under  his  direction  as  head  coach. 
Wherever  you  go  among  the  alumni  these  days  you  hear 
high  praise  that  an  alumnus  has  been  elected  to  direct  the 
destinies  of  football  at  Duke.  To  those  of  you  who  do  not 
know  Bill,  you  are  in  for  a  treat  when  you  meet  him.  A 
man  of  high  integrity,  hard  working  and  careful  of  de- 
tail, he  recognizes  the  value  of  the  fundamentals  in  any 
field  and  applies  them  in  football.  Once  again,  welcome 
home,  Bill.  Your  fellow  alumni  wish  you  every  success. 
You  can  count  on  them  for  the  fullest  cooperation. 

Alumnae  Week  End  is  to  be  April  6,  7,  and  8.  This 
activity,  under  the  direction  of  Miss  Anne  Garrard,  gives 
promise  of  being  the  best  ever  held.  Alumnae  committees 
are  busy  making  plans. 

The  campus  is   already  beginning  to   show  signs  of 


Faculty  members  are  being  called  to  serve  in  an  ad- 
visory capacity  to  the  government,  and  honors  are  coming 
to  many  of  them  for  work  in  this  connection: 

Again  we  find  ourselves  having  difficulty  keeping  up 
with  alumni  in  the  military  services.  If  you  know  of  a 
Duke  alumnus  any  place  in  any  branch  of  the  service, 
please  send  us  information  about  him. 

Commencement  is  just  around  the  corner.  Officers  of 
reunion  classes  have  already  appointed  committees  and  are 
busy  with  preparations  for  the  June  reunion. 

Local  alumni  groups  are  holding  Spring  meetings, 
many  of  which  will  be  picnics  or  other  outdoor  affairs. 
Announcements  about  them  will  appear  from  time  to  time 

in  subsequent  issues  of  the  Register.  In  the  event  you  are 
planning  a  trip,  we  would  suggest  your  reading  the 
Register  before  leaving  home,  so  that  if  you  are  in  the 
vicinity  of  one  of  these  meetings,  vou  may  attend. 

The  number  of  alumni  stopping  by  the  Alumni  Office 
is  increasing  as  the  weather  gets  warmer.  Visitors  on  the 
campus  are  always  welcomed. 

We  are  grateful  for  the  newspaper  clippings,  photo- 
graphs, changes  of  address,  and  other  items  that  come  to 
the  Alumni  Office  from  all  over  the  country.  Keep  up 
the  good  work.  This  helps  us  do  a  better  job  and  give 
better  service  to  the  alumni  and  the  University. 

Every  so  often  we  run  across  something  that  we  feel 
deserves  to  be  called  to  the  attention  of  the  alumni.  On 
the  editorial  page  of  the  February  3  Saturday  Evening 
Post  is  a  letter  from  a  father  to  his  son.  We  recommend 
it  to  young  and  old  alike. 

In  the  alumni  section  (see  page  38)  of  the  Register 
this  month  is  a  letter  written  by  an  alumna  to  her  news- 
paper editor  in  Cleveland,  Ohio,  in  appreciation  of  an 
editorial  which  appeared  in  the  Cleveland  News.  The 
editorial  follows: 

"Duke  University  at  Durham,  N.  C,  has  gone  out  for 
a  distinction  for  which  few  American  colleges  can  com- 
pete. It  has  developed  a  carillon  tower  for  the  daily  in- 
spiration of  its  community  by  medieval  bell  tone,  and  for 
summons  and  celebration  on  great  or  festive  occasions. 

' '  The  Duke  carillon  has  been  equipped  with  both  man- 
ual and  electric  keyboard  and,  through  the  skill  of  its 
bellmaster,  Anton  Brees,  brought  from  Belgium  to  develop 
the  chimes  and  their  music,  has  set  out  to  rival  the  chimes 
of  the  famous  Bok  Tower  at  Lake  Wales,  Fla. 

' '  With  Mr.  Brees  at  the  console,  the  Duke  carillon  rang 
out  for  the  invasion  of  Normandy,  the  rescue  of  Paris,  the 
victorious  end  of  the  second  World  War,  and  various 
national  anniversaries.  He  calls  the  tone  of  the  bells  'a 
powerful  spiritual  voice  from  the  sky'  and  believes  Duke 
may  partly  revive  the  authenticity  of  chime  signals  over 
the  living  of  people,  as  in  Europe  of  the  Middle  Ages. 
It  is  a  nice  ambition." 

We  feel  that  this  young  lady  did  a  service  for  Duke 
and  her  fellow  alumni  by  writing  her  appreciation  to  the 

Let's  look  around  us  and  take  advantage  of  the  op- 
portunities to  serve  the  University.  They  may  be  found 
in  many  places  and  clothed  in  many  different  ways. 










ijhe  JSannet  J^lne  For  1951 








Serving  You  Over  SO  Years" 


The  back  of  this  soft- 
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to  any  desired  position  for 
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ing. No  hand  adjustments 
are  necessary  to  operate 
the  patented  tilt-back 
mechanism.  A  matching 
pillow-top  ottoman  is  also 



•     CRICKET        CHAIRS 



•     BARREL 

AND         ROCKERS     • 

-  HOST  CHAIRS     • 
CHAIRS     • 


New  York 

Irving  8.  Gold  Co. 

High  Point 

3rd  Floor 


Space  429 





[  Page  32  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

Alumnae  Week  End  —  Engineers  Show 
Development  Campaign  on  Campus 

Activities  of  Note  on  the  Campus 

Alumnae  Week  End 

Breaking  with  a  precedent  of  several 
years'  standing  Alumnae  Week  End  this 
year  will  not  take  place  during  spring 
vacation,  but  will  be  held  while  students 
are  on  campus  and  engaged  in  their 
academic  and  extracurricular  routines. 

This  change  occurs  at  the  request  of 
many  alumnae,  who  have  expressed  a  de- 
sire to  return  to  East  Campus  when  the 
normal  hustle,  bustle,  and  rustle  of  the 
school  year  is  in  progress.  This  will 
afford  an  enjoyable  opportunity  to  re- 
capture, in  all  of  its  happy  detail,  the 
atmosphere  of  undergraduate  life,  these 
alumnae  feel. 

Dates  of  the  annual  event,  the  calen- 
dar's high  spot  for  former  women  stu- 
dents, are  Friday,  Saturday,  and  Sun- 
day— April  6,  7,  and  8. 

Earlier  it  was  announced  that  a  main 
speaker  would  be  Dr.  Gloria  Wysner,  con- 
sultant to  the  International  Missionary 
Council  in  Association  with  the  World 
Council  of  Churches.  Regrettably,  Dr. 
Wysner  has  been  called  out  of  the  country 
during  March,  April,  and  May  and  had 
to  cancel  her  scheduled  appearance  at 

Other  speakers,  however,  including  at 
least  one  outstanding  woman,  will  be  an- 
nounced soon. 

The  program  for  the  Eighth  Annual 
Alumnae  Week  End  is  as  follows : 

Friday,  April  6 

6  :30  p.m. — Dinner  in  Woman's  College 
Union,  cafeteria  style  with  students. 

8 :15  p.m. — Lecture  in  Woman's  Col- 
lege Auditorium,  speaker  to  be  announced. 

9:30  p.m. — Coffee  hour  in  East  Duke 
Building — one  of  two  to  give  alumnae  a 
chance  for  informal  visits  and  relaxation. 

Saturday,  April  7 

Most  of  the  morning  will  be  devoted  to 
tours  of  the  campus,  with  alumnae  and 
students  on  hand  to  conduct  tours  and 
answer  questions. 

11 :30  a.m. — Lecture  by  Dr.  Marianna 
Jenkins,  associate  dean  of  undergraduate 
instruction  and  assistant  professor  of  art, 
on  "Are  Modern  'Isms'  Modern?" 

1 :00  p.m. — Luncheon  and  Alumnae 
Association  meeting. 

4:00-5:30  p.m. — Tea  honoring  senior 
classes   of   Woman's   College   and   School 

of  Nursing. 

6:30  p.m. — Dinner  in  West  Campus 

8  :00  p.m. — Entertainment  in  Woman's 
College  Auditorium,  including  modern 
dance,  brass  ensemble,  and  Madrigal  Sing- 

9 :30  p.m. — Coffee  hour  in  Woman's 
College  Union. 

Sunday,  April  8 

11 :00  a.m. — Worship  service,  Duke 
Chapel,  Dr.  Ray  C.  Petry,  professor  of 
church  history,  preaching. 

4 :00  p.m. — Organ  recital  in  Duke 
Chapel  by  Samuel  Tilghman  Morris,  head 
of  organ  department,  Hollins  College. 

Programs  and  registration  blanks  will 
be  mailed  to  all  alumnae  in  the  very  near 

Engineers  Show 

The  19th  annual  Engineers  Show,  the 
third  held  in  the  new  College  of  Engi- 
neering Building,  is  scheduled  for  Friday 
and   Saturday,   March  16  and  17. 

Duke's  engineers  are  accustomed  to  at- 
tracting large,  even  huge,  crowds  to  these 
events,  at  which  they  put  their  building, 
their  equipment,  their  knowledge,  their 
professors,  and  even  themselves  on  dis- 

These  shows  customarily  include  many 
wonders  of  engineering  science,  which 
range  from  demonstrations  of  nonsinu- 
soidal  waves  and  polyphase  circuits  to 
toy  electric  trains.  There  are  attractions 
for  the  most  sophisticated  graduate  of 
M.I.T.  and  also  items  of  interest  for  bug- 
eyed  tots  still  in  kindergarten. 

The  three  departments  of  the  College  of 
Engineering  will  each  present  separate 
displays  and  each  will  have  a  central 
attraction.  The  mechanical  engineers  will 
assemble  and  put  into  operation  a  com- 
plete electrical  power  plant.  Electrical 
engineers  plan  new  and  more  awesome 
demonstrations  of  a  million-volt  bolt  of 
lightning.  Civil  engineers  will  display 
the  photoelasticity  method  of  determining 
stress  and  strain  on  structural  materials. 

In  addition  to  these  major  presentations 
there  will  be  hundreds  of  other  exhibitions 
of  new  and  old  wonders  of  technology. 

A  note  of  major  interest  to  veterans  of 
these  shows,  and  also  to  those  coming  for 
the  first  time,  is  the  fact  that  a  concession 

stand  will  be  set  up  this  year  right  in 
the  Engineering  Building,  thus  making 
the  long  hike  to  the  "Dope  Shop"  for 
refreshments   unnecessary. 

The  engineers  are  extending  a  special 
invitation  to  alumni  this  year.  This  show, 
perhaps  more  than  any  single  event  of 
the  year,  demonstrates  the  activities,  prog- 
ress, and  ability  of  Duke's  students. 
Alumni  are  urged  to  take  advantage  of 
the  opportunity. 

In  addition  to  finding  amusement  and 
instruction  at  the  Engineers  Show,  visi- 
tors will  discover  that  the  hospitality  of 
Duke's  engineers  in  their  still-new  home 
is,  in  itself,  worthy  of  considerable  note. 

Faculty-Staff  Campaign 

Members  of  the  University's  faculties 
and  staffs,  in  an  amazingly  short  time, 
have  given  through  their  own  private 
campaign  more  than  $85,000  for  the  De- 
velopment Program. 

This  amount,  which  is  according  to  a 
tabulation  taken  in  mid-February,  comes 
from  approximately  450  members  of  the 
University  community.  There  are  about 
700  who  are  included  in  the  campaign, 
and  at  the  present  rate,  it  appears  that 
there  will  be  nearly  100  per  cent  partici- 
pation before  the  drive  is  ended. 

The  campus  campaign  was  undertaken 
a  short  time  ago  at  the  instigation  of 
several  faculty  and  staff  members.  Chosen 
to  head  the  campaign  was  Dr.  Frank  T. 
De  Vyver,  professor  of  economics,  and  he 
organized  a  committee  of  12  to  sponsor 
the  drive. 

No  one  is  in  a  better  position  to  recog- 
nize Duke's  major  needs  during  these 
current  and  difficult  times  than  is  the 
faculty.  No  one  can  perceive  the  vista 
of  the  future  and  the  demands  that  will 
be  made  upon  Duke  to  a  more  accurate 
extent.  Therefore,  it  is  felt,  the  whole- 
hearted support  of  the  campus  is  the 
strongest  possible  indication  of  the  great- 
ness of  the  objectives  of  the  campaign  for 
funds  now  underway. 

President  Edens  said  recently  that  this 
"voluntary  and  almost  spontaneous  re- 
action by  the  University's  men  and  women 
on  behalf  of  our  Development  Campaign 
is  one  of  the  most  inspiring  demonstra- 
tions of  loyalty  and  confidence  in  Duke's 
future   that   we   have   seen." 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

[  Page  33  ] 

National  Campaign  Begins 

The  national  campaign  for  the  Duke 
University  Development  Program  has  be- 

On  Tuesday,  Feb.  6,  campaigners  in 
Mecklenburg  County,  which  includes 
Charlotte,  N.  C,  met  to  kick  off  their  drive 
in  the  county,  and  this  occasion  signalled 
the  beginning  of  an  all-out  effort  to  com- 
plete the  1950-51  goal  of  $8,650,000  by 
June  30. 

Addressing  the  Charlotte  meeting  was 
Dr.  Paul  A.  Gross,  University  vice  presi- 
dent and  one  of  the  nation's  leading  sci- 

Political  changes  within  and  communist 
threats  without  may  threaten  our  nation, 
Dr.  Gross  said,  but  universities  like  Duke 
"will  stay  with  you  and  serve  you  and  the 
cause  of  free  civilization  come  what  may." 

"This  nation,"  he  declared,  "will  survive 
as  long  as  educational  institutions  are  free 
to  produce  men  who  will  think  and  act 
for  themselves.  We  are  challenged  to 
support  privately  endowed  higher  educa- 
tion, because  its  survival  involves  the  very 
survival  of  our  nation." 

Key  Counties 

The  Mecklenburg  County  campaign  be- 
gan with  an  announcement  that  advance 
gifts  there  total  $205,000.  This  was  an 
auspicius  beginning  for  not  only  the  local 
drive,  but  for  the  national  campaign  as 
well.  Chairman  in  Mecklenburg  is  George 
M.  Ivey,  '20,  and  heading  the  general  can- 
vass is  R.  Z.  Thomas,  Jr.,  '36. 

This  is   the   seond   key   county    (North 

DURHAM  CAMPAIGN  LEADERS-Going  over  the  latest  returns 
from  the  City  of  Durham  Campaign  for  a  "greater  Duke"  are  left  to  right, 
George  Watts  Hill,  chairman ;  Mrs.  R.  H.  Wright,  campaigner ;  Donnie  Sor- 
rell,  member  of  the  executive  committee ;  and  Claude  M.  May,  vice  chairman. 
The  Durham  total  now  approaches  $240,000  and  is  still  climbing.  The  goal 
is  $250,000.  A  recent  editorial  in  the  Durham  Sun  pointed  out  that  Durham 
business  firms  and  individuals  have  raised  more  money  for  Duke  through 
the  Development  Campaign  than  for  any  other  single  cause  in  the  history  of 
the  citv. 

Duke  Receives  Bequest 

Duke  University  has  been  generously 
recognized  in  the  will  of  the  late  Wil- 
liam Brown  Bell,  trustee  of  the  Duke 
Endowment  and  president  of  the 
American  Cyaniroid  Company. 

One-twelfth  of  a  $600,000  trust  fund 
was  left  to  the  University,  which  will 
ultimately  receive  half  of  a  fund  com- 
prising the  bulk  of  the  estate,  set  up  as 
a  lifetime  benefit  for  Mr.  Bell's  daugh- 
ter, Mrs.  Helen  Griscom  Hole  of  Rich- 
mond, Ind. 

Mr.  Bell  died  December  20  at  the 
age  of  71  while  on  a  business  and 
pleasure  trip  with  his  wife  in  French 

He  took  over  the  leadership  of 
American  Cyanimid  in  1922,  when  its 
chief  product  was  fertilizers.  Under 
his  leadership  the  firm  developed  into 
an  organization  that  now  makes  5,000 
products  for  200  industries. 

Carolina)  campaign  to  begin.  The  third 
started  just  a  few  days  later,  on  Friday, 
Feb.  16,  when  campaigners  in  the  Greens- 
boro area  of  Guilford  County  were  called 
together  for  a  kick-off  meeting  by  Floyd 
C.  Caveness,  '18,  Greensboro  canvass 
chairman.  Approximately  60  workers  met 
to  hear  an  address  by  President  Edens. 
General  chairman  in  Guilford  County  is 
Kenneth  M.  Brim,  '20,  and  heading  the 
campaign  in  the  High  Point  area  is 
Charles  L.  Kearns,  '32. 

The  first  key  county  campaign  was 
opened  in  Forsyth  County,  which  includes 
Winston-Salem,  before  the  end  of  last 
year,  and  will  soon  be  completed,  accord- 
ing to  Chairman  P.  Huber  Hanes,  Jr., 
'38,  and  Co-chairman  Tom  J.  Southgate, 

Fourth  and  fifth  key  county  cam- 
paigns will  soon  be  launched  in  Durham 
and  Wake  Counties.  Chairman  in  Dur- 
ham is  Sterling  Nicholson,  '22,  and  chair- 
man in  Wake  County  is  N.  E.  Edgerton, 

Other  New  Chairmen 

Other  Duke  men  recently  accepting  ap- 
pointments as  campaign  chairmen  include 
Richard  D.  MeAninch,  '35,  of  Bedford, 
Ohio,  in  the  Northeastern  Ohio  area; 
W.  Mason  Shehan,  '37,  of  Easton,  Md., 
in  the  Eastern  Maryland  area ;  Albert  T. 
Kemp,  '42,  of  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  in  the 
Syracuse  area;  and  Robert  G.  Lamb,  '39, 
of  Rochester,  N.  T.,  in  the  Rochester  area. 

Meanwhile  individual  campaigners  have 
received  supplies  and  instructions  and  are 
now  at  work  in  more  than  15  states  and 
at  least  one  foreign  country.  The  list 
grows  daily,  as  more  alumni  join  the 
effort  to  build  Duke  for  a  future  of  in- 
creased  service   and   achievement. 

Preparations  are  also  being  made  to 
launch  campaigns  in  several  of  the  na- 
tion's largest  cities  in  the  very  near 
future.  These  include  among  others, 
New  York,  Pittsburgh,  Baltimore,  Wash- 
ington, Philadelphia,  Cleveland,  and  De- 

[  Page  34  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

Camera  Invades  Monastic  Treasure  Troves 

Duke's  Dr.  Clark  Has  Returned  from  Holy  Land  Adventure 

A  narrow,  sun-baked  caravan  track 
winds  and  twists  through  rugged,  tumbled 
granite  mountains,  which  soar  nakedly 
and  chaotically  above  a  desolate  and  bar- 
ren plateau.  It  is  a  desert  broken  only  by 
endless  small  valleys  and  a  very  few  shal- 
low streams  which  water  occasional  oases 
of  date  palms  and  olive  trees. 

This  is  an  ancient  land,  isolated  and 
barren,  yet  a  land  of  majestic  beauty,  of 
fantastic  color  and  design,  of  crystal  clear 
atmosphere,  deep  shadows,  and  dazzling 
sunlight  that  bathes  the  mountains  in 
golden  hues.  It  is  the  land  of  Mt.  Sinai, 
the  land  "where  God  spake  with  Moses," 
where  "the  glory  of  the  Lord  rested  in  the 
sight  of  all  the  people." 

Into  this  strange  and  fabulous  place 
came  Dr.  Kenneth  W.  Clark,  professor 
of  New  Testament  and  leading  New  Testa- 
ment scholar,  to  direct  the  world's  most 
unusual  picture-taking  project. 

Convent  of  St.  Catherine 

The  modern  mountain-climbing  vehicles 
of  the  Mt.  Sinai  expedition  moved  up- 
wards over  a  sand  track  toward  a  monu- 
ment, 7,500  feet  high,  where  Moses  is 
said  to  have  received  the  Ten  Command- 
ments, and  toward  the  old,  massive  and 
fortress-like  walls  of  the  ancient  Convent 
of  St.  Catherine,  inhabited  by  a  handful 
of  venerable  monks. 

The  vehicles — a  pick-up  truck,  cargo 
truck  and  mobile  photographic  unit — were 
equipped  with  broad  "sand  tires,"  four- 
wheel  drive,  and  special  transmissions 
which  gave  twelve  forward  speeds.  But 
over  this  uneven  trail  it  was  difficult  to 
average  ten  miles  an  hour.  Sheer  rock 
walls  echoed  back  the  roar  of  engines 
where  previously  only  the  grunts  of  cam- 
els resounded.  When  the  trucks  finally 
ground  to  a  halt,  they  were  standing  under 
the  walls  of  St.  Catherine's  Monastery, 
more  than  5,000  feet  above  sea  level. 

As  Dr.  Clark  stepped  out  of  his  car, 
a  crowd  of  ragged  native  children  gath- 
ered open-mouthed  around  the  vehicles, 
and  black-bearded  monks  in  skull  caps 
and  robes  stared  in  fascination  at  the 
complex,  ultra-modern  equipment  which 
had  invaded  their  isolated  sanctuary. 

Thus  was  begun  the  recently  completed 
expedition  to  microfilm  most  of  an  esti- 
mated 2,000,000  pages  of  old  Biblical  man- 
uscripts contained  in  the  monastery  li- 
brary, one  of  the  world's  largest  collec- 
tions of  ancient  religious  lore. 

The  project,  from  which  Dr.  Clark  has 

recently  returned  to  Duke,  came  about 
this  way :  Though  the  Biblical  lands  are 
filled  with  ancient  writings  and  rare  books, 
most  of  the  works  are  inaccessible  because 
of  the  isolation  of  the-  monasteries  that 
guard  them.  Located  in  untraveled  areas 
and  in  monastic  seclusion,  they  can  only 
be  reached  after  long,  difficult,  and  ex- 
pensive journeys,  and  even  then,  permis- 
sion to  use  the  libraries  is  hard  to  obtain. 
It  is  not  difficult  to  understand  that  cus- 
todians regard  their  aged  tomes  as  rare 
treasures,  and  guard  them  zealously. 
Only  a  large-scale  expedition  can  make  a 
studv  of  these  church  treasures  success- 

The  Expedition's  Purposes 

A  little  over  a  year  ago,  Library  of 
Congress  officials,  working  with  the  Amer- 
ican Foundation  for  the  Study  of  Man, 
decided  to  sponsor  an  expedition  to  the 
treasure-trove  of  valuable  manuscripts,  St. 
Catherine's  Monastery,  and  planned  also 
for  a  stop-over  in  Jerusalem  at  the  valu- 
able Patriarchial  libraries  there.  This 
time,  however,  instead  of  merely  studying 

the  material,  they  would  photograph  the 
books,  page  by  page,  on  microfilm. 

Duke's  Dr.  Clark,  then  serving  as  an- 
nual professor  at  the  American  School  of 
Oriental  Research  at  Jerusalem,  was 
loaned  to  the  expedition  as  editor-in-chief. 
To  him  fell  the  tremendous  task  of  exam- 
ining, analyzing,  and  evaluating  some 
33,000  writings  and  deciding  which  ones 
should  '  be  photographed.  Especially  in- 
terested in  this  work  was  an  international 
commission,  of  which  Dr.  Clark  is  a  mem- 
ber, engaged  in  preparing  a  new  critical 
apparatus  for  the  Greek  New  Testament. 
Members  of  the  staff  of  Farouk  Univer- 
sity, Alexandria,  collaborated  with  the  ex- 
pedition ;  and  William  Terry  of  Cali- 
fornia, vice-president  of  the  American 
Foundation,  was  appointed  field  director. 

The  background  of  the  fascinating  task 
goes  back  to  220  A.D.  when  Christians 
fleeing  from  Roman  persecution  estab- 
lished themselves  in  this  lonely  and  deso- 
late land.  Even  then  they  were  not  safe; 
massacres  by  neighboring  tribes  were  fre- 
quent occurrences  and  the  monks  peti- 
tioned    the    protection     of     St.     Helena, 

The  assistant  prior  of  the  monastery  tells  Dr.  Clark  the  story  of  the  "burn- 
ing bush"  and  the  rod  of  Moses,  which,  according  to  legend,  are  still  live  and 
flourishing  plants  today,  and  are  enclosed  by  the  wooden  fence  in  the  back- 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

[  Page  35  ] 

-■  -        ■■'■■■  .  .       ■:.:■  ;:;::::.:.::* 

Saint  Catherine's  Monastery,  5,000  feet  up  Mount  Sinai — the  goal  of  the 
expedition.  The  sheer  rock  face  in  the  background  is  the  mountain  which 
Moses  ascended  to  speak  with  the  Lord.  It  reaches  a  height  of  2,500  feet  above 
the  monastery. 

The  Staff  is  shown  hard  at  work  in  one  of  Patriarehial  libraries  in  Jerusa- 
lem. In  the  foreground.  Dr.  Clark  aud  his  assistants  work  over  the  manu- 
scripts and  decide  which  ones  are  to  be  passed  on  to  the  photographers  in  the 

mother  of  Constantine.  She  ordered  a  for- 
tress built  around  their  small  church,  and 
the  fortified  monastery  was  born.  It  was 
dedicated  to  the  Transfiguration,  but  later, 
after  relics  of  St.  Catherine  were  dis- 
covered on  the  peak  of  the  highest  moun- 
tain in  Sinai  (carried  there,  according  to 
legend,  by  a  huge  bird)  and  brought  to 
the  monastery,  it  became  known  as  St. 
Catherine's.  An  increase  in  the  number 
of  monks  and  pilgrims  necessitated  the 
present  larger  structure,  the  foundation 
of  which  was  laid  in  542  A.D. 

Xo  one  knows  just  when  the  library  was 
begun;  fragmentary  works  dating  back 
to  the  fifth  century  have  been  catalogued. 
About  three-quarters  of  the  manuscripts 
of  interest  to  the  expedition  are  in  Greek. 
The  remainder  are  in  a  number  of  other 
languages,  including  Arabic,  Syriac, 
Georgian,  Slavonic,  and  Ethiopic. 

Dr.  Clark  feels  that  the  greatest 
achievement  of  the  trip  was  the  gaining 
of  permission  to  photograph  such  valuable 
manuscripts  as  the  famous  Codex  Aureus, 
which  contians  illuminated  portraits  of 
the  Apostles  and  other  sacred  personages. 
The  volume  is  encased  in  gold  foil,  and  is 
attributed  to  the  Emperor  Theodosius,  the 
colophon  giving  the  date  and  scribe's 
name  in  abbreviated  uncial  characters. 

Besides  the  rehgious  manuscripts.  Dr. 
Clark  and  his  assistants  microfilmed  docu- 
ments on  philosophy,  history,  art,  music, 
medicine,  and  other  subjects.  Also  photo- 
graphed were  about  1,700  "firmans,"  the 
original  edicts  and  privileges  granted  the 
monastery  by  the  prophet  Mohammed 
himself,  1,400  years  ago,  and  by  other 
great  Moslems. 

Photographed  on  larger  film  were  some 
2,500  miniatures  and  colored  illustrations 
from  the  manuscripts.  Special  requests 
for  various  numbers  of  these  profusely 
illustrated  woi'ks  were  received  from 
many  institutions.  Princeton  University 
alone  requested  that  some  500  be  photo- 

Difficulties  Are  Overcome 

The  members  of  the  expedition  were 
aware  of  the  need  for  haste.  The  Holy 
Land,  and  the  rest  of  the  world,  is  un- 
settled, and  opportunities  for  such  proj- 
ects are  rare.  This  trip  would  probably  be 
the  only  one  of  its  kind,  perhaps,  for  gen- 
erations, and  they  were  not  counting  on 
coming  back.  From  10,000  to  15,000 
pages  a  day  were  submitted  to  rapidly 
clicking  shutters  and  the  blinding  light 
of  photo-flood  lamps.  Decisions  on  what 
manuscripts  were  to  be  photographed, 
their  relative  importance,  ages,  authors, 
and  so  forth,  had  to  be  made  quickly  and 
(Continued  on  page  56) 

[  Page  36  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

Activities  and  Meetings 

Some  Newsworthy  Items 

Dr.  Blanch  ard  Retires 

Dr.  Julian  Blanchard,  '05,  has  retired 
from  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories  after 
33  years  of  service  with  them. 

Dr.  Blanchard  joined  the  Laboratories 
during  World  War  I  to  work  with  the 
electronics  group  on  the  development  and 
production  of  vacuum  tubes,  after  he  re- 
ceived his  doctorate  of  philosophy  from 
Columbia,  and  taught  at  Columbia  and 
Duke,  where  he  was  professor  of  engi- 
neering from  1909  to  1912. 

In  1930,  Dr.  Blanchard  became  a  staff 
assistant  in  the  department  of  radio  re- 
search at  Bell  Laboratories.  During  the 
next  few  years,  in  addition  to  special  in- 
vestigations and  reports  on  radio  and  vac- 
uum tube  matters,  he  aided  in  the  prepa- 
ration for  the  Laboratories'  participa- 
tion in  various  international  radio  con- 
gresses, in  committee  work  on  electrical 
standards,  and  in  editorial  work  on 
technical  papers  for  publications.  Some 
of  the  reference  data  he  has  gathered 
on  the  development  and  progress  of  radio 
and  electronics  has  been  widely  published. 

During  the  second  World  War,  Dr. 
Blanchard  assisted  in  the  organization  of 
the  Laboratories  School  for  War  Training, 
and  for  the  first  few  months  of  its  opera- 
tion was  assigned  to  laboratory  instruction 
and  to  the  supervision  of  laboratory  ap- 
paratus and  equipment.  Following  that  he 
was  engaged  in  the  writing  of  radar  man- 
uals until  the  close  of  the  war,  for  which 
he  received  the  Navy  Department's  Em- 
blem and  Certificate  of  Appreciation. 

Dr.  Blanchard  served  as  the  Labora- 
tories' contact  in  New  York  and  Wash- 
ington with  the  government  office  which 
collected  reports  on  German  technical  de- 
velopments in  1946  and  1947.  Since 
then  he  has  been  a  member  of  the  Patent 

A  collector  of  stamps  and  paper  money 
having  similar  designs,  Dr.  Blanchard  is 
a  charter  member  and  secretary  of  the 
Essay-Proof  Society.  He  expects  to  con- 
tinue his  contributions  on  paper  money 
to  its  quarterly  publication,  the  Essay- 
Proof  Journal,  of  which  he  is  assistant 
editor  and  business  manager.  Dr.  Blan- 
chard also  hopes  to  find  time,  now  that  he 
has  retired,  to  write  a  history  of  his 
family,  to  top  off  his  genealogical  hobby- 
ing.     He  will  continue  to  live  in  Green- 

wich Village,  New  York  City.     He  is  a 
Class  Agent  for  the  Loyalty  Fund. 

Edits  Dictionary 

Dr.  W.  Freeman  Twaddell,  '26,  was 
granted  a  leave  of  absence  from  his  duties 
as  professor  of  Germanic  languages  at 
Brown  University,  to  spend  the  current 
year  as  research  editor  of  the  new  Web- 
ster's Unabridged  Dictionary.  The  vol- 
ume, entitled  Webster's  International  Dic- 
tionary of  the  English  Language,  is  being 
published  by  the  G.  and  C.  Merriam  Com- 
pany, Springfield,  Mass. 

As  editor  of  the  huge  3,000-page  dic- 
tionary, Dr.  Twaddell  is  directing  a  corps 
of  approximately  250  scholars  and  sci- 
entists in  the  mountainous  task  of  revising 
the  more  than  400,000  entries.  In  con- 
trast, Noah  Webster,  originator  of  the 
dictionary,  wrote  and  edited  singlehanded 
the  first  edition  which  was  published  in 

A   prominent   linguist   and  philologist, 

Dr.  Twaddell  has  been  teaching  at  Brown 
since  1947.  Prior  to  that  he  was  chairman 
of  the  German  Department  at  the  Uni- 
versity of  Wisconsin.  During  the  war  he 
collaborated  on  a  handbook  of  conversa- 
tional German  for  the  use  of  American 
troops  in  occupied  Germany.  He  is  the 
author  of  three  other  German  text  books 
used  in  many  schools  and  colleges.  As  co- 
ordinator of  the  Army's  Training  Progam, 
at  Wisconsin,  he  supervised  quick  lan- 
guage teaching  by  the  phonemic  or  "im- 
portant sounds"  method,  and  was  largely 
instrumental  in  having  the  method  widely 
adopted  in  language  teaching.  Dr.  Twad- 
dell has  also  been  a  visiting  professor 
at  Leland  Stanford  University  and  the 
University  of  Michigan.  In  the  past  he 
has  contributed  to  many  publications  in 
the  field  of  linguistics.,  including  the 
Britannica  Junior,  and  has  written  sev- 
eral definitive  studies  on  the  subject. 

Dr.  Twaddell  made  his  home  in  Durham 
for  some  time.  His  father,  the  late  Prof. 
William  P.  Twaddell,  was  for  many  years 
director  of  music  in  the  Durham  public 
schools,  and  was  the  first  director  of  the 
Duke  University  Glee  Club.  He  was 
succeeded  in  1927  by  J'.  Foster  Barnes. 

Dr.  Twaddell  is  married  and  has  three 
sons.  They  are  making  their  home  in  a 
Boston  suburb  for  the  year. 

B.  F.  Few  Elected  President  of  Liggett  &  Myers 

Benjamin  F.  Few,  '15,  A.M.  '16,  Trustee 
of  Duke  University  and  National  Chair- 
man of  the  Duke  Development  Campaign, 
was  recently  elected  to  succeed  J.  W.  An- 
drews as  president  of  Liggett  and  Myers 
Tobacco  Company,  following  the  latter's 
retirement.  He  assumed  his  new  duties 
with  the  company  on  February  1. 

Mr.  Few,  a  native  of  Greer,  S.  C,  is  a 
nephew  of  the  late  William  Preston  Few, 
former  president  of  Duke  University. 
During  World  War  I,  he  served  as  an  in- 
fantry officer  in  the  Army. 

Having  joined  the  leaf  factory  of  the 
Liggett  and  Myers  Tobacco  Company  after 
his  graduation  from  college  in  1916,  Mr. 
Few  spent  the  years  from  1920  to  1930 
in  Manila,  Philippine  Islands.  He  was 
transferred  to  the  New  York  office  in 
1930,  and  in  1936  was  named  director 
and  senior  vice-president  of  the  company. 

In  1945,  Mr.  Few  also  became  a  trustee 
of  Robert  College,  Istanbul,  Turkey. 

A  golf  enthusiast,  Mr.  Few  has  won 
several  amateur  golf  awards,  including 
the  amateur  championship  of  the  Philip- 
pine Islands  in  1925  and  again  in  1930. 

Benjamin  F.  Few,  '15,  A.M.  '16 

He  was  married  to  the  former  Miss 
Caroline  Weston  in  1920.  They  have  two 
children,  Benjamin,  Jr.,  17,  and  Elizabeth, 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

[  Page  37  ] 

P.  Huber  Hanes,  Jr 

Chosen  Winston-Salem's 
"Young  Man  of  the  Year" 

P.  Huber  Hanes,  Jr.,  '37,  vice-president 
of  the  P.  H.  Hanes  Knitting'  Company 
and  chairman  of  the  Forsyth  County 
Duke  Development  Campaign,  has  been 
selected  by  the  Winston-Salem,  N.  C, 
Junior  Chamber  of  Commerce  as  its  1950 
"Young  Man  of  the  Year." 

Chosen  for  his  leadership  in  civic  affairs 
and  for  his  contributions  to  agricultural 
development  in  his  region,  Mr.  Hanes  was 
presented  the  Jaycee  Distinguished  Serv- 
ice Award  by  Mayor  M.  C.  Kurfees  of 
Winston-Salem  at  the  organization's  an- 
nual dinner,  held  last  month. 

Mr.  Hanes  is  vice-president  of  West 
End  Properties,  Inc.,  a  director  of  the 
Wachovia  Bank  and  Trust  Company,  and 
is  now  serving  his  second  term  as  presi- 
dent of  the  Winston-Salem  Chamber  of 
Commerce.  He  is  also  a  director  of  the 
YMCA  and  of  the  Community  Chest,  and 
a  steward  of  the  Centenarv  Methodist 

The  son  of  P.  H.  Hanes,  Sr.,  '00,  Duke 
University  Trustee,  Mr.  Hanes  is  presi- 
dent of  the  Forsyth  Breeders  Association. 
As  president  of  the  Chamber  of  Com- 
merce, he  led  in  the  development  of  a 
long-range  program  designed  to  integrate 
better  the  economies  of  the  urban  and 
rural  sections  of  Forsyth  County. 

Mr.  Hanes  is  also  a  graduate  of  the 
Harvard  School  of  Business  Administra- 
tion. He  is  married  to  the  former  Jane 
Knox  Hopkins  of  Titusville,  Pa.,  and  they 
have  three  small  children. 

A.I.E.E.  Honors  Strandberg 

Charles  F.  Strandberg,  B.S.E.E.  '50,  of 
Greensboro,  has  been  named  winner  of  the 
American  Institute  of  Electrical  Engi- 
neers' national  contest  for  student  re- 
search papers  in  1949-50.  Charles  re- 
ceived the  hundred-dollar  first  prize  for 
his  paper  entitled  "Recording  Styli:  The 
Burnishing  Facet  and  a  Process  for  Re- 

The  cash  prize  and  a  special  certificate 
were  presented  to  him  last  month  at  the 
Institute's  National  Winter  General  Meet- 
ing in  New  York. 

The  prize-winning  paper  describes  a 
patented  instrument  which  Charles  in- 
vented while  a  senior  at  Duke.  Designed 
to  save  costly  repair  of  sapphire  recording 
needles,  the  device  is  used  to  cleanse  these 
needles  quickly  and  inexpensively. 

The  instrument  is  now  widely  used  in 
the  radio  broadcasting  industry,  and  is 
being  manufactured  by  the  Strandberg 
Engineering  Laboratories,  Greensboro,  of 
which  Charles  is  a  partner. 

E.  L.  Jones  Re-elected 

Edwin  L.  Jones,  '12,  president  of  the 
J.  A.  Jones  Construction  Company  of 
Charlotte,  N.  C,  was  recently  re-elected 
chairman  of  the  Charlotte  Housing 
Authority  at  their  annual  meeting.  He 
has  headed  the  Authority  since  1938. 

The  organization  is  now  conducting  an 
examination  to  determine  whether  incomes 
of  those  living  in  the  low-rent  projects 
have  increased  to  an  extent  to  make  them 
ineligible.  They  are  also  planning  a  400- 
unit  development  for  Negro  families  in 

Thanks  Cleveland  Editor 

In  an  issue  of  the  Cleveland  News, 
there  appeared  an  editorial  describing  the 
Duke  University  carillon.  The  article  is 
reprinted  on  the  editorial  page  of  this 
issue.  It  prompted  Elizabeth  L.  Stryker, 
'42,  secretary  of  the  Northeastern  Ohio 
Duke  Alumni,  of  3286  Elsmere  Road, 
Shaker  Heights  20,  Ohio,  to  express  her 
gratitude  to  Mr.  N.  R.  Howard,  editor  of 
the  News. 

This  incident  is  worthy  of  comment  for 
two  reasons.  First  of  all,  Duke  is  proud 
of  its  alumna's  thoughtfulness  in  acknowl- 
edging the  editorial.  It  is  the  way  you 
act  that  reflects  favorably  upon  the  Uni- 
versity. Secondly,  the  Alumni  Office  ap- 
preciates the  fact  that  this  information 
was  forwarded  to  it.  (See  editorials.) 
Following  is  Elizabeth's  letter; 

Dear  Mr.  Howard : 

On  behalf  of  the  local  Duke  Uni- 
versity alumni  chapter,  I  want  to 
thank  you  for  the  editorial  which  ap- 
peared in  the  News  regarding  the 
carillon.  It  was  very  interesting,  not 
only  to  those  people  who  know  Duke 
and  the  carillon,  but  also,  I  am  sure, 
to  those  people  who  are  not  familiar 
with  this  aspect  of  the  University. 

You  might  be  interested  to  know 
that  in  Northeastern  Ohio,  there  are 
approximately  260  Duke  Alumni — 
this  is  including  cities  such  as  Akron, 
Canton,  and  Youngstown,  in  addition 
to  Cleveland. 

I  am  sending  a  copy  of  the  edi- 
torial and  a  copy  of  this  letter  to 
the  Alumni  Office  at  Duke  University. 

Thanking  you  again,  I  am 
Yours  very  truly, 
Elizabeth  L.   Stryker 

Judge  Robbins  on  Board 

Haywood  Robbins,  '30,  LL.B.  '32,  of 
Charlotte,  has  been  named  by  Governor 
Kerr  Scott  of  North  Carolina  to  succeed 
D.  E.  Henderson  as  a  Democratic  member 
of  the  State  Elections  Board.  Mr.  Hend- 
erson recently  resigned. 

The  new  board  member  is  a  past  judge 
of  the  Charlotte  city  court  and  has  prac- 
ticed law  in  Charlotte  for  the  last  18 
years.  His  wife  is  the  former  Dr.  Noel 
Walker,  M.D.  '32,  of  Charlotte,  who  was 
the  first  woman  to  graduate  from  the 
Duke  University  Medical  School. 

Summer  in  Germany 

David  L.  Cozart,  Jr.,  '38,  insurance 
executive  at  New  Bern,  N.  C,  and  coun- 
sellor of  the  Methodist  Youth  Fellowship 
in  a  New  Bern  Church,  was  one  of  the 
counsellors  of  a  group  of  young  North 
Carolinians  who  spent  last  summer  in 
Germany  on  a  combination  "Youth  Cara- 
van" and  work  camp. 

Four  Duke  students,  Nat  Harrison,  Jr., 
Herbert  Waldrep,  Jr.,  Catherine  Wike, 
and  Mary  Dawson,  and  six  other  North 
Carolinians  comprised  the  group.  Their 
main  occupation  was  the  rebuilding  of  a 
Methodist  Church  which  had  been  des- 
troyed in  the  last  war,  but  their  most 
important  accomplishments,  according  to 
Mr.  Cozart,  came  about  through  their 
social  relationships  with  the  Germans  in 
their  neighborhood. 

The  young  people  took  part  in  the 
church  services  of  the  village  in  which 
they  were  working  and  in  neighboring 
villages,    and    frequently    had    informal 

[  Page  3S  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

meetings  with  the  members  of  the  con- 
gregations, thereby  spreading  American 
influence  and  culture.  As  one  young- 
German  said  of  the  North  Carolina  group, 
"They  showed  us  that  Americans  do  have 
something  besides  chewing  gum  and  neon 

The  project  was  sponsored  by  the 
North  Carolina  Conference  Boards  of 
Missions  and  Education,  and  was  con- 
ducted in  cooperation  with  the  Educa- 
tional and  Cultural  Relations  Division 
of  the  United  States  High  Commission 
for  Germany,  which  sees  such  work 
groups  and  youth  exchanges  as  a  definite 
aid  in  the  reeducation  of  the  German 

At  Rio  Conference 

Duke  University  was  well  represented 
by  former  students  and  teachers  at  a 
Public  Affairs  Officers'  Conference  held  in 
Rio  de  Janeiro  some  weeks  ago.  Rodolfo 
0.  Rivera,  A.M.  '29,  Ph.D.  '32,  who  is  cul- 
tural attache  for  the  American  Embassy, 
Montevideo,  Uruguay,  wrote  to  the  Alum- 
ni Office  about  the  meeting,  which  was 
attended  by  high  ranking  officers  of  the 
Office  of  Information  and  Educational 
Exchange  of  the  Department  of  State  and 
by  the  public  affairs  officers  of  all  the 
nine  countries  of  South  America. 

Forney  Rankin,  Public  Affairs  Adviser 
to  the  Assistant  Secretary  of  State  for 
Latin  American  Affairs,  who  attended  the 
Duke  Law  School  in  1934,  presided  at  the 
conference.  Dr.  John  T.  Reed,  Public 
Affairs  Officer  at  the  American  Embassy 
at  Caracas,  Venezuela,  was  assistant  pro- 
fessor of  romance  languages  at  Duke  from 
1938  to  1940.  Dr.  Gordon  Brown,  Acting 
Public  Affairs  Officer  at  the  American 
Embassy  at  Bogota,  Colombia,  taught  in 
the  Summer  Session  of  Duke  University 
during  1941,  1942,  1943  and  1944.  Gil- 
bert A.  Crandall,  Public  Affairs  Officer 
at  the  American  Embassy,  La  Paz,  Bo- 
livia, who  also  attended  the  conference, 
was  a  graduate  student  in  the  History  De- 
partment at  Duke  in  1935  and  1936. 

Dr.  Rivera  received  his  doctor's  degree 
in  the  field  of  Latin  American  History 
and  Foreign  Relations.  While  at  Duke  he 
served  in  the  Reference  Department  of  the 
Library,  and  was  Executive  Secretary  of 
the  Duke  University  Press. 

Mrs.  Rivera,  the  former  Laura  Martin 
Jarman,  is  also  a  Duke  alumna,  having 
received  her  A.M.  in  1932,  and  her  Ph.D.  ' 
in  Romance  Languages  in  1936.  She 
taught  at  Duke  while  she  was  doing  her 
graduate  work. 

Alumni  in  the  Armed  Forces 

Decorated  for  Gallantry 

A  Silver  Star  for  gallantry  in  action 
has  been  awarded  Captain  Warren  J.  Col- 
lins, '46,  M.D.,  B.S.M.  '48.  At  the  time 
of  the  battle  early  last  fall  which  re- 
sulted in  the  award,  Capt.  Collins  was  in 
charge  of  a  medical  aid  station  of  the 
First  Cavalry  Division  near  Hamhung, 

Ten  enemy  tanks,  supported  by  in- 
fantry, three  times  attacked  and  forced 
the  withdrawal  of  Capt.  Collins'  aid  sta- 
tion, which  was  defended  by  only  a  lightly 
armored  jeep-and-truck  convoy  loaded 
with  infantrymen.  On  each  occasion  he 
was  the  last  to  withdraw.  By  loading- 
wounded  on  vehicles  as  soon  as  they  were 
treated,  he  saved  many  casualties  who 
would  otherwise  have  been  run  over  by 
the  tanks.  Single-handedly,  he  evacuated 
men  to  safety  from  positions  as  close  as 
50  yards  from  enemy  tanks. 

Capt.  Collins  also  wears  the  Combat 
Medical  Badge  awarded  to  medical  men 
who  have  spent  at  least  30  days  in  the 
front  lines  of  combat. 

His  wife,  the  former  Genie  Glass,  who 
was  a  technician  at  Duke  in  1945  and 
1946,  is  living  with  her  parents  in  Apex, 
N.  G,  while  he  is  in  Korea. 

Keeps  Sabre- Jets  Flying 

Veteran  fighter  pilot  and  air  com- 
mander, Major  R.  G.  "Zack"  Taylor,  '41, 
is  the  man  behind  the  gun  in  a  new  chap- 
ter in  United  States  aerial  combat  history. 
He  is  operations  officer  for  the  4th  Fight- 
er Interceptor  Wing  of  the  United  States 
Far  East  Air  Forces  which  recently  in- 
troduced the  speedy  F-86  North  American 
Sabre  jet  into  action  in  the  war  in  Korea. 

Major  Taylor  is  charged  with  actual 
operational  functions  of  the  plane  which 
holds  the  world's  speed  record,  and  is 
primarily  responsible  for  the  missions  and 
tactics  which  are  used  by  the  Sabre  jet 
pilots  in  combat. 

Of  1004  Dacian  Avenue,  Durham,  Ma- 
jor Taylor  enlisted  in  the  Air  Force  before 
Pearl  Harbor  in  1941.  After  receiving 
his  wings,  he  became  a  combat  squadron 
commander  in  Africa  and  Italy,  with  more 
than  50  missions  to  his  credit.  He  downed 
six  Focke-Wulf  109's  during  World  War 
II,  and  won  the  Distinguished  Flying 
Cross,  Air  Medal  and  Soldier's  Medal. 
Later  he  formed  an  F-51  squadron  for 
demonstration  purposes  to  ground  troops, 

served  33  months  on  occupation  duty  as 
commander  of  a  P-47  outfit,  and  became 
director  of  operations  and  training  for 
Ninth  Air  Force. 

Wounded  in  Action 

Second  Lieutenant  Laurence  M.  Phelps, 
'48,  United  States  Marine  Corps,  of  311 
South  11th  Avenue,  Lake  Worth,  Fla., 
was  one  of  the  first  Marine  casualties 
from  Korea  to  be  brought  to  the  United 
States  Naval  Hospital,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 

Lt.  Phelps  was  wounded  by  machine 
gun  fire  while  serving  as  an  artillery  for- 
ward observer  "eyes  of  the  artillery"  at 
the  crossing  of  the  Han  River.  He  was 
rescued  by  friendly  Korean  civilians  and 
taken  to  a  first  aid  station  which  was  the 
first  step  toward  the  journey  home.  The 
trip  to  the  Jacksonville  hospital  was  made 
entirely  by  Military  Air  Transport  Serv- 
ice. During  the  stop  at  Pearl  Harbor, 
Hawaii,  he  was  awarded  the  Purple 

Having  seen  duty  with  the  Marines  on 
Okinawa  as  a  sergeant  during  World  War 
II,  Lt.  Phelps  was  commissioned  after  re- 
ceiving his  degree  from  Duke.  His  wife, 
Barbara,  and  their  children,  Linda  and 
Laurence  III,  expected  him  home  from 
the  hospital  by  Christmas. 

Lady  Marine  Bails  Out 

When  an  airplane  runs  out  of  gas,  just 
about  the  only  solution  for  the  passengers 
is  a  parachute  jump.  That  is  exactly 
what  Dorothea  Storck,  '50,  second  lieuten- 
ant in  the  Woman's  Marine  Corps,  ,did 
when  the  plane  in  which  she  was  making 
a  training  flight  ran  out  of  fuel  over  the 
Okeefenokee  Swamp. 

Dorothea  made  the  jump  successfully 
except  for  a  wrenched  back,  but  landed  in 
swampland.  The  pilot,  who  was  the  only 
other  person  in  the  plane,  managed  to 
make  a  crash  landing  and  escaped  un- 

Meanwhile,  dusk  was  gathering,  and 
although  she  was  near  the  Jacksonville 
Naval  Air  Station,  an  uncharted  hike 
through  swampland  did  not  appeal  to 
Dorothea.  She  gamely  wrapped  herself 
in  the  crumpled  parachute  as  a  protection 
against  cold  and  dampness,  and  spent  the 
night.  In  the  morning  she  was  able  to 
reach  civilization  and  a  hot  cup  of  coffee. 

Stationed  at  Quantico,  Va.,  Dorothea's 
home  is  in  Bronxville,  N.  T. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

[  Page  39  ] 

Local  Alumni  Meetings 

Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Western  New  York  alumni  report  two 
bang-up  Christmas  holiday  parties,  one 
of  which  was  a  basketball  game  and  re- 
ception for  the  Duke  team.  The  Dukes 
lost  to  Canisius,  69-57,  on  New  Years  Day, 
but  won  a  host  of  friends  in  the  Buffalo 

The  first  party  was  an  annual  Yuletide 
affair  with  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Andrew  Cun- 
ningham and  Garfield  L.  Miller,  '39,  and 
Mrs.  Johanne  Miller  once  again  acting  as 
gracious  hosts.  The  get-together  was  a 
huge  success  with  many  new  faces  present. 
Some  of  those  who  helped  put  over  the 
party  were  :  A.  Bead  Cone,  '37,  Mrs.  Cone, 
Thomas  C.  Morrow,  '40,  Mrs.  Morrow, 
John  F.  Cree,  '39,  Mrs.  Cree,  Alvin  Bing- 
ham, '49,  Yirgie  Mae  Bay  Bingham,  B.N. 
'48,  Alfred  Tallman,  '48,  Frances  Jean 
Frather  Tallman,  '48,  Fenton  F.  Harri- 
son, '43,  Dr.  Marvin  A.  Bapp,  '40,  Fh.D. 
'48,  Mrs.  Bapp,  John  Bryce,  '34,  and  Mrs. 
Bryee.  Many  others  lent  able  assistance 
to  the  party. 

The  basketball  reception  was  held  at 
the  Saturn  Club,  and  the  interest  was 
gratifying.  Coach  Bradley  and  several 
players  were  interviewed  for  both  radio 
and  television  transmission  on  station 
WBEN.  Some  of  the  Duke  people,  much 
to  the  delight  of  the  players,  provided  ten 
cute  dates  for  members  of  the  team. 
Needless  to  say,  the  Blue  Devils  returned 
to  Durham  with  lusty  cheers  for  the  West- 
ern New  York  Alumni. 

Sampson-Duplin  County 

President  Hollis  Edens  was  the  prin- 
cipal speaker  at  the  Sampson-Duplin 
County  Alumni  Association  dinner  meet- 
ing held  at  Bose  Hill,  N.  C,  on  Friday 
evening,  February  2.  A  large  group  of 
Duke  alumni  and  friends,  including  a 
number  of  high  school  principals,  faculty 
and  students,  met  at  the  Bose  Hill  School 
lunchroom.  A  chicken  dinner  was  served 
at  7:00  o'clock. 

Tina  Fussell  Wilson  (Mrs.  L.  A.),  '21, 
president  of  the  association,  presided  and 
was  in  charge  of  the  arrangements  for  the 
meeting.  Following  the  dinner,  Dr.  Amos 
N.  Johnson,  '29,  introduced  President 
Edens,  who  spoke  to  the  gathering  about 
Duke  University's  past,  present  and 
future  and  the  importance  of  the  current 
Development  Campaign. 

William  L.  Brinkley,  Jr.,  '44,  field  secre- 
tary, undergraduate  admissions,  also 
talked  to  the  group,  briefly  outlining  the 
University's  undergraduate  program.  He 
directed  his  words  at  the  high  school 
officials  and  students  with  the  object  of 
making  them  more  "Duke  conscious." 
Pictorial  brochures  were  passed  out  to 
prospective  students  and  other  interested 

The  meeting  concluded  with  an  election 
of  officers.  Those  chosen  to  serve  for  the 
year  1951  are :  Dr.  Amos  N.  Johnson, 
'29,  president ;  Owen  P.  Johnson,  '27, 
vice-president ;  Thomas  D.  Johnson,  '35, 
secretary-treasurer;  and  Tina  Fussell 
Wilson,  alumni  representative. 

Law  School  Alumni 

Duke  Law  alumni  in  Washington,  D. 
C,  held  their  second  monthly  luncheon 
meeting  in  the  Senate  Bestaurant  on 
February  6.  They  have  agreed  to  hold 
a  meeting  every  month. 

Senator  Willis  Smith,  '10,  and  Senator 
Bichard  M.  Nixon,  LL.B.  '37,  both  at- 
tended the  luncheon.  Frank  Fletcher,  '35, 
Washington  lawyer  and  owner  of  a  metro- 
politan Washington  radio  station,  was 
master  of  ceremonies.  Also  attending  the 
luncheon  were  Dean  Joseph  A.  McClain, 
Jr.,  of  the  Duke  Law  School,  and  Charles 
A.  Dukes,  '29,  director  of  Alumni  Affairs. 

Washington,  D.  C. 

Duke  alumni  in  Washington,  D.  C,  are 
planning  a  dinner  March  6  at  the  National 
Press  Club,  14th  and  F  Streets,  N.W., 
at  7 :30  p.m.  Senator  Bichard  M.  Nixon, 
LL.B.  '37,  of  California,  will  be  the  speak- 
er, and  Senator  Willis  Smith,  '10.  of 
North  Carolina,  University  Trustee,  will 
be  a  guest  of  honor.  Sidney  Alderman, 
'13,  will  act  as  toastmaster.  Evelyn 
Knight,  popular  singer,  is  expected  to 
perform   for  the  group. 

Alumni  who  have  helped  with  arrange- 
ments for  the  dinner  are  Bill  Werber,  '30 ; 
Alan  Puryear,  '36;  Luther  Angle,  '30; 
Dorothy  Huneycutt,  '28;  Andy  Starratt, 
'34;  Margaret  Bledsoe,  '32;  Bobert  Stew- 
art, '42;  James  Lee  Bost,  '95;  and  Frances 
A.  Davis,  '32. 

Beservations  will  be  four  dollars  per 
person.  Alumni  interested  in  making  a 
reservation  should  get  in  touch  with  any 
of  the  association's  officers  or  with 
Frances  Davis. 

At  left:  Among  those  attending  the  Washington,  D.  C, 
Law  Alumni  luncheon  on  February  6  were  Senator  Bich- 
ard M.  Nixon,  LL.B.  '37,  Theodore  Boosevelt  McKeldin, 
Jr..   Governor  of  Maryland,   Senator  Willis   Smith,    '10, 

and  Dean  Joseph  A.  McClain,  Jr.,  of  the  Duke  Law  School. 
At  right :  A  large  number  of  Law  School  alumni  attended 
the  monthly  luncheon  held  February  6  in  the  Senate 
Bestaurant,  Washington,  D.  C. 

[  Page  40  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 


Alumnus  Returns  to  Direct  Gridiron  Campaigns 

Bill  Murray  Named  to  Succeed  Wallace  Wade 

Former  Delaware  Coach  Was  All-Southern  Halfback  at  Duke  20  Years  Ago 

William  D.  Murray,  '31,  former  Duke 
football  great  and  for  the  last  10  years 
director  of  athletics  and  head  football 
coach  at  the  University  of  Delaware,  is 
Duke's  new  head  football  coach.  His 
selection  and  acceptance  were  announced 
by  President  Edens  on  the  last  day  of 
January,  ending  the  two-month  period  of 
suspense  and  guesswork  which  started 
with  Wallace  Wade's  appointment  as  com- 
missioner of  the  Southern  Conference  last 
December  8. 

For  Murray,  the  new  contract  means 
the  realization  of  a  long-cherished  am- 
bition. For  Duke,  it  means  the  acquisition 
of  a  young  man  with  one  of  the  most  spec- 
tacular coaching  records  in  modern  foot- 

After  graduating  from  Duke,  Murray 
became  head  coach,  principal,  dean  of 
boys,  and,  later,  assistant  superintendent 
at  Childrens  Home,  in  Winston-Salem, 
where  his  football  teams  set  the  pace  for 
the  high  school  and  prep  teams  in  the 
South  Piedmont  district.  During  his  ten- 
year  stay,  Childrens  Home,  football  teams 
won  sixty-nine  games  and  tied  three, 
losing  only  nine!  There  were  three  un- 
defeated seasons,  and  one  winning  streak 
stretched  to  thirty-six  games. 

In  1941  he  became  head  football  coach 
at  the  University  of  Delaware,  a  position 
for  which  he  was  highly  recommended 
by  his  predecessor  at  Duke,  Wallace 
Wade.  His  teams  there  also  were  a  sen- 
sation. In  seven  seasons  (Delaware  did 
not  field  a  team  during  the  war  years) 
they  won  forty-nine,  tied  two,  and  lost 
sixteen.  There,  also,  three  undefeated 
seasons  were  recorded,  and  one  winning 
streak  ran  to  thirty-two  games. 

Coach  Murray's  lifetime  record  is  118 
victories,  five  ties,  and  25  losses. 

Outstanding  as  a  Student 

In  his  student  days  "Smiling  Bill"  Mur- 
ray thrilled  many  a  Duke  fan  with  his  end 
sweeps.  He  was  one  of  the  spark  plugs 
of  the  great  Duke  team  that  fought  the 
University  of  North  Carolina  to  a  0-0  tie 
in  the  famous  "Battle  of  Lake  Kenan"  in 
1930  to  break  a  Tar -heel  jinx  which  had 
lasted  seven  years.  The  Blue  Devils  fin- 
ished that  season  with  a  record  of  eight 
wins,  two  ties,  and  one  loss. 

Halfback  Bill  Murray  gained  1,030 
yards  that  season,  and  his  performance 
earned  him  a  berth  on  the  All-Southern 
team  and  led  his  teammates  to  elect  him 
the  "Most  Valuable  Player"  on  the  team. 

He  was  outstanding  in  campus  life  as 
well  as  on  the  gridiron.  At  the  end  of  his 
freshman  year  he  was  voted  the  "best-all- 
around"  member  of  his  class.  In  his 
senior  year  he  was  unopposed  for  the 
presidency  of  the  Men's  Student  Govern- 
ment Association.  Upon  graduation  he 
was  presented  the  Robert  E.  Lee  award  as 
the  outstanding  member  of  his  class.  He 
was  a  member  of  the  "Red  Friars,"  Duke's 
highest  honorary  fraternity,  and  of  Om- 
icron  Delta  Kappa,  national  leadership 

William  D.  Murray,  '31 
as  a  student 

His  appointment  as  head  football  coach 
at  Duke  came  as  a  surprise  to  many,  not 
because  they  thought  he  was  not  being 
considered,  but  because  everyone  was  sure 
that  he  would  not  be  willing  to  give  up  his 
very  favorable  situation  at  Delaware.  He 
was  director  of  athletics  and  head  football 
coach,  and  also  director  of  the  division 
of  student  health  and  physical  education. 
He  had  been  president  of  the  Delaware 
Faculty  Club,  and  was  elected  from  the 
facultv  to  the  Universitv  Council.     More- 

over, he  had  recently  turned  down  several 
highly  advantageous  offers  in  order  to 
remain  at  Delaware. 

When  quizzed  about  this,  Coach  Mur- 
ray answered  "I  made  up  my  mind  a  few 
years  ago  when  I  had  several  opportuni- 
ties to  go  elsewhere  that  I  would  never 
leave  Delaware  for  any  other  place  but 
Duke.  However,  I  had  no  idea  at  the 
time  that  I  would  ever  get  the  chance  to 
coach  at  Duke.  I  leave  a  wonderful  job 
and  wonderful  place." 

"T"   for  Duke? 

Murray's  favorite  formation  at  Dela- 
ware seems  to  have  been  the  double  wing- 
back.  Last  year  he  abandoned  it  for 
the  first  time  in  favor  of  a  variation  of 
the  split  T.  When  asked  recently  whether 
he  preferred  the  single  wing  or  the  T, 
Murray  replied  that  he  liked  "a  little  of 
both,"  and  that  he  would  have  to  look  over 
his  material  before  deciding  definitely 
which  system  he  will  use.  He  indicated, 
however,  that  he  might  use  some  of  each. 

Coach  Murray  is  heartily  in  favor  of 
the  two-platoon  system,  mainly  because 
"it  enables  more  boys  to  play." 

Although  Murray's  contract  with  Duke 
is  for  only  three  years,  it  is  generally 
understood  that  he  is  to  stay  much  longer 
than  that.  Eddie  Cameron,  Duke's  di- 
rector of  athletics,  said  during  the  press 
conference  at  which  Murray's  selection 
was  announced,  "Duke  never  talks  much 
about  a  contract.  We  just  hire  somebody 
and  that's  that.  We  hope  Bill  will  be 
with  us  for  a  long  time." 

Cameron  went  on  to  praise  his  former 
protege  (Cameron  had  been  freshman 
football  coach  during  Bill's  freshman  year 
at  Duke.)  :  "We  consider  ourselves  to  be 
most  fortunate  in  securing  the  services  of 
Bill  Murray.  I  have  known  him  as  player 
and  coach  and  have  followed  his  career 
closely  over  the  years.  He  is  a  splendid 
football  coach,  but  more  than  that,  he  is 
a  moulder  of  men." 

Jack  Horner,  sports  editor  of  the  Dur- 
ham Morning  Herald,  has  also  been 
watching  Bill  Murray's  career  for  a  long 
time.  He  says  "I  first  met  Bill  Murray 
when  he  was  producing  winning  teams 
(Continued  on  page  56) 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

[  Page  41 

Cagers  Secure  Conference  Tourney  Berth 

The  Blue  Devil  cagers  clinched  a  bid  to 
the  Southern  Conference  tournament  by 
defeating  Wake  Forest  69-64  on  Febru- 
ary 19.  Duke's  one  remaining  conference 
game,  which  is  with  North  Carolina,  can 
affect  only  the  Tarheel's  chances  for  a 

The  Wake  Forest  game  was  fast  and 
close.  The  lead  changed  six  times  in  the 
first  half,  and  although  Duke  was  never 
headed  after  grabbing  the  lead  in  the  first 
three  minutes  of  the  second  half,  the  mar- 
gin was  never  more  than  a   few  points. 

The  eight  teams  with  the  best  confer- 
ence records  are  invited  to  the  tourna- 
ment each  year.  It  will  be  held  this  year 
on  March  1-3  at  North  Carolina  State. 
Duke  is  currently  ranked  fifth  in  confer- 
ence standings,  with  a  12  won,  6  lost  rec- 

Duke's  record  for  all  games  played  so 
far  is  17  won  and  12  lost. 

The  biggest  basketball  news  at  Duke 
this  year  has  been  sensational  guard  Dick 
Groat,  who  has  broken  the  national  record 
for  total  points  from  free  throws  in  one 

season  by  raising  his  mark  to  233  in  the 
29  games  played  so  far  this  year.  He  has 
made  80.5  per  cent  of  all  his  charity 
tosses.  The  old  record  of  215  was  held 
jointly  by  Tony  Lavelli  of  Yale  and  Paul 
Arizin  of  Yillanova.  Groat  is  now  shoot- 
ing for  another  record — the  National  Col- 
legiate high  scoring  record  of  740  points 
in  one  season,  set  by  William  and  Mary's 
Chet  Giermak  two  years  ago.  His  grand 
total  to  date  is  717  points,  only  23  short. 
With  two  games  still  to  play  and  possibly 
more  if  the  Blue  Devils  meet  with  success 
in  the  tournament,  Groat  seems  a  sure  bet 
to  set  a  new  mark. 

Dick  has  already  smashed  most  of 
Duke's  records.  He  set  a  new  record  of 
37  points  scored  in  a  single  game  as  the 
Blue  Devils  trounced  Davidson  90-68 
shortly  after  mid-term  exams.  The  Duke 
record  for  total  points  in  a  season,  which 
was  430,  he  has  long  since  smashed. 

The  Devil  cagers  emerged  from  exam 
week  in  a  slump  during  which  they 
dropped  games  to  Wake  Forest,  (65-56) 
the  University  of  South  Carolina,  (86-64) 

"Red"  Kulpan  Weds 

"Red"  Kulpan,  center  on  the  varsity 
basketball  squad,  and  Alice  Elizabeth 
Black,  R.N,  B.S.N.  '50,  walked  down 
the  aisle  on  January  19,  and  came  back 
Mr.  and  Mrs. 

They  were  married  in  York  Chapel 
by  Professor  James  T.  Cleland.  The 
basketball  team  was  on  hand  to  throw 
plenty  of  rice  when  they  came  out  of 
the  Chapel. 

"Red,"  a  six-foot-six-inch  Trinity 
College  junior,  is  from  Norfolk,  Ya. 
Betsy,  his  petite  bride,  is  a  Duke  Hos- 
pital nurse  from  Johnson  City,  Tenn. 

Dick  Groat  grabs  a  rebound  in  the  Duke-N.  C.  State  game.  Left  to  right 
are :  Sam  Ranzino.  77,  State :  Diek  Crowder.  33.  Duke :  Lee  Terrell,  75,  State : 
Paul  Horvath,  84.  State:  "Red"  Kulpan,  20,  Duke:  Diek  Groat,  10,  Duke; 
and  Yie  Bubas,  78,  State. 

the  University  of  North  Carolina  (71-68). 
and  New  York  University  (79-73). 

But  they  picked  up  their  second  win  of 
the  second  semester  by  blasting  George 
Washington  S5-70,  on  February  5.  The 
next  night  the  Dukes  were  again  victori- 
ous, beating  William  and  Mary  61-54  to 
get  back  into  the  running  for  a  berth  at 
the  Southern  Conference  Tournament, 
which  is  to  be  held  at  North  Carolina 
State  March  1-3. 

Taking  a  loss  to  Southern  Conference 
champion  North  Carolina  State  in  their 
stride,  and  quite  elated  that  Diek  Groat 
had  again  outseored  the  great  State  star 
Sammy  Ranzino,  this  time  27  to  20,  the 
Blue  Devils  went  on  to  rack  up  two  more 
Southern  Conference  victories.  The  first 
of  these  was  a  94-73  rout  of  Davidson  on 
the  losers'  home  court  February  14.  The 
Dukes  dominated  the  court  throughout 
the  game,  and  were  never  headed. 

Two  days  later  they  scored  another 
smashing  victory,  this  time  on  their  home 
court  against  Washington  and  Lee  by  a 
comfortable  94-6S  margin.  The  Blue 
Devils  were  ahead  throughout  the  game, 
the  Generals  never  approaching  any  closer 
than  within  four  points  after  the  game 
was  a  little  underway. 

Taking  a  road  trip  to  the  northern 
fringe  of  the  Southern  Conference.  Duke 
won  a  49-40  decision  from  the  University 
of  Maryland.  Tight  defensive  play  was 
the  outstanding  feature  of  this  game,  with 
a  minimum  of  the  flashy  offensive  work 
that  has  characterized  most  of  the  Blue 
Devil  play  this  fall. 

The  game  was  close  all  the  way,  and 
only  in  the  final  quarter  did  Duke  attain 
the  security  of  a  comparatively  large 
point  margin. 

The  Blue  Devils  stepped  outside  the 
conference  for  a  tiff  with  the  flashy  Mid- 

[  Page  42  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

dies  of  The  United  States  Naval  Acade- 
my at  Annapolis.  Navy  blue  outshone 
the  Duke  blue,  and  the  Devils  suffered  an 
85-60  defeat. 

The  latest  scoring  figures  for  the  Duke 
cagers  as  the  Register  goes  to  press  have 
Dick  Groat,  of  course,  in  front  with  717 
points.  Dick  Crowder,  lanky  center,  is 
second  with  267  points,  and  team  Cap- 
tain Scotty  York  is  next  with  a  steady 
233.  Kes  Deimling,  a  sophomore  who  has 
showed  a  lot  of  promise,  has  198  points. 
The  other  leaders  are  Bill  Fleming  with 
196  and  Dayton  Allen  with  163. 

Groat's  total  score  for  this  year,  plus 
the  275  points  he  scored  in  19  games  last 
winter,  gives  him  992  points  for  his  two- 
year  varsity  career.  This  equals  the  mark 
set  in  three  years  by  Duke's  All- American 
Ed  Koffenberger.  Groat  is  now  17  points 
above  the  pace  set  by  Con-en  "Ceep"  You- 
mans  in  his  four-year  varsity  career  at 
Duke.  Youmans  played  on  the  varsity 
as  a  freshman.  If  Groat's  freshman  totals 
are  included  in  his  career  record,  it  stands 
at  1193  points  in  three  seasons. 


Duke's  varsity  wrestlers  racked  up  their 
second  win  of  the  1950-51  season  here 
February  5  by  mauling  Georgia  Tech  19- 
7.  The  Duke  grapplers  have  lost  one  de- 
cision, that  being  to  Virginia  Tech  by  a 
17-13  count.  On  February  15  they  beat 
Davidson,  their  third  opponent,  17-11. 
Earlier  in  the  season  Duke  had  defeated 
tauted  Maryland  by  a  16-14  score.  The 
team  has  three  meets  left  on  the  schedule 
before  moving  into  the  Southern  Con- 
ference tournament. 

After  their  first  three  meets,  five  Duke 
wrestlers  were  unbeaten.  Besides  co-cap- 
tains Dick  Harrison  and  Bill  Britt,  they 
included  Bob  Burrell,  Jerry  Gallagher 
and  John  McMasters. 

Billy  Cox  and  Worth  Lutz,  Jr.,  Are 
Awarded  Trophies 

Wallace  Wade  Opens 
Office  in  Durham 

Former  Duke  Coach  Wallace  Wade, 
now  commissioner  of  the  Southern 
Conference,  has  opened  his  office  in 
Durham,  which  has  been  his  home  ever 
since  he  first  came  to  Duke  twenty 
years  ago.  His  new  business  address 
is  the  Temple  Building  at  107  Market 

Mr.  Wade  left  Duke  University  to 
take  up  his  new  duties  on  January  1. 

Billy  Cox,  Blue  Devil  tailback,  and 
Worth  Lutz,  Jr.,  Durham  High  fullback, 
were  awarded  the  Center  Theatre  Tro- 
phies as  the  outstanding  players  of  their 
respective  schools  for  the  past  season  at 
a  ceremony  during  half-time  intermission 
of  the  Duke-Wake  Forest  basketball  game. 

Noble  Arnold,  former  manager  of  the 
Center  Theatre  in  Durham,  and  long  a 
friend  of  Duke  University,  flew  from  At- 
lanta, Ga.,  where  he  is  now  located,  to 
make  the  presentations. 

This  is  the  second  successive  year  that 
Worth  Lutz  has  won  the  High  School 
award.  The  son  of  Worth  Lutz,  Sr.,  '29, 
Worth,  Jr.,  has  reeentlv  been  named  on 

the  All  American  High  School  team. 
Also  of  interest,  Worth,  Jr.,  will  enter 
Duke  as  a  freshman  next  fall. 

The  name  of  Billy  Cox  has  thus  been 
added  to  a  long  list  of  Diike  football 
greats  who  have  received  the  Center  Thea- 
tre award  for  the  most  valuable  player 
at  Duke.  The  list  includes  such  im- 
mortals to  the  memory  of  Duke  fans  as 
"Honey-boy''  Hackney,  Ace  Parker,  the 
late  Tom  Burns,  Whitey  Davis,  Fred  Fol- 
ger,  George  McAfee,  Al  DeRogatis,  and 
Louis  Allen.  Cox  either  set  or  helped 
set  seven  team  and  individual  offensive 
records  this  past  year. 

Arthur  Bradsher,  '04,  Great  Trinity 
Pitcher,  Dies 

Arthur  Brown  Bradsher,  '04,  one  of  the 
greatest  collegiate  pitchers  in  the  nation 
in  the  early  1900's,  died  at  his  home  in 
Beaufort,  N.  C,  on  January  27,  of  a 
heart  attack. 

As  the  ace  southpaw  for  Trinity  Col- 
lege, Mr.  Bradsher  rolled  up  an  amazing 
strike-out  record  and  was  known  through- 
out the  land  as  "King  of  the  Southern 
Diamond."  In  each  of  his  years  at 
Trinity,  Mr.  Bradsher  made  an  outstand- 
ing reputation  for  himself  on  the  base- 
ball diamond,  becoming  one  of  the  top 
collegiate  pitchers  of  all  time.  In  1901 
he  fanned  70  opposing  players,  and 
in  1903  there  were  99  who  could  not  touch 
one  of  his  pitches.  1904  brought  an  even 
more  spectacular  season,  for  Arthur  Brad- 
sher pitched  14  winning  games  and  lost 
only  one.  Facing  427  hitters  he  allowed 
only  48  safe  hits,  struck  out  166  batters, 
and  pitched  a  9-0  no-hitter  against  Oak 
Ridge.  During  his  final  year  he  allowed 
only  38  hits  in  13  games,  striking  out  169 
would-be  hitters.  Two  no-hit  games  were 
pitched  by  him  that  season.  A  versatile 
ball  player,  Mr.  Brasher  played  regularly 
in  the  outfield  or  at  third  base  when  he 
was  not  pitching. 

As  a  young  boy,  Arthur  Bradsher 
moved  to  Durham  with  his  family.  Hav- 
ing received  his  elementary  education  in 
the  Durham  city  schools,  he  entered  Trin- 

After  graduating  from  college,  he  de- 
clined a  $10,000  job  (an  unheard  of  sum 

at  that  time)  to  play  professional  ball, 
choosing  instead  to  be  employed  by  the 
old  American  Tobacco  Company.  Later 
he  became  market  supervisor  for  the  Ex- 
port Leaf  Tobacco  Company  located  in 
Petersburg,  Va.  At  the  time  of  his  re- 
tirement in  1945  he  was  a  director  and 
vice-president  of  the  Imperial  Tobacco 
Company  of  Canada,  Montreal,  Canada. 

After  his  retirement  in  1945,  Mr.  Brad- 
sher made  his  home  on  Summerlea  Farm 
near  New  Bern,  N.  C,  until  September, 
1950,  when  he  moved  to  Beaufort. 

Funeral  services  for  Mr.  Bradsher  were 
held  at  the  Howerton-Bryan  Funeral 
Home  in  Durham,  and  interment  was  in 
Maplewood  Cemetery,  annex  B. 

Surviving  are  his  widow,  Mrs.  Eliza- 
beth Muse  Bradsher,  '05;  three  daughters, 
Mildred  Bradsher  Voorhees  (Mrs.  E.  H.), 
'46,  Garden  City,  Long  Island,  N.  Y. ; 
Mary  Elizabeth  Bradsher  Haves  (Mrs. 
F.  L),  '31,  Charlotte,  N.  C.;*and  Mrs. 
F.  A.  Gill,  Jr.,  Petersburg;  two  sons,  Dr. 
Charles  K.  Bradsher,  '33,  former  Duke 
track  star  hailed  as  one  of  the  greatest 
half-milers  in  the  school's  history,  who  is 
now  teaching  chemistry  at  Duke;  and  Dr. 
A.  B.  Bradsher,  Jr.,"  '38,  Philadelphia, 
Pa. ;  and  a  half  brother,  Gordon  M.  Car- 
ver, '15,  Carolina  Beach,  N.  C,  and  sixteen 
grandchildren.  In  addition  to  his  im- 
mediate family,  Mr.  Bradsher  is  survived 
by  a  large  number  of  relatives  and  in- 
laws, many  of  whom  came  to  Duke  Uni- 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

[  Page  43  ] 

Some  Recent  Events 

Duke  Host  to  N.  C.  Press 

Duke  University  entertained  the  North 
Carolina  Press  Association  at  a  dinner 
in  the  West  Campus  Union  during  the 
Association's  annual  Newspaper  Institute 
held  at  the  University  of  North  Carolina 
and  Duke  last  month.  Attendance  at  the 
Institute  broke  all  previous  records. 

Professor  James  T.  Cleland  of  the  Duke 
Divinity  School  gave  the  principal  ad- 
dress, and  Governor  W.  Kerr  Scott  pre- 
sented the  annual  press  awards.  Presi- 
dent Hollis  Edens  extended  a  welcome  to 
the  group,  and  Henry  Belk,  '23,  retiring 
president  of  the  Association,  responded. 
Dr.  Charles  E.  Jordan,  vice-president  of 
Duke  University,  presided.  A  musical 
program  was  presented  by  the  Duke 
Double  Quartet  directed  by  J.  Foster 

American  Alumni  Council 
Holds  Meeting  at  Duke 

The  Alumni  Department  of  Duke  Uni- 
versity was  host  to  District  Three  of  the 
American  Alumni  Council  for  its  annual 
meeting,  held  in  January.  Charles  A. 
Dukes,  '29,  director  of  Alumni  Affairs, 
and  Anne  Garrard,  '25,  A.M.  '27,  assistant 
director  of  alumni  affairs,  planned  and 
coordinated  the  three-day  program,  which 
included  panel  discussions,  luncheon  and 
dinner  sessions,  addresses,  and  business 

Special  guest  and  speaker  at  the  Mon- 
day luncheon  was  T.  Hawley  Tapping,  of 
the  University  of  Michigan,  president  of 
the  American  Alumni  Council. 

Dr.  Hollis  Edens  was  the  principal 
speaker  at  the  last  evening  session  of  the 
meeting.  He  told  the  group,  which  is 
made  up  of  alumni  affairs  directors  of  the 
institutions  of  higher  learning  in  nine 
Southern  states,  that  the  alumnus  and 
his  alma  mater  have  a  mutual  responsi- 
bility to  each  other  that  must  never  be 
overlooked.  The  alumnus  has  the  respon- 
sibility of  interpreting  the  high  mission 
of  his  alma  mater,  and  it  is  the  institu- 
tion's duty  to  keep  the  alumnus  abreast 
of  its  growth  and  development. 

Also  featured  on  this  program  were 
several  musical  numbers  by  members  of 
the  Duke  Men's  Glee  Club,  who  performed 
under  the  baton  of  John  Putnam  of 
Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  student  director  of  the 
Glee  Club. 

The  final  panel  discussion  of  the  meet- 
ing was  directed  by  Charles  P.  McCurdy, 

Jr.,  of  William  and  Mary,  president-elect 
of  the  Council.  The  topic  was  "Trends  in 
Alumni  Work." 

Displayed  in  the  Washington  Duke 
Hotel,  Council  headquarters  for  the  meet- 
ing, were  several  exhibits  of  interest  to 
alumni  leaders.  An  engraving  exhibit 
from  Durham  Engraving  Company,  a 
printing  exhibit  from  Seeman  Printery, 
and  an  exhibit  of  various  alumni  maga- 
zines were  seen  by  the  delegates. 

Divinity  School  Holds 
Seminars  for  Ministers 

The  1951  Duke  University  Divinity 
School  Seminars,  which  are  made  possible 
by  the  James  A.  Gray  Fund,  were  held 
at  Myers  Park  Methodist  Church  in 
Charlotte,  N.  C,  on  January  22  and  23, 
and  at  the  First  Methodist  Church  in 
Wilson,  N.  C,  on  January  25  and  26. 

Begun  two  years  ago,  the  Seminars  are 
designed  "to  offer  North  Carolina  minis- 
ters an  opportunity  to  continue  their  edu- 
cation after  graduation."  Dr.  Kenneth 
W.  Clark,  professor  at  the  Duke  Divinity 
School,  is  chairman  of  the  Seminar  com- 

Identical  programs  following  the  theme 
of  "Our  Ministry"  were  presented  for 
some  200  ministers  in  each  city.  Principal 
speakers  were  Bishop  Fred  Pierce  Cor- 
son, presiding  bishop  of  the  Philadelphia 
Area  of  The  Methodist  Church,  and  Dr. 
William  D.  Davies,  professor  of  Biblical 
Theology,  Duke  Divinity  School.  Dr. 
Davies  presented  two  addresses  on  "Our 
Ministry :  Its  New  Testament  Origins" 
and  "Our  Ministry:  Its  New  Testament 
(and  Historical)  Meaning."  "Ministerial 
Leadership"  and  "Ministerial  Achieve- 
ment" were  the  subjects  of  Bishop  Cor- 
son's two  addresses.  All  the  talks  were 
supplemented  by  question  and  answer  dis- 

Dr.  Clark  presented  an  illustrated 
lecture,  "Miles  of  Manuscripts  from 
Jerusalem  to  Sinai."  He  told  of  the  mi- 
crofilm reproduction  of  ancient  manu- 
scripts from  the  Monastery  of  St.  Cath- 
erine and  Jerusalem  in  the  Holy  Land,  a 
project  which  he  guided  last  year. 

Others  participating  in  the  Seminars 
were  Bishop  Costen  J.  Harrell,  '06,  D.D. 
'40,  of  Charlotte;  Dr.  E.  H.  Nease,  '25, 
B.D.  '31,  superintendent  of  the  Charlotte 
District;  Dr.  A.  J.  Hobbs,  '19,  superin- 
tendent of  the  Rocky  Mount  District; 
James  G.  Huggin,  B.D.  '29,  pastor,  Myers 

Park  Church;  Dr.  T.  M.  Grant,  '09,  pas- 
tor, First  Methodist  Church,  Rocky 
Mount ;  Robert  W.  Bradshaw,  '19,  pastor, 
First  Methodist  Church,  Wilson;  Dr. 
James  Cannon  III,  '14,  acting  dean  of  the 
Duke  Divinity  School. 

Presiding  at  the  various  sessions  during 
the  Conferences  were  The  Reverend 
Mitchell  Faulkner ;  Charles  P.  Bowles,  '28, 
A.M.  '31,  B.D.  '32;  Lee  F.  Tuttle,  '27; 
W.  J.  Miller,  '23;  D.  E.  Earnhardt,  '18, 
A.M.  '27;  Leon  Russell,  B.D.  '30;  Allen 
P.  Brantley,  '18 ;  and  W.  A.  Cade,  '13. 

A  special  feature  at  each  Seminar  was 
a  layman's  panel  discussion  of  "The  Lay- 
man's View"  of  the  minister's  job.  Paul 
Ervin,  '28,  LL.B.  '31;  Hunter  M.  Jones; 
Richard  E.  Thigpen,  '22;  Edwin  L.  Jones, 
'12;  and  Charles  H.  Litaker,  '28,  were 
members  of  the  panel  at  Charlotte.  D.  S. 
Johnson,  '24,  A.M.  '29,  Everett  Blake, 
J.  A.  Glover,  and  J.  H.  Rose,  '13,  were 
members  of  the  panel  of  laymen  at  Wil- 

In  addition  to  a  social  hour  held  for  the 
conferees,  luncheons  and  dinners  were 
served  to  all  of  them  at  the  host  churches 
in  order  to  preserve  the  close  fellowship 
of  all  who  participated. 

Civil  Engineers  Meet 

The  North  Carolina  Section  of  the 
American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers  held 
a  meeting  at  the  Duke  College  of  Engi- 
neering in  January.  New  officers  were 
elected  for  1951,  and  life  memberships  in 
the  Society  were  presented  to  'several 
prominent  engineers  at  a  luncheon  fol- 
lowing the  business  meeting. 

Principal  speaker  at  the  annual  meet- 
ing was  William  R.  Glidden,  Richmond, 
Va.,  national  vice-president  of  the  organi- 

Four  student  papers  were  presented 
during  the  morning  session.  W.  V.  West- 
moreland delivered  a  paper  entitled 
"Alaska  Road  Commission,"  and  W.  C. 
Vanburen  gave  an  illustrated  lecture  on 
steam  gauging  for  the  Bureau  of  Recla- 
mation in  the  Western  United  States. 
Both  are  students  at  the  Duke  College  of 
Engineering.  The  remaining  two  papers, 
"A  Civil  Engineer's  Job  with  the  Air 
Force"  and  an  illustrated  paper  explain- 
ing construction  of  the  West  Asheville 
Bridge  at  Asheville,  N.  C,  were  delivered 
by  students  from  North  Carolina  State 

Members  of  the  student  ASCE  chapter 
at  Duke  were  hosts  at  the  meeting. 
Chandler  W.  Brown,  B.S.  '46,  B.S.C.E. 
'47,  Duke  engineering  instructor,  is  facul- 
ty adviser  for  the  group. 

[ Page  44  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

Duke  "Hams"  Speak  on  "Voice  of  America" 

On  the  last  afternoon  and  evening  in 
ranuary,  an  isolated  homesteader  in  the 
vilds  of  the  Australian  bush  and  perhaps 
i  student  in  the  twisting  byways  of  Paris' 
tlontmartre  tuned  their  radios  and  heard 
he  voices  of  two  Duke  University  stu- 
lents  and  a  Duke  staff  member.  They 
rere  listening  to  the  regular  weekly  half- 
lour  Voice  of  America  program  prepared 
■specially  for  short  wave  radio  enthusi- 
asts and  beamed  to  Europe  and  the 
Middle  East. 

Through  the  powerful  Voice  of  America 
adio,  key  members  of  amateur  short  wave 
tation  W4AHY  at  Duke  gained  an  in- 
ernational  audience  as  they  described  the 
listory  of  their  station  and  some  of  its 
echnical  aspects  in  a  six-minute  recorded 
nterview  from  the  "shack"  of  the  Engi- 
teers'  Radio  Station  located  in  the  Engi- 
leering  Building. 

Participating  in  the  broadcast  were 
)an  Murph,  Jr.,  Washington  senior,  son 
1  Daniel  S.  Murph,  A.M.  '03;  Robert 
jawler,  New  Orleans,  La.  freshman;  and 
loseph  P.  Edwards,  laboratory  technician 
n  the  Duke  Electrical  Engineering  De- 
triment. Leading  the  interview  was 
lank  Miller,  Voice  of  America  announcer 
torn  New  York  City,  who  visited 
iV4AHY  a  week  or  two  before  the  broad- 
cast to  make  the  recording. 

The  Voice  of  America  had  already  in- 
erviewed  a  former  president  of  the 
Electrical  Engineers'  Club,  Ed  Carson, 
49.  Ed,  his  brother  Bill,  and  their 
'ather,  J.  E.  Carson,  all  of  Danville,  Va. ; 
■ach  operate  a  short  wave  set. 

W4AHY  is  the  radio  outlet  for  a  group 
if  about  a  dozen  Duke  students  who  call 
hemselves  the  Duke  Amateur  Radio  Club. 
With  office  space  granted  them  by  the 
Duke  College  of  Engineering  and  a  mass 

of  surplus  service  radio  equipment,  the 
student  "hams"  have  constructed  a  power- 
ful transmitter  whose  signal  has  been 
heard  half-way  around  the  world. 

As  members  of  a  vast  international  net- 
work of  amateur  short  wave  stations, 
W4AHY  yearly  sends  more  than  300  mes- 
sages to  all  parts  of  the  United  States  and 
many  foreign  countries  without  charge  as 
a  public  service.  In  times  of  disaster 
when  normal  communications  are  para- 
lyzed, amateur  stations  like  W4AHY 
maintain  contact  with  the  outside  world 
through  their  widespread  network. 

Art  Exhibit  Features  Klee 

The  art  exhibits  which  are  shown  each 
month  in  the  Woman's  College  Library 
will  be  of  interest  to  alumni  who  visit 
the  campus. 

From  February  3  through  February  28 
an  exhibition  of  paintings  by  one  of  the 
most  brilliant  contemporary  artists,  Paul 
Klee,  is  being  featured.  Also  included  in 
the  exhibition  are  works  by  Wassily 
Kandinsky,  an  outstanding  abstraction- 
ist, and  Lionel  Feininger,  another  con- 
temporary master.  The  pictures  include 
watercolors  lent  by  Dr.  Joseph  A.  Mc- 
Clain,  Jr.,  dean  of  the  Law  School,  water- 
colors  from  the  Societe  Anonyme  Collec- 
tion of  the  Yale  University  Art  Gallery, 
and  oil  paintings  lent  by  the  Phillips 
Memorial  Gallery  in  Washington,  D.   C. 

The  Duke  University  Arts  Council, 
which  is  sponsoring  the  exhibition,  held 
for  its  members  a  preview  showing  and 
reception  on  the  evening  of  February  .2. 
At  this  time  Mr.  John  Canady,  director 
of  the  Newcomb  Art  School  at  Tulane 
University,  delivered  an  address  on  the 
work  of  Klee,  a  subject  on  which  he  is  an 

Calendar  of  Events 

March     4 — Recital  by  students  of  Mr.  Withers.     4  :00  p.m.,  Asbury. 
March     8 — Modern  Dance  Recital.    8:15  p.m.,  Woman's  College  Auditorium. 
March  13 — Student  Forum  Lecture  by  Carl  Sandberg.    8:15  p.m.,  Woman's 

College  Auditorium.     Tentative. 
March  15,  16— Duke  Players  Production  "The  Ascent  of  F-6."     8:15  p.m., 

March  16,  17 — Engineers'  Show.     College  of  Engineering. 
March  18 — The  Seven  Wonders  of  Christ  presented  by  the  Chapel  Choir. 

4:00  p.m.,  University  Chapel. 
March  20 — Vienna   Choir   Boys   presented   by   the   All   Star  Artists   Series. 

8  :15  p.m.,  Page. 
March  22 — Duke  Concert  Band.    8:15  p.m.,  Woman's  College  Auditorium. 
March  24-April  2 — Spring  Vacation. 

April     3 — Piano  Recital  by  Mr.  Loren  Withers.     8:15  p.m.,  Page. 
April  6-8 — Alumnae  Week  End. 

authority.  Klee,  a  Swiss  who  died  in 
1940,  was  called  by  Mr.  Canady  one  of 
the  two  most  influential  contemporary 
painters,  the  other  being  Picasso. 

From  March  1  through  March  23  there 
will  be  an  exhibition  of  Design  in  Home 
Furnishing  in  the  Library.  It  will  in- 
clude examples  of  pottery,  textiles,  tables, 
lamps,  kitchen  utensils,  and  other  objects 
of  artistic  value  and  usefulness  in  the 

Glee  Club  Begins  1951 
Spring  Concert  Series 

The  1951  season  of  the  Duke  Men's 
Glee  Club  under  the  direction  of  J.  Fos- 
ter ("Bishop")  Barnes,  began  February 
16  in  Page  Auditorium  at  Duke,  when  the 
Club  presented  their  usual  scintillating 
program  of  male  harmony. 

Several  treats  were  in  store  for  the 
audience.  The  double  octet  added  another 
member  for  the  occasion,  a  coed,  Alicejean 
Thompson,  who  sang  in  the  "Italian 
Street  Song"  number.  Another  coed, 
Betty  Lou  Matheson,  sang  with  the  entire 
Club  in  a  stirring  rendition  of  "The  Om- 
nipotence." Highlights  of  the  evening 
were  the  Barbershop  Quartet  and  five  so- 

Three  short  week  end  trips  in  North 
Carolina  and  a  Northern  tour  during 
spring  vacation  will  complete  the  season. 
This  year  the  Glee  Club  will  appear  on  a 
television  show  in  addition  to  their  usual 
NBC  broadcast.  The  same  captivating- 
enthusiasm  will  go  with  the  45  members 
of  the  Club  wherever  they  sing.  Chosen 
from  an  original  group  of  150  singers, 
their  music  is  the  result  of  four  and  a  half 
months'  continuous  rehearsing.  Yet  at 
each  performance  their  songs  are  as  spon- 
taneous as  if  sung  for  the  first  time.  They 
always  seem  to  succeed  in  their  dual  pur- 
pose of  pleasing  their  audience  and  en- 
joying themselves. 

The  entire  schedule  of  the  1951  Spring 
Glee  Club  tour  follows :  Durham,  Febru- 
ary 16;  Concord,  N.  C,  March  8;  Mount 
Airy,  N.  C,  March  9 ;  Winston-Salem,  N. 
C,  March  10;  Petersburg,  Va.,  March  24; 
Washington,  D.  C,  March  25;  Lancaster, 
Pa.,  March  26;  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  March 
27;  Cleveland,  Ohio,  March  28;  and 
Rochester,  N.  Y.,  March  29. 

New  York,  N.  Y.  (Savoy-Plaza  Hotel), 
March  30;  Broadcast  over  NBC  from 
New  York,  and  Television  program  on 
Chesterfield  Show,  April  2;  Greenville, 
N.  C,  April  12;  Washington,  N.  C,  April 
13;  Elizabeth  City,  N.  C,  April  14; 
Southern  Pines,  N.  C,  April  27;  and 
Greensboro,  N.  C,  April  28. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

[  Page  45  ]- 

tt      #      SONS  AND  DAUGHTERS  OF  DUKE  ALUMNI      #      # 

1.  Lawrence  E.  Blanchard,  III.  Frances  Hallum  Blanchard,  '43. 
Lawrence  E.  Blanchard.  Jr..  '42.  Richmond.  Va.  L.  E.  Blanchard. 
'09    (Deceased)    Grandfather. 

2.  TrBBY  Duncan.  Trilby  Hewitt  Duncan  (Mrs.  Max  C),  '41.  New 
London.  Conn. 

3.  Tommy  Bello.  Jacqueline  Hutzler  Bello,  '48.  Harold  A.  Bello, 
'47.     Raleigh,  N.  C. 

4.  Wallace  R.  Dodd.  Jr.  Anne  Bennett  Dodd  (Mrs.  W.  R.),  R.N., 
B.S.N.    '44.       Greensboro,    N.    C. 

5.  Edmund  W.  Creekmore,  Jr.  Lt.  Comdr.  Edmund  W.  Creekmore. 
U.S.N.,  '42.      Washington.   D.  C. 

6.  Stephen      Brandon.        Gil      Brandon.      Guilbert      L.      Brandon, 
B.S.M.E.    '44.      Memphis.  Tenn. 

7.  Jean  King.      Sam   C.   King,   Jr.     Sam  C.   King.    '41.     Lineolnton, 
N.  C. 

8.  Joe  Hiatt.     Bobby  Hlvtt.      Sara   Rankin  Hiatt,   '38.     Joseph   S. 
Hiatt,  Jr.,  '36,  M.D.  '40.     McCain,  N.  C. 

9.  Charlotte    Stump.      Jacquelyn    Stump.      Cecelia    Stump.     Lu- 
cille Hessick   Stump    (Mrs.   L.  J.),   '37.      Chevy  Chase.  Md. 

10.  Janie  James.     Judy  James.     Gus  James.     Walter  D.  James,  '39. 
Atlanta.   Ga. 

[  Page  46  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 


Charlotte  Corbin, '35,  Editor 



Ens.    Eugene   Chesson,   Jr.,   U.S.N.,   BSCE, 
50,  F.P.O.  San  Francisco,  Calif. 

lime  T.  Fliflet,  '39,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Paul  W.  Smith,  '29,  Ealeigh,  N.  C. 

Anne  Steele  Redding  (Mrs.  T.  H.),  '38,  Ashe-, 
boro,  N.  C. 

Elizabeth  Churchill  Underwood    (Mrs.  Wm. 

|    A.),  '27,  Asheboro,  N.  C. 

Robert  L.  Wilbur,  '46,  A.M.  '48,  Ann  Arbor, 

Francis  J.  Brice,  '45,  Waterbury,  Conn. 

Herbert  Hipps,  '50,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Claude   E.   Bittle,   '45,   LL.B.    '50,   Durham, 
N.  C. 

Rev.  A.  Gordon  Fischer,  '39,  Kingsville,  Md. 

Darrell  S.  Jones,  Jr.,  '50,  Newark,  Ohio. 

William  T.  Lamparter,  '47,  A.M.  '48,  High- 
land Park,  N.  J. 

Charlotte  E.  Crews,  '31,  Oxford,  N.  C. 

Woodrow  W.  King,  M.F.  '48,  Lufkin,  Tex. 

Ann  Richardson,  '50,  Roxboro,  N.  C. 
Tommy"   Thomas   Foreman    (Mrs.   R.   E.), 
'43,  Elizabeth  City,  N.  C. 

Robert    E.    Foreman,    '42,    Elizabeth    City, 
N.  C. 


Classes  holding  reunions  at  Commence- 
ment, 1951,  will  be  as  follows:  '01,  '10,  '11, 
'12,  '26,  '35,  '36,  '37,  '41,  '49. 

'09  > 

President:   M.  A.  Briggs 

One  of  the  fourteen  new  members  of  the 
Board  of  Directors  of  the  American  Society 
of  Newspaper  Editors  elected  last  fall  is 
JOSH  L.  HORNE,  '09,  University  Trustee, 
and  publisher  of  the  Rocky  Mount,  N.  C, 
Evening  Telegram. 

•25  > 

President :  Marshall  I.  Pickens 
Class  Agents:  Joseph  C.  Whisnant,  W.  F. 
Young,  Jr. 
LILLIAN  FROST  is  now  Mrs.  Erie  Donner, 
and  her  address,  Tree  Tops,  Route  No.  1, 
Asheville,  N.  C.  She  and  her  husband  have 
a  very  attractive  guest  house,  which  they 
enjoy  very  much. 

L.  QUINCY  MUMFORD,  '25,  A.M.  '28,  is 
Director  of  the  Cleveland  Public  Library. 
He  went  to  the  Library  in  1945  as  assistant 
director,  having  worked  in  the  Duke  and 
Columbia  University  Libraries  and  in  the 
New  York  library  system.  In  1940  lie  headed 

Robert  M.  Gantt,  '09,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Joe  M.  Hunt,  '28,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

William  J.  Kerr,  '47,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Henry  A.  Dennis,  '13,  Henderson,  N.  C. 

Lucille  Bullard  Belk  (Mrs.  Henry),  '10, 
Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

Henry  Belk,  '23,  Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

R.  A.  Reed,  Jr.,  '46,  Blaeksburg,  Va. 

Elizabeth  MacFadyen  Graham  (Mrs.  E. 
K.),  '30,  A.M.  '31,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Mary  Skinner  Sandell  (Mrs.  S.  G),  '33, 
Brockton,  Mass. 

J.  E.  Yountz,  '29,  Waynesville,  N.  C. 

Walter  N.  McDonald,  '44,  New  Bern,  N.  C. 

C.  S.  Hooper,  '32,  New  York  City,  N.  Y. 

Clay  F.  Wynn,  '20,  Wynnburg,  Tenn. 

Donald  McCullen,  '50,  Maplewood,  N.  J. 

William  Bates,  '43,  Havertown,  Pa.  > 

Andrew  M.  Secrest,  '44,  Laurinburg,  N.  C. 

Neal  McGuire,  BSME  '48,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Daniel  M.  Williams,  Jr.,  '48,  LL.B.  '50, 
Asheville,  N.  C. 

Louis  C.  Allen,  Jr.,  '45,  LL.B.  '49,  Burling- 
ton, N.  C. 

a  staff  that  reorganized  and  coordinated 
processing  divisions  of  the  Library  of  Con- 
gress. He  has  also  worked  on  surveys  of 
the  Library  of  Congress,  the  Army  Medical 
Library  and  technical  processes  of  the  Co- 
lumbia Library.  A  former  president  of  the 
Ohio  Library  Association  and  chairman  of 
the  American  Library  Association's  Library 
administration  committee  and  of  its  photo- 
graphic reproduction  committee,  he  was 
chairman  for  the  American  Library  Associ- 
ation's national  conference  in  Cleveland  last 
year.  Mr.  Mumford  lives  at  14565  Drex- 
more  Road,  Shaker  Heights,  Ohio.  He  has 
a  daughter,  Katherine,  who  is  a  student  at 
the  University  of  Michigan. 

'28  > 

President:  Robert  L.  Hatcher 
Class  Agent:   E.  Clarence  Tilley 
Since  last  September  ELIZABETH  CRAV- 
EN has  been  living  in  Raleigh,  N.  C,  where 
she  is  working  as  a  medical  technologist  in 
the   field   of   obstetrics   and   gynecology  for 
two    doctors,    one    of    them    being    Paul   E. 
Simpson,    '37,    M.D.    '40.      Her    address    is 
1506%   Canterbury  Road. 
'28,  A.M.  '30,  Ph.D.  '33,  is  an  associate  pro- 
fessor   of    mathematics    and    head    of    the 

mathematics  department,  on  a  part-time 
basis,  at  High  Point  College  in  High  Point, 
N.  C.  She  has  previously  taught  at  Camp- 
bell College,  N.  C,  and  Mary-Hardin  Bay- 
lor College,  Belton,  Texas.  The  R^avis 
family  recently  moved  from  Texas  to  High 
Point,  where  Mr.  Reavis  is  pastor  of  the 
Green   Street  Baptist   Church. 

'31   . 

President :  John  Calvin  Dailey 
Class  Agent:  C.  H.  Livengood,  Jr. 
JOHN  W.  M.  RUTENBERG,  having  re- 
signed as  Assistant  Attorney  General  of  the 
State  of  New  York  in  charge  of  the  Securi- 
ties Bureau,  has  resumed  the  practice  of  law 
with  offices  in  the  Woolworth  Building,  New 
York  City.  MRS.  RUTENBERG  is  the 
former  IVA  PITTS.  They  live  at  S68  Pros- 
pect Place,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

'34  > 

President :   The  Reverend  Robert  M.  Bird 

Class  Agent:  Charles  S.  Rhyne 
DOUGLAS)  and  her  family  live  at  220 
Myrover  Street,  Fayetteville,  N.  C.  She  and 
Mr.  Horner  have  three  children,  Randy,  4 ; 
And}',  2;  and  Lynda  Jean,  5  months. 
PAUL  H.  SANDERS,  LL.B.,  who  was  a 
member  of  the  faculty  of  the  Duke  Law 
School  from  1936  to  1946,  is  now  on  the 
Law  faculty  at  Vanderbilt  University,  teach- 
ing labor  law  and  other  public  law  courses. 
He  has  been  chairman  of  the  American  Bar 
Association's  Committee  on  Wage  and  Hour 
Legislation  since  1947.  Last  summer  he 
and  Mrs.  Sanders  were  in  San  Juan,  Puerto 
Rico,  where  Professor  Sanders  served  on  a 
minimum  wage  committee  covering  a  num- 
ber of  industries  on  that  island.  The  com- 
mittee was  named  by  the  Wage  and  Hour 
Administrator  of  the  United  States  Depart- 
ment of  Labor  to  recommend  wage  levels 
for  the  Puerto  Rican  Men's  Clothing  In- 
dustry, Leather  and  Leather  Goods  Industry, 
Fabricated  Textile  Products,  Needlework 
and  Handicraft  Industries. 

'35  > 

Next  Reunion:    Commencement,  1951 
President :    John   Moorhead 
Class  Agent :   James  L.  Newsom 
ROSE   TONEY   HILL    (MRS.   J.   A.)    and 
her   husband   live   at    Ridgecrest   in    Morris- 
town,  Tenn.,  having  moved  into  a  new  home 
about  a  year  ago.     Besides  keeping  house, 
Rose    keeps    books    for    her    father    and    is 
active  in  the  Pilot  Club  and  the  League  of 
Women   Voters. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

[  Page  47  ] 

'36  » 

President:   Dr.  Joe  S.  Hiatt,  Jr. 

Class  Agents:  James  H.  Johnston,  Clif- 
ford W.  Perry,  R.  Zaek  Thomas,  Jr. 
A  picture  of  Joe  and  Bobby  Hiatt,  sons  of 
JOSEPH  S.  HIATT,  JR.,  '36,  M.D.  '40,  and 
SARA  RANKIN  HIATT,  '38,  is  on  the  Sons 
and  Daughters  Page  this  month.  The  Hiatts 
live  in  McCain,  N.  C,  where  Joe  is  Associate 
Superintendent  and  Associate  Medical  Di- 
rector  of   The   North  Carolina   Sanatorium. 

Zpowerton&ruan  'Go. 

tQ  home  for  funerXi-JT-^ 

L-977  1005  W.  Main  St. 

R.  T.  Howerton,  '08 


Wholesale  Paper 

208  Vivian  St.  801  S.  Church  St. 

DURHAM,  N.  C.      ROCKY  MOUNT,  N.  C. 

Serving  North  Carolina  Since  1924 

Weeks  Motors  Inc. 

408  Geer  St. 

Telephone  F-139 

Durham,  North  Carolina 

Your  Lincoln  and 

Mercury  Dealer  in 



Next  Reunion:   Commencement,  1951 

President:    Thomas   F.   Southgate,  Jr. 

Class  Agent:  William  F.  Womble 
HESSICK)  live  at  5620  "Western  Avenue  in 
Chevy  Chase,  Md.  Besides  Lucille  and 
Jack,  there  are  three  daughters,  Charlotte 
(10y2),  Cessie  (7)  and  Jackie  (2%).  A 
picture  of  the  girls  and  "Lady"  their  dog 
is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  of  this 

'39  » 

President:   Edmund  S.   Swindell,  Jr. 

Class  Agent:  Walter  D.  James 
WALTER  D.  JAMES  is  manager  of  the 
Southern  Division  of  Roadway  Express, 
Inc.,  with  headquarters  in  Atlanta,  Ga.  His 
address  is  Box  37,  Station  D,  Atlanta.  Wal- 
ter and  Jean  have  three  children,  Janie, 
Judy,  and  Gus,  whose  picture  is  on  the  Sons 
and    Daughters    Page    this    month. 

'40  > 

President:  John  D.  MacLauchlan 
Class  Agent:  Addison  P.  Penfield 
(MRS.  WILLIAM)   has  a  daughter,  Eliza- 
beth Prue,  and  lives  at  2019  Garner  Terrace, 
Newport  News,  Va. 

'41  * 

Next  Reunion:   Commencement,  1951 
President:   Robert  F.  Long 
Class   Agents:    Julian   C.   Jessup,  Meader 

W.  Harriss,  Jr.,  Andrew  L.  Ducker,  Jr., 

J.  D.  Long,  Jr. 

A  son,  William  Donald,  was  born  on  No- 
vember 12  to  ARTHUR  M.  ALPERT, 
B.S.C.E.  and  Mrs.  Alpert  of  39  Courtland 
Street,  Chicopee  Falls,  Mass. 
Little  Tibby  Duncan,  whose  picture  is  on 
the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this  month,  is 
the  daughter  of  TRILBY  HEWITT  DUN- 
CAN and  Lieutenant  Commander  Max  C. 
Duncan.  The  Duncans  are  living  at  733 
Ocean  Avenue  in  New  London,  Conn.,  while 
Lt.  Comdr.  Duncan  is  on  submarine  duty. 
Last  fall  SAM  C.  KING  and  his  family 
moved  to  Lincolnton  where  their  address  is 
304  E.  Main  Street.  A  picture  of  the  child- 
ren, Jean  and  Sam,  Jr.,  better  known  as 
"Bo,"  appears  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters 
Page  this  month. 

JAMES  MARION  MARTIN,  '38,  A.M.  '41, 
is  head  of  the  science  department  at  the 
Whiteville,  N.  C,  High  School,  and  owner 
of  The  Art  Shop  there. 

'42  * 

President:   James  H.  Walker 

Class  Agents:  Robert  E.  Foreman,  Willis 

Smith,  Jr.,  George  A.   Trakas 

Larry  Blanchard,  III,  whose  picture  is  on 

the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this  month,  is 

the  son  of  LAWRENCE  E.  BLANCHARD, 

ARD,  '43.  The  Blanchard's  address  is  51»| 
Carey  Street  Road,  Richmond,  Va.  Larrjj 
who  studied  law  at  Columbia  UniversirJ 
following  his  discharge  from  the  Navy,  i! 
associated  with  the  firm  of  Huntoon,  Wil 
liams,  Anderson,  Gay  and  Moore  in  Ricb 

While  Lieutenant  Commander  EDMUND  w\ 
CREEKMORE,  USN,  has  his  headquarter! 
in  Washington,  he  and  his  family  are  livinj) 
at  5502  Parkland  Courts,  S.E.,  Washingtoi 
19.  A  picture  of  Edmund  W.  Creekmore 
Jr.,  appears  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Pag 
of  this  issue. 

DOUGLAS  HEGE,  B.S.M.E.,  and  MRS 
HEGE  (GERALDINE  ELDER),  '44,  395! 
Palos  Verdes  Drive  North,  Palos  Verde 
Estates,  Calif.,  have  announced  the  birth  o- 
a  son,  Raymond  Elder,  on  December  8. 
KINGSLEY  K.  LYU,  B.D.,  of  945-A  20tl' 
Avenue,  Honolulu,  T.  H.,  has  been  invited  ti 
join  the  faculty  of  Jackson  College,  Honolu' 
lu,  as  professor  of  philosophy  for  the  nex; 


President :  Thomas  R.  Howerton 
Class  Agent:  S.  L.  Gulledge,  Jr. 
Master  Sargeant  and  MRS.  VICTOR  Ti 
have  announced  the  birth  of  a  son,  Victoi 
Thouburn,  III,  on  November  27.  Theiij 
address  is  Box  514,  Maxton,  N.  C. 
and  Mrs.  Hottel  have  announced  the  arrival 
of  a  daughter,  Ann  Louise,  on  Decembei1 
24.  The  Hottels  live  at  243  Second  Avenue) 
Albany,  N.  Y. 

In  a  ceremony  solemnized  December  l(j 
in  the  First  Baptist  Church,  Raleigh,  N 
C,  Miss  Martha  Hamrick  became  the  bride 
Mrs.  Howerton,  an  alumna  of  Mereditt 
College,  holds  the  degree  of  Master  ol 
Music  from  the  University  of  Michigan  and 
she  is  on  the  music  faculty  at  Meredith  Col- 
lege. "Tebo,"  who  completed  a  two-yeai 
course  in  hospital  administration  from  Duke: 
after  finishing  his  undergraduate  work,  is 
a  member  of  the  staff  of  the  North  Caro- 
lina Medical  Care  Commission  in  Raleigh., 
THOMAS  W.  KELLER  is  secretary  of  both' 
the  E.  A.  Keller  Company,  La  Grange,  111., 
and  the  Keller-Heartt  Lumber  and  Fuel 
Company,  Clarendon  Hills,  111.  His  resi-: 
dence  address  is  347  Blackstone  Avenue,  La 
Grange,  111. 

'44  * 

President:  Matthew  S.  (Sandy)  Rae 
Class  Agent:  H.  Watson  Stewart 
Interrupted  in  his  piano  playing,  littfij 
"Rickey"  Dodd  looked  around  at  hffl 
Mother  (the  former  ANNE  BENNETT,' 
RN  and  BSN)  and  Dad,  W.  R.  Dodd,  Sr. 
(See  Sons  and  Daughters  Page.)  The  Dodds 
are  living  at  2623  Battleground  Avenue  in 
Greensboro,  N.  C. 

[  Page  48  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

Look  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  for 
a  picture  of  Stephen  and  Gil  Brandon,  sons 
of  ME.  (BSME)  and  Mrs.  GUILBERT  L. 
BRANDON  of  Apartment  15,  2280  S.  Park- 
way E.,  Memphis,  Tenn.  Gil  works  for 
Eilin  Transit,  Inc.,  in  Memphis. 
A.  C.  ROTJNTREE,  JR.,  B.S.M.E.,  writes 
that  the  A.  C.  Rountree  Company  has  moved 
their  offices  from  404  Commercial  Bank 
Building  to  116  West  3rd  Street,  Charlotte, 
N.  C. 

'45  » 

President:    Charles  B.  Markham,  Jr. 

Class  Agent:  Charles  F.  Blanchard 
MARSHALL  A.  BARRETT,  Jr.,  and  his 
wife,  the  former  Miss  Virginia  Rapp,  who 
were  married  September  24,  1949,  are  living 
at  1270  Kynlyn  Drive,  Kynlyn  Apartments, 
Wilmington,  Del.  Marshall  is  in  the  feed 

JOSEPHINE  BEAVER  and  Mr.  James  Wil- 
liam Morgan  were  married  November  10 
in  the  First  Lutheran  Church,  Albemarle, 
N.  C.  Since  her  graduation  from  Duke,  Jo 
has  taught  at  Albemarle  High  School  and 
Needham  Broughton  High  School  in  Raleigh. 
Her  husband,  an  alumnus  of  Davidson  and 
North  Carolina  State  College,  served  for 
three  years  in  the  United  States  Army  dur- 
ing the  last  war  and  is  now  associated  with 
his  father  in  the  Morgan  Insurance  Agency 
in  Albemarle. 

CLAUDE  BITTLE,  '45,  LL.B.  '50,  has  an- 
nounced the  opening  of  an  office  for  the 
general  practice  of  law  at  406  Snow  Build- 
ing, Durham.  Claude,  his  wife,  the  former 
CAMILLA  RIKERT,  '45,  and  their  two 
children,  Claude,  Jr.,  and  Betsy,  live  at 
224  West  Trinity  Avenue,  Durham. 
MR.  and  Mrs.  JIM  BORBELY,  of  88 
Guilden  Street,  New  Brunswick,  N.  J.,  have 
announced  the  birth  of  twin  boys,  John  and 
Peter,  on  August  18,  1950.  There  are  two 
other  boys  and  a  girl  in  the  Borbely  family. 
The  address  of  BEN  GORDON  CHILDS, 
'49,  and  HARRIET  BODDIE  CHILDS  is 
108  Sharon  Road,  Lenoir,  N.  C.  They  have 
a  three-year-old  son,  Richard,  and  a  daugh- 
ter, Frances  Susan,  who  was  born  last  July. 
(JOYCE  WHITFIELD),  R.N.  '46,  of  2108 
Cole  Road,  Durham,  have  announced  the 
birth  of  a  son,  Dan  Hugh,  on  December  3. 
They  also  have  a  daughter,  Betty,  who  is 
three  and  one-half  years  old. 
SAMUEL  FOX  GANTT,  '45,  LL.B.  '49,  son 
of  R.  M.  GANTT,  '09,  of  Durham,  were 
married  October  21  in  the  Duke  University 
Chapel.  Until  he  was  called  back  into  active 
duty  with  the  Navy  in  January,  Sam  was 
associated  with  his  father  in  the  practice 
of  law.  For  the  present  Lib  is  living  with 
her  family  at  602  Buchanan  Blvd.,  Durham. 
E.  M.  GITLIN,  B.D.,  '46,  and  MRS.  GIT- 
M.R.Ed.  '47,  have  announced  the  birth  of  a 
daughter,  Sharon  Jane,  on  October  4,  1950. 

Their  address  is  in  care  of  the  First  Bap- 
tist Church,  4200  Liberty  Heights  Avenue, 
Baltimore  7,  Md. 

Miss  Essie  Marie  Smith  and  HALLET 
WARD  JARVIS  were  married  last  October 
6  in  the  Duke  University  Chapel.  Hallett 
is  employed  at  the  Varsity  Men's  Shop  in 
Durham.  Before  her  marriage,  Mrs.  Jarvis, 
who  attended  the  Watts  Hospital  School 
of  Nursing,  was  employed  at  the  North 
Carolina  State  School  for  the  Blind  in 
Raleigh,  N.   C. 

Mr.  and  MRS.  GEORGE  M.  McMILLAN 
(WILMA  SMITH)  of  2695  South  18th  East 
Street,  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah,  have  announced 
the  birth  of  a  daughter,  Nancy  Gayle,  on 
September  9,  1950.  They  also  have  another 
daughter,  Sheryl  Ann,  who  is  almost  three. 
R.  C.  (BOB)  MAKOSKY,  B.S.,  is  working 
toward  a  Master's  Degree  in  Chemistry  at 
the  University  of  Texas.  However,  he  says 
that  his  mail  should  still  be  sent  to  his 
home  at  China  Lake,  Calif. 
RONALD  E.  MINTZ  is  deputy  commissioner 
for  the  North  Carolina  Department  of  Rev- 
enue. His  address  is  410  Student  Street, 
Greenville,  N.  C. 

Miss  Sylvia  Ann  Mayer  and  WALTER 
ROGERS  PRIMM  were  united  in  marriage 
September  2  in  New  York  City.  Walter's 
home  address  is  1006  Marianna  Avenue, 
Coral  Gables,  Fla. 

ROBERT  L.  RANDALL  is  an  assistant 
professor  at  the  Indianapolis  Division  of  the 
Indiana  University  School  of  Law.  Besides 
Duke,  he  attended  Indiana  University,  the 
University  of  Minnesota,  and  received  the 
J.D.  degree  from  the  University  of  Chicago 
where  he  was  managing  editor  of  the  Law 
Review.  An  Army  veteran,  he  was  a  teach- 
ing fellow  at  the  Bloomington  campus  of 
Indiana  University  from  February  to  Sep- 
tember,  1950. 

SAPP,  '49,  who  were  married  last  August, 
are  living  in  Dnrham,  where  Carl  has  re- 
cently been  appointed  assistant  manager  of 
the  Durham  Chamber  of  Commerce.  They 
live  at  409  Northwood  Circle. 
The  marriage  of  Miss  Evelyn  Aline  Brown 
and  JAMES  ARTHUR  WEST,  JR.,  '45, 
LL.B.  '50,  was  solemnized  September  30 
at  the  First  Christian  Church  in  Wilming- 
ton, N.  C.     Mrs.  West  is  a  graduate  of  the 

Woman's  College  of  the  University  of  North 
Carolina,  and  was  employed  as  director  of 
the  teen-age  program  of  the  Wilmington 
YWCA  and  as  head  of  the  home  economics 
department  at  New  Hanover  High  School 
until  her  marriage.  The  couple  is  now 
living  in  Shelby,  N.  C,  here  Jim  is  a  mem- 
ber of  the  law  firm  of  Horn  and  West. 


W.  P.  Budd,  '04,  Secretary-Treas. 
W.  P.  Budd,  Jr.,  '36,  Vice-President 

DURHAM,  N.  C. 

•   *   •   • 
Contractors  for 




Duke  Chapel,  New 
Graduate  Dormitory 
Indoor  Stadium  and 

Hospital  Addition 

-K     -K     *     * 




dtot  Llectxic  Company,,  3nc. 



DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

[  Page  49  ] 

Chester  Lawrence  Dillon  were  married  in 
the  Post  Chapel,  Fort  Leavenworth,  Kans., 
on  November  5.  They  are  living  at  515  W. 
46th  Street,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 


President:  B.  G.  Munro 

Class  Agent:  Robert  E.  Cowin 
CHARLES  A.  AMOS,  of  1630  Ohio  Street, 
Waynesboro,  Va.,  who  received  a  degree 
from  Virginia  Polytechnic  Institute  after 
leaving  Duke,  is  working  for  the  Du  Pont  Co. 
B.S.N.  '48,  and  Dr.  Charles  M.  Warr,  Jr., 
were  married  January  7  at  the  Centenary 
Methodist  Church,  Richmond,  Va.  Irene  is 
now   employed   by   the   Medical   College    of 

We  are  members  by 
invitation  of  the 

National  Selected 

the  only  Durham  Funeral  Home 
accorded  this  honor. 

Virginia.  Her  husband,  an  alumnus  of 
Wake  Forest  and  Bowman  Gray  School  of 
Medicine,  is  now  practicing  medicine  in 
Richmond  where  they  are  making  their 

JOHN  H.  BAKER,  JR.,  is  an  assistant  pro- 
fessor in  the  research  department  of  Georgia 
Tech.  He  and  MRS.  BAKER,  the  former 
ELIZABETH  FLECK,  have  a  son  and 
two  daughters,  and  live  at  1834  Bonniview 
Street,  S.W.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 
FRANK  L.  HARRIS,  JR.,  his  wife  Bette, 
and  their  young  son,  Frank  L.,  Ill,  live  at 
1720  College  Avenue,  Racine,  Wise.  Frank 
is  sales  representative  for  the  Wisconsin 
Motor  Corporation  of  Milwaukee. 
DELWOOD  S.  JACKSON,  '48,  and  ANNE 
IPOCK  JACKSON  live  at  710  Alabama 
Avenue,  Selma,  Ala.,  where  he  works  with 
the  Buckeye  Cotton  Oil  Company.  They 
made  a  visit  to  the  Duke  campus  last  sum- 
mer and  brought  their  young  son,  John  Del- 
wood,  who  will  be  a  year  old  in  March. 

DONALD  S.  LOWE,  '46,  A.M.  '48,  and 
'48,  have  announced  the  birth  .  of  a  son, 
Donald  Scott,  Jr.,  on  October  27,  1950. 
Their  address  is  8712  Colesville  Road,  Apart- 
ment 210,  Silver  Spring,  Md. 
MR.  and  Mrs.  GERALD  MILLER,  who  live 
at  5  Peter  Cooper  Road,  New  York  10,  N. 
Y.,  have  announced  the  birth  of  a  daughter, 
Bonnie  Patrice,  on  November  29. 
LOA  TRENT  PETERS   (MRS.  J.  M.),  '46, 

R.N.  '47,  lives  at  2300  Bellevue  Avenue,  Los 
Angeles,  Calif.  Until  her  marriage,  Loa 
was   an   operating   room  nurse. 

NALDI  POE  and  Dr.  Michael  Klein  were 
married  September  2  in  Bethesda,  MdJ 
where  they  are  now  residing  at  5018  Elm 
Street,  Apt.  3. 

THE  REVEREND  and  Mrs.  T.  A.  SCHAF- 
ER  and  their  two  daughters,  Michal  Ann,  3, 
and  Polly  Ruth,  almost  two,  recently  moved 
to  915  W.  Club  Boulevard,  Durham,  from 
Memphis,  Tenn.  Mr.  Schafer  is  an  assistant 
professor  of  historical  theology  in  the  Duke 
Divinity  School.  He  is  also  working  on  his 
Ph.D.  degree  at  Duke. 

ANN  CRAWFORD  LARKIN,  '47,  daughter 
of  LEON  C.  LARKIN,  '17,  and  HUGH 
BERTRAND  STOKES,  JR.,  were  married 
October  21  in  the  Fairmont  Methodist 
Church,  Raleigh,  N.  C.  They  are  living  at 
1615  Lynhurst  Avenue,  Charlotte,  N.  C, 
where  Hugh  is  associated  with  the  Mack 
International  Motor  Truck  Corporation.  Be- 
fore her  marriage,  Ann  was  employed  by 
the  Carolina  Power  and  Light  Company  in 

HAROLD  L.  TOWNSEND,  R— ,  and  Mrs. 
Townsend  have  announced  the  arrival  of  a 
son,  Harold  Lee  Townsend  III,  on  January 
8.  They  are  making  their  home  at  221 
Greensville  Avenue,  Emporia,  Va. 

In  a  formal  ceremony  at  Christ  Episcopal 
Church,  East  Orange,  N.  J.,  on  September 
18,  MARION  LEE   GLOVER,   '50,  became 

The  feeling  of  pride  we  have  in  our  eighty  years  as 
printers,  is  based  on  the  friends  we  made  and  keep. 

We  are  exceedingly  happy  that  we  can  count,  among  those 
friends,  Duke  University,  which  we  have  served  since  1931,  as 
printers  of  the  nationally  recognized  Chanticleer  —  and  in  nu- 
merous other  ways  through  the  years. 


Established  1§71 
Printing      :       Lithographing      :       Steel  Die  Engraving 

Raleigh,  North  Carolina 

Office  Supplies 

[  Page  50  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

the  bride  of  THADDEUS  BRYAN  WEST- 
jEE.  They  are  living  in  Durham,  where 
Thad  is  in  his  senior  year  at  the  Duke 
School  of  Medicine. 

The  wedding  of  Miss  Nettie  Lou  Lomax  and 
GARLAND  WOLFE  took  place  October  13 
in  the  New  Garden  Friends  Meeting  House 
at  Guilford  College.  Garland  is  employed 
by  Emry  C.  Green  at  the  First  Fidelity 
Company  in  Greensboro,  N.  C,  and  his  wife 
an  alumna  of  the  Woman's  College  of 
TJ.  N.  C,  is  employed  by  the  internal  rev- 
enue department. 

•47  > 

President:   Grady  B.  Stott 

Class  Agent:  Norris  L.  Hodgkins,  Jr. 
'48,  are  the  proud  parents  of  little  Tommy 
Bello,  whose  picture  is  on  the  Sons  and 
Daughters  Page  of  this  issue.  Lou  teaches 
at  Needham  Broughton  High  School  in 
Raleigh  and  referees  during  his  spare  time. 
The  Bellos  live  at  2411  Greenway  Avenue  in 

JEAN  COX,  R.N.,  and  Mr.  William  Christi- 
an Scheppegrell,  Jr.,  were  united  in  marriage 
November  23  in  the  Holy  Name  of  Jesus 
Church  of  New  Orleans.  Jean  is  working  in 
Charity  Hospital  and  her  husband  is  a 
senior  in  the  L.S.U.  School  of  Medicine. 
Their  address  is  1455  Webster  Street,  New 
Orleans  5,  La. 
Anne   Randolph    Cramer   was   born    August 

13,  which  is  the  birthday  of  her  mother, 
ROBERT  R.).  The  Cramers'  address  is 
149  North  Gay  Avenue,  Clayton,  Mo. 
(MRS.  B.  D.,  JR.),  who  was  married  Au- 
gust 5,  is  living  in  Apartment  7,  18  Collier 
Road,  N.W.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 
CHARLES  N.  FOSHEE  is  a  freight  service 
agent  with  the  Atlantic  Coast  Line  Rail- 
road. He  is  now  stationed  in  Fayetteville, 
N.  C,  where  his  home  address  is  610  West- 
mond  Drive. 

Miss  Evelyn  Grey  Worsham  and  ALLEN 
HATCHETT  GWYN,  JR.,  '47,  LL.B.  '50, 
were  united  in  marriage  in  the  Main  Street 
Methodist  Church,  Reidsville,  N.  O,  on  Sep- 
tember 9.  At  present  they  are  making  their 
home  in  Durham,  but  after  March  1  they 
will  be  in  Reidsville.  Allen  is  the  son  of 
JR.),  who  received  her  Master  of  Science  de- 
gree in  Supervision  of  Religious  Education 
at  the  University  of  Pennsylvania  last  year, 
is  Director  of  Religious  Education  at  St. 
Paul's  Presbyterian  Church  in  Philadelphia, 
Pa.  Her  address  is  523  South  48th  Street, 
Philadelphia  43. 

NORMAN  A.  HENRY  teaches  at  the  Great 
Mills  High  School,  Great  Mills,  Md. 
I.  M.,  JR.)   R.N.,  B.S.N.,  lives  in  Atlanta, 
Ga.,  where  her  husband  is  a  civil  engineer- 

ing student  at  Georgia  Tech.  Their  address 
is  Box  4374,  Georgia  Tech. 
BETSY  HOLT,  daughter  of  Dr.  D.  W. 
HOLT,  '14,  of  Greensboro,  N.  O,  and  Mr. 
Thomas  Jennings  were  married  January  13 
in  Singapore.  They  plan  to  live  in  Pendopo, 
Sumatra,  where  Mr.  Jennings  is  a  pertoleum 
engineer  with  Standard  Vacuum  Oil  Com- 
pany. Betsy  worked  at  B.  Altman's  in  New 
York  City  before  her  marriage.  Her  hus- 
band, who  graduated  with  a  degree  in 
petroleum  engineering  from  Pennsylvania 
State  College,  has  worked  with  the  Bureau 
of  Mines  in  Franklin,  Pa.,  with  Interna- 
tional Petroleum  Company  in  Venezuela,  and 
with  Standard  Oil  in  New  York  City.  He 
served  in  the  Navy  during  World  War  II. 
PAUL  D.  HUFFMAN  and  his  wife  have  a 

Power  Company 

Electric  Service — 
Electric  Appliances — 
Street  Transportation 

Tel.  F-1S1 

Durham,  N.  C. 


Borden  Brick  &  Tile  Company 

Manufacturers  of 



Phone:  414 


Phones:  L:641,LD:27 

DURHAM,  N.  C. 

Phone:  6985 


DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

[  Page  51  ] 

son,  Charles  Douglas,  who  will  soon  be  two 

years    old.      They    live   in    Apartment    202, 

2705   Lee   Boulevard,   Arlington,   Va.      Paul 

works  with  Addison  Chevrolet  Sales,  Inc.,  in 


The  address  of  Mr.  and  UBS.  E.  B.  MAB- 

Thomas  F.  Southgate 

Wm.  J.  O'Brien 


Established  1872 




Insurance  Specialists 
DURHAM,  N.  C. 



Mellow  Milk  is  the  new 
deliciously  different 
milk  now  soaring  to 
popularity  in  the  Dur- 
ham-Duke market. 

•  Farm -fresh  Grade  A 

•  Pasteurized 

•  Vitamin  "D"  added 

•  Homogenized 

There's  cream  in 
every  drop! 


C.  B.  Martin    V.  J.  Ashbaugh 

TIX,  JB,,  (MABY  F.  MOORE),  B.X.,  is 
8023  Sycamore  Street,  in  Xew  Orleans,  La., 
where  Jlr.  Martin  works  with  Walker  Saussy, 
Advertising.  They  have  a  son,  Edmund 
Stephen,  who  was  born  July  31  of  last  year. 
The  marriage  of  Miss  Eunice  Suzanne  Ham- 
merman and  NORMAN  MAURICE  MIL- 
LEE  took  place  on  August  27  at  the  B'nai 
Israel  Synagogue,  Washington,  D.  C.  The 
couple  is  making  their  home  at  810  Bayfield 
Street,  Takoma  Park,  Washington  12. 
(MBS.  THOMAS  F.)  lives  at  3477  MeFar- 
lin  Boulevard,  Dallas,  Tex. 
Miss  Janice  Elaine  Bixler  and  WABBEX 
HABOLD  POPE  were  married  October  21, 
1950,  in  the  Prospect  Street  Presbyterian 
Church,  Trenton,  N.  J.,  and  came  through 
Durham  on  their  wedding  trip.  They  are 
residing  in  Princeton,  X.  J.,  where  Warren 
works  for  Opinion  Besearch  Corporation. 
'47,  LL.B.  '50,  live  at  101  Sumner  Street, 
Greenville,  S.  C. 

Last  fall  DAVID  SCHENCK,  BSME,  was 
named  President  of  the  Association  of  In- 
surance Agents,  Inc.,  in  Greensboro,  X.  C. 
He  is  married  to  the  former  DOLLY  BBIM, 
'49,  and  they  live  at  3510  Parkwood  Drive 
in  Greensboro. 

MABY  LOUISE  SMITH  and  Mr.  George 
Betton  Whitaker  were  united  in  marriage 
September  16  in  the  Ardmore  Methodist 
Church,  Winston-Salem,  X.  C.  Mary's  home 
address  is  448  South  Hawthorne  Boad,  Win- 
ston-Salem  7. 

JB.  (SALLY  MeWHOETEE),  '50,  have  an- 
nounced the  birth  of  a  daughter,  Linda  Les- 
lie, on  December  6.  Marshall  who  received 
his  law  degree  at  Carolina,  is  associated 
with  his  father  in  the  practice  of  law  in 
Durham,  where  they  live  at  2105  Englewood 

Mr.  and  MES.  F.  BLAIE  WEIGHT 
(JAMIE  BBANCH)  have  announced  the 
birth  of  a  daughter,  Christopher  Blair 
Wright,  on  August  27.  Mr.  Wright  is  a 
student  in  the  College  of  Engineering  at  the 
University  of  Tennessee,  and  they  are  living 
at  225  Twelfth  Street,  Knoxville,  Tenn. 
The   address   of   Dr.   and   MBS.   JOHX   B. 

is  631  Firsco  Building,  Joplin,  Mo. 
BETTY  JAXE  TEOXELL  and  Mr.  Thomas 
B.  Moreen,  who  were  married  March  18, 
1950,  live  at  1416  East  State  Street,  Bock- 
ford,  111.  A  graduate  of  Kansas  State  Col- 
lege, Mr.  Moreen  is  the  Chicago  repre- 
sentative for  the  Aetna  Casualty  and  Surety 

'48  * — 

President :  Bollin  M.  Millner 
Class  Agent:  Jack  H.  Quaritius 
Miss  Jane  Laura  Peterson  became  the 
bride  of  JOHX  E.  BALDWIX  on  Septem- 
ber 23  in  Christ  Episcopal  Church,  Hudson, 
Ohio.  On  their  honeymoon  they  stopped  to 
visit  Duke.  Their  address  is  156  Aurora 
Street,  Hudson.  John  is  working  with  the 
Armstrong   Cork   Co. 

BABFIELD,  JB.  (SUSAX  ADAMS),  of  50 
Terrace  Drive,  X.E.,  Apartment  A-3,  At- 
lanta, Ga.,  have  a  son,  Thomas  Jefferson, 
III,  who  will  be  a  year  old  on  April  21. 
sales  department  of  the  Tension  Envelope 
Corporation.  His  address  is  1249  Stratford 
Boad,  Kansas  City  2,  Mo. 
JOHX  B.  BOYLE,  B.S.E.E.,  and  his  wife, 
the  former  Miss  Nancy  Bozdo,  live  at  1662% 
Normal  Drive,  Bowling  Green,  Ky.  They 
were  married  last  April  16.  John  is  an 
electrical  test  engineer  for  TVA. 
JEAXXE  CHEW,  A.M.,  teaches  Spanish 
at  Bucknell  University  where  her  address  is 
314  Market  Street,  Lewisburg,  Pa.  During 
the  1950  Summer  Session  at  Duke  she  was 
head  of  the  Spanish  House. 
M.F.  '50,  is  a  forester-draftsman  for  the 
International  Paper  Company,  Woodlands 
Department,  South  Kraft  Division.  He  lives 
at  620  Highmarket  Street,  Georgetown, 
S.  C. 

DEAX  H.,  JR.),  who  teaches  at  the  Lee 
Edwards  High  School,  lives  in  the  Beverly 
Apartments,  Xumber  V-3,  Asheville,  N.  C. 
MABJOEIE  AXXE  FBEY  and  Mr.  David 
Emerson  Brown  were  married  August  19  in 
Memorial  Lutheran  Church,  Toledo,  Ohio. 
They  are  making  their  home  at  1531  Eighth 
Street,  Xew  Orleans,  La.  Marjorie  is  teach- 
ing at  the  Isidore  Newman  School,  where 
DOEOTHY  DALE,  A.M.,  '46,  former  coun- 
selor of  Bassett  House,  is  assistant  admin- 
istrative  director. 

WILLIAMS  HOLEOYD,  '49,  together  with 
their  young  daughter,  Ann  Shaw,  who  was 
born  last  August,  are  living  in  Altavista,  Va. 
Casper  works  for  the  Altavista  Finishing 
Plant  of  Burlington  Mills  in  Hurt,  Va. 
EXESS  KIEK,  together  with  their  young 
daughter,  Patricia  Anne,  who  will  be  a  year 
old  in  May,  live  at  702  Unaka  Street,  Har- 
riman,    Tenn.       Bill    is    zone    manager    for 

[  Page  52  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

International  Harvester  Company  in  that 

ME.  and  Mrs.  MALCOLM  L.  MeCULLEX, 
JE.,  of  408  Hugo  Street,  Durham,  have 
announced  the  birth  of  a  daughter,  Patricia 
Anne,  on  October  25.  They  also  have  an- 
other daughter,  Linda  Carole,  who  is  a  year 

JOHN  McWHORTEB  and  his  wife,  the 
former  Miss  Sara  Orubbs,  are  living  in 
Kingstree,  S.  C,  where  he  is  manager  of 
the  radio  station,  WDKD.  For  two  years 
prior  to  assuming  his  present  position,  John 
ivas  program  director  and  promotions  man- 
ager for  station  WACA  in  Camden,  S.  C. 
SEOBGE  E.  MIDGETT  is  working  in  the 
service  department  of  Duke  Power  Com- 
pany in  Durham,  where  he  resides  at  1015 
Eighth  Street. 

married  July  30  at  the  Clinton,  N.  C, 
Methodist  Church.  They  are  making  their 
home  at  306  Fayetteville  Street,  Clinton, 
ivhere  Jim  is  associated  in  business  with  his 

3HIELEY  MAY  SNELL,  '50,  and  BOLLIN 
MADISON  MILLNEB,  who  were  married 
last  September  in  Richmond,  Ya.,  are  living 
at  125  Jefferson  Avenue,  Danville,  Ya.,  where 
Bo  works  for  Dan  Eiver  Mills. 
JEAN  MOSES  and  her  family  have  moved 
to  a  new  house  at  206  Grove  Boulevard, 
Frederick,  Md.  She  works  at  Camp  Detrick 
as  do  two  of  her  Duke  classmates,  JEAN 
of  whom  spent  last  summer  vacationing  in 
Europe  and  Great  Britain. 
Little  Sarah  Elizabeth  Sproule,  daughter  of 
Mr.  and  MES.  CHAELES  G.  SPEOULE, 
JR.  (CAROLINE  ESTES),  will  be  a  year 
old  on  April  24.  The  Sproules  live  at  1234 
Lancaster  Avenue,  Eosemont,  Pa. 
BETTY  EYELYN  BEACH,  '49,  and 
JR.,  B.S.M.E.,  were  married  in  St.  Peters- 
burg, Fla.,  on  October  28,  1950,  and  stopped 
for  the  Duke  Homecoming  on  their  honey- 
moon. George  is  chief  mechanical  engineer 
with  the  Woodman  Company  in  Decatur,  Ga., 
^vhere  their  address  is  3569  Derrydown  Way. 
HARRY  B.  WRIGHT.  '49,  and  K.  LEE 
SCOTT  WRIGHT  are  living  at  513  Metcalf 
Street,  New  Bern,  N.  C.  Harry  is  working 
at  Belks  Department  Store  and  K.  Lee  is 
teaching  at  Jasper  School. 

'49  * 

Next  Reunion:    Commencement,  1951 

Presidents :   Woman's  College,  Betty  Bob 
Walters  Walton  (Mrs.  Loringl  ;  Trinity 
College,    Robert    W.    Frye ;    College    of 
Engineering,  Joe  J.  Robnett,  Jr. 
Class  Agent :   Chester  P.  Middlesworth 
RICHARD    A.    BITGG,    JR.,   B.S.E.E.,   and 
JEAN  BROWN  BFGG  are  living  in  Detroit, 
Mich.     Dick  is  in  the  sales  division   of  the 
Acuslmet    Process    Company,    his   work    be- 
ing concerned  primarily  with  the  automotive 

industry  in  Michigan  and  vicinity.  Mail 
may  be  sent  to  them  at  18051  Kentucky. 
Detroit  21. 

ARD GUAL  KBITZEE,  who  were  married 
last  March  25  in  Asheville,  N.  C,  are  living 
at  2116  E.  Washington  Avenue,  North  Little 
Eock,  Ark. 

JR.,  LL.B.,  attorney  at  law,  are  living  at 
1676    6th   Avenue,   Huntington,   W.   Ya. 

MARY  HELEN  CULBRETH,  '50,  and 
KEITH  WARREN  JAMES,  A.M.,  who  were 
married  in  the  Duke  University  Chapel  last 
July  7,  are  living  in  Waco,  Texas,  where 
Keith  is  a  member  of  the  faculty  of  Bay- 
lor University. 

Courses  in  mathematics  and  thermodynamics 
are  being  given  at  Lowell  Textile  Institute, 
Lowell,  Mass.,  by  ERNEST  W.  LAEEAU, 
B.S.M.E.,  member  of  the  Lowell  engineering 

CLIFTON  B.  MAELIN,  M.F.,  has  a  posi- 
tion with  the  forestry  department,  Missis- 
sippi State  College  in  State  College,  Miss. 
JE.,  are  living  in  Baltimore,  Md.,  where 
"Buddy"  is  working  with  the  Shell  Oil 
Company.  Mrs.  Mulligan,  the  former  Miss 
Sophie  Sumner  Hobsen,  is  an  alumna  of 
Salem  College  and  Woman's  College. 

(MARY  ELLEN  KERCE),  R.N.,  who  were 
married  last  April  23  in  the  Church  of  Im- 
maculate Conception,  Durham,  are  living  at 
4911-A  Eubank  Road,  Sandston,  Ya.  Until 
her  marriage,  Mary  was  a  member  of  the 
graduate  staff  at  Duke  Hospital. 
HOLLIS  J.  EOGEES,  Ph.D.,  is  teaching  at 
the  Woman's  College  of  the  University  of 
North  Carolina  in  Greensboro,  N.  C,  where 
his  address  is  127  Eisenhower  Drive. 
STANLEY  M.  SAGER  and  Willoughby 
Farley  Sager  were  married  last  September 

and  are  living  at  1527  N.  17th  Street,  Apt. 
203,  Arlington,  Virginia. 
ALICE  JOAN  POYEJSIL,  '50,  and 
FRANK  D.  SCHMAHL,  who  were  married 
a  year  ago  this  month,  are  living  at  140-C 
Howard  Drive,  Bergenfield,  N.  J. 
PAT  SHAW,  B.S.,  is  working  in  the  re- 
search library  of  the  Hercules  Experimental 
Station,  and  lives  at  400  West  21st  Street, 
Wilmington,  Del. 

an  insurance  underwriter  for  Atlantic 
Mutual  Insurance  Company  of  New  York 
Citv.     He  was  married  last  June  10  to  Miss 


Complete  Office 

Telephone  L-919 
105  West  Parrish  Street 

Durham,  North  Carolina 



^orth  Carolina 


Union  Building.  West  Campus  Cafeterias 

Union  Building.  East  Campus  Oak  Room 

Soulhgate  Dining  Hall  Woman's  College  Dining  Halls 

Snack  Bar 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

[  Page  53  ] 





IS  IT  CONDITIONING.  .  .  coaching  .  .  .  teamwork  .  .  .  physique  .  .  .  sportsmanship  .  .  . 
competitive  spirit  ...  or  just  plain  honest-to-goodness  athletic  skill? 

We  don't  pretend  to  be  athletic  experts,  because  our  job  is  to  manufacture  high  quality  textile 
products.  But  as  sporting  fans  we  think  it  would  be  safe  to  say  that  an  athletic  champion  is  the  result 
of  all  these  fine  qualities. 

We  know  that  it  has  taken  a  combination  of  great  leadership,  manufacturing  know-how,  -careful 
planning,  employee  loyalty,  and  skilled  teamwork  to  make  Burlington  Mills  a  champion  in  the  textile 
industry.  The  Company's  many  accomplishments  and  progressive  growth  during  the  past  27  years  are 
well  known.  We  are  proud  of  this  record  and  equally  proud  of  our  32,000  employees  who  have  worked 
together  with  real  team  spirit  as  members  of  the  Burlington  team. 

It's  a  fact  that  Burlington's  fine  fabrics,  hosiery  and  other  textile  products  are  truly  "Woven  Into 
the  Life  of  America"  —  just  as  every  Burlington  plant  is  woven  into  the  life  of  its  own  community. 

Burlington  Mill 

"Covert  into  C? the  Life  of  America" 


Executive  Offices:  Greensboro,  N.  C. 


[  Page  54  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

Nan  Summers  at  the  Westminster  Presby- 
terian Church,  Bloomfield,  N.  J. 
YIEN-PEI  WANG,  M.K.Ed,  is  teaching  at 
Nanchang    Academy,     Nanchang,    Kiangsi, 

MARTIN  J.  WEISS,  Ph.D.,  of  2545  Val- 
entine Avenue,  Bronx  58,  N.  Y.,  is  a  re- 
search chemist  for  Hickvill  Chemical  Re- 
search Foundation,  Katonah,  N.  Y. 
JOSEPH  P.  WELLS,  B.S.E.E.,  is  a  main- 
tenance engineer  for  Radio  Corporation  of 
America,  RCA  Victor  Division,  in  Chicago, 
111.  His  work  includes  some  repair  work, 
but  also  affords  an  opportunity  to  assist  the 
recording  engineers  in  original  or  rerecord- 
ing  jobs,  as  well  as  some  construction  of 
new  equipment.  Joe's  address  is  3350 
Oconto  Avenue,  Chicago  34. 

'50  » 

President:  Jane  Suggs 

Class  Agent:   Robert  L.  Hazel 
law  clerk  in  Pine  Grove,  Pa.,  where  his  ad- 
dress is  74  S.  Main  Street. 
M.P.,  is  county   forest   ranger  for   DeKalb 
County,  Ga.,  and  he  lives  at  221  N.  Candler 
Street,   Apartment   8,   Decatur,   Ga. 
PAMELA  JOANN  REDELL  is  a  continuity 
writer  for  Station  WSJS  in  Winston-Salem, 
N.  C.    Mail  will  reach  her  at  Box  354  Route 
1,  McLeansville,  N".  C. 

THOMAS  R.)  lives  at  1318  6th  Avenue, 
Huntington,  W.  Va.,  and  teaches  in  the 
elementary  schools  there. 
LEROY  MILTON  BRANDT  is  a  special 
agent  trainee  for  the  American  Insurance 
Group.  His  address  is  8  Berkeley  Heights 
Park,  Bloomfield,  N.  J. 

BOBBIE  JANE  CROOM,  R.N.,  is  a  nurse 
at  Duke  Hospital;  her  address  is  Box  2938. 
Miss  Ruth  Ann  Seymour  became  the  bride 
of  RICHARD  LEE  DOYLE,  B.S.M.E.,  on 
November  3  in  Saint  Theresa's  Church, 
Aruba,  Netherlands,  West  Indies.  Dick  is 
working  with  the  Largo  Oil  and  Transport 
Company  in  Aruba,  where  his  mailing  ad- 
dress is  Box  103. 

is  a  physicist  at  Air  Force  Research  Lab- 
oratories, Building  39,  Arsenal,  Watertown, 

RING (MRS.  ROBERT  W.),  A.M.,  is  a 
teacher  at  Robert  E.  Lee  elementary  school 
in  Birmingham,  Ala.  Her  address  is  Apart- 
ment A  3,  2305  15th  Avenue  South,  Bir- 
mingham 5. 

Ph.D.,  of  39  Bennington  Drive,  Apartment 
8,  Rochester  16,  N.  Y.,  is  a  chemist  in  the 
research  department  of  Distillation  Products 

'51,  and  REMBRANDT  P.  LANE  are  living 
at  40  B  Fremont  Street,  Bloomfield,  N.  J. 
He  is  a  student  at  Ursula  College. 

husband,  JACK  FAUST  MATLOCK,  JR., 
are  living  at  Hotel  Midway,  216  W.  100th 
Street,  New  York  25,  N.  Y.  Rebecca  is 
working  in  the  classified  advertising  depart- 
ment of  Popular  Science  Magazine,  and 
Jack  is  a  student  at  the  Russian  Institute  at 
Columbia  University. 

ELIZABETH  DUNN  BELL,  '51,  and 
P.  D.  MIDGETT,  Jr.,  '22,  were  married  De- 
cember 20  in  the  Duke  University  Chapel. 
They  are  making  their  home  at  506  Watts 
Street,  Durham.  Elizabeth  is  a  Duke  senior 
and  P.  D.  is  working  for  the  Brame  Speci- 
alty Co. 

MARTHA  ROSE  MYERS,  of  141  Pinecrest 
Drive,  Durham,  works  in  the  Kirby  Clinic, 
Duke  Hospital. 

a  forester  with  the  United  States  Forest 
Service  in  Murphy,  N.  C. 

is  an  attorney  with  offices  at  1516  First 
National  Bank  Building,  Atlanta  3,  Ga. 
FRED  PAGE  REGISTER,  B.D.,  is  a  min- 
ister in  Varina,  N.  C,  where  his  address  is 
Box  206. 

ERNEST  HILLMAN  RICE,  JR.,  is  a  mem- 
ber of  the  budget  division  of  the  Depart- 
ment of  Defense.  He  makes  his  home  at 
5208  3rd  Street  Apartment  10,  N.W.,  Wash- 
ington 11,  D.  C. 

an  engineer  with  Allis-Chalmers  Manufactur- 
ing Company  and  lives  at  8911  W.  Center 
Street,  Apartment  4,  Milwaukee,  Wis. 

'51  =. 

JOHN  GORHAM  BOYNTON  were  married 
September  2,  1950,  in  the  Methodist  Church, 
Hudson,  N.  C.  Both  are  seniors  at  Duke 
University  and  are  living  at  2305  Prince 
Street,  Durham. 

DOUGLAS  RICE  III  were  married  Sep- 
tember 9,  1950,  in  the  Duke  University 
Chapel  and  are  living  in  the  University 
Apartments,  Durham.  Ann  attended  East 
Carolina  Teacher's  College  and  Duke  Uni- 
versity where  she  studied  medical  technology. 
Doug  is  an  alumnus  of  Northwestern  Uni- 
versity, Concord  College,  West  Virginia  Uni- 
versity, and  will  receive  a  degree  in  medicine 
from  Duke  in  March. 

lives  at  6331  3rd  Avenue,  Kenosha,  Wis.,  is 
a  clerk   for  the   American  Brass   Company. 

'52  = 

September  9  was  the  date  of  the  wedding 
of  Miss  Foy  Ovalene  Berry  and  CHARLES 
ADAMS  BRIDGERS,  which  took  place  at 
Walnut  Grove  Methodist  Church  of  Hurdle 
Mills,  N.  C.  Charles  is  connected  with  the 
Department  of  Public  Works,  Engineering 
Division  of  the  City  of  Durham,  and  his 
wife  is  employed  by  the  Duke  Power  Com- 

pany. They  live  at  2414  Club  Boulevard, 

2716  Cherokee  Avenue,  Macon,  Ga.,  is  secre- 
tary to  a  law  professor  at  the  Walter  F. 
George  School  of  Law,  Mercer  University. 
St.  Andrew's  Episcopal  Church,  Greensboro, 
N.  O,  was  the  scene  of  the  wedding  of  Miss 
Bobbie  Jean  Baker  and  HARRY  GREER 
TURNER,  JR.,  on  September  25.  Both  of 
them  are  employed  by  Montgomery  Ward 
and  they  live  at  1321  Meadow  Street,  Greens- 

CHARLES  N.)  and  her  husband,  who  were 
married  June  2,  1950,  live  at  2607  East 
Fifth  Avenue,  in  Knoxville,  Tenn.,  where 
he  is  a  student  at  the  University,  of  Tennes- 

GEORGE  B.  HOOVER,  of  1200  Woodmont 
Avenue,  Williamsport,  Pa.,  haa  been  called 
into  service. 

'53  > 

Miss  Norma  Lee  Benson  and  FRANK 
CORAL  CAIN,  JR.,  who  were  married  June 
26,  1950,  at  the  First  Baptist  Church,  Salis- 
bury, N.  C,  are  living  in  Durham.  Frank 
is  in  his  second  year  of  Medical  School  at 



Reinforcing  Steel  Bars 


Allied  Products 

TELEPHONE  6-2747 

Post  Office  Box  1767 

Builders  Building 

Charlotte,  N.  C. 


PROCTER  AND  GAMBLE  has  several 
excellent  openings  in  the  Advertising 
Department  for  young  college  alumni. 
General  business  administrative  ability, 
rather  than  literary  or  artistic  skills,  is 
desirable.  Location  of  the  positions  is  in 
Cincinnati  executive  offices.  Genuine  op- 
portunity for  promotion.  Age:  23-30. 
Write  to  Employment  Division,  The 
Procter  and  Gamble  Company,  Gwynne 
Building,  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  giving  all  per- 
tinent information. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 

[  Page  55  ] 

Monastic  Treasure  Troves 

(Continued  from  page  36) 
expertly.  Dr.  Clark  was  assisted  in  this 
important  task  by  such  renowned  schol- 
ars as  Professor  Gerard  Garitte  of  the 
University  of  Louvain,  Belgium,  and  Dr. 
Aziz  S.  Atiya  of  Farouk  University. 

Adding  to  the  academic  difficulties  of 
the  job  were  extreme  variations  in  temp- 
erature and  mechanical  "bugs."  Differ- 
ences of  50  degrees  were  recorded  in  a 
single  day,  and  during  the  winter  fingers 
were  numbed,  and  stiffened,  and  camera 
efficiency  impaired  by  the  cold  in  the  un- 
heated  monastery.  Sand  got  into  the 
special  generators  that  powered  the  equip- 
ment; tiny,  irreplaceable  camera  parts 
broke,  and  other  troubles  were  encount- 
ered that  continually  threatened  the  suc- 
cess of  the  expedition. 

Now  the  job  is  finished,  and  scholars  no 
longer  need  to  make  the  expensive  and 
sometimes  impossible  trip  to  Mt.  Sinai  to 
study  the  ancient  writings.  They  may 
merely  travel  to  Washington,  D.  G,  and 
peruse  almost  1,500,000  photographed 
pages  which  Dr.  Clark  and  his  assistants 
brought  back  with  them. 

Complete  sets  of  negatives  are  avail- 
able at  the  Library  of  Congress  and  at 
Farouk  University.  Dr.  Clark  states  that 
the  world's  scholars  will  be  able  to  buy  a 
reproduction  on  film  of  an  immensely 
valuable  manuscript  for  as  little  as  $2.50. 

Members  of  the  Mt.  Sinai  expedition 
realize  that  the  intensive  year  of  work 
"on  location"  is  but  a  beginning  of  the 
research  on  these  rare  manuscripts  that 
were  photographed.  Whereas  the  texts 
have  lain  in  seclusion  for  centuries,  they 
are  now  available  to  every  scholar.  It 
will  require  the  labors  of  many  hundreds 
of  scholars  throughout  centuries  to  come 
for  the  full  exploration  of  the  rich  re- 
sources of  St.  Catherine's  library  on  film. 

Murray  New  Head  Coach 

(Continued  from  page  41) 
at    Childrens    Home,    an    orphanage,    in 

"He  got  the  mostest  out  of  the  leastest 
of  any  schoolboy  coach  I  have  ever  ob- 
served. He  was  a  highly  successful  coach 
there  and  his  football  teams  were  the 
class  of  the  always-strong  South  Pied- 
mont Conference. 

"When  I  was  operating  out  of  Greens- 
boro more  than  a  decade  ago,  I  often  saw 
Murray-coached  teams  in  action.  They 
not  only  played  sound  football  but  they 
always  displayed  marvelous  sportsman- 

Former  Duke  coach  Wallace  Wade 
adopted  an  absolute  non-interventionist 
policy  in  regard  to  the  selection  of  his 
successor,  and  so  the  announcement  of 
Murray's  selection  was  as  much  a  sur- 
prise to  him  as  to  the  remainder  of  the 
waiting  world  of  Duke  supporters.  He 
said  in  a  statement  to  sports  writers :  "I 
want  to  congratulate  Bill  Murray  upon 
his  return  to  his  alma  mater  as  head  foot- 
ball coach.  He's  a  gentleman  in  every  re- 
spect, a  man  of  fine  character  and  keen  in- 
tellect. He's  an  outstanding  f  ootball 
coach  and  he's  devoted  to  Duke  Univer- 

The  whole  Murray  family  is  devoted 
to  Duke  University.  Mrs.  Murray  is  the 
former  Carolyn  Kirby,  '32,  of  Decatur, 
Georgia.  They  have  three  daughters, 
Marilyn,  18,  who  is  now  a  freshman  at 
Duke;  Joy,  19,  a  sophomore  at  Delaware 
University;   and   Carol,   12. 


(Continued  from  page  29) 

You  may  be  interested  to  know  that 
after  having  sung  the  Messiah  for  three 
years  with  the  Duke  choir,  I  felt  a  great 
desire  to  sing  it  again  this  year  some- 
where. Since  our  own  church  choir 
doesn't  present  the  work,  I  sought  for  and 
found  a  church  choir  for  just  that  oc- 
casion. Imagine  my  surprise  when  I 
learned  that  the  young  man  seated  next  to 
me  was  the  newly-elected  president  of  the 
Philadelphia  area  alumni  club,  and  al- 
though he  had  never  sung  with  the  Duke 
choir,  we  felt  that  the  University  was  well 
represented — especially  since  Dr.  Rankin's 
sister  is  a  member  of  the  same  church 
choir.  He  (Fred  Mann,  B.S.M.E.  '45)  is 
trying  to  round  up  -a  large  delegation  to 
attend  the  Duke-Penn  basketball  game 
here  on  January  3,  and  so  far,  I  think 
we  will  be  able  to  make  ourselves  heard 
when  the  Blue  Devils  appear.  Until  I 
met  Fred  at  choir  practice,  I  had  not  been 
in  contact  with  the  local  alumni  organi- 
zation at  all,  so  in  a  way,  it  was  a  rather 
lucky  coincidence  that  I  should  meet  him 
at  a  time  when  I  was  wondering  just  what 
the  alumni  group  of  Philadelphia  was 
going  to  do  when  the  team  came  to  town. 

I  would  like  very  much  to  contribute  to 
the  Duke  University  Development  Cam- 
paign, but  I  probably  won't  be  able  to  un- 
til sometime  in  the  spring  after  I  finish 
paying  my  tuition  fees  here  at  Penn.  How- 
ever, I  think  you  can  count  on  me  then, 
for  "I  consider  my  debt  to  Duke  far  greater 
than  anything  I  could  ever  hope  to  pay. 


Mary  Vann  O'Briant,  '31,  one  of  North. 
Carolina's  four  supervisors  of  elementary 
education,  died  at  her  home  in  Durham  on 
December  21,  following  a  long  illness. 
Funeral  services  were  conducted  at  the 
Hall- Wynne  Funeral  Home  and  interment 
was   in   Maplewood   Cemetery. 

Miss  O'Briant  was  principal  at  Bry- 
son  City  High  School,  and  later  was  su- 
pervisor for  the  Northampton  County 
School  system.  She  had  been  with  the 
State  Department  of  Public  Instruction 
for  the  past  three  years.  She  was  awarded 
a  master's  degree  at  George  Peabody  Col- 
lege, and  did  graduate  work  at  the 
Woman's  College,  Columbia  University, 
and  the  University  of  North  Carolina. 

She  is  survived  by  five  sisters,  Mrs.  W. 
C.  Stallings  of  Durham,  with  whom  she 
had  been  living  since  she  became  ill ;  Mrs. 
C.  W.  Freeman;  Mrs.  F.  L.  Bottoms; 
Mrs.  Joe  Walsh  and  Mrs.  F.  W.  Hughes ; 
and  one  brother,  Walter  P.  O'Briant. 


It  has  recently  been  learned  by  the 
Alumni  Office  that  Wilmont  C.  Thomas, 
'33,  is  deceased. 


Warren  Thornton  Green,  Jr.,  '37,  a 
salesman  for  the  Kentucky  Balfour  Com- 
pany, died  at  his  home,  429  Lightfoot 
Road,  Louisville,  Ky.,  on  January  11,  fol- 
lowing a  heart  attack. 

Mr.  Green  was  instrumental  in  starting 
the  new  Duke  Alumni  Association  in 

He  is  survived  by  his  parents,  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Warren  T.  Green,  of  615  S.  1st 
Street,  Louisville  2 ;  and  a  sister,  Mrs. 
Thomas  Y.  Miller,  Jr. 


Willard  Sperring  (Spook)  Beck,  '38, 
was  injured  fatally  on  December  19  when 
his  automobile  skidded  on  a  curve  near 
Warrenton,  Ore.,  and  collided  with  an 
empty  log  truck. 

He  was  employed  by  the  Scott  Paper 
Company  in  Portland,  where  he  and  his 
family  lived  at  2000  N.E.  79th  Avenue. 
Last  year  Willard  served  as  an  area  chair- 
man for  the  Duke  Loyalty  Fund. 

Survivors  include  the  wife,  and  three 
children,  age  eight,  five,  and  six  months. 

[  Page  56  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  February,  1951 


This  young  lady  is  sitting  before  a  Teleprinter,  which 
transmits  and  receives  wires  instantly.  The  Teleprinter 
is  one  of  many  modern  machines  used  by  Hospital  Sav- 
ing Association  to  expedite  payments  of  hospital-surgical 
benefits  for  a  membership  that  will  soon  cover  a  half- 
million  North  Carolinians.  In  the  Tar  Heel  State, 
only  Hospital  Saving  offers  the  double  protection  of 
Blue  Gross-Blue  Shield. 






lampus  Interviews  on  Cigarette  Tests 

Number  5. ..the  opossum 

THE  class  clown  went  out  on  a  limb  and  tried  to  prove  cigarette 
mildness  by  tbe  quick-trick  method !  He  tried  the  fast  puff 
and  huff  test— a  whiff,  a  sniff— and  they  still  left  him  up  in  the  air! 
But  then  he  got  his  feet  on  the  ground.  He  learned  that  there 
is  a  reliable  way  to  discover  how  mild  a  cigarette  can  be ! 
And  that  test  is  . . . 

The  sensible  test . . .  the  30-Day  Camel  Mildness  Test  which  simply 
asks  you  to  try  Camels  as  a  steady  smoke— on  a  pack  after  pack, 
day  after  day  basis.  No  snap  judgments  needed.  After  you've 
enjoyed  Camels— and  only  Camels— for  30  days  in  your  "T-Zone" 
(T  for  Throat,  T  for  Taste),  we  believe  you'll  know  why . . . 

More  People  Smoke  Camels 

than  any  other  cigarette! 



March,  1951 


Alumnae  Week  End  Will  Be  April  6, 7  and  8 

Smell 'em  Smoke 'em 
Compare  'em 

*     •     * 

Make  the  Tobacco  Growers  Mildness 
Test  yourself .  .."Tobaccos  that  smell  milder 
smoke  milder" 

Compare  Chesterfield  with  the  brand 
you've  been  smoking ...  Open  a  pack... 
smell  that  milder  Chesterfield  aroma.  Prove 
tobaccos  that  smell  milder  smoke  milder. 

Now  smoke  Chesterfields - 
they  do  smoke  milder,  and  they  leave 


Copyright  19M.  Loom  &  Mveu  Toiacco  Co. 


Smells  MILDER*  j/mpaz?  M I LDER  •  Leaves  no  unpleasant  after-taste 


(Member  of  American  Alumni  Council) 
Published  at  Durham,  N.  C,  Every  Month  in  the  Year  in  the  Interest  of  the  University  and  the  Alumni 

Volume  XXXVII 

March,  1951 

Number  3 



Editorials     59 

Dr.  Cannon  Becomes  Divinity  Dean 61 

Alumnae  Week  End 61 

Duke  NROTC  Program 62 

Hoof  V  Horn  Production 64 

Joe  College  Week  End 64 

Religious  Emphasis  Week 65 

Extra-Curricular  Courses 65 

Calendar  of  Spring  Events 65 

Local  Association  Meetings 66 

Alumni  in  the  News 66 

Zensuke  Hinohara,  '03 67 

Development  Campaign  Over  $6,000,000 ..  .  69 

Area  Chairmen  for  Development  Campaign  70 

Sports     72 

Books    74 

Sons  and  Daughters  of  Duke  Alumni 76 

Neivs   of   the  Alumni 77 

Editor  and  Business  Manager 

Charles  A.  Dukes,  '29 

Managing  Editor Roger  L.  Marshall,    '42 

Associate  Editor Anne  Garrard,   '25 

Advertising  Manager Thomas  D.  Doneqan 

Layout  Editor Ruth  Mary  Brown 

Staff  Photographer Jimmy   Whitley 

Two  Dollars  a  Year 

20  Cents  a  Copy 

Entered  as  Second-Class  Matter  at  the  Post 

Office  at  Durham,  N.  C,  Under  the  Act  of 

March   3,   1879. 


Following  is  a  letter  from  John  W.  Carr  III,  B.S.E.E.  '43,  son  of 
Dr.  John  W.  Carr,  Jr.,  '15,  Duke  professor  of  education.  John  is  a 
Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  student  now  working  on  his 
Ph.D.  dissertation  in  Paris  under  the  Fulbright  Act.  John  and  his 
wife,  Esther,  have  recently  become  the  parents  of  a  son,  Alan  Keenan 
Carr,  born  in  Paris  on  February  3. 

John  W.  Carr  III,  B.S.E.E.'43 

44  Rue  de  Fleurus,  Paris  6e,  Prance 

We  are  writing  this  on  a  brittle  sunless  day  which  is  all  too  typical 
of  the  winters  here  in  Paris.  The  electric  heater  at  our  feet  serves  to 
isolate  us  from  the  rest  of  our  sprawling  apartment,  for  it  is  only 
down  at  the  other  end  of  the  hall  that  a  spunky  coal  stove  tries  to  push 
off  the  encroaching  arctic  that  surrounds  it.  We  consider  ourselves 
lucky,  however,  to  have  this  place,  even  though  it  is  only  until  March 
15,  since  most  of  our  compatriots  are  scattered  throughout  the  city  in 
hotels  or  pensions,  or  else  sharing  apartments  wdth  others. 

Outside  the  window  runs  the  Rue  de  Fleurus.  The  morning  crowd 
of  students  rushing  to  the  College  Stanislas  nearby  has  quieted.  The 
scissors  grinder  across  the  street  has  stopped  shouting  his  trade  mo- 
mentarily. A  block  away  lies  legended  Montparnasse,  changed  from 
the  days  of  the  twenties  to  what  is  now  a  staid  commercialized  com- 
munity; the  literary  life  of  Paris  has  moved  up  the  Rue  de  Rennes 
away  from  us  to  St.  Germain  de  Pres.  Off  to  the  east  of  us  and  very 
near  are  the  Jardins  du  Luxembourg  which  have  dropped  their  summer 
gaiety  for  a  more  sombre  winter  hue.  Across  the  gardens  is  the  Sor- 
bonne,  unlike  any  university  in  America,  but  approached  more  nearly 
by  the  big  city  schools  like  New  York  and  Boston  Universities  in  its 
location,  lack  of  dormitories  and  campus-less  atmosphere.  At  one 
end  of  the  Quartier  Latin,  towards  the  south,  stand  the  graduate 
science  buildings,  the  Institut  de  Radium,  the  Institut  de  Physique  et 
Chimie,  and  the  Institut  Henri  Poincare.  John  attends  classes  at  the 
latter  institute  where  the  list  of  his  professors  includes  such  names 
as :  Darmois,  Paul  Levy,  Frechet,  Leray,  DeBroglie,  Mandelbrojt,  and 
several  Americans  who  are  here  for  the  year.  Just  around  the  corner 
from  us  is  the  Alliance  Francaise  where  Esther  studies  French  two 
hours  each  day  with  people  of  all  nationalities  who  are  anxious  to 
improve  their  knowledge  of  the  language. 

(Continued  on  Page  73) 


Midway  between  winter's  snow  and  final  exams,  a  few  stu- 
dents find  youth  too  close  behind  to  l-esist  the  urge  to  launch 
a  kite  into  the  fresh  winds  of  March.  On  the  cover  this  month, 
three  serious-minded  upperclassmen  are  seen  studying  aerody- 
namics (or  perhaps  meteorology). 

JET  ENGINES— In  1941, 
the  Air  Force  asked  Gen- 
eral Electric  to  build  the 
first  U.S.  jet  engine.  To- 
day, G-E  engines  power 
such  fast  planes  as  the 
F-86  Sabre,  holder  of 
world's  speed  record. 

College  graduates  at  General  Electric  are  working  on 
some  of  the  nation's  most  vital  projects 

The  rocket  that  rises  a  hundred  miles  above  White 
Sands,  N.  M.,  contains  a  wonderfully  compact  device 
that  reads  28  instruments  every  one-thirty-fifth  of  a 
second  and  transmits  its  reports  to  receivers  on  the 
ground.  It  was  developed  by  G-E  engineers  .  .  . 

Development  of  special  communications  systems  for 
civil  defense  has  been  undertaken  by  G-E  electronics 
engineers  .  .  , 

The  newest  class  of  Navy  heavy  cruisers  helping  to 
guard  our  defense  line  gain  their  power  from  30,000- 
horsepower  propulsion  turbines  built  by  General 
Electric  .  .  . 

It  is  estimated  that  during  1951  more  than  30  per 
cent  of  General  Electric's  production  will  comprise 
projects  like  these  .  .  .  the  design  and  construction  of 
equipment  to  help  fill  America's  military  needs. 

The  hundreds  of  General  Electric  engineers,  physi- 
cists, chemists,  and  other  specialists  sharing  in  these 
projects  work  with  the  assurance  that  their  contribu- 
tions are  meaningful  and  important.  Their  talents  and 
skills,  further  developed  through  G-E  training  courses 
and  broadened  through  rotational  job  programs,  are 
standing  the  nation  in  good  stead. 

w  can /?u£ yoak  co?zp^e7ice  in— 




Volume  XXXVII 

March,  1951 

Number  3 

Just  Ramblin 

In  the  Charlotte  Observer  on  January  29  the  follow- 
ing excerpt  appeared: 

"Unselfish  Philanthropy" 
"General  Mecklenburg, 
Charlotte  Observer, 
Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Dear  General : 

"I  think  that  the  judges  made  a  very  fine  selec- 
tion in  naming  Mr.  David  Ovens  Man  of  the  Year 
for  the  year  just  ended.  There  is  something  sort 
of  stimulating  about  philanthropy  that  is  consum- 
mated during  the  philanthropist's  lifetime.  It  is 
kind  of  like  serving  over  and  beyond  the  call  of 
duty,  and  is  distinctly  a  form  of  unselfishness.  The 
fact  that  a  good  part  of  Mr.  Ovens'  benevolence 
went  to  further  the  means  of  an  institution  (Duke 
University)  already  a  bit  top-heavy  with  means 
does  not  in  the  least  detract  from  that  unselfish- 
ness. Every  man  to  his  own  unselfishness,  I  always 
say. ' ' 

We  appreciate  the  fact  that  the  rest  of  the  article 
continued  in  a  very  complimentary  vein  in  regard  to  Mr. 
Ovens'  philanthropy  which  included  a  generous  gift  to 
Duke  University.  All  members  of  the  Duke  family  are 
deeply  grateful  to  Mr.  Ovens  for  his  thoughtful  gift 
which  has  been  expressed  in  this  publication  at  an  earlier 
date.  There  does,  however,  appear  in  the  article  a  note 
of  warning  to  alumni  and  friends.  It  is  so  subtle  that  it 
is  almost  lost. 

The  italicized  portion  of  the  item  has  a  special  in- 
terest to  each  alumnus  and  friend  of  the  institution. 
Although  every  effort  has  been  made  to  call  to  the  atten- 
tion of  the  members  of  the  family  and  the  public  at 
large  the  needs  of  the  institution,  it  seems  that  in  some 
cpiarters  this  information  has  fallen  on  deaf  ears.  There- 
fore, may  we  once  again  ask  that  each  alumnus,  if  he  is 
not  already  familiar  with  it,  acquaint  himself  with  the 
facts  about  Duke  and  tell  the  story  wherever  he  goes. 
Such  a  dissemination  of  information  on  the  part  of  the 
alumni  and  friends,  we  believe,  will  help  Duke  University 
materially  to  secure  additional  support,  and.  in  so  doing, 
enable  it  to  make  an  even  greater  contribution,  not  only 
to  the  State  of  North  Carolina,  but  to  the  Nation  and  to 
the  World. 

The  appointment  of  Dr.  James  Cannon  III.  as  Dean 
of  the  Duke  Divinity  School  has  been  received  with  en- 
thusiasm by  alumni  and  friends.  It  is  always  a  source  of 
genuine  satisfaction  when  an  appointment  to  a  position 
of  prominence  and  responsibility  in  the  University 
administration  is  enthusiastically  received. 

It  is,  however,  especially  gratifying  when  this  person 

is  an  alumnus  and  has  been  a  member  of  the  faculty  for 
many  years ;  for  it  means  that  an  able  teacher,  sound 
scholar  and  a  loyal  and  interested  alumnus  is  bringing  to 
a  job  a  background  of  experience  enriched  by  close  asso- 
ciation with  the  work  of  the  institution  that  has  made  it 

We  are  sure  Dr.  Cannon  can  count  on  the  fullest  co- 
operation from  his  fellow  alumni  in  making  his  years  as 
Dean  of  the  Divinity  School  an  outstanding  contribution 
to  the  Church  and  in  the  field  of  education. 

The  following  excerpt  is  taken  from  a  newsletter 
which  is  published  by  the  Executive  Board  of  the  West- 
ern New  York  Alumni  of  Duke  University: 

"What  Is  the  Executive  Board?" 

"Since  the  present  group  of  officers  were 
elected  to  office  at  the  October  meeting,  the  prexy, 
Marvin  Rapp  has  been  calling  monthly  meetings 
to  see  what  the  collective  minds  could  offer. 

"The  Executive  group  was  inaugurated  during 
Johnny  Cree's  regime  and  is  now  functioning  on 
all  wheels. 

' '  Members  of  this  group  include  not  only  all  the 
officers  but  the  chairmen  of  the  important  com- 
mittees too.  May  we  add  that  their  advice  has  been 
especially  helpful  in  formulating  plans  for  our 

"This  Alumni  organization  is  for  our  parents 
and  adopted  members  as  we  have  said  many  times 
before,  so  this  year  our  innovation  has  been  to  have 
them  serve  on  our  committees.  They  are  a  terrific 
asset  to  our  group  and  we  appreciate  their  help. 

"We  hope  the  Executive  Committee  will  be- 
come an  integral  part  of  our  set-up.  It  is  a  won- 
derful way  to  get  a  cross-section  of  ideas  from  our 
members. ' ' 

The  above  seemed  to  us  to  be  worthy  of  printing  as 
we  are  constantly  getting  letters  from  officers  of  local 
groups  asking  about  programs.  Perhaps  some  of  the  offi- 
cers who  are  seeking  suggestions  would  like  additional 
information  about  the  program  of  the  Buffalo  Associa- 
tion. If  so,  we  suggest  they  write  the  president,  Marvin 
Rapp.  at  60  Philadelphia  Street.  Buffalo.  N.  Y.,  or  send 
an  inquiry  to  the  Alumni  Office  and  we  will  see  that  he 
gets  it. 

This  is  a  reminder  that  Alumnae  Week  End  will  be 
the  6th.  7th,  and  8th  of  April.  The  committees  have  made 
interesting  plans.  All  they  need  to  execute  them  properly 
is  your  presence  and  participation.  You  know,  of  course, 
that  there  is  to  be  quite  an  innovation  this  year.  The 
returning  alumnae  are  to  get  a  real  sample  of  student 
life  as  it  is  on  the  campus  today.  Let  "hubby"  baby  sit 
and  join  the  rest  of  the  alumnae  when  they  return  for 
the  week  end. 



We  have  all  %3  Toypes  of  (Composition 

When  setting  type  we  give  due  consideration 
to  the  ultimate  purpose ...  In  deciding  whether 
to  use  linotype,  monotype  or  hand  composition, 
we  first  ascertain  the  function  of  the  particular 
piece  of  work.  Each  method  was  designed  for 
a  specific  service,  therefore  initial  cost  is  beside 
the  question.  We  shall  be  glad  to  assist  you  in 
deciding  which  of  the  three  will  do  the  best 
job  for  your  particular  problem.  Our  composing 
room  service  is  planned  for  today's  demands 


413  E.  Chapel  Hill  St         (V'T^S)  Durham.  N.  C 


[  Page  60  ]  DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

I  he  university 

Dr.  James  Cannon  Becomes  Divinity  Dean 

Thirty-two  years  of  distinguished  serv- 
ice to  the  University  were  climaxed  on  the 
s!xth  of  this  month  when  President  Hollis 
Edens  announced  that  Dr.  James  Cannon 
III,  Ivey  Professor  of  History  of  Religion 
and  Missions,  had  been  named  Dean  of 
the  Divinity   School. 

Dr.  Cannon  has  been  serving  as  acting 
lean  since  the  resignation  of  former  Dean 
Harold  A.  Bosley  last  June.  An  able  ad- 
ministrator, he  is  a  popular  choice  for 
the  post. 

A  member  of  the  Duke  faculty  since 
1919,  he  is  the  only  actively  teaching 
member  of  the  original  faculty  of  the 
Divinity  School,  organized  as  such  in 

Said  President  Edens  in  announcing 
the  appointment :  "Under  his  leadership, 
we  anticipate  the  same  solid  growth  and 
development  for  the  Divinity  School  which 
has  characterized  its  history  for  the  past 
quarter  century." 

Dr.  Cannon  received  the  A.B.  degree 
from  Trinity  College  in  1914  and  the 
A.M.  degree  from  Princeton  in  1917.  Two 
other  Princeton  degrees,  the  Th.B.  and 
Th.M.  degrees,  were  awarded  Dr.  Cannon 
in  1925.  He  received  the  D.D.  degree 
from  Birmingham-Southern  in  193S,  and 
also  studied  at  Garrett  Biblical  Institute, 
Evanston,  111.,  and  New  College,  Edin- 
burgh,  Scotland. 

Dr.  Cannon,  son  of  the  late  Bishop 
James  Cannon,  was  ordained  a  minister 
of  the  Methodist  Church  in  1917.  He  is 
a  member  of  the  Virginia  Conference. 

The  new  Duke  dean  is  the  author  of  two 
books,  History  of  Southern  Methodist 
Missions,  and  A  Guid.e  to  the  Study  of 
the  English  Bible,  written  with  H.  E. 
Spence.  He  has  also  contributed  numer- 
ous articles  to  religious  and  lay  journals. 
At  one  time  he  was  editor  of  the  "Rich- 
mond Virginian"  and  business  manager  of 
the  Richmond  "Christian  Advocate,"  and 
is  now  advisory  and  corresponding  editor 
of  "The  Muslim  World." 

During  World  War  I,  Dr.  Cannon  was 
an  Army  Y.M.C.A.  worker  in  France 
and  Italy.  Later  he  became  senior  chap- 
lain with  the  rank  of  lieutenant  with  the 
First  Division  A.E.F.,  and  he  was  deco- 
rated by  France  with  the  Croix  de  Guerre. 

A  member  of  Phi  Beta  Kappa,  he  has 
for  many  years  been  secretary  of  the 
Duke   Chapter.     He  is  also  secretary  of 

Dr.  James  Cannon  III 

"he  learned   society,   Fellowship   of   Pro- 
fessors of  Missions. 

Dean     Cannon    succeeds    some    distin- 

guished theologians  in  the  Duke  Divinity 
ieanship.  The  first  dean,  Edmund  Soper, 
later  became  president  of  Ohio  Wesleyan 
University  and  is  now  doing  mission  work 
in  India.  Dr.  Elbert  Russell,  though  in 
",emi-retirement,  is  affiliated  with  the  Col- 
lege of  Gulf  States,  Mobile,  Ala.  Dr. 
Paul  N.  Garber  is  Bishop  of  the  Richmond 
Area  of  the  Methodist  Church,  and  Dr. 
Harvie  Branseomb  is  chancellor  of  Van- 
derbilt  University.  The  late  Dr.  Paul 
Root  died  before  taking  office  in  1947.  Dr. 
Gilbert  Rowe  was  acting  dean  1946-47; 
and  Dr.  Harold  A.  Bosley,  the  previous 
Divinity  Dean,  resigned  in  January,  1950, 
to  become  pastor  of  the  First  Methodist 
Church,   Evanston,   111. 

The  Duke  Divinity  School  is  one  of  ten 
approved  seminaries  of  the  Methodist 
Church  in  America.  It  is  a  member  of 
the  select  Association  of  Theological 
Schools.  This  year  the  enrollment  is 
nearly  200,  the  highest  on  record. 

Dr.  and  Mrs.  Cannon,  the  former  Mar- 
garet Wagner  Faw  reside  at  S03  Second 
St.,  Durham.     Thev  have  one  son,  Walter. 

Alumnae  Week  End 

Innovations  Feature  Alumnae  Week  End 

Speakers  who  are  members  of  the  Duke 
faculty  will  be  featured  at  the  Eighth 
Annual  Alumnae  Week  End  on  April  6, 
7,  and  8.  Dr.  Weston  LaBarre,  associate 
professor  of  anthropology,  will  lecture 
on  a  subject  which  will  be  of  great  in- 
terest to  all  alumnae  attending  the  Week 
End.  He  will  discuss  "The  Family,  Its 
Functions  and  Its  Future,"  at  8:00  p.m. 
Friday,  April  6,  in  Room  201,  East  Duke 

Dr.  Marianna  Jenkins,  associate  dean 
of  undergraduate  instruction  and  assist- 
ant professor  of  art  will  speak  on  the 
controversial  subject  "Are  Modern  'Isms' 
Modern?"  Dr.  Jenkins  will  speak  in  As- 
bury  Building  from  10:30-11:30  Satur- 
day morning,  April  7. 

At  the  regular  Sunday  service  for  wor- 
ship in  the  University  Chapel  at  11 :00 
a.m.,  April  8,  Dr.  Ray  Petry,  professor 
of  Church  History,  will  deliver  the  ser- 
mon, which  will  be  designed  with  return- 
ing alumnae  in  mind. 

In  addition  to  hearing  prominent  Duke 

faculty  members,  alumnae  will  be  able 
to  return  to  the  true  college  spirit  for 
this  Alumnae  Week  End,  for  it  is  being 
held  while  school  is  in  session  instead  of 
during  Spring  Vacation  as  in  previous 

The  program,  which  appeared  in  the 
February  Register,  was  planned  with 
suggestions  from  alumnae  in  mind,  and 
includes  a  variety  of  interesting  activi- 
ties, including  a  student  panel,  lectures 
by  outstanding  faculty  members,  pro- 
grams and  exhibits  featuring  music  and 
art,  and  plenty  of  time  for  coffee  hours 
and  for  visiting  the  campus. 

The  Friday  evening  coffee,  to  be  held 
in  East  Duke  Building  at  9 :00  o'clock 
is  being  sponsored  by  daughters  of  alum- 
nae, who  will  be  on  campus  at  the  same 
time  as  their  mothers  due  to  the  change 
in  time  of  the  Week  End  this  year.  The 
Saturday  coffee  hour,  at  9 :30  p.m.  in 
the  Woman's  College  Union,  is  to  be 
sponsored  by  Phi  Kappa  Delta. 
(Continued  on  Page  73) 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

[  Page  61  ] 


Life  on  Board  the  Duke 

Ensigns  for  Uncle  Sam 

Duke's  NROTC  Unit  Plays  Important  Role 

One  voice  ordered  "Port  ten.  Tivo-one- 
0  revolutions:"  Another  echoed  the  "Port 
ten"  and  a  third  repeated  the  "Tivo-one- 
0  revolutions." 

"Steady.  Midships,"  ordered  the  first 
voice  again.  Then  the  command  voice  lost 
that  sang-froid  which  seems  to  be  so 
necessary  on  the  Captain's  bridge  of  a 
ship  at  sea,  as  it  said  "Time's  up.  Let's 
go  ashore.  I've  got  a  date  at  Southgate 
in  half  an  hour." 

If  this  conversation  didn't  actually  take 
place,  it  very  well  could  have  happened 
at  Duke  University.  "Going  ashore" 
would  consist  of  walking  upstairs  and 
out  of  the  Indoor  Stadium,  a  portion 
of  which  has  been  set  aside  for  the  use 
of  the  Naval  Reserve  Officers'  Training 
Corps  unit.  The  young  Midshipmen  who 
made  the  above  statements  would  have 
been  working  out  on  the  "attack  teacher 
unit,"  a  set  of  instruments  which  simu- 
lates actual  shipboard  conditions  and  is 
used  to  give  future  naval  officers  training 
in  ship  control  and  anti-submarine  war- 

The  Navy  has  been  at  Duke  since  1940, 

when  a  Naval  ROTC  unit  was  established 
here  as  a  part  of  the  pre-World  YVar  II 
military  preparations  program.  When 
war  finally  did  engulf  the  United  States, 
the  program  had  to  be  expanded  tre- 
mendously, so  Duke's  small  NROTC  unit 
was  absorbed  by  the  mammoth  V-12  pro- 
gram in  1942. 

Under  the  leadership  of  Captain  C.  P. 
McFeeters,  Duke's  naval  training  units 
turned  out  approximately  3,500  naval 
officers  between  1942  and  1.945.  TVith  the 
end  of  the  war,  the  V-12  program  was 
terminated,  but  the  NROTC  unit  was  en- 
larged  and   retained. 

The  Holloway  Plan 

Before  1946,  students  entered  NROTC 
training  on  a  contract  basis.  They  agreed 
to  take  the  required  number  of  courses  in 
Naval  Science,  to  devote  one  summer  to 
a  training  cruise,  and  to  accept  upon 
graduation  a  commission  in  the  Naval  or 
Marine  Corps  Reserve.  The  Navy,  in 
turn,  agreed  to  supply  the  students  with 
uniforms,  Naval  Science  textbooks  and 
equipment,  and  to  pay  them  a  subsistence 

Captain  Ealpli  Earle,  XKOTC  com- 
mandant, talks  with  freshmen  appli- 
cants at   entrance  to  XROTC  build- 


allowance  (currently  90  cents  a  day) 
during  the  last  two  years  of  their 

But  such  a  small  number  of  these  new 
officers  exercised  their  prerogative  of  go- 
ing on  active  duty,  applying  for  a  regu- 
lar Navy  commission,  and  becoming 
career  officers,  that  the  Navy  adopted  the 
Holloway  Plan  (Public  Law  729)  in 
1946.     About   half   of   the   Naval   Cadets 

Textbook  knowledge  is  given  a  chance  for  practical  appli- 
cation on  summer  cruises.  Here  students  are  given  a 
taste  of  salt  spray  necessary  to  the  making  of  an  ensign. 
Above  is  a  recent  Duke  group  at  sea. 

Naval  Science  and  Tactics  are  taught  by  experienced 
officers  of  the  regular  navy  in  Duke  classrooms.  XROTC 
classes  are  a  part  of  every  midshipman's  academic  course, 
as  he  prepares  for  service  with  fighting  forces. 

T  Pago  02  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

now  at  Duke  are  under  the  new  plan, 
which  provides  college  scholarships  for 
young  men  who  can  meet  certain  rigorous 
physical   and   mental  requirements. 

First  they  must  show  their  mental  pro- 
ficiency by  making  a  certain  qualifying 
score  on  the  Navy  College  Aptitude  Test. 
Then  they  report  for  a  physical  examina- 
tion which  requires  near-perfection  for 
passing.  Finally,  those  who  are  still  in 
the  running  are  interviewed  and  carefully 
screened  for  personality,  attitude,  etc., 
and  are  scored  on  these  points.  The  top 
scorers  for  all  tests  are  selected  for  the 
scholarships  and  sent  to  an  NROTC 

The  Navy  scholarships  pay  all  college 
costs  such  as  fees,  tuition,  and  textbooks. 
The  winners  of  the  scholarships  are  ap- 
pointed Midshipmen  in  the  Navy,  are 
furnished  uniforms,  and  receive  retainer 
pay  at  the  rate  of  $50  per  month,  or  more 
at  certain  colleges  where  personal  ex- 
penses are  higher.  It  is  estimated  that 
the  value  of  a  Navy  scholarship  at  Duke 
is  $1200  per  year. 

Upon  graduation,  the  Midshipmen  re- 
ceive commissions  as  second  lieutenants 
in  the  Marine  Corps  or  ensigns  in  the 
Navy,  and  go  on  active  duty  for  from  15 
to  24  months.  They  then  have  a  choice 
of  becoming  career  officers,  or  of  giving 
up  their  regular  commissions  and  becom- 
ing Reserve  officers. 

Training  for  the  Midshipmen  is  the 
same  as  that  of  the  contract  students,  ex- 
cept that  the  Midshipmen  take  two  sum- 
mer cruises  instead  of  one. 

This  year's  graduating  class  at  Duke 
contains  the  first  group  to  finish  under 
the  Holloway  Plan.  All  50  students  in 
the  class  go  on  active  duty  immediately 
after  graduation,  44  to  the  Navy  and  six 
to  the  Marine  corps. 

Though  they  are  trained  on  dry  land, 
except  for  the  summer  cruises,  the  Naval 
Cadets  have  the  benefit  of  most  of  the 
equipment  they  would  be  using  were  they 
aboard  ship.  Their  armory  contains  all 
the  small  arms  currently  used  by  Navy 
personnel,  cut-away  torpedoes,  radios,  and 
ship  control  and  gun-aiming  devices. 
Several  large  guns,  turret-mounted  just 
as  they  would  be  aboard  ship,  give  the 
front  of  the  Indoor  Stadium  a  very  war- 
like appearance. 

Experienced  Officers  Teach 

And  most  important  of  all,  the  men 
who  train  the  Cadets  have  had  consid- 
erable practical  experience  in  their  re- 
spective fields.  Lt.  Robert  B.  Gustafson, 
USN,  the  submarine  officer,  has  served 
as  Gunnery  officer  on  the  U.S.S.  Nauti- 

Midshipmen  on  parade  give  Freshman  Field  a  brisk,  military  appearance. 
Fledgling  ensigns  learn  to  handle  rifles  like  infantrymen  and  step  smartly 
before  admiring  classmates. 

lus,  Engineering  Officer  of  the  IT.  S.  S. 
Sirago,  and  Communications  and  Navi- 
gation Officer  on  the  U.  S.  S.  Sennete. 

The  head  of  the  Duke  Naval  unit  is 
Captain  Ralph  Earle,  USN.  He  was  com- 
manding a  destroyer  at  the  time  of  the 
Pearl  Harbor  attack,  and  soon  thereafter 
sailed  out  to  harrass  Japanese  shipping 
around  Marshall,  Wake,  and  Marcus  Is- 
lands. Later  he  commanded  a  destroyer 
squadron,  and  was  on  the  staff  of  the 
Pacific  Fleet  Destroyer  Commander.  Be- 
fore coming  to  Duke,  he  was  Captain  of 
the  cruiser  Topeka. 

Commander  Clyde  Yan  Arsdall,  USN, 
second-in-command  of  the  staff,  has 
served  on  the  Atlantic  Amphibious  Force 
Staff,  and  during  the  war  commanded  the 
Destroyers  U.  S.  S.  Perry  and  U.  S.  S. 

Lt.  Robert  P.  Brewer,  USN,  the  staff 
aviator,  has  flown  with  a  fighter-bomber 
squadron  on  the  U.  S.  S.  Bunker  Hill  and 
with  a  fighter  squadron  on  the  U.  S.  S. 

Captain  James  C.  Fetters,  USMC,  was 
with  the  Third  Marine  Division  at  Oki- 
nawa and  Iwo  Jima,  and  after  the  war 
was  in  the  Mediterranean  area  with  the 
Sixth  Fleet. 

These  men  teach  the  three  hours  per 
week  of  Naval  Science  classes  which  each 
Naval  Cadet  is  required  to  attend,  and 
supervise  the  additional  three  hours  each 
week   of   drill    or    practical   work.     They 

give  instruction  in  a  variety  of  subjects, 
such  as  navigation,  ship  control  and  sta- 
bility, amphibious  warfare,  and  the  mili- 
tary history  and  policy  of  the  United 

Normal  Student  Life 

Student  life  for  the  Naval  Cadets  is 
much  the  same  as  that  of  the  ordinary 
students  at  Duke.  During  their  four -year 
period  of  study,  they  must  complete  a 
total  of  24  semester  hours  work  in  Naval 
Science,  which,  for  one  semester,  is  about 
the  equivalent  of  a  theory  course  with  a 
laboratory  period  in  any  other  depart- 
ment. Except  for  these  periods,  their 
time  is  their  own,  to  carry  on  their  other 
studies  for  a  bachelor's  degree.  They  are 
not  even  required  to  wear  their  uniforms 
except  to  class  and  drill.  They  are  sub- 
ject to  very  few  disciplinary  regulations, 
except,  of  course,  that  as  future  officers 
they  are  expected  to  conduct  themselves 
as  gentlemen  at  all  times. 

The  sight  of  men  in  uniform  covering 
the  Duke  campus  is  a  constant  reminder 
that  the  future  is  uncertain,  that  these 
young  men,  trained  at  Duke,  may  very 
soon  have  a  very  important  and  very  di- 
rect influence  upon  world  affairs.  It  is 
reassuring  to  see  the  air  of  seriousness 
with  which  they  go  about  their  drills  and 
studies,  conscientiously  readying  them- 
selves for  the  responsibility  civilization 
is  soon  to  place  on  their  shoulders. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

[  Page  63  ] 

Hoof  'n'  Horn  Show  Draws 
Varied  Student  Talents 

Women  and  dirty  politics  in  a  turn- 
of-the-eentury  setting — that  is  the  theme 
of  Hoof  'n'  Horn's  spring  musical.  Belles 
and  Ballots.  The  club's  11th  annual  orig- 
inal show  is  scheduled  for  production  in 
Page  Auditorium  on  the  campus  Thurs- 
day and  Friday  nights,  April  19  and  20, 
at  8  :00  p.m. 

Hoof  V  Horn  is  a  campus  musical 
comedy  club,  made  up  entirely  of  stage- 
struck  undergraduates  who  each  year 
write,  direct,  produce  and  act  in  an  orig- 
inal musical  production.  Local  enthusi- 
asm has  run  so  high  in  recent  years  that 
encore  performances  were  demanded  of 
two  out  of  the  last  four  shows. 

Written  by  Ed  Newman,  from  Irving- 
ton,  N.  J.,  Belles  and  Ballots  traces,  in 
song  and  dance,  the  campaign  of  the  first 
woman  candidate  for  mayor  in  a  small 
mid-Western  town  in  1899.  Eighteen 
songs,  ranging  from  tender  ballads 
through  barbershop  quartets  to  raucous 
campaign  marches,  were  written  espe- 
cially for  the  club  production.  Comedy, 
songs,  and  original  dance  routines  are 
all  combined  in  the  unique  election  cam- 

Lyrics  for  the  songs  were  written  by 
Bill  King,  Memphis,  Tenn. ;  Paul  Keye, 
Beverly  Hills,  Calif.;  and  Tom  Love, 
Durham.  Music  was  composed  by  Bud 
Fowler,  Bronxville,  N.  Y.,  Tom  Love,  and 
Bill  King. 

Ed  Nayor,  Bayonne,  N.  J.,  will  direct 
the  two-act  period  comedy.  Supervising 
and  directing  the  designing  and  construc- 
tion of  new  sets  is  technical  director  Mel 
Lord,  West  Caldwell,  N".  J.  The  student- 
built  sets  will  include  a  small-town  public 
square,  the  front  porch  of  the  woman 
campaigner,  a  picnic  site  in  a  park,  and 
the  smoke-filled  back  room   of  a  saloon. 

Starring  in  the  lead  role  of  a  woman 
candidate  for  mayor  is  Jackie  Hanna, 
Norfolk.  Va.  Al  Raywid,  Washington, 
D.  C,  will  oppose  her  assertion  of  wom- 
en's rights  as  the  small-town  political 
boss  whose  power  is  threatened.  Denny 
Marks,  New  York  City,  in  his  role  as  a 
Russian  butcher,  will  play  both  ends 
against  the  middle  while  trying  to  keep 
the  women's  business. 

Gay  McLawhorn,  Winterville,  N.  C, 
and  Bill  Dean,  Live  Oak,  Fla.,  will  supply 
romantic  interest  when  they  are  not  quar- 
reling over  just  what  a  woman's  status  is. 
Barbara  George,  High  Point,  N.  C,  will 
play  a  pig-tailed  brat  just  Mcked  out  of 
another  finishing  school,  who  tries  to 
throw  the  election  to  suit  her.    Her  un- 

' '  Oh,  no ! "  groans  mayorality  candidate  Jackie  Hanna  as  political  boss 
Al  Raywid  rips  one  of  her  campaign  posters  in  half.  The  scene  is  from 
Hoof  'n'  Horn's  turn-of-the-century  musical,  Belles  and  Ballots,  playing 
April  19  and  20  on  the  Duke  campus. 

willing  lover  and  accomplice  will  be  Max 
Cooke,    Sarasota,  Fla. 

The  only  show  in  recent  years  to  have 
a  men's  dancing  chorus,  Belles  and  Bal- 
lots will  feature  eight  dancing  couples 
in  four  production  numbers.  A  mixed 
singing  group  of  20  will  back  up  the 
comic  plot  in  five  chorus  numbers,  and 
a  barbershop  quartet  and  a  ballet  group 
will  round  out  the  large  cast.  A  student 
orchestra    will   play   for   the   production. 

Ann  Carol  Hogue  will  direct  the  sing- 
ing choruses  and  arrange  the  chorus  num- 
bers. Suzie  Doherty  is  choreographer, 
and  Don  Hermance  is  orchestral  director. 

Ken  Taylor,  Statesville,  N.  C,  is  Hoof 
'n'  Horn  president  this  year.  Clif  Cooke, 
Danvers,  Mass.,  is  business  manager. 
Robert  B.  Fearing,  '30,  student  activities 
director,  is  adviser  to  the  group. 

As  proof  of  the  merit  of  the  music, 
Broadcast  Music,  Inc.,  New  York  pub- 
lishers, will  print  a  selection  of  songs 
from  this  year's  show  in  a  souvenir  folio 
including  pictures  of  the  cast.  BMI  pub- 
lished similar  booklets  for  the  past  Hoof 
'n'  Horn  shows  Lovintime  and  Flap  'er 

Tickets  for  the  production  are  $1.25 
each  and  all  seats  are  reserved.  Tickets 
are  now  on  sale  and  may  be  secured  by 
writing  Hoof  V  Horn,  Box  5224,  Duke 
Station,  Durham,  N.  C.  Mail  orders 
should  include  check  or  money  order,  a 
self-addressed  stamped  envelope,  and 
designation  of  performance  desired.  Res- 
ervations may  be  made  by  calling  Number 
112,  in  Durham,  Extention  484. 

Joe  College  Days  Return 

A  Joe  College  Days  Week  End, 
planned  for  April  19-21,  will  revive  a 
pre-war  tradition  of  springtime  festivi- 
ties on  the  Duke  Campus.  A  Shoe  'n' 
Slipper  dance  featuring  Les  Brown,  '36, 
and  his  "Band  of  Renown"  and  the  Hoof 
'n'  Horn  musical,  Belles  and  Ballots, 
will  highlight  the  week  end. 

In  addition  to  the  dance  and  musical, 
a  full  program  of  entertainment  is 
planned.  There  will  be  a  parade  through 
the  business  district  of  Durham  on  Fri- 
day, featuring  the  Joe  College  theme. 
After  the  parade,  East  Campus  will  hold 
open  houses,  and  there  will  be  field  day 
events  on  the  lawn  of  the  main  quad- 
rangle. Coeds  will  decorate  houses  on 
East  to  carry  out  the  theme,  and  prizes 
will  be  awarded  for  the  best  display. 
At  5  :00  there  will  be  an  exchange  supper 
for  East  and  West  Campus  students  in 
the  Woman's  College  Union. 

Following  the  second  performance  of 
Belles  and  Ballots  Friday  evening,  stu- 
dents dressed  in  costumes  satirizing  col- 
lege togs  will  attend  an  informal  dance 
with  music  provided  by  Les  Brown. 

On  Saturday,  at  the  end  of  the  fourth 
period,  there  will  be  a  fried  chicken,  box 
lunch  picnic  served  by  the  Union  on  the 
lawn  of  the  main  quadrangle  of  West 

Shoe  'n'  Slipper  is  inviting  all  stu- 
dents to  an  outdoor  concert  by  Les 
Brown  from  1  to  3 :30  Saturday  after- 
noon in  the  dormitory  quadrangle  on 
West.    Beginning  at  2  :30  will  be  a  base- 

[  Page  64  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

ball  game  between  Duke  and  Carolina, 
a  track  meet  with  North  Carolina  State, 
a  lacrosse  game  with  Washington  Col- 
lege of  Frederick,  Md.,  and  a  new  attrac- 
tion for  sports  fans  in  Durham,  a  polo 

At  8  o'clock  Saturday  night,  students 
will  don  tuxedos  and  evening  gowns  for 
the  Shoe  V  Slipper  formal  dance. 

Religious  Emphasis  Week 
Draws  Student  Interests 

The  past  month  has  been  a  busy  one 
for  the  Divinity  School  and  for  all  stu- 
dents and  faculty  interested  in  Christian 
living.  Religious  Emphasis  Week,  Mis- 
sionary Emphasis  Week,  and  a  Christian 
Career  Clinic  were  held  on  the  Duke 
Campus  during  the  month  of  February. 

The  Methodist  Student  Fellowship 
sponsored  a  campus  career  clinic  on 
Christian  vocation  February  4-6.  Several 
outstanding  speakers  came  to  the  cam- 
pus to  present  the  needs  and  opportuni- 
ties for  service  in  various  fields  of  Chris- 
tian endeavor,  emphasizing  both  church 
vocations  and  Christian  service  for  lay- 
men. The  aim  of  the  clinic  was  to  lead 
students  toward  preparation  for  and 
commitments  to  Christian  service  while 
in  college. 

Five  prominent  religious  leaders  ad- 
dressed Divinity  School  students  and  fac- 
ulty at  the  annual  Missionary  Emphasis 
Week  February  6-9,  which  is  designed  to 
stimulate  student-faculty  interest  in  mis- 
sion work  and  to  recruit  new  mission- 
aries. There  are  about  25  Duke  alumni 
now  serving  as  missionaries  of  the  Meth- 
odist Church. 

This  year's  program  was  under  the 
direction  of  Dr.  James  Cannon  III,  dean 
of  the  Divinity  School,  and  Donal 
Squires,  chairman  of  the  Missions  Com- 
mittee, Divinity  School  Student  Assembly. 
Featured  speakers  were  Dr.  Eugene'  L. 
Smith,  executive  secretary  of  the  Divi- 
sion  of   Foreign   Missions   of  the   Board 

of  Missions  and  Church  Extension  of  the 
Methodist  Church,  New  York  City;  Dr. 
Karl  Quimby,  educational  secretary  of 
the  Board;  Dr.  J.  A.  Engle,  executive 
secretary  of  the  Board's  Division  of  Edu- 
cation and  Cultivation;  the  Reverend  M. 
0.  Williams,  secretary  of  the  Board's 
Department  of  Missionary  Personnel ; 
and  the  Reverend  Archer  R.  Turner, 
B.D.,  '45,  former  Methodist  missionary 
to  Korea.  The  Missionary  Emphasis 
Week  ended  with  a  service  of  thanksgiv- 
ing and  intercession  for  Duke  mission- 
aries in  service  led  by  Professor  James 
T.    Cleland,   preacher   to   the   University. 

Students  and  faculty  alike  joined  in 
the  activities  of  the  annual  Religious 
Emphasis  Week,  held  February  18  to  21. 
The  theme  of  the  week  this  year  was  "Is 
Life    a    Gamble,    Chance    or    Certainty?" 

Bishop  Gerald  Kennedy,  of  Portland, 
Ore.,  and  the  Reverend  Robert  H.  Ham- 
ill  of  Burlington,  Iowa,  were  leaders  of 
the  four-day  program.  North  Carolina 
ministers  participating  in  Religious  Em- 
phasis Week  included  Bishop  Vincent 
Waters  of  Raleigh,  and  Father  John 
Weidinger  and  Rabbi  Samuel  Perlman 
of  Chapel  Hill.  Patt  McAllister  and  Jack 
Blackburn  were  student  co-chairmen  of 
the    Steering    Committee    for   the    Week. 

President  Edens  presided  at  the  initial 
service,  which  was  held  in  the  University 
Chapel.  Delivering  the  sermon  on  "Gam- 
blers At  the  Cross"  was  Bishop  Kennedy. 
Mr.  Hamill,  speaking  on  "The  Dead  Gods 
and  the  Living  God,"  was  featured  at  an 
interdenominational  meeting  that  evening. 
Following  the  usual  Sunday  Night  Sing, 
a  question  period  was  held,  with  Bishop 
Kennedy  answering  the  questions. 

Monday's  activities  featured  a  panel  by 
Duke  faculty  members  on  "The  Remedy 
for  Draftitis — Conflicting  Attitudes  in 
a  Time  of  Crisis" ;  a  panel  discussion 
on  "Conflicting  Philosophies"  by  Dr. 
Theodore  Ropp,  associate  professor  of 
history;  Dr.  Leslie  B.  Hohman,  professor 
(Continued  on  Page  73) 

Extra-CurrieuJar  Courses 

Extra-curricular  courses  in  the  fields  of 
nutrition,  recreation  leadership,  and 
French,  which  are  intended  to  prepare 
coeds  for  service  to  the  community  in 
the  event  of  a  national  emergency,  are 
now  being  made  available  to  students  in 
the  Woman's  College  of  Duke  University. 

These  courses  do  not  receive  academic 
credit.  They  are  comparable  to  the 
nurses'  aid  program,  and  no  fees  are 
charged.  All  the  classes  are  necessarily 
limited  in  number  of  attendance,  and  in- 
terested students  are  making  their  appli- 
cations through  house  counsellors. 

The  nutrition  course  of  12  lessons  con- 
"erns  community  feeding.  It  is  to  be  con- 
ducted by  Miss  Isabelle  Howe,  dietician, 
and  Miss  Mary  McCormic,  visiting  in- 
structor in  physical  education,  each 
Tuesday  and  Thursday  evening.  The 
group  will  cover  such  subjects  as  balanc- 
ing a  menu,  economics  of  foods  and  food 
preparation.  The  class  will  work  in 
units  planning  a  series  of  meals  to  be 
fed  to  large  groups,  and  the  course  will 
culminate  in  a  practical  application  of 
feeding  the  entire  campus,  possibly  on 
Kite  Da\r  in  April. 

Mrs.  Martha  G.  Swasey,  assistant  pro- 
fessor of  physical  education,  will  conduct 
the  course  in  recreation  leadership  which 
will  be  taught  every  Thursday  evening. 
This  course  will  cover  such  topics  as  lead- 
ing games,  singing,  dramatics,  teaching 
square  dancing  and  ballroom  dancing,  and 

The  French  project  under  the  leader- 
ship of  Jean-Jacques  Demorest,  assistant 
professor  of  Romance  Languages,  is  de- 
signed for  those  who  wish  additional  op- 
portunities in  French  for  use  in  travel, 
foreign  study,  teaching,  or  as  a  back- 
ground for  study  toward  filling  such  posi- 
tions as  interpreter,  translator,  or  secre- 
tary in  government  or  overseas  service. 
Only  those  who  have  completed  or  are  eur- 
rentlv  taking  French  52  are  eligible. 

Calendar  of  Spring  Events 

March  24-April  2 — Spring  Vacation. 

April  6-8 — Alumnae  Week  End. 

April  7— Kite  Day.  2  :00-8 :00  p.m.  Be- 
tween Union  and  Library,  East  Campus. 

April  12 — Civic  Choral  Society  and  Duke 
Symphony  Orchestra.  S  :15  p.m., 
Woman's  College  Auditorium. 

April  15 — Lawn  Concert  by  the  Duke 
Concert  Band. 

April  17 — Madrigal  Concert.  8:15  p.m., 

April  19-20— Hoof  V  Horn  Production, 
Belles   and  Ballots.     8 :15   p.m.,   Page. 

April  23 — Piano  Recital.  8 :15  p.m.,  As- 

April  26-28 — Nereidian  Pageant.  Wom- 
an's College  Gymnasium. 

April  27 — Recital  of  students  of  Mr. 

April  28-29— Mother  Daughter  Week 

May  3 — Duke  Symphony  Orchestra,  Mr. 
Withers,  soloist.  Woman's  College  Au- 

May  13 — Lawn  Concert  by  the  Duke  Con- 
cert Band. 

May  15 — North  Carolina  Symphony  Or- 
chestra. 2  :30  and  S  :30  p.m.,  Woman's 
College  Auditorium. 

May  21-31 — Final  exams. 

June  2 — Senior  Class  Day.  Meeting  of 
the  Board  of  Trustees. 

June  3 — Baccalaureate  Sermon.  11 :00 
a.m.,    University    Chapel. 

June  4 — Graduation  Exercises. 

June  5-8 — Divinity  School  Convocation. 

June  12 — First  term  of  the  Duke  Summer 
Session  begins. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

[  Page  65  ] 

Local  Association  Meetings 

New  York 

A  turkey  dinner  and  a  few  words  of 
greeting  from  Dr.  Paul  M.  Gross,  vice- 
president  in  the  Educational  Division  and 
dean  of  the  Graduate  School  of  Arts  and 
Sciences,  were  featured  at  the  annual  ban- 
quet of  the  New  York  Alumni  Associa- 
tion on  February  16. 

The  banquet  and  dance  was  held  in  the 
Wedgwood  Room  and  Ballroom  of  the 
Beekman  Tower  Hotel.  The  Executive 
Committee  went  all  out  to  give  the  alumni 
a  social  event,  they  will  long  remember. 
Uninterrupted  dancing  was  a  highlight 
of  the  event,  and  the  business  meeting- 
was  limited  to  thirty  minutes.  Dress  was 
informal  and  all  enjoyed  an  evening  of 
fun  and  relaxation,  getting  together  with 
old  friends,  meeting  fellow  alumni,  and 
hearing  about  Duke  doings. 

Union- Anson  County 

A  large  group  of  alumni  in  Union  and 
Anson  counties  met  on  February  19  at 
the  Methodist  Church  in  Monroe,  N.  C, 
for  the  Association's  annual  dinner  meet- 
ing. S.  Glenn  Hawfleld,  '15,  presided 
over  the  meeting  and  was  in  charge  of 
the  arrangements. 

Dr.  Charles  E.  Jordan,  '23,  Vice-Presi- 
dent in  the  Division  of  Public  Belations 
and  Secretary  of  the  University  repre- 
sented Duke  and  spoke  on  the  University's 
heritage,  its  history  and  its  present  needs. 
Thomas  D.  Donegan  of  the  Alumni 
Office  staff  accompanied  Dr.  Jordan  to 
the  meeting  and  showed  the  gathering 
movies  of  the  1950  Duke-Pittsburgh  game. 

Catawba  County 

The  annual  dinner  meeting  of  alumni  in 
Catawba  County  was  held  on  February 
21  at  the  Lake  Hickory  Country  Club. 
Sixty-six  members  and  their  guests  at- 
tended with  Clinton  T.  Andrews,  '26,  vice- 
president  of  the  chapter  presiding  in  the 
absence  of  R.  E.  "Buddy"  Luper,  '47. 
Principal  speakers  for  the  occasion  were 
Charles  A.  Dukes,  '29,  director  of  Alumni 
Affairs,  and  Dan  W.  Hill,  '39.  assistant 
to  Director  of  Athletics.  Mr.  Dukes  ad- 
dressed the  group  on  the  University's 
past,  present  and  future  and  Mr.  Hill 
discussed  Duke  sports,  showing  a  film  of 
the  1950  Duke-North  Carolina  football 

Attorney  G.  Andrew  Warlick,  '13,  of 
Newton,   former  state  senator   from   this 

district,  was  elected  president  of  the 
Catawba  alumni  group  for  the  coming 
year.  Other  officers  named  were  Dr.  A. 
L.  Ormond,  '24,  of  Hickory,  vice-presi- 
dent; Dorothy  Long  Isenhower  (Mrs. 
Sam),  '40,  of  Newton,  and  Mary  Aber- 
nathy  Rader  (Mrs.  William),  '41,  secre- 
tary -treasurer ;  and  Mary  Henderson 
Willis  (Mrs.  Enimett),  '36,  of  Hickory, 
and  Evelyn  Bolick  Wanzer  (Mrs.  C.  R.), 
'40,  of  Conover,  representatives  of  the 
Alumni  Council. 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 

The  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Duke  Alumni 
Association  has  had  a  busy  winter.  Their 
largest  social  venture  of  the  season  was 
their  first  annual  dance  held  at  Plymouth 
Country  Club,  Norristown,  Pa.,  on  Feb- 
ruary 16.  Approximately  70  Duke 
alumni  and  their  friends  attended  the 
gala  affair.  The  orchestra  provided  a 
fine  variety  of  music  to  suit  everyone's 
taste.  Highlights  of  the  occasion  included 
a  jitterbug  contest,  elimination  dances, 
and  spot  dances.  A  midnight  snack  pro- 
vided  a   perfect  climax  for  the  evening. 

The  1951  officers  for  the  Duke  Uni- 
versity Alumni  Association  of  Philadel- 
phia and  vicinity  are :  Frederick  Mann, 
Jr.,  B.S.M.E.  '45,  president;  Dewey  Rob- 
bins,  '25,  vice-president ;  Margaretta 
Aeugle,  '44,  secretary;  Gordon  Gerber, 
'43,  treasurer;  and  Nancy  Hunter,  '46, 
corresponding  secretary. 

Sunday  School  Teaching 
Results  Are  Questioned 

Hampton  M.  Jarrell,  Ph.D.  '32,  is  the 
author  of  an  article  published  in  the  De- 
cember, 1950,  Atlantic  entitled  "Sunday 
Schools  Don't  Teach."  As  a  professor 
of  English  at  Winthrop  College  in  South 
Carolina  since  1932  he  had  learned  that 
a  huge  majority  of  his  students  were 
almost  completely  lacking  in  knowledge 
of  Biblical  history  and  personalities,  and 
upon  further  investigation  he  found  that 
many  were  vague  and  confused  about 
their  religious  and  ethical  beliefs.  He 
was  more  puzzled,  he  said,  to  learn  that 
many  of  these  students  had  attended 
Sunday  School  regularly,  some  for  as 
long  as  15  years. 

Seeking  the  cause  for  this  deficiency. 
Dr.  Jarrell  read  all  the  Sunday  School 
literature  then  in  use  in  the  young 
peoples'  departments  of  his  home  Meth- 
odist  church,  and  found,  not  studies  on 

the  basic  Christian  principles,  nor  a  sys- 
tematic revelation  of  a  religious  heritage, 
but  lessons  in  sociology,  political  science, 
economics,  and  international  relations, 
expounded  with  an  assurance  of  divine 
authority  which  makes  easy  the  solution 
of  the  most  complex  social  problems. 

The  Christian  Church  has,  at  various 
times  in  history,  weakened  its  hold  on 
men's  minds  by  trying  to  make  dogmatic 
theology  a  substitute  for  the  natural  sci- 
ences, says  Dr.  Jarrell,  and  now  many 
churches  are  making  the  same  mistake 
with  the  social  sciences. 

Far  too  often  theology  offers  a  seduc- 
tive shortcut  to  social  wisdom  that  makes 
the  way  of  knowledge  look  narrow, 
rough,  and  a  long  way  around,  with  the 
added  implication  that  those  who  refuse 
to  take  this  short-cut  are  damned. 

If  the  Sunday  Schools  are  to  do  their 
job,  he  concludes,  they  must  return  to 
the  long-abandoned  policy  of  educating 
children  in  fundamental  Christian  prin- 

Promoted  to  Colonel 

Henry  H.  Rogers,  A.M.  '29,  has  been 
promoted  to  the  rank  of  colonel  at 
United  States  Army  European  Command 
headquarters  in  Heidelberg,  Germany. 
He  is  chief  of  the  scientific  and  technical 
section  of  the  Intelligence  division  at 
Command  headquarters. 

Colonel  Rogers  entered  the  Army  in 
September,  1941.  During  World  War  II 
he  served  in  the  Pacific  Theater  of  Opera- 
tions as  commanding  officer  of  an  infan- 
try battalion  of  the  98th  division.  He 
returned  to  the  United  States  in  March, 
1946,  and  became  an  instructor  at  the 
Command  and  General  Staff  College, 
Fort  Leavenworth,  Kans.  He  arrived  in 
the  European  Command  in  August,  1949. 

With  the  colonel  in  Heidelberg  are  his 
wife,  Susan,  their  two  children,  David, 
15,  and  Cornelia,  13,  and  Mrs.  Rogers' 
mother,  Mrs.  Susan  A.  Porterfield. 

[  Page  66  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

Career  of  the  Rev.  Hinohara 
Leaves  Imprint  on  Japanese 

In  September  of  1948  an  interesting- 
letter  reached  the  Alumni  Office.  It  came 
from  Japan,  and  contained  an  epic  apolo- 
gy from  a  graduate  of  Trinity  College  for 
"not  having  done  my  duty  as  one  of 
Duke's  sons." 

The  author,  Zensuke  Hinohara,  '03, 
A.M.  '04,  then  71  years  of  age,  went  on  to 
explain  that  he  had  been  rather  busy 
since  his  graduation  and  had  not  been  able 
to  do  anything  about  his  obligations  to 
his  alma  mater,  but,  he  said,  "Ever  since 
I  left  Trinity  43  years  ago  I  have  never 
failed  to  be  deeply  conscious  that  I  am  its 
own  old  boy  and  owe  to  it  so  much  for 
what  I  am  today." 

Mr.  Hinohara  had,  indeed,  been  rather 
busy,  nor  has  his  pace  slackened  during 
the  past  two  and  one-half  difficult  years. 
He  had  been  actively  preaching  during 
the  whole  intervening  time  since  his  grad- 
uation and  had  raised  funds  for  the  con- 
struction of  three  large  churches  (and  in 
Japan  this  is  no  easy  task).  He  had 
been  a  college  president  for  12  years,  and 
for  three  years  was  the  executive  secre- 
tary of  the  United  Church  of  Christ  in 
Japan,  a  council  made  up  of  representa- 
tives of  all  the  Christian  churches  there. 
At  the  time  of  the  letter,  he  was  serving 
as  president  of  the  Ministers'  Association 
of  the  Tokyo  district,  which  has  over  300 

He  had  returned  to  America  but  twice 
since  his  graduation  from  Duke — once  for 
some  further  study  at  Union  Theological 
Seminary  in  New  York,  in  1911,  and  again 
to  rest  and  regain  the  health  he  had  lost 
in  working  too  hard  for  the  construction 
of  the  Kobe  Central  Methodist  Church  in 
1925.  That  year  he  returned  to  Duke  for 
a  visit,  and  led  the  prayer  at  Commence- 

War  Brings  Silence 

When  Mr.  Hinohara  first  came  to  Duke 
in  1901,  he  formed  fast  friendships  with 
the  late  Edward  O.  Egerton,  '03,  and 
Frank  X.  Egerton,  '09,  A.M.  '11,  now  on 
the  Duke  faculty.  He  went  home  with 
them  during  holidays,  where  he  met  and 
captivated  the  other  members  of  the  Eger- 
ton family.  After  his  return  to  Japan 
he  wrote  to  them  often,  and  visited  them 
during  subsequent  stays  in  America. 
Later,  however,  his  duties  increased  and 
took  such  a  hold  on  him  that  his  letters 
became  less  frequent  and  finally  stopped 
altogether.  Friends  in  America  thereafter 
had  no  news  of  him  for  many  years,  ex- 

cept for  a  story  in  a  Methodist  Missionary 
magazine  which  told  of  his  service  as 
president  of  the  Methodist  College  for 
Girls  at  Hiroshima,  and  messages  from 
occasional  visitors  to  Japan  who  found 
him  hard  at  work. 

The  war  closed  the  curtain  of  communi- 
cation completely.  And  in  1945,  when 
the  news  came  that  almost  900  girls  at  the 
Hiroshima  Girls'  College  were  casualties 
in  the  atom  bomb  explosion,  the  Egertons 
thought  that  they  would  hear  no  more  of 
their  friend. 

But  in  1947  the  same  missionary  maga- 
zine again  brought  news  to  his  friends 
through  a  picture  and  information  that  he 
was  then  pastor  of  a  church  in  Tokyo. 
He  had  reached  the  age  of  65  in  1942, 
"id  so  had  been  retired  as  president  of 
the  college  before  the  bombing.  Unwilling 
to  stop  preaching,  however,  he  had  taken 
a  pastorate  in  a  small  chapel  in  Tokyo, 
had  built  up  the  congregation  so  much 
fiat  the  old  meeting  place  was  outgrown, 
and  so  was  supervising  the  financing  and 
construction  of  a  new,  larger  church  and 

When  Mrs.  Blanche  Egerton  Baker,  a 

younger  sister  of  the  boys  Zensuke  had 
known  at  Trinity,  wrote  to  him,  he  an- 
swered quickly  and  enthusiastically.  In 
the  following  months  several  letters  were 
exchanged,  and  Zensuke  told  all  that  had 
befallen  him  since  his  student  clays. 

A  Sudden  Decision 

When  he  first  came  to  America  he  had 
planned  to  prepare  himself  to  teach  Eng- 
lish and  English  Literature  in  Japan.  His 
decision  to  go  into  the  ministry  came 
about  in  this  way :  He  was  in  church,  and 
had  just  heard  the  pastor  make  a  request 
for  contributions  to  the  missionary  fund. 
"When  the  offering  was  announced  and 
the  plates  were  traveling  from  seat  to 
seat,  I  felt  my  very  last  silver  coin,  (a 
quarter)  in  my  pocket  for  my  offering, 
while  others  had  so  much  more.  I  was 
so  ashamed  of  myself  and  said  to  myself, 
'Is  that  all  that  you  can  give  to  the  Lord 
for  the  very  service  you  have  to  render 
for  your  own  country  while  all  others  are 
doing  even  more  for  your  country  and 
for  your  unsaved  people?  Oh  Lord,  do 
thou  accept  this  my  last  coin  with  this 
very  myself.' " 

Zensuke  Hinohara  pledged  himself  that 
morning  to  become  a  preacher  and  pastor, 
and  he  has  been  that  from  1906  to  the 
present.  -Even  when  appointed  president 
of  a  college,  he  accepted  on  condition  that 

-    -1 




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The  Rev.  Zensuke  Hinohara  (center-seated)  and  Mrs.  Hinohara,  to  the  right 
of  her  husband,  are  shown  with  most  of  their  children  and  grandchildren 
at  a  reunion  last  year  in  Japan.  Not  in  the  picture  are  one  son  and  one 
daughter  and  their  families. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

[  Page  67  ] 

he  could  serve  as  the  college  chaplain  also. 

During  his  stay  at  Hiroshima,  Hinohara 
secured  official  recognition  for  the  college, 
*nd  obtained  a  new,  larger,  and  more 
pleasant  site  for  it,  on  which  it  was  re- 
constructed after  the  war.  He  had  a 
continuous  struggle  against  the  "mili- 
taristic pressure,''  for  the  college  was 
located  between  a  great  army  and  a  great 
naval  base.  In  spite  of  repressing  in- 
fluences, Hinohara  continued  the  daily 
hapel  services,  and  preached  every  Sun- 
day in  the  college  church. 

Telling  of  his  present  work,  he  has 
said :  "After  I  finished  my  term  of  service 
at  Hiroshima  eight  years  ago,  I  came  up 
to  Tokyo  with  my  wife  and  our  youngest 
daughter  Tamy,  and  accepted  the  place 
as  pastor  of  Tamagawa-Heian  (Peace) 
church.  Despite,  the  acute  situation  of 
the  war,  my  congregation  kept  on  grow- 
ing until  the  joint  room  proved  inade- 
quate. A  year  ago  we  completed  both  a 
new  church  building  and  parsonage  to 
■>'ove  in.  My  congregation  is  not  well  off 
financially.  But  they  have  done  more 
than  they  could  afford,  being  self-saerifie- 
ingly  responsible  for  the  costly  church  lot 
and  church  building,  one  of  the  very  best 
in  the  country." 

Mr.  Hinohara  promised  his  congrega- 
tion he  would  finance  one  wing  of  the 
church  and  the  whole  parsonage  himself, 
if  they  could  raise  the  funds  for  the  lot 
and  the  rest  of  the  church.  He  also  raised 
the  money  for  the  church  furniture. 

Mrs.  Baker,  in  one  of  her  letters,  asked 
the  minister  what  she  could  send  him.  He 
told  her  that  they  needed  most  of  all 
suger,  coffee,  and  baking  powder,  and 
asked  also  for  a  typewriter  ribbon,  a  bot- 
tle of  ink,  shaving  soap,  and  especially 
some  tooth  powder,  "which  I  so  enjoy  to 
use  when  my  heavily  scheduled  day's  work 
is  over  late  at  night  just  before  my  last 
talk  with  my  Abba  Father  in   Heaven." 

When  the  package  came,  it  was  some- 
thing Americans  regard  as  a  simple  neces- 
sity for  which  Hinohara  made  his  most 
elaborate  thanks — dental  cream.  It 
pleased  him,  he  said,  so  much  that  he 
always  spent  a  few  minutes  by  his  window 
in  grateful  prayer  after  using  it. 

Now  74  years  old,  thK  alumnus  still 
puts  in  more  than  a  day's  work  each  day. 
He  prepares  daily  devotionals  and  Bible 
studies  for  distribution  to  the  Methodist 
churches  in  Japan,  carries  out  his  duties 
as  executive  secretary  of  the  United 
Church  of  Christ  in  Japan  and  as  pastor 
of  his  church. 

And  also,  he  writes  sadly,  now  again  he 
prays  for  peace  each  day. 

New  Mechanical 
Is  Made 


Donald  Jacobs,  A.M.  '37,  of  Bethesda, 
Md.,  who  founded  the  Jacobs  Instru- 
ment Company  about  three  years  ago, 
has  developed  a  revolutionary  new  digit- 
al computer,  or  "electrical  brain,"  which, 
though  no  bigger  than  an  overnight  bag, 
solves  complicated  equations  in  mil- 
lionths  of  a  second. 

The  machine  is  the  "Jaincomp  A." 
Weighing  forty  pounds,  it  is  a  miniature 
variation  of  the  giant  electrical  brains 
which  are  used  by  great  research  lab- 
oratories to  solve  the  most  complicated 
mathematical  problems. 

Mr.  Jacobs  says  that  the  machine 
"offers  for  the  first  time  to  industry  an 
ultra-high-speed  and  exceedingly  accurate 
electronic  brain  for  controlling  opera- 
tions of  great  complexity.''  Accuracies 
of  one  part  in  a  billion  can  be  obtained, 
and  as  for  speed,  the  slowest  unit  of  the 
Jaincomp  can  add  two  sixteen-digit  num- 
bers in  forty-eight  millionths  of  a  second. 

Before  founding  his  company,  Jacobs 
was  with  the  Bureau  of  Standards,  the 
U.  S.  Naval  Observatory,  and  the  North 
American  Aviation  Company.  In  addi- 
tion to  his  degree  from  Duke,  he  holds 
degrees  from  Rutgers  University  and  the 
University  of  Rochester. 

.Aluinni  Are  Rotary 

Two  alumni  of  Duke  University,  Mark 
F.  Hawthorne,  M.Ed.  '40,  of  Anderson, 
S.  C,  and  Walter  T.  Nau,  A.M.  '42,  Ph.D. 
'49,  of  Hickory,  X.  C,  are  District  Gov- 
ernors of  Rotary  International,  world- 
wide service  organization,  for  the  present 

Their  duties  include  coordinating  the 
activities  of  all  the  Clubs  in  their  re- 
spective Rotary  Districts  and  visits  to 
each  of  the  Clubs  to  offer  advice  and 
assistance  in  Rotary  service  work  and 

Mr.  Hawthorne,  who  is  superintendent 
of  schools  in  Anderson,  assists  48  Rotary 
Clubs  in  his  State.  He  is  a  past  president 
of  two  local  Rotary  Clubs,  in  Lancaster, 
S.  C,  and  Anderson,  and  is  very  active  in 
all  the  civic  work  of  his  town. 

Dr.  Nau  has  been  professor  of  modern 
languages  at  Lenoir-Rhyne  College  since 
1945.  He  assists  35  Rotary  Clubs  in  one 
of  the  four  Districts  in  North  Carolina. 
Born  in  Crishnagiri,  India,  Dr.  Nau  was 

Washington  Law  Alumni 

The  Law  School  Alumni  Associa- 
tion of  Washington,  D.  C,  has  ten- 
tatively selected  O'Donnell's  Restau- 
rant, 1209  E  Street,  N.W.,  Washing- 
ton, as  the  regular  place  at  which  they 
will  hold  monthly  luncheon  meetings 
on  the  first  Monday  of  each  month  at 
12 :30  p.m.  The  Association  will  be 
glad  to  have  other  Duke  alumni  join 
them  for  luncheon  when  they  are  in 

a  Lutheran  minister  for  15  years  before 
accepting  his  present  position.  He  is  also 
a  past  president  of  the  Hiekorv  Rotarv 

Alumna  Will  Re[ire  as  Dean 

Leah  Boddie,  A.M.  '25,  is  the  first  and 
only  dean  of  students  at  New  Jersey  Col- 
lege for  Women,  Rutgers  University.  At 
the  end  of  this  academic  year,  she  plans 
to  retire. 

Miss  Boddie  was  appointed  to  the 
young  institution  in  1926  when  the  en- 
rollment was  697.  This  year,  as  she 
rounds  out  a  quarter  of  a  century  of  de- 
voted service,  the  enrollment  has  in- 
creased to  1,325. 

Under  her  guidance,  a  student  life 
counselling  program  has  been  built  up 
which  has  as  its  primary  duty  making 
the  general  college  experience  a  positive 
contribution  to  mature  living.  Dean  Bod- 
die and  her  staff,  an  assistant  to  the  dean 
and  seven  directors  of  student  life,  have 
worked  closely  with  every  department  of 
the  College,  including  the  teaching  staff. 
They  have  co-ordinated  all  phases  of 
counselling  and  directed  this  knowledge 
toward  the  complete  development  of  the 
individual  student. 

A  native  of  Durham,  Dean  Boddie  re- 
ceived her  bachelor's  degree  from  the 
Woman's  College  of  the  University  of 
North  Carolina  and  her  master's  degree 
from  Duke.  Before  accepting  the  posi- 
tion at  the  New  Jersey  College  for  Wom- 
en, she  served  as  dean  of  women  at  the 
Duke  University  Summer  School,  as  a 
history  teacher  in  the  Durham  High 
School,  and  as  principal  of  a  grammar 
school  in  Durham. 

Dean  Boddie  has  been  active  in  the 
National  Association  of  Deans  of  Wom- 
en. She  was  co-founder  and  first  presi- 
dent of  the  New  Jersey  Association  of 
Deans  of  Women,  now  the  New  Jersey 
Association  of  Deans  and  Counselors. 

[  Page  68 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

Campaign  Goes  Over  $6,000,000  Mark 

Total  Counts  Gifts  Offered  if  Matching  Sums  Are  Given 

Early  this  month  the  Duke  University 
Development  Campaign  climbed  over  the 
$6,000,000  mark,  three-fourths  of  the  way 
to  the  1950-51  goal  of  $8,650,000  and  half 
way  to  the  ultimate  goal  of  $12,000,000. 

The  gift  that  brought  the  total  up  over 
the  mid-way  hurdle,  and  turned  the  cur- 
rent campaign  into  the  home  stretch  of 
its  final  quarter,  was  one  of  less  than  $100 
from  an  alumnus  recently  graduated  and 
now  residing  some  2,000  miles  from  the 
Duke  campus.  The  note  received  with  it 
was  typical  of  many  received  on  other 
days  with  other  gifts :  "This  is  a  token 
of  what  Duke  has  meant  to  me — and  my 
hope  that  it  will  mean  as  much  to  others 
in  years  ahead." 

The  jubilation  caused  in  campaign 
headquarters  by  this  significant  milestone 
brought  this  remark  from  University 
Vice-President  Charles  E.  Jordan:  "This 
s  really  illustrative  of  what  smaller  gifts 
mean  to  the  campaign.  Yesterday  we 
were  counting  five  millions  of  dollars — 
today  it  is  six." 

The  epic-making  gift  was  quickly  fol- 
'owed,  in  subsequent  mails,  by  other  con- 
tributions that  began  to  push  the  cam- 
paign onward  and  upward  toward  its 
seventh  million  and  toward  the  goals  in 
"Brains,  Books,  and  Bricks"  that  will 
make  Duke  greater  in  its  service  to  "the 
future  hour." 


Below,  in  the  form  of  a  simple  arithmetic  problem,  is  the  story  of  the 
progress  made  by  the  Duke  University  Development  Campaign  to  date  and  the 
progress  that  must  be  made  within  the  next  three  months  to  reach  the  1950-51 
goal  of  $8,650,000. 

The  greater  portion  of  the  balance  remaining  to  be  raised  must  come  from 
individual  alumni  and  friends  through  local  campaigns,  in  gifts  both  large 
and  small.  Many  must  give,  for  now  success  lies  in  numbers — the  number  of 
those  who  will  share  in  Duke's  future. 

Gifts  during  preliminary  phase  (1949-50) $2,000,000.00 

(plus)  Gifts  from  the  City  of  Durham  Campaign 238,860.00 

(plus)   Gifts  from  Faculty-Staff  Campaigns 90,272.58 

(plus)  Gifts  from  Alumni-Friends  Campaigns  to  date 704,452.47 

(plus)  Gifts  contingent  upon  matching  amounts 3,000,000.00 

TOTALLING .$6,033,585.05 

(plus)  The  Amount  Still  to  Be  Raised  by  June  30 $2,616,414.95 

TOTALLING _$8,650,000.00 

Matching  Money  is  Needed 

Half  of  the  $6,000,000  comes  from  the 
two  contingent  gifts  made  some  weeks  ago 
by  the  General  Education  Board  and  an 
anonymous  donor.  Each  of  these  gifts, 
it  will  be  recalled,  was  for  $1,500,000,  and 
receipt  by  the  University  was  made  con- 
ditional upon  alumni  and  friends  raising 
a  dol!ar-for-dollar  matching  amount. 

The  campaign  to  raise  this  matching 
amount  is,  according  to  reports  from  local 

Faculty-Staff  Campaigns  Pass  $90,000 

The  faculty  and  staff  campaigns  for  the  De- 
velopment Program,  begun  the  first  of  the 
year,  have  now  passed  $90,000.  Latest  figures 
announced  by  Dr.  Frank  T.  DeVyver,  chairman 
of  the  faculty  drive,  were  $90,976.58  from 
554  contributors. 

The  results  of  this  University  campaign  have 
been  praised  by  President  Edens  as  being 
"most  clearly  indicative  of  the  value  of  our 
efforts  to  prepare  Duke  for  a  future  of  greater 
service.  Men  and  women  right  here  on  the 
campus  are  willing  to  sacrifice  in  order  to  see 
the  University  move  ahead." 

The  campus  campaign  was  requested  by 
members  of  faculties  and  staffs  who  wanted  to 
share  in  the  program  being  pushed  forward  by 
alumni  and  friends.  Dr.  DeVyver  was  made 
chairman  of  the  campaign  committee  and 
Walter  G.  Cooper  was  named  vice  chairman  in 
charge   of   staff   solicitation. 

Dr.  Frank  T.  DeVyver 

chairmen  throughout  the  nation,  moving 
at  an  encouraging  rate. 

In  every  major  center  in  North  Caro- 
lina campaigns  among  alumni  and  friends 
are  either  already  well  under  way  or 
scheduled  for  the  very  immediate  future. 
In  North  Carolina  districts,  north,  east, 
south,  and  west,  alumni  leaders  are  rapid- 
ly completing  arrangements  for  general 
canvasses  within  the  next  few  weeks. 

Meanwhile,  the  rest  of  the  country  is 
keeping  pace.  While  campaign  organiza- 
tions were  started  later  in  regions  more 
distant  from  the  campus,  early  results 
indicate  that  similar  successes  can  be  an- 
ticipated. Arrangements  are  being  made 
for  early  canvasses  in  the  big  cities  where 
alumni  live  in  large  numbers,  and  already 
individual  campaigners  in  less  densely 
populated  areas  are  out  visiting  fellow 
alumni,  seeking  and  receiving  gifts  for 
"a  greater  Duke." 

Campaign  News  Items 

Most  recent  campaign  events  include 
the  opening  of  the  Guilford  County  cam- 
paign in  Greensboro  on  February  16  and 
in  High  Point  on  March  5.  Kenneth  M. 
Brim,  '20,  is  Guilford  chairman  and  Floyd 
C.  Caveness,  '18,  and  Charles  L.  Kearns, 
'32,  are  general  canvass  chairmen  in 
Greensboro  and  High  Point  respectively. 
Early  reports  from  Guilford  indicate  that 
the  campaign  is  moving  forward  with  ex- 
tremely promising  results. 

In  Wake  County  Chairman  N.  E.  Ed- 
gerton,  '21,  has  organized  a  steering  com- 
mittee of  Blanche  Barringer  Brian  (Mrs. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

[  Page  69  ] 

Top  Row 

(left  to  right) 
Donald  S.  Elias,  '08   Western  North  Carolina 
Paul  L.  Sample,   '18     Western  Pennsylvania 
Kenneth  M.  Brim,   '20  Guilford  County 

W.  M.  (Bill)  Werber,  '30   Washington,  D.  C. 

Left  Row 

(top  to  bottom) 
N.  E.  Edgerton,   '21  Wake  County 

Floyd  C.  Caveness,  '18         Greensboro,  N.  C. 
P.  Huber  Hanes,  Jr.,  '38        Forsyth  County 

(Continued  from  preceding  page) 
Earl  W.),  '22,  A.M.  '31;  L.  L.  Ivey,  15; 
C.  A.  Dillon,  and  AY.  H.  Trentman,  who 
will  head  the  parents  of  students  division. 
The  committee  is  preparing  to  open  the 
campaign  with  a  dinner  meeting  in  ap- 
proximately a  month. 

Early  this  month  North  Carolina  Dis- 
tricts Six  and  Ten  (both  in  the  east  cen- 
tral part  of  the  State)  held  a  joint  meet- 
ing of  top  leaders  to  prepare  for  opening 
their  campaigns  in  the  immediate  future. 
Presiding  at  this  meeting  was  E.  N. 
Brower,  '15,  chairman  of  District  Ten. 
President  Edens  spoke  to  the  approximate- 
ly 65  campaign  leaders  gathered  for  the 
occasion,  and  he  stressed  the  need  that 
the  University  has  for  the  devoted  sup- 
port of  each  individual  alumnus.  Chair- 
man of  District  Six  is  F.  J.  Boling,  '23. 

New  Chairmen 

Five  new  Development  Campaign  local 
chairmen  have  accepted  appointments 
within  the  past  few  weeks.    They  are  J. 


On  these  two  pages  appear  approxi- 
mately half  of  the  Duke  men  who  are 
serving  throughout  the  United  States  as 
Development  Campaign  local  chairmen. 
Other  chairmen  will  appear  in  the  April 
issue  of  the  Register. 

These  alumni  are  the  leaders  of  cam- 
paigns for  Duke  in  North  Carolina  key 
counties  are  districts,  in  national  regions 
and  key  areas  in  other  states.  Some  have 
already  completed  their  organizations 
and  now  have  campaigns  underway. 
Others  are  in  the  process  of  selecting 
other  alumni  to  help  conduct  campaigns 
and  are  forming  committees  to  begin 

Every  effort  is  being  made  to  push 
local  campaigns  to  a  successful  conclu- 
sion by  the  first  week  in  June,  so  that 
reports   can  be  made  at  Commencement. 

The  fourteen  local  chairmen  appearing 
here  head  campaign  organizations  scat- 
tered among  seven  states.  Chairmen  have 
now  been  appointed  in  almost  every  area 
where  there  is  a  strong  concentration  of 

Raymond  Smith,  '17,  of  Mount  Airy,  N. 
C,  to  head  Northwest  North  Carolina; 
John  Van  Hanford,  '43,  of  Salisbury,  N. 
C,  to  head  Southwest  Central  North 
Carolina;  Rev.  T.  Herbert  Minga,  '31, 
Dallas,  Texas,  area;  Marjorie  Frey 
Brown  (Mrs.  David  E.),  '48,  New  Or- 
leans, La.,  area;  and  Byron  Grimes,  '31, 
Louisville,  Ky.,  area. 

Co-chairman  with  Mr.  Smith  in  North- 
west North  Carolina  is  his  son,  Raymond 
A.  Smith,  '45. 

Recent  Meetings 

March    has     been    a    busy     campaign 

[  Page  70  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 


Duke  men  and  women,  and  this  includes 
centers  in  approximately  20  states. 

The  chairmen  pictured  here,  others 
whose  photos  will  appear  in  subsequent 
issues,  and  alumnae  and  alumni  who  have 
volunteered  to  serve  with  them  in  this 
important  campaign  for  Duke,  are  doing 
a  magnificent  job  for  the  University. 
This  is  the  first  time  in  Duke's  history 
that  large  numbers  of  alumni  have  been 
asked  to  devote  a  substantial  amount  of 
time  to  work  for  the  University,  and  the 
way  in  which  the  local  area,  county,  dis- 
trict, and  region  jobs  have  been  under- 
taken is  indicative  of  Duke's  alumni 

Men  accepting  positions  as  chairmen 
are  among  the  University's  most  out- 
standing former  students  and  are  business 
and  civic  leaders  in  their  home  communi- 
ties. They  are  unselfishly  taking  time  out 
from  other  important  pursuits  to  work 
for  Duke's  future  welfare.  For  this  they 
are  earning  the  appreciation  of  the  Uni- 
versitv  and  of  its  other  alumni. 

Top  Row 

(left  to  right) 
S.  Wade  Marr,  '38   Northeast  North  Carolina 
George  M.  Ivey,   '20        Mecklenburg  County 
E.  M.  Brower,  '15    Southeast  North  Carolina 
W.  Herbert  Smith,  '23 

Northwest  South  Carolina 

Right  Row 

(top  to  bottom) 
Lee  B.  Durham,   '21 

Michigan  and  Northwest  Ohio 
Robert  G.  Lamb,  '39  Rochester,  N.  Y. 

Richard  McAninch,  '35  Northeast  Ohio 

month,  particularly  among  out-of-state 

On  March  14,  Clay  Doss,  '14,  was  host 
at  a  luncheon  for  campaign  leaders  in 
Detroit,  Mich.,  where  Lee  Durham,  '21, 
is  chairman.  On  March  19  leaders  of 
Northwest  South  Carolina,  which  area 
is  headed  by  W.  Herbert  Smith,  '23,  met 
in  Greenville,  and  on  March  20  cam- 
paigners of  the  Atlanta,  Ga.,  area  met  in 
Atlanta  for  a  session  presided  over  by 
E.  Ralph  Paris,  '14.  President  Edens 
spoke  at  all  of  these  meetings. 

Numerous     other     campaign     meetings 

were  held  in  scattered  areas,  and  at  Reg- 
ister press  time  all  March  reports  had 
not  been  received. 

Durham  County  Kick-off 

Kick-off  dinner  for  the  Durham  County 
Alumni  Campaign  was  to  take  place  on 
March  29  in  West  Campus  Union,  with 
County  Chairman  Sterling  Nicholson,  '22, 
scheduled  to  preside.  General  canvass 
chairman  for  Durham  is  Russell  Y.  Cooke, 

There  are  approximately  1,200  alumni 
and  alumnae  in  Durham  County,  making- 
it,  naturally  enough,  the  largest  con- 
centration of  Duke  people  anywhere.  The 
alumni  campaign  is  complete  and  sep- 
arate from  the  Durham  City  Campaign 
of  last  fall,  since  in  that  drive  only  non- 
alumni  friends  were  asked  to  give. 

Durham  County's  kick-off  leaves  only 
one  major  center  in  North  Carolina, 
Wake  County  and  Raleigh,  left  to  go  be- 
fore Commencement,  and  that  campaign 
is  scheduled  to  begin  soon. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

[  Page  71  ] 

Basketball  Ends  —  Spring  Sports  Begin 

Blue  Devils  Place  Second  in  Southern 
Conference  Tournament 

Duke  Turns  to  Baseball  and  Spring  Football  Practice 

Duke  University's  basketball  team 
ended  its  1950-51  season  in  a  blaze  of 
glory  during  the  first  week  of  March  by 
going  to  the  finals  of  the  Southern  Con- 
ference tournament  at  Raleigh,  N.  C,  be- 
fore being  eliminated  by  champion  N.  C. 
State  67-63. 

The  team,  which  was  the  highest  scoring 
aggregation  in  the  history  of  the  Univer- 
sity, ended  the  season  with  an  over-all 
record  of  20  wins  and  13  losses.  The 
team  scored  2,351  points,  for  an  average 
of  71.2  points  per  contest. 

Individual  scorers  for  the  Blue  Devils 
were  paced,  of  course,  by  All-America 
Dick  Groat,  who  tallied  a  total  of  831 
points  to  break  a  national  scoring  mark. 
He  averaged  25.2  points  per  game.  Dick 
Crowder  was  second  in  the  Duke  scoring 
with  283  points,  while  Captain  Scotty 
York  had  259,  Bill  Fleming  had  234,  Kes 
Deimling  had  221,  Dayton  Allen  had  166, 
Jim  Kulpan  had  122,  Dick  Johnson  had 
93  and  Dick  Latimer  had  76. 

Duke  ended  its  regular  season  on  Feb- 
ruary 23  by  collecting  a  valuable  win  over 
rival  North  Carolina  by  84-72.  The  win 
was  sweet  revenge  for  the  Duke  team 
since  the  loss  for  Carolina  eliminated  the 
Tar  Heels  from  the  Southern  Conference 
tourney  running,  and  made  up  for  a  simi- 
lar loss  the  Dukes  had  suffered  at  the 
hands  of  Carolina  in  1949  that  eliminated 
Duke  from  the  tournament. 

Dick  Groat  set  a  new  national  scoring 
record  by  getting  29  points  against  North 
Carolina  and  running  his  season's  total 
to  746.  That  total  broke  the  previous 
high  of  740  points,  set  by  William  and 
Mary's  Chet  Giermak  in  1949.  Runners- 
up  in  the  scoring  for  Duke  were  Bill 
Fleming  and  Scotty  York,  each  with  12 

The  win  over  North  Carolina  gave  the 
Blue  Devils  a  14-6  record  for  the  Southern 
Conference  season  and  a  tie  for  third 
place  with  William  and  Mary  in  the  loop 

Entering  the  Southern  Conference 
tournament  at  Raleigh  on  March  1,  the 
Blue  Devils  edged  Virginia  Tech  64-61 
after  a  close  battle  all  the  way.  Groat 
led  the  scoring  with  23  points,  while  Dick 

Johnson,  a  much  improved  Duke  guard, 
had  11  points  and  Keston  Deimling  had 

Duke  had  another  close  battle  in  the 
Southern  Conference  tournament's  semi- 
final round.  The  Devils  edged  William 
and  Mary  by  a  71-69.  Groat  scored  31 
points  to  tie  the  Conference  tourney  rec- 
ord and  ran  his  season  total  to  exactly 
S00  points.  Runner-up  in  the  Duke  scor- 
ing was  Bill  Fleming  with  14  points. 
Fleming  played  a  great  rebound  game, 
grabbing  17  bad  '  shots.  Dick  Johnson 
added  eight  points  for  the  Devils. 

Groat  played  another  remarkable  game 
against  N.  C.  State  in  the  tourney  finals, 
scoring  31  points  again  to  re-tie  the 
tourney  scoring  record  (held  by  Sammy 
Ranzino  of  N.  C.  State  and  Chet  Giermak 
of  William  and  Mary  for  a  regulation 
game).  Runners-up  in  the  Duke  scoring 
as  the  Devils  dropped  a   67-63   decision 

were  Bill  Fleming  with  nine,  Scotty  Yorl 
with  eight  and  Johnson  with  six. 

Groat  was  elected  the  tournament's  out" 
standing  player  by  a  37-4  count  of  th« 
sportswriters  and  also  made  the  all- 
tourney  first  team.  Scotty  York  mad(i 
the  tourney's  second  team. 


BASEBALL :  March  21— Indiana ;  22— 
Indiana;  23 — Michigan  State;  24 — Michi- 
gan State;  28— at  Clemson;  29— at  Fur- 
man;  30 — at  South  Carolina;  31 — at 
South  Carolina;  April  2 — at  Davidson; 
3— Yale;  4— Yale;  7— Wake  Forest; 
11— at  N.  C.  State;  14—  South  Carolina; 
18— at  Wake  Forest;  21— North  Caro- 
lina; 24— at  North  Carolina;  28— David- 
son; 30— at  North  Carolina;  May  2— N. 
C.  State;  4— at  N.  C.  State;  8— N.  C. 
State;  9— at  Wake  Forest;  12— North 
Carolina;     14— Wake     Forest;     17-19— 

A  glance  at  the  football  team  out  for  Spring  practice  will  show  that  Duke's 
traditional  single  wing  has  given  way  to  Coach  Bill  Murray's  favored  split 
T.  The  new  Coach  is  explaining  some  of  the  finer  points  of  the  play  to 
Athletic  Director  Eddie  Cameron  as  the  team  watches  two  players  demon- 
strate the  correct  position  for  center  and  quarterback. 

[  Page  72  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

Soccer  Captains  Named 

Scotty  Wheaton,  1950  captain  of 
the  Duke  soccer  team,  and  Mai  Lind- 
strom,  1951  captain-elect,  have  been 
named  to  the  Southern  Conference 
all-star  soccer  team. 

Southern  Conference  tournament. 

TRACK:  March  24 — at  Miami  Univer- 
sity; 28— at  Florida  State;  31— at  Flori- 
da Relays  at  Gainesville ;  April  4 — Prince- 
ton; 7 — at  Carolina  Relays  at  Chapel 
Hill;  14— at  Navy;  21— X.  C.  State 
(also  Duke-Durham  Relays  here)  ;  27-28 — 
at  Penn  Relays ;  May  2 — Virginia ;  12 — 
at  North  Carolina;  18-19— Southern  Con- 
ference meet  at  Chapel  Hill. 

TENNIS:  March  22— Michigan  State; 
26 — at  Jacksonville  Naval  Air  Station : 
27— at  Rollins;  29— at  Florida  Southern; 
30— at  Florida;  April  3— Williams;  4 — 
N.  C.  State;  7— Dartmouth ;  13— Michi- 
gan ;  14 — at  Davidson ;  18 — at  North 
Carolina;  20 — Presbyterian;  27 — at  Wil- 
liam and  Mary;  28— at  Navy;  30— Wake 
Forest;  May  7 — Virginia;  10-12 — South- 
ern Conference  meet  at  Davidson  College. 

LACROSSE:  April  2— Lehigh;  4— 
Williams;  10— Dartmouth ;  14— at  Wash- 
ington and  Lee;  21 — Washington  College; 
28 — Navy;  May  5 — Johns  Hojikins;  11 — 
Virginia  ;  14 — at  Mt.  Washington  ( Balti- 

Religious  Emphasis  Week 

(Continued  from  Page  65) 
of  neuropsychiatry;  and  Mr.  Hamill,  with 
Dr.  Waldo  Beach,  associate  professor  of 
Christian  Ethics,  as  moderator;  and  an 
address  by  Bishop  Kennedy  on  "Get  Out 
of  the  Bleachers." 

At  a  luncheon  Tuesday  in  the  East 
Campus  Union,  Mr.  Hamill  spoke  on  the 
subject  "Are  We  Going  to  the  Devil?" 
An  afternoon  panel  composed  of  Dr. 
Joseph  B.  Rhine,  director  of  parapsy- 
chology laboratory;  Dr.  John  S.  Curtiss, 
associate  professor  of  history;  Dr.  Her- 
bert von  Beckerath,  professor  of  eco- 
nomics and  political  science;  and  Dr. 
Shelton  Smith,  professor  of  American 
religious  thought,  discussed  the  "Chal- 
lenge of  Communism."  In  the  evening 
Bishop  Kennedy  spoke  on  the  subject 
"Light  to  Live  By."  "Marriage  for  Mod- 
erns" was  discussed  by  Dr.  Gelolo  Mc- 
Hugh,  assistant  professor  of  psychology; 
Dr.  Homell  Hart,  professor  of  sociol- 
ogy; Dr.  Violet  Turner,  instructor  in  ob- 
stetrics and  gynecology;  Mr.  Hamill; 
and  Dr.  Robert  N.  Creadick,  assistant 
professor   of   obstetrics    and   gynecology. 


(Continued  from  Page  57) 
In  our  time  off  we  go  to  art  exhibits  or 
concerts,  the  opportunities  for  which  are 
so  unending  and  plentiful  that  making 
a  choice  becomes  a  chore.  We  have  taken 
short  week-end  trips  to  such  tourist  at- 
tractions as  Chartres,  Fontainebleau,  Ver- 
sailles, and  the  Forest  of  Compiegne  in 
our  little  Renault.  Last  week  we  ven- 
tured further  to  Normandy  and  saw  the 
badly  destroyed  Caen  and  Rouen,  and 
the  invasion  beaches  at  Arromanches  and 
Omaha  Beach,  with  Allied  ships  strewn 
along  the  bottom.  Up  on  top  of  the  hill 
at  Omaha  Beach,  10,000  white  American 
crosses  serve  as  a  simple  reminder  of 
what  invasions  actually  consist.  The 
countryside  of  Normandy  and  the  small 
towns  along  the  coast  were  more  pros- 
perous and  more  charming  than  those 
nearer  to  Paris,  and  we  felt  we  had  seen 
a  little  of  the  true  France. 

But  more  important  than  the  details  of 
our  existence,  we  think,  are  our  impres- 
sions of  France's  relations  with  the- 
world.  Without  Western  Europe  and  its 
productivity,  despite  President  Hoover 
and  the  new  isolationists,  the  United 
States  would  find  itself  in  a  productive 
minority,  as  well  as  in  a  minority  as  far 
as  the  manpower  of  the  world  is  con- 
cerned. While  Germany  is  the  key  to 
Europe,  at  the  present  time  France  is  the 
key  to  what  will  become  of  Germany. 
The  French  today  can  be  divided  into 
three  categories,  our  friends,  the  "neu- 
tralistes," and  the  communists.  As  long 
as  we  give  the  majority  of  French,  who 
are  at  present  with  us,  full  evidence  of 
our  good  faith  and  intentions,  we  may 
keep  a  friendly  France.  The  eminent 
danger  is  not  from  the  Communists,  who 
keep  a  firm  but  non-growing  corps  of 
supporters;  it  is  from  our  present  friends 
who  may  decide  it  would  be  better  to 
face  the  uncertain  future  of  "neutra- 
lisme"  with  fatalism  than  to  risk  all  by 
supporting  an  American  policy  that  may 
desert  them  in  the  end.  We  must  of  ne- 
cessity change  our  idea  of  remaking  the 
world  in  our  own  image  or  else  letting  it 
slide  down  the  drain. 

From  the  French  papers,  as  they  re- 
port the  world  to  us,  the  question  arises : 
Can  the  United  States  rise  to  the  stature 
necessary  for  its  responsibilities?  Can 
GM  refuse  to  freeze  its  prices,  or  the 
UAW  defy  wage  stabilization  while  the 
French  risk  a  momentary  invasion  from 
the  East?  "Perhaps  better  slow  bolshe- 
vization  than  another  Occupation  and 
Liberation,"  says  the  Monde,  whose  poli- 
tics compare  about  with  the  old  New 
York  Sun.    Can  our  complacent  conserva- 

tives think  the  "American  Way"  will  in- 
terest a  still  underpaid  French  worker 
who  nevertheless  has  had  social  security 
and  national  hospital  insurance  since  the 
turn  of  the  century?  To  the  average 
Frenchman  (not  even  counting  the  Com- 
munists, of  course)  MacArthur  is  an 
over-ambitious  American  general  who 
obeys  no  orders  but  his  own  and  has 
sacrificed  the  peace  to  his  personal  code 
of  imperialism;  the  Republican  surge  in 
America  was  a  return  to  the  ostrich-days 
of  the  nineteen-twenties ;  and  Dean  Ache- 
son  is  now  a  symbol  whose  departure  will 
signalize  our  desertion  of  Western  Eu- 
rope. The  Communists  know  how  to  fill 
a  vacuum.  Are  we  going  to  continue 
to  create  them?  Perhaps  we  can  con- 
tinue to  carry  on  in  our  muddled  way, 
or  even  retire  to  our  shell,  but  while  we 
do,  we  shall  be  losing  more  of  our  friends 
to  the  "neutralistes,"  and  more  of  the 
"neutralistes"  to  the  strong  men  who 
claim  they  have  history  on  their  side. 

Our  best  regards  from  France  to  all 
of  you,  and  best  wishes  for  a  Happier 
New  Year. 

Alumnae  Week  End 

(Continued  from  Page  61) 
Participating  on  the  student  panel, 
which  will  discuss  "Can  Democracy  Sur- 
vive" will  be  John  O.  Blackburn,  '51, 
Miami,  Fla. ;  Joan  Craig,  '51,  Camp  Hill, 
Pa.;  Dante  L.  Germino.  '53,  Durham; 
Beryl  Roberts,  '54,  Asheville,  N.  C;  and 
Al  Raywid,  '52,  Washington,  D.  C,  will 
be  moderator. 

There  are  many  other  forms  of  enter- 
tainment designed  to  make  this  Alumnae 
Week  End  the  most  enjoyable  one  ever 

Registration  blanks,  and  a  letter  con- 
taining the  complete  program  for  the 
week   end   has   been   mailed   to   alumnae. 

Blue- White  Grid  Game 

Blue  Devil  seniors  and  former  stars 
will  meet  next  season's  varsity  in  the 
first  annual  Blue- White  football  game 
on  Saturday,  April  14.  Kick-off  in 
the  game  sponsored  by  the  Varsity-D 
Club  is  set  for  3  :30  in  Duke  Stadium. 

Graduating  stars  of  last  fall,  includ- 
ing Billy  Cox,  Jack  Mounie,  Tommy 
Powers,  Ed  Kavanaugh,  Jim  Gibson, 
Mike  Souchak  and  others  are  expected 
to  don  the  blue  for  the  last  time.  Also 
invited  to  play  are  stars  of  other 
years  who  are  now  living  nearby  or 
are  on  the  coaching  staff.  Tickets,  sold 
at  the  gate,  will  be  one  dollar. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

[  Page  73  1 

Dr.  Bolmeier  Questions  Grading  System 

The  familiar  report  card  that  Junior 
hides  from  Dad  and  Mom  until  the  fam- 
ily hairbrushes  and  razor  straps  are  con- 
cealed is  an  outmoded  relic  according  to 
Dr.  E.  C.  Bolmeier  of  the  Duke  educa- 
tion department. 

In  "The  School  Review,"  Dr.  Bolmeier 
writes  that  the  conventional  report  card 
is  good  for  "separating  the  sheep  from 
the  goats,"  but  it  fails  to  encourage  the 

The  old-fashioned  system  of  a  single 
letter  denoting  the  "grade"  of  primary 
or  secondary  school  student  makes  grad- 
ing a  simple  task  for  the  teacher,  but 
does  not  help  the  pupil,  he  points  out. 
Another  danger  is  that  often  teachers 
may  let  personal  whims  and  dislikes  creep 
into  their  grading  when  only  a  single 
mark  is  put  down  in  each  subject. 

"The  real  purpose  of  marks  should  be 
to  help  the  pupil  by  pointing  up  his  rela- 
tive strengths  and  weaknesses,  his  special 
interests,  aptitudes,  and  study  habits," 
the  Duke  professor  says.  "A  good  re- 
porting   system    will    aid    parents    and 

counselors  in  giving  sensible  advice  and 
will  also  encourage  all  pupils,  regardless 
of  varying  abilities." 

Dr.  Bolmeier's  criticism  is  constructive, 
however,  for  he  gives  a  prescription  for 
report  card  improvements. 

(1)  Give  a  more  detailed  picture  of 
the  pupil's  progress  than  is  possible  with 
single  marks  such  as  "A,"  "B,"  "C,"  or 
"D."  Pupils  should  be  graded  in-  each 
subject  on  such  things  as  achievement  on 
tests,  quality  or  recitation,  persistence 
for   mastery,    and   self-reliance   in   work. 

(2)  Give  grades  in  a  way  that  will  pre- 
vent uncertainty  or  confusion.  Terms 
such  as  "very  high,"  "high,"  "average," 
"low,"  and  "very  low,"  are  understood  by 
everyone.  Then,  he  says,  if  necessary, 
these  markings  can  easily  be  changed  to 
the  usual  alphabetical  grades  required  by 
colleges  for  entrance  transcripts. 

(3)  Occasional  changes  may  improve 
the  system  after  it  has  been  used  for 
some  time.  A  committee  of  teachers  and 
school  officials  should  study  the  system 
each  vear  and  work  out  revisions. 


English  Prose  op  the  Seventeenth 
Dean  F.  Florence  Brinkley,  Editor 
W.  W.  Norton  and  Company,  Publisher 

Outstanding  17-century  writing  has 
been  compiled  and  edited  by  Dr.  R.  Flor- 
ence Brinkley,  Dean  of  the  Woman's 
College  of  Duke  University  and  professor 
of  English.  Published  by  W.  W.  Norton 
and  Co.,  New  York  City,  the  900-page 
volume  is  a  companion  piece  to  Dr. 
Brinkley 's  anthology  English  Poetry  of 
the  Seventeenth  Century. 

Selections  in  the  prose  anthology  rep- 
resent well-known  writings  from  that 
period,  such  as  diaries,  prose  lyrics, 
essays,  and  autobiography.  The  volume 
also  includes  biographical  sketches  of  the 
writers  represented  and  an  introductory 
essay  by  Dr.  Brinkley. 

The  earlier  poetry  anthology  is  now 
being  published  in  a  new  format  to  match 
the  prose  volume.  It  has  won  increasing 
critical  acclaim  as  a  comprehensive  and 
competently  edited  anthology  for  stu- 
dents of  17th-century  poetry. 

Dr.  Brinkley  is  recognized  as  an  out- 
standing  authority   on   the   literature   of 

the  1600's.  She  is  also  the  author  of 
Nathan  Field,  the  Actor-Playwright  and 
The  Arthurian  Legend  in  the  Seven- 
teenth Century.  Her  articles  and  reviews 
have  appeared  in  well-known  scholarly 
journals,  and  she  is  active  in  leading 
professional  societies. 

Formerly  chairman  of  the  English  De- 
partment at  Goucher  College,  Dr.  Brink- 
ley  joined  the  Duke  administrative  staff 
in  1947  after  14  months  literary  research 
in  England. 


By  Dr.  Charles  E.  London 

William    Sloane   Associates,   Publishers 

Dr.  Charles  E.  Landon,  associate  pro- 
fessor of  economics  at  Duke,  is  the  au- 
thor of  Transportation,  a  new  economics 
textbook  recently  released  by  William 
Sloane  Associates,  New  York  Publishers. 

The  book  is  designed  for  introductory 
college  transport  courses,  and  will  ac- 
quaint the  student  with  the  principles, 
practices,  and  problems  of  transporta- 
tion prevailing  in  the  United  States  to- 

An  authority  in  the  transportation 
field,  Dr.  Landon  is  the  author  of  reports 
on  "The  National  Traffic  Pattern"  and 
"Technological  Trends  in  Transporta- 
tion" prepared  for  the  Federal  Board  of 
Investigation  and  Research  in  1944. 

He  is  also  the  author  of  Industrial 
Geography  and  has  collaborated  with 
other  economists  on  a  series  of  textbooks. 

Restoring  Worship 

By  Clarice  M.  Bowman  '31,  A.M.  >3"A 

Abingdon-Cokesbtiry  Press 

Clarice  M.  Bowman,  '31,  A.M.  '37,  is 
the  author  of  a  new  book,  Restoring 
Worship,  just  published  by  the  Abing- 
don-Cokesbury  Press  of  New  York  and 

Miss  Bowman's  book  will  be  one  ofi 
the  few  to  cover  the  entire  field  of  wor- 
ship, and  is  intended  as  a  tool  and  an 
inspiration  for  ministers,  church  educa- 
tion leaders,  and  parents  of  all  denomi- 
nations who  want  to  guide  others  to  vital 

A  native  of  Mount  Airy,  N.  C,  Miss 
Bowman  was  a  Phi  Beta  Kappa  and  a 
Kappa  Delta  Pi  at  Duke.  She  has  also 
done  some  graduate  work  at  Yale  Uni- 
versity, consisting  mostly  of  special 
courses  in  worship.  After  completing  her 
studies  she  was  for  some  time  Director 
of  Religious  Education  at  churches  in 
New  Haven,  Conn.,  and  High  Point,  N. 
C,  and  is  now  a  staff  member  of  the 
Youth  Department  of  the  Methodist 
Board  of  Education  in  Nashville,  Tenn. 

Rare  Biblical  Manuscript 

A  rare,  800-year  old  manuscript  of 
the  Four  Gospels  in  Greek  has  been 
acquired  by  the  Duke  University  Li- 
brary, Dr.  Benjamin  E.  Powell,  librar- 
ian, announced  recently.  The  new 
acquisition  brings  Duke's  total  of  rare 
texts  of  this  type  to  15  and  places 
the  library  fourth  in  the  nation  in 
such  holdings. 

Written  about  1150,  A.D.,  the  238- 
page  manuscript  is  of  special  interest 
to  scholars  because  it  contains  orig- 
inal editing  marks  made  by  a  monastic 
"corrector"  and  shows  how  different 
religious  views  influenced  the  exact 
wording  of  the  Bible. 

The  book  was  discovered  in  Egypt 
by  Dr.  Kenneth  W.  Clark,  professor 
of  New  Testament,  while  on  a  special 
project  in  the  Near  East  recently.  He 
purchased  it  from  a  Greek  book  col- 
lector living  in  Alexandria,  Egypt. 

Many  requests  for  microfilms  of  the 
book  have  already  come  in  from  schol- 
ars all  over  the  country,  says  Dr. 
Powell,  and  these  are  being  filled  as 
quickly  as  possible. 

f  Page  74  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

Operations  Performed  to  Soothing  Music 

Try  having-  your  next  operation  to  the 
tune  of  Beethoven's  Fifth  or  the  crooning 
of  Vaughan  Monroe.  It  is  possible,  for 
Duke  doctors  have  been  playing  soft, 
soothing  music  in  operating  rooms  to 
make  operations  easier  for  patients  and 
speed  up  their  recovery. 

Duke  plastic  surgeons  say  that  opera- 
tive patients  who  are  under  local,  spinal 
or  regional  anesthetics,  and  therefore 
fully  conscious  during  the  operation,  tend 
to  forget  about  themselves  and  relax  un- 
der the  spell  of  their  favorite  melodies. 

The  patients  are  equipped  with  com- 
fortable, cushioned  earphones  which  keep 
,out  all  operating  room  noises,  while  an 
automatic  record-player  nearby  plays 
favorite  selections.  Long  playing  records 
eliminate  the  need  for  frequent  adjust- 
ments of  the  phonograph.  Besides  help- 
ing the  patients,  the  music  seems  to  be  a 
good  morale  booster  for  the  operating 
room  staff.  It  "relieves  the  tension"  and 
creates  a  better  atmosphere,  the  doctors 

Although  music  has  long  been  used  at 
Duke  in  the  children's  wards  and  in  pa- 
tients' rooms  to  make  convalescence  easier 
and  shorter  by  relieving  anxiety  and  as  a 
source  of  recreation,  it  has  only  recently 
been  tried  in  the  operating  rooms  where 
often  anxiety  and  worry  are  strongest. 
After  trying  the  new  technique  with  sev- 
eral hundred  patients  from  all  walks  of 
life,  both  sexes  and  all  age  groups,  the 
doctors  were  able  to  make  several  con- 
crete conclusions  about  the  effects  of 
music.  Results  of  the  study  are  described 
in  Plastic  and  Eeconstuctive  Surgery  by 
Drs.  Kenneth  L.  Pickrell,  James  T.  Metz- 
ger,  N.  John  Wilde,  T.  Ray  Broadbent, 
and  Benjamin  F.  Edwards. 

It  was  discovered  that  soft,  soothing 
melodious  orchestrations  and  vocals  were 
favorites,  with  Wayne  King,  Sammy 
Kaye  and  Vaughan  Monroe  being  most 
popular.  Hymns,  spirituals  and  marching 
music  ranked  lowest  on  the  list,  probably, 
the  doctors  report,  because  they  increased 
the  emotional  tension.  News  broadcasts 
were  informative  and  pleasing  to  some 
patients,  but  quite  distressing  to  others. 
This,  of  course;,  depended  upon  the  con- 
tent. Children  were  most  fond  of  stories 
and  special  readings  and  children's  music. 
The  youngsters  responded  enthusiastically 
to  the  idea.     According  to  the  doctors, 

their  minds  became  preoccupied,  thereby 
facilitating  the  change  of  painful  dress- 
ings or  the  induction  of  anesthesia. 

Types  of  music  used  in  the  study  were 
symphonies,  classics,  opera,  piano,  violin 
and  piano,  string  quartets,  martial  and 
band  music,  hymns,  spirituals,  jazz,  swing, 
scores  from  musicals,  westerns,  hillbilly, 
theme  songs,  old  favorites,  and  the  current 
classics  and  popular  music.  There  seemed 
to  be  little  difference  in  reaction  among 
the  patients  except  for  their  own  personal 
tastes  in  music.  The  doctors  did  discover 
that  "while  women  have  less  physical  re- 
sistance and  are  more  susceptible  to  nerv- 
ous disturbances  than  men,  they  are  as  a 
group  more  tolerant  and  adapt  themselves 
more  readily  to  hospital  routines." 

Grant  Aids  Polio  Research 

With  the  aid  of  a  March  of  Dimes 
grant  of  $17,200  Duke  University  scien- 
tists will  pursue  their  studies  of  muscle 
action  following  attack  by  polio. 

The  grant,  announced  by  Basil  O'Con- 
ner,  president  of  the  National  Foundation 
for  Infantile  Paralysis,  is  a  part  of  the 
million  and  a  half  dollars  which  the 
Foundation  is  turning  over  to  universities 
and  research  centers  in  16  states  and  Can- 
ada for  continuing  study  of  the  dread 
disease.  The  newly  approved  research 
projects  will  also  include  attempts  to  de- 
velop an  effective  vaccine  for  polio,  search 
for  a  chemical  agent  that  will  prevent 
the  virus  from  damaging  nerve  cells,  de- 
velopment of  a  rapid  diagnostic  polio 
test,  and  the  preparation  of  a  polio  anti- 
serum that  will  increase  an  individual's 
resistance  to  paralysis. 

The  Duke  funds  will  be  under  the  di- 
rection of  Dr.  J.  E.  Markee,  professor  of 
anatomy.  In  1945,  Dr.  Markee  began 
conducting  studies  and  experiments  with 
National  Foundation  support  in  the  re- 
habilitation of  muscles  affected  by  polio. 
He  and  his  assistants  are  making  studies 
to  determine  the  complete  pattern  of 
intramuscular  nerve  distribution  of  the 
arms  and  legs.  This  information  com- 
bined with  knowledge  already  gleaned 
from  research  studies  will  be  compiled  in 
a  form  which  can  be  made  readily  avail- 
able to  orthopedic  surgeons  who  perform 
muscle  transplant  operations  as  a  means 
of  combatting  severe  paralysis  following 

polio.  The  material  will  also  be  useful 
to  physical  therapists  who  need  this  es- 
sential information  of  muscle  action  in 
their  efforts  at  retaining  muscles  weak- 
ened or  partially  paralyzed  by  polio. 

Advisory  Editors 

Two  members  of  the  Duke  University 
Faculty,  Dr.  Wilburt  C.  Davison,  dean 
of  the  School  of  Medicine,  and  Dr. 
Weston  La  Barre,  associate  professor  of 
anthropology,  are  advisory  editors  of  the 
Child-Family  Digest,  which  hereafter  will 
be  published  by  the  Lieutenant  Gayle 
Aiken  III  Memorial  Foundation,  New 
Orleans,  La. 

The  Digest  reprints  outstanding  articles 
on  children  and  family  relations  for  the 
busy  doctor,  the  clinic,  the  teaching  hos- 
pital, the  medical  school,  the  'visiting 
nurse,  health  departments,  college  teach- 
ers and  students,  and  all  who  have  need 
of  such  a  concise  publication.  The  need 
for  the  non-profit  Digest  has  been  estab- 
lished by  the  previous  publication  of  20 
monthly  issues.  The  Foundation  has 
taken  over  the  Child-Family  Digest  as 
a  means  of  promoting  emotional  health 
and  total  well-being. 

Blood  Preservation  Studied 

Prolonged  preservation  of  whole  blood, 
the  field  of  research  being  intensified  by 
a  Duke  research  team  headed  by  Dr. 
Ivan  W.  Brown  of  the  Duke  Medical 
School,  recently  received  a  grant  of 
$10,503.  The  Duke  group  has  been  carry- 
ing on  this  type  of  research  for  two  years. 

Blood  research  at  Duke  is  now  a  part 
of  a  newly  launched  national  program 
stimulated  by  "the  grave  international 
situation,"  announced  Oscar  R.  Ewing, 
Federal  Security  Administrator  recently. 

Chairman  of  Committee  on 
Psychiatric  Treatment 

Dr.  Maurice  H.  Greenhill,  associate  pro- 
fessor of  neuropsychiatry  at  the  Duke 
University  Medical  School,  was  recently 
named  chairman  of  a  committee  of  four 
North  Carolina  doctors  appointed  to  seek 
funds  from  the  State  Legislature  to  im- 
prove psychiatric  treatment  at  State  Hos- 
pitals. He  was  appointed  by  the  Medical 
Advisory  Commission  of  the  State  Hos- 
pitals Board  of  Control,  of  which  he  is  a 

Dr.  Greenhill  says  that  the  committee 
will  take  the  campaign  to  the  Legislature, 
the  State  Medical  Society,  and  the  people 
of  the  state. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

[  Page  75  ] 

&      ir      SONS  AND  DAUGHTEIIS  OF  DUKE  ALUMNI      iV     & 

1.  Smith    Georgianna    Stetler.     Stephen    Hays    Stetler.     Nevin 
Stetler,    '40.     York,    Pa.  ~~ 

2.  PHiLrp    Scott.     Bobby   Scott.    Jimmie    Scott.    Tommie   Scott. 
Hoyle  U.    (Rip)    Scott,    B.S.    (E)    '34.     Arlington,   Va. 

3.  Helen  Harris  Bush.    Kenyon  Bush.    Polly  Beaver   Bush    (Mrs. 
K.  T.),   '43.    Plainfield,   N.   J. 

4.  Louise    Bond  Marrow.     Dorothy   Jennette  Marrow    (Mrs.    Charles 
K. ),    '30.     Hilton   Village,   Va. 

5.  Edith  Vincent  Evans. 

Lewis  Vincent  Evans,   IV.    Frances  Johnson  Evans    (Mrs.  Lewis 
V.,    Ill),    '43.    Arlington,   Va. 

7.  Cakoij  Yvonne  Ramsay.  Hilda  Talton  Ramsay  (Mrs.  C),  '46. 
Charles  M.   Ramsay,   Ph.D.   '44.     Greensboro,   N.   C. 

8.  Frederick  Jarden  Meadows.  Barbara  Jarden  Meadows  (Mrs.  F. 
C),    '43.     Danville,    Pa. 

9.  Frank  Ferrell  Smith,  Jr.  Howard  Woodson  Smith.  James 
Edward  Smith.  Florence  Moss  Smith  (Mrs.  F.  F.),  '32.  Frank 
F.    Smith,   '33.   A.M.   '38.    Fayette.   Ala. 

10.  William  James  Beel,  III.    Peggy  Bacon  Beel   (Mrs.  William  J.), 
'45.     East   Grand   Rapids,   Mich. 


Charlotte  Corbin,  '35,  Editor 



Dr.  Theodore  S.  George,  A.M.  '36,  Ph.D.  '42, 

Oreland,  Pa. 
Madge  Slaughter  Vaughan   (Mrs.  Earl  J.), 

'50,  Orlanch,  Fla. 
Allen  C.  Smith,  '42,  Akron,  Ohio. 
Douglas  H.  Ausbon,   '49,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
S.  L.  Gulledge,  '15,  Albemarle,  N.  C. 
M.  Bailey  Gulledge,   '45,  Albemarle,  N.  C. 
Elizabeth   Shanley  Ferguson    (Mrs.   Thomas 

B.),   '47,  Washington,  D.  C. 
N.  Edward  Edgerton,   '21,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
R.  Carlyle  Groome,   '44,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Charlie    G.    Monnett,    Jr.,     '47,    Greensboro, 

N.  C. 
Wilton   G.   Fritz,    '42,   M.D.    '44,   Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 
Annie    Garriss    Taylor    (Mrs.    J.    E.),     '23, 

Conway,  N.  C. 
J.  N.  Highsmith,  '48,  New  York,  N.  Y. 


Classes  holding  reunions  at  Commence- 
ment, 1951,  will  be  as  follows:  '01,  '10,  '11, 
'12,   '26,   '35,   '36,   '37,   '41,   '49. 

'18  > 

President :  Dr.  Ralph  L.  Fisher 
Class  Agent :  Le  Roy  E.  Graham 
'21,  coach  of  The  Citadel  tennis  team  for 
17  years,  has  retired  from  active  coaching. 
He  ends  one  of  the  most  impressive  Citadel 
athletic  coaching  records  for  the  past  dec- 
ade. For  the  past  10  years  Colonel  Lewis's 
varsity  teams  have  racked  up  88  victories 
against  only  24  defeats.  The  average  has 
been  better  than  that  in  a  single  year. 
Colonel  Lewis  was  particularly  noted  for  his 
ability  to  develop  young  players  and  for  his 
constant  attention  to  the  fine  points  of 
doubles  play. 

'26  » 

Silver  Anniversary:  Commencement,  1951 

President:  Edward  L.  Cannon 

Class  Agent :  George  P.  Harris 
ROBERT  E.  BURROUGHS,  A.M.,  was  re- 
cently appointed  staff  assistant  to  the  mana- 
ger of  engineering  of  the  General  Electric 
Company 's  large  apparatus  divisions  in 
Schenectady,  N.  Y.  He  joined  the  General 
Electric  Company  as  a  division  engineer  in 
1946  after  serving  in  World  War  II  as  a 
commander  in  the  navy.  Prior  to  that  he 
was  a  research  physicist  with  Eastman 
Kodak  Company  in  Rochester.  In  1948, 
Mr.  Burroughs  was  transferred  to  Richland, 

Sarah    Cheek    Hockenjos    (Mrs.    G.    Fred), 

'46,  Livingston,  N.  J. 
G.  Fred  Hockenjos,    '43,   Livingston,  N.   J. 
Wilma  Smith  McMillan   (Mrs.  G.  M.),    '44, 

Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 
Luther  L.  Smith,  Jr.,  '43,  West  Palm  Beach, 

Dorothy    Patton    Breedlove     (Mrs.    J.    P.), 

A.M.   '46,  Washington,  D.  C. 
Joseph  P.  Breedlove,  '42,  Washington,  D.  C. 
George  Sinichko,  B.S.M.E.    '46,  Pittsburgh, 

Charmain    Scates    Levedahl    (Mrs.    William 

J.),    '48,  Takoma  Park,  Md. 
William   E.   Swanson,    '49,   Cuidad   Bolivar, 

William    Jennings    Bryan,     '48,    Homestead 

Park,  Pa. 

Wash.,  where  he  was  a  project  engineer  on 
the  design  of  new  plutonium  reactors  at 
GE  's  Hanf ord  works.  A  year  later  he  was 
named  manager  of  engineering  of  the  com- 
pany's aircraft  gas  turbine  divisions  in 
Lynn,  Mass.,  holding  that  position  until 
his  present  appointment. 

'30  > 

President :  William  M.  Werber 

Class  Agent :  J.  Chisman  Hanes 
ROBERT  C.  FINLEY,  '30,  LL.B.  '34,  who 
has  been  a  practicing  lawyer  in  Seattle  and 
Renton,  Wash.,  has  been  elected  Judge  of 
the  Supreme  Court  of  the  State  of  Wash- 

CHARLES  K.)  and  her  family  live  at  203 
River  Road  in  Hilton  Village,  Va.  A  picture 
of  the  Marrows '  daughter,  Louise  Bond,  is 
on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this  month. 


President :  John  Calvin  Dailey 
Class  Agent:  C.  H.  Livengood,  Jr. 
T.  HERBERT  MINGA,  B.D.,  has  assumed 
his  duties  as  pastor  of  St.  John's  Methodist 
Church  in  Dallas,  Tex.  He  is  living  in  the 
Hollywood  addition  at  711  Clermont,  Dallas 
10.  During  his  previous  appointment  as 
pastor  of  the  First  Methodist  Church  at 
Burkburnett,  Wichita  County,  Tex.,  Mr. 
Minga,  an  ex-GI  chaplain,  practically 
doubled  the  membership  of  his  charge.  He 
has  served  as  an  agent  for  the  Loyalty 
Fund,  and  was  president  of  the  Duke  Alumni 
Association  of  Dallas  before  the  war. 

FRANK  F.,  '33,  A.M.  '38,  and  FLORENCE 
MOSS  SMITH  and  their  family  live  at 
Route  No.  3,  Fayette,  Ala.  Frank  is  a 
Forester  for  the  Alabama  Polytechnic  Insti- 
tute in  charge  of  experimental  research  and 
development  work.  The  Smiths  have  there 
sons,  Frank  Ferrell,  Jr.,  8,  Howard  Woodson 
6,  and  James  Edward  3.  A  picture  of  the 
children  appears  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters 
Page  of  this  issue. 

HOYLE  U.  (RIP)  SCOTT,  B.S.  (E),  is  in 
the  Navy  Department's  Bureau  of  Ships  in 
Washington.  The  Scotts  have  four  sons, 
Philip,  Bobby,  Jimmie  and  Tommie,  whose 
picture  is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page 
of  this  issue.  The  Scotts  live  at  1619  Kenil- 
worth   Street,  Arlington,  Va. 

'39  * 

President:  Edmund  S.  Swindell,  Jr. 

Class  Agent :  Walter  D.  James 
BREEDLOVE  REID  have  recently  moved 
to  Bristol,  Va.,  where  Roddey  is  rector  of 
Emanuel  Episcopal  Church.  Their  fourth 
daughter,  Scotia  Bryce,  was  born  on  Novem- 
ber 20. 

'40  a- 

President:  John  D.  MacLauchlan 
Class  Agent :  Addison  P.  Penfield 
ROBERT  P.  MOFFETT,  B.S.,  '40,  A.M. 
'42,  Ph.D.  '50,  and  his  wife,  Betty,  have 
announced  the  birth  of  a  daughter,  Leslie 
Elizabeth,  on  July  5,  1950.  Bob  is  working 
as  a  chemist  for  the  Du  Pont  Company  in 
Waynesboro,  Va. 

NEVIN  STETLER,  his  wife  and  two  chil- 
dren live  at  888  Madison  Avenue,  York,  Pa., 
where  Nevin  is  a  lawyer.  A  picture  of  four- 
year-old  Georgianna  and  17-month-old 
Stephen  Hays  is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters 
Page  of  this  issue. 

'41   » 

Tenth- Year  Reunion:  Commencement,  1951 

President:  Robert  F.  Long 

Class  Agents:  Julian  C.  Jessup,  Meader 
W.  Harriss,  Jr.,  Andrew  L.  Ducker,  Jr., 
J.  D.  Long,  Jr. 
ROBERT  M.  LESTER,  is  an  advertising 
copy  writer  for  J.  Walter  Thompson  Com- 
pany, having  joined  that  firm  in  1947.  He 
is  married  to  the  former  Miss  Lenore  Mun- 
roe,  and  they  live  at  106  West  45th  Street, 
New  York  City. 

A  third  daughter,  Carroll  Patricia,  was  born 
on  February  20  to  MK.  and  Mrs.  JOHN  A. 
MacGAHAN,  of  1311  E.  60th  Street,  Chi- 
cago  37,   111. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

[  Page  77  ] 

'42  * 

President :  James  H.  Walker 

Class  Agents:  Robert  E.  Foreman,  Willis 
Smith,  Jr.,  George  A.  Trakas 
DORIS  GODDARD  graduated  from  Kather- 
ine  Gibbs  School  in  New  York  City  in  1943, 
and  is  now  working  as  a  medical  secretary 
to  the  superintendent  of  Vanderbilt  Clinic 
at  Columbia-Presbyterian  Medical  Center  in 
New  York  City.  Her  home  address  is  North 
Highland  Avenue,  Upper  Nyaek,  N.  Y. 
MAURICE  H.  WINGER,  LL.B.,  has  re- 
signed his  position  in  a  New  York  law  firm 
and   moved  to   Asheville,   N.   C,  to   become 

We  are  members  by 
invitation  of  the 

National  Selected 

the  only  Durham  Funeral  Home 
accorded  this  honor. 

Air  Conditioned  Chapel 

Ambulance  Service 

N-147  1113  W.  Main  St. 



Mellow  Milk  is  the  new 
deliciously  different 
milk  now  soaring  to 
popularity  in  the  Dur- 
ham-Duke market. 

•  Farm-fresh  Grade  A 

•  Pasteurized 

•  Vitamin  "D"  added 

•  Homogenized 

There's  cream  in 
every  drop! 


C.  B.  Martin    V.  J.  Ashbaugh 

the  secretary  and  head  of  the  Legal  Depart- 
ment   of   American   Enka    Company. 

'43  > 

President :  Thomas  R.  Howerton 
Class  Agent :  S.  L.  Gulledge,  Jr. 
M.D.  '47,  has  assumed  his  duties  as  pedia- 
trician at  Rhein  Main  Air  Base  Station 
Hospital,  Frankfurt,  Germany.  He  took  his 
internship  at  Evanston,  111.,  did  research 
at  Willard  Parker  Hospital  in  New  York, 
where  he  was  resident  physician,  and  served 
as  resident  pediatrician  at  Duke  Hospital. 
He  had  opened  an  offiee  for  private  practice 
in  Evanston  and  had  been  appointed  director 
of  immunization  for  the  city  when  he  was 
recalled  to  active  duty.  Accompanying  him 
to  Germany  were  his  wife,  Helen,  and  their 
two  small  daughters,  Ann  and  Helen.' 
WILLIAM  S.  WARD,  Ph.D.,  is  the  new 
head  of  the  University  of  Kentucky  De- 
partment of  English.  Having  received  his 
education  at  Georgetown  College,  Harvard, 
and  Duke,  Dr.  Ward  first  joined  the  Ken- 
tucky University  faculty  in  1930  as  instruc- 
tor in  English.  During  1944-45  he  also 
served  as  director  of  men 's  residence  halls. 
A  specialist  on  English  literature  of  the 
Romantic  period,  Dr.  Ward  is  the  author  of 
several  published  articles  on  Shelley,  Byron, 
Wordsworth  and  others. 

SIDNEY  W.  SMITH,  JR.,  '43,  LL.B.  '49, 
have  announced  the  birth  of  a  son,  Sidney 
W.,  Ill,  on  November  3.  The  Smiths,  who 
live  at  16661  Strathmoor  Avenue,  Detroit 
35,  Mich.,  also  have  a  daughter,  Sarah. 
JOHN  ALEX  RADFORD  received  a  master 
of  science  degree  from  Northwestern  Uni- 
versity last  June  and  is  now  executive  editor 
of  the  Freehold  Transcript,  Freehold,  N.  J. 
He  finds  newspaper  work  extremely  interest- 
ing and  exactly  what  he  wanted  to  do. 
FRED  C.  FROSTICK,  JR.,  B.S.,  of  7  Dela- 
ware Avenue,  Charleston  2,  W.  Va.,  is  a 
chemist  for  Carbide  and  Carbon  Chemicals 
Corporation.  He  has  completed  require- 
ments at  Duke  for  the  Ph.D.  degree,  which 
will  be  awarded  at  Commencement  in  June. 
Little  ' '  Missy ' '  Bush  and  her  brother, 
' '  Ken, ' '  whose  picture  is  on  the  Sons  and 
Daughters  Page  this  month,  are  the  children 
of  POLLY  BEAYER  BUSH  and  Kenyon 
Taylor  Bush.  Their  address  is  15  Meadow- 
brook  Yillage,  Plainfield,  N.  J. 
FRANCES  JOHNSON  EYANS  and  her  hus- 
band, Lewis  V.  Evans,  III,  have  two  children, 
Edith  Yincent  Evans  and  Lewis  Yincent 
Evans,  IY,  whose  pictures  are  on  the  Sons 
and  Daughters  Page  this  month.  They  live 
at  313  S.  Yeiteh  Avenue  in  Arlington,  Ya. 
Frederick  Jarden  Meadows,  better  known 
as  ' '  Rick, ' '  whose  picture  is  on  the  Sons 
and  Daughters  Page  of  this  issue,  is  the  son 
Dr.  Frederick  C.  Meadows.  Their  home 
address  is  14  Bloom  Street,  Danville,  Pa. 

'44  > 

President :  Matthew  S.  (Sandy)  Rae 
Class  Agent :  H.  Watson  Stewart 

A  son,  Henry  Earl,  was  born  on  December 
23  to  JULIA  RAMSBURGH  BEAMER,  '45, 
and  E.  E.  (ERNIE)  BEAMER,  of  148 
Grandview  Court,  Ithaca,  N.  Y.  Ernie  is 
enrolled  in  the  Graduate  School  of  the  New 
York  State  School  of  Industrial  and  Labor 
Relations  at  Cornell  University. 
MR.  and  Mrs.  GROYER  LEE  DILLON,  JR., 
B.S.M.E.,  of  Country  Club  Homes,  Raleigh, 
have  announced  the  birth  of  a  son,  Grover 
Lee,  III,  on  December  20. 
GEORGE  M.)  has  two  daughters,  Cheryl 
Anne,  who  is  three  years  old,  and  Nancy 
Gayle,  who  was  born  last  September.  She 
and  her  family  live  at  2995  South  18th  East, 
in  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah,  where  her  husband 
is  an  attorney. 

Miss  Laura  White  and  JAMES  BOYD 
WOLFE,  JR.,  '44,  LL.B.  '50,  were  married 
in  the  First  Baptist  Church,  Greensboro, 
N.  C,  on  December  21.  Jim  is  associated 
with  ROY  M.  BOOTH,  31,  LL.B.  '35,  attor- 
ney, in  Greensboro.  His  wife  is  a  senior 
at  the  Woman's  College  of  the  University 
of  North  Carolina  and  is  the  1951  May 

CHARLES  MeKAY  RAMSAY,  Ph.D.,  is  an 
Associate  Professor  of  Bible  and  Philosophy 
at  Greensboro  College  in  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
He  and  his  wife,  the  former  HILDA  TAL- 
TON,  '47,  have  a  daughter  who  is  18  months 
old.  A  picture  of  little  Carol  Yvonne  is  on 
the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this  month. 
The  Ramseys  live  at  120  College  Place  in 

'45  « 

President :  Charles  B.  Markharn,  Jr. 

Class  Agent :  Charles  F.  Blanehard 
EDITH  STAPF  DILLON,  '45,  and  MAR- 
CUS L.  DILLON,  JR.,  '46,  B.S.M.,  M.D., 
'48,  have  announced  the  birth  of  a  son, 
Marcus  L.  Dillon,  III,  on  November  8. 
Their  home  is  on  Route  1,  Cornwallis  Road, 
Durham,  N.  C. 

DOROTHY  EYANS  and  Dr.  Howard  H. 
MacDougall  were  married  January  12  in  the 
Second  Presbyterian  Church,  Washington, 
Pa.  Their  address  is  439  E.  Chestnut  Street 
in  Washington. 

The  marriage  of  Miss  Joyce  Treskunoff  and 
place  in  Washington,  D.  C,  on  August  20. 
They  are  making  their  home  at  4329  4th 
Street,  S.E.,  in  Washington,  where  BUI  is 
employed  by  the  United  States  Patent  Office. 

The  Duke  Medical  School  has  added  E.  T. 
KRAYCIRICK,  M.D.,  a  Burlington,  N.  C. 
physician,  to  its  staff  as  assistant  instructor 
in  medicine.  Dr.  Kraycirick,  who  will  con- 
tinue his  private  practice,  will  teach  at  Duke 
on  Tuesdays  and  Thursdays  of  each  week.  A 
native  of  Pennsylvania,  he  was  an  assistant 
resident  at  Duke  Hospital  before  opening 
his  Burlington  office  in  1947. 

A  recent  visitor  to  the  Alumni  Office  was 

[  Page  78  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

..  D.).  She  and  her  Navy  husband  and  two 
liildren  were  on  their  way  from  Norfolk  to 
liami,  Fla.,  where  their  address  will  be 
0  S.W.  18th  Koad.  This  was  Jean's  first 
isit  to  the  campus  since  graduation. 
i.S.M.E.,  is  working  for  the  International 
'aper  Company  in  Atlanta,  Ga.,  where  his 
ddress  is  1459  Hartford  Avenue,  S.W. 
7oung  William  James  Beel,  whose  picture 
5  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this 
wnth,  is  the  son  of  PEGGY  BACON  BEEL 
nd  her  husband  William  J.  Beel,  Jr.,  wTho 
ive  at  2934  Beechwood  Drive,  S.E.,  East 
Irand  Rapids,  Mich. 

•46  * 

President :  B.  G.  Munro 
Class  Agent:  Robert  E.  Cowin 

JERNARD,  JR.,  B.S.M.E.  '48,  have  an- 
louneed  the  birth  of  a  daughter,  Carol 
Voodson,  on  September  15.  The  Bernards, 
vho  live  in  Noreo,  La.,  have  another  daugh- 
er,  Martha. 

i  daughter,  Mary  Jo,  was  born  on  December 
!1  to  RAYMOND  P.  CARSON,  '46,  B.D. 
49,  of  Waverly,  Va.  Mrs.  Carson  is  the 
!ormer  Miss  Ruth  Sullivan, 
lecent  visitors  to  the  Alumni  Office  were 
JEORGE  SINICHKO,  B.S.M.E.,  and  his 
>ride,  the  former  Miss  Belletta  Wegele,  who 
vere  married  in  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  on  Febru- 
iry  24.  George  is  a  manufacturer 's  sales 
•epresentative  in  the  Pittsburgh  area,  and 
le  and  Mrs.  Sinichko  are  making  their  home 
it  5727  Senter  Avenue,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

'47  a 

President :  Grady  B.  Scott 

Class  Agent :  Norris  L.  Hodgkins,  Jr. 

s  superintendent  of  Bonny  Oaks  Home  for 
Children  in  Chattanooga,  Tenn.  It  is  an 
institution  owned  and  operated  by  Hamilton 
bounty,  Tenn.,  and  comprised  of  an  expan- 
sive campus,  400  acre  farm,  and  approxi- 
mately 200  children  and  young  people. 
TAYNE  ELLEN  BECKER  and  Mr.  John 
Lawrence  Dale,  who  were  married  in  the 
First  Methodist  Church,  Kaufman,  Tex.,  on 
October  16,  are  living  at  7706  Carlin  Drive, 
Dallas,  Tex. 

ARTHUR  W.)  and  her  husband  live  at 
1825  Stanford  Street,  Alameda,  Calif.  Dee 
is  a  model,  and  her  husband,  an  alumnus 
of  the  University  of  Alabama,  is  a  radio 
officer  with  Seaboard  and  Western  Airlines. 
BRUCE  GRIFFIN  DAVIS,  '48,  have  an- 
nounced the  birth  of  a  son,  Bruce,  Jr.,  on 
October  17.  Their  address  is  1203  Thomas- 
ville  Road,  Tallahassee,  Fla. 
Consul  at  the  American  Consulate,  Surabaya, 
The  wedding  of  GERRY  ANNETTE  DIGGS, 

R.N.,  and  Sgt.  Thomas  Donald  Harris  was 
solemnized  November  18  in  the  Asbury 
Methodist  Church,  Durham.  They  are  living 
temporarily  at  404  Brentwood  Avenue,  Jack- 
sonville, N.  C,  while  Mr.  Harris  is  stationed 
at  Camp  Lejeune  as  a  member  of  the  United 
States  Marine  Corps. 

GEORGE  L.,  JR.)  is  the  audiometer  tech- 
nician for  the  Durham  city  schools.  She  is 
completing  the  work  begun  last  year  to  test 
the  hearing  ability  of  students. 

LORING  FOUNTAINE  is  a  secretary  in 
Hollywood,  Calif.,  her  boss  being  Robert 
Buckner,  a  Universal-International  producer 
originally  from  Charlotte,  N.  C.  Loring  has 
many  interesting  experiences  in  connection 
with  her  job.  In  addition  to  meeting  the 
stars,  she  does  research  for  some  of  their 
pictures  so  that  their  language  and  actions 
will  correspond  with  reality.  Loring  has 
twin  sisters  who  also  attended  Duke,  JOAN 
'48,  and  JEAN  FOUNTAINE    '48. 

THOMAS)  and  her  husband  became  parents 
of  a  son,  Stephen  Strand  Gallant,  on  Novem- 
ber 25.  They  are  living  at  24  Western  Ave- 
nue, Fairfield,  Me. 

Miss  Susaune  Margaret  Smith  and  ARTHUR 
LEWIS  GILBERT  were  married  January 
20  in  Martha  Mary  Chapel,  Greenfield  Vil- 
lage, Dearborn,  Mich.  Their  address  is 
1205  Union  Avenue,  Havre  de  Grace,  Md. 

Last  September  ROBERT  M.  (BOB)  JOHN- 
STON, JR.,  son  of  ROBERT  M.  JOHN- 
STON, SB.,  '16,  of  Evanston,  111.,  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Gloria  Hess,  an  alumna  of  the 
University  of  Illinois.  They  are  living  in 
Chicago,  where  Bob  is  on  the  staff  of  the 
Chicago  Daily  Neivs. 

Announcement  has  been  received  of  the  birth 
of  Robert  Toms  Kelly  on  November  24, 
1950,  to  Mr.  and  MRS.  ROBERT  Y. 
KELLY,  of  201  N.  15th  Street,  Wilming- 
ton, N.  C.  Mrs.  Kelly  is  the  former  MARY 

Dwight  Bennett  Morris  were  married  Decem- 
ber 16  in  the  Central  Methodist  Church, 
Albemarle,  N.  C.  They  are  living  at  414 
South  Fourth  Street,  in  Albemarle,  where 
Jeanne  is  a  high  school  French  teacher,  and 

her  husband,  an  alumnus  of  the  University 
of  North  Carolina,  is  an  assistant  dyer  in 
Wiscassett  Mills. 

MARY  ELLEN  McCARTHY,  of  6414  33rd 
Street,  N.W.,  Washington  15,  D.  C,  received 
the  LL.B.  degree  from  George  Washington 
University  in  November. 

The  Fidelity  was  the  first  bank 
in  the  State  of  North  Carolina 
authorized  by  its  charter  to  do  a 
trust  business . 

For  over  60  years  our  Trust 
Department  has  rendered  faith- 
ful and  intelligent  service  in  vari- 
ous fiduciary  capacities  to  both 
institutions  and  individuals.  We 
welcome  communications  or  in- 
terviews with  anyone  interested 
in  the  establishment  of  any  kind 
of  trust. 





DURHAM,  N.  C. 

•  Main  at  Corcoran 
•  Driver  at  Angier 
•  Ninth  at  Perry 

•  Roxboro  Rd.  at  Maynard 

Member  Federal  Reserve  System 

Member  Federal  Deposit  Insurance 


Staxx  Clectxlc  Company,  3nc. 



DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

[  Page  79  ] 

Thomas  F.  Southgate  Wm.  J.  O'Brien 

President  Sec'y-  Treas. 

Established  1872 




Insurance  Specialists 
DURHAM,  N.  C. 


W.  P.  Budd,  '04,  Secretary-Treas. 
W.  P.  Budd,  Jr.,  '36,  Vice-President 

DURHAM,  N.  C. 

•  *    •    * 
Contractors  for 





Duke  Chapel,  New 
Graduate  Dormitory 
Indoor  Stadium  and 

Hospital  Addition 

*  *  •  • 




Miss  Martha  Elizabeth  James  and  J.  EVAN 
MaeWHIRTER  were  married  October  21  in 
Saint  Mark's  Lutheran  Church,  Charlotte, 
N.  C.  They  are  making  their  home  at  724 
East  Morehead  Street,  Charlotte,  where 
Evan  is  traffic  manager  for  Southern  Bell 
Telephone  Company.  Mrs.  MaeWhirter  is 
an  alumna  of  the  University  of  Kentucky. 
LOUIS  J.  METZ,  M.F.,  '47,  Ph.D.  '50,  and 
his  wife  are  living  in  Union,  S.  C,  where 
he  is  affiliated  with  the  Southwestern  Forest 
Experiment  Station  of  the  United  States 
Forest  Service.  He  is  doing  soils  research 
work  in  the  Piedmont  Plateau  of  South 

(MRS.  THOMAS  R.)  and  her  husband  be- 
came the  parents  of  a  son  on  January  21. 
Their  address  is  1113  Evelyn  Street  X.E.. 
Grand  Rapids  5,  Mich. 

E.  ADOLPH  RODEXBERG,  JR.,  is  a  part- 
ner in  Rodenberg's  Super  Market.  He  was 
married  last  June  to  Miss  Joanne  Ingram, 
of  Talladega,  Ala.,  and  they  are  living  at 
Westwood,  St.  Andrews  Parish,  Charleston, 
S.  C. 

(MRS.  JOHX)  and  her  husband,  of  Scot- 
land Xeck,  X.  C,  have  announced  the  birth 
of  a  daughter,  Carlotta  Elizabeth,  on  Xo- 
vember  14.  They  have  one  other  daughter, 
Lynn,  who  is  three  and  a  half  years  old. 
Y.)  A.M.,  is  living  at  Beechspring  Gardens 
Apartments,  Apartment  17  J,  Summit,  X.  J. 
J.)  and  her  family,  which  includes  a  seven- 
months-old  daughter,  Margaret  Clesta,  and  a 
son,  Robert  J.,  Jr.,  one  and  a  half  years  old, 
live  at  6947  College  Avenue,  Indianapolis, 
Ind.  Mr.  Theis  is  district  representative  for 
the  Philco  Corporation. 

ROBERT  D.)  and  her  husband  reside  at 
4506  South  36th  Street,  Arlington,  Ya.  Mr. 
Walliek,  an  alumnus  of  Lehigh  University 
and  the  George  Washington  University 
School  of  Law,  is  a  certified  public  account- 

C.  ROBERT  WELSHAXS,  whose  mailing 
address  is  P.  O.  Box  305,  Wheeling,  W.  Ya., 
is  supervisor  of  personnel  and  training  for 
Wheeling  Steel  Corporation  in  their  Beech 
Bottom  office. 

'48  » 

President :  Bollin  M.  Millner 

Class  Agent :  Jack  H.  Quaritius 
JOHX  C.  BOLLEXS,  A.M..  of  621  South 
Barrington  Avenue,  Apartment  12,  Los  An- 
geles 49,  Calif.,  is  assistant  professor  of 
political  science  at  the  University  of  Cali- 

JOHX  A.  BOOXE  received  a  degree  from 
the  Harvard  School  of  Business  Administra- 
tion with  high  distinction  last  June  and  is 
now  employed  by  the  Rike-Kimler  Company 
in  Dayton.  Ohio.  He  and  his  wife,  who  have 
a  two-year-old  daughter,  Debby,  live  at 
545-A  Corona  Ave.,  Davton. 

Harold  Yan  Alen  Wait,  Jr.,  having  bee 
married  a  year  this  spring.  She  and  her  hui; 
band  reside  in  Barber,  X.  J.,  where  he  : 
working  with  the  California  Oil  Company.  ' 
SHERMAX  D.  CLARK,  B.S.,  a  seismij 
computer  for  Taylor  Exploration  Company 
R.X.,  are  living  at  1905  Lexington  Avenui 
Houston,  Tex.  They  have  a  son,  Rendt 
Bruce,  who  will  soon  be  a  year  old. 
MARY  VIRGINIA  COBB  is  working  on  he 
master 's  degree  in  Religious  Education  a 
Southwestern  Baptist  Theological  Seminarj 
Her  address  is  now  Box  6382,  Seminarv  Hil 
Ft.  Worth  10,  Texas. 

Edgar  Webb  Bassick,  III,  were  marries 
September  30,  1950,  in  a  ceremony  at  "Th 
Oaks, ' '  the  Bassiek  family  estate.  Mr.  Bat 
sick,  an  alumnus  of  Yale  University,  ha 
been  recalled  to  service,  but  mail  direetei 
to  them  at  73  Carlynn  Drive,  Fairfield! 
Conn.,  will  be  forwarded. 
REESE,  JR.)  and  her  husband  have  an, 
nounced  the  birth  of  a  daughter.  Moll; 
Elizabeth,  on  August  27,  1950.  Their  ad 
dress  is  21%  Legare  Street,  Charleston 
S.  C. 

living  at  133  10th  Street,  X.E.,  Apartmen 
C-9,  in  Atlanta,  Ga.,  where  he  is  an  electriea 
engineer  for  the  Boiler  Equipment  Servici 

the  LL.B.  degree  from  George  Washingtoi 
University  in  Xovember.  His  address  is  8d 
South  Main   Street,  Waterbury.  Yt. 

CHARLES  FREXCH,  B.S.E.E.,  is  an  engij 
neering  draftsman  for  Carnegie-Illinois 
Steel  Corporation  in  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  his 
address  there  being  3600  Dawson  Street,  ffl 
is  assistant  treasurer  of  the  Western  Penn- 
sylvania Duke  Alumni  Association. 

PERKIXSOX,  '50,  were  married  in  the  First 
Methodist  Church.  Wilson,  X.  C,  on  Septem- 
ber 16,  1950.  They  are  living  in  Atlanta. 
Ga.,  where  Carl  is  employed  by  the  Indus- 
trial Relations  Department  of  Ford  Motor 

JACK  HIGHSMITH  is  assistant  to  the  sales 
manager  of  the  Yicks  Products  Division  of 
Yiek  Chemical  Company,  122  East  42nd 
Street,  Xew  York  17,  X.  Y. 

ROBERT  T.  HOLT  received  his  LL.B.  dei 
gree  from  the  University  of  Florida  last 
fall  and  is  now  connected  with  the  Perm 
Mutual  Life  Insurance  Company  of  Phila- 
delphia. He  and  his  wife,  the  former  JEAX 
ROGERS,  are  living  at  1719  West  MahJ 
Street,  Xorristown,  Pa. 

GEORGE  C.  KIEFER,  JR.,  B.S.  '47,  M.FJ 
'48,  and  his  bride,  the  former  Miss  Mary 
Louise  Quaile  of  Lakeville,  Conn.,  visited, 
the  eampus  on  their  honeymoon.  They  were 
married  on  October  7  in  Lakeville,  where 
they  are  making  their  home.     George  works 

[  Page  80  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

ith  the  Great  Mountain  Forest  of  Norfolk, 
onn.,  experimental  and  research  forest. 
ENRY  MACKENZIE,  LL.B.,  who  is  a 
ember  of  the  law  firm  of  Coffey  and  Mae- 
?nzie,  is  city  attorney  for  Jamestown,  N.  D. 
e  and  Mrs.  Mackenzie  are  the  parents  of 
daughter,  Donna  Jane,  and  a  son,  William. 
obert  Stevens  Buxton,  who  were  married 
i  -the  Elizabeth  Voorhees  Chapel  of  New 
jrsey  College  for  Women  on  May  27,  1950, 
•e  living  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.  Mr.  Buxton, 
i  alumnus  of  the  Massachusetts  Institute 
:  Technology,  is  working  with  Alan  A. 
rood   of   Philadelphia. 

EAN  C.  NICKERSON  and  Mr.  Thomas 
rimavera  were  married  in  Frederick,  Md., 
l  September  2.  They  live  in  D-8,  Vetsville, 
oulder,   Colo. 

he  marriage  of  Miss  Denyse  Edwards  and 
ILLY  BROWN  OLIVE',  B.S.E.E.,  took 
lace  on  November  18  in  the  Duke  Univer- 
ty  Chapel,  and  they  are  making  their  home 
;  190  Riverside  Drive,  Apt.  8-D,  New  York 
t,  N.  Y.  Billy  is  with  the  Associated  Com- 
anies  Division  of  Westinghouse  Electric 
iternational  Company. 

he  address  of  ROBERT  HENRY 
ARRISH  is  58  Brokdale  Garden,  Bloom- 
ed, N.  J.  Last  September  he  was  married 
i  Miss  Marilyn  Beatrice  Schade,  of  East 
range,  N.  J.,  an  alumna  of  Mount  Holyoke 

ULIA  LOU  PHINNIX  and  Mr.  Thomas 
lyde  Elrod  were  united  in  marriage  Decem- 
sr  29  in  the  First  Baptist  Church,  Greens- 
Dro,  N.  C.  They  are  living  at  707  Kendall 
rive,  Nashville,  Tenn.,  where  Mr.  Elrod, 
ii  'alumnus  of  Georgia  Tech,  is  employed 
f  General  Shoe  Corporation.  For  the  past 
3ar  Julia  has  been  employed  in  Nashville 
j  International  Business  Machine  Corpora- 
on  as  a  systems  service  woman. 
UGENE  RENTZ  is  a  master  in  languages 
t  Norfolk  Academy,  Norfolk,  Va.  He  pre- 
iously  taught  French  and  Spanish  at  Duke, 
ad  has  published  writings  in  the  magazine, 

7ILLIAM  D.  ROXLO,  B.S.M.E.,  and  Mrs. 
oxlo  have  announced  the  birth  of  a  son, 
ames  William,  on  October  1.  Their  address 
I  609  Kirkwood  Circle,  Camden,  S.  C. 
'EGGY  ROSE  SMITH  is  now  Mrs.  William 
haw  Corbitt,  Jr.,  of  Henderson,  N.  C.  Mr. 
orbitt,  an  alumnus  of  the  McCallie  School, 
tie  United  States  Merchant  Marine  Acade- 
ly  and  North  Carolina  State  College,  is  con- 
ected  with  the  Corbitt  Company. 
Irs.  George  C.  Huggins,  Jr.,  having  been 
larried  last  September  in  the  Elizabeth 
todman  Voorhees  Chapel  at  New  Jersey 
ollege  for  Women.  Until  her  marriage  she 
aught  physical  education  in  the  Coos  Bay 
unior  High  School.  She  and  Mr.  Huggins 
re  making  their  home  at  1058  Howard 
Street,  Salem,  Ore. 

■ride  of  Mr.  Ernest  Mahler,  Jr.,  on  Novem- 
■er  18  at  the  Erskine  Congregational  Church, 

Tryon,  N.  C.  Mr.  Mahler,  an  alumnus  of 
Deerfield  Academy,  served  in  the  Coast 
Guard  during  the  war,  and  now  operates  the 
Chinquapin  Dairy  in  Tryon  where  the  couple 
is  living.  Libby  has  been  writing  for  the 
local  newspaper. 

The  address  of  JOHN  C.  WALKER,  III, 
who  is  a  real  estate  dealer  in  Washington, 
D.  C,  is  4506  West  Virginia  Avenue,  Bethes- 
da  14,  Md.  The  Walkers'  first  child,  Eliza- 
beth Beale  Walker,  was  born  June  23,  1950. 

F.),  who  was  married  almost  a  year  ago,  is 
living  at  2510  Avenham  Avenue,  S.W.,  Roa- 
noke, Va.  She  is  a  physiotherapist  at  Me- 
morial and  Crippled  Children  's  Hospital. 

WILLIAM  F.  WEBSTER,  JR.,  is  band 
director  and  teacher  of  band  instruments 
at  Winecoff  School,  Concord,  N.  C.  He  has 
also  organized  a  school  band  at  Royal  Oaks 
School  in  the  same  vicinity. 
ROBERT  M.  WILHOIT,  M.D.,  and  his 
bride  of  last  September,  the  former  Miss 
Hazel  Ann  Greer  of  Aberdeen,  are  living  in 
Asheboro,  N.  C,  where  Bob  is  associated 
with  the  Barnes-Griffin  Clinic. 
For  the  past  year  MYRTLE  J.  WILKIN- 
SON has  been  Mrs.  Paul  C.  Pancake.  Her 
address  is  1440  Fifth  Avenue,  Huntington, 
W.  Va. 

'49  > 

First  Reunion:  Commencement,  1951 

Presidents :   Woman 's  College,  Betty  Bob 
Walters  Walton  (Mrs.  Loring)  ;  Trinity 
College,    Robert    W.    Frye ;    College    of 
Engineering,  Joe  J.  Robnett,  Jr. 
Class   Agent:    Chester  P.   Middlesworth 
HELEN   JO    AARONS    and    Edward    Gene 
Best,  who  were  married  last  summer  in  the 
Duke   University   Chapel,   are   making   their 
home  in  Goldsboro,  N.  C. 
DOUGLAS  H.  AUSBON  and  his  wife,  the 
former  Miss  Janice  Ray  Whitley  of  Durham, 
who   were   married   last   August,   are   living 
at  2137  Briarwood  Road,   Charlotte,  N.   C, 
where    Doug    is    working    with    Remington 
Rand  Company.     Doug  is  the  son  of  IMO- 
GENE  HIX  AUSBON  (Mrs.  C.  S.)  of  Dur- 

B.S.N.,  and  Mr.  Thurman  Ralston  Jones,  Jr., 
who  were  married  June  3  in  the  Duke  Uni- 
versity Chapel,  are  living  in  North  Wilkes- 
boro,  N.  C.  Mr.  Jones  is  an  alumnus  of  Oak 
Ridge  Military  Academy  and  the  School  of 
Chemical  Engineering  at  North  Carolina 
State  College. 

SUZANNE  BEAL  is  living  in  Daphne,  Ala., 
and  is  doing  interior  decorating  work  in 

The  permanent  address  of  MARY  ELIZA- 
BETH BROOKS,  who  was  married  last  sum- 
mer to  Lieut.  William  J.  Buchanan,  U.S.A., 
an  alumnus  of  Virginia  Military  Institute, 
is  50  Summit  Street,  Monroe,  N.  Y. 
While  Hulet  is  attending  Capitol  Radio 
Engineering  Institute  in  Washington,  D.  C, 
PHYLLIS    HUBBARD,    '50,    and   HULET 

BURNETT,  JR.,  are  making  their  home  at 
2223  H  Street,  N.W.,  Apt.  507.  They  were 
married  in  the  Duke  University  Chapel  last 

JOHN  ROBERT  CURRY,  JR.,  is  the  direc- 
tor of  the  Durham  Children's  Museum,  hav- 
ing assumed  the  position  last  June.  He  is 
a  naturalist,  and  has  been  prominent  in  Boy 
Scout  work  in  the  past. 

recently  completed  a  course  in  stewardess 
training  at  the  Academy  of  Charm  in  At- 
lanta, Ga.,  is  a  flight  stewardess  for  Delta 
Air  Lines  and  is  based  in  Atlanta  where  the 
airline's  general  offices  are  located.  Her 
address  there  is  1239  E.  Rock  Springs  Road, 
N.E.  Before  going  into  her  present  work, 
Betsy  was  a  member  of  the  Alumni  Office 

The  address  of  TRUDY  SANDERS 
GUINNEE,       '50,       and      W.       FENTON 

Power  Company 

Electric  Service — 
Electric  Appliances — 
Street  Transportation 

Tel.  F-151 

Durham,  N.  C. 

£faw£rton~Bri/ati  'So. 


'■■     ■-'£     <=:■-*    .FUNERALS    {j^g 

L-977  1005  W.  Main  St. 

R.  T.  Howerton,  '08 



ISokth  Carolina 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

[  Page  81  ] 


Complete  Office 

Telephone  L-919 
105  West  Parrish  Street 

Durham,  North  Carolina 


n/    vO 

Clyde  Kell 

1105  BROAD  ST. -PHONE   X^I224 


Wholesale  Paper 

208  Vivian  St.  801  S.  Church  St. 

DURHAM,  N.  C.      ROCKY  MOUNT,  N.  C. 

Serving  North  Carolina  Since  1924 

Weeks  Motors  Inc. 

408  Geer  St. 

Telephone  F-139 

Durham,  Noi  th  Carolina 

Your  Lincoln  and 

Mercury  Dealer  in 


GUINNEE,  JR.,  is  6117  Perrier  Street, 
New  Orleans,  La.  Fenton  works  for  the 
Wesson  Oil  and  Snowdrift  Sales  Co. 
at  IS  West  Side  Drive,  Lexington,  X.  C. 
They  are  proud  parents  of  a  son,  William 
E.,  Jr.,  born  August  30,  1950.  Bill  is  mana- 
ger of  the  West  End  lee  and  Coal  Company. 
HELM,  '50,  are  living  at  Riverview,  River 
Road,  Shelton,  Conn.  Carl  is  in  the  training 
program  of  the  Great  Atlantic  and  Pacific 
Tea  Company. 

WILLIAM  B.  HOUCK,  son  of  C.  B. 
HOUCK,  '23,  of  Roanoke,  Va.,  is  living  in 
Miami,  Fla.,  where  he  is  working  for  Houck 
&  Co.,  Advertisers.  Last  summer  he  was 
married  to  Miss  La-Voe  Johns,  and  their 
address  in  Miami  is  155  S.E.  12th  Street. 
LIAM B.  HUXT,  JR.,  are  living  in  Win- 
ston-Salem, X.  C,  while  Bill  is  attending 
Bowman  Gray  Medical  School.  They  were 
married  last  summer  in  Concord,  N.  C. 
at  7623  A,  Williams  Way,  Elkins  Park,  Pa. 
Martin  is  a  salesman. 

WALLACE  MeMAHON,  B.S.C.E.,  who  were 
married  last  July  1  in  the  Northminster 
Presbyterian  Church,  Washington,  D.  O,  are 
now  living  at  5307  Wolfe  Drive,  Apartment 
4,  Pittsburgh  27,  Pa.  Wally  is  an  engineer 
witli  the  Rothey  Construction  Company  of 
Elizabeth,  Pa. 

Lieut.  JACK  W.  HTJXTER,  B.S.M.E.,  and 
his  wife  have  two  children,  Jack,  Jr.,  who 
was  born  last  September  11,  and  a  young 
daughter,  Patricia  Carol.  They  are  living  at 
174  Freeman  Drive,  Hampton,  Va.,  where 
Jack  is  stationed  with  the  U.  S.  Air  Force. 
JOSEPH  L.  LINEBERRY  is  a  deputy  col- 
lector for  the  internal  revenue  department 
in  Lumberton,  N.  O,  where  he  and  his  wife 
reside.  Mrs.  Lineberry,  the  former  Miss 
Nina  Alice  Teague,  of  Staley,  N.  O,  is  a 
graduate  of  the  Woman's  College  of  the 
University  of  North  Carolina. 
SCOTT,  B.S.M.E.  '50,  who  were  married  last 
summer,  are  living  at  8911  West  Center 
Street,  Apt.  4,  Milwaukee,  Wise.  Bill  is 
working  for  Allis-Chalmers. 
Mrs.  Mattheiss  have  a  son,  David  Harold 
Mattheiss,  born  July  5,  1950.  They  live  in 
Finksburg,  Md.,  where  Ted  is  minister  of 
the  Methodist  Church. 

JEAN  NOBLE  is  living  at  10  Longwood 
Road,  Roland  Park,  Baltimore  10,  Md.,  and 
is  working  for  Liberty  Mutual  Insurance 
Company  as  a  policyholder  service  represent- 

DANIEL  W.  PATTERSON  of  1201  Madi- 
son Avenue,  Greensboro,  N.  C,  has  been  as- 
signed to  the  2nd  Armored  Division,  Fort 
Hood,  Texas,  after  being  inducted  into  the 
United  States  Army. 

ELLA  FKrwa,  K.N.,  B.S.N.,  is  now  Mi 
David  Garrison,  and  is  living  in  Easley,  S. 
MARIE  QUINN,  whose  address  is  1501- 
16th  St.,  N.W.,  White  Hall,  Washingtoi 
D.  C.j  is  working  for  the  Federal  Gover 

CARSON  SCHNOOR,  R.N.  '49,  B.S.N.  '5 
are  living  at  2401  Club  Boulevard,  Durhai 
Ernest  is  a  senior  in  Duke  Medical  School 
BETTY  SMITH,  daughter  of  W.  JASPE 
SMITH,  '23,  of  Bethel,  N.  O,  and  DAVI 
O.  SPEIR,  who  were  married  last  June,  a 
living  at  2716  Haverford  Place,  Charlott' 
N.  C.  David  is  working  with  the  Atlanti 
Refining   Company. 

CHARLES   W.    SMITH,    whose    address 
Box  6002,  Five  Points  Station,  Raleigh,  1 
G,  is  a  professional  representative  for  Wil 
throp-Stearns,  Inc.,  drug  chemicals,  in  Ne| 
York  City. 

The  address  of  JANE  STEWART  SMITj 
(MRS.  ANDREW  W.,  JR.)  is  No.  10  Sand 
Creek  Road,   Pittsburgh   21,   Pa. 
ROBERT  RAY  STEWART  is  a  student  I 
the  Duke  Law  School.     MRS.  STEWART 
the  former  MARY  NORTON  KING,   '50.  | 
WILLIAM  E.  SWANSON  has  recently  cod 
pleted  work  for  his  Master's  degree  at  Dul: 
and  has   gone  to  Venezuela,   where   he  wi 
work   for   United    States    Steel   Company. 
GLORIA  K.  WHETSTONE,  whose  addrei 
is    201    West    Park    Drive,    Raleigh,    N.    I 
is  assistant  cataloguer  in  the  State  Colleg 

'50  » 

President :  Jane  Suggs 

Class  Agent:  Robert  L.  Hazel 
MILTON  EDWARDS  AYERS,  of  197  wd 
Passaic  Avenue,  Bloomfield,  N.  J.,  is  a  prj 
fessional  baseball  player. 
of    740    13th    Street,    S.W.,    Apartment 
Roanoke,  Va.,  is  a  teacher  in  Jefferson  Hig 
School,  Roanoke. 

law  clerk  with  Cox  and  Walburg,  Newarl 
N.   J.     His  home   is   at   145   Elbert   Stree: 
Ramsey,  N.  J. 

M.D.,  who  makes  his  home  at  806  Demerir 
Street,  Durham,  is  on  the  staff  at  Did 

is  employed  by  the  Drexel  Furniture  Con 
pany.  He  lives  at  107  Alwran  Street,  Moa 
ganton,  X.  C. 

living  at  2  Laurel  Street,  Concord,  Mass 
while  she  is  attending  Jordan  Marsh 's  execi 
tive  training  program  in  Boston. 

practicing  law  in  Tampa,  Fla.,  where  hi 
address  is  112  South  Glen  Ave. 

160  High  Street,  Oxford,  N.  C,  is  ministt 
of  the  Oxford  Presbvterian  Church. 

[  Page  82  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

tARY  PAE  (FIFI)  FINTER  has  a  jod 
-ith  the  United  States  Government  and  lives 
t  3400  Macomb  Street,  N.W.,  Washington, 
'.  C. 

TIS  RANDOLPH  GILLIAM,  Ph.D.,  is  an 
iistructor  in  physics  at  the  University  of 
ionnectieut,  his  address  being  14  Willow- 
rook  Road,  Storrs,  Conn. 

ANCY  ANN  HAMLEN,  R.N.,  is  a  nurse 
t  Duke  Hospital,  where  her  address  is  Box 

forester  with  Koppers  Company,  Inc.,  in 
!harleston,  S.  C,  where  he  lives  at  380 
Lshley  Avenue. 

iL.M.,  is  teaching  at  the  Rutgers  Univer- 
ity  Law  School,  37  Washington  Street, 
tfewark,  N.  J. 

rho  lives  at  226  South  Park  Street,  Ashe- 
loro,  N.  C,  is  director  of  Christian  educa- 
ion  at  Central  Methodist  Church  in  Ashe- 

OHN  FRANK  HOSNER,  M.F.,  whose  ad- 
ress  is  Box  636  Murphysboro,  111.,  is  a 
listrict  forester. 

AMES  FRANKLIN  HULL,  JR.,  is  a  sales- 
man for  the  Columbia  Chemical  Division  of 
he  Pittsburgh  Plate  Glass  Company.  He 
iiakes  his  home  at  553  Park  View  Avenue, 
Jarberton,  Ohio. 

jEONARD  ABRAM  LEWIS,  M.D.,  is  an 
[item  at  Colorado  General  Hospital,  4200 
iast  9th  Avenue,  Denver,  Colo. 
lome  is  at  1621  Brightwaters  Boulevard,  St. 
3etersburg,  Fla.,  is  an  Ensign  in  the  United 
States  Navy. 

IARRY  ROY  MAYS,  B.D.,  is  minister  of 
he  Central  Methodist  Church,  Florence,   S. 
).    His  address  is  Box  87. 
?AVID    JOHN    MIDDLETON,    JR.,    is    a 
eacher  in  the  Warsaw,  N.  C,  High  School. 
VARD  PAFFORD,  Ph.D.,. who  is  assistant 
professor  of  English   at  Emory  University, 
ives  at  1498  Medloek  Road,  Decatur,  Ga. 
3ARBARA  ANN  (BOBBE)  RAKE  lives  at 
L45  West  Mt.  Pleasant  Road,  Philadelphia 
L9,  Pa.,  and  teaches  at  the  Lankenau  School. 
loing  research  work  at  Syracuse  University. 
Eler   address   is   1326  W.   Onondaga   Street, 
Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

Brookwood  Garden  Apartments,  Burlington, 
!l  O,  is  a  production  trainee  at  Plaid  Mill, 
Burlington  Mills  Corporation. 
HARVEY  E.),  R.N.,  B.S.N.,  is  a  nurse  at 
Maria  Parham  Hospital  in  Henderson,  N.  O, 
.vhere  her  address  is  428  Charles  Street. 
IOHN  REA  TROPMAN,  who  lives  at  705 
MeGee   Street,   Greensboro,   N.   C,  is   work- 
ing for  the  Charles  Store. 
DAN  M.  WILLIAMS,  JR.,   '48,  LL.B.   '50, 
is  practicing  law  with  the  firm  of  Williams 
ind  Williams  in  Asheville,  N.  C.     His  mail- 
ing address  is  Box  7295. 

living  at  2915  Monroe  Avenue,  Durham.  Bob 
is  a  student  in  the  Duke  School  of  Forestry. 

NAN  FARRINGTON,  who  lives  at  222 
Colonial  Drive,  Thornasville,  N.  C,  is  teach- 
ing third  grade  in  a  county  school. 
A.  H.  (HAMP)  FRADY,  JR.,  is  working 
for  Merrill  Lynch,  Pierce,  Fenner  and 
Beane  in  their  home  office  at  70  Pine  Street, 
New  York  5,  N.  Y.  For  the  next  two  years 
he  will  be  in  New  York,  where  he  is  taking 
their  Training  Program.  Hamp  is  sharing 
an  apartment  with  WILL  JACKSON,  '49, 
at  112  Washington  Place,  New  York  14, 
N.  Y. 

The  address  of  DORIS  JORGENSEN 
GLAZE  (MRS.  JOHN  W.,  JR.)  is  1639 
Dormont  Street,  Orlando,  Fla. 
ISOLEE  GILE  GOODE  and  Mr.  Grady 
Sherdale  Carpenter  were  married  Septem- 
ber 23  in  Charlotte,  N.  O,  and  are  making 
their  home  at  604  South  Union  Street,  Con- 
cord, N.  C. 

Miss  Jane  Bentley  Tomlinson  and  PHIL- 
LIP FRANKLIN  HANES,  JR.,  son  of  P. 
FRANK  HANES,  '11,  of  Winston-Salem, 
N.  O,  were  married  September  30  in 
Springfield  Friends  Meetinghouse,  High 
Point,  N.  C.  They  are  living  in  Clover  Dale 
Apartments,  Winston-Salem,  where  Phil  is 
connected  with  Hanes  Knitting  Company. 
Mrs.  Hanes  is  an  alumna  of  Northfield 
School,  Brenau  Academy,  and  Woman's  Col- 
lege,  Greensboro. 

ROBERT   CARL  HUBBARD   is   a   student 
at  the  Duke  School  of  Law. 
JOHN  GRIER  HUDSON,  JR.,  is  assistant 
secretary    and     treasurer     of     Belk-Hudson 
Company  in  Spartanburg,  S.  C. 
DEWEY      HOBSON      HUFFINES,      JR., 
whose  address  is  Box  1014,  Reidsville,  N.  C, 
is  an   agent  for   Powell  Insurance  Agency. 
FOSDICK   IRVIN   are   living   in   Callahan, 
Pla.    Glenn  is  engaged  in  farming. 
MEDFORD   M.   LEAKE,   of   645   Highland 
Circle,  Tupelo,  Miss.,  is  working  for  Leake 
and  Goodlett,  Inc.,  dealers  in  building  ma- 

POSTER  LeROY  LEVY  is  a  graduate  stu- 
dent at  Alabama  University. 
CHARLES    ABNER    LONG,    JR.,    an    ac- 
countant   for   the    Celanese    Corporation    of 
America,  lives  in  Narrows,  Va. 
accountant     for     Sidney     Blumenthal     and 
Company,  Inc.,  and  he  lives  at  624  Arling- 
ton Street,  Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 
free-lance  illustration  of  juveniles.    Her  ad- 
dress   is    15    Pleasantview    Avenue,    Long- 
meadow,  Mass. 

PAUL  HENRY  MARX,  of  256  Brighton 
Road,  N.E.,  Atlanta  4,  Ga.,  is  secretary- 
treasurer  of  H.  Boyer  Marx  and  Associates. 

In  a  ceremony  performed  at  the  First  Pres- 
byterian Church,  Covington,  Va.,  on  Sep- 
MURRAY,  R.N.,  B.S.N.,  became  the  bride 

of  Mr.  James  Blizzard  Mead.  They  are 
now  making  their  home  at  1106  Chapel 
Hill  Street  in  Durham.  Mr.  Mead  is  an 
alumnus  of  the  University  of  North  Caro- 
lina School  of  Radio. 

Ohio,  is  attending  the  Duke  Law  School. 
ALICE  RANDOLPH  NEELY  is  working 
toward  her  master's  degree  at  Assembly's 
Training  School,  3400  Brook  Road,  Rich- 
mond, Va. 

ELOISE  H.  PARKER,  of  704  Buchanan 
Boulevard,  Durham,  is  secretary  to  Mr.  J. 
Foster  Barnes,  director  of  choral  music  at 

ROBERTA  ANN  POWELL,  R.N.,  and  Mr. 
Harold  Lauden  Colvard,  who  were  married 
October  28,  1950,  in  Raleigh,  N.  C,  are 
living  at  1040  Blue  Bonnet  Drive,  Fort 
Worth,  Texas.  Mr.  Colvard  attended  the 
University  of  North  Carolina  and  the  Uni- 
versity of  Tennessee,  and  received  a  B.S. 
degree  in  air  transportation  engineering 
from  Purdue  University  last  year. 
ANN  TOWNSEND  REID  is  taking  grad- 
uate work  in  mathematics  at  Duke. 
"BILLY"  RICHMAN  is  associated  with  his 
father  who  is  manager  of  the  Newport 
News  Agency,  Ordinary  Agency  Division, 
of  the  Life  Insurance  Company  of  Virginia, 
Richmond,  Va. 

EARL  JEROME  ROSS  is  a   state  auditor 
for  the  Department  of  Revenue,  104  Court 
Arcade,   Charlotte,   N.   C.    His   home   is   at 
1405  Holloway  Street,  Durham. 
NORMAN  THOMAS  SHARPE  is  living  at 
223    Greenwood    Drive,    West    Palm   Beach, 
Fla.,  where  he  is  a  vault  builder. 
NORMAN   EMMETT   SIMPSON   is   living 
at  480  Spruce  Street,  Morgantown,  W.  Va., 
while    he    is    doing    graduate    work    at    the 
University  of  West  Virginia. 
WILLIAM  SPENCER,  A.M.,  of  Erie,  Pa., 
is    instructor    in    English    at    St.    Lawrence 
University,  Canton,  N.  Y. 
POLLY  BRADSHAW  TUCKER  is  a  grad- 
uate  student,  her  address  being  2192   Pea- 
body  College  Station,  Nashville,  Tenn. 
KATHRYN   MIMS   TUTTLE   is   living   at 
819     Buchanan     Boulevard,     Durham,     and 
working  at  the  Duke  Library. 

'51  » 

SON MeGRANAHAN,  JR.,  were  united  in 
marriage  November  3  in  Trinity  Methodist 
Church,  Durham.  They  are  living  at  1310 
Glendale  Avenue,  Durham,  while  both  are 
finishing  their  senior  year  at  Duke  Univer- 

December  16  was  the  date  of  the  wedding  of 
place  in  the  Cloister  Chapel  of  the  First 
Presbyterian  Church,  Durham.  Betty  is  the 
daughter  of  the  late  Judge  T.  D.  Bryson, 
a  member  of  the  faculty  of  the  Duke  Law 
School  for  many  years.  Roger,  an  officer  in 
the  United  States  Army  Reserve,  has  been 
recalled  to  active  duty. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

[  Page  83  ] 


Vesper  services  for  Hughes  B.  Hol- 
land, '92,  who  died  January  6,  were  held 
in  the  Cox  Funeral  Home,  Norfolk,  Va., 
on  January  9.  Interment  was  in  Cedar 
Grove  Cemetery,  New  Bern,  N.  C. 

A  native  of  New  Bern,  Mr.  Holland  had 
lived  in  Norfolk,  Va.,  since  1917.  He 
was  an  accountant  with  the  Norfolk 
Southern  Railroad  there. 

He  is  survived  by  his  widow,  Mrs. 
Mary  Caho  Holland. 

'96,  A.M.  '32 
Ernest   Joshua    Green,   '96,   A.M.    '32, 
died  December  29  at  his  home  in  Colum- 
bia, S.  C.     He  had  been  in  ill  health  for 
five  years. 

Mr.  Green  served  as  superintendent  of 
the  Durham  City  Schools  from  1911  to 
1914,  and  is  a  former  president  of  Max- 
ton  College.  From  1926  to  1947  he  served 
as  head  of  the  Education  Department  of 
Columbia  College,  Methodist  Girls'  School. 

Survivors  include  his  widow,  Mrs.  Eliz- 
abeth Gerhold  Green  of  Columbia;  and 
two  sons,  E.  J.  Green,  Jr.,  of  Carters- 
ville,  Ga.,  and  George  Caleb  Green  of 
Augusta,  Ga. 

Archie  Laney  Lee,  '08,  board  chairman 
of  D'Arcy  Advertising  Company,  and 
famed  advertiser  of  Coca-Cola,  died  in 
JBarnes  Hospital,  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  of  can- 
cer on  December  22,  after  a  brief  illness. 

Funeral  services  were  held  in  Christ 
Episcopal  Church  Cathedral,  and  burial 
was  in  Bellefontaine  Cemetery. 

Mr.  Lee,  a  native  of  Monroe,  N.  C,  be- 
came a  reporter  on  the  Atlanta  Georgian 
in  1908  following  his  graduation  from 
Trinity  College.  His  newspaper  work 
was  interrupted  by  service  as  a  captain  in 
the  infantry  during  World  War  I. 

In  1919  he  became  a  copywriter  at 
D'Arcy  Advertising  upon  the  recommen- 
dation of  Samuel  C.  Dobbs,  then  president 
of  the  Coca-Cola  Company,  who  was  im- 
pressed with  the  reporter  during  a  news- 
paper interview.  He  immediately  went  to 
work  on  the  Coca-Cola  advertising. 
Robert  W.  Woodruff,  longtime  head  of 
the  Coca-Cola  Company  once  told  his 
directorate,  "No  single  individual  has  done 
more  to  popularize  Coca-Cola  than  Archie 
Lee."    It  was   Mr.   Lee   who   created   the 

basic  pattern  for  the  poster  campaign  that 
made  "The  Pause  That  Refreshes"  famous. 
Since  then,  repetition  in  advertising  has 
became  standard  for  virtually  all  nation- 
ally advertised  products.  After  success- 
fully selling  the  beverage  as  a  fountain 
drink,  he  also  induced  people  to  drink 
Cokes  right  out  of  the  bottle  by  another 
vigorous  poster  campaign.  It  was  Mr. 
Lee  who  legally  claimed  the  popular  name 
of  "Coke"  for  Coca-Cola  alone,  leaving 
the  generic  word  "cola"  to  represent  all 
such  bottled  drinks.  The  familiar  pixie 
character  with  the  friendly,  saucy  grin, 
who  so  often  appears  on  Coke  ads,  is  also 
a  creation  of  Mr.  Lee's.  In  addition  to 
these  forms  of  advertising,  Mr.  Lee  em- 
phasized Coca-Cola  as  a  mark  of  hos- 

In  1925  Mr.  Lee  became  account  execu- 
tive at  D'Arcy  and  was  elected  a  member 
of  the  board  of  directors.  He  had  been 
chairman  of  the  board  since  1945.  At 
the  time  of  his  death  he  was  also  director 
of  Coca-Cola  Bottling  Company,  St. 
Louis;  Western  Coca-Cola  Bottling  Com- 
pany, Chicago,  and  Coca-Cola  Bottling 
Plants  Inc.,  Portland,  Me. 

Survivors  include  Mrs.  Lee;  a  daughter, 
Mrs.  Peter  Bakewell;  a  son,  Alexander 
Laney  Lee;  and  four  sisters,  Miss  Marion 
Lee,  Mrs.  Dorothy  Redwine,  and  Miss 
Margaret  Lee  of  Monroe,  N.  C,  and  Mrs. 
William  MeRae  of  Rockingham. 


Lawrence  E.  Blanchard,  Sr.,  '09, 
passed  away  February  7  at  Rex  Hospital 
in  Raleigh,  N.  C,  following  a  long  illness. 

Funeral  services  were  held  in  the  Jo- 
seph G.  Brown  Chapel  of  the  Edenton 
Street  Methodist  Church  and  burial  was 
in  Montlawn. 

Mr.  Blanchard  was  a  Raleigh  mortgage 
loan  executive  and  insuranceman.  He 
also  served  as  a  Class  Agent  for  Duke 
University.  His  home  was  at  1024 
Cowper  Drive,  Raleigh. 

A  native  of  Hertford,  N.  C,  Mr. 
Blanchard  took  his  master's  degree  at  the 
University  of  Wisconsin  after  graduating 
from  Trinity  College.  He  was  a  veteran 
of  World  War  I. 

Surviving  are  his  widow,  Mrs.  Anna 
Neal  Fuller  Blanchard;  two  sons.  Law- 
rence E.  Blanchard,  Jr.,  '42,  of  Rich- 
mond, Va.,  and  Charles  F.  Blanchard, 
'45,  LL.B.  '49,  of  Raleigh;  a  brother,  Dr. 
Julian  Blanchard,  '05,  of  New  York  City ; 
two  sisters,  Mrs.  P.  L.  Bostiek  of  Ra- 
leigh, and  Mrs.  C.  J.  Christman  of  Char- 
lotte; one  grandson,  and  several  nieces 
and  nephews. 


Thomas  Buford  Hudson,  '28,  of  101 
Holmes  Run  Road,  Falls  Church,  Va., 
died  January  30  at  Georgetown  Univer- 
sity Hospital  after  a  brief  illness. 

Funeral  services  were  held  in  the  Ives 
Funeral  Home  in  Arlington,  Va.,  and 
burial  was  in  Cedar  Hill  Cemetery. 

Mr.  Hudson  joined  the  United  States 
Patent  Office  in  1927,  and  subsequently 
became  a  clerk  and  patent  examiner.  At 
the  time  of  his  death  he  was  assistant 
chief  of  the  Designs  Division.  He  was 
also  a  member  of  the  District  and  North 
Carolina  Bar  Associations,  having  re- 
ceived his  B.A.  and  LL.B.  degrees  from 
George  Washington  University. 

Surviving  are  his  widow,  Mrs.  Louise 
Daniel  Hudson;  two  sons,  David  and 
Robert;  and  three  brothers. 

LEROY  C.  GRANT,  '96 

The  Alumni  Office  has  recently  been 
informed  that  Leroy  C.  Grant,  '96,  of 
Jackson,  N.  C,  is  deceased. 


William  H.  Hunter,  '33,  passed  awaj 
during  the  latter  part  of  1950. 


It  has  been  learned  by  the  Alumni  Of- 
fice that  Perry  M.  Balienger,  '36,  is  de- 

JAMES   G.   THOMPSON,  B.S.C.E.   '45 

James  G.  Thompson,  B.S.C.E.  '45: 
passed  away  at  Charlottsville  University 
Hospital  on  October  25,  1950. 

Surviving  is  his  widow,  Mrs.  James  G. 
Thompson,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

LL.B.  '49 

Lawrence  Edgar  Hutchens,  LL.B.  '49 
of  Yadkinville,  N.  C,  was  killed  or 
February  4,  when  his  car  overturned  near 
Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Funeral  services  were  held  at  the  Yad- 
kinville  Baptist   Church. 

Lawrence,  who  practiced  law  at  Moeks- 
ville,  N.  C,  was  chairman  of  the  Yadkin 
County  Democratic  Executive  Committee, 
and  president  of  the  Mocksville  Rotary 
Club  and  the  Mocksville  Chamber  of 

Surviving  are  his  parents,  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Robert  L.  Hutchens,  and  one  broth- 
er, Robert  L.  Hutchens,  Jr.,  of  Yadkin- 

[  Page  S4  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  March,  1951 

ffim  HUXLEY! 

Here's  another  contribution  to 
your  brave  new  world.  Although  she  certainly  doesn't 
realize  it,  she's  not  only  delivered  but  paid  for!  Proud 
Daddy  is  a  look-ahead  business  man  who  prepares — 
both  in  office  and  home  affairs — for  the  future.  He  has 
long  been  a  believer  in  and  booster  of  North  Carolina's 
only  Blue  Cross-Blue  Shield  Plan.  How  about  you? 
There  are  nine  district  offices  for  Hospital  Saving  Asso- 
ciation— located  throughout  the  State. 






Campus  Interviews  on  Cigarette  Tests 
Number  6...THE  beaver 

How  eager 

can  they 




FOR  once  in  his  life,  our  fervent  friend  admits  that  eagerness  can  be 
over-done !  He's  alluding,  of  course,  to  all  these  quick-trick  cigarette  tests 
—the  ones  that  ask  you  to  decide  on  cigarette  mildness  after  just  one 
puff,  one  sniff,  one  inhale  or  one  exhale!  When  the  chips  are 
down,  he  realizes  cigarette  mildness  can't  be  judged  in  a  hurry. 
That's  why  he  made  .  . . 

The  sensible  test .  .  .  the  30-Day  Camel  Mildness  Test  which 
asks  you  to  try  Camels  as  your  steady  smoke— on  a  pack  after 
pack,  day  after  day  basis.  No  snap  judgments  needed.  After  you've 
enjoyed  Camels— and  only  Camels— for  30  days  in  your  "T-Zone" 
(T  for  Throat,  T  for  Taste) ,  we  believe  you'll  knoiv  why  . . . 

More  People  Smoke  Camels 

than  any  other  cigarette! 



April,  1951 

Duke  Boasts  Top  Baseball  Infield 



with  no  unpleasant  after-taste 

JOAN  FONTAINE  is  just  like 
you  and  everybody  else,  today.  She 
wants  the  cigarette  that  gives  her 
the  most  for  the  money.  She  makes 
the  Chesterfield  Mildness  Test  and 
Always  Buys  Chesterfields. 

"k  Hollywood's  favorite  photographer,  Paul  Hesse, 
and  Joan  Fontaine  enjoy  a  Chesterfield  while  he 
shows  her  his  new  Stereo  Realist  camera. 

Always  B#y 


Copyright  1951,  Liggett  &  Myers  Tobw"  Co, 


(Member  of  American  Alumni  Council) 
Published  at  Durham,  N.  C,  Every  Month  in  the  Year  in  the  Interest  of  the  University  and  the  Alumni 

Volume  XXXVII 

April,  1951 

Number  4 


Editorials     87 

Campaign  Chairmen 88 

Commencement  Program 89 

Scenes  from  Alumnae  Week  End 90 

Many  Alumnae  'Return 91 

Summer  Session  Program 92 

Training   Air  Force   Reserves 93 

Engineers'   Show 95 

Meetings  of  Alumni 96 

Diamond  Victories 98 

Spring  Teams  Impressive 99 

Divinity    Convocation 100 

Sons  and  Daughters 101 

News  of  the  Alumni 102 

Colonel  Abell  Passes 112 

Editor  and  Business  Manager 

Charles  A.  Dukes,  '29 

Managing  Editor Roger  L.   Marshall,    '42 

Associate  Editor Anne  Garrard,   '25 

Advertising  Manager Thomas  D.  Donegan 

Layout  Editor Ruth  Mary  Brown 

Staff  Photographer Jimmy   Whitley 

Two  Dollars  a  Year 

20  Cents  a.  Copy 

Entered  as  Second-Class  Matter  at  the  Post 

Office  at  Durham,  N.  C,  Under  the  Act  of 

March   3,   1879. 


The  following  letter  was  received  from  an  alumnus  who,  as  he 
explains,  only  attended  Duke  for  a  short  period  of  time.  Local  asso- 
ciations are  always  glad  to  welcome  into  membership  any  alumnus 
who  attended  Duke  for  any  period  of  time  and  who  is  interested  in 
becoming  affiliated  with  an  active  organization. 

The  Lancaster  County  Association  is  offering  a  scholarship  to  a 
worthy  boy  or  girl  who  wishes  to  attend  Duke.  Mr.  Bucher  is  chair- 
man of  the  committee  which  is  working  on  the  award.  Money  has 
been  raised  for  the  scholarship  through  rummage  sales  and  other 
activities  given  by  the  Lancaster  Association. 

Mr.  Caleb  W.  Bucher 
119  East  Clay  Street 
Lancaster,  Penna. 

Enclosed  you  will  find  a  check  which  I  am  sending  for  alumni 
purposes.  Since  I  attended  Duke  University  only  three  summers,  I 
suppose  I  am  ineligible  for  membership  but  I  do  want  to  express 
my  appreciation  to  Duke. 

The  local  Duke  association  has  invited  us,  who  have  been  part- 
time  students,  to  join  them  in  their  activities.  I  have  been  serving 
as  the  scholarship  committee  chairman.  Today  we  went  on  television 
to  tell  the  public  about  our  proposed  scholarship.  I  am  sure  that 
Miss  Marguerite  Herr,  our  corresponding  secretary  has  kept  you  in- 
formed about  this  project.  We  have  a  small  but  a  very  active  group. 
Our  present  enthusiasm  is  directed  toward  the  Men's  Glee  Club  con- 
cert which  is  to  be  held  March  26. 

Duke  University  has  a  spirit  which  none  of  us  ever  forget.  In 
spite  of  the  fact  that  I  am  a  graduate  of  several  other  schools,  those 
three  summers  at  Duke  stand  out  as  the  finest  experience  I  have  had 
in  school  work. 

Thomas  P.  Fletcher,  '42 
Radio  Station  WHK 
5000  Euclid  Avenue 
Cleveland  3,  Ohio 

I'm  returning  your  record  album  in  today's  mail.  It  was  certainly 
grand  of  you  to  allow  us  to  use  it.  We  all  feel  that  it  played  an  im- 
portant part  in  the  success  of  last  night's  concert  ...  of  which,  more 

Just  to  give  you  an  idea  of  how  much  use  we  got  out  of  the  rec- 
ords. I  want  to   tell  you  how  they  were  used.    I   prepared  a  fifteen 
minute  program  using  all  but  two  of  the  Glee  Club  selections  together 
(Continued  on  Page  111) 


Coach  Coombs'  Blue  Devils  this  year  boast  one  of  the  finest 
infields  in  collegiate  baseball,  and  this  is  one  good  reason  for 
the  team's  successes  in  early  season  campaigns.  Left  to  right 
are  Tom  Powers.  3rd  base ;  Dick  Groat,  short  stop ;  Bill  Berg- 
eron. 2nd  base ;  and  Bill  Werber,  1st  base. 


Established  1913 

Manufacturers  of 

Ladies'  and  Misses'  Anklets 
Ladies'  Seamless  Hosiery 


Men's  Half  Hose 

New  York  Office 
Empire  State  Bldg.  Phone,  LOngacre  5-1828 


Volume  XXXVII 

April,  1951 

Number  4 

Here  and  There 

The  Development  Campaign  is  in  high  gear  as  we 
come  into  the  home  stretch.  It  is  the  hope  of  all  of  those 
responsible  for  the  program  that  by  June  30  we  will 
have  reached  our  goal  of  $8,650,000.00.  Present  indica- 
tions are  most  encouraging.  Reports  are  arriving  from 
all  sections  of  the  country,  such  as  Forsyth  County  in 
North  Carolina,  where  workers  have  done  a  remarkably 
good  job.  More  than  40  per  cent  of  all  alumni  there 
have  made  a  gift  to  the  University.  In  Guilford  County 
almost  40  per  cent  of  the  alumni  in  the  entire  county 
have  already  given,  and  the  campaign  is  not  complete. 
The  percentage  of  participation  in  Mecklenburg  County 
is  most  encouraging  and  new  areas  are  being  opened  all 
the  time.  Some  sections  have  not  been  reached,  but  the 
alumni  in  these  areas  will  be  given  an  opportunity  to 
participate  as  soon  as  possible  either  by  personal  solicita- 
tion or  by  mail.  Please  be  ready  to  make  your  commit- 
ment when  you  are  called  on.  Remember  that  each  dollar 
you  give  means  two,  and  that  this  is  the  first  time  in  25 
years  Duke  University  has  called  on  its  alumni  for  giv- 
ing on  a  capital  basis. 

The  eighth  annual  Alumnae  Week  End  was  a  success 
in  every  way.  The  alumnae  especially  enjoyed  the  inno- 
vation of  having  the  students  on  the  campus  while  they 
were  here.  The  attendance  was  good  and  the  program 
excellent.  Those  who  couldn't  come  back  certainly  missed 
an  outstanding  occasion. 

It  seems  a  little  out  of  order  to  mention  that  Home- 
coming will  be  October  27,  the  day  of  the  University  of 
Virginia  game.  However,  we  hope  you  will  put  this 
date  on  your  calendar  and  plan  now  to  attend  that 

This  year's  baseball  team  gives  promise  of  being  the 
best  Duke  has  had  in  many  years.  If  you  haven't  seen 
the  wonderful  infield  perform,  not  to  mention  the  out- 
field and  pitchers,  it  is  worth  your  time  and  effort  to 
see  a  game. 

To  be  married  in  the  Duke  Chapel  has  become  quite 
the  fashion  for  sons  and  daughters  of  Duke.  Almost 
?very  day  sees  another  wedding  in  this  beautiful  build- 
ing. It  seems  to  tie  the  young  men  and  women  closer  to 
the  University  and  at  the  same  time  to  give  them  the  best 
wishes  and  blessings  of  the  institution. 

Many  things  happen  in  the  Spring  of  the  year.  In 
addition  to  house  cleaning,  it  seems  the  migratory  bug 
bites  about  50  per  cent  of  our  alumni.  If  you  have  been 
bitten  by  this  bug  and  haven't  sent  us  your  change  of 
address,  please  do  so.  We  can't  tell  you  about  the  Uni- 
versity's program  or  keep  you  in  touch  with  your  fellow- 
alumni  unless  we  know  where  you  are. 

Congratulations  to  the  History  Department  for  the 
excellent  letter  which  it  mailed  to  alumni  who  majored  in 
history.  If  you  didn't  get  a  copy,  we  suggest  you  write 
to  Dr.  William  B.  Hamilton,  the  editor. 

The  Physics  Department  also  issued  a  similar  letter 
which  was  full  of  information  and  news  of  interest  to 
alumni  of  that  Department.  Likewise,  if  you  didn't  get 
a  copy  and  are  interested,  write  Dr.  W.  M.  Nielsen. 

The  second  issue  of  the  School  of  Law  Newsletter  was 
issued  late  in  March  and  was  enthusiastically  received  by 
the  alumni.  The  Newsletter  is  published  several  times 
during  the  vear. 

Tom  Fletcher,  '42,  like  so  many  other  alumni,  is  find- 
ing opportunities  in  connection  with  his  everyday  job 
to  serve  Duke  University  and  to  call  it  to  the  attention 
of  the  public  which  he  serves.  On  the  letter  page  of  this 
issue  is  reproduced  a  letter  from  him  which  illustrates 
this  point. 

Have  you  had  a  meeting  of  your  local  alumni  asso- 
ciation within  the  past  twelve  months?  If  not,  wouldn't 
it  be  a  good  idea  to  hold  one  in  the  near  future?  During 
the  Spring  of  the  year  many  groups  are  having  outdoor 
affairs,  such  as  picnics.  This  gives  the  members  a  chance 
to  get  together,  know  each  other  better,  and  have  a  visit 
with  some  fellow  alumnus  they  have  been  intending  to 
go  to  see  but,  because  of  the  pressure  of  things,  have 
failed  to  do  so.  Other  groups  are  inviting  as  guests  high 
school  students  who  are  interested  or  might  be  interested 
in  attending  Duke  Universitv. 

The  1951-52  bulletins  and  catalogs  are  now  coming 
off  the  press.  If  you  would  like  a  copy  of  one  of  these  for 
yourself  or  for  some  interested  person,  please  write  the 
Alumni  Office  or  the  Secretary's  office. 

The  parents  of  one  of  our  former  students  stopped  by 
the  office  a  few  days  ago.  While  here,  the  mother  re- 
marked that  she  and  her  husband,  together  with  two 
friends,  were  on  their  way  South.  She  said  that  the  last 
instructions  given  by  her  son  were  to  bring  their  friends 
by  the  Duke  campus  for  a  visit,  although  it  was  a  quite 
a  bit  out  of  their  way,  and  to  visit  the  Chapel,  the  Sarah 
P.  Duke  Gardens,  and  other  places  of  interest  on  the 
campus.  The  parents  were  also  instructed  to  come  by  the 
Alumni  Office  to  say  "hello."  We  appreciate  this 
thoughtfulness  on  the  part  of  the  parents,  as  well  as  the 


"Our  way  of  life  in  its  entirety  was  built  to  make 
government  the  servant  and  not  the  master  of  the  Ameri- 
can people." 

A  well  informed  alumni  body  makes  for  interest  and 
enthusiasm,  and  assures  the  future  of  an  educational 

Development  Campaign  Chairmen 

Last  month  the  Register  printed  photos  of  14  alumni  who  photos  are  published  so  that  all  alumni  may  see  and  know  at 
are  serving  Duke  as  Campaign  Chairmen  throughout  the  least  a  few  of  their  fellows  who  are  working  vigorously  and 
United    States.     This    month    12    more    are    presented.     These      unselfishly   for   "a   greater   Duke." 

Lee  F.  Davis,  '32 
Richmond,   Va. 

Lewis  M.  Heflin,  '19 
New  York,  N.  Y. 

F.  J.  Boling,   '23 
Siler  City,  N.  C. 

Charles  L.  Kearns,  '32 
High  Point,  N.  C. 

T.   Herbert   Jlinga,   '31 
Dallas,  Texas 

Charles   B.    Fisher,   '32 
Atlanta,  6a. 

Benjamin  F.  Few,  '15,  A.M.  '16 
New  York,  N.  Y.     - 

Sterling  Nicholson,  '22 
Durham,  N.  C. 

J.  Raymond  Smith,  '17 
Mt.  Airy,  N.  C. 

ilarjorie  Frey  Brown  (Mrs. 

David  E.),  '48 

New  Orleans,  La. 

Francis  L.  Dale,  '43 
Cincinnati,  Ohio 

E.  Ralph  Paris,  '14 
Atlanta.  Ga. 

[  Page  88 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 

The  1951  Commencement  Program 

Duke  University's  1951  Commencement 
is  being  anticipated  as  one  of  the  great- 
est in  history,  from  the  standpoint  of 
alumni  participation. 

Alumni  everywhere — Duke's  former 
men  and  women  students — are  daily 
made  increasingly  aware  of  the  signif- 
icance of  free  institutions  standing  for 
democratic  principles  and  striving  to 
protect  a  cherished  liberty.  This  is  evi- 
denced, for  one  way,  by  the  truly  mighty 
support  that  has  been  put  behind  the 
Duke  University  Development  Campaign 
during  the  past  year.  And  one  of  the 
high  points  of  the  Commencement  season 
will  be  the  report  of  what  has  been  ac- 
complished through  the  Campaign  and 
how  much  it  has  and  will  affect  the  Uni- 
versity's position  in  the  world  of  edu- 

The  Speakers 

Speakers  for  the  1951  Commencement 
will  be  The  Reverend  Paul  Ehrman 
Scherer  of  Union  Theological  Seminary, 
New  York  City,  who  will  deliver  the 
baccalaureate  sermon,  and  Dr.  Robert  L. 
Calkins,  director  of  the  General  Educa- 
tion Board  of  the  Rockefeller  Founda- 
tion. Biographical  notes  on  these  two 
prominent  Americans  will  appear  in  the 
May  Register.  The  Hon.  W.  Kerr  Scott, 
Governor  of  North  Carolina  will  deliver 
the  message  to  the  graduating  class. 

Something  New 

In  response  to  many  requests,  a  new 
entertainment  feature  has  been  added  to 
the  Commencement  program.  This  is  a 
presentation  of  the  Hoof  'n'  Horn's  latest 
production,  the  very  excellent  "Belles  and 
Ballots."  This  student  musical  has  re- 
ceived high  praise  from  all  who  have 
seen  it  in  Page  Auditorium  on  the  cam- 
pus and  in  Winston-Salem  on  tour.  The 
unanimous  opinion  is  that  it  is  one  of 
the  best  Hoof  'n'  Horn  productions  ever 
staged.  Returning  former  students, 
therefore,  will  have  an  opportunity  to 
see  what  their  present-day  counterparts 
are  capable  of  doing. 

And  Golf,  Too 

The  third  annual  Alumni  Golf  Tourna- 
ment will  take  place  again  this  j'ear  at 
Hope  Valley  on  Friday  afternoon  and 
Saturday  morning,  June  1  and  2.  As 
usual,  the  tournament  will  give  duffers  as 
well  as  old  pros  a  fair  chance  at  prizes, 
since  it  is  on  a  handicap  basis.  Those 
who  plan  to  enter  are  urged  to  fill  out 
the  blank  below  and  return  it  to  the 
Alumni  Office. 


Golf    Tournament    during   afternoon   arranged   by    Class   of   1941    for   all   returning 

Golf  Tournament  continued  in  the  morning. 
10  :30  a.m. — Annual  meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees. 
1 :00  p.m. — Luncheon  of  Trustees  with  National  Council.    West  Campus  Union. 

2  :30  p.m. — Meeting  of  the  Duke  University  National  Council.    West  Campus  Union. 
4 :45  p.m. — Lawn  Concert,  University  Band.    West  Campus  Quadrangle  in  front  of 

clock  tower. 
6 :15  p.m. — General  Alumni  Dinner,  followed  by  Open  House. 
8  :00  p.m. — Hoof   'n'   Horn   Production. 


11 :00  a.m. — Baccalaureate  Sermon  for  the  Graduating  Classes.  University  Chapel. 
The  Reverend  Paul  Ehrman  Scherer,  D.D.,  LL.D.,  Litt.D.,  L.H.D., 
Union  Theological  Seminary,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

3  :30  p.m. — Carillon  Recital  by  Anton  Brees,  University  Carillonneur. 

4 :30  p.m. — Organ  Recital  by  Mildred  L.  Hendrix,  University  Organist.    University 

6  :00  P.M. — Outdoor  Reception  in  Honor  of  Graduating  Classes.    East  Campus. 
7 :29  p.m. — Flag-lowering  Exercises  by  Senior  Classes.    East  Campus. 
8  :00  p.m. — Sunday  Night  Sing.    Auditorium,  East  Campus. 


10  :30  a.m. — Graduation   Exercises.    University  Indoor   Stadium.    Address  by  Robert 
D.   Calkins,  Ph.D.,  LL.D.,  Director  of  the  General  Education  Board 
of  the  Rockefeller  Foundation. 
■     Message  to  the  Graduating  Classes. 

The  Honorable  W.  Kerr  Scott,  Governor  of  North  Carolina. 

The  following  classes  are  planning  reunion  activities:   '01,  '10,  '11,  '12, 
'26,  '35,  '36,  '37,  '41,  '49. 

Are  Yon  Planning  To  Return? 

I  plan  to  return  to  Duke  at  Commencement,  1951  (     ) 

My  class, ,  is  having  a  reunion  this  year  (      ) 

I  shall  desire  dormitory  accommodations  for: 

Friday  night  (      ),  Saturday  night  (      ),  Sunday  night  (      ) 

Single  (     )  Double  (     ) 

I  shall  attend  the  general  alumni  dinner  Saturday  night,  June  2  (     ) 

Please  enter  my  name  in  the  Annual  Duke  Alumni  Golf  Tournament  (      ) 

My  club  handicap  is 

My  average  score  for  the  past  three  games  was 

I  prefer  to  play  18  holes  on  Friday  afternoon,  June  1   (      ) 

on  Saturday  morning,  June  2  (      ) 


Mail  to: 

Alumni  Office  Address 

Duke  Station  

Durham,  N.   C.  _. 

Scenes  From  Eighth  Alumnae  Week  End 

[  Page  90  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 

Alumnae  Event  Attracts  Many  to  Campus 

For  the  first  time  in  its  eight  years,  the 
annual  Duke  Alumnae  Week  End  was 
held  during  the  regular  school  session 
and  the  innovation  met  with  great  suc- 
cess. Former  Duke  coeds  enjoyed  being 
on  campus  with  future  alumnae  while 
college  life  was  in  full  swing. 

The  three-day  event,  featuring  lectures, 
art  and  music  events,  and  varied  social 
activities,  opened  Friday  afternoon, 
April  6,  and  extended  through  Sunday, 
April  8. 

All  alumnae  who  attended  returned 
home  with  a  much  clearer  idea  of  what 
is  happening  at  Duke  today.  They  be- 
came familiar  with  new  activities  of  both 
students  and  faculty,  and  they  reviewed 
the  operations  of  the  University  in  to- 
day's world. 

New  Alumnae  Officers 

Xew  officers  were  elected  for  the  Alum- 
nae Association  at  a  meeting  Saturday 
afternoon.  Coma  Cole  Willard  (Mrs.  W. 
B.).  '22,  of  Raleigh,  X.  C,  was  elected 
president  to  serve  for  a  term  of  two 
years,  according  to  a  new  rule  passed  by 
the  Alumnae  Council  at  its  meeting  the 
previous  afternoon.  On  the  action  of  the 
council,  Thelma  Albright,  A.M.  '37,  out- 
going president,  will  remain  as  a  member 
of  the  executive  committee  for  one  year. 
Other  officers  are :  first  vice-president, 
Frances  Davis,  '32,  Washington,  D.  C. ; 
second  vice-president,  Lee  Anne  Seawell, 
'40,  Athens,  Ga.;  representatives  at  large 
to  serve  for  three-year  terms :  Helen 
Cockrell  Henderson  (Mrs.  E.  L.),  De- 
troit, Mich.;  Trurlu  Strickland,  Char- 
lotte, X.  C. ;  and  Louisa  Hooker  Bourne 

(Mrs.  C.  W.,  Jr.),  Greensboro.  X.  C. 

Awards  were  given  to  various  alum- 
nae at  the  informal  dinner  held  Satur- 
day evening  in  the  West  Campus  Union 
at  which  President  Edens,  C.  A.  Dukes, 
director  of  Alumni  Affairs,  and  student 
leaders  were  guests. 

Blanche  Moss,  '23,  was  recognized  as 
being  the  first  to  register  for  the  Week 
End.  Coming  from  the  greatest  distance 
was  Lee  Anne  Seawell  of  Athens,  Ga. 
Miss  Mamie  Jenkins  and  Miss  Annie 
Pcgram,  both  members  of  the  class  '96, 
represented  the  oldest  class  with  members 
present.  The  delegations  from  Raleigh 
and  Asheboro  were  the  largest  from  any 
of  the  cities  represented.  Classes  with 
members  present  ranged  from  '93  to  '50. 

All-Duke  Program 

Featured  on  the  program  this  year 
were  members  of  the  Duke  faculty  and 
students.  Dr.  Weston  La  Barre  spoke  to 
the  alumnae  following  a  dinner  in  the 
Woman's  College  cafeteria  Friday  eve- 
ning. His  subject,  "The  Family,  Its 
Functions  and  Its  Future,"  touched  the 
widely  varied  concepts  of  family  life 
held  throughout  the  world.  Dr.  La  Barre 
described  the  many  customs  which  are 
strange  to  our  culture,  and  his  conclu- 
sion was  that  the  family  life  in  America 
is  superior  to  the  others. 

Following  the  lecture,  alumnae  attended 
a  coffee  hour  in  East  Duke  Building. 
Daughters  of  alumnae  were  hostesses  for 
the  occasion. 

After  visiting  the  campus  Saturday 
morning,  alumnae  heard  Dr.  Marianna 
Jenkins,  associate  dean  of  undergraduate 

Eighth  Alnmnae  Week  End  Scenes.  Top  left,  are  new  officers  Coma 
Cole  Willard  (Mrs.  WT.  B.),  '22,  Raleigh,  president;  and  Lee  Anne  Sea- 
well, '40.  Athens,  Ga.,  second  vice-president.  Priscilla  Gregory  McBryde 
(Mrs.  Angus),  '29,  top  right,  pours  tea  for  Katie  Herring  Higlismith 
(Mrs.  J.  H.),  '06,  at  a  tea  held  for  those  attending  the  week  end.  In  the 
background  are  Margery  Edwards  Ross  (Mrs.  Arthur),  '37,  and  Annie 
Louise  Steele  Redding  (Mrs.  T.  Henry).  '38,  both  of  Asheboro.  X.  C; 
Nairy  Kirkman  Poston  (Mrs.  A.  E.),  '25.  High  Point,  two  Duke  seniors, 
and  Patsy  McKay,  '30.  At  center  left,  are  shown  Mary  Shotwell.  '06, 
Oxford :  Professor  Emeritus  A.  M.  Webb  of  the  Romance  Language  De- 
partment and  Mrs.  Webb;  Mary  Tapp  Jenkins  (Mrs.  L.  B.).  '10.  Kinston ; 
and  Dean  A.  K.  Manchester,  Ph.D.  '30.  Center  right,  oldest  alumnae 
attending  the  week  end  were  Miss  Mamie  Jenkins,  center,  and  Miss  Annie 
Pegram.  right,  both  members  of  the  class  of  '96.  With  them  is  former  dean 
Alice  M.  Baldwin.  Lower  left,  a  group  of  seniors  talk  with  Mary  Gorham 
Cobb  (Mrs.  W.  H.),  '12,  at  a  tea  given  in  their  honor  by  the  Alumnae 
Association.  At  lower  risht,  Katherine  Moseley.  Jan?  Schrieder  and  Ann 
Woodall.  seniors,  meet  Trurlu  Strickland,  '35,  Charlotte;  Louisa  Hooker 
Bourne  (Mrs.  C.  W.),  '33,  Greensboro:  and  Marjorie  Glasson  Ross  (Mrs. 
Norman),  '33.  Durham. 

instruction  at  the  Woman's  College  and 
assistant  professor  of  art,  speak  on  the 
controversial  theme  "Are  Modern  'Isms' 

Later  in  the  morning,  a  student  panel 
discussed  the  question  "Can  Democracy 
Survive?"  for  the  group.  The  Moderator 
was  Alan  Raywid,  '52,  Washington,  D. 
C,  and  participants  were  John  O.  Black- 
burn, '51,  Miami,  Fla.;  Joan  Craig,  '51, 
Camp  Hill,  Pa.;  Dante  L.  Germino,  '53, 
Durham;  and  Beryl  Roberts,  '54,  Ashe- 
ville,  X.  C.  Alumnae  were  impressed 
with  the  deep  thinking  of  today's  stu- 
dents, and  expressed  a  desire  to  continue 
having  student  panels  at  their  future 

At  the  Alumnae  Association  meeting  at 
luncheon  on  Saturday,  a  suggestion  was 
made  that  Alumnae  Week  End  be  held 
every  other  year  or  discontinued  for  the 
duration  of  the  national  emergency.  The 
matter  hid  been  discussed  the  previous 
afternoon  at  Alumnae  Council  meeting. 
The  proposal  to  cease  having  Alumnae 
Week  End  was  voted  down  unanimously. 
It  was  felt  that  the  Week  End  means 
much  to  alumnae  and  to  the  University, 
and  it  was  decided  to  continue  having 
it  as  long  as  the  national  situation 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  after  Dr. 
R.  Florence  Brinkley,  professor  of  Eng- 
lish and  dean  of  the  Woman's  College, 
and  Miss  Florence  Wilson,  dean  of  the 
School  of  Xursing,  gave  reports  to  the 
alumnae  on  the  activities  of  the  Woman's 
College  and  the  School  of  Xursing. 

Students  Participate 

Seniors  from  the  Woman's  College  and 
the  School  of  Xursing  were  honored  at  a 
tea  held  Saturday  afternoon  at  the  Uni- 
versity House  by  the  Alumnae  Associa- 
tion. It  was  an  opportunity  for  return- 
ing alumnae  to  talk  with  students  and 
get  to  know  them. 

Following  the  Saturday  night  dinner, 
alumnae  were  entertained  by  a  student 
variety  program  which  included  the  Duke 
Brass  Ensemble  conducted  by  Robert 
Gray,  the  Madrigal  Singers  directed  by 
Mrs.  Eugenia  Saville,  and  the  Modern 
Dance  Group  led  by  Modena  Lewis. 

A  coffee  hour  given  by  the  members  of 
Phi  Kappa  Delta,  senior  woman's  hon- 
orary, was  given  for  the  alumnae  later 
Saturday   evening. 

Dr.  Ray  Petry.  professor  of  church 
history,  delivered  a  sermon,  "Lift  Up 
Your  Hearts,"  at  the  regular  worship 
service  in  the  University  Chapel  on  Sun- 
day.   His  words  were  especially  directed 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 

[  Page  PI  ] 

to  those  returning  alumnae  who  were  in 
the  congregation. 

The  concluding  event  of  a  full  Alum- 
nae Week  End  was  an  organ  recital  by 
Samuel  Tilghman  Morris,  head  of  the  Or- 
gan Department  at  Hollins  College.  His 
program  featured  works  of  Mozart,  Bach, 
Cesar  Franek,  and  Marcel  Dupre.  Mr. 
Morris  has  studied  under  some  of  the 
most   eminent   organists  of  the  day. 

The  Alumnae  Week  End  program 
committee,  which  planned  the  activities 
for  the  three  days,  included  Chairman 
Mary  Shotwell,  '06,  Oxford,  X.  C. ;  Mary 
Anna  Howard,  '31,  Durham;  Mildred 
Crawley,  R.X.,  B.S.N.  '44,  B.S.N.Ed.  '49. 
Durham;  Alma  Hull,  '36,  Charlotte;  Ida 
Applewhite  Barber  (Mrs.  W.  L.),  '36, 
Charlotte;  and  Betty  Jean  Culbreth,  '48, 

Summer  Session  Program  Announced 

The  1951  Summer  Session  program 
beginning  June  12,  will  be  one  of  the 
most  extensive  in  the  University's  his- 
tory, according  to  plans  just  announced 
by  Dr.  Paul  H.  Clyde,  director. 

Entering  students  will  be  admitted  to 
the  freshman  class  in  June,  as  part  of 
the  program  to  meet  educational  needs 
during  the  period  of  national  emergency. 
Upperclassrnen,  meanwhile,  are  expected 
to  enroll  for  summer  courses  in  lai-ger 
numbers,  as  they  strive  to  complete  re- 
quirements for  degrees  before  facing  the 
military  service. 

This  intensification  of  undergraduate 
activity  in  the  Summer  Session  will  be 
accompanied  by  an  expanded  program  of 
institutes,  conferences,  and  workshops, 
many  of  which  are  annually  scheduled 
and  others  which  are  innovations  this 
year.  Prominent  among  the  new  con- 
ferences is  the  Science  Teachers  Labora- 
tory, to  take  place  from  Julv  23  through 
July  27. 

The  Acceleration 

Attracted  to  the  Summer  Session  by 
the  acceleration  program  will  be  those 
men  students  who  are  uncertain  as  to 
their  academic  future  and  who  are  anx- 
ious to  move  as  far  along  as  possible  to- 
ward a  degree  before  being  plucked  out 
of  school  for  military  service.  Draft 
laws  affecting  college  'students  are  still 
not  crystallized  completely,  and  most 
students  have  the  feeling  that  existing 
national  policies  are  subject  to  moment 
tarv  change. 

Enrolling,  therefore,  for  summer  study 
will  be  (1)  undergraduates  attempting 
to  ^  complete  desree  requirements  as 
quickly  as  possible;  (>)  high  school 
graduates  entering  as  freshmen  in  order 
to  get  as  much  work  behind  them  as 
there  is  time  for:  and  (3)  students  of 
other  colleges  and  universities  who  find 
it  convenient  to  take  work  at  Duke  dur- 
ing the  summer  and  then  have  their 
credits  transferred  to  their  own  colleges. 

By  attending  classes  12  months  during 
the  year,  a  student  may  graduate  in  three 

instead  of  four  years,  and  then,  as  things 
appear  now,  take  basic  training  in  sea- 
manship or  infantry  tactics  in  lieu  of  ac- 
cumulated vacation. 

Also  attending  the  Summer  Session 
will  be  graduate  students  working  to- 
ward advanced  degrees  or  professional 
advancement,  post-doctorate  scholars  do- 
ing special  research  which  requires  the 
University's  wealth  of  facilities,  and  pro- 
fessional people,  including  teachers,  who 
will  attend  conferences  and  institutes  to 
become  familiar  with  the  latest  knowl- 
edge and  methods  in  their  fields. 

New  Courses 

The  members  of  Duke  faculties  who  re- 
main to  teach  during  the  summer  will 
be  supplemented  by  a  number  of  dis- 
tinguished teachers  from  other  institu- 
tions, and  new  courses  will  be  opened  for 
Summer    Session   students. 

A  course  in  acarology  (the  study  of 
mites)  will  be  given  bv  the  zoology  de- 
partment for  professional  workers,  and 
it  will  be  the  only  course  of  its  kind  ever 
offered  in  any  university. 

The  English  Department  has  added 
two  new  speech  courses,  methods  in 
teaching  speech  and  American  oratory, 
courses  in  Poe.  Hawthorne,  and  Melville, 
and  is  emphasizing  play  production,  his- 
tory of  the  theater,  and  contemporary 

The  popular  and  internationally  known 
School  of  Spanish  Studies  (June  12-July 
21)  will  add  to  its  curriculum  a  treat- 
ment of  contemporary  Spanish-American 
literature  by  generations.  The  Division 
of  Nursing  Education  has  added  a  course 
in  nursing  education  problems  in  nurs- 
ing care  and  a  seminar  in  medical  and 
surgical  specialty. 

At  Beaufort,  X.  C.  where  the  Duke 
Marine  Laboratory  is  located,  new  courses 
will  include  a  study  of  aquatic  popula- 
tions and  a  study  of  invertebrate  em- 
bryology, dealing  with  animals  native  to 
salt  water.  The  marine  lab  will  be  open 
for  two  terms,  from  June  12  to  July  21, 
and  from  Julv  23  to  August  31. 

The  Department  of  Education  will  pre- 
sent a  full  program  both  terms  for  can- 
didates for  advanced  degrees.  Special 
courses  will  be  given  for  teachers,  super- 
visors, and  administrators  for  certifica- 

Special  Conferences 

Throughout  the  summer  there  will  be 
various  institutes,  conferences,  and  work- 
shops on  the  campus.  The  schedule  of 
these  events  is  now  complete  and  in- 
cludes : 

North  Carolina  Conference  for  Social 
Studies— June  19-22. 

School  of  Spanish  Studies — June  12- 
July  21. 

Nursing  Education  Workshop — June 

School  for  Accepted  Supply  Pastors — 
July  3-19. 

Science  Teachers  Laboratory  Confer- 
ence—July 23-27. 

Institute  of  North  Carolina  English 
Teachers — (Aug.  2-4). 

Institute  for  Teachers  of  Mathematics 
—Aug.  7-17. 

Those  interested  in  enrolling  for  sum- 
mer courses  at  Duke,  or  attending  any 
of  the  various  conferences,  are  advised  to 
■write  to  The  Director,  Duke  University 
Summer  Session,  Duke  Station,  Durham, 
N.  C. 

Gardens  in  Bloom 

Nature,  with  a  little  assistance  from 
the  gardeners,  is  adding  the  finishing 
touches  for  the  annual  spring  pageant 
of  color  in  the  Sarah  P.  Duke  gardens 
at  Duke. 

The  gardens  reach  their  full  beauty 
in  mid-April.  The  Japanese  cherry 
trees  and  magnolias  have  begun  to 
bloom.  Masses  of  red  buds  have  been 
covering  the  crab-apple  trees,  and 
forsythia  and  spirea  have  flowered. 
Pansies,  hearts-ease  and  many  vari- 
eties of  narcissus  blossomed  along  the 
pathways  during  March,  and  banks 
have  been  covered  with  daffodils  and 

The  annual  pilgrimage  of  nature 
lovers  began  Easter  week  end,  when 
many  hundreds  of  visitors  visited  the 
gardens.  As  the  gardens  unfold  their 
spring  loveliness,  visitors  are  welcome 
to  come  to  the  campus  to  enjoy  the 
arrav  of  colorful  blooms. 

[  Page  92  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 

The  wearing  of  the  green  has  become 
a  regular  feature  of  Duke  University 
campus.  The  wearers,  however,  are  not 
paying  homage  to  St.  Patrick  and  old 
Ireland;  they  are  fledgling  officers  in 
Uncle  Sam's  Air  Force,  who  are  training 
under  the  Air  R.O.T.C. 

The  Duke  Unit  of  the  Air  Force  R.O.- 
T.C. was  given  birth  on  July  1,  1949. 
At  that  time  there  was  an  enrollment  of 
only  65  students,  and  Duke  was  one  of 
only  seventeen  colleges  in  the  country  to 
have  the  air-training  program.  Now 
there  are  well  over  a  hundred  colleges 
with  R.O.T.C.  units,  and  Duke  has  re- 
fleeted  the  expansion.  There  are  now 
448  Duke  cadets,  who  spend  five  hours 
every  week  in  training'. 

The  Corps  constitutes  a  regular  de- 
partment of  instruction  known  as  the 
Department  of  Air  Science  and  Tactics. 
Its  object  is  explained  by  Colonel  Byron 
Switzer,  commander  of  the  Duke  Unit 
and  professor  of  Air  Science  and  Tac- 
tics. "Our  immediate  job  here,"  said 
Col.  Switzer,  "is  to  train  these  boys  for 
four  years  in  air-force  fundamentals.  At 
the  end  of  that  time  they  receive  a  com- 
mission in  the  Air  Force  Reserve,  and  the 
outstanding  men  will  be  offered  commis- 
sions in  the  regular  Air  Force." 

Three  of  the  weekly  training  hours  are 
spent  in  the  classroom,  and  an  average 
of  three  semester  hour  credits  is  given 
for  each  of  the  eight  semesters.  The  two 
remaining  hours  are  devoted  to  military 
drill  in  the  good  old-fashioned  manner 
under  T/Sgt.  Anthony  Filardo. 

The  course  is  divided  into  two  parts, 
basic  and  advanced,  and  all  students  en- 

At  left — Tech  Sergeant  Anthony  Filardo  explains  the  working  details  of 
an  M-l  rifle  to  a  group  of  cadets  before  Colonel  Switzer.  At  right — Master 
Sergeant  Dan  Morning-star  and  Captain  E.  "W.  Clark,  '42,  instruct  aero- 
dynamics during  a  class  on  Freshman  Field. 

Training  Air  Force  Reserves 

This  is  the  second  of  two  articles 
dealing  with  military  training  on  the 
Duke  campus.  The  first,  published 
last  month,  described  how  future  naval 
officers  are  trained  at  the  University. 
The  current  article  is  about  the 
younger  Air  Force  Reserve  program. 
Emphasis  on  armed  service  training- 
is  greater  now,  perhaps,  than  ever  be- 
fore, as  college  men  are  constantly 
aware  of  the  parts  they  may  soon  be 
called  upon  to  play  in  national  de- 

rolled  in  the  latter  receive  approximately 
$27.00  a  month  during  the  academic  year. 
All  cadets  wear  the  dark  green  coat  of 
the  Air  Force  officer,  though  the  ad- 
vanced cadets  are  distinguished  from  the 
others  by  their  "pink"  trousers  and  vi- 
sored  service  cap.  Uniforms  are  provided 
free,  and  include  overcoats  where  cli- 
matic conditions  warrant  them,  and  sum- 
mer uniforms  for  those  attending  summer 

Areas  of  Training 

Do  the  cadets  receive  wings  when  they 
graduate?  No,  they  don't.  In  fact,  they 
don't  get  any  flight  training  at  all.  As  of 
G-  (Graduation)  Day  they  are  among  the 

50  percent  of  Air  Force  officers  who  are 
administrative  rather  than  flight  person- 
nel. Flight  training  can  come  later — 
R.O.T.C.  graduates  have  top  priority 
on  flight  training — but  it  is  the  concern 
of  the  Air  Force  that  its  flight  officers 
shall  be  more  than  mere  airplane  drivers. 
First  they  must  specialize  in  some  basic 
aspect  of  air  operations. 

Duke  cadets  engage  in  two  of  these 
basic  aspects,  air  installations  engineer- 
ing and  administration  and  supply, 
which  includes  logistics.  The  first  spe- 
cialty is  open  to  civil  engineering  stu- 
dents. Their  civilian  studies  are  adapted 
and  expanded  to  include  problems  of 
airstrip  and  airbase  construction  and 
maintenance,  crash  and  rescue  operations 
and  firefighting.  Administration  and 
Supply  cadets,  taken  from  the  ranks  of 
general  students,  learn  to  handle  the 
business  end  of  Air  Force  operations, 
specializing  for  example  in  the  logistics 
of  airlifting  armament,  munitions,  food, 
fuel  and  similar  supplies. 

Planned  for  the  near  future  is  a  third 
specialty,  air  operations,  whose  officers 
work  on  the  technical  and  non-strategic 
details  of  getting  flights  of  bombers  and 
fighter  aircraft  off  the  ground  and  back 
down  out  of  the  air,  establishing  air 
traffic     control,    planning    missions    and 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 

[  Page  93  ] 

Colonel   Byron   Switzer,  Duke  commandant,   interviews   a   pair  of  freshmen 
applying  for  training  in  the  United  States  Air  Force  Reserve. 

similar  problems.    This  may  develop  next 
fall  at  Duke. 

In  addition  to  Colonel  Switzer,  an  Air 
Force  Command  pilot  with  many  hours 
of  flying  time  to  his  credit,  other  officers 
attached  to  the  Duke  unit  are  Lt.  Col. 
Jackson  V.  Rambeau,  Major  J.  P.  Mc- 
Bride,  Captain  F.  R.  Renken  and  Cap- 
tain R,  W.  Clark,  '42.  Cadet  Commander 
is  senior  Peter  L.  Kastrinelis,  who  comes 
from  Framing-ham,  Mass. 
As  Part  of  University  Life 

Draft  deferments  are  given  to  some 
members  of  Air  R.O.T.C,  but  as  Colonel 
Switzer  recently  emphasized,  "The  indi- 
vidual enrollee  must  maintain  a  suffi- 
ciently high  R.O.T.C.  and  academic 
standing  to  demonstrate  his  acceptability 
as  a  future  officer  or  he  will  not  be  al- 
lowed to   continue  in  the  program." 

Having  established  itself  in  the  aca- 
demic pattern  of  the  University,  Duke 
Air  R.O.T.C.  is  now  developing  itself 
as  a  social  unit  on  campus.  February  of 
this  year  saw  three  innovations  planned 
to  integrate  more  fully  the  social  activi- 
ties of  the  cadets. 

Last  November  Duke  was  represented 
at  a  conclave  of  the  Arnold  Air  Society, 
held  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.  This  is  a  national 
military  fraternal  organization  to  pro- 
mote outstanding  leadership  and  to  en- 
courage team  work.  In  February,  twelve 
Duke  cadets  were  initiated  into  the  Duke 
Chapter  of  the  Society,  which  was  named 
for  William  A.  Sally,  '40,  a  Duke  alum- 
nus who  was  killed  while  on  aerial  ma- 
neuvers  at    Kellv    Air    Force    Base.     All 

advanced  Air  R.O.T.C.  cadets  are  eligible 
for  membership,  and  the  Duke  Chapter 
is  making  plans  to  have  guest  speakers 
on  current,  particularly  military,  affairs, 
and  to  show  technical  and  general  mili- 
tary films. 

The  first  issue  of  "Contact,"  A.F.R.- 
O.T.C.  paper  edited  by  George  C.  Lynch, 
Duke  junior  from  Alaska,  appeared  on 
February  21.  In  an  editorial  Colonel 
Switzer  writes,  "This,  the  first  issue  of 
the  'Contact'  marks  one  more  milestone  in 
the  record  of  achievement.  I  commend 
you.  May  it  bring  that  pride  of  achieve- 
ment which  is  such  an  important  factor 
toward  creating  a  high  degree  of  morale 
in  the  organization." 

Also  taking  place  in  Februarv  was  the 
first  Air  Force  R.O.T.C.  Ball.  Bill  Byers 
and  his  Duke  Cavaliers  furnished  the 
music  for  the  Ball  which  was  held  in  the 
Fast  Campus  Gym.  The  highlight  of  the 
evening  was  the  crowning  of  an  Honor- 
ary Cadet  Colonel.  Virginia  Lee  Harris, 
a  junior  from  Summit,  N.  J.,  was  chosen, 
and  will  reign  until  the  next  military 

In  its  twenty  months  or  so  of  life,  the 
Air  Force  R.O.T.C.  unit  at  Duke  has  be- 
come an  increasingly  important  aspect  of 
university  life,  both  academically  and 

No  longer  does  the  Navy  have  things 
all  its  own  way  at  Duke.  A  friendly 
rivalry  exists  between  the  boys  in  blue 
and  the  boys  in  green.  But  beneath  the 
mutual   bantering   that   goes   on   there  is 

the  awareness  of  the  serious  purpose  of 
the  Officer  Training  Corps.  Cadet  Cap- 
tain Joseph  R.  Tamille  expresses  the 
sentiments  of  the  cadet  body  at  large 
when  he  writes  in  an  editorial  appearing 
in  "Contact,"  "We  have  grown  together 
in  both  friendship  and  cooperation,  and 
we  as  Air  Force  cadets  are  learning  the 
meaning  of  honor,  success,  and  failure 
among  ourselves." 

Fraternity  Pledges  Work 
To  Build  City  Playground 

Between  sunup  one  day  and  sundown 
the  next,  a  swarm  of  Duke  fraternity 
pledges,  supervised  by  upperclassmen  and 
Durham  Recreation  Department  officials, 
transformed  a  debris-littered,  stumpy,  un- 
even field  in  Durham  into  a  well- 
equipped  children's  playground.  The  oc- 
casion was  Greek  Week,  a  four -day  pro- 
gram designed  primarily  to  replace  the 
pre-initiation  period,  formerly  known  as 
"Hell- Week,"  with  a  program  of  inter- 
fraternity  activities.  Planned  and  spon- 
sored by  undergraduates,  the  accent  is  on 
cooperation  and  community  service. 

Some  250   pledges  worked  a  total  of 

Next  Year's  Concerts 

An  up-to-the-minute  list  of  stellar 
attractions  has  been  announced  for 
the  1951-1952  All-Star  Artist  Series 
to  be  presented  in  Page  Auditorium. 

Next  year's  series  will  be  the  most 
expensive  yet  offered  at  Duke,  and 
will  include  many  favorites.  Artists 
who  will  appear  are  Jerome  Hines, 
basso,  Monday,  October  15,  1951; 
Frederich  Gulda,  pianist,  Tuesday, 
November  13,  1951;  Singing  Boys  of 
Norway,  Thursday,  January  31,  1952 ; 
Sadler's  Wells  Theatre  Ballet,  Thurs- 
day, February  21,  1952;  and  Patrice 
Munsel,  Metropolitan  Opera  Star, 
Monday,  March  10,  1952. 

As  an  added  attraction,  the  series 
will  again  present  the  ever  popular 
First  Piano  Quartet.  The  exact  date 
for  this  performance  has  not  been  de- 
termined but  will  be  during  the  latter 
part  of  October,  1951. 

Alumni  and  friends  of  Duke  Uni- 
versity may  be  interested  in  attending 
this  outstanding  series  of  musical 
events  on  the  Duke  Campus.  Further 
information  may  be  obtained  from  J. 
Foster  Barnes,  director  of  music,  Box 
4822,  Duke  Station,  Duke  University, 
Durham,  N.  C. 

[  Page  94  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 

Enevln£3.£±wG,   Qln-kiiT-    strove  are  scenes  from  the 
IlgmeerS     CinOW     l9th     ammal     Engineers' 

Show,  held  in  the  College  of  Engineering  Building  on 
March  16-17.  The  two-day  exhibition,  featuring  working 
displays  from  all  three  departments  of  the  College,  civil, 
electrical  and  mechanical,  attracted  more  than  5,000 
spectators.  At  top  left  a  young  spectator  watches  in 
amazement  while  his  voice  records  itself  in  light  waves 
on  the  complicated  gadget  before  him.  At  top  right 
delighted  spectators  observe  a   toy  electric  train  set  up 

in  the  Mechanical  Department  to  demonstrate  technical 
principles.  Bottom  left  is  a  boiler  assembly  for  a  power 
plant,  also  in  the  Mechanical  Department.  Bottom  center 
is  a  photoelasticity  set-up  designed  to  test  strength  of 
materials.  Screen  at  right  records  in  colored  light  waves 
material's  resistance  to  pressure.  Bottom  right  is  a  group 
gathered  outside  the  cage  behind  which  electrical  engi- 
neers allow  a  trained  1,000, 000-volt  bolt  of  lightning  to 

approximately  750  hours  carting  off  three 
truckloads  of  broken  glass,  removing 
stumps,  filling  holes,  planting  shrubs, 
constructing  a  basketball  court  and  a 
baseball  diamond  with  a  permanent 
backstop,  installing  swings  and  seesaws. 
The  four-day  program  opened  with  a 
special  chapel  service.  The  construction 
project  was  followed  by  a  banquet  at 
which  the  principal  speaker,  introduced 
by  President  Hollis  Edens,  was  Edwin  L. 
Jones,  '12,  Duke  trustee  and  president  of 
the  J.  A.  Jones  Construction  Company 
of  Charlotte.  Closing  events  were  an 
interfraternity  athletic  field  day  in  Duke 
Stadium  and  a  dance  in  the  old  gymnasi- 
um on  West  Campus. 

L.  E.  Hunt,  '50,  Dies  in  Korean  Aclion 

Private  Lawrence  Ellerbe  Hunt,  '50, 
of  Pleasant  Garden,  N.  C,  was  killed 
in  action  on  March  13  in  Korea. 

A  member  of  the  Second  Infantry 
Division,  Larry  was  attached  to  a 
South  Korean  unit  at  the  time  of  his 

The  last  letter  his  family  received 
was  dated  February  10. 

During  World  War  II,  Larry  served 
with  the  armed  forces  and  was  sta- 
tioned with  the  Army  of  Occupation 
in   Japan   for   eight   months.     An   en- 

listed reservist,  he  was  recalled  to  ac- 
tive duty  last  September,  exactly  four 
years  from  the  day  he  returned  from 
service  in  World  War  II. 

In  addition  to  his  parents,  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Charles  J.  Hunt  of  Pleasant 
Garden,  he  is  survived  by  one  brother, 
Jack  Hunt,  a  student  at  Duke;  two 
sisters,  Frances,  a  student  at  W.C.U. 
N.C.,  and  Elizabeth,  of  the  home;  and 
his  paternal  grandfather,  William  B. 
Hunt,  also  of  Pleasant  Garden. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 

[  Page  9!5  1 

Meetings  of  Alumni 

Baltimore,  Md. 

The  1951  officers  for  the  Baltimore 
Duke  Alumni  Association  are  William  B. 
Somerville.  '38,  president;  Dr.  Stephen 
J.  VanLill  III,  '38,  vice-president;  Alex- 
ander Wilson,  B.S.  '46,  B.S.E.E.  '47,  re- 
cording secretary :  Murray  H.  Owen,  '40, 
corresponding  secretary;  Howard  C. 
Heiss,  Jr.,  '50,  treasurer;  and  Catherine 
Woods,   '49,  alumnae  representative. 

Washington,  D.  C. 

The  new  officers  for  the  Washington, 
D.  C,  Duke  Alumni  Association,  elected 
at  the  dinner  meeting  on  March  6,  are  as 
follows :  Frances  A.  Davis,  '32,  presi- 
dent ;  James  Bost,  '95,  first  vice-presi- 
dent; Chisman  Hanes,  '30,  LL.B.  '33, 
second  vice-president;  Alan  Puryear,  '36, 
secretary;  and  Luther  Angle,  '30,  treas- 

Senator  Richard  M.  Xixon,  LL.B.  '37, 
was  the  speaker  for  the  gala  occasion. 
He  was  introduced  by  Sidney  Alderman, 
'13,  general  counsel  of  the  Southern 
Railway  System,  who  was  toastmaster. 

Following  Senator  Xixon,  Senator 
Willis  Smith,  '10,  guest  of  honor,  spoke 
to  the  group.  Evelyn  Knight,  star  of  the 
stage  and  screen,  sang  for  the  enjoyment 
of  the  group. 

Special  guests  included  Charles  Mur- 
phy, LL.B.  '34,  legislative  aid  to  Presi- 
dent Truman;  retired  Dean  H.  Claude 
Horack   and   Mrs.   Horaek   of   the   Duke 

Law  School,  and  their  daughter,  Mrs. 
J.  W.  Dixon,  who  was  a  graduate  stu- 
dent at  Duke  in  '31;  and  Miss  Alice 
Baldwin,  dean  of  the  Duke  Woman's 
College  from  1923  to  1947. 

Miss  Baldwin  was  honored  March  11 
at  a  tea  given  by  Dorothv  Patton  Breed- 
love  (Mrs.  J.  P.^  Jr.),  A.M.  '46. 

Detroit,  Mich. 

President  Hollis  Edens  addressed  the 
members  of  the  Detroit  Duke  Alumni 
Association  at  their  annual  meeting  on 
March  14.  The  dinner  meeting  was  held 
in  the  lounge  of  the  Rockham  Building. 

Norfolk,  Va. 

Duke  alumni  from  Norfolk  and  Ports- 
mouth, Va.,  held  a  meeting  at  Pine  Tree 
Inn  on  March  16.  Mr.  Malcolm  MeDer- 
mott,  professor  of  law  at  Duke,  made  an 
inspiring  talk  to  the  group. 

In  charge  of  the  meeting  were :  Elmer 
Tarrall,  '35.  M.Ed.  '39.  and  Marvin  Her- 
rington.  '33,  M.D.  '37,  publicity;  Edwin 
Kellam,  '33,  LL.B.  '36,  and  Dr.  William 
T.  Sellers  III,  '31.  arrangements;  and 
W.  P.  Earngey,  Jr.,  '38,  and  James  R. 
Peake,  Jr.,  '32,  program. 

Xew  officers  elected  for  the  following 
year  are:  Willard  (Bolo)  Perdue,  '40, 
president ;  Sidney  L.  Bowden,  '33,  vice- 
president  ;  and  Aquilla  H.  Joyner,  Jr., 
'42,  secretarv-treasurer. 

Alamance  County 

Dr.  Charles  E.  Jordan,  vice-president 
in  the  Division  of  Public-  Relations  and 
secretary  of  Duke  University,  was  the. 
principal  speaker  for  the  meeting  ofj 
the  Alamance  County  Duke  Alumni  at 
the  Alamance  Hotel  in  Burlington,  X.  C, 
on  March  20.  Dr.  Jordan  is  also  chair- 
man of  the  Athletic  Council. 

New  York  City 

The  annual  concert  and  dance  for  the 
Duke  Glee  Club  was  held  by  the  Xew 
York  City  Duke  Alumni  Association  at 
the  Savoy  Plaza  Hotel  on  March  30. 
A  luncheon  was  also  given  by  the  group 
for  J.  Foster  Barnes,  director  of  the 
Glee  Club,  Mrs.  Barnes,  and  the  presi- 
dent and  business  manager  of  the  Glee 

The  Xew  York  Alumni  Association  has 
had  a  busy  season  this  year.  Their  din- 
ner dance  at  the  Beekman  Tower  Hotel 
on  February  16  was  a  great  success.  On 
March  6  they  had  a  business  meeting  at 
which  arrangements  for  the  March  30 
and  other  future  meetings  were  made. 

Officers  for  the  Association  are  E.  E. 
Barry,  Jr.,  '38,  president;  Leo  Brady, 
'23,  executive  vice-president;  Harold 
Cruiekshank,  '41,  vice-president;  Doro- 
thy Leary,  '34,  vice-president;  Dr.  Rich- 
ard Fowler,  '41,  treasurer,  and  Fred  L. 
Walker,  '47,  secretary. 

Wilson  County 

Coach    Harold    Bradley. 

Duke's    new 

basketball  mentor,  was  guest  speaker  at 

At  left — Xew  York  City  alumni  meeting.  At  head  table, 
left  to  right,  are  Dr.  Heurv  C.  Sprinkle,  Jr.,  '23,  A.M. 
'24,  D.D.  '49;  Mrs.  Paul  M.  Gross;  Ben  F.  Few,  '15; 
Duke  Vice-President  Paul  M.  Gross :  Robert  L.  Hatcher, 
Jr.,  "28:  Alex  H.  Sands;  Mrs.  Margaret  Jordan  Sprinkle, 
'24:  and  Duke  Vice-President  Charles  E.  Jordan. 

At  right — Washington,  D.  C.  Speakers"  table,  left  to 
right,  are  Mrs.  H.  Claude  Horaek:  retired  law  dean  Dr. 
Horack;  retired  Woman's  College  Dean  Alice  M.  Bald- 
win :  Frances  Davis,  '32 ;  Senator  Packard  Xixon,  LL.B. 
'37;  Sidney  S.  Alderman,  '13:  Senator  Willis  Smith,  '10; 
Charles  Murphy,   '31,  LL.B.  '34 :  and  Mrs.  Alderman. 

[  Page  96  ] 


the  annual  dinner  meeting  of  the  Wilson 
County  Alumni  Association.  Some  60 
alumni  met  at  the  Hotel  Cherry  in  Wil- 
son on  Thursday  evening,  April  5.  Presi- 
dent John  Graves,  '43,  presided  at  the 
meeting,  which  featured  a  turkey  dinner. 

Charles  A.  Dukes,  '29,  spoke  briefly 
to  the  group  about  the  progress  of  the 
Development  Campaign  and  introduced 
Coach  Bradley,  emphasizing  his  outstand- 
ing success  in  succeeding  the  late  K.  C. 
"Gerry"  Gerard  just  as  the  season 
opened  and  guiding  the  Blue  Devils  into 
the  Southern  Conference  finals. 

Coach  Bradley  discussed  his  favorite 
subject,  basketball,  and  treated  the  group 
with  a  film  of  the  January  6th  Duke- 
X.  C.  State  game,  a  fast  and  furious 
overtime    thriller. 

Officers  elected  for  the  coming  year 
■were  the  Rev.  Robert  W.  Bradshaw,  '19, 
president :  E.  R.  Bridgers,  '35,  vice-presi- 
dent; Carl  M.  Whitley,  '37,  secretary- 
treasurer;  Littlejohn  Faulkner,  '29, 
alumni  representative;  and  Dorothy  Bar- 
row Kennedy  (Mrs.  K.  D.),  '35,  alumnae 
Washington  Law  Alumni 

Officers  for  the  Washington,  D.  C, 
alumni  of  the  Duke  Law  School  are 
Frank  Fletcher,  '35,  president;  and  Abra- 
ham B.  Book,  '30,  LL.B.  '34,  secretary- 
treasurer.  They  are  serving  for  the  pres- 
ent year. 

The  Law  Alumni  group  has  held  sev- 
eral monthly  meetings  this  year,  the  first 
of  which  honored  Judge  Justin  Miller, 
who  was  dean  of  the  Duke  Law  School 
from  1930  to  1935.  That  meeting  was 
held  January  12  at  the  Mayflower  Hotel 
in  Washington.  On  March  5  the  group 
met  at  the  Vandenberg  Room  in  the  Sen- 
ate Office  Building.  O'Donnell's  Restau- 
rant has  tentatively  been  selected  as  the 
regular  meeting  place  for  the  luncheon 
meetings  held  the  first  Monday  of  every 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Among  recent  functions  given  by  the 
Philadelphia  Duke  Alumni  Association 
have  been  a  dinner  meeting  at  the  Lido 
Restaurant  in  West  Philadelphia  for  the 
executive  committee  on  January  3;  and 
a  Valentine's  Day  dance  held  February 
16  at  the  Plymouth  Country  Club.  There 
was  also  a  large  crowd  of  alumni  who 
attended  the  Duke-Pennsylvania  basket- 
ball game. 

The  Duke  Alumni  Association  of  Phil- 
adelphia and  vicinity  is  planning  to  have 
its  spring  meeting  Friday,  May  11,  at 
6 :30  p.m.  at  the  Old  Bookbinders  Res- 
taurant, 125  Walnut  Street,  Philadelphia. 
There  will  be  a  dinner,  a  prominent  guest 
speaker,  and  an  entertaining  variety  pro- 

Alumni  and  friends  of  the  Albemarle  section  of  North  Carolina  met  in 
Elizabeth  City  on  March  28  to  discuss  the  Duke  Development  Campaign. 
About  75  attended  and  Dr.  Edens  spoke.  Standing  above  is  John  Turner, 
'35,  president  of  the  Albemarle  Association. 

gram  including  singer  Novella  Murray 
Snyder  (Mrs.  Thoburn  R.,  Jr.),  '44,  a 
magician,  and  others.  Following  the 
dinner  and  the  program  there  will  be 

Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 

Duke  alumni  from  Rocky  Mount,  N.  C, 
and  members  of  the  Rocky  Mount  Sports- 
man's Club  turned  out  by  the  hundreds 
on  March  23  to  pay  tribute  to  a  native 
son  who  made  good — William  D.  Murray, 
'31,  new  head  football  coach  at  Duke  Uni- 
versity— at  a  banquet  in  his  honor  held 
in  the  ballroom  of  the  Ricks  Hotel  in 
Rocky  Mount. 

Among  the  special  guests  present  for 
"Bill  Murray  Night"  was  band  leader 
and  star  of  radio,  television  and  the 
movies  Kay  Kyser,  a  lifelong  friend  of 
the  new  Duke  mentor.  Mr.  Kyser,  a 
Rocky  Mount  native  himself,  was  Bill 
Murray's  first  football  coach  when  he 
starred  on  a  midget  team  known  as  the 
Rocky  Mount  Tigers. 

Also  in  attendance  were  Eddie  Cam- 
eron, director  of  athletics  at  Duke, 
Charles  A.  Dukes,  director  of  alumni  af- 
fairs, Glenn  E.  (Ted)  Mann,  director  of 
sports  information  at  Duke,  and  Freddie 
Crawford,  '34,  former  Duke  football  star 
and  first  North  Carolinian  ever  to  make 
an  All-American  football  team.  William 
Bennett,  '43,  president  of  the  Nash- 
Edgecombe  chapter  of  Duke  alumni,  pre- 

Coach  Murray  was  introduced  by  E. 
E.  (Knocker)  Adkins,  '32,  Rocky  Mount 
high  school  athletic  director  and  former 
assistant  to  Bill  Murray  at  Delaware. 
The  new  Duke  coach  said  that  he  re- 
turned to  his  alma  mater  because  "I  saw 

great  things  in  store  there  and  wanted 
to  be  a  part  of  them."  He  was  accom- 
panied to  the  dinner  by  his  daughter, 
Marilyn,  a  Duke  freshman. 

Kay  Kyser  presented  Bill  Murray  with 
an  electric  clock  as  a  homecoming  gift 
from  the  Sportsman's  Club.  After  giving 
him  the  clock,  Mr.  Kyser  quipped,  "This 
is  the  first  time  I  ever  heard  of  a  coach 
getting  the  works  before  he  gets  started." 

Horrors!  Bui  Not  Quite 

If  any  reader  of  these  pages  is  still 
in  doubt  as  to  the  frightful  condition 
of  this  staggering  old  world,  let  him 
give  heed  to  the  following  item.  It 
should  shock  into  a  state  of  horrible 
awareness  the  most  complacent  ostrich 
who  ever  hid  his  head. 

This  occurred  during  the  evening 
of  March  23  in  Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 
Duke  alumni  of  Nash  and  Edgecomb 
Counties,  having  invited  Coach  Mur- 
ray to  speak  to  them,  were  anxious 
that  other  Rocky  Mount  residents 
have  equal  opportunity  to  welcome 
back  a  popular  native  son.  A  huge 
crowd  gathered,  and,  inevitably,  there 
were  representatives  of  certain  other 
colleges  and  universities. 

From  all  reports,  proceedings  were 
smooth  enough  until  time  came  to 
vote  on  a  new  president  for  the  Asso- 
ciation. It  was  at  this  point  that  an 
alert  presiding  officer  stopped  every- 
thing with  a  mighty  shout.  For  he  had 
discovered  that  a  Wake  Forest  man 
had  nominated  a  Carolina  man  for 
president  of  the  Duke  organization. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 

[  Page  97  ] 

Baseball  Prospects  Brightest  in  Ye 


Diamond  Victories  Cheer  Devil  Fans 

The  smile  on  the  benevolent  counte- 
nance of  Coach  Jack  Coombs,  as  he  holds 
his  morning  conferences  in  the  southeast 
corner  of  the  Union  lobby,  is  broader 
this  spring-  than  it  has  been  for  some 
several  baseball  seasons  past. 

There  are  several  reasons  for  this 
pleasant  phenomenon.  They  all  concern 
the  great  national  pastime,  as  played 
on  Coombs  Field  by  the  1951  Blue  Devils. 

First,  the  Blue  Devils,  at  this  writing, 
are  on  top  of  their  division  in  the 
Southern  Conference  race.  They  gained 
this  lofty  eminence  on  Saturday,  April 
7,  by  whitewashing  a  Wake  Forest  nine 
that  has  been  persistently  sweeping  con- 
ference and  Big  Four,  as  well  as  na- 
tional, honors  for  the  past  three  years. 
The  Demon  Deacons  had  not  been  blanked 
since  1948,  until  Duke  took  them  8  to  0. 

Second,  the  pitching  of  sophomore 
Joe  Lewis  has  been  sensational  in  his 
first   three   games,   all   of   which   he  won 

handily  and  the  last  of  which  was  the 
Wake    Forest    shindig    mentioned    above. 

Third,  the  Devils  are  also  on  top  of  the 
Big  Four  heap. 

Fourth,  last,  and  by  far  from  least,  the 
Duke  infield  this  season,  in  spite  of  being- 
manned  at  key  corners  by  inexperienced 
sophomores,  is  probably  the  best  in  col- 
legiate baseball. 

This  dream  infield  is  composed  of  Bill 
Werber,  sophomore  son  of  another  fa- 
mous Duke  athlete,  on  first;  Bill  Berg- 
eron, senior  sensation  from  Greenwich, 
Conn.,  on  second;  Dick  Groat,  the  dead- 
eye  basketball  All- America,  at  short;  and 
Tommy  Powers,  last  fall's  slashing  wing- 
back  and  a  Phi  Beta  Kappa,  at  third. 

As  of  mid-April  the  Blue  Devils  had 
won  seven  and  lost  two.  The  pair  of 
losses,  both  by  teams  Duke  defeated  on  a 
previous  day,  brought  temporary  bitter- 
ness to  the  heart  of  Coach  Jack.  Both 
were  lost  on  errors — given  away — in  the 

final  frames  of  what  appeared  to  be  sure 
Duke  victories. 

Michigan  State  picked  up  three  un- 
earned tallies  late  in  the  seventh  inning 
of  the  second  of  a  two-game  series  to 
take  the  contest  8  to  5.  A  few  days  later, 
before  the  kinks  were  out,  Yale  took  an 

11  to  9  victory  by  pushing  across  eight 
runs  in  the  ninth  inning  without  the  bene- 
fit of  a  single  hit.  The  next  day  the 
regular  Coombs  lecture  tour  of  the  Union 
was  cut  short  by  several  unhappy 

But  the  victories  have  brought  smiles 
of  joy.  The  Devils  were  truly  impressive 
in  taking  two  from  Indiana,  23  to  1  and 

12  to  1;  two  from  South  Carolina,  12  to 
7   and   6   to   0 ;   beating  Michigan   State 

7  to  6;  Tale  3  to  1 ;  and  Wake  Forest 

8  to  0. 

Other  members  of  the  squad  are  out- 
fielders John  Carroll,  Dick  Johnson,  Bill 
Robinson,  and  John  Gibbons;  catchers 
Bob  Bensinger,  Dick  Denny,  and  Jack 
MeGuire;  and  pitchers  Bob  Davis,  Frank 
Graham,  Norm  Benfer,  "Lefty"  Carver, 
Bill  Joyce,  Lou  Klein,  Bill  Ward,  John 
White,  and  Jack  Brown. 

Benny  Cavalier,  expected  to  be  a  stal- 
wart in  the  outfield  this  year,  has  been 
out  of  action  since  breaking  a  leg  in 
early  season  practice. 

Three  of  the  Blue  Devils'  pitching  corps  for  the  current  diamond  campaign 
are,  left  to  right,  Prank  Graham,  Joe  Lewis,  and  Bob  Davis.  All  have  shown 
well  in  early  appearances  on  the  mound,  and  can  be  credited  with  Duke's 
high  standing  at  mid-season. 

Late  Scores 

Baseball— N.  C.  State  12-Duke  10; 
Duke  7-South  Carolina  6  (14  innings)  ; 
Duke  5-Wake  Forest  2 ;  Duke  8-N.  C. 
State  7;  and  (alas)  Carolina  14-Duke 

Golf— (undefeated)  Duke  26-N.  C. 
1;  Duke  23-Michigan  4;  Duke  27- 
William  and  Mary  3;  Duke  251/2- 
Riehinond  1%;  Duke  27-Maryland 
2% ;  Duke  26-George  Washington  1 ; 
and  Duke  26y2-Wake  Forest  %. 

Lacrosse — Duke  26- Washington  and 
Lee  8 ;  Duke  6-Washington  College  6. 

Track— Duke  46%-Navv  84%;  Duke 
95-N.  C.  State  31. 

Tennis — Duke  8-Michigan  1;  Duke 
6-Davidson  3;  Duke  4-Carolina  5; 
Duke  9-Presbyterian  0. 

[  Page  98  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 

Bill  Murray's  "T-party"  Calendar  for  '51 

Carolina  being  met  in  Duke  Stadium. 
The  schedule : 

South  Carolina  at  Coluui- 

A  10-ganie  football  schedule  which 
will  pit  the  Blue  Devils  against  some 
of  the  best  teams  in  the  nation  has 
been  announced  by  Athletic  Director 
Eddie  Cameron. 

One  of  the  new  teams  on  the  sched- 
ule is  the  University  of  Virginia,  and 
the  game  with  the  Cavaliers  on  Octo- 
ber 27  will  be  observed  as  Home- 

The  long-time  rivalries  with  Ten- 
nessee, N.  C.  State,  Georgia  Tech, 
Wake  Forest  and  North  Carolina  will 
be  continued.  In  addition,  South 
Carolina,  Pittsburgh,  Virginia  Tech, 
Virginia,  and  William  and  Mary  will 
be  met. 

The  home  card  is  an  attractive  one 
with  State,  Virginia,  Wake  Forest  and 

Sept.  22- 

Sept.  29— Pittsburgh  at  Pittsburgh. 

Oct.    6 — Tennessee  at  Knoxville. 

Oct.  13— N.  C.  State  at  Durham. 

Oct.  20— Virginia   Tech  at  Norfolk, 

Oct.  27 — Virginia  at  Durham 
( Homecoming) . 

Nov.    3 — Georgia   Tech  at   Atlanta. 

Nov.  10 — Wake  Forest  at  Durham. 

Nov.  17 — William  and  Mary  at  Wil- 

Nov.  24 — North    Carolina    at    Dur- 

Spring  Teams  Are  Impressive 

Based  on  their  records  at  mid-season, 
Spring  athletic  teams  at  Duke  Univer- 
sity had  rolled  up  some  of  the  best  marks 
of  the  year.  Three  outfits,  track,  la- 
crosse and  golf,  were  undefeated  as  The 
Register  went  to  press,  and  the  tennis 
and  baseball  teams  had  also  looked  im- 
pressive in  early  season  showings. 

The  track  team  especially  looked  good 
in  early  meets.  Not  expected  to  be  par- 
ticularly strong  on  a  Spring  vacation 
tour,  the  track  crew  blasted  the  Univer- 
sity of  Miami  73-53  and  Florida  State 
University  by  103-28  in  dual  meets  and 
looked  good  in  taking  the  majority  of 
the  first  places  in  the  Florida  Relays  at 
Gainesville,  Fla.  Returning  home,  the 
track  crew  gained  a  tie  with  a  strong, 
undefeated  Princeton  outfit  by  a  65%- 
65%  count.  Princeton  had  previously 
handed  North  Carolina  its  first  dual 
track  loss  in  three  years.  The  cindermen 
were  very  impressive,  too,  in  the  Caro- 
lina Relays,  although  no  team  score  was 

Top  performers  for  Duke's  outstand- 
ing track  aggregation  thus  far  have  been 
runners  Henry  Poss,  Tommy  Reeves, 
Captain  John  "Buddy"  Grisso,  John 
Tate,  Billy  Anderson,  Dick  Sykes,  Jim 
Chamberlain  and  Art  Loub,  plus  field 
men  James  "Tank"  Lawrence,  John  Con- 
ner, Carl  James  and  Frank  Nichols. 

Poss  turned  in  a  fast  time  of  9.7  sec- 
onds for  the  100-yard  dash  against  Flori- 
da State  University  and  missed  the  Duke 

broad  jump  record  by  an  inch  against 
the  same  team.  For  this  show,  Poss  was 
elected  "Athlete  of  the  Week"  on  April 
3  by  the  Greensboro,  N.  C.  Daily  News. 

Paced  by  co-captains  Louis  McLennan 
and  Mike  Souehak,  the  latter  of  football 
fame  as  an  end,  the  golf  team  rolled  to 
five  straight  wins  over  Georgia  Tech, 
Georgia,  Clemson,  Davidson  and  Wil- 
liams. The  closest  decision  the  Blue 
Devils  took  was  a  golf  victory  by  seven 
points,  that  coming  against  Georgia.  The 
most  decisive  was  the  25-2  win  over 

The  lacrosse  crew  took  things  easy  in 
rolling  to  decisive  victories  over  Lehigh 
and  Williams  in  early  season  games. 
Although  the  team  does  not  have  the 
depth  it  possessed  last  year  when  it  won 
the  Dixie  League  championship,  Coach 
Jack  Persons'  outfit  looked  especially 
powerful  against  its  first  two  opponents. 
Fred  Eisenbrandt  and  Brooke  Cottman 
have  been  the  early  season  high  scorers. 

Duke's  tennis  team  racked  up  seven 
wins  in  eight  early  matches,  losing  only 
to  Rollins  by  7-2  on  a  Florida  Spring 
vacation  trip.  Wins  have  been  over 
Michigan  State,  Florida  Southern,  Flori- 
da, Williams,  N.  C.  State,  the  Jackson- 
ville, Fla.  Naval  Air  Station,  and  Dart- 
mouth. John  Ross  is  captain  of  the  track 
team,  while  other  top  players  are  basket- 
ball star  Keston  Deimling,  Hal  Lipton, 
Jack  Warmath,  John  Tapley  and  Norm 

Buddy  Grisso,  senior  quarter-mile 
dash  runner,  is  captain  of  the  highly 
successful  track  team  this  year. 

Kes  Deimling,  basketball  stalwart 
during  the  winter,  emerges  as  the  No. 
1  man  on  the  tennis  team  this  spring. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 

f  Page  99  ] 

Divinity  Session  Scheduled 

The  Second  Annual  Convocation  and 
Pastors'  School,  under  the  auspices  of  the 
Duke  Divinity  School,  has  been  set  for 
June  5-8,  opening  Tuesday  morning  and 
concluding  at  noon  Friday.  The  Convo- 
cation Committee  under  the  chairman- 
ship of  Dean  James  Cannon  III  has  out- 
lined a  program  of  courses,  lectures  and 
recreational  events.  A  nominal  regis- 
tration fee  of  $2.00  will  be  asked  of  per- 
sons who  attend  class  work. 

The  special  feature  of  the  Convocation 
will  be  the  second  series  of  the  James  A. 
Gray  Lectures,  "The  Ways  of  God— A 
Study  in  the  Book  of  Job,"  to  be  deliv- 
ered by  the  Reverend  Professor  Paul 
Seherer,  of  Union  Theological  Seminary, 
New  York.  Bishops  Costen  J.  Harrell 
and  Paul  N.  Garber,  presiding  in  the 
areas  of  Charlotte  and  Richmond  respec- 
tively, will  be  heard  in  devotional  periods 
and  addresses. 

The  annual  business  meeting  and 
luncheon  of  the  Duke  Divinity  School 
alumni  will  be  held  during  the  Convo- 
cation at  1:00  p.m.  on  Wednesday,  June 
6.    The  president  of  the  alumni  associa- 

tion, the  Reverend  Jabus  W.  Braxton, 
Elkin,  North  Carolina,  will  preside.  The 
speaker  will  be  Bishop  Garber,  for  many 
years  Professor,  Registrar  and  Dean  of 
the  Divinity  School.  Admission  to  this 
luncheon  is  by  ticket  only.  The  price  of 
tickets  will  be  $1.25  each.  The  tickets 
will  be  on  sale  at  the  Convocation  regis- 
tration desk  up  until  3 :00  p.m.  on 
Tuesday,  June  5.  Those  who  desire  to 
make  reservation  for  this  luncheon  in  ad- 
vance of  registration  may  do  so  by  send- 
ing a  cheek  payable  to  John  H.  Carper, 
Treasurer,  c/o  Duke  Divinity  School, 
Duke  Station,  Durham,  North  Carolina. 

An  able  faculty  has  been  secured  for 
the  lectures  and  workshops  of  the  North 
Carolina  Pastors'  School  and  the  Rural 
Church  Institute,  which  will  participate 
in  the  Convocation.  Dr.  H.  E.  Spence  is 
dean  of  the  Pastors'  School  and  the  Rev. 
Garland  Stafford  and  Dr.  A.  J.  Walton 
will  represent  the  Institute. 

Courses  and  lecturers  are  as  follows : 
Bishop  Harrell,  Devotional  Addresses; 
Bishop  Garber,  "Europe  As  I  Have  Seen 
It";  Dr.  Seherer,  Gray  Lecture;  Dr.  No- 

lan B.  Harmon,  "The  Minister's  Tools 
and  Techniques" ;  Dr.  Daniel  P.  Fleming, 
"Christianity  and  World  Missions";  Dr. 
Robert  E.  Cushman,  "The  New  Testa- 
ment Faith  and  the  Mind  of  the  Church 
Today";  Dr.  Howard  E.  Tower,  "Visual 
Aids";  Professor  A.  J.  Walton,  "Plan- 
ning a  Church  Program";  Mrs.  W.  W. 
Reed,  "The  Vacation  Church  School"; 
Mr.  James  Sells,  "The  Minister  and  Pub- 
lie  Relations";  and  Dr.  John  J.  Rudin 
II.  "Worship  Workshop." 

The  Executive  Committee  serving  with 
Dean  Cannon  consists  of  Dr.  H.  E. 
Spence,  Vice- Chairman ;  Dr.  C.  E.  Jor- 
dan (John  Dozier,  Deputy)  ;  W.  E. 
Whitford;  The  Reverend  Robert  W. 
Bradshaw;  The  Reverend  Garland  Staf- 
ford (Dr.  A.  J.  Walton,  Deputy);  Ed- 
ward Fike  (Earl  Porter,  Deputy). 

In  addition  to  the  formal  program  the 
Convocation  plans  include  carillon  re- 
citals, group  singing,  story-telling  and 
similar  activities.  Recreational,  cafeteria 
and  dormitory  facilities  of  the  University 
will  be  available,  but  children  under  16 
years  of  age  cannot,  unfortunately,  be 
accommodated.  Additional  information 
can  be  obtained  by  writing  to  the  Duke 
Divinity  School,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Special  to  the  Members  of  the  Class  of  1926 

It  looks  as  though  we  will  reach  our 
"Majority" — come  June,  and  this  calls 
for  a  reunion,  and  we  hope  that  we  can 
throw  the  Bull  around  in  such  fashion  to 
make  it  a  memorable  event.  To  that  end 
Ben  Powell  has  been  placed  as  Chairman 
of  a  committee  on  arrangements ;  Stanton 
Pickens  has  been  assigned  as  Chairman 
of  a  Committee  on  entertainment; 
Charlie  Clegg  will  lead  a  small  "wrecking 
crew"  to  keep  the  wheels  running  finan- 
cially; the  various  "writers"  and  "com- 
mentators" in  our  bull  pen  will  try  and 
exhibit  their  talents  in  the  field  of  libel 
or  slander  by  a  little  publication  of  some 
kind  as  well  we  hope  as  with  some  verbal 

Bulletins  and  announcements  are  going 
forward  to  you  individually.  In  case  you 
do  not  receive  your  mail  at  the  address 
carried  by  the  Alumni  Office,  then  write 
to  me  at  Raleigh,  or  to  Jack  Caldwell  at 
38  Hillside  Rd.,  Dobbs  Ferry,  N.  Y.,  Earl 
McFee,  207  Essex  Ave.,  Gloucester, 
Mass.,  Frances  Holmes  McCausland, 
3780  Wilshire  Blvd.,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 
So  far  some  30  of  our  Bulls  and  Bullettes 
have  met  to  discuss  plans  for  the  reunion. 
All  plan  to  attend  and  many  of  you  have 
received  letters  from  them  urging  your 
attendance.     Plan    to    come    back — with 

husband  or  wife  and  children  and  im- 
pedimenta not  otherwise  specified.  We 
will  try  and  provide  baby  sitters  and 
nurses   for    those   needing   such    services. 

So  plan  to  be  on  hand  June  2-3-4,  or 
any  part  thereof  and  let  us  know  what 
you  want — how  you  want  it  and  any 
screwball  ideas  for  the  event  will  be 
most  welcome.  If  you  want  dormitory 
accommodations  please  make  sure  you 
check  that  item  on  the  form  which  will 
be  sent  to  you  shortly  or  write  direct  to 
the  Alumni  Office.  If  you  desire  hotel 
rooms,  please  write  direct  to  the  Durham 
hotel  of  your  choice. 

For  sometime  you  will  continue  to  re- 
ceive letters  and  notices  relative  to  de- 
tailed plans.  Ed.  Cannon 

Reunion  Committees 

Ben  Powell,  Chairman 

Sub  Committee  on  Invitations — Hessie 
Watts  Baum,  Carey  Maxwell,  Virginia 
Herring,  Elizabeth  Morris. 

Sub  Committee  on  Tea — Olive  Fau- 
cette  Jenkins,  Hessie  Watts  Baum,  Eliza- 
beth Roberts  Cannon,  Merle  Davis  Um- 
stead,  Frances  Gray  Patton,  Lillian 
Thompson  Johnson,  Virginia  Herring. 

Sub  Committee  on  Class  Dinner — Alton 

Knight,  W.  A.  Underwood,  Amos  Abrams, 
Sam  Ruark,  Olive  Faucette  Jenkins.  M. 
L.  Black,  Louise  Bullington  Barnhardt, 
Franklin  Fairey,  Milton  Airheart,  Fran- 
ces Gray  Patton,  Elizabeth  Roberts  Can- 
non, Frances  Holmes  McCausland. 


Stanton  Pickens,  Chairman,  Charlotte 

Grainger  Pierce,  George  Harris,  Walter 
Mayer,  Linwood  Hollowell,  L.  E.  Jar- 
rett,  C.  W.  Porter,  George  Holmes, 
Whiteford  Blakeney,  Sam  Vest,  Ken 
Keistler,  Alva  Spann,  Ford  Mvers, 
Charlie  Clegg,  D.  M.  Hill,  Jack  Caldwell, 
Ben  Powell,  L.  W.  Henkel. 


R.  P.  Harriss,  Fanny  Patton,  Frank 
Craven,  Freeman  Twaddell,  Gay  Allen, 
Lib  Cannon,  Hessie  Watts  Baum,  Carey 
Maxwell,  Bill  Latta,  Evelyn  Hall  Smith, 
Frank  Slaughter,  Amos  Abrams,  Evelyn 


Charles  Clegg,  Chairman 

Leon  Ivey,  John  Frank,  T.  A.  Al- 
dridge,  Earl  McFee,  Earl  McDaris,  W.  A. 
Underwood,  R.  E.  Sullivan,  Rowena 
Adams  McNairv. 

[  Page  100  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 

&      &      SONS  AND  DAUGHTERS  OF  DUKE  ALUMNI      #      # 

Fonda  Crews  Bell.  Flora  Crews  Best  Bell  (Mrs.  L.  R.),  *32. 
Greenville.    N.   C.     J.   A.   Best,    '00,    Grandfather. 

Caroline  Reid.  Elizabeth  Reid.  Lucile  Reid.  Caroline  Breed- 
love  Reid.  '39.  Roddey  Reid,  Jr.,  *39.  Bristol,  Virginia.  Lucile 
Aiken  Breedlove,  '07,  Grandmother.  J.  P.  Breedlove,  '98,  Grand- 

SUSAN  Adams  Breedlove.  Dorothy  Patton  Breedlove,  A.M.  *46. 
Joseph  P.  Breedlove.  Jr.,  '42.  Washington,  D.  C.  Lucile  Aiken 
Breedlove.  '07,  Grandmother.  J.  P.  Breedlove.  '98.  Grandfather. 
Mary  Renie  Few.  Ellen  Hale  Few.  Anne  Taqgabd  Few. 
Lyne  S.  Few,  '35,  A.M.  '37.  Amherst,  Mass.  Mary  Thomas  Few 
(Mrs.  W.  P.),  '06.  Grandmother.  Dr.  William  Preston  Few  (de- 
ceased)   Grandfather. 

5.  James  Taylor.  Roy  Taylor.  Bonnie  Taylor.  Scott  Taylor. 
Anne  Morrison  Taylor  (Mrs.  Ralph  L. ),  '43.  New  Brunswick, 
N.  J. 

6.  Robert  Edward  White.  Pamela  LOUISE  White.  Ruth  Schiller 
White    (Mrs.  R.  H.),  '35.  St.  Petersburg.  Fla. 

7.  Clyde  Ingalls.  Marion  Willoughby  Ingalls,  '47.  Foster  K.  In- 
galls. '47.     Atlanta.  Ga. 

8.  Marianne    Putnam.     William    M.    Putna 

'47.     Columbus.    Ohio. 

9.   Nancy    Robin    Laiminger.     Catherine    Ann    Laiminger.     Marv 
Catherine    Hart    Laiminger    (Mrs.    Sorbin    K.).    R.N..    B.S.N.    '47. 

Tallahassee.    Fla. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 

[  Page  101  ] 


Charlotte  Corbin, '35,  Editor 



Benner  B.   Crigler,  '50,  Columbia,  S.   C. 

Jack  0.  Kirby,  '50,  Washington,  D.  C. 

L.  J.  "Dinkey"  Darnell,  '41,  Winston-Sa- 
lem, N.  C. 

Marshall  A.  Rauch,  '44,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 

William  B.  A.  Culp,  B.D.  '42,  Glen  Alpine, 
N.  C. 

Larry  E.  Bagwell,  '35,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

James  H.  Johnston,  '36,  Baleigh,  N.  C. 

Tom  F.  Southgate,  Jr.,  '37,  Winston-Sa- 
lem, N.  C. 

Inez  Abernathy  Hall  (Mrs.  Clarence  W.), 
'36,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Hazel  Mangum  Stubbs  (Mrs.  Allston),  '36, 
Durham,  N.  C. 

James  L.  Newsom,  '35,  LL.B.  '38,  Durham, 
N.  C. 

C.  Heber   Smith,   '43,   Philadelphia,   Pa. 

Jean  Horsley  Nicholson  (Mrs.  A.  D.)  '45, 
Miami,   Fla. 

Dr.  J.  W.  Roy  Norton,  '20,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Marvin  E.  Younts,  Jr.,  '41,  Graham,  N.  C. 

Edwin  H.  Poulnot,  '49,  Charleston,  S.  C. 

Wasson  Baird,  '45,  Durham,  N.  C. 

T.  Edward  Austin,  '48,  Portsmouth,  Va. 

Ralph  Bell  Puller,  Jr.,  '25,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

A.  P.  Hammond,  Jr.,  '28,  New  Bern,  N.  C. 

Robert  A.  Duncan,  '50,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Evelyn  D.  Schmidt,  B.S.  '47,  M.D.  '51,  N. 
Plainfield,  N.  J. 

John  R«ese,  '49,  Virginia  Beach,  Va. 

Janet  Botkin  Reese  (Mrs.  John),  '50,  Vir- 
ginia Beach,  Va. 

James  H.  Register,  '28,  Clinton,  N.  C. 

Constance  Duncan  McHale,  Jr.  (Mrs.  Wil- 
liam P.),  '43,  New  York'  City,  N.  Y. 

Wallace  H.  McCown,  '45,  LL.B.  '48,  Man- 
teo,  N.  C. 

Sue  Vick  McCown  (Mrs.  W.  H.),  LL.B.  '50, 
Manteo,  N.  C. 

Ann  Richardson  Winstead  (Mrs.  C.  C,  Jr.), 
'50,  Roxboro,  N.  C. 

James  G>  Ware,  B.S.  '50,  Nashville,   Tenn. 

William  H.  Wyman,  '33,  Painesville,  Ohio. 

William  G.  Ducker,  '46,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Joan  Simpson  Jones  (Mrs.  Bronson),  '50, 
Concord,   N.   C. 

Ens.  Jack  H.  Glazer,  U.S.N.,  '50,  P.P.O. 
San  Pranscisco,  Calif. 

Edgar  H.  Nease,  '25,  B.D.  '31,  Charlotte, 
N.  C. 

Edward  M.  Eriekson,  '45,  East  Lansing, 

Walter  J.   Gale,  M.Ed.   '46,  Raleigh,  N.   C. 

J.  E.   (Jankoski)   Jay,  '31,  Milwaukee,  Wis. 

Lillian  Zaekery  Jay  (Mrs.  J.  E.),  '27,  Mil- 
waukee, Wis. 

Dr.  John  W.  Brueek,  Sp.  St.,  New  Orleans, 

William    A.    Lambeth,    Jr.,    '45,    M.D.    '47, 

Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 
James  Marion  Martin,  '38,  A.M.  '41,  White- 

ville,  N.  C. 


Classes  holding  reunions  at  Commence- 
ment, 1951,  will  be  as  follows:  '01,  '10,  '11, 
'12,  '26,  '35,  '36,  '37,  '41,  '49. 

Reunion  News 

The  classes  which  are  holding  reunions 
June  1,  2,  and  3  will  each  have  their 
own  schedule  of  special  activities.  There 
will  also  be  a  number  of  events  planned 
in  which  all  returning  alumni  will  take 
part.  Included  in  the  general  reunion 
events  will  be  the  General  Alumni  Dinner 
on  Saturday  evening,  June  2,  followed 
by  the  student  Hoof  *n'  Horn  produc- 
tion of  "Belles  and  Ballots."  The  annual 
alumni  golf  tournament,  sponsored  by 
the  10th  year  class  of  1941,  will  take 
place  on  Priday  and  Saturday.  There 
will  be  open  houses,  coffees,  and  many 
other  forms  of  entertainment  designed 
for   everyone. 

Accommodations  may  be  secured  on 
campus  for  alumni,  alumnae,  and  their 

'98  * 

Class  Agent:  Dr.  N.  C.  Newbold 
MR.  and  MRS.  J.  P.  BREEDLOVE  (LTJ- 
CILE  AIKEN),  '07,  are  the  proud  grand- 
parents of  Caroline,  Elizabeth,  and  Lucile 
Reid  and  Susan  Breedlove,  whose  pictures 
appear  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this 
month.  The  Breedloves  live  at  407  Watts 
Street  in  Durham.  Mr.  Breedlove  is  Li- 
brarian Emeritus  of  the  University. 

Golden  Anniversary  Class 

President  Stephen  W.  Anderson  an- 
nounces that  the  Class  of  1901  will  cele- 
brates its  Golden  Anniversary  by  at- 
tending the  Half  Century  Club  Lunch- 
eon on  Sunday,  June  3.  At  that  time, 
members  of  the  class  will  be  inducted 
into  the  Club. 

'01   :, 

President :   Stephen  W.  Anderson 
Class  Agent:   Stephen  W.  Anderson 
D.  D.  PEELE  is  editor  and  manager  of  the 
South    Carolina    Methodist    Advocate,    with 
offices  at  1420  Lady  Street,  P.  O.  Box  867, 
Columbia  1,  S.   C. 

Reunion  Classes  of  1910,  1911  and  1912 
A  joint  luncheon  of  the  classes  of 
1910,  1911,  and  1912  will  be  given  on 
Sunday,  June  3,  followed  by  an  open 
house  at  the  home  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A. 
S.  Brower. 

'12  , 

President:    Henry  A.  MeKinnon,  Sr. 

Class  Agent:  R.  Gregg  Cherry 
EDWIN  L.  JONES,  Duke  University  Trus- 
tee, of  Charlotte,  N.  O,  has  been  elected  to 
membership  in  the  Methodist  Hall  of  Fame 
in  Philanthropy.  This  coveted  honor,  pre- 
sented annually  by  the  Board  of  Hospitals 
and  Homes  of  the  Methodist  Church,  goes 
to  only  one  Methodist  leader  each  year 
chosen  from  all  over  the  nation.  Although 
Mr.  Jones'  citation  comes  largely  through 
his  generous  contributions  to  the  Meth- 
odist Home  for  the  Aged  in  Charlotte,  his 
philanthropies  have  been  extended  to  every 
Methodist  institution  within  the  bounds  of 
his  Conference.  His  activities  in  behalf 
of  the  Methodist  Church  are  too  voluminous 
to  list,  but  they  include  every  phase  of 
church  service  he  is  able  to  accept  as  his 


President:  Charles  W.  Bundy 
Class  Agent:  Henry  E.  Fisher 
EUGENE  CHESSON  has  been  promoted 
from  secretary  of  the  Civil  Service  Board 
of  Examiners  to  assistant  superintendent 
of  the  Duke  University  Station  Post  Office. 
He  has  also  served  as  clerk  of  the  central 
station  in  Durham.  Mr.  Chesson  and  his 
wife,  the  former  JOSIE  POY,  live  at  308 
W.  Markham  Avenue,  Durham.  Their  son, 
Ens.  EUGENE  E.  CHESSON,  B.S.C.E., 
'50,  is  serving  in  the  United  States  Navy 
in  the  Pacific,  and  LESLIE,  their  younger 
son,  is  a  member  of  the  freshman  class  at 

Silver  Anniversary  Class 
Class  President,  Edward  L.  Cannon, 
and  his  committees  have  gone  all  out  to 
plan  a  fun-packed  week  end  for  this 
year's  Silver  Anniversary  Class.  The 
committee  in  charge  of  publication  has 
prepared  biographical  sketches  of  all 
class  members.  Along  with  other  week 
end  activities,  the  committees  in  charge 
of  local  arrangements  and  of  entertain- 
ment, headed  by  Benjamin  Powell,  Dur- 
ham, and  Stanton  Pickens,  Charlotte, 
respectively,  have  planned  a  special  class 
dinner  Sunday  night,  and  a  tea  to  be 
held  for  the  class  and  members  of  the 
Duke  facultv  of  their  generation. 

[  Page  102  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 

'26  > 

President:  Edward  L.  Cannon 
Class  Agent:  George  P.  Harris 
T.  CONN  BRYAN,  '26,  Ph.D.  '49,  is  chair- 
man of  the  Department  of  Social  Science 
at  North  Georgia  College,  Dahlonega,  Ga. 
His  "The  Churches  in  Georgia  During  the 
Civil  War"  appeared  in  the  GeoTgia  His- 
torical Quarterly,  XXXIII  (December, 
1949).  He  is  preparing  a  manuscript,  Con- 
federate Georgia,  for  the  University  of 
Georgia  Press. 


President:   John  Calvin  Dailey 
Class  Agent:  C.  H.  Livengood,  Jr. 
E.  TAYLOR  PARKS,  Ph.D.,  is  a  member 
of  the   State   Department,   Division   of   Re- 
search and  Publication,   Washington,  D.  C. 

'32  > 

President:  Robert  D.  (Shank)  Warwick 
Class  Agent:  Edward  G.  Thomas 
Little  Fonda  Crews  Bell,  whose  picture  is 
on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this  month, 
will  probably  be  a  member  of  the  Class  of 
1969,  according  to  her  grandfather,  Mr. 
J.  A.  BEST,  '00,  of  Fremont,  N.  C.  She  is 
the  daughter  of  FLORA  CREWS  BEST 
BELL  (MRS.  L.  R.)  of  202  Library  St., 
Greenville,  N.  C. 

'33  * 

President:   John  D.  Minter 
Class  Agent:  Lawson  B.  Knott,  Jr. 
DON   M.   GARBER,   of   Route    2,   Ellerson, 
Va.,  is  owner  and  director  of  Camp  Chin- 
quapin.   He  is  married   and  has  four  chil- 

'34  j~— 

President:  The  Reverend  Robert  M.  Bird 
Class  Agent:  Charles  S.  Rhyne 
JOHN  BRYCE,  B.S.  (E),  is  working  in 
the  salary  classification  section,  personnel 
division,  of  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  and 
Company,  Inc.,  Wilmington,  Del.  The 
Bryces,  who  live  at  301  N.  Union  Street, 
Kennett  Square,  Pa.,  have  two  children, 
Mareia,  7,  and  Stephen,  5. 
Since  last  June,  DAVID  TABVER,  B.D., 
has  been  doing  work  toward  his  Ph.D.  de- 
gree at  the  University  of  Southern  Cali- 
fornia and  has  been  serving  a  small  stu- 
dent church  near  the  University.  He  and 
his  wife  are  living  at  707  W.  35th  Place, 
Los  Angeles  7,  Calif.  For  four  years  prior 
to  entering  his  present  work,  Mr.  Tarver 
was  an  associate  in  the  First  Methodist 
Church,  Shreveport,  La.  He  also  has  served 
several  other  churches  in  the  district  and 
city  of  New  Orleans,  and  spent  four  years 
as  chaplain  in  the  United  States  Army. 
tendent of  schools  in  Southern  Pines,  N.  C, 
since  1939,  assumed  the  position  of  director 
of  instructional  service  for  Greensboro's 
public  schools  on  April  1.  In  addition  to 
his  work  in  public  schools,  he  has  also  be- 

come well-known  as  an  umpire  and  referee 
for  athletic  contests.  Mr.  Weaver  is  mar- 
ried and  has  two  children. 
PAUL  R.  WINN,  who  is  a  Presbyterian 
missionary  in  Medellin,  Colombia,  has  three 
children,  each  of  whom  was  born  on  a  dif- 
ferent continent.  The  oldest,  Elizabeth,  was 
born  in  the  United  States  in  1938;  John 
was  born  in  China  in  1940 ;  and  Thomas  was 
born  in  Guatemala  in  1945.  Paul  is  himself 
the  son  of  a  Presbyterian  missionary,  and 
was  born  in  Korea.  His  wife,  Anne  Lewis 
Winn,  was  born  in  China,  also  of  missionary 

Reunion  Classes  of  1935,  1936  and  1937 
Presidents  John  Moorhead,  '35,  Joseph 
S.  Hiatt,  Jr.,  '36,  and  Thomas  F.  South- 
gate,  Jr.,  '37,  say  "Thanks  for  the  grand 
response  to  our  letter  announcing  plans 
for  the  class  reunion  June  1-2-3.  All 
indications  point  to  a  large  attendance 
and  a  wonderful  week  end.  You  won't 
be  disappointed.  A  royal  welcome  awaits 
you.  The  program  is  packed  with  action. 
A  special  committee  of  class  members 
living  in  the  Durham-Raleigh  area  is 
receiving  100%  cooperation  from  the 
Alumni  Office  to  assure  you  of  a  reunion 
j'ou'll  never  forget.  Decide  now.  It's 
back  to  Duke  for  the  class  reunion  June 
1-2-3."  In  addition  to  the  schedule  of 
general  alumni  activities  for  all  return- 
ing classes,  there  will  be  an  informal 
party  Friday  evening  and  a  picnic  on 
Saturday  for  the  three  classes. 


President :  John  Moorhead 
Class  Agent:  James  L.  Newsom 
LYNE  S.  FEW  teaches  Philosophy  and 
the  Humanities  at  Amherst  College  in  Am- 
herst, Mass.  He  and  his  family  live  at  157 
Lincoln  Avenue  there.  A  picture  of  his 
three  daughters,  Anne  Taggard,  7,  Mary 
Renie,  5,  and  Ellen  Hale,  3,  is  on  the  Sons 
and  Daughters  Page  this  month. 
COMDR.  THEO  H.  MOORE,  U.S.N.,  is 
serving  with  the  United  States  Tactical  Air 
Control  group  operating  somewhere  in  the 
Korean  area.  He  is  responsible  for  the 
planning  and  co-ordination  of  air  support 
for  amphibious  operations  in  that  area. 
His  home  is  212  East  Markham  Ave.,  Dur- 

Little  Robert  Edward  White,  1%,  and  his 
big  sister,  Pamela  Louise,  6,  whose  picture 
is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  of  this 
issue,  are  the  children  of  RUTH  SCHILLER 
WHITE  and  her  late  husband,  Robert  H. 
White.  They  live  at  2728-3  Avenue  North 
in  St.  Petersburg,  Fla. 

'36  * 

President:  Dr.  Joe  S.  Hiatt,  Jr. 
Class   Agents:    James  H.   Johnston,   Clif- 
ford W.  Perry,  R.  Zack  Thomas,  Jr. 
Mrs.  Louise  Clarke  and  WILLIAM  FLEM- 


Accredited  scholarship.  College  prep 
since  1893.  Boys  12-18.  Semi-military. 
Endowed  awards.  Ideal  location,  modern 
facilities.  New  gym.  Championship  athletics. 
Non-sectarian  religious  guidance.  Summer 
camp,    boys    8-15.     Catalog. 

121  Cherokee  Road,  Chattanooga,  Term. 

^nowerton^ri/an  ISx 


L-977  1005  W.  Main  St. 

R.  T.  Howerton,  '08 


W.  P.  Budd,  '04,  Secretary-Treas. 
W.  P.  Budd,  Jr.,  '36,  Vice-President 

DURHAM,  N.  C. 

*  •   •   • 
Contractors  for 





Duke  Chapel,  New 
Graduate  Dormitory 
Indoor  Stadium  and 

Hospital  Addition 

#  *  *  * 




DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 

[  Page  103  ] 

We  are  members  by 
invitation  of  the 

National  Selected 

the  only  Durham  Funeral  Home 
accorded  this  honor. 

Air  Conditioned  Chapel 

Ambulance  Service 

N-147  1113  W.  Main  St. 

Power  Company 


Electric  Service — 
Electric  Appliances — 
Street  Transportation 

Tel.  F-151 


N.  C. 

Thomas  F.  Southgate 

Wm.  J.  O'Brien 

Established  1872 




Insurance  Specialists 
DURHAM,  N.  C. 

IXG  BOWMAN  were  married  February  25 
in  Page  Memorial  Cliureh,  Aberdeen,  N.  C. 
Their  address  is  Box  27,  Aberdeen. 


President:   Thomas  F.  Southgate,  Jr. 

Class  Agent :  William  F.  Womble 
VINCENT  J.  PARZICK,  B.S.M.E.,  who  is 
chief  engineer  for  the  Fanner  Manufactur- 
ing Company,  lives  at  11125  Lake  Avenue, 
Cleveland,  Ohio. 

•38  . 

President :  Russell  T.  Cooke 
Class  Agent :  William  M.  Courtney 
C.  P.  MORRIS,  B.D.,  Mrs.  Morris,  and  their 
children,  Myra,  6,  Joel,  9,  and  Jerome,  11, 
moved  to  2323  Englewood  Avenue,  Durham, 
from  Troy,  X.  C,  last  November.  Mr.  Mor- 
ris, former  pastor  of  Trinity  Methodist 
Church  in  Troy,  is  now  serving  as  executive 
secretary  of  the  North  Carolina  Conference 
Board  of  Education  of  the  Methodist 
Church,  which  includes  785  churches.  Mrs. 
Morris  assists  her  husband  as  his.  secretary 
at  his  office  in  East  Duke  Building. 
YER and  Mrs.  Sawyer,  of  806  W.  Markham 
Avenue,  Durham,  have  announced  the  birth 
of  a  son,  Wendell  H.,  on  February  S.  They 
also  have  three  other  sons  and  a  daughter. 


President:   Edmund  S.  Swindell,  Jr. 

Class  Agent :  Walter  D.  James 
ARTHUR   C.   BROWN,   certified  public   ac- 
countant, has  moved  his  office  for  the  prac- 
tice  of   public   accounting   to   12-1-28   South 
Street,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 

united  in  marriage  March  17  in  the  Central 
Methodist  Church,  Shelby,  N.  C.  After  re- 
ceiving her  Master's  degree  in  religious  edu- 
cation at  Emory  University,  Marjorie  served 
as  religious  education  director  of  Central 
Methodist  Church,  Asheville,  N.  O,  and  in 
the  same  capacity  at  the  First  Methodist 
Chureh  in  Charlotte.  John  served  his  in- 
ternship and  resident  training  at  Strong 
Memorial  Hospital,  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  and 
completed  a  fellowship  at  Mayo  Clinic  in 
1949.    He  spent  five  years  of  service  in  the 

Statt  cLecttic  Company,,  3nc. 



Army  Medical  Corps.  Since  1949  he  has 
been  practicing  internal  medicine  and  cardi- 
ology in  Charlotte,  N.  O,  where  the  couple 
will  make  their  home. 

'40  > 

President :  John  D.  MacLauchlan 
Class  Agent:  Addison  P.  Penfield 
DR.  WILLIAM  T.  BERKELEY  has  opened 
offices  in  Suite  8-C-l,  Doctors  Building, 
Kings  Drive,  Charlotte,  N.  C,  for  the  prac- 
tice of  plastic  and  reconstructive  surgery. 
FRANCES  GODDARD,  who  received  the 
M.A.  degree  from  Teachers'  College,  Co- 
lumbia University  in  1942  and  taught  so- 
cial studies  for  several  years  in  high  schools 
of  New  York  State,  had  to  give  up  her 
teaching  because  of  ill  health.  Recently  she 
has  been  spending  the  winters  in  Bradenton 
Beach,  Fla.,  and  the  summers  at  her  home, 
North  Highland  Ave.,  Upper  Nyack,  N.  Y. 
In  February  she  wrote  from  Florida  that 
she  was  feeling  well  and  was  finding  life 
very  leisurely  and  informal,  altogether  in 
keeping  with  doctor's  orders. 

Tenth  Year  Reunion  News 

Plans  for  our  tenth  reunion  are  just 
about  complete.  There'll  be  a  continuous 
program  for  every  interest — a  golf 
tournament — open  houses — cabin  parties 
— campus  tours — a  beach  party — in  fact 
everything  that  will  make  a  reunion 

A  reservation  form  will  be  sent  to  you 
soon.  Make  your  plans  to  join  us  on 
June  1,  2  and  3  for  our  Tenth  Year  Re- 

R.  F.   (Bob)  Long 
Reunion  Chairman 

'41  »~- 

President :   Robert  F.  Long 

Class  Agents:  Julian  C.  Jessup,  Meader 
W.  Harriss,  Jr.,  Andrew  L.  Ducker,  Jr., 
J.  D.  Long,  Jr. 
RICHARD  L.  CROMARTIE,  JR.,  '42,  have 
two  daughters,  Starr,  who  was  born  last 
June,  and  Dawn.  They  are  living  at  233 
Central  Avenue,  San  Francisco,  Calif., 
where  Dick  is  in  his  last  year  of  law  school. 
A  son,  Kenneth  Lee,  was  born  on  January 
WILLIAM  S.  HORTON.  Their  address  is 
Jefferson  Drive,  Route  2,  Box  576  F,  Char- 
lotte, N.  C. 

BETTY  HUCKLE  has  been  secretary  and 
treasurer  of  the  Concord  Tribune  since  Sep- 
tember, 1950.  She  is  living  at  the  Hotel 
Concord,  Concord,  N.  C. 
A  son,  Charles  Whitener,  was  born  on 
December  24  to  Mr.  and  MRS.  W.  W. 
Fourth  Avenue,  Hickory,  N.  C. 
DONALD  C.  RUSSELL,  B.S.E.E.,  of  14585 
Valley  Vista  Boulevard,  Sherman  Oaks, 
Calif.,   is   a   patent   attorney   with   the  firm 

[  Page  104  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 

Few  occupations  offer  a  man  so  much  in  the  way 
of  personal  reward  as  life  underwriting.  Many  New 
York  Life  agents  are  building  very  substantial  futures 
for  themselves  by  helping  others  plan  ahead  for  theirs. 
If  you  would  like  to  know  more  about  a  life  insurance 
career,  talk  it  over  with  the  New  York  Life  manager 
in  your  community — or  write  to  the  Home  Office  at 
the  address  above. 


"Mr.  Kent  will  see  you  in  a  few  minutes," 
the  receptionist  said  pleasantly. 

"Thank  you."  Tom  Wilson  went  to  the  far 
side  ot  the  room  and  sat  down.  This  was  his 
first  "big"  call,  on  his  own,  as  a  New  York 
Life  agent  and  he  was  nervous,  frankly 

Tom  picked  up  a  magazine  and  turned  a 
few  pages  idly.  He  had  that  same  tense  feel- 
ing in  his  stomach  that  he  had  the  day  he 
pitched  his  first  big  baseball  game  in  college. 
Tom  put  the  magazine  down  and  let  his  mind 
wander  back  to  the  baseball  diamond  and 
that  first  big  game. 

He  remembered  warming  up,  he  and  the 
catcher,  standing  along  the  first  base  line. 
Then  Tom  had  gone  over  to  talk  with  his 
mother,  who  was  sitting  just  behind  the 
screen  where  she  could  see  every  pitch.  Her 
understanding  smile  turned  out  to  be  the 
best  part  ot  the  warm-up. 

Tom  had  been  so  proud  of  her,  looking  as 
smart  as  any  ot  the  girls  and,  when  she 
laughed,  looking  almost  as  young.  Nobody 
would  have  guessed  that  she  had  borne  the 
cares  of  the  family  all  alone,  helped  only  by 
the  memories  ot  her  husband  and  an  income 
from  the  life  insurance  he  had  so  thought- 
fully left  her. 

Tom  had  been  proud  ot  his  father,  too,  for 
the  love  and  forethought  which  had  made  it 
possible  for  his  mother  and  himself  to  live 
and  grow,  not  hemmed  in  by  want.  In  fact,  it 
was  the  deep  realization  ot  all  the  things  lite 
insurance  had  made  possible  tor  his  family — 
and  could  make  possible  for  others — which 
had  led  Tom  to  become  a  New  York  Lite 
agent  himself  .  .  . 

The  receptionist's  voice  punctured  Tom's 
thoughts.  "Mr.  Kent  will  see  you  now." 

"Fine,"  he  said.  He  got  up  and  started  to 
Mr.  Kent's  office.  The  warm-up  was  over. 
He  had  the  confidence  he  needed  now. 

51  Madison  Avenue,  New  York  10,  N.  Y. 

Naturally,  names  used  in  this  story  are  fictitious. 

of  Harris,  Kieeh,  Foster  and  Harris.  He 
and  Mrs.  Bussell  have  four  children,  Donna, 
Jay,  Clark  and  Craig. 


SKAGGS  (MRS.  HARVEY  T.)  and  her 
husband,  who  live  at  4774  Apache  Avenue, 
Jacksonville.  Fla.,  have  announced  the  birth 
of  a   son,   H.   Teague,   Jr.,   on  January  24. 

•42  > 

President :  James  H.  Walker 
Class   Agents:    Eobert   E.   Foreman,  Wil- 
lis Smith,  Jr.,  George  A  Trakas 

The  JOSEPH  P.  BBEEDLOVES,  JR.,  have 



Mellow  Milk  is  the  new 
deliciously  different 
milk  now  soaring  to 
popularity  in  the  Dur- 
ham-Duke market. 

•  Farm-fresh  Grade  A 

•  Pasteurized 

•  Vitamin  "D"  added 

•  Homogenized 

T/iere's  cream  in 
every  drop! 



C.  B.  Martin    V.  J.  Ashbaugh 



a  new  home  at  5519  Pollard  Road  in  Wash- 
ing 16,  D.  C.  Joe  is  associated  with  his 
uncle,  E.  M.  AIKEN,  '21,  in  real  estate 
business  there.  He  and  Mrs.  Breedlove,  the 
former  DOROTHY  PATTON,  A.M.  '46, 
have  one  daughter,  Susan,  whose  picture  is 
on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  of  this 

Announcement  has  been  received  of  the 
marriage  of  MARGARET  E.  (PEGGY) 
FOESBEEG  to  Mr.  William  W.  Hodgdon 
on  March  17  in  Lake  Worth,  Fla.  They 
stopped  at  Duke  for  a  day  while  on  their 
honeymoon.  They  are  making  their  home  at 
1316  Cochran  Eoad,  Mount  Lebanon,  Pa. 
CHRISTIAN  A.)  and  her  husband,  who 
were  married  November  14,  1950,  are  living 
at  5549  N.  W.  Miami  Court,  Miami  38, 
Fla.  Mr.  Tait  received  his  education  in 
Canada  and  at  the  University  of  North 
Carolina.  He  is  a  certified  public  account- 

'43  » 

President :    Thomas  E,   Howerton 
Class   Agent:    S.   L.   Gulledge,   Jr. 
(MES.   CECIL   R.),  E.N.,  B.S.N.,   and  her 
husband  are  living  at  414^4  Querens  Street, 
Biloxi,    Miss.     Mr.    Mabry,    an   alumnus    of 
Emory  University,  is  an  assistant  field   di- 
rector for  the  American  Eed  Cross. 
SMITH     (CAROL     BASSETT)     have     an- 
nounced the  birth  of  a  son,  Duncan  Stewart, 
on  February  12.    Their  address  is  Quarters 
G-4,  Marine  Corps  School,  Quantico,  Ya. 
ANNE  MORRISON  TAYLOR,  her  husband, 
Ealph   L.,    and   their   four   children   live   at 
12   Huntington    Street    in    New   Brunswick, 
N.  J.    A  picture  of  the  children,  Bonnie,  6, 
Scott,  4,  Jim,  2V2,  and  Roy,  1%,  with  their 
mother  is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page 
this   month. 

TIMOTHY  H.),  whose  address  is  1709  E. 
Maple  Street,  Pasadena,  Calif.,  has  two 
children,  Timothy  and  Nancy. 

'44  > 

President:  Matthew  S.  (Sandy)  Eae 
Class  Agent:  H.  Watson  Stewart 
ARTHUR  JAFFEY  has  been  transferred 
from  United  Nations  Headquarters  in  New 
York  to  the  International  Labour  Office 
Headquarters  in  Geneva,  Switzerland.  He 
left  New  York  aboard  the  French  Liner 
Liberte  on  January  4  and  after  arriving  in 
Europe,  drove  his  car  from  Le  Havre, 
France,  to  Paris,  then  through  the  Jura 
Mountains  to  Geneva.  Art  will  be  doing 
public  information  work  for  the  Interna- 
tional Labour  Organization,  which  is  a  spe- 
cialized agency  of  the  United  Nations  deal- 
ing with  improving  the  standards  of  living 
of  peoples  throughout  the  world  through 
international  action.  At  Lake  Success,  he 
did  liaison  public  information  work  for  the 
I.L.O.  He  began  work  for  the  organization 
in   1947   in  Montreal,  and  was  sent  to  the 

United  Nations  in  1948.  His  address  is 
Public  Information  Division,  International 
Labour  Office,  Geneva,  Switzerland. 
DR.  and  Mrs.  E.  S.  KOON,  JR.,  '44,  M.D. 
'46,  of  1026  Highland  Park  Drive,  Lexing- 
ton, Ky.,  have  announced  the  birth  of  a 
son,  Richard  Ethan,  on  January  26. 
Miss  Julia  Shuford  Cooper  became  the 
B.S.C.E.,  in  the  First  Presbyterian  Church, 
Burlington,  N.  C,  on  February  3.  Ned,  who 
worked  with  the  Triangle  Construction  Com- 
pany in  Durham  until  recently,  has  returned 
to  active  duty  in  the  Navy  with  the  rank  of 
senior  lieutenant  and  is  stationed  in  Nor- 
folk, Ya.  Mrs.  Newsom  is  an  alumna  of 
Hollins  College,  and  has  served  as  an  active 
member  of  the  Alamance  County  Nurses' 
Aide  Corps  and  as  a  staff  member  of  the 
Burlington  Daily  Times-News. 
DONALD  S.  BOBBINS,  B.S.M.E.,  and 
'49,  have  moved  to  1912  Nadine  Street, 
N.E.,  Knoxville,  Tenn.  Donald  has  accepted 
a  position  in  the  mechanical  design  division 
of  the  Tennessee  Yalley  Authority. 
and  Mrs.  Williams  of  1402  Canterbury 
Circle,  Durham,  have  announced  the  birth 
of  a  son,  Alan  Gentry,  on  January  21. 
Their  other  son,  David  Lawrence,  is  two 
years  old. 

LEWIS  D.)  is  associated  with  Martha  Bell 
Conway  in  the  general  practice  of  law, 
Suite  807-810  Central  National  Bank  Build- 
ing, Richmond,  Ya. 

'45  > 

President:  Charles  B.  Markham,  Jr. 
Class  Agent:   Charles  F.  Blanchard 

AS R.,  JR.),  her  husband,  and  their  young 
son,  Reed,  are  living  at  24-4  Valley  Road, 
Drexel  Hill,  Pa.  Dr.  Hedges  is  a  resident 
in  ophthalmology  at  the  University  of 

PEGGY  HEIM,  who  lives  at  186  Guerrero 
Street,  San  Francisco,  Calif.,  is  an  instruc- 
tor in  economies  at  San  Francisco  State 
College.  She  has  passed  the  oral  examina- 
tions for  her  Ph.D.  in  economics  at  Colum- 
bia University,  and  spent  last  summer  in 
Washington,  D.  C,  working  on  her  disserta- 
tion at  the  Library  of  Congress  and  the 
Bureau  of  Reclamation. 
MARY  MORGAN  was  married  February 
17  to  Mr.  Alexander  Reid  Hamilton  in 
the  chapel  of  the  Church  of  the  Heavenly 
Rest,  New  York  City.  They  are  making 
their  home  in  New  York,  where  Mr.  Ham- 
ilton, an  alumnus  of  Haekley  School,  Ham- 
ilton College,  and  Yale  Law  School,  is  with 
the  firm  of  Burke  and  Burke. 
E.  H.  XEASE,  JR.,  '45,  B.D.  -4S,  and  Mrs. 
Nease  are  the  proud  parents  of  a  son,  Ed- 
gar Harrison  Nease,  III,  born  February  2. 
The  baby's  grandfather  is  EDGAR  H. 
NEASE,  SR,  '25,  B.D.  '31,  University 
Trustee,  from  Charlotte,  N.  C.    E.  H.,  Jr., 

[  Page  106  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 



We  have  all  O  X^ypes  of  (Composition 

When  setting  type  we  give  due  consideration 
to  the  ultimate  purpose  ...  In  deciding  whether 
to  use  linotype,  monotype  or  hand  composition, 
we  first  ascertain  the  function  of  the  particular 
piece  of  work.  Each  method  was  designed  for 
a  specific  service,  therefore  initial  cost  is  beside 
the  question.  We  shall  be  glad  to  assist  you  in 
deciding  which  of  the  three  will  do  the  best 
job  for  your  particular  problem.  Our  composing 
room  service  is  planned  for  today's  demands. 


415  E.  Chapel  Hill  St.        Wb  ,  JM  Durham,  N.  C. 


DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951  [  page  107  ] 


Complete  Office 

Telephone  L-919 

105  West  Parrish  Street 

Durham,  North  Carolina 

Clyde  Kell 

1105  BROAD  517-  PtfONE'  X?  1724 


Wholesale  Paper 

208  Vivian  St.  801  S.  Church  St. 

DURHAM,  N.  C.      ROCKY  MOUNT,  N.  C. 

Serving  .Vorfh  Carolina  Since  1924 

Weeks  Motors  Inc. 

408  Geer  St. 

Telephone  F-139 

Durham.  North  Carolina 

Your  Lincoln  and 

Mercury  Dealer  in 


who  lives  at  67  Ormond  Avenue,  Asheville, 
N.  C.j  is  pastor  of  the  Abernethy  Method- 
ist  Church. 

HERBERT  W.  PARK,  III,  M.D.,  director 
of  medical  services  at  Woodrow  Wilson  Re- 
habilitation Center,  Augusta  County,  Va., 
was  appointed  assistant  professor  of  physi- 
cal medicine  at  the  University  of  Virginia 
this  semester.  He  held  a  Baruch  Fellowship 
in  Physical  Science  from  1946  to  1949, 
while  studying  biology  at  M.I.T.,  physi- 
ology at  Harvard,  and  physical  medicine  at 
Massachusetts  General  Hospital.  He  is  con- 
tinuing his  work  at  the  Eehabilitation 

HOWELL  W.i  and  her  husband  have  a 
son,  Howell  Wilfred  Stroup,  Jr.,  who  ar- 
rived on  October  13,  1950.  Their  address 
is  Box  456,  Cherryville,  N.  C. 

'46  > 

President :  B.  G.  Munro 
Class  Agent:  Eobert  E.  Cowin 
A  daughter,  Ellen  Davis,  was  born  on 
February  24  to  CAPT.  WILMEB  CONRAD 
BETTS,  '46,  M.D.,  B.S.M.  '48,  and  MRS. 
BUS  i ,  "49.  Wilmer  is  overseas  with  the 
Army  Medical  Corps,  Ms  address  being 
A.P.O.  No.  7,  San  Francisco,  Calif.,  Head- 
quarters 7th  Infantry.  Until  he  returns 
Georg'Ellen  and  the  baby  are  living  with 
her  parents  in  Hope  Valley,  Durham. 
WALTER  B.  FAFSEE,  JE.,  received  his 
Master's  degree  in  February  from  the  Uni- 
versity of  Michigan,  and  is  working  as  a 
geologist  for  the  Atlantic  Befining  Com- 
pany. He  is  living  at  505  E.  McNeil,  Mag- 
nolia, Ark. 

her  husband  have  a  daughter,  Jennifer 
Doubleday  Knopp,  who  will  be  a  year  old 
in  July.  Their  address  is  2-2A  14th  Avenue, 
East  Paterson,  New  Jersey. 
living  in  Shipley,  Fla.,  while  her  husband, 
EOBERT  E.  LENT,  B.S.,  is  serving  as  a 
lieutenant  (jg)  in  the  United  States  Navy. 
Bob's  address  is  Lt.  (jg)  R.  E.  Lent,  S.  C, 
U.S.N.,  U.S.S.  Hanna  (DE  449),  F.P.O. 
San  Francisco,  Calif. 

President:  Grady  B.  Stott 

Class  Agent:  Norris  L.  Hodgkins,  Jr. 
JEREMIAH  M.  ALLEN,  JE.,  who  received 
his  M.A.  degree  from  Tufts  in  1948,  is  an 
instructor  at  the  College  of  Engineering, 
University  of  Colorado,  Boulder,  Colo.  He 
is  married  and  has  two  sons  and  a  daughter. 
Their  address  is  503  16th  Street,  Boulder. 
NANCY  HENRY  DAMEEON,  '48,  and 
THOMAS  B.  DAMEEON,  JR.,  M.D..  have 
announced  the  birth  of  a  son,  Thomas 
Barker  Dameron,  III,  on  November  26, 
1950.  Tom  is  a  Navy  doctor  on  duty  with 
the  Army  at  Camp  Gordon,  Augusta,  Ga. 
Since  their  address  is  not  permanent,  they 

are  having  mail  sent  to  4402  Bromley  Lane, 
Richmond,  Va. 

the  bride  of  Mr.  E.  Meade  Barber  Novem- 
ber 4,  1950,  and  they  are  living  in  Onida, 
S.  D.,  where  they  are  engaged  in  farming 
and  ranching.  Phyllis  was  secretary  to  the 
assistant  secretary  of  the  Denver  Public 
Schools,  and  traveled  throughout  Europe 
before  her  marriage. 

Miss  Barbara  Allen  Eouse  was  married 
February  24  to  EDGAR  ARCHIBALD 
HATCHER,  III,  in  a  ceremony  at  the  home 
of  the  bride.  They  are  living  in  New  York 
City,  where  Ed  is  with  the  firm  of  Young 
and  Eubican.  Mrs.  Hatcher,  an  alumna  of 
Finch  Junior  College  and  Barnard  College, 
is  on  the  staff  of  the  Museum  of  Non-Ob- 
jective Painting. 

EDWIN  M.)  and  her  husband  have  moved 
from  790  Myrtle  Street,  Atlanta,  to  Apart- 
ment 12  C,  Country  Club  Apartments,  Au- 
gusta, Ga.  Mr.  Hogan  has  been  transferred 
by  the  Trust  Company  of  Georgia  to  their 
associate  bank,  the  National  Exchange  Bank 
of  Augusta.  Connie  writes  that  she  is  kept 
busy  caring  for  her  son,  Ed,  Jr.,  who  was 
born  in  October. 


INGALLS  are  the  proud  parents  of  young 
Clyde  Ingalls  whose  picture  is  on  the  Sons 
and  Daughters  Page.  They  live  at  1422 
Eock  Springs  Court,  N.E.,  in  Atlanta,  Ga. 
Foster  is  with  Burlington  Mills. 
Mr.  and  MES.  L.  M.  JOHNSTON,  JE. 
(JANE  McDONALD),  Belmont,  N.  C,  have 
announced  the  birth  of  a  son,  Leon  Mc- 
Tyeire  III,  on  March  14. 
(MES.  KOEBIN  K.)  has  two  daughters, 
Nancy  Eobin,  5  months,  and  Catherine  Ann, 
2  years  and  3  months,  whose  picture  is  on 
the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this  month. 
She  is  employed  as  a  nurse  at  Tallahassee 
Memorial  Hospital  while  her  husband  is 
associated  with  Culley's  Funeral  Home. 
The  Laimingers  live  at  649  Ingleside  Ave- 
nue in  Tallahassee,  Fla. 

nior in  The  Capital  Seminary,  a  Lutheran 
School  in  Columbus,  Ohio.  He  and  his  wife, 
who  worked  in  the  Dean's  office  at  Duke, 
live  at  816  Oakwood,  Columbus.  They  have 
a  year-old  daughter.  Marianne,  whose  pic- 
ture is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page 
this   month. 

The  American  Cathedral  in  Paris  was  the 
scene  of  the  wedding  on  February  17  of 
Miss  Joan  Eleanor  Fluke  of  New  Enter- 
prise, Pa.,  and  TIMOTHY  E.  ROWAN. 
Following  a  reception  at  the  home  of  Mr. 
Buehl  Weare,  editor  of  the  Paris  Herald, 
and  Mrs.  Weare,  the  couple  left  for  a  short 
trip  to  the  south  of  France.  Tim  is  a  re- 
porter for  the  Herald.  They  are  making 
their  home  at  26  Eue  Boislevent,  Paris, 

FRED  T.),  E.N.,  and  her  husband,  who 
were  married  August  22,  1950,  are  living  at 

[  Page  108  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 

914%  South  Second,  Tucumcari,  N.  Mex. 
Frances  is  a  nurse  at  Tucumcari  General 
Hospital,  and  her  husband,  an  alumnus  of 
Elon  College  and  the  University  of  New 
Mexico,  is  a  teacher. 

HAEEY  W.  SUTTON,  B.S.M.E.,  of  2409 
Ken  Oak  Eoad,  Baltimore  9,  Md.,  is  a 
steam  testman  for  Consolidated  Gas  Elec- 
tric Company  of  Baltimore  and  is  an  in- 
structor in  McCoy  College,  the  night  branch 
of  Johns  Hopkins  University. 

'48  * 

President:  Bollin  M.  Millner 
Class  Agent:  Jack  H.  Quaritius 
Eecent  visitors  to  the  Alumni  Office  were 
WILLIAM  J.  BEYAN  and  his  wife,  Donna, 
who  were  returning  to  their  home,  2  Brierly 
Lane,  Homestead  Park,  Pa.,  following  a 
trip  to  Florida.  Bill  works  for  the  Nichols 
Eealty  Company  in  Pittsburgh. 
JULIUS  CARDEN,  LL.B.,  and  Mrs.  Car- 
den  have  announced  the  birth  of  a  son, 
James  Graham,  on  January  22.  Their  home 
is  638  B  Shaler  Boulevard,  Eidgefield,  N.  J. 
BEN  E,  CATO,  JE.,  '48,  A.M.  '50,  and 
WILMA  EOBEETS  CATO,  '49,  are  living 
in  Papago  Lodge,  1405  East  Fifth  Street, 
Tucson,  Ariz.,  where  Ben  is  teaching  phys- 
ics and  mathematics  at  the  University  of 

of  St.  Anne's  Episcopal  Church,  Jackson- 
ville, N.  C,  was  chosen  "Man  of  the  Year" 
by  the  Junior  Chamber  of  Commerce  there. 

Thomas  B.  Peters,  who  were  married  De- 
cember 31,  1950,  are  living  at  16717  War- 
wick Eoad,  Detroit,  Mich.  Mr.  Peters,  an 
alumnus  of  Albion  College,  is  a  salesman. 
S.)  and  her  husband  have  moved  into  a  new 
home  at  13  Colonel  Estille  Avenue,  Wym- 
berley,  Isle  of  Hope,  Savannah,  Ga.  Mr. 
Moore  is  a  chemical  engineer  with  the 
Union  Bag  and  Paper  Corporation. 
JAMES  GATES  WAEBEN  were  married 
August  26,  1950.  They  are  living  at  2624 
Chapel  Hill  Eoad,  Durham,  while  Jim  is  at- 
tending Duke  Law  School,  and  Mary  is 
working  as  a  bibliographer  at  the  Duke 
University  Library. 

EICHAED  A.  PETTIT,  of  715  Coolidge 
Street,  Plainfield,  N.  J.,  is  a  candidate  for 
Democratic  assemblyman  from  Union  Coun- 
ty, N.  J.  A  World  War  II  veteran,  Dick  is 
working  in  Newark,  N.  J.,  as  claims  super- 
visor of  the  All-State  Insurance  Company. 
He  is  basing  his  campaign  on  a  solution 
to  the  problem  of  unnecessary  state  ex- 
penditures and  rising  living  costs.  He  is 
running  on  a  slate  of  candidates  including 
young  men  and  veterans  designed  to  attract 
the  younger  vote  as  well  as  the  older. 
LOE, '50,  and  their  son,  Billy,  live  in  Char- 
lotte, N.  C.  Bill  is  working  with  Eoadway 
Express,  2018  Union  Street. 

ried to  Mr.  Harold  Dallas  Stanley,  III,  on 
January  27  in  the  First  Methodist  Church, 
Morganton,  N.  C.  They  are  living  in  Ea- 
leigh,  N.  O,  where  both  of  them  are  em- 
ployed at  radio  station  WNAO. 

First  Reunion  for  Class  of   1949 

Betty  Bob  Walters  Walton  (Mrs.  Lor- 
ing  B.,  Jr.),  general  chairman,  and  her 
committee  will  mail  full  details  of  the 
first  reunion  of  the  Class  of  '49  to  mem- 
bers of  the  class  within  a  short  time. 

'49  » 

Presidents:   Woman's  College,  Betty  Bob 
Walters  Walton  (Mrs.  Loring)  ;  Trinity 
College,    Eobert    W.    Frye;    College    of 
Engineering,  Joe  J.  Eobnett,  Jr. 
Class  Agent:  Chester  P.  Middlesworth 
ANNE        LITCHAED        BIED         (MES. 
CHAELES  A.)   and  her  husband,  who  were 
married   July    29,    1950,   are   living   at    840 
West  Market  Street,  Lima,  Ohio.    Anne  is 
director  of  the  Y.W.C.A.  Young  Adult  Pro- 
gram, and  her  husband,  an  alumnus  of  Ohio 
Wesleyan,    is    executive    secretary    for    the 
Lima  Community  Chest. 
and  DAEEELL  BEOWN   ("BILL")    WIL- 
LIAMS, '50,  who  were  married  last  summer 
in  Christ  Lutheran  Church,  Baltimore,  Md., 
are  living  in  Gastonia,  N.  O,  where  Bill  is 
a  reporter  for  the  Gastonia  Gazette. 

The  feeling  of  pride  we  have  in  our  eighty  years  as 
printers,  is  based  on  the  friends  we  made  and  keep. 

We  are  exceedingly  happy  that  we  can  count,  among  those 
friends,  Duke  University,  which  we  have  served  since  1931,  as 
printers  of  the  nationally  recognized  Chanticleer  —  and  in  nu- 
merous other  ways  through  the  years. 


Established  1871 
Printing      :       Lithographing      :       Steel  Die  Engraving 

Raleigh,  North  Carolina 

Office  Supplies 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 

[  Page  109  ] 

LYMAN  H.  BRIGHAM,  M.F.,  former 
assistant  resident  forester  at  Concord,  N. 
H.,  is  the  resident  forester  at  Rutland,  Vt. 
MAN E.)  is  a  credit  investigator  for  Sears 
Roebuck  Company.  Her  address  is  215 
South  Pennsylvania  Avenue,  Greensburg, 

The  marriage  of  NANCY  MARIE  BURKE 
to  Mr.  Joe  Nelson  Boyd  took  place  in  the 
First  Baptist  Church,  Burlington,  N.  C,  on 
December  16.  Their  address  is  6009  North 
Winthrop  Street,  Chicago,  111.  Mr.  Boyd, 
an  alumnus  of  Texas  Agricultural  and 
Mechanical  College  and  the  University  of 
North  Carolina,  was  at  one  time  an  instruc- 
tor at  State  College,  Raleigh,  N.  C.  He 
is  now  a  statistician  with  the  Federal  De- 
partment of  Labor. 

JAYNE  COSBY,  who  received  her  M.A. 
degree  from  the  University  of  Richmond 
last  summer,  is  a  history  instructor  at 
Bluefield    College,    Va. 

L.  0.),  '24,  of  Wilmington,  N.  C,  became 
the  bride  of  Mr.  Cecil  Gant,  Jr.,  on  Decem- 
ber 2  in  the  First  Baptist  Church  in  "Wil- 
mington. Mr.  Gant,  an  alumnus  of  the 
University  of  North  Carolina,  is  connected 
with  Glen  Raven  Mills  in  New  York  City, 
where  the  couple  is  making  their  home  at 
51  West  71  St.,  Apt.  4-F. 
ROBERT  FRENCH,  JR.,  lives  at  2910 
Madison  Avenue,  Newport  News,  Va.,  and 
works  for  the  Newport  News  Shipbuilding 
and  Dry  Dock  Company. 

Since  last  September  JANE  LUCILLE 
FUCHS  has  been  Mrs.  George  Milton  Wil- 
son, her  address  being  at  2193  S.  W.  11th 
Terrace,  Miami,  Fla.  Mr.  Wilson,  an  alum- 
nus of  the  University  of  Miami,  is  an  em- 
ployee of  Little  River  Bank  and  Trust 

JOHN  E.  HARMON  is  teaching  in  the  De- 
partment of  Political  Science  at  Florida 
State  University,  Tallahassee.  He  previ- 
ously was  an  assistant  and  an  instructor 
in  the  Department  of  Political  Science  at 
the  University  of  West  Virginia. 
JANE  HOUGH  HASSELL,  B.S.,  and  T. 
FLEETWOOD  HASSELL  live  at  402  Old 
Point  Road,  Wappo  Hall,  Charleston,  S.  C. 
They  have  a  year-old  daughter,  Mary  Lou. 
IRVIN  R.)  and  her  husband  live  in  Con- 
verse Apartments  No.  13,  Spartanburg,  S. 
C.  Elizabeth  received  her  degree  from  Con- 
verse College  in  1949. 

ERVIN  JACKSON,  JR.,  and  his  wife,  who 
was  Miss  Elizabeth  Richardson  of  Birming- 
ham, Alabama,  prior  to  their  marriage  last 
summer,  are  residing  in  Greenville,  S.  C. 
He  is  associated  in  business  with  Ivey-Keith 

address  is  R.F.D.  2,  Boswell,  Pa.,  is  teach- 
ing in  the  Conemaugh  Township  High 

PAULINE     LIGON      and     FELTON      R, 

NEASE  were  united  in  marriage  November 
28  in  St.  Joseph's  Episcopal  Church,  Dur- 
ham. Prior  to  her  marriage,  Pauline  was 
employed  as  biology-forestry  librarian  in 
the  Duke  University  Libraries.  Felton,  who 
did  the  work  for  his  A.B.  and  A.M.  degrees 
at  the  University  of  Oklahoma,  served  as 
an  assistant  instructor  and  graduate  stu- 
dent in  the  Duke  Botany  Department  for 
two  years.  He  is  now  employed  by  T.V.A. 
as  biologist  on  a  special  ecological  project 
at  Oak  Ridge,  Tenn.,  where  their  address  is 
515  West  Vanderbilt  Drive. 
North  Main  Street,  High  Point,  N.  C,  is 
a  salesman  for  International  Business  Ma- 

WILLIAM  A.  MASON  has  moved  from 
10518  South  Artesian  Avenue,  Chicago,  to 
1350  Astor  Street,  Apartment  3-A,  Chi- 
cago  10,   111. 

M.  JUSTYN  NEUHAUSER  is  service 
checker  in  statistical  research  for  the  John 
Shillito  Company,  and  he  lives  at  36  Ed- 
wards Court,  Fort  Thomas,  Ky. 
R.N.,  B.S.N.,  lives  at  810  Broad  Street, 
Durham,  and  does  private  nursing  for  Duke 
Hospital.  She  and  her  husband  are  the  par- 
ents of  a  seven-months-old  daughter. 
The  address  of  JENNY  DONALDSON 
PEVELER  (MRS.  RAY)  is  Box  5181,  Col- 
lege Station,  Texas. 

united  in  marriage  September  2  in  the 
Hayes  Barton  Methodist  Church,  Raleigh, 
N.  C.  They  are  living  in  Albemarle,  N.  O, 
where  Claude  is  commercial  manager  of 
Radio  Station  WABZ. 

The  address  of  JOAN  ELIZABETH  RICH- 
ARDS, who  was  married  to  Mr.  Paul  F. 
Gauff  last  summer,  is  27  Beverly  Road, 
Great  Neck,  Long  Island,  N.  Y.  Mr.  Gauff 
is  vice-president  of  the  New  York  Silicate 
Book  Slate  Company. 

OTIS  LINEBERGER,  JR.,  '50  son  of  DR. 
H.  O.  LINEBERGER,  '14,  of  Raleigh,  were 
married  in  the  Wesley  Monumental  Meth- 
odist Church,  Savannah,  Ga.,  last  August. 
They  are  living  in  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C,  while 
Henry  attends  the  University  of  North 
Carolina  Dental  School. 
M.D.,  who  interned  at  Fitzsimmons  Hos- 
pital, Denver,  Colo.,  began  a  three  year 
training  period  in  psychiatry  at  the  Men- 
ninger  School  of  Psychiatry,  Topeka,  Kan- 
sas. As  the  first  organized  residency  pro- 
gram for  the  training  of  psychiatrists 
undertaken  by  the  State  of  Kansas  it  offers 
lectures,  seminars,  and  supervised  clinical 
practice  designed  to  equip  those  attending 
for  certification  by  the  American  Board  of 
Neurology  and  Psychiatry. 
in  the  Lewis  Apartments,  Elkin,  N.  C,  is  - 
working  with  the  Metropolitan  Life  Insur- 
ance Company. 

became  Mrs.  Harry  Alexander  Allen,  Jr., 
her  present  address  being  334  West  Kivett 
Street,  Asheboro,  N.  C.  Sarah  is  an  ele- 
mentary school  teacher,  and  her  husband  is 
assistant  plant  engineer  with  National  Car- 
bon Company. 

ELIZABETH  ANN  SKAALE  became  the 
bride  of  Mr.  Ralph  Dee  Stout,  Jr.,  in  the 
West  Raleigh  Presbyterian  Church  on  De- 
cember 16.  Mr.  Stout  is  a  senior  at  State 
College  in  Raleigh,  N.  C,  where  their  ad- 
dress is  902  Brooks  Avenue. 
WILLIAM  JAMES  SMITH,  who  is  a 
traiuee-manager  for  S.  H.  Kress  and  Com- 
pany, lives  at  517  Brookside  Avenue,  North 
August,  S.  C. 

LILLIAN  E.  STURGIS  was  married  to  Dr. 
Edwin  H.  Updike  II  last  August.  They  are 
living  at  1363  York  Avenue,  New  York  21, 
N.  Y. 

JUNE  S.  SUMNER,  of  166  Emerald  Bay, 
Laguna  Beach,  Calif.,  is  executive  secre- 
tary to  the  president  of  the  Bank  of  La- 
guna Beach. 

JOYE  L.  TILLEY  and  Mr.  Jack  Kenneth 
Greer  were  united  in  marriage  October  6 
in  the  Watts  Street  Baptist  Church,  Dur- 
ham. They  are  making  their  home  in  the 
Vance  Apartments  in  Durham. 
BETTYE  WALL,  R.N.,  B.S.N.,  and  DON- 
ALD WOOD  TUCKER,  a  Duke  senior, 
were  married  September  3  at  Bethel  Meth- 
odist Church,  Chester,  S.  C.  They  are  liv- 
ing in  Durham,  while  Don  is  finishing 
school,  and  Bettye  is  working  in  the  ob- 
stetrical department  at  Duke  Hospital. 
The  marriage  of  JANE  PITTMAN  WIL- 
KINS  to  Mr.  David  Herbert  Thraikill  took 
place  in  The  First  Presbyterian  Church, 
Sanford,  N.  C.,  on  October  28,  1950,  and 
they  are  making  their  home  at  Gooseneck 
Point,  Little  Silver,  N.  J.  After  graduating, 
Jane  took  a  post  graduate  course  at  the  Uni- 
versity of  Oxford,  England.  Her  husband,  a 
graduate  of  Amherst  College,  returned 
shortly  before  the  wedding  from  South 
America  where  he  was  sent  by  the  Viek 
Chemical  Company. 

came Mrs.  Charles  Scarboro  Cooke  on  Octo- 
ber 21,  and  is  making  her  home  in  Wil- 
son, N.  C.  Dr.  Cooke  is  an  alumnus  of 
Wake  Forest  College  and  Atlanta  Southern 
Dental  College. 

Paul  Bryan,  Jr.,  and  is  living  at  116  Lull- 
water  Road,  Decatur,  Ga. 

'50  *■ 

President :  Jane  Suggs 

Class  Agent:  Robert  L.  Hazel 

The  address  of  ANN  CASKEY  BROTH- 
ERTON  (MRS.  WILLIAM  T.,  JR.),  A.M., 
is  Box  2525,  Charleston,  W.  Va. 
OLIVER  LEO  BUTNER,  JR.,  whose  ad- 
dress is  Post  Office  Box  4918,  Duke  Station, 
Durham,  N.  O,  is  a  salesman  for  the  Dur- 
ham Floral  Supply  Company,  Inc. 

JAMES    OLIN   CANSLER,   B.D.,   is   ehap- 

[  Page  110  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 

lain  to  Baptist  students  at  Duke.  His  home 
is  at  321  East  Main  Street,  Durham. 
ELLEN  YOUNG  CONNER  is  teaching 
senior  English  in  the  High  School  of  Point 
Pleasant,  W.  Va.  Her  address  there  is  2319 
Jackson  Avenue. 

an  instructor  of  wood  technology  at  New 
York  State  College  of  Forestry.  His  ad- 
dress is  139  Haven  Road,  University 
Heights,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 
SON  is  an  apprentice  cotton  classer  for 
George  H.  McFadden  and  Brothers,  Mem- 
phis, Tenn. 

KENNETH  EASON,  of  306  East  Geer 
Street,  Durham,  is  a  field  auditor  for  the 
North  Carolina  Department  of  Revenue. 
address  is  1514  Watch  Avenue,  Spring- 
field, 111.,  is  working  as  a  vegetation  engi- 
neer for  Health  Tree  Service,  Inc.,  of 
Wellesley,  Mass. 

ALVAN  RAY  GILMORE,  M.F.,  is  a  re- 
search forester  in  the  School  of  Forestry, 
University  of  Florida,  Gainesville,  Fla. 
lives  at  219  Kershaw  Street,  Cheraw,  S.  C, 
is  a  trainee  with  the  Egmont  Manufactur- 
ing Company. 

EMILY  A.  HELSETH,  of  442  28th  Street, 
West  Palm  Beach,  Fla.,  is  a  clerk  in  the 
transit  department  of  the  First  National 
Bank,  Palm  Beach,  Fla. 

of  Kinston,  N.  O,  is  a  professor  of  political 
science  at  Davidson  College.  His  mailing 
address  is  Box  724,  Davidson,  N.  C. 
Eoute  No.  1,  Hurt,  Va.,  is  the  address  of 
teaching  at  the  Renan  High  School  in  Gret- 
na, Va. 

ERT E.)  and  her  husband,  who  were  mar- 
ried June  30,  1950,  in  Bethany  Union 
Church,  Beverly  Hills,  Chicago,  111.,  are 
living  on  R.  R.  No.  3,  Hinsdale,  Til.  Mr. 
Lavey,  an  alumnus  of  the  University  of 
Michigan,  is  vice-president  in  charge  of 
sales  for  the  King  Engineering  Corpora- 

DAVID  PERRY  LOWREY.  M.F.,  is  teach- 
ing forestry  at  Stephen  F.  Austin  State 
College,  Nacogdoches,  Texas. 
WILLIAM  AUSTELL  LUTZ,  of  410  West 
Sumter  Street,  Shelby,  N.  C,  is  business 
administrator  of  Shelby  Hospital. 
dent at  Katharine  Gibbs  Secretarial  School, 
and  is  living  at  10848  Longwood  Drive, 
Chicago  43,  111. 

textile  research  chemist  with  the  research 
laboratories  of  Dan  River  Mills,  Inc.,  Dan- 
ville, Va. 

WILLIAM  G.  MARTIN,  of  203  Dinwiddie 
Street,  Portsmouth,  Va.,  is  a  representative 
for   The   American    Tobacco   Company. 
LEON    RAYMOND    MASTERS,    A.M.,    of 

121  Hester  Street,  Charleston,  S.  C,  is  an 
assistant  professor  at  The  Citadel. 
personnel  department  of  the  Montgomery 
Employment  Bureau  in  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
His  residence  address  is  356  Lincoln  Ave- 
nue, Pittsburgh  2. 

JOHN  ANSON  MOTE,  B.D.,  is  associate 
minister  of  the  Memorial  Methodist  Church 
of  Thomasville,  N.  O,  where  he  lives  at  107 

of  706  College  Drive,  Anderson,  Ind.,  is  pro- 
fessor of  theology  at  Anderson  College  and 
Theological  Seminary. 

LOUIS  PAGANI,  LL.B.,  of  3164  Baim- 
bridge  Avenue,  Bronx  67,  N.  Y.,  is  a  claims 
adjuster  with  James  J.  Ward,  Inc. 

an  instructor  of  English  at  Flora  Mac- 
donald  College,  Box  254,  Red  Springs,  N.  C. 

CLYDE  L.  PROPST  are  living  at  2911 
Monroe  Avenue,  Durham.  Frances  is  teach- 
ing at  Edgemont  School,  and  Clyde  is  a 
student  in  the  Duke  Law  School. 

DERMONT  JAMES  REID,  B.D.,  is  pastor 
of    the    Methodist    Church    in    Haw    River, 

N.   C. 

ROBERT  RAY  ROUSH,  whose  address  is 
1329  Quarrier  Street,  Charleston,  W.  Va., 
is  an  accountant  in  the  trust  department 
of  the  Charleston  National  Bank. 

Creston  Avenue,  Tenafly,  N.  J.,  is  a  recep- 
tionist for  International  Business  Machines, 
50  Broadway,  New  York  City. 

Announcement  has  been  received  of  the 
marriage  of  Miss  Emily  E.  Blum,  of  Elkin, 
N.  C,  to  JAMES  H."  SMITH,  son  of  J. 
RAYMOND  SMITH,  '17,  of  Mt.  Airy,  N. 
C,  on  February  24.  Jim  has  been  in  the 
Army  since  December. 

JOHN  THOMAS  STRATTON.'of  7  Brook^ 
haven  Drive,  Atlanta,  Ga.,  is  operator  of 
a  restaurant  at  2991  Peachtree  Road,  N.E., 
in  Atlanta. 

EDNA  MARIAN  TEFFT,  M.Ed.,  is  living 
at  3944  Holman  Circle,  Cincinnati  36,  Ohio, 
and  is  teaching  at  the  Norwood  View 
School  in  Norwood,  Ohio. 

GERALD  S.  THOMASSON,  M.F..  is  work- 
ing with  the  Long-Bell  Lumber  Company, 
Box  807,  R.  R.  1,  Veneta,  Ore. 

C.  AUBREY  TINGEN  is  a  trainee  in  the 
production  department  of  Vick  Chemical 
Company,  Greensboro,  N.  C,  where  his  ad- 
dress is  120  Kensington  Road. 
LEY  PROSSER  VERNER,  who  were  mar- 
ried August  5,  1950,  are  living  in  Apart- 
ment G-2-C  University  Apartments,  Dur- 
ham. John  is  a  medical  student  at  Duke, 
and  Sally  is  a  secretary  at  Duke  Hospital. 
A.M.,  is  teaching  at  Catonsville  High 
School  in  Baltimore,  Md.,  where  her  address 
is  209  Rosewood   Avenue,  Baltimore  28. 

Miss  Jacquelyn  Nichols  Word  became  the 
JR.,  on  September  9  in  the  Louisburg  Meth- 
odist Church,  Louisburg,  N.  C.  Mrs.  Stall- 
ings  is  an  alumna  of  Lasalle  College  in 
Auburndale,  Mass.  They  are  living  at  1012 
Buchanan  Boulevard  in  Durham,  where  Tol- 
bert  is  a  student  at  the  Duke  Medical 

JAMES  WILLIAM  WARD,  whose  address 
is  Box  904,  Fayetteville,  Tenn.,  is  working 
for  the  Esso  Standard  Oil  Company  in  Tul- 
lahoma,  Tenn. 

alyst and  cost  accountant  for  Corning  Glass 
Works,  Corning,  N.  Y.  His  address  is  39 
Meadow  Brook  Apartments,  Corning,  N.  Y. 
MARY  ELLEN  WHITMORE  is  a  student 
at  the  Nursing  School  of  Yale  University. 

'51  » 

FRASER  III  were  married  March  17  in 
the  Duke  University  Chapel.  They  are  liv- 
ing at  526  Holloway  Street  while  they  are 
completing  their  senior  year  at  Duke. 

'52  * 

JOAN  HENRY  PINNIX  and  Mr.  William 
Barnette  Garrison,  Jr.,  were  married  in  a 
formal  ceremony  March  17  in  the  Main 
Street  Methodist  Church,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 
They  are  making  their  home  in  Chapel  Hill. 
N.  C,  where  Mr.  Garrison  is  attending  the 
University  of  North  Carolina. 

'53  > 

Richard  Glenn  Averette  were  married  Febru- 
ary 4.  Juanita  is  credit  interviewer  for 
Sears  Roebuck  and  Company,  and  her  hus- 
band, a  North  Carolina  State  College  alum- 
nus, is  paymaster  for  a  construction  com- 
pany. Their  address  is  905  Y2  Clarendon 
Street,  Fayetteville,  N.  C. 


(Continued  from  Page  85) 
with  a  bit  of  information  about  the  con- 
cert. This  was  put  on  the  air  by  three 
stations.  Another  station  used  almost 
the  entire  album  in  a  half  hour  program 
customarily  devoted  to  classical  music. 
On  still  another  station,  a  disc  jockey 
used  them  each  night  for  several  nights 
with  information  about  the  concert.  (I 
understand  some  of  the  boys  picked  this 
up  in  Durham.)  Then,  on  my  station,  we 
used  selections  from  the  album  as  inci- 
dental music  on  several  programs. 

We  had  a  turn-out  of  probably  700 
for  the  concert.  The  boys  gave  their 
usual  wonderful  performance,  and  we 
felt  the  project  was  a  complete  success. 
Thank  you  very  much  for  coming 
through — as  you  always  do — when  we 
needed  a  bit  of  help. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 

[  Page  111  ] 


DR.  JOHN  L.  GIBSON,  '00 
Dr.   John   L.    Gibson,   '00,  of  Laurin- 

burg,  N.  C,  passed  away  December  2, 
1950.  He  had  been  in  declining  health 
for  some  time. 

(MRS.  L.  L.),  '15 

Bybe  Rogers  Davenport  (Mrs.  L.  L.), 
'15,  of  Nashville,  N.  C,  died  March  14 
at  Duke  Hospital  after  an  illness  of  sev- 
eral months. 

Funeral  services  were  held  at  her  home, 
and  burial  was  in  Forest  Hill  Cemetery. 

A  native  of  Durham,  Mrs.  Davenport 
moved  to  Nashville  in  1914  where  she  be- 
came a  school  teacher.  She  was  an  active 
member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church  in  her  home  town. 

Surviving  are  her  husband;  three  chil- 
dren, Mrs.  Bybe  Dowdy  and  L.  L.  Dav- 
enport, Jr.,  both  of  Rocky  Mount,  N.  O, 
and  Ed  Davenport,  a  law  student  at  the 
University  of  North  Carolina;  six  grand- 
children; a  brother,  Wesley  Rogers,  '19; 
and  two  sisters,  Mrs.  Fred  Copley  and 
Mrs.  Henry  Rogers,  all  of  Durham. 


Bill  attended  McCallie  School  at  Chat- 
tanooga, Tenn.  He  did  some  postgradu- 
ate work  after  finishing  his  undergradu- 
ate work  at  Duke. 

Survivors  include  the  wife,  the  former 
Helen  Frances  Hennis;  one  daughter, 
Helen  Elizabeth  Ashby;  his  parents,  Dr. 
and  Mrs.  Edward  C.  Ashby;  and  one 
brother,  Edward  C.  Ashby,  Jr. 


Harry  Winfield  Carter,  '20,  died  at  his 
home  in  Greenville,  N.  C,  on  February 
20,  after  five  months  of  critical  illness. 

Funeral  services  were  conducted  at  the 
chapel  of  the  S.  G.  Wilkerson  and  Sons 
Funeral  Home,  and  burial  was  in  Green- 
wood Cemetery. 

Mr.  Carter  had  taught  at  Elon  College, 
Walstonburg  and  Creswell.  In  1927  he 
went  to  Greenville  and  worked  as  a 
printer,  later  opening  Carter's  Print 
Shop,  which  he  operated  until  Septem- 
ber, 1950,  when  he  retired  because  of  ill- 

Surviving  are  the  wife;  two  sons, 
Harry  W.  Carter,  Jr.,  a  student  at  V.P.I., 
Blacksburg,  Va.,  and  Eugene  Carter  of 
the  U.  S.  Navy,  -now  stationed  in  Africa; 
three  daughters,  Mrs.  B.  B.  Furr,  Jr., 
Hopewell,  Va.,  Jane  Woodley  Carter,  of 
the  home,  and  Mrs.  Rollin  Justice,  Dan- 
ville, Va.;  two  grandchildren;  and  a 
sister,  Mrs.  Ida  Hines,  Richmond,  Va. 

William    Clay    Ashby,    '48,    of    Mount 

Airy,    N.    C,    died    at    Martin    Memorial 

Hospital  on  March  1. 

The  funeral  was  held  at  the  home  of 

his  parents,  and  burial  was  in  Oakdale 

Duke's  Oldest  Alumnus  Dies  at  96 

preme  Court  of  North  Carolina  in  June, 
1879,  Col.  Abell  opened  his  law  office  in 
Smithfield  and  had  practiced  his  profes- 
sion there  continuously  since  that  time. 
He  was  trying  cases  in  the  Superior 
Court  before  he  was  21  years  old. 

Col.  Abell  was  also  active  for  a  time 
in  the  field  of  politics.  He  was  mayor 
of  Smithfield  for  three  terms,  and  was 
chairman  of  the  Democratic  Executive 
Committee  in  Johnston  County  for  16 
years.  An  outstanding  Democrat,  he  was 
a  presidential  elector  under  Grover 
Cleveland,  and  was  a  delegate  to  the 
National  Democratic  Convention  at  Bal- 
timore in  1912  when  Woodrow  Wilson 
was  first  nominated  for  president.  Until 
recent  years  he  was  a  biennial  delegate 
to  the  State  Convention.  He  served  three 
terms  in  the  State  House  of  Representa- 
tives and  two  terms  in  the  Senate. 

No  one  can  remember  where  Mr.  Abell 
got  the  name  of  "Colonel,"  because  he 
never  served  in  any  of  the  armed  forces. 
He  thought  it  might  have  come  from  his 
earlier  days  of  active  politics. 

At  the  time  of  his  death,  Col.  Abell 
was  senior  partner  in  the  firm  of  Abell, 
Shephard  and  Wood.  He  and  his  part- 
nership had  been  counsel  for  Southern 
Railway  in  Johnston  County  for  more 
than  60  years  and  counsel  for  the  At- 
lantic Coast  Line  Railroad  for  more  than 
half  a  century.  Until  his  last  year  CoL 
Abell  still  went  to  his  office  every  morn-j 
ing,   weather   permitting.' 

Col.  Abell  was  an  excellent  shot  when 
he  was  younger,  and  was  an  enthusiastic 
hunter  and  fisher  until  his  later  yearsj 
when  he  turned  to  gardening  as  a  hobby. 
He  was  blessed  with  perfect  health  and 
eyesight  almost  all  of  his  life. 

Mrs.  Abell,  the  former  Irene  Page  of 
Fayetteville,  whom  Col.  Abell  married  on 
December  17,  1885.  passed  away  just  a 
year  ago.  They  had  seven  children,  four 
of  whom  survive:  Marie  Stevens  (Mrs. 
H.  P.),  lone  George  (Mrs.  Jerry  L.), 
and  Edward  S.  Abell,  Jr.,  all  of  Smith- 
field;  and  Jean  Israel  (Mrs.  W.  L.)  of 
Wilson.  Four  grandchildren;  four  great- 
grandchildren ;  and  two  sisters.  Mrs.  Dan 
Galloway  of  Fairmont  and  Mrs.  George 
Bissett  of  New  York  City,  also  survive. 


"Colonel"  Edward  Stanley  Abell,  '78, 
of  Smithfield,  N.  C,  veteran  attorney, 
political  leader,  and  oldest  living  alum- 
nus of  Duke  University,  died  April  6 
the  day  following  his  96th  birthday. 

Funeral  services  were  conducted  at  the 
Centenary  Methodist  Church,  of  which 
he  had  been  a  member  for  nearly  75 
years,  and  interment  was  in  Riverside 

Born  April  5,  1857,  Col.  Abell  attended 
a  free  school  in  Smithfield  for  two  months 
a  year  until  he  was  12  years  old.  He 
then  attended  a  private  school  in  Selma, 
which  was  taught  by  Professor  J.  S. 
Scarborough,  who  later  became  State 
Superintendent  of  Public  Instruction. 
Mr.  Abell  entered  Trinity  College  in  Ran- 
dolph County  when  he  was  but  16,  and 
there  studied  law  under  Dr.  Braxton 
Craven,  president  of  the  college.  During 
the  summer  vacations  he  studied  law 
under  his  father,  the  late  J.  H.  Abell, 
who  was  a  successful  attorney  with  of- 
fices in  Smithfield. 

The  oldest  of  a  family  of  eight  chil- 
dren, Col.  Abell  could  recall  the  days  of 
the  Civil  War  when  several  battles  took 
place  not  too  far  from  his  home. 

Licensed    to    practice   law   by   the    Su- 

[  Page  112  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  April,  1951 



Army-Navy  parlance  describes  this  medical  under- 
taking which  demands  the  utmost  in  skill  and  patience 
of  physicians,  nurses  and  technicians.    We  like  to 
think  that  the  services  of  another  technician — the  Blue 
Cross-Blue  Shield  Plan — contribute  to  the  success  of 
"Operation  Operation"  by  providing  priceless  peace 
of  mind  to  the  patient  in  guaranteeing  payment  of 
hospital-surgical  benefits. 







Please  Send  Information  on  Blue  Cross-Blue  Shield  Group 

Name - 

Address .". 

City. -- - 


Campus  Interviews  on  Cigarette  Tests 

NUMBER  7. . . 


*  I  may  be  a 
clown— but 
I'm  no  fool!" 


.e  might  be  the  merry-andrew  of  the 
marshlands,  but  lately  he's  been 
downright  glum  about  these  trick  cigarette 
mildness  tests.  Never  one  to  duck  facts,  he  holds 
nothing  much  can  he  proved  by  a  sniff  of  one  brand  or 
a  quick  puff  from  another.  Snap  judgments  can't  take 
the  place  of  regular,  day-to-day  smoking. 
That's  why  so  many  smokers  are  turning  to  .  .  . 
The  sensible  test .  . .  the  30-Day  Camel  Mildness  Test,  which  simply 
asks  you  to  try  Camels  as  a  steady  smoke  — on  a  pack-after- 
pack,  day-after-day  basis.  No  snap  judgments  needed.  After 
you've  enjoyed  Camels— and  only  Camels— for  30  days  in  your 
"T-Zone"  (T  for  Throat,  T  for  Taste) ,  we  believe  you"ll  know  why . , . 

More  People  Smoke  Camels 

than  any  other  cigarette! 



May,  1951 

"Joe  College"  Gives  Seniors  Send-off 

For 2/ou  Proof o/ MILDNESS 

A"  with  no  unoleasant  after-ta 

with  no  unpleasant  after-taste 


"When  I  apply  the  Standard  Tobacco  Growers' 
Test  to  cigarettes,  I  find  Chesterfield  is  the  one 
that  smells  milder  and  smokes  milder." 

Statement  by  hundreds  of 
Prominent  Tobacco  Growers. 

For  You-  PROOF  OF 


"Chesterfield  is  the  only  cigarette  in 
which  members  of  our  taste  panel  found 
no  unpleasant  after-taste." 

From  the  report  of  a  well-known 
Industrial  Research  Organization. 



Copyright  1951,  Liggett  &  Myers  Tobacco  Co. 


(Member  of  American  Alumni  Council) 
Published  at  Durham,  N.  C,  Every  Month  in  the  Year  in  the  Interest  of  the  University  and  the  Alumni 

Volume  XXXVII 

May,  1951 

Number  5 


Editorials   US 

Sons  and  Daughters 116 

June  Exercises  End  Tear 117 

What  Is  Duke? 118 

Pledges  Ad-opt  New  Bole 119 

Student   Officers 120 

Joe   College   Week  End  Revived 121 

Alumni  Meetings 122 

Campaign   Chairmen 123 

Order  Tickets  Early 124 

Honor  Roll  on  Press 125 

News  of  the  Alumni 126 

Obituaries 136 

Editor  and  Business  Manager 

Charles  A.  Dukes,  '29 

Managing  Editor Roger  L.  Marshall,    '42 

Associate  Editor Anne  Garrard,   '25 

Advertising  Manager Thomas  D.  Donegan 

Layout  Editor Euth  Mart  Brown 

Staff  Photographer Jimmy   Whitley 

Two  Dollars  a  Year 

20  Cents  ^  Copy 

Entered  as  Second-Class  Matter  at  the  Post 

Office  at  Durham,  N.  C,  Under  the  Act  of 

March   3,   1879. 


The  following  letters  are  from  Marc  Viellet-Lavalee,  '20. 

February  1,  1951 
The  Food  and  Agriculture  Organization  (of  the  United  Nations), 
of  which  I  have  been  associated  for  the  past  four  years,  is  transferring 
its  Headquarters  to  Rome,  Italy.  I  am,  therefore,  leaving  Washington 
to  take  up  residence  in  Rome  but  it  will  take  a  few  weeks  before  I 
get  settled  there.  I  shall  send  you  my  new  address  as  soon  as  possible. 
I  had  hoped  to  visit  Duke  University  before  leaving,  but  pressure 
of  work  has  been  such  that  I  have  not  been  able  to  get  away  from 
Washington.  I  regret  very  much  missing  this  opportunity  but  shall  try 
to  visit  you  whenever  I  may  happen  to  return  to  the  United  States. 

April  3,  1951 

Your  kind  letter  of  6th  February  reached  me  in  Rome  about  a 
week  ago.  As  you  are  aware,  I  left  Washington  early  in  February 
and  it  was  almost  five  weeks  before  I  arrived  in  Rome,  as  I  spent  some 
three  weeks  in  Paris  and  elsewhere  in  France. 

I  have  just  rented  an  apartment  and  my  personal  address  now  is  the 
following:  Via  Guido  d'Arezzo  2,  Interno  7,  Rome,  Italy. 

There  is,  of  course,  no  prospect  of  my  returning  to  the  United 
States  in  1951.  But  when  I  do  go  back,  I  shall  certainly  do  my  best 
to  visit  Duke  again.  I  have  very  warm  feelings  for  my  old  Alma 
Mater  and  all  the  friends  I  have  there. 

If  there  is  anything  I  can  do  here  in  Rome  for  Duke  alumni  who 
happen  to  come  over  I  shall  be  only  too  pleased  to  help. 

Choir  Welcomes  Old  Members 

Alumni  and  alumnae  who  were  once  members  of  the  Chapel  Choir 
will  find  their  same  old  seats  in  the  choir  loft  awaiting  them  whenever 
they  return  to  the  campus  for  a  visit.  All  they  have  to  do  is  appear 
in  time  for  the  final  practice  just  before  the  Sunday  service  and  they 
may  again  add  their  voices  to  the  sacred  strains.  Student  choir  mem- 
bers will  gladly  make  room  in  the  choir  loft  for  the  returning  vocalists. 

With  Commencement  approaching  and  summer  vacations  pending, 
alumni  and  alumnae  are  especially  invited  to  take  advantage  of  this 
constant  opportunity  to  become  an  active  member  of  the  college  com- 
munity and  the  Duke  Chapel  Choir  once  again. 


A  moderate  frenzy  of  fun  and  foolishness  seemed  appropriate 
for  the  period  just  preceding  final  exams,  especially  for  the 
seniors,  whose  undergraduate  days  of  comparative  freedom  from 
worldly  cares  are  almost  over.  Joe  College  Week  End  filled  the 
bill  perfectly.  Inaugurated  before  World  War  II,  the  event  was 
suspended  for  several  years  during  hostilities  and  chaos  that 
followed.  With  a  vivid  sense  of  drama  students  lampooned  their 
own  college  fads  and  customs  by  elaborately  overdoing  them.  A 
highlight  was  a  parade  from  West  Campus  to  East  Campus,  fol- 
lowed by  a  field  day  of  comedy  events. 



We  have  all  O  Tjypes  of  (Composition 

When  setting  type  we  give  due  consideration 
to  the  ultimate  purpose  ...  In  deciding  whether 
to  use  linotype,  monotype  or  hand  composition, 
we  first  ascertain  the  function  of  the  particular 
piece  of  "work.  Each  method  "was  designed  for 
a  specific  service,  therefore  initial  cost  is  beside 
the  question.  We  shall  be  glad  to  assist  you  in 
deciding  which  of  the  three  will  do  the  best 
job  for  your  particular  problem.  Our  composing 
room  service  is  planned  for  today's  demands. 


413  E.  Chapel  Hill  St.         (K23&  Durham,  N.  C. 



Volume  XXXVII 

May,  1951 

Number  5 

About  the  Campaign 

When  the  Duke  University  National  Council  meets  at 
Commencement,  a  report  on  the  progress  of  the  Develop- 
ment Campaign  will  be  given.  Thousands  of  alumni  have 
done  an  outstanding  job  of  making  this  undertaking  a 

If,  however,  you  have  been  asked  to  see  some  of  your  fel- 
low alumni  and  haven't  completed  your  task,  please  do  so 
as  soon  as  possible.  If  you  are  not  in  a  community  where 
an  active  personal  solicitation  for  the  Development  Cam- 
paign is  being  conducted,  don't  worry.  You  will  not  be 
overlooked.  In  every  section  where  there  is  a  sufficient 
concentration  of  alumni,  they  will  be  given  an  oppor- 
tunity, sooner  or  later,  to  participate  in  this  program, 
which  is  so  vital  to  the  future  of  Duke. 

Remember  Duke  University  is  counting  on  every  for- 
mer student  to  make  his  gift  as  large  as  possible,  based  on 
a  three-year  commitment.  Though  we  have  said  this  be- 
fore, like  the  advertisers,  once  again  we  repeat,  "This  is 
the  first  time  in  25  years  alumni  and  friends  of  the  insti- 
tution have  been  asked  to  make  a  capital  gift  to  the 
institution. ' '  The  Loyalty  Fund  and  the  capital  gifts  pro- 
gram are  one  and  the  same,  if  the  commitment  is  made 
over  a  three-year  period.  The  Loyalty  Fund  is  not  to  be 
discontinued,  but  will  be  started  again  at  the  end  of  the 
commitment  period  for  the  Development  Campaign. 

The  student  participation  completes  the  entire  Univer- 
sity family  circle,  every  division  of  which  is  now  sharing 
in  a  magnificent  manner. 

One  of  the  finest  things  that  has  ever  happened  on  the 
Duke  campus  has  been  the  volunteer  campaign  put  on  by 
the  students,  among  the  students,  for  the  Development 

Several  weeks  ago,  representatives  of  some  of  the  stu- 
dent organizations  came  to  the  Alumni  Office  and  re- 
quested permission  to  share  in  the  Development  Campaign. 
They  were  referred  to  President  Edens,  who  told  them 
that,  if  the  movement  among  the  students  was  entirely 
voluntary,  he  would  be  glad  to  give  his  permission. 

The  students  then  invited  a  representative  of  every  stu- 
dent organization  to  attend  a  meeting  and  hear  the  Presi- 
dent tell  about  Duke's  present  and  future.  This  meeting 
resulted  in  a  campus-wide  campaign  which  has  just  been 

More  than  500  students  are  preparing  letters  to  be 
mailed  to  parents  and  materials  for  use  by  solicitation 
committees  which  will  reach  every  student  on  the  campus. 
The  students  will  contribute  whatever  the}7  can,  according 
to  their  ability.  In  so  doing  they  say  to  the  world  at 
large  that  they  are  grateful  to  those  people,  who,  because 
of  their  interest  in  the  past,  have  made  the  institution 
what  it  is  today,  and  to  the  alumni  and  friends  and  all 
others  who  are  now  sharing  in  this  program  to  make 
Duke's  opportunities  for  service  even  greater. 

In  and  Out 

Majr  we  remind  you  that  Commencement  is  June  1,  2,  3, 
and  4,  and  that,  if  you  haven 't  made  plans  to  attend,  there 
is  still  time,  provided  you  hurry.  The  Special  Occasions 
Committee  of  the  National  Council  has  made  another 
innovation  in  the  program  for  returning  alumni  which 
we  believe  will  meet  with  universal  approval. 

On  Saturday  evening  immediately  following  the  Gen- 
eral Alumni  Dinner,  the  Hoof  'n'  Horn  Club  of  Duke 
University  will  present  "Belles  and  Ballots,"  its  spring 
musical  comedy.  The  Hoof  \\ '  Horn  Club  is  a  student 
organization  that  writes,  produces,  and  directs  all  of  its 
own  productions.  This  year,  the  ingenuity  of  the  students, 
plus  their  enthusiastic  presentations,  takes  you  on  a  pleas- 
ant trip  to  the  nineties. 

For  a  number  of  years  the  returning  alumni  have  asked 
that  they  be  given  an  opportunity  to  see  the  work  of 
some  of  the  student  organizations.  This  year's  change  in 
program  is  the  result  of  these  requests. 

The  admission  price  to  the  musical  is  reasonable,  to 
say  the  least — only  $1.00.  Not  only  will  the  alumni  at- 
tending the  dinner  have  an  opportunity  to  see  the  presen- 
tation, but  it  will  be  open  to  parents  of  students,  students, 
and  the  general  public.  In  order  to  reduce  expenses  seats 
will  not  be  reserved  but  a  special  section  will  be  reserved 
for  those  attending  the  General  Alumni  Dinner.  We  sug- 
gest»  therefore,  that  those  planning  to  attend  write  the 
Alumni  Office  immediately  for  tickets.  Alumni  are  urged 
to  give  their  complete  and  enthusiastic  support  to  this 
Commencement  feature  if  they  wish  similar  student  at- 
tractions presented  in  the  future. 

The  golf  tournament  will  be  held  for  the  third  year.  It 
will  be  sponsored  by  the  Class  of  '41  with  Robert  J. 
Montfort  as  class  chairman.  Mr.  Floyd  S.  Bennett,  our 
No.  1  alumnus,  will  be  in  charge  of  the  occasion.  Prizes  will 
be  awarded  for  faculty,  trustee,  and  alumni  participation. 

Classes  which  have  not  arranged  for  representation  are 
requested  to  do  so.  The  tournament  is  to  take  place  at 
the  Hope  Valley  Country  Club  Friday  afternoon  and  Sat- 
urday morning. 

Last  year  the  booby  prize  was  won  by  a  score  of  135. 
Surely  you  can  beat  this.  If  you  can't,  we  shall  expect 
you  to  win  the  booby. 

Rooms,  at  a  minimum  charge,  will  be  available  on  the 
campus  for  parents  of  students,  single  alumni,  and  alumni 
couples.  Those  desiring  to  stay  in  the  dormitories  should 
make  reservations  in  advance. 


Richard  Kent  Smurthwaite.  Jean  Fetherston  Smurthwaite,  '46. 
P.  M.  Smurthwaite,  B.S.M.E.  '45.  Kenmore,  N.  Y. 
Linda  Alice  Langston.  T.  Ed  Langston,  '41.  Wadesboro,  N.  C. 
Thomas  David  Sales,  Jr.  Marybelle  Adams  Sales,  '44.  Thomas 
David  Sales,  B.S.C.E.  '44.  Dr.  Rayford  Kennedy  Adams,  '08,  Grand- 

Natalie   Sullivan   Bimel.     Alice  Booe  Bimel    (Mrs.  Carl,  Jr.).   '43. 
Cincinnati,   Ohio. 

5.  Jeffrey    Washburn    Davis.      Hardin    King    Davis,    Jr.      Margaret 
Washburn  Davis  (Mrs.  H.  K.),  '37.     Bellerose,  N.  Y. 

6.  Nancy  Lee  Goldberg.     Dorothy  Huffman  Goldberg,   '38.     Robert  A. 
Goldberg,  '40,   LL.B.  '49.     North  Conway,   N.  H. 

7.  Georgene  Lucy.     Shirlev  Whitlock  Luev   (Mrs.  C.  R.),  '47.     Warren, 

8.  Lucy'   Boyd    Lemon.      Jane    Ross    Lemon.      Mary   Marvin    Lemon. 
E.  Marvin  Lemon,  '33.     Roanoke,  Va. 

9.  David   K.   Secrest.     Andrew  M.    Secrest,   '44.     Laurinburg,   X.   C. 

Dr.  Robert  D.  Calkins  (left),  director 
of  the  General  Education  Board  of 
the  Rockefeller  Foundation,  will  de- 
liver the  Commencement  address  on 
Monday,  June  4.  Dr.  Calkins,  a  noted 
economist,  is  former  dean  of  the  Col- 
lege of  Commerce  of  the  University 
of  California.  A  native  of  Connecti- 
cut, he  holds  degrees  from  William 
and  Mar.y  and  Stanford. 

The  Reverend  Paul  Ehrman  Scherer 

(right),  who  will  deliver  the  Bacca- 
laureate Sermon  on  Sunday,  June  3, 
is  professor  of  homiletics  at  Union 
Theological  Seminary,  New  York  City. 
For  25  years  he  was  pastor  of  Holy 
Trinity  Church  in  New  York  and  is 
one  of  the  nation's  most  famed 

June  Exercises  End  Another  Year 

Another  academic  year  will  close  with 
Commencement  Exercises  extended  over 
the  three-day  period  between  June  2  and 
4,  and  when  degrees  have  been  awarded 
as  the  finale  of  the  occasion,  something 
more  than  1,000  young  men  and  women, 
graduates  and  undergraduates,  will  move 
into  a  future  even  more  uncertain  than 

This  fact,  however,  has  failed  notice- 
ably to  subdue  the  high  spirits  of  young- 
men  and  women  about  to  finish  their  col- 
lege careers.  Seniors  are  bending  to  the 
task  of  preparing  for  final  examinations 
with  a  little  greater  intensity.  Candi- 
dates for  graduate  degrees  are  plugging 
to  finish  all-important  theses.  Failure  for 
today's  students  doesn't  always  mean'  an- 
other chance,  and  present  opportunities, 
therefore,  cannot  be  regarded  too  lightly. 

But  despite  these  serious  considerations, 
the  campus  is  rapidly  assuming  the  famil- 
iar jubilant  air  that  invariably  heralds 
the  Commencement  season.  And,  as  usual, 
the  senior  class  prepares  to  leave  the 
University  with  a  sense  of  triumph  and 
achievement  tempered  by  the  sadness  of 
departure.  This  sadness  is  reflected  in 
farewell  columns  in  the  Chronicle,  con- 
versation, and  thoughtful  expressions  of 
faces  regarding  for  the  last  few  times 
such  familiar  scenes  as  the  Chapel  tower, 
the  flagstone  walks,  and  the  shaggy  oaks 
that  adorn  both  campuses. 

Later,  however,  these  students  of  1951 
will  return  to  future  Commencements  to 

refresh  old  and  pleasant  memories,  recall 
youthful  experiences,  and  revive  and 
strengthen  the  knowledge  and  sense  of 
permanent  values  that  the  University  im- 
parted during  the  process  of  education. 

They  will  return,  just  as  in  1951  stu- 
dents of  other  years  will  return  to  renew 
their  attachment  to  Duke  and  to  recog- 
nize the  role  that  the  University  continues 
to  play  in  their  lives. 

Many  Are  Expected 

This  year  a  record  breaking  number  of 
former  students  are  expected  to  be  on 
hand  for  Commencement  Exercises.  One 
reason  is  the  stronger  interest  that  alumni 
have  taken  in  University  affairs  during 
1950-51  through  such  activities  as  the 
Development  Campaign  and  already  vis- 
ible effects  of  new  programs  instituted  by 
a  still  new  president. 

To  accommodate  those  who  will  return, 
to  make  their  visits  enjoyable  and  worth 
while,  the  University  organizations  of 
fellow  alumni,  and  Commencement  com- 
mittees have  cooperated  to  plan  what  will 
certainly  be  one  of  the  greatest  Com- 
mencement   programs    in    Duke's   history. 

Some  e\ents  will  be  especially  for 
alumni;  some  especially  for  students;  but 
most  will  be  for  every  member,  past, 
present,  and  even  future,  of  the  Univer- 
sity community. 

Activities  for  alumni  will  begin  on  Fri- 
day, June  1,  with  the  third  annual 
Alumni   Golf   Tournament   at   Hope  Val- 

ley. The  tournament  this  year  is  spon- 
sored by  the  Class  of  1941,  tenth  reunion 
class,  and  will  continue  through  Satur- 
day morning.  Winners  will  be  announced 
at  the  General  Alumni  Association  meet- 
ing Saturday  night. 

The  second  major  event  for  all  return- 
ing alumni  will  be  the  annual  dinner 
meeting  of  the  General  Alumni  Asso- 
ciation in  West  Campus  Union,  beginning 
at  6:15  p.m.  Saturday,  June  2.  Presid- 
ing will  be  C.  B.  Houek,  '22,  retiring- 
president  of  the  Association. 

Hoof  'n'  Horn  Show 

Following  the  Association  dinner  meet- 
ing the  new  feature  of  Commencement 
will  be  inaugurated.  This  is  a  production 
of  the  Hoof  V  Horn,  student  musical 
comedy  organization,  this  year  entitled 
'•Belles  and  Ballots."  Alumni  who  pur- 
chase tickets  for  the  production  with  their 
Saturday  dinner  tickets  will  find  a  special 
section  of  seats  reserved  for  them  in  Page 
Auelitorium.  Other  than  this,  there  will 
be  no  reserved  seats. 

Reunion  Classes 

The  classes  which  are  holding  reunions 
June  1,  2,  and  3  will  each  have  their  own 
schedule  of  special  activities.  They  are 
'01,  '10,  '11,  '12,  '26,  '35,  '36,  '37,  '41, 
and  '49. 

There  will  also  be  a  number  of  events 
planned  in  which  all  returning  alumni 
Will  take  part.  In  adelition  to  the  Hoof 
'n'    Horn    show    and    the    annual    alumni 


Page  117  ] 

golf  tournament,  the  General  Alumni 
Dinner  will  be  held  Saturday  evening, 
June  3. 

Returning  alumnae  will  be  guests  of 
the  Woman's  College  staff  at  a  coffee 
from  10:30  to  12:00  a.m.  Saturday  in 
East  Duke  Building.  There  will  be  open 
houses,  teas,  and  many  other  forms  of 
entertainment  designed  for  everyone. 

Accommodations  may  be  secured  on 
campus  for  alumni,  alumnae,  and  their 
families.  For  further  information  about 
this,  write  to  the  Alumni  Office. 


The  Class  of  1901  will  celebrate  its 
Golden  Anniversary  by  attending  the 
Half  Century  Club  Luncheon  on  Sunday, 
June  3.  At  that  time,  members  of 
the  class  will  be  inducted  into  the  Club. 

1910,  1911,  1912 

A  joint  luncheon  of  the  classes  of  1910, 
1911,  and  1912  will  be  held  on  Sunday, 
June  3,  followed  by  an  open  house  at  the 
home  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  S.  Brower. 


Class  President,  Edward  L.  Cannon, 
and  his  committees  have  gone  all  out  to 
plan  a  fun-packed  week  end  for  this  year's 
Silver  Anniversary  Class  of  1926.  The 
committee  in  charge  of  publication  has 
prepared  biographical  sketches  of  all  class 
members.  Along  with  other  week  end 
activities,  the  committees  in  charge  of 
local  arrangements  and  of  entertainment, 
headed  by  Benjamin  Powell,  Durham,  and 
Stanton  Pickens,  Charlotte,  respectively, 
have  planned  a  special  class  dinner  Sun- 
day night,  and  a  tea  to  be  held  for  the 
class  and  members  of  the  Duke  faculty  of 
their  generation. 

1935,  1936,  1937 

A  royal  welcome  awaits  the  classes  of 
1935,  1936,  and  1937.  The  program  is 
packed  with  action.  In  addition  to  the 
schedule  of  general  alumni  activities  for 
all  returning  classes,  there  will  be  an 
open  house  Friday  evening  at  the  Hope 
Valley  Country  Club  and  a  picnic  on 
Saturday  at  Smith's  Cabin  on  the  Wake 
Forest  Highway  for  the  three  classes. 


According  to  reunion  chairman  R.  F. 
(Bob)  Long,  plans  for  the  tenth  year 
reunion  of  the  Class  of  1941  are  just 
about  complete.  There'll  be  a  continuous 
program  for  every  interest — a  golf  tour- 
nament— open  houses — cabin  parties — 
campus  tours — a  beach  party — in  fact 
everything  that  will  make  a  reunion 

The  Class  of  1949  will  be  returning  to 
the  Duke  campus  for  their  first  class  re- 
union.    Betty  Bob  Walters  Walton  (Mrs. 
Loring   B.,    Jr.),    general    chairman,    and 

her  committee  have  made  plans  for  a  class 
picnic  at  Gate  7  on  Sunday.  They  promise 
a  good  time  for  everyone.  The  class  of 
1949  will  also  take  part  in  the  many  other 
activities  planned  for  returning  alumni. 

"What  Is  Duke?" 

The  lines  below  were  penned  by  a  member  of  one  of  the  younger  reunion  classes 
in  contemplation  of  rejoining  his  classmates  on  the  campus  this  June.  While  the 
author  modestly  prefers  to  remain  cloaked  in  classical  anonymity,  the  Register  feels 
that  his  work  is  worthy  of  publication  at  this  particular  season  of  the  year. 

Reference  to  Duke  is  always  in  the 
present  because  it  lives  on  in  time  and 
space  through  our  lives.  It  is  a  many- 
sided  experience  like   a  gem  of  many 

rays  of  light, 
on  a  foggy  night 

facets  giving  off  many 

It  is  the  Chapel 
shrouded  in  mist  and  mystery.  It  is 
the  sepulchral  and  medieval  atmos- 
phere, the  odor  of  stone,  the  roar  and 
tinkling  whisper  of  a  mighty  organ, 
the  gothic  arch,  the  swelling  anthem's 
praise,  and  glowing  stained  glass  .  .  . 
the  preacher  who  anesthetized  and  the 
preacher  who  stirred  strange  and  hid- 
den depths. 

It  is  a  memory  ...  of  freshman 
week  long,  long  ago  ...  of  homesick- 
ness, of  burning  autumn  days,  the 
struggle  of  academic  discipline,  the 
good  and  the  bad  professors,  room- 
mates, bull-sessions,  and  the  wonder  of 
soaring  and  sordid  human  nature. 

It  is  the  smell  of  a  sweaty  dressing 
room,  the  thrill  of  excelling  if  only 
once  in  contest,  the  race  run,  the  panic 
of  examination,  suspense  of  postcard 
grades,  the  football  games,  and  pep 
rallies,  the  quadrangle  riots,  the  night 
serenades,  a  rare  snow,  a  goodnight  by 
flashing  dormitory  lights,  the  spot- 
lights, and  gravel  drives  on  East  .  .  . 
a  girl  .  .  .  the  thrill  of  new  friend- 
ship, the  profound  contact  with  char- 
acter and  wisdom  .  .  .  and  a  dean,  the 
good  shepherd. 

It  is  the  shared  bond  of  nicknames : 
of  "Bishop,"  "Scrappy,"  "Suitcase," 
"Nurmi,"  and  "Uncle,"  and  a  greeting : 
"hey."  It  is  the  remembrance  of  Negro 
characters  on  campus  ...  of  Ralph 
and  "yo  shoes  is  tumble,"  of  Arch  the 
messenger  philosopher,  Big  Bill,  con- 
fidant of  college  presidents,  and  the 
living  relic  of  heroic  Randolph  County 
days,  the  "Old  Chief"  of  the  Union. 
It  is  our  keystone  cops  "Cloud"  and 
"Shadow"  .  .  .  and  the  times  we 
weren't  caught.  It  is  Whitford's  office 
and  room  kevs. 

It  is  "next  gentlemen"  in  the  barber 
shop  and  "thank  you  gentleman"  at 
the  end  of  lecture.  It  is  help  in  time 
of  trouble,  an  understanding  word  and 
a  stinging  rebuke  too  .  .  .  the  resolve, 
the  growth,  and  in  the  end,  an  intan- 
gible development.  It  is  the  paradoxes 
of  youth  .  .  .  worry,  loneliness,  and 
exhilarating  joys. 

It  is  Durham  .  .  .  the  Saddle  Club, 
Blue  Light,  Miller's,  Bailey's,  Rinaldi's, 
the  Center,  the  Carolina,  the  Astor.  .  .  . 
It  is  rolling,  wooded  Piedmont 
hills.  ...  It  is  a  cabin  party  and  a 
country  lane.  .  .  .r  It  is  the  loneliness 
of  murmuring  pines,  and  the  hum  and 
stir  of  city  factories.  It  is  gothic  tow- 
ers by  moonlight  and  lawns  at  noontide. 

It  is  initiation  into  mysterious 
realms  of  secret  orders  .  .  .  and  it  is  a 
crowded  and  sometimes  joyous,  some- 
times tragic  dance  ...  a  special  week- 
end, a  special  date,  a  special  time. 

It  is  springtime  come  as  it  comes 
nowhere  else  ...  it  is  a  hot  June  day 
and  Commencement,  it  is  a  realization 
sometimes  too  late  that  these  truly 
were  the  halcyon  days,  the  golden 
years,  and  this  the  best  of  all  worlds 
.  .  .  where  imperfections  glared  out 
because  of  contrast  with  an  otherwise 
perfect  whole. 

It  is  concealed  but  real  pride  in  say- 
ing "I  went  to  Duke."  .  .  .  The  spine 
tingling  at  hearing  "Dear  Ole  Duke" 
after  one  is  "out  on  life's  broad  seas." 

It  is  the  shared  knowledge  of  these 
secret  ways  that  set  Duke  folks  apart. 
It  is  this,  that  unknowing  and  un- 
known, is  Duke  spirit.  ...  It  is  this 
that  evokes  a  loyalty  and  devotion 
that,  so  nurtured,  grows  to  include  the 
cause  of  liberty  and  the  love  of  God 
in  a  barren  age  of  sell-out  and  treason. 

"These  are  the  things,"  an  alumnus 
says,  "that  makes  these  halls  hallowed 
for  me,  that  make  Duke  my  school, 
that  make  it  mv  alma  mater  dear." 

[ Page  118  ] 


Fraternity  Pledges  Adopt  a  New  Role 

The  sublimation  by  Greek-letter  fra- 
ternities of  the  pledge-hazing  instinct,  and 
the  redirection  of  irrepressible  energies 
into  such  projects  as  constructing  a  pub- 
lic playground  in  Durham,  performing 
volunteer  work  in  hospitals  and  painting 
houses  for  needy  families  have  induced 
commentators  to  describe  Duke's  third 
annual  Greek  Week  as  epoch-making,  in 
a  minor  way  at  least.  Judging  from  news- 
paper coverage,  editorial  comment,  the 
reaction  of  city  officials  and  the  evalu- 
ation of  the  University's  own  adminis- 
trators, the  general  opinion  seems  to  be 
that  the  fraternities  are  maturing  in  a 
highly  approved  manner. 

Greek  Week  is  a  planned  program  of 
fraternity  activities  of  a  community  wel- 
fare nature,  in  which  pledges  participate, 
under  the  supervision  of  their  brothers- 
to-be,  as  a  part  of  their  fraternity  initia- 
tion. Initiated  in  1948,  the  program  has 
broadened  in  scope  with  each  succeeding 

The  National  Interfraternity  Council 
also  has  placed  a  definite  stamp  of  appro- 
bation on  Greek  Week,  having  adopted 
the  program  as  being  expressive  of  the 
highest  fraternity  aspirations.  Dr.  John 
0.  Moseley,  former  president  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  Nevada,  reporting  on  Greek 
Week  to  a  recent  convocation  of  the 
National  IFC,  described  it  as  "the  biggest 
step  forward  since  World  War  II."  He 
emphasized  three  features  of  the  Week: 
first,  it  is  a  substitute  for  "the  harmful 
features  characteristic  of  the  pre-initi- 
ation  period  in  many  schools";  second, 
Greek  Week  is  primarily  a  local  program 
and  must  be  set  up  by  and  under  the  spon- 
sorship of  each  college  or  university's 
IFC;  and  third,  its  ultimate  objective 
is  the  discovery  and  development  of  latent 
talents  for  leadership  in  "an  uplifting 
and  forward  looking  movement  of  the 
fraternity  system  characteristic  of  its 
true  aims  and  ideals." 

News  of  the  Duke  program,  centering 
mainly  on  the  labor  of  244  pledges  work- 
ing three  hours  each  on  the  playground 
project  (the  labor  was  worth  about 
$750  at  current  rates,  according  to  the 
Durham  City  Recreation  Department) 
found  space  in  papers  throughout  the 
state.  Editorial  comments  were  of  course 
subjective,  ranging  from  sincerely  lauda- 
tory to  slightly  sarcastic.  A  Greensboro 
Daily  News  editorial  began  by  reciting 
the  marvels  of  the  modern  age  and  fol- 
lowed with  a  cursory  description  of  the 
playground   job   in    a    second    paragraph 

About  250  Duke  fraternity  pledges  bent  their  collective  energy  toward  making 
a  playground  from  a  vacant  lot  in  the  Edgemont  Community  section  during 
annual  Greek  Week  activities.  A  group  of  them  are  shown  here  making  the 
backstop  for  the  baseball  diamond. 

beginning  "But  the  most  astounding  of 
all  is.  .  .  ."  The  piece  was  headed  "Won- 
ders Never  Cease." 

City  Manager  R.  W.  Flack  of  Durham 
seemed  genuinely  delighted,  and  expressed 
the  community's  gratitude  for  the  "mag- 
nificent job  done."  Enlarging  on  this  the 
director  of  the  Department  of  Recreation, 
Mr.  C.  R.  Wood,  in  addition  to  volun- 
teering the  statistics  quoted  above,  ex- 
pressed the  hope  that  such  activities 
would  become  an  annual  feature  of  Greek 
Week.  He  added  that  many  civic  or- 
ganizations had  in  the  past  formulated 
similar  plans  for  rehabilitating  neglected 
city  playgrounds  but  that  never  before 
had  anyone  actually  offered  to  perform 
the  pick  and  rake  part  of  the  job. 

The  University's  Dean  of  Men  is  per- 
haps particularly  qualified  to  evaluate 
Greek  Week  in  terms  of  the  reactions  of 
the  students  themselves.  He  is  too  ex- 
perienced a  man  to  be  misled  by  super- 
ficial considerations.  He  understands 
that  student  projects  of  this  kind  can 
hardly  be  instituted  from  above;  to  be  at 
all  effective  they  must  be  in  the  nature 
of  a  grassroots   movement,   since  student 

participation  is  the  core  of  the  program, 
with  administration  guidance  the  inci- 
dental factor.  Dean  Robert  B.  Cox  has 
both  warm-hearted  approval  and  deep  ad- 
miration for  the  fraternity  organizations 
that  have  made  Greek  Week  a  part  of 
their  theory  and  practice.  In  the  man- 
ner of  a  father  describing  the  coming-of- 
age  of  his  sons  he  remarked,  "Yes,  they're 
doing  all  right.  They're  growing  up." 
Equally  specific  approval  has  eome  from 
the  office  of  the  president.  Dr.  A.  Hollis 
Edens  expressed  his  desire,  in  a  letter  to 
John  0.  Blackburn,  president  of  the 
Interfraternity  Council,  to  compliment 
the  Council  "for  its  wise  planning." 

"It  must  be  satisfying,  indeed,  to  have 
a  part  in  such  an  undertaking,"  Dr. 
Edens  wrote,  "and  I  commend  each  per- 
son participating  in  the  program.  .  .  . 

The  boys  themselves  are  proud  of  the 
new  turn  of  affairs.  "It  goes  to  counter- 
act the  general  impression  that  fraterni- 
ties are  merely  frivolous  associations," 
one  of  them  remarked.  "We  feel  pretty 
good  about  it."  They  are  becoming  men, 
and  are  putting  away  childish  things. 


[  Page  119  ] 

Student  Officers  for  1951-52 

Reports  of  student  organizations  on 
election  of  officers  for  the  coming  year 
indicate  that  all  sections  of  the  country 
are  being  drawn  on  for  undergraduate 
leadership  at  Duke. 

The  Men's  and  Women's  Student  Gov- 
ernment Associations,  the  Y.M.C.A.  and 
Y.W.C.A.,  and  the  Publications  Board 
have  chosen  officers  for  the  1951-52 
academic  year.  Names  of  class  officers 
also  have  been  announced. 

Alan  Raywid,  of  Washington,  D.  C,  has 
been  elected  president  of  the  Men's?'  Stu- 
dent Government  Association.  His  fel- 
low officers-elect  are  Robert  Younts,  High 
Point,  N.  C,  vice-president;  William 
Werber,  Jr.,  College  Park,  Md.,  secretary ; 
and   Robert    Bush,   Lenoir,   N.    C,   treas- 

urer. Excepting  in  the  presidential  race, 
which  Raywid  won  by  a  landslide  margin, 
the  positions  were  so  hotly  contested  that 
the  first  balloting  of  1,485  student  voters 
was  inconclusive  and  runoff  elections  were 

Class  presidents  chosen  were  Dick 
Crowder,  High  Point,  N.  C,  senior  class; 
Richard  Sommers,  Kingsport,  Tenn., 
junior;  and  Paul  Parker,  Rockville  Cen- 
tre, X.  Y.,  sophomore  class. 

Cheerleaders  elected  were  Henry  Clark, 
Reidsville,  N.  C;  Kenneth  Derrick,  Hart- 
ford, Conn.;  Robert  Trebus,  Irvington, 
N.  J.;  Raeford  Gibbs,  Asheville,  N.  C; 
and  Richard  Farquhar,  Monessen,  Pa. 

Elections  of  the  Publications  Board  re- 
sulted  in   the   naming  of   Ronny   Xelson, 

"Devil's  Den 

The  Student  Lounge  recently  opened 
in  the  basement  of  the  Woman's  College 
Pan-Hellenic  House  has  won  the  com- 
plete approval  of  the  students.  Hand- 
somely panelled  and  decorated  with 
blown-up  photos  of  campus  scenes  and 
student  activities,  the  room  is  furnished 
with  a  soda  fountain  and  a  juke  box. 
Two  of  the  walls  are  lined  with  booths. 
It  is  designed  to  supplement  the  stu- 
dents' recreational   facilities. 

An  adjoining  launderette,  where  stu- 

"  Is  Opened 

dents  may  have  their  clothes  washed 
and  dried,  is  a  convenient  feature  of 
the  new  arrangement. 

In  a  Women's  Student  Government 
Association  contest  to  select  a  name  for 
the  new  dope  shop  the  girls  decided  on 
the  roguish  appellation  ''Devil's  Den." 
Barbara  Wilson,  freshman,  daughter  of 
Tina  Fussell  Wilson,  '21,  and  L.  A.  Wil- 
son, L  '22,  was  awarded  a  prize  for  sub- 
mitting this  name. 

Longmeadow,  Mass.,  as  editor-in-chief  of 
the  1952  Chanticleer,  and  James  F. 
Young,  Havertown,  Pa.,  and  George 
Grime,  White  Plains,  N.  Y.,  as  business 
manager  and  editor,  respectively,  of  the 
Archive.  Next  year's  Chronicle  staff  will 
be  headed  by  Denny  Rusinow,  St.  Peters- 
burg, Fla.,  editor;  Mary  Flanders,  North 
Weare,  N.  H.,  co-ed  editor;  and  Mal- 
colm Crawford,  Wilmington,  N.  C,  busi- 
ness manager. 

Chester  Hwang,  Arlington,  Va.,  is  the 
new  president  of  the  Engineering  Club. 
Class  presidents  elected  in  Engineering 
College  polling  were  Glen  Marlin,  Stroth- 
ers,  0.,  senior  class;  Lyle  Connor,  Pem- 
broke, Mass.,  junior  class;  and  George 
Gerber.  Arlington,  Va.,  sophomore  class. 
S.G.A.  representative  is  George  Marsden, 
of  New  Rochelle,  N.  Y.  New  Divinity 
School  officers  are  Robert  Regan,  Pine 
Bluff,  N.  C,  president;  Joseph  Warner, 
Greensboro,  N.  C,  vice-president;  Clif- 
ford East,  Richmond,  Va.,  treasurer;  and 
Douglas  Shepherd,  Huntington,  W.  Va., 

On  the  women's  campus  Thelma  Stev- 
ens of  Jacksonville,  Fla.,  was  chosen 
W.S.G.A.  president,  with  Fay  Cobb  of 
Park  Ridge,  111.,  as  vice-president.  Other 
officers  are  Barbara  Seaburg,  Tenafly, 
N.  J.,  executive  secretary;  Ann  Gunder- 
son,  East  Orange,  N.  J.,  treasurer;  Mary 
Bryson,  Durham,  assistant  treasurer; 
Dorothy  Platte,  Upper  Montclair,  N.  J., 
junior  class  representative;  and  Audrey 
Earle,  Durham,  sophomore  class  repre- 

Co-eds  elected  to  the  three  top  chair- 
manships are  Joan  Ingwersen,  Middle- 
town,  0.,  Judicial  Board;  Nancy  Runyan, 
Washington,  D.  C,  Social  Standards;  and 
Molly  Bixby,  Detroit,  Mich.,  Freshman 
Advisory  Council.  Marjorie  Pettit,  of 
Washington,  was  elected  Judicial  Board 

Hester  Hough,  Ft.  Myers,  Fla.,  was 
elected  president  of  the  Duke  Y.W.C.A. 
In  a  heavy  vote  Robert  Windom,  of  St. 
Petersburg,  Fla.,  won  the  Y.M.C.A.  presi- 
dential race.  John  Carey,  of  Ft.  Wayne, 
Ind.,  was  elected  vice-president  and  Law- 
rence T.  Bowles,  Garden  City,  L.  I.,  de- 
feated his  competitor  for  the  post  of 
secretary.  The  students  chose  Ray  Am- 
merman.  Lakeland,  Fla.,  as  treasurer.  A 
new  board  of  directors  includes  faculty 
members  Dean  W.  C.  Archie,  Dean  R.  B. 
Cox,  Coach  Jack  Coombs,  Dr.  Edmund 
Perry,  Dr.  H.  S.  Roberts,  A.  C.  Jor- 
dan, E.  B.  Weatherspoon,  and  J.  Foster 

[  Page  120  ] 


College  men  in  short  pants  and  golf  caps,  and  coeds  in  full  skirts  and  peasant 
blouses  joined  in  a  colorful  parade  held  during  Joe  College  Week  End.  As 
pictured  here,  some  of  them  added  a  touch  of  old  to  the  newly  established  week 
end  of  fun  as  they  burlesqued  the  life  of  college  students. 

"Joe  College  Week  End"  Is  Revived 

Washington  College)  and  a  track  meet 
(Duke-N.  C.  State).  Duke  teams,  ex- 
hibiting a  splendid  dramatic  sense,  won 
all  three.  Evening  brought  the  Shoe  and 
Slipper  Spring  Formal  with  music  by 
Les  Brown,  '35,  and  his  band  at  the  In- 
door Stadium. 

One  of  the  more  lovable  roles  of  a  lov- 
able screen  comedian  was  the  portrayal 
of  "The  Freshman"  by  Harold  Lloyd. 
The  emotional  extravagances  of  college 
social  life  were  set  off  in  poignant  con- 
trast to  the  rather  serious  business  of 
getting  an  education.  The  same  note  was 
struck  last  month  as  a  gay  serpentine 
procession  of  festooned  cars  wended  east- 
ward from  the  main  Duke  quadrangle, 
bristling  with  arms  and  legs  and  oddly 
costumed  torsos,  on  the  opening  day  of 
Joe  College  Week  End.  The  arms  and 
legs  tumbled  out  and  spread  over  East 
Campus,  patterned  themselves  into  line- 
ups for  absurd  field  day  events,  tossed 
strange  kites  to  the  April  breeze,  paraded 
past  the  women's  dormitories  and  formed 
multitudinous  judgments  of  the  decorative 
displays  fluttering  from  windows  and 
balconies  or  set  up  on  lawns.  Textbooks 
were  safely  stowed  away  between  classes; 
no  serious  thought  intruded.  For  three 
days  students  gave  themselves  whole- 
heartedly to  the  lampooning  of  the  col- 
lege fads  and  fashions  whose  easy  yoke 
they  bear. 

The  annual  celebration,  revived  from 
pre-war  days,  had  begun  Thursday  eve- 
ning with  the  opening  performance  of 
the  Hoof  V  Horn  Club  musical  comedy 
"Belles  and  Ballots."  The  costume  parade 
on  Friday  was  preceded  by  a  picnic  lunch 
and  followed  by  a  picnic  supper  and  an- 
other "Belles  and  Ballots"  performance. 
An  informal  dance  in  the  Indoor  Stadium 
ended  the  day. 

The  festivities  on  Saturday,  the  third 
day,  began  with  a  picnic  lunch  and  con- 
cert on  West  Campus.  Afternoon  hours 
were  whiled  away  with  baseball  and 
lacrosse    games    (Duke-C.    X.    C,    Duke- 

On  Sunday  morning  the  Chapel  serv- 
ices became  a  part  of  Joe  College  Week 
End,  with  gaiety  temporarily  suspended. 
Fraternities  held  picnic  lunches  under  a 
now  threatening  sky,  but  the  week  end's 
purpose  had  been  accomplished,  and  a 
mere  spring  shower  could  not  change  that. 

Students  Donate  Blood 
To  Aid  Korean  Struggle 

An  emergency  appeal  for  whole  blood 
to  be  flown  to  Korea  met  a  quick  response 
on  the  Duke  campus  when  545  students 
and  administration  officials  contributed 
blood  to  the  Durham  Chapter  of  the 
American  Red  Cross.  The  goal  had  been 
only  400  pints. 

A  student  committee,  headed  by  James 
R.  Solomon,  senior  from  Fort  Wayne, 
Ind.,  chairman,  moved  quickly  to  line  up 
pledges.  All  students  were  contacted, 
and  letters  were  sent  to  the  homes  of 
students  under  21  years  of  age  who 
needed  parental  permission  to  donate. 

The  blood  was  collected  in  the  West 
Campus  Union  and  was  flown  the  same 
day  to  Korea,  where  the  need  for  whole 
blood  has  been  reported  dangerously 

Duke's  Men's  Glee  Club  on  TV 

The  Duke  University  Men's  Glee  Club 
appeared  on  a  television  show  for  the 
first  time  with  the  Perry  Como  Chester- 
field Hour  on  WCBS-TV  from  New  York 
City  on  April  2.  A  photograph,  taken 
just  before  the  TV  show  began,  is  shown 

The  group  also  sang  on  an  NBC  broad- 
cast from  New  York  and  gave  a  concert 
at  the  Savoy  Plaza  Hotel. 

The  Glee  Club  recently  completed  a 
very   successful   season    after   a    northern 

and  a  southern  tour  which  took  them  to 
15  cities.  They  also  made  several  special 
appearances  in  North  Carolina.  It  was 
the  24th  Glee  Club  season  for  J.  Foster 
(Bishop)    Barnes,  director. 

Two  coeds  appeared  on  the  tour  for  the 
first  time  as  guest  soloists.  Mrs.  Barnes 
accompanied  the  girls  on  the  tour.  Forty- 
two  singers  and  two  accompanists  went 
on  the  1951  tour.  They  were  chosen  from 
the  much  larger  group  that  makes  up  the 
regular  Men's  Glee  Club. 


[  Page   121 1 

Alumni  Local  Meetings 

Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Dan  Hill,  '39,  line  coach  at  Duke,  gave 
an  illustrated  lecture  after  the  dinner 
meeting  held  by  the  Duke  University 
Alumni  Association  of  Western  New 
York  in  April.  Students  planning  to  en- 
ter Duke  next  fall  and  parents  of  present 
students,  as  well  as  several  local  person- 
alities in  the  sports  world,  were  invited 
,to  attend.  Mr.  Hill  was  introduced  by 
the  president  of  the  association,  Marvin 
A.  Eapp,  A.M.  '40,  Ph.D.  '48. 

John  K.  Hill,  '44,  and  Mrs.  Hill  were 
co-chairmen  for  the  evening,  and  John  F. 
Cree,  '39,  and  Mrs.  Gree  were  chairmen 
for  the  reception.  Responsible  for  ar- 
rangements were  William  F.  Shirley,  II, 
'40,  and  Jean  Metz  Shirley,  '41.  Mrs. 
Oliver  J.  Bateman,  Jr.,  wife  of  Oliver 
Bateman,  Jr.,  M.D.  '40,  was  chairman  for 

Forsyth  County 

Officers  elected  to  serve  during  the  com- 
ing year  for  the  Forsyth  County  Duke 
Alumni  Association  are :  Luther  Williams, 
'36,  president ;  Jerry  Marion,  Jr., '35,  vice- 
president;  Sid  Gulledge,  Jr.,  B.S.M.E. 
'43,  secretary-treasurer;  and  DeWitt 
Cromer,  '50,  alumnae  representative. 

Cleveland,  Ohio 

An  informal  reception  and  dance  was 
held  by  the  Cleveland  Duke  Alumni  Asso- 
ciation for  members  of  the  Duke  Glee 
Club  following  their  concert  at  the  Towne 
Club  on  Prospect  Avenue  in  Cleveland  on 
March  23. 

Members  of  the  Glee  Club  were  guests 
of  alumni  in  their  homes  during  their 
visit.  The  students  felt  that  the  Cleve- 
land audience  was  one  of  the  friendliest 
they  had  ever  performed  for. 

Jane  Grant  Koch  (Mrs.  George  B.), 
'42,  was  head  of  the  social  committee 
which  planned  the  party.  William  H. 
Slocum,  '43,  and  Roland  Russo,  B.S.E.E. 
'38,  were  co-chairmen  in  charge  of  ar- 
rangements. Thomas  0.  Matia,  '47,  is 
president  of  the  association. 

N.  C.  Education  Association 

At  the  67th  annual  meeting  of  the 
North  Carolina  Education  Association 
held  in  Asheville  during  the  month  of 
April,  A.  B.  Gibson,  '26,  of  Laurinburg 
was  named  president  for  the  coming  year 
without  opposition.  Mr.  Gibson  is  a  past 
vice-president  of  the  Association. 

Dr.  Benjamin  Guy  Childs,  professor  of 
education  at  Duke,  took  part  in  a  panel 
discussion  on  "Teacher  Education  in 
North  Carolina  Today''  held  before  the 
Association's  Higher  Education  Division. 
Duke  alumni  who  were  members  of  the 
panel  were  Elsie  Smith,  '33,  A.M.  '40,  of 
the  Durham  city  schools,  secretary  of  the 
Art  Division;  and  Ruby  Williams,  A.M. 
'43,  science  teacher  at  Durham  High 

A  breakfast  was  held  by  the  Duke 
alumni  of  the  North  Carolina  Education 
Association  during  the  annual  N.C.E.A. 
meeting,  in  the  Victory  Room  of  the 
Hotel    George    Yanderbilt    in    Asheville. 

Shown  at  a  meeting  of  the  Philadelphia  Duke  Alumni  Association  executive 
committee  held  this  spring  at  the  home  of  J.  Ira  Moore,  '36,  are :  left  (left 
to  right),  Mrs.  Ira  Moore;  Martha  Permenter  Gerber  (Mrs.  Gordon),  '45; 
Marie  Coma  Heller  (Mrs.  George  H.),  '42;  Elizabeth  Hunter,  '48;  Ann 
Shirley  (Nancy)  Hunter,  '46,  corresponding  secretary;  front  row,  Margaretta 
Aeugle,  '44,  secretary;  and  Novella  Murray  Snyder  (Mrs.  Thoburn  R.),-  '44. 
Right,  admiring  Ira's  art  collection  are  (left  to  right),  Dewey  Robbins,  '25, 
vice-president ;  Ira  Moore ;  Gordon  Gerber,  '43,  treasurer ;  and  Robert  Morris, 

New  officers  were  elected  to  serve  for  the 
coming  year.  B.  L.  Smith,  '16,  A.M.  '37, 
superintendent  of  the  Greensboro  schools, 
is  president.  Other  officers  are  Dr.  Sam 
Holton,  '21,  president  of  Louisburg  Col- 
lege, vice-president;  and  Everett  Spikes, 
'24,  M.Ed.  '34,  superintendent  of  schools 
in  Burlington,  secretary-treasurer. 

Dr.  Paul  Clyde,  director  of  the  Duke 
Summer  Session,  was  guest  speaker  at 
the  breakfast  meeting. 

First  Alumnus  to  Become 
A  Brigadier  General 

Robert  F.  Sink,  '26,  of  Lexington,  N. 
C,  was  recently  promoted  in  Korea  from 
Colonel  to  Brigadier  General.  He  is  the 
first  Duke  alumnus  to  receive  that  rank. 

Brig.  Gen.  Sink  is  now  assistant  com- 
mander of  the  Seventh  Division,  which 
has  been  very  active  in  the  Korean  War. 

An  officer  in  the  famed  101st  Airborne 
Division  during  World  War  II,  he  holds 
many  medals  and  honors,  including  cita- 
tions from  the  Belgian,  French  and 
Dutch  governments. 

Brig.  Gen.  Sink,  who  was  graduated 
from  West  Point,  comes  from  a  Duke 
family.  Four  brothers  and  a  sister  are 
Duke  alumni:  J.  David  Sink,  '22,  de- 
ceased; Charles  Varner  Sink,  '29;  Joe 
S.  Sink,  '33;  Fred  O.  Sink,  Jr.,  '45;  and 
Rachel  Sink  Philpott  (Mrs.  J.  Robert), 

Dan  Edwards  Accepts  Post 
In  Department  of  Defense 

Dan  K.  Edwards,  '35,  has  left  his  job 
as  Mayor  of  Durham  to  take  the  post  of 
Assistant  Secretary  of  Defense,  to  which 
he  was  appointed  by  President  Truman. 
He  was  chosen  largely  on  the  basis  of 
the  Defense  Department's  evaluation  of 
his  record  in  World  War  II  and  his 
activities  in  the  North  Carolina  National 
Guard.  As  Assistant  Secretary  of  De- 
fense he  will  be  in  charge  of  handling 
legislation  for  the  Defense  Department 
before  Congress. 

The  37-year-old  Durham  lawyer  served 
in  the  Army  during  the  war,  winning 
the  Distinguished  Service  Cross,  the  Sil- 
ver Star,  the  Bronze  Star  with  Oak  Leaf 
Cluster,  the  Air  Medal,  the  Combat  In- 
fantry Badge,  and  the  Purple  Heart.  He 
achieved  the  rank  of  Lieutenant  Colonel 
and  served  as  aide  to  General  Robert 
Eichelberger  in  the  Pacific  Theater  of 

In  1947  he  was  elected  Commander  of 
the  Durham  Post  of  the  Veterans  of  For- 
eign    Wars.       In     the     North     Carolina 

[ Page  122  ] 


George  Watts  Hill 
City  of  Durham 

C.  B.  Houck,  '22 
Southwest  Virginia 

John  Van  Hanford,  '43 
N.  C.  District  No.  4 

John  Meyers,  '31 
Boston,  Mass.,  Area 

Campaign  Chairmen  Above  are 

four  more  alumni  and  friends  of  Duke 
who  have  served,  or  are  serving,  as  chair- 
men of  local  campaigns  for  the  Duke 
University  Development  Campaign.  Mr. 
Hill  headed  last  winter's  drive  in  Dur- 
ham among  friends  and  business  firms — 
a  drive  which  produced  more  than 
$240,000  for  the  creation  of  a  student 
activities  center.  Mr.  Houck,  president 
of  the   General   Alumni   Association   and 

first  member  of  the  "Duke  100''  group, 
is  directing  the  campaign  in  and  around 
Roanoke,  Va.  Mr.  Van  Hanford  heads 
the  region  of  North  Carolina  around 
Salisbury  and  Mr.  Meyers  is  organizing 
the  Boston  area  campaign.  These  four 
make  a  total  of  30  chairmen  whose  photos 
have  been  in  the  Register.  A  few  chair- 
men have  not  yet  appeared,  but  addi- 
tional photos  will  be  published  when  they 
become    available.      It    is    through    these 

men  and  women,  and  the  alumni  and 
alumnae  and  friends  of  Duke  that  they 
select  to  help  them  in  their  campaign 
areas,  that  the  University  has  been  able 
to  make  such  a  vigorous  effort  toward 
strengthening  its  resources  and  intensi- 
fying its  programs.  Just  what  has  been 
accomplished  during  the  past  year  through 
the  Development  Campaign  will  be  an- 
nounced in  detail  at  Commencement  and 
will  be  reviewed  in  the  June  Register. 

National  Guard  he  commands  the  First 
Battalion  of  the  119th  Infantry,  holding 
the  rank  of  Lieutenant  Colonel.  Active 
in  politics  for  many  years,  he  represented 
Durham  County  in  the  1947  and  1949 
sessions  of  the  North  Carolina  General 
Assembly.  In  the  latter  year  he  entered 
the  Durham  mayoralty  race  and  defeated 
his  opponent  by  2,000  votes. 

The  new  Assistant  Secretary  of  De- 
fense is  a  native  son  of  Durham.  He  was 
born  February  17,  1914,  the  son  of 
Charles  W.  and  Eva  Marie  Kramer  Ed- 
wards. His  father,  a  member  of  the 
Class  of  '94,  was  for  many  years  a  pro- 
fessor in  the  Duke  Physics  Department. 
After  graduating  from  Duke  Dan  Ed- 
wards attended  Harvard  Law  School.  In 
1941  he  married  Mary  Partin,  and  they 
have  four  children,  Katherine  Leroy, 
Daniel  K.,  Jr.,  Claire  Egan  and  Jane 
Harrison  Edwards. 

He  is  a  member  of  the  American  Bar 
Association  and  the  North  Carolina  State 
Bar  Association,  a  past  president  of  the 
Durham  Civitan  Club  and  former  chair- 
man of  the  Durham  County  Chapter, 
American  Red  Cross.  He  is  the  author 
of  "Amphibious  Operations"  and  "The 
Use  of  Government  Centralization  in 
North  Carolina." 

First  AF  Woman  Doctor 
Is  a  Graduate  of  Duke 

Dorothy  Armstrong  Elias,  M.D.  '46,  is 
the  first  woman  doctor  in  the  United 
States  Air  Force  Medical  Corps. 

The  oath  of  office  was  administered  to 
her  on  March  14  by  Brigadier  General 
Edward  J.  Kendricks,  director  of  staffing 
and  education  for  the  Air  Force  Medical 
Service,  at  special  ceremonies  held  in 
Air  Force  headquarters  in  the  Pentagon 
Building,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Dr.  Elias  will  hold  a  captain's  com- 
mission in  the  United  States  Air  Force 
Reserve  Medical  Corps.  The  ranks  of 
medical  officers  have  been  open  to  women 
since  last  September,  but  she  is  the  first 
to  be  accepted.  She  is  a  specialist  in  ob- 
stetrics and  gynecology  and  has  been 
assigned  to  the  Air  Force  Indoctrination 
Center  at  Sampson  Air  Force  Base, 
Seneca,  N.  Y. 

The  wife  of  a  surgeon,  Dr.  William 
Shibley  Elias,  of  Washington,  D.  C,  who 
is  now  resident  physician  and  surgeon, 
Virginia  Hospital,  Martinsburg,  W.  Va., 
she  is  a  native  of  Port  Arthur,  Ontario. 
Before  entering  the  Duke  Medical  School, 
Dr.  Elias  did  her  undergraduate  work  at 
Tufts  College  and  was  for  three  years  a 
registered  nurse  at  the  Port  Arthur  Gen- 

Dr.  Elias  being  sworn  in  as  first  Air 
Force  woman  doctor. 

eral  Hospital.  She  served  as  interne  at 
Mallory  Institute,  Boston,  Mass.,  acd 
George  Washington  University  Hospital, 
Washington,  D.  C.  She  has  held  staff 
and  resident  physician  positions  as  ob- 
stetrician and  gynecologist  at  Women's 
Free  Hospital,  Brookline,  Mass.,  and  for 
the  past  year  has  held  a  residency  at 
Prince  George's  General  Hospital,  Chev- 
erly,  Md.  She  previously  served  a  year 
as  a  senior  assistant  surgeon  in  the 
United  States  Public  Health  Service. 


[  Page.  123  ] 

Devils'  New  T  Is  Attracting  Notice 

Order  Tickets  Early  for  Best  of  Seats 

Duke  Athletic  Director  Eddie  Cameron 
has  announced  that  orders  are  now  being- 
accepted  for  season  tickets  to  Duke's  four 
home  games  next  fall  with  N.  C.  State, 
October  13;  Virginia,  October  27,  Home- 
coming; Wake  Forest,  November  10,  and 
North  Carolina,  November  24. 

The  season  books  are  priced  at  $14.00 
each,  and  ten  cents  should  be  added  to 
the  cost  of  the  entire  order  for  insured 
mailing.  Orders  should  be  addressed  to 
the  Business  Manager,  Duke  Athletic 
Association,  Duke  Station,  Durham,  N.  C. 
They  will  be  filled  as  soon  as  tickets  go 
on  sale  this  summer.  Alumni  are  advised 
to  order  now  to  be  sure  of  good  seats  for 
the  games. 

Seven  weeks  of  spring  football  practice 
closed  recently  with  the  first  annual  Blue- 
White  game  between  the  varsity  and  a 
group  of  former  Blue  Devils  headed  by 
Bill  Cox,  last  year's  captain  and  the 
greatest  passer  in  Duke  history.  The 
"old  timers"  made  a  good  game  of  it  for 
some  4,000  fans  before  bowing  to  the 
varsity  21-7. 

Charlie  Smith  and  Gerald  Mozmgo,  a 
couple  of  subs  from  lasf  year,  along  with 
sophomore  Jack  Kistler  and  1950  subs 
Byrd  Looper  and  Lloyd  Caudle  -provided 
most  of  the  offensive  fireworks  for  the 
varsity.  Charlie  Smith  got  away  on  the 
longest  run  of  the  day,  a  38-yard  jaunt 
to  the  varsity's  third  touchdown.   g 

Here  is  a  general  view  of  the  prospects 
for  next  fall  as  carried  in  a  spring  foot- 
ball booklet  prepared  by  the  Office  of 
Athletic  Information  of  the  Department 
of  Athletics : 

"Duke  University  will  switch  from  the 
age-old  single  wing  to  the  Split-T  under 
new  coach  William  D.  (Bill)  Murray  this 
fall,  and  Murray  is  the  first  one  to  advise 
over-enthusiastic  Blue  Devil  followers  to 
expect  no  miracles. 

"  'You  simply  cannot  change  systems 
in  a  matter  of  months  and  expect  the 
new  one  to  work  without  any  flaws,' 
Coach  Murray  said.  'We  must  have  time 
to  develop  it.  We  have  had  only  seven 
weeks  and  nmch-mueh-work  remains  to 
be  done.  I  am  pleased  with  the  spirit  of 
the  squad.' 

"The  Blue  Devils  face  a  tough  10-ganie 
schedule  with  the  first  three  games — 
South  Carolina,  Pittsburgh  and  Ten- 
nessee^— all  awav  from  home. 

"Coach  Murray,  the  new  mentor, 
worked  this  spring  on  two  main  things: 

1.  Familiarizing     himself     "with     the 


2.  Familiarizing  the  squad  with  the 


"Practically  all  of  the  time  was  spent 
on  offense  with  some  work  being  done  on 
defense  the  last  two  weeks  of  spring 
maneuvers.  Early  scrimmage  sessions 
were  highly  satisfactory  to  Coach  Mur- 
ray as  the  boys  apparently  took  to  the 
Split-T  with  great  speed. 

"Things  slowed  down  a  bit  later  on, 
however,  and  Coach  Murray  was  not  com- 

pletely satisfied  with  the  way  the  team 
looked  in  the  final  scrimmage  session  of 
the  spring  when  they  had  a  struggle 
beating  a  group  of  seniors  from  last 
year's  squad,  21-7.  The  seniors  gained 
much  ground  with  their  single  wing  at- 
tack which  featured  the  passing  of  Billy 
Cox,  star  of  last  year's  outfit. 

"In  a  nutshell,  Duke  is  expected  to 
win  some  this  fall,  and  may  lose  some. 
The  backs,  ends  and  centers  appear  to 
be  well-manned  on  offense,  but  much 
work  remains  to  be  done  to  replace  the 
men  who  played  at  the  guards  and  tackles 
last  year  and  on  the  entire  defensive  set 

Spring  Teams  Hold  Victory  Paces 

It  has  been  a  cheerful  spring  for  fol- 
lowers of  Blue  Devil  teams.  Without  ex- 
ception, spring  athletic  aggregations  have 
done  exceedingly  well  in  their  respective 

Most  outstanding  have  been  the  lacrosse 
and  golf  crews,  each  of  which  has  en- 
dured but  a  single  defeat  this  season,  and 
that  only  recently. 

For  a  while  the  lacrosse  team  could  con- 
sider itself  as  ranking  either  No.  1  or 
No.  2  in  the  nation.  A  recent  9  to  7 
victory  over  Johns  Hopkins,  perennial  na- 
tional champs,  climaxed  a  victory  skein 
of  six  games,  and  placed  the  Devils  on 
the  summit  of  the  national  standings.  The 
win-streak,  however,  was  finally  broken 
by  the  University  of  Virginia  who  won 
by  a  score  of  11  to  10. 

Top  performers  for  the  stickmen  of 
Coach  Jack  Persons  have  been  Rod  Boyce, 
Brook  Cottman,  Fred  Eisenbrandt,  and 
goalie  Don  Bafford. 

In  golf,  Duke  squeezed  out  its  14th 
straight  victory  over  U.N.C.'s  Tarheels, 
and  in  doing  so  handed  the  neighboring 
linksmen  their  first  defeat  in  14  matches 
this  year.  In  this  particular  match,  staged 
at  Hope  Valley,  the  Tarheel's  captain, 
Frank  Brooks,  fired  a  phenomenal  63  for 
the  eighteen  holes  to  shatter  the  course 
record — but  not  enough  to  vanquish  the 
Blue  Devils. 

The  Tarheels  came  back  in  a  return 
match,  however,  to  hand  the  linksmen 
their  lone   defeat  of  the  season.     After- 

wards, the  Devils  went  on  to  take  the 
Southern  Conference  Tournament. 

Leading  golfers  are  co-captains  Mike 
Souchak  and  Louis  McLennan  and  Henry 

The  tennis  team  has  pounded  out  13 
victories  in  15  matches,  losing  only  to 
North  Carolina  and  Rollins. 

Tennis  captain  is  John  Ross  and  top 
stars  are  basketballer  Kes  Deimling,  Hal 
Lipton,  Jack  Warmath,  John  Tapley,  and 
Norm  Schellenger. 

Duke's  cindermen  have  not  lagged  be- 
hind their  colleagues  on  other  fields.  Right 
now  they  can  boast  a  record  of  four  wins 
against  two  losses — to  Navy  and  U.  N.  C. 
— and  one  tie — Princeton. 

After  defeating  Carolina  in  an  early 
match,  they  lost  by  a  close  61-70  score 
in  a  return  engagement  when  star  Henry 
Poss  couldn't  participate  due  to  a  leg 

Top  performers  for  Duke's  outstand- 
ing track  aggregation  thus  far  have  been 
runners  Henry  Poss,  Tommy  Reeves, 
Captain  John  "Buddy"  Grisso,  John 
Tate,  Billy  Anderson,  Dick  Sykes,  Jim 
Chamberlain  and  Art  Loub,  plus  field 
men  James  "Tank"  Lawrence,  John  Con- 
ner, Carl  James  and  Frank  Nichols. 


Coach  Jack  Coombs  began  the  current 
baseball  season  smiling  broadly,  as  his 
sophomore-studded  nine  slammed  out 
early    victories    over    strong    opponents, 

I  Page  124] 


losing  but  two  of  the  first  10  games. 
Both  of  these  losses  were  due  to  bobbles 
brought  about  by  inexperience  in  key 
positions.  This  same  trouble  plagued 
the  Big  Blue  during  the  mid-season  cam- 
paigns and,  currently,  the  team  holds 
second  place  in  the  Southern  Division  of 
the  conference  standings  with  a  record,  for 
the  season,  of  14  wins  and  eight  losses  in 
and  out  of  conference  play. 

With  an  infield  consisting  of  Bill  Wer- 
ber,  sophomore  son  of  a  former  Duke  and 
major  league  great,  on  first ;  Bill  Ber- 
geron, senior  from  Greenwich,  Conn.,  on 
second;  Dick  Groat,  junior  basketball 
All- America  at  short;  and  Tom  Powers, 
last  fall's  gridiron  wingback,  at  third,  the 
Devils  can  boast  of  one  of  the  best  in- 
fields in  collegiate  baseball.  The  pitching 
staff,  headed  by  Joe  Lewis,  Frank  Graham 
and  Bob  Davis  is  strong  throughout,  while 

an  outfield  of  Dick  Johnson,  John  Gib- 
bons, and  John  Carroll  adds  to  the  team's 
potent  hitting  strength. 

Almost  without  exception,  the  early 
losses  sustained  by  the  Coombsmen  this 
season  resulted  from  a  sporadic  defense 
which  lagged  at  crucial  moments  in  major 
games.  Such  procedures  have  caused 
Coach  Jack,  a  thorough-going  perfection- 
ist, to  tear  at  his  hair  in  agony.  More 
recently  it  has  been  weak  pitching  that 
has  lost  ball  games.  The  Coach,  how- 
ever, can  consider  next  season's  pros- 
pects with  grinning  optimism,  because 
his  youthful  performers  by  then  will 
have  been  seasoned  in  competitions,  and, 
barring  military  demands  upon  athletic 
manpower,  will  return  for  new  glory. 

Meanwhile,  the  men  of  the  diamond 
have  not  done  bad  at  all  this  year — not 
bad  at  all. 

Wake  Forest  Chooses 
Tom  Rogers  to  Coach 

Thomas  Tinsley  Rogers,  '35,  was  "one 
of  the  best  ends  ever  to  play  at  Duke 
University,"  according  to  the  Wake  For- 
est College  Alumni  News.  It  is  no  won- 
der that  they  admit  this  fact,  for  Tom 
Rogers  has  succeeded  fiery  D.  C.  "Pea- 
head"  Walker  as  head  football  coach  at 
Wake  Forest. 

He  has  been  line  coach  at  the  Baptist 

school  for  the  greater  part  of  the  time 

since  he  was  a  student  at  Duke,  and  took 

over    the    top    coaching   post   when    Mr. 

(Continued  on  Page  136) 

How  Alumni  Are 

Supporting  the 

Development  Campaign 

Shown  below  are  the  average  of 
gifts  to  May  10  of  the  first  1,834 
alumni  to  subscribe  to  the  $8,650,000 
Development  Campaign.  The  over-all 
average  of  gifts  for  Trinity  College 
classes  is  $288,  for  the  graduate  schools 
$96.     They  range  as  follows : 


Class  Range 











Graduate  Seliool 




Arts  and  Sciences 








Development  Campaign 

Honor  Roll  of  Donors  on 

Press;  2,000  Names 

To  Be  Listed 

The  first  compilation  of  the  Honor 
Roll  of  donors  to  the  Duke  Develop- 
ment Campaign  is  now  on  the  press. 
It  will  include  over  2,000  names  of 
alumni,  trustees,  Durham  City  sub- 
scribers and  friends  of  the  University 
whose  gifts  had  been  received  and 
recorded  up  to  May  10th. 

On  that  date,  a  total  of  $1,220,127.57 
had  been  subscribed  in  cash  and  signed 
pledges  toward  the  $3,000,000  needed 
as  a  minimum  to  match  $3,000,000 
promised  by  the  Rockefeller-sponsored 
General  Education  Board  and  an 
anonymous  donor.  This  $1,220,127.57, 
with  "the  $2,087,646.25  subscribed  dur- 
ing 1949-50  (and  not  available  for 
matching)  and  the  $3,000,000  "prom- 
ised," makes  a  grand  total  of  $6,307,- 
773.82  in  sight  toward  the  $8,650,000 
Development  Campaign  goal. 

The  Honor  Roll,  printed  as  an  ad- 
vance proof,  will  not  include  the  names 
of  the  565  members  of  the  faculty  and 
administrative  staff  nor  the  500  stu- 
dents who  had  made  gifts  up  to  May 
10.  The  Student  Campaign  was 
launched  on  May  2.  In  the  first  eight 
days,  over  one-tenth  of  the  student  body 
had  contributed.  The  campaign  was 
continuing  as  this  issue  went  to  press. 

A  progress  report  on  the  over-all 
campaign  will  be  made  to  the  Duke 
National  Council  on  Saturday  after- 
noon, June  2,  by  B.  F.  Few,  '15,  Na- 
tional Chairman  and  University  Trus- 
tee. An  average  of  $35,000  a  week 
was  sent  in  by  local  committees  during 
April.  This  increased  to  $45,000  in 
the  first  ten  days  of  May  as  the  end  of 
the  intensive  campaign  period  on  June 
30  approached. 

The  Honor  Roll,  showing  the  names 
of  donors  by  regions,  will  be  mailed 
out  over  Commencement  week  end  to 
all  alumni  except  those  in  a  few  areas 
where  the  campaign  is  not  yet  organ- 
ized. The  flyer  will  include  a  listing, 
by  class  groups  and  graduate  schools, 
of  average  gifts  made  by  alumni  up 
to  May  1st.  This  shows  proportionate 
giving — and  generous  giving,  too — and 
demonstrates  that  alumni  are  giving 
substantially  to  the  Development  drive. 
These  average  gifts  are  shown  (in  the 
adjoining  column). 


[  Page  125  ] 


Charlotte  Corbin,  '35,  Editor 


(April  1951) 

Noni   Lunsford   Zabel    (Mrs.   Roy   A.),   '40, 

Sioux  Falls,  S.  D. 
James  E.  Satterfield,  '42,  San  Salvador,  El 

Salvador,  C.  A. 
George  B.  Ehlhardt,  B.C.  '46,  Brevard,  N.  C. 
William  A.  Bobb,  '46,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Sara    Dashiell    Stark     (Mrs.    R.    W.),    '23, 

Greenville,  N.  C. 
James  G..  (Dumpy)  Alexander,  '43,  Virginia 

Beach,  Va. 
Margaret  Franck  Credle  (Mrs.  Wm.  S.),  '36, 

Burlington,  N.  C. 
Mary  Taylor  Long    (Mrs.  R.   F.),   '43,  Ra- 
leigh, N.  C. 
Robert  F.  Long,  '41,  Ealeigh,  N.  C. 
Loring   S.   Jones,   Jr.,   '50,   Cleveland,   Ohio. 
Richard  V.  Landis,  '49,  Atlanta,  Ga. 
William    S.    Hodde,    '36,    Pomfret    Center, 

Fred  H.  Shipp,  Jr.,  '26,  New  Bern,  N.  C. 
James  R.  Buckle,  '44,  Charleston,  W.  Va. 
Lt.   James   Jackson   Hutson,   '42,   M.D.   '44, 

Brunswick,  Maine. 
Miriam  Hickman  Hutson   (Mrs.  J.  J.),  '45, 

Brunswick,   Maine. 
Ed  A.  Sargent,  '42,  Montclair,  N.  J. 
Frankie    Elberfeld    Sargent    (Mrs.    E.    A.), 

'43,  Montclair,  N.  J. 

Adie  Barthen  Ward  (Mrs.  R.  L.),  '49,  Biver 

Edge,  N.  J. 
Robert  Lee  Ward,  '49,  River  Edge,  N.  J. 
W.  A.  Underwood,  III,  '54,  Camp  Lejeune, 

N.  C. 
John  C.  Harmon,  Jr.,  '31,  LL.B.  '35,  Madi- 
son, N.  J. 
Mary  Ruth  Lake,  B.S.  '49,  Durham,  N.  C. 
J.  Robert  Regan,  Jr.,  '49,  Durham,  N.  C. 
Henry  Bizzell,  '49,  Durham,  N.  C. 
Nancy  Kester,  '49,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 
Betty   Bob   Walters   Walton    (Mrs.   L.   B.), 

'49,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Loring  B.  Walton,  '49,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Delford  L.  Stiekel,  '49,  Durham,  N.  C. 
Jim    E.    Gibson,    Jr.,    '50,    Winston-Salem, 

N.  C. 
Robert  H.  Daugherty,   B.S.E.E.   '37,  Valley 

Stream,  N.  Y. 
C.  Leon  Gibbs,  '49,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
James  L.  Hamilton,  Jr.,  B.S.E.E.  '50,  Hol- 

den,  W.  Va. 
Henry  L.  Cranford,  B.S.E.E.  '49,  Charlotte, 

N.  C. 
Faj-  Finley,  '50,  Roanoke,  Va. 
Warren    Blackard    Meadows    (Mrs.    A.    TJ., 

Jr.),  '48,  Kingsport,  Tenn. 

Classes    holding    reunions    at    Commence- 
ment, 1951,  will  be  as  follows:  '01,  '10,  '11, 
'12,  '26,  '35,  '36,  '37,  '41,  '49. 

'08  - — 

been  a  neuropsychiatrist  ever  since  he  fin- 
ished his  internship  in  1915.  Certified  in 
both  psychiatry  and  neurology  by  the  Ameri- 
can Board  of  Psychiatry  and  Neurology,  he 
practiced  in  New  Jersey  and  also  served  as 
consulting  psychiatrist  and  neurologist  to 
the  New  York  Post  Graduate  Medical  School 
until  his  retirement  in  1946  when  he  re- 
turned to  North  Carolina.  Soon  tiring  of 
doing  nothing  Dr.  Adams  was  glad  to 
accept  the  position  of  assistant  superintend- 
ent of  the  N.  C.  State  Hospital  at  Morgan- 
ton  which  institution  was  badly  in  need  of 
psychiatrists.  Dr.  Adams  is  the  grand- 
father of  young  Tommy  Sales  whose  picture 
is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this 

'19  » 

President :  Lt.  Col.  Hugh  L.  Caviness 
Class  Agent:  Philip  S.  MeMullan 
DWIGHT    W.    LAMBE,    whose    address    is 
802    Orange    Park   Avenue,   Lakeland,    Fla., 

has  recently  been  promoted  from  assistant 
vice-president  to  vice-president  of  the  Peo- 
ples Savings  Bank  in  Lakeland. 

'23   - — 

President :  Bryee  R.  Holt 

Class  Agent:  Dr.  H.  C.  Sprinkle,  Jr. 
FLORENCE  C.  HARRIS,  '23,  A.M.  '31,  is 
a  member  of  the  Community  Division  Field 
Staff  of  the  Young  Women's  Christian  Asso- 
ciation in  the  Southern  Region,  with  head- 
quarters in  Atlanta,  Ga.  Prior  to  her  work 
with  the  office  in  Atlanta,  she  served  as 
executive  director  of  the  Y.W.C.A.  in  San 
Antonio,  Texas,  director  of  the  Y.W.-U.S.O. 
in  Pensaeola,  Fla.,  and  industrial  and  edu- 
cation secretary  with  the  Nashville,  Tenn., 

'24    := 

President :   James  R.  Simpson 
Class  Agent:  John  B.  Harris 

GEORGE  FINCH,  who  is  vice-president  and 
treasurer  of  the  Thomasville  Chair  Com- 
pany, Thomasville,  Ga.,  and  his  brother, 
Doak  Finch,  an  alumnus  of  State  College 
and  president  of  the  company,  have  been 
with  the  Thomasville  Companj-  for  25  years. 
The  first  of  the  year  they  were  honor  guests 

at  a  dinner  given  by  the  company  and  were 
presented  gold  watches.  BROWN  FINCH, 
son  of  Mr.  George  Finch,  is  a  junior  at 
Duke  and  his  daughter,  Emily,  now  a  stu- 
dent at  Salem  Academy,  will  enter  the  Wom- 
an's College  in  September. 


President:  Marshall  I.  Pickens 
Class  Agents:  Joseph  C.  Whisnant,  W.  F. 
Young,  Jr. 

PERT T.)  is  very  proud  of  her  older  son, 
Robert  Andrew  Pickens,  better  known  as 
''Andy,"  who  was  one  of  the  nine  success- 
ful candidates  for  Angier  Duke  Scholar- 
ships in  the  contests  which  ended  on  the 
Duke  campus  recently.  "Andy"  expects  to 
enter  Duke  at  the  beginning  of  the  first 
summer  session.  Ida,  who  teaches  in  the 
High  Point  schools,  has  one  other  son, 
Rupert,  II.  They  live  at  731  Florham 
Avenue  in  High  Point,  N.  C. 

'26  > 

Silver  Anniversary:    Commencement,  1951 

President:  Edward  L.  Cannon 
Class  Agent:  George  P.  Harris 

ciated with  GRAINGER  PIERCE  in  the 
practice  of  law  at  1104  Johnston  Building 
in  Charlotte,  N.  C.  There  are  four  children 
in  the  Blakeney  family:  Henrietta  R.,  8, 
Virginia  Claire,  6,  Betty,  4,  and  Whiteford, 
Jr.,  just  a  few  months  old.  Mrs.  Blakeney 
is  the  former  Henrietta  Redfern. 
commercial  manager  of  the  Yonkers  office  of 
the  New  York  Telephone  Company  and  takes 
an  active  part  in  church  and  civic  organiza- 
tions. He  and  Mrs.  CaldweD,  the  former 
Rachel  Highsmith,  and  their  three  children, 
Garah  B.,  Ill,  8,  Dinson  A.,  5,  and  Ann 
White,  12,  live  at  38  Hillside  Road,  Dobbs 
Ferry,  N.  Y. 

DR.  W.  FRANK  CRAVEN,  '26,  A.M.  '27, 
whose  address  is  96  Jefferson  Road,  Prince- 
ton, N.  J.,  teaches  at  Princeton  University. 
He  served  in  the  Army  Air  Forces  as  a  lieu- 
tenant colonel  from  1943  to  1946.  Among 
the  books  Frank  has  written  are  The  Dis- 
solution of  the  Virginia  Company,  An  Intro- 
duction to  the  History  of  Bermuda,  The 
Southern  Colonies  of  the  Seventeenth  Cen- 
tury, and  The  Army  Air  Forces  in  World 
War  II,  an  official  history  planned  in  seven 
volumes  of  which  three  have  been  pub- 
lished to  date.  He  and  Mrs.  Craven,  the 
former  Helen  McDaniel,  have  two  daughters, 
Nancy  Elizabeth,  12,  and  Betty  Morris,  10. 
SADIE    CHRISTENBURY    FOY    lives    at 

[  Page  126 ] 


448  North  Main  Street,  Mount  Airy,  N.  C. 
Her  husband,  W.  H.  (BUSTY)  FOY,  '24,  a 
lumber  dealer,  is  a  City  Commissioner  and  a 
member  of  the  Board  of  Stewards  of  the 
Methodist  Church,  while  she  is  president  of 
the  Woman's  Society  for  Christian  Service. 
The  Foys  have  two  daughters,  Patricia  Lou, 
20,  and  Sadie  Christenbury,  17,  who  will  be 
a  freshman  at  Duke  next  year. 
E.  P.  HABBISS,  who  lives  at  2610  St.  Paul 
Street,  Baltimore  18,  Md.,  is  editor  of  the 
magazine  Gardens,  Houses  and  People.  He 
and  his  wife,  the  former  Margery  0.  Willis, 
have  a  twelve-year-old  daughter,  Clarinda 

BT7TLEB,  who  live  at  316  Spring  Street, 
Thomasville,  N.  C,  are  expecting  to  move 
into  their  new  home  in  Erwin  Heights  in 
the  near  future.  Balph  is  in  the  real  estate 

N.  C,  attorney,  is  currently  serving  as 
chairman  of  the  Gaston  County  Democratic 
Executive  Committee.  He  and  Mrs.  Hol- 
lowell,  the  former  Evelyn  L.  Fitch,  have 
three  children,  Linwood,  Jr.,  13,  Linda,  11, 
and  Sammy,  6. 

DE.  GEOEGE  W.  HOLMES  is  an  ortho- 
pedic surgeon  in  Winston-Salem,  N.  C, 
where  he  is  also  attending  orthopedist  to 
all  Winston-Salem  hospitals  and  clinical  in- 
structor in  orthopedic  surgery  at  Bowman 
Gray  Medical  School.  He,  Mrs.  Holmes, 
the  former  Lucille  Field,  George  Field 
Holmes,  13,  and  Ellen  Stokes  Holmes,  9, 
live  at  524  Boslyn  Eoad. 

GEOEGE  B.  JOHNSON  is  a  shipbuilder 
with  the  Newport  News  Shipbuilding  and 
Dry  Dock  Company  in  Newport  News,  Va. 
His  unusual  hobby,  big  game  hunting,  has 
carried  him  to  most  parts  of  Canada,  Mex- 
ico, and  the  United  States.  In  1933  he  won 
the  national  championship  for  big  game 
hunters  with  a  world  record  deer  from 
Chihuahua.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Ameri- 
can Society  of  Mammalogists,  as  well  as 
professional  organizations,  and  he  is  an  hon- 
orary collector  for  the  U.  S.  National 
Museum  and  the  American  Museum  of  Nat- 
ural History.  He  is  Virginia  representative 
for  records  of  North  American  big  game, 
has  published  one  book,  in  addition  to 
hundreds  of  magazine  and  newspaper  arti- 
cles, on  hunting  and  wild  life.  His  wife, 
the  former  Suzanne  Kingston,  shares  his 
interest  and  holds  25  national  records  for 
rifle  shooting.  The  Johnsons  have  five 
children,  Walter  L.,  13,  P.  Kingston.  10, 
Fred  K.,  6,  and  eight-year-old  twins,  G. 
Brooks  and  Ann  L.  They  live  at  60  Hopkins 
Street,  Hilton  Village  Branch,  Newport 
News,  Va. 

The  rector  of  St.  Stephen's  Episcopal 
Church  in  Dunn-Erwin,  X.  G,  is  THE  EEV- 
Latta  is  the  former  Elizabeth  Harding,  a 
Carolina  graduate.  They  have  two  children, 
William  M.  Latta,  Jr.,  14,  and  Elizabeth 
Bandolph  Latta,  11. 

and  her  husband,  Dr.  A.  Merrill  McCausland, 
are  both  practicing  physicians  in  Los 
Angeles,  Calif.  Her  address  is  3780  Wil- 
shire  Blvd.,  Los  Angeles  5.  The  McCaus- 
land have  two  children,  Alice  Holmes,  12, 
and  Arthur  Merrill,  10. 

EAEL  C.  McDAEIS,  one  of  the  few  un- 
married members  of  the  class,  is  traffic 
engineer  for  the  New  Jersey  Bell  Telephone 
Company  in  Newark.  His  home  address  is 
288  Fourth  Avenue. 

EAEL  P.  McFEE  is  chief  chemist  for  the 
Gorton-Pew  Fisheries  Company,  Ltd.,  of 
Gloucester,  Mass.  He  and  his  wife,  the 
former  Kathleen  Swain,  live  at  207  Essex 

C.  NOLAN,  Ph.D.  '35,  whose  address  is  Box 
2016,  Balboa,  Canal  Zone,  are  still  busy  get- 
ting settled  in  the  American  Embassy.  Louis 
is  head  economic  officer  at  the  Embassy  in 
Panama.  Evelyn  finds  that  being  a  diplo- 
matic housewife  is  a  full  time  job.  Time 
is  consumed,  she  says,  by  tending  one's 
children,  the  endless  hunt  for  food,  and  the 
struggle  with  native  servants,  rather  than 
by  the  glamorous  excitement  that  is  often 
thought  of  in  connection  with  the  foreign 

STANTON  W.  PICKENS,  sales  manager 
for  the  Charlotte  Coca-Cola  Bottling  Com- 
pany, is  active  in  various  community  and 
church  affairs.  He  and  his  wife,  the  former 
Mary  Goddard,  have  one  son,  Peter  Miller 
Pickens,  4.  They  live  at  652  Hempstead 
Place,  Charlotte. 

F.  GEAINGEE  PIEECE  is  associated  with 
WHITEFOED  S.  BLACKNEY  in  the  prac- 
tice of  law  in  Charlotte,  N.  C.  He,  his  wife, 
the  former  Frances  Allen,  and  their  three 
daughters,  Sally  Ann,  11,  Joan,  10,  and 
Frances,  7,  live  at  2112  Eoswell  Avenue. 
CHAELES  W.  POETEE,  better  known  to 
class  members  as  "Soup,"  taught  school 
until  he  entered  the  Army  in  September, 
1940.  He  was  retired  in  December,  1949. 
for  physical  disability  with  the  rank  of 
lieutenant  colonel  in  field  artillery.  He  and 
Mrs.  Porter,  the  former  Bert  McCoy,  have 
one  son,  David  G.  Porter,  who  graduated  at 
Duke  in  1950.  They  make  their  home  at 
204  Norwood  Street  in  Lenoir,  N.  C. 

SAMUEL  W.  BUABK,  Ealeigh,  N.  C,  at- 
torney, takes  an  active  part  in  the  work  of 
the  Methodist  Church  and  professional  asso- 
ciations. He  is  also  a  trustee  of  Greensboro 
College.  The  Euarks,  who  live  at  1714  Can- 
terbury Eoad,  have  two  daughters,  Sarah 
Manning,  13,  and  Kathryne  Hope,  9.  Mrs. 
Euark  is  the  former  Kathryne  Hope  Hardi- 

WILLIAM  G.  SHABPE,  of  Elm  City,  N.  C, 
lists  his  occupation  as  "banker,  lawyer,  and 
farmer."  He  also  finds  time  to  participate 
in  civic  and  church  activities.  His  daugh- 
ter, Frankie  Lou,  is  a  freshman  at  Duke 
this  year.  He  and  Mrs.  Sharpe,  the  former 
Naomi  Cannaday,  also  have  a  son,  William 

G.  Sharpe,  Jr.,  who  is  15. 


Complete  Office 

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1105  BROAD  ST.- PHONE   X*I224 


Wholesale  Paper 

208  Vivian  St.  801  S.  Church  St. 

DURHAM,  N.  C.      ROCKY  MOUNT,  N.  C. 

Serving  North  Carolina  Since  1924 

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Durham,  North  Carolina 

Your  Lincoln  and 

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[  Page  127  ] 


of  continuous  service  to  Duke 
University  Faculty,  Adminis- 
tration and  Alumni. 

HIBBERD  Florist,  Inc. 

Durham,  N.  C. 
Opposite  the  Washington  Duke 

We  are  members  by 
invitation  of  the 

National  Selected 

the  only  Durham  Funeral  Home 
accorded  this  honor. 

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Electric  Service — 
Electric  Appliances — 
Street  Transportation 

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Thomas  F.  Soutbgate            Wm.  J.  O'Brien 

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Established  1872 





Insurance  Specialists 

DURHAM,  N.  C. 

The  address  of  DR.  FRANK  G.  SLAUGH- 
TER, his  wife,  the  former  Jane  Mundy,  and 
their  two  sons,  Frank,  Jr.,  11,  and  Ran- 
dolph M.,  S,  is  3202  Garibaldi  Avenue  E., 
Jacksonville,  Fla.  A  practicing  surgeon 
until  his  release  from  active  duty  with  the 
U.  S.  Army  in  March,  1946,  Frank  decided 
at  that  time  to  devote  his  full  time  to  writ- 
ing, which  he  had  previously  done  as  a 
hobby.  He  has  had  a  number  of  books, 
both  fiction  and  non-fiction  published,  his 
most  recent  being  The  Stubborn  Heart, 
Divine  Mistress  and  Fort  Everglades. 
A.),  of  24  Grover  Street,  Auburn,  N.  Y.,  is 
proud  of  her  son,  William  A.,  Jr.,  17,  and 
her  daughter,  Anne  Stuart,  8.  She  writes 
that  Bill,  Jr.,  has  just  received  a  state 
scholarship  to  Cornell  University  for  four 
years.  Dr.  Tucker  is  an  ear,  nose  and 
throat  specialist. 

This  year  W.  FREEMAN  TWADDELL, 
who  is  a  professor  at  Brown  University,  is 
on  leave  in  order  to  serve  as  research  editor 
for  the  new  Merriam-Webster  dictionaries 
being  published  by  G.  &  C.  Merriam  Com- 
pany of  Springfield,  Mass.  The  Twaddells 
have  three  sons,  Stephen  Treadway,  16, 
James  Freeman,  12,  and  William  Hartshorn, 
10.  Mrs.  Twaddell  is  the  former  Helen 
Treadway  Johnson.  After  July  1,  the 
Twaddells  will  be  back  at  their  permanent 
address  78  Oriole  Avenue,  Providence  6, 
R.  I. 

(MRS.  C.  H.),  her  husband,  and  their 
daughter,  Barbara  Blair  Underwood,  11, 
live  at  121  Bost  Street  in  Statesville,  N.  C. 
She  takes  an  active  part  in  the  work  of  the 
church,  P.T.A.,  and  various  other  organi- 

DR.  SAMUEL  A.  VEST,  physician  at  the 
University  of  Virginia  Hospital,  is  also 
Professor  and  Director  of  the  Department 
of  Urology  at  the  University  of  Virginia 
Medical  School.  He  and  Mrs.  Vest,  the 
former  Sarah  Thompson,  have  four  children, 
Sarah  Agnes,  18,  Catherine,  17,  Samuel  A., 
Jr.,  9,  and  Charles  T.,  8. 
GAY  WILSON  ALLEN,  '26,  A.M.  '27,  is 
professor  of  English  at  New  York  Univer- 
sity. He  is  the  author  of  several  books, 
including  American  Prosody,  Literary  Crit- 
icism: Pope  to  Croce,  Walt  Whitman  Hand- 
book, and  Masters  of  American  Literature. 
Mrs.  Allen,  a  former  librarian,  has  become 
a  self-taught  specialist  in  the  Danish  lan- 
guage and  literature  and  has  translated 
Walt  Whitman,  a  book  by  Frederik  Sehy- 
berg,  into  English.  Gay 's  hobby  is  col- 
lecting first  editions,  especially  of  Walt 
Whitman,  and  his  wife  is  also  enthusiastic 
about  acquiring  them.  The  Allen's  home 
address  is  454  Grove  Street,  Oradell,  N.  J. 

'28  a 

President :  Robert  L.  Hatcher 
Class  Agent:  E.  Clarence  Tilley 

CLAY  P.  MALICK,  professor  of  political 
science     at     the     University     of     Colorado, 

Boulder,  Colo.,  is  head  of  the  section  of 
history,  economics,  anthropology,  political 
science  and  sociology,  known  as  "Founda 
tions  of  the  Social  Order,"  in  the  division 
of  general  education.  Also  an  alumnus  of 
Columbia  and  Harvard,  where  he  was 
awarded  M.A.  and  Ph.D.  degrees  respec- 
tively, Dr.  Malick  is  a  member  of  the 
American  Economic  Association,  the  Ameri- 
can Political  Science  Association  and  the 
Western  Political  Science  Association.  He 
is  the  author  of  several  publications  con- 
cerning labor  unions  and  policy. 

'29  > 

President:  Edwin  S.  Yarbrough,  Jr. 

Class  Agent:  T.  Spruill  Thornton 
GEEEN  BOST,  '32,  and  their  family  moved 
last  fall  from  Wilmington,  N.  O,  to  3883 
Yosemite  Street,  San  Diego  9,  Calif.  At 
that  time  Henry  was  recalled  into  active 
duty  with  the  Navy. 

MAJ.  RUDOLPH  S.  STANLEY  and  Mrs, 
Stanley  have  announced  the  arrival  of  3 
daughter,  Amy  Jo,  on  March  2.  The  Stan- 
leys' address  is  Box  82,  Letterman  Armj 
Hospital,  San  Francisco,  Calif. 

•31  » 

President :  John  Calvin  Dailey 
Class  Agent:  C.  H.  Livengood,  Jr. 
RELL  K.  GLOVER,  B.D.  '50,  have  an 
nounced  the  birth  of  a  son,  Durant  Murrell 
on  March  6.  They  live  in  Kenansville 
N.  C. 

'33  » 

President:  John  D.  Minter 
Class  Agent:  Lawson  B.  Knott,  Jr. 
JOSEPH  M.  CROSON  has  been  elected 
assistant  vice-president  of  the  Federal  Home 
Loan  Bank  of  Greensboro,  N.  C.  He  joined 
the  Home  Loan  Bank  Board  staff  in  Sep- 
tember, 1932,  before  the  Federal  Home  Loan 
Banks  were  organized,  and  is  now  the  old- 
est examiner  in  the  nation  from  the  poinl 
of  service,  18  years.  Before  going  tc 
Greensboro  in  1937,  he  worked  in  the  Cin- 
cinnati and  New  York  districts.  He  is  al 
present  the  assistant  district  examiner  and 
has  examined  approximately  225  of  the 
more  than  400  associations  in  the  district, 
Mrs.  Croson  is  the  former  MARY  BROWN 

E.  MARVIN  LEMON  is  treasurer  of  the 
Valley  Lumber  Corporation  in  Roanoke, 
Va.  A  picture  of  his  three  daughters,  Luey 
Boyd,  -Jane  Ross  and  Mary  Marvin  appears 
on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  of  thij 

'34  » 

President:  The  Reverend  Robert  M.  Bird 
Class  Agent :  Charles  S.  Rhyne 
EDWIN  G.  BURLING,  B.S.,  has  been 
working  for  Titanium  Pigment  Corp.  since 
1936,  and  has  been  Pacific  Coast  sales  man- 
ager since  1947.  He  resides  at  1745  Los 
Robles  Avenue,  San  Marino,  Calif. 

[  Page  128  ] 


DOEOTHY  LEARY,  who  is  vice-president 
of  the  Duke  Alumni  Association  of  New 
York,  has  joined  Georg  Jensen  and  Com- 
pany as  personnel  manager.  Her  residence 
address  is  2  Beekman  Place,  New  York  22, 
N.  Y. 

WILLIAM  H.  TATE,  of  2145  Greenwood 
Avenue,  Wilmette,  111.,  has  recently  re- 
signed as  special  assistant  to  Michael  V. 
DiSalle,  director  of  price  stabilization,  and 
has  resumed  his  private  practice  of  law  in 
Washington  and  Chicago.  He  is  married  to 
the  former  RUTH  HART,  '35. 


Next  Reunion:   Commencement,  1951 

President:  John  Moorhead 
Class  Agent:  James  L.  Newsom 

FRANK  V.  FLETCHER  is  practicing  law 
with  the  firm  of  Fletcher  and  Midlin  with 
offices  in  the  Munsey  Building,  Washington 
4,  D.  C.  He  is  also  owner  of  radio  station 
WARL  and  WARL-FM  in  Washington. 
C.  F.  GRAF,  JR.,  has  been  with  Inter- 
national Business  Machines  for  fifteen  years, 
and  is  now  manager  of  the  applications 
development  department.  His  address  is  36 
Westervelt  Avenue,  Tenafly,  N.  J. 
E.  LAWSON  MOORE,  LL.B.,  and  Mrs. 
Moore  of  1710  Hamlin  Street,  Durham,  have 
announced  the  birth  of  a  son,  Edward  Law- 
son,  Jr.,  on  February  24. 

MARVIN  W.  TOPPING,  R,  who  was  pre- 
viously director  of  public  relations  at  the 
Medical  College  of  Virginia,  is  executive 
secretary  of  the  American  College  Public 
Relations  Association.  His  offices  are  lo- 
cated in  the  Association's  national  offices 
in  Washington,  D.  C. 


Next  Reunion:    Commencement,   1951 
President:   Dr.  Joe  S.  Hiatt,  Jr. 
Class  Agents:  James  H.  Johnston,  Clifford 
W.  Perry,  R.  Zack  Thomas,  Jr. 
MR.   and   Mrs.   NORFLEET   PIPER   BEL- 
VIN    of    Elizabeth    City,    N.    O,    have    an- 
nounced the  birth  of  a  son.  Miles  Clark,  on 
March  20. 

THEODORE  S.  GEORGE,  A.M.  '36,  Ph.D. 
'42,  is  consulting  engineer  in  the  research 
division  of  the  Philco  Corporation  doing 
theoretical  work  in  a  variety  of  electronic 
problems.  Previously  he  was  an  instructor 
and  assistant  professor  of  mathematics  at 
the  University  of  Florida,  and  a  lieutenant 
commander  in  the  Navy.  During  the  time 
he  was  a  Naval  electronics  officer,  he  served 
as  radar  officer  aboard  a  carrier  and  later 
in  the  Bureau  of  Aeronautics  in  charge  of 
development  of  electronic  bombing  and  fire- 
control  devices.  His  residence  address  is 
300  Twining  Road,  Oreland,  Pa. 
JOHN  C.  WATSON,  JR.,  B.S.,  is  a  salesman 
for  Standard  Auto  Parts  Company  in  Albe- 
marle, N.  C,  where  he  lives  at  217  E.  Park 


Next  Reunion:    Commencement,   1951 
President:   Thomas  F.  Southgate,  Jr. 
Class  Agent:  William  F.  Womble 
H.   K.)    has  two   sons,  Hardin  King,  Jr.,   5, 
and  Jeffrey  Washburn,  4.      (See   Sons   and 
Daughters  Page.)     Her  husband,  Dr.  H.  K. 
Davis,   is   a   dentist.      Their    address    is    36 
Massachusetts  Blvd.,  Bellerose  6,  Mass. 
In    January    HERBERT    J.    and    NANCY 
SEEMAN  UPCHURCH,  '38,  and  their  two 
children   moved   from   Greenwood,   S.   C,   to 
North   Augusta,   S.   C,   where  their   address 
is  1114  Carolina  Avenue.     Herbert  is  presi- 
dent  of   the  North   Augusta   Banking   Com- 


President:  Russell  Y.  Cooke 
Class  Agent :  William  M.  Courtney 
her  husband,  ROBERT  A.  GOLDBERG,  '40, 
LL.B.  '49,  are  the  parents  of  little  Nancy 
Lee  Goldberg  whose  picture  is  on  the  Sons 
and  Daughters  Page  this  month.  The  Gold- 
berg's address  is  the  Gralyn  Antique  Shop, 
North  Conway,  N.  H. 

MR.  and  Mrs.  WILLIAM  STUART 
HENCH,  JR.,  of  1524  North  Second  Street, 
Harrisburg,  Pa.,  have  a  daughter,  Alice 
Bishop,  born  October  23,  1950,  and  a  son, 
William  Stuart,  III,  3.  Bill  has  been  asso- 
ciated with  the  Employer's  Group  in  Har- 
risburg, but  was  recalled  to  active  duty  in 
the  Army  as  a  reserve  officer  on  March  12. 

D.  GRIFFITH  KAYE,  of  4  North  Lake 
Avenue,  Troy,  N.  Y.,  has  been  appointed 
deputy  corporation  counsel  for  the  city  of 
Troy.  He  is  associated  in  the  practice  of 
law  with  his  father.  A  World  War  II  vet- 
eran, Griffith  graduated  from  Albany  Law 
School  in  1941. 

'39  3 

President:  Edmund  S.  Swindell,  Jr. 
Class  Agent:  Walter  D.  James 

Recently  the  Alumni  Office  received  a  copy 
of  the  Falls  Church  Echo,  a  weekly  news- 
paper published  in  Falls  Church,  Va.,  which 
showed  that  the  publisher  is  ROOSEVELT 

The  marriage  of  MARJORIE  ELIZABETH 
M.D.,  took  place  on  March  17  in  Central 
Methodist  Church,  Shelby,  N.  C.  They  are 
living  at  421  B  Wakefield  Drive,  in  Char- 
lotte, N.  C,  where  John  is  practicing 

M.D.  '43,  is  a  pediatrician  in  the  United 
States  Navy  Medical  Corps.  His  present 
address  is  Com.  Landing  Ship,  Flot.  3  Staff, 
F.P.O.,  San  Francisco,  Calif. 
JOHN  B.),  A.M.,  is  circulation  librarian 
at  the  Clemson  College  Library.  Her  resi- 
dence is  308  Clemson  House,  Clemson,  S.  C. 


Accredited  scholarship.  College  prep 
since  1893.  Boys  12-18.  Semi-military. 
Endowed  awards.  Ideal  location,  modern 
facilities.  New  gym.  Championship  athletics. 
Non-sectarian  religious  guidance.  Summer 
camp,    boys    8-15.     Catalog. 

121  Cherokee  Road,  Chattanooga,  Tenn. 

£nowerton-%riian  £>o. 

^g|    HOME    FORF^ALS     Qj 

L-977  1005  W.  Main  St. 

R.  T.  Howerton,  '08 


W.  P.  Budd,  '04,  Secretary-Treas. 
W.  P.  Budd,  Jr.,  '36,  Vice-President 

DURHAM,  N.  C. 

•  *  •   • 
Contractors  for 




Duke  Chapel,  New 
Graduate  Dormitory 
Indoor  Stadium  and 

Hospital  Addition 

-*  *  •  • 





[  Page  129  ] 

Morning,  Evening  and  Sunday 

Published  by  the  Durham 

Herald  Company,  Inc. 

JBurfjam  j'-flornmg  Iheialu- 

Full  AP  and  UP  Press  Wire  Service 

Members  of  S.N.P.A.,  A.N.P.A.  and 

Audit  Bureau  of  Circulation 



The  Herald- Sun  Papers 

Newspapers  of  Influence  in  a  Fertile  Market 
Durham,  N.  C. 

The  Herald-Sun  Papers  and  Durham's  CBS  Station  WDNC  and  WDNC  FM 
are  Affiliated  Enterprises 

Among  Our  Customers  .  . 

Both  students  and  Alumni  of  this  area 
who  appreciate  the  advantages  of  a  mod- 
ern, complete  banking  service. 

The  Depositors  National  Bank 

Main  at  Corcoran,  Durham 

Member  Federal  Reserve  System  •    Member  Federal  Deposit  Insurance  'Corp. 




Union  Building,  West  Campus  Cafeterias 

Union  Building,  East  Campus  Oak  Room 

Sou  ihgate  Dining  Hall  Woman's  College  Dining  Halls 

Snack  Bar 

WALTEB  E.  TREUT,  B.S.E.E.,  is  an  engi 
neer    for    the    New    Jersey    Bell    Telephone; 
Company.     His  address  is  633  N.  Chestnut  | 
Street,  Westfield,  N.  J. 

'40  a 

President:  John  D.  MacLauchlan 
Class  Agent:  Addison  P.  Penfield 
JANE  AMMEBMAN,  B.S.  '46,  and  NEIL 
C.  BLANTON  were  married  March  17  ini 
the  Church  of  Saint  Andrew,  South  Orange,, 
N.  J.  Jane  received  an  M.S.  degree  froni| 
Rutgers  University  and  was  employed  be- 
fore her  marriage  as  technical  assistant  in 
mathematical  research  for  the  Bell  Tele- 
phone Laboratories.  Neil  received  a  Mas- 
ter's degree  in  public  administration  from 
the  University  of  Denver,  and  is  now  a  re- 
search analyst  with  the  Pennsylvania  Econ- 
omy League.  The  couple  is  living  at  133 
South  Morris  Street,  Waynesburg,  Pa. 
MR.  and  Mrs.  BEN  COLE  BRIDGERS,  JR., 
of  712  East  Holland  Street,  Washington, 
111.,  have  announced  the  birth  of  a  daugh- 
ter, Beth  Carol,  on  March  9.  BEN  C. 
BRIDGERS,  SB.,  '14,  of  Durham,  is  Beth's 

A  recent  letter  from  WILLIAM  L.  JOHN- 
SON tells  of  his  transfer  from  the  Chicago 
office  of  the  United  States  Rubber  Com- 
pany to  the  General  Office  in  Rockefeller 
Center,  New  York,  where  he  assumed  his 
new  duties  on  January  1.  As  Supervisor  of 
Sales  Training  for  the  Tires  Division  of 
the  company,  he  develops  and  supervises  a 
program  for  the  training  of  all  new  sales- 
men who  are  employed  in  the  company's 
Tires  Sales  Organization. 
ME.  and  Mrs.  JOHN  C.  EUTLEDGE, 
B.S.E.E.,  of  Port  Washington,  N.  Y.,  an- 
nounce the  birth  of  a  daughter,  Ann  Ful- 
ton, on  April  3.  They  also  have  a  four- 
year-old  daughter,  Betty. 
DE.  JOHN  H.  WEIDNEB  is  a  physician 
in  the  Ford  Motor  Company  Engineering 
Laboratory,  Dearborn,  Mich.  He  lives  at 
141  N.  Silvery  Lane  in  Dearborn. 
J.  EVANS  WHITING  is  assisting  in  the 
development  of  the  Mutual  Trust  Life  In- 
surance Company  field  training  and  educa- 
tional program  at  the  home  office  in  Bos- 
ton, Mass.  Before  joining  the  company  in 
New  Jersey  as  a  field  representative  in 
1948,  he  taught  high  school  language  courses 
and  served  for  four  years  in  the  LTnited 
States  Army. 


Next  Reunion:    Commencement,  1951 

President :   Bobert  F.  Long 

Class  Agents:  Julian  C.  Jessup,  Meader 
W.  Harriss,  Jr.,  Andrew  L.  Dueker, 
Jr.,  J.  D.  Long,  Jr. 
BOBEBT  BUNN,  who  joined  the  Wooster 
Brush  Company,  Wooster,  Ohio,  in  1945 
following  his  release  as  a  Lieutenant  in  the 
U.  S.  Navy,  has  recently  been  appointed 
factory  manager.  After  leaving  Duke,  he 
received  a  B.S.  degree  in  Business  and 
Engineering  Administration  from  M.  I.  T. 

[ Page  130  ] 


and  later  the  Master's  degree  from  Ohio 
State  University.  He  is  married  and  has 
two  children. 

T.  ED  LANGSTON  is  the  proud  father  of 
little  Linda  Alice  Langston  whose  picture 
is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  of  this 
issue.  Ed  is  a  Time  Study  Engineer  with 
J.  D.  Woods  and  Gordon,  Inc.,  a  manage- 
ment consultant  company  of  Greensboro, 
N.  C.  At  present  the  Langstons  are  living 
on  East  Wade  Street  in  Wadesboro  while 
Ed  does  some  special  work  for  the  Wade 
Manufacturing  Co. 

A  recent  note  from  W.  ALAN  CHICKER- 
ING,  '41,  M.D.  '44,  tells  of  the  birth  of 
his  son,  William  John,  on  February  22.  He 
also  said  that  his  residency  has  been  in- 
terrupted while  he  is  a  tuberculosis  patient 
at  Herman  Kiefer  Hospital  in  Detroit, 
Mich.  Mrs.  Chickering,  whom  he  met  in  the 
Army  during  the  war  when  she  was  a  cap- 
tain in  the  Nurse  Corps  and  married  in 
October,  1949,  is  living  at  631  Selden 
Avenue  in  Detroit. 

A  daughter,  Ann  Marshall,  was  born  on 
February  28  to  J.  D.  LONG  and  EMILY 
SMITHER  LONG,  '42,  of  1924  Smallwood 
Drive,  Raleigh,  N.  C.  J.  D.  works  for 
Burlington  Mills. 

ROBERT  F.  LONG,  class  president  of  '41, 
and  MARY  TAYLOR  LONG,  '43,  have  two 
daughters,  Nancy  Augusta,  who  was  born 
November  20,  1950,  and  Robin,  who  is 
three  and  a  half.  They  live  at  408  N. 
Wilmington  Street,  Raleigh,  N.  C,  where 
Bob  is  head  of  the  furniture  department  for 
the  Ivey-Taylor  Company. 
The  address  of  ROBERT  G.  NEILL,  M.D., 
is  812  South  Orange,  Orlando,  Fla.  He  is 
practicing  neurosurgery  at  320  North  Main 
in  Orlando. 

GEORGE  W.,  JR.)  lives  on  Walters  Road, 
R.F.D.  No.  2,  Chagrin  Falls,  Ohio. 

'42  » 

President:  James  H.  Walker 

Class  Agents:  Robert  E.  Foreman,  Willis 
Smith,  Jr.,  George  A.  Trakas 
Miss  Helen  Lois  Still  and  DONALD  R. 
("DICK")  BEESON,  JR.,  B.S.C.E.,  who 
were  married  December  23,  1950,  in  the 
First    Presbyterian    Church,    Johnson    City, 

Tenn.,  are  now  living  at  605  West  Poplar 
Street  there. 

LL.B.,  is  an  attorney  with  the  Federal  Com- 
munications Commission  in  Washington, 
D.  C.  He  was  married  to  Miss  Mary  Stan- 
ley Bernard  on  November  29,  1950,  in  the 
Chapel  of  the  Cross,  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 
Mrs.  Berkemeyer  is  an  alumna  of  St.  Mary's 
School  and  Junior  College  and  the  Woman's 
College  of  the  University  of  North  Carolina. 
She  has  held  positions  with  the  Army  and 
Navy,  and  is  at  present  employed  as  a  naval 
architect  with  the  Coast  Guard. 

ED  SARGENT  is  in  the  construction 
business,  his  firm  being  the  Sargent  Build- 
ing Specialties,  Inc.,  610-612  Devon  Street, 
Arlington,  N.  J.  He  and  Mrs.  Sargent 
have  two  children,  Carol,  6,  and  Brad,  3. 
Their  address  is  15  Glen  Ridge  Parkway, 
Montclair,  N.  J. 

'43  > 

President :   Thomas  R.  Howerton 
Class  Agent:    S.  L.  Gulledge,  Jr. 
ALICE  BOOE   BIMEL,  her  husband,  Carl 
Bimel,  Jr.,  and  little  daughter,  Natalie  Sul- 
livan, are  living  at  10  Arcadie  Place,  Cin- 

Fancy  Ices  Sherbets 

"Ice  Cream  Specialists" 

Durham  Ice  Cream 
Company,  Inc. 

Fast  Frozen 


"Today  It's  Thrifty  to  buy 

Phone  L-963 

Durham,  North  Carolina 

Blocks  Punch 

Gowns  for  Glee  Clubs 
and  Choirs,  Graduation 
Caps,  Gowns  and  Hoods, 
Church  Vestments  and 
Supplies,  Nurses  Tailored 
Capes  and  Uniforms, 
Band  Uniforms. 

Free  catalogues  on  request 

The  C.  E.  Ward 

New  London,  Ohio 

Statt  Clecfoic  Company,  3nc. 






A  Suggestion 

Whether  its  Qifts  or  Personal  U^(eeds 


Two  Stores 
"A  Step  Ahead — Tomorrow's  Styles — Today"  Washington  Duke  Hotel  Bldg. 


[  Page  131  ] 

einatti  8,  Ohio.  A  picture  of  Natalie  is  0:1 
the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this  month. 
("PETE")  BRADLEY,  JR.,  '45,  have  an- 
nounced the  birth  of  a  son,  Floyd  Henry, 
III,  on  March  6.  They  also  hare  a  five- 
year-old  son,  Steven  Howard.  The  Bradleys 
live  at  43  Village  Drive,  Livingston,  N.  J., 
and  Pete  works  for  the  Prudential  Insurance 
Company  of  America  in  Newark,  N.  J. 
DON (MRS.  ROBERT  F.),  who  lives  at 
4819  South  30th  Street,  Arlington  6,  Va., 
has  a  year-old  son,  Bruce  Armstrong  Gordon. 
W.  PROCTOR  HARVEY,  M.D.,  is  a  mem- 
ber of  the  staff  of  Georgetown  University 
Medical  Center,  Washington,  D.  C.  After 
leaving  Duke,  he  was  on  the  staff  of  Peter 
Bent  Brigham  Hospital  in  Boston  and 
served  in  the  armed  forces  during  World 
War  II.  A  heart  specialist,  he  has  done  a 
good  deal  of  writing  on  diseases  of  the 

U.S.N.R.,  of  103  W.  Poplar  Ave.,  Wildwood, 
N.  J.,  was  recalled  to  active  duty  on  Feb- 
ruary 15.  He  is  an  aviator  at  the  United 
States  Naval  Air  Station  at  Niagara  Falls, 
N.  Y. 

'50,  is  assistant  professor  of  forest  manage- 
ment at  Duke  and  assistant  director  of  Duke 

R.  H.  SALES,  B.D.  '46,  is  an  instructor  in 

the  Department  of  Religion  at  Duke  Uni- 
versity. He  and  MRS.  SALES  (ELENORE 
CUTLIP),  R.N.,  B.S.N.,  and  their  children, 
Brian,  3,  and  Cathy,  10  months,  moved  into 
the  Duke  University  Apartments  in  Durham 
last  November. 

A  son,  Mathew  Laurence  Sheep,  was  born 
March  20  to  M.  LEIGH  SHEEP,  JR.,  and 
Mrs.  Sheep.  They  live  at  403  West  Main 
Street,  Elizabeth  City,  N.  C,  where  Leigh 
is  owner  of  Sheep's  Photo  Finishing. 
Miss  Marie  Elizabeth  Griffin  became  the 
bride  of  JOHN  C.  WITHINGTON,  '43, 
M.D.  '46,  on  April  28,  and  they  are  making 
their  home  at  106  Jones  Street,  West, 
Savannah,  Ga. 

MR.  and  Mrs.  WARREN  GROB  became  the 
parents  of  a  son,  Jeffery  Warren,  on  De- 
cember 5,  1950.  Their  address  is  66  Mel- 
more  Gardens,  Apartment  105  B,  East 
Orange,  N.  J. 

'44  > 

President:  Matthew  S.  (Sandy)  Rae 
Class  Agent :  H.  Watson  Stewart 
There  is  a  picture  of  ANDREW  M.  SE- 
CREST  and  his  young  son,  David  K.,  on 
the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this  month. 
The  Secrests  live  at  533  Williams  Street  in 
Laurinburg,  N.  C,  where  "Mac"'  is  in  the 
newspaper  business. 

On  January  2,  a  son,  Francis  Earl,  Jr.,  was 
born  to  FRANCIS  E.  WHITE  and  EVE- 
LYN BERNHARDT  WHITE,  '45.  of  1825 

P.  Street,  S.E.,  Apt.  F-12,  Washington  20,1 
D.  C.  Francis  received  the  B.S.  degree  in 
animal  husbandry  from  the  University  of 
Maryland  in  June,  1949,  and  is  now  com- 
pleting his  thesis  toward  a  Master's  degree 
which  he  expects  to  receive  in  June.  He  has 
been  employed  as  a  microanalyst  by  the 
U.  S.  Department  of  Agriculture  at  Betts- 
ville,  Md.,  since  February,  1950. 
ADAMS  SALES  use  her  father's  address  for 
their  permanent  one  (Hospital  Branch  Post 
Office  Morganton,  N.  C.)  because  Tom's  job 
as  a  construction  engineer  with  the  Tide- 
water Construction  Company  causes  them  to 
move  frequently.  The  Sales  have  one  son, 
Tommy,  whose  picture  is  on  the  Sons  and 
Daughters  Page  this  month. 

'45  » 

President :   Charles  B.  Markham,  Jr. 
Class  Agent:  Charles  F.  Blaneliard 

CLAUDE  E.  BITTLE,  '45,  LL.B.  '50, 
their  children,  Elizabeth  Babson  ("Betsy"), 
almost  a  year  and  a  half,  and  Claude,  Jr., 
five  and  a  half,  have  moved  to  224  W.  Trin- 
ity Avenue,  Durham.  Claude  has  established 
a  law  practice  in  Durham. 
WALTER  LYONS  BROWN,  B.S.,  is  a 
research  physicist  in  the  Bell  Telephone 
Laboratories  in  Murray  Hill,  N.  J.  He 
lives  at  26  Gales  Drive,  New  Providence, 
N.  J. 





J.  R.  MARUS 
President  &  Gen.  Manager 


[  Page  132  ] 


CARTER),  A.M.,  who  was  formerly  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Department  of  Eomance  Lan- 
guages at  Duke,  are  living  at  803  John 
Drive  in  Tallahassee,  Fla.,  where  he  is  teach- 
ing in  the  Department  of  Economics  at 
Florida  State  University.  They  have  a 
year-old  son,  Eobert  Carter. 
TEE  L.)  writes  that  she  is  a  correspondent 
in  the  editorial  department  of  Hall's  (Hall- 
mark Cards).  Her  address  is  515  West  46th 
Street,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 
LT.  EOBEET  J.  LARSON,  U.S.M.C,  is 
attending  a  Highway  Transportation  Officer 
Course  at  The  Transportation  School,  The 
Transportation  Center,  Fort  Eustis,  Va. 
He  has  served  in  various  capacities  with 
the  First  Marine  Division  in  China,  and  his 
awards  and  decorations  include  the  China 
Service  Medal,  American  Theater  Campaign 
Medal,  and  World  War  II  Victory  Medal. 
J.  W.  MeGINNIS,  B.D.,  and  Mrs.  McGin- 
nis  have  announced  the  birth  of  a  son, 
J.  W.,  Jr.,  on  March  13.  J.  W.  is  pastor 
of  Guilford  Park  Presbyterian  Church,  and 
he  and  his  family  live  in  a  new  manse  at 
1904  Liberty  Drive,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
B.S.M.E.  '45,  JEAN  (FEATHER)  FETH- 
ERSTON,  '46,  and  "Mr.  Dink,"  their  son, 
are  living  at  330  Thorncliff  Rd.,  Kenmore 
17,  N.  Y.  After  completing  his  training 
period  in  a  number  of  plants,  "Mac"  is  now 
located  at  the  Linde  Air  Products  plant  in 
Kenmore.  A  picture  of  "Mr.  Dink"  is  on 
the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  of  this  issue. 

'46  > 

President:  B.  G.  Munro 

Class  Agent:  Robert  E.  Cowin 
VIRGINIA  HARLOW,  Ph.D.,  of  Green- 
castle,  Ind.,  is  gaining  considerable  recog- 
nition in  literary  circles  as  a  result  of  the 
publication  of  her  book,  A  Biography  of 
Thomas  Sergeant  Perry,  by  the  Duke  Uni- 
versity Press.  Professor  of  English  at  De- 
pauw  University,  Dr.  Harlow  also  received 
degrees  from  Mt.  Holyoke  College  and  the 
University  of  California.  She  has  had 
articles  published  in  the  Journal  of  English 
and,  Germanic  Philology,  Boston  Public  Li- 
brary Quarterly  and  Collier's  Encyclopedia. 
Her  recent  book  deals  with  the  study  of 
over  300  letters  written  by  Perry,  a  bril- 
liant writer  of  the  late  19th  century.  The 
biography  is  of  interest  to  the  student  of 
literature  and  the  general  reader  alike. 
(JEAN  McCASKILL),  B.S.,  whose  address 
is  Apartment  189,  Building  56,  Hoff 
Heights,  Santa  Barbara,  Calif.,  have  an- 
nounced the  birth  of  a  daughter,  Margery 
Chase,  on  February  15. 

LT.  L.  MILES  STANDISH  is  a  pilot  in 
the  United  States  Air  Force  Reserve,  sta- 
tioned at  Ellington  Air  Force  Base,  Hous- 
ton, Texas.  He  is  living  at  7272  Wood- 
ridge  in  Houston. 

(MARY  PARKER),  A.M.,  became  the  par- 
ents of  a  son,  Matthew  Parker,  on  Febru- 
ary 8.  Their  address  is  3325  N.  18th  Street, 
Philadelphia  40,  Pa. 

'47  » 

President:  Grady  B.  Stott 

Class  Agent:  Norris  L.  Hodgkins,  Jr. 
JOANNE  WHARTON  COE,  '49  and 
LOWRY  NADAL  COE,  JR.,  are  living  at 
4842  Bradley  Boulevard,  Chevy  Chase,  Md. 
Joanne  is  teaching  second  grade  at  the 
Potomac  Elementary  School  in  Potomac, 
Md.,  and  Lowry  is  working  as  a  motion 
picture  animator. 

HAROLD  L.  DeHOFF,  B.S.M.E.,  has  been 
a  technical  assistant  for  the  stress  analysis 
section  staff  of  the  hydraulic  laboratory  at 
the  Newport  News  Shipbuilding  and  Dry 
Dock  Company,  Newport  News,  Va.,  for 
two  and  a  half  years.  Last  fall  he  and 
another  member  of  the  staff  prepared  a 
paper  on  "The  Uses  of  Photoelastic  Stress 
Analysis  as  Applied  to  Shipbuilding," 
which  they  presented  to  the  Chesapeake  sec- 
tion of  the  Society  of  Naval  Architects  and 
Marine  Engineering.  Harold's  address  in 
Newport  News  is  302  Randolph  Street. 
175  Elizabeth  Avenue,  Newark  8,  N.  J.,  re- 
ceived an  M.S.  in  Business  Administration 
with  a  major  in  marketing  from  the  Univer- 
sity of  North  Carolina  on  December  15,  and 
is  now  associated  with  the  Atlantic  Mutual 
Insurance  Company,  49  Wall  Street,  New 
York  City.  As  a  fire  insurance  underwriting 
trainee,  he  is  working  through  the  entire 
underwriting  and  engineering  departments 
of  the  company  in  order  to  learn  as  much 
as  possible.  Tom  says  he  finds  his  engineer- 
ing degree  very  valuable  because  fire  in- 
surance underwriting  depends  a  great  deal 
upon  factors  of  building  construction. 

Little  Georgene  Lucy,  whose  picture  is  on 
the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this  month, 
is  the  daughter  of  SHIELEY  WHITLOCK 
LUCY  and  her  husband,  Charles  B.  Lucy. 
They  are  living  in  Warren,  Ohio,  and  hope 
to  move  into  their  new  home  at  2208  At- 
lantic, N.E.,  by  early  fall. 

BOLAND  B.  EOSSON,  JE.,  is  a  student  at 
the  Yale  University  Divinity  School,  where 
he  expects  to  receive  the  B.D.  degree  in 

AETNA  K  A  T  H  E  E  I  N  E  WOMBLE, 
B.S.E.E.,  and  Mr.  Somerby  Bohrer  Dowst 
were  married  February  24  at  the  home  of 
the  bride  in  Durham,  and  they  are  living  at 
187  Columbia  Heights,  Brooklyn  2,  N.  Y. 
Aetna  is  working  for  International  Business 
Machine  Company.  Her  husband,  an  alum- 
nus of  Harvard,  is  working  with  the  Ameri- 
can Express  Company. 

'48  * — 

President:   Bollin  M.  Millner 
Class  Agent :  Jack  H.  Quaritius 
DONALD  E.    (DICK)    JONES,   JR.,  is  an 
attorney   and   insurance   adjustor.      He   and 


Our  business  is  improving  vollr 
bus.ness.  We  offer  a  complete 
agency  organization  with  every 
service .von need...  p/„,  nation.  fac.h.ies  through  our 
assocate  offices  i„  more  lhan 
*"  maJor  markets.  Special 
attention  ,„  advertising  account, 
of  Duke  people  and  their  busi- 
ness associates. 

-W.H.LOXG,  >3S,  President 

Principal  Services 

Re.eorch  .  .  .P"W«  Adverli,inB 

...Telev.on    =na    R=  opy-«" 

"   "rnor^Re.eorcnond  Survey.- 

Trade  E»H,b„,  "-ol£-;,;r;er,. 

•Auto-IVPi"-'    Pe»°"°,,ied  * 

Recognition/  ».,„„ 

/   Keeommend0tion 

Aflricullurol  Publi,h       , 

A»oc.o,ion.  Trp;per  "•""'••-«.• 
—  '-bit™,.;-,  •*"•'"•*'■••■- 

'"iodic,    publilh 

"«"•    A»oc,„ion. 


Long   Building   •  20  North  Queen  Street 


York  11-554 


[  Page  133  ] 

his  wife  and  baby  daughter,  Jane  Sharon, 
born  August  8,  1950,  live  at  1554  Shoup 
Court,  Apartment  3,  Decatur,  Ga. 
JOANNE  BAE  and  Mr.  James  Glover  Mc- 
Ghee  were  married  March  10  at  the  Winship 
Chapel,  First  Presbyterian  Church,  Atlanta, 
Ga.  Their  address  is  804  Cumberland  Road, 
N.C.,  Atlanta. 

JOHN  W.  WELLMAN,  '48,  LL.B.  '50, 
has  become  associated  with  Chadwich,  Cur- 
ran,  Petrikin  and  Smithers  in  the  general 
practice  of  law,  Delaware  County  National 
Bank  Building,  Chester,  Pa.     MPS.  WELL- 



Mellow  Milk  is  the  new 
deliciously  different 
milk  now  soaring  to 
popularity  in  the  Dur- 
ham-Duke market. 

•  Farm-fresh  Grade  A 

•  Pasteurized 

•  Vitamin  "D"  added 

•  Homogenized 

There's  cream  in 
every  drop! 


C.  B.  Martin     V.  J.  Ashbaugh 

MAX  is  the  former  DONNA  TODD.     Their 
home  is  on  Fariston  Road,  Wayne,  Pa. 

'49  > 

Next  Reunion:    Commencement,   1951 
Presidents:    Woman's   College,   Betty   Bob 
.  Walters  Walton  (Mrs.  Loring)  ;  Trinity 
College,    Robert    W.    Frye;    College    of 
Engineering,  Joe  J.  Robnett,  Jr. 
Class  Agent:    Chester  P.  Middlesworth 
RIST   MOORE,   '50,   who   were   married   last 
summer,  are  living  in  Apartment  No.  5,  1701 
Parkline   Drive,   Prospect   Park,   Pittsburgh 
27,   Pa.     Nelson  is  a  metallurgist   for  Car- 
negie-Illionis  Steel   Company. 
DAVID   A.   BARNES,   who   was   graduated 
from    the   Duke    Hospital   Program    in    Hos- 
pital Administration  in  February  this  year, 
has  joined  the  staff  of  the  Mayo  Clinic  in 
Rochester,    Minn.,    as    administrative    assist- 
ant.    MRS.  BARNES  is  the  former  MARY 
HENDRICKS  of  Durham. 


Laundry  -  Dry  Cleaning 

Alterations  and  Repairs 

Shoe  Repairing 

We  have  a  special  "while 
you  wait"  pressing  serv- 
ice for  visitors  on  the 

Call  by  the  Laundry 
Office,  conveniently 
located  in  the  base- 
ment of  the  Union 
Building,  or  dial  331. 

It  will  be  a  pleasure 
to  serve  you 




E.  P.  Hayes 


February  24  was  the  date  of  the  wedding 
of  NORMA  LOUISE  MARTIN,  '51,  and 
CRAIG  C.  CAMPBELL,  B.S.  '49,  M.F.  '50, 
in  Townley  Presbyterian  Church.  They  are 
living  at  Gregory  Estates,  Seat  Pleasant, 
Md.  Norma  is  attending  George  Washing- 
ton University  and  Craig  is  a  wood  tech- 
nologist for  Timber  Engineering  Company 
Research  Laboratory  in  Washington,  D.  C. 
The  marriage  of  MARCIA  NORCROSS  to 
Mr.  Jon  Corbino  took  place  on  February  15, 
and  they  are  making  their  home  at  5  Mar- 
mion  Way,  Rockport,  Mass.  For  the  past 
two  years  Marcia  has  been  assistant  fashion 
coordinator  of  Burlington  Mills  in  New 
York  City.  Her  husband,  a  former  student 
at  the  Ethical  Culture  School  and  the  Art 
Student's  League  in  New  York  City  and  the 
Pennsylvania  Academy  of  Fine  Arts,  is  a 
National  Academician  and  his  work  is  in 
thirty  national  museums  including  the  Metro- 
politan Museum,  Carnegie  Art  Institute, 
Whitney  Museum,  and  the  Chicago  Art 
Institute.     He  has  been  awarded  two  Gug- 


The  Fidelity  was  the  first  bank 
in  the  State  of  North  Carolina 
authorized  by  its  charter  to  do  a 
trust  business . 

For  over  60  years  our  Trust 
Department  has  rendered  faith- 
ful and  intelligent  service  in  vari- 
ous fiduciary  capacities  to  both 
institutions  and  individuals.  We 
welcome  communications  or  in- 
terviews with  anyone  interested 
in  the  establishment  of  any  kind 
of  trust. 



DURHAM,  N.  C. 

•  Main  at  Corcoran 
•  Driver  at  Angier 
•  Ninth  at  Perry 

•  Roxboro  Rd.  at  Maynard 


Member  Federal  Reserve  System 

Member  Federal  Deposit  Insurance 


[  Page   134 ] 


genheim  Fellowships  and  is  at  present  an 
instructor  at  the  Art  Student's  League. 

The  address  of  JENNY  DONALDSON 
PEVELEB  (MES.  RAY)  is  Box  5181,  Col- 
lege Station,  Texas.  She  is  a  stenographer 
for  Kazmeier-Sherrill  Hatchery,  Inc.,  Bryan, 
Texas,  while  her  husband  is  a  student  at 
Texas  A.  and  M. 

REESE  have  moved  from  Detroit,  Mich.,  to 
a  little  house  at  Virginia  Beach  just  six 
blocks  from  the  ocean.  Their  mailing  ad- 
dress is  Post  Office  Box  181,  Virginia  Beach, 
Va.  John  has  been  transferred  by  the  Pord 
Motor  Company  to  their  Norfolk  Assembly 
Plant  as  a  labor  relations  representative. 
A  daughter,  Sherrill  Doak,  was  born  on 
March  11  to  BETTY  SUE  HARWARD 
SAFLEY  (MES.  JOHN  W.)  and  her  hus- 
band, who  reside  at  131  Navajo  Trail, 
Portsmouth,  Va.  Mr.  Safley  is  assistant 
forester  with  Planters  Manufacturing  Com- 

Charles  Fremont  Sprague,  III,  were  mar- 
ried November  24,  1950.  They  are  now  liv- 
ing at  610  McGeorge  Street,  Stillwater, 
Okla.,  where  they  are  both  students  at 
Oklahoma  A.  and  M.  College. 
GAELAND  T.  HINSON,  of  416  West  63rd 
Street,  Jacksonville,  Fla.,  is  a  salesman  for 
the  Marchant  Calculating  Machine  Company. 

'50  « 

President:   Jane  Suggs 

Class  Agent:  Eobert  L.  Hazel. 

CHARLES  B.  CARTWRIGHT  is  attending 
law  school  at  the  University  of  Miami, 
Miami,  Fla. 

THOMAS  FAKKEMA  are  living  in  Fay- 
etteville,  N.  O,  where  Bob  is  director  of 
recreation  at  Highland  Presbyterian  Church. 
They  have  a  year-old  son,  Richard  Barry. 
BUSH  FULLERTON,  LL.B.,  is  associated 
with  the  legal  firm  of  Libby,  McNeill,  and 
Libby  in  Chicago,  111.  He,  his  wife,  and 
their  young  daughter,  Katherine  Hand,  who 
was  born  on  July  31,  1950,  are  living  at 
1532  Crain  Street,  Evanston,  111. 
ROBEET  BEUCE  GIBSON  is  director  of 
public  relations  for  the  Charlotte,  N.  O, 
Community  Chest.  He  lives  at  412  Wake- 
field Drive  in  Charlotte. 

NANCY  HAELOW  is  living  at  318  Kenan 
Hall,  Chapel  Hill,  N.  O,  while  she  is  going 
to  Library  School  at  the  University  of 
North  Carolina. 

NANCY  YOEK  HOLLAND  was  married  to 
Mr.  William  Taylor  Tucker  last  summer. 
They  are  living  in  Charlottesville,  Va., 
where  Mr.  Tucker  is  a  student  at  the  Medi- 
cal School  of  the  University  of  Virginia. 

The  address  of  CALVIN  S  T  I  N  S  O  N 
KNIGHT,  B.D.,  is  Box  66,  Eoute  3,  Dur- 

(MES.  W.  I.),  who  was  married  last  sum- 
mer, is  living  in  Kingsport,  Tenn. 
P.),  R.N.,  B.S.N.,  is  a  nurse  at  Piedmont 
Memorial  Hospital,  and  lives  at  2101  Wrenn 
Street,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
THAL  (MRS.  CYRUS),  M.D.,  is  doing 
work  at  the  University  of  Michigan  Hos- 
pital,  Ann   Arbor,   Mich. 

FREDERICK  MacDOWELL,  JR.,  are  liv- 
ing at  26  E.  104th  Street,  Apartment  12, 
New  York  29,  N.  Y.  Fred  is  a  student  at 
New  York  Medical  College. 
at  219  Piez  Avenue,  Hilton  Village,  Va. 
George  is  employed  by  the  United  States 

intern  in  surgery  at  Duke  Hospital  and  re- 
sides at  1007  Glendale  Avenue,  Durham. 
FRED  CHARLES   PACE,  LL.B.,  is  an  at- 
torney at  law  in  Shenandoah,  Pa.,  where  his 
address  is  319  East  Center  Street. 
JOHN    CLAEKSON    POTTEE,    Ph.D.,    is 
teaching    in   the    Chemistry    Department    at 
State  College  in  Ealeigh,  N.  C. 
SAUL    BLATMAN,    M.D.,    is    working    at 
New    York    Hospital,    525    E.    68th    Street, 
New  York  21,  N.  Y. 



The  importers  have  just  received  a  large  shipment  of 
Wedgewood  commemorative  Duke  plates  from  England.  They 
are  available  either  singly  or  in  sets  of  12  or  six  in  both  blue 
and  mulberry. 

Twelve  familiar  scenes  from  the  Duke  University  campus 
appear  on  the  plates. 

These  plates  make  ideal  gifts  for  friends  and  Duke  alumni.     They  can  be  used  as  dinner  plates  or  may 
be  hung  on  the  wall  for  decorative  purposes. 

The  plates  are  $24.00  for  12  scenes,  $14.00  for  6  scenes,  and  $2.50  for  one  scene. 
For  information  leaflets  and  to  place  orders,  write  to  the  Alumni  Office,  Duke  University,  Durham,  N.  C. 


[  Page  135  ] 

'51  >— . 

ried January  29  in  the  Bala-Cynwyd,  Pa., 
Methodist  Church.  About  50  Duke  students 
attended  the  wedding.  Lil  and  Don  are 
now  living  at  110  Club  Boulevard,  Durham, 
while  they  are  finishing  their  senior  year. 


(Continued  from  Page  125) 
Walker  left  the  Deacons  for  an  assistant 
coaching  job  at  Yale  University. 

A  native  of  Hinton,  W.  Va.,  Tom  Rog- 
ers began  with  the  Duke  varsity  the  same 
year  Wallace  Wade  started  his  coaching 
career  wtih  the  Blue  Devils  in  1931.  He 
made  All-Southern  and  received  numerous 
other  All-State  honors.  In  his  final  year, 
he  was  named  on  several  All-American 
squads  including  that  of  Grantland  Rice. 
While  at  Duke  he  was  president  of  ODK, 
national    honorary    leadership    fraternity. 

Tom  Rogers  continued  at  Duke  as  line 
coach  for  freshman  teams  and  physical 
education  instructor  until  1938,  when  he 
joined  the  Wake  Forest  coaching  staff. 
In  1940  he  took  a  post  at  Clemson  Col- 
lege as  line  coach  and  varsity  baseball 
coach,  under  the  direction  of  Frank 

May  27,  1943,  brought  a  commission  as 
lieutenant  in  the  United  States  Navy  for 
Tom  Rogers.  He  was  attached  to  the 
Navy  athletic  program  and  was  first  sent 
to  Chapel  Hill  where  he  became  an  in- 
structor with  the  11th  V-5  indoctrination 
course  in  the  Navy  Pre-Flight  School  at 
the  University  of  North  Carolina.  He 
also  coached  the  Pre-Flight  Cloudbusters 
football  squad  while  there.  Later  he  was 
transferred  to  the  Pacific  Coast  where  he 
coached  the  Arlington,  Wash.,  Navy  team. 

After  being  discharged  from  the  Navy 
in  1945,  the  new  Deacon  head  football 
mentor  returned  to  his  Clemson  post.  It 
was  not  long  before  he  had  coaching  offers 
from  several  other  schools.  He  chose  to 
return  to  Wake  Forest,  where  he  has  re- 
mained ever  since.  Coaches  Howard  and 
Walker  had  nothing  but  complimentary 
words  for  him  when  he  was  considered 
for  the  top  Deacon  position. 

Although  he  maintains,  he  is  no  golfer, 
Tom  Rogers  was  also  given  the  job  of 
coaching  the  Wake  golf  team  in  1946.  He 
plays  consistently  in  the  SO's  and  90's, 
but  has  won  a  few  prizes  for  himself. 
As  an  all-round  athlete,  and  as  a  coach, 
Tom  Rogers  is  sure  to  come  out  on  top. 

He  was  married  to  the  former  Frances 
Moore  of  Durham  on  July  29,  1938. 
They  have  two  sons,  Tom,  Jr.,  10,  and 
Robert  Kent,  who  will  soon  be  eight. 



William  Franklin  Howland,  '98,  died 
at  his  home  in  Henderson,  N.  C,  on  Jan- 
uary 13. 

Funeral  services  were  held  in  the  First 
Methodist  Church  in  Henderson,  and 
burial  was  in  Elmwood  Cemetery. 

Mr.  Howland  retired  in  1941  after  30 
years  of  service  with  the  Henderson  Post 
Office.  For  25  years  of  that  time  he  was 
assistant  postmaster.  He  was  a  veteran 
of  the  Spanish- American  War. 

During  his  days  at  Trinity  College, 
Mr.  Howland  was  an  outstanding  mem- 
ber of  the  baseball  team. 

Survivors  include  the  wife;  three  sons, 
W.  F.  Howland,  Jr.,  '30,  LL.B.  '33; 
Ralph,  '33;  Leland;  a  daughter,  Elizabeth 
Howland  Dawson  (Mrs.  R.  G.)  ;  and  a 
granddaughter,  Marv  Howland  Dawson, 


William  Angus  Wright,  '89,  died  at  his 
home  near  Raeford,  N.  C-,  on  March  18 
after  a  long  period  of  ill  health. 

The  funeral  was  conducted  at  the  home. 

Mr.  Wright  was  a  retired  farmer  and 
an  elder  in  Bethel  Presbyterian  Church 
near  Raeford. 

He  is  survived  by  his  wife,  the  former 
Belle  MeCall  of  Scotland  County;  one 
daughter,  Mrs.  Lawrence  Stanton;  six 
sons,  Evan  A.  Wright,  David  Wright,  J. 
Crawford  Wright,  Belton  Wright,  and 
Julian  Wright,  all  of  Raeford,  and  Leroy 
Wright  of  New  Lexington,  Ohio. 


News  has  recently  been  received  by  the 
Alumni  office  that  William  W.  Burgess, 
'13,  is  deceased. 

(MRS.  ROBERT  C),  '31 

Inez  Pearee  Carpenter  (Mrs.  Robert 
C),  '31,  died  in  February,  1951. 

HELEN  E.  ROCKE,  '38 

Helen  E.  Rocke,  '38,  whose  home  was 
at  7412  Gleneagles  Road,  Norfolk  8,  Va., 
passed  away  during  the  month  of  Feb- 

A.M.  '40 

It  has  been  learned  by  the  Alumni 
Office  that  Eleanor  M.  Boatwright,  A.M. 
'40,  died  on  October  6,  1950. 

M.  C.  WOODS,  JR.,  L  '27 

It  has  been  learned  that  M.  C.  Woods, 
Jr.,  L  '27,  of  Marion,  S.  C,  is  deceased. 

C.  A.  BLACK,  '82 

It  has  been  learned  by  the  Alumni 
Office  that  C.  A.  Black,  '82,  of  Charlotte, 
N.  C,  is  deceased. 

Sculptor  of  Statues  on 
Duke  Campus  Dies 

Charles  Keck,  noted  sculptor  who 
executed  the  sarcophagi  of  James  B., 
Benjamin  N,  and  Washington  Duke  in  the 
University  Chapel  and  the  statue  of  James 
B.  Duke  which  stands  in  the  quadrangle 
in  front  of  the  Chapel,  died  April  23  at 
his  home,  Gypsy  Trail  Camp,  Carmel, 
N.  Y.,  at  the  age  of  76. 

A  native  of  New  York  City,  Mr.  Keck 
was  famous  for  the  heroic  monuments  he 
created  for  municipalities,  the  Federal 
Government,  and  civic  groups.  His  works 
may  be  found  in  virtually  every  state  in 
the  Union  and  several  foreign  countries. 

Mr.  Keck  designed  some  of  North 
Carolina's  best  known  monuments,  includ- 
ing the  monument  to  the  three  Presidents 
the  State  gave  to  the  nation,  located  on 
Capitol  Square  in  Raleigh;  and  the 
Charles  B.  Ayeock  monument  in  the 
United  States  Hall  of  Fame  in  Washing- 
ton, D.  C. 

One  of  his  best  known  works  is  the 
statue  of  Francis  P.  Duffy,  famous  fight- 
ing chaplain  of  New  York's  "Fighting 
69th"  during  the  first  World  War,  which 
stands  in  Times  Square,  New  York  City. 

At  the  time  of  his  death,  figures  which 
Mr.  Keck  had  designed  were  being  carved 
on  the  World  War  II  Memorial  on  the 
mall  leading  to  Borough  Hall  in  Brook- 
lyn. He  had  recently  finished  an  out- 
standing statue  of  Abraham  Lincoln  as  a 

Mr.  Keck  first  worked  with  the  sculptor 
Philip  Martini.  After  studying  at  the 
National  Academy  of  Design,  the  Art  Stu- 
dents League,  and  the  American  Academy 
in  Rome,  he  became  assistant  to  the 
world  renowned  sculptor  Augustus  St. 
Gaudens  in  1893.  His  style,  thereafter, 
followed  that  of  St.  Gaudens. 

Mr.  Keck  was  a  former  president  of 
the  National  Sculptors  Society,  of  the 
Century  Association,  the  Architectural 
League  and  the  Numismatic  Society. 

Surviving  are  the  widow,  and  his  sons, 
James  Charles.  Jr.,  '49,  now  a  second 
year  medical  student  at  Duke,  and  John 

[  Page  136  ] 





No,  but  she  is 
an  important  young  lady.  Her  hand  clasped  confidently 
in  mother's,  she's  leaving  the  hospital  after  a  minor 
operation.  Blue  Cross-Blue  Shield  benefits  will  take 
the  financial  sting  out  of  her  first  hospital  adventure 
— and  whether  or  not  she's  going  to  be  our  country's  first 
woman  president,  when  it  comes  to  sickness  expenses, 
her  future  looks  bright.    How  about  your  children? 





Campus  Interviews  on  Cigarette  Tests 
Number  8. ..the  Baltimore  oriole 

"I  don't 
go  for  a  wild 


lean-up  man  on  the  baseball  nine,  this  slugger  doesn't  like  to  reach 
for  'em  .  .  .  wants  it  right  over  the  plate.  And  that's  the  way  he 
likes  his  proof  of  cigarette  mildness !  No  razzle-dazzle  "quick-puff" 
tests  for  him.  No  one-whiff,  one-puff  experiments.  There's 
one  test,  he's  discovered,  that's  right  down  the  alley! 

It's  the  test  that  proves  what  cigarette  mildness  really  means. 
THE  SENSIBLE  TEST  .  .  .  the  30-Day  Camel  Mildness  Test, 
which  simply  asks  you  to  try  Camels  as  a  steady  smoke— on  a 
pack-after-pack,  day-after-day  basis.  After  you've  enjoyed 
Camels  — and  only  Camels  — for  30  days  in  your  "T-Zone" 
(T  for  Throat,  T  for  Taste) ,  we  believe  you'll  know  why . . . 

More  People  Smoke  Camels 

than  any  other  cigarette! 



June,  1951 

Alumni  Celebrate  at  '51  Commencement 



No  unpleasant  After-Taste 

Over  isoo  prominent 
tobacco  growers  say: 

"When  I  apply  the  Standard 
Tobacco  Growers'  Test  to 
cigarettes  I  find  Chesterfield 
is  the  one  that  smells  Milder 
and  smokes  Milder." 

REPORTS:  "Chesterfield  is 

the  only  cigarette  in  which 
members  of  our  taste  panel 
found  no  unpleasant 


See  DAN  DAILEY  Starting  in 

A  20th  Century-Fox  Production 






Copyright  1951,  Liggett  &  Myers  Tobacco  Co. 


(Member  of  American  Alumni  Council) 
Published  at  Durham,  N.  C,  Every  Month  in  th-e  Year  in  the  Interest  of  the  University  and  the  Alumni 

Volume  XXXVII 

June,  1951 

Number  6 


Editorials 139 

Year  Ends  on  Triumphant  Note 140 

Two  New  Trustees  Are  Named 141 

"In  Quest  of  the  Great  Age" 142 

"What  Do  You  Make  of  Life?" 143 

One  Million  Dollars  Left  to  Go 144 

Alumni  Association  Meets 146 

Local  Association  Meetings 148 

Law,  Nursing,  Diviniti/  Alumni  Meet 149 

Notes  from  the  Reunion  Classes 150 

Reunion  Photos 152-53 

Spring — A  Victory  Season 156 

Summer  Session  Events 157 

Dean  Cannon  Is  Installed 157 

Sons  and  Daughters 158 

News  of  the  Alumni 159 

Editor  and  Business  Manager 

Charles  A.  Dukes,  '29 

Managing  Editor Roger  L.  Marshall,    '42 

Associate  Editor Anne  Garrard,   '25 

Advertising  Manager Thomas  D.  Donegan 

Layout  Editor Ruth  Mart  Brown 

Staff   Photographer Jimmy   Whitley 

Two  Dollars  a  Year  20  Cents  .»  Copy 

Entered  as  Second-Class  Matter  at  the  Post 

Office  at  Durham,  N.  C,  Under  the  Act  of 

March   3,   1879. 


June  4,  1951 

Dottie   Lewis,   '46 

235  Greenwich 

San  Francisco,  Calif. 

Who  gave  you  the  word  on  my  doings?  I'm  sorry  I  haven't  kept  in 
touch.  It  certainly  has  not  been  for  lack  of  things  to  write  about  for 
I've  been  most  fortunate  in  leading  a  very  busy  and  exciting  life  for 
the  last  two  years. 

I  spent  a  year  and  a  half  in  that  most  wonderful  city  of  Seattle — 
flying  as  a  stewardess  for  Pan  American  to  Alaska  and  the  Yukon  Ter- 
ritory— Annette  Island,  Juneau,  Whitehorse,  Fairbanks  and  Nome.  I 
got  to  know  the  people  and  the  territory  pretty  well  by  flying  feeder 
lines  to  such  out  posts  as  Kotazabue — one  of  the  last  truly  Eskimo 
villages  on  the  Bering  Sea,  going  goose  hunting  and  skiing  in  the  hills 
behind  Fairbanks;  climbing  the  mountains,  flying  over  the  ice  caps  and 
down  into  remote  lakes  around  Juneau  to  go  trout  fishing,  and  even 
catching  large  salmon  by  hand  as  they  crowded  up  the  streams  on 
Annette  Island.  The  best  time  of  all  though  was  the  trip  another 
stewardess  and  I  made  in  a  small  boat  with  a  12-horsepower  outboard 
motor  down  the  Yukon  River  from  Whitehorse,  Y.  T.  to  Circle,  Alaska. 
The  737  miles  took  us  6V2  days — counting  time  out  to  visit  with  all  the 
old  timers  and  natives  along  the  way.  Spent  one  afternoon  in  Dawson 
and  another  in  Eagle.  The  rapids  were  very  tame,  and  the  wild  life, 
including  the  mosquitoes  (thank  goodness),  very  scarce — only  saw  one 
grizzly  and  chased  one  moose  that  was  swimming  the  river  'round  in 
circles.  We  would  have  loved  spending  3  weeks  or  more  on  the  trip 
but  Pan  American  had  to  have  us  back. 

In  Seattle  I  had  the  wonderful  experience  of  living  with  seven  other 
gals  in  a  four-bedroom  house  right  on  Lake  Washington  where  we  had 
our  own  dock  for  swimming  and  sunning.  Four  of  us  bought  a  sail 
boat  from  Hunter  Simpson,  a  boy  who  worked  for  IBM  in  Seattle  and 
of  whom  you'll  hear  more  later.  Our  summer  life  consisted  of  lake-side 
activities  plus  trips  down  the  Hood  Canal,  hiking  around  Mt.  Rainer, 
camping  in  the  Olympic  forest  and  jaunts  to  Vancouver  and  Victoria. 
In  winter  we  were  less  diversified,  just  skiing,  skiing  and  more  skiing. 
f Continued  on  Page  16S) 


Early  each  June,  on  a  Sunday  morning- — usually  a  hot  Sun- 
day morning — Duke  University's  seniors  file  into  Duke  Chapel 
for  their  final  religious  service  as  students.  The  seniors  are 
proud  and  happy,  because  they  have  accomplished  the  objective 
of  their  college  careers  and  are  about  to  receive  the  University's 
official  salute.  But  they  are  no  prouder  than  parents — and 
sometimes  brothers  and  sisters — who  come  to  see  them  graduate 
and  who  share  this  last  worship  service  with  them.  The  photog- 
rapher caught  the  crowd  just  at  the  conclusion  of  the  morning 

0*  >       A 

*r°^.      SB 

for  Dick  Williams 
wasn't  lost. 


The  last  thing  Ed  Nichols  had  ex- 
pected to  get  mixed  up  in  was  a 
square  dance.  But  here  he  was  swinging 
lovely  young  Patsy  Stevenson.  "This  is 
fun,"  Ed  puffed. 

"You're  the  best  oni  on  the  floor,  Mr. 
Nichols,"  she  said,  and  then  she  spun  off 
and  Ed  found  himself  swinging  Martha 
Williams.  "It's  a  great  party,  Martha." 

"Thank  you,  Ed.  I  guess  it  is.  I'm 
almost  having  a  good  time  myself." 

"It's  better  if  you  do,  Martha.  It'll 
make  it  a  little  easier,  maybe."  He  glanced 
at  Martha's  son,  Dick,  who  was  now  danc- 
ing with  Patsy — and  looking  as  if  he  were 
having  the  best  time  of  all.  Good  boy,  Ed 
thought.  Here  he  was  about  to  go  into 
service  and  .  .  .  well,  he  was  a  swell  kid. 

A  few  minutes  later  Ed  was  standing  on 
the  sidelines  sipping  a  cool  drink  and 

"Having  a  good  time,  Mr.  Nichols?" 
somebody  said.  It  was  Dick  Williams. 

"Yes,  I  am,  Dick."  He  paused  a  sec- 
ond. "I  had  hoped  that  I'd  be  seeing  you 
off  to  college  at  about  this  time  but  .  .  ." 

"Uncle  Sam  comes  first,  Mr.  Nichols. 
But  I'll  be  back  before  you  know  it  .  .  . 
and  heading  for  college  as  Dad  and  you 

"I  hope  you  will,  son.  Soon!"  Ed  re- 
membered how  Dick's  dad  had  talked 
about  the  boy's  future  and  how  he,  as  the 
New  York  Lite  agent,  had  helped  Dick's 
dad  give  those  plans  definite  form.  When 
Dick  was  ten,  his  father  had  died,  leaving 

the  boy  proud  memories  and  enough  life 
insurance  to  see  him  and  his  mother 
through  the  years  ahead. 

"I  want  you  to  know,  Mr.  Nichols,  that 
this  whole  thing  is  a  lot  easier  for  me, 
knowing  that  Mom  will  have  everything 
she  needs  while  I'm  away." 

"Mrs.  Nichols  and  I  will  look  in  on  her 
often,  Dick." 

"Thanks,"  the  boy  said  simply.  "And 
before  you  know  it,  we'll  throw  another 
party — after  I'm  back  from  service  and 
on  my  way  to  college."  Dick  shook  hands. 
"Now,  if  you'll  excuse  me,  I  want  to  find 
Patsy  Stevenson.  I  have  something  im- 
portant to  say  to  her  .  .  ." 

Ed  watched  the  boy  and  girl  going  out 
the  side  door.  "Great  kid,"  he  said  to 
himself.  "This  country's  got  a  great  future 
as  long  as  it  has  kids  like  that." 

51  Madison  Avenue,  New  York  10,  N.  Y. 

Naturally,  names  used  in  this  story  are  fictitious. 

Few  occupations  offer  a  man  so  much  in 
the  way  of  personal  reward  as  life  under- 
writing. Many  New  York  Life  agents  are 
building  very  substantial  futures  for  them- 
selves by  helping  others  plan  ahead  for 
theirs.  If  you  would  like  to  know  more 
about  a  life  insurance  career,  talk  it  over 
with  the  New  York  Life  manager  in  your 
community— or  write  to  the  Home  Office 
at  the  address  above. 


Volume  XXXVII 

June,  1951 

Number  6 

Another  Duke  Service 

Many  Dnke  alumni  will  remember  a  member  of  the 
faculty  by  the  name  of  Archibald  C.  Jordan.  They  will 
remember  him  as  being  a  person  who  believed  that  the 
students  who  attended  Duke  University  should  know  what 
to  do  with  the  English  language  when  they  had  occasion 
to  use  it.  As  a  Duke  alumnus  and  a  member  of  the  Eng- 
lish Department,  several  years  ago  Professor  Jordan,  in 
cooperation  with  the  North  Carolina  English  Teachers 
Association,  decided  that  the  time  had  come  for  someone 
to  do  something  about  the  kind  of  training  the  young 
people  were  getting  in  English  grammar.  He  asked  the 
English  teachers  in  the  colleges  and  universities,  as  well 
as  in  the  high  schools  of  North  Carolina,  to  take  aggressive 
action  to  improve  the  spelling,  punctuation,  and  rhetoric 
of  the  students  in  their  various  educational  systems.  One 
indication  of  how  fruitful  this  movement  has  been  is  the 
editorial  in  the  Charlotte  Observer  on  Monday,  June  11, 
entitled  " Students  Do  Write. "    It  follows:   ' 

"The  fellows  on  the  copy  desk  of  a  newspaper,  some 
of  whom  have  grown  gray  in  the  unheralded  work  of  cor- 
recting the  spelling,  punctuation,  and  rhetoric  of  the 
younger  news  writers,  may  be  pardoned  if  they  sometimes 
express  cynicism  about  the  teaching  of  English  in  high 
schools  and  colleges. 

' '  Their  common  complaint  is,  '  These  kids  can 't  even 
spell.  Why  I  couldn't  have  passed  out  of  the  fourth  grade 
f—  etc.  etc' 

"But  the  current  Student  Issue  of  The  North  Carolina 
English  Teacher,  containing  thirty-one  examples  of  com- 
positions written  in  the  high  school  English  classes  of 
North  Carolina,  proves  that  some  of  these  students — at 
least  thirty-one  of  them — can  really  write.  Moreover,  it 
gives  us  a  little  glow  of  pride  to  notice  that  six  of  the 
thirty-one  compositions  chosen  for  inclusion  in  the  pam- 
phlet were  written  by  students  of  Charlotte  High  School 
— the  largest  number  for  any  one  school. 

"The  compositions  include  short  stories,  descriptive 
sketches,  simple  narratives,  and  poetry.  All  of  them  are 
excellent,  and  some  of  the  poetry  is  of  a  distinctly  high 
caliber.  We  are  not  going  to  risk  the  usual  brickbats  that 
come  the  way  of  the  critic  by  singling  out  any  of  the  com- 
positions for  special  praise,  but  all  of  them  show  what 
good  teaching  can  do  with  good  talent. 

"Some  47  other  compositions,  not  included  in  the 
pamphlet,  were  given  honorable  mention,  and  since  they 
represent  high  schools  all  the  way  from  Wilmington  to 
Asheville — and  not  all  of  them  in  the  big  towns,  by  any 
means — it  must  be  conceded  that  the  teaching  of  English 
is  not  half  as  bad  as  it  is  sometimes  represented  to  be." 

The  author  of  the  editorial,  as  you  will  note,  wound  up 

by  saying  that  "the  teaching  of  English  is  not  half  as 
bad  as  it  is  sometimes  represented  to  be. ' '  We  like  to 
think  that  Duke  University,  through  one  of  its  professors 
in  service  to  education,  has  made  it  possible  for  the  author 
to  conclude  his  editorial  in  this  manner,  and  that  perhaps 
this  contribution  of  Duke  University  has  had  some  in- 
fluence in  improving  the  teaching  of  English.  Duke  Uni- 
versity continues  to  serve. 

Just  Rambling 

The  addition  this  year  to  the  Commencement  Program 
of  the  Hoof  'n'  Horn  presentation  on  Saturday  night  was 
a  success  by  any  measurement.  The  students  worked 
overtime  on  polishing  up  the  production  and  adding  new 
features,  until  it  would  have  been  a  credit  to  Broadway. 
The  alumni  and  the  University  are  grateful  to  them  for 
their  enthusiastic  cooperation  in  making  possible  this  de- 
lightful addition  to  the  Commencement  Week  End.  Ap- 
proximately 1,000  alumni,  parents,  students,  and  others 
were  on  hand  to  express  their  approval.  .  .  .  The  class 
of  '26,  the  Silver  Anniversary  class,  came  early  and  stayed 
late.  Its  round  of  festivities  was  one  of  the  most  complete  of 
any  25th  year  class.  In  fact,  those  present  had  such  a  good 
time  that  they  are  looking  forward  to  the  next  reunion  of 
the  class  with  renewed  enthusiasm.  .  .  .  More  alumni  and 
parents  stayed  on  the  campus  than  ever  before;  and,  in 
spite  of  the  fact  that  the  dormitories  are  not  especially 
prepared  to  take  care  of  groups  of  this  kind,  the  general 
opinion  was  that  the  parking  facilities,  the  good  fellow- 
ship, the  talkfest,  and  the  other  things  that  make  up  a 
well-rounded  visit  to  the  campus  outweighed  any  minor 
inconveniences  of  the  dormitories.  .  .  .  The  announcement 
by  President  Edens  that  the  alumni  and  friends  of  the 
University  had  raised  seven  and  a  half  million  dollars 
toward  a  goal  of  $8,650,000  was  most  encouraging.  The 
National  Council  unanimously  recommended  that  the 
Development  Campaign  be  continued  through  December 
31  in  order  to  raise  the  million  dollars  needed  to  reach 
our  goal.  There  seemed  to  be  a  general  feeling  the  goal 
of  a  million  dollars  would  not  only  be  reached  but  that 
it  would  be  surpassed.  .  .  .  The  hundreds  of  workers 
among  alumni  and  friends  of  the  University  have  not 
slackened  one  bit  in  their  efforts  to  make  this  program  an 
outstanding  one  in  the  history  of  the  University.  Not  only 
are  they  anxious  to  reach  the  goal  in  regard  to  the  amount 
of  money,  but  they  hope  that  every  former  student  and 
friend  of  the  University  will  have  his  name  on  the  final 
honor  roll. 

President  Edeus  receives  .  the  flag 
from  presidents  of  the  senior  classes 
to  officially  end  the  academic  year, 
while  rising  senior  presidents  look  on. 
Class  presidents  are,  left  to .  right : 
Connie  Woodward,  retiring  "Wom- 
an 's  College  senior  president ;  Bich- 
ard  J.  Crowder,  rising  senior  presi- 
dent ;  Alice  Jean  Younians,  rising 
Woman's  College  senior  president; 
and  Tom  Powers,  retiring  Trinity 
College  senior  president. 

Year  Ends  on  Triumphant  Note 

Development  Campaign  Total  of  S7, 500, 000  Is  Announced 

A  temperate  spring  gave  way  to  sum- 
mer -with  unweleonied  enthusiasm  during 
Commencement  week  end.  Temperatures 
hovered  between  95  and  100  degrees  in 
the  coolest  shade.  But  the  sudden  inva- 
sion of  an  equatorial  sun  failed  miserably 
if  its  intent  was  to  parch  the  spirit  of 
over  1,200  graduating  students,  their 
parents,  a  thousand  celebrating  alumni, 
and  hosts  of  other  visitors  to  the  campus. 

This  1951  Commencement  Week  End 
will  be  remembered  as  one  of  Duke's 
brightest.  Those  former  students  who 
returned  for  class  reunions  and  other 
alumni  events  made  the  Gothic  halls  of 
West  Campus  ring  with  the  good  will 
and  good  cheer  of  fellowship  and  loyalty. 
While  falling  slightly  short  of  being  the 
largest  alumni  turnout,  this  year's  crowd 
was,  without   doubt,  one  of  the  liveliest. 

There  was  cause  for  jubilation.  Over 
and  above  the  fun  of  meeting  old  class- 
mates and  girl  friends,  of  dinners  and 
picnics,  there  was  a  sense  of  serious  ac- 
complishment that  lent  the  1951  Com- 
mencement observances  an  air  of  tri- 

The  Big  Announcement 

President  Edens.  speaking  before  the 
graduating  class  in  the  Indoor  Stadium 
on  Monday  morning,  made  public  an  an- 
nouncement that  had  been  made  privately 
twice  before :  first  before  the  National 
Council   Saturday  afternoon,  and  second 

before  the  General  Alumni  Association 
Saturday  evening. 

Monday  the  public  was  allowed  to  hear 
the  news  that  alumni  had  heard  two  days 
earlier : 

Through  the  Duke  University  Develop- 
ment Campaign,  Duke's  alumni  and 
friends  had  raised  $7,500,000  for  "a 
greater  Duke,"  and  the  immediate  goal 
of  the  campaign  was  but  one  million 
dollars  away! 

Furthermore,  the  President  announced, 
work  would  soon  start  on  the  final  major 
building  project  of  the  program,  the  new 
Administration  and  Classroom  Building, 
scheduled  for  the  corner  of  the  quad- 
rangle directly  across  from  the  West 
Campus  Library. 

Additional  details  of  the  Development 
Program's  achievements  during  1950-51 
are  carried  in  this  issue  of  the  Register 
with  the  story  of  the  National  Council 

Another  Large  Class 

Degrees  awarded  at  graduation  exer- 
cises numbered  1,216.  Of  these  137  were 
earned  as  of  September  1,  1950,  and  the 
rest    during   the    current    academic   year. 

The  University's  three  undergraduate 
colleges  produced  691  candidates  for  de- 
grees this  year.  Trinity  College  offered 
369  for  the  Bachelor  of  Arts  and  19  for 
the  Bachelor  of  Science;  the  Woman's 
College    197    for    the    Bachelor    of    Arts 

and  nine  for  the  Bachelor  of  Science; 
and  the  College  of  Engineering  46  for 
Bachelor  of  Science  in  Mechanical  Engi- 
neering, 21  in  Electrical  Engineering, 
and  20  in  Civil  Engineering. 

Graduate  and  professional  school  de- 
grees, numbering  525,  were  broken  down 
as  follows : 

Diploma  in  Nursing,  39 ;  Bachelor  of 
Science  in  Medicine,  4;  Doctor  of  Medi- 
cine, 76;  Bachelor  of  Laws,  78;  Master 
of  Laws,  5;  Bachelor  of  Divinity,  33; 
Master  of  Religious  Education,  3;  Master 
of  Education,  1 ;  Master  of  Arts,  46 ;  Doe- 
tor  of  Philosophy,  56;  Master  of  For- 
estry,  45;  and  Doctor  of  Forestrv,  2. 

The  Robert  E.  Lee  Prize,  presented 
to  a  member  of  the  senior  class  on  the 
basis  of  leadership,  character,  schol- 
arship and  athletic  ability,  went  this 
year  to  Noyes  Thompson  (Tom) 
Powers,  of  Cumberland,  Md.  It  is  the 
University's   highest    student   honor. 

Tom,  who  graduated  magna  cum 
laude,  was  a  member  of  Phi  Beta 
Kappa,  Omicron  Delta  Kappa,  senior 
class  president,  a  member  of  the  hon- 
orary society  Red  Friars,  and  an  out- 
standing football  and  baseball  star. 
The  Robert  E.  Lee  prize  is  the  gift  of 
the  Rev.  A.  W.  Plyler,  '92,  and  Mrs. 

[  Page  140  1 


A  number  of  those  seniors  receiving 
degrees  were  simultaneously  given  re- 
serve commissions  in  various  branches 
of  the  armed  service.  Four  Army  Air 
Force  commissions  were  granted,  the  first 
since  the  Duke  Air  R.O.T.C.  was  or- 
ganized two  years  ago.  The  Navy  com- 
missioned 39  ensigns,  the  Marine  Corps 
six  second  lieutenants,  and  one  doctor 
was  commissioned  into  the  Medical  Corps. 
Six  other  Duke  doctors  have  been  com- 
missioned in  the  Army  during  the  aca- 
demic year. 

It  might  be  anticipated  that  a  number 
of  other  graduates  will  be  inducted  into 
the  armed  service  with  somewhat  less 
ceremony  in  coming  weeks. 

No  Time  for  Neutral  Minds 

An  audience  of  parents,  alumni,  and 
visitors  estimated  at  6,000  was  on  hand 
in  the  Indoor  Stadium  to  witness  the 
exercises.  The  academic  procession,  which 
began  forming  in  the  traditional  manner 
along  the  walk  from  the  Clock  Tower  to 
the  gymnasium  at  9:15  a.m.,  attracted  a 
host  of  amateur  photographers  anxious 
to  record  on  film  their  graduating  sons 
and  daughters  and  the  colorful  pageantry 
of  caps  and  gowns. 

The  Honorable  W.  Kerr  Scott,  gov- 
ernor of  North  Carolina,  delivered  the 
message  to  the  graduating  class.  Com- 
mencement speaker  was  Robert  D. 
Calkins,  Ph.D.,  LL.D.,  director  of  the 
General  Education  Board  of  the  Rocke- 
feller Foundation. 

In  the  presidential  address  to  the  de- 
cree  candidates,   Dr.   Edens   commented : 

"The  University  believes  in  you;  other- 
wise she  would  not  have  placed  the  im- 
print of  her  seal  upon  you.  The  members 
af  the  faculty  and  your  other  friends  in 
the  University  will  remember  you  for 
what  you  were  at  your  best  in  conduct 
and  performance.  They  will  expect  much 
from  you  in  the  future. 

"You  have  come  in  contact  while  here 
with  men  and  women  of  strong  convic- 
tions. This  is  no  time  for  neutral  minds. 
The  University  stands  for  something.  It 
believes  in  something.  It  expects  the 
same  of  you,  and  we  have  confidence  that 
you,  as  educated  men  and  women,  will 
subject  your  judgments  always  to  the 
noblest  criteria  which  educated  men  and 
women  have  devised." 

Approximately  one-third  of  the  de- 
crees awarded  this  year  went  to  students 
who  are  native  North  Carolinians.  The 
graduating  class  contained  representa- 
tives of  40  states  and  eight  foreign  coun- 
tries. The  1950-51  student  body  at  Duke 
was  composed  of  students  from  all  48 
states  and  33  foreign  countries. 

Mrs.  Marshall  T.  Spears,  '14 

C.  B.  Houck,  '22 

Two  New  Trustees  Are  Named 

Mrs.  Marshall  T.  Spears  Becomes  First 
Woman  Board  Member 

Estelle  Flowers  Spears  (Mrs.  Marshall 
T.),  '14,  of  Durham,  has  become  the  first 
woman  member  of  the  Duke  University 
Board  of  Trustees  in  the  110-year  history 
of  Duke  University  and  Trinity  College. 
She  and  C.  B.  Houck,  '22,  out-going  presi- 
dent of  the  General  Alumni  Association, 
were  named  to  the  Board  to  fill  the  posts 
of  Dr.  Robert  L.  Flowers,  A.M.  '04,  chan- 
cellor and  former  Duke  president,  and 
James  A.  B°ll,  '86,  former  vice-chairman 
of  the  Board,  respectively. 

Mrs.  Spears  is  the  sister  oi  Dr.  Flowers, 
whom  she  succeeds.  He  will  continue  to 
serve  as  honorary  member  and  as  trustee 
emeritus.  Mr.  Bell  has  resigned,  and  will 
also  be  trustee  emeritus.  The  Board  elect- 
ed Norman  Cocke,  of  Charlotte,  N.  C.  to 
succeed  Mr.  Bell  to  the  vice-chairmanship. 

A  native  of  Taylorsville,  N.  C,  Mrs. 
Spears  moved  to  Durham  with  her  family 
in  1904.  She  was  graduated  from  Trinity 
Park  Preparatory  School  and  from  Trin- 
ity College,  magna  cum  laude.  She  is 
married  to  Marshall  T.  Spears,  Durham 
attorney  and  former  judge  of  the  Superior' 
Court  of  North  Carolina.  Their  son, 
Marshall  T.  Spears,  Jr.,  was  graduated 
from  Duke  in  1947. 

Having  previously  served  as  president 
of  the  Duke  University  Alumnae  Associa- 
tion, Mrs.  Spears  is  a  member  of  the 
executive  committee  of  the  Friends  of  the 
Duke  University  Library.  She  is  a  trus- 
tee of  Wright's  Refuge  in  Durham  and 
of  Lake  Junaluska   Assemblv.     In   addi- 

tion, she  is  a  member  of  the  Board  of 
Methodist  Retirement  Homes,  Inc.,  Duke 
Memorial  Methodist  Church,  and  president 
of  that  Church's  Woman's  Society  of 
Christian  Service.  She  was  a  member  of 
Kappa  Delta  sorority  at  Duke. 

Mr.  Houck,  who  served  as  president  of 
the  Duke  General  Alumni  Association  dur- 
ing 1950-51,  is  president  of  the  Houck 
Advertising  Agency  in  Roanoke,  Va.  He 
was  born  in  Todd,  N.  C,  and  is  married 
to  the  former  Margaret  Moore  McGuire 
of  Yanceyville,  N.  C. 

The  first  member  of  the  Duke  One  Hun- 
dred Group,  Mr.  Houck's  efforts  during 
the  past  year  have  contributed  greatly 
to  the  success  of  the  Duke  Development 
Campaign.  For  a  number  of  years,  he 
has  been  one  of  the  top  Duke  alumni 

Mr.  Houck/formerly  taught  in  North 
Carolina  hign  schools  at  Bailey  and 
Greensborb,  and  at  High  Point  College. 
He  served  on  the  editorial  staff  of  the 
Winston-Salem  Sentinel.  In  1928  he  es- 
tablished Houck  and  Company  after  serv- 
ing as  editor  of  the  Southern  Furniture 
Journal  for  two  years. 

He  is  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Trus- 
tees of  Union  Theological  Seminary, 
Richmond,  Va. ;  deacon  of  the  First  Pres- 
byterian Church  of  Roanoke;  member  of 
the  Rotary  and  Commonwealth  Clubs  of 
Roanoke  and  Richmond;  and  the  Roa- 
noke, Richmond,  and  Virginia  State 
Chambers  of  Commerce. 


[  Page  141  ] 

"In  Quest  of  the  Great  Age" 

FJ.ccerpts  from   the  'Commencement 


by  Robert  D.  Calkins,  Director 

General  Education  Board 

Half  a  century  ago,  shortly  after  his 
election  as  President  of  Princeton  Uni- 
versity, Woodrow  Wilson,  speaking  on 
"The  Ideals  of  America"  at  ceremonies 
commemorating  the  one  hundredth  and 
twenty-fifth  anniversary  of  the  Battle  of 
Trenton,  concluded  his  remarks  by  re- 
ferring to  this  country's  coming  day  of 
strength  in  the  Twentieth  Century : 

"It  is  by  the  widening  of  vision,"  he 
said,  "that  nations,  as  men,  grow  and  are 
made  great.  We  need  not  fear  the  ex- 
panding scene."  .  .  . 

Woodrow  Wilson  foresaw,  as  others 
have  foreseen,  the  coming  shift  of  politi- 
cal and  economic  power  in  the  Twenti- 
eth Century.  But  he  could  not  foresee, 
as  one  rarely  can,  the  precise  events  by 
which  those  shifts  would  be  brought 
about.    .  .  . 

Our  day  of  strength  has  arrived,  and 
yet  the  vision  with  which  we  were  ex- 
pected to  exercise  that  tremendous  power 
is  so  wanting  or  uncertain,  that  we  now 
th;nk  less  of  establishing  the  great  age 
of  which  Wilson  spoke,  than  of  avoiding 
wholesale  destruction  of  the  things  that 
mark  our  civilization.    .  .  . 

Upon  thinking  people,  such  as  you 
in  this  audience,  falls  in  your  time  the 
major  responsibility  for  turning  help- 
lessness into  mastery,  drift  into  purpose- 
ful direction,  and  ideals  into  realities.  In 
a  republic  such  as  ours,  where  the  people 
govern,  even  if  only  by  consent,  thinking 
people  and  universities,  like  this,  which 
develop  the  capacity  for  thought  and  vis- 
ion, hold  the  only  power  we  have  to 
steer  our  course  in  the  surging  torrent 
of  world  events  in  which  we  now  move. 

Tou  who  will  shortly  take  over  the 
direction  of  affairs  in  this  country  may 
wish  to  pursue  your  careers  and  seek 
your  own  quiet  lives  undisturbed,  as  men 
have  done  before  you;  but  the  world  of 
your  times  is  destined  to  allow  you  no 
such  retreat.  Because  of  this  nation's 
power  and  influence,  your  behavior  and 
even  your  attitudes  have  become  of  vital 
concern  to  distant  peoples  whom  you 
mav  never  see  and  never  know.    .  .  . 

Perhaps  the  greatest  difficulty  we  must 
overcome  in  order  to  play  the  interna- 
tional role  to  which  we  have  fallen  heir 
is  our  want  of  historical  and  cultural 
perspective  for  dealing  with  other 
peoples.    We  are  new  at  world   politics, 

Robert  D.  Calkins 

and  heretofore  we  have  seen  little  need 
for  an  understanding  of  remote  people 
beyond  the  orbit  of  our  traditions.  Xow 
suddenly  we  find  the  whole  world  stirring 
with  ambitions,  or  being  stirred  by  friend 
or  foe.  Our  neglect  of  education  relating 
to  foreign  cultures  and  world  history  has 
left  us  bewildered  and  unable  to  under- 
stand the  forces  at  work  in  critical  places 
whose  names  and  locations  we  searcely 
know.    .  .  . 

One  of  the  most  immediate  threats  to 
our  conception  of  life  is  Russian  impe- 
rialism and  communism.  Of  them  we 
know  relatively  little,  yet  with  them  we 
must  contend.  But  it  is  illusion  to  re- 
gard communism  and  Russian  imperial- 
ism as  the  sole  obstacles  to  peace  and 
harmony.    .  .  . 

Whether  we  seek  allies  for  a  balance 
of  power  against  totalitarian  commu- 
nism, or  in  the  longer  view  seek  friendly 
relations  in  a  world  in  which  communist 
imperialism  has  been  contained  or  re- 
moved, we  must  recognize  our  own  weak- 
ness in  the  eyes  of  others.  We  are  a 
wealthy  nation  with  good  intentions,  but 
we  are  not  wholly  trusted  even  by  our 
allies.  They  dislike  much  of  our  be- 
havior, and  too  many  of  us  hold  the  no- 
Con,  widely  suspect  beyond  our  borders, 
that  if  only  other  nations  would  adopt 
our  institutions  and  ways — democracy, 
free  enterprise,  materialistic  objectives, 
and  neighborly  good-will  toward  others — 
concord  and  progress  would  be  assured. 
This  to  foreign  countries  is  often  uncon- 
vincing or  unpalatable  in  their  customs. 

Since  the  Great  Discoveries  of  the  fif- 
teenth century,  European  supremacy,  oc- 

cidental civilization  and  Christianity  have 
been  extended  to  the  far  corners  of  the 
earth.  For  four  hundred  years  we  have 
come  to  think  of  European  strength  and 
culture  as  the  only  influence  of  conse- 
quence in  the  world.  We  have  forgotten 
that  prior  to  the  Great  Discoveries, 
China,  India  and  the  Islam  states  wercs 
and  had  been  for  years  the  dominant 
powers  in  the  world.    ... 

Whether  or  not  the  era  of  occidental 
supremacy  has  passed,  the  era  of  in-? 
creasing  influence  from  non-Western 
cultures  is  at  hand.  In  grasping  this  sit- 
uation we  are  at  a  disadvantage  for  we 
know  little  of  these  cultures.  As  Toynbee 
explains  (Civilizations  on  Trial)  the  stir- 
rings in  non-Western  societies  are  of  our 
own  making.  We  have  provided  them 
with  Western  ideas  and  education,  and 
they  have  incorporated  these  influences 
and  our  history  into  theirs,  thus  broaden- 
ing and  transcending  their  own  culture. 
We,  on  the  other  hand,  have  retained  our 
parochial  self-centered  Western  outlook, 
that  scarcely  recognizes  the  existence  of 
any  culture  but  our  own.  If  we  are  to 
deal  with  these  peoples  and  the  forces 
around  us,  and  that  we  must,  we  have  no 
choice  but  to  acquire  an  understanding 
of  the  culture  and  behavior  of  those  who 
lie   outside  the  Western   tradition.     .   .   . 

Our  task  is  very  different  from  that  of 
previous  world  powers.  Heretofore,  the 
great  powers  have  had  large  sprawling 
empires  reaching  over  several  continents. 
In  their  outlying  regions  they  have  had  a 
direct  economic  and  political  stake  and 
the  obligation  to  rule.  The  British,  the 
Dutch,  the  French  and  the  Germans  pre- 
pared themselves  for  the  world  politics  of 
their  time  and  acquired  something  of  a 
cosmopolitan  outlook.  We,  on  the  other 
hand,  seek  no  world  empire;  we  have  no 
desire  to  rule  other  lands;  we  welcome 
self-rule  and  independence.  We  seek  to 
wield  no  power  over  other  peoples  save 
that  of  persuasive  good-will  and  helpful- 
ness. We  seek  to  spread  occidental  ideas 
— our  brand  of  Western  ideas — without 
coercion,  through  lands  where  Western 
influence  has  been  before,  but  at  a  time 
when  those  lands  are  throwing  off  the 
harness  of  occidental  rule.    .  .  . 

As  a  people  we  possess  more  than  a 
vast  scientific  knowledge  and  industrial 
capacity,  more  than  material  comfort  and 
devotion  to  ideals  of  freedom.  We  place 
no  limit  upon  our  capacity  to  discovei 
further  knowledge  of  the  physical  uni- 
verse and  put  it  to  man's  use.  We  have 
only  recently  come  to  suspect  that  the 
materialism  and  physical  comfort  foi 
which  we  are  distinguished  is  not  the 
whole  of  a  great  life,  nor  the  whole  of  a 

[  Page  142  ] 


great  civilization.  When  we  turn  our 
attention  and  energies  resolutely  to  dis- 
cover man's  experience  and  possibilities 
for  rounding  out  great  lives  and  great 
cultures,  we  may  find  the  missing  route 
to  the  great  age,  not  only  for  themselves, 
but  for  peoples  who  desire  to  share  its 
blessings  everywhere.    .  .  . 

Our  universities  have  long  approached 
the  physical  world  in  search  of  universal 
uniformities,  but  in  the  social  and  cul- 
tural fields  they  have  ventured  little  be- 
yond our  Western  heritage.  Unless  I  mis- 
read  the   signs,   we   are   now   entering  a 

period  when,  from  practical  necessity, 
we  shall  lift  our  eyes  and  examine  civili- 
zations that  up  to  now  we  have  ignored. 
From  a  study  of  their  history,  their  in- 
stitutions, their  religions,  their  aspira- 
tions and  their  conduct,  we  shall  gain 
understanding  and  acquire  vision  for  the 
mission  that  falls  to  us  in  our  day  of 
strength.  From  that  study  of  non- West- 
ern cultures  we  may  enrich  our  own 
heritage  and  carry  men  forward  not  only 
to  a  better  life,  but  to  a  better  compre- 
hension of  a  universe,  the  penetration  of 
whose  mysteries  is  man's  unending  cjuest. 

"What  Do  You  Make  of  Life?" 

A   digest   of   the    Baccalaureate    Sermon 
by  The  Reverend  Paul  Eh r man  Scherer, 

»  Professor  of  Homiletics 

Union    Theological   Seminary 

Ask  the  next  person  you  meet  that 
question,  and  the  chances  are  he  will 
answer  you  quite  flatly,  Nothing.  Noth- 
ing at  all.  It's  a  hopeless  jumble.  Things 
just  go  round  and  round,  toward  the 
hole  in  the  sink.  You  fight  a  war  to 
make  the  world  safe  for  democracy,  and 
there's  less  democracy  when  you  finish 
than  there  was  when  you  began.  Then 
you  fight  another  war  for  the  four 
freedoms;  and  the  outcome?  More  be- 
devilment  than  ever  with  want  and  fear; 
and  every  man's  religion  is  free  only  to 
accommodate  itself  to  his  side  of  the  iron 
curtain,  or  to  bow  itself  off  the  stage  en- 
tirely, with  its  hat  under  its  arm,  into 
the  comforts  of  the  Gospel.  I  can  make 
nothing  of  life,  says  the  man  on  the 

But  put  the  question  to  him  a  bit  dif- 
ferently. Ask  him  this  time,  What  do 
you  make  of  life?  That  undercuts  the 
puzzle.  If  he  answers  now,  I  can  make 
nothing  of  it,  he's  talking  wTorse  than 
nonsense;  he's  taken  to  lying.  A  good 
deal  can  be  made  of  it.  A  good  deal  has 
been  made  of  it. 

Here  you  are,  on  the  threshold  of  a 
world  that  isn't  exactly  holding  out  its 
arms  to  you  in  eager  welcome.  It's  a 
world  with  a  frowning  face  behind  its 
fitful  smile,  threatening  every  other  year 
or  two  to  fall  apart  half  a  dozen  ways  in- 
to ruin.  The  issue  is  going  to  depend  in 
far  greater  measure  than  you  imagine  on 
how  your  generation  regards  this  Chris- 
tian faith  to  which  you  have  fallen  heir. 
It  is  intended  to  be  essentially  creative. 
It  is  here  to  make  a  difference,  both  in- 
side and  out.  Not  to  repair  a  breach  in 
the  walls.    Not  to  shore  up  the  founda- 

The  Rev.  Paul  Ehrman  Scherer 

tions.  Not  to  patch  the  roof  where  the 
rain  comes  in.  To  shape  order  out  of 
chaos.  To  stand  against  some  darkness 
or  some  void  and  watch  the  light  come. 
To  have  a  go  at  shaping  where  you  are 
some  little  corner  of  God's  kingdom,  as 
a  potter  shapes  a  vase.  To  chisel  out  of 
the  crude  granite  of  the  world  "carved 
angels,  eager-eyed,  with  hair  blown  back, 
and  wings  put  cross-wise  on  their 
breasts,"  "choir  over  choir,  face  to  face 

There  is  no  earthly  objection  to  any- 
body's .using  Christianity  as  a  refuge. 
Never  offer  any  apologies  for  it  on  that 
score.  There  are  times  when  we  need 
shelter :  shelter  from  the  mind's  fear  and 
the  heart's  anguish,  from  sheer  futility 
and  despair.  But  God  help  us  if  we  go 
on  thinking  that's  enough !  Nobody  can 
stand  still  and  be  safe  by  fighting  off  at- 
tack. A  nation  can't,  an  army  can't,  and 
a  soul  can't.  Sometimes  we  talk  about 
saving  Protestantism.  On  the  global  scale 
we  are  busy  saving  our  American  enter- 

prise against  the  inroads  of  Communism. 
And  do  you  know  what  it  all  means? 
It  means  that  both  of  them — Protestant- 
ism and  the  American  ideal — are  in  a  bad 
way!  The  ultimate  secret  of  physical 
health  doesn't  lie  in  brushing  your  teeth 
and  gargling  and  spraying  yourself  with 

Why  is  it  so  hard  to  learn  as  much 
about  these  things  in  our  Western  cul- 
ture with  which  we  have  fallen  so  deeply 
in  love?  Unless  we  can  manage  somehow 
to  get  them  out  from  under  the  defenses 
we  have  been  trying  to  build  around 
them,  and  set  them  on  their  feet  in  the 
world's  face,  conquering  and  to  conquer, 
they're  done! 

Paul  was  sure  that  the  Christian  faith 
was  essentially  creative,  that  it  was  here 
to  make  a  difference.  And  he  was  sure 
of  this  too :  that  with  such  an  incom- 
parably great  thing  as  the  grace  of  God 
involved  in  it,  nobody  could  ever  be  satis- 
fied to  set  it  meagre  tasks  or  reap  from 
it  meagre  harvests.  That  was  unthink- 
able. To  have  the  whole  of  God  in  your 
hands — that's  what  he  says — to  no  point 
and  no  effect,  would  be  to  harness  the 
tides  and  turn  not  even  a  flutter-mill ! 
That  would  be  to  garner  the  driving 
energies  of  all  Creation,  and  use  them  for 
no  purpose!  He  wasn't  afraid  that  God 
would  waste  anything :  he  was  afraid  that 
people  would  waste  God!  Mavbe  you  can 
set  that  God  ?s  he  did — and  it  was  no 
fool's  errand ! — against  the  world  you 
have  on  your  books.  God  will  not  tell  us 
how  to  whip  the  Russians.  He  had  no 
word  for  Paul  about  how  to  whip  Rome. 
He  has  a  word  about  human  life,  and  He 
has  a  word  about  Himself :  I  the  Lord 
thy  God  have  spoken  it.  It  shall  come  to 

But  that  word  isn't  for  anybody  who 
keeps  feeling  his  spiritual  pulse,  or  look- 
ing on  from  the  side-lines  to  see  how  the 
game  is  going  now.  It  isn't  for  anybody 
who  hoards  the  faith  he  has,  and  thinks 
that  Christianity  is  his  own  private  road 
to  peace  of  mind.  It's  for  those  who  will 
confront  the  world  again  with  God's 
creative  challenge :  men  and  women,  as 
Visser  t'  Hooft  has  put  it,  who  will  raise 
the  simple,  direct,  concrete,  primeval  hu- 
man issues,  about  our  racial  inequalities, 
our  moral  indifference  to  the  rights  of 
others,  our  callous  exploitation  of  every- 
thing' in  the  heaven  above  and  in  the 
earth  beneath.  It's  for  those  who  with- 
out fear  of  result  or  hope  of  reward  will 
take  their  place  on  the  side  of  the  poor 
and  the  needy  and  the  disinherited  :  not 
to  solve  the  sterile  problems  of  living,  but 
to  set  once  more  for  men  the  problem  of 


[  Page  143  1 

One  Million  Dollars  Left  to  Go 

National  Council  Surveys  a  Year  of  Great  Achievement  and  Plans  New  Moves 

Duke  University's  drive  toward  an  im- 
mediate $8,650,000  Development  Program 
goal  during  1950-51  has  produced 

This  was  announced  for  the  first  time, 
officially,  by  Benjamin  F.  Few,  '15,  A.M. 
'16,  at  the  Commencement  meeting  of 
the  National  Council  on  Saturday.  June 
2,  the  very  day  that  the  $7,500,000  figure 
was  reached. 

The  national  chairman  emphasized,  in 
his  announcement,  the  double  importance 
of  the  approximately  $1,000,000  still 
needed  to  reach  the  $S,650,000  objective. 
This  sum  must  be  raised  as  part  of  the 
$3,000,000  still  required  to  match  gifts 
offered  by  the  General  Education  Board 
and  an  anonymous  donor  on  a  contingent 

Edwin  L.  Jones,  '12,  of  Charlotte,  N. 
C,  presiding  at  the  meeting,  in  the  ab- 
sence of  Chairman  Kenneth  II.  Brim,  '20, 
reminded  Council  members  that  the  total 
announced  included  these  contingent 
funds,  and  that  all  of  the  money  cannot 
be  counted  as  actually  in  hand  until  the 
last  dollar  of  the  matching  fund  is 

The  Council  then  unanimously  carried 
a  motion  by  Mr.  Few  that  the  campaign 
be  extended  to  December  31,  1951,  and 
that  alumni  who  have  volunteered  to 
serve  as  campaign  workers  be  requested 
to  dedicate  their  efforts  to  raising  the 
amount  still  necessary  to  the  goal  within 
the  next  six  months. 

Alonzo  C.  Edwards,  '25,  new  National  Council  Chairman,  inspects  the  Devel 
opruent  Campaign  display  in  the  Union  lobby  during  Commencement. 

"This  next  $1,000,000,"  Mr.  Few  com- 
mented, "should  be  within  easy  reach.  I 
would  remind  you  that  only  a  small  per- 
centage of  our  fellow-alumni  have  thus 
far  pledged  to  give  to  this  program.  This 
is  true  primarily  because  only  a  small 
percentage  has  as  yet  been  asked  to  give. 
Among  those  who  have  been  asked,  the 
response  has  been  great. 

"In  the  sort  of  an  intensified  campaign 

necessary  to  raise  the  kind  of  mone? 
Duke  must  have,  it  has  been  impossible 
to  reach  into  every  segment  of  the  alumni 
body  within  the  time  that  has  elapsed 
Nor  has  there  been  available  a  staff  largi 
enough  to  push  this  thing  everywhere  i 
should  be  pushed. 

"TVe  have,  therefore,  an  opportunity 
to  reach  our  goal  by  extending  our  plei 
to  all  of  our  alumni.  If  we  can  get  thi 
participation  that  the  Loyalty  Fund  hai 
enjoyed  in  past  years,  with  an  averagi 
gift  equal  to  that  of  this  past  year*! 
Development  Campaign,  then  success  is  J 
foregone   conclusion." 

The  Source  Is  Important 

During  the  discussion  of  Mr.  FeVi 
motion  to  extend  the  campaign  until  th< 

Discussing  the  Development  Cam 
paign  of  the  past  year,  and  obviouslj 
pleased  with  what  has  been  accom- 
plished, are  (left  to  right)  President 
Edens;  Benjamin  F.  Few,  '15.  thf 
campaign's  national  chairman:  Ales 
H.  Sands.  Jr.,  of  the  Duke  Endow- 
ment and  a  University  trustee,  and] 
Chairman  of  the  Board  of  Trustees, 
Senator  "Willis  Smith.  The  four  wera 
photographed  in  informal  conference] 
just  prior  to  the  National  Coimcilj 

[  Page  144  ] 


end  of  the  current  calendar  year,  Leo  S. 
Brady,  '23,  of  New  York  City  com- 
mented : 

"Out  of  the  more  than  25,000  prospects 
the  amount  subscribed  to  date  has  been 
from  about  4,000  alumni  and  friends. 
We  need  to  raise  the  money,  but  equally 
important  is  the  source  of  that  money. 
Along  with  our  attempts  to  raise  the 
money  should  go  the  attempt  to  visit 
personally  every  single  alumnus  and  to 
obtain  some  subscription,  no  matter  how 
small.  Much  of  the  lack  of  response  is 
jdue  to  the  fact  that  our  alumni  are  not 
in  the  habit  of  giving.  I  have  a  notion 
that  we  ought  to  start  getting  that  habit." 

Members  of  the  Council  were  wel- 
comed by  President  Edens  at  the  opening 
of  their  Commencement  meeting.  The 
President  expressed  to  each  of  them  his 
own  and  the  University's  deep  apprecia- 
tion for  the  part  that  they  had  played, 
by  giving  of  their  time  and  their  means, 
in  the  great  success  of  the  1950-51  cam- 

Dr.  Edens  revealed  to  alumni  at  the 
'General  Alumni  Association  dinner  Sat- 
urday night  the  news  of  the  Development 
Campaign's  outstanding  success.  On 
Monday  he  announced  it  to  the  public 
at  graduation  exercises  and  added  that 
[the  proposed  Administration  and  Class- 
iroom  Building  would  soon  begin  to  rise 
on  West  Campus. 

Each  member  of  the  National  Council 
was  given  a  full  and  detailed  report  of 
|the  campaign,  with  results  by  regions, 
classes,  and  schools.  The  report  for  the 
Current  fiscal  year  will  not  be  complete 
pntil  June  30.  Later  some  of  the  details 
bf  the  results  of  the  campaign  will  be 
published  for  all  alumni  to  examine. 

Edwards  Is  New  Chairman 

Alonzo  C.  Edwards,  '25,  of  Hooker- 
Iton,  N.  C,  was  unanimously  elected 
bhairman  of  the  National  Council  for 
1951-52.  Mr.  Edwards  is  one  of  North 
Carolina's  leading  farmers  and  has  been 
prominent  in  State  and  national  farm  or- 
ganizations for  a  number  of  years.  Vig- 
)rous  and  active  and  an  able  leader,  he 
s  expected  to  direct  the  efforts  of  the 
National  Council  to  a  successful  culmina- 
ion  of  the  current  campaign  for  urgently 
leeded  funds. 

Mr.  Edwards  succeeds  Kenneth  M. 
irim,  '20,  of  Greensboro,  N.  C,  who  was 
inable  to  attend  the  Commencement 
neeting  of  the  Council  because  of  busi- 
less  of  an  emergency  nature.  Mr.  Brim, 
vho  has  been  outstanding  in  University 
ictivities  during  the  year,  has  drawn 
ligh  praise  from  President  Edens  and 
rom  fellow-Council  members  for  his 

Elected  vice-chairman  of  the  National 
Council  was  Dr.  H.  K.  Terry,  '36,  of 
Miami,  Fla.  Dr.  Terry  received  the 
D.M.D.  from  Harvard  in  1940. 

Named  to  the  executive  committee  were 
Edwin  L.  Jones,  Jr.,  B.S.C.E.  '48; 
Charles  S.  Clegg,  '26;  and  B.  Everett 
Jordan,  '18.  Elected  representatives-at- 
large  to  the  Council  were  Mr.  Jones; 
Charles  S.  Rhyne,  '34;  Mr.  Jordan;  Leon 
S.  Ivey,  '26;  and  Estelle  Flowers  Spears 
(Mrs.  Marshall  T.),  '14. 

The  slate  of  officers  was  presented  by 
Richard  E.  Thigpen,  '22,  on  behalf  of 
the    Executive    Committee. 

After  Four  Years 

After  four  full  years  of  activity,  the 
Duke  University  National  Council,  or- 
ganized in  1947,   can  look  back  upon  a 

brief  but  significant  history  of  contribu- 
tions to  Duke. 

Since  its  organization  it  has  brought 
into  a  cohesive  and  effectively  operating 
unit  representatives  of  the  University's 
somewhat  heterogeneous  alumni  groups. 
It  has  succeeded  in  coordinating  the  ac- 
tivities of  alumni  organizations  and  in 
bringing  them  and  the  University  into  a 
profitable  and   productive  partnership. 

Its  major  accomplishment  has  been  the 
organization  of  the  Loyalty  Fund, 
through  which  Duke  has  received,  and 
will  continue  to  receive,  annual  financial 
support,  and  the  conduct  of  the  Develop- 
ment Campaign  to  provide  urgently 
needed   money   for   capital   expenditures. 

The  National  Council  enters  its  fifth 
year  with  a  record  of  significant  accom- 
plishments behind  it  and  prospects  for 
even  greater  achievement  ahead. 

Gordon   Gray,   U.   N.    C.   president ;   Julian  Boyd,   Princeton  librarian, 
Liston  Pope,  Yale  Divinity  School  dean. 


Three  Receive  Honorary  Degrees 

Julian  Parks  Boyd,  '25,  A.M.  '26,  li- 
brarian of  Princeton  University,  his- 
torian, editor,  and  administrator,  was 
awarded  the  Litt.  D.  degree  at  Com- 
mencement. A  tireless  collector  and  ac- 
curate interpreter  of  historical  materials, 
Mr.  Boyd  is  the  editor  of  a  50-volume 
collection  of  Jefferson's  papers.  Like 
Jefferson,  he  is  an  aristocrat  in  intellect 
and  a  democrat  in  his  desire  to  put  the 
power  of  truth  and  the  privilege  of 
inquiry  at  the  free  disposal  of  all  men. 

Gordon  Gray,  president  of  the  Univer- 
sity of  North  Carolina,  received  the 
LL.D.  degree.  He  is  also  a  lawyer,  legis- 
lator and  an  editor.  Having  entered  the 
Army  of  the  United  States  as  a  private, 
he  rapidly  advanced  in  the  service,  and 
then  became   Secretary  of  the  Army.    A 

far-sighted  statesman,  he  has  merited 
the  commendation  of  his  country  for, 
among  many  other  distinguished  services, 
a  significant  report  on  international  eco- 
nomic of  matters  of  far-reaching  impor- 
tance, President  Gray  is  an  effective 
leader  of  democratic  higher  education  at 
one  of  the  nation's  oldest  and  foremost 
state  universities. 

Liston  Corlando  Pope,  '29,  B.D.  '32, 
who  was  presented  the  D.D.  degree,  is 
the  first  son  of  the  South  to  become  Dean 
of  the  Divinity  School  of  Yale  Univer- 
sity. A  native  North  Carolinian,  a  bril- 
liant seholor,  author,  and  lecturer  in 
social  ethics,  he  is  an  unexcelled  pioneer 
in  the  professional  education  of  an  ecu- 
menical ministry  for  a  world  in  grave 
moral  crisis. 


[ Page  145  ] 

Alumni  Association  Holds  Annual  Meeting 

Bill  Werber,  '30,  Is  Elected  President  for  1951-52 

William  M.  Werber,  '30,  of  Washing- 
ton, D.  C,  was  elected  president  of  the 
General  Alumni  Association  at  its  an- 
nual dinner  meeting  in  the  West  Campus 
Union  on  Saturday  evening,  June  2.  He 
succeeds  C.  B.  Houck,  '22,  of  Roanoke, 

An  insurance  counselor  in  Washington, 
Mr.  Werber  was  one  of  the  all-time 
greats  of  Duke  baseball.  He  was  a  star 
shortstop  on  the  team  from  1928  through 
1930,  and  later  became  a  major  league 
player.  This  spring,  his  son,  Bill,  Jr., 
a  sophomore,  was  one  of  Duke's  leading 
diamond  stars.  He  was  chosen  1951's 
most  valuable  player  in  the  Big  Four. 

Other  officers  elected  for  the  coming 
year  were  three  vice-presidents :  Rich- 
ard E.  Thigpen,  '22,  Charlotte,  X.  C; 
Fred  Folger,  '23,  Mount  Airy,  X.  C;  and 
Kenneth  Brim,  '20,  Greensboro,  X.   C. 

Approximately  500  alumni  filled  two 
West  Campus  dining  halls  for  the  dinner 
meeting.  Classes  holding  reunions  had 
the  largest  representations,  but  practi- 
cally every  class  for  the  past  60  years 
sent  delegates. 

Representatives  of  the  senior  classes 
and  their  parents  were  guests  of  the 
Association  for  the  occasion.  The  class 
of  1951  was  presented  to  President  Houck 
for  acceptance  into  the  alumni  association 
by  Charles  A.  Dukes,  director  of  Alumni 

Presiding  over  the  meeting  was  out- 
going president,  Mr.  Houck.  President 
Hollis  Edens  welcomed  the  alumni,  and 
he  added   words   of  high   praise  for  the 

success  of  the  Development  Campaign 
that  was  due  to  the  enthusiasm  and  vig- 
orous activity  of  alumni.  He  made  an  ad- 
vance announcement  that  the  fund  total 
had  reached  $7,500,000. 

The  Program 

The  triple  quartet  from  the  Duke 
Men's  Glee  Club,  led  by  J.  Foster  Barnes, 
director  of  music,  sang  three  numbers  for 
the  entertainment  of  the  alumni.  This 
completes  the  24th,  season  of  music  lead- 
ership on  the  Duke  campus  by  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Barnes. 

Coma  Cole  Willard  (Mrs.  Walter  B.), 
'22,  of  Raleigh,  president  of  the  Alumnae 
Association,  brought  greetings  to  the  as- 
semblage from  the  alumnae,  and  wel- 
comed the  incoming  senior  class. 

Edward  L.  Cannon,  '26,  also  of  Ra- 
leigh, president  of  the  class  of  1926, 
which  this  year  celebrated  its  25th  anni- 
versary, was  recognized.  He  spoke  to 
the  alumni  about  the  Silver  Anniversary 
class  and  enumerated  some  interesting 
statistics  about  the  various  professions 
and  activities   of  its  members. 

Several  alumni  were  especially  recog- 
nized at  the  dinner.  Xellie  Edwards 
Cranford  (Mrs.  W.  I.),  Durham;  Frank 
Armfield,  Oxford;  and  the  Reverend  M. 
T.  Plyler,  Durham;  all  members  of  the 
class  of  '92,  shared  the  honor  of  repre- 
senting the  oldest  class  with  members  at- 
tending. Thomas  Smart,  '41,  LL.B.  '47, 
and  Rae  Elizabeth  Rogers  Smart  (Mrs. 
T.),  '41,  from  Denver,  Colo.,  were  the 
alumni  coming  from  the  longest  distance. 

Scene   from    "Belles    and    Ballots,"    Hoof 

Horn    Commencement   show. 

William  M.  Werber,  '30 

Winners  of  awards  in  the  Third  Annual 
Alumni  Golf  Tournament  were  also  an- 

In  addition  to  the  speakers,  the  Rever- 
end and  Mrs.  Paul  Erhman  Seherer  were 
guests  seated  at  the  head  table.  Dr. 
Seherer,  professor  of  homiletics  at  Union 
Theological  Seminary  in  Xew  York,  de- 
livered the  Baccalaureate  Sermon  in  thffl 
Duke  University  Chapel  the  following! 
morning.  Other  guests  at  the  head  table| 
were  Mrs.  A.  Hollis  Edens;  Mrs.  C.  B. 
Houck;  Mrs.  Charles  A.  Dukes;  Anna- 
belle  Lambeth  Jones  (Mrs.  Edwin  L.)J 
'12;  Mr.  Walter  B.  Willard;  Mrs.  W.  ffJ 
Wannamaker;  and  Dr.  Wannamaker, 
A.M.  '01. 

The  new  slate  of  officers  selected  by 
the  nominating  committee  was  proposed 
by  Edwin  L.  Jones,  '12,  University  trus- 
tee. Nominations  were  seconded,  and  the 
committee's  candidates  were  elected  unan- 

Following  the  dinner  and  the  combined 
entertainment  program  and  business 
meeting,  alumni  adjourned  to  Page  Audi- 
torium to  see  the  student  musical  produc- 
tion, Belles  and  Ballots.  Some  1,000 
alumni  and  townspeople  attended  the 
performance,  which  was  the  first  Hoof 
'n'  Horn  show  to  be  presented  at  Com- 
mencement. The  show  met  with  the  en- 
thusiastic approval  of  an  audience  that 
has  requested  more  entertainment  by  stu- 
dent groups  at  future  alumni  sessions. 

[  Page  146  ] 


Professor  Hargitt  Retires 

Dr.  George  T.  Hargitt,  70,  professor 
of  zoology  at  Duke  for  the  past  21  years 
and  director  of  graduate  studies  in  his 
department  from  1930  to  1949,  retired 
from  active  teaching  at  the  end  of  the 
past  academic  year. 

About  60  colleagues  and  former  stu- 
dents honored  Dr.  Hargitt  at  a  dinner 
in  the  spring.  Leather-bound  books  of 
letters  from  former  students  and  reprints 
of  scientific  writings  done  by  students 
under  his  instruction  were  presented  to 
Dr.  Hargitt  by  Dr.  Henry  S.  Roberts, 
Jr.,  assistant  professor  of  zoology.  The 
wives  of  staff  members  gave  him  a  silver 
bowl.  Dr.  C.  G.  Bookhout,  assistant  pro- 
fessor of  zoology,  was  toastmaster,  and  a 
warm  tribute  was  paid  by  Dr.  I.  E.  Gray, 
department  chairman. 

A  native  of  Fairfield,  Ind.,  Dr.  Hargitt 
received  the  A.B.  degree  from  Syracuse 
University  in  1902,  the  A.M.  degree  from 
the  University  of  Nebraska  in  1903,  and 
the  Ph.D.  degree  from  Harvard  in  1909. 
Syracuse  University  awarded  him  the 
Sc.D.  degree  in  1939.  He  came  to  Duke 
in  1930  from  the  Wistar  Institute  in 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Golf  Tournament  Attracts 
Record  Number  of  Entries 

A  record  field  of  61  entries,  represent- 
ing 20  classes  from  1911  to  the  present 
graduating  class,  distinguished  the  third 
annual  Duke  golf  tournament  played 
over  the  Commencement  week  end  at  the 
Hope  Valley  links. 

John  Enander,  '51,  of  Plainfleld,  N.  J., 
took  top  honors  with  a  low  gross  score 
of  73  for  the  18-hole  course,  and  also 
turned  in  the  low  net  score  for  his  class 
group.  E.  R.  (Skip)  Cobb,  '31,  of  Dur- 
ham, made  the  tournament's  lowest  net 
score  of  65.  Wallace  E.  Seeman,  '41, 
Durham,  led  the  10th -year  reunion  class 
with  a  net  score  of  67.  Lillie  Clements 
Sloan  (Mrs.  Perry,  Jr.),  '40,  shot  a  72 
to  take  low  net  score  for  alumnae. 

The  tourney,  which  has  attracted  more 
participants  with  each  succeeding  year,  is 
sponsored  annually  by  the  tenth  year  re- 
union class.  It  is  open  to  alumni  and 
alumnae,  wives  and  husbands,  and  mem- 
bers of  the  faculty,  staff  and  board  of 
trustees.  This  year's  sponsoring  class 
contributed  11  men  to  the  field  of  entries. 
Classes  represented,  in  addition  to  those 
holding  reunions  this  vear,  were  '19,  '21, 
'22,  '23,  '29,  '31,  '34,  '39,  '40,  '45,  '47, 
'50,  and   '51. 

This  year's  tournament,  played  on  a 
dry  course  under  a  blazing  sun,  saw  the 
two-year  champion  Bill   Cozart,  of  Dur- 

Checking  in  at  the  starter's  table  at  Hope  Valley  are  (left  to  right)  Arthur 
Carver,  '19,  Fred  Lloyd,  '34,  Oscar  Barker,  '23,  Ned  May,  '34,  and  Ken 
Podger,  '37.  At  table  are  Mike  Souchak,  '51,  Dan  Hill,  '39  (hidden  from 
camera),  and  Floyd  S.  Bennett,  '12. 

Increasing  the  ball's  visibility  at  the  wash  stand  are    (left  to  right)   John 
Enander,  '51,  Bill  Holifield,   '51,  Fred  Crawford,   '34,  and  Tom  Rogers,   '35. 

ham,  dethroned  by  John  Enander.  Mrs. 
Perry  Sloan,  Jr.,  winner  in  the  women's 
group,  retained  the  distinction  she  won 
last  year.  Dr.  W.  L.  Thomas  of  Duke 
Hospital  played  a  gross  75-net  66  to 
lead  the  faculty,  staff  and  trustees  group, 
succeeding  A.  H.  Sands,  Jr.,  of  New 
York,  last  year's  winner. 

Trophies  were  awarded  to  the  winners 
at  the  annual  alumni  dinner  on  Saturday 
night.  The  annual  trophy  cup  went  to 
the   class   of   '41   for   having   the   largest 

number  of  entries.  Other  prizes  were 
china  dinner  plates  decorated  with  Uni- 
versity scenes,  drinking  glasses  with  the 
University   insignia,   and   golf  balls. 

General  arrangements  for  the  tourna- 
ment were  in  the  hands  of  Floyd  Ben- 
nett, '12.  Wesley  McAfee,  '41,  and  Bob 
Pike,  '41,  both  of  Durham,  served  as  co- 
chairmen  of  the  event.  Dan  Hill,  Jr.,  '39, 
assistant  athletic  director,  whose  class 
sponsored  the  first  tourney  three  years 
ago,  functioned  as  manager  and  starter. 


[  Page  147  ] 

Association  Meetings 

New  York  City 

Fred  "Doc"  Walker,  '47,  secretary  of 
the  Duke  Alumni  Association  of  New 
York,  has  announced  that  his  group 
scheduled  an  open  house  to  welcome  to 
New  York  the  Graduating  Class  of  1951. 
It  took  place  in  The  Cafe  of  the  Am- 
bassador Hotel  on  Wednesday,  June  13, 
from  5 :30  to  9  :00  P.M. 

The  Duke  Lounge  in  the  Williams  Club 
Library,  24  E.  39th  St.,  is  open  Monday, 
Wednesday  and  Friday,  5:00  to  7:00 

Any  alumni  who  are  interested  in  at- 
tending the  meeting's  and  social  affairs  of 
the  New  York  Association,  are  urged  to 
write  F.  L.  (Doc)  Walker,  secretary  of 
the  Duke  Alumni  of  New  York,  c/o  John 
Swift  Company,  Inc.,  455  West  30th 
Street,  New  York  1,  N.  Y.,  or  call  LAck- 
awanna  4-1144.  The  Association  will  be 
delighted  to  have  more  alumni  join  their 
group  and  participate  in  their  good 

Jacksonville,  Fla. 

The  Duke  Alumni  Club  of  Jacksonville 
met  at  Timuquana  Country  Club  on  Fri- 
day, May  25.  Good  food,  swimming  and 
dancing  highlighted  the  meeting.  A 
showing  of  the  film  "A  Year  at  Duke" 
was  also  a  feature  of  the  evening. 

The  dinner  meeting  was  the  second 
gathering  of  Jacksonville  alumni  in  the 
past  few  months.  On  Monday,  March 
27,  the  club  held  a  reception  and  dance, 
honoring  the  Duke  Glee  Club  and  its 
choral  director,  J.  Foster  Barnes.  The 
affair  was  held  following  the  Glee  Club 
concert  in  Robert  E.  Lee  High  School. 

The  Jacksonville  group  plans  another 
meeting  and  an  election  of  officers  in 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 

The  Duke  Alumni  Association  of  Phil- 
adelphia and  vicinity  continued  its  high 
peak  of  activity  with  a  spring  partv  on 
May  11. 

Highlights  of  the  entertainment  were 
a  clever  magician  and  a  talented  group  of 
teen-age  dancers  who  performed  Scottish 
and  American  folk  dances.  Plans  were 
formulated  for  a  fall  theater  party  and 
summer  executive  committee  meetings. 

In  addition  to  alumni  a  number  of 
prominent  guests  attended,  including : 
Dr.  Edward  Snow,  governor  of  the  Penn- 
sylvania District  of  the  Lions  Interna- 
tional; Ira  Thomas,  senior  scout  for  the 
Philadelphia  Athletics  baseball  team;  Al 

Wistert,  captain  of  the  Philadelphia 
Eagles  and  former  All-American  from 
the  University  of  Michigan;  Joseph 
Allessandions,  Assistant  Public  Defender 
of  Philadelphia;  Annette  Coar  Gessler, 
Philadelphia  Amateur  Women's  Golf 
Champion;  Ted  Goesuch  of  the  Police 
Athletic  League;  and  Hal  Moore,  a  local 
"disc  jockey." 

Dallas,  Texas 

Dallas  alumni  have  recently  formed  a 
permanent  Duke  alumni  organization,  to 
be  known  as  the  Duke  University  Club. 
The  meeting,  attended  by  20  alumni,  was 
held  on  April  13,  at  Duntons'  Cafeteria 
in  Lakewood,  a  residential  section  of 

William  C.  Wettstein,  '47,  a  native  of 
Scarsdale,  N.  Y.,  and  now  sales  manager 
for  Burlington  Mills  in  Dallas,  addressed 
the  group  about  the  needs  of  the  Univer- 
sity and  the  importance  of  the  Develop- 
ment  Campaign. 

Before  the  meeting  closed,  Mr.  Wett- 
stein was  elected  president  and  Jayne 
Ellen  Becker  Dale  (Mrs.  John  L.),  '47, 
was  elected  secretary  of  the  club. 

Mecklenburg  County 

Coach  Bill  Murray,  mentor  of  Duke's 
new  Split  "T,"  was  the  principal  speaker 
at  a  dinner  meeting  held  by  the  Mecklen- 
burg County  alumni  on  Tuesday,  May  22. 

Other  activities  of  Mecklenburg  Coun- 
ty alumni  include  monthly  luncheon  meet- 
ings. At  the  first  meeting  on  Thursday, 
April  26,  approximately  20  alumni  gath- 
ered informally  at  Thacker's  Restaurant 
in  Charlotte.  Plans  for  future  meetings 
were  made  and  another  gathering  was 
scheduled  for  the  first  Thursday  in  May. 
Subsequent  meetings  will  be  held  on  the 
first  Thursday  of  each  following  month 
if  the  plan  meets  with  general  approval. 

Benjamin  S.  Horack,  '39,  LL.B.  '41, 
1950  president  of  the  association,  stated 
that  it  is  the  present  intention  that  these 
meetings  be  primarily  for  fellowship, 
offering  an  opportunity  to  all  the  alumni, 
especially  up-town  business  men,  to  meet 
and  eat  together  once  a  month. 

St.  Petersburg,  Fla. 

A  spaghetti  dinner  at  Joe  &  Lee's  Spa- 
ghetti Palace,  St.  Petersburg,  Fla.,  fea- 
tured the  first  meeting  of  the  year  of  the 
Pinellas  County  Chapter  of  the  Duke 
Alumni  Association. 

A  short  business  session  followed  the 
dinner  and  a  generous  Chapter  donation 
was  made  to  the  Development  Campaign. 

Newly  elected  officers  were :  Robert  Al- 
len, Jr.,  '47,  president;  Betsy  Rankin 
Sinden  (Mrs.  Richard),  '45,  vice-presi- 
dent; and  Nancy  Spangler  Moore  (Mrs. 
Thomas  J.),  '44,  secretary-treasurer. 
Frequent  meetings  and  other  activities 
were  planned  for  the  near  future. 

Alumni  who  attended  the  meeting  in- 
cluded :  Dorothy  Lambdin  Beekman 
(Mrs.  A.  Woods'),  '41;  D wight  McCor- 
miek,  '48;  Thomas  J.  Moore,  M.  D.  '45; 
Roderick  Webb,  M.D.  '39 ;  Charles  Done- 
gan,  M.D.  '44;  Richard  Sinden,  M.D3 
'43 ;  James  I.  Edwards,  '38 ;  Martha  Rudy 
Wallace  (Mrs.  John  Powell),  '48;  Robert 
Thompson,  M.D.  '47;  John  H.  Hurlburt, 
'39;  Charles  Landreth,  '39;  Porter  Gar? 
land,  '38;  Richard  Sample,  '30;  Dorothy 
Eaton  Sample  (Mrs.  Richard),  '33;  John 
Sharpless,  '34;  Margaret  Edwards 
Sharpless  (Mrs.  John),  '34;  Ruth 
Schiller  White  (Mrs.  Robert),  '35;  and 
Lucia  K.  Berry,  M.A.  '47. 

Cincinnati,  Ohio 

The  first  meeting  of  the  Cincinnati 
Alumni  Association  was  held  on  Tues- 
day, May  8.  Approximately  40  persons 
attended,  including  spouses  and  friends 
of  the  alumni.  Many  others,  while  unable 
to  attend,  expressed  interest  and  enthusi- 
asm in  the  plans  of  the  new  organization. 

At  a  business  session  A.  R.  Thomas, 
'43,  was  elected  president.  Mary  Bank- 
hardt  Knaebel  (Mrs.  Irvin  G.,  Jr.),  '44, 
was  elected  vice-president,  and  Kathleen 
Watkins  Dale  (Mrs.  Francis  L.),  '43, 
secretary-treasurer.  Other  alumni  whoj 
attended  the  business  meeting  were :  Miri- 
am Silva  McCarthy  (Mrs.  Jack),  '42; 
Eleanor  Breth  Brust  (Mrs.  Albert  A.), 
'42;  Albert  A.  Brust,  '41;  Edna  Tefft, 
'50;  Elizabeth  S.  Bramham  (Mrs.  Win- 
frey P.),  '28;  Alice  Booe  Bimel  (Mrs. 
Carl  M.),  '43;  Charlotte  Newlan  Deu- 
pree  (Mrs.  William  J.,  Jr.),  '40;  Wil-( 
liam  J.  Deupree,  Jr.,  '38;  Emmet  Howe, 
'42;    and   Morrow   Wright,   '44. 

Junaluska  Duke  Day 

August  11  will  be  Duke  Day  at 
Lake  Junaluska. 

Speaker  for  the  1951  occasion  for 
Duke's  alumni  and  friends  in  western 
North  Carolina  will  be  Dean  James 
Cannon,  '14,  of  the  Divinity  School. 
His  address  will  begin  at  8 :00  p.m. 
in  the  Auditorium. 

The  program  has  not  yet  been  com- 
pleted, but  as  soon  as  all  arrangements 
have  been  made,  Duke's  former  stu- 
dents in  the  area  will  receive  notices  by 

[  Page  148  ] 


Dean  and  Mrs.  McClain 
Entertain  Law  Alumni 

More  than  100  people  attended  the  first 
annual  meeting  of  the  Duke  University 
Law  School  Alumni  Association  held  on 
the  campus  June  1  during  reunion  and 
Commencement  week  end. 

The  alumni  were  entertained  at  a  re- 
ception at  the  home  of  Dean  and  Mrs. 
Joseph  D.  McClain,  Jr.,  on  Myrtle  Drive 
late  Friday  afternoon. 

Members  of  this  year's  graduating  class 
were  guests  of  the  Association  at  a  dinner 
held  in  the  Union  Ballroom  that  evening 
and  were  inducted  into  the  organization. 
Judge  Allen  Gwyn,  '18,  presided  at  the 
meeting.  Principal  speaker  was  Dean 
McClain  of  the  Duke  Law  School.  He 
spoke  on  the  aspects  of  legal  education 
and  discussed  plans  for  the  law  school 
and  the  relation  of  alumni  to  the  school. 

Jefferson  D.  Johnson,  Jr.,  '22,  Associate 
Justice  of  the  North  Carolina  State  Su- 
preme Court,  presented  five  seniors  with 
memberships  in  the  Order  of  the  Coif, 
honorary  law  fraternity.  The  new  mem- 
bers, who  were  elected  to  the  organization 
on  the  basis  of  their  high  scholastic  stand- 
ing in  the  class,  were  Kermit  Odel 
Hiaasen,  Ft.  Lauderdale,  Fla. ;  Arnold  B. 
McKinnon,  Lumberton,  N.  C. ;  William 
B.  W.  Howe,  Hendersonville,  N.  C;  J. 
Carlton  Fleming,  Creedmoor,  N.  C. ;  and 
Roy  G.  Simmons,  Manahawkin,  N.  J. 

The  prize  awarded  annually  by  Senator 
Willis  Smith,  '10,  to  the  student  having 
the  highest  scholastic  average  over  a 
three-year  period  was  presented  to  Kermit 
Odel  Hiaasen. 

Officers  of  the  Law  Alumni  Association, 
elected  to  serve  until  June  of  1952,  were : 
Joseph  0.  Tally,  Jr.,  '40,  LL.B.  '42, 
Fayetteville,  N.  C,  president ;  L.  K.  Mar- 
tin, '17,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C,  vice-presi- 
dent; and  E.  C.  Bryson,  '34,  Duke  Law 
School,   secretary-treasurer. 

Divinity  School  Alumni 
Meet  During  Convocation 

During  the  second  annual,  four-day, 
interdenominational  Christian  Convoca- 
tion and  Pastors'  School  held  on  the 
Duke  Campus,  a  luncheon  meeting  was 
held  by  alumni  of  the  Divinity  School. 
More  .  than  125  alumni  attended  the 

Paul  N.  Garber,  Bishop  of  the  Method- 
ist Church  in  the  Richmond,  Va.,  and 
Geneva,  Switzerland,  areas,  was  the  prin- 
cipal speaker  for  the  occasion,  which  was 

held  in  the  West  Campus  Union  Ballroom 
on   June   6. 

The  following  Divinity  School  alumni 
officers  were  elected  at  the  business  meet- 
ing: Walter  C.  Ball,  '25,  A.M.  '26,  B.D. 
'27,  Fayetteville,  N.  C,  president;  Earl 
H.  Brendal,  B.D.  '36,  Salisbury, .  N.  C, 
vice-president ;  Rowland  S.  Purdette, 
B.D.  '47,  Boonville,  N.  C,  secretary;  and 
W.  D.  Caviness,  B.D.  '43,  Goldsboro,  N. 
C,  treasurer. 

Many  of  the  Divinity  School  alumni 
attending  the  Convocation  arrived  on  the 
Duke  Campus  in  time  to  take  part  in 
regular  class  reunions  and  Commencement 
activities  arranged  for  all  alumni  the 
week  end  before  the  Convocation. 

Nursing  Alumnae  Entertain 
Graduating  Seniors 

The  graduating  class  in  the  Duke 
School  of  Nursing  was  entertained  on 
May  25  by  the  Duke  University  Nursing 
Alumnae  Association.  Over  75  members 
and  guests  attended.  Bernice  Cobb,  R.N., 
B.S.N.  '44,  retiring  president,  presided. 

Officers  were  elected  to  serve  for  1951- 
52  at  the  meeting.  They  were  Joyce  Whit- 
field Dortch  (Mrs.  Hugh),  R.N.  '46,  presi- 
dent; Rebecca  L.  Alderman,  R.N.  '48, 
first  vice-president ;  Jean  Mills  Berry, 
R.N.  '47,  second  vice-president;  Bernice 
Cobb,  R.N.,  B.S.N.  '44,  secretary;  Doro- 
thy Mae  Wilkinson,  R.N.  '36,  corespond- 
ing  secretary;  Gretchen  Johnson  Cheek 
(Mrs.  Clyde'E.),  R.N.  '34,  treasurer;  and 
three  directors,  Mildred  Crawley,  R.N., 
B.S.N.  '44;  Dorothy  C.  Luther,  R.N.  '48; 
and  Hazel  McCoy  Ferguson  (Mrs.  Jose- 
phus  D.),  R.N.  '44. 

Awards  were  presented  to  several 
seniors  for  their  outstanding  work.  Miss 
Mildred  Sherwood  presented  the  Bagby 
award  in  behalf  of  the  Duke  Hospital 
Pediatrics  Department  to  Ethel  Aileen 
Ledford  for  her  work  in  pediatrics.  Two 
Florence  Nightingale  plaques  were  pre- 
sented by  Dorothy  Luther,  '48,  in  behalf 
of  the  Alumnae  Association  to  Martha 
B.  Hughes  and  Jane  Smith  for  outstand- 
ing leadership  in  nursing  skills. 

Honorary  members  who  were  present 
at  the  meeting  were  Dr.  Florence  Wilson, 
dean,  Duke  Nursing  School,  Helen  Ab- 
bott, Mildred  Sherwood,  Marian  Batehe- 
lor,  and  Elsie  Moss. 

Out  of  town  alumnae  attending  the 
meeting  were  Captains  Louise  Dobbins, 
R.N.  '34,  and  Mary  Williams,  R.N.  '36, 
of  Fort  Bragg;  Harriett  Sawyer,  R.N.  '45, 
Clinton,  N.  C. ;  and  Charlotte  Richardson 
Adamo  (Mrs.  Henry),  R.N.,  B.S.N.  '44, 
Staten  Island,  N.  Y. 

Dr.  William  H.  Cartwright 

Education  Department 
Chairman  Named 

The  Duke  University  Department  of 
Education  has  secured  as  its  new  chair- 
man Dr.  William  H.  Cartwright,  36- 
year-old  education  specialist  who  for  the 
last  five  years  has  been  on  the  faculty  of 
the  Harvard-Boston  University  extension 

Dr.  Cartwright  succeeds  Dr.  W.  A. 
Brownell,  who  resigned  in  1949.  In  the 
interim  Dr.  Marcus  Proctor  and  Dr.  John 
W.  Carr,  professors  of  education,  have 
served    successively    as    acting    chairmen. 

The  new  department  head  formerly 
taught  at  Macalester  College  in  St.  Paul, 
Minn.,  and  at  the  Universities  of  Minne- 
sota and  California.  Before  entering  the 
college  teaching  field  he  taught  in  Minne- 
sota secondary  schools  for  eight  years. 
He  received  his  B.A.,  M.A.  and  Ph.D. 
degrees  from  the  University  of  Minne- 

In  addition  to  being  widely  recognized 
for  his  work  as  curriculum  consultant, 
Dr.    Cartwright   is    a    historian   of   note. 

Dr.  Cartwright,  a  prolific  writer,  has 
published  extensively  in  the  fields  of 
history  and  education.  His  most  recent 
work,  "The  Teaching  of  History  in  the 
United  States,"  written  in  collaboration 
with  Professor  Arthur  C.  Bining  of  the 
University  of  Pennsylvania,  was  published 
last  year  by  the  Commission  on  History 
of  the  Pan  American  Institute  of  Geog- 
raphy and  History. 

He  and  Mrs.  Cartwright,  also  an  honor 
graduate  of  Minnesota,  have  three  chil- 
dren, John,  16;   Mary,  11;   and  Ann,  8. 


T  Page  149  ] 

Notes  from  the  Reunion  Classes 

The  annual  meeting  of  the  Half  Cen- 
tury Club  took  place  at  12:30  p.m.  on 
Sunday,  June  3,  in  the  West  Campus 
Union.  The  members  present  were  guests 
of  the  University  at  luncheon,  which  was 
followed  by  a  business  session,  with  H. 
B.  Craven,  '96,  president,  presiding. 
Other  officers  for  the  year  1950-51  were: 
first  vice-president,  E.  Bruce  Etheridge, 
'99 ;  second  vice-president,  Annie  Pe- 
gram,  '96;  secretary,  B.  W.  Kogers,  '96. 

Following  the  reading  of  the  minutes 
of  the  previous  meeting  by  J.  P.  Breed- 
love,  '98,  who  was  acting  as  secretary  in 
the  absence  of  B.  W.  Rogers,  '96,  Presi- 
dent Craven  welcomed  those  present  and 
delivered  to  them  expressions  of  regret 
which  he  had  received  from  members  un- 
able to  attend.  He  also  read  the  names 
of  those  who  had  passed  away  since  the 
meeting  of  the  Club  in  June,  1950. 

A  nominating  committee  composed  of 
J.  P.  Gibbons,  '98,  N.  C.  Newbold,  '98, 
and  J.  P.  Breedlove,  presented  the  fol- 
lowing slate  of  officers  for  the  coming 
year :  president,  Ottis  Green,  '97 ;  first 
vice-president,  Miss  Mamie  Jenkins,  '96; 
second  vice-president,  M.  T.  Plyler,  '92 ; 
secretary,  J.  P.  Breedlove,  '98 ;  repre- 
sentative on  the  Alumnae  Council,  Miss 
Annie  Pegram,  '96;  and  representative  on 
the  National  Council,  Stephen  W.  Ander- 
son, '01.    They  were  unanimously  elected. 

There  were  five  members  of  the  Class 
of  1901,  the  Fifty  Year  Class,  present 
and  they  were  introduced  and  welcomed 
into  the  membership  of  the  Half  Cen- 
tury  Club. 

Special  guests,  who  were  presented  by 
the  president,  brought  greetings  as  fol- 
lows :  President  Edens  from  the  Univer- 
sity; C.  B.  Houck,  '22,  president  of  the 
General  Alumni  Association,  from  the 
alumni;  and  C.  A.  Dukes,  director  of 
Alumni  Affairs,  from  the  Alumni  Office. 
All  expressed  appreciation  for  the  con- 
tributions which  the  members  of  the  Club 
had  made  during  the  past  year  to  the 
University  in  general  and  particularly 
to  the  Development  Campaign.  Mr. 
Dukes  said  he  would  especially  welcome 
suggestions  from  time  to  time  regarding 
the  program  of  the  Alumni  Office. 

Following  a  few  brief  remarks  by  some 
of  the  members,  the  meeting  was  ad- 

Those  attending  were :  Stephen  W. 
Anderson,  '01,  Wilson,  N.  C. ;  J.  A.  Best, 

'00,  Fremont,  N.  C. ;  J.  P.  Breedlove,  '98, 
and  Mrs.  Breedlove,  '07,  Durham;  Mrs. 
W.  I.  Cranford,'92,  and  her  daughter,  Mrs. 
Will  J.  Clardy,  '18,  Durham;  Harvey  B. 
Craven,  '96,  Eidgecrest,  N.  C;  C.  W. 
Edwards,  '94,  and  Mrs.  Edwards,  Dur- 
ham; J.  P.  Gibbons,  '98,  Hamlet,  N.  C; 
Ottis  Green,  '97,  Asheville,  N.  C;  Dr. 
A.  F.  Hammond,  '01,  Pollocksville,  N. 
C;  J.  W.  Hoyle,  Sr.,-  '98,  and  Mrs. 
Hovle,  '07,  Durham;  Miss  Mamie  E.  Jen- 
kins, '96,  Raleigh,  N.  C;  N.  C.  Newbold, 
'98,  Baleigh,  N.  C. ;  Dr.  D.  D.  Peele,  '01, 
Columbia,  S.  C;  Miss  Annie  M.  Pegram, 
'96,  Durham;  M.  T.  Plyler,  '92,  and  Mrs. 
Plyler,  Durham;  Gilbert  T.  Eowe,  '95, 
Durham;  James  C.  Watson,  '01,  Fairfield, 
N.  C;  and  Leon  F.  Williams,  '01,  and 
Mrs.  Williams,  Ealeigh,  N.  C.    - 

J.  P.  Breedlove,  acting  secretary. 

After  a  joint  luncheon  with  the  classes 
of  1911  and  1912,  the  members  of  the 
class  of  1910  met  with  the  following- 
present  : 

Bev.  J.  J.  Boone,  Enfield,  N.  C;  Ju- 
lian C.  Bundv,  2319  Pembroke  Ave., 
Charlotte,  N.  C. ;  Phillip  J.  Johnson,  430 
Maple  Ave.,  Moeksville,  N.  O;  A.  M. 
Proctor,  Durham,  N.  C;  Sen.  Willis 
Smith,  Washington,  D.  C;  W.  Sinclair 
Stewart,  1500  Dilworth  Road,  Charlotte, 
N.  C;  Romulus  A.  Whitaker,  1207  N. 
Queens  St.,  Kinston,  N.  C;  Mrs.  B.  J. 
Brogden,  Durham,  N.  C;  Mrs.  W.  C. 
Chadwick,  Box  567,  New  Bern,  N.  C; 
Mrs.  L.  B.  Jenkins,  Box  667,  Kinston, 
N.  C:  Miss  Matilda  O.  Michaels,  Dur- 
ham, N.  C. 

At  the  last  reunion  a  committee  had 
been  appointed  to  study  the  possibilities 
of  a  class  memorial  gift  to  the  Univer- 
sity. That  committee  was  composed  of 
A.  M.  Proctor,  J.  C.  Bundy  and  Miss 
Matilda  Michaels.  A.  M.  Proctor  re- 
ported for  the  committee  that  some  in- 
vestigation had  been  made  but  no  action 
taken.  By  unanimous  vote  the  committee 
was  continued  and  instructed  to  study 
the  matter  further  and  to  report  to  the 
members  of  the  class  by  correspondence 
whatever  action  they  wished  to  recom- 

The  class  agent,  A.  M.  Proctor  re- 
ported on  the  work  of  the  Development 
Prog-ram  and  urged  all  the  members  to 
renew  their  efforts  to  help  make  the  class 

come  out  with  a  creditable  contribution 
to  the  program.  It  was  suggested  in  the 
discussion  that  the  class  agent  get  out 
a  news  letter  about  the  progress  of  the 
Program  to  the  various  members  of  the 
class  not  present. 

Phillip  J.  Johnson  was  elected  his- 
torian of  the  class  and  was  instructed  to 
gather  biographical  data  of  the  class 
members  and  compile  this  and  send  it  to 
all  the  class  members. 

Upon  recommendation  of  the  nominat- 
ing committee  the  following  were  elected 
as  class  officers : 

President,  Phillip  J.  Johnson;  vice-^ 
president,  Julian  C.  Bundy;  secretary 
and  treasurer,  Mrs.  Maude  Hurley  Chad- 
wick; representative  to  the  National 
Council,  A.  M.  Proctor;  representative 
to  the  Alumnae  Council,  Mrs.  Mary 
Tapp  Jenkins. 

This  concluded  the  business  and  the 
class   adjourned. 

A.  M.  Proctor,  reporter. 

The  classes  of  1910,  1911,  and  1912 
were  back  at  Duke  for  a  joint  reunion 
this  Commencement  of  1951.  Of  all  re- 
unions, this  was  the  very  best.  We  sorely 
missed  each  class  member  who  failed  to 
answer  roll  call,  but  those  of  us  who  did 
not  only  had  a  wonderful  time  but 
brought  home  many  hajspy  memories  to 
add  to  the  numerous  ones  we  already 
have  of  our  college  contemporaries  and 
our  beloved  Alma  Mater. 

Following  the  reunion  luncheon,  which 
had  many  high  spots,  the  highest  being 
that  we  had  with  us  five  of  our  most  be- 
loved teachers  of  former  days,  the  class 
of  1911  held  its  class  meeting.  Sam 
Angier  presided  in  the  absence  of  Paul 
Kiker.  Sam  did  a  good  job,  and  very 
quickly  the  following  officers  were 
elected:  P.  Frank  (Hap)  Hanes,  Win- 
ston-Salem, N.  C,  president;  Sam  J. 
Angier,  Durham,  vice-president;  Emma 
Babbitt  Whitesides  (Mrs.  Blount),  Clin-^ 
ton,  N.  C,  secretary-treasurer;  Mary 
Freeman  Herring  (Mrs.  W.  H),  Ra- 
leigh, N.  C,  representative  to  the  Alum- 
nae Council;  J.  B.  Courtney,  Winston- 
Salem,  N.  C,  representative  to  National 
Council.  In  addition  to  the  above  named 
officers,  other  members  present  were 
Christine  Mcintosh  Page;  Raymond 
Bell;   B.   F.  Hurley;   James  H.  Warbui- 

[  Page  150  1 


ton ;   Grace   Cocherham ;   Baxter  Proctor, 
and  Lou  Ola  Tuttle  Moser. 

At  four  o'clock  the  three  reunion 
classes  went  to  the  home  of  Sol  Brower 
for  a  coffee  hour.  Mrs.  Brower  and  Sol 
were  so  charmingly  hospitable  that  the 
hour  ran  into  two  or  more,  and  we  still 
lingered,  enjoying  the  delicious  coffee,  the 
good  things  to  eat,  and  each  other's 
Lor  Ola  Tuttle  Moser    (Mrs.  0.  C). 


'  At  one  o'clock  on  Sunday,  June  3,  a 
most  enjoyable  joint  reunion  dinner  for 
the  classes  of  '10,  '11,  and  '12  was  held  in 
a  West  Campus  Union  dining  hall.  P. 
Frank  (Hap)  Hanes,  '11,  was  master  of 
ceremonies,  and  presided  in  a  delight- 
fully informal  manner.  He  recognized 
our  special  guests  for  the  reunion,  Dr. 
and  Mrs.  W.  H.  Wannamaker,  Dr.  and 
Mrs.  W.  T.  Laprade,  Professor  and  Mrs. 
R.  X.  Wilson,  Professor  and  Mrs.  A.  M. 
Webb,  and  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  B.  Markham. 
In  turn,  in  a  humorous  and  happy  fash- 
ion, our  former  professors  brought  greet- 
ings to  their  former  students. 

President  Hollis  Edens  paid  a  short 
visit  to  the  reunion  classes,  and  was  in- 
troduced. In  his  inimitable  way  he 
brought  gracious  greetings  from  the  Uni- 
versity. Charles  A.  Dukes,  director  of 
Alumni  Affairs,  and  C.  B.  Houck,  presi- 
dent of  the  General  Alumni  Association 
also  attended. 

Our  toastmaster  then  called  upon  the 
presidents  of  the  three  classes  for  greet- 
ings or  messages.  Those  responding  were 
Mrs.  Mary  Tapp  Jenkins,  '10;  Sam  J. 
Angier,  vice-president  of  '11;  and  Henry 
A.   McKinnon,  '12. 

''Hap"  then  presented  the  most  dis- 
tinguished member  of  the  three  classes, 
United  States  Junior  Senator  Willis 
Smith,  '10,  who  had  been  chosen  as  din- 
ner speaker  for  the  occasion.  In  a  pleas- 
ing manner  he  recalled  to  mind  incidents 
of  our  college  days,  dwelling  particu- 
larly on  the  inspiration  gained  in  Dr. 
Minis'  English  courses,  and  sent  us  all  in 
happy  reminiscence   down  memory  lane. 

Following  the  speech,  A.  S.  (Sol) 
Brower,  '12,  extended  from  himself  and 
his  charming  wife  a  cordial  invitation  to 
an  open  house  at  their  home  in  Forest 

Tt  was  indeed  a  pleasure  to  have  pres- 
ent at  the  reunion  so  many  wives  and 
husbands  of  class  members.  Their  pres- 
ence added  much  to  the  enjoyableness  of 
the  occasion. 

To  the  Alumni  Office,  Miss  Anne  Gar- 
rard and  her  able  staff,  and  to  the  vari- 

ous committees,  the  members  of  the 
classes  of  '10,  '11  and  '12  are  deeply 
indebted  for  helping  so  wonderfully  with 
all  the  arrangements  for  the  joint  re- 
union. We  are  grateful  for  the  lovely 
flowers,  the  excellent  food,  and  for  the 
endless  details  so  necessary  to  the  suc- 
cess of  the  reunion,  which  proved  to  be 
the  best  attended  and  one  of  the  most 
delightful  the  classes  have  ever  held. 

At  the  close  of  the  joint  meeting,  the 
individual  classes  met  separately  for 
short  business  meetings.  At  the  meeting 
of  the  class  of  '12,  twenty-four  members 
were  present.  The  meeting  was  called  to 
order  by  the  president,  Henry  McKin- 
non. The  minutes  of  the  class  reunion  of 
1946   were  read   and   approved. 

Floyd  S.  Bennett,  chairman  of  the 
nominating  committee,  presented  the  fol- 
lowing slate  of  officers :  president,  Polly 
Heitman  Ivey  (Mrs.  L.  L.),  Raleigh,  N. 
C. ;  vice-president,  A.  S.  (Sol)  Brower, 
Duke  University,  Durham;  to  continue  as 
permanent  secretary,  Mary  Gorham  Cobb 
(Mrs.  W.  H.),  321  Green  Street,  Fayette- 
ville  X.  C. ;  Xational  Council  Representa- 
tive, J.  Allen  Lee,  Monroe,  X.  C. ;  Alum- 
nae Council  Representative,  Emma  Me- 
Cullen  Covington  (Mrs.  J.  X.),  Rocking- 
ham, X.  C.  The  slate  was  unanimously 

Reports  on  absent  members  were  called 
for  and  letters  of  regret  from  some  were 

read.  The  secretary  was  asked  to  read 
the  names  of  the  deceased  members  of  the 
class.  It  was  with  sorrow  that  we  learned 
there  were  54  names  on  the  list. 

The  "girls"  of  the  class  expressed  their 
appreciation  to  Leon  Jones  for  the  red 
and  white  roses  presented  them  on  enter- 
ing the  dining  hall.  A  small  expense  ac- 
count attendant  to  the  reunion  was  taken 
care  of  by  members  of  the  class.  A  vote 
of  thanks  was  tendered  "Sol"  and  Mrs. 
Brower  for  the  lovely  courtesy  extended 
the  three  reunion  classes,  and  the  meet- 
ing adjourned  to  the  Browers  for  a  happy 
ending  to  the  eighth  reunion  of  the  class 
of  1912. 

Mast  Gorhaai  Cobb   (Mrs.  W.  H.), 



A  Friday  night  open  house  at  Hope 
Valley  Country  Club  for  members  of  the 
ebsses  of  '35,  '36,  and  '37  got  the  reunion 
off  to  a  good  start.  John  Moorhead,  '35, 
and  James  L.  Xewsom,  '35,  LL.B.  '37, 
both  of  Durham,  were  in  charge.  Quite 
a  number  were  present  and  enjoyed  this 
informal  occasion. 

Reuben  Smith's  Lake  on  Wake  Forest 
Road  was  the  scene  of  a  joint  picnic  at 
one  o'clock  on  Saturday,  attended  by  mem- 
bers of  all  three  classes,  their  husbands, 
wives,  and  children.  A  good  time  was  had 
(Continued  on  Page  154) 

From  the  Fiftieth  Year  Class  President 

The  following  is  a  message  from  Ste- 
phen W.  Anderson,  Wilson,  N.  C,  presi- 
dent of  the  Class  of  1901,  written  for 
the   Golden   Anniversary   of   his   class: 

I  feel  sure  I  speak  for  those  of  the 
Class  of  1901  fortunate  enough  to  be 
present  in  person,  when  I  say  we  are 
thankful  after  50  years  to  be  able  to  at- 
tend the  Half  Century  celebration.  It  is 
with  sadness  we  note  the  small  attend- 
ance. Some  have  passed  on,  whose  pass- 
ing we  sincerely  regret ;  and  I  was  deeply 
touched  by  letters  from  some  whose 
health  would  not  permit  their  being  here. 
They  are  with  us  in  spirit,  and  we  very 
much  regret  their  absence.  It  is  our  hope 
that  their  afflictions  are  temporary,  and 
they  will  be  spared  for  many  years  to 

We  appreciate  the  privilege  of  being 
here,  and  feel  honored  in  being  inducted 
into  the  Half  Century  Club  of  Duke  Uni- 

Our  Class  was  at  Trinity  College  when 
Mr.  Washington  Duke  gave,  as  I  recall 
it,    the    first    $1,000,000.00.     There    was 

quite  a  celebration.  This  was  followed  by 
gifts  from  other  members  of  the  Duke 
family,  all  causes  for  celebrations,  then 
culminating  in  the  great  philanthropy  of 
Mr.  Buchanan  Duke  which  has  made  us 
feel  like  celebrating  ever  since. 

The  high  ideals  which  made  Trinity 
College  a  factor  in  North  Carolina's 
educational  progress  made  a  firm  founda- 
tion for  Duke  University  to  build  on. 
We  are  proud  of  our  connection  with 
that  institution.  We  have  been  intensely 
interested  and  proud  of  the  tremendous 
accomplishment  in  building,  equipping, 
and  staffing  this  great  University  which 
has  become  respected  on  a  Xational  scale, 
and  we  are  even  prouder  of  the  fact  that 
our  present  administration  is  not  "rest- 
ing on  its  oars,"  but  is  making  plans  for 
the  future  to  keep  abreast  of  the  chang- 
ing times.    We  wish  more  power  to  you. 

We  appreciate  the  consideration  shown 
our  Class  today,  and  feel  sure  you  can 
count  on  our  continued  loyalty  through- 
out the  lives  of  each  of  us. 


\  Page  151  ] 

Upper  left:  At  the  open  house  at  Dean  McClain's 
for  law  alumni  were,  left  to  right,  J.  O.  Talley, 
Jr.,  '40,  LL.B.  '42,  chairman  of  placement  com- 
mittee ;  Judge  Jefferson  D.  Johnson,  '22 ;  Dean 
McClain  ;  Judge  A.  H.  Gwyn,  '18,  president  of  law 
alumni ;  B.  S.  Womble,  '04,  chairman  of  law 
school    committee   on    Board   of   Trustees. 

Top  center  left:  Half  Century  Club  officers  for 
1951-52  are,  seated  left  to  right,  Miss  Mamie 
Jenkins,  *96,  first  vice-president ;  Ottis  Green, 
*96,  president ;  Miss  Annie  Pegram,  '96,  Alumnae 
Council  representative ;  standing  left  to  right,  J. 
P.  Breedlove,  '98,  secretary ;  S.  W.  Anderson,  '01, 
National  Council  representative :  and  Dr.  M.  T. 
Plyler,   '92,   second  vice-president. 

Top  center  right :  Attending  the  Fiftieth  reunion 
of  the  class  of  '01  were,  seated  left  to  right.  Dr. 
L.  F.  Williams,  Dr.  A.  E.  Hammond,  Dr.  D.  D. 
Peele,  standing  left  to  right,  S.  W.  Anderson, 
James   C.   Watson. 

Upper  right :  The  coffee  hour  for  alumnae  was 
attended  by,  seated  left  to  right,  Mrs.  Andrew 
Ducker ;  Martha  Lane  Forlines  Forney  (Mrs.  J.), 
'41 ;  Dean  R.  Florence  Brinkley ;  Martha  Culbert- 
son  Bailey  (Mrs.  G.  R.),  '41;  Mrs.  Grover  Taylor; 
Mary  Ellen  Smart ;  standing  left  to  right,  Dorothy 
Marple ;  Rae  Rogers  Smart  (Mrs.  Thomas  D.), 
'41  ;  Lyda  Bishop,  '22 ;  Eleanor  Powell  Latimer 
(Mrs.  C.  T.),  '42;  Bessie  Whitted  Spence  (Mrs.  H. 
E.»,  '06;  Peg  Washburn  Davis  (Mrs.  H.  K.),  '41. 
Center  row  left :  Among  those  seated  at  the  head 
table  at  the  joint  '10,  '11,  '12  dinner  were,  left 
to  right,  H.  A.  McKinnon,  '12  ;  Mary  Tapp  Jen- 
kins (Mrs.  L.  B.j,  '10;  and  A.  S.  Brower,  '12. 
Around  the  center  table  clockwise  are  W.  S. 
Stewart,  '10 ;  Mrs.  Stewart ;  the  daughter  of 
Philip  J.  Johnson  ;  Mrs.  Philip  J.  Johnson  ;  Philip 
J.  Johnson,  '10;  Mrs.  A.  M.  Webb;  Professor  A. 
M.  Webb ;  unidentified.  Seated  around  the  table 
in  the  foreground,  left  to  right,  Dr.  John  Harbi- 
son, '12,  A.M.  '15,  his  daughter,  and  Mrs.  Har- 
bison   talk    to    Floyd    S.    Bennett,    '12. 

Center  row  left  center :  Shown  at  the  joint  '10, 
'11,  '12  dinner  are,  clockwise  around  the  table  in 
the  foreground  from  left  to  right,  unidentified ; 
Macon  Epps,  '12  ;  unidentified ;  Annie  Browning 
Brogden  (Mrs.  B.  J.),  '10;  Mr.  Brodgen ;  Ethel 
Thompson  Ray  (Mrs.  Hickman),  '12;  Florence 
Green  Lockhart  Farmer  (Mrs.  Edward  T.),  '12; 
and    Mr.    Farmer. 

Center  row  right  center:  The  classes  of  '35.  '36 
and  '37  held  an  open  house  at  Hope  Valley  Coun- 
try Club  June  1.  Standing  left  to  right  are 
James  L.  Newsom,  '35 ;  Thomas  Parsons,  *36 ; 
William  Lewis,  '36,  LL.B.  '38;  James  H.  John- 
ston, '36;  seated  left  to  right,  Al  Mann,  '37;  Mrs. 
Larry  E.  Bagwell  ;  Larry  E.  Bagwell,  '35  ;  and 
William  H.   Long,    '35. 

Center  row  right:  Also  enjoying  the  open  house 
at  Hope  Valley  are,  left  to  right,  Paul  Maness, 
'36.  M.D.  '40 ;  Mrs.  Maness ;  Ken  Podger,  *37, 
M.D.     '41  :    Edna     Campbell    Podger     (Mrs.    Ken), 

"40;  Betty  Pyle  Baldwin  (Mrs.  R.  L.,  Jr.),  *38  ; 
R.  L.   Baldwin,  Jr.,    '37. 

Bottom  row  left :  Seated  around  the  table  in  the 
foreground  at  the  '10,  '11,  '12  joint  dinner  are, 
left  to  right,  C.  B.  Markham,  '04  ;  Daisy  Rogers, 
'12;  Mamie  L.  Newman,  '12;  Annabelle  Lambeth 
Jones  (Mrs.  Edwin  L.),  '12;  Edwin  L.  Jones,  '12; 
an  unidentified  alumna ;  L.  L.  Ivey,  '15 ;  Polly 
Heitman  Ivey  (Mrs.  L.  L.),  '12.  Around  the 
second  table,  left  to  right,  are  Dr.  W.  T.  La- 
prade ;  W.  Ray  Bell,  '11 ;  Mrs.  Laprade ;  Mrs. 
Bell ;  Dr.  A.  M.  Proctor,  '10 ;  Mrs.  Proctor ;  and 
two    unidentified    alumni. 

Bottom  row  left  center:  The  Silver  Anniversary 
Class,  '26,  held  a  tea  in  the  Union  Ballroom  in 
honor  of  the  faculty  members  who  taught  them 
during  their  college  days.  Left  to  right  are  Anne 
Biggerstaff  Black  (Mrs.  M.  L.t,  '31;  Mrs.  Alton 
Knight ;  an  unidentified  alumnus  ;  J.  H.  Chappell ; 
Mrs.  W.  R.  Bishop ;  the  young  son  of  an  alum- 
nus ;  Julian  H.  Wallace,  A.M.   '34  ;  Nancy  Alston 

Wallace  (Mrs.  Julian  H.)  ;  their  son,  Alston  A. 
Wallace,  '54 ;  W.  R.  Bishop ;  Anne  McSwain 
Hyatt.  (JMrs.  A.  A.)  ;  Merle  Davis  Umstead  (Mrs. 
W.  B.)  ;  the  daughters  of  W.  R.  Bishop;  an  un- 
identified alumnus ;  and  Virginia  Cozart  Herring 
(Mrs.    Herbert   J.). 

Bottom  row  right  center:  Class  president  Ed  Can- 
non, '26,  standing  left,  introduced  all  those  at- 
tending the  class  dinner  at  the  Washington  Duke 
and  called  on  each  one  for  comment.  Charles  A. 
Dukes,  '29,  is  standing  right.  At  the  table  in  the 
foreground  are  Edith  Ward  Deyton  (Mrs.  R.  G. ), 
and  R.  G.  Deyton.  At  the  central  table,  clock- 
wise from  the  near  side,  are  Harold  E.  Parker ; 
Lester  E.  Rock  ;  Mrs.  Alton  J.  Knight ;  Alton  J. 
Knight ;  far  side  left  to  right,  Edith  Judd  Parker 
(Mrs.  Harold  E. )  ;  Mrs.  Lester  Rock;  and  Anne 
Biggerstaff  Black  ( Mrs.  M.  L. > .  '31.  Seated 
around  the  table  in  the  back  corner  left  to  right 
are,  Elizabeth  Roberts  Cannon  ( Mrs.  Ed.  L.)  ; 
Professor   Lewis    Patton  ;    Mrs.    Ben    Powell ;    Ben 

Powell  ;  Fannie  Gray  Patton  (Mrs.  Lewis)  ;  Julian 
P.  Boyd,  '25,  A.M.  '26 ;  left  to  right  around  the 
table  at  the  far  right  in  back  are  Merle  Davis 
Umstead  (Mrs.  W.  B.)  :  W.  B.  Umstead.  '21;  Mrs. 
N.  Dalton  McNairy ;  N.  Dalton  McNairy ;  Mrs. 
Casper  Timberlake ;  and  Casper  Timberlake. 
Bottom  row  right :  Having  a  good  time  at  the 
Tenth  reunion  for  the  class  of  *41,  were,  standing 
left  to  right,  Tom  Smart.  Andy  Ducker,  Sam 
King,  Mrs.  Emmet  Howe,  Yukio  Nakayama,  Mrs. 
Tom  Latimer,  Tom  Latimer,  H.  K.  (Bud)  Smith, 
D.  Johnson  Livengood,  '40.  Johnny  Stoeckel,  George 
Sheppard,  Jean  Linton  Sheppard  (Mrs.  George 
E.),  Margaret  Simpson,  Ethel  Gary  Novak  (Mrs. 
Joseph  E.,  Jr.),  Elizabeth  Huckle,  John  M.  Dozier, 
Lura  Abernathy  Rader  (Mrs.  William  W.),  seated 
le.t  to  right,  Mrs.  Andrew  Ducker,  Ed  Lang^ton, 
Mrs.  Langston,  Emmet  Howe,  Mrs.  Sam  King, 
Mrs.  H.  K.  ( Bud  I  Smith,  David  J.  Livengood, 
Jr.,  Mary  Ellen  Smart,  Rae  Rogers  Smart  (Mrs. 
Thomas  D.  I,  George  S.  Livengood,  Carolyn  Stiles 
Livengood    (Mrs.    D.    Johnson),    and   John    French. 

Reunion  IMotes 

(Continued  from  Page  151) 
by  all,  but  excessive  heat  kept  them  from 
participating  in  active  games.     The  picnic 
lunch,  music,  and  visiting  contributed  to  a 
pleasant  outing. 

Members  of  the  class  of  '35  attending 
from  the  greatest  distance  were  W.  H. 
(Bill)  Long,  York,  Pa.;  Morris  S.  Marks, 
Augusta,  Ga. ;  and  Willard  (Bill)  Raisley, 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Anne  Chalker  Bergen  (Mrs.  J.  T.)  and 
son,  Lancaster,  Pa. ;  Tom  Parsons  and 
family,  Altoona,  Pa.;  and  William  S. 
Hodde,  Pomfret  Center,  Conn.,  were  the 
members  of  '36  coming  from  the  farthest 

Coming  from  the  greatest  distance  to 
the  '37  reunion  were  Margaret  Washburn 
Davis  (Mrs.  H.  K.),  Bellerose,  N.  Y.; 
Martha  Culbertson  Bailey  and  Or.  Robert 
Bailey,  Baldwin,  N.  Y. ;'  and  Robert  H. 
Hinck  and  wife,  Suffleld,  Conn. 

Following  lunch,  individual  classes  met 
separately  for  election  of  officers.  John 
L.  Moorhead,  retiring  class  president,  pre- 
sided and  conducted  election  and  installa- 
tion of  new  class  officers  for  '35.  Those 
elected  were :  Larry  Bagwell,  Raleigh,  N. 
C,  president;  Janet  Ormond  Lide  (Mrs. 
T.N.),  Winston-Salem,  N.  C,  vice-presi- 
dent; Willard  A.  Raisley,  Philadelphia, 
Pa.,  secretary -treasurer ;   Susan  Singleton 

Rose  (Mrs.  M.  Simon),  Durham,  repre- 
sentative on  Alumnae  Council;  and 
Richard  C.  Herbert,  Raleigh,  representa- 
tive on  National  Council. 

Officers  elected  to  serve  the  class  of  '36 
until  their  next  reunion  were :  Frank  J. 
Sizemore,  High  Point,  N.  C,  president; 
R.  L.  Mallard,  Durham,  vice-president ; 
Hazel  Mangum  Stubbs  (Mrs.  Allston), 
Durham,  secretary -treasurer ;  Margaret 
Franck  Credle  (Mrs.  William  S.),  Bur- 
lington, N.  C,  representative  on  Alumnae 
Council;  and  Luther  Williams,  Winston- 
Salem,  representative  on  National  Council. 

Thomas  F.  Southgate,  Jr.,  outgoing- 
president,  presided  at  the  '37  meeting. 
Officers  elected  were :  Kenneth  A.  Podger, 
'37,  M.D.  '41,  Durham,  president;  Martha 
Culbertson  Bailey  (Mrs.  G.  Robert), 
Baldwin,  N.  Y.,  vice-president;  James  M. 
Slay,  Durham,  secretary-treasurer ;  Marion 
Joanna  Kiker  Lane  (Mrs.  Francis  C), 
Reidsville,  N.  C,  representative  on  Alum- 
nae Council;  and  P.  Huber  Hanes,  Jr., 
Winston-Salem,  representative  on  Na- 
tional Council. 

Later  Saturday  evening,  members  of 
the  three  classes  attended  the  General 
Alumni  dinner  and  Belles  and  Ballots. 
Several  remained  until  Monday  to  attend 
the  other  activities  connected  with  class 
reunions  and  commencement. 

W.  H.  (Bill)  Long,  '35. 

"Tremendous  Success"  Say  '26ers,  As  A  Big 
Reunion  Is  Remembered 

Members  of  the  Silver  Anniversary 
Class  of  1926  thought  their  25th  reunion 
was  a  tremendous  success.  A  class  head- 
quarters room  in  Dormitory  0  formed  a 
center  of  activities  for  the  whole  week 
end,  where  bull  sessions  and  hilarity  con- 
tinued until  all  hours. 

By  Saturday  afternoon,  most  of  the  re- 
turning members  had  gathered  in  the 
headquarters.  A  band  concert,  for  the 
benefit  of  all  those  attending  reunions 
and  Commencement,  was  played  on  the 
lawn  just  outside  the  dormitory.  It  fur- 
nished good  background  music,  and  got 
the  class  off  to  a  good  start. 

Yellowed  old  copies  of  The  Chronicle, 
resurrected  from  somebody's  attic,  a  1926 
Commencement  Program,  programs  from 
the  senior  dance  which  was  the  first  given 
at  Duke,  and  playbills  for  "Cyrano"  and 
other  plays,  were  displayed  in  the  head- 
quarters. They  started  many  '26ers  remi- 
niscing and  furnished  a  basis  for  much 
fun  and  laughter. 

Up-to-date  information   on   class  mem- 

bers was  furnished  by  the  silver  anni- 
versary booklet,  the  "Bull-Etin."  Fea- 
tured on  the  cover  was  the  class  emblem, 
a  bull.  Included  in  the  booklet  were  ad- 
dresses of  class  members,  biographical 
data,  and  pertinent  excerpts  from  "The 
Chronicle,"  1922-26.  Badges  saying 
"Champion  Bull  Shooter"  and  "Champion 
Bull  Thrower"  were  also  distributed  to 
various  members. 

The  class  met  in  the  headquarters  room 
and  went  together  to  the  General  Alumni 
Dinner  on  Saturday  evening,  where  Ed 
Cannon,  president,  spoke  briefly  for  the 

Following  the  dinner,  '26ers  adjourned 
to  the  Washington  Duke  Hotel  where 
Stanton  Pickens  had  arranged  an  infor- 
mal party.  Everyone  visited  from  table 
to  table,  swapping  stories,  reminiscing, 
and  bringing  each  other  up-to-date  after 
25  years.  There  was  music  all  through 
the  party,  and  inevitably  the  group  gath- 
ered around  the  piano  to  harmonize  on 
such    old   favorites    as    "Linger   Awhile," 

"Who,"  "Has  Anybody  Seen  My  Gal," 
"Get  You  a  Kitchen  Mechanic,"  and  of 
course,  "Trinity"  and  "Dear  Old  Duke." 
The  singing  stopped  onlv  when  the  pianist 

On  Sunday  morning,  members  of  the 
class  wandered  off  to  sit  under  the  trees 
and  listen  to  the  Baccalaureate  Sermon 
over  the  loudspeakers,  or  for  more  con- 

The  class  was  very  pleased  and  flattered 
that,  with  all  the  demands  a  Commence- 
ment puts  on  them,  so  many  of  the  faculty 
members  who  had  taught  them  came  to 
the  tea  in  their  honor  Sunday  afternoon 
in  the  Union  Ballroom.  Olive  Faucette 
Jenkins  (Mrs.  J.  E.)  was  in  charge,  and 
was  ably  assisted  by  Merle  Davis  Umstead 
(Mrs.  W.  B.)  and  Elizabeth  Morris.  Mrs. 
Martin  Black,  Mrs.  Cary  Maxwell  and 
Mrs.  Alton  Knight  served.  Many  of  the 
children  of  '26ers  were  on  proud  display 
by  their  parents. 

The  class  dinner,  grand  finale  of  the 
week  end,  with  Alton  Knight  in  charge, 
was  held  at  the  Washington  Duke  Hotel. 
The  buffet  style  dinner  was  well  attended 
by  members  of  the  class  and  their  fami- 
lies. Ed  Cannon  was  master  of  cere- 
monies, and  called  on  each  member  of  the 
class  for  a  word.  Informality  was  the 
keynote  of  the  gathering. 

At  a  short  business  meeting,  C.  W. 
(Soup)  Porter,  Lenoir,  N.  C,  was  elected 
representative  to  the  National  Council, 
and  Elizabeth  Roberts  Cannon,  Raleigh, 
N.  C,  representative  to  the  Alumnae 
Council.  Other  class  officers  are  Ed  Can- 
non, Raleigh,  president;  Garah  B.  (Jack) 
Caldwell,  Dobbs  Ferry,  N.  Y.,  vice-presi- 
dent; Dr.  Frances  Holmes  McCausland 
(Mrs.  A.  M.),  Los  Angeles,  Calif.,  secre- 
tary; and  Earl  P.  MeFee,  Gloucester, 
Mass.,  treasurer. 

Special  credit  is  due  Ben  Powell,  chair- 
man of  arrangements;  Charlie  Clegg, 
chairman  of  finance;  Stanton  Pickens, 
chairman  of  entertainment  and  special 
features;  and  Ed  Cannon,  class  president, 
for  a  highly  successful  reunion. 

Everybody  present  planned  to  comf 
back  in  1956,  when  the  class  of  1926  will 
meet  with  the  classes  of  1925,  1927,  and 
1928.  They  hope  even  more  of  their  class- 
mates will  join  them  at  that  time. 

Members  of  the  class  of  1926  present 
at  the  25th  reunion  were :  Wm.  Norman 
Sharpe,  Wm.  Harley  Smith,  Edith  Ward 
Deyton  (Mrs.  R.  G.),  Stanton  Pickens, 
Marion  Butler  Hinkle  (Mrs.  R.  W.), 
Ralph  Hinkle,  W.  Ray  Bishop,  Virginia 
Cozart  Herring  (Mrs.  H.  J.),  Nancy 
Alston  Wallace    (Mrs.  J.  H.),  Martin  L. 

f  Page  154  1 


Black,  Hugh  M.  Raper,  J.  Herbert  Chap- 
pell,  James  E.  Kale,  Casper  Timberlake, 
Lester  Rock,  Sarah  Jones  Satterfield 
(Mrs.  B.  I.),  Heywood  C.  Thompson. 

N.  D.  McNairy,  Arnold  Perry,  J.  E. 
Kennedy,  Elizabeth  Roberts  Cannon 
(Mrs.  E.  L.),  Edward  L.  Cannon,  R.  B. 
Babington,  Linwood  B.  Hollowell,  Lillian 
Thompson  Johnston  (Mrs.  A.  A.),  A.  B. 
Gibson,  Olive  Faneette  Jenkins  (Mrs.  J. 
E.),  Merle  Davis  Umstead  (Mrs.  W.  B.), 
Elizabeth  Morris,  Alton  J.  Knight,  W. 
Cary  Maxwell,  Walter  B.  Mayer,  Archie 
P.  Gibson,  Leon  Ivey,  David  W.  Gaskill, 
Carolyn  Shooter  Kyles  (Mrs.  A.  A.), 
Alpheus  A.  Kyles,  Frank  Jordan,  W.  A. 
Underwood,  Frances  Gray  Patton  (Mrs. 

Millard  Daniel  Hill,  Ford  Meyers, 
Annie  McSwain  Hyatt  (Mrs.  A.  A.),  Ful- 
ton A.  Lee,  Agnes  Judd  Parker  (Mrs. 
H.  E.),  Harold  E.  Parker,  Wm.  H. 
Brown,  W.  Leonard  Eury,  Claudia  Bur- 
gess Hollowell  (Mrs.  J.  C),  Thelma 
Chandler  Lemmond  (Mrs.  Harry),  Wm. 
MeRae  Matheson,  Pearl  Bradsher  Griffin 
(Mrs.  Paul  E.),  Vivian  Elliott  Peters 
(Mrs.  W.  R.),  Mattie  Spenee  Simpson 
(Mrs.  J.  R.),  George  W.  Holmes,  George 
P.  Harriss,  Elizabeth  Williams  Stone- 
back    (Mrs.   R,   M.) 

Porter  Kellam,  Ray  Sullivan  (Ray- 
mond E.),  John  Frank,  Sadie  Christen- 
bury  Foy  (Mrs.  W.  H.),  Virginia  Land, 
Augusta  Land,  Raymond  Snipes,  Charles 
W.  (Soup)  Porter,  Robert  L.  Jerome, 
Charles  S.  Clegg,  Ben  E.  Powell  and  many 
husbands  and  wives. 

Elizabeth  Roberts  Cannon 
(Mrs.  E.  L.) 

be  mailed  to  them  so  that  their  votes  may 
be  included  in  the  final  tally.  It  is  ex- 
pected that  this  business  will  be  com- 
pleted within  the  next  month  so  that  the 
new  class  officers  can  be  announced  at  the 
next  printing  of  the  Register. 

It  is  hoped  that  this  move  on  the  part 

of  those  present  will  be  confirmed  by  the 
members  of  the  class,  and  that  response  to 
the  balloting  will  be  representative  of  the 
desires  of  the  class. 

Elizabeth  Walters  Walton 
(Mrs.  Loring) 

Forty-niners  held  their  first  class  re- 
union on  Sunday,  June  2,  at  one  o'clock. 
Gate  seven  was  the  scene  of  a  picnic 
which  was  attended  by  class  members 
who  found  it  possible  to  get  away  from 
their  jobs  and  other  confining  duties  for 
reunion  week  end.  Several  of  those  pres- 
ent were  able  to  attend  other  activities 
planned  for  all  returning  alumni. 

The  business  discussed  concerned  the 
election  of  class  officers  to  officiate  until 
the  next  reunion.  Those  present  voted  to 
consider  themselves  only  a  nominating 
committee  in  the  absence  of  a  larger  repre- 
sentation. A  slate  of  candidates  was  ap- 
proved by  the  group,  and  it  will  be  mailed 
to  a  class  chairman  in  each  major  city. 
The  chairman  will  contact  members  of  the 
class  in  his  city  and  record  the  ballots  for 
each  candidate,  then  forward  the  slate  to 
the  alumni  office.  For  those  members  not 
residing  in  the  large  cities,  a  ballot  will 

41's  Big  Tenth  Is  Joyfully  Hailed 

No  kidding,  OUR  Tenth  Reunion  was 
one  of  the  few  that  really  lived  lip  to 
expectations.  According  to  Alumni  Of- 
fice figures  we  had  the  biggest  crowd, 
and  according  to  those  present,  we  had 
the  best  program  and  more  spirit  than 
any  Tenth  Reunion  Class  in  a  long  time 
(the  latter  fact  confirmed  by  the  Alumni 

The  Reunion  Committee's  plan  of 
"something  going  on  every  minute"  paid 
off.  Actually  only  one  person  from  '41 
attended  the  Saturday  Campus  Tour  but 
all  other  functions  were  well  attended. 
So  for  those  of  you  who  couldn't  make 
it,  here  are  the  highlights: 

Friday,  June  1st 

As  the  early  arrivals  came  in  they  were 
assigned  to  House  N  quarters  .  .  .  but 
"no  comment"  on  the  later  nocturnal 
ramblings  of  some  of  our  perennial  fresh- 
men classmates!  Among  the  earliest  ar- 
rivals were  Tom  and  Rae  Rogers  Smart 
all  the  way  from  Denver,  Colo.  The  1941 
sponsored  Golf  Tournament  got  under- 
way with  11  members  of  the  class  entered 
and  ended  Saturday  with  Wallace  See- 
man  winning  low  gross  score  for  the 
class.  The  most  widely  attended  Friday 
function  was  the  Open  House  at  "Casa 
Pike,"  Med  Student  Bob  Pike's  apart- 
ment. What  exactly  went  on  is  a  little 
vague  to  most  of  us,  but  the  outstanding 
event  was  the  midnight  snack.  Actually, 
there  was  nothing  of  historic  value  about 
the  cold  cuts  and  tuna  fish  salad,  but  did 
you  ever  see  a  tortoise  sandwich?  This 
was  one  delicacy  Jill  Moyer  and  Millie 
Koon  (Pike's  gal)  had  just  as  soon  been 
kept  by  Duncan  Kines,  as  evidenced  by 
the  screams. 

About  3  A.M.  some  of  the  hardier  of 
the  species  headed  for  Raleigh  (with 
wives — fooled  some  of  you  wise  guys, 
didn't  I)  to  call  on  J.  D.  Long.  So  the 
spirit  still  lives ! 

Saturday,  June  2nd 
As  mentioned  before,  Jean  Linton 
Sheppard  was  the  sole  member  of  the 
morning  tour  group.  She  had  to  admit 
that  she  learned  more  about  Duke  then 
than  she  did  during  her  4-year  sojourn. 

The  afternoon  picnic  was  a  big  success 
with  the  uneaten  turtles  stealing  the 
show.  Ed  Bunce  christened  them  the 
Class  Mascots,  mainly  because  of  their 
perseverance  and  willingness  to  overcome 
their  main  obstacle  (their  confining  box) 
even  if  it  meant  climbing  on  another 
turtle's  back.  The  evening  saw  the  finest 
event  of  the  week  end.  Social  Committee- 
men Ed  Fike  and  John  Dozier  obtained 
at  the  last  minute  a  lovely  private  resi- 
dence somewhere  off  the  Greensboro 
highway.  There  was  a  comfortable  cool 
terrace — a  real  treat  during  a  searing 
week  end — fine  service  and  excellent  food. 
After  a  brief  business  meeting  held  be- 
tween courses,  the  Alumni  Office  showed 
a  film  of  the  outstanding  football  plays 
during  1939-41,  and  Lura  Abernathy 
Rader  provided  a  film  of  our  Senior 
May  Day  and  Graduation.  Tom  Latimer, 
putting  his  radio  personality  to  work, 
got  some  High  Point  Duke  grads  to- 
gether to  record  a  "bull  session"  of  un- 
dergraduate days  that  proved  very  in- 
teresting and  enlightening.  At  midnight 
another  repast  that  gave  everyone  sec- 
ond wind,  so  far,  far  into  the  night  went 
another  party. 

Late  Saturday  night  and  early  Sunday 
saw  most  of  us  heading  for  home.  But 
you  can  wager  that  most  of  those  who 
came  will  be  back  in  1957  along  with 
many  more  who  hear  about  the  week  end 
just  past. 

Orchids  to — 

All  of  us  who  were  here  certainly  owe 
a  "thank  you"  to  the  social  committee- 
men— Ed  Fike  and  John  Dozier;  to  the 
attendance  chairman  Andy  Ducker  and 
his  committee;  golf  chairman  and  host 
Bob  Pike;  Anne  Garrard  of  the  Alumni 
Office  for  much  hard  work  behind  the 
scenes;  and  Tom  Latimer,  entertainment 
committee  chairman. 

From  your  retiring  President  and  Re- 
union Chairman — it  was  a  real  pleasure 
and  genuine  source  of  satisfaction.  Be- 
sides, I  was  justly  rewarded  by  the 
young  lady  at  the  Registration  Desk  who, 
without  my  asking,  gave  me  a  ribbon  sav- 
ing: "'10  REUNION." 

Bob  Long. 


[  Page  155  ] 

Spring — A  Victory  Season 

Coach  and  Two  Players  Win  Distinctions 

Duke  University's  spring  sports  teams 
had  their  best  records  in  years  this  sea- 
son, two  gaining  Southern  Conference 
championships,  another  gaining  runner- 
up  honors  for  regular  season  play,  a 
fourth  getting  third  place  honors  in  the 
league  meet  and  the  fifth  claiming  na- 
tional honors  in  its  field.  Basketball  and 
baseball  star  Dick  Groat  was  also  chosen 
the  Southern  Conference's  Athlete  of  the 

The  Blue  Devil  baseball  and  golf  teams 
won  the  conference  championships  in  a 
blaze  of  glory,  while  the  varsity  tennis 
team  was  runner-up  in  conference  dual 
meets.  The  track  team  finished  third  in 
the  annual  conference  meet  despite  the 
loss  of  its  top  star,  and  the  lacrosse  team 
finished  the  campaign  with  a  6-2  record, 
dropping  only  one-point  decisions  to  col- 
lege foes. 


The  conference  championship  gained 
by  the  Duke  golf  team  was  the  13th 
claimed  by  Duke  in  16  years.  Louis  Mc- 
Lennan, co-captain  of  the  Duke  team, 
won  the  individual  championship  over 
Wes  Brown  of  Washington  and  Lee,  with 
Mike  Souchak  and  Henry  Clark,  also  of 
Duke,  tying  for  third  place  in  the 

McLennan  shot  a  36-hole  total  of  147 
to  win  the  individual  title,  while  the  four- 
man  Duke  team  had  a  36-hole  score  of 
590,  with  North  Carolina  in  second  place 
with  a  score  of  623. 

The  Duke  golfers  finished  the  regular 

Bill  Werber  .  .  .  '"Most  Valuable" 

Jack  Coojibs  .  .  .  "Coach  of  Year 

season  with  a  14-1  record,  defeating 
Georgia  Tech,  Georgia,  Clemson,  David- 
son (twice),  Williams,  N.  C.  State,  Mich- 
igan, William  and  Mary,  Richmond, 
Maryland,  George  Washington,  Wake 
Forest  and  North  Carolina.  The  only 
loss  came  at  the  hands  of  North  Carolina 
in  a  return  match. 


The  Duke  baseball  team,  under  Coach 
Jack  Coombs  for  the  23rd  year,  copped 
the  Southern  Conference  championship 
with  an  11-0  win  over  Maryland  and  a  5-0 
win  over  Clemson  in  the  league  tourney 
played  at  Greensboro.  Sophomore  right- 
hander Joe  Lewis  hurled  the  win  over 
Maryland  and  a  junior  righthander.  Bob 
"Dizzy"  Davis,  who  was  voted  the  tour- 
ney's outstanding  player,  pitched  the 
shutout  win  over   Clemson  in  the  finals. 

Duke's  diamondeers  finished  the  reg- 
ular season  in  second  place  in  the  South- 
ern Conference's  Southern  division.  The 
team  had  a  regular  season  record  of  16- 
7  and  tied  for  the  championship  in  the 
Big  Four  League.  Coach  Jack  Coombs 
and  first  baseman  Bill  Werber  were  se- 
lected the  outstanding  coach  and  most 
valuable  player,  respectively,  in  the  Big 
Four  League,  while  third  baseman  Tom 
Powers  won  the  loop  bat  championship 
with  a  sizzling  .417  average  and  Joe 
Lewis  won  the  pitching  title  with  a  4-2 
record.  Selected  to  the  All-Big  Four 
League  team  were  infielders  Bill  Werber, 
Bill  Bergeron  and  Dick  Groat,  utility  in- 
fiekler  Tom  Powers,  outfielder  Dick  John- 
son and  pitcher  Lewis. 

Second  baseman  Bill  Bergeron,  the 
Duke  acting  captain,  has  since  signed  a 
professional   contract   with   the   Philadel- 

phia Athletics  and  is  now  with  Fayette- 
ville  in  the  Carolina  League.  Several 
other  players,  with  college  eligibility  re- 
maining, are  being  scouted  closely  by  the 
major  league  agents. 


Duke's  lacrosse  team,  coached  by  W. 
S.  "Jack"  Persons,  swept  its  first  six 
wins  of  the  spring  season,  then  dropped 
an  11-10  decision  to  Virginia  and  a  10-7 
game  to  the  Mount  Washington  Athletic 
Club  of  Baltimore  in  its  last  outings. 
Most  cherished  win  of  the  season  was  a 
9-7  one  collected  over  four  times  national 
champion  Johns  Hopkins.  The  Duke 
team  defeated  Lehigh,  Williams,  Navy, 
Washington  and  Lee,  Washington  Col- 
lege and  Hopkins. 

Duke  lacrosse  players  named  to  play 
for  the  South  team  in  the  annual  North- 
South  game  at  Troy,  N.  V.,  were  Rod 
Boyce,  Charles  Gilfillan,  Don  Clausen  and 
Fred  Eisenbrandt.  All  but  Eisenbrandt 
accepted  since  he  had  another  engage- 
ment— marriage — on  the  day  of  the  game. 


The  Duke  tennis  team  had  one  of  its 
best  regular  seasons  in  recent  years,  los- 
ing only  to  Rollins  and  North  Carolina 
and  beating  13  teams,  but  failed  to  ad- 
vance any  players  further  than  the  quar- 
ter-finals of  the  Southern  Conference 
tournament  played  at  Davidson  College. 
Outstanding  players  were  Captain  John 
Ross  and  Kes  Deimling,  Jack  Warmath, 
John  Tapley,  Norm  Schellenger,  Ronnie 
Simpson,  Frank  Carloss  and  Hal  Lipton. 
Tapley  was  undefeated  during  the  regu- 
lar season. 

The  Duke  varsity  tennis  team  defeated 
Michigan  State,  the  Jacksonville,  Fla., 
Naval  Station,  Florida  Southern,  Florida, 
Williams,  N.  C.  State,  Dartmouth,  Mich- 
igan, Davidson,  Presbyterian,  William 
(Continued  on  Page  167) 

Dick  Groat 

' '  Athlete  of  Year  ' 

[  Page  156  ] 


Summer  Session 
Second  Term  Events 

A  Science  Teachers  Laboratory  Con- 
ference, an  Institute  of  North  Carolina 
English  Teachers,  and  an  Institute  for 
Teachers  of  Mathematics  will  highlight 
the  second  session  of  the  Duke  Summer 
Session  which  opens  on  July  21  and  con- 
tinues to  August  31.  A  number  of  dis- 
tinguished visiting  professors  will  co- 
operate with  the  permanent  Duke  faculty 
in  presenting  this  second  half  of  the 
summer  program. 

The  Science  Teachers  Laboratory  Con- 
ference is  a  pioneering  project  in  the  field 
of  science  instruction  in  secondary  and 
elementary  schools.  The  first  in  an  an- 
nual series,  it  will  be  held  from  July  23 
to  July  27.  The  basic  purpose  of  the 
Conference,  which  will  cover  both  the 
biological  and  the  physical  sciences,  is  to 
acquaint  the  science  teacher  with  prac- 
tical and  useful  experiments  that  he  may 
perform  in  his  own  classroom,  and  to 
give  him  actual  training  in  the  techniques 
involved  in  the  setting  up  and  execution 
of  these  experiments. 

The  Institute  for  Teachers  of  Mathe- 
matics will  hold  its  eleventh  annual  ses- 
sion from  August  7  to  August  17.  With 
"Mathematics  at  Work"  as  its  theme,  it 
will  comprehend  the  fields  of  junior  and 
senior  high  school  through  sophomore 
work  in  college.  Lecturers  and  teachers 
of  recognized  ability  in  industrial  and 
scientific  research  and  in  classroom  tech- 
niques will  direct  the  program.  Ten  study 
groups  with  a  variety  of  topics  will  be 
arranged  under  their  leadership. 

Principal  meetings  of  the  ninth  an- 
nual Institute  of  North  Carolina  English 
Teachers  will  be  held  at  Duke  University 
August  2  to  4.  The  annual  luncheon  and 
afternoon  meeting  that  follows  will  be 
held  at  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C.  The  work  of 
the  Institute  will  be  conducted  as  round- 
table  conferences,  special  lectures,  stand- 
ing committee  reports  and  demonstra- 

The  regular  course '  work  of  Summer 
Session  will  follow  the  same  pattern  dur- 
ing the  second  session  as  in  the  first. 
Both  undergraduate  and  graduate  studies 
and  post-doctoral  research  are  offered, 
in  addition  to  special  conferences,  and 
the  resources  of  the  University  will  be 
available  to  the  students  and  conferees. 

An  extensive  program  of  social  and 
recreational  activities  have  been  planned 
for  summer  students.  Dances  and  con- 
certs, and  all  forms  of  summer  sports 
are  quite  popular  and  well  attended. 

Dr.  James  Cannon  III,    '14   (left),  with  President  Eclens  and  Bishop  Paul 
N.  Garber  of  Richmond,  Va.  (right). 

Dean  Cannon  Is  Formally  Installed 

At  mid-morning  on  Friday,  May  18, 
an  assemblage  of  administrators,  faculty, 
students  and  alumni  gathered  in  York 
Chapel  to  install  the  new  Dean  of  the 
Divinity  School,  James  Cannon  III,  '14. 
The  ceremony  was  inelaborate  but  for- 
mal, providing  a  framework  within  which 
an  appropriate  invocation  of  divine  guid- 
ance and  blessing  might  be  made  in  keep- 
ing with  the  weight  and  seriousness  of 
the  responsibilities  which  the  executive 
officer  of  the   School  undertakes. 

Dean  Cannon  is  the  seventh  to  serve 
in  this  capacity  since  the  Divinity  School 
opened  in  1926 ;  he  was  a  member  of  the 
original  faculty  of  five,  and  the  four  men 
who  had  shared  that  distinction  with  him, 
Dr.  Edmund  D.  Soper,  Dr.  Elbert  Rus- 
sell, Bishop  Paul  N.  Garber  and  Dr. 
Harvie  Branscomb,  had  likewise  held  the 
deanship.  His  two  other  predecessors 
were  the  late  Dr.  Paul  E.  Root  and  Dr. 
Harold  A.  Bosley,  who  resigned  last  Sep- 

President  Hollis  Edens  formally  in- 
stalled Dr.  Cannon  by  delivering  the  offi- 
cial commission.  There  followed  the 
prayer  of  installation,  intoned  by  Bishop 

After  special  greetings  to  Dean  Can- 
non from  the  Church,  represented  by 
Bishop  Garber;  from  the  alumni,  repre- 
sented by  Dr.  Edgar  H.  Nease,  '31,  dis- 
trict superintendent  of  the  Charlotte  Dis- 
trict, Methodist  Church;  from  Dr.  H.  E. 
Spence  for  the  Divinity  School  faculty 
and  from  George  G.  Henley,  of  King 
George,  Va.,  speaking  for  the  students, 
the  new  dean  responded  briefly. 

President  Edens,  in  delivering  the  com- 
mission, acknowledged  that  Duke  Univer- 
sity has  been  fortunate  in  securing  as  its 
leaders  men  and  women  "who  have  loved 
the  University  long  and  served  it  well. 
You,  Dr.  Cannon,  have  earned  your  place 
on  such  a  list.  .  .  .  Your  appointment 
will  prove  to  be  a  wise  one." 

Bishop  Garber,  in  his  greetings,  de- 
clared that  the  Church  is  vitally  inter- 
ested in  Duke  Divinity  School. 

"Dean  Cannon  enters  his  office  with 
the  fuU  support  of  the  Church,"  he  said. 
He  add^d  that  Trinity  College  and  Duke 
have  long  championed  academic  freedom, 
high  academic  standards  and  have  re- 
fused "to  champion  the  lesser  loyalties 
of  life." 

Dr.  Cannon,  who  has  been  Ivey  Pro- 
fessor of  History  of  Religion  and  Mis- 
sions since  1926,  is  the  son  of  the  late 
Bishop  James  Cannon.  He  became  act- 
ing dean  last  fall  after  the  resignation 
of  Dr.  Boslev. 

1951  Convocation 

The  failure  to  separate  church  and 
state  in  Continental  Europe  has  resulted 
in  the  virtual  emasculation  of  the  Chris- 
tian faith,  in  nations  both  before  and  be- 
hind the  iron  curtain.  Bishop  Paul  N. 
Garber  told  a  congregation  of  Southern 
ministers  in  a  lecture  during  the  second 
annual  Convocation  and  Pastors'  School 
on  the  West  Campus  from  June  5th  to 

(Continued  on  Page  167) 


[ Page  157  ] 

£       ft       SONS  AND  DAUGHTERS  OF  DUKE  ALUMNI       #       ^ 

1.  Dottie  Hockenjos.  Sarah  Cheek  Hockenjos,  '46.  G.  Fred  Hocken- 
jos,  '43.    Livingston,   N.  J.    T.   L.   Cheek,   '13    (deceased),   Grandfather. 

2.  Joseph  Bynon  McGrane,  II.  Margaret  Rose  McGrane.  Rosalie 
Williams  McGrane,  '43.  Arthur  J.  McGrane,  B.S.C.E.  '43.  Winston- 
Salem,  N.  C. 

3.  Marian  Lee  McCoy.  Martin  McCoy.  Jessie  Wall  MeCov.  R.N.  & 
B.S.N.  '43.  Charlotte.  N.  C.  Lewistine  M.  McCoy,  B.D.  '44.  Hong 
Kcng,    China. 

4.  Lvther  Clarke  Jones.  Collins  Paty  Jones.  Jo  Anne  Paty  Jones, 
'45.     Luther   Clarke  Jones.    '45.     Richmond,   Va. 

5.  Shipp  Hoi.den  Webb.    Ellen  Parnum  Webb,  '36.    John  M.  Webb.  '36. 
Sewanee,  Tenn.    Prof.  A.  M.  Webb,  Grandfather. 

6.  John  D.  Montgomery.  Jr.    Lindy  Stivers  Montgomery,  '49.    John  D. 
Montgomery,    '50.    Miami,    Pla. 

7.  Vaughan    Aldred   Wallace.     Aldred   P.   Wallace,    B.D.   '47.     St.  Al- 
bans. W.  Va. 

8.  George  Rogers  Culp.    Henry  \V.  Culp,  Jr..  '42.    New  London,  N.  C. 

9.  John   Gregory  Wallace.    Aldred   P.  Wallace,    B.D.   '47.     St.  Albans, 
W.  Va. 

10.   Andrea  Dani  Nasher.    Raymond   D.  Nasher,   '43.    Dallas,  Texas. 


Charlotte  Corbin,  '35,  Editor 


May,  1951 

Libby  Vining  Mahler  (Mrs.  Ernst,  Jr.),  '48, 

Tryon,  N.  C. 
Sidney  West,  '46,  Washington,  D.  C. 
David  L.  Tubbs,  '50,  Charleston,  W.  Va. 
Robert  A.  Duncan,  '50,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Cliff    E.    Blackwell,    Jr.,    '47,    Des    Moines, 

Graham    Macfarlane,    III,    '35.,    Rochester, 

N.  Y. 
Pfc.   Guy  L.   Pornes,   Jr.,   '52,   Pope  Pield, 

Ft.  Bragg,  N.  C. 
Louis    G.    Williams,    A.M.    '40,   Ph.D.    '48, 

Greenville,  S.   C. 
Dorothy  Huntley  Williams,  A.M.  '40,  Green- 
ville, S.  C. 
Capt.  R.   F.   Kirkpatrick,  Jr.,   '40,   Panama 

City,  Fla. 
Bernard    H.    Thomas,    Jr.,    '46,    Leaksville, 

X.  C. 
Chaplain    (Lt.    Col.)    Sidney   R.    Crumpton, 

B.D.   '41,  Ft.   Bragg,  N.  C. 
Rev.  W.  B.  Sherman,  '47,  Battleboro,  N.  C. 
Mildred   Parker   Eaves    (Mrs.   W.   H.),   Sp. 

'41,  Ashland,  Ky. 
Richard    L.    Madsen,    '42,    St.    Petersburg, 

W.  V.  McRae,   '08,  Lake   Junaluska,  N.  C. 
Paul  J.  Cato,  '50,  Camp  Atterbury,  Indiana. 
Howard  C.  Bis,  '38,  Freeport,  N.  Y. 
Anne  Fountain   Willets    (Mrs.   Charles   A), 

'44,  Durham,  N.  C. 
Sam  W.  Gardner,  Jr.,  '50,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Howard  H.  Whittle,  Jr.,  '49,  Concord,  N.  C. 
P.  J.  Thomas,  Jr.,  '50,  Salem,  Va. 
John  C.  Edens,  '50,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Betty  Bob   Walters   Walton    (Mrs.   L.   B.), 

'49,   Greensboro,   N.   C. 


Classes  having  reunions  at  Commence- 
ment, 1952,  are  as  follows:  '02,  Golden 
Anniversary;  '21;  '22;  '23;  '24;  '27,  Silver 
Anniversary;  '12,  Tenth  Year  Reunion; 
'46;   '47;    '48;   and   '50,  First  Reunion. 

'16  > 

President:  Vann  V.  Seerest 
Class  Agent :  Louis  C.  Allen 

BERNARD  D.  HATHCOCK  has  retired 
from  service  with  the  treasury  department 
of  the  United  States  Government  and  has 
opened  offices  for  practice  as  investment 
counsel  at  501-2  Healev  Building,  Atlanta, 

Susan  Warren  Yeager  (Mrs.  B.  A.),  '41, 
Binghamton,   N.   Y. 

B.  A.  "George"  Yeager,  '49,  Binghamton, 
N.  Y. 

Charlotte  Crews,  '31,  Oxford,  N.  C. 

1st  Lt.  H.  Ken  Saturday,  U.S.M.C,  '45, 
B.S.E.E.   '48,  Parris  Island,  S.  C. 

Ann  Harrell  Saturday  (Mrs.  H.  K.),  '47, 
Parris  Island,   S.   C. 

Lee  A.  Smith,  '50,  Norfolk,  Va. 

Ella  Anne  Proctor  Smith  (Mrs.  L.  A.),  '49, 
Norfolk,   Va. 

Louis  C.  Allen,  Jr.,  '45,  LL.B.  '49,  Bur- 
lington, N.   C. 

W.  Casper  Holroyd,  Jr.,  '48,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

M.  Rosalie  Gans,  '51,  Baltimore,  Md. 

Walter  W.  Baynes,  Jr.,  '50,  Winston-Salem, 
N.  C. 

R.  Troy  West,  B.S.E.E.  '49,  Hyattsville, 

Katherine  West  (Mrs.  Troy),  '49,  Hyatts- 
ville, Md. 

"J."  Lander  Allin,  Jr.,  '50,  Winston-Salem, 
N.   C. 

Walter  C.  Jenkins,  '17,  Concord,  N.  H. 

Agnes  C.  Long,  '45,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Jordan  J.  Sullivan,  '28,  Columbus,  Ga. 

Lee  B.  Durham,  '21,  Birmingham,  Mich. 

Jack  W.   Fieldson,  '48,   Elkin,  W.  Va. 

F.  Fay  Finley,  '50,  Roanoke,  Va. 
John  R.  Stoeekel,  '41,  Georgetown,  Del. 
Margaret   Washburn   Davis    (Mrs.   H.   K.), 

'37,  Bellerose,  N.  Y. 

G.  Robert  Bailey,  '37,   Baldwin,  N.  Y. 
Martha   Culbertson   Bailey    (   Mrs.   G.   Rob- 
ert), '37,  Baldwin,  N.  Y. 

Paul  F.  Maness,  '36,  M.D.  '40,  Burlington, 
N.  C. 

'24  m 

Next  Reunion:  Commencement,  1952 

President :  James  R.  Simpson 
Class  Agent:  John  B.  Harris 

ROBERT  G.  DEYTON  has  been  elected 
treasurer  of  the  Ecusta  Paper  Corporation 
in  Erevard,  N.  C. 

•31  > 

President:  John  Calvin  Dailey 
Class  Agent :  C.  H.  Livengood,  Jr. 

JOHN  C.  HARMON,  JR.,  '31,  LL.B.  '35  is 
director  of  social  and  industrial  relations, 
Division  of  Home  Missions  and  Church  Ex- 
tension of  the  Methodist  Church,  Room  383, 
150    Fifth    Avenue,    New    York    11,    N.    Y. 

He,  his  wife  and  two  sons  make  their  home 
at  Apartment  46,  17  Madison  Avenue,  Madi- 
son, N.  J. 

T.  HERBERT  MINGA,  B.D.,  represented 
Duke  University  recently  at  the  opening 
of  the  new  Perkins  School  of  Theology  at 
Southern  Methodist  University.  The  pastor 
of  St.  John's  Methodist  Church  in  Dallas, 
Tex.,  Mr.  Minga  was  selected  as  the  single 
North  Texas  minister  to  attend  a  seminar 
of  the  denomination  during  April  in  Wash- 
ington, D.  C.  Sponsored  by  the  Methodist 
commission  on  ministerial  training,  the  semi- 
nar was  designed  to  give  a  key  minister 
in  each  conference  a  behind-the-seene  glimpse 
into  the  national  and  international  agencies. 
Mr.  Minga  is  chairman  of  the  Duke  De- 
velopment Campaign  in  his  area. 

'32  > 

President:  Robert  D.  (Shank)  Warwick 
Class  Agent:  Edward  G.  Thomas 
MON,  JR.,  returned  to  active  duty  with  the 
Third  Army  recently.  Colonel  Hancammon, 
whose  home  is  at  8  Terrace  Walk,  Wilming- 
ton, N.  C,  was  formerly  president  and  chair- 
man of  the  board,  Veterans  Homes,  Inc.,  at 
Lake  Forest  in  Wilmington.  During  World 
War  II,  he  saw  service  in  the  West  Indies. 

•33    * 

President:  John  D.  Minter 
Class  Agent:  Lawson  B.  Knott,  Jr. 
GRIFFIN  G.  EDGERTON  is  supervising 
auditor  for  the  Reconstruction  Finance  Cor- 
poration, Washington,  D.  C.  Having  com- 
pleted a  business  course  at  Draughon  School 
of  Commerce,  Atlanta,  Ga.,  in  1934,  Griffin 
entered  the  Atlanta  Law  School,  from  which 
he  received  the  LL.B.  degree  in  1939.  He 
was  admitted  to  the  Georgia  Bar  that  Au- 
gust. His  present  home  is  at  Hotel  Dupont 
Plaza,  Dupont  Circle,  Washington  6,  D.  C. 

'34  > 

President:  The  Reverend  Robert  M.  Bird 

Class  Agent:  Charles  S.  Rhyne 
SAMUEL  I.  BARNES  has  been  transferred 
from  Baltimore,  Md.,  where  he  was  district 
passenger  agent  for  the  Southern  Railway 
System,  to  Boston,  Mass.,  where  he  will  be 
New  England  Passenger  Agent.  The  South- 
ern Railway  System  has  its  offices  at  80 
Boylston   Street,   Boston    16. 

'35  > 

President:  Larry  E.  Bagwell 

Class  Agent:  James  L.  Newsom 
PHILLIPS  BELLAIRE,  who  were  married 
March  10  in  Annapolis,  Md.,  are  making 
their  home  at  One  Forest  Hill  Avenue, 
Saranac  Lake,  X.  Y. 


[  Page  159 

Power  Company 


Electric  Service — 
Electric  Appliances — 
Street  Transportation 

Tel.  F-151 

Durham,  N.  C. 

Thomas  F.  Southgate  Win.  J.  O'Brien 

President  Sec'y-Treas. 

Established  1872 




Insurance  Specialists 

DURHAM,  N.  C. 

We  are  members  by 

invitation  of  the 

National  Selected 


the  only  Durham  Funeral  Home 
accorded  this  honor. 

Air  Conditioned  Chapel 

Ambulance  Service 

N-147  1113  W.  Main  St. 

'36  > 

President :  Frank  J.  Sizemore 
Class  Agents :  James  H.  Johnston,  Clifford 
W.  Perry,  R.  Zaek  Thomas,  Jr. 

The  wedding  of  DOROTHY  LOUISE  ED- 
WARDS and  Mr.  John  Davis  MacMillan 
was  solemnized  March  21  at  the  Duke  Uni- 
versity Chapel.  They  are  living  at  1406 
Duke  University  Road  in  Durham. 

PHILIP  XAUMOFF,  M.D.  '37,  announced 
the  birth  of  a  daughter,  Elizabeth  Anne,  on 
February  17.  They  have  two  other  daughters 
and  a  son.  The  Xaumoffs  live  at  1100  Hard- 
ing  Place,   Charlotte   3,   X.   C. 

Little  Shipp  Webb,  whose  picture  is  on  the 
Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this  month,  is 
the  son  of  JOHX  and  ELLEX  FARXUM 
WEBB.  All  former  Duke  students  who 
studied  under  Professor  A.  M.  Webb  will 
recognize  the  strong  resemblance  between 
grandfather  and  grandson.  The  Webbs  are 
living  in  Sewanee,  Tenn.,  while  John  teaches 
history  at  the  University  of  the  South. 

'37  > 

President :  Dr.  Kenneth  A.  Podger 
Class  Agent :  William  F.  Womble 

MARIE  W.  AXDERSOX  is  working  in  the 
women's  department  of  The  Miami  Herald 
and  is  living  at  4701  Lake  Road,  Bay  Point, 
Miami   37,  Fla. 

The  new  address  of  BETTY  FAIRES 
CRAIG  (MRS.  ADAM  W.)  is  Box  1085, 
Pinehurst,   X.   C. 

'38  * 

President :  Russell  Y.  Cooke 
Class  Agent :  William  M.  Courtney 

C.  W.  DEYOE,  who  is  regional  sales  man- 
ager for  Youngstown  Kitchens  by  Mullins 
Manufacturing  Corporation,  has  moved  from 
Mission,  Kans.,  to  6424  High  Drive,  Kansas 
City.  Mo. 

FORREST  A.  IRWIX,  JR.,  is  division  sales 
manager  for  the  Sherwin-Williams  Company, 
1317  14th  Street,  X.W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 
He  lives  at  7  Oldham  Road,  Silver  Spring, 

Ph.D.  '50,  is  an  associate  professor  of  Eng- 

Statt  Llecttic  Company,  3nc. 



lish  at  Davidson  College,  where  his  address 
is  Box  777,  Davidson,  N.  C. 
PETER  WARD,  '41,  live  at  208  West  High- 
land Avenue,  Sierra  Madre,  Calif.  They 
have  four  children,  Peter,  Michael,  Penny, 
and  Patricia  Ann.  Peter  is  working  for  the 
Sierra  Madre  Xews  and  Printery  which  puts 
out  a  weekly  paper. 

'39  * 

President:  Edmund  S.  Swindell,  Jr. 
Class  Agent:  Walter  D.  James 

JOHX  S.  FORSYTHE,  LL.B.,  is  general 
counsel  for  the  Committee  of  Education  and 
Labor,  House  of  Representatives,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C. 

ELIZABETH  C.  FULLER,  whose  address 
is  15  Washington  Avenue,  Mt.  Clemens, 
Mich.,  is  staff  librarian,  Headquarters,  10th 
Air  Force,  Selfridge  AFB,  Mich.  She  re- 
ceived a  B.S.  in  Library  Science  from  the 
University  of  Xorth  Carolina  in  1943. 
A  recent  letter  from  CHARLES  (CHUCK) 
KASIK  tells  that  he  is  kept  busy  with  his 
family  and  business  interests.  He  is  man- 
ager of  the  Century  Building  Company  in 
Milwaukee,  is  engaged  in  a  limited  amount 
of  real  estate  brokerage  business,  and  is  also 
active  in  a  clothing  manufacturing  concern. 
He  is  married  and  has  an  eight-month-old 
son.  Their  address  is  5069  N.  Bay  Ridge 
Ave.,  Milwaukee,  Wis. 

ROGER  J.  SHERROX,  JR.,  B.S.E.E.,  is 
flying  the  air  lift  to  Japan.  He  reports 
that  on  his  first  trip  he  was  having  lunch 
at  the  Union  Club  of  Tokyo  when  he  saw  a 
familiar  face  at  the  next  table.  It  turned 
out  to  be  that  of  his  Duke  classmate  CARL 
CAMPBELL,  '39,  who  is  working  for  the 
occupation  forces.  Carl's  address  is  ESS. 
GHQ,  SCAP,  Tokyo.  Roger  and  his  wife, 
who  have  a  home  just  outside  of  San  Fran- 
cisco at  407  Mercy  Street,  Mountain  Yiew, 
Calif.,  became  the  parents  of  a  son,  James 
Michael,  on  Xovember  26,  1950.  That  makes 
it  a  boy,  a  girl,  and  another  boy  for  the 

'40  > 

President :  John  D.  MaeLauehlan 
Class  Agent :  Addison  P.  Penfield 

'41,  and  YORKE  LEE  EASTWOOD,  and 
their  daughter,  Lee,  are  living  at  1839  West 
Smallwood  Drive  in  Raleigh,  X.  C.  Fred 
has  recently  opened  his  office  for  the  prac- 
tice of  pediatrics  at  707  West  Morgan  Street. 

MR.  and  MRS.  WILLIAM  G.  HEDDE- 
SHEIMER  (AXXAJAXE  BOYD)  and  their 
three  daughters  have  moved  recently  to  4528 
Sequoia  Road,  Memphis,  Tenn.  Bill  is  office 
and  credit  manager  for  the  Memphis  Branch 
of  the  General  Tire  and  Rubber  Company. 

GEORGE  McAFEE  and  Mrs.  McAfee,  of 
1819  Forest  Road,  Durham,  have  announced 
the  birth  of  a  daughter,  Mary  Jeanne,  on 
March  13.  They  also  have  a  four-year-old 
daughter,  Cheryl. 

[  Page  160  ] 



President :  Andrew  L.  Ducker,  Jr. 

Class  Agents:    Julian   C.   Jessup,  Meader 

W.  Harriss,  Jr.,  Andrew  L.  Ducker,  Jr., 

J.  D.  Long,  Jr. 

According  to  the  Buffalo  Duke-Ster  of  April 
8,  1951,  MAKJORIE  EPES  is  the  librarian 
of  the  Snyder  Library.  She  lives  at  1 
Mayfair  Lane,  Buffalo  1,  N.  Y. 

JACK  L.  HARDY,  who  is  sales  supervisor 
for  the  Atlantic  Refining  Company  in  Char- 
lotte, N.  C,  lives  at  200  North  Laurel  Ave- 
nue, Apartment  5-C. 

JUDGE  JAMES   F.   LATHAM,   '41,   LL.B. 

'42,  of  Wadesboro,  N.  C,  has  been  appointed 
enforcement  director  of  the  Office  of  Price 
Stabilization  for  the  eastern  district  of 
North  Carolina  with  headquarters  in  Ra- 
leigh. An  artillery  officer  during  World 
War  II,  he  served  with  TJ.  S.  Courts  in  Ger- 
many for  four  years  following  the  war.  He 
was  an  assistant  district  attorney  from  1946 
to  1948,  and  in  1948  was  appointed  district 
judge  of  the  eleventh  judicial  district,  re- 
maining in  this  position  until  he  returned 
to  the  United  States. 

JOSEPH  E.  PORTER,  '41,  B.D.  '49,  of 
146  Bowles  Street,  Springfield  9,  Mass.,  is 
assistant  minister  of  the  Old  Fort  Church 
in  Springfield.  This  church  was  founded  in 
1637  and  is  known  as  the  "Cathedral" 
Church  of  the  Connecticut  Valley. 

Their  third  child,  a  daughter,  Sara  Frances, 
was  born  on  March  20  to  CAROL  SEELEY 
SCOTT  and  H.  A.  SCOTT,  JR.,  '42,  of 
2701  Selwyn  Avenue,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Scottie  is  head  of  the  Testing  Bureau  at 
Queens  College. 

'42  » 

Tenth  Year  Reunion:  Commencement,  1952 

President :  James  H.  Walker 
Class  Agents:  Robert  E.  Foreman,  Willis 
Smith,  Jr.,  George  A.  Trakas 

Little  George  Rogers  Gulp  whose  picture  is 
on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  of  this 
issue,  is  the  second  son  of  HENRY  W. 
CULP,  JR.,  of  New  London,  N.  C.  Henry 
is  manager  of  the  H.  W.  Culp  Lumber  Co. 

ROBERT  E.),  formerly  of  Rolla,  Mo.,  is 
living  in  Chile,  South  America,  where  her 
address  is  c/o  Andes  Copper  Mining  Com- 
pany, Chanaral,  Chile. 

RET MELLOR  PEDERSEN  have  announced 
the  birth  of  a  son,  Peder  Neal,  on  February 
20.  Their  son,  Eric,  is  now  two  and  a  half. 
Walton,  who  is  a  dentist,  and  his  family 
reside  at  704  Owen  Road,  West  Chester,  Pa. 

A  letter  from  BARBARA  FIELD  ROSE, 
'45,  has  brought  the  news  that  MURRAY  F. 
ROSE,  BSME,  a  Major  in  the  Marine  Corps, 
was  recalled  into  active  duty  last  July,  just 
a  short  while  after  they  had  moved  into  their 
new  home.  While  he  is  serving  in  Korea, 
Barbara   and   their   two   daughters,   Patricia 

4,  and  Beverly,  six  months  old,  are  living 
at  906  South  Veitch  Street,  Arlington,  Ya. 
(MRS.  DAVID  D.,  JR.),  who  lives  at  104 
South  Main  Street,  Edinburg,  Ind.,  has  two 
children,  Harriet  Meadows,  three  and  a  half, 
and  David,  Jr.,  one  and  a  half.  Captain 
Sturgeon  is  stationed  at  Camp  Atterbury 
at  the  present  time. 


President :  Thomas  R.  Howerton 

Class  Agent :  S.  L.  Gulledge,  Jr. 
JAMES  G.  ALEXANDER,  who  makes  his 
home  at  the  Mayflower  Apartments,  Apart- 
ment 213,  Virginm  Beach,  Va.,  is  profes- 
sional service  representative  for  the  Anti- 
biotic Division  of  Chas.  Pfizer  &  Co.,  Inc. 
JOS  are  the  parents  of  little  Dottie  Hocken- 
jos  whose  picture  is  on  the  Sons  and  Daugh- 
ters Page  of  this  Register.  They  live  at 
18  Concord  Drive,  Livingston,  N.  J.  Fred 
works  for  T.  C.  Moffatt  and  Co.,  insurance 
agents  and  brokers. 

Early  this  year  when  missionaries  and  others 
were  advised  to  have  their  wives  and  children 
leave  Hong  Kong  JESSIE  WALL  McCOY, 
R.N.  and  B.S.N.  '43,  and  the  two  children, 
Marian  Lee  and  Martin,  reluctantly  headed 
for  the  States,  leaving  "MAC"  (LEWIS- 
TINE  M.  McCOY,  B.D.  '44)  in  Hong  Kong. 
Jessie  and  the  children,  settled  at  2006 
Union  Street,  Charlotte  5,  N.  C,  are  anx- 
iously awaiting  Mac's  return. 
was  discharged  from  the  Army  Air  Force 
following  World  War  II  he  returned  to  Duke 
determined  to  start  over  and  become  an 
engineer.  He  did  this  and  received  his 
B.S.C.E.  degree  in  1948.  During  this  time 
his  wife,  the  former  ROSALIE  WILLIAMS 
worked  in  the  Alumni  Office.  The  McGranes, 
including  four-year-old  Margaret  Rose  and 
two-year-old  Joseph  Bynon,  II  (See  Sons 
and  Daughters  Page),  are  living  at  2331 
Queen  Street,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C.,  and 
"Lucky"  is  working  for  the  R.  J.  Rey- 
nolds Tobacco  Co. 

In  the  early  spring  RAYMOND  D. 
NASHER  and  his  wife  visited  Duke  "en 
route"  from  Brookline,  Mass.,  to  their  new 
home  at  5930  Sherry  Lane  in  Dallas,  Texas. 
"Ray"  is  secretary  of  both  the  Industrial 
Investment  Corp.  and  the  Mar  Oil  Co.,  with 
business  offices  at  1101  South  Akard  Street. 
His  small  daughter,  Andrea,  makes  her  Duke 
debut  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this 

'44  > 

President:  Matthew  S.  (Sandy)  Rae 
Class  Agent :  H.  Watson  Stewart 
Linda  Diane  Polokoff  was  born  March   19th 
to  the  ED  POLOKOFFS,  127  Caravel  Road, 
Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  according  to  information  in 
the  Buffalo  Duke-Ster  of  April  8th. 
HAROLD    T.   FLETCHER,   JR.,   is   a    real 
estate  dealer  in  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  where 
1  e  lives  at  3615  Reeds  Lake  Boulevard.     He 



Our  business  is  improving  your 
business.  We  offer  a  complete 
agency  organization  with  every 
service  you  need...  p/usnalion. 
wide  facilities  through  our 
assocate  offices  in  more  than 
■iO  major  markets.  Special 
attention  to  advertising  accounts 
of  Duke  people  and  their  busi- 
ness  associates. 

-W.g.  tff.VC, >3S, President 

Principal  Service* 

Research  ■■■"  A< 

...Te«evi..on    =na    R"  . 


A»«„  .      Th»  A  Pul'l,•h«'• 

*»-«-  k**w  a,;0£;ob- 


Long   Building   •   28  North  Queen  Street 


York  81-354 


f  Page  161  1 


Accredited  scholarship.  College  prep 
since  1893.  Boys  12-18.  Semi-military. 
Endowed  awards.  Ideal  location,  modern 
facilities.  New  gym.  Championship  athletics. 
Non-sectarian  religious  guidance.  Summer 
camp,    boys    8-15.     Catalog. 

121   Cherokee  Road,   Chattanooga,   Term. 

£ffowerton~'Bri/an  £?o. 

sfjl  moms  for  mmaALS-fi; 

L-977  1005  W.  Main  St. 

R.  T.  Howerton,  '08 


W.  P.  Budd,  '04,  Secretary-Treas. 
W.  P.  Budd,  Jr.,  '36,  Vice-President 

DURHAM,  N.  C. 

*   •  •   • 
Contractors  for 




Duke  Chapel,  New 
Graduate  Dormitory 
Indoor  Stadium  and 

Hospital  Addition 

-*  *  *  * 




is  married  and  has  a  nine-month-old 

MARY  ELLEN  LEPPER,  -44.  R.N.,  B.S.N. 
'46,  was  married  Dec-ember  23,  1950,  to  Mr. 
Willard  Alan  Downie,  and  their  address  is 
Bos  236,  Almina,  Wash.  Mary  Ellen  is  a 
public  health  nurse  in  the  city  schools  there. 
2019  Carter  Road,  SW.,  Roanoke,  Va.,  is  a 
candidate  for  the  Master's  degree  in  Busi- 
ness Administration  at  the  Harvard  Gradu- 
ate Sehool  of  Business  Administration  this 
June.  Since  leaving  Duke,  he  has  worked 
with  Lindsey-Robinson  and  Company,  Inc., 
Westingkouse  Electric  Corporation,  and  the 
Norfolk  and  Western  Railway  Company.  He 
is  a  lieutenant  (jg)  in  the  inactive  U.  S. 
Xaval  Reserve. 

Last  February  ROBERT  L.  SHELDON 
completed  his  course  in  law  at  Rutgers  Uni- 
versity School  of  Law  and  passed  the  New 
Jersey  bar  examination.  He  is  now  asso- 
ciated with  Stanley  W.  Greenfield,  attorney 
at  law  in  Elizabeth,  N.  J.,  where  his  ad- 
dress is  1139  E.  Jersey  Street. 

A  daughter,  Anne  Kendall,  was  born  on 
Deeember  13  to  WILLIAM  S.  (BILLY) 
WRIGHT  and  his  wife,  JESSIE  (BILL) 
GORDON  WRIGHT.  '46,  of  506  Fairview 
Drive,  Lexington,  N.  C.  They  also  have  a 
son,  Gordon.  Billy  is  working  for  the 
Carolina   Panel  Company. 

•45  « 

President :  Charles  B.  Markham,  Jr. 
Class  Agent:  Charles  F.  Blanchard 

The  marriage  of  BARBARA  FAY  ADAMS, 
R.N.,  B.S.N.,  and  Mr.  George  W.  Rountree 
took  place  March  17  in  the  Woodburn  Pres- 
byterian Church,  Leland,  N.  C.  Barbara  re- 
ceived her  Master's  degree  in  public  health 
uursing  from  the  School  of  Public  Health 
at  the  University  of  North  Carolina,  and  is 
now  employed  by  the  Guilford  County  Health 
Department,  as  is  her  husband.  He  is  an 
alumnus  of  the  College  of  the  Pacific,  and 
has  done  graduate  work  at  Duke,  Colorado 
College  and  the  University  of  North  Carolina 
School  of  Public  Health.  Mr.  Rountree  is  a 
past  national  director  and  national  chair- 
man of  the  Junior  Chamber  of  Commerce. 
WILLIAM  J.  BROREIN,  B.S.E.E.,  is  a 
member  of  the  technical  staff  of  the  Bell 
Telephone  Laboratories,  Inc.  He  lives  at 
69-10  C  188  Street,  Fresh  Meadows,  Queens, 
N.  Y. 

are  the  proud  parents  of  three  and  a  half 
year  old  Luther  Clarke  (Spooky)  and  one 
and  a  half  year  old  Collins  Paty  Jones, 
called  Paty,  whose  picture  appears  on  the 
Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this  month.  They 
live  at  1007  Antrim  Avenue,  Richmond  21, 
Va.  Clarke  is  in  the  real  estate  business,  the 
firm  name  being  Jones  and  Robins,  Inc. 
JEAN  McINTYRE,  R.N.,  B.S.N.,  is  a 
nursing  arts  instructor  in  the  newly  estab- 
lished nursing  school  of  the  University  of 
Mississippi.  Her  address  is  2010  14th 
Street,    Meridian,    Miss. 

DONALD  H.  MULLER,  B.S.M.E.,  and 
Mrs.  Muller  have  announced  the  birth  of 
a  son,  Donald  Frederick,  on  April  5.  Now 
in  gunnery  sehool  at  Newport,  R.  I.,  Don 
was  recalled  to  active  duty  as  a  lieutenant 
(jg)  in  the  Navy  in  December.  Mrs. 
Muller  and  young  Don  are  living  at  110 
Campbell  Street,  New  Hyde  Park,  N.  Y. 
ROBERT  R.  WASHER  is  pastor  of  the 
First  Methodist  Church,  507  Pacific  Avenue, 
Long  Beach,  Calif. 

WILLIAM  R.  WOLFE  received  the  B.D. 
degree  from  Yale  in  1949  and  is  now  pastor 
of  the  Community  Church  in  Pleasant  Hill, 
Tenn.  He  is  married  and  has  a  year-old 
son,  Kenneth  Franklin. 

MARJORIE  WYMAN  is  now  Mrs.  E.  C. 
Dollard,  and  she  lives  at  127  Bertling  Lane, 
Winnetka,  111. 

'46  »— 

Next  Reunion:  Commencement,  1952 

President :  B.  G.  Munro 
Class  Agent:  Robert  E.  Cowin 

ROLAND  J.  BOOTH  and  his  wife  live  at 
920  First  Avenue,  Eau  Claire,  Wis.  He 
operates  a  sales  agency  for  the  Remington 
Rand  Company. 

WALTER  J.  GALE,  M.Ed.,  and  MRS, 
GALE  (MARY  DeMAURO),  '49,  have  an- 
nounced the  birth  of  twins,  Gregory  John 
and  Cynthia  Kathryn,  born  on  March  1. 
They  are  living  at  2905  Claremount  Drive 
in  Raleigh.  N.  C,  where  Mr.  Gale  is  prin- 
cipal of  Needham  Broughton  High  Sehool. 
JR.,  B.D.,  is  stationed  at  the  general  hos- 
pital at  Osaka,  Japan.  While  he  is  overseas, 
WELL),  '49,  and  daughter  Lindy,  who  was 
born  October  5,  1950,  are  living  with  hei 
mother  at  287  N.W.  58th  Street,  Miami  37, 

Mr.  and  MRS.  ERNEST  C.  KIEHNE 
(NANCY  WENGER)  have  announced  the 
birth  of  a  son,  Ernest  Christian,  on  Marcl 
7.  Their  address  is  1527  Lochwood  Road, 
Baltimore  18,  Md. 

ALICE  HUNTER  LAWLER  and  Mr.  Jesse 
W.  Cumbia  were  married  March  22  and 
they  are  living  at  202  Park  Place,  Char- 
lottesville, Va.  Alice  completed  her  train- 
ing as  medical  technologist  at  the  Univer- 
sity of  Virginia  Sehool  of  Medicine  and  is 
working  as  a  medical  technician.  Her  hns 
band,  who  is  an  alumnus  of  the  University 
of  Virginia,  is  a  medical  student  there. 
A  son,  Stephen  Griswold,  was  born  January 
16  to  C.  EDWARD  LITTLE  and  MARIE 
GRISWOLD  LITTLE  of  South  Miami,  Fla. 
Their  mailing  address  there  is  Box  898. 
ELY  E.  SIMAN,  JR.,  is  general  manager  of 
Radiozarks  Transcription  Company.  He, 
his  wife,  and  their  two  children  live  at  1515 
South  Kiekapoo,  Springfield,  Mo. 
JAMES  CAMPBELL  SMITH  received  hft 
commission  as  Ensign  in  the  United  States 
Navy  this  spring,  and  is  now  serving  on  an 
experimental     destroyer.       His     address    ii 

[  Page  162  ] 


LT.S.S.  Witek  (EDD  848),  e/o  F.P.O.,  New 
l*ork,  N.  Y.  Jim  was  previously  associated 
vith  the  Pilot  Life  Insurance  Company. 
UYRA  CLARK  SMITH,  '48,  and  their  son, 
Sicky,  2%,  will  continue  living  at  their 
ionic  at  1705  Avondale  Drive  in  Durrani, 
tfyra  is  a  secretary  for  the  Cancer  Detec- 
ion  Center. 

rHOMAS  J.  WHITFIELD,  III,  of  Suffolk, 
\tBl.,  is  serving  his  internship  at  Philadelphia 
general  Hospital,  Philadelphia  4,  Pa.  In 
July  he  will  return  to  active  duty  with  the 
United  States  Navy. 

'47  » 

Next  Reunion:  Commencement,  1952 

President:  Grady  B.  Stott 
Class  Agent :  Norris  L.  Hodgins,  Jr. 
TAMES  E.  ALEXANDER  is  operations 
igent  for  Eastern  Air  Lines,  Inc.,  Lake 
?harles  Airport,  La.  The  Alexanders,  who 
ive  at  3411  Faxon  Lane,  Lake  Charles,  La., 
lave  a  son,  Jeffrey  Randolph,  who  will  soon 
->e  one  year  old. 

\.  JACKSON  APPLEGATE  and  Miss  Ada 
rulliford  were  married  last  October  7  in 
3t.  Peter's  Episcopal  Church,  Clifton,  N.  J. 
Following  a  honeymoon  in  Canada,  the 
:ouple  returned  to  371  West  3rd  Street, 
?lif:on,  N.  J.,  where  they  now  reside.  Jack 
s  in  the  sales  department  of  International 
Business  Machines,  World  Headquarters,  of 
Kew  York,  and  his  wife  is  working  with  the 
Manhattan  Rubber  Company,  Passaic,  N.  J. 
rhe  address  of  WILLIAM  P.  CAVIN,  A.M., 
vho  is  a  graduate  assistant  in  the  chemistry 
lepartment  at  the  University  of  North  Caro- 
ina,  working  toward  his  Ph.D.  degree,  is 
128  Bagley  Drive,  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C.  He 
.vas  married  to  Miss  Martha  Duckworth  a 
.•ear  ago  this  June. 

3t.  Philip's  Episcopal  Church  in  Durham 
vas  the  setting  for  the  wedding  of  VIR- 
Nathaniel  Hill  Johnson  on  April  7.  They 
ire  living  in  Sumter,  S.  C.  Mr.  Johnson 
in  alumnus  of  Davidson  College  and  the  Uni- 
rersity  of  North  Carolina,  returned  recently 
:o  active  duty  with  the  Air  Force  at  Shaw 
iir  Force  Base,  S.  C.  •  He  is  a  veteran  of 
leven  years  service  with  the  Air  Force  in 
S"orld  War  II.  Virginia  completed  a  year's 
graduate  course  at  Richmond  Professional 

CHARLES  R.  HIPP,  B.S.M.E.,  '48,  and 
rOYCE  PRESTON  HIPP  are  living  at 
)06  Lexington  Avenue,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
?harlie  is  an  engineer  with  the  Tompkins- 
lolmston  Company. 

ind  a  friend  are  living  at  256  Creek  Street, 
East  Rangoon  P.  O.,  Rangoon,  Burma, 
vhere  both  are  missionaries,  and  very  inter- 
'sted  in  their  work.  Robert  reached  Burma 
shortly  before  Christmas  in  1950. 
^  daughter,  Laurie  Anne,  was  born  on 
March  13  to  RICHARD  M.  LIVINGSTON 
ind  Mrs.  Livingston,  of  Peter  Cooper  Vil- 
age,  440  East  23rd  Street,  New  York  10, 
tf.  Y.    Dick  is  junior  executive  and  assistant 

sales  manager  of  the  Bonafide  Mills,  Inc., 
which  manufactures  Bonny  Maid'  linoleums, 
Vcrsa-Tile,  and  Genasco  Asphalt  Roofing 

JOHN  B.  ORR,  JR.,  is  associated  with 
former  Senator  Claude  Pepper  and  Earl 
Faircloth  in  the  practice  of  law  in  the  Cen- 
tennial Building,  Tallahassee,  Fla. 
Following  the  completion  of  lis  residency 
in  dermatology  at  the  University  Hospital 
in  Charlottesville,  Va.,  STUART  C.  SMITH, 
B.S.M.,  M.D.,  will  enter  the  Army.  He  was 
married  to  Miss  Emily  D.  Moore,  of  Ports- 
mouth, Ya.,  on  March  10  and  since  their 
hone.vmoon  to  Nassau,  Bahamas,  they  have 
been  living  at  No.  2  Edge  Hill  Apartments, 
Jefferson  Park  Avenue,  Charlottesville. 
ALDRED  P.  WALLACE,  B.D.,  is  pastor  of 
Saint  Andrew's  Methodist  Church  in  Saint 
Albans,  W.  Va.  He,  Mrs.  Wallace  and  their 
two  children,  John  Gregory  and  Vaughan 
Aldred,  live  at  524  5th  Street  in  St.  Albans. 
Pictures  of  the  boys  appear  on  the  Sons  and 
Daughters  Page  this  month. 

'48  * — 
Next  Reunion:  Commencement,  1952 

President:  Bollin  M.  Millner 

Class  Agent:  Jack  H.  Quaritius 
T.  EDWARD  AUSTIN  is  coaching  and 
teaching  at  Craddock,  Va.  His  home  ad- 
dress is  30  Rowan  Place,  Portsihouth,  Va. 
HELENE  CAHN  and  Mr.  Maurice  Morton 
Weiustein  were  married  April  2  in  Temple 
Israel,  Charlotte,  N.  C.  They  are  living  at 
1700  Friendly  Road,  Greensboro,  N.  C, 
where  Mr.  Weinstein,  an  alumnus  of  the 
University  of  North  Carolina,  is  in  business 
for  himself  as  a  piano  technician. 
R.N.,  B.S.N.,  is  doing  general  duty  nursing 
at  Candler  Hospital  in  Savannah,  Ga.,  where 
her  address  is  2423  Price  Street.  Her  hus- 
band, Dr.  E.  Fred  Campbell,  Jr.,  an  Emory 
University  graduate,  is  serving  with  the 
Army  in  Germany  at  the  present  time,  and 
she  hopes  to  join  him  soon. 
JR.,  of  167  E.  Chestnut  Street,  Asheville, 
N.  C.j  received  orders  to  report  to  Paris, 
France,  to  serve  as  one  of  a  military  police 
cadre  assigned  to  General  Eisenhower's  head- 

WEICH  (MRS.  WALTER  W.,  JR.)  and 
her  husband,  who  were  married  April  1,  1950, 
are  living  at  17  A  Bruan  Place,  Clifton, 
N.  J. 

PHY,  R.N.,  have  announced  the  arrival  of 
their  second  daughter,  Alice  Elizabeth,  on 
March  23.  Alice  was  welcomed  into  the 
Dunphy  family  by  Deborah  Ann,  who  arrived 
on  her  parents'  first  wedding  anniversary, 
December  28,  1949.  Their  address  is  38 
Hiawatha  Avenue,  Westerville,  Ohio. 
(PHILIS  JORDAN)  are  the  parents  of  a 
son,  James  Jordan.  They  live  at  6427  Park 
Avenue,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 


Complete  Office 

Telephone  L-919 

105  West  Parrish  Street 

Durham,  North  Carolina 


Wholesale  Paper 

208  Vivian  St.  801  S.  Church  St. 

DURHAM,  N.  C.      ROCKY  MOUNT,  N.  C. 

Serving  North  Carolina  Since  1924 

Weeks  Motors  Inc. 

408  Geer  St. 

Telephone  F-139 

Durham,  North  Carolina 

Your  Lincoln  and 

Mercury  Dealer  in 



[  Page  163  1 

O.  D.  KIRKLAND,  JR.,  and  Mrs.  Kirkland, 
who  live  at  2518  Englewood  Avenue,  Dur- 
ham, became  the  parents  of  a  son,  David, 
on  April  3.  They  have  another  son,  Tommy, 
who  is  two  years  old. 

CARL  J.  PERKINSON,  '50,  is  working-  for 
the  Ford  Motor  Company  in  Atlanta,  Ga. 
He  and  his  wife,  the  former  ELIZABETH 
GRAVES,  live  at  402  W.  Walker  Avenue, 
College  Park,  Ga. 

(GLADYS  McMANAWAY,  R.N.)  announce 
the  birth  of  a  son,  Edwin  L.  Poindexter,  Jr., 



Mellow  Milk  is  the  new 
deliciously  different 
milk  now  soaring  to 
popularity  in  the  Dur- 
ham-Duke market. 

•  Farm-fresh  Grade  A 

•  Pasteurized 

•  Vitamin  "D"  added 

•  Homogenized 

T/iere's  cream  in 
every  drop! 


C.  1$.  .Martin    V.  J.  Ashbaugh 


':     COMPANY 


orth  Carolina 

on  March  11.  The  Poindexters  live  at  905 
Circle  Drive  in  Greensboro,  N.  C,  where 
Edwin  is  affiliated  with  Carter  Fabrics,  Inc. 
Edwin  is  the  son  of  EDNA  TAYLOR  POIN- 
DEXTER (MRS.  C.  C),  '17,  also  of  Greens- 

'49  > 

Presidents:  Woman's  College,  Betty  Bob 
Walters  Walton  (Mrs.  Loring)  ;  Trinity 
College,  Robert  W.  Prye ;  College  of 
Engineering,  Joe  J.  Robnett,  Jr. 

Class  Agent :  Chester  P.  Middlesworth 

JOHN  W.  BARBER,  JR.,  lives  in  Anderson, 
Ind.,  where  he  is  associated  with  Barber 
Manufacturing  Co.,  Inc.,  maker  of  springs 
for  upholstered  furniture. 
A.)  and  her  husband  have  moved  into  a 
duplex  apartment  at  2216  Eldred  Avenue, 
Lakewood  7,  Ohio.  Mr.  Barth  is  a  trainee 
at  his  father's  plant,  Barth  Stamping  and 
Machine  Company,  in  Cleveland. 
and  her  husband  have  moved  to  Apartment 
127,  13  Riggs  Road,  Washington,  D.  C. 
Nancy  is  a  secretary  for  the  National  Cham- 
ber of  Commerce  in  Washington. 
MR.  and  Mrs.  ROSS  O.  BRIDEWELL,  of 
Lanexa,  Va.,  have  a  son,  George  Owens, 
who  was  born  December  30,  1950. 
ARD D.  CRISWELL,  JR.,  '50,  are  living  at 
814  Sunset.  Avenue,  Apartment  4,  Rocky 
Mount,  N.  C.  Cris  is  sports  editor  for  the 
Rocky  Mount  Evening  Telegram.  Nell  is 
kept  busy  with  their  young  daughter, 
Eleanor  Lea,  who  was  born  August  18,  1950. 
HOWARD  GOODMAN,  B.S.M.E.,  is  an 
assistant  to  the  plant  engineer  of  the  Atlanta 
Paper  Company.  His  address  is  1015  Vir- 
ginia Avenue,  N.E.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 
GARLAND  T.  HINSON,  of  416  West  63rd 
Street,  Jacksonville,  Pla.,  is  a  salesman  for 
the  Marehant  Calculating  Machine  Company. 
RELL  S.  JONES,  JR.,  '50,  have  moved  to 
188  North  11th  Street,  Newark,  Ohio,  where 
he  is  employed  as  a  service  consultant  by 
the  Tectum  Corporation,  wood  products. 
The  Congregational  Church  in  .  Scarsdale, 
N.  Y.,  was  the  scene  of  the  wedding  of 
JOSEPHINE  ANN  KINSEY  and  Mr.  Wil-' 
liam  Charles  Storey  on  March  24.  Mr. 
Storey  was  employed  in  the  engineering  divi- 
sion of  Allied  Chemical  and  Dye  Corpora- 
tion prior  to  his  induction  in  the  army.  He 
is  now  stationed  at  the  Aberdeen  Proving 
Ground,  Md. 

SYLVIA  ANNE  SOMMER,  '50,  and  DON- 
ALD REESE  MOORE,  who  were  married 
last  September,  are  making  their  home  at 
1015  West  Main  Street,  Crawfordsville,  Ind. 
Don  is  a  salesman  for  Mid-States  Steel  and 
Wire   Company. 

The  Montgomerys,  JOHN  D.  ('50),  LINDY 
STIVERS  ('49)  and  John,  Jr.,  are  living 
at  340  N.E.  51  Street  in  Miami,  Fla.  John 
is  with  the  Atlantic  Refining  Co.     A  picture 

of  John,  Jr.,  is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters 
Page   this   month. 

THALER  (MRS.  WALTER  N.)  and  her 
husband  have  moved  to  North  Africa  where 
they  are  both  employed  by  the  same  firm.  Mr. 
Morgenthaler,  a  civil  engineer,  is  a  native 
of  Switzerland,  and  is  a  graduate  of  the 
Swiss  Federal  Institute  of  Technology  in 
Zurich.  "Pinki"  has  had  a  busy  life  since 
her  days  at  Duke.  Before  leaving  for  North 
Africa  she  worked  as  a  multi-lingual  secre- 
tary for  an  exporter  in  New  York  while 
taking  a  night  course  in  French  shorthand 
at  the  Latin-American  Institute.  Follow- 
ing that  she  was  secretary  to  the  vice 
president  of  G.  and  L.  Beijer,  Inc.,  the 
New  York  branch  of  a.  Swedish  import- 
export  house  which  has  other  branches  all 
over  the  world. 

FREDERICK  W.  SWAMER,  Ph.D.,  who 
for  the  past  year  has  been  doing  post-doc- 
toral work  in  organic  chemistry  at  Duke,  was 
one  of  32  scientists  with  doctoral  degrees 
in  the  chemical,  engineering,  physical,  bac- 
teriological, and  biochemical  sciences,  to 
join  the  research  staffs  of  the  E.  I.  du  Pont 
de  Nemours  and  Company,  Inc.,  according 
to  an  announcement  received  in  January. 
He  is  working  in  the  Jackson  Laboratory  of 
the  company  in  Deepwater,  N.  J.  His  home 
address  is  Kynlyn  Apartments,  1225  River- 
side Drive,  Wilmington,  Del. 

R.N.,  B.S.N.,  are  living  at  210  North  Church 
Street,  Louisville,  Miss.  They  were  married 
December  28  in  St.  Michael's  Church,  Miami, 
Fla.  Russell  is  an  intern  for  the  Mississippi 
State  Board  of  Health  in  Jackson,  Miss. 

(MRS.  FOSTER,  JR.),  who  lives  at  15421 
Petoskey,  Detroit  21,  Mich.,  is  teaching 

The  address  of  DAVID  O.  SPEIR  is  3904 
Pilots  Lane,  Apartment  1,  Richmond  -'- 
Va.  He  is  operations  supervisor  for  the 
Atlantic  Refining   Company  in  Richmond. 

were  united  in  marriage  March  17  in  the 
Duke  University  Chapel.  Neal  is  a  stal 
nurse  in  the  operating  room  of  Duke  Hos- 

LIEUT.  WILLIAM  C.  TRIGG,  Co.  A.,  503 
M.P.  Bn.,  is  stationed  at  Fort  Bragg,  N.  C. 
He  is  married  and  has  two  sons,  William. 
Jr.,  3,  and  Jonathan,  1%. 

Box  307,  Nieeville,  Fla.,  is  the  address  oi 
EDWIN  L.  TYSON,  who  is  wildlife  biologist 
for  the  Jackson  Guard  Station,  Eglin  Field, 

NANCY  VAHEY,  B.S.,  was  married  to  Mr. 
Jerome  Lyle  Rappaport  on  February  24  is 
Boston,  Mass.,  where  they  are  living  at  18 
Chestnut  Street. 

'50,    and    RUTH    DAVIS    WILSON,    R.N., 

[  Page  164  ] 


B.S.N.,  are  living  at  1807%  Irondell  Avenue, 
Morehead  City,  N.  C.  Walter  is  stationed 
it  Camp  Lejeune. 

'50  > 

First  Reunion :  Commencement,  1952 

President :  Jane  Suggs 

Class  Agent:  Robert  L.  Hazel 

LOUISE  ELDER  WOOD,  '51,  was  married 
Duke  University  Chapel  on  February  5. 
rhey  have  been  living  in  Durham  while 
Louise  completed  her  senior  year  at  Duke. 
FRED  S.)  and  her  husband  are  living  in 
[0-D  Vetville,  State  College  Station,  Ra- 
leigh, N.  C.  Barbara  is  working  in  the 
D.  H.  Hill  Library  on  the  State  College 

fome  address  is  336  E.  So.  Temple  Street, 
Salt  Lake  City,  Utah,  is  working  in  ob- 
tetrics  and  gynecology  at  the  Henry  Ford 
lospital,  Detroit,  Mich.  Last  year  he  was 
n  surgery  at  Duke  Hospital. 
)n  Christmas  afternoon,  1950,  JOHANNA 
.IAEIE  CHAPPEL,  R.N.,  became  the  bride 
if  CLYDE  LEE  BRITT  in  the  Riverside 
Saptist  Church,  Jacksonville-,  N.  C.  Clyde, 
corporal  in  the  Air  Corps,  is  stationed  at 
he  Francis  E.  Warren  Air  Base,  Cheyenne, 

>ecanie  the  bride  of  Mr.  James  Lauchlin 
Jlwood  III,  on  January  6.  Mr.  Elwood 
i  an  alumnus  of  the  Christ  School,  Kenyon 
'ollege,  and  the  University  of  North  Caro- 
Jia.  They  are  temporarily  residing  in  Dur- 

1ANCY     FARRINGTON     and     ERNEST 
AIRFAX    CHRITTON,    JR.,   were   united 
l    marriage    March    17    at    the    Memorial 
tethodist      Church,      Thomasville,      N.      C. 
fancy    is     the     daughter     of     DR.     RENO 
:iRBY     FARRINGTON,     '21,     and     Mrs. 
arrington.      They   are   living   at   Kingston 
lanor  Apartments,  Knoxville,  Tenn.,  where 
rnest  is  working  with  the  Knoxville  Truck 
ales  and   Service   Company. 
:s  wife  are  living  at  322  High  Street,  Ox- 
»rd,  N.  C.     He  is  an  accountant  with  Par- 
sh-Medford  Motors,  Inc. 
ERALDINE    FORD,    a    graduate    of    the 
;hool  of  Dietetics  at  Duke,  and  ROBERT 
ARL    CONNOR,    B.S.E.E.,    were    married 
eeember  29  in  the  Duke  University  Chapel. 
hey  are  living  at  2614  Patterson  Avenue, 
rinston-Salem,    N.    O,    where    Bob    is    em- 
:oyed  by  the  Duke  Power  Company. 
LARENCE  EDENS  are  living  at  118  Bald- 
m  Avenue,  Charlotte,  N.  C.    John  is  a  tax 
:ditor  for  the  state.     They  were  married 
me  11,  1950,  in  the  Hayes  Barton  Method- 
:  Church,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
i   February    6    in    St.    Philip's    Episcopal 
mrch,    Durham,    ALICE    GEITNER,    '51, 
came  the  bride  of  CLARENCE  EDWARD 

FOLCKEMER.  Clarence  is  working  toward 
his  Master's  degree  at  Duke,  and  they  are 
living  in  Durham,  where  their  mailing  ad- 
dress is  Box  4293,  Duke  Station. 

JACK  E.  FRUTH  is  a  senior  in  the  college 
of  pharmacy  at  Ohio  State  University.  He 
was  married  December  30  in  the  South 
Charleston,  Ohio,  Methodist  Church  to  Miss 
Frances  Elizabeth  Rhodes.  An  alumna  of 
Ohio  Wesleyan  University  and  the  school 
of  home  economics,  Ohio  State  University, 
Mrs.  Fruth  taught  home  economics  in  the 
Utica,  Ohio,  High  School  during  the  past 

GREEN  HIPPS,  son  of  M.  TEAGUE 
HIPPS,  '24  and  IDA  MAE  GREEN  HIPPS, 
'25,  of  Greensboro,  N.  G,  were  married 
February  7  in  St.  Mark's  Episcopal  Church, 
Jacksonville,  Fla.  They  are  living  at  Mt. 
Holly,  N.  C,  where  Herb  is  coach  and  physi- 
cal education  director  at  Mt.  Holly  High 
School.  Virginia  was  a  physical  education 
instructor  for  the  Raleigh  public  school  sys- 
tem until  the  time  of  her  marriage. 

The  address  of  ROBERT  L.  HAZEL, 
B.S.C.E.,  is  Box  231,  High  Shoals,  N.  C. 
He  is  with  the  R.  H.  Pinnix  Construction 
Company  (R.  H.  PINNIX,  '24),  of  Gas- 
tonia,  N.  C,  which  is  building  a  new  weav- 
ing and  sewing  building  for  the  Carolinian 

EARL  EDWIN  HOELLEN,  B.S.E.E.,  is  a 
research  engineer  for  the  Aluminum  Com- 
pany of  America.  He  and  his  wife,  the 
former  MARILYN  LOUISE  WILKS,  are 
living  at  98  Center  Street,  Apartment  2, 
Massena',  N.  Y. 

JOHN  FRANK  HOSNER,  M.F.,  is  an  in- 
structor in  agriculture  at  Southern  Illinois 
State  Teachers  College,  Carbondale,  111. 
Previously  he  served  as  District  Forester 
for  the  State  of  Illinois. 

LARRY  O.  KARL,  JR.,  is  writing  the  sports 
page  and  court  news  for  the  Kittanning, 
Pa.,  Daily  Leader  Times.  As  soon  as  their 
new  engraving  plant  is  completed,  he  will 
be  doing  photo  work.  The  Karls  have  two 
sons,  and  their  address  is  699  North  Water 
Street,  Kittanning. 

PAUL  REVERE  LEITNER  is  a  claims  ad- 
juster for  the  Liberty  Mutual  Insurance 
Company,  and  is  studying  law  at  night  school 
in  Chattanooga,  Tenn.  On  December  27, 
1950,  he  was  married  to  Miss  Susan  Wise- 
man of  Brookline,  Mass.  They  live  at  206 
Flora  Circle,  Chattanooga. 
HAROLD  W.  LEWIS,  Ph.D.,  are  living  at 
1005  Carolina  Avenue,  Durham.  Harold  is 
an  assistant  professor  of  physics  at  Dul-e. 
JEANNE  MARIE  HUTTON,  '51,  and 
DANIEL  R.  PINO,  LL.B.,  were  married 
August  22,  1950,  and  are  living  at  108-19 
63rd  Road,  Forest  Hills,  N.  Y.  Dan  is  a 
restaurant  manager. 

HUGH  E.  REAMS,  LL.B.,  is  practicing 
law  with  the  firm  of  Penn,  Hunter,  Smith 
and  Davis  in  Kingsport,  Tenn.  He  was  mar- 

ried last  summer  to  Miss  Louise  C.  Stacy  of 
Lumberton,  N.  C. 

MARY  JO  REYNOLDS  and  Mr.  Kai  Jur- 
gensen  were  married  in  the  Presbyterian 
Church,  Chapel  Hill,  X.  C,  ou  February  25 
and  they  are  making  their  home  on  the 
Pittsboro  Highway  south  of  Chapel  Hill. 
Mr.  Jurgensen  is  a  member  of  the  Drama 
Department  at  the  University  of  North  Caro- 

ANN  MARIE  RICHARDSON  became  the 
bride  of  Mr.  Clifton  Clement  Winstead,  Jr., 
on  February  3  at  the  home  of  her  parents 
in  Star,  N.  C.  Ann  Marie  is  a  case  worker 
with  the  Person  County  Department  of  Pub- 
lic Welfare  in  Roxboro,  N.  C,  where  her 
husband  is  in  business. 

The  formal  wedding  of  MARY  JOSE- 
ARMSTRONG,  '51,  took  place  November 
23  in  the  First  Presbyterian  Church,  High 
Point,  N.  C.  Mary  is  working  at  the  Home 
Building  and  Loan  Company  in  Durham,  and 
Pete  is  completing  his  senior  year  at  Duke. 
They  are  living  at  2019  Englewood  Avenue. 
SCHULTZ  STEEL,  were  married  March  3. 
John,  a  lieutenant  with  the  Fleet  Marine 
Force,  was  stationed  at  Camp  Lejeune  until 

WILLIAM  O.)  and  her  husband  live  in 
Varina,  N.  C,  where  he  is  a  tobacconist. 
ANN  FLINTON  STEWMAN,  '51,  flew  to 
Hawaii  in  March  to  join  her  husband, 
who  is  an  Ensign  in  the  United  States 
Navy.  John's  address  is  CINC  PAC  FLEET 
STAFF,  Box  14,  e/o  Fleet  Post  Office,  San 
Francisco,  Calif. 

became  the  bride  of  Sidney  B.  Turner,  Jr., 
on  March  10  in  the  First  Christian  Church, 
Knoxville,  Tenn.  They  are  living  at  713 
Parker  Street,  Durham.  Mr.  Turner,  who 
received  a  B.S.  degree  in  Commerce  from  the 
University  of  North  Carolina,  is  employed 
by  the  Durham  Furniture  Company. 
EARL  J.)  and  her  husband  live  at  1421 
Nottingham  Avenue,  Orlando,  Fla. 
The  marriage  of  LYNN  FRANCES  WEITH 
and  ROBERT  EDWIN  KLEES,  '51,  took 
place  February  24  at  the  home  of  the  bride 
in  West  Caldwell,  N.  J.  They  are  now  living 
at  51  Grover  Lane,  Caldwell,  N.  J.  Lynn 
is  a  training  supervisor  in  the  personnel  de- 
partment of  L.  Bamberger  and  Company, 
Newark,  N.  J. ;  and  Bob  is  a  technical 
copywriter  for  the  Bakelite  Company,  Union 
Carbide  and  Carbon  Corporation,  New  York 

ANNA  BAKER  WIGGINS,  '52,  daughter 
of  FRED  T.  WIGGINS,  '25,  and  MARK 
EDWARD  GARBER,  JR.,  were  married 
March  24  in  the  Duke  University  Chapel. 
Anna  is  a  junior  at  Duke,  and  Mark  is  a 
student  in  the  Duke  Law  School. 
HENRY  H.  Ill)  and  her  husband  are  living 


[  Page  165  ] 



We  have  all  O  ^3ypes  of  Composition 

When  setting  type  we  give  due  consideration 
to  the  ultimate  purpose  ...  In  deciding  whether 
to  use  linotype,  monotype  or  hand  composition, 
we  first  ascertain  the  function  of  the  particular 
piece  of  work.  Each  method  was  designed  for 
a  specific  service,  therefore  initial  cost  is  beside 
the  question.  We  shall  be  glad  to  assist  you  in 
deciding  which  of  the  three  will  do  the  best 
job  for  your  particular  problem.  Our  composing 
room  service  is  planned  for  today's  demands. 


41  j  E.  Chapel  Hill  St.         \W      Jfli)  Durham,  N.  C. 


[  Page  166  ]  DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  June,  1951 

it  1860  Sherman  Avenue,  Evanston,  111.  Mr. 
Windsor,  an  alumnus  of  the  University  of 
/Irginia,  is  an  assistant  editor  of  Popular 
Mechanics.  They  have  a  son,  William 
laven,  born  on  April  19. 

'51  » 

Presidents:      Woman's      College,      Connie 
Woodward ;  Trinity  College,  N.  Thomp- 
son   Powers;    College    of    Engineering, 
David  C.  Dellinger 
>HYLLIS    ANN    MOOEE    and    ROBERT 
IOLCOMB  ALLEN  were  married  January 
9  in  the  Duke  University  Chapel.     Phyllis, 
graduate  of  the  Duke  Hospital  School  of 
ledieal  Technology,  was  a  member  of  the 
)uke  Hospital  staff  prior  to  her  marriage. 
!he  and  Bob  are  making  their  home  at  Arm- 
trong  Manor,  R.D.  3,  Lancaster,  Pa.,  while 
e  is  training  to  be  a  salesman  with  Arm- 
trong  Cork  Company. 

(ONALD  E.  BEBOUT,  A.M.,  has  joined 
he  research  staff  of  the  Du  Pont  Company's 
Jlectrochemieals  Department  at  Niagara 
'alls,  N.  Y.,  as  a  physicist  in  the  technical 
ivision  laboratory. 

!.D.,  is  a  Methodist  Minister  in  Mineral 
prings,  N.  C. 

iroad  Street,  Central  Falls,  E.  I.,  is  a 
rainee  for  the  Owens-Corning  Fiberglass 

EWIS  WILLIAM  DUNCAN  whose  home 
I  403  Monticello  Drive,  Mansion  Hill 
.partments,  Hopewell,  Va.,  is  a  chemist 
or  the  Solvay  Process  Division  of  Allied 
hemical  and  Dye  Corporation. 
HAELES  FEED  LUCAS,  JE.,  is  working 
ith  the  Kelly-Springfield  Tire  Company, 
umberland,  Md.  •  His  address  there  is 
i.F.D.  No.  1,  c/o  Mrs.  Joe  Winders. 
R.,  is  an  underwriter  for  the  Life  Insur- 
nce  Company  of  Virginia.  He  is  living  at 
302  Pickens  Street,  Columbia,  S.  C. 
ome  is  at  514  Hammond  Street,  Rocky 
[ount,  N.  C,  is  a  trainee  with  Owens-Corn- 
ig  Fiberglass  Corporation  of  Ashton,  E.  I. 
ome  address  is  811  Linden  Avenue,  Ports- 
umth,  Va.,  is  a  trainee  in  the  office  of 
Arlington  Mills,  High  Point  Weaving,  High 
oint,  N.  C. 

'52  > 

RGYLE  KING,  a  junior  in  the  Duke 
diversity  School  of  Nursing,  and  ROBERT 
RAY  CLARKE,  a  junior  in  the  Duke 
'ivinity  School,  were  married  December  21 
6  the  Cole  Memorial  Methodist  Church, 
'erita,  N.  C.  They  are  making  their  home 
•  Durham. 

a  a  formal  ceremony  on  March  17  in  the 
iuke  Memorial  Methodist  Church,  Durham, 
TAGG  NICHOLSON,  daughter  of  STERL- 
STG  J.  NICHOLSON,  '22,  became  the  bride 
E  Mr.  William  Marsh  Sanders.     They  are 

living  in  the  Glen  Lennox  Apartments  in 
Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

The  marriage  of  BETTY  WILLIAMSON 
and  Mr.  Clyde  Vance  Wilder  took  place 
February  10  at  the  Emory  University  Chapel 
in  Atlanta,  Ga.  They  are  living  in  Durham 
where  Betty  is  a  student  in  the  Duke  Uni- 
versity School  of  Nursing. 

'53  > 

Richard  Glenn  Averette  were  married  Febru- 
ary 4  in  the  Methodist  Church,  Stem,  N.  C. 
They  are  living  at  905  Clarendon  Street, 
Fayetteville,  N.  O,  where  Mr.  Averette  is 
employed  with  Grannis  and  Sloan  Construc- 
tion Company.  He  is  an  alumnus  of  the 
University  of  North  Carolina  and  State 

Victory  Season 

(Continued  from  Page  156) 

and  Mary,  Navy  and  Virginia,  The  win 
over  Virginia  snapped  a  20-game  win 
streak  for  the  Cavaliers. 


The  Duke  track  team  started  with  a 
bang,  but  slowed  down  at  season's  end, 
mainly  because  of  the  loss  of  its  star 
point-getter,  tiny  Henry  Poss  of  Chat- 
tanooga, Tenn.,  who  pulled  a  leg  muscle. 
The  Duke  eindermen  finished  third  in 
the  annual  Southern  Conference  meet  be- 
hind Maryland  and  North  Carolina,  re- 

Grabbing  Conference  individual  cham- 
pionships were  220-yard  ace  Herbert 
"Piney"  Field,  hurdler  Tommy  Reeves 
and  pole  vaulter  John  Conner.  It  was 
the  second  Conference  championship  of 
the  season  for  Conner,  also  a  champ  in 
the  diving  event  during  the  swimming 
season.  Field  captured  the  220-yard  dash 
in  a  time  of  21.9  seconds,  while  Reeves 
ran  the  220-yard  low  hurdles  in  24  sec- 
onds flat  and  Conner  pole-vaulted  12 
feet,  his  lowest  height  of  the  season. 

The  Duke  tracksters  finished  the  reg- 
ular season  with  a  3-2-1  record. 


(Continued  from  Page  157  ) 

The  Methodist  bishcp  of  the  Richmond 
and  Geneva  areas  gave  example  after 
example  showing  that,  in  Sweden  as  well 
as  in  Russia,  in  Yugoslavia  and  Switzer- 
land, when  church  membership  is  on  a 
level  with  citizenship,  religion  loses  its 
moral  vigor  and  its  compelling  force  in 
men's  lives. 

Bishop  Garber's  ringing  defense  of  a 
free  church  came  near  the  close  of  a 
four-day  interdenominational  program, 
attended  by  several  hundred  ministers, 
which    included    workshop    sessions,    re- 

fresher courses  and  public  addresses  by 
well-known  religious  leaders. 

Highlighting  the  Convocation  was  the 
second  series  of  James  A.  Gray  Lectures 
delivered  by  Dr.  Paul  E.  Scherer  of 
Union  Theological  Seminary,  New  York 
City.  The  public  attended  the  series, 
which  was  on  the  general  subject  of  "The 
Ways  of  God — A  Study  in  the  Book  of 

Bishop  Garber's  talk  was  based  on  his 
experiences  during  the  past  six  years  in 
Europe,  where  he  made  a  grass  roots 
study  of  the  common  religious  life.  The 
title  of  his  address  was  "Religion  in 
Europe  As  I  Have  Seen  It."  Bishop 
Costen  J.  Harrell,  of  the  Methodist 
Church,  Charlotte  area,  spoke  at  the 
morning  devotional  services. 

Distinguished  religious  leaders  and 
members  of  the  Duke  Divinity  School 
faculty  served  as  instructors  for  the 
workshops  and  refresher  courses. 

A  workshop  on  "The  Minister  and 
Public  Relations"  was  conducted  by 
James  Sells,  executive  secretary  of  radio 
and  visual  aids,  Southeastern  Methodist 
Jurisdiction.  Guest  speakers  for  the 
workshop  were  E.  B.  Garrett  of  the  Soil 
Conservation  Service,  Raleigh;  Charles 
A.  Dukes,  Director  of  Alumni  Affairs 
at  Duke;  and  Earl  W.  Porter  of  the 
Duke  Bureau  of  Public  Information. 

Dr.  John  J.  Rudin  II,  of  the  Duke 
Divinity  School  faculty,  led  a  "Worship 
Workshop"  with  emphasis  on  effective 
leadership  by  the  preacher  in  public  wor- 
ship services.  Recordings  were  used  to 
demonstrate  effective  religious  services, 
and  visiting  ministers  discussed  their 
own  specific  problems. 

A  workshop  on  "Planning  a  Church 
Program"  was  under  the  direction  of  Dr. 
A.  J.  Walton,  of  the  Duke  faculty.  The 
sessions  dealt  with  evangelical,  educa- 
tional and  recreational  church  activities 
and  related  topics. 

In  a  "Vacation  Church  School"  work- 
shop the  program  included  demonstra- 
tions of  children's  religious  projects  and 
discussion  of  church  school  activities. 
Mrs.  Edith  W.  Reed,  director  of  chil- 
dren's work  for  the  Western  North  Caro- 
lina Methodist  Conference,  was  in  charge 
of  the  workshop. 

Convocation  lecture  courses  were  "The 
New  Testament  Faith  and  the  Mind  of 
the  Church  Today,"  taught  by  Dr.  Rob- 
ert E.  Cushman  of  the  Duke  Divinity 
School;  "Christianity  and  World  Mis- 
sions," taught  by  Dr.  Daniel  J.  Fleming 
of  Union  Theological  Seminary;  and 
"The  Minister's  Tools  and  Techniques," 
instructed  by  Dr.  Nolan  B.  Harmon, 
Methodist  book  editor. 


[  Page  167  ] 


(Continued  from  Page  137) 
Five  months  ago  I  was  transferred  to 
San  Francisco  and  now  share  a  very  Bo- 
hemian sort  of  shack  on  Telegraph  Hill 
with  two  other  stewardesses.  There  we 
have  a  perfect  view  of  Berkeley,  the 
Bay  Bridge,  Treasure  Island  and  even 

In  April  I  started  a  most  wonderful 
35-day  vacation.  After  three  days  in 
Miami,  an  ex-roommate  of  mine  from 
Seattle,  who  is  now  flying  the  South 
American  route  for  P.  A.  A.,  and  I  left 
on  a  round-the-world  trip.  We  went  first 
to  New  York  via  San  Juan,  P.  R.  and 
thence  to  Frankfurt,  Amsterdam,  London, 
Paris,  Zermatt  (to  ski),  Milan,  Rome, 
Istanbul,  Beirut,  Cairo,  New  Delhi,  Agra, 
and  Bangkok.  Returning  thence  but  not 
stopping  in  Hong  Kong,  Tokyo,  Wake 
and  Honolulu — since  those  spots,  as  well 
as  Guam,  Manila  and  Singapore,  are 
now  on  my  regular  flights.  At  present 
I'm  on  my  way  to  the  South  Pacific.  It 
is  an  18-day  trip.  Although  we  transit 
Canton  Island  we  stop  at  Fiji,  Sydney 
and  Auckland.  I'm  most  pleased  for  I 
have  not  seen  these  places  before. 

As  well  as  flying  the  regular  passenger 
flights  we  have  been  flying  Army  charter 
trips  as  far  as  Tokyo — taking  Army, 
Navy,  Marines  and  Air  Force  replace- 
ments over  and  bringing  back  the 
wounded,  the  widows,  the  boys  on  emer- 
gency leaves,  and  the  high  brass  for  con- 
ference in  Washington.  All  of  which  con- 
vinces us  that  this  war  is  a  very  real 
thing  even  though  it  has  never  been 

Among  the  Duke  people  I've  seen  late- 
lv  are  Pattie  McGowan  Black  (Mrs.  Stan- 
ley P.),  '46,  her  husband  Pat,  and  cute 
young  son  David,  with  whom  I  spent 
yesterdav  here  in  Honolulu. 

A  week  ago  while  I  was  visiting  my 
s:ster  Ebie,  her  three-year-old  Ginny, 
three-month-old  Jimmy,  and  her  "back 
in  the  Marine  Corps  pilot"  husband  in 
Laguna  Beach,  Calif.,  I  saw  Babbie  Mill 
Kesterman  (Mrs.  Adrian  L.),  '46,  and 
her  husband  who  has  also  been  called 
back  in  the  Marine  Corps.  Her  two  sons, 
Jeff  and  Tim  (2%  months),  are  mighty 

In  Miami  I  saw  Johanna  Weiland 
Hoehl  (Mrs.  John  R.),  '46,  Pat  Reed 
Heath.  '42,  and  her  husband  Byard — 
home  on  vacation  also — all  looking  swell. 
In  San  Francisco  I  call  or  see  Arleen 
Palmer,  '48,  quite  often  and  hope  to  see 
Pat  Way  Anderson  (Mrs.  Donald  A.), 
'48,  soon.  Did  I  miss  anybody???  Oh, 
rid  run  into  a   P.   A.   A.   pilot  out  here 

from  Miami — can't  remember  the  name 
but  you  told  him  I  was  here. 

Gad,  how  did  I  get  so  wound  up — and 
I  haven't  even  told  you  about  my  main 
point  of  interest — that  guy  who  sold  me 
the  sail  boat  in  Seattle — frankly  I  think 
he  just  wants  the  boat  (or  at  least  my 
quarter)  back — but  he's  going  to  have 
to  support  me  for  the  rest  of  my  life  to 
get  it.  We've  been  engaged  since  the 
end  of  March  and  have  set  our  wedding- 
date  for  August  18th.  The  wedding  is 
going  to  be  just  outside  San  Francisco 
in  San  Mateo  with  a  reception  at  my 
Aunt  and  Uncle's  home  in  San  Mateo — 
the  folks  are  coming  out  and  Ebie  and 
Jack  will  be  up. 

Hunter,  too,  is  back  in  the  Marine 
Corps  but,  fortunately  for  us,  stationed 
with  the  machine  accounting  group  right 
here  in  San  Francisco. 

I  could  rave  on  for  pages  but  instead 
will  just  tell  you  he's  a  Phi  Delt  from 
University  of  Washington  and  bring  him 
by  some  day  to  see  you  so  you  can  judge 
for  yourself. 

( Dottie  wrote  the  above  letter  at  the 
Mouana  Hotel,  Waikiki  Beach,  Honolulu, 
Territory  of  Hawaii.) 


It  has  been  learned  in  the  Alumni  Of- 
fice that  Simpson  Queen,  '87,  is  deceased. 
He  had  made  his  home  on  Route  1,  Whit- 
tier,  N.  C. 

NED   STAMPER,  '87 
Ned   Stamper,   '87,  of  Route   1,  Whit- 
tier,  N.  C,  is  deceased,  it  has  been  learned 
by  the  Alumni  Office. 

Denison   F.   Giles,   '03,  of  Marion,  N. 
C,  died  of  a  heart  attack  in  the  Balti- 
more, Md.,   Sanatorium  on  February  19. 

Frederick  William  Terrell,  '13,  died  at 
Rex  Hospital  in  Raleigh  May  12  follow- 
ing a  cerebral  hemorrhage  suffered  at 
Fred  A.  Olds  School  late  on  the  after- 
noon  of  May  11. 

Funeral  services  were  held  May  14  in 
Christ  Church,  and  burial  was  in  Oak- 
wood  Cemetery  in  Raleigh. 

Mr.  Terrell  had  taught  school  and 
served  as  principal  in  North  Carolina 
schools  for  a  number  of  years.  At  the 
time  of  his  death  he  was  working  as 
North     Carolina     representative     for     a 

school  book  publishing  firm  in  Atlanti 
Ga.  He  made  his  home  in  the  Raleig 

Survivors  include  the  wife,  Mrs.  Mai 
Alice  Robertson  Terrell;  three  sister 
Mrs.  Guy  Weaver,  Asheville,  N.  C. ;  & 
Margaret  Estes,  Asheville ;  and  Mrs.  J 
A.  Kent  of  Winter  Park,  Fla. ;  and  t\\ 
brothers,  Marvin  C.  Terrell,  '14,  Wal 
Forest;  and  J.  0.  Terrell,  Granite  Fall 
N.  C. 

DR.  I.  T.  MANN,  '09 
Dr.  I.  T.  Mann,  '09,  died  at  his  horn 
1206  Johnson   Street,  in  High  Point,  1 
C,  on  May  13. 

A  past  national  vice-commander  of  tl 
American  Legion,  he  was  also  an  aeti 
member  of  the  Kiwanis  Club,  Masoi 
and  Elks.  In  addition  to  Trinitv  C( 
lege,  Dr.  Mann  attended  the  Medic- 
School  of  the  University  of  North  Car 
lina  and  Jefferson  Medical  College 
Philadelphia.  He  was  a  native  of  Sil 
City,  and  had  practiced  medicine  in  Hi; 
Point  for  a  number  of  years. 

Survivors  include  the  wife;  two  daug 
ters  bv  a  former  marriage,  Mrs.  D.  . 
Pollock  and  Mrs.  Frank  Haven  of  ] 
Myers,  Fla.:  a  sister,  Mrs.  John  R.  P< 
cock  of  High  Point;  and  four  grar 

BASIL  H.  LUCAS.  '34 

Funeral  services  for  attorney  Basil 
Lucas.  '34.  Pittsburgh  oil  executive,  vn 
held  M«y  11. 

Mr.  Lucas  was  secretary-treasurer  a 
a  director  of  the  Hiawatha  Oil  and  C| 
Companv.  Melben  Oil  Company,  and  1 
Penn-Ohio  Gas  Company.  He  was  a 
vice-president  of  the  Republic  Pipe  L 
Company  and  the  DuYal  Pipe  Line  Co 
pany  and  a  director  of  the  Republic 
Refining  Company. 

In    addition    to    Duke,    Mr.    Lucas 
tended     Culver    Military    Academy    £ 
Harvard  Law  School. 

He  is  survived  by  his  mother.  1M 
Mayme  Lucas,  Shinnstown,  W.  Ya. 

NEAL  A.  GIFFORD,  '49 
Neal  A.  Gifford.  '49,  died  April 
as  a  result  of  injuries  suffered  in 
automobile  accident  April  18.  While  i 
was  driving  from  Great  Barrington 
Pittsfield.  Mass..  Neal's  car  was  for 
toward  the  side  of  the  road  bv  an  onci 
ins-  truck  and  ran  into  a  bridge. 

Since  his  graduation  from  Duke,  > 
had  been  working  in  the  accounting 
ganization  of  the  Chemical  Departff 
of  General  El<>eti-ic  in  Pittsfield. 

He  is  survived  bv  his  mother.  3 
Nellie  S.  Gifford  of  Estill.  S.  C. 

\  Page  168  ] 




The  machine  operated  by  these 
technicians  is  only  one  of  many  devices  utilized  by 
America's  progressive  medical  profession  in  treating 
the  hospitalized  ill.    Prepaid  hospital-surgical  plans 
have  a  role  in  the  drama  of  healing  arts,  too.    Of 
all  the  plans  in  North  Carolina,  only  Hospital  Saving 
Association  offers  double  approval  protection  of 
Blue  Cross-Blue  Shield. 





Campus  Interviews  on  Cigarette  Tests 
Number  9. •  .the  pelican 

to^l  can  swallow?" 

OUR  easy-going,  big-billed  friend  lias  learned  to  say  "No"  to  these 
hurry-up,  one-puff,  one-sniff  cigarette  tests!  "Why",  says  he,  "they 
don't  even  give  you  time  to  finish  the  cigarette  before  you're  supposed 
to  decide  which  is  mildest!"  Millions  of  smokers  have  come  to  the  same 
conclusion— there's  just  one  real  way  to  test  the  flavor  and  mildness 
of  a  cigarette. 

It's  The  Sensible  Test . . .  the  30-Day  Camel  Mildness  Test,  which 
simply  asks  you  to  try  Camels  as  a  steady  smoke— on  a  pack-after-pack, 
day-after-day  basis.  No  snap  judgments  needed !  After  you've 
enjoyed  Camels— and  only  Camels— for  30  days  in  your  "T-Zone" 
(T  for  Throat,  T  for  Taste) ,  we  believe  you'll  know  why  . . . 

More  People  Smoke  Camels 

than  any  other  cigarette! 

-  m 



July,  1951 

Spanish  Students  Celebrate  Saint  John's  Eve 

Stay  out  of  the  rough-smoke 
Chesterfield  like  i  do!  ,/ 

merico's  Greatest  Golh 
See  his  life  story  in 


A  20th  Century-fox  Product 

Copvnqht  1951,  Liggett  &  Myers  Tobacco  Co 


(Member  of  American  Alumni  Council) 
Published  at  Durham,  N.  C,  Every  Month  in  the  Year  in  the  Interest  of  the  University  and  the  Alumni 

Volume  XXXVII 

July,  1951 

Number  7 


Editorials 171 

The  School  of  Medicine 172 

Summer  at  Duke 173 

August  Events 173 

Friendship  Symbol 174 

German  Scholarship 174 

Brees  in  Dedication 171 

Senior  Job   Opportunities 175 

Duke  Representatives 176 

Foreign  Orientation  Center 176 

Local  Associations 176 

Sports    177 

Alumni  Are  Honored 178 

Books    179 

Sons  and  Daughters 180 

Navy  News 180 

News   of   the   Alumni 181 

Editor  o«d  Business  Manager 

Charles  A.  Dukes,  '29 

Managing  Editor Roger  L.   Marshall,    '42 

Associate  Editor Anne  Garrard,   '25 

Advertising  Manager Thomas  D.  Donegan 

Layout  Editor Ruth  Mary  Brown 

Staff   Photographer Jimmy    Whitley 

Two  Dollars  a  Year 

20  Cents  a  Copy 

Entered  as  Second-Class  Matter  at  the  Post 

Office  at  Durham,  N.  C,  Under  the  Act  of 

March   3,   1879. 


May   20,   1951 
Pvt.  Paul  H.  Marx,  U.  S.  53045893,  '50 
Hdgs  &  Headquarters  Company 
804  Signal  Base  Depot 
Port  Holabird 
Baltimore  19,  Md. 

First  off  I  would  like  to  tell  you  how  much  I  have  enjoyed  reading 
the  Alumni  News  when  I  have  been  home  on  leave.  It  helps  to  form 
a  contact  between  my  college  days  and  the  new  life  I  am  leading  serv- 
ing our  nation.  I  feel  sure  the  Register  helps  other  members  of  the 
armed  forces  keep  up  this  contact. 

My  main  reason  for  writing  is  to  inquire  whether  or  not  it  is 
possible  for  me  to  purchase  a  class  ring.  I  graduated  in  the  Class  of 
1950  and  at  the  time  did  not  want  a  class  ring.  However,  having  been 
"out  in  the  world"  so  so  speak,  I  see  that  this  emblem  of  recognition 
is  invaluable  and  I  would  like  if  possible  to  acquire  a  class  ring. 
Please  send  me  any  information  you  can  regarding  price,  delivery, 
etc.,  if  the  ring  can  be  obtained. 

Rings  are  available,  and  further  information  about  them  may  be 
secured  by  writing  the  Duke  University  Stores,  Duke  University,: 
Durham,  N.  C. 

May  12,  1951 
Rosabelle  Wehunt  Hampton  (Mrs.  Z.  T.)  R.  N.  '36 
Ft.  Richardson,  Alaska 

Can't  you  take  off  awhile  this  summer  and  come  up  to  nature's 
wonderland?  You  would  love  the  wild  flowers  and  snow-capped  moun- 
tains. The  sun  is  now  rising  a  little  after  3  a.m.  Yesterday  it  rose  at 
3  :15  a.m.  and  set  at  8 :32  p.m.  Last  night  at  11 :00  p.m.  it  was  like 
a  twilight  there.  It  seems  odd  when  only  a  short  while  ago  it  was 
dark  for  so  many  hours  of  the  day.  I've  never  appreciated  the  sun' 
so  much  in  all  my  life  as  after  this  dark  winter.  The  trees  are  just 
beginning  to  show  tiny  buds  and  they  likewise  are  a  welcome  sight. 
Yesterday  I  saw  my  first  robin  of  the  year.  The  temperature  is  rising 
to  around  50°  in  day  time  and  dropping  back  to  around  30°  at  night. 
There  is  so  much  natural  beauty  here — but  much  that  white  man  has 
brought  is  ugliness. 

Our  kindest  regards  to  everyone.  Wish  we  could  be  there  for  the 
'36  reunion — but  'tis  quite  impossible. 


One  of  the  most  spectacular  traditions  followed  during  the  celebra- 
tion of  Saint  John's  Eve  on  June  24,  the  shortest  night  and  longest 
day  of  the  year,  is  the  ritual  of  men  jumping  over  a  fire  to  prove  their 
strength  and  prowess.  For  the  past  ten  years,  the  Duke  School  of; 
Spanish  Studies  has  been  recognizing  this  holiday,  which  has  both. 
Catholic  and  pagan  origins,  on  Friday  nearest  June  24.  Jumping  over 
the  fire  are,  left  to  right,  George  J.  Kintz,  Duke  senior;  Professor  Jose 
Amor  y  Vaz  Quez,  visiting  instructor  from  Brown  University;  and 
Elias  Torre,  Jr.,  Spanish  student. 



We  have  all  %3  T5ypes  of  Composition 

When  setting  type  we  give  due  consideration 
to  the  ultimate  purpose  ...  In  deciding  whether 
to  use  linotype,  monotype  or  hand  composition, 
we  first  ascertain  the  function  of  the  particular 
piece  of  work.  Each  method  was  designed  for 
a  specific  service,  therefore  initial  cost  is  beside 
the  question.  We  shall  be  glad  to  assist  you  in 
deciding  which  of  the  three  will  do  the  best 
job  for  your  particular  problem.  Our  composing 
room  service  is  planned  for  today's  demands. 


413  E.  Chapel  Hill  St.        (&*"'lm  Durham,  N.  C. 



Volume  XXXVII 

July,  1951 

Number  7 

Football  Tickets 

The  sale  of  season  tickets  has  progressed  beyond  all 
expectations  and  it  looks  like  alumni  who  haven't  ordered 
season  tickets  and  are  planning  to  do  so  had  better  get 
their  orders  in  immediately. 

The  latest  ticket  order  to  arrive  came  from  Jack 
Priddy,  '42,  in  Surry,  England.  He  ordered  two  season 
tickets  for  the  fall  of  1951.  Perhaps  this  is  the  best  way 
of  saying  to  the  alumni  close  by  that  it  would  be  a  good 
thing  to  get  in  your  orders  immediately.  This  applies  not 
only  to  the  season  tickets  but  to  those  for  individual 
games  as  well. 

Development  Campaign 

We  have  passed  the  $7,500,000  mark.  We  begin  now 
on  the  last  million  needed  to  reach  our  immediate  goal. 
We  hope  to  complete  this  by  December  31.  If  we  do  so, 
it  is  going  to  take  the  combined  efforts  of  every  former 
student  and  friend  of  the  University. 

We  are  going  to  have  to  continue  the  personal  con- 
tact so  that  every  one  who  is  the  least  bit  interested  in 
Duke  can  know  the  entire  story  and  be  given  an  oppor- 
tunity to  participate  in  the  program.  We  were  unable 
to  get  in  touch  personally  with  all  alumni  by  the  close  of 
our  fiscal  year,  June  30.  Alumni  and  friends  who  have 
not  been  told  the  story  will  be  contacted  during  the 
coming  months — between  now  and  the  end  of  the  year. 

Therefore,  if  you  are  helping  with  the  Development 
Campaign,  please  continue  the  work  you  have  begun,  for 
each  interested  person  must  do  everything  he  can  to  pro- 
mote the  program  during  the  summer  months.  Perhaps 
summer  is  a  bad  time  for  such  campaigns,  but  there  is 
no  good  time,  and  the  great  need  of  the  institution  makes 
any  time  a  good  time. 

or  two  and  see  the  Blue  Devils  in  action  when  they  play 
in  Pittsburgh.  Because  the  Blue  Devils  are  playing  in  a 
number  of  distant  points  from  the  campus,  it  is  going 
to  make  the  games  especially  accessible  for  alumni. 

Just  Rambling 

May  we  remind  you  that  the  Duke  Blue  Devils  are 
going  to  be  a  "traveling  team"  this  year.  Get  out  your 
schedule  and  begin  to  make  plans  now  to  see  them  in  ac- 
tion, not  only  at  Duke  but  when  they  appear  in  yoiir 
vicinity.  A  number  of  the  local  associations,  one  of  which 
is  Norfolk,  Va.,  are  planning  to  play  hosts  to  all  alumni 
attending  the  game  to  be  played  in  their  respective  com- 

We  are  going  to  run  a  schedule  of  these  dinners,  open 
houses,  etc.,  for  your  convenience.  If  you  would  like  to 
attend  one  or  more  of  them,  as  soon  as  the  announcement 
appears  in  the  Register,  please  send  your  reservation 
with  a  check  to  the  proper  person. 

A  few  days  ago  we  received  in  the  mail  a  request 
from  one  of  the  local  groups  for  football  tickets  for  the 
Pittsburgh  game.   This  group  is  planning  to  charter  a  bus 

Would  you  like  a  program  for  your  garden  club,  civic 
club,  or  some  other  organization  to  which  you  belong?  If 
so,  we  have  a  number  of  16  mm.  silent  films  that  we  be- 
lieve would  be  found  most  interesting. 

For  example,  we  have  a  color  film  of  the  Sarah  P. 
Duke  Memorial  Gardens,  giving  both  the  botanical  and 
common  names  of  most  of  the  varieties  of  plants.  This 
film,  which  runs  for  twenty  minutes,  was  listed  one  time 
as  a  suggested  program  for  the  organization  of  National 
Garden  Clubs. 

We  have  a  film  entitled,  "A  Year  at  Duke,"  which 
gives  the  activities  about  the  campus  and  shows  some  of 
the  buildings.  There  are  a  number  of  other  films  as  well, 
There  is  no  charge  for  their  use,  except  to  defray  the 
postage  when  returning  them  to  the  University. 

If  you  would  like  to  use  one  or  more  of  these  films  or 
would  like  to  see  a  list  of  those  available,  please  write 
the  Alumni  Office. 

During  the  past  twelve  months  a  number  of  alumni 
have  made  gifts  to  the  Duke  University  Library.  A  few 
of  them  are: 

The  Holton  family  (Miss  Grace  Holton,  Dr.  Quin- 
ton  Holton,  Mrs.  Holland  Holton  and  sons)  pre- 
sented the  Holton  family's  library,  including  Pro- 
fessor Holland  Holton 's  personal  correspondence. 
The  books  are  principally  education,  textbooks  and 
law  books. 

Mr.  J.  Braxton  Craven — 225  volumes  from  the 
theological  collection  of  his  father  and  grandfather. 
Mrs.  E.  S.  Bowling — 122  volumes  of  literary  and 
historical  interest  from  the  library  of  her  late  hus- 

Mr.  Watson  Smoot — a  collection  of  about  75  medi- 
cal and  theological  volumes  from  the  library  of 
his  father,  Dr.  J.  Edward  Smoot. 

If  you  know  of  persons  who  have  items  you  think 
should  be  included  in  the  Duke  University  Library  and 
whom  j'ou  could  interest  in  giving  these  items  as  a  gift 
to  the  Library,  we  suggest  you  write  to  Dr.  B.  E.  Powell, 
Librarian  of  the  Duke  University  Libraries,  Duke  Sta- 
tion, Durham,  N.  C. 

Perhaps  you  yourself  may  have  books  or  a  collection 
of  some  kind  that  you  would  like  to  give  to  the  Univer- 
sity. If  so,  may  we  suggest  you  get  in  touch  with  Dr. 

Each  day  we  find  that  our  alumni  and  friends  are 
taking  advantage  of  every  opportunity  to  serve  the  insti- 
tution. If  you  would  like  to  have  additional  channels 
through  which  to  express  your  interest  and  don't  know 
quite  how  to  proceed,  I  hope  you  will  write  to  the  Alumni 


Summer  at  Duke — As  Active  as  Ever 

Entering  Freshmen  and  Building  Projects  Are  Out  of  Routine 

Summer  arrives.  Students  who  have 
labored  through  the  winter  depart  for 
homes  or  jobs.  For  a  week  or  two  fol- 
lowing commencement  a  university  cam- 
pus has  the  appearance  of  a  deserted 
village,  tended  only  by  a  handful  of  care- 
takers and  office  workers. 

This  lull,  however,  doesn't  last  long.  At 
least  not  at  Duke.  Students  scatter. 
Faculty  members  scatter.  But  some  of 
each  return  when  the  Summer  Session 
begins;  and  the  places  of  those  who  have 
departed  for  longer  intervals  are  taken  by 
new  arrivals  from  other  colleges  and  uni- 
versities, from  high  schools,  from  foreign 
countries,  and  from  a  dozen  other  sources. 
These  new  arrivals  come  to  learn,  to 
teach,  to  do  research,  to  engage  in  all  of 
the  pursuits  that  characterize  the  Uni- 
versity during  the  fall,  winter,  and 

There  is  no  off-season  at  Duke,  and 
those  who  are  inclined  to  envy  what  they 
consider  the  soft  summer  life  of  a  pro- 
fessor would  find  a  cherished  di'eam  shat- 
tered if  they  could  observe  the  intense 
hot  weather  activities  of  the  faculty.- 

A  large  number  of  Duke  teachers  have 
taken  temporary  quarters  at  other  uni- 
versities in  the  United  States  and  abroad. 
There  they  are  guest  lecturers,  research- 
ers, or,  in  several  instances,  students 
themselves.  Others  are  poking  about  in 
distant  libraries,  museums,  and  labora- 
tories— pushing  forward  projects  in  very 
many  diverse  fields. 

Special  Sessions 

Over  and  above  the  regular  classroom- 
lecture-laboratory  schedule  of  Summer 
Session  students,  there  are  the  special 
schools  and  institutes  which  have  become 
a  substantial  part  of  summer  activities 
and  through  which  Duke  is  giving  out- 
standing service  to  teachers  and  other 
professional  men  and  women. 

Oldest,  largest,  and  most  famous  of 
these  special  sessions  are  the  School  of 
Spanish  Studies,  underway  the  first 
semester,  and  the  Institute  for  Teachers 
of  Mathematics,  to  take  place  the  second 
semester.  The  first  of  these  popular  in- 
stitutions has  a  peculiar  effect  upon  the 
campus.  At  any  odd  moment  an  unsus- 
pecting stroller  may  happen  upon  a  lively 
group  of  gaily  clad  gypsies  yelping  hap- 
pily at  each  other  in  pure,  or  at  least 
quite  acceptable,  Spanish.  They  may 
dance,   sing,   or  begin   to  leap   over  the 

towering  flames  of  a  bonfire.  Duke's 
gothic  chambers  are  touched  with  Latin- 
American  magic  for  a  few  brief  weeks. 

The  Math  Institute  goes  about  its  busi- 
ness a  little  less  spectacularly,  but  highly 
effectively.  There  is  little  question  that 
the  Institute  is  doing  great  work  in  im- 
proving the  methods  and  results  of  the 
teaching  of  mathematics.  Dr.  W.  W. 
Eankin,  director  of  the  Institute,  this 
month  was  invited  to  U.C.L.A.  to  direct 
a  similar  undertaking  on  the  West  Coast, 
which  is  just  being  launched.  Meanwhile, 
four  other  math  institutes  patterned  after 
the  one  originated  at  Duke  are  being 
organized  across  the  United  States. 

Other  special  sessions,  of  greater  or 
lesser  age,  have  been  or  are  being  held 
for  nurses,  doctors,  hospital  technicians, 
ministers,  scientists,  and  numerous  other 
professional  groups. 

A  brand  new  undertaking  this  year — 
one  likely  to  become  greater  than  any 
of  the  others — is  the  Science  Teachers 
Laboratory  This  laboratory  will  at- 
tempt to  do  for  science  teachers  what 
the  Math  Institute  has  done  for  math 
teachers.  An  outstanding  staff,  a  care- 
fully planned  and  highly  selective  pro- 
gram, a  large  group  of  intensely  inter- 
ested teachers  will  combine  to  give  the 
Laboratory  a  send-off  that  should  estab- 
lish it  as  an  annual  affair. 

Freshmen  Enter 

Classroom  work  and  special  institutes 
are,  however,  the  more  or  less  normal  ele- 
ments of  a  Summer  Session  at  Duke. 
This  year  there  are  one  or  two  less  fa- 
miliar elements  of  summer  at  Duke. 

The  first  of  these  is  the  number  of  en- 
tering freshmen.  Last  winter,  when  the 
draft  began  to  harass  those  attending 
and  planning  to  attend  the  nation's  col- 
leges and  universities,  Duke  promptly  an- 
nounced that  it  would  encourage  high 
school  graduates  to  enter  in  the  summer 
in  order  to  push  forward  their  college 
work  as  much  as  possible  before  facing 
the  prospect  of  prolonged  armed  serv- 
ice. Special  arrangements  were  made  to 
receive  them  and  a  suitable  curriculum 
was  prepared. 

Despite  an  at  least  temporary  lessening 
of  draft  fears,  brought  about  bv  rumored 
peace  negotiations,  more  than  100  fresh- 
men enrolled  in  Trinity  College  and  sev- 
eral women,  following  the  example  of 
their  brothers,  entered  the  Woman's  Col- 
lege.   These  youngsters,  come  what  may 

from  their  draft  boards,  are  at  least  get- 
ting the  jumps  on  their  fellow  freshmen. 

New  Buildings  Arise 

Another  thing  that  the  campus  doesn't 
experience  just  any  summer  is  the  large 
scale  construction  now  taking  place. 

On  Hospital  Drive,  facing  east,  the  new 
nurses  home  is  rapidly  assuming  discern- 
ible architectural  proportions.  The  brick 
is  rising  on  all  four  sides  and  at  this 
moment  is  nearly  roof  high.  Inside  the 
first  of  the  walls  are  interposing  them- 
selves between  large  expanses  of  raw, 
empty  space.  Stairways  are  in,  floors 
are  laid,  and  in  a  surprisingly  short  time, 
it  can  be  assumed,  the  nurses  will  be 
inspecting  their  new  and  much-needed 
living  quarters  and  teaching  facilities. 

Directly  across  from  the  nurses'  home 
is  the  naked  steel  framework  of  the  new 
Graduate  Living  Center.  Already  the 
first  rows  of  brick,  visible  only  to  those 
who  take  the  trouble  to  peer  over  the 
high  construction  fence,  line  the  baseline 
of  the  structure.  Floors  are  being  ex- 
tended between  steel  beams  to  give  the 
building  a  more  substantial  appearance, 
and  an  engineer  with  a  good  imagination 
may  now  visualize  the  eventual  appear- 
ance of  the  finished  structure. 

Not  too  far  away  the  new  wing  of  the 
Medical  Research  Building  is  approach- 
ing completion  and  behind  the  Physics 
Building  an  annex  is  being  erected  to 
take  care  of  the  University's  new  nuclear 

But  the  most  recently  begun  construc- 
tion activity  is  taking  place  right  in  the 

August  Events 

August  2-4  Conference  of  the  North 
Carolina  English  Teachers  Associa- 

August  5  Organ  recital  by  Arnold 
Briggs.  4 :30  p.m.,  University 

August  7-17  Duke  Institute  for 
Teachers  of  Mathematics. 

August  18  Final  exams  in  all  four- 
week  courses  of  the  second  term  of 
Summer  Session. 

August  19  Organ  recital  by  Samuel 
Owens,  Birmingham  Conservatory. 
4:30  p.m.,  University  Chapel. 

August  25     Final  exam  in  physics. 

August  30-31  Final  exams  in  all  six- 
week   courses   of   the    Summer    Ses- 


[ Page  173  ] 

heart  of  West  Campus.  Directly  across 
from  the  Library  Building,  beside  the  So- 
cial Science  (old  Physics)  Building, 
there  is  already  a  strange  clearing. 
Where  a  forest  used  to  exist,  there  is  now 
a  level  field. 

This  is  where  the  ground  is  being  pre- 
pared for  the  realization  of  an  old  dream, 
a  new  Administration  and  Classroom 
Building.  Plans  call  for  the  erection  of 
a  gothic  building  that  was  designed  some 
25  years  ago  to  All  the  vacant  corner 
of  the  intersection  of  the  two  main  quad- 
rangles. While  the  University  settled 
back  to  await  the  time  when  this  building 
would  actually  exist,  the  administrative 
offices,  for  25  years,  were  located  in  "tem- 
porary" quarters.  These  quarters  have 
long  since  become  irremedially  inade- 
( Continued  on  Page  188) 

German  University  Has 
Offered  Scholarships 

A  "thank-you"  scholarship  has  been  of- 
fered by  the  University  of  Marburg  in 
Germany  to  any  Duke  University  student 
who  wants  to  study  there. 

Two  German  students  from  the  Uni- 
versity of  Marburg,  Erwin  Merkel  and 
Guenther  Bicknese,  who  studied  at  Duke 
last  fall  under  the  German  Training  Pro- 
gram, were  so  impressed  by  Duke  and 
American  college  life  that  they  became 
more  interested  in  the  idea  of  exchange 
students  and  promoted  the  idea  of  the 

The  University  of  Marburg  is  famous 
for  its  Summer  School,  but  any  season 
is  reported  to  be  pleasant  at  the  Univer- 
sity with  its  beautiful  old  buildings  and 

Carved  Crown  Is  Friendship  Symbol 

Visitors  to  the  Rare  Book  Room  of 
the  Duke  University  Library  will  find 
among  the  many  interesting  objects 
placed  on  display  there  a  wood  carv- 
ing of  a  crown  from  historic  Durham 
castle  in  England. 

This  spring  Vice-Chancellor  Sir 
James  Duff  (center)  of  England's 
University  of  Durham,  presented  Duke 
University  officials  with  the  carving 
in  a  special  international  good  will 
ceremony  in  the  Rare  Book  Room. 

Dr.  Paul  M.  Gross  (right),  vice- 
president  of  Duke  in  the  Educational 
Division,  received  the  gift  for  the 
University.  Former  Mayor  Dan  K. 
Edwards,  '35  (left),  represented  the 
City  of  Durham  at  the  ceremony 
which  took  place  shortly  before  he 
assumed  the  position  of  assistant  see- 

retarv  of  defense  in  Washington, 
D.  C. 

Other  Duke  officials  taking  part 
were  Dr.  Charles  E.  Jordan,  vice-presi- 
dent in  the  Division  of  Public  Rela- 
tions; Dr.  Herbert  J.  Herring,  vice- 
president  in  the  Division  of  Student 
Life;  A.  S.  Brower,  business  manager 
and  comptroller;  Dr.  Alan  K.  Man- 
chester, dean  of  undergraduate  stud- 
ies; and  Dr.  Benjamin  Powell,  Duke 
University  librarian. 

Vice-Chancellor  Duff  made  his  visit 
to  the  United  Str.-tes  in  connection 
with  his  duties  as  a  member  of  the 
British  Commonwealth  Fund  Com- 
mittee of  Award.  Established  in  1925, 
the  fund  provides  international  edu- 
cation and  travel  opportunities  for 
outstanding  young  men  and  women. 

traditions  deeply  rooted  in  the  past.  Twi 
tuition-free  semesters  are  offered  to  Duk 
students  for  any  time  of  the  year.  Sev 
eral  are  taking  advantage  of  the  scholar 
ship  this  summer.  The  German  offer  wi] 
permit  them  to  take  advantage  of  fl 
favorable  exchange  rate  of  dollars  t( 
Deutsehmark  and  live  "luxuriously"  (M 
$50  a  month   (it's  reported!). 

A  pictorial  volume  of  the  German  Uni 
versity  was  presented  to  President  Eden: 
by  Gunther  Strahl,  official  of  the  town 
and  one  of  a  new  group  of  German  stu 
dents  in  the  training  program  in  behal 
of  the  town  of  Marburg.  The  Germai 
students  also  wished  to  express  the! 
thanks  for  the  contribution  of  severa 
hundred  dollars  to  Marburg  Universit; 
for  the  improvement  of  student  aceom 
modation  facilities  by  the  Duke  Campm 
Chest  Fund  through  its  world  Studen 
Service  Fund. 

Brees  in  Dedication 

Anton  Brees,  world  famous  virtuoso  o: 
the  carillon  who  plays  during  the  sum 
mer  at  Duke  University  and  during  tb 
winter  at  the  Bok  Singing  Tower,  Laki 
Wales,  Fla.,  participated  in  the  dedi 
catory  recital  of  the  University  of  Kan 
sas  campanile  on  May  27.  He  remained  ii 
Lawrence,  Kans.,  to  play  three  recital 
in  addition  to  the  dedicatory  service,  in 
eluding  a  starlight  program. 

The  newly  completed  University  o: 
Kansas  campanile  is  a  memorial  ti 
World  War  II  and  to  the  alumni  of  tha 
institution  who  gave  their  lives  in  com 
bat.  The  carillon  bells  themselves  wel 
made  by  John  Taylor  and  Company,  o: 
Loughborough,  England,  bell  founder 
since  1360,  the  same  concern  which  mad- 
the  bells  in  the  Duke  Chapel  Towei 
There  are  53  bells  in  the  Kansas  carillon 
the  largest  of  which  weigh  13,440  pounds 

A  native  of  Belgium,  Mr.  Brees  ha 
since  1924  played  more  dedicatory  recit 
als  than  any  other  earillonneur  in  thi 
country.  His  father  was  the  eminen 
Gustaaf  Brees,  earillonneur  of  the  his 
toric  Antwerp  Cathedral.  Now  a  Unitei 
States  citizen,  Mr.  Brees  has  brought  ti 
this  country  all  of  the  artistry  and  tech 
nique  which  has  been  associated  wifl 
carillon  playing  in  the  Low  Lands  fo' 
centuries,  where  the  bells  are  considerei 
a  national  instrument. 

On  June  3,  Mr.  Brees  presented  a  caril 
Ion  recital  on  the  Duke  Campus,  during 
Commencement  Week  End.  He  will  re 
main  in  Durham  during  the  summer,  an< 
will  give  two  carillon  recitals  weekly 
Sunday  afternoons  and  Thursday  eve 
nings.  The  public  is  cordially  invited  t( 

[  Page  174  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  July,   1951 

Seniors  Find  Opportunities  Are  Ample 

Appointments  Office  Reports  Great  Increase  in  Openings  for  Graduates 

The  Appointments  Office,  which  serves 
is  a  free  employment  service  for  students 
ind  alumni,  reports  that  probably  100 
jercent  of  this  year's  graduates,  both 
nen  and  women,  have  succeeded  in  find- 
ng  jobs.  Most  of  the  seniors  were  regi- 
stered with  the  office. 

Outstanding  facts  from  the  report  are 
hat  this  year  there  were  4,471  job  open- 
ngs  available  for  consideration  by  the 
he  691  graduating  seniors;  that  the  larg- 
■st  number  of  openings  were  in  engineer- 
ng,  sales  and  accounting,  with  chemistry 
md  physics  ranking  next;  and  that  there 
s  a  developing  tendency  for  employers 
n  commerce  and  industry  to  rate  appli- 
lants  primarily  on  their  ability  to  get 
ilong  with  people,  grades  being  of  sec- 
mdary  significance.  This  development 
loes  not  hold  in  professional  and  research 
ields,  however;  in  these  areas  the  ap- 
)licant's  academic  record  is  scrutinized 
rith  care. 

In  general,  the  employment  situation  is 
asier  now  than  it  was  last. year,  when 
here  was  a  slight  falling  off  from  the 
>ost-war  level.  Judging  from  the  number 
if  employment  opportunities,  the  number 
'f  visits  to  Duke  by  employers'  repre- 
entatives  to  interview  students,  the  level 
•f  starting  salaries  and  similiar  indicia 
he  1950  loss  has  been  more  than  erased. 

industry  and  Government 

Employment  in  industrial  and  eom- 
lercial  establishments  which  accounts  for 
6%  of  the  activity  of  the  Appoint- 
lents  Office,  has  been  largely  with  big 
orporations.  As  may  be  expected,  gov- 
rnment  has  entered  the  field  as  an  em- 
iloyer  on  a  large  scale.  The  compara- 
ively  insignificant  number  of  smaller 
usinesses  that  have  engaged  personnel 
lirough  the  Appointments  Office  may  be 
|ue  to  the  fact,  among  others,  that  such 
stablishments  find  that  the  expense  of 
[jading  representatives  to  universities  to 
iterview  prospective  employees  out- 
weighs the  advantages  of  such  means 
ar  filling  their  personnel  needs  as 
gainst  depending  on  the  usual  local 

Most  calls  in  the  commercial-industrial 
racket   still   come  from   the   North   and 

ortheast,  but  the  increasing  industrial- 
ation  of  the  South  is  reflected  in  a 
Ittesponding  increase  in  the  number  of 
»uke  graduates  who  find  permanent  busi- 
ess  and  professional  careers  in  this  see- 
on  of  the  countrv. 

A  total  of  184  companies  sent  repre- 
sentatives to  the  Appointments  Office  in 
quest  of  new  personnel;  of  these,  19 
made  two  or  more  visits.  They  announced 
themselves  as  being  on  the  market  for 
additions  to  their  staffs  in  the  following 
categories  and  in  the  following  numbers: 
engineers,  747  (including  a  round  700 
sought  by  DuPont;  sales  persons,  242; 
chemists,  145;  accountants,  84  (several 
were  accepted  by  Price,  Waterhouse  in 
New  York);  merchandisers,  89;  physi- 
cists, 83;  insurance  men,  41;  bank  em- 
ployees, 16;  personnel  for  training  in 
sales,  management,  purchasing  and  simi- 
lar positions,  81.  Vacancies  disclosed  by 
these  representatives  added  up  to  1,528. 
By  letter  and  phone  the  office  was  ap- 
prised of  openings  for  1,474  engineers, 
113  salesmen,  93  accountants  and  1,263 
others.  Engineering  opportunities  ac- 
count for  nearly  half  of  the  total,  or 
2,241  out  of  4,471  openings  in  all  fields. 

Four  fifths  of  the  requests  for  teachers 
originate  on  the  college  level,  with  calls 
for  teachers  of  education  and  English 
predominating.  All  sections  of  the  coun- 
try send  to  Duke  for  college  faculty  per- 
sonnel. In  the  secondary  and  elementary 
school  brackets  the  largest  number  of 
openings  have  been  for  coaches,  adminis- 
trators and  teachers  of  English,  the  calls 
coming  mainly  from  the  South.  The  59 
graduates  and  others  so  far  registered 
for  jobs  in  the  teaching  profession  had 
333  placement  opportunities  to  choose 
from,  with  the  most  active  quarter  of  the 
year,  in  which  the  foregoing  figures  will 
be  trebled  or  quadrupled,  falling  within 
the  current  months  of  summer.  This  does 
not  indicate  that  such  a  ratio  exists  be- 
tween the  number  of  would-be  teachers 
and  existing  openings;  presumably  insti- 
tutions needing'  teachers  list  their  require- 
ments with  every  major  university  hav- 
ing a  school  of  education,  as  each  Spring- 
large  corporations  canvass  the  leading 
colleges  for  outstanding  seniors. 

Worthy  of  note  is  the  fact  that  the 
calls  for  teachers  include  110  openings 
for  teachers  on  the  primary,  secondary 
and  high  school  levels  in  foreign  coun- 
tries. A  majority  of  the  openings  exist 
in  schools  in  the  Latin-American  repub- 
lics; a  number  of  calls  came  also  from 
Middle-Eastern  countries  such  as  Turkey 
and  Greece.  Anchorage,  Alaska,  requires 
many  teachers;  calls  have  come,  through 
various  public     and  private  agencies,  for 

teachers  in  Japan,  Germany,  Australia, 
the  Philippines,  Egypt  and  other  coun- 
tries. The  requirements  set  forth  for 
these  positions  tend  to  be  rather  high, 
usually  demanding  two  years  of  experi- 
ence, and  often  a  master's  degree.  The 
result  is  that  often  by  the  time  a  poten- 
tial applicant  has  the  necessary  require- 
ments he  is  sufficiently  well  settled  that 
he  is  reluctant  to  make  so  drastic  a 

Women  Must  Type 

With  regard  to  women  a  peculiarity  of 
the  employment  situation  is  that  most 
employers  require  a  knowledge  of  typing 
and  shorthand,  or  at  least  typing,  even 
of  applicants  for  jobs  in  personnel  work, 
banks,  insurance,  business  administration 
and  government,  where  stenography  is 
not  ordinarily  considered  as  a  phase  of 
the  work.  Typing  is  of  course  an  under- 
standable requirement  in  publicity,  public 
relations,  advertising  and  journalism,  in 
which  fields  there  have  been  many  calls 
for  women. 

The  job  outlook  in  general,  as  it  ap- 
pears to  the  college  graduate,  is  well 
summed  up  in  a  letter  for  college  news- 
papers, for  release  on  June  1,  issued  by 
Maurice  J.  Tobin,  Secretary  of  the  U.  S. 
Department  of  Labor.  Characterizing  the 
prospects  as  "excellent,"  the  letter  con- 
tinues: "Both  rising  civilian  demand  and 
the  needs  of  the  defense  program  have 
created  a  generally  tight  labor  market, 
with  acute  shortages  of  workers  in  some 
occupations  and  local  areas.  In  occupa- 
tion after  occupation  the  demand  for 
workers  has  risen  rapidly  since  June 
1950.  The  total  number  of  employes  in 
nonagricultural  establishments  increased 
by  2  million  between  June  1950  and 
(Continued  on  Page  188) 

Mistakes  Will  Happen 

Apologies  are  in  order  for  Joe  Rich- 
ard Phillips,  B.S.M.E  '51,  president 
of  Senior  Engineers,  and  Roberta  E. 
Williams,  B.N.  '51,  president  of  Sen- 
ior Nurses,  who  were  mistakenly 
identified  in  the  June  Register  as 
Richard  J.  Crowder  and  Alice  Jean 
Youmans  in  the  picture  of  flag  low- 
ering on  page  140.  Dick  and  Alice  are 
next  year's  Trinity  College  and  Wom- 
an's College  presidents  and  will  take 
part  in  the  ceremony  in  1952. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  July,   1951 

[ Page  175  ] 

Duke  Is  Represented 
at  Various  Events 

Four  representatives  of  Duke  Univer- 
sity participated  in  special  ceremonies  at 
other  colleges  and  universities  during 

Joseph  C.  Robert,  A.M.  "29.  Ph.D.  '33, 
associate  dean  of  the  Duke  Graduate 
School  of  Arts  and  Sciences,  represented 
Duke  June  3  at  the  inauguration  of  Dr. 
Harold  C.  Case  as  president  of  Boston 
University,  Boston,  Mass. 

Attending  the  inauguration  of  Malcolm 
A.  Love  as  president  of  the  University 
of  Nevada  on  June  11,  was  W.  Dwight 
Billings,  A.M.  '35,  Ph.D.  '36.  Mr.  Bill- 
ings is  chairman  of  the  biology  depart- 
ment at  the  University  of  Nevada. 

Carl  H.  Deal,  B.S.  '41,  Ph.D.  '45,  of 
Orinda,  Calif.,  represented  Duke  at  the 
Centennial  Commencement  of  the  Col- 
lege of  the  Pacific,  June  10,  in  Stockton, 
Calif.  He  is  a  research  chemist  with  the 
Shell  Development  Company,  and  is  also 
president  of  his  local  Duke  Alumni  Asso- 

The  University  was  represented  at  the 
100th  founders'  day  of  the  Hill  School, 
Pottstown,  Pa.,  on  June  9  bv  Frederic 
M.  J.  Walp,  M.D.  '39. 

Professor  Robert  N.  Cook,  LL.B.  '36, 
of  the  Law  School  of  Western  Reserve 
University,  represented  Duke  at  the  125th 
anniversary  of  the  founding  of  Western 
Reserve  University  on  June  11. 

Foreign  Students  to  Head 
Orientation  Center  at  Duke 

About  40  students  from  foreign  coun- 
tries will  spend  six  weeks  on  the  Duke 
campus  from  August  1  to  September  7 
at  an  "orientation  center''  designed  to 
familiarize  them  with  American  customs 
and  manners  before  they  go  on  to  some 
other  school  for  work  in  a  field  of  special 

Duke  is  one  of  the  20  American  colleges 
and  universities  selected  for  the  orienta- 
tion program,  which  will  help  1,000  for- 
eign students  brought  to  this  country  in 
State  Department  sponsored  "exchange 
projects."  All  of  the  students  are  gradu- 
ates of  a  foreign  university  and  are  pre- 
paring to  do  post  graduate  work  in  the 
United  States. 

Half  of  the  students  coming  to  Duke 
are  from  Japan,  and  the  other  half  are 
from  various  countries  all  over  the  world, 
including  India,  Pakistan,  Turkey, 
Egypt,    France,    and   Belgium. 

Officers  of  the  newly  formed  Duke  University  Alumni  Association,  Ha 
waii  Chapter,  are  left  to  right,  Chaplain  Robert  M.  Price,  '18,  committe 
member;  Dr.  Dorothy  M.  Heagy,  M.Ed.  '44,  chairman;  Kwan  Hi  Line 
LL.B.  '50,  committee  member;  Woodley  C.  Merritt,  '21.  committee  member 
Dr.  Cyrus  W.  Loo,  G.  '47,  committee  member ;  Pattie  MeGowan  Black  (Mrs 
Stanley  P.),  '46,  vice-chairman;  and  the  Reverend  Kingsley  K.  Lyu,  B.D 
'42.  secretary-treasurer. 

Local  Associations 


The  youngest  organization  that  has 
been  added  to  the  ever-expanding  list  of 
Duke  Alumni  Associations  is  the  Duke 
University  Alumni  Association  Hawaii 
Chapter.  The  first  meeting  was  held  in 
the  Honolulu  YWCA  where  former  Duke 
students  met  for  a  tray  lunch-business 
meeting  to  form  the  new  chapter. 

The  following  officers  were  elected  to 
serve  the  organization :  Dr.  Dorothy  M. 
Heagy,  M.Ed.  '44,  chairman;  Pattie  Mc- 
Gowan Black  (Mrs.  Stanley  P.),  '46, 
vice-chairman ;  and  the  Reverend  Kings- 
ley  K.  Lyu,  secretary-treasurer.  Chap- 
lain (Major)  Robert  M.  Price,  '18; 
Woodley  C.  Merritt,  '21;  Dr.  Cyrus  W. 
Loo,  G.  '47;  and  Kwan  Hi  Lam,  LL.B. 
'50,  are  committee  members. 

There  are  about  40  Duke  alumni  liv- 
ing in  the  Honolulu  area,  and  it  is  antic- 
ipated that  they  will  all  become  active 
members  of  the  Alumni  Association. 

Alamance  County 

Louis  C.  Allen,  Jr.,  '45,  LL.B.  '49, 
president  of  the  Alamance  County  chap- 
ter of  the  Duke  Alumni  Association,  has 
recently  been  recalled  to  active  duty  with 
the  United  States  Xavy.  For  the  present, 
Allen  Commaek,  Jr.,  '48,  secretary-treas- 
urer, will  function  as  acting  president  of 
the  organization. 

William  C.  Wettstein,  '47 
Dallas,  Texas 

The  new  president  of  the  recently  or 
ganized  Dallas,  Tex.,  Duke  University 
Club  is  William  C.  Wettstein,  '47,  whosi 
picture  appears  above.  A  sales  manage); 
for  Burlington  Mills  in  Dallas,  he  i: 
now  an  active  worker  for  the  Develop 
ment  Campaign  in  that  area.  His  J 
dress  is  571S  West  Claridge  Circle 

[  Page  176  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  July,   1951 

Predictions  for  '51  Are  Scarce 

No  One  Knows  Blue  Devil  Strength — But 
Thrills  Are  Expected 

Captain  of  Duke's  1951  Football 
Team,  James  Gibson 

From  Duke  to  State 

Horace  (Horse)  Hendrickson,  '34, 
frosh  football,  baseball,  and  basketball 
coach  at  Duke  for  the  past  two  years,  is' 
taking  over  as  chief  scout  for  the  N.  C. 
State  College  football  team,  assistant 
varsity  coach,  and  head  coach  of  the 
junior   varsity   football   team   next   year. 

A  quarterback  on  the  first  Duke  team 
coached  by  Wallace  Wade  to  win  the 
Southern  Conference  championship,  in 
his  senior  year  he  also  won  varsity  mon- 
ograms in  baseball  and  basketball. 

Coaching  and  sports  work  have  kept 
Hendrickson  busy  since  his  college  days. 
He  remained  as  assistant  freshman  coaeh 
at  Duke  until  1937  when  he  went  to 
Elon  College  as  director  of  athletics  and 
football  coach.  His  Elon  teams  won  two 
North  Carolina  Conference  champion- 
ships in  football  and  three  in  baseball. 

He  joined  the  University  of  Pennsyl- 
vania grid  staff  as  assistant  backfield 
coach  in  1942,  and  the  Brooklyn  Dodgers 
signed  him  as  backfield  coach  of  their 
grid  team  and  scout  in  the  baseball  set- 
up in  1948.  A  year  later,  Mr.  Hendrick- 
son returned  to  Duke  as  a  member  of 
the  athletic  system. 

With  Bill  Murray,  '31,  head  mentor  at 
Duke,  Tom  Rogers,  '35,  at  Wake  Forest, 
and  "Horse"  Hendrickson,  assistant  coach- 
ing at  State  College,  Duke  University  is 
well  represented  on  surrounding  football 
teams  for  the  coming  year.  Carolina, 
however,  has  not  yet  accepted  Duke 
coaching  talent. 

Football  Coach  William  D.  (Bill)  Mur- 
ray, '31,  "officially"  returned  to  Duke  and 
the  state  of  North  Carolina  in  mid-July 
and  after  helping  Mrs.  Murray  (Carolyn 
Kirby),  '32,  get  settled  in  their  home 
here,  he  started  looking  to  and  planning 
for  the  fall. 

As  he  returned,  the  athletic  office  re- 
ported a  brisk  sale  of  season  tickets 
(better  get  your  orders  in  for  both  sea- 
son tickets  and  individual  tickets  NOW) 
and  it  appears  that  there  is  great  interest 
in  Murray's  debut  as  boss  of  the  Blue 

Bill  himself  had  little  to  say.  "We 
may  surprise  some  of  our  opponents," 
he  said,  "and  I  hope  that  we  can  do  some 
scoring.  However,  I  am  afraid  that  our 
opponents  are  going  to  do  some  too.  I 
am  still  trying  to  familiarize  myself  with 
the  squad  which  can't  be  done  in  the  six 
weeks  we  had  this  spring." 

There  is  one  thing  certain.  His  selec- 
tion as  coach  has  met  with  approval 
from  all  sides.  He  was  certainly  the 
"people's  choice"  for  the  job.  Those  who 
know  him  best  predict  great  things  for 
him  for  he  is  generally  recognized  as 
having  a  keen  football  mind. 

The  alumni  must  give  him  time,  how- 
ever. Coming  here  "cold  turkey,"  he  has 
had  to  start  from  the  bottom  and  get 
acquainted  both  with  the  boys  and  with 
the  assistant  coaches,  but  he  has  gotten 
a  fine  start;  he  is  both  popular  with  and 
respected  by  the  "boys"  and  he'll  event- 
ually do  the  job. 

The  schedule  is  a  tough  one.  Opening 
with  strong  South  Carolina  at  Columbia, 
the   Blue    Devils   then    journey   to   Pitts- 

burgh to  meet  the  resurging  Panthers 
and  then  to  Knoxville  to  take  on  the 
No.  1  team  in  the  nation  (in  our  book), 
Tennessee.  If  he  can  get  a  couple  of 
wins  out  of  those  three,  he'll  have  done 
his  job  well  indeed. 

Coach  Murray  will  make  his  home 
debut  in  the  game  with  N.  C.  State  on 
October  13  which  will  be  followed  by  a 
game  with  Virginia  Tech  at  Norfolk  on 
October  22. 

The  Homecoming  Day  special  will  be 
served  up  on  October  27  with  Virginia 
here  and  it  is  expected  to  be  a  record- 
breaker  as  alumni  return  to  watch  Duke's 
first  alumnus  coach. 

Georgia  Tech  will  be  met  in  Atlanta 
on  November  3  and  then  Wake  Forest 
comes  here  for  the  Dad's  Day  game  on 
November  10.  This  will  be  followed  by 
a  game  with  William  and  Mary  at  Wil- 
liamsburg on  November  17  and  the  finale 
with  Carolina  here  on  November  24. 

Several  announcements  recently  indi- 
cate "terrific"  schedules  for  Duke  teams 
in  years  to  come.  Athletic  Director  Eddie 
Cameron  recently  announced  that  Navy 
would  come  to  Durham  on  November  8 
of  1952  and  that  S.M.U.  would  be  met 
in  Dallas,  Texas,  on  September  26. 

These  games  along  with  the  home-and- 
home  series  previously  announced  with 
Army  and  Purdue  starting  in  1953  show 
the  calibre  of  the  opposition  that  Duke 
will  play  in  years  to  come  and  the  fine 
attractions  that  will  be  brought  to  Duke 

Cameron  pointed  out  that  "fans  who 
buy  season  tickets  now  will  be  assured 
of  best  seats  in  future  years." 

1951  Football  Schedule 

September  22 — South  Carolina ..Columbia 

September  29 — Pittsburgh Pittsburgh 

October    6 — Tennessee  Knoxville 

October  13— N.   C.   State Durham 

October  20— Virginia  Tech Norfolk,  Va. 

October  27 — Virginia    (Homecoming)  Durham 

November    3 — Georgia    Tech... Atlanta 

November  10 — Wake   Forest Durham 

November  17 — WTilliam  and  Mary Williamsburg 

November  24 — North    Carolina Durham 


[  Page  177  ] 

Alumni  Recently  Honored 

A  Random  Sampling  of  Recognition  of  Duke  Men  and  Women 

Julian  Lentz  Is  Honored 

Julian  C.  Lentz,  Jr.,  '38,  M.D.  '42,  of 
Maryville,  Tenn.,  has  received  the  Junior 
Chamber  of  Commerce  distinguished  serv- 
ice award  for  being  named  "Young  Man 
of  the  Year"  of  Blount  County,  Tenn. 

An  active  Jayeee  and  Kiwanian,  Dr. 
Lentz  has  been  a  leader  in  health  and 
civic  affairs  in  Blount  County,  having 
served  as  chairman  of  the  Heart  Associa- 
tion drive  and  diabetic  detection  clinic. 
He  has  worked  as  medical  advisor  to 
veterans,  given  service  in  treatment  of 
arthritic  patients  and  found  sponsors  to 
pay  for  their  medicine  at  cost,  and  helped 
establish  a  vitamin  bank  for  needy  chil- 
dren of  the  community. 

Dr.  Lentz  is  vice-president  of  the 
Blount  County  Medical  Association,  sec- 
retary of  the  Blount  Memorial  Hospital 
staff,  member  of  the  Disaster  Prepared- 
ness project  of  the  Red  Cross,  chairman 
of  the  underprivileged  committee  of  the 
Kiwanis  Club,  and  has  served  as  chair- 
man of  the  Red  Cross  Medical  group.  He 
is  an  active  member  of  the  New  Provi- 
dence Presbyterian  Church,  where  he 
serves  as  chairman  of  the  Square  of  Lay- 
men's Council. 

Having  interned  at  Grady  Hospital, 
Atlanta,  Ga.,  and  taken  post  graduate 
work  in  Atlanta  following  service  in  the 
U.  S.  Army  Medical  Corps  with  the  First 
Field  Hospital,  Dr.  Lentz  established  his 
practice  in  Maryville.  He  is  married  to 
the  former  Mary  Nell  Lee,  '40,  and  they 
have  two  children. 

Another  "Young  Man  of 
the  Year" 

Another  Duke  alumnus  honored  this 
spring  by  being  chosen  "Young  Man  of 
the  Year"  by  his  local  Junior  Chamber 
of  Commerce  Association  is  W.  D.  Bod- 
die,  B.D.  '41,  of  Springhill,  La. 

Mr.  Boddie  is  minister  of  the  Spring- 
hill  Methodist  Church.  During  his  three- 
year  pastorate,  304  persons  have  been  re- 
ceived into  his  church.  At  present  the 
church  has  a  membership  of  some  600 
resident  members  and  225  non-resident 

A  new  son,  Wyatt  David,  III,  was 
born  to  the  Boddies  on  February  28  of 
this  year.  They  also  have  two  daughters, 
Linda,  6,  and  Susan,  3.  Mrs.  Boddie  is 
the  former  Margaret  Smith,  '35.  Their 
address  is  Box  545,  Springhill,  La. 

First  Woman  on  Board 

The  recent  appointment  of  Ruth  For- 
lines  Dailey  (Mrs.  J.  C,  Jr.),  '33,  of 
Durham,  to  the  City  Board  of  Education 
marks  the  first  time  a  woman  has  been 
chosen  to  serve  in  this  capacity  in  the 
city's  history. 

Her  appointment  was  unanimously 
recommended  to  the  City  Council  by  a 
special  committee  of  that  body,  and  the 
recommendation  was  approved  by  the 

John  Calvin  Dailey,  her  husband,  is  an 
alumnus  of  the  Class  of  '31.  He  is  the 
owner  of  Dailey's,  Inc.,  hardware  store. 
They  have  three  children,  Jack,  Nancy, 
and  Rebecca.  The  Dailey's  live  at  2216 
Club  Boulevard  in  Durham. 

A  similar  distinction  is  enjoyed  by 
Elizabeth  Williams  Lanning  (Mrs.  John 
T.),  '31,  who  was  elected  last  year  to 
membership  on  the  Durham  County 
Board  of  Education,  the  first  woman  to 
fill  this  office.  Both  Mrs.  Dailey  and  Mrs. 
Lanning  are  now  serving. 

New  Mayor  of  High  Point 

Amos  R.  Kearns,  '27,  secretary-treas- 
urer of  the  Crown  Hosiery  Mills  of  High 
Point,  N.  C,  was  elected  mayor  of  High 
Point  recently  in  a  vigorously  contested 
election.  As  Democratic  standard  bearer 
he  led  his  party  to  a  clean  sweep  of  all 
the  top  electoral  posts  of  the  city  govern- 
ment. A  new  eight-member  city  council 
was  voted  into  office  for  a  two-year  term 
with  Mayor-elect  Kearns. 

High  Point's  new  mayor  has  been 
prominent  in  Duke  University  affairs  as 
well  as  in  community  activities.  He  is  a 
member  of  tthe  Executive  Committee  of 
the  Board  of  Trustees  and  of  the  Duke 
Athletic  Council,  and  has  served  as  presi- 
dent of  the  Alumni  Association.  He  is  a 
past  president  of  the  High  Point  Cham- 
ber of  Commerce,  Rotary  Club  and  Coun- 
try Club,  and  a  member  of  the  Union 
League  Club  of  New  York  City.  He  is 
an  active  member  of  the  Wesley  Memo- 
rial M.  E.  Church  of  High  Point  and 
serves  on  its  board  of  stewards.  In  1933 
he  married  Miss  Louise  Copeland,  daugh- 
ter of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  Sanford 
Copeland,  of  Kinston.  They  have  two 
children,  Amos  Jr.,  16,  and  Jane  Edger- 
ton  Kearns,  14. 

Oldest  Alumnus 

Columbus  Bernard  Franklin,  '77,  is 
now  the  oldest  living  alumnus  of  Duke 
University.  He  was  born  December  26, 
1857.  He  also  represents  the  oldest 
class  which  has  a  member  living. 

Mr.  Franklin  makes  his  home  on  a 
fruit  ranch  in  Carpenteria,  Santa  Bar- 
bara County,  Calif.  He  moved  to  Cali- 
fornia in  1876  after  having  grown  up 
in  Elkin,  N.  C.  In  1890  he  married 
Theresa  Elizabeth  Bailard.  They  had 
three  children,  two  of  whom  are  now 
living — Bernice  Franklin  Horton  (Mrs. 
Archie  W.),  of  Carpenteria,  and  Betty 

Mr.  Franklin  became  the  oldest  liv- 
ing alumnus  with  the  passing  recently 
of  Edward  Stanley  Abell,  '78. 

Lions  District  Governor 

O.  E.  Dowd,  '27,  M.Ed.  '40,  has  been 
serving  as  district  governor  of  District 
31-F,  Lions  International,  for  the  past 
year.  This  district  includes  53  clubs  in 
the  northeastern  part  of  North  Carolina. 

Mr.  Dowd,  who  is  principal  of  the 
Greenville,  N.  C,  High  School,  has  been 
a  Lion  for  12  years.  Before  moving  to 
Greenville,  he  was  a  member  of  the  Dur- 
ham and  Washington  Lions  Clubs.  He 
has  served  his  present  club  as  president 
and  director,  and  has  served  the  district 
as  zone  chairman  and  deputy  district 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Dowd  have  one  son,  Ed- 
wards Dowd. 

Boyd  Biography  Written 

The  Princeton  University  Alumni 
Weekly  is  offering  a  book  entitled  Julian 
P.  Boyd:  A  Bibliographical  Record  to 
interested  persons. 

Dr.  Boyd  is  an  alumnus  of  Duke  Uni- 
versity, having  received  the  A.B.  degree 
in  1925,  the  A.M.  in  1926,  and  the  Litt.D. 
at  commencement,  1951.  He  is  the  li- 
brarian of  Princeton  University,  and  has 
recently  undertaken  the  task  of  editing 
a  52-volume  set  of  books  on  the  papers 
of  Thomas  Jefferson.  For  the  year  1951- 
52,  Dr.  Boyd  has  been  granted  a  leave 
of  absence  for  work  on  this  project. 

A  Princeton  alumnus  who  received  the 
book  has  written  a  letter  to  the  Weekly 
thanking  them  for  the  "lovely  little  vol- 
ume" which  is  a  "perfect  thing  for  the 
friends  of  Princeton's  librarian  to  do. 
To  be  one  of  those  to  pay  Julian  P. 
Boyd  honor  is  a  high  privilege." 

I  Page  178  ] 


Book  Prize  Established 

A  book  prize  has  been  established 
by  Darrell  S.  Jones,  '50,  in  apprecia- 
tion of  the  course  in  history  of  art  and 
culture  in  the  western  world  offered 
by  Dr.  Sidney  B.  Markham,  of  the 
Duke  Department  of  Aesthetics,  Art, 
and  Music.  The  prize  is  to  be  given 
to  the  student  benefiting  most  from 
the  course  each  year. 

Winner  of  this  year's  prize  was  Wil- 
lard  B.  Gatewood,  Jr.,  of  Pelham,  N. 
Y.,  a  Duke  sophomore.  Dr.  Mark- 
ham  presented  the  award,  which  was  a 
book  on  the  painting  of  El  Greco  with 
color  reproductions. 

Faculty  and  Alumni  Writings 

Jconomic    Resources    and    Policies 
op  the  South 

by  Dr.  Calvin  B.  Hoover  and  Dr.  B.  V. 
Ratehford.     The  Macmillan  Co. 

Two  Duke  University  professors  of  eco- 
omics  have  written  a  report  based  on  a 
jree-year  study,  made  for  the  Committee 
£  the  South  of  the  National  Planning 
ssociation,  of  "alternative  economic  poli- 
ies  for  the  South."  Calvin  B.  Hoover 
nd  B.  U.  Ratehford,  the  former  serving 
s  research  director  of  the  Committee, 
ave  presented  in  their  Economic  Re- 
mrces  and  Policies  of  the  South  (The 
lacmillan  Co.,  New  York,  464  pp., 
5.50)  an  exhaustive  inventory  of  the 
jgion's  economic  resources  and  they 
oint  to  continued  industrialization  as 
le  logical  policy  for  the  section  to 

The  study  acknowledges  that  the  in- 
ustrialization  policy  pursued  during  the 
ast  20  years  has  been  fruitful  in  nar- 
swing  the  gap  between  the  Southern  in- 
line level  and  that  of  other  sections,  but 
j  points  out  how  much  more  progress  is 
squired  before  the  Southern  economy  is 
lised  to  the  National  average  as  ex- 
ressed  in  income,  education  and  other 
elds  usually  accepted  as  indices.  For 
sample,  though  the  South  has  greatly 
icreased  its  expenditures  for  education 
nd  now  spends  a  greater  percentage  of 
s  income  on  this  item  than  other  sec- 
ions,  it  amounts  to  only  about  half  as 
meh  expenditure  per  pupil. 
!  The  book  is  a  significant  contribution 
i  Southern  progress,  with  a  wealth  of 
atistical  data  and  many  tradition-free 
iterpretations  of  basic  Southern  eco- 
omic-political  policy.  No  student  or 
iserver  of  Southern  economy  will  fail 
i  be  factually  fortified  and  intellectually 

imulated  by  a  thoughtful  reading  of  it. 

You  Can  Preach 

by  the  Reverend   G.  Ray  Jordan,  '17, 
D.D.  '35.     Fleming  B.  Revell  Co. 

The  philosophy  and  theology  of  preach- 
ing and  the  technique  of  building  a  ser- 
mon is  the  subject  of  a  new  book  by  Dr. 
G.  Ray  Jordan,  which  has  recently  been 
issued  under  the  imprimatur  of  Fleming 
H.  Revell  Co.  Dr.  Jordan  is  now  pro- 
fessor of  preaching  at  Emory  University. 

Dr.  Jordan's  volume  is  the  distillation 
of  the  experience  and  insight  gained  in  a 
quarter  century  of  service  in  the  pastoral 
ministry,  during  which  the  author  held 
some  of  the  most  prominent  pulpits  in 
the  Methodist  Church  and  represented  his 
denomination  at  the  ecumenical  gather- 
ings of  Edinburgh  and  Oxford.  The  book 
is  described  by  his  Emory  colleague, 
William  R.  Cannon,  professor  of  Church 
History  and  Theology,  as  "perhaps  the 
most  significant  contribution  in  this  field 
in  our  generation  and  (one  which)  will 
unquestionably  be  used  as  a  text  in  Divin- 
ity Schools  throughout  America." 

The  text  is  designed  for  students  of 
homiletics  and  also  to  serve  as  an  aid  to 
the  experienced  minister  who  is  striving 
to  improve  the  force  and  quality  of  his 

The  Navy  and  the  Industrial 
Mobilization  in  World  War  II 
by  Robert  H.  Connery.    Princeton 
University  Press. 

According  to  the  New  York  Times,  "the 
lack  of  mobilization  information  becomes 
a  real  hazard  when  we  must  arm  our- 
selves to  meet  a  challenge." 

A  recently  published  book  by  Robert 
H.  Connery,  professor  of  political  science 
at  Duke,  entitled  The  Navy  and  the  In- 
dustrial Mobilization  in  Ttyprld  War  II, 
a  case  history  which  combines  the  most 
mature  qualities  of  academic  and  prac- 
tical history,  has  been  described  in  a 
Times  review  as  an  outstanding  contribu- 
tion toward  overcoming  America's  lack 
of  practical  literature  on  war  mobiliza- 

The  book  traces  the  revolution  of  mo- 
bilization procedures  which  took  place 
during  the  last  war.  A  detailed  account 
of  the  role  played  by  the  late  James  For- 
restal,  Under  Secretary  of  the  Navy,  in 
solving  mobilization  problems  which  are 
being  faced  again  today,  is  given  in  the 
book.  Dr.  Connery  points  out  that  ex- 
perience is  essential  to  preparedness, 
but  preparedness  which  worships  experi- 

ence instead  of  exploiting  it  is  self-de- 

Dr.  Connery,  who  has  been  a  member 
of  the  Duke  faculty  since  1949,  is  a 
widely  recognized  consultant  on  public 
administration.  Last  summer  he  was 
named  by  the  Brookings  Institution  to 
study  ways  of  speeding  up  the  U.  S.  Mili- 
tary Assistance  Program.  During  World 
War  II  he  served  Math  the  Navy's  his- 
torical unit  and  in  1948  was  a  consultant 
to  the  Hoover  Commission.  He  has  also 
been  a  consultant  to  the  National  Re- 
sources Board  and  the  President's  Com- 
mittee on  Administrative  Management. 

Other  books  by  Dr.  Connery  are  Gov- 
ernment Problems  in  Wild  Life  Conser- 
vation and  Administration  of  an  N.R.A. 
Code.  His  articles  have  appeared  in  lead- 
ing professional  journals. 

Virginia  Records  Returned 

A  number  of  county  and  local  rec- 
ords of  Virginia  which  have  been  pre- 
served in  the  Duke  Library  for  more 
than  20  years  are  being  transferred  to 
the  Virginia  State  Library,  President 
Hollis  Edens  has  announced.  The  rec- 
ords have  been  a  subject  of  a  mild 
controversy  in  the  perpetual  rivalry 
between  the  Old  Dominion  and  the 
Old  North  State. 

Duke  University's  interest  in  acquir- 
ing the  manuscripts  originally,  Presi- 
dent Edens  said,  was  to  preserve  them 
and  make  them  available  to  re- 
searchers. Negotiations  between  Duke 
and  the  Virginia  State  Library  re- 
sulted in  the  decision  to  transfer  the 
documents  to  the  Virginia  institution 
and  place  them  with  other  material  of 
the  same  nature. 

The  Duke  Library's  collection  of 
more  than  1,500,000  manuscripts,  built 
around  the  great  Flowers  collection  of 
Southern  Americana,  are  now  a  lead- 
ing source  of  information  to  scholars 
investigating  Southern  culture.  The 
manuscripts  range  from  plantation  ac- 
count books  to  the  secret  archives  of 
the  Confederacy,  and  from  letters  of 
poets  to  those  of  presidents  of  the 
United   States. 

Oommentins:  on  the  intellectual  ex- 
change and  friendly  relationships  be- 
tween Duke  and  Virginia  institutions. 
President  Edens  assured  a  cordial  wel- 
come to  Virginia  researchers  who  visit 
the  Duke  University  Library. 


[  Page  179  ] 


John  Charles  Morehead.  Charles  G. 
Morekead,  A.M.  '31.  Russellville,  Ark. 
James  Bergen.  John  Bergen.  Robert 
Bergen.  Ann  Chalker  Bergen,  '36.  Lan- 
caster, Pa. 

James  Graham  Cardex.  Julius  G.  Car- 
den,  Jr.,  LL.B.  '48.  Bidgefield,  N.  J. 
Susan  Margaret  Getzendanner.  Ltdia 
Jean  Getzendanner.  Thomas  Forbes 
Getzendanner.  Joe  W.  Getzendanner, 
Jr.,    '34.    Hartford,  Conn. 

Commander  Leaves  Duke 

Commander  Clyde  J.  Van  Arsdall, 
former  executive  officer  of  the  Duke  Uni- 
versity Naval  R.O.T.C.,  left  Duke  this 
spring  to  assume  command  of  a  squadron 
of  destroyer  escorts  on  the  West  Coast. 
His  family,  however,  remained  in  Dur- 
ham until  the  end  of  the  school  year. 

A  graduate  of  the  U.  S.  Naval  Acad- 
emy at  Annapolis,  Comdr.  Van  Arsdall 
had  been  at  Duke  since  1948.  In  addi- 
tion to  his  executive  duties  he  was  an 
assistant  professor  of  naval  science. 

During  World  War  II,  he  served  in 
both  the  Atlantic  and  Pacific  Theaters. 
His  military  decorations  include  the  Navy 
Cross,  Silver  Star  and  a  Navy  unit  cita- 

Before  leaving  Duke,  Comdr.  Van  Ars- 
dall was  honored  by  initiation  into  Omi- 
cron  Delta  Kappa,  national  leadership 
fraternity.  Because  the  date  of  his  de- 
parture fell  before  the  regular  initiation 
date,  a  special  ceremony  was  held. 

Sea  Duty  Assignments 

Five  officers  of  the  N.R.O.T.C.  unit 
will  leave  Duke  for  permanent  sea  duty 
assignments  and  three  others  have  been 
transferred  to  temporary  summer  posts. 
Those  leaving  permanently  will  be  re- 

Capt.  Ralph  Earle,  Jr.,  commanding 
officer  of  the  Duke  unit,  Lt.  Comdr.  Rob- 
ert B.  Harrell,  associate  professor  of  Na- 

val science,  and  Maj.  James  C.  Fetters, 
assistant  professor  of  Naval  science,  will 
take  up  temporary  assignments.  They 
will  return  in  the  fall. 

Lieut.  Ralph  A.  Brackett  will  become 
executive  officer  of  a  destroyer  escort. 
Lieut.  Robert  B.  Gustafson  has  been  as- 
signed submarine  duty.  Lieut.  Robert  P. 
Brewer  will  join  an  aircraft  squadron. 
All  three  have  served  at  Duke  as  assist- 
ant professors  of  Naval  science.  Master 
Sgt.  R,  W.  Taylor  will  join  the  fleet 
Marine  force,  and  Chief  Quartermaster 
H.  G.  Malcolm  will  leave  for  sea  duty 
in  September. 

Replacement  officers  will  be  Lieut. 
Comdr.  D.  A.  Ostrom,  Lieut.  J.  S.  Ken- 
nedy, Lieut.  W.  J.  Tipler,  Master  Sgt. 
M.  W.  Sanders  and  Chief  Quartermaster 
J.  G.  Dickinson. 

Summer  Duty  for  Students 

Taking  part  in  practice  cruises  and 
special  training  programs  this  summer 
are  130  Naval  Reserve  Officers  Training 
Corps  students  from  Duke  University. 
They  are  among  2,800  Naval  Academy 
midshipmen  and  6,300  N.R.O.T.C.  par- 
ticipants from  52  colleges  engaged  in 
summer  maneuvers. 

Sixty-nine  Duke  midshipmen  sailed 
from  Norfolk,  Va.,  on  June  4  for  the  first 
eight-week  cruise,  and  30  sailed  with  the 
second  cruise  on  June  22.  One  Duke 
student   will   sail   on   the   third   cruise  to 

New  York,  Panama  and  Cuba  on  Augui 

Three  weeks  of  aviation  indoctrinatio 
at  Pensaeola,  Fla.,  and  three  weeks  < 
amphibious  training  at  Little  Creek,  Va 
are  being  given  28  Duke  midshipmen  ov< 
the    summer. 

John  Kail  Award 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  J.  Kail,  par- 
ents of  John  Frederick  Kail,  '46,  who 
was  fatally  injured  in  a  crash  over 
enemy  territory  in  Korea  August  5, 
have  received  the  Air  Medal  and  cita- 
tion which  was  awarded  posthumously 
to  their  son. 

The  presentation,  made  in  a  brief 
private  ceremony  at  the  Kail  home  in 
Upper  Sandusky,  Ohio,  by  Lieutenant 
Commander  J.  A.  Smith,  inspector  of 
Naval  Reserves,  Mansfield,  Ohio,  read 
in   part : 

"Carrying  out  a  daring  glide-bomb- 
ing attack  against  an  important  enemy1 
road  bridge  across  the  Kum  River,, 
east  of  Kunsan,  Ensign  Kail  scoredi 
a  direct  hit  on  the  structure  despite 
hostile  anti-aircraft  fire,  rending  this 
vital  highway  link  inoperable  to  the 
enemy.  During  subsequent  strafing 
against  enemy  coastal  shipping  off  the 
coast  of  Kunsan,  he  lost  his  life  as 
the  result  of  a  mid-air  collision.  His 
courage,  aggressive  fighting  spirit  and 
unswerving  devotion  to  duty  reflect 
the  highest  credit  upon  Ensign  Kail 
and  were  in  keeping  with  the  finest 
traditions  of  the  United  States  Naval 
Service.  He  gallantly  gave  his  life  for 
his  country." 

[  Page  180  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  July,   1951 


Charlotte  Corbin,  '35,  Editor 


June,  1951 

Robert  H.  Hinek,  '37,  Suffield,  Conn. 

Kilmer  S.  Bortz,  '41,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Eleanor  Mims  Newell  (Mrs.  William  B.), 
'48,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Caroline  Lockhart,  '48,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Betty  Long,  '42,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

J.  D.  Long,  Jr.,  '41,  Baleigh,  N.  C. 

Sylvia  Smith  McDougald  (Mrs.  J.  A.),  '44, 
Lexington,  Ky. 

John  A.  McDougald,  '43,  Lexington,  Ky. 

Elaine  Stride  Pool  (Mrs.  S.  C),  '46,  Provi- 
dence, B.  I. 

Stedman  C.  Pool,  '46,  Providence,  B.  I. 

George  A.  Trakas,  '42,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 

E.  Bawls  Cobb,  '31,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Walter  N.  McDonald,  '44,  B.D.  '48,  New 
Bern,  N.  C. 

H.  Jeffrey  Binda,  TT.S.M.C.,  '45,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C. 

Inez  Bailey  Bussell  (Mrs.  T.  B.),  '41,  Nor- 
folk, England. 

James  H.  Warburton,  '11,  Marietta,  Ohio. 

J.  Max  Brandon,  Jr.,  '36,  Jonesville,  N.  C. 

A.  J.  Hobbs,  '19,  Eocky  Mount,  N.  C. 

James  P.  Hornbuckle,  Jr.,  B.D.  '50,  Wel- 
come, N.  C. 

Ealph  H.  Nicholson,  B.D.  '47,  Polkville, 
N.  C. 

Henry  M.  Wellman,  '24,  Midland,  N.  C. 

G.  N.  Dulin,  '26,  Lexington,  N.  C. 

Elizabeth  Lawrence  Duggins  (Mrs.  Bay  B.), 
B.N.  '45,  B.S.N.  '45,  Elsmere,  Del. 

Bay  B.  Duggins,  B.S.M.E.  '44,  Elsmere, 

H.  E.   (Ned)  Ferris,  '50,  New  York,  N.  T. 

Marquis  W.  Lawrence,  '25,  B.D.  '30,  Kin- 
ston,  N.  C. 

Dwight  A.  Petty,  '18,  Erwin,  N.  C. 

John  H.  Carper,  '29,  B.D.  '31,  Gastonia, 
N.   C. 

George  P.  Hood,  '28,  B.D.  '32,  Augusta,  Ga. 

Lacy  T.  Edens,  '24,  B.D.  '35,  Bowland,  N.  C. 

Madison  W.  Maness,  '28,  B.D.  '33,  Mt. 
Gilead,  N.  C. 

A.  D.  Leon  Gray,  B.D.  '41,  Oxford,  N.  C. 

Floyd  M.  Patterson,  B.D.  '38,  Burlington, 
N.  C. 

Beba  Cousins  Biekard  (Mrs.  H.  O),  '30, 
Ft.  Myer,  Va. 

Harry  C.  Biekard,  B.D.  '38,  Ft.  Myer,  Va. 

John  C.  Harmon,  Jr.,  '31,  LL.B.  '35,  New 
York,  N.  Y. 

Edgar  H.  Nease,  Jr.,  '45,  B.D.  '48,  Ashe- 
ville,  N.  C. 

J.  Bernard  Hurlev,  B.D.  '47,  Charlotte, 
N.  C. 

W.  Arthur  Kale,  '25,  B.D.  '31,  High  Point, 
N.  C. 

Thomas  C.  Aycock,  Jr.,  '47,  Cooleemee,  N.  C. 

Joe  L.  Allen,  '50,  Burlington,  N.  C. 

William  M.  Wells,  Jr.,  '45,  B.D.  '48,  War- 

renton,  N.  C. 
Beaman  T.  White,  '50,  Baleigh,  N.  C. 
Alice  Washburn  Askew   (Mrs.  W.  C.)   A.M. 

'37,  Hamilton,  N.  Y. 
William    C.    Askew,    A.M.    '34,    Ph.D.    '36, 

Hamilton,   N.   Y. 
Gilreath  G.  Adams,  Jr.,  '45,  B.D.  '48,  Kan- 

napolis,  N.  C. 
Walter  B.  Gattis,  Jr.,  '39,  Danville,  Ky. 

B.  G.  Stewart,  '29,  M.Ed.  '36,  Williamston, 
N.  C. 

Evelyn  Stallings  Stewart  (Mrs.  B.  G.),  '29, 

Williamston,  N.  C. 
Fred  J.  Miller,  '50,  Burlington,  N.  C. 

C.  Wes  Gilbert,  '48,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Ann  Brabham  Blake  (Mrs.  J.  R,),  E.N.  '47, 

Cleveland,    Ohio. 
John  B.  Blake,  Jr.,  '45,  M.D.  '50,  Cleveland, 

Charlton  C.   Jernigan,  '25,  A.M.  '26,  Ph.D. 

'35,  Tallahassee,  Fla. 
Phil  E.  Bussell,  '42,  M.D.  '50,  Atlanta,  Ga. 
Hal  K.  Goode,  '30,  A.M.  '35,  Wilmington, 

N.  C. 
Paul  H.  Inch,  '50,  Hickory,  N.  C. 
Arthur  B.  Bouse,  Jr.,  '38,  Lexington,  Ky. 
Claude  E.  Fike,  '41,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
Sidney  H.  Bragg,  '49,  Durham,  N.  C. 
Aquilla  H.  Joyner,  Jr.,  '42,  Norfolk,  Va. 
Guy  M.  Coffman,  B.S.E.  '34,  Ashland,  Ky. 
Katherine  Nicks  McDade  (Mrs.  F.  P.),  '35, 

Cedar  Grove,  N.  C. 
Joe  B.   Simpson,   Jr.,  '42,  Charlotte,  N.   C. 
Glenn  Welsh,  '42,  Bradford,  Mass. 
Frances  Montgomery  Joseph    (Mrs.  W.  B., 

Jr.),  B.S.  '42,  Wilmington,  Del. 
Charles  W.  Perdue,  '40,  Norfolk,  Va. 
Margaret  Meeker  Bray   (Mrs.  W.  W.,  Jr.), 

'48,  Eoselle,  N.  J. 
E.  Ernest  Beamer,  '44,  Ithaca,  N.  Y. 
Thomas  T.  Munson,  '36,  Detroit,  Mich. 
William  P.  Dale,  '33,  A.M.  '34,  Ph.D.  '41, 

Birmingham,   Ala. 
Noel  Francisco,  Gr.  St.,  Durham,  N.  C. 
Francis  S.  Taylor,  '38,  Columbus,  Ga. 
Frances   Gibson   Taylor    (Mrs.   F.   S.),   '40, 

Columbus,  Ga. 
Fitz-John  Creighton  McMaster,  '51,  Winns- 

boro,  S.  C. 
Thomas   O.   Gentry,   '29,  M.Ed.   '42,   Laurel 

Hill,  N.  C. 
J.  Irwin  Nicholas,  '47,  Louisville,  Ky. 
Eichard    S.    Spear,    M.Ed.    '47,    Cleveland, 

N.   C. 
Henry    H.    Nicholson,    Jr.,    '44,    M.D.    '47, 

Statesville,  N.  C. 
Sam  B.  Jones,  Chaplain   (Capt.),  B.D.  '37, 

Camp  Gordon,  Ga. 
W.  Speight  Barnes,  '25,  A.M.   '41,  Tucson, 


Classes  having  reunions  at  Commence- 
ment, 1952,  are  as  follows:  '02,  Golden  An- 
niversary; '21;  '22;  '23;  '24;  '27,  Silver 
Anniversary;  '42,  Tenth  Year  Reunion;  '46; 
'47;  '48;  and  '50,  First  Reunion. 

'97  = 

Class  Agent:  Ottis  L.  Green,  Sr. 
Before  retiring  from  business,  M.  T.  DICK- 
INSON  was   a   social   security  regional   at- 
torney.    He    now    makes    his    home    in    the 
Holland  Hotel,  San  Diego,  Calif. 


President:  Wade  H.  Sanders 

Class  Agent :  Dr.  F.  S.  Love 
PAULINE     PEEEY     HUNTEB     and     H. 
EEID  HUNTEB,  '11,  are  living  in  Atlanta, 
Ga.,   where   he   is   teaching   at   the   Atlanta 
Division  of  the  University  of  Georgia. 


President:   P.  Frank  Hanes 

Class  Agent:  Lewis  G.  Cooper 
SAM  ANGIEE,  of  106  Buchanan  Boule- 
vard, Durham,  is  secretary  and  treasurer 
of  the  Cary  Lumber  Company.  He  and  Mrs. 
Angier  have  two  daughters,  Zalene  Allen 
and  HAEEIETTE,  '41,  who  is  now  Mrs. 
A.  A.  Kuhn  of  Conover,  N.  C. 
W.  BAY  BELL  lives  at  54  Brewster  Boad, 
Scarsdale,  N.  Y.,  and  is  president  of  the 
Association  of  Cotton  Textile  Merchants  of 
New  York.  He  and  Mrs.  Bell  have  three 
children,  Jean  Bell  Andrews,  SALLY 
and  LESLIE  CAST  BELL,  who  graduated 
from  Duke  last  month. 
CLYDE  OLIN  FISHEE  regretted  that  he 
was  unable  to  meet  with  his  fellow  class- 
mates at  their  reunion  this  June.  He  is 
a  member  of  the  Department  of  Economics 
and  Social  Science  at  Wesleyan  University, 
Middletown,  Conn.,  and  found  that  the 
Wesleyan  commencement  and  the  Duke  com- 
mencement coincided. 

BEBNAED  T.  HURLEY  is  a  Methodist 
minister  in  Stantonsburg,  N.  C.  He  and 
Mrs.  Hurley,  the  former  RUTH  FRANK- 
LIN, '13,  have  four  children,  one  of  whom 
is  BEBXABD  T.  HUELEY,  JE.,  of  the 
class  of  '43. 

of  Asheboro,  N.  O,  has  two  children,  Thad 
T.  and  D.  Wescott. 

SAMUEL  B.  TUERENTINE,  JE.,  lives  at 
Pigeon  Forge,  Bural  Station,  Sevierville, 
Tenn.,  having  retired  from  being  salesman 
and  sales  manager  for  the  Majestic  Manu- 
facturing  Company.    He   and  Mrs.   Turren- 


[  Page  181  ] 

Power  Company 

Electric  Service — 
Electric  Appliances — 
Street  Transportation 

Tel.  F-151 

Durham,  N.  C. 

Thomas  F.  Southgate  Wm.  J.  O'Brien 

President  Sec'y-Treas. 

Established  1872 




Insurance  Specialists 
DURHAM,  N.  C. 

We  are  members  by 

invitation  of  the 

National  Selected 


the  only  Durham  Funeral  Home 
accorded  this  honor. 

th&hohe  arr.sERVt&e: 

Air  Conditioned  Chapel 

Ambulance  Service 

N-147  1113  W.  Main  St. 

tine  have  two  children,  Jack  Webb  and 
Dorothy  Mae. 

JAMES  H.  WARBURTON,  of  507  2nd 
Street,  Marietta,  Ohio,  is  public  relations 
director  of  the  Acme  Fishing  Tool  Com- 
pany and  its  affiliate,  Pattin  Manufactur- 
ing Company.  He  and  Mrs.  Warburton  have 
three  daughters,  Lillian,  Jean,  and  Patti, 
all  of  whom  are  married,  and  a  young 
grandson  who  is  Mr.  Warburton's  name- 
sake. Mr.  Warburton  and  his  grandson  at- 
tended the  Class  of  '11  reunion  at  Com- 
mencement in  June. 

'12    * 

President:     Polly    Heitman    Ivey     (Mrs. 
L.  L.) 

Class  Agent:  R.  Gregg  Cherry 
H.)  lives  at  321  Green  Street,  Fayetteville, 
N.  C.  For  many  years  a  teacher  in  the 
Fayetteville  City  Schools,  she  has  also 
served  as  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Trus- 
tees of  the  City  Schools. 
of  111  Everett  Street,  Rockingham,  N.  C, 
has  two  sons  who  went  to  Duke,  JOHN  W. 
COVINGTON,  JE.,  '38,  of  Eoekingham,  and 
M.D.  '50,  who  is  now  a  member  of  the 
staff  at  Duke  Hospital. 

L.  M.  EPPS  is  connected  with  the  Epps 
Printing  Company  in  Newton,  N.  C.  He 
and  Mrs.  Epps  have  five  children,  including 
twin  sons. 

ERNEST  J.  HAEBISON  is  a  minister  in 
Misenheimer,  N.  C.  He  and  Mrs.  Harbison 
are  the  parents  of  KATHEYN  HOLT 
HAEBISON,  '45.  Kay  has  worked  as  fea- 
ture writer  and  reporter  for  the  Concord 
Daily  Tribune  since  graduation. 
JAMES  ALLEN  LEE  of  501  South  Church 
Street,  Monroe,  N.  O,  is  a  merchant  with 
Lee's,  Inc. 

The  address  of  MARY  EEADE  McDON- 
ALD  and  AETHtJE  A.  McDONALD,  Law 
'15,  is  917  Second  Street,  Durham.  Their 
five  children  all  went  to  Duke:  ARTHUR 
ALLEN,  JR.,  '42;  WALTER  NEIL,  '44, 
(MES.  F.  A.),  '44,  M.D.  '48;  FLOEA 
ELIZABETH,  '49;  and  MARY  ALICE,  '51. 
HENRY  A.  MeKINNON,  a  lawyer  and 
county  attorney  in  Lumberton,  N.   O,  was 

Stall  Llectxlc  Company.,  3nc. 



formerly  mayor  of  Maxton,  and  a  member 
of  the  State  Senate  in  1947  and  1949.  He 
has  served  on  the  board  of  education  and  as 
chairman  of  the  Democratic  Executive  Com- 
mittee in  Robeson  County.  Two  of  the 
McKinnon's  three  children  have  gone  to 
Duke,  HENRY  A.,  JR.,  '43,  and  ARNOLD 
BORDEN,  '50.  A  third  son,  John  Borden, 
who  will  soon  be  17,  plans  to  follow  in 
their  footsteps. 

MAN), who  lives  at  117  W.  Lynch  Street, 
Durham,  has  two  children,  Hickman,  and 
Frances  Ray  Pollard  (Mrs.  T.  B.). 
DAISY  E.  ROGERS  is  a  teacher  in  the 
Durham  City  Schools.  She  lives  at  403  Oak- 
wood  Avenue  in  Durham. 
FLOYD  B.)  is  principal  of  Central  Ele- 
mentary School,  Fayetteville,  N.  C.  She  is 
a  member  of  the  State  Textbook  Commis- 
sion and  is  a  past  president  of  the  Duke 
Alumnae  Association.  Her  daughter,  BET- 
TY (MRS.  JOHN  H.  MERRITT,  JR.),  is 
a  member  of  the  class  of  '38. 
of  721  S.  Fulton  Street,  Salisbury,  N.  O,  is 
a  teacher  in  the  Rowan  County  Schools.  She 
has  two  sons,  William  E.  and  PAUL  E., 

'23  * 

President:  Bryce  E.  Holt 
Class  Agent:  Dr.  H.  C.  Sprinkle,  Jr. 
Announcement  has  been  received  of  the 
appointment  this  spring  of  E.  LEE  DAVIS 
as  manager  of  the  Nashville,  Tenn.,  Loan 
Agency  of  the  Reconstruction  Finance  Cor- 
poration. Mr.  Davis  has  been  with  the 
agency  since  its  organization  in  1932,  and 
has  served  as  assistant  manager  and  acting 
manager  during  that  time. 

'26  :. 

President:    Edward  L.  Cannon 

Class  Agent :  George  P.  Harris 
WILLIAM  H.  SMITH  is  president  of  the 
Security  Bank  and  Trust  Company  in  Salis- 
bury, N.  C. 

'29  > 

President :  Edwin  S.  Yarbrough,  Jr. 

Class  Agent:  T.  Spruill  Thornton 
A  new  branch  of  the  Durham  Bank  and 
Trust  Company  has  been  opened  in  Durham 
under  the  management  of  JESSE  P.  PATE. 
Having  been  with  the  Trust  Company  for 
seven  years,  Mr.  Pate  was  transferred  from 
the  main  office  to  manage  the  new  branch. 
CHARLES  T.  ROGEES,  JR.,  lives  at  919 
St.  David  Street,  Tarboro,  N.  C,  and  is 
manager  of  Colonial  Frozen  Foods  of  Tar- 
boro, Inc. 


President:  William  M.  Werber 
Class  Agent:  J.  Chisman  Hanes 
CAPT.  JAMES  L.  DOWDY,  of  1440  How- 
ard Avenue,  San  Carlos,  Calif.,  is  attending 

[  Page  182  ] 


a  Transportation  Company  Officer  Refresher 
Course  at  the  Army's  Transportation  School, 
Fort  Eustis,  Va.  Captain  Dowdy  entered  the 
service  as  an  enlisted  man  in  1942.  His 
awards  and  decorations  include  the  Ameri- 
can Theater  Campaign,  European-Afriean- 
Middle  Eastern  Theater  Campaign,  and 
World  War  II  Victory  Medals. 
KOBERT  C.  PINLET,  '30,  LL.B.  '34,  is 
a  judge  of  the  Washington  State  Supreme 
Court.  His  home  is  at  1407  Capitol  Way, 
Olympia,  Wash. 



President:   John  Calvin  Dailey 
Class  Agent:   C.  H.  Livengood,  Jr. 

THEBON  A.  BONE  has  been  appointed 
manager  of  the  Ordinary  Department  with 
the  State  Capital  Life  Insurance  Company 
in  Ealeigh,  N.  C.  He  is  a  veteran  of  the 
insurance  business,  having  entered  the  field 
as  a  representative  with  the  Life  and  Casu- 
alty Company  in  1932. 

RICHARD  K.,  JR.)  and  her  family  have 
moved  from  New  York  City  to  215  Rich- 
ardson Avenue,  Lookout  Mountain,  Tenn. 
TROY  V.  McKINNEY  is  a  budget  analyst 
in  the  office  of  the  Secretary  of  Defense. 
He  lives  at  4  Tansey  Drive,  R.F.D.,  Palls 
Church,  Ya. 

The  picture  of  John  Charles  Morehead 
which  is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page 
this  month  was  taken  especially  for  this 
page  on  his  first  birthday.  He  is  the  son  of 
will  be  remembered  by  many  as  a  trom- 
bonist with  the  Duke  Blue  Devils  during 
the  1929-30  academic  year.  Since  Septem- 
ber, 1948,  Charles  has  been  a  guidance 
counselor-trainer  in  Arkansas.  His  home 
address  is  310  West  "I,"  Russellville,  Ark. 

'32  - 

President:    Robert   D.    (Shank)    Warwick 
Class  Agent:   Edward  G.  Thomas 

GARLAND  R.  STAFPOED,  B.D.,  of  Lew- 
isville,  N.  C,  was  selected  as  North  Caro- 
lina's rural  pastor  of  the  year  in  1950  by 
the  Progressive  Farmer. 

•33    > 

President:   John  D.  Minter 

Class  Agent:  Lawson  B.  Knott,  Jr. 

ROBERT  P.  CHALKER,  '33,  A.M.  '36,  his 
JAMES  T.),  '36,  and  her  son,  John,  10, 
stopped  in  Durham  on  June  2  on  their  way 
to  Alabama.  Bob,  who  has  been  in  the 
diplomatic  service  since  1938  and  has  just 
completed  a  year  of  refresher  courses  at 
Columbia  University,  is  married  to  the 
former  Miss  Edma  Wood  of  London,  Eng- 
land. They  returned  to  Germany  the  first 
of   July. 

professor  of  religion  at  Pomona  College, 
Claremont,  Calif.,  since  1946,  and  chairman 
of  the  religion  department,  has  accepted  the 

position  of  dean  of  the  Perkins  School  of 
Theology  at  Southern  Methodist  Univer- 
sity in  Dallas,  Tex.,  effective  in  September. 
Dr.  Cuninggim  was  a  Rhodes  Scholar  at 
Oxford,  and  also  studied  at  Yanderbilt  Uni- 
versity and  Yale  University.  He  served 
aboard  the  U.  S.  S.  Tennessee  as  a  Navy 
Chaplain  from  1944-46,  and  from  1948-50 
served  as  Chaplain  for  the  Associated  Col- 
lege Church  in  Claremont.  MRS.  CUN- 
INGGIM is  the  former  WHITTEY  DAN- 
IEL, '38.    They  have  three  children. 

'34   * 

President:  The  Reverend  Robert  M.  Bird 
Class  Agent:   Charles  S.  Rhyne 

(MRS.  EDWIN)  is  principal  and  fifth 
grade  teacher  at  Boylan  Heights  School, 
Raleigh,  N.  C. 

JOE  W.  GETZENDANNER,  JR.,  and  Mrs. 
Getzendanner,  the  former  Elizabeth  Ann 
Forbes,  Wells  College  '38,  have  announced 
the  birth  of  their  third  child,  Lydia  Jean, 
on  January  9.  A  picture  of  baby  Lydia 
with  seven-year-old  Sue  and  five-year-old 
Tom  is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  of 
this  issue.  The  Getzendanners  live  in  Hart- 
ford, Conn.,  where  Joe  is  treasurer  of  Trin- 
ity College. 

'35   > 

President :   Larry  E.  Bagwell 
Class  Agent :   James  L.  Newsom 

gether with  their  two  young  daughters,  were 
on  the  campus  during  Commencement.  They 
returned  to  the  States  last  October  from  a 
two-year  tour  of  duty  in  French  Morocco 
and  are  stationed  at  Quantico,  Ya.,  where 
Chuck  is  post  chaplain  for  the  Marine 
Corps'  officer  training  center. 
ALEXANDER  BOOHER  were  married 
March  13  at  the  Glenn  Memorial  Chapel, 
Atlanta,  Ga.  Idelia  is  employed  in  the  main 
office  of  the  Chatham  Manufacturing  Com- 
pany in  Elkin,  N.  C,  and  James  is  corpo- 
rate secretary  for  the  same  firm. 

ROBERT  H.  BRIGGS  is  suburban  news 
editor  for  The  Daily  Gazette  in  Taunton, 
Mass.  He  and  his  family,  which  includes 
Mrs.  Briggs,  four-year-old  Bettina  Ann  and 
Robert,  Jr.,  born  in  March,  live  on  the 
coast  at  Westport  Point. 
W.  H.  (BILL)  LONG  and  Mrs.  Long,  the 
former  Ruth  Hilliard,  have  announced  the 
birth  of  a  daughter,  Patricia  Anne,  on 
March  28.  They  live  at  112  North  Keesey 
Street,  York,  Pa. 

At  its  recent  commencement,  Randolph-Ma- 
con College  conferred  the  honorary  degree 
of  Doctor  of  Divinity  on  JAMES  LOUIS 
ROBERTSON,  B.D.,  pastor  of  Highland 
Park  Methodist  Church,  Richmond,  Ya. 
ANN  CHALKER  BERGEN,  her  ten-year- 
old  son,  John,  and  her  brother  Bob  attended 
Commencement  this  year.  A  picture  of  John 
and   his   brothers   Eobert   and   James,   ages 


Our  business  is  improving  vollr 
buMness.  We  offer  a  complete 
agency  organization  will,  every 
service  yon  „eed...  p/„snation. 
»«de  fac,I, ties  .hrough  onr 
assoca.e  offices  i„  more  „la„ 
30    major    markets.    Special 

a.lention  to  advertising  acconnts 
of  Duke  people  and  their  busi- 
ness associates. 

-».  B.  LOXG,3S,Pregiaent 

Principal  Services 

i  i  nra\  Advertisinfl 
Naticn=l-Re9.ona.-Loca.  A     Counse 
'     .  k         Public     Relolions     and 

Research...  P"»»'  Adve„isina 

Pub,iti,Y.-.D,r;nC,d    podia    AdveMis- 
...Telev.s.on    and    Ra 

•    „  pianning-Copy-*"' 

;oV'.Crea.ian..   Li.era.ure 

Ma,Ke.  Research  and  Survey*  ••■ 

T  ode      Exhibit      and      »*££ 
..Aulo.,vp..l"    Personal-zed  AeHe 

Recognition  /  Rec„„ 

f    Ke">rnmendofion 
A9'icul(urol  Publilh 
•■•Ame,ico„NewsDO       *"«»t.on 

*»«.ptio„..  Trep;pe  ub,ishcrs' 

■<oor    Adv...;..-       V  Na"0no'    Qui- 

tted Busi. 

---r    Advertising     Bureou      ,„/ 
',    Pubiishers-    AssJ      ■ ' 


Long   Building   •  28  North  Queen   Sfreet 


York  81-554 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  July,   1951 

[  Page  183  ] 


Accredited  scholarship.  College  prep 
since  1893.  Boys  12-18.  Semi-military. 
Endowed  awards.  Ideal  location,  modern 
facilities.  New  gym.  Championship  athletics. 
Non-sectarian  religious  guidance.  Summer 
camp,    boys    8-15.     Catalog. 

121   Cherokee  Road,   Chattanooga.   Term, 

£now£rton-(£>riian  £?o. 

L-977  100S  W.  Main  St. 

K.  T.  Howerton,  '08 


W.  P.  Budd,  '04,  Secretary-Treas. 
W.  P.  Budd,  Jr.,  '36,  Vice-President 

DURHAM,  N.  C. 

•   *   *   * 
Contractors  for 




Duke  Chapel,  New 
Graduate  Dormitory 
Indoor  Stadium  and 

Hospital  Addition 

*  *  *  • 




seven  and  four,  is  on  the  Sons  and  Daugh- 
ters page  this  month.  Ann's  husband, 
James  T.  Bergen,  is  a  research  chemist  for 
the  Armstrong  Cork  Co.  in  Lancaster,  Pa. 
Their  address  is  1520  Esbenshade  Koad. 


President:   Dr.  Kenneth  A.   Podger 
Class  Agent:    "William  F.  Woruble 
JAMES   E.   BISHOP,  a  captain  for  East- 
ern Air  Lines,  lives  at  1810  Sandtown  Boad, 
S.W.,  Atlanta,   Ga. 

GEORGE  E.  BOKINSKT,  '42,  are  living 
at  520  A-S-Valdes  Court,  Custer  Terrace 
Boad,  Columbus,  Ga.  George  is  a  Captain 
in  the  United  States  Army,  stationed  at 
the  24th  Evacuation  Hospital,  Fort  Ben- 
ning,  Ga. 

AMELIA  E.  GEEEX,  who  took  graduate 
work  at  the  University  of  Pennsylvania 
after  graduating  from  Duke,  has  recently 
been  named  executive  secretary  of  the  So- 
cial Service  Bureau  of  Atlantic  City.  Her 
address  is  210  W.  Washington  Avenue, 
Pleasantville,  N.  J. 

•38  » 

President:  Eussell  Y.  Cooke 
Class  Agent :  William  M.  Courtney 
ME.  and  Mrs.  ALFRED  LOVILL  (CHUB- 
BY") DEAN  have  announced  the  birth  of 
a  daughter,  Donna  Elizabeth,  on  April  16. 
They  are  living  at  112  Orchard  Street,  Mt. 
Airy,  N.  C. 

DAVID  B.)  and  her  husband,  who  live  on 
Eoute  1,  Box  350  A,  Las  Gatos,  Calif.,  have 
two  children,  Glen,  8%,  and  Marilyn,  5%. 
Mr.  and  MES.  DONALD  T.  EOTHEEA 
(MAEJORIE  ELLIS)  live  at  533  Cherry 
Street,  Clifton  Heights,  Pa. 
HUBEET  K.  ABNOLD,  LL.B.,.is  a  part- 
ner in  Lawyers  Title  Company  of  Prince 
Georges  County,  Inc.,  with  offices  at  4312 
Hamilton   Street,   Hyattsville,  Md. 

'39  , 

President:    Edmund  S.   Swindell,  Jr. 

Class  Agent :  Walter  D.  James 
The  address  of  CAEEOLL  COSTIGAN 
husband  is  606  East  Taylor,  Bloomington, 
111.  Mr.  Crosthwait  is  with  the  National 
Life  Insurance  Company  of  Vermont. 
BEN  F.,  JE.)  and  her  husband  live  at 
2009  Castle  Avenue,  Bloomington,  IE.  Mr. 
Hiltabrand  is  vice-president  of  the  McLean 
County  Abstract   Company. 

RICHARD  C.  WALKER  has  been  appointed 
chief  sales  industrial  engineer  of  Atlantic 
Eefining  Company.  Having  joined  the  com- 
pany in  1940  as  a  retail  salesman  in  the 
domestic  sales  department,  Dick  became  a 
retail  instructor  and  was  then  transferred 
to  the  industrial  engineering  division.  After 
four  years  of  service  in  the  United  States 
Army,   he  returned  to  the   sales   section  of 

the  industrial  engineering  division  and  be- 
came supervising  sales  industrial  engineer. 
He  resides  at  117  E.  Central  Avenue, 
Moorestown,  N.  J. 

'40  * 

President :   John  D.  MacLauchlan 
Class  Agent:   Addison  P.  Penfield 
DE.   and  Mrs.  JOHN  M.   CHEEK,  JE.,  of 
3329   Indian   Queen  Lane,   Philadelphia   29, 
Pa.,    have    announced    the   birth    of    a    son, 
John  Merritt  Cheek,  III,  on  May  9. 
JOHN  W.  HANSEL,  JE.,  whose  address  is 
225  East  54th  Street,  New  York  22,  N.  Y., 
is    a   network    television    account    executive 
with  American  Broadcasting  Company. 

'41   » 

President:  Andrew  L.  Ducker,  Jr. 

Class  Agents:  Julian  C.  Jessup,  Meader 
W.  Harriss,  Jr.,  Andrew  L.  Ducker,  Jr., 
J.  D.  Long,  Jr. 
LIEUT.  E.  T.  BLACKWELL,  of  508  Fair- 
fax, Alexandria,  Va.,  is  stationed  at  the 
Naval  Gun  Factory  in  "Washington,  D.  C. 
He  was  previously  stationed  at  the  Ameri- 
can Embassy,  Athens,  Greece,  on  a  U.S.N, 
mission  for  aid  to  Greece. 
JAMES  B.  DOWXTON,  A.M.,  teaches  at 
Bell  Vocational  High  School  in  Washington, 
D.  C.  His  address  in  that  city  is  Apartment 
206,  5429  Connecticut  Avenue,  N.W. 
WAEEEN  J.  GATES  received  the  Ph.D. 
degree  from  the  University  of  Pennsylvania 
in  June,  and  is  teaching  at  Queens  College 
in  Charlotte,  N.  C,  during  the  summer.  He 
is  the  son  of  the  late  Dr.  A.  M.  Gates,  who 
was  professor  of  Latin  at  Duke  for  many 

Among  the  members  of  the  class  returning 
for  the  Tenth  Reunion  were  GEORGE 
KELCEC,  B.S.M.E.  and  Mrs.  Kelcec  from 
13  Lakeview  Avenue,  Long  Branch,  N.  J. 
George  is  a  technical  engineer  with  the  New 
Jersey  Central  Power  and  Light  Company 
in  South  Amboy,  N.  J.  He  and  Mrs.  Kel- 
cec, the  former  Virginia  Shrope,  have  a 
two-year-old  son,  Thomas. 
IEEXE  T.  KLINE,  A.M.,  received  the 
Ph.D.  degree  in  Biochemistry  from  Western 
Eeserve  University  Medical  School  in  June, 
1950.  She  is  now  a  biochemist  for  the  De- 
partment of  Internal  Medicine,  School  of 
Medicine,  Yale  University,  789  Howard 
Avenue,  New  Haven  11,  Conn. 
Miss  Laura  Fox  Turbyfill  and  ROBERT 
HENRY  LINEBEEGEE  were  united  in 
marriage  May  11  in  the  Emmanual  Luther- 
an Church,  Lineolnton,  N.  C.  Bob  is  now 
associated  with  his  father  and  brothers  in 
the  cotton  firm  of  Lineberger  Bros.,  Inc., 
in  Lineolnton,  where  he  and  his  bride  are 

DE.  EALPH  E.  PUECELL,  A.M.,  assistant 
professor  of  political  science  at  Emory  Uni- 
versity since  1949,  has  accepted  a  position  as 
foreign  service  staff  officer  with  the  State 
Department  in  India.  Following  a  short 
training  period  in  Washington,  he  will  serve 
a  tour  of  duty  in  Borne,  Italy.  He  expects  to 

[  Page  184  ] 


>e  "assigned  to  Madras,  India,  in  September, 
md  later  to  Bangalore,  India,  where  he  will 
>e  cultural  affairs  attache.  Dr.  Pureell, 
'ornierly  of  Lakeland,  Fla.,  and  Winston- 
Salem,  N.  C,  has  also  attended  Southern 
College,  Lakeland,  Fla.,  and  the  University 
>f  Wisconsin.  He  was  flight  officer  in  the 
lir  corps  from  1943-46. 

'42  * 

renth  Year  Reunion:   Commencement,  1952 

i   President:   James  H.  Walker 
Class  Agents:  Robert  E.  Foreman,  Willis 
Smith,  Jr.,  George  A.  Trakas 

(MRS.  WILLIAM  S.),  A.M.,  is  teaching 
ind  studying  at  Florida  State  University, 
rallahassee,  Fla.  Her  address*  there  is  115 
Franklin  Boulevard. 

WINSTON  SIEGFRIED,  for  the  past  three 
rears  head  football  coach  at  Sanford  High 
School,  has  been  elected  head  football  coach 
md  director  of  athletics  at  Henderson  High 
School,  Henderson,  N.  C.  Before  going  to 
Sanford,  Winston,  a  former  Duke  star  full- 
back, coached  at  Fork  Union  Military 
Academy  and  Hampton  High  School  in  Vir- 

The  address  of  CATHERINE  CURTIS 
STEIN  (MRS.  HAROLD  J.),  R.N.,  is 
Route  2,  Box  341  B.,  San  Antonio,  Texas. 
Mr.  Stein,  an  alumnus  of  Iowa  University, 
is  in  the  insurance  business. 


President:   Thomas  R.  Howerton 
Class  Agent:   S.  L.  Gulledge,  Jr. 

ROBERT  K.)  writes  that  she  is  kept  very 
busy  rearing  her  three  daughters,  Roberta, 
6,  Pamela,  5,  and  Linda,  2.  The  Califfs  live 
at  224  Sanford  Avenue,  Palm  Beach,  Fla. 
B.D.,  is  stationed  at  3700  AFIW,  Lackland 
Air  Force  Base,  San  Antonio,  Texas. 
LUTHER  L.  SMITH,  JR.,  is  manager  of 
The  Medical  Center,  Pensacola,  Fla.  His 
mailing  address  there  is  P.  0.  Box  151. 
W.  SNYDER,  '47,  are  living  at  167  N. 
State  Street,  Westerville,  Ohio,  where  he  is 
city  manager.  They  have  a  daughter,  Lynn 
Andrews,  one  year  old. 

'44  » — 

President:   Matthew  S.   (Sandy)   Rae 
Class  Agent:   H.  Watson  Stewart 

The  marriage  of  CATHERINE  T.  BEAT- 
TIE  to  Mr.  James  H.  Trask  took  place  on 
April  7  at  the  Sacred  Heart  Church,  Win- 
chester, Va. 

SEPH E.)  writes  that  she  and  her  husband 
have  a  son,  James  Theodore,  who  was  born 
February  21.  They  live  at  6508  Beechwood 
Road  in  Baltimore,  Md.,  where  Mr.  Burg- 
hardt  is  a  design  engineer  for  Glenn  L. 
Martin  Company. 

JAMES  HILARY  COMAN,  JR.,  B.S.,  and 
BILLY  CROUSE  COMAN,  of  Augusta 
Drive,  Durham,  have  announced  the  birth 
of  a  son,  Robert  Forest,  on  May  28.  They 
have  another  son,  James  Hilary,  Jr.,  who  is 
three  and  one  half  years  old. 
The  arrival  of  a  son,  Craig  Baity  Elliott, 
on  April  28  has  been  announced  by  Dr. 
and  MRS.  DANIEL  0.  ELLIOTT,  JR. 
(MARTHA  BAITY),  R.N.  Their  address 
is  1629  Adams  Street,  South  Bend,  Ind. 
A  daughter,  Amy  Elizabeth,  was  born 
February  21  to  CHARLES  L.  GRISHAM 
and  Mrs.  Grisham,  39  Lincoln  Street,  Chi- 
copee  Falls,  Mass.  Charles  is  in  the  ad- 
vertising and  sales  promotion  department 
of  the  Montsanto  Chemical  Company  (Plas- 
tics Division). 

ROBERT  D.  JOHNSTONE  and  Mrs.  John- 
stone of  McMillan  Road,  R.  D.  1,  Bridge- 
ville,  Pa.,  have  announced  the  birth  of  a 
son,  William  Robert,  on  March  1.  Bob  is  an 
engineer  for  the  George  A.  Fuller  Company 
in  Pittsburgh. 

H.  WILLIAM  OWEN,  B.S.,  is  a  time  study 
engineer  for  U.  S.  Hoffman  Machine  Cor- 
poration. His  address  is  YMCA,  340  Mont- 
gomery Street,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 
MILTON  CREGO  SMITH,  M.D.,  and  Mrs. 
Smith  have  announced  the  birth  of  a  daugh- 
ter, Ellen  Conover  Smith,  on  April  25. 
Their  address  is  "East  Gate,"  Belleair,  Fla. 

'45  » 

President:    Charles  B.  Markham,  Jr. 
Class  Agent:   Charles  F.  Blanchard 

The  Harriss  County  Health  Foundation 
Clinic  at  Hamilton,  Ga.,  was  reopened  this 
year  by  EVELYN  VAIL  COONRAD,  B.S. 
'45,  M.D.  '49,  who  is  practicing  there.  She 
is  the  wife  of  Dr.  R.  W.  Coonrad  of  the 
Warm  Springs  Foundation,  Warm  Springs, 

FRANK  CRANE,  who  is  a  fifth-generation 
Methodist  minister,  reminds  members  of  his 
church  in  Pacific  Beach,  Calif.,  of  the  old- 
time  country  parsons  who  rode  horseback 
to  visit  their  far-flung  parishioners.  Frank, 
however,  makes  his  daily  calls  on  a  motor- 
cycle, and  says  the  idea  has  made  him 
especially  popular  with  the  younger  set. 
"At  first  I  had  a  tough  time  getting  one 
youth  group  to  attend  Sunday  meetings," 
he  says,  "but  when  I  started  giving  rides  on 
the  motorcycle  to  all  who  came,  the  attend- 
ance boomed."  MRS.  CRANE  is  the  former 
(ERIN  WOODALL)  have  announced  the 
birth  of  a  daughter,  Sally  Tuttle,  on  April 
14.  Their  address  is  807  Demerius  St.,  Apt. 
J-3.  The  baby's  grandmother  is  SALLIE 
of  Warrenton,  N.  C. 

The  marriage  of  MARY  LUCILE  THOM- 
AS, daughter  of  THEO  PEELE  THOMAS, 
'20,  and  Mr.  Walter  James  Pittman,  Jr., 
took  place  April  26  in  Saint  Timothy's 
Episcopal  Church,  Wilson,  N.  C.  Mr.  Pitt- 
man,   an  alumnus  of  Wake  Forest  College, 


208  MILTON  AVE. 
DURHAM,  N.  C. 



M05  BROAD  ST. -PHONE   X*I224 


Wholesale  Paper 

208  Vivian  St.  801  S.  Church  St. 

DURHAM,  N.  C.      ROCKY  MOUNT,  N.  C. 

Serving  North  Carolina  Since  1924 

Weeks  Motors  Inc. 

408  Geer  St. 

Telephone  F-139 

Durham,  North  Carolina 

Your  Lincoln  and 

Mercury  Dealer  in 



[ Page  185  ] 

is  a  member  of  the  firm  of  Sharpe  and  Pitt- 
man,   Attorneys,  in   Wilson. 


Next  Reunion:    Commencement,   1952 

President:   B.  G.  Munro 
Class  Agent:  Robert  E.  Cowin 

MR.  and  Mrs.  STEPHEN  BLACKMON,  of 
436  Alexander  Avenue,  Washington,  Ga., 
have  announced  the  arrival  of  a  daughter, 
on  May  1. 

PAUL  P.  DIETZEL  is  assistant  coach  at 
the  University  of  Kentucky.  His  address 
is  1137  East  Cooper  Drive,  Lexington,  Ky. 
Mr.  and  MRS.  ROBERT  J.  EDELMAN 
(PATRICIA  HANSON)  >, and  their  six- 
months-old  son  Bobby  (Robert,  Jr.)  have 
recently  moved  to  135  South  Lake  Avenue, 
Albany,  N.  Y. 

Announcement  has  been  received  of  the  ar- 
rival of  Kathryn  Coleman  to  Mr.  and  MRS. 
RALPH    GURLEY,    of    Jamestown,    N.    C. 



The  Fidelity  was  the  first  bank 
in  the  State  of  North  Carolina 
authorized  by  its  charter  to  do  a 
trust  business . 

For  over  60  years  our  Trust 
Department  has  rendered  faith- 
ful and  intelligent  service  in  vari- 
ous fiduciary  capacities  to  both 
institutions  and  individuals.  We 
welcome  communications  or  in- 
terviews with  anyone  interested 
in  the  establishment  of  any  kind 
of  trust. 




DURHAM,  N.  C. 

i  Main  at  Corcoran 
•  Driver  at  Angier 
•  Ninth  at  Perry 

•   Roxboro  Rd.  at  Maynard 

Member  Federal  Reserve  System 

Member  Federal  Deposit  Insurance 


Mrs.  Gurley  is  the  former  KATHRYN 

On  April  18  a  second  daughter,  Martha 
Elizabeth,  was  born  to  LT.  (jg)  SAMUEL 
E.  McMURRAY,  U.S.N.,  of  6  Oleander 
Road,  Isle  of  Palms,  S.  C.  They  also  have 
a  daughter  Sandra.  Gail.  Mrs.  McMurray 
is  the  former  Virginia  Taylor,  who  worked 
in  the  Alumni  Office. 

'47   . 

Next   Reunion:    Commencement   1952 

President:   Grady  B.  Stott 

Class  Agent:  Norris  L.  Hodgkins,  Jr. 

ARCHIE  M.  BYERS,  M.F.,  is  logging  engi- 
neer with  the  British  Columbia  Pulp  and 
Paper  Company,  and  his  address  is  Holberg 
P.  0,  Vancouver  Island,  British  Columbia, 

A  daughter,  Carolyn  Stephens,  was  born  on 
April  30  to  RICHARD  N.  CRANE  and 
BETTY  TRASK  CRANE,  of  Apt.  F-4,  100 
Charles  Drive,  Br3'n  Mawr,  Pa. 
JEAN  C.  ERWIN  is  a  package  designer  for 
Old  Dominion  Box  Company,  Charlotte, 
N.  C. 

'47,  LL.B.  '50,  have  moved  to  Georgetown 
(Box  327),  S.  C,  where  Tom  is  practicing 
law  with  TOM  LAWTON,  LL.B.  '50.  Bar- 
bara is  serving  as  record  librarian  at  the 
Georgetown  County  Memorial  Hospital. 
WALTER  T.  SCOTT  have  moved  to  563 
Daytona  Parkway,  Dayton,  Ohio. 
WILLIAM  R.  WINDERS,  '47,  LL.B.  '50, 
has  announced  the  opening  of  his  office  for 
the  general  practice  of  law  at  416  Deposi- 
tors National  Bank  Building,  Durham,  N.  C. 

'48  * 

Next  Reunion:    Commencement,   1952 

President :    Bollin   M.   Millner 
Class  Agent :  Jack  H.  Quaritius 

E.  WARREN  BLACKARD  was  married  a 
year  ago  to  Mr.  Aubrey  U.  Meadows,  Jr., 
an  alumnus  of  V.P.I.  They  are  making 
their  home  at  1526  Waverly  Road,  Apt.  4, 
Kingsport,  Tenn.,  where  Mr.  Meadows  has 
a  position  with  Tennessee  Eastman  Cor- 

The  marriage  of  SALLY  DUNN  to  Mr. 
Vanvoorst  Simmons  took  place  on  March  20 
in  The  Wheeling  Avenue  Christian  Church, 
Tulsa,  Okla.  While  Mr.  Simmons  is  attend- 
ing Tulsa  University,  they  are  living  at 
1442  South  Denver  Street  in  Tulsa.  Sally 
is  traffic  manager  for  Radio  Station  KRMG. 
EDWIN  A.  KUCERIK,  B.S.M.E.,  is  work- 
ing with  the  William  Brand  Company,  mak- 
ers of  insulated  wire  and  cable,  and  is  liv- 
ing at  R.F.D.  1,  Eagleville  Road,  Williman- 
tie,  Conn.  He  and  Mrs.  Kueerik  became  the 
parents  of  a  son,  Donald  E.,  on  January  11. 
A  son,  Ralph  Harrell,  was  born  on  May  10 
to  RALPH  MILLER,  B.D.  '50,  and  MAR- 

GARET   HARRELL    MILLER,    A.M.,    c 
Sherwood,  N.  C. 

Several  mouths  ago,  L.  R.  (LOU)  PPEI 
FER,  B.S.E.E.,  resigned  from  a  sales  engi 
neering  position  which  required  eonstai 
travelling  throughout  the  midwestern  statt 
to  accept  a  position  with  the  Western  Elei 
trie  Company  in  New  York  City  as  a  sptj 
cifieation  and  equipment  engineer  on  mien 
wave  television  and  radio  relay  systenuj 
He  is  living  with  his  parents  at  114-46  211 
Street,  St.  Albans  11,  N.  Y.  He  writes  thaj 
he  has  recently  seen  several  Duke  "Delts, 
including  BOB  LAPP,  '49,  WALT  OLLEK 
'49,  and  GEORGE  LUNDSTRUM,  '47,  wh 
also  reside  in  the  New  York  area. 
JULIUS  G.  CARDEN,  JR.,  LL.B.,  is  th 
proud  father  of  little  James  Graham  <M 
den  whose  'picture  is  on  the  Sons  am 
Daughters  Page  this  month.  The  baby  wa 
born  on  January  22  of  this  year.  The  Car 
dens  live  at  638B  Shaler  Boulevard,  Ridge 
field,  N.   J. 

'<9    » 

Presidents:  Woman's  College,  Betty  Bol 
Walters  Walton  (Mrs.  Loring)  ;  Trin 
ity  College,  Robert  W.  Frye;  Collegi 
of  Engineering,  Joe  J.  Robnett,  Jr. 

Class  Agent:   Chester  P.  Middlesworth 

LLOYD  EISENBERG,  who  is  a  salesman 
lives  at  7421  Belden  Street,  Philadelphia 

On  March  24  in  the  Duke  University  Chapel 
ELIZABETH  MURRAY  became  the  bridf 
of  FRED  FOLGER,  JR.,  son  of  FRE5 
FOLGER,  SR.,  '23,  of  Mt.  Airy,  N.  C.  Thej 
are  living  in  the  University  Apartments 
Durham,  while  Fred  is  attending  Duke  Lan 

RY R.  MAYS,  B.D.  '50,  live  in  Florence. 
S.  C,  where  Harry  is  associate  minister  of 
Central  Methodist  Church.  In  October, 
Harry  expects  to  go  into  the  Army  as  a 

Ridenhour,  the  former  Miss  Jean  E.  Fink, 
became  the  parents  of  a  daughter,  Betty 
Virginia,  on  January  8.  Their  address  is 
116  East  Corban  Street,  Concord,  N.  0. 
Bob  is  an  accountant  with  Haskins  and 

LT.  CARLIE  B.  SESSOMS  has  been  as- 
signed as  a  psychologist  to  the  neuropsy- 
chiatric  service,  and  is  stationed  at  Valley 
Forge  Army  Hospital,  Phoenixville,  Pa.  He 
entered  the  service  last  February. 
WARD  were  married  April  21  in  River 
Edge,  N.  J.  Bob  is  in  the  O.  C.  S.  program 
in  the  regular  Army,  stationed  at  Fori 
Riley,  Kans.,  for  five  months  officer's  train- 

The  address  of  J.  BENJAMIN  COLLINS, 
JR.,  is  Radford  Arsenal,  Radford,  Va. 
The  marriage  of  HELEN  L.  FARRAR, 
R.N.,  B.S.N.,  and  DONALD  M.  SIBLEY, 
B.S.M.E.  '50,  took  place  on  April  28  in  the 
Pittsboro,   N.    C,   Methodist   Church.     They 

[ Page  186  ] 


fire  making  their  home  at  1721  S.  Main 
(Street  in  Winston-Salem,  N.  C,  where  Don 
s  a  project  engineer  for  Western  Electric 


Next  Reunion:    Commencement  1952 

President:  Jane  Suggs 

Class  Agent:   Robert  L.  Hazel 

Irhose  address  is  24  Hancock  Street,  Worces- 
ter, Mass.,  is  a  chemist  for  White  and 
Bagley  Company. 

H&.UL  JAMES  CATO,  of  2023  Greenway, 
Charlotte  4,  N.  C,  is  working  with  the  Con- 
hecticut   General   Life   Insurance   Company. 

CHARLES  S.  COOPER  is  employed  in  the 
accounting  department  of  the  Minneapolis 
division  office  of  the  Shell  Oil  Company.  He 
lives  at  1807  Dupont  Avenue  South,  Minne- 
apolis, Minn. 

CHARLES  DAYTON  writes  enthusiasti- 
cally of  his  public  relations  job  with  the 
American  Cyanamid  Company  in  New  York 
City.  His  home  address  is  75  Valley  Road, 
Plandome,  Long  Island,  N.  Y. 

of  23  Alber  Avenue,  East  Tallassee,  Ala., 
is  an  elementary  school  principal. 

an  instructor  in  political  science  at  Wheaton 
College,  Wheaton,  111.  His  address  is  614 
North   Washington   Street. 

MARY  BADGER  HALE,  B.S.N.Ed.,  a  reg- 
istered nurse  at  the  U.  S.  Veterans  Hos- 
JBtal,  Coral  Gables,  Fla.,  resides  at  215 
Phoenetia,  Apartment  3. 

M.Ed.,  is  a  teacher  and  coach  at  Lancaster 
High  School,  Lancaster,  Pa.  He  lives  at 
i  753  Reservoir  Street. 

I  THOMAS  LYNCH  HENDRIX  is  superin- 
tendent of  Oaklawn  Cemetery  in  Charlotte, 
jN.  O,  where  his  address  is  1615  Oaklawn 

ARMIN  HOPSOMMER  is  living  at  4949 
Forest  Park  Boulevard,  Saint  Louis  8,  Mo. 
He  is  a  student  at  the  Washington  Uni- 
versity School  of  Medicine. 
Mordecai  Drive,  Raleigh,  N.  C,  is  an  ac- 
countant for  A.  T.  Allen  and  Company, 
Insurance   Building. 

After  spending  last  summer  in  Europe, 
ELEANOR  JAMES  began  working  as  as- 
sistant manager  of  the  sports  wear  depart- 
ment of  Sosnick-Thalheimer  in  Winston- 
Salem,  N.  C.  Her  address  there  is  1821 
Georgia  Avenue. 

NELSON  RIST  MOORE,  JR.,  whose  ad- 
dress is  1701  Parkline  Drive,  Prospect  Park, 
Pittsburgh  27,  Pa.,  is  a  metallurgist  for 
Carnegie  Illinois  Steel  Corporation. 
MARTHA  ROSE  MYERS  is  working  for 
the  State  Department.  Her  address  is  1711 
Massachusetts  Ave.,  N.W.,  The  Boston 
House,  Washington,  D.  C. 

of  1034  Jamestown  Crescent,  Norfolk  8, 
Va.,  is  associated  with  the  Atlantic  Perma- 
nent Building  and  Loan  Association. 
W.  DEAN  POWER,  JR.,  M.Ed.,  is  princi- 
pal of  Canton  High  School,  Canton,  Ga. 
The  address  of  MAUDE  ELLA  PUR- 
KALL,  R.N.,  B.S.N.,  is  Bos  3011,  Duke 
Hospital,  Durham. 

Box  3018,  Duke  Hospital,  Durham,  is  the 
address  of  VIRGINIA  DORIS  RAINEY, 
R.N.,  B.S.N.,  who  is  doing  nursing  there. 
WADE  McLANE  RHODES,  JR.,  a  sales- 
man for  the  Proctor  and  Gamble  Distribut- 
ing Company,  lives  at  208  Middle  Street, 
Portsmouth,  Va. 

MARY  ELLEN  RICKEY,  A.M.,  is  an  in- 
structor in  English  at  the  Franeis  T.  Nich- 
ols Junior   College,   Thibodaux,  La. 

ANN  RICHARDSON  and  Mr.  Clifton  Cle- 
ment (Bubber)  Winstead,  Jr.,  who  were 
married  February  3  at  Ann's  home  in  Star, 
N.  C,  are  living  in  Roxboro,  N.  C.  Ann  is 
a  caseworker  for  the  Person  County  Wel- 
fare Department,  and  her  husband  does 
contract  painting. 

agent  for  the  Ballard-Zimmerman  Insur- 
ance Agency,  Baltimore,  Md.  He  lives  in 
Kingsville,  Md. 

J.  COLBERT  SMITH,  JR.,  is  living  at  1423 
Garland  Drive,  Greensboro,  N.  O,  and  is 
working  in  the  advertising  department  of 
the  Greensboro  News  Co. 
LYDIA  ALLISON  SMITH,  who  lives  at  2 
Noll  Place,  Newark  6,  N.  J.,  is  a  teacher 
at  Lincoln  School. 

SHERWOOD  SMITH,  whose  address  is  518 
East  Trinity  Avenue,  Durham,  is  an  ad- 
ministrative intern  at  Duke  Hospital. 
living  at  906  Eighth  Street,  AltaVista,  Va., 
while  he  is  working  for  the  Lane  Cedar 
Chest   Company. 

A.M.,  instructor  in  botany  and  zoology  at 
Pennsylvania  State  College  for  the  past 
six  years,  was  named  proctor  of  men's  dor- 
mitories at  Penn  State  Center,  Highacres, 
Hazleton,  Pa.  Living  quarters  were  installed 
on  campus  for  him  so  that  he  could  help 
dormitory  students  solve  any  social  or  aca- 
demic problems  that  develop  outside  of 
academic  hours. 

is  an  attorney  at  law  and  lives  at  307  Ra- 
leigh Street,  Oxford,  N.  C. 
ciated with  the  L.  A.  Waggoner  Realty  Com- 
pany, 1216  Harding  Place,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
GORDON),  M.Ed.,  is  a  public  health  nurse 
for  the  Durham  City-County  Health  Depart- 
ment. She  lives  at  1204  Sixth  Street, 

310  S.  E.  13th  Street,  Ft.  Lauderdale,  Fla., 
is  assistant  at  the  Ft.  Lauderdale  Public 

Last  September  JAMES  L.  WOODRESS, 
JR.,  Ph.D.,  joined  the  faculty  of  Butler 
Unive'rsity,  Indianapolis,  Ind.,  as  an  assist- 
ant professor  of  English.  An  alumnus  also 
of  Amherst  College  and  New  York  Univer- 
sity, he  had  previously  been  a  member  of 
radio  station  staffs,  the  United  Press  radio 
desk,  and  had  taught  on  the  staff  of  Grin- 
nell  College.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Mod- 
ern Language  Association  and  a  fellow  of 
the  Society  of  American  Historians. 
1701    Statesville   Avenue,   Charlotte.     He   is 


Homogen  ized 

Mellow  Milk  is  the  new 
deliciously  different 
milk  now  soaring  to 
popularity  in  the  Dur- 
ham-Duke market. 

•  Farm -fresh  Grade  A 

•  Pasteurized 

•  Vitamin  "D"  added 

•  Homogenized 

There's  cream  in 
every  drop! 


C.  B.  Martin    V.  J.  Ashbaugh 

i¥.     COMPANY 


W^orth  Carolina 


[  Page  187  ] 

field  auditor  for  the  North  Carolina  State 
Revenue  Department. 

'51  . 

Presidents:  Woman's  College,  Connie 
Woodward;  Trinity  College,  N.  Thomp- 
son Powers;  College  of  Engineering, 
David  C.  Dellinger 
JOHN  J.  FALWELL  is  a  salesman,  and 
lives  at  40  Intervale  Street,  Eoxbury,  Mass. 
The  address  of  ROBERT  FREEMAN 
MOORE,  B.D.,  is  Box  119,  Aurora,  N.  C. 
OLE  MAGNUS  ROSTAD,  of  262  W.  11 
Street,  New  York,  N.  Y.,  is  an  economist  in 
the  International  Civil  Service  and  is  work- 
ing at  U.  N.  Headquarters. 
LOUIS  JOHN  VIAU,  JR.,  is  a  route  sales- 
man for  Standard  Brands,  Inc.,  and  is  liv- 
ing at  912  Linwood  Road,  Birmingham, 

'53  , 

Pfc.  CHARLES  H.  LOTT  of  630  Belvidere 
Avenue,  Plainfield,  N.  J.,  is  a  member  of 
the  United  States  Air  Force  and  is  sta- 
tioned at  Cheyenne,  Wyo. 

Summer  at  Duke 

(Continued  from  Page  174) 
quate,   but  just  recently  was  it  possible 
to  do  something  about  it. 

Contract  for  this  last  gothic  structure 
on  the  campus  has  not  yet  been  let.  Mr. 
A.  S.  Brower,  business  manager  and 
comptroller,  will  probably  announce  the 
contract  within  the  next  few  weeks. 
Meanwhile,  the  University  is  proceeding 
with  the  preparation  of  the  ground. 

More  than  Buildings 

The  vigorous  building  program  now 
underway,  demanded  by  Duke's  past 
growth  in  size  and  by  its  presently  ex- 
panding activities,  can  be  traced  directly 
to  those  who,  in  the  past  two  years,  have 
come  to  the  University's  support  through 
the  Development  Campaign.  Funds  for 
some  of  the  building  projects  came  from 
other  sources,  but  mostly  the  Develop- 
ment Campaign  that  alumni  ran  and  par- 
ticipated in  made  possible  this  activity. 

And  while  the  buildings  are  apparent 
to  anyone  who  can  see,  only  those  close 
to  the  operation  of  the  University  are 
fully  aware  of  the  full  effect  of  the  re- 
cent gifts  of  alumni  and  friends.  With 
the  Development  Campaign  $1,000,000 
and  six  months  away  from  its  goal,  the 
University  is  nevertheless  able  to  begin 
planning  greatly  needed  additions  to  its 
scholarship  and  fellowship  programs,  to 
teaching  and  research  activities,  and  to 
other  functions  essential  to  a  university 
that  is  doing  its  job  in  the  best  possible 
manner  for  the  greatest  possible  benefit 
to  those  whom  it  serves. 

While  this  summer  seems  not  too  unlike 
others  that  have  gone  before,  another 
generation  will  look  back  and  regard  it 
as  a  new  forward  move  for  Duke  rival- 
ling in   significance  the  events  of  1924. 

Opportunities  Are  Ample 

(Continued  from  Page  175) 
April  1951,   and  unemployment  dropped 
sharply.    More  people  are  at  work  this 
spring   than    in   any    previous   spring   in 
the  nation's  history." 

The  Appointments  Office,  operating 
under  the  direction  of  Miss  Fanny  Y. 
Mitchell,  offers  its  services  to  all  stu- 
dents and  alumni,  as  well  as  to  outgoing 
seniors.  The  only  restriction  is  that  the 
applicant  must  be  a  graduate  of  this  uni- 
versity or  working  toward  a  degree  here. 
During  the  past  year  15  teaching  posi- 
tions have  been  obtained  through  this 
office  by  persons  who  were  at  some  time, 
and  for  varying  periods,  matriculated 
students  at  Duke.  These  are  in  addition 
to  the  teacher  placements  described  above. 
A  score  of  graduates  have  successfully 
used  the  aid  of  the  Appointments  Office 
this  year  in  securing  positions  in  the 
fields  of  chemistry,  physics,  engineering 
and  accounting.  The  office  is  open  all 
year,  and  aids  students  in  obtaining  sum- 
mer jobs  as  well  as  permanent  ones.  It 
is  obviously  a  vital  and  successful  branch 
of  the  administration's  activity. 



Plummer  Stewart,  '94,  died  at  his  home 
in  Charlotte,  N.  O,  early  in  the  summer. 
Funeral  services  were  held  in  the  First 
Methodist  Church  in  Charlotte,  where  he 
was  a  member  of  the  board  of  deacons 
for  40  years. 

Since  1901,  Mr.  Stewart  was  a  member 
of  the  Charlotte  bar,  and  was  a  former 
law  partner  of  Judge  John  A.  Parker, 
Judge  William  H.  Bobbitt,  James  O. 
Moore  and  Robert  P.  Stewart.  In  1913 
he  was  a  member  of  the  North  Carolina 
General  Assembly  from  Mecklenburg 

Before  moving  to  Charlotte,  Mr.  Stew- 
art was  superintendent  of  public  instruc- 
tion in  Union  County  and  had  served  as 
principal  of  Monroe  and  Marshall 

Surviving  are  four  children,  two  broth- 
ers, one  sister,  and  six  grandchildren. 

Walter  Bradsher,  '90,  of  Hurdle  Mills, 
N.  O,  is  deceased. 

William    J.    Montgomery,    '02,    passed 
away  on  April  13,  in  Concord,  N.  C. 

JAMES  S.  CRAIG,  '03 
It  has  been  learned  by  the  alumni  of- 
fice that  James  S.  Craig,  '03,  is  deceased. 
He  lived  at  312  North  3rd  Street,  Wil- 
mington, N.  C. 

Marius  Cooper,  '16,  who  made  his  home 
in  Los  Angeles,  Calif.,  has  passed  away. 

EVERETTE   A.   STEVENS,  JR.,  '20 

Everette  Allen  Stevens,  Jr.,  '20,  died 
of  a  heart  attack  at  his  home  in  Grantha 
Township,  N.  C,  on  June  2.  He  had 
been  in  ill  health  for  two  months. 

The  funeral  was  held  at  Falling  Creek 
Methodist  Church  where  he  was  steward 
and  treasurer  for  many  years.  Burial 
was  in  Wayne  Memorial  Park,  Golds- 
boro,  N.  C. 

Mr.  Stevens  was  engaged  in  farming, 
and  had  taken  an  active  part  in  com- 
munity affairs  for  many  years. 

Survivors  include  the  wife,  two  daugh- 
ters, one  brother,  and  one  sister. 

Lucille  Bramlette,  A.M.  '39,  passed 
away  from  a  cerebral  hemorrhage  in 
July,  1949,  it  has  recently  been  learned 
by  the  Alumni  Office.  Her  home  was  in 
Tabor  City,  N.  C. 


Kathleen  Asbury  Aycock  (Mrs.),  '40, 
passed  away  during  the  first  part  of 
March.  Her  illness  was  due  to  heart 
trouble.  At  the  time  of  her  death,  she 
was  living  in  Fernandina,  Fla. 

It   has   recently   been   learned   by   the 
Alumni  Office  that  Walter  J.  Nivens,  '4$ 
of  Charlotte,  N.  O,  died  May  19,  1950. 

Herbert  Nicholson,  '42,  is  deceased,  it 
has  been  learned  recently  by  the  Alumni 

jack  McDonald  abe,  '50 

An  automobile  accident  claimed  the 
life  of  Jack  McDonald  Abe,  '50,  in  May. 
Jack,  a  private  stationed  at  Camp  Breek- 
enridge,  Ky.,  was  en  route  home  to  316 
Marathon  Avenue,  Dayton,  Ohio,  on  a 
week  end  pass  when  his  car  collided  with 
another  near  Gettysburg. 

His  senior  year  at  Duke,  Jack  was 
president  of  Phi  Delta  Theta  Fraternity. 

In  addition  to  his  parents,  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  E.  C.  Abe,  Jack  is  survived  by  two 
sisters  and  a  brother,  all  of  Dayton. 

[  Page  188  ] 





It's  a  far  cry  from  comfortable  home  under  mother's 
watchful  eye  to  the  crayon  drawing  book  in  a  hospital 

There  are  consolations,  however.    High  hospitaliza- 
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draw savings,  borrow  or  mortgage  his  home. 

Hospital  Saving  Association,  a  pioneer  in  Tar  Heel 
health  service,  provides  Blue  Gross-Blue  Shield  pro- 
tection that  is  positive — guaranteed — and  simple  to 






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1o  Camels, 


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K.  J.  Reynolds  Toh,  Co., 
Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

J.  he  smokers  of  America  have  made  many  tests  for 
cigarette  mildness.  The  quick  tests.  The  trick  tests. 
And  the  thorough  Camel  30-Day  Test.  After  all  the 
testing,  Camel  has  its  biggest  lead  in  25  years! 

Make  your  own  30-Day  Camel  Mildness  Test.  Prove 
to  yourself,  in  your  own  "T-Zone",  that  Camels  have 
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throat.  Through  steady  smoking,  you'll  discover  why 
more  people  smoke  Camels  than  any  other  cigarette! 

c/0a/k  four  oMi  30'~Dz</  Cante/ 

ypfi/diess  ~fcsfr  anoC  see,  tufa/ 

PAUL  LUKAS  has  delighted  millions  on  the  stage  ...  in  movies . . . 
on  television.  "There's  no  room  for  throat  irritation  in  show  busi- 
ness," says  Mr.Lukas.  "I  smoke  Camels— they  agree  with  mythroat!" 

Noted  throat  specialists  report  on  30-day  Mildness  Test: 

Nat  one  single  case 
of  threat  irritation 

^^H^        due  to  sttcofcUu] 


Yes,  these  were  the  findings  of  noted  throat  specialists  after  a  total  of 
2,470  weekly  examinations  of  the  throats  of  hundreds  of  men  and 
women  who  smoked  Camels— and  only  Camels— for  30  consecutive  days. 



August,  1951 

The  University  Loses  One  of  Its  Great  Leaders 

__added  to  the  world's  most 
famous  ABCs  — 

Always  Milder 
Better  Tasting 
(pooler  Smoking 

A  the  Big  Plus  so  can  YOU - 
'I've  proved  trie  p«s  

e.  m<  THE  ONLY  CIGARETTE  of  al 
'CHESTERFIELD  IS  THE  °™  of  our  taste 

A, tested  in  which  members  or  uu 

From  the  report  of  a  we 

||. known  resea 

rch  organiiat.on 



See  RHONDA  FLEMING  co.rfarr«ng  in  "CROSSWiNDS" 
A  Paramount  Pictun— Color  by  Technkoter 


(Member  of  American  Alumni  Council) 
Published  at  Durham,  N.  C,  Every  Month  in  the  Year  in  the  Interest  of  the  University  and  the  Alumni 

Volume  XXXVII 

August,  1951 

Number  8 



Editorials 191 

Foreign  Students  Meet  Uncle  Sam 192 

Laboratory  for  Science   Teaching 194 

Math   Teachers  Meet 194 

Four  Meet  in  Japan 195 

Alumni   Activities 196 

Duke  Songs  Published '197 

Neiv  Register  Editor  Named 197 

Math  Models  Bring   Recognition 198 

Blue  Devils  to  Depend  on  Speedy  Backs .  .   199 
News  of  the  Alumni 200 

Editor  and  Business  Manager 

Charles  A.  Dukes,  '29 

Man-aging  Editor Roger  L.  Marshall,    '42 

Associate  Editor Anne  Garrard,   '25 

Advertising  Manager.  .  .  .Fred  W.  Whitener,    '51 

Layout  Editor Ruth  Mary  Brown 

Staff    Photographer Jimmy    Whitley 

Two  Dollars  a  Tear 

20  Cents  a  Copy 

Entered  as  Second-Class  Matter  at  the  Post 

Office  at  Durham,  N.  C,  Under  the  Act  of 

March   3,   1879. 


Claire  Naylor  Morgenthaler  (Mrs.  Walter  N.),  '49 

30,  Route  de  Mediouna 
Casablanca,  Morocco 
27  July,  1951 

Chiefly  I  wanted  to  thank  you  for  your  kind  letter  which  I  received 
shortly  after  my  arrival  here,  and  also  to  tell  you  how  much  we  "all" 
enjoy  getting  the  Alumni  Register.  "All"  includes  Pat  Waller,  '48, 
and  Bob  Williams,  B.S.E.E.  '49,  who  are  also  over  here.  I  have 
heard  through  the  grape-vine  that  there  is  another  Duke  alumnus 
out  at  one  of  the  field  sites,  but  I  haven't  as  yet  had  a  chance  to  con- 
tact him,  and  I  don't  know  what  his  name  is. 

At  present,  and  in  fact  since  a  week  after  I  arrived  here,  I  have 
been  "on  loan"  to  the  U.  S.  Corps  of  Engineers  as  Secretary-Interpreter 
to  the  Colonel  and  Lieutenant  Colonel  who  are  in  charge  of  this  con- 
struction. It  is,  in  my  opinion,  the  best  job  a  girl  could  have  over 

We  work  on  an  8  :00  a.m.  to  6 :00  p.m.  day,  except  Saturdays  when 
we  get  off  at  11 :00  a.m. — supposedly !  It  usually  turns  out  longer,  but 
I  think  I  have  the  most  interesting  job  in  the  world,  so  I  don't  mind. 

I  arrived  here  on  28  January  with  the  "second  wave"  of  personnel 
as  the  first  working  girl  over  here.  Since  then  my  life  has  been  truly 
exciting,  both  from  a  business  and  pleasure  point  of  view.  Morocco 
is  an  intensely  interesting  country — a  sort  of  cross  between  a  movie 
travelogue  and  scenes  from  the  New  Testament.  The  Aral)  population 
in  the  cities  has  been  to  a  large  extent  Europeanized — not  in  matters 
of  dress  and  custom  alone,  but  even  more  in  their  mentality  and  "busi- 
ness methods."  One  of  the  most  interesting  parts  of  any  town  is  the 
"Medina,"  or  native  quarter.  There  the  people  live  in  an  incredible 
state  of  poverty  and  filth  for  the  most  part,  although  there  are  out- 
standing exceptions,  of  course.  There  one  finds  innumerable  little  open- 
front  shops  selling  leather  and  metal  goods  at  unbelievably  low  prices — 
if  one  has  super-sharp  bargaining  talent!  After  looking  around  a  bit, 
carefully  showing  a  complete  lack  of  interest,  one  nonchalantly  asks 
the  price  of  an  article.  Upon  hearing  the  response,  one  laughs  heartily 
and  starts  to  walk  out,  quoting  an  offer  of  approximately  one-third 
over  one's  shoulder.  This  goes  on  for  from  five  minutes  to  half  an 
(Continued  on  Page  207) 


News  of  the  death  of  Chancellor  Robert  Lee  Flowers  was 
sorrowfully  received  by  the  University  just  as  the  August  issue 
of  the  Register  was  going  to  press.  The  portrait  on  the  cover 
is  a  recent  and  popular  photo  of  Duke's  great  builder.  On  the 
next  page  is  the  information  of  his  passing  and  some  of  the 
tributes  paid  him  by  men  high  in  the  world  of  education,  busi- 
ness, and  government. 

Chancellor  Robert  Lee  Flowers  Passes 

Duke  University  has  lost  one  of  its  great  leaders. 

Chancellor  Robert  Lee  Flowers  died  at  his  home  early 
Friday  evening',  August  24,  after  a  lingering  illness.  He 
was  80  years  old. 

Funeral  services  were  held  in  Duke  Chapel  on  Sun- 
day, August  26,  with  Dean  James  Cannon  III  of  the 
Divinity  School  officiating.  Dr.  Cannon  was  assisted  by 
Dr.  Hersey  E.  Spence,  professor  of  Biblical  literature  and 
religious  education.  Both  men  were  old  friends  of  the 
Chancellor.  Burial  took  place  in  Maplewood  Cemetery  in 
the  Flowers  family  plot. 

A  host  of  friends,  among  them  many  alumni  of  Duke 
who  came  from  a  distance,  gathered  to  pay  final  homage 
to  the  great  educator. 

It  will  be  hard  for  many  to  imagine  Duke  without 
beloved  "Professor  Bobby."  For  60  fruitful  years  his 
name  has  been  almost  synonymous  with  the  institution  he 
was  so  instrumental  in  developing.  They  were  60  years 
of  loyal  devotion  to  a  College,  a  University,  and  an  ideal. 
They  were  years  in  which  countless  lives  were  benev- 
olently influenced  by  his  personality  and  his  work. 

The  death  of  Dr.  Flowers  brought  forth  many  high 
and  sincere  tributes  to  his  life  and  his  accomplishments. 

President  Hollis  Edens,  who  succeeded  him  in  office, 
said :  ' '  The  contributions  of  Chancellor  Flowers  to  Duke 
University  are  plainly  written  in  the  record,  but  beyond 
that,  the  admiration  and  affection  of  his  many  friends 
indicate  the  personalitj7  of  the  man  who  performed  the 
deeds.  Even  those  of  us  who  had  the  privilege  of  know- 
ing him  ...  a  short  time  only  can  see  his  strength  of 
character  written  indelibly  upon  the  life  of  the  Uni- 

Governor  Kerr  Scott  of  North  Carolina  said  in 
Raleigh :  ' '  The  greatness  of  a  man  is  measured  by  his 
continuing  influence  upon  human  events  .  .  .  judged  by 
this  standard  the  greatness  of  Dr.  Robert  Lee  Flowers 
will  increase  for  years  to  come,  because  the  institution 
with  which  he  identified  himself  will  perpetuate  his  influ- 
ence. For  more  than  half  a  century  Dr.  Flowers  has  been 
an  integral  part  of  Duke  University  and  the  institution 
from  which  it  grew.  In  all  of  the  positions  he  held  he 
was  faithful  and  loyal.  His  contribution  to  the  Duke  Uni- 
versity of  today  and  tomorrow  has  been  large.  It  has 
been  even  greater  to  the  State  and  the  Nation." 

The  Honorable  Willis  Smith,  chairman  of  the  Univer- 
sity Board  of  Trustees  and  a  United  States  Senator, 
stated:  "Robert  Lee  Flowers  has  passed,  and  the  State 
and  Nation  have  lost  a  loyal  citizen  who  made  his  life 
count  in  the  furtherance  of  education,  religion,  charity, 
civic,  and  social  welfare.  Truly  a  great  and  forceful 
leader  has  left  its  and  we  are  the  loser." 

Dr.  Flowers,  the  late  William  Preston  Few,  and  Vice- 
Chancellor  William  H.  Wannamaker  are  regarded  as  the 
trio  which  led  Duke  University  to  the  eminent  position 
it  now  holds  in  the  ranks  of  education.    Dr.  Wannamaker, 

an  intimate  colleague  of  the  Chancellor,  said :  ' '  Knowing 
him  for  many  years  and  intimately,  I  can  truthfully  say 
that  I  have  known  no  other  person  who,  through  so  many 
years,  wholeheartedly  and  unselfishly  gave  his  life  to  an 
educational  institution." 

Other  expressions  of  grief  and  tribute  came  from  a 
multitude  of  civic  and  educational  leaders  who  had  known 
him,  loved  him,  and  respected  him  as  a  friend  and  as  an 

Robert  Lee  Flowers  was  born  in  Alexander  County, 
N.  C,  on  November  6,  1870,  the  eldest  son  of  George 
Washington  and  Sarah  Haynes  Flowers.  In  1905  he 
married  the  former  Lily  Virginia  Parrish,  daughter  of 
Colonel  and  Mrs.  Edward  J.  Parrish  of  Durham.  Mrs. 
Flowers  died  in  1948. 

He  came  to  Trinity  College  as  an  instructor  in  elec- 
trical engineering  in  1891,  just  after  being  graduated 
from  the  United  States  Naval  Academy  at  Annapolis. 
This  was  while  Trinity  was  still  located  in  Randolph 

He  soon  became  a  professor  of  mathematics  and  chair- 
man of  the  department,  positions  he  actively  held  until 
1934.  In  1910  he  became  secretary  of  the  College  and  in 
1924,  shortly  after  the  Duke  Endowment  was  established, 
he  was  named  secretary  and  treasurer  of  Duke  Univer- 
sity. A  year  later  he  was  elected  vice-president  and  a 
trustee.  In  1926  he  succeeded  the  University's  founder, 
James  B.  Duke,  as  a  trustee  of  the  Duke  Endowment. 

Dr.  Flowers  became  president  in  1941,  after  the  death 
of  Dr.  Few.  He  held  the  presidency  during  the  difficult 
years  of  World  War  II  and  the  period  of  readjustment 
that  followed.    In  1948  he  became  Chancellor. 

His  record  of  service  to  Duke  is  nearly  equalled  by 
his  service  to  many  other  religious,  civic,  educational,  and 
charitable  institutions.  Among  them  are  orphanages, 
churches,  hospitals,  youth  organizations,  and  colleges. 
During  his  lifetime  he  also  served  on  numerous  public 
education  commissions  and  advisory  groups. 

Surviving  are  two  daughters,  Mrs.  Lenox  D.  Baker, 
Durham,  and  Mrs.  George  A.  Robinson,  South  Miami, 
Fla. ;  a  sister,  Mrs.  Marshall  T.  Spears,  '14,  Durham; 
three  brothers,  Fred  Flowers,  '08,  Wilson,  N.  C,  G.  Hor- 
ace Flowers,  '02,  Richmond,  Va.,  and  Claude  M.  Flowers, 
'09,  Durham;  and  five  grandchildren,  Robert  Flowers 
Baker  and  Lenox  D.  Baker,  Jr.,  of  Durham,  Marian  Vir- 
ginia Huey  and  Sybil  Flowers  Huey  of  Fort  Lauderdale, 
Fla.,  and  Robert  Lee  Robinson  of  South  Miami,  Fla. 

The  passing  of  Dr.  Flowers  is  mourned  by  thousands 
who  loved  him  and  who  held  him  in  the  highest  esteem; 
but  few  men  have  lived  who  could,  in  their  waning  years, 
look  back  over  a  life  as  productive  in  service  to  humanity. 
The  results  of  his  labor  are  the  greatest  consolation  for 
those  who  sorrow.  It  can  be  said  that  his  was  a  life  in- 
deed well  spent. 


Volume  XXXVII 

August,  1951 

Number  8 

This  issue  of  the  Alumni  Register  closes  another 
period  in  the  history  of  the  magazine.  The  September 
issue  will  begin  a  new  era.  Roger  Marshall,  of  the  class 
of  1942,  will  take  over  as  Editor  of  the  publication.  For 
several  years  he  has  served  as  Managing  Editor  and  in 
this  capacity  has  made  an  outstanding  contribution  to 
the  University  and  his  fellow  alumni. 

This  page  has  been  used  by  the  Director  of  Alumni 
Affairs  as  the  editorial  page,  through  which  he  has  tried 
to  call  to  the  attention  of  the  alumni  various  ways  in 
which  they  might  effectively  serve  Duke  University.  Be- 
ginning next  month  there  will  be  a  Director  of  Alumni 
Affairs'  page,  which  will  serve  to  retain  a  close  relation- 
ship between  the  Director  and  the  alumni.  It  will  express 
the  opinion  of  the  Director  and  not  necessarily  that  of 
the  publication  or  the  University. 

Now  a  personal  word  from  the  retiring  editor.  I  should 
like  to  thank  those  alumni  and  friends  of  the  University 
who  have  cooperated  so  generously  in  making  constructive 
suggestions  which  have  molded  my  thinking  in  preparing 
this  page  each  month  for  the  past  several  years.  I  hope 
that  I  may,  in  the  months  to  come,  continue  to  receive 
their  assistance,  for  it  is  only  through  the  continued  in- 
terest and  support  of  the  alumni  that  an  effective  pro- 
gram of  alumni  activities  may  be  continued.  If  you  like 
what  is  being  done  at  the  University,  please  continue  to 
say  so.  If  you  don't  like  what  is  being  done,  feel  free  to 
express  this  also. 

The  Development  Campaign  will  be  continued  during 
the  Fall  months.  In  September  you  will  hear  a  great  deal 
about  this  part  of  the  University's  program.  Already  an 
outstanding  job  has  been  done  in  raising  over  $7,500,000. 
The  combined  efforts  of  every  interested  person  will  be 
needed,  however,  to  assure  the  successful  reaching  and 
passing  of  the  goal  of  $8,650,000,  which  has  been  set. 
Let's  go! 

The  local  alumni  groups  are  already  making  plans  for 
one  of  their  most  active  periods  this  Fall.  Fred  Whitener, 
of  the  class  of  1947,  has  joined  the  staff  of  the  Department 
of  Alumni  Affairs.  As  he  will  coordinate  the  activities  of 
these  groups,  he  would  be  happy  to  have  those  needing 
assistance  write  to  him. 

Have  you  ordered  your  football  tickets?  If  not,  a 
word  to  the  wise  should  be  sufficient.  Since  tickets  are 
going  faster  than  ever  for  this  year's  games,  those  desir- 
ing to  see  the  Duke  Blue  Devils  in  action  this  Fall  should 
place  orders  now !  That  applies  both  to  home  games  and 
to  the  games  away  from  home.  The  early  bird  gets  the 

The  Class  Agents  have  gotten  out  their  pencils,  sharp- 
ened them,  and  poised  them  ready  to  write  you  about  the 
affairs  of  the  University.  These  interested  supporters  of 
Duke  University  are  giving  generously  of  their  time  and 
energy  to  make  Duke  a  better,  not  bigger,  institution. 
When  you  get  your  letter,  answer  it  right  away.  You 
will  save  your  agent  time,  and  the  interest  will  mean 
much  to  Duke  Universitv. 

Do  you  know  of  some  outstanding  young  man  or 
■woman  who  should  be  planning  to  attend  Duke  Univer- 
sity. If  so,  write  for  materials.  We  have  a  brand  new 
pictorial  folder  that  will  be  off  the  press  within  the  near 
future.  If  you  would  like  a  copy  for  yourself  or  someone 
else,  drop  us  a  line. 

For  the  Alumni  Office,  the  opening  of  school  in  Sep- 
tember is  one  of  the  most  interesting  times  of  the  entire 
year,  for  during  this  period  many  of  the  alumni  return 
to  enroll  their  sons  and  daughters.  While  they  are  on 
the  campus  they  drop  by  the  Alumni  Office  to  visit  and 
frequently  to  pass  on  information  about  other  alumni 
and  alumni  thinking  in  general.  If  you  are  coming  to 
Duke  this  September  to  enroll  your  son  or  daughter,  plan 
to  drop  by  the  Alumni  Office  for  a  visit,  no  matter  how 
brief  it  must  be.  We,  of  course,  are  looking  forward  to 
meeting  and  knowing  alumni  sons  and  daughters  who  are 
entering  Duke  for  the  first  time.  The  increasing  number 
of  such  students  every  year  gives  us  a  great  deal  of  per- 
sonal satisfaction,  for  it  means  the  alumni  approve  of  the 
kind  of  training  offered  at  Duke  and  are  anxious  for 
future  generations  to  take  advantage  of  it. 

The  age  old  problem  is  ever  with  us:  What's  hap- 
pened to  Mr.  John  Doe  of  1467  W.  Market  Street?  Or 
is  Mary  Smith  married?  If  so,  where  is  she  living?  If 
you  were  to  go  into  the  Records  Office  any  hour  of  the 
day,  these  are  the  kind  of  questions  you  would  hear  the 
young  ladies  asking  one  another.  You  don't  mean  to 
make  it  difficult,  but  you,  the  alumni,  are  the  source  of 
these  questions.  The  reason  you  are  the  source  of  these 
questions  is  that  you  failed  to  notify  the  Alumni  Office 
when  you  moved  two  blocks  from  your  present  address; 
or  when  you  went  across  town  for  a  new  place  of  resi- 
dence ;  or  perhaps  when  you  just  changed  apartments  in 
the  same  building.  We  are  uninformed  because,  when 
you  moved,  you  said,  "I  will  write  the  Alumni  Office  in 
a  day  or  two,"  and  then  you  forgot.  If  you  are  getting 
mail  from  the  Alumni  Office  directed  to  an  old  address, 
please  send  us  your  new  one.  The  fact  that  most  of  the 
24,000  Duke  alumni  have  changed  addresses  at  least  once 
in  the  past  twelve  months  is  fantastic  but  true.  How 
about  giving  us  a  helping  hand.  Remember,  more  people 
move  in  the  month  of  September  than  in  any  other.  If 
you  are  one  of  these,  send  us  your  new  address. 

Introducing  Foreign  Students  to  Uncle  Sam 

One  of  the  -40  or  so  foreign  students 
who  are  making  Duke  their  temporary 
home  this  month  became  enmeshed  in 
passport  red  tape  in  Xew  York.  His  take- 
off for  Raleigh  was  delayed  six  hours. 
His  flight,  therefore,  would  terminate  at 
1 :00  a.m.,  and  he  was  concerned  over 
the  problem  he  anticipated  in  landing  in 
an  unfamiliar  city  at  such  an  hour  and 
finding  a  place  to  stay.  He  was  infinitely 
relieved,  on  leaving  the  plane,  to  find  a 
friend  waiting  to  bring  him  to  Durham. 

The  friend  was  Dr.  Earl  T.  Hanson, 
of  the  Political  Science  Department,  di- 
rector of  the  Duke  orientation  center  for 
foreign  students  coming  to  the  United 
States  for  academic  training  under  aus- 
pices of  the  Departments  of  State  and 
Army.  The  students  arrived  August  1  for 
a  six-week  stay  before  going  to  other 
universities  for  the   school  year  1951-52. 

The  impression  created  upon  the  stu- 
dent by  the  appearance  of  this  sympa- 
thetic one-man  reception  committee  was 
one  which,  to  use  his  own  words,  he  will 
not  forget  as  long  as  he  lives.  From  this 
simple  situation  may  be  inferred  some- 
thing of  the  nature  of  the  task  being- 
undertaken  by  the  score  of  orientation 
centers  now  on  American  university  cam- 

puses under  the  Institute  of  International 
Education's  foreign  student  program.  It 
is  "the  setting  of  the  hesitating  foot  on 
the  untried  path,  the  helping  hand  over 
the  ditch  of  despair,  the  boost  over  the 
first  barrier  of  bewilderment  which  the 
foreign  students  find  on  arrival  in  this 
overwhelming  country  of  ours." 

Cushions  the  Shock 

The  orientation  center  represents  a  new 
approach  to  a  problem  which  has  pre- 
vented this  nation's  exchange  student 
activities  from  yielding  the  best  possible 
results.  The  general  purpose  of  the  ex- 
change student  program  is  to  give  selected 
students  from  other  countries  a  first-hand 
knowledge  of  the  general  aspects  of 
American  culture,  in  addition  to  provid- 
ing an  opportunity  for  specialized  study. 
But  the  shock  and  confusion  of  plunging 
into  a  strange  social  milieu  at  the  very 
time  of  beginning  a  frequently  strenuous 
academic  year  have  been  found  to  have 
unfortunate  results,  both  for  the  absorp- 
tion of  culture  and  for  the  assimilation 
of  learning.  It  was  decided  that  an 
orientation  period  of  six  weeks  might 
well  be  spent  in  cushioning  the  shock  be- 
fore the  school  year  began. 

A  group  of  foreign  students  undergo  the  typical  American  ordeal  of  hav- 
ing a  news  picture  taken.  Here  they  are  standing  on  the  Chapel  steps.  Left 
to  right,  top :  Prof.  George  DelHomme ;  Y.  Sugawara,  Japan ;  S.  S.  Ghandi, 
India ;  H.  S.  Gamgoum.  Egypt ;  J.  Herhommer.  Germany ;  A.  W.  K.  Malik, 
Pakistan ;  I.  0.  Yaartaja.  Finland ;  J.  U.  D.  Hassan,  Pakistan ;  M.  Shinohara, 
Japan;  C.  Roumagnac,  France;  G.  Gottsehalk,  Germany;  Prof.  Joel  Colton. 
Middle  row:  Prof.  C.  H.  Richards:  H.  Lindhorst,  Germany;  K.  Komura,  T. 
Negishi,  T.  Suzuki,  K.  Mitsuzumi,  T.  Hirao,  Y.  Usui,  G.  Inukai,  H.  Hosokawa 
and  K.  Hamano,  all  of  Japan :  Prof.  Ronald  Emma.  Bottom  :  M.  A.  Lawandy, 
Egypt ;  T.  Motai,  Japan ;  S.  Tanaka,  Japan ;  P.  X.  Yarughese,  India ;  A. 
Kitayama,  Japan;  Prof.  Earl  T.  Hanson,  director  of  the  orientation  center; 
M.  Sato,  Japan:  T.  Oyainada.  Japan:  R.  B.  Magal,  India:  T.  Mikami,  Japan; 
M.  Kasai,  Japan. 

Hence,  on  August  1  there  arrived  at 
Duke  from  all  over  the  world  a  group 
of  students  who  are  living  on  the  campus, 
eating  in  the  cafeterias,  having  cokes  and 
shopping  for  incidentals  in  the  ''Dope 
Shop,"  going  on  field  trips  around  Dur- 
ham and  vicinity,  hearing  lectures  on 
American  culture,  improving  their  com- 
mand of  English,  having  discussions  with 
American  students,  and,  in  general,  ac- 
customing themselves  to  our  college  life. 
Under  the  Summer  Session  program 
headed  by  Dr.  Paul  Clyde  the  orientation 
center  is  administered  by  Dr.  Hanson, 
who  has  as  his  assistants  Dr.  Joel  Col- 
ton, Duke  historian,  and  a  staff  of  eight 
or  nine  picked  teachers  from  the  English 
and  Social  Science  departments. 

The  newcomers  are  brilliant,  interest- 
ing and  extremely  likeable.  About  half 
of  them  are  Japanese,  under  the  sponsor- 
ship of  the  U.  S.  Department  of  the 
Army.  Others,  under  a  State  Depart- 
ment-sponsored program,  are  from  India, 
Italy,  Pakistan,  Switzerland,  Germany, 
France,  Brazil  and  points  east  and  west. 

They  were  selected,  through  exhaustive 
competitive  examinations,  for  their  prob- 
able ability  to  interpret  America  to  their 
countrymen  when  they  return,  for  the 
value  to  their  native  lands  which  their 
U.  S.  acquired  training  will  yield,  for  their 
open-mindedness,  for  their  proficiency 
in  English.  Ages  average  28,  and  range 
from  21  to  39.  Among  them  are  college 
professors,  undergraduates,  government 
officials,  journalists. 

Food  Is  a  Problem 

Two  of  the  three  primary  physical 
needs  of  the  men  are  being  taken  care 
of  without  difficulty.  Clothes  present  no 
problem,  and  they  are  being  sheltered  in 
GG  Dormitory  on  West  Campus.  Food 
is  a  slightly  different  matter.  Cultural 
differences  introduce  complications  for 
some.  One  Pakistani  has  said  good- 
naturedly,  and  probably  with  a  slight  ex- 
aggeration, that  he  has  been  on  a  diet 
of  buttered  toast  ever  since  he  came  to 
America.  Religious  orthodoxy  discour- 
ages for  some  Easterners  the  eating  of 
pork,  beef,  eggs  or,  unless  with  special 
preparation,  chicken.  The  culinary  in- 
doctrination of  some  of  the  Japanese, 
however,  was  accomplished  on  a  Navy 
transport,  and  in  at  least  one  instance  re- 
sulted in  an  affinity  for  hot  roast  beef 
sandwiches  and  cheeseburgers. 

The  foreign  students  eat  in  "D"  cafe- 
teria,   and    under    the    direction    of    Mr. 

[  Page  192  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  August,  1951 

Harvey  Grundy  and  his  dietitians  a  spe- 
cial effort  is  being  made  to  accommodate 
the  preferences  of  the  several  national- 
ities and  at  the  same  time  to  educate  the 
students  in  American — and  particularly 
Southern — cuisine. 

The  students  are  impressed  with  the 
quantity  of  food  served,  and  with  its 
sometimes  mystifying  variety.  A  table 
of  labelled  condiments  has  occasioned 
some  experimentation,  such  as  lathering 
black-eyed  peas  with  mayonnaise  and 
applying  horseradish  sauce  to  macaroni 
and  cheese.  Leftovers  are  carefully  scru- 
tinized as  an  index  to  likes  and  dislikes. 
American  students  are  encouraged  to  join 
the  guests  from  abroad  at  meal  times, 
and  the  best-natured  fraternization  seems 
to  be  the  order  of  the  day.  There  is 
confident  expectation  that  the  social  give 
and  take  will  be  healthy  and  valuable  for 
both  sides. 

The  orientation  program  has  been  de- 
vised with  great  care.  The  Institute  of 
International  Education  has  been  re- 
quested by  the  Departments  of  State  and 
Army  to  administer  such  a  program  for 
1,000  students  who  were  to  enter  the 
United  States  under  their  auspices  for  the 
academic  year  of  1951-52.  Twenty  col- 
leges and  universities  were  asked  to  pro- 
vide orientation  centers  for  from  40  to 
80  students  each,  with  a  curriculum  "de- 
signed to  prepare  them  for  good  adjust- 
ment to  the  university  or  college  in  which 
they  will  spend  the  balance  of  the  acad- 
emic year."  (Those  now  at  Duke  will 
leave  in  September  for  other  schools  and 
foreign  students  who  have  had  orientation 
at  other  institutions  will  come  to  Duke 
for  study.  The  switch  has  been  found 
advisable  for  a  number  of  reasons,  most 
of  which  add  up  to  the  fact  that  this 
procedure  will  widen  their  experience, 
which  is  what  they  came  for.) 

Goals  Described 

Early  this  year  in  Chicago  a  conference 
of  center  directors  was  held  by  the  Insti- 
tute. For  three  days  the  directors  ex- 
changed experiences  of  previous  years, 
formulated  plans  and  shaped  programs. 
The  objectives  of  the  orientation  courses 
offered  at  each  center,  and  of  the  pro- 
grams built  around  the  courses,  are:  to 
enable  the  student  to  increase  his  English 
language  proficiency  in  order  to  be  able 
to  undertake  academic  work  without  seri- 
ous handicap;  to  increase  his  knowledge 
of  the  ideas  and  events  which  have 
contributed  to  the  growth  of  modern 
American  civilization,  and  enable  him  to 
observe  at  first  hand  the  practical  appli- 
cation of  democracy  to  American  life  and 
institutions ;  to  accustom  him  to  American 

American  and  foreign  students  eagerly  seek  each  other's  viewpoints  on 
all  conceivable  subjects,  the  only  bar  being  language  difficulty.  Here,  in  "D" 
cafeteria,  Dr.  Earl  T.  Hanson,  director  of  the  orientation  program  and  a 
Woman's  College  junior  engage  in  discussion  with  the  guest  students.  Left 
to  right:  Dr.  Hanson;  Hans  Lindhorst,  Germany;  Hassan  Gamgoun,  Egypt; 
Jeorg  Herkommer,  Germany ;  Motei  Tetsuji,  Japan  ;  A.  W.  K.  Malik, 
Pakistan;  J.  D.  Hassan,  Pakistan;  Ann  Gore,  U.  S.  A.;  Olli  Vaartaja, 

classroom  techniques  and  acquaint  him 
with  the  general  workings  of  the  Ameri- 
can educational  system;  and  to  give  him 
an  opportunity  to  become  acclimated  and 
adjusted  to  a  new  social  environment. 
That's  a  large  order  for  all  concerned, 
considering  the  time  limitations. 

The  presence  of  the  students  has  given 
West  Campus  an  unusually  metropolitan 
air,  especially  for  a  summer  session. 
Among  them  is  represented  a  wide  va- 
riety of  personalities  and  interests.  One 
Japanese,  who  teaches  school  in  Tokyo, 
wrote  his  master's  dissertation  on  Walt 
Whitman,  and  was  extremely  pleased  to 
find  in  the  Duke  Library  an  except:onal 
collection  of  the  works  of  that  poet.  A 
Turkish  student  aiming  at  a  master's  de- 
gree in  civil  engineering  asked  to  be 
shown  through  the  cafeteria  kitchen, 
where  he  exhibited  great  interest  in  the 
steam  cookers,  dishwashing  machine  and 
other  equipment. 

One  of  the  Egyptians  is  a  journalist. 
He  represented  his  Cairo  paper  at  the 
United  Nations  last  year,  and  is  now  serv- 
ing as  an  American  correspondent  for 
that  paper  and  another  in  Karachi.  Sev- 
eral students  are  physicians  and  several 
are  lawyers.     It  is  probable  that  all  are 

extremely    serious    about    their    responsi- 
bilities and  opportunities. 

Well-Rounded  Program 

The  daily  routine  consists  of  lectures, 
discussions  and  classes  in  the  mornings, 
with  social  and  recreational  activities  and 
field  trips  in  the  afternoons  and  evenings, 
separated  by  generous  allotments  of  free 
time.  Dr.  Hanson  and  Dr.  Colton  make 
themselves  available  to  the  students  for 
consultation.  Most  classes  and  lectures 
are  held  in  the  Engineering  Building. 
The  faculty  includes  Messrs.  Stone,  Del- 
homme,  Cook,  Williams,  Richards  and 

The  Student  Y.M.C.A.  is  assuming- 
much  responsibility  for  arranging  social 
events  and  for  bringing  American  stu- 
dents into  social  relationships  with  the 
visitors.  The  first  week  ended  (on  Sat- 
urday) with  a  picnic  at  Gate  One,  an 
arrangement  which  neatly  avoided  a  trans- 
portation problem,  Gate  One  being  within 
walking  distance.  During  the  second 
week  the  women  students  of  Duke  enter- 
tained the  foreign  students  at  a  reception, 
and  a  session  of  square  and  ballroom 
dancing  was  held  in  the  Old  Gvmnasium. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  August,  1951 

[  Page  193  ] 

Dr.  Paul  N.  Gross  (second  from  right),  vice-president  of  Duke  University 
and  president  of  the  Oak  Ridge  Institute  of  Nuclear  Studies,  and  Dr.  Charles 
K.  Bradsher  (right),  professor  of  chemistry,  discuss  the  atomic  energy 
exhibit  with  Dr.  Louis  Anderson,  chairman  of  the  Botany  Department  of  the 
Conference,  and  Dr.  Ralph  T.  Overman.  Oak  Ridge  Institute  of  Nuclear 

Laboratory  for  Science  Teachers 

Resourcefulness  Improves  Teaching  Techniques 

It  is  said  that  a  resourceful  woman 
can  fix  almost  anything  with  a  hairpin 
and  a  piece  of  chewing  gum.  Not  quite 
so  simple  is  the  conducting  of  classroom 
experiments  in  physics,  chemistry  and 
biology  with  homemade  apparatus; 
Boyle's  Law  could  hardly  be  demon- 
strated with  a  few  old  mason  jars,  some 
odd  pieces  of  pipe  and  a  front-porch 
thermometer.  But  the  45  men  and 
women — most  of  them  high  school  science 
teachers  from  North  Carolina  and  nearby 
— who  spent  the  week  of  July  23  at  the 
Science  Teachers  Laboratory  Conference 
saw  basic  physical  science  principles 
demonstrated  by  devices  whose  parts  were 
resurrected    from   junk   piles   and    attics. 

The  teachers,  who  came  "to  learn  how 
practical  and  useful  experiments  can  be 
performed  in  their  classrooms  with  a 
minimum  of  equipment,"  saw  a  galvanom- 
eter made  from  an  old  razor  blade,  a  coil 
of  wire,  some  bits  of  thread,  two  dry 
cells  and  a  wooden  stand.  An  arrange- 
ment consisting  of  a  spark  plug  set  in  a 
Rumford  baking  powder  can,  a  Model 
"T"  Ford  coil,  a  single  pole  switch  and 
a  7-volt  source  of  current,  with  benzene 
judiciously  administered  by  eye-dropper, 
illustrated  effectively  the  principles  of 
the  internal  combustion  engine.     The  rea- 

son a  baseball  curves  was  shown  by  a 
contraption  made  out  of  a  rubber  band, 
the  cardboard  core  of  a  paper  towel  roll, 
two  feet  of  gauze  bandage,  a  square  foot 
of  flat  board  and  a  couple  of  thumb 
tacks.  Most  of  the  "equipment"  was 
constructed  by  high  school  science  stu- 
dents as  class  projects.  It  ran  prac- 
tically the  gamut  of  secondary  school 
physics  and  general  science. 

The  Conference,  believed  to  be  the  first 
of  its  kind,  was  a  carefully  planned  pro- 
gram of  laboratory  demonstrations,  dis- 
cussion groups,  inspections,  guided  tours 
and  formal  dinner  meetings.  The  famed 
Oak  Ridge  Traveling  Museum  exhibit  on 
atomic  energy  arrived  from  Salt  Lake 
City  for  its  North  Carolina  premiere 
after  an  almost  fatal  delay  in  transit.  On 
one  afternoon  the  conferees  were  received 
a*  the  Morehead  Planetarium  in  Chapel 

A  nominal  $6  registration  included  ad- 
mission to  all  sessions  of  the  Conference, 
which  covered  the  fields  of  the  physical 
and  biological  sciences.  At  the  opening 
session,  presided  over  by  Lewis  E.  Ander- 
son, chairman  of  the  Botany  Department, 
welcoming  remarks  were  made  by  Paul 
M.  Gross,  vice-president  of  Duke,  and 
John  H.  Highsmith,  of  the  North  Caro- 

lina State  Department  of  Education, 
representing  the  two  organizations  spon- 
soring the  Conference.  The  four-day 
event  closed  with  a  panel  discussion  on 
"The  Meanings  of  Science,"  and  an  hour- 
long  formal  critique  of  the  Conference. 
The  panel  discussants  were  Professor 
R.  N.  Wilson,  professor  emeritus  of  chem- 
istry; Mr.  Richard  L.  Weaver,  director 
of  Resourse  Use  Education,  Department 
of  Public  Instruction,  Raleigh,  N.  C; 
Mr.  Henry  A.  Shannon,  advisor  in  sci- 
ence in  the  same  department;  and  Dr. 
George  W.  Haupt,  Glassboro  State  Teach- 
ers College,  Glassboro,  N.  J. 

Other  Conference  highlights  were  ad- 
dresses by  Dr.  Ralph  T.  Overman, 
Special  Training  Division,  Oak  Ridge 
Institute  of  Nuclear  Studies,  on  "Where 
Goes  the  Atom!"  and  by  Duke  Vice- 
President  Gross,  who  is  president  of  the 
Institute  of  Nuclear  Studies,  on  "The 
Role  of   Science  in  a   Changing  World." 

The  faculty  consisted  principally  of 
Duke  professors,  with  the  addition  of 
several  specialists  from  industrial  organ- 
izations and  a  member  of  the  teaching 
staff  of  Albemarle  High  School,  Mr.  R. 
C.  Hatley,  whose  students  made  much  of 
the  laboratory  equipment  displayed.  The 
supervisory  committee  of  the  Conference 
consisted  of  Professors  Anderson;  David 
W.  Carpenter,  physics;  Henry  S.  Rob- 
erts, zoology;  and  John  H.  Saylor,  chem- 
istry; Dr.  Paul  H.  Clyde,  director  of  the 
Duke  Summer  Session;  and  Henry  A. 
Shannon,  of  the  Department  of  Public 
Instruction,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Math  Teachers  Meet 
for  11th  Conference 

The  Mathematics  Teachers  Institute 
has  become  a  hardy  perennial  on  the 
Duke  campus.  During  the  past  ten  years 
more  than  1,000  teachers  from  37  states 
and  many  from  Canada  have  used  the  in- 
stitute for  catching  up  on  the  previous 
year's  developments  in  this  vast  field. 
The  11th  session  was  held  August  7-17 
under  the  direction  of  W.  W.  Rankin, 
professor  of  mathematics,  with  the  gen- 
eral theme  "Mathematics  at  Work." 

A  $12  registration  fee  admitted  the 
registrants  to  an  extensive  and  highly 
elaborated  program  of  lecture-discussions, 
study  groups,  symposia  and  dinner  meet- 
ings. More  than  a  score  of  specialists 
from  industry  and  the  educational  world 
gave  talks  on  which  the  daily  meetings 
were  based,  or  addressed  the  formal  eve- 
ning sessions. 

At    the    opening    banquet    Col.    R.    B. 

[  Page  194  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  August,  1951 

White,  president  of  the  B.  and  0.  R.R., 
spoke  on  "Mathematics  and  Transporta- 
tion"; at  daily  sessions  the  Designing 
Engineering  of  the  Chevrolet  Company 
had  as  his  subject  "Mathematics  Made 
Easy  Through  Gear  Wheels,"  Philip  S. 
Jones  of  the  University  of  Michigan 
spoke  on  "Art  and  Mathematics,"  and  a 
study  group  grappled  with  the  problem 
of  "The  Slow  Student  in  Mathematics." 

The  Institute  was  conducted  as  part 
of  the  regular  Summer  Session  activities. 
Assisting  Dr.  Rankin  in  the  direction  of 
the  event  was  Veryl  Schult,  Director  of 
Mathematics,  City  Schools,  Washington, 
D.  C.  Duke  faculty  members  serving  on 
the  Institute  staff  included  John  H.  Rob- 
erts, J.  J.  Gergen,  Francis  G.  Dressel 
and  A.  0.  Hiekson.  Over  the  week  end 
the  visiting  teachers  attended  Chapel 
service,  heard  Mildred  Hendrix  in  an 
organ  recital  and  Anton  Brees  in  a  caril- 
lon program  and  were  guests  at  tea  at 
the  home  of  Professor  Rankin. 

The  Mathematics  Laboratory  in  West 
Duke  was  utilized  as  the  locus  of  the  day- 
time meetings.  The  Laboratory  makes 
available  a  wide  range  of  materials  re- 
lating mathematics  to  science,  industry, 
engineering,  education  and  commerce.  It 
contains  textbooks,  research  material, 
charts,  graphs  and  models.  Recent  addi- 
tions are  a  wind-tunnel  model  airplane, 
a  model  of  the  USS  North  Carolina, 
mathematical  computing  instruments,  an 
anti-aircraft  firing  director  and  a  Cadillac 
engine  with  hydramatic  drive. 

Dean  McClain  Will  Serve 
-^  As  Defense  Consultant 

Dr.  Joseph  L.  McClain,  who  next 
month  will  complete  his  first  year  of  serv- 
ice as  dean  of  the  Duke  Law  School,  has 
been  named  a  legal  consultant  in  the 
U.  S.  Department  of  Defense,  and  will  be 
attached  to  the  office  of  Dan  Edwards, 
'35,  ex-mayor  of  Durham,  who  is  now 
assistant  secretary  of  defense. 

Dr.  McClain  expects  to  find  it  possible 
to  integrate  his  new  duties  in  the  Defense 
Department  with  his  work  at  the  Law 
School,  so  that  his  deanship  will  continue 
uninterrupted.  His  work  will  involve 
solving  special  legal  problems  that  arise 
in  connection  with  Defense  Department 

From  1942  to  1945  Dr.  McClain  was 
vice-president  and  general  counsel  to  the 
Terminal  Railroad  Association  of  St. 
Louis  and  in  1945  was  named  general 
counsel  to  the  Wabash  Railroad  Company. 

Four  Duke  Men  Meet  In  Japan 

Far  East  Reunion  Occurs  on  Shipboard 

Recently  four  Duke  alumni  stood  to- 
gether for  a  brief  leave-taking  on  a  dock 
in  Yokosuka,  Japan,  near  the  end  of  a 
gangway  leading  to  the  main  deck  of  the 
USS  Mt.  McKinley,  of  which  they  were 
all  officers.  One  of  them,  Lt.  (j.g.)  B.  C. 
Allen,  Jr.,  '45,  was  about  to  begin  his 
return  trip  to  the  States,  carrying  orders 
to  report  to  the  Pacific  Fleet  Amphibious 
Force  at  Coronado,  Calif.,  for  duty.  See- 
ing him  off  were  Lts.  (j.g.)  Robert  E. 
Cook,  '45,  of  Chicago,  111.;  Walter  L. 
Thompson,  III,  '46,  of  Pittsburgh,  Pa.; 
and  Clarence  J.  Brown,  Jr.,  '47,  of  Blan- 
chester,  Ohio.  The  latter  arrived  aboard 
the  USS  Mt.  McKinley  the  day  before  as 
Lt.  Allen's  replacement. 

Lt.  Allen  has  been  in  the  Far  East 
since  September  of  last  year,  when  he 
was  ordered  to  return  to  active  duty  in 
the  Naval  Reserve.  As  an  officer  of  the 
Mt.  McKinley  he  participated  in  the 
assault  landings  at  Pohang,  Inchon  and 
Wonsan  and  the  redeployment  of  U.X. 
forces  from  Hungnam,  highlights  of  the 
Navy's  role  in  the  Korean  campaign. 

During  these  actions  he  was  assistant 
legal  officer  and  division  officer  on  the 
staff  of  Rear  Admiral  James  H.  Doyle, 
Commander  Amphibious  Group  One,  and 
Vice  Admiral  Ingolf  N.  Kiland,  Com- 
mander Amphibious  Force,  Pacific  Fleet. 

Lt.  Allen  received  his  NROTC  training 
and  B.S.  degree  at  Duke  and  his  LL.B. 
degree   from    Washington    and    Lee    Uni- 

versity.    At  Duke  has  was  a  member  of 
Sigma  Nu. 

During  World  War  II  he  was  legal 
assistance  officer  at  the  Naval  Operating 
Base  at  Samar,  P.  I.,  and  assistant  watch 
and  division  officer  on  the  destroyer  USS 

Before  returning  to  active  duty  in  the 
Navv  he  was  practicing. -law  in  Wilson, 
N.  C. 

His  replacement,  Lt.  Brown,  is  a  grad- 
uate in  economics.  He  received  his  re- 
serve commission  at  Duke  and  attended 
Harvard  Business  School  for  an  M.B.A. 
degree.  At  Duke  he  was  president  of 
Phi  Kappa  Sigma,  president  of  the 
Intel-fraternity  Council,  a  member  of  the 
Men's  Student  Government  and  Omicron 
Delta  Kappa. 

Before  volunteering  for  active  duty 
shortly  after  the  outbreak  of  hostilities 
in  Korea  he  was  editor  of  the  Blanehester 
Star-Republican.  He  was  assigned  to  the 
staff  of  Commander  Amphibious  Force. 
Pacific  Fleet,  as  assistant  division  officer 
and  assistant  public  information  officer, 
and  recently  was  sent  to  the  Far  East  as 
Lt.  Allen's  relief. 

Lt.  Thompson,  after  receiving  NROTC 
training  and  taking  several  semesters  of 
academic  work  at  Duke,  entered  the  Navy 
and  served  with  an  amphibious  beaeh- 
master  group.  At  the  end  of  World  War 
II  he  resumed  his  studies  at  the  Univer- 
sity   of    Pittsburgh,    then    worked    for    a 

On  the  gangway  leading  to  the  main  deck  of  the  U.S.S.  Mt.  McKinley 
from  a  dock  in  Yokosuka,  Japan,  three  Duke  alumni  say  goodby  to  a  fourth 
who  is  homeward-bound.  They  are,  left  to  right:  Lts.  (j.g.)  Robert  E.  Cook, 
'45,  Walter  L.  Thompson,  III.  '46,  Clarence  J.  Brown.  Jr..  '47.  and  B.  C. 
Allen,  Jr.,  '45. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  August,  1951 

[  Pagel95  ] 

Pittsburgh  advertising  agency.  He  vol- 
unteered to  return  to  active  duty  a  year 
ago  and  is  now  first  division  officer  of 
the  Mt.  McKinley. 

Lt.  Cook  is  a  combat  information  officer 
with  the  Pacific  Fleet.  After  naval  officer 
training  at  Duke  he  served  aboard  the 
aircraft  carrier  USS  Princeton  during 
World  War  II. 



WAF  Lieutenant 

The  varied  interests  and  talents  of 
WAF  Lt.  Virginia  L.  Sweet,  '41,  pho- 
tographed as  she  attended  a  recent 
training  course  for  reserve  officers  at 
Floyd  Bennett  Field,  Brooklyn,  X.  Y., 
can  be  inferred  from  her  membership 
in  several  aeronautical  associations, 
both  civilian  and  military,  and  such 
organizations  as  the  Schenectady  (X. 
Y.)  Light  Opera  and  the  Duke  Sym- 
phony Orchestra.  A  pioneer  member 
of  the  Women's  Army  Service  Pilots 
during  World  War  II,  she  is  now  a 
flight  instructor,  commercial  pilot  and 
a  ground  school  instructor,  being 
"checked  out"  on  26  types  of  military 
aircraft  and  holding  a  pilot's  rating 
on  the  more  common  types  of  civilian 
ships.  In  1949  she  won  the  Amelia 
Earhart  Memorial  Scholarship  for 
women  flyers.  At  present  she  is  ad- 
jutant of  the  9073rd  Voluntary  Air 
Reserve  Training  Unit  in  Schenectady, 
her  home  town,  in  which  capacity  she 
attended  the  training  course. 

Alumni  Activities 

Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

The  Duke  University  Alumni  Associ- 
ation of  Greater  Pittsburgh  is  planning 
an  open  house  at  the  University  Club, 
123  University  Place,  the  day  of  the 
Duke-Pittsburgh  football  game  to  be 
played  in  that  city  on  September  29.  The 
open  house  will  last  from  11 :00  a.m.  to 
8  :00  p.m. 

A  block  of  200  seats  at  $3.50  each  has 
been  reserved  on  the  45-  and  50-yard  line 
for  Duke  alumni,  so  that  there  will  be  an 
organized  cheering  section.  These  tick- 
ets are  available  at  the  Pittsburgh  Duke 
Alumni  Office  (office  of  Don  Anderson, 
'41),  436  Diamond  Street,  Pittsburgh  19, 
Pa.,  telephone  ATlantic  18456.  Alumni 
from  Eastern  Ohio  and  West  Virginia 
and  Western  Pennsylvania  may  be  able 
to  procure  tickets  there. 

Mecklenburg  County 

Duke  alumni  from  Charlotte  and  Meck- 
lenburg County  have  been  holding- 
monthly  meetings  on  the  first  Thursday 
of  every  month  at  one  o'clock  at  Thack- 
ers.  Attendance  is  constantly  growing. 
At  the  September  6  meeting,  Charlton  C. 
Jernigan,  '25,  A.M.  '26,  Ph.D.  '35,  re- 
cently elected  president  of  Queens  Col- 
lege in  Charlotte,  will  speak  on  the  con- 
tributions in  the  field  of  education  made 
by  Duke  alumni. 

Lake  Junaluska 

Duke  University  alumni  and  friends 
from  throughout  Xorth  Carolina  assem- 
bled at  Lake  Junaluska  on  August  11  for 
the  annual  observance  of  "Duke  Night" 
at  the  Methodist  Assembly  grounds. 

Principal  speaker  for  the  occasion  was 
Dr.  James  Cannon,  III,  dean  of  the  Duke 
Divinity  School  and  Ivey  Professor  of 
history  of  religion  and  missions.  Dr. 
Mason  Crum,  a  member  of  the  Duke 
Divinity  School  faculty  and  a  Junaluska 
summer  resident,  presided.  Greetings 
from  the  University  were  brought  by 
Charles  A.  Dukes,  director  of  Alumni 

Dr.  W.  D.  Davies,  professor  of  Biblical 
Theology  at  Duke,  spoke  to  the  gathering 
during  the  morning,  and  delivered  the 
afternoon  sermon  on  Sunday,  August  12. 
A  native  of  Wales,  Dr.  Davies  previously 
taught  at  Cambridge  University  and 
other  English  schools. 

Coronation  of  the  1951  "Queen  of 
Junaluska"  was  held  the  night  of  August 

18,  when  Barbara  Russell  of  Greenville, 
X.  C,  a  rising  sophomore  at  Duke  Uni- 
versity, was  crowned.  She  was  elected 
by  summer  residents  and  visitors. 

Ed  Fike,  '41,  On  Leave 
To  Defense  Department 

Edward  L.  Fike,  '41,  Director  of  the 
University's  Bureau  of  Public  Informa- 
tion since  1948,  has  been  given  a  leave 
of  absence  to  accept  an  appointment  as 
administrative  assistant  to  Assistant  Sec- 
retary of  Defense  Dan  K.  Edwards,  '35. 

f    * 

Edward  L.  Fike,  '41 

In  announcing  Mr.  Fike's  appointment, 
Vice-President  Charles  E.  Jordan  com- 
mented :  "Under  the  direction  of  Mr. 
Fike,  the  Bureau  of  Public  Information 
has  made  remarkable  progress.  We  shall 
feel  the  loss  of  his  services  to  the  Uni- 
versity but  are  glad  we  can  make  him 
available  for  the  important  assignment  to 
which  he  has  been  called." 

A  native  of  Ahoskie,  X.  C,  Mr.  Fike 
enlisted  in  the  Xavy  in  1941  and  was 
separated  in  1946  as  a  lieutenant.  With 
John  M.  Dozier,  '41,  who  is  now  assistant 
secretary  of  the  University,  he  was  co- 
publisher  of  the  Nelsonville  (Ohio)  Trib- 
une for  two  years  prior  to  returning  to 

Earl  W.  Porter  has  been  appointed 
Acting  Director  of  the  Bureau.  A  grad- 
uate of  the  University  of  Missouri  and 
holder  of  a  degree  in  journalism,  Mr. 
Porter  has  been  assistant  director  since 
1949.  He  is  thoroughly  familiar  with 
the  workings  of  the  news  service  and,  as 
Dr.  Jordan  stated,  Duke  is  fortunate  to 
have  him  available  to  fill  the  position. 

[  Page  196  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  August,  1951 

Duke  Songs  Published 

The  first  edition  of  "Duke  Songs," 
compiled  and  edited  by  Phi  Kappa  Delta, 
woman's  honorary  leadership  fraternity, 
and  copyrighted  by  Duke  University, 
came  off  the  press  (The  Seeman  Print- 
ery),  July  31.  Authors  and  composers 
include : 

Mr.  Douglas  D.  Ballin,  New  York 
City;  Rev.  Troy  J.  Barrett,  B.D.  '48, 
Broadway,  N.  C;  Sally  Bowmall,  '50, 
Hollywood,  Fla. ;  Edward  Hall  Broad- 
head,  A.M.  '33,  formerly  organist  to  the 
University,  Wethersfield,  Conn.;  Joseph 
F.  Burke,  '37,  Beverly  Hills,  Calif.; 
Charlotte  Crump  Collins,  '41,  Walling- 
ford,  Conn.;  Jean  Lafko  Davis,  '49, 
Dover,  N.  J.;  Mr.  Robert  Hess,  Ft.  Lau- 
derdale, Fla.;  Mr.  Joseph  F.  Hewitt, 
New  York  City;  Richard  F.  Hintermeis- 
ter,  '37,  Bloomfield  Hills,  Mich.;  Nancy 
Hedden  Holland,  '49,  Williamsport,  Pa.; 
Robert  H.  James,  '24,  Wilmington,  N. 
C. ;  Alex  R.  Josephs,  LL.B.  '40,  Charlotte, 
N.  C;  Mr.  G.  E.  Leftwich,  Jr.;  Nor- 
man K.  Nelson;  A.B.  '48,  A.M.  '49,  Duke 
University  News  Service ;  Mrs.  Mary  Nor- 
cott  Pemberton,  Duke  University,  Dur- 
ham, N.  C. ;  N.  Charles  Rorabaugh,  '34 ; 
Professor  Robert  S.  Rankin,  Political 
Science  Department,  Duke  University; 
Helen  Rorabaugh  Seymour,  '41,  Richland, 
Washington;  Rev.  Ray  E.  Short,  B.D. 
'48,  Moscow,  Idaho;  Mr.  Milo  Sweet,  Los 
Angeles,  California;  Miss  Sally  Wilhoit, 
'48,  Durham,  N.  C. 

The  book  can  be  obtained  for  $1.00 
per  copy,  plus  mailing  charge  of  10c,  by 
addressing  Miss  Sue  McMullen,  Box  No. 
6566  College  Station,  Durham,  N.  C.  As 
this  is  a  limited  edition,  those  who  are 
interested  are  urged  to  place  their  orders 

On  Active  Duty 

Lanier  W.  Pratt,  A.M.  '38,  an  instruc- 
tor in  Romance  Languages  at  Duke,  this 
month  assumed  his  new  duties  as  a  lieu- 
tenant commander  in  the  United  States 
Naval  Reserve.  He  is  executive  officer 
of  the  U.S.S.  Healy,  a  destroyer-mine 
sweeper  reactivated  from  the  "mothball" 
fleet  at  the  Naval  Base  in  Charleston, 
S.  C.        • 

Prior  to  his  recent  recall,  Lt.  Comdr. 
Pratt  was  commanding  officer  of  Organ- 
ized Reserve  Division  6-22  in  Durham. 

Lt.  Comdr.  Pratt,  whose  home  has  been 
at  2007  Ruffin  Street,  Durham,  has  been 
a  member  of  the  language  faculty  at 
Duke  since  1938.    His  undergraduate  de- 

Fred  W.  Whitener,  '51,  new  assistant  to  the  Director  of  Alumni  Affairs 
(left),  will  also  be  the  advertising  manager  of  the  Register.  Roger  L. 
Marshal],  '42  (right),  is  the  publication's  new  editor. 

New  Register  Editor  Is  Named 

New  Addition  to  Alumni  Department  Staff  Also  Announced 

Fred  W.  Whitener,  '51,  has  been  named 
assistant  to  the  Director  of  Alumni 
Affairs  and  will  assume  the  duties  for- 
merly performed  by  Thomas  D.  Donegan, 
A.M.  '51,  who  has  been  recalled  to  active 
duty  in  the  U.  S.  Army. 

Mr.  Whitener  is  a  native  of  Shelby, 
N.  C.  He  entered  Duke  in  1942  but  left 
school  after  one  year  to  enlist  in  the 
U.  S.  Navy.  After  four  years  in  serv- 
ice, during  which  he  served  aboard  an 
LST  in  the  Pacific  as  a  pharmacist's  mate 
first  class,  he  re-entered  Duke  to  major 
in  zoology  and  economics. 

From  1947  to  1951  he  led  the  Duke 
Ambassadors,  the  University  dance  band, 
and  played  with  the  University  concert 
band.  An  accomplished  musician,  he  is 
listed  in  "Who  Is  Who  in  Music." 

Mr.  Whitener,  who  will  coordinate  the 
activities  of  local  associations,  is  married 
to  the  former  Miss  Brooks  Dennis  of 

Roger  L.  Marshall,  '42,  alumni  editor 
and  assistant  to  the  Director  of  Alumni 
Affairs,  has  been  named  editor  of  the 
Alumni  Register. 

Mr.  Marshall  joined  the  staff  of  the 
alumni  department  in  October  1947,  and 
since  that  time  he  has  served  as  the 
Register's  managing  editor.  He  will  con- 
tinue as  assistant  to  the  director,  in  addi- 
tion to  his  new  duties  with  the  magazine. 

A  native  of  Winston-Salem,  N.  C,  he 
enlisted  in  the  U.  S.  Marine  Corps  upon 
being  graduated  from  Duke.  In  1946  he 
was  separated  as  a  first  lieutenant  and 
currently  holds  the  rank  of  captain  in 
the  Marine  Corps  Reserve.  Before  com- 
ing to  Duke  Mr.  Marshall  was  on  the 
news  staffs  of  the  Elkin  (N.  C.)  Tribune 
and  the  Winston-Salem  Journal. 

He  is  married  to  the  former  Betty 
Brietz  of  Winston-Salem  and  has  twin 
daughters  age  six. 

gree  was  earned  at  Davidson  College.  In 
1942  his  teaching  was  interrupted  by  his 
first  tour  of  active  duty  in  the  Naval  Re- 
serve. Trained  in  communications,  he 
served  in  that  capacity  on  the  destroyer 

escort  U.S.S.  Hubbard,  and  later  became 
her  executive  officer.  His  ship,  with  three 
others,  formed  the  first  hunter-killer  group 
to  operate  in  the  Atlantic  alone  without 
air  support. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  August,  1951 

[  Page  197 ] 

Math  Models  Bring 
Alumna  Recognition 

Dr.  Ruth  Stokes,  of  the  Syracuse  Uni- 
versity faculty,  who  received  a  Ph.D.  de- 
gree in  Mathematics  at  Duke  in  1931  and 
was  a  member  of  the  Duke  Mathematics 
Department  during  her  years  of  graduate 
work  and  for  two  years  thereafter,  is 
described  as  a  "Model  Mathematician"  in 
a  feature  article  of  a  recent  issue  of  the 
Syracuse  University  Alumni  Nexos.  The 
title  is  a  gentle  play  on  words ;  Dr.  Stokes 
has  an  outstanding  collection  of  mathe- 
matical models. 

The  models  are  not  the  flesh  and  blood 


Rear  Admiral  Ralph  Earle,  com- 
mandant of  the  Duke  N.R.O.T.C. 
unit,  has  left  Duke  for  reassignment 
to  the  Naval  War  College,  Newport. 
R.  I.  The  departure  of  the  popular 
officer  caused  deep  regret  on  the  cam- 
pus, where  he  has  been  stationed 
since  1949.  Recent  promotion  to  his 
present  rank,  however,  profoundly 
pleased  his  many  friends  at  the  Uni- 
versity. Admiral  Earle,  who  com- 
manded a  destroyer  at  Pearl  Harbor 
on  December  7.  1941,  and  who  en- 
gaged in  many  Pacific  battles  during 
World  War  II,  graduated  from  An- 
napolis in  1922.  Both  his  father  and 
his  grandfather  were  admirals  and 
his  daughter  Audrey,  a  rising  sopho- 
more at  Duke,  is  a  seaman  in  the 

kind.  They  are  contrivances  of  wood, 
paper,  string  and  assorted  materials 
worked  into  designs  which  illustrate 
mathematics  principles.  A  large  struc- 
ture of  small  sticks  demonstrates  the 
binomial  theorem;  one  model  shows  how 
a  curved  surface  can  be  generated  from 
straight  lines;  a  box  with  buckshot  which 
slips  down  through  nails  in  a  board  into 
a  number  of  boxes  bears  out  the  theory 
of  the  normal  variation  curve.  Cones, 
parabolas  and  models  of  indescribable 
complication  stand  on  her  shelves.  She 
does  not  make  them;  she  just  collects 

The  veteran  mathematician  is  working 
on  two  forthcoming  books,  "The  History 
and  Construction  of  Mathematical  Mod- 
els and  Their  Use  in  Teaching"  and  a 
work  on  spherical  trigonometry.  She  also 
edits  the  Phi  Mu  Epsilon  Journal,  official 
publications  of  the  mathematics  honorary, 
and  recently  was  elected  a  Fellow  of  the 
American  Association  for  the  Advance- 
ment of  Science. 

Nurse  Receives  Award 

Mary  Ann  Menefee,  R.N.  '51,  of 
Luray,  Va.,  is  the  recipient  of  this  year's 
Moseley  Award,  which  is  presented  each 

Calendar  for  September 

1-12  (Saturday  and  Wednesday). 
Special  course  in  solid  geometry. 

10,  11,  12.  Personnel  Conference  to 
be  held  in  the  West  Campus 

13-21.  Freshman  Week.  Dormi- 
tories open  to  Freshmen. 

13.  Parents'  Reception.  3:00  to 
5:30  o'clock,  Rooms  204,  205, 
206.    West  Campus  Union. 

13.  Freshman  Assembly.  7 :30 
o'clock,  Page  Auditorium. 

16.  Freshman  Tea.  University 

17.  Registration  and  matricula- 
tion of  newr  students  with  ad- 
vanced standing,  Trinity  Col- 
lege, and  the  College  of  Engi- 

18.  Registration  and  matriculation 
of  new  students  with  advanced 
standing,  Woman's  College. 

20.  Instruction  for  the  Fall  semes- 
ter begins. 

27-28.  Marjohn  Merrill  Founda- 
tion Lectures. 

year  to  the  senior  nurse  who  has  done  tne 
most  oustanding  work  in  nursing  arts 
during  her  entire  college  career. 

The  award,  which  is  twenty-five  dollars, 
is  given  by  Matilda  Holleman  Moseley 
(Mrs.  Vince),  '31,  R.N.  '31,  B.S.N.  '36, 
of  Charleston,  S.  C. 

Distant  Campaigner 

An  outstanding  campaigner  for  the 
University's  Development  Program  is 
Frank  A.  Thacker,  '49.  Working 
thousands  of  miles  from  the  campus, 
he  has  reported  pledges  totaling  sev- 
eral hundred  dollars  and  is  still  at 
work  on  other  prospects,  one  of  whom 
he  is  trailing  through  Europe  via  the 

Frank,  whose  address  is  Apartado 
889,  Creole  Petroleum  Corporation, 
Caracas,  Venezuela,  South  America,  is 
an  accountant.  He  has  been  living  in 
Venezuela  about  a  year.  Immediately 
upon  his  graduation  he  started  work 
as  an  accountant  for  the  Carter  Oil 
Company,  in  Tulsa,  Okla.,  an  affiliate 
of  the   Creole  Petroleum  Corporation. 

During  his  years  at  Duke,  Frank 
received  scholastic  recognition  by  be- 
ing awarded  a  National  Methodist 
Scholarship  for  three  years.  As  a 
freshman  he  received  the  scholarship 
awarded  by  Duke  alumni  of  High 
Point,  N.  C,  his  home.  He  became 
publicity  director,  and  vice-president 
of  Alpha  Kappa  Psi,  professional 
commerce  fraternity,  and  was  also  a 
dormitory  steward  for  the  Methodist 
Student  Fellowship  on  the  Duke 

[  Page  198 ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  August,  1951 

Blue  Devils  Will  Depend  on  Speedy  Backs 

With  the  September  1  Fall  training 
start  around  the  corner,  football  talk  is 
on  the  uprise  around  Duke  University. 

A  new  head  coach,  a  new  formation, 
new  assistant  coaches,  new  opponents  and 
general  curiosity  give  rise  to  most  of  the 

Approximately  75  husky  candidates  are 
expected  to  report  to  new  head  Coach 
William  D.  Murray  on  September  1  and 
begin  workouts  for  a  tough  Fall  cam- 
paign. New  teams  on  the  10-game  sched- 
ule of  the  Duke  team  include  the  Univer- 
sity of  Virginia  and  William  and  Mary. 

The  Duke  team  this  year  is  expected 
to  look  much  different  from  the  one  that 
racked  a  respectable  7-3  record  last  sea- 
son. Gone  is  the  passing  combination  of 
Billy  Cox  to  Mike  Souchak,  Ceep  You- 
tnans  and  Tom  Powers.  In  its  place  is 
expected  to  be  a  lightning  T  formation 
attack  with  speedy  halfbacks  Piney  Field, 
Charlie  Smith  and  Gerald  Mozingo  and 
block-busting  fullbacks  Jack  Kistler  and 
Conrad  Moon  leading  the  way.  The  line 
will  be  built  around  outstanding  ends 
Blaine  Earon  and  Jim  Gibson  and  tackle 
James  "Tank"  Lawrence.  Gibson  will 
captain  the  1951  aggregation. 

Murray,  a  Duke  graduate,  class  of  '31, 
recently  announced  the  signing  of  two 
new  coaches  to  help  him  with  the  tutor- 
ing. They  were  Marty  Pierson,  fresh- 
man coach  at  the  University  of  Delaware, 
and  Tom  O'Boyle,  former  Tulane  All- 
America  guard  who  had  been  line  coach 
at  Kansas  State. 

Majority  of  the  early  work  by  the  Blue 
Devils  was  expected  to  be  directed  to 
bolstering  the  team's  defensive  attack. 
Not  much  attention  was  given  this  phase 
in  Spring  training  and  as  a  result,  the 
team  looked  green  in  this  department  in 
the  Spring  practice  games. 


Homecoming  Day,  1951,  will  be  Sat- 
urday, October  27,  when  Duke's  Blue 
Devils  collide  with  Virginia's  strong 
Cavaliers  in  Duke  Stadium.  While  the 
program  for  the  week  end  has  not  yet 
been  announced,  it  will  probably  begin 
Friday  night  and  continue  through 
Sunday  afternoon.  The  annual  barbe- 
cue luncheon  on  Saturday  will  be  a 
highlight.  Homecoming  will  provide 
a  good  occasion  for  alumni  to  gather 
to  see  Coach  Murray's  Model  T  in 
action  and  to  observe  the  progress  of 
recent  months  on  the  campus. 

Athletic  Director  Eddie  Cameron,  left,  and  Head  Coach  Bill  Murray, 
right,  confer  with  two  new  members  of  the  coaching  staff.  They  are  Assistant 
Coaches  Martv  Pierson  from  Delaware  and  Tom  O'Bovle  from  Kansas  State. 

Besides  the  work  with  the  defense, 
much  time  must  be  devoted  to  the  polish- 
ing of  the  new  T  formation  introduced 
to  the  Devils  this  Spring.  The  biggest 
offensive  problem  will  be  that  of  develop- 
ing, a  first  line  quarterback.  Joe  Self,  a 
senior  from  Greensboro,  N.  C,  led  the 
candidates  this  Spring,  but  Jerry  Barger, 
an  All-State  and  All-Southern  freshman 
from  Salisbury,  N.  C,  shows  much  prom- 
ise. Another  top-notch  candidate  is 
Glenn  Wild,  a  short  senior  from  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa.  Wild  is  probably  the  best 
passer  of  the  three,  but  his  lack  of  height 
(he's  five  feet,  eight)  hinders  his  chances. 

At  other  offensive  positions,  here's  the 
way  the  Duke  team  stacks  up : 

End — Blaine  Earon  and  Jim  Gibson, 
two  capable  defensive  veterans,  may  be 
given  a  chance  to  play  offensive  ball. 
Walter  Smith,  Gene  Brooks,  Bill  Keziah 
and  A.  B.  Pearson  are  others  who  will 
play  a  great  deal.  Mike  Souchak  and 
Ceep  Youmans,  the  regular  offensive  ends 
of  last  year,  are  gone. 

Tackle — Jim  Logan,  regular  offensive 
tackle  of  last  year,  is  back,  but  Jim 
Young,  Bob  Anderson  and  Dan  Adams, 
all  offensive  lettermen,  are  gone.  "Tank" 
Lawrence,  defensive  bulwark  of  last  year, 
may  be  used  on  offense.  Capable  naw- 
comers  are  Ed  "Country"  Meadows  and 
Lewis  Berry.  Both  are  up  from  the  fresh- 
man squad. 

Guard — This  is  one  of  the  weakest 
spots  on  the  team.  Bob  Deyton,  regular 
offensive  guard  last  year,  graduated. 
Carl  James  and  Don  Knotts,  both  ex- 
perienced, return.  Top  candidates  include 

Carson  Leach  and  Truett  Grant,  both 
members  of  last  year's  team.  Two  backs, 
John  Carey  and  Bob  Berger,  have  been 
shifted  to  guard.  Outstanding  newcom- 
ers include  sophs  Bobby  Burrows  and 
Fred  Fuller. 

Center — Although  last  year's  starter  is 
gone,  this  position  appears  to  be  well- 
manned.  Jim  Ed  Gibson  was  the  starter 
last  year,  but  it's  said  his  understudy, 
Lou  Tepe,  is  as  good.  A  promising  fresh- 
man at  this  position  is  Johnny  Palmer. 
All-Stater  from  Lynchburg,  Va.  Other 
promising  players  include  husky  Ray 
Green  and  Gene  Million. 

Backs — The  competition  is  keen  at  all 
backfield  posts.  The  quarterback  post  is 
up  for  grabs  between  Self,  Wild  and 
Barger,  with  Charlie  Smith,  Piney  Field 
and  Gerald  Mozingo  leading  the  half- 
backs. Other  promising  halfbacks  are 
Red  Smith,  a  lefthander  all  the  way,  and 
George  Grune,  the  regular  safetyman  last 
season.  Field  is  probably  the  fastest 
back  in  the  nation,  having  been  timed  in 
the  100-yard  clash  at  9.6  seconds  as  a 
member  of  the  Duke  cinder  crew  this 
Spring.  The  Blue  Devils'  fullback  this 
season  will  be  a  hard-runner  whether 
Jack  Kistler  or  Conrad  Moon  wins  the 
berth.  Both  are  huskies  and  sophomores. 
Kistler  shone  in  the  Spring  games  and 
Moon  showed  his  stuff  in  drills  before 
going  out  in  favor  of  a  bad  leg. 

Defensively,  the  Duke  outfit  appears  a 
little  more  experienced,  although  like  the 
offensive  crew,  it  appears  weak  in  the 
center  of  the  line. 

(Continued  on  Page  207) 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  August,  1951 

[  Page  199 ] 


Charlotte  Corbin,  '35,  Editor 



Thirston  H.  Jackson,  Jr.,  '34,  Los  Angeles, 

Bobby   Ballard   Jackson    (Mrs.  T.  H.,  Jr.), 

'35,  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 
Neal  W.  McGuire,  B.S.M.E.   '48,   Charlotte, 

N.  C. 
Curt     Brown,    Jr.,    '45,    Aberdeen    Proving 

Ground,  Md. 
Preson  Phillips,  Jr.,  '43,  Greenville,  S.  C. 
Baron  P.  Mayer,  '45,  Danvers,  Mass. 
Kathleen  Duncan  Mayer   (Mrs.  B.  P.),  '45, 

Danvers,  Mass. 
William  L.  Canine,  '44,  Moncure,  X.  0. 
Emily  Anderson  Canine   (Mrs.  W.  L.),  '46, 

Moncure,  N.  C. 
C.  W.  Haley,  B.D.  '36,  Roanoke,  Va. 
Eva     Gantt     Haley     (Mrs.     C.     W.),     '35, 

'Roanoke,  Va. 
Eugene  G.  Kenion,  '51,  Hillsboro,  N.  C. 
Claude   E.   Bittle,    '48,   LL.B.   '50,   Durham, 

N.  C. 

Cpl.  William  F.  Scupine,  '49,  Camp  Mac- 
Call,  N.  C. 

Mary  Toms  Newsom  Ward  (Mrs.  Clifford), 
'38,  Sierra  Madre,  Calif. 

"Babs"  Gosford,  '46,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Emmett  W.  Hamrick,  '51,  Carrboro,  N.  C. 

Charles  M.  Edwards,  '51,  Weldon,  N.  C. 

Ruth  W.  Stokes,  Ph.D.  '31,  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

Rebecca  M.  Brogden,  '35,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Warren  H.  Pope,  '42,  San  Juan,  Puerto 

Arthur    D.    Whittington,    Jr.,    '47,    Atlanta, 


Joe  J.  Robnett,  Jr.,  '49,  San  Angelo,  Texas. 
Frances   Bryan  Robnett    (Mrs.   J.   J.,   Jr.), 

'44,  San  Angelo,  Texas. 
Edith    Ward    Deyton     (Mrs.    R.    G.),    '26, 

Brevard,  N.  C. 
Martha    Ward    Isaacs    (Mrs.    W.    B.),    '19, 

Durham,  N.  C. 
Alice  Mansfield  Rankin   (Mrs.  W.  W.,  Jr.), 

'47,   Durham,   N.   C. 
William  W.  Rankin,  Jr.,  '43,  Durham,  N.  C. 
Grace   Taylor,    '50,   Roanoke   Rapids,   N.   C. 
Rev.    S.    A.    Stewart,    '00,    A.M.    '04,   Mesa, 

Ida  Munyan  Pickens  (Mrs.  R.  T.,  Jr.),  '25, 

High  Point,  N.  C. 
Henry  R.  McKelvie,  '4S,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 
Walter    H.    Schneider,   B.S.M.E.   '47,    Texas 

City,  Texas. 
Ann    Barry    Schneider    (Mrs.    W.    H.),    '44, 

Texas  City,  Texas. 
Lt.    T.    C.    Powell,    '50,    Sheppard    A.F.B., 

P.  G.  Farrar,  '15,  A.M.  '28,  Pittsboro,  N.  C. 
William    B.    Edwards,    '45,    Mount    Vernon, 

X.  Y. 
Michael  L.  Karmazen,  '42,  Fork  Union,  Va. 

Wade  H.  Beck,  Jr.,  '51,  Danville,  Va, 
A.  E.  Meyer,  A.M.  '36,  Lancaster,  Pa. 
Chester  R.  Steele,  B.D.  '43,  Liberty,  Texas. 
Annie  Lee  Cutchin  Neville    (Mrs.  Ben  H.), 

'33,  Whitakers,  N.  C. 
Kathryn   Warliek   McEntire    (Mrs.    H.    G.), 

'28,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Annie     Louise     Steele     Redding     (Mrs.     T. 

Henry),  '38,  Asheboro,  X.  C. 
William  A.  Griffin,  '47,  Durham,  N.  C. 
Jess  W.  Talcott,  '41,  Joliet,  111. 
William  R.  Ward,  Jr.,  '50,  Lakeland,  Fla. 
Lemuel  A.  Grier,  '14,  Spartanburg,  S.  C. 
Klay  K.  Box,  '49,  Mooresville,  N.  C. 
Hazel    Melvin    Box    (Mrs.    K.    K.),    M.R.E. 

'49,  Mooresville,  X.  C. 
Louis    G.    Williams,    A.M.    '40,    Ph.D.    '48, 

Greenville,  S.  C. 
Richard   S.   Andrews,  B.S.M.E.   '45,  Spring- 
field, Mass. 
Rev.  Thomas  C.  Aycock,  Jr.,  '47,  Cooleemee, 

X.  C. 
Earl  L.  Emory,  Jr.,  '40,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 
C.  D.  Douglas,  '20,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 
C.  Frank  Griffin,  LL.B.  '50,  Monroe,  X.  C. 
William    M.    Black,    B.S.C.E.    '44,    Raleigh, 

X.  C. 
Jack  M.  Hennemier,  '35,  College  Park,  Md. 
Robert  F.  Spangler,  '39,  Salisbury,  X.  C. 
George  W.  Lipscomb,  B.S.E.E.  '49,  Monaca, 

Betty   McDonald    Lipscomb    (Mrs.    G.    W.), 

B.S.  '49,  Monaca,  Pa. 
Roland    W.    Rainwater,    B.D.    '44,    Durham, 

X.  C. 
Zillah  Merritt  Rainwater   (Mrs.  R.  W.),  '43, 

Durham,  X.  C. 
W.    Harry    Fogleman,    Jr.,    '40,    Cincinnati, 



Classes  having  reunions  at  Commence- 
ment, 1952,  are  as  follows:  '02,  Golden 
Anniversary;  '21;  '22;  '23;  '24;  '27,  Silver 
Anniversary ;  '42,  Tenth  Year  Reunion  ;  '46 ; 
'47;   '48;   and  '50,  First  Reunion. 

'11     i 

President :   P.  Frank  Hanes 

Class  Agent :  Lewis  G.  Cooper 
LESTER  H.  SHIELDS,  who  recently  re- 
tired from  the  General  Electric  Company, 
and  Mrs.  Shields  attended  the  reunion  of 
the  class  of  '11  at  Commencement  this  year. 
They  went  to  Florida  and  Mississippi  on 
their  way  home  to  Fort  Wayne,  Ind.,  where 
their  address  is  1244  W.  Foster  Parkway. 


There  is  no  Sons  and  Daughters 
Page  this  month,  because  only  a  few 
pictures  have  been  sent  in  during  the 
summer  months.  If  your  youngster  is 
under  six,  why  not  send  a  photo  for 
the  Register!  The  September  issue 
will  carry  a  full  page  of  children's 

'12    * 

President   :  Polly     Heitman    Ivey     (Mrs 

L.  L.) 
Class  Agent:  R.  Gregg  Cherry 

DR.  JOHN  W.  L.  HARBISON,  '12,  A.M.  '1^ 
is  a  surgeon  in  Shelby,  N.  O,  where  his  a<( 
dress  is  911  North  Washington  Street.  H 
and  Mrs.  Harbison  have  one  daughter,  Mar 

MAMIE  L.  NEWMAN,  who  lives  at  2li 
Capers  Avenue,  Nashville  12,  Tenn.,  is -J 
teacher  at  George  Peabody  College  fo] 

JOSEPH  SMITH  practices  medicine  in  th; 
Dr.  Joseph  Smith  Clinic,  Greenville,  N.  fJ 
His  two  sons,  Joseph,  Jr.,  and  James  J 
are  business  manager  and  doctor  respectively 
at  the  Clinic. 

lives  at  822  Second  Street,  Durham.  Sh 
has  six  children,  including  twin  daughter! 
The  address  of  LURA  SCOTT  WELLBORI 
(MRS.  W.  S.)  is  Route  3,  Box  247,  Coi 
cord,  N.  C. 

'13  *— 

President :  Henry  A.  Dennis 

Class  Agent:  H.  M.  Ratcliff 
COL.  DAVID  L.  HARDEE,  whose  addres 
is  109  E.  Lane  Street,  Raleigh,  N.  C, 
president  of  the  Hardee  Concrete  Compan; 
Reddy  Mixed  Transit  Concrete.  He  ha 
been  in  the  concrete  business  with  H 
brother  since  his  retirement  from  the  Ann 
in  1949. 

'21  - 

President:  Charles  W.  Bundy 
Class  Agent :  Henry  E.  Fisher 
R.  A.  ("RED")  PARHAM,  of  3810  St.  Ai 
toine  Street,  Montreal,  Canada,  is  coi 
nected  with  the  Imperial  Tobacco  Compan 
of  Canada,  Ltd.  He  has  a  daughte 
PATRICIA,  who  will  be  a  member  of  tl 
junior  class  at  Duke  in  the  Fall. 

[  Page   200  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  August,  1951 

'26  *— 

President:   Edward  L.  Cannon 

Class  Agent :  George  P.  Harris 
PAUL  E.  MOSS,  credit  manager  and  ac- 
countant for  Globe  Parlor  Co.  of  High 
Point,  N.  C,  for  the  past  nine  years,  re- 
cently took  over  his  new  duties  as  secretary- 
treasurer  of  B  and  W  Upholstering,  Inc., 
also  of  High  Point.  MRS.  MOSS  is  the 
former  SABA  NEWBERN,   '27. 

•29  > 

President:  Edwin  S.  Yarbrough,  Jr. 

Class  Agent :  T.  Spruill  Thornton 
On  June  18,  MRS.  AUDREY  JOHNSON 
MILLER  and  Mr.  Andrew  Cushman  were 
married  at  Westminster  Presbyterian 
Church,  Greensboro,  N.  C.  They  are  mak- 
ing their  home  in  Farmington,  Va.  Mr. 
Cushman  is  president  of  the  Cushman  Vir- 
ginia  Realty  Company. 

'31  a 

President:  John  Calvin  Dailey 
Class  Agent :  C.  H.  Livengood,  Jr. 
At  the  convention  of  the  South  Carolina 
branch  of  the  King's  Daughters  and  Sons  in 
Charleston,  S.  C,  this  spring,  TILLIE 
HOLLEMAN  MOSELEY,  '31,  R.N.  '34, 
B.S.N.  '36,  was  elected  state  president. 
Tillie  is  married  to  VINCE  MOSELEY,  '33, 
M.D.  '37,  and  they  have  four  children,  two 
sons,  8  years  and  14  months,  and  two 
daughters,  7  and  3  years.  Their  address  is 
12  Limehouse  Street,  Charleston. 
been  transferred  from  Lefors,  Texas,  to 
Baird,  Texas,  where  he  is  pastor  of  the 
Methodist  Church.  He  and  Mrs.  O'Kelly 
have  a  daughter,  Elanor,  a  rising  high 
school  junior,  and  a  son,  Vernon,  who  is  a 
ministerial  student  at  MeMurry  College. 

'32  — . 

President:  Robert  D.  (Shank)  Warwick 
Class  Agent:  Edward  G.  Thomas 
E.  Forest  Hills  Boulevard,  Durham,  have 
announced  the  birth  of  a  daughter,  Mar- 
garet Gibbons,  on  June  29.  They  also  have 
a  young  son,  George. 

'33   » 

President:  John  D.  Minter 
Class  Agent:  Lawson  B.  Knott,  Jr. 
ARINE POWE  COLE,  '34,  announce  the 
birth  of  a  daughter,  Laura  Markham  Cole, 
on  July  11.  They  now  have  three  boys  and 
two  girls.  Alfred  is  rector  of  St.  Martin's 
Church,  Charlotte,  N.  O,  and  the  family 
lives  at  1500  East  7th   Street,  Charlotte  4. 

'35  * 

President :   Larry  E.  Bagwell 
Class  Agent :  James  L.  Newsom 

has  become  associate  pastor  of  King 
Avenue  Methodist  Church,  Columbus,  Ohio, 
and  has  moved  from  Staten  Island,  N.  Y., 
to  70  East  Northwood  Avenue,  Columbus. 


President:   Frank  J.  Sizemore 
Class   Agents:    James   H.   Johnston,   Clif- 
ford Perry,  R.  Zack  Thomas,  Jr. 

MARY  C.  WILLIAMS,  R.N.,  was  recalled 
to  active  duty  as  a  captain  in  the  Army 
Nurse  Corps  last  January.  Her  address  is 
U.  S.  Army  Hospital,  Box  73,  Fort  Bragg, 

N.  C. 


President:   Dr.  Kenneth  A.  Podger 
Class  Agent:   William  F.  Womble 

been  appointed  associate  clinical  professor 
of  neurology  at  the  Harvard  Medical  School 
and  chief  of  the  neurological  service  at  the 
Massachusetts  General  Hospital.  He  has 
been  studying  and  treating  disorders  of  the 
brain  and  central  nervous  system  in  Boston 
for  the  past  12  years,  and  has  taught  at 
the  Harvard  Medical  School,  lectured  at 
Tufts  Medical  School,  served  on  the  staff 
of  the  New  England  Center  Hospital,  the 
Boston  City  Hospital  and  as  consultant  at 
the  Pratt  Diagnostic  Clinic. 
FRED  N.  KELLMEYER  has  been  ap- 
pointed General  Agent  for  the  Penn  Mutual 
Life  Insurance  Company,  with  offices  in 
Suite  227,  Peoples  Building,  Charleston  21, 
W.  Va.  Previously  he  lived  in  Pittsburgh, 
Pa.,  and  was  active  with  the  Duke  alumni 
group  there,  having  served  as  publicity  di- 
rector and  as  a  worker  for  the  Development 

DONALD  Y.  NICHOLAS,  B.S.M.E.,  and 
Mrs.  Nicholas  of  1022  Grandview  Street, 
Scranton,  Pa.,  have  announced  the  birth  of 
a  son,  James  Burnell,  on  June  13.  Don  is 
sales  manager  of  the  D.  G.  Nicholas  Com- 
pany. Mrs.  Nicholas  is  the  former  Miss 
Margaret  E.  Burnell  of  Porthcawl,  Glamor- 
ganshire, South  Wales. 

'38  > 

President:  Russell  Y.  Cooke 
Class  Agent :  William  M.  Courtney 

WILLARD  EARNGEY,  JR.,  superintendent 
of  the  Norfolk  General  Hospital  for  10 
years,  assumed  his  new  duties  as  admin- 
istrator of  the  Harris  Hospital  in  Fort 
Worth,  Texas,  this  month.  Bill  graduated 
from  the  School  of  Hospital  Administration 
at  Duke,  and  served  as  superintendent  of 
the  Cherokee  County  Hospital,  Gaffney, 
S.  C,  for  a  year  and  a  half  before  going 
to  Norfolk.  During  his  administration  in 
Norfolk  the  hospital  underwent  several  ex- 
pansion programs  including  the  new  mater- 
nity addition,  the  Reid  Memorial  Wing,  and 
a  new  nursing  home. 

The  wedding  of  Miss  Rubyleigh  Davis  and 
'42,  was  solemnized  June  23  in  the  Fremont 


W.  P.  Budd,  '04,  Secretary-Treas. 
W.  P.  Budd,  Jr., '36,  Vice-President 

DURHAM,  N.  C. 

•  *   *   * 
Contractors  for 




Duke  Chapel,  New 
Graduate  Dormitory 
Indoor  Stadium  and 

Hospital  Addition 

*  *  *  * 




Weeks  Motors  Inc. 

408  Geer  St. 

Telephone  F-139 

Durham,  North  Carolina 

Your  Lincoln  and 

Mercury  Dealer  in 


DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  August,  1951 

[  Page  201 ] 

Methodist  Church,  Fremont,  N.  C.  Fred  is 
a  realtor  and  farmer  located  near  Durham, 
where  they  are  making  their  home. 
ARTHUR  W.  KNIGHT,  partner  in  Ashlin, 
Thomas  and  Knight  Company,  of  Durham, 
was  elected  secretary  of  the  North  Carolina 
Association  of  Certified  Public  Accountants 
at  the  annual  meeting  of  the  Association 
in   Asheville   in  June. 

EMILY  LANSDELL,  A.M.,  has  been 
elected  president  of  the  Woman's  Mission- 
ary Union  Training  School,  Louisville,  Ky. 
A  native  of  Georgia  and  a  graduate  of 
Coker  College,  she  has  served  for  several 
years  as  a  missionary  to  China  under  ap- 
pointment of  the  Foreign  Mission  Board. 
HARRY  OSCAR  MICHEL,  Ph.D.,  is  a  bio- 
chemist for  Medical  Laboratories,  Army 
Chemical  Center,  Md.  He  lives  at  6  Lom- 
bardy  Place,  Towson  4,  Md. 

•39  > 

President:   Edmund  S.  Swindell,  Jr. 

Class  Agent:  Walter  D.  James 
received  the  doctor  of  philosophy  degree 
from  the  University  of  Minnesota  in  June. 
He  is  assistant  professor  of  sociology  and 
director  of  admissions  at  Texas  Christian 
University,  Fort  Worth,  Texas. 

'40  » 

Class  President:   John  D.  MacLauchlan 
Class  Agent:  Addison  P.  Penfield 
LAWRENCE    BRETT    is    an    assistant    ad- 
ministrator   at    City    Hospital    in    Winston- 
Salem,  N.  C. 
A    second    daughter,    Betsey    Emerson,    was 

born  on  May  30  to  MARION  JOHNSON 
'42,  of  1402  Magnolia  Drive,  Augusta,  Ga. 
In  January,  1950,  the  Bruckners  moved 
from  Charlotte  to  Augusta,  where  Jack  is 
manager  of  the  branch  office  of  Merrill 
Lynch,  Pierce,  Fenner  and  Beane. 

A  daughter,  Jean,  was  born  May  13  to 
CAPT.  and  Mrs.  ROBERT  F.  KIRKPAT- 
RICK,  U.S.A.F.,  3625  Tng.  Sq.  (Ac), 
Tyndall  Air  Force  Base,  Fla. 
J.  D.  MacLAUCHLAN,  JR.,  B.S.C.E.,  and 
Mrs.  MacLauchlan  of  Danville,  Va..  have 
announced  the  birth  of  a  daughter,  Bonnie 
Ann,  on  July  3. 

'41  > 

President:    Andrew  L.  Ducker,  Jr. 

Class  Agents:  Julian  C.  Jessup,  Meader 
W.  Harriss,  Jr.,  Andrew  L.  Ducker, 
Jr.,  J.  D.  Long,  Jr. 
In  June  INEZ  BAILEY,  who  was  married 
last  November  to  Sgt.  Thomas  Reid  Rus- 
sell, sailed  for  England  to  join  her  husband. 
From  September,  1950,  until  the  tirtie  of 
her  departure,  she  had  served,  as  director 
of  religious  education  at  Monument  Meth- 
odist Church  in  Richmond,  Va.,  Inez's  resi- 
dence address  is  now  c/o  Major  L.  P.  Black, 
51  Wooton  Road,  Kings  Lynn,  Norfolk, 
England,  and  her  mailing  address  is  c/o 
Sgt.  Russell,  Batry  "Q,"  4th  AAA  Bn,  APO 
179,  c/o  Postmaster,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Mr.  and  MRS.  JAMES  S.  BRYANT 
(ELLEN  SCHRUP)  of  Eustis,  Texas,  have 
announced  the  birth  of  a  son,  Robert  David, 
on  April  3.  They  also  have  a  four-year- 
old  son,  Jimmy. 

B.D.,  is  post  chaplain  at  Fort  Bragg,  N.  C. 
R.  DAVID  DANIEL,  M.D.,  '42,  are  living 
in  Sylva,  N.  C.  A  son,  John  Frederick, 
was  born  August  18,  1950. 
ELIZABETH  GREGORY  and  Mr.  Raymond 
Axel  Soderberg  were  united  in  marriage 
March  31  in  Durham.  They  are  at  home  at 
2100  Connecticut  Avenue,  Washington,  D.  C. 
JOSEPH  P.)  and  her  husband,  of  11861 
East  19th  Street,  Aurora,  Colo.,  have  an- 
nounced the  birth  of  a  son,  Karl  Krummel, 
on  July  11. 

Allen  Young  Davis,  United  States  Army 
Signal  Corps,  were  married  June  23  at  Fort 
Monmouth,  N.  J.  They  are  living  at  270 
West  11th  Street,  New  York,  N.  Y._ 
who  recently  returned  from  duty,  with  the 
Air  Force  in  Korea,  has  been  assigned  as 
chief  of  fighter  operations  in  Eastern  Air 
Defense  Force  headquarters  at  Stewart  Air 
Force  Base,  Newburgh,  N.  Y.  Ralph,  whose 
home  address  is  907  North  Gregson  Street, 
Durham,  has  two  children,  Elizabeth,  3,  arid 
Zachary  W.,  2. 

'42  >~— 
Tenth  Year  Reunion:    Commencement,  1952 
President:   James  H.  Walker 
Class  Agents :   Robert  E.  Foreman,  Willis 
Smith,  Jr.,  George  A.  Trakas 
The  MORTON  A.  HELLER,  family  has  re- 
cently moved  from  New  York  to  Pasadena, 
Calif.,    where    Mort    is    part    owner    of    tin. 
T.  W.  Mather  Company,  a  department  store. 

D.  G.  MAY  GO 

Painting  $  Papering  Contractor 

DURHAM,  N.  C. 

Office  $  Shoiv  Rooms 

Morgan  &  Roney  Streets 




We  Have  Served  Duke  University,  Faculty,  and 
Alumni,  for  42  Years 

[  Page  202 ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  August,  1951 

fheir  residence  address  is  842  Adelaide 
Jrive,  Pasadena. 

PORIS  ANN  McCREEDY,  who  was  mar- 
ked in  May  of  1949  to  Mr.  A.  G.  Robins, 
l  former  pilot  with  the  Flying  Tiger  Line, 
.8  living  in  Panama,  where  their  address  is 
:/o  Sterling  Products  Int.,  Apartado  1210, 
Panama,  Republic  of  Panama.  A  steward- 
ess with  American  Airlines  for  six  years, 
ihe  and  her  husband  attended  the  Ameri- 
can Institute  for  Foreign  Trade  in  Phoenix, 
iriz.,  after  their  marriage  in  preparation 
'or  work  in  foreign  countries. 
PULTON  PHILLIPS,  '43,  are  living  at 
L596  Orchard  Grove  Avenue,  Lakewood  7, 
Dhio.  Charles  is  an  attorney  with  offices  at 
522  Keith  Building,  Euclid  and  17th, 
Cleveland,  Ohio. 

aUARK,  FRANKLIN  S.  RUARK,  '43,  and 
;heir  family  live  at  1819  Linden  Street,  Des 
Plaines,  111.  Frank  is  an  insurance  broker 
tor  the  Equitable  Life  Assurance  Society 
n  Chicago,  111. 

WINSTON  SIEGFRIED,  for  the  past  three 
rears  head  football  coach  at  Sanford,  N.  C, 
Sigh  School,  has  been  elected  head  football 
:oach  and  director  of  athletics  at  Hender- 
son, N.  C,  High  School.  He  will  assume 
ais  new  duties  this  fall. 


President:  Thomas  R.  Howerton 
Class  Agent:  S.  L.  Gulledge,  Jr. 
W.  F.  ANDREWS  is  administrator  of  the 
lew  Lawrence  County  Hospital,  Lawrence- 
aurg,  Tenn.  He  and  his  wife  have  two 
laughters,  Carolyn  Jean  and  Billie  Anne, 
ivho  was  born  October  18,  1950. 

IOHN  W.  CARR,  III,  B.S.E.E.,  son  of 
Professor  John  W.  Carr,  Jr.,  '15,  of  the  De- 
partment of  Education  at  Duke,  and  Mrs. 
3arr,  '32,  became  the  parents  of  a  son, 
Man,  on  February  3.  During  the  past  year 
John  has  been  studying  under  a  Fulbright 
Scholarship  in  Paris,  so  that  is  where  little 
Man  was  born.  Since  their  return  to  the 
United  States  in  July  John  has  been  work- 
&g  to  complete  requirements  for  his  Ph.D. 
it  M.I.T. 

BECKNER  HAND,  '45,  655  Forest  Avenue, 
Westfield,  N.  J.,  became  the  parents  of  twin 
sons,  Tommy  and  Timmy,  on  March  28. 
rhey  also  have  a  daughter,  Susan,  4%,  and 
i  son,  Bobby,  2%.  Gil  was  recalled  to  active 
iuty  with  the  Marine  Corps  on  March  1. 
After  four  months'  schooling  at  Quantico, 
Va.,  he  is  now  stationed  near  home  at  the 
Naval  Ammunition  Depot,  Earle,  N.  J. 

ROBERT  C.  (BOB)  McCORMICK  has  re- 
:ently  been  transferred  by  the  McBee  Com- 
pany from  Connecticut  back  to  the  home 
jffice  at  295  Madison  Ave.,  New  York  City, 
where  he  is  doing  administrative  work  and 
business  show  management.  Last  summer 
he  and  both  of  his  sons  contracted  polio, 
ind  after  a  month  in  the  hospital  for  each 

of  them,  they  all  recovered  sufficiently  to 
return  to  normal  living.  Bob  says  that  one 
of  his  doctors  received  part  of  his  training 
at  Duke,  and  a  new  drug  for  polio  spasms 
which  he  received  (Priscoline)  was  devel- 
oped at  Duke  Hospital.  Their  new  home 
address  is  83  Magnolia  Ave.,  Cresskill,  N.  J. 
Mrs.  Hogg  will  leave  in  September  for 
Leonard  Theological  College,  Jabalpur, 
India,  for  a  first  term  of  five  years  under 
the  Board  of  Missions  of  the  Methodist 
Church.  Richey,  who  was  awarded  a  Ph.D. 
degree  at  Yale  in  June,  will  be  teaching 
church  history;  and  Mrs.  Hogg,  who  has 
just  finished  a  residency  in  psychiatry  at 
Overbrook  Hospital  in  Cedar  Grove,  N.  J., 
will  be  in  charge  of  the  department  of  men- 
tal hygiene. 

A  son,  Gregg  Sherwood,  was  born  on  June 
13  to  C.  HEBER  SMITH  and  PEARLE 
BROTZMAN  SMITH,  of  1011  Valley  View- 
Apartments,  15th  and  Elm  Streets,  Allen- 
town,  Pa.  Heber  was  formerly  Assistant  to 
the  Director  of  Alumni  Affairs  at  Duke. 
STANLEY  L.  WALLACE  has  opened  an 
office  for  the  practice  of  internal  medicine 
at  416  Ocean  Avenue,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.  He 
was  married  February  24  to  the  former 
ELEANOR  ZUCKER  of  Brooklyn,  who  did 
post-graduate  work  in  chemistry  at  Duke  in 
1947.  She  graduated  from  the  Medical  Col- 
lege of  the  State  University  of  New  York 
at  Brooklyn,  and  is  now  interning  at  Mount 
Sinai  Hospital,  New  York  City. 

'44  > 

President:  Matthew  S.  (Sandy)  Rae 
Class  Agent:  H.  Watson  Stewart 
H.)  and  her  husband  became  the  parents 
of  a  daughter,  Amy  Lois,  on  May  6.  They 
are  living  at  6333  Park  Avenue,  Indian- 
apolis, Ind. 

of  1613  West  End  Place,  Greensboro,  N.  C, 
was  recalled  to  active  duty  and  has  been 
stationed  since  at  the  Marine  Corps  Train- 
ing School  in  Quantico,  Va.  He,  his  wife 
and  two  sons,  Carlyle,  Jr.,  and  Malcolm,  are 
living  in  Triangle,  Va. 

and  EDWARD  L.  JOHNSON,  JR.,  B.S.M.E., 
have  announced  the  birth  of  a  son,  Thomas 
Edward,  on  May  25.  Ed  has  been  recalled 
to  active  duty  in  the  Navy,  and  his  address 
is  Lt.  (jg)  E.  L.  Johnson,  Jr.,  U.  S.  S. 
Minotaur,  c/o  Fleet  Post  Office,  New  York, 
N.  Y.  Marjorie  is  living  in  their  home  at 
1330  Michigan  Avenue,  Dallas  16,  Texas. 

The  marriage  of  Miss  Nan  Dixon  Dorsey 
and  JULIAN  AREY  RAND,  JR.,  took 
place  June  30  at  the  First  Presbyterian 
Church,  Henderson,  Ky.  Mrs.  Rand  at- 
tended Randolph-Macon  College  and  Indiana 
University.  They  are  making  their  home 
at  2450  Glenray  Avenue,  Louisville,  Ky., 
where  Julian  is  connected  with  the  Brown- 
Williamson  Tobacco  Company. 


The  Fidelity  was  the  first  bank 
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authorized  by  its  charter  to  do  a 
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For  over  60  years  our  Trust 
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welcome  communications  or  in- 
terviews with  anyone  interested 
in  the  establishment  of  any  kind 
of  trust. 




DURHAM,  N.  C. 

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Thomas  F.  Southgate 

Wm.  J.  O'Brien 

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Insurance  Specialists 
DURHAM,  N.  C. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  August,  1951 

[  Page  203  ] 


Our  business  is  improving  vonr 
business.  \ve  offer  a  complete 
agency  organization  with  every 
service; vou need...  plus  naMon- 
*>de  facilities  through  our 
associate  offices  i„  more  than 
•iO  major  markets.  Special 
attention  ,„  advertising  accounts 
of  Duke  people  and  their  busi- 
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Long   Building   •  28  North  Queen  Street 


York  81-554 

Anna  Pope  Spieth  arrived  June  23  for 
another  daughter,  Marsha.  Their  address 
is  2S1  A,  Thomas  Road,  Ft.  Oglethorpe,  Ga. 

'45  . 

President:  Charles  B.  Markliam,  Jr. 

Class  Agent:  Charles  F.  Blanchard 
On  March  24  LOPIS  C.  ALLEN,  JR.,  of 
Burlington,  '45,  LL.B.  '49,  was  married  to 
Miss  Angelea  Hatch  of  Mount  Olive,  X.  C. 
Since  1949  Louis  has  been  associated  with 
his  father,  LOUIS  C.  ALLEN,  '16,  in  the 
practice  of  law.  He  has  recently  been  re- 
called into  active  duty  as  a  lieutenant 
(junior  grade)  in  the  Navy. 
The  new  address  of  FRED  MANN,  JR., 
B.S.M.E.,  is  2221  Hillcrest  Road,  Drexel 
Park,  Pa.  Fred  is  president  of  the  Phila- 
delphia Alumni  Association. 
CHARLES  B.  MARKHAM,  son  of  C.  B. 
MARKHAM,  '06,  Treasurer  of  Duke  Uni- 
versity, received  his  law  degree  from  George 
Washington  University  in  June.  He  has 
passed  the  District  of  Columbia  bar  ex- 
amination and  is  taking  the  North  Carolina 
bar  this  month.  A  former  member  of  the 
Durham  Sun  news  staff.  Charlie  was  at 
one  time  executive  secretary  of  the  National 
Young  Democratic  organization,  and  served 
as  campaign  chairman  of  the  group  in  the 
last  national  election.  Lately  he  has  been 
working  in  the  office  of  Les  Biffle,  secretary 
of  the  Senate,  and  has  been  doing  research 
work  for  Senator  Clinton  P.  Anderson  of 
New  Mexico.  His  mailing  address  is  12S 
Senate  Office  Building,  Washington  2,  D.  C. 
RICHARD  E.)  is  living  at  6015  West  50th 
Street,  Mission,  Kan. 

BETSY  ANN  OLIVE'S  new  address  is 
Cole  Road,  Box  2A,  Route  No.  3,  Durham. 
She  is  a  bookkeeper  at  Piedmont  Furni- 
ture Company. 

H.  B.)  writes  that  she  and  Mr.  Ratcliff 
have  a  son,  David  Harold,  who  was  born 
January  30.  They  live  at  120  Marlene 
Avenue,  Peoria,  111. 

R.  D.  (BOB)  RICKERT,  whose  address  is 
16  Manor  Drive,  Colonial  Heights,  Tucka- 
hoe  7,  N.  Y.,  is  working  in  the  legal  depart- 
ment of  the  Yick  Chemical  Company  in 
New  York  City.  He  was  graduated  from 
Harvard  Law  School  in  June,  1950. 
A.M.  '45,  Ph.D.  '51,  resigned  as  priest  in 
charge  of  St.  Joseph's  Episcopal  Church  in 
Durham  this  summer  to  become  rector  of 
St.  Mary's  Episcopal  Church  in  Burlington, 
N.  J.  In  addition,  he  will  serve  as  chaplain 
for  St.  Mary's  Girls'  School.  Dr.  Wiles,  who 
also  holds  degrees  from  Washington  College 
in  Maryland  and  the  Virginia  Theological 
Seminary,  became  deacon  in  charge  of  St. 
Joseph's  Church  in  1948  and  was  ordained 
to  the  priesthood  later  that  year.  He  re- 
ceived a  series  of  university  fellowships  at 

Duke,  including  the  Kearns  Fellowship  in 
Religion.  Prior  to  coming  to  Durham  he 
had  been  assistant  chaplain  at  the  U.  S. 
Soldiers'  Home  in  Washington,  D.  O,  prin- 
cipal of  the  Tangier,  Va.,  high  school,  and 
a  member  of  the  Coast  Guard. 

'46  *— - 

Next  Reunion:  Commencement,  1952 
President:  B.  G.  Munro 
Class  Agent:  Robert  E.  Cowin 
WILMER  C.  BETTS,  '46,  M.D.,  B.S.M.  '48, 
has  returned  to  his  home  in  Durham  after 
serving  in  Korea,  where  he  received  a  battle- 
field promotion  from  captain  to  major  and 
was  awarded  the  bronze  star  medal  for 
medical  achievement  in  the  Korean  combat 
zone.  Wilmer  is  now  on  Army  assignment 
with  the  psychiatric  department  of  Duke 
Hospital.  MRS.  BETTS  is  the  former 
GEOR'ELLEN  FORBUS,  '49.  They  have 
a  six-months-old  daughter,  Ellen  Davis. 
Miss  Jewell  Carmen  Winstead  and  WIL- 
married  July  14  in  the  Washington  Street 
Methodist  Church,  Petersburg,  Va.  Pres- 
ton is  working  for  London  Globe  Insurance 
Company  in  Richmond,  Va.,  where  the 
couple  is  making  their  home  at  2308  Bryan 
Park  Avenue.  Preston's  father,  WILLIAM 
PRESTON  HARPER,  SR„  of  Petersburg, 
Va.,  is  a  member  of  the  class  of  '17. 
WOOD  S.  JACKSON,  '48,  of  409  Young 
Street,  Selma,  Ala.,  have  announced  the 
birth  of  a  second  son,  Robert  Woodruff,  on 
July  18.  John  Delwood  is  18  months  old. 
The  wedding  of  Miss  Alberta  Sophie  Barn- 
storff  and  JOHN  TERRELL  LOGUE.  '46, 
M.D.,  B.S.M.  '48,  took  place  on  July  3  in 
Jaeksonport,  Wis.  John  is  a  doctor  at 
Charity  Hospital,  New  Orleans,  La. 
St.  Anthony's  Catholic  Church  in  Washing- 
ton, D.  C,  was  the  scene  of  the  wedding  of 
Miss  Iola  Ann  Ashley  and  HARRY  A.  MC- 
DONNELL, JR.,  on  June  23.  Mrs.  McDon- 
nell took  a  business  course  at  Elon  College 
and  has  been  working  for  the  U.  S.  Corps 
of  Engineers  in  Washington  for  the  past 
two  years.  Harry  served  five  years  in  the 
U.  S.  Navy  and  is  now  a  student  in  printing 
management  at  Carnegie  Institute  of  Tech- 
nology in  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
The  address  of  MARGARET  E.  MILLER, 
R.N.  '46,  B.S.N.Ed.  '50,  is  Box  262.  Aber- 
deen, N.  C. 

J.  FRANK  PEERY,  B.D.,  and  ELIZA- 
BETH ROBERTS  PEERY.  who  was  a  spe- 
cial student  at  Duke  in  1940,  have  a  daugh- 
ter, Stephanie  Marie,  who  is  almost  two 
years  old.  They  live  in  Texline,  Texas. 
Silverberg,  of  Fairty  Drive.  New  Canaan, 
Conn.,  have  announced  the  birth  of  their 
first  child,  a  daughter,  Ellen,  on  May  30. 
Jeroll  is  an  attorney  in  New  Canaan. 
St.  Philip's  Episcopal  Church,  Durham,  was 
the  scene  of  the  wedding  of  EUNICE 
LATTY,  '50,  and  JOHN  LESLIE  VOGEL, 

[  Page  204  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  August,  1951 

1:6,  M.D.  '50,  on  May  20.  They  are  making 
heir  home  in  Atlanta,  Ga.  John  is  an 
ssistant  resident  in  internal  medicine  at 
awson  General  Hospital  in  Chamblee,  Ga. 

•47  — 

Next  Reunion:   Commencement,  1952 

President:  Grady  B.  Stott 
i  Class  Agent:  Norris  L.  Hodgkins,  Jr. 
lETTY    DELANEY    BAYLISS    and    Mr. 
tanley   Kohler   were   married   February  17 
nd  are  now  living  at   22   Edwards   Street, 
Lpartment  ID,  Boslyn  Heights,  N.  Y. 
17,  B.S.N.   '48,  and  CHARLES  EDWARD 
kUCHANAN,   '50,   are   making   their   home 
\t  1514  Van  Buren,  Topeka,  Kan.     Charles 
i  working  on  his  Ph.D.  degree. 
loHN    N.    CROWDER   is    working    in    the 
Pharmacology   section   of  the   research   divi- 
ton   of   Smith,   Kline   and   French   Labora- 
bries   in   Philadelphia,   Pa.      He    and   Mrs. 
Irowder,  the  former  Miss  Janice  Trimmer, 
nd  their  year-old  son,  John  Nathaniel,  Jr., 
ive  at  43  A  Parkway  Apartments,  Haddon- 
eld,  N.  J. 

OHN  LAWRENCE)  and  her  husband  live 
t  3017  Community  Drive,  Dallas,  Texas, 
'hey  were  married  in  the  First  Methodist 
!hureh,  Kaufman,  Texas,  on  October  16, 

ANE  NOELL  DODSON  and  J.  C.  DOD- 
iON,  JR.,  '51,  have  announced  the  birth  of 

daughter,  Susan  Jane,  on  May  3.  The 
)odsons,  who  live  on  Rigsbee  Road  in  Dur- 
iam,  have  two  other  daughters. 
iving  on  Tiktin  Drive,  Chattanooga,  Tenn. 
lalph  is  personnel  manager  for  Sears  Roe- 
>uck  and  Company  there. 
iOBERT  LOUIS  MILONE,  B.S.E.E.,  is  a 
tales  engineer  for  Weston  Electrical  Instru- 
ment Corporation  in  Newark,  N.  J.  He 
Ives  at  45  Elmwood  Drive,  Livingston, 
k  J. 

tfANCY  L.  RAY,  R.N.,  is  a  second  lieuten- 
int  in  the  Army  Nurse  Corps,  and  has  been 
itationed  at  the  141st  General  Hospital  in 
louthern  Japan.  Before  joining  the  Army 
lie  was  a  civilian  nurse  at  Walter  Reed 

and  her  husband  of  313  Garner  Street, 
Springfield,  Tenn.,  have  a  daughter,  Linda 
Rickman  ("Ricky"),  born  August  28,  1950. 
Mr.  Sims  is  back  in  the  Marine  Corps  and 
is  stationed  in  Memphis,  Tenn. 
The  address  of  MARGARET  LOUISE 
JONES  THEIS  (MRS.  ROBERT)  is  6947 
College  Avenue,  Indianapolis,  Ind.  She  and 
her  husband  have  a  year-old  daughter,  Mar- 
garet Clesta. 

A.M.,  received  the  Ph.D.  degree  from  Ohio 
State  University,  Columbus,  Ohio,  in  June. 
Her  present  address  is  30  Revere  Road, 
Apt.  10,  Drexel  Hill,  Pa. 

'48  » 

Next   Reunion:    Commencement,   1952 
President:  Bollin  M.  Millner 
Class  Agent:   Jack  H.  Quaritius 
CHESTER  H.)   and  her  husband  are  living 
at     1799     Euclid     Avenue,     Apartment     15, 
Berkeley,  Calif.     Mr.  Brandon,  an  alumnus 
of  the  University  of  North  Carolina  and  the 
University     of     Virginia     Law     School,     is 
teaching  law  at  the  University  of  California. 
LORRAINE       HOWARD       CLARK       and 
BANKS  W.  CLARK,  B.S.M.E.  '50,  are  liv- 
ing at  206  Adams  Street,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Banks  is  working  with  the  Greensboro  sales 
office  of  the  Trane  Company,  and  Lorraine 
is     girls'     club     director     at     Cone     Mills 
Mr.     and     MRS.     KENNETH     K.     DEWS 

Stall  clectxic  Company.,  3nc. 



(MAMIE  MeLAWHORN),  B.S.,  became 
the  parents  of  a  son,  Kenneth,  Jr.,  on  Feb- 
ruary 1.  Their  address  is  c/o  D.  I.  Mc- 
Lawhorn,  Route  No.  2,  Winterville,  N.  C. 
A.M.  '49,  and  EVERETT  TERRELL,  A.M. 
'49,  have  moved  from  Cullowhee,  N.  O,  to 
Christchurch,  Va.,  where  he  has  accepted  a 
position  as  a  master  at  Christchurch  School, 
one  of  seven  preparatory  schools  maintained 
by  the  Episcopal  Diocese  of  Virginia. 
A  son,  Jeffrey  Scott,  was  born  to  JACK  W. 
FIELDSON  and  Mrs.  Fieldson  on  April  9. 


Wholesale  Paper 

208  Vivian  St.  801  S.  Church  St. 

DURHAM,  N.  C.      ROCKY  MOUNT,  N.  C 

Serving  North  Carolina  Since  1924 



Mellow  Milk  is  the  new 
deliciously  different 
milk  now  soaring  to 
popularity  in  the  Dur- 
ham-Duke market. 

•  Farm-fresh  Grade  A 

•  Pasteurized 

•  Vitamin  "D"  added 

•  Homogenized 

There'' s  cream  in 
every  drop! 


C.  B.  Martin    V.  J.  Ashbaugh 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  August,  1951 

[  Page  205  ] 

Their  home  address  is  124%  Earle  Street, 
Elkins,  W.  Va. 

The  class  of  1968  has  another  candidate, 
Virginia  Koren  Hallberg,  born  March  12. 
Her  parents  are  RUSSELL  K.  HALL- 
BERG, M.F.  '50,  and  CHARLOTTE  OLIVE 

We  are  members  by 
invitation  of  the 

National  Selected 

the  only  Durham  Funeral  Home 
accorded  this  honor. 

Air  Conditioned  Chapel 

Ambulance  Service 

N-147  1113  W.  Main  St. 

Power  Company 


Electric  Service — 
Electric  Appliances — 
Street  Transportation 

Tel.  F-1S1 

Durham,  N.  C. 


208  MILTON  AVE. 
DURHAM,  N.  C. 




C^orth  Carolina 

HALLBERG.  Their  home  is  in  Lufkin, 

Richard  Sumner  Merrill,  Jr.  ("Ricky")  was 
RICHARD  S.)  and  Mr.  Merrill  on  April 
30.  They  are  living  in  their  new  home  at 
10  Village  Circle,  Tamaques  Village,  West- 
field,  N.  J. 

SMITH  NELSON,  B.S.  '49,  are  living  at 
1469  St.  James  Court,  Louisville  8,  Ky. 
Clark  is  in  a  training  program  with  Inter- 
national Harvester;  in  two  years  he  will  go 
into  the  Training  Department  in  a  special 
field  of  personnel  work.  Mary  Jane  is 
group  supervisor  for  Liberty  Mutual  In- 
surance Company,  in  charge  of  adjustments 
for  all  group  policies. 

LIE L. )  and  her  young  son,  Michael  Lee, 
born  April  23,  are  living  with  her  parents 
at  1107  Hamilton  Street,  Roanoke  Rapids, 
N.  C,  until  her  husband,  Captain  Page, 
U.S.M.C.,  receives  further  orders. 
Mr.  and  MRS.  ROBERT  H.  PETERS 
(PATRICIA  BARKER)  became  the  par- 
ents of  a  daughter,  Linda  Lee,  on  May  14. 
The  Peters  live  at  1022  Findley  Drive  West, 
Pittsburgh  21,  Pa. 

JUDY  PLASTER  is  an  Ensign  in  the 
WAVES,  and  is  stationed  at  the  Naval 
Base,  Norfolk,  Va.  (BOQ  A-51,  NB,  Nor- 

Dr.  and  MRS.  WILLIAM  W.  SHINGLE- 
TON  (JANE  BRUCE)  have  announced  the 
birth  of  a  son,  William  Bruce,  on  May  15. 
They  are  living  in  the  Alastair  Court  Apart- 
ments on  Swift  Avenue  in  Durham. 
KNOTTS  TAYLOR,  and  their  young  son 
live  in  Warsaw,  N.  C.  Bill  works  for  the 
Warsaw  Real  Estate  and  Insurance  Com- 

MR.  and  Mrs.  SETH  VINING  announce 
the  arrival  of  a  son,  Seth  Alfred,  on  July 
16.  The  middle  name  is  for  ALFRED 
HOOVER,  '43,  who  was  killed  during  World 
War  II.  The  Vinings  live  in  Tryon,  N.  C, 
where  Seth  is  associated  with  his  father  in 
publishing  The  Tryon  Daily  Bulletin,  small- 
est newspaper  in  the  world. 
GRIGGS  WHATTON,  '50,  became  the  par- 
ents of  a  son,  Francis  William,  Jr.,  on  May 
22.  They  are  living  in  Apartment  R-5, 
Greentree  Manor,  Louisville  7,  Ky. 
DOROTHY  WOODWARD,  '51,  and  NOR- 
MAN CHESTER  LeGORE  were  united  in 
marriage  June  5  in  the  Edenton  Street 
Methodist  Church,  Raleigh,  N.  C.  They 
may  be  reached  in  care  of  her  father,  Mr. 
L.  G.  Woodward,  2241  Circle  Drive,  Raleigh. 


Presidents:  Woman's  College,  Betty  Bob 
Walters  Walton  (Mrs.  Loring)  ;  Trin- 
ity College,  Robert.  W.  Frye;  College 
of  Engineering,  Joe  J.  Robnett,  Jr. 

Class  Agent:    Chester  P.  Middlesworth. 

The  address  of  MADELEINE  AUTEK, 
R.N.  '49,  B.S. N.Ed.  '51,  wlio  is  working  in 
the  obstetrical  department  of  Harborview 
Hospital,  is  Harborview  Hall,  Box  119,  9th 

and  Jefferson,  Seattle  4,  Wash. 

ALEXANDER  J.  BITKER  has  been  trans- 
ferred by  the  Buckeye  Cotton  Oil  Company 
from  Jackson,  Miss.,  to  its  general  seed  buy- 
ing office  in  Atlanta,  Ga.  His  new  home 
address  is  1345  Webster  Drive,  Apartment 
5,  Decatur,  Ga. 

MARION  COPELAND  was  married  to  Mr. 
Irvin  Lillus  Miehalove  on  October  7,  1950, 
in  Forest  City,  N.  C. 

Announcement  has  been  received  of  the  ar- 
rival on  April  28  of  Jerome  Henry  Dam- 
ren,  Jr.,  to  MR.  and  Mrs.  JERRY  DAM- 
REN,  who  live  at  10  Seminary  Hill,  West 
Lebanon,  N.  H.  Jerry  is  teaching  and 
coaching  in  the  high  school  there. 

ALBERT  J.  DeROGATIS,  of  459  North 
12th  Street,  Newark,  N.  J.,  is  a  supervisor 
for  the  Union  News  Company  in  New  York 

The  address  of  PATRICIA  HULL  DRIS- 
COLL  is  100  Colville  Road,  Charlotte, 
N.  C.  Dick  is  vice-president  of  a  whole- 
sale distributing  company. 
associate  professor  of  forest  utilization  at 
Louisiana  Tech,  in  Ruston,  La. 
surance underwriter  for  Government  Em- 
ployees Insurance  Company.  On  March  24 
he  was  married  to  Miss  Frances  Anne  Nich- 
ols, and  they  are  living  at  1834  East  West 
Highway,  Silver  Spring,  Md. 
and  EDWARD  KRAUSS  live  at  91-32  195th 
Street,  Hollis  7,  N.  Y.  Eloise  is  a  business 
representative  for  New  York  Telephone,  and 
Edward  is  a  management  trainee  with  Proc- 
tor and  Gamble. 

MR.  and  Mrs.  JOHN  COURTENAY 
LONG,  of  65  Adams  Street,  Hartford  12, 
Conn.,  have  announced  the  birth  of  a  son, 
William  Bradbury  Hosmer  Long,  on  May 
21.  John  is  working  with  the  Connecticut 
General  Life  Insurance  Company. 
FRANK),  of  13  Beverly  Street,  Hampton, 
Va.,  has  a  son,  William  Arthur,  who  will  be 
a  year  old  on  September  26. 
SILAS  WILLIAMS,  JR.,  LL.B.,  is  a  law- 
yer for  Spears-Reynolds-Moore,  and  Reb- 
man,  Chattanooga,  Tenn.  A  resident  of 
3323  Windsor  Court,  Chattanooga,  he  is 
married  and  has  one  son,  Silas  III. 

'50  » 

First    Reunion:    Commencement    1952 

President :  Jane  Suggs 

Class  Agent:  Robert  L.  Hazel 
JOE    L.    ALLEN,    of    Burlington,    son    of 
LOUIS  C.  ALLEN,  '16,  has  completed  one! 

[  Page  206  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  August,  1951 

year  at  the  Yale  Divinity  School,  New- 
Haven,  Conn.  During  the  summer  he  has 
been  participating  in  the  Youth  Caravan 

The  wedding  of  KATHRYN  MIMS  TUT- 
TLE  and  JACK  W.  BEBGSTBOM  took 
place  on  May  5  in  the  Duke  University 
Chapel,  and  they  are  making  their  home  at 
2401  Fillmore  Street,  University  Park, 
Denver  10,  Colo.  Jack  is  in  the  Air  Corps 
and  Kathryn  is  working  in  the  library  at 
the  University  of  Denver. 

BOYD  BLAYDES  is  an  orthoptic  tech- 
nician with  Dr.  B.  G.  Scobee  in  St.  Louis, 
Mo.  He  is  living  at  5231  Waterman  Boule- 

During  the  past  year  JAMES  THOMAS 
BONNEN,  A.M.,  whose  home  is  at  201  Lee 
Avenue,  College  Station,  Texas,  has  been 
doing  graduate  work  at  Harvard  University. 

JOHN  D.  BBIDGEBS,  M.D.,  is  living  at 
301  S.  E.  Kalash  Road,  Navy  Point,  War- 
rington, Ela.,  and  working  at  the  Navy 
Hospital  there. 

HAROLD  BURKHARDT,  M.R.E.,  is  direc- 
tor of  religious  education  at  the  Alamo 
Heights  Methodist  Church  in  San  Antonio, 

The  address  of  JANE  C.  CHIVERS  and 
THOMAS  B.  GREENLEAP,  who  were  mar- 
ried April  7  in  the  First  Methodist  Church, 
Baldwin,  N.  Y.,  is  416  W.  Union  Street, 
West  Chester,  Pa.  Tom  is  working  for 
B.  F.  Lehman  Transportation  Company. 

On  June  2,  in  a  ceremony  at  York  Chapel, 
Duke  Divinity  School,  LELIA  SHORE,  '52, 
became  the  bride  of  RICHARD  T.  COM- 
MANDER, B.D.  Lelia  is  a  rising  senior 
at  Duke.  Richard  is  minister  of  the  Meth- 
odist Church  in  Gates,  N.  C. 

BRANDON  DAVIS,  JR.,  of  54  E.  Cleveland 
Avenue,  Newark,  Del.,  is  playing  profes- 
sional baseball  with  the  Hutchinson,  Kan., 
baseball  club,  which  is  a  member  of  the 
minor  league  system  of  the  Pittsburgh 
Baseball  Organization. 

The  wedding  of  GRACE  C.  KORSTIAN  and 
took  place  April  7  in  the  First  Presbyterian 
Church,  Durham.  They  are  living  at  111 
S.  Market  Street,  in  Frederick,  Md.,  where 
Fred  is  employed  at  Camp  Detriek.  Before 
her  marriage,  Grace  was  a  ease  worker  for 
the  Durham  County  Welfare  Department. 
WILLIAM  HOWARD  HAAS  is  a  travel 
counselor  for  the  Automobile  Club  of  New 
York  in  New  York  City.  He  lives  at  15 
Pershing  Street,  Norwalk,  Conn. 

WAYLAND  E.  HULL,  Ph.D.,  is  a  research 
physiologist  at  the  Aero  Medical  Labora- 
tory, Headquarters  Air  Materiel  Com- 
mand, Wright-Patterson  Air  Force  Base, 
Dayton,  Ohio.  His  home  is  at  1939  Grand 

the  bride  of  Mr.  Joseph  Donald  Stone  on 
April  28  in  a  ceremony  at  the  First  Meth- 
odist Church,  Hamlet,  N.  C.     They  are  liv- 

ing at  307  Bowersfeld  Street,  Hamlet, 
where  Margaret  is  director  of  music  and 
Christian  education  at  the  First  Methodist 
Church,  and  Mr.  Stone  is  a  laboratory  tech- 
nician for  Buttercup  Ice  Cream  Company. 
JOHN  F.  KENT,  Ph.D.,  of  1340  Hemlock 
Street,  N.W.,  Washington  12,  D.  G,  is  sci- 
entific director  of  the  Department  of  Serol- 
ogy, Army  Medical  Department  Research 
and  Graduate  School,  Army  Medical  Center, 
Washington,  D.  C. 

MILTON  D.)  and  her  husband,  who  were 
married  December  22,  1950,  are  living  at 
1235  Uppergate  Drive,  Atlanta,  Ga.  Pat  is 
working  as  an  X-ray  technician. 
a  first  year  medical  student  at  the  Medical 
College  of  Virginia;  and  his  wife,  CON- 
working  on  a  research  project  in  the  medi- 
cal school.  They  were  married  June  30, 
1950,  and  are  living  at  1842  Monument 
Avenue,  Richmond,  Va.  A  class  note  in 
the  May  issue  of  the  Register  confused 
George's  address  and  occupation  with  that 
of  his  father. 

'51  > 

Presidents:  Woman's  College,  Connie 
Woodward;  Trinity  College,  N.  Thomp- 
son Powers ;  College  of  Engineering, 
David  C.  Dellinger 

married  on  June  4  in  the  Duke  University 
Chapel.  They  are  living  in  Poplar  Apart- 
ments, Erwin  Eoad,  Durham,  while  Tom 
attends  Duke  Medical  School. 
In  St.  Paul's  Eoman  Catholie  Church,  New 
Bern,  N.  C,  on  June  3,  Miss  Adele  Imelda 
Kaleel  was  married  to  HAEEY  E.  CAE- 
PENTEE,  JE.,  B.S.E.E.  For  the  past  two 
years  Mrs.  Carpenter  has  been  head  nurse 
of  the  children's  clinic  at  Duke  Hospital. 
Harry  received  the  Irvin  medal  for  outstand- 
ing student  under  the  Naval  EOTC  pro- 
gram, graduating  with  the  rank  of  Ensign 
in  the  United  States  Navy.  He  has  reported 
for  active  duty  in  the  Navy  at  Norfolk. 

The  marriage  of  BAEBAEA  LOU  COBLE 
and  Mr.  John  Sikes  Wilson  was  an  event 
of  June  23.  The  ceremony  took  place  in 
the  Pilgrim  Congregational  Church,  Toledo, 
Ohio.  Their  address  is  in  care  of  Barbara's 
father,  John  F.  Coble,  1482  Hagley  Eoad, 

(LILLIAN  WILLINGHAM),  of  110  E. 
Lynch  Street,  Durham,  have  announced  the 
birth  of  a  daughter,  Lillian  Carol,  on  May 
6.     They  also  have  a  son,  Eandolph,  Jr. 

ELLEN  McMASTEES  was  married  June 
JE.,  in  the  Congregational  Church  of  St. 
Petersburg,  Fla.  Ellen  completed  her  sopho- 
more year  at  Duke  last  June.  They  are 
making  their  home  in  Burlington.  Ben  is 
a  textile  manufacturer  in  Saxapahaw. 

LOUIS  J.)  and  her  husband  are  the  proud 
parents  of  twin  sons,  Eichard  Bruce  and 
Stephen  James,  who  were  born  March  11. 
Their  address  is  1621  Norris  Place,  Louis- 
ville, Ky. 

The  wedding  of  ELIZABETH  J.  STONE 
JR.,  A.M.,  took  place  May  25  at  the  Duke 
University  Chapel.  Elizabeth  served  a 
dietetic  internship  at  Duke  in  1949  and 
1950,  after  doing  undergraduate  work  at 
Syracuse  University.  Charles  took  his  under- 
graduate work  at  the  University  of  North 

'52  . 

The  address  of  Pfc.  GUY  L.  FORNES,  JR., 
of  Durham,  is  Hq.  and  Hq.  Sqdn.,  9th  Air 
Force  (Tac),  Pope  Air  Force  Base,  Ft. 
Bragg,  N.  C. 


(Continued  from  Page  199) 
Back  from  last  year's  defensive  outfit 
are  ends  Earon  and  Gibson,  as  good  as 
can  be  found  in  Southern  football;  tackle 
"Tank"  Lawrence;  guard  Carson  Leach; 
linebackers  John  Carey,  Ray  Green  and 
Bill  Keziah;  halfbacks  Bob  Bickel,  Billy 
Lea  and  Dick  Sommers;  and  safetyman 
George  Grune. 

Freshman  will  be  able  to  play  varsity 
football  in  the  Southern  Conference  this 
Autumn,  but  few  are  expected  to  help  the 
Blue  Devils.  The  big  handicap  in  this 
respect  is  the  time  element.  With  the  T 
formation  being  installed,  the  Blue  Devils 
must  devote  the  majority  of  their  time 
polishing  up  the  attack  since  the  first 
game  will  be  played  three  weeks  after  the 
start  of  Fall  training.  That  opener 
brings  the  Blue  Devils  against  tough 
South  Carolina  at  Columbia,  S.  C,  Sep- 
tember 22. 

The  only  freshmen  definitely  counted 
on  are  center  Johnny  Palmer  and  quar- 
terback Jerry  Barger,  both  of  whom  en- 
tered school  in  February  and  worked 
with  the  team  in  Spring  training. 


(Continued  from  Page  189) 
hour,  the  price  going  a  little  up  on  one 
side  and  down  on  the  other,  until  a  fair 
price  ( ?)  is  reached.  A  sure-fire  way  to 
get  what  you  want  at  almost  any  price, 
however,  is  to  be  the  first  customer  of  the 
day.  Arab  superstition  rules  that  a  day 
of  bad  luck  will  follow  if  the  first  cus- 
tomer does  not  make  a  purchase. 

The  country  Arabs  are  quite  different, 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  August,  1951 

[  Page  207  ] 

and  it  is  there  that  one  gets  the  impres- 
sion of  living  in  Biblical  times.  The  peo- 
ple are  more  religious,  and,  I  believe, 
more  honest.  They  still  live  in  straw  huts 
which  look  like  hay-stacks  and  fence  in 
their  little  villages  with  large  cactus 
plants.  They  ride  donkeys  and  camels, 
the  women  do  all  the  heavy  work,  and 
they  dip  water  from  wells  exactly  as  did 
the  Samaritan  women  whom  Christ  met. 
They  plow  often  with  an  ox  and  a  camel 
hitched  together,  and  threshing  is  per- 
formed by  having  blindfolded  horses 
gallop  round  and  round  on  a  pile  of 
wheat!  On  any  summer  day,  one  can 
see  "the  chaff  which  the  wind  driveth 

"We  arrived  in  Rabat,  the  capital  city, 
in  the  midst  of  the  rainy  season,  when 
every  day  was  chilly  and  damp.  This, 
however,  did  not  detract  from  the  at- 
traction of  that  little  city.  We  loved  it, 
and  I  think  almost  everyone  wishes  we 
had  stayed  there  instead  of  moving  to 
Casablanca  in  April.  There  was  no  real 
spring,  just  a  short  period  during  which 
everything  was  wonderfully  green  and 
when  great  fields  of  vari-eolored  wild 
flowers  could  be  seen  everywhere  in  the 
country.  Xow  summer  is  here,  meaning  no 
rain  at  all  until  rather  late  in  the  fall,  and 
all  the  land  is  turning  reddish-brown.  It 
has  not  been  unbearably  hot  yet,  which 
the  residents  of  long-standing  say  is 
rather  unusual,  except  for  three  days 
when  the  sirocco  winds  blew  in  from  the 

In  the  brief  space  of  a  letter  such  as 
this  I  cannot  possibly  describe  all  the 
wonders  of  Morocco  and  how  much  my 
husband  and  I  enjoy  our  life  and  work 
here.  Nevertheless,  I  wanted  you  to 
know  that  on  the  edge  of  the  "Dark  Con- 
tinent." there  are  at  least  three  of  us 
who  occasionally  raise  a  toast  to  the  mem- 
ory of  our  Alma  Mater,  although  we 
don't  really  have  time  to  get  too  home- 



John  Edward  Pegram,  '00,  former 
Durham  attorney,  died  July  9  at  a  Dur- 
ham hospital  after  being  in  declining 
health  for  six  years.  Funeral  services 
were  held  in  the  Trinity  Methodist 
Church,  and  interment  was  in  Trinity 
Cemetery.  Randolph  County. 

A  native  of  Trinity,  X.  C,  Mr.  Pegram 

was  admitted  to  the  Xorth  Carolina  bar 
in  1907,  and  until  his  retirement  had  been 
active  in  civic  and  religious  activities  of 
Durham.  He  was  a  former  assistant 
judge  of  the  Recorder's  Court,  member 
of  the  Durham  County  Bar  Association, 
member  of  Trinity  Methodist  Church, 
member  of  the  Board  of  Stewards,  a  for- 
mer member  of  the  Durham  County 
Board  of  Elections,  Durham  County 
Democratic  Executive  Committee,  execu- 
tive committee  of  the  Trinity  College 
Alumni,  the  Pythians  Lodge,  Masonic 
Lodge,  and  other  fraternal  and  civic  or- 
ganizations. He  also  served  in  the  1915 
and  1917  Xorth  Carolina  General  Assem- 

Mr.  Pegram's  father,  Dr.  W.  H.  Pe- 
gram, was  professor  of  chemistry  at  Trin- 
ity College  for  many  years,  and  was 
professor  emeritus  at  Duke  until  his 
death  in  192S.  Mr.  Pegram's  grandfather 
was  Braxton  Craven,  former  president  of 
Trinity  College. 

Survivors  include  two  sisters,  Miss  An- 
nie M.  Pegram.  '96;  Miss  Irene  C.  Pe- 
gram, '03.  A.M.  '22,  both  of  Durham;  Dr. 
George  B.  Pegram,  '95,  Columbia  Uni- 
versity, Xew  York  City;  and  William  H. 
Pegram,  '06,  Houston,  Texas. 

WALTER  R.  GRAXT,  '08 

Walter  R.  Grant,  'OS,  died  at  his  home 
in  Troy.  X.  C.  July  14.  The  funeral 
was  conducted  from  the  Troy  Trinity 
Methodist  Church,  and  burial  was  in 
Magnolia  Cemetery,  Xorfolk,  Va. 

Mr.  Grant  joined  the  firm  of  M.  T. 
Blassingham.  timber  dealers  in  Montgom- 
ery County  in  1912.  After  moving  to 
Troy  he  served  three  terms  as  chairman 
of  the  County  Board  of  Education  and 
was  mayor  for  two  terms.  He  was  an 
officer  in  the  Trinity  Methodist  Church 
and  a  teacher  of  the  Men's  Bible  Class 
for  more  than  a  decade.  He  was  elected 
clerk  to  the  town  of  Troy  in  1937  and 
served  in  the  office  until  his  death. 

In  addition  to  his  wife,  he  is  survived 
by  a  daughter,  Mrs.  Edith  Caudill.  of 
Morganton,  X.  C. 


William  F.  Page  is  deceased,  it  has 
been  learned  by  the  Alumni  Office.  He 
made  his  home  in  Aberdeen.  X.  C. 


It  has  been  learned  by  the  Alumni  Of- 
fice that   the   Reverend    Thomas   F.    Hig- 

gins,  '20,  of  105  S.  Firestone  Boulevard, 
Gastonia,  X.  C,  is  deceased. 

WILLIAM  M.  GIBSOX.  A.M.  '30, 
Ph.D.  '36 

William  M.  Gibson.  A.M.  '30,  Ph.D. 
'36,  a  political  scientist  with  the  Central 
Intelligence  Agency  and  former  Duke  Uni- 
versity professor,  died  July  6  of  a  heart 
attack.  A  full  military  funeral  was  held 
in  Arlington  Xational  Cemetery.  Duke 
faculty  members  who  attended  the  funeral 
were  Associate  Professor  Louise  Hall, 
Associate  Professor  William  51.  Black- 
burn, and  Associate  Professor  and  Mrs. 
Lewis  Patton. 

A  graduate  of  the  University  of  Rich- 
mond, Dr.  Gibson  also  did  graduate  work 
at  Harvard  University.  He  taught  polit- 
ical science  at  Duke  from  1934  to  1942, 
when  he  entered  the  Xavy  as  a  lieutenant 
commander.  He  did  intelligence  work  for 
the  Xavy  at  San  Diego,  and  later  re- 
turned to  teaching  at  Duke.  He  had  been 
with  the  Central  Intelligence  Agency  in 
Washington,  D.  C,  since  1947,  when  he 
was  called  there  to  perform  special  serv- 
ices. Although  he  moved  his  home  to 
Washington,  Dr.  Gibson  always  remained 
devoted  to  Duke. 

Surviving  are  his  widow,  Orene.  of 
Sumner,  Md.,  and  his  parents,  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Oscar  M.  Gibson  of  Baltimore.  Md. 


Dr.  Emory  H.  Honeyeutt,  '44,  died  at 
the  home  of  his  parents  in  Clinton.  X.  C. 
on  July  13,  following  several  months  of 

Funeral  services  were  held  from  the 
Clinton  Methodist  Church  and  burial  was 
in  the  Clinton  Cemetery. 

At  Duke,  Emory  was  president  of  the 
senior  class  and  a  member  of  Pi  Kappa 
Alpha  fraternity.  He  was  graduated 
from  the  Medical  College  of  Virginia  in 
1950  and  served  his  internship  in  the 
Jackson  Memorial  Hospital.  Miami.  Fla. 
During  World  War  II.  Emory  saw  two 
years'  service  in  the  Pacific  Theater  as  a 
Xaval  Lieutenant  Junior  Grade. 

Surviving  are  the  wife,  Peggy  Rea 
Honeyeutt;  a  son,  Stephen  Rea  Honey- 
eutt; the  parents,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Furman 
J.  Honeyeutt :  and  a  brother,  James  Fur- 
man  Honeveutt,  '43.  all  of  Clinton. 

LEE  T.  STRIXE.  LL.B.  '45 

Lee  T.  Strine,  LL.B.  '45.  passed  away- 
Februarv  28.  1951. 

[ Page  208  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  August,  1951 


This  young  lady  is  sitting  before  a  Teleprinter,  which 
transmits  and  receives  wires  instantly.  The  Teleprinter 
is  one  of  many  modern  machines  used  by  Hospital  Sav- 
ing Association  to  expedite  payments  of  hospital-surgical 
benefits  for  a  membership  that  will  soon  cover  a  half- 
million  North  Carolinians.  In  the  Tar  Heel  State, 
only  Hospital  Saving  offers  the  double  protection  of 
Blue  Gross-Blue  Shield. 






.Lovely  Rise  Stevens  is  venturesome.  She's  a 
glamorous  opera  star,  but  she  also  branches  out  to 
other  fields— radio,  television,  movies.  In  cigarettes, 
she  has  tried  different  brands  and  different  mild- 
ness tests.  After  making  the  tests.  Rise  says: 

"My  voice  comes  first  with  me  and  Camels 
have  the  mildness  my  throat  demands.  With 
Camels,  every  puff's  a  pleasure!" 

All  over  the  country,  smokers  have  tested  for 
mildness— sniff  tests,  puff  tests... and  the  thorough 
30-day  Camel  test.  Now,  after  all  the  tests,  Camel 
leads  all  other  brands  by  billions  of  cigarettes  — 
according  to  latest  published  figures!  Smoke 
Camels    for    30   days.   Then   you'll   know   why  — 

After  all  the  Mildness  Tests, 



Mora  Doctors 
Smoke  Camels 

than  any  other  cigarette! 

•4«  Make  your  own  30-Day  Camel  Test  —  the 
sensible,  thorough  cigarette  test.  Your  "T-Zone" 
(T  for  Throat,  T  for  Taste)  will  tell  you  how 
flavorful  and  mild  Camels  are  .  .  .  how  well  they 
agree  with  your  throat  — pack  after  pack! 

B.  J.  Reynolds  Tobacco  Co..  Winston-Salem.  N.C. 

Came/ is  dmerfca's  most  popular  cigarette  l>y  bit/ions! 



September,  1931 

Flag  Raising  Opens  Another  Year 


N©  Unpleasant 



.added  to  the  world's 
most  famous  ABCs- 

Always  Milder 
Better  Tasting 
Cooler  Smoking 

"Chesterfield's  Big  Plus 
sold  me"  says 

CIGARETTE  of  all  brands  tested 
in  which  members  of  our  taste 
panel  found  no  unpleasant 

From   the   report    of   a   well- 
known  research  organization 


p—-^---— ■«--*    *- 


ys  uuy 


Copyright  1951,  Liggett  &  Myers  Tobacco  Co 


(Member  of  American  Alumni  Council) 

Published  at  Durham,  N.  C,  Every  Month  in  the  Year 
in  the  Interest  of  the  University  and  the  Alumni 


September,  1951 

No.  9 


Letters    210 

New  Class  Arrives — New  Year  Begins 212 

Development  Campaign  in  Homestretch 214 

Local  Meetings  of  Duke  Alumni 215 

Local  Association  Officers 216 

Ordnance  Research  Center  Comes  to  Duke 217 

Regional   Scholarships   Established 218 

W.  N.  Reynolds,  '86,  Passes 219 

Books    220 

Blue    Devil   Sports 222 

News  of  the  Alumni 225 

Sons  and  Daughters 226 

Charles   A.   Dukes,    '29 

Director,   Alumni   Affairs 

Roger  L.  Marshall, 

Layout   Editor 
Ruth  Mart  Brown 

Associate.  Editor 
'42  Anne  Garrard,   '25 

Advertising  Manager 
Fred  Whitener,   '51 

S.taff  Photographer 
Jimmy  Whitley 

Two  Dollars  a  Year  20  Cents  a  Copy 

Entered  as  Second-Class  Matter  at  the  Post  Office  at 
Durham,  N.  C,  Under  the  Act  of  March  3,  1879. 

Department  of  Alumni  Affairs 

The  Cover  —— ~ 

Duke  University  officially  begins  its  academic  year 
when  the  Stars  and  Stripes  are  raised  skyward  amid 
traditional  ceremony.  This  year  the  flag-raising  took 
place  on  September  19  on  West  Campus  and  a  day  earlier 
mi  East.  President  Edens,  back  to  camera,  welcomes 


By  the  time  this  issue  of  the  Register  reaches  you,  the 
leaves  will  have  already  begun  to  turn  on  the  trees  and 
there  will  be  a  feeling  of  fall  in  the  air. 

The  Development  Campaign  is  underway  and  the  re- 
ports from  the  areas  are  coming  in  fast,  Each  one  shows 
the  results  of  hard  work  and  ingenuity  on  the  part  of 
many  alumni.  New  areas,  such  as  Newark,  N.  J.;  Balti- 
more, Md. ;  Philadelphia,  Pa. ;  Jacksonville,  Miami,  Tampa, 
and  St.  Petersburg,  Pla. ;  and  Asheville,  N.  C,  are  being 
organized.  Many  of  the  old  areas  are  being  recanvassed 
with  every  indication  that  we  should  reach  our  goal  of 
$8,650,000  by  December  31. 

The  Alumni  Office  appreciates  the  many  visits  from 
alumni  who  came  to  Durham  in  the  fall  to  enter  sons  and 
daughters  in  Duke. 

The  Homecoming  game  is  between  Duke  and  the  Uni- 
versity of  Virginia  on  October  27.  The  alumni  in  New 
York,  Newark,  and  the  Philadelphia  areas  are  discussing 
the  possibility  of  chartering  a  railway  car  so  that  they 
may  attend  the  Homecoming  game  in  a  group.  This 
seems  like  a  very  good  idea.  We  hope  alumni  in  other 
areas  will  do  the  same. 

There  are  many  changes  taking  place  on  the  campus. 
We  suggest,  when  you  return  for  your  next  visit,  that 
you  take  time  to  see  some  of  these  changes ;  namely,  the 
Ordnance  Division  which  has  taken  quarters  in  the  Hanes 
home;  the  foundation  hole  that  is  being  dug  for  a  new 
building  next  to  the  old  Physics  Building,  now  Social 
Science  Building;  the  Graduate  Dormitory  beyond  the 
Medical  School  on  Hospital  Drive ;  and  the  Nurses  Home 
being  made  possible  through  the  generosity  of  the  late 
Dr.  Fred  M.  Hanes  and  Mrs.  Hanes. 

A  new  pictorial  folder  has  just  come  off  the  press. 
Drop  us  a  line  if  you  would  like  a  copy.  We  have  already 
received  a  number  of  requests  and  we  should  be  glad  to 
have  others. 

Remember  if  you  have  constructive  criticisms,  send 
them  to  us.  We  are  anxious  to  improve  our  program  in 
every  way  possible. 




.  e  ill  e  Briber 

10  years  ago 

For  the  first  time  since  1918,  serv- 
icemen returned  to  the  campus  in  the 
form  of  110  freshmen  USNROTC  stu- 

Duke  started  its  football  season  by 
beating  Wake  Forest  43-13! 

An  innovation  of  the  football  season 
was  the  addition  of  two  girls,  Toni 
Salley  and  Vivien  Driver,  as  cheer- 
leaders. The  unanimous  decision  to 
accept  girl  cheerleaders  made  the 
second  time  they  had  appeared  at  Duke. 
In  1935  two  girls  had  helped  lead 
cheers  during  one  game,  and  were 
henceforth  barred  from  such  "unlady- 
like" activities.  Oh,  yes  Word  Clark 
was  head  cheerleader. 

A  Chronicle  reporter  made  a  survey, 
finding  women's  skirts  shorter  than 
ever  (even  as  high  as  18  inches!) 

25  years  ago 

The  largest  freshman  class  up  to 
that  time  entered  the  University.  They 
came  650  strong. 

Duke  Blue  Devils  slaughtered  Guil- 
ford College  in  the  first  game  of  the 
season,  30-0. 

Three  students  entered  Duke  from 
Illinois,  having  learned  of  the  Uni- 
versity from  a  student  working  in 
Chicago  during  the  summer.  Students 
from  the  midwestern  states  seemed  to 
be  a  rarity  in  that  day. 

The  U.W.C.A.  children's  party  to 
welcome  the  freshmen  was  a  huge 
success.  Everyone  came  dressed  like 
a  kindergartner,  and  ring-around-the- 
rosy  and  other  games  made  a  hilarious 

50  years  ago 

Trinity  College  consisted  of  20 
buildings;  10  were  residences  and  10 
were  class  buildings. 

A  brand  new  library,  the  largest  col- 
lege library  in  the  state,  was  under 

The  teaching  staff  consisted  of  11 
professors,  three  adjunct  professors, 
one  instructor,  one  lecturer,  three  as- 
sistants and  a  director  of  the  gym- 
nasium, making  23  in  all.  Some  of 
the  more  popular  ones  were  Professor 
Flowers,  Dr.  Mimms,  and  Dr.  Bassett. 

Enrollment  at  that  time  was  less 
than  200  students,  only  32  of  whom 
were  women. 


August  6,  1951 
Robert  Grumbine,  B.D.  '50 
Box  366 
Valdez,  Alaska 

After  having  arrived  at  this  mission 
parish  just  about  a  week  ago,  I  thought 
I  might  sit  down  and  let  you  all  know 
that  you  have  more  alumni  in  Alaska — 
or  are  we  the  first  ones?  I  use  "we" 
because  the  Mrs.  audited  a  semester's 
worth  of  courses  in  the  Divinity  School 
while  I  was  struggling  through  my  B.D. 
aside  from  working  a  year  in  the  library 
— so  it's  "our"  school. 

The  enclosed  postals  will  give  you  an 
idea  of  the  physical  facilities  here  but 
they  do  not  speak  to  the  spiritual  needs 
at  all.  Valdez,  a  town  of  about  600  souls, 
is  much  the  same  as  any  boom  town  dur- 
ing the  westward  movement  of  our  own 
U.S.  beyond  the  Mississippi  River.  All 
the  virtues  and  vices  are  to  be  found  that 
one  found  in  those  days — and  then  some. 
Most  of  the  settlers  are  content  to  live 
outside  the  Church  and  also  without  God 
— or  at  least  so  they  try  until  some  cata- 
strophic experience  rocks  them  to  their 
very  bones,  at  which  time  some  "get  re- 
ligion" in  a  very  emotional  way.  There 
is  so  very  much  to  be  done  here  that  the 
task  itself  tires  one  when  thinking  about 

Our  family  is  replacing  a  priest  who 
has  been  here  (The  Church  of  the  Epiph- 
any) in  Alaska  for  24  years  and  is  loved 
by  everyone.  He  is  a  celibate  and  a  very 
consecrated  Christian.  Filling  his  boots 
will  be  a  job  in  itself.  We  also  serve  St. 
Georges,  Cordova,  some  ninety  miles  as 
the  crow  flies — and  this  mission  is  served 

via  air.     We  find  that  all  of  Alaska  is 

All  our  friends  at  Duke  have  a  stand- 
ing invitation  to  pay  us  a  visit — we'll 
house  and  feed  you  once  you  get  here! 

George  Rankine,  M.D.  '44 
6  Duff  Street 
Dundee,  Scotland 

It  is  most  interesting  to  learn  of  the 
inspiring  developments  which  have  been 
planned  for  Duke  University. 

I  understand  that  sterling  is  not  readily 
convertible  into  U.S.  dollars  but  I  do 
send  my  best  wishes  for  your  plans,  and 
also  my  new  address. 

(An  alumnus  recently  brought  a  B.O.S. 
key,  tohich  he  had  found,  to  the  Alumni 
Office.  The  only  identification  was  the\ 
initials  of  J.R.T.  and  the  class  of  19371 
engraiied  on  it.  By  checking  initials  of  all 
alumni  of  the  class  of  '37,  the  office  was, 
able  to  locate  the  owner.) 

John  R.  Timmons,  '37,  M.D.  '39 
1491  Taylor  Street 
Columbia  49,  S.  C. 

Thank  you  very  much  for  contacting 
me  regarding  the  found  B.O.S.  key.  lj 
know  that  mine  was  lost  some  years  age 
and  probably  the  one  you  have  belonged 
to  me.  I  was  in  the  class  of  1937  and  my 
initials  are  J.R.T.  I  don't  know  whethei 
there  were  any  other  J.R.T.'s  in  the  class 
or  not. 

You  are  to  be  congratulated  on  youi 
detective  work  in  locating  the  loser  ir 
this  case.  This  is  a  piece  of  public  rehv 
tions  work  which  is  a  credit  to  the  Duk( 
Alumni  Office. 


1-3.  Lectures  on  world  affairs  by 
Dr.  Robert  Marjolin,  French 
economist  and  director  of  the 
European  Marshall  Plan  organi- 
zation. Sponsored  by  the  New 
York  Merrill  Foundation  for  the 
Advancement  of  Financial 

2.  Chamber  Music  Concert.  8  :15 
p.m.,  Asbury. 

8.  Duke  Film  Society.  Symphonie 

11.  Off  the  series  attraction  of  the 
All-Star  Concert  Series.  Ballet 
Theatre.  8 :15  p.m.,  Page  Audi- 

13.  Football  game  with  North  Caro- 
lina State. 

25,  26.  Tobacco  Chemistry  Research 

27.  Homecoming.  Football  game 
with  the  University  of  Virginia. 

[  Page  210  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 



--  * : 

■  i    Si  - 

BB  Hi  - 

Designers  and  A^a/cers  of  Fine  Living  Room  Furniture 

-HIGH  POINT,  N.  C- 

New  students  being  sworn  in  to  the  United  States  Naval  Reserve  Officers  Training 
Corps  unit  on  the  Duke  campus  by  commanding  officer  Captain  John  M.  Ocker  and 
Lieutenant   Commander  Robert   B.  Harrell   in   the  indoor  stadium. 

&   f       d-W  O 


Freshman  coeds  look  over  a  map  showing  snapshots  and  hometowns  of  their  class- 
mates in  Jarvis  House  to  get  a  head-start  acquaintance  with  them.  Left  to  right  are 
Beverly  Ojean,  New  Orleans,  La.,  freshman;  Kay  Richards,  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  senior, 
house  president;  Alta  Gingher,  Columbus,  Ohio,  freshman;  and  Mary  Moss  Welborn, 
Jarvis  House  Counselor. 

A  New  Class 

September  fever,  a  recurrent  malady 
that  strikes  at  university  and  college  cam- 
puses when  autumn  mists  arise,  has  Duke 
firmly  in  its  grip. 

Throughout  the  middle  weeks  of  thej 
month,  struggling  lines  of  freshmen,  theii( 
skulls  adorned  by  gleaming  new  "dinks,* 
wound  through  the  corridors  of  the  Uni- 
versity's buildings  in  search  of  the  direc- 
tion essential  to  a  new  career.  Deans 
labored  heroically  to  keep  their  heads, 
above  the  inundation  and  at  the  same  time 
handle  each  of  the  new  arrivals  as  a  dis-j 
tinct  individual  whose  problems  wert 

The  vanguard  of  upperclassmen,  OB 
hand  to  welcome  and  orient  their  greenei! 
colleagues,  was  more  recently  followed  bj 
sophomores,  juniors,  and  seniors  return- 
ing to  settle  into  another  year  of  lectures 
labs,  and  examinations. 

This  September  fever,  while  an  epi, 
demic  in  the  truest  sense,  is  nonetheless  i 
pleasantly  invigorating  disease,  and  ons 
from  which  victims  recover  in  short  ordei 
with  refreshed  perspectives  and  strength-, 
ened  purposes.  Its  cause  is  its  cure— 
an  injection  of  new  youth. 

The  1951-52  academic  year  begins  witl 
an  anticipated  small  decline  in  enrollmen' 
a  realized  fact.  Preliminary  estimates 
have  placed  the  number  of  students  at 
Duke  at  4,800,  including  3,510  men  anc 
1,390  women  on  both  graduate  and  un' 
dergraduate  levels.  This  is  a  drop  oi 
about  four  per  cent  over  September  oi 
last  year — a  percentage  considerably  les: 
than  the  national  average.  Undergradu- 
ate students  total  approximately  3,200. 

Chief  cause  for  the  decline  is  the  un; 
settled  situation  on  the  international  fron, 
and  the  draft,  reflected  by  the  fact  thai 
there  has  been  no  drop  at  all  among 
women,  only  among  men.  These  factors 
have  affected  upperclassmen  more  thai 
entering  freshmen.  The  approximately 
900  entering  students  represent  only  i 
small  drop  over  last  year. 

For  the  past  few  years  Duke  has  strainei 
its  facilities  to  the  utmost  to  accommo 
date  unprecedented  numbers  of  younj 
men  and  women  seeking  higher  education 
Eventual  stabilization  of  enrollment  wil 
probably  leave  the  University  with  a  sttf 
dent  body  totalling  around  5,000.  Sta 
bilization,  however,  is  expected  to  be 
tardy  arrival  as  long  as  38th  parallels 
nationalized  oil  industries,  and  kidnappe> 
correspondents  continue  to  affect  the  pic 

[  Page  212  ] 

DUKE  ALTJMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 

Arrives — A  New  Year  Begins 

The  small  decrease  in  the  student  body 
has  had  practically  no  effect  on  one  of 
Duke's  most  serious  problems,  that  of 
dormitory  space.  The  average  age  of  col- 
lege students  is  now  younger,  with  war 
veterans  passing  from  the  scene.  Many 
G.I.'s  were  married  and  lived  off -campus 
with  their  families.  Their  replacements 
are  single  and  require  dormitory  living 

The  new  Graduate  Living  Center,  being 
pushed  to  completion,  will  solve  the  prob- 
fem,  however,  by  releasing  Few  Quad- 
rangle to  undergraduate  men. 

The  Faculty  Intact 

Duke  begins  the  new  year  with  a  facul- 
ty totalling  614  members.  There  has  been 
no  move  to  decrease  the  faculty  because: 
(1)  The  University  has  adopted  a  policy 
of  avoiding  dispersal  of  faculties  during 
the  present  emergency,  and  (2)  the  fall 
enrollment  does  not  warrant  it.  All  regu- 
lar faculty  members  are  being  retained 
and  replacements  made  as  needed. 

The  ratio  of  students  to  teachers  is 
slightly  less  than  eight  to  one,  one  of  the 
lowest  ratios  in  the  United  States  and 
one  that  amply  protects  the  University's 
tradition  of  giving  every  student  a  maxi- 
mum of  personal  attention,  both  in  and 
out  of  clasrooms. 

The  course  offerings  of  the  University 
remain  the  same  as  last  year,  unaffected 
by  enrollment  figures. 

A  possible  sign  of  the  times,  however, 
is  the  big  increase  in  military  training 
program  enrollment.  Last  year,  in  the 
Navy  R.O.T.C.  and  Air  Force  R.O.T.C. 
programs  there  was  a  total  of  659  stu- 
dents. This  year  begins  with  1,055  mid- 
shipmen and  cadets  on  the  campus. 

Welcome,  Class  of  1955 

Orientation  Week  for  freshmen  began 
Thursday,  Sept.  13.  Special  assemblies, 
open  houses,  and  recreational  events  en- 
abled new  students  to  become  acquainted 
with  the  University  and  its  men  and 
women.  Serious  business  was  undertaken, 
as  well,  and  almost  immediately.  A  stiff 
round  of  placement  tests  and  physical 
examinations  kept  freshmen  busy  and 
helped  fit  them  into  suitable  niches,  from 
which  they  can  begin,  in  stable  surround- 
ings, to  absorb  the  offerings  of  the  faculty. 

The  freshmen  are  an  impressive  crop. 
Youngsters  who  have  measured  up  to 
Duke's  high  entrance  standards,  members 
of  the  class  of  1955  come  from  virtually 

every  one  of  the  48  states  and  from  a 
number  of  foreign  countries. 

Their  entrance  into  the  University  com- 
munity, and  their  assimilation  into  cam- 
pus life,  is  being  greatly  facilitated  by 
the  splendid  work  of  the  Y.M.C.A.,  which 
for  years  has  made  a  practice  of  greeting 
new  students  each  September  and  making 
them  feel  at  home. 

The  familiar  signs,  "Ask  a  Y  man,'' 
are  posted  on  trees  and  in  corridors 
throughout  the  campus.  The  "Y's"  Hand- 
book has  been  distributed  to  the  new  class, 
and  friendly  upperclassmen  of  the  organi- 
zation are  constantly  on  hand  to  answer 


Duke's  annual  Homecoming  Day  will 
take  place  October  27  when  the  Blue 
Devils  meet  Virginia  in  Duke  Stadium. 
Traditional  and  special  events  have 
been  planned  for  the  week  end.  The 
College  of  Engineering  alumni  will 
hold  their  Homecoming  on  the  same 
day  with  a  meeting  in  the  Engineering 
Building  for  alumni  and  a  coffee  hour 
for  the  wives  at  10 :30  a.m. 

questions  that  range  from  "Where  do  we 
buy  books?"  to  "Can  I  keep  my  airedale 
in  the  dorm?" 

Duke  and  Durham  boast  of  one  of  the 
finest  town-and-gown  relationships  any- 
where in  the  U.  S.  Evidence  of  this  came 
early  to  the  class  of  '55. 

Mayor  E.  J.  Evans  extended  the  city's 
official  welcome  in  letters  to  freshmen 
early  in  September.  On  Monday,  Sept. 
17,  the  third  annual  Duke  Freshman  Day 
was  observed  under  the  auspices  of  Dur- 
ham merchants.  Information  booths  down- 
town and  favors  distributed  by  some 
stores  characterized  the  city's  hospitable 
efforts  to  familiarize  freshmen  with  their 
new  home. 

Everyone  cooperated  in  this  welcoming 
endeavor  but  the  perpetually  stubborn 
weather  man.  After  a  summer  in  which 
rain  was  as  scarce  as  live  crossopterygies, 
the  clouds  accumulated  overhead  to  emit 
a  dull  gray  light  and  a  fine  drizzle. 

It  was  not,  however,  a  drizzle  penetra- 
tive enough  to  dampen  spirits  nor  subdue 
activity,  and  the  new  school  year  has 
been  launched  in  a  manner  to  delight  the 
most  cynical  professor  and  the  most  be- 
wildered freshman. 

Lincoln  David  Kraeuter,  West  Orange,  N.  J.,  senior  engineer  and  NROTC  mid- 
shipman, raises  the  flag  which  symbolizes  the  official  opening  of  school  on  East 
Campus.  Watching  the  ceremony  are  Alice  Youmans,  Miami,  Fla.,  president  of 
the  women's  senior  class,  and  President  Hollis  Edens. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 

[ Page  213  ] 

Development  Campaign  Is  in  Homestretch 

The  most  triumphant  chapter  in  the 
history  of  Duke's  alumni  organizations — 
that  is  the  story  of  the  Duke  University 
Development  Campaign  as  it  enters  its 
final  phase  this  month. 

Through  the  energetic  and  devoted  ac- 
tivity of  the  University's  former  students 
in  all  parts  of  the  country,  and  even  in 
foreign  lands,  the  Campaign's  immediate 
goal  of  $8,650,000  has  been  whittled  down 
to  where  a  comparatively  few  more  dol- 
lars will  mean  complete  and  unqualified 

The  final  months  of  the  program  begin 
with  less  than  $1,000,000  remaining  to  be 
raised.  More  than  $7,680,000  is  now  a 
matter  of  record,  and  Duke's  program  of 
"Brains,  Books,  and  Bricks"  is  well  under- 
way. The  dollars  that  have  been  contrib- 
uted have  been  put  to  work.  The  needs 
that  President  Edens  called  "urgent  and 
necessary"  are  being  met  as  funds  become 
available,  and  a  greater  Duke  equipped  to 
give  greater  service  is  becoming  a  reality. 

But  a  Job  Remains 

Although  the  campaign  is  nearing  its 
goal,  there  is  still  a  great  deal  to  be  done. 
This  was  clearly  brought  out  on  Septem- 
ber 9  when  Campaign  leaders  from 
throughout  North  Carolina  and  neighbor- 
ing states  met  on  the  campus  to  formally 
launch  the  drive's  final  phase. 

The  meeting,  held  in  the  ballroom  of 
the  West  Campus  Union,  was  presided 
over  by  Kenneth  M.  Brim,  '20,  of  Greens- 
boro, N.  C,  immediate  past  chairman  of 
the  National  Council  and  chairman  of 
the  Guilford  County  campaign.  Presi- 
dent Edens  spoke  on  the  Development 
Program's  progress,  what  it  was  doing 
for  the  University,  and  how  essential  it 
is  that  the  drive  be  pushed  forward  to  a 
successful  conclusion. 

The  President  pointed  out  that  of  the 
$3,000,000  the  University  has  been  offered 
on  a  contingent  basis,  approximately 
$1,000,000  must  still  be  raised  to  complete 
the  matching  fund.  This  $3,000,000,  half 
of  which  was  tendered  by  the  General 
Education  Board  of  the  Rockefeller  Foun- 
dation and  half  by  an  anonymous  donor, 
is  included  in  the  announced  total  of  the 
Campaign's  progress. 

The  remaining  months  of  the  drive, 
President  Edens  reminded  campaign  lead- 
ers, are  doubly  important.  The  amount 
that  must  be  raised  to  reach  the  goal  is 
also  the  amount  that  must  be  raised  to 
match  the  contingent  gifts. 

"This  means,"  he  added,  "that  for  every 

dollar  that  Duke  receives  from  alumni  and 
friends  between  now  and  December  31, 
another  dollar  will  be  made  available 
through  this  matching  arrangement.  In 
other  words,  every  pledge  that  an  alumnus 
makes  automatically  doubles  itself  when 
the  University  receives  it." 

Alonzo  C.  Edwards,  '25,  of  Hookerton, 
N.  C,  chairman  of  the  National  Council 
this  year,  called  for  every  alumnus  and 
alumna  who  has  not  yet  participated  in 
the  Campaign  to  respond  to  calls  within 
the  next  few  weeks,  as  they  are  made  in 
personal  canvasses  and  through  mailings 
from  headquarters. 

"This  is  the  way,"  he  said,  "to  put  this 
drive  over  the  top — to  get  every  one  of 
us  to  give — and  to  give  as  much  as  pos- 
sible— before  the  final  day  arrives." 

Signs  of  Progress 

Signs  of  the  Development  Campaign's 
progress  are  evident  all  over  the  campus 
this  fall.  Striking  the  observer's  eye  most 
forcefully  are  the  new  buildings  that  are 
moving  along  toward  completion. 

The  Graduate  Living  Center,  which  will 
relieve  the  critical  shortage  of  dormitory 
space,  has  assumed  a  shell  of  brick  and 
stone,  and  work  on  finishing  the  interior 
will  soon  begin. 

The  Classroom  and  Administration 
Building,  right  now  represented  by  a  deep 
hole  and  mountains  of  dirt,  is  expected  to 
move  skyward  in  the  near  future.  Other 
buildings — the  new  nurses'  home  and  the 
wing  for  the  atomic  reactor  on  the  Phys- 
ics Building — add  to  the  general  air  of 
progress,  although  not  a  direct  part  of  the 
Development  Campaign. 

The  President  has  called  attention  to 
other  results,  while  not  so  apparent,  that 
reach  into  the  heart  of  the  University. 
New  funds  are  becoming  available  for 
scholarships,  fellowships,  professorships, 
and  research  and  teaching. 

Dr.  Edens,  at  the  September  9  meeting, 
said  that  while  the  "Bricks"  of  the  pro- 
gram were  listed  last  in  the  order  of 
things  to  be  done,  current  conditions  re- 
garding building  and  prospective  short- 
ages dictated  that  work  be  pushed  ahead 
as  rapidly  as  possible  on  these  essential 
projects.  He  added  that  this  is  being  done 
in  confidence  that  funds  for  the  "Brains 
and. Books"  part  of  the  program  will  be 
forthcoming.  To  date,  this  confidence  has 
been  admirably  justified. 

Campaign  Plans 

The   fall   campaign,   officially   launched 

by  the  campus  meeting,  is  getting  under- 
way with  a  mailing  to  all  alumni.  Th< 
bulletin,  already  mailed,  contains  messages 
from  President  Edens  and  from  the  Na- 
tional Chairman,  Benjamin  F.  Pew,  '14 
A.M.  '16.  Also  included  is  a  list  of  con- 
tributors between  May  10  and  August  If 
and  a  summary  of  plans  for  the  remain- 
ing weeks  of  the  Campaign. 

Local  campaigns  will  be  conducted  ir 
all  areas  of  the  country  where  Duk< 
alumni  live  in  comparatively  large  num- 
bers and  where  campaigns  were  not  started 
last  year.  These  include  about  30  majoi 
North  Carolina  counties  and  a  number  o) 
large  cities  in  other  states  most  of  whicl 
are  on  the  Eastern  Seaboard. 

City  campaigns  now  moving  ahead  in- 
clude Philadelphia,  Pa. ;  Baltimore,  Md. 
Tampa,  St.  Petersburg,  Miami,  and  Jack 
sonville,  Fla.  Northern  New  Jersey,  wit! 
Newark  as  the  center,  is  another  cam 
paign  region,  as  is  Western  North  Caro 
lina,  with  Asheville  as  its  center. 

Campaign  leaders  in  these  regions  are 

In  Philadelphia :  General  chairman 
Wayne  Ambler,  '38 ;  initial  gifts  chairman 
Bruce  H.  Greenfield,  '38 ;  general  canvasi 
chairman,  Joseph  L.  Loughran,  '47.  Kick 
off  meeting  is  scheduled  for  October  16 

In  Baltimore:  General  chairman 
Thomas  A.  Aldridge,  '26;  vice  chairman 
William  B.  Sommerville,  '36;  initial  gifts 
chairman,  C.  Bertram  Hoffberger,  '43l 
general  canvass  chairman,  H.  Carl  Garthe 
'47,  with  Thomas  C.  Wolff,  '47,  as  co- 
chairman.  Kick-off  is  scheduled  for  Oc 
tober  3  in  the  Belvedere  Hotel. 

In  Tampa :  General  chairman,  Wraj 
D.  Storey,  M.D.  '39 ;  initial  gifts  chair 
man,  Wesley  W.  Wilson,  M.D.  '37;  anc 
general  canvass  chairman,  Winston  H 
Palmer,  '48. 

In  St.  Petersburg :  General  Chairman 
Robert  L.  Allen,  Jr.,  '47;  initial  gifts 
chairman,  Charles  K.  Donegan,  '41,  M.D 
'44;  and  general  canvass  chairman,  Mrs 
John  P.  Wallace,  '48. 

A  joint  kick-off  meeting  for  Tampa 
and  St.  Petersburg  took  place  on  Septem- 
ber 29. 

In  Miami :  General  chairman,  Dr. 
Harold  K.  Terry,  '36;  initial  gifts  chair- 
man, Henry  H.  Russell,  Jr.,  '40;  and 
general  canvass  chairman,  James  L.  Davis 
'45.    Kick-off  is  scheduled  for  October  17. 

In  Jacksonville :  General  chairman,  Wil- 
liam M.  Courtney,  '38 ;  initial  gifts  chair- 
man, Laurence  F.  Lee,  Jr.,  '49;  and  gen- 
eral canvass  chairman,  Dr.  Joe  A.  J.  Far- 

[  Page  214  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 

rington,  '34.  Kick-off  is  scheduled  for 
November  15. 

In  Northern  New  Jersey :  General  chair- 
man is  Edward  A.  Sargent,  '42;  vice 
chairman  is  G.  Fred  Hockenjos,  '43;  ini- 
tial gifts  chairman  is  Lyman  H.  Bishop, 
'28;  and  general  canvass  chairman  is 
George  E.  Griscom  II,  '36.  The  Northern 
New  Jersey  kick-off  took  place  on  Sep- 
tember 17. 

Kick-off  meeting  for  Western  North 
Carolina,  where  Don  S.  Elias,  '08,  is 
chairman,  is  scheduled  for  October  8  at 
the  George  Vanderbilt  Hotel  in  Asheville. 

Some  recently  enlisted  North  Carolina 
county  campaign  leaders  include:  In  Ala- 
mance County,  Dr.  L.  Everett  Spikes,  '24, 
M.Ed.  '34,  is  chairman  and  Marvin  Yount, 
Jr.,  '41,  is  general  canvass  chairman.  In 
Granville  County,  Major  T.  G.  Stem,  '06, 
is  chairman,  Mrs.  Oscar  D.  McFarland, 
'32,  is  general  canvass  chairman,  and 
John  A.  Myers,  '33,  is  initial  gifts  chair- 

Goal  by  Founders  Day? 

In  these  and  other  regions  campaigns 
are  rapidly  getting  underway  and  early 
results  are  good.  In  a  number  of  other 
regions,  where  campaigns  were  not  com- 
pleted last  year,  they  are  being  reacti- 
vated for  clean-up  drives. 

Campaign  leaders  everywhere  are  mak- 
ing an  effort  to  reach  their  goals  by 
Founders  Day,  December  11,  so  that  it 
can  then  be  reported  that  Duke  Univer- 
sity's Development  Campaign  is  over  the 

Meanwhile,  special  mailings  are  planned 
for  alumni  and  alumnae  in  areas  where 

Among  those  attending  the  campus  Development  Campaign  meeting  on  Septem- 
ber 9  were,  left  to  right,  N.  E.  Edgerton,  '21,  University  trustee  and  chairman  of  the 
Wake  County  campaign;  Alonzo  C.  Edwards,  '25,  of  Hookerton,  N.  C,  chairman  of 
the  National  Council;  President  Edens;  Kenneth  M.  Brim,  '20,  Law  '21,  chairman 
of  the  Guilford  County  campaign;  and  Blanche  Barringer  Brian  (Mrs.  Earl  W.), 
'22,  A.M.  '31,  general  canvass  chairman  in  Wake  County. 

local  campaigns  are  not  practicable  by 
reason  of  distance  or  lack  of  concentrated 
numbers.  Class  agents,  who  served  the 
Loyalty  Fund  with  such  splendid  results, 
are  assuming  the  responsibility  for  class- 
mates in  such  areas.  Their  first  pleas  for 
gifts  will  go  out  in  October. 

The  picture  is  bright.     Success,  which 

rests  with  the  spirit,  energy,  and  gener- 
osity of  the  University's  former  students, 
seems  virtually  assured. 

When  a  new  year  arrives,  the  alumni 
of  Duke  University  will  be  able  to  point, 
with  a  justifiable  boast,  to  a  tremendously 
important  job  that  has  been  magnificently 

Local  Meetings 
of  Duke  Alumni 

Norfolk,  Va. 

All  visiting  alumni  attending  the  Duke- 
V.P.I.  game  at  Norfolk,  Va.,  on  October 
BO  are  invited  to  a  buffet  dinner  at 
5 :00  p.m.  at  the  Commissioned  Officers 
Club,  Norfolk  Naval  Base.  The  club  is 
approximately  three  miles  from  the  sta- 
dium at  the  North  end  of  Hampton  Bou- 
levard. Tickets  are  $3.00  per  person, 
which  includes  dinner  and  dancing.  Res- 
ervations should  be  made  by  check,  pay- 
able to  the  Norfolk-Portsmouth  Chapter 
of  the  Duke  Alumni  Association  and 
mailed  to  C.  W.  Perdue,  1053  North  Shore 
Road,  Norfolk  5,  Va.,  or  A.  T.  Joyner, 

Jr.,  1416  Hampton  Boulevard,  Norfolk  7, 

Get  your  order  for  an  evening  of  en- 
tertainment in  before  October  15. 

Memphis,  Tenn. 

The  home  of  the  new  president,  Dr. 
Jack  Greenfield,  '36,  was  the  scene  of  the 
fourth  annual  Duke  Club  of  Memphis 
picnic  recently.  Broiled  steaks  ruled  the 
day  and  helped  to  keep  interest  in  the 
Club's  projects  fever  high. 

Several  members  of  the  recently  gradu- 
ated class  were  welcomed  and  reminded 
that  the  club  meets  monthly  at  the  homes 
of  its  various  members.  Much  interest  is 
fostered  by  having  speakers  of  local  and 
world-wide  importance,  movies,  card  par- 
ties, and,  of  course,  the  annual  winter 

Other  new  officers  for  the  coming  year 

are  W.  H.  Heddesheimer,  '40,  vice-presi- 
dent; Janice  Greenfield  (Mrs.  Jack),  sec- 
retary-treasurer, and  Morton  Gubin,  '45, 
corresponding  secretary. 

Mecklenburg  County 

Professor  W.  J.  Seeley,  of  the  Depart- 
ment of  Electrical  Engineering,  and  David 
H.  Henderson,  '35,  LL.B.  '37,  representa- 
tive of  Mecklenburg  County  in  the  State 
Legislature  and  a  Charlotte,  N.  C,  at- 
torney, spoke  to  the  Mecklenburg  County 
Duke  Alumni  Association  on  August  2  at 
the  monthly  meeting  at  Thacker's  restau- 
rant. Mr.  Henderson's  subject  was  "Gov- 
ernmental Dollar  Day,"  the  inner  work- 
ings of  the  State  Legislature  at  Raleigh. 
Dr.  Seeley  explained  the  new  group-dona- 
tion blood  program,  which  is  jointly  spon- 
sored by  alumni  groups  and  the  American 
Red  Cross. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 

[  Page  215  ] 

Duke  alumni  and  students  were  tne 
first  in  a  series  of  college  donors  to  the 
Red  Cross  Blood  Center  in  Charlotte  on 
August  21.  Stuart  W.  Elliott,  '50,  was 
chairman  of  the  alumni  committee  that 
organized  the  donations.  Ruth  Nance, 
'51,  was  in  charge  of  contacting  students 
now  enrolled  at  the  University,  and  was 
assisted  by  Mabel  Ruth  Nease,  Duke  soph- 

Officers  of  the  association  are  S.  R. 
Brookshire,  '27,  president ;  Walter  Canipe, 
'34,  vice-president;  Webb  Bost,  '40,  sec- 
retary; Guy  S.  Chesick,  '48,  treasurer; 
Mattie  Spence  Simpson  (Mrs.  James  R.), 
'26,  representative  to  the  Alumnae  Coun- 
cil; and  Elizabeth  Blair,  '50,  correspond- 
ing secretary. 

Steel  for  Leather 

Billy  Cox,  '51,  who  holds  the  Blue 
Devil  record  for  gridiron  yardage  in 
a  single  season,  examines  the  steel 
helmet  that  temporarily  replaces  the 
more  familiar  leather  one.  At  the 
Navy  Reserve  Officer  Candidate  School 
at  Treasure  Island,  San  Francisco, 
Calif.,  he  recently  completed  a  six- 
week  course  before  scheduled  to  join 
the  Washington  Redskins  for  a  "fling" 
with  pro-football.  And  "fling"  it  will 
be,  if  he  continues  to  pass  in  Wash- 
ington as  he  did  at  Duke. 

Association  Officers  for  1951 

Officers  of  General  Alumni  Association 
President:   William  M.   Werber,   '30,   828   National  Press 

Building,  Washington,  D.  C. 
Vice-President:   Richard   E.    Thigpen,    '22,    112    S.    Tryon 

Street,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Fred  Folger,  '23,  Mount  Airy,  N.  C. 

Kenneth  M.  Brim,  '20,  L  '21,  Box  569,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Secretary:  Charles  A.  Dukes,  '29,  Durham 

Birmingham,  Ala Thomas  K.  Bullock,  '48,  A.M.  '50 

Los  Angeles,  Calif John  S.  Perry,  '39 

San  Francisco,  Calif .   R.  J.  Stull,  '40 

Hartford,  Conn Ralph  M.  Swenson,  Jr.,  '42 

Denver,  Colo. J.  Levering  Baily,  '42 

Washington,  D.  C Miss  Frances  A.  Davis,  '32 

Jacksonville,  Fla.   .  Hazel  Tipping  Thebaut  ( Mrs.  W.  Cecil )  ,'40 

Miami,  Fla Dr.  Harold  K.  Terry,  B.S.  '36 

St.  Petersburg,  Fla Robert  L.  Allen,  Jr.,  '47 

Atlanta,  Ga Miss  Allyson  Waggoner,  '49 

Columbus,  Ga A.  Edward  Smith,  '26 

Macon,  Ga William  P.  Simmons,  '37 

Hawaii Dr.  Dorothy  M.  Heagy,  M.Ed.  '44 

Chicago,  111 Mr.  Milford  Baum,  '30 

Central  Kentucky Arthur  B.  Rouse,  Jr.,  '38 

Louisville,  Ky Byron  C.  Grimes,  '31 

New  Orleans,  La Dan  M.  Brandon,  B.S.M.E.  '42 

Baltimore,  Md Charles  B.  Tichenor,  B.S.  '45 

Boston,  Mass Zaeh  T.  White,  '42 

Detroit,  Mich Thomas  T.  Munson,  '36 

Northern  New  Jersey G.  Frederick  Hockenjos,  '43 

Buffalo,  N.  Y Dr.  Marvin  A.  Rapp,  A.M.  '40,  Ph.D.  '48 

New  York  City Robert  Lee  Hatcher,  Jr.,  '28 

Rochester,  N.  Y Theodore  R.  Tuke,  '42 

Cleveland,  Ohio Thomas  O.  Matia,  '47 

Cincinnati,  Ohio Mr.  A.  R.  Thomas,  B.S.  '43 

Philadelphia,  Pa Frederick  L.  Mann,  Jr.,  B.S.M.E.  '45 

Pittsburgh,  Pa Donald  Frederick  Anderson,  '41 

Lancaster,  Pa Allen  W.  Pegram,  '28 

Columbia,  S.  C The  Honorable  Roy  A.  Powell,  '35 

Memphis,  Tenn Dr.  Jack  Greenfield,  M.D.  '36 

Nashville,  Tenn William  D.  Scribner,  '33 

Newport  News,  Va. Donald  M.  Hyatt,  '32 

Officers  of  the  General  Alumnae  Association 
President:  Mrs.  W.  B.  Willard   (Coma  Cole),  '22,  1700  St. 

Mary's  Street,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
Vice-President:  Frances  A.  Davis,  '32,  3665  38th  St.,  N.W., 

Washington  16,  D.  C. 

L.  Anne  Seawell,  '40,  A.M.  '41,  160  Stanton  Way,  Athens, 

Secretary :  Anne  Garrard,  '25,  Durham 

Norfolk,  Va Charles  W.  Perdue,  '40 

Richmond,  Va Edgar  Crenshaw,  '47 

Roanoke,  Va Dr.  Fred  Hamlin,  '13 


Alamance Joseph  T.  Lyon,  Jr.,  B.S.M.E.  '43 

Albemarle.. John  N.  Turner,  '35 

Beaufort,  Washington,  Martin 

and  Hyde Zebulon  V.  Norman,  '10 

Buncombe George  Sanders,  LL.B.  '32 

Caldwell    Samuel  Tuttle,  '99 

Caswell-Rockingham Ralph  W.  Fonville,  B.S.,  '31 

Catawba Andrew  Warlick,  '13 

Columbus-Bladen James  M.  Martin,  '38,  A.M.  '41 

Cumberland '. J.  R.  McPhail,  '07 

Davidson Frank  R.  File,  '27 

Forsyth Luther  Williams,  '36 

Gaston-Lincoln Charles  G.  Clegg,  '26 

Guilford Dr.  R.  M.  Taliaferro,  '37,  M.D.  '41 

Harnett James  Snipes,  '35 

Haywood  and  Jackson Col.  Minthorne  W.  Reed,  '28 

High  Point A.  Glenn  Smith,  '29 

Mecklenburg S.  R.  Brookshire,  '27 

Nash  and  Edgecombe William  D.  Bennett,  '43 

New  Hanover,  Pender,  and  Brunswick 

Ethel  Williams  Barrett  (Mrs.  George  W.),  '36 

Person    Albert  Lee  Hendren,  '36,  M.Ed.  '40 

Sampson Dr.  Amos  Johnson,  '29 

Scotland James  R.  McKenzie,  '33 

Stanly Ernest  N.  Knotts,  B.S.  '45,  A.B.  '47 

Surry-Stokes Thomas  B.  Ashby,  '23 

Union-Anson S.  Glenn  Hawfield,  '15 

Wake R.  Shelton  White,  '21 

Wilson Rev.  Robert  W.  Bradshaw,  '19 

[  Page  216  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 

Luncheon  in  Atlanta 

Duke  alumni  and  parents  of  Duke 
students  are  invited  to  a  special  pre- 
game  luncheon  before  the  Blue  Devils 
meet  the  Georgia  Tech  Yellow  Jackets 
in  Atlanta  on  November  3.  It  will  be 
held  from  12  to  1:30  o'clock  at  the 
Georgian  Terrace  (across  the  street 
from  the  Fox  Theater.)  Honor  guests 
will  be  President  Edens;  Charles  A. 
Dukes,  director  of  alumni  affairs;  Bill 
Hobbs,  president  of  Coca  Cola;  and 
a  quartet. 

Reservations  for  the  luncheon  may 
be  made  by  contacting  Kenneth  W. 
McLennan,  4100  Peachtree  Road, 
N.E.,  Apartment  12  G,  Atlanta,  Ga., 
or  calling  Atlanta,  Ch.  1852. 

A  special  section  of  tickets  for  the 
game  is  being  held  for  alumni  and 
parents  of  students  by  H.  M.  Lewis, 
business  manager,  Duke  University 
Athletic  Association,  Durham,  N.  C. 
Persons  desiring  tickets  should  get 
them  immediately. 

The  parking  problem  for  the  game 
will  be  solved  by  parking  near  the 
Fox  Theater.  The  stadium  is  within 
walking  distance  of  the  Theater  and 
the  Georgian  Terrace. 

Top  ordnance  scientists  around  the  conference  table  at  a  recent  meeting  at  the 
Office  of  Ordnance  Research  on  the  Duke  campus  are,  starting  in  the  foreground  and 
going  clockwise,  Dr.  F.  C.  Vilbrandt,  Virginia  Polytechnic  Institute;  Dr.  J.  J.  Gergen, 
Duke;  Lt.  Col.  D.  S.  Murphy  and  H.  Markus,  Frankford  Arsenal,  Philadelphia,  Pa.; 
Dr.  H.  W.  Lewis,  Duke ;  G.  R.  Rugger,  Picatinny  Arsenal,  Dover,  N.  J. ;  Dr.  Marcus 
Hobbs  (standing),  Duke,  acting  chief  scientist,  O.O.R. ;  Col.  W.  W.  Holler,  command- 
ing officer,  O.O.R. ,  and  conference  director;  Dr.  J.  W.  Roe,  University  of  North  Caro- 
lina; Dr.  L.  D.  Jaffe,  Watertown  Arsenal;  Dr.  W.  C.  Vosburgh,  Duke;  Dr.  H.  I. 
Fusfeld,  Frankford;  Dr.  J.  H.  Saylor,  Duke;  C.  R,  Cornthwaite  and  E.  L.  Hollady, 
Office,  Chief  of  Ordnance,  Washington,  D.  C.  Not  shown  is  Col.  I.  0.  Drewry,  senior 
representative  from  Washington,  who  had  not  yet  arrived. 

Ordnance  Research  Center  Comes  to  Duke 

Duke  University  has  been  named  the 
site  of  a  newly  organized,  permanent  Of- 
fice of  Ordnance  Research,  which  will  di- 
rect a  nation-wide  research  program  and 
will  serve  as  a  scientific  clearing  house 
for  all  basic  research  of  potential  interest 
to  the  U.S.  Army  Ordnance  Corps. 

The  Ordnance  Corps  designs  and  pro- 
duces artillery,  small  arms,  rocket  launch- 
ers and  their  respective  forms  of  ammu- 
nition. It  has  chosen  Duke  as  the  seat  of 
its  research  office  because  of  "local  scien- 
tific activities,  technical  information  avail- 
able here  through  scientific  consultants, 
laboratories  and  libraries,  and  because  of 
the  regional  density  of  available  scien- 
tists and  other  facilities."  The  Univer- 
sity, therefore,  receives  another  and  highly 
significant  commendation  for  its  scientific 

Dr.  Marcus  E.  Hobbs,  professor  of 
chemistry,  is  now  serving  as  acting  chief 

scientist  for  the  office.  His  staff  includes 
12  other  scientists  who,  with  outside  spe- 
cialists and  ordnance  personnel,  are  eval- 
uating basic  research  programs  and 
awarding  research  contracts. 

The  staff  will  eventually  consist  of 
about  15  scientists  and  25  technical  and 
administrative  personnel.  Educational  and 
industrial  research  institutions  over  the 
nation  have  been  invited  to  submit  pro- 
posals for  research  projects,  which  will 
be  integrated  into  the  institutions'  exist- 
ing research  programs  and  used  in  train- 
ing graduate  research  students. 

Commanding  officer  of  the  unit  is  Col. 
Walker  W.  Holler,  a  native  of  Cornwell, 
S.  C.  Col.  Holler  attended  Wofford  Col- 
lege in  Spartanburg,  S.  C,  and  received 
the  B.S.  degree  from  the  U.  S.  Naval 
Academy  in  1924,  after  which  he  took 
ordnance  post-graduate  work  at  M.I.T. 
During  World  War  II  he  occupied  a  key 

position  in  the  office  of  the  Chief  of 
Ordnance  and  was  a  consultant  during 
the  Potsdam  Conference  in  1945.  He  is 
the  son  of  the  Rev.  A.  E.  Holler,  now 
a  resident  of  Lake  Junaluska,  N.  C. 

Research  projects  will  be  evaluated  and 
contracts  awarded  in  accordance  with 
their  relation  not  only  to  specific  ordnance 
problems,  but  also  to  "frontier  areas  of 
science  where  results  are  likely  to  affect 
strongly  all  human  affairs,  including-  war- 

During  September,  15  top  scientists 
from  Ordnance  Corps  arsenals  over  the 
United  States  met  at  Duke  for  a  policy 
conference  at  which  a  balanced  materials 
research  program  for  1951-52  was  worked 

The  office  is  located  at  2127  Myrtle 
Drive,  the  former  Hanes  House,  near  the 
main  entrance  to  West  Campus. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 

[  Page  217 ] 

New  Scholarships  Are  Announced 

This  month  the  University  announced 
that  three  new  regional  scholarships,  two 
for  men  and  one  for  women,  have  been 
established,  and  that  the  first  awards 
will  be  made  this  year  to  become  effective 
next   September. 

The  new  prizes  will  be  for  students 
residing  in  Virginia,  the  District  of  Co- 
lumbia, and  parts  of  Maryland.  Each 
will  be  worth  $750  a  year  to  the  recipient, 
and,  as  long  as  the  awardee  remains 
qualified,  it  will  provide  financial  assist- 
ance over  the  four-year  undergraduate 
period.  The  maximum  value,  therefore, 
is  $3,000. 

The  regions  in  which  annual  awards 
will  be  made  are  as  follows : 

Region  I  for  men :  The  District  of  Co- 
lumbia ;  the  Virginia  counties  of  Albe- 
marle, Augusta,  Clarke,  Culpeper,  Fair- 
fax, Farquer,  Frederick,  Greene,  High- 
land, King  George,  Loudoun,  Madison, 
Orange,  Page,  Prince  William,  Rappa- 
hannock, Rockingham,  Shenandoah, 
Spotsylvania,  Stafford,  Wan-en.  and 
Westmoreland ;  and  the  Maryland  coun- 
ties of  Montgomery  and  Prince  Georges. 

Region  II  for  men  :  The  State  of  Vir- 
ginia excluding  those  counties  com- 
prising a  part  of  Region  I. 

Region  I  for  women :  The  State  of  Vir- 
ginia, District  of  Columbia,  and  Mont- 
gomery and  Prince  Georges  Counties  of 

Objective  and  Basis  of  Award 

These  new  regional  scholarships  were 
founded  as  part  of  the  University's  pro- 
gram to  attract  students  of  exceptional 
ability  from  throughout  the  United 
States,  with  emphasis  on  the  Southeast- 
ern  section. 

To  quote  the  official  announcement : 
"The  scholarships  are  intended  to  en- 
courage as  students  young  men  and 
women  who  give  promise  of  becoming 
leaders  in  their  chosen  fields  of  endeavor. 
As  potential  leaders,  they  should  possess 
character,  personality,  intellectual  in- 
tegrity, vitality,  and  imagination.  As 
students  they  should  possess  scholastic- 
ability  of  a  creative  sort  and  minds  that 
can  digest  and  use  the  knowledge  they 
acquire.  The  scholarships  are  designed 
to  stimulate  young  men  and  women  who 
possess  these  traits  to  become  citizens 
with  a  genuine  interest  in  society  and 
with  ability  to  influence  and  direct  the 
course  of  affairs." 

Specific  requirements  of  eligibility  are 

also  set  forth  in  the  announcement. 

The  recipient  must  have  graduated 
from  a  secondary  school  with  a  record 
that  placed  him  in  the  upper  25  per  cent 
of  the  class  in  scholastic  standing.  He 
must  have  college  aptitude  as  shown  by 
tests.  The  breadth  of  the  student's  in- 
terests and  his  native  ability  will  be  in- 
dicated by  extra-curricular  activities,  their 
nature,  quantity,  and  degree  of  success 
attained  in  each  one. 

Particular  reference  will  be  made  to 
the  display  of  leadership  ability  through 
church  and  other  organizational  activities. 
Personality,  poise,  stability,  and  vitality 
will  be  determined  in  personal  interviews 
with  University  personnel. 

Alumni  Will  Help 

The  University's  former  students,  who 
reside  in  the  regions  of  the  awards,  will 
be  able  to  give  valuable  assistance  in 
selecting  awardees  for  these  new  prizes. 

They  will  be  asked  to  recommend  candi- 
dates of  whom  they  are  aware  in  local 
high  and  preparatory  schools,  and,  in 
general,  to  encourage  promising  young 
men  and  women  to  apply  for  the  scholar- 
ships. It  is  believed  that  competition  for 
the  awards  will  arouse  a  greater  interest 
in  Duke  in  the  regions  involved,  and  that 
students  who  are  eliminated  when  awards 
are  made  may  still  be  attracted  to  the 

Those  applicants  who  are  eliminated  by 
virtue  of  competing  with  other  students 
of  superior  qualifications,  it  is  believed, 
will  for  the  most  part  be  the  sort  of 
students  the  University  is  particularly 
desirous  of  enrolling.  Those  who  do 
possess  high  qualifications,  and  who  need 
financial  assistance,  will  be  encouraged 
to  apply  for  other  scholarships  or  to  seek 
financial  aid  through  loan  funds  and 
other  sources. 

Alumni  will  be  asked  to  help  in  an- 
other connection,  too. 

It  is  planned  to  interview  each  candi- 
date in  his  or  her  home  area  before 
campus  interviews  are  conducted.  These 
interviews  are  to  be  held  with  a  repre- 
sentative of  Duke  and  with  a  former  stu- 
dent of  the  University  who  is  familiar 
with  the  candidate's  background  and 

These  new  regional  scholarships  are 
similar,  in  value  and  in  the  qualifications 
of  applicants,  to  the  Angier  B.  Duke 
Regional  Prizes  for  men  and  women  in 
Xorth  Carolina. 

Dr.  James  H.  Phillips,  '33 

Dr.  J.  H.  Phillips  Becomes 
Chaplain  to  the  University 

A  new  office  has  been  created  on  the 
Duke  campus,  and  a  popular  preacher 
has  been  chosen  to  fill  it.  Dr.  James  H. 
Phillips,  '33,  director  of  religious  activi- 
ties, has  been  appointed  Chaplain  to  the 

As  Chaplain,  Dr.  Phillips  will  be  the 
chief  administrative  officer  of  student  re- 
ligious activities  and  will  supervise  the 
work  of  two  associates  in  charge  of  re- 
ligious activities  on  East  and  West  Cam- 
puses, and  the  work  of  the  University's 
five  denominational  chaplains. 

Other  duties  of  the  Chaplain  will  be  to 
serve  as  chairman  of  the  administrative 
committee  of  the  Chapel  and  be  respon- 
sible for  all  regular  services  in  the  Chapel. 
Dr.  Phillips  will  also  preach  periodically 
during  the  year  and  will  serve  as  pastor 
to  the  students.  He  will  continue  on  the 
faculty  as  assistant  professor  of  Biblical 

President  Edens  said,  "Dr.  Phillips  will 
share  the  responsibility,  with  the  preach- 
ers to  the  University  and  the  dean  of  the 
Divinity  School,  of  representing  the  Uni- 
versity in  an  official  capacity  from  time 
to  time." 

A  native  of  Charlotte,  N,  C,  Dr.  Phil- 
lips joined  the  Duke  staff  in  1946.  Hav- 
ing completed  his  undergraduate  work  at 
Duke,  he  later  attended  the  Duke  Divinity 
School.  He  received  the  B.D.  and  Ph.D. 
degrees  from  Tale  University  in  1936  and 
1942.  Before  returning  to  Duke,  he  taught 
at  the  American  University  in  Washing- 
ton, D.  C,  and  was  associate  pastor  of 
the  Foundrv  Methodist  Church  in  Wash- 

[  Page,  218  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 

ington  in  1942-43.  From  1938-42  he  was 
associate  pastor  of  the  First  Congrega- 
tional Church  in  Waterbury,  Conn.  Dur- 
ing World  War  II,  Dr.  Phillips  served  as 
chaplain  in  the  Second  Air  Force. 

Dr.  Phillips  holds  membership  in  the 
Western  North  Carolina  Conference  of 
the  Methodist  Church,  Biblical  Literature, 
and  Omicron  Delta  Kappa,  National  lead- 
ership fraternity. 

He  is  married  to  the  former  Miss  Alice 
Searight  of  Washington,  D.  C. 

High  Blood  Pressure  Cause 

The  discovery  of  a  hitherto  unknown 
compound  that  may  be  the  basic  cause 
for  high  blood  pressure  has  been  reported 
by  Dr.  Philip  Handler,  professor  of  bio- 
chemistry, and  Dr.  Frederick  Bernheim, 
professor  of  pharmacology. 

The  co-discoverers  reported  the  results 
of  their  four-year  search  to  the  annual 
meeting  of  the  Federation  of  American 
Societies  for  Experimental  Biology.  Ex- 
periments with  rats  led  to  the  finding  that 
the  compound,  called  a  "pressor"  sub- 
stance, is  linked  with  the  action  of  the 
kidneys.  Normally  it  is  excreted  from 
the  body  in  the  urine,  but  when  kidneys 
are  damaged  it  stays  in  the  body  and 
causes  high  blood  pressure. 

Through  a  series  of  operations  on  rat 
kidneys,  and  by  the  administering  of  spe- 
cial diets  to  these  rats,  they  found  that 
rats  with  damaged  kidneys  were  develop- 
ing high  blood  pressure  apparently  be- 
cause their  kidneys  could  not  excrete 
some  damaging  substance.  By  some 
tricky  detective  work  they  identified  the 
substance  as  a  new  compound.  They  can 
now  measure  it  and  can  concentrate  it  in 
solution.     Further  studies  are  under  way. 

It  is  thought  that  the  discovery  may 
settle  the  long  standing  issue  of  whether 
or  not  all  high  blood  pressure  is  caused  by 
kidney  trouble. 

William  N.  Reynolds,  '86,  Trustee 
Since  1927,  Dies  in  Winston-Salem 

Degrees  from  Harvard 

Ten  Duke  University  graduates  have 
received  advanced  degrees  from  Har- 
vard University  this  summer. 

The  graduates  are :  Bayard  T.  Reed, 
class  of  '42,  M.B.A. ;  Joe  M.  Kyle,  '48, 
B.L.;  John  B.  Waugh,  '49,  M.B.A. ; 
Bollin  L.  Brown,  '50,:  M.A.;  PauLE. 
Long,  '44,  M.B.A.;  Edward  C.  Credle, 
'46,  M.E.;  Spinks  H.  Marsh,  '45,  M.D.; 
Ralph  L.  Nash,  '45,  Ph.D.;  Franklin 
G.  Norris,  '47,  M.D.;  and  Charles  J. 
Frederick,  '48. 

William  Neal  Reynolds,  '86,  a  Univer- 
sity Trustee  since  1927,  and  retired  chair- 
man of  the  executive  committee  of  the 
R.  J.  Reynolds  Tobacco  Company,  died 
September  10  in  a  Winston-Salem  hos- 
pital. He  was  88  years  old.  The  funeral 
was  held  at  the  First  Presbyterian  Church 
in  Winston-Salem,  and  burial  was  in 
Salem  Cemetery. 

"Mr.  Will,"  as  his  friends  always  called 
him,  was  a  great  harness  racing  enthusi- 
ast, and  was,  in  fact,  stricken  by  his  last 
illness  a  month  before  his  death  at  the 
Hambletonian  race  meeting  in  Goshen, 
N.  Y. 

With  Mr.  Reynolds  passed  an  era  of 
advancement  for  Southern  economy,  for 
he  was  a  member  of  the  original  group  of 
men  who  helped  industrialize  North  Caro- 
lina by  laying  the  groundwork  of  a  vast 
tobacco  industry  in  the  late  19th  century. 
A  native  of  Patrick  County,  Va.,  Mr. 
Reynolds  entered  the  tobacco  business  in 
partnership  with  his  older  brother, 
Richard  Joshua  Reynolds,  and  Henry 
Roan  in  1888.  The  R.  J.  Reynolds  To- 
bacco Company  is  now  famous  for  its 
manufacture  of  Camel  cigarettes.  Mr. 
Reynolds  became  head  of  the  leaf  pur- 
chasing department  and  a  member  of  the 
board  of  directors,  and  rose  to  the  vice- 
presidency  in  1889.  In  1918  he  became 
president,  and  in  1924,  chairman  of  the 
board  of  directors.  From  1931  until  his 
retirement  in  1942,  he  was  chairman  of 
the  executive  committee.  In  addition  he 
was  a  director  of  the  Wachovia  Bank  and 
Trust  Company. 

Mr.  Reynolds  attended  Trinity  College 
from  1882  until  1884  when  the  College 
was  located  in  Randolph  County.  As  a 
Trustee,  he  was  also  a  member  of  the 
executive  committee  of  the  board. 

On  March  6,  1889,  Mr.  Reynolds  was 
married  to  the  former  Kate  G.  Bitting. 
The  couple  had  no  children.  Mrs.  Reyn- 
olds died  in  1946.  Before  her  death,  they 
gave  the  Kate  Bitting  Reynolds  Memorial 
Hospital  for  Negroes  in  Winston-Salem. 

■  A  great  philanthropist,  Mr.  Reynolds 
preferred  to  have  his  beneficence  go  un- 
publicized.  Some  of  his  gifts  included  a 
$340,000  supplement  to  the  salaries  of 
department  heads  at  North  Carolina  State 
College ;  $100,000  toward  a  new  library  in 
Winston-Salem;     $75,000     for    the    high 

W.  N.  Reynolds, 

school  at  Critz,  Patrick  County,  Va. ;  and 
$100,000  to  the  Glade  Valley  School,  a 
Presbyterian  school  for  mountain  children 
at  Roaring  Gap,  N.  C.  He  also  made 
generous  gifts  to  other  North  Carolina 
educational  institutions  including  Duke 
University,  Wake  Forest  and  Davidson 
College.  He  left  an  1100-acre  estate  to 
Winston-Salem  and  Forsyth  County,  and 
funds  for  its  upkeep,  for  a  public  park 
in  his  will. 

The  William  Neal  Reynolds  Coliseum 
at  State  College  in  Raleigh,  which  is 
named  in  honor  of  him,  was  built  in  part 
by  funds  donated  by  Mr.  Reynolds'  niece, 
Mrs.  Charles  Babcock,  the  former  Mary 
Reynolds,  for  whom  he  named  one  of  his 
great  harness  horses. 

Mr.  Reynolds  made  his  home  at  Tangle- 
wood  Farms,  just  outside  of  Winston- 
Salem,  where  he  kept  a  large  stable.  In 
1922,  following  an  operation,  his  doctor 
prescribed  plenty  of  fresh  air  and  exer- 
cise for  swift  recovery,  and  Mr.  Reynolds 
became  interested  in  harness  racing.  He 
would  work  behind  his  horses  at  least  25 
miles  a  day,  and  became  one  of  the  keen- 
est trainers  in  the  country.  Several  of 
his  horses  won  the  Hambletonian.  Dur- 
ing the  winters,  he  maintained  a  stable 
in  Orlando,  Fla. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 

[  Page  219 ] 

The  Finer  Things  of  Life 

by   Frances   Gray  Pattern,  '26..     Dodd, 

Mead  and  Company. 

Frances  Gray  Pattern,  '26,  wife  of  Pro- 
fessor Lewis  Patton  of  the  English  De- 
partment, has  written  a  collection  of 
short  stories  which  will  be  published  next 
month  by  Dodd,  Mead  and  Company  un- 
der the  title   The  Finer  Things  of  Life. 

Mrs.  Patton  is  a  frequent  contributor 
to  The  New  Yorker  and  other  national 
magazines.  In  1944  she  won  second  place 
among  1,140  entries  in  a  short  story  con- 
test conducted  by  The  Kenyon  Review 
and  Doubleday,  Doran  and  Company.  In 
1945  one  of  her  stories  was  published  in 
the  0.  Henry  Memorial  Award  Prize 
Stories  Collection,  and  last  year  another 
included  in  a  ten-year  anthology  The 
Best  New  Yorker  Stories,  1940-1950. 

The  Finer  Things  of  Life,  Mrs.  Pat- 
ton's  first  book,  will  contain  a  number  of 
sketches  about  her  own  Southern  child- 
hood and  her  life  in  a  Southern  university 

The  Ragged  Ones 

by    Burke    Davis,    '35.     Binehart    and 


The  Bagged  Ones,  by  Burke  Davis,  '35, 
is  the  first  major  work  of  fiction  to  deal 
with  the  neglected  campaign  from  Cow- 
pens  to  Guilford  Court  House  which  did 
so  much  to  break  British  military  power 
in  America  during  the  Revolutionary 

The  book  tells  the  story  of  the  breath- 
less retreat  of  General  Greene  before 
Cornwallis  in  the  1781  Revolutionary 
campaign  in  North  Carolina,  and  the 
grim  daily  lives  of  the  men,  women  and 
slaves  with  the  two  armies.  Some  of  its 
scenes  are  laid  in  the  Durham  area,  no- 
tably the  account  of  the  British  occupa- 
tion of  Hillsboro,  and  the  massacre  of 
several  hundred  Tories  under  Colonel 
Pyle  in  Alamance  County. 

Burke  Davis,  a  native  of  Durham,  at- 
tended both  Duke  and  the  University  of 
North  Carolina.  For  10  years  he  was  a 
newspaperman  in  Charlotte.  He  began 
research  on  the  novel  about  10  years  ago. 

The  Literature  of   the  American 


Co-author,  Dr.   Clarence   Gohdes.    Ap- 

pleton-Century-Crofts,  Inc. 

Dr.  Clarence  Gohdes,  professor  of 
American  literature  at  Duke,  is  the  author 
of  one  of  four  sections  of  a  recently  pub- 
lished American  literary  history. 

The    book,    entitled    The   Literature    of 


the  American  People,  and  published  by 
Appleton-Century-Crofts,  Inc.,  presents  a 
comprehensive  discussion  of  American 
writing  since  Colonial  times.  It  empha- 
sizes the  relation  of  writing  to  painting, 
sculpture,  architecture,  politics  and  social 
movements,  and  includes  the  first  treat- 
ment of  drama  as  a.  vital  part  of  Ameri- 
can literature. 

Co-authors  with  Dr.  Gohdes  are  Dr. 
George  F.  Whicher,  director  of  American 
studies  at  Amherst;  Dr.  Kenneth  B.  Mur- 
doek,  senior  professor  of  American  litera- 
ture at  Harvard;  and  Dr.  Arthur  H. 
Quinn,  professor  emeritus  of  American 
literature  at  the  University  of  Pennsyl- 

A  member  of  the  Duke  University  fac- 
ulty since  1930,  Dr.  Gohdes  is  managing 
editor  of  American  Literature,  a  research 

Discovering  Children's  Interests 

Co-author,  Dr.  G.  Frederick  Kuder.  Sci- 
ence Besearch  Associates,  Chicago. 
Dr.  G.  Frederick  Kuder,  Duke  psy- 
chologist, and  Miss  Blanee  E.  Paulson, 
Chicago  public  school  guidance  super- 
visor, have  collaborated  in  writing  a  book 
entitled  "Discovering  Children's  Inter- 
ests.'' Of  principal  interest  to  parents, 
the  authors  point  out  that  elders  must 
understand  the  interests  of  their  offspring 
in  order  to  do  an  intelligent  job  of  guid- 

They  develop  the  point  that  the  inter- 
ests of  children,  besides  their  importance 
in  shaping  careers,  can  play  a  big  part 
in  satisfying  the  basic  need  of  youngsters 
for  security,  adventure  and  creative  self- 

Dr.  Kuder  has  been  a  member  of  the 
Duke  psychology  faculty  since  1948.  He 
is  the  author  of  the  famed  Kuder  Prefer- 
ence Record  for  vocation  and  career 

Legal  Drafting 

by  Bobert  N.  Cook,  LL.B.  '36.    Foun- 
dation Press  Company. 
Robert  N.   Cook,  LL.B.  '36,  professor 
of    law    at-  Western    Reserve    University 
School   of   Law,   has   completed   the   first 
text  covering  the  subject  of  Legal  Draft- 

ing,   which   has    been    published    by   the 
Foundation  Press  Company. 

The  book,  highlighting  such  subjects  as 
legal  composition,  simple  agreements,  or- 
ganization of  corporations,  and  others, 
has  been  selected  for  use  in  law  school 
courses  as  well  as  for  reference  use  by 
practicing  attorneys. 

A  graduate  of  Bucknell  University  and 
the  Duke  School  of  Law,  Mr.  Cook  has 
been  teaching  at  Western  Reserve  Uni- 
versity since  1946.  He  is  married  and 
has  three  children. 

Compulsory   Labor  Arbitration   in 
France,  1936-1939 

by    Dr.    Joel    Colton.     King's    Crown 

Press,  Columbia  University. 

At  a  time  when  public  attention  is  fo- 
cused on  the  wage-price  spiral,  on  gov- 
ernment's relation  to  strikes,  and  on 
labor-management  relations  in  general,  a 
Duke  professor,  Dr.  Joel  Colton,  of  the 
History  Department,  has  just  completed 
a  book  on  a  compulsory  arbitration  sys- 
tem that  was  tried  in  France  in  the  years 
just  before  World  War  II.  The  volume, 
entitled  Compulsory  Labor  Arbitration  in 
France,  1936-1939,  is  published  by  King's 
Crown  Press  of  Columbia  University. 

Dr.  Colton's  book  explains  the  French 
system,  which  prescribed  that  all  labor 
disputes  that  could  not  be  settled  by  the 
parties  or  by  government  conciliation 
boards  had  to  be  submitted  to  the  decision 
of  an  arbitrator,  chosen  by  the  parties  if 
possible,  but  otherwise  by  the  government 
from  panels  drawn  up  previously.  The 
decision  of  the  arbitrator  was  to  be  final. 
As  might  be  expected,  a  variety  of  prob- 
lems arose  in  the  application  of  the  law, 
and  Dr.  Colton  describes  them  and  their 
solutions  in  his  critical  examination  of 
the  system. 

The  conclusion  at  which  Dr.  Colton  ar- 
rives is  that,  with  all  of  its  faults,  the 
arbitration  system  served  a  very  useful 
purpose  by  providing  a  means  of  adjust- 
ing wages  to  prices  in  a  time  of  rapidly 
rising  prices,  by  cutting  down  appreciably 
on  the  number  of  strikes  and  lockouts, 
and  by  providing  conciliation  and  arbitra- 
tion machinery  that  was  sorely  needed  in 

When,  last  year,  the  French  legislature 
was  called  upon  to  decide  the  fate  of  the 
prewar  system,  the  result  was  a  compro- 
mise in  which  much  of  the  prewar  media- 
tion machinery  was  restored  and  a  pro- 
vision adopted  that,  as  before,  all  disputes 
have  to  be  submitted  to  government  con- 

[  Page  220 ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 

ciliation  bodies.  But  the  submission  of 
disputes  to  arbitration,  Dr.  Colton  points 
out,  is  now  on.  a  voluntary  basis. 

As  a  supplement  to  the  volume  now 
being  published,  Dr.  Colton  has  sum- 
marized the  system  recently  adopted  in 
France  in  an  article  appearing  in  the 
Winter,  1951,  issue  of  The  Arbitration 

The  Happy  Mayor 

by  J.  Bay  Shute,  '25.    Nocalore  Press. 

A  rather  unique  book,  The  Eappy 
Mayor,  consisting  of  studies  in  democracy 

Concert  Series 

The  1951-52  season  of  the  popular 
Duke  University  All-Star  Concert 
Series  will  open  Thursday,  October 
11,  with  an  off-the-series  attraction, 
Ballet  Theatre.  Appearing  on  the 
campus  for  the  third  consecutive  year, 
Ballet  Theatre  continues  to  draw  and 
delight  capacity  audiences  with  its  ex- 
cellence in  artistry  and  colorfully 
executed   program. 

Later  in  the  season  the  Charles  L. 
Wagner  Opera  Company  will  present 
an  off-the-series  attraction  of  Verdi's 
immortal  La  Traviata,  on  November 
27,  with  John  Alexander,  '45,  now  a 
member  of  the  Cincinnati  Zoo  Opera 
Company,  singing  the  tenor  role  of 
Alfredo.  On  December  6,  the  very 
popular  First  Piano  Quartet  will  make 
an   off-the-series  performance. 

Tickets  for  all  three  off-the-series 
attractions  are  still  available.  For 
information  and  reservations,  write 
J.  Foster  Barnes,  Box  4822,  Duke  Sta- 
tion, Durham,  N.  C,  or  phone  9-011, 
extension  6225.  Tickets  are  priced  at 
$2.50,  $3.00  and  $3.50. 

The  regular  All-Star  Concert  Series, 
which  this  year  presents  the  most  ex- 
pensive and  probably  most  popular  list 
of  attractions  ever  offered,  has  al- 
ready been  sold  out.  Such  audience 
enthusiasm  is  understandable  when 
one  reads  the  impressive  list  of  artists 
scheduled  to  appear:  Patrice  Munsel, 
soprano,  October  16;  Friedrich  Gulda, 
pianist,  November  13 ;  Singing  Boys  of 
Norway,  January  31;  Sadler's  Wells 
Theatre  Ballet,  February  21;  and  Je- 
rome Hines,  basso,  March  10. 


and  the  city,  has  been  written  by  J.  Ray 
Shute  and  published  by  the  Nocalore  Press 
of  Monroe,  N.  C.  Most  of  the  chapters 
were  originally  given  as  addresses  before 
the  North  Carolina  League  of  Munici- 
palities, over  which  Mr.  Shute,  who  is 
Mayor  of  Monroe,  presided  as  president 
in  1950. 

One  of  these  provocative  addresses  was 
read  into  the  Congressional  Record.  The 
Happy  Mayor  is  challenging  and  timely, 
and  should  be  of  interest  to  every  mu- 
nicipal officer  and  loyal  citizen.  Mr. 
Shute,  who  writes  with  ample  experience 
and  clear  insight  into  democracy  at  the 
local  level  of  government,  feels  that  the 
city  is  the  repository  and  the  last  bul- 
wark of  democracy  in  America.  This 
book  is  limited  to  but  500  copies.  Mr. 
Shute  has  also  written  several  other  books 
on  various  subjects. 

Protestant  Thought  in  the  Twen- 
tieth Century 

Dr.  H.  Shelton  Smith  and  Dr.  Waldo 
Beach,  contributors.  Macmillan  Com- 

Two  Duke  professors  contributed  es- 
says to  Protestant  Thought  in  the  Twen- 
tieth Century,  a  book  of  essays  by  leading 
theologians  which  was  selected  as  the  Re- 
ligious Book  Club  choice  for  June. 

Dr.  H.  Shelton  Smith,  professor  of 
American  Religious  Thought,  entitled  his 
essay  "Does  Progressive  Religious  Edu- 
cation Have  a  Theology?"  Dr.  Waldo 
Beach,  associate  professor  of  Christian 
Ethics,  collaborated  with  Professor  John 
Bennett  of  the  Union  Theological  Semi- 
nary in  New  York  in  a  study  of  the  de- 
velopment of  Christian  Ethics,  entitled 
"From  the  Ethics  of  Hope  to  the  Ethics 
of  Faith." 

The  Negro  and  the  Methodist 


by  Dr.  Mason  Crum. 

A  new  attack  has  been  made  on  the 
problem  of  interracial  cooperation  in. a 
new  book,  The  Negro  and  the  Methodist 
Church,  by  Dr.  Mason  Crum,  professor 
of  religion.  The  volume  has  been  released 
for  use  in  Methodist  churches,  and  film 
strips  keyed  to  the  text  are  being  pre- 
pared for  Methodist  training  schools  and 
study  groups. 

Relating  from  its  pre-Revolutionary 
beginnings  the  story  which  the  title  de- 
scribes, Dr.  Crum  portrays  the  carrying 
of  the  Gospel  to  Negroes  and  the  response 
of  the  Negroes,  not  to  theology  but  to 
Christian  love  expressed  in  sickbed  visits, 
in  hands  clasped  in  genuine  and  uneon- 
deseending  friendship.  He  discusses  the 
complications  arising  out  of  the  institu- 
tion of  slavery,  and  gives  added  evidence 
to  support  the  statement  that  the  cul- 
tural advance  of  the  Negro  in  America 
during  the  past  250  years  has  been  un- 
paralleled in  history  by  any  people. 

The  thesis  of  Dr.  Crum's  work  is  that 
interracial  cooperation  is  seriously  ham- 
pered by  a  "widespread  ignorance  of  the 
Negro's  ability  to  achieve  when  given  a 
chance."  With  this  in  mind  he  presents 
much  material  about  talented  Negroes  in 
business,  the  professions,  educational  in- 
stitutions and  the  church.  Oddly  enougn, 
he  points  out,  the  separation  of  races  m 
the  churches  is  more  complete  than  in  the 
area  of  public  education.  But  "this 
situation  is  not  altogether  the  fault  of  the 
whites,"  according  to  Dr.  Crum.  Most 
Negroes  prefer  not  to  associate  them- 
selves with  white  churches  because  in  a 
white  congregation  they  are  handicapped 
in  their  opportunity  to  achieve  official 
status  and  informal  fellowship. 

"Certainly  such  a  situation  cannot  be 
viewed  lightly  by  Christians,"  Dr.  Crum 
emphasizes,  "nor  can  it  be  pushed  aside 
as  final  and  inevitable."  His  book  ex- 
pands on  this  idea. 

Dr.  Crum's  writings  include  "Gullah : 
A  Story  of  Negro  Life  in  the  Carolina 
Sea  Islands,"  "A  Guide  to  Religious 
Pageantry,"  "The  Project  Method  in  Re- 
ligious Education"  and  "The  Story  of 
Lake  Junaluska." 


An  article  discussing  "Faith  and  Rea- 
son in  the  Thought  of  St.  Augustine"  by 
Dr.  Robert  E.  Cushman,  professor  of  sys- 
tematic theology  in  the  Duke  Divinity 
School,  appears  in  the  religious  periodical 
"Church  History." 

The  article  deals  with  the  teaching  of 
the  fourth  century  bishop  who  "laid  a 
new  and  definitive  foundation  for  Chris- 
tian philosophy." 

Dr.  Cushman  is  well  known  for  his 
contributions  to  leading  religious  publi- 
cations. Before  joining  the  Duke  faculty 
in  1945,  he  taught  at  Yale  University  and 
the  University  of  Oregon. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 

[  Page  221 ] 

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[  Page  222  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 

New  Coach— New  Plays— Impressive  Win 

A  host  of  Duke  University  alumni  fol- 
lowed the  Blue  Devils  to  Columhia,  S.  C, 
on  September  22  and  to  a  man  (and 
woman)  they  were  completely  satisfied 
with  the  performance  turned  in  by  the 
first  team  coached  by  Bill  Murray,  '31, 
first  alumnus  coach  in  the  institution's 

The  Blue  Devils,  and  a  total  of  50 
played  against  South  Carolina,  rolled  up 
the  amazing  total  of  454  yards  in  rolling 
to  a  34-6  triumph.  Not  in  many  years 
has  a  Blue  Devil  outfit  made  that  much 
yardage  against  a  major  foe. 

In  winning  the  game,  Murray  pre- 
sented a  lad  who  is  certainly  destined  to 
go  down  into  the  records  with  other  Duke 
football  greats. 

He  is  Jerry  Barger,  a  cool  and  clever 
little  freshman  from  Salisbury,  N.  C.  It 
is  unusual  enough  for  a  freshman  to  make 
a  Duke  team  but  when  this  freshman  not 
only  makes  the  starting  eleven  but  is  the 
field  general  and  directs  all  the  plays,  it 
is  really  something  unbelievable. 

Barger  won  the  major  share  of  the 
raves  from  the  sports  writers  and  radio 
commentators,  and  they  were  really  raves 
because  this  lad  caught  the  attention  of 
them  all.  As  the  game  went  along  they 
were  all  pulling  for  him. 

Barger  was  not  the  only  Duke  star, 
however.  Blaine  Earon,  the  All-America 
end,  was  a  standout  on  both  defense  and 
offense  (he  is  playing  both  this  year), 
and  Captain  Jim  Gibson  was  terrific  on 
defense  as  was  Bob  Bickel,  senior  half- 

In  such  a  one-sided  game  practically 
everyone  plays  well  but  along  /with  Barger 
in  the  backfield.  were  junior  "halfbacks 
Charlie  Smith  and  Piney  Field  and  sopho- 
more fullback  Jack  Kistler. 

Here's  how  the  scoring  went  for  those 
who  missed  full  reports  of  the  game: 

Midway  the  first  period  Captain  Gib- 

Get  Tickets  Now 

The  Athletic  Department  has  an- 
nounced that  tickets  are  still  available 
for  all  home  games,  including  Carolina, 
but  that  orders  should  be  placed  right 
now  if  seats  are  to  be  assured.  The 
South  Carolina  game,  with  its  spec- 
tacular Blue  Devil  win,  has  spurred 
ticket  requests  to  the  point  where 
shortages  will  soon  develop. 

Charlie  Smith 

Piney  Field 

son  recovered  a  Gamecock  fumble  on  the 
South  Carolina  43.  Barger  got  a  yard 
and  Kistler  two  to  the  40,  and  then  on  a 
beautifully  executed  play,  Barger  headed 
to  his  left  and  at  the  proper  time  pitched 
the  ball  out  to  Field  who  simply  outran 
the  Gamecocks  and  went  40  yards  with- 
out being'  touched.  Green  added  the  extra 
point   (he  missed  only  one  all  day). 

On  the  first  play  of  the  second  quarter 
Charlie  Smith  took  a  pitch  out  to  the 
right  and  then,  on  an  exhibition  of  beau- 
tiful running,  went  45  yards  for  a  touch- 
down, but  Duke  was  penalized  15  yards 
for  clipping  and  the  fine  run  was  nul- 

A  few  minutes  later  Duke  drove  to  the 
one-foot  line  but  couldn't  get  it  over. 
But  after  12  minutes  of  the  period  Duke 
scored  again  after  driving  all  the  way 
from  the  Duke  36.  This  drive  was  started 
when  senior  defensive  halfback  Bob  Bickel 
made  a  beautiful  one-hand  interception  of 
a  South  Carolina  pass.  Field  carried  it 
over  from  the  two  for  his  second  straight 

South  Carolina  scored  its  only  touch- 
down minutes  later.  Steve  Wadiak,  the 
splendid  Gamecock  halfback,  returned 
Duke's  kiekoff  51  yards  to  the  Blue  Devil 
42.  After  two  plays  failed  to  gain,  full- 
back Drawdy  of  the  Gamecocks  blasted 
through  the  line  and  went  all  the  way. 

Thus  Duke  retired  at  intermission  with 

only  a  one-touchdown  lead,  but  after  a 
thrilling  first  half. 

Duke  put  the  ball  game  away  with 
three  touchdowns  in  12  minutes  in  the 
third  period. 

Billy  Lea  recovered  a  Gamecock  fumble 
on  the  Gamecock  37.  Kistler  got  five, 
then  Field  added  14.  Charlie  Smith  added 
13  and  a  few-  minutes  later  Smith  drove 
over  from  the  two.  This  marker  came 
after  4 :20  of  the  period. 

A  perfect  pass  and  a  perfect  catch 
from  Barger  to  Blaine  Earon  gave  Duke 
another  touchdown  after  10  minutes. 
Duke  was  on  its  own  36  and  Barger 
lofted  the  ball  to  Earon  who  slipped  by 
the  South  Carolina  safety  man  on  the  10, 
took  it  over  his  shoulder  and  went  the 
rest  of  the  way. 

Duke's  final  touchdown  came  as  a  re- 
sult of  another  South  Carolina  fumble  on 
its  own  21.  A  pass  from  Barger  to  Gene 
Brooks  (who  caught  five  for  63  yards) 
took  it  to  the  eight  and  on  the  next  play 
Charlie  Smith  took  a  pitch  out  and  ram- 
bled over. 

The  first  home  game  under  Murray  will 
be  the  game  with  N.  C.  State  on  October 
13 ;  Virginia  will  be  met  in  the  Home- 
coming Day  Special  on  October  27;  Wake 
Forest  on  November  10 ;  and  Cai-olina  on 
November  24.  There  are  tickets  remain- 
ing for  ALL  of  the  games. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 

[  Page  223  ] 

Southeastern  Personnel 
Conference  Is  on  Campus 

Duke  University  was  host  to  this  year's 
Southeastern  Personnel  Conference  when 
personnel  executives  from  business  and 
industry  met  on  the  campus  from  Septem- 
ber 10  through.  12.  Dr.  Frank  T.  de 
Vyver,  Duke  economics  professor,  is  sec- 
retary of  the  conference. 

Delegates  heard  addresses  by  eminent 
Southern  industrial  leaders  and  attended 
the  traditional  conference  barbecue  on 
September  11. 

The  opening  address  of  the  conference 
was  delivered  by  Joseph  E.  Moody,  of 
Washington,  D.  C,  president  of  the 
Southern  Coal  Producers'  Association.  J. 
0.  Wells,  conference  chairman  and  an 
official  of  the  Ecusta  Paper  Company, 
presided.  The  closing  address  was  given 
by  William  H.  Ruffin,  president  of  Erwin 
Mills  and  also  of  the  National  Association 
of  Manufacturers. 

Three  Duke  alumni,  Charles  B.  Wade, 
Jr.,  '34,  assistant  to  the  superintendent  of 
the  R.  J.  Reynolds  Tobacco  Company, 
Winston-Salem,  N.  C. ;  J.  0.  Thomas,  '21, 
Fieldcrest  Mills,  Leaksville,  N.  C;  and 
Howard  M.  Winterson,  '39,  personnel  ad- 
ministration manager,  Lukens  Steel, 
Coatesville,  Pa.,  were  among  the  speakers 
and  discussion  leaders. 

Experts  from  business  and  industrial 
firms  led  discussions  during  the  confer- 
ence on  "Measuring  Personnel  Results," 
"Problems  of  Wage  Administration  Under 
Wage   Stabilization,"  and  related   topics. 

G.  H.  Kearns,  '97,  Creates 
Grants  for  Religious  Study 

A  $100,000  foundation  for  graduate 
study  in  religion,  "The  Gurney  Harriss 
Kearns  Foundation,"  has  been  established 
at  Duke  by  Gurney  Harriss  Kearns,  '97, 
High  Point,  N.  C,  industrialist. 

The  aim  of  the  foundation,  which  is 
non-sectarian  in  scope,  is  "to  prepare 
outstanding  teachers  of  religion  for  col- 
leges, universities  and  theological  semi- 
naries," President  Hollis  Edens  said  in 
announcing  the  gift. 

The  new  foundation  developed  as  a  re- 
sult of  additions  made  by  Mr.  Kearns  to 
a  trust  fund  he  established  for  a  similar 
purpose  in  1935.  Some  20  outstanding 
students  of  six  different  denominations 
have  held  annual  Kearns  fellowships. 

"Duke  continues  to  be  grateful  to  Mr. 
Kearns,"  President  Edens  declared.  "His 
conviction  that  the  spiritual  phase  of 
higher  education  needs  support  has  been 
implemented  with  badly  needed  material 

aid.  Duke  University  and  this  region  are 
the  better  for  his  generosity." 

Five  Kearns  Fellows  hold  teaching  po- 
sitions in  North  Carolina.  Three  are  at 
Duke,  one  is  at  the  University  of  North 
Carolina  and  one  is  on  the  faculty  of 
Greensboro  College. 

Mr.  Kearns  is  president  of  the  Crown 

Hosiery  Mills  of  High  Point.  He  has  been 
prominent  in  civic  and  religious  activities 
as  well  as  being  active  in  the  affairs  and 
devoted  to  the  interests  of  Duke  Univer- 
sity. He  has  a  daughter,  Katherine  W. 
Kearns,  and  two  sons,  Charles  L.,  '32, 
and  Amos  R.  Kearns,  '27.  The  latter  is 
a  Duke  trustee. 

Captain  J.  M.  Ocker  Heads  Navy  Unit 

Rear  Admiral  Ralph  T.  Earle,  Jr.  who 
last  month  left  his  post  as  commanding 
officer  of  the  Duke  University  Naval 
R.O.T.C.  to  take  up  a  new  assignment  at 
the  Naval  War  College  at  Newport,  R.I., 
has  been  succeeded  by  Captain  John  M. 

Captain-  Ocker  comes  to  Duke  direct 
from  the  Office  of  Naval  Intelligence  in 
Washington.  A  graduate  of  the  U.  S. 
Naval  Academy  in  1923,  he  has  had  an 
active  and  distinguished  Navy  career. 
Among  his  outstanding  tours  of  sea  duty 
was  a  period  as  operations  officer  on  the 
staff  of  the  Commander-in-Chief  of  the 
Pacific  Fleet. 

The  new  Naval  R.O.T.C.  commander  is 
a  native  of  Empire,  Mich.  He  has  one 
son,  John  M.  Ocker,  Jr.,  '51,  a  medical 
student  at  Duke. 

Admiral  Earle  had  recently  been  pro- 
moted to  rear  admiral,  being  one  of  36 
Navy  captains  elevated  in  rank  during 
the  summer.  At  Newport  he  will  receive 
special  training  in  strategy  and  tactics. 
A  native  of  Annapolis,  Md.,  and  a  gradu- 
ate of  the  Naval  Academy  in  1922,  Ad- 
miral Earle  was  warmly  praised  and 
commended  by  President  Edens  for  his 
outstanding  service  to  the  University  and 
for  the  manner  in  which  he  and  his  fam- 
ily "fitted  into  the  university  community." 

New  members  of  the  Duke  University  Naval  Reserve  Officers  Training  Corps  staff 
are  shown  above  with  Captain  John  M.  Ocker,  seated,  commanding  officer  of  the 
Duke  unit.  Left  to  right  are  Lt.  Comdr.  Dewey  A.  Ostrom,  assistant  professor  of 
Naval  science;  Lt.  William  J.  Tipler,  gunnery  instructor;  and  Lt.  James  S.  Kennedy, 
engineer  instructor. 

[ Page  224  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 


Charlotte  Corbin, '35,  Editor 


August,  1951 

Sterling    Lee    Smith,    '51,    Winston-Salem, 

N.  C. 
J.  Alex  McMahon,  '42,  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 
J.  Meredith  Moore,  '32,  Greensboro,  N.  G. 
Kathleen  Bryson  Moore    (Mrs.  J.  M.),  '35, 

Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Harry  B.  Keffer,  '29,  New  Haven,  Conn. 
C.  Settle  Bunn,  '17,  Spring  Hope,  N.  C. 
Agnes  Sidney  Bunn,  '49,  Spring  Hope,  N.  C. 
Penny  McCrary,  '49,  Lexington,  N.  C. 
Sumner  E.  Baker,  '47,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
Katherine  Brooks  "Warren  (Mrs.  A.  E.),  '34, 

Laurel,  Md. 
Holden  S.  McAllister,  '44,  Glencoe,  111. 
Dr.  Harold  K.  Terry,  B.S.  '36,  Miami,  Ela. 
Thomas  A.  Holton,  '06,  Miami,  Fla. 
Robert  L.  Hazel,  B.S.C.E.  '50,  High  Shoals, 

N.  C. 
Robert  L.  Harris,  Gr.  St.,  Tuscaloosa,  Ala. 
Marion  S.  Lewis,  '18,  A.M.  '21,  Charleston, 

S.  C. 
Ed  Austin,  '48,  Portsmouth,  Va. 
Ralph  L.  Freman,  B.D.  '40,  Nashville,  Tenn. 
Edward  J.  McCarthy,  '49,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Marjorie    Gray    Wynne,    '38,    New    Haven, 

Margaret    Tinsley    Tait    (Mrs.    Chris),    '42, 

Miami,  Ela. 
Harold  D.  Flood,  '32,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
John  C.  Cummings,  '36,  Macon,  Ga. 
Herman  L.  Sehultz,  Jr.,  '41,  Cedar  Rapids, 

1st.  Lt.  Jerome  M.  Jarver,  M.C.,  '46,  B.S.M. 

&  M.D.  '48,  San  Francisco,  Calif. 
Dr.  Robert  B.  Norris,  '40,  Hellertown,  Pa. 
Virginia  Elliott  Taylor  (Mrs.  G.  I.,  Jr.),  '42, 

Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 
Bettie  Allen,  '41,  Elkin,  N.  C. 
Grace  Cockerham,  '11,  Creedmoor,  N.  C. 
William    Cranford    Bennett,    B.S.E.E.    '48, 

Sharonville,  Ohio. 
Thomas  R.  Litaker,  '22,  Glen  Alpine,  N.  C. 
John  W.  Bingaman,  '51,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Fred  J."  Miller,  '50,  Burlington,  N.  C. 
Thomas  E.  Davis,  '44,  Rock  Hill,  S.  C. 
Mary  G.  Shotwell,  '06,  Oxford,  N.  C. 
Jack  Revel,  '50,  Charleston,  S.  C. 
Emry  Green,  Jr.,  '46,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
J.  Garland  Wolfe,  '46,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
E.  A.  (Art)  Palumbo,  '49,  Orange,  N.  J. 
Helen   Culbreth   James    (Mrs.   K.   W.),   '50, 

Waco,  Texas. 
Nina  D.  Arnold,  B.S.  '50,  Savannah,  Ga. 
William  B.  Tuttle,  '50,  Alexandria,  Va. 
George  W.  Liles,  B.S.M.  &  M.D.   '44,  Con- 
cord, N.  C. 
John  Sneed  Jones,  '40,  Brentwood,  Tenn. 
Harley  A.  Scott,  Jr.,  '42,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Harry  E.  Troxell,  B.S.  '43,  M.F.  '47,  Fort 

Collins,  Colo. 
William    D.    Bennett,    '43,    Rocky    Mount, 

N.  C. 

Hoyle,  U.  (Rip)  Scott,  B.S.(E.)  '34,  Arling- 
ton, Va. 

George  A.  Bishopric,  '45,  M.D.  '49,  Spray, 
N.  C. 

Annie  Millner  Bishopric  (Mrs.  G.  A.),  '49, 
Spray,  N.  C. 

Francis  L.  Dale,  '43,  Cincinnati,  O. 

Kathleen  Watkins  Dale  (Mrs.  F.  L.),  '43, 
Cincinnati,  O. 

Phyllis  Nelson,  '38,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Ruth  Ola  Pegram,  RN  &  BSN  '47,  Durham, 
N.  C. 

Ralph  Barker,  '30,  Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Wilton  G.  Fritz,  '42,  M.D.  '44,  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y. 

Classes  having  reunions  at  Commencement, 
1952,  are  as  follows:  '02,  Golden  Anniver- 
sary; '21;  '22;  '23;  '24;  '27,  Silver  Anni- 
versary; '42,  Tenth  Year  Reunion;  '46;  '47; 
'48;  and  '50,  First  Reunion. 

'10  > 

President :     Mrs.    ii.    B.    Jenkins     (Mary 

Class  Agent:  Dr.  A.  M.  Proctor 
JULIAN  CARR  BUNDY,  SR.,  of  2319 
Pembroke  Avenue,  Charlotte,  N.  C,  is  head 
of  the  J.  C.  Bundy  Company,  cotton,  cotton 
waste  and  linter  dealer  and  manufacturer. 
He  and  Mrs.  Bundy  have  seven  children. 
C.)  lives  in  New  Bern,  N.  C,  where  her 
address  is  Box  567. 

DAVID  LANE  ELDER  of  701  Francis 
Street,  Hopewell,  Va.,  a  physician,  has  been 
mayor  of  the  City  of  Hopewell  since  1920. 
He  is  also  chairman  of  the  Democratic  Com- 
mittee of  Hopewell,  a  member  of  the  State 
Democratic  Committee,  director  of  State- 
Planters  Bank  and  Trust  Company,  and  a 
former  Kiwanis  Club  president.  He  is  a 
physician  for  Seaboard  Airline  Railway 
Company  and  the  Norfolk  and  Western 
Railroad,  and  plant  physician  for  the  Sol- 
vay  Process  Company.  The  Elders  have 
two  children,  George  Elder  and  Mrs.  Nancy 
Elder  Barnes. 

PHIL  J.  JOHNSON,  '10,  A.M.  '11,  is  a 
member  of  the  Allison  Johnson  Company, 
Mocksville,  N.  C.  He  and  Mrs.  Johnson 
have  three  daughters,  Mrs.  Gussie  Johnson 
Wolff,  Marie  Elizabeth,  and  Phyllis  Helen. 
MATILDA  O.  MICHAELS,  whose  home  is 
2313  Club  Boulevard,  Durham,  is  supervisor 
of  Durham  County  Schools. 
dent and  treasurer  of  the  Winchester  Surgi- 

cal Supply  Company.  He  and  Mrs.  Stewart, 
who  live  at  1500  Dilworth  Road,  Charlotte, 
N.  O,  have  three  children,  all  of  whom  at- 
tended Duke.  They  are  WILLIAM  SIN- 
JR.),  '48. 

The  home  address  of  R.  A.  WHITAKER, 
lawyer  with  Whitaker  and  Jeffress,  attor- 
neys, is  1207  N.  Queen  Street,  Kinston, 
N.  C.  He  served  as  state  senator  for  the 
seventh  district  in  the  General  Assembly  of 
North  Carolina  in  1945  and  in  1947.  The 
Whitakers  have  two  children. 

'12   » 

President:     Polly     Heitman    Ivey     (Mrs. 
L.  L.) 

Class  Agent :  J.  Allen  Lee 
EDGAR  E.  BUNDY,  who  lives  at  No.  6 
Waverly  Court,  Greenville,  S.  C,  is  an  in- 
surance district  manager.  He  and  Mrs. 
Bundy  have  a  daughter  in  college,  two  mar- 
ried daughters,  and  three  grandchildren. 
KIRBY  FORMY  DUVAL,  1004  Buchanan 
Boulevard,  Durham,  is  a  retired  Methodist 
minister,  having  preached  in  the  North  Caro- 
lina Conference  for  47  years.  He  has  two 
daughters,  Dorothy  and  Julia. 

'16  > 

President:    Vann  V.  Secrest 

Class  Agent :  Louis  C.  Allen 
is  co-owner  of  Wells-Lloyd,  Florists,  a  shop 
opened  recently  at  1000  W.  Main  Street, 
Durham.  She  has  a  reputation  as  being  an 
artist  with  flowers  and  has  a  most  attractive 

'18  « 

President:  Dr.  Ralph  L.  Fisher 
Class  Agent:  Le  Roy  E.  Graham 
PAUL  FRANKLIN  EVANS,  '18,  A.M.  '19, 
is  superintendent  of  the  Davidson  County 
Schools,  and  lives  in  Lexington,  N.  C.  He 
is  a  very  active  member  of  the  Methodist 
Church,  being  president  of  the  Board  of 
Lay  Activities  and  lay  leader  of  the  West- 
ern North  Carolina  Conference.  Two  of  his 
three  children  are  Duke  alumni,  PAUL  F.. 
JR.,  '49,  and  FAY  DEAN,  who  is  a  senior 
this  year. 

'21  i 

President :   Charles  W.  Bundy 

Class  Agent :  Henry  E.  Fisher 
'33,     and     SAMUEL     M.     HOLTON     were 
united  in  marriage  July  19  at  the  Methodist 
Church  of  Blowing  Rock,  N.  C.     Mr.  Holton 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 

[  Page  225  ] 

ft       ft      SONS  AND  DAUGHTERS  OF  DUKE  ALUMNI       ft       ft 

1.  Margaret   Elizabeth    Reynolds.      Violet    Pierce    Reynolds,    B.S.X. 
&  R.X.   '50.     George  A.   Reynolds.   Ph.D.   '51.      Rochester,  N.  Y. 

2.  Charlotte  Courtney  Tyte.     Marion  Jones  Tvte,  A.M.  '42.     Wilbur 
H.  Tyte,  B.D.  '42.     Lexington.  Ky. 

3.  Pat  Norris.     Dave  Norris.     Sue  Rvon  Norris  '45.     John  B.  Morris, 
Jr.,    B.S.M.E.   '45.      Glen    Burnie,   Md. 

4.  Frances   Dale  George.      Leonard   B.    George,   Jr.,   '46.      Staten  Is- 
land, N.  Y. 

5.  Marshall  A.  Barrett  III.     Marshall  A.  Barrett,  Jr.,  '45.  "Wilming- 
ton. Del. 

6.  Danny  Eberhart.     "Sandy"  Tecklin  Eberhart   (Mrs.  W.  Perry)  '46. 
Denver,    Colo. 

7.  Lora  Marie   Fritz.      Carol   Althea   Fritz.      Wilton   G.   Fritz   '42, 
M.D.    '44.      Brooklyn,   N.  Y. 

8.  Louise    Wentz.      William    Wentz.      Mary    Whitney    Wentz,    '42. 
Henry  S.  Wentz  '41.     Strasburg,  Pa. 

[  Page  226 ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 

is  president  of  Louisburg  College,  in  Louis- 
burg,  N.  C,  where  they  are  making  their 

'25  » 

President:  Marshall  I.  Pickens 
Class  Agent:  Joseph  C.  Whisnant 
general  merchant  in  Hertford,  N.  G,  and 
also  operates  a  poultry  farm.  He  is  a  lay 
leader  of  the  Elizabeth  City  District,  and  is 
very  active  in  the  Methodist  Church. 

'30  » 

President:  William  M.  Werber 
Class  Agent:  J.  Chisman  Hanes 
'31,  has  been  granted  a  two-year  leave-of- 
absence  from  the  University  of  Miami, 
where  he  has  been  teaching  government  and 
politics  with  emphasis  on  political  philosophy 
since  the  fall  of  '46,  to  become  director  of 
European  International  Service  Seminars 
of  the  American  Friends  Service  Committee. 
He  and  his  wife  sailed  for  Europe  this  sum- 
mer and  are  now  living  in  Geneva,  Switzer- 
land. Dr.  Stalvey  has  visited  four  of  the 
European  seminars,  and  is  interpreting 
seminar  objectives  to  individuals  and  groups, 
selecting  seminar  faculty  staff  and  partici- 
pants, and  determining  the  content  of  the 
seminar  program   abroad. 

'34  » 

President:  The  Keverend  Robert  M.  Bird 
Class  Agent:  Charles  S.  Rhyne 
MURRY  A.  MILLER,  '34,  LL.B.  '36,  was 
recently  elected  trust  officer  of  the  Ashe- 
ville  Office  of  the  Wachovia  Bank  and  Trust 
Company.  A  native  of  Portsmouth,  Va., 
Murry  was  engaged  in  the  private  practice 
of  law  in  High  Point,  N.  C,  from  1936  to 
1939  when  he  joined  the  staff  of  Wachovia's 
Trust  Department  in  that  city.  He  was 
transferred  to  the  Salisbury  Office  as  as- 
sistant trust  officer  in  1947,  and  in  October 

of  last  year  became  assistant  trust  officer  in 
Asheville,  N.  C. 

'35  * 

President:  Larry  E.  Bagwell 
Class  Agent :   James  L.  Newsoni 

WILMOT  (BILL)  LOSEE  is  general  man- 
ager of  WINS  radio  station  in  New  York 
City.  A  resident  of  Garden  City,  N.  Y.,  he 
is  married  and  has  two  sons.  His  twin 
brother,  TOM  LOSEE,  is  an  account  execu- 
tive with  McCann-Erickson. 
ELMER  TARBALL,  '35,  M.Ed.  '39,  former 
assistant  principal  at  Granby  High  School, 
Norfolk,  Va.,  has  been  named  principal  of 
that  school. 

'37 . 

President:  Dr.  Kenneth  A.  Podger 
Class  Agent:  William  F.  Womble 
PAT  SILLS  THOBNHILL,  '37,  M.D.  '40, 
and  E.  HALE  THOBNHILL,  '38,  M.D.  '41, 
are  living  at  18  Chesterfield  Road,  Raleigh, 
N.  C.  Pat  has  given  up  her  practice  of 
pediatrics  until  her  two  children,  Patricia, 
6V2,  and  Barbara,  3%,  are  older.  She  man- 
ages to  use  a  lot  of  her  technical  knowledge 
with  them  and  with  her  PTA  work. 

'38  *— 

President:   Russell  Y.  Cooke 
Class  Agent:  William  M.  Courtney 

A  daughter,  Nancy  Ward  Wentsel,  was  born 
July  24  to  Mr.  and  MRS.  KARL  JOSEPH 
Their  address  is  1009  West  3rd  Street, 
Sterling,  111. 

'39  » 

President:   Edmund  S.  Swindell,  Jr. 

Class  Agent:  William  F.  Franck,  Jr. 
BRODIE    NALLE,    M.D.,    and    CAROLYN 
WOOLEY  NALLE,  B.S.  '43,  whose  address 
is  328  Fontana  Place,  Albuquerque,  N.  M., 


Union  Building,  West  Campus  Cafeterias 

Union  Building,  East  Campus  Oak  Boom 

Southgate  Dining  Hall  Woman's  College  Dining  Halls 

Snack  Bar 


W.  P.  Budd,  '04,  Secretary-Treas. 
W.  P.  Budd,  Jr.,  '36,  Vice-President 

DURHAM,  N.  C. 

*   *   *  * 
Contractors  for 





Duke  Chapel,  New 
Graduate  Dormitory 
Indoor  Stadium  and 

Hospital  Addition 

+  *  *  * 




Weeks  Motors  Inc. 

408  Geer  St. 

Telephone  F-139 

Durham,  North  Carolina 

Your  Lincoln  and 

Mercury  Dealer  in 


DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 

[  Page  227 ] 


Here's  another  contribution  to 
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There  are  nine  district  offices  for  Hospital  Saving  Asso- 
ciation— located  throughout  the  State. 






became  the  parents  of  a  daughter,  Carolyn 
[    Frances,    on    June    25.      They    also    have    a 
young  son. 

'40  *. 

President:  John  D.  MacLauchlan 
Class  Agent:  Addison  P.  Penfield 
GEORGE  DAVIS  COLE,  JR.,  has  accepted 
a  position  as  field  secretary  for  the  Race 
Relations  Program  of  the  American  Friends 
Service  Committee.  Until  his  appointment 
in  July,  he  was  an  educational  consultant  at 
the  Randall  School  for  Creative  Work  in 
Hartford,  Conn.  He  has  also  served  as 
executive  director  of  the  Christian  Activi- 
ties Council  in  Hartford,  as  a  group  thera- 
pist at  the  National  Hospital  for  Speech 
Disorders  in  New  York  City,  and  as  minis- 
ter of  the  Aiea  Community  Church  (Meth- 
odist) in  Pearl  Harbor,  Hawaii.  George 
"was  graduated  from  Yale  Divinity  School  in 
1943  with  a  B.D.  in  Theology  and  Ethics. 
In  June  of  this  year  he  received  his  doc- 
torate in  International  Education  from 
Teachers  College,  Columbia  University.  He 
and  Mrs.  Cole  will  make  their  new  home  in 

HARRY  FOGLEMAN  and  his  family 
stopped  by  Duke  for  a  visit  en  route  from 
Gainesville,  Fla.,  where  he  has  been  asso- 
ciated with  the  Department  of  Athletics  at 
the  University  of  Florida,  to  their  new  home 
in  Cincinnati,  Ohio.  Harry's  business  ad- 
dress is  now  Sports  Products,  Inc.,  4861 
Spring  Grove  Avenue,  Cincinnati  32.  Dur- 
ing their  stay  in  Durham  they  visited  the 
Rare  Book  Room  of  the  Duke  Library  where 
a  gift  of  books  they  had  made  are  now  kept. 
Harry  formerly  coached  tennis  at  Duke. 
E.  R.  MeMILLIN  has  recently  joined  the 
New  England  Mutual  Life  Insurance  Com- 
pany as  a  life  underwriter.  Now  a  resident 
of  Nashville,  Tenn.,  he  is  associated  with 
the  company's  Nashville  agency. 

'41  *~ 

President :   Andrew  L.  Ducker,  Jr. 

Class  Agent:  J.  D.  Long,  Jr. 
A  daughter,  Sherry  Anne,  arrived  July  2, 
for  CAPT.  and  Mrs.  ELWIN  F.  HOLMES, 
Griffis  Air  Force  Base,  Rome,  N.  Y. 
and  GLENN  NOLEN  SISK,  Ph.D.  '51,  live 
at  846  Cherry  Street,  N.W.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 
They  have  a  four-year-old  son.  Dr.  Sisk 
is  head  of  the  Social  Sciences  Department  at 
Georgia  Tech. 

DR.  and  MRS.  HENRY  S.  WENTZ  (MARY 
WHITNEY),  '42,  and  their  two  children 
Billy,  6,  and  Louise,  9  months,  are  living 
at  19  E.  Main  Street  in  Strasbury,  Pa., 
where  Henry  is  practicing  medicine.  A  pic- 
ture of  the  children  appears  on  the  Sons  and 
Daughters  Page  of  this  issue. 

'42  ^-. 

Tenth  Year  Reunion:    Commencement,   1952 

President :  James  H.  Walker 

Class  Agents:  Robert  E.  Foreman,  Willis 
Smith,  Jr.,  and  George  A.  Trakas 
RICHARD  CONLON,  whose  permanent 
home  address  is  317  South  Oak  Park  Ave- 
nue, Oak  Park,  111.,  has  been  transferred 
from  the  Department  of  State  in  Washing- 
ton to  Pusan,  Korea,  as  Public  Affairs  Offi- 
cer and  Attache.  He  was  commissioned  as 
a  foreign  service  staff  officer  in  1947  and 
assigned  to  Hankow,  China.  He  has  also 
served  at  Taipei  and  Hong  Kong.  Before 
joining  the  foreign  service,  he  was  a  news 
correspondent  for  the  City  News  Bureau  of 
Chicago,  the  Denver  offices  of  UP,  INS  and 
AP,  and  assistant  editor  of  the  Oxford 
Press,  Oxford,  Ohio. 

(MRS.  WILLIAM  B.,  JR.)  and  her  hus- 
band live  at  405  Cedar  Avenue,  Lyndalia, 
Wilmington,  Del.  She  is  sales  correspondent 
in  the  export  sales  division  of  the  Organic 
Chemicals  Department  for  DuPont. 

The  Fidelity  was  the  first  bank 
in  the  State  of  North  Carolina 
authorized  by  its  charter  to  do  a 
trust  business. 

For  over  60  years  our  Trust 
Department  has  rendered  faith- 
ful and  intelligent  service  in  vari- 
ous fiduciary  capacities  to  both 
institutions  and  individuals.  We 
welcome  communications  or  in- 
terviews with  anyone  interested 
in  the  establishment  of  any  kind 
of  trust. 




DURHAM,  N.  C. 

Main  at  Corcoran 
•  Driver  at  Angier 
•  Ninth  at  Perry 

•  Roxboro  Rd.  at  Maynard 

Member  Federal  Reserve  System 

Member  Federal  Deposit  Insurance 



DURHAM,  N.  C. 









Member  Federal  Deposit  Insurance  Corporation 



Plan  Hank 

DURHAM,  N.  C. 



DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 

[  Page  229  ] 

ROBERT  A.  WOLFF  and  Mrs.  Wolff  have 
announced  the  birth  of  a  son,  Richard  Hugh, 
on  July  14.  Bob  is  with  radio  stations 
WTTG  and  WWDC  in  Washington,  where 
their  address  is  2301  Cathedral  Avenue, 
N.W.,  Washington  8,  D.  C. 
WILLIAM  H.  TYTE,  B.D.,  and  his  wife, 
the  former  MARION  JONES,  A.M.,  are  the 
parents  of  six-year-old  Charlotte  Courtney 
Tyte,  whose  picture  is  on  the  Sons  and 
Daughters  Page  this  month.  In  June,  Bill 
took  over  his  new  duties  as  Chaplain  of 
Greendale  Home  for  Delinquents  in  Lexing- 
ton, Ky.  He  was  formerly  Professor  of 
Education  and  Psychology  at  Centre  Col- 
lege in  Danville,  Ky.  The  Tytes  are  living 
at  216  Glendale  Avenue,  B.  F.  D.  #6,  Lex- 
ington, Ky. 

WILTON  G.  FRITZ,  who  received  his  M.D. 
degree  in  1944  has  completed  his  training 
and  recently  opened  an  office  for  the  prac- 
tice of  obstetrics  and  gynecology  in  Brook- 
lyn, New  York.  He  and  Mrs.  Fritz,  with 
their  daughters,  Lora  Marie,  2%,  and  Carol 
Althea,  1  (see  Sons  and  Daughters  Page), 
live  at  1547  East  26  Street,  Brooklyn  29, 
New  York. 


President:   Thomas  R.  Howerton 
Class  Agent:   S.  L.  Gulledge,  Jr. 

LOUIS  EDWARD  JOHN,  B.S.,  and  Mrs. 
John  have  announced  the  arrival  of  a  daugh- 

ter, Ruth  Ann,  on  May  23.  Their  address 
is  633  Edge  Hill  Road,  Ardsley,  Pa. 
ROBERT  GLENN  WEAVER  of  231  Locust 
St.,  New  Holland,  Pa.,  received  a  master 
of  arts  degree  in  education  from  the  Univer- 
sity of  Delaware  this  past  June. 

'45  »- — 

President:   Charles  B.  Markham,  Jr. 

Class  Agent:  Charles  F.  Blanchard 
ERMA  L.  ADAMS,  of  2510  Nation  Ave- 
nue, Durham,  who  is  an  accountant  on  the 
staff  of  Duke  University  Hospital,  has  been 
elected  a  member  of  the  American  Institute 
of  Accountants,  national  professional  society 
of  C.P.A.'s.  Erma  has  been  employed  by 
the  hospital  since  1938.  During  one  year 
she  conducted  an  independent  public  account- 
ing practice.  From  1945  to  1949  she  was 
assistant  to  the  director  of  dietetics  in 
charge  of  budget  and  storeroom  control. 
She  is  a  member  of  the  North  Carolina  As- 
sociation of  Certified  Public  Accountants 
and  the  American  Society  of  C.P.A.'s. 
A  daughter,  Katherine  Campbell  Ivey,  was 
born  to  MR.  and  Mrs.  GEORGE  M.  IVEY, 
JR.,  on  March  20.  They  live  at  279  Kim- 
berly  Avenue,  Asheville,  N.  C,  where  George 
is  with  the  Ivey  Stores.  George's  father  and 
little  Katherine's  grandfather  is  GEORGE 
M.  IVEY,  SR.,  '20,  of  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
The  address  of  NORBERT  LEON  LAT- 
KOWSKI  is  213  Poplar  Street,  Raleigh, 
N.  C.     He  is  an  administrative  assistant  in 

the  A-US  Ordnance  Department  at  Camp 

ROBERT  E.  LEE.  JR.,  B.S.M.E.  '48,  and 
DOROTHY  SUGG  LEE  have  announced 
the  birth  of  their  second  son,  James  Whit- 
tington  Lee,  on  June  10.  They  live  at  3124 
Tyrone  Drive,  Baton  Rouge,  La. 
The  marriage  of  AGNES  C.  LONG  and  Lieut. 
Robert  Erwin  Whiteside,  U.S.  Marine  Corps, 
took  place  June  25  at  the  Church  of  the 
Good  Shepherd,  Columbia,  S.  C.  Agnes 
worked  in  the  Alumni  Office  at  one  time, 
and  more  recently  has  been  employed  by  the 
U.S.  Public  Health  Service,  Washington, 
D.  C.  Lieutenant  Whiteside  received  the 
B.S.C.E.  degree  from  the  University  of 
South  Carolina,  and  also  attended  Ohio  State 
University.  He  is  stationed  at  Camp  Le- 
jeune  where  the  couple  is  making  their  home. 
BARON  P.  MAYER,  of  101  High  Street, 
Danvers,  Mass.,  made  a  visit  to  the  Duke 
campus  this  summer.  Baron  is  supervisor 
in  the  gears  and  generators  division  of  the 
General  Electric  Company.  The  Mayers  have 
three  children,  Freddy,  Marion,  and  Emily 

was  recalled  to  active  duty  with  the  Navy 
last  October  and  has  been  on  detached  duty 
with  the  Army  at  an  evacuation  hospital  in 
Korea.  He  returned  home  in  July  and  is 
stationed  at  the  U.S.  Naval  Hospital  in 
Portsmouth,    Va.      Arthur    graduated    from 

"Plan  the  Years  Ahead 


Geo.  Watts  Hill.  . .  .Chairman  of  Board 

Today  .  .  . 

C.  C.  Hamlet Secretary 

W.  W.  Sledge General  Counsel 

The  Home  Security  Viay" 

H.  B.  Belvin Controller 

Harold  Styers.  .Director  Sales  Promotion 


R.  A.  Ross,  M.D Medical  Director 

Lois  B.  Todd Ass't  Sec.-Ass't  Treas. 

Home  Security  1m 



John  Sprunt  Hill        W.  W.  Sledge 

Home  Office:  Durham,  N.  C. 

George  Watts  Hill      Dr.  R.  A.  Ross 

Bascoji  Batxes             Walter  Sledge 
Dr.  C.  A.  Adams 

*  OVER  $135,000,000 

[ Page  230  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 

the  University  of  Illinois  College  of  Medi- 
cine in  1949. 

Mrs.  Martha  XJmbel  Wyant  and  GROVER 
PERRY  SNOW  were  married  June  30  at 
the  Hillyer  Memorial  Christian  Church  in 
Raleigh,  N.  O,  where  they  are  making  their 
home.  Mrs.  Snow  attended  Bethany  Col- 
lege, Bethany,  W.  Va.,  and  is  employed  as 
office  assistant  to  the  district  manager  of 
the  R.  J-  Reynolds  Tobacco  Company. 
Grover  graduated  from  North  Carolina  State 
College  in  1950  and  is  employed  as  an 
architect  with  Page  and  Smith. 
announced  the  birth  of  a  second  son,  John 
Lane,  on  July  17.  Their  address  is  Box 
461,  Boothbay  Harbor,  Me. 
MARSHALL  A.  BARRETT,  JR.  is  in  in- 
vestment banking  with  Stone  and  Webster 
Securities  Corporation.  He  and  his  family 
live  at  1270  Kynlyn  Drive,  Wilmington,  Del. 
A  picture  of  Marshall  A.  Barrett  III  is  on 
the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  of  this  issue. 
Little  Pat  and  Dave  Norris,  whose  picture 
appears  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  of 
this  issue,  are  the  children  of  SUE  RYON 
B.S.M.E.  They  live  at  308  Maryland  Ave- 
nue, Glen  Gardens,  Glen  Burnie,  Md.  John 
is  an  engineer  with  the  Baltimore  Gas  & 
Electric  Company,  a  heating  and  air-condi- 
tioning concern.  He  and  Sue  are  both  active 
in  civic  affairs. 

'46  ,— 

Next  Reunion:    Commencement,  1952 

President:  B.  G.  Munro 

Class  Agent:  Robert  E.  Cowin 
BEAL  BARRETT,  '49,  are  living  at  1707 
James  Street  in  Durham.  John  is  a  student 
in  the  Duke  Medical  School. 
WINDSOR  J.  BORDEN  is  in  the  foreign 
service  office  of  the  U.S.  State  Department, 
stationed  at  the  American  Consulate,  Sura- 
baya, Indonesia. 

BERT H.)  lives  at  2322  Parkwood,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 

Since  her  recent  return  from  South  America, 
where  she  visited  Lima,  Peru,  and  Caracas, 
Venezuela,  PEGGY  KLOTZ  has  been  work- 
ing with  Cine  Colombia,  which  is  a  Colom- 
bia, South  America,  motion  picture  firm. 
Peggy,  who  lives  at  the  Van  Dorn  Hotel, 
150  West  58th  Street,  New  York  19,  N.  Y., 
previously  worked  with  the  Lily-Tulip  Cor- 

The  address  of  LT.  (jg)  D.  V.  MAHONY 
(MC),  USNR,  '46,  BSM,  M.D.  '48,  is  9108 
Modesto  Street,  Castro  Valley,  Calif.  He 
was  recalled  to  active  duty  early  in  the 
summer  and  since  that  time  has  been  sta- 
tioned at  the  Oakland  Naval  Hospital,  Oak- 
land, Calif.  He  and  his  wife,  the  former 
MARGARET  LOWRIE,  have  a  daughter, 
Diane,  who  was  born  April  22. 
GEORGE  T.  RUSSELL,  who  lives  at  2801 

North  Walker,  Oklahoma  City,  Okla.,  is  a 
special  agent  for  the  Fireman's  Fund  In- 
surance Company.  He  was  married  Febru- 
ary 3  to  the  former  Miss  Monica  Medill 
from  Leavenworth,  Kans.  George's  twin 
brother,  DONALD  RUSSELL,  JR.,  is  in 
the  Army  at  Fort  Belvoir,  Va. 
CHARLES  F.  STROHM  is  studying  at  the 
College  of  Osteopathic  Physicians  and  Sur- 
geons in  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 
that  her  husband  Perry  has  been  accepted 
by  the  University  of  Paris,  and  that  on 
September  21  they  will  sail  for  France  on 
the  Queen  Mary.  A  picture  of  the  Eber- 
harts'  son,  Danny,  who  is  now  nine  months 
old,  is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this 

LEONARD  B.  GEORGE,  JR.,  who  had  been 
working  as  an  advertising  designer  for  a 
New  York  advertising  agency,  spent  last 
year  at  Teachers  College,  Columbia  Univer- 
sity, where  he  received  an  M.A.  degree  in 
Fine  Arts  Education.  This  year  he  is  teach- 
ing art  at  Dumont  High  School  in  Dumont, 
New  Jersey.  Leonard  and  his  family  live  at 
14A  Castleton  Park,  Staten  Island  1,  New 
York.  He  and  Mrs.  George  are  the  proud 
parents  of  a  daughter,  Frances  Dale,  whose 
picture  is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page 
this  month.  Leonard  says,  "I  really  can't 
explain  the  expression  on  her  face,  unless  she 
has  heard  an  ugly  rumor  that  a  few  alumni 
haven't  yet  gotten  around  to  mailing  in  their 
contributions  to  the  Development  Campaign." 

'47  . 

Next  Reunion:   Commencement,   1952 

President:  Grady  B.  Stott 
Class  Agent:  Norris  L.  Hodgkins,  Jr. 
(PRESH)  DIVINE  BAKER,  '48,  and  their 
small  daughter  have  moved  to  2404  Van 
Dyke  Avenue,  Raleigh,  N.  C,  where  Sumner 
is  working  with  Liberty  Mutual  Insurance 

BELLO,  '48,  have  named  their  second  son, 
born  July  8,  Kenneth  Gerard  Bello  in  honor 
of  the  late  Duke  basketball  coach,  Gerry 
Gerard.  The  Bellos  are  living  in  their  new 
house  on  Reavis  Road  in  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
CURT  BROWN,  JR.,  formerly  a  chemist  for 
Cone  Finishing  Company  in  Haw  River, 
N.  O,  is  doing  research  with  the  Army. 
His  address  is  Pvl.  Curt  Brown,  Jr.,  9301 
TSU  (Ord.)  D  and  PS,  Aberdeen  Proving 
Ground,  Md. 

W.  Market  Street,  Anderson,  S.  C,  is  a 
machinist  at  Abney  Mills,  Inc. 
furniture  salesman  traveling  in  Tennessee 
and  Virginia.  He  lives  at  222  N.  Mulberry 
Street,  Statesville,  N.  C. 
HARRY  T.  HANCE,  JR.,  is  sales  manager 
for  the  J.  W.  Hance  Manufacturing  Com- 
pany in  Westerville,  Ohio.  He  and  Mrs. 
Hance  have  a  son,  Erich  Jamison  Hance, 
born  November   11,   1950. 


Our  business  is  improving  your 
buS,„ess.  We  offer  a  complete 
agency  organization  with  every 
service  you  „eed  .  .  .plus  natiJ. 
wide  facilities  through  our 
assocate  offices  in  more  than 
■JU  major  markets.  Special 
attention  to  advertising  accounts 
of  Duke  people  and  their  busi- 
ness associates. 

-W.H.LQXG,  >3S,  President 

Principal  Services 

-wrr^  - 

Research...  "D  Adverr,iina  and  Ra 

Plonning-CopV"  »*" 

Recognition  /  Recom„ 

'    """""nenclaiion 
Aflriculruro,  Publi,ne„. 

■  American  Newsp 

"Per  Publisher, 

Association         Tl.-  *  "*'* 

'--«..  PuMisw  A„0<£:on- 


Long   Building   •   28  North  Queen  Street 


York  « 1-554 

^  M'ttfuuif  ^*^gj£^rjl  jiuj^e 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 

[  Page  231  ] 

EDGAR  A.  HATCHER  and  Miss  Barbara 
Souse  of  New  York  City  were  married  Feb- 
ruary 24,  and  are  living  at  90  Bedford 
Street,  New  York,  N.  Y.  Ed  is  doing  adver- 
tising with  Young  and  Rubicam  in  New 

We  are  members  by 
invitation  of  the 

National  Selected 

the  only  Durham  Funeral  Home 
accorded  this  honor. 

Air  Conditioned  Chapel 

Ambulance  Service 

N-147  1113  W.  Main  St. 

Power  Company 


Electric  Service — 
Electric  Appliances — 
Street  Transportation 

Tel.  F-151 

Durham,  N.  C. 


208  MILTON  AVE. 
DURHAM,  N.  C. 


C.  ROLAND  HODGES,  who  is  in  the  real 
estate  and  insurance  business,  lives  at  1406 
N.E.  15th  Avenue,  Eort  Lauderdale,  Ela. 
received  the  J.D.  degree  from  George  Wash- 
ington University  in  May.  His  address  is 
3047  Porter  Street,  N.W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 
M.D.  '50,  are  living  in  Atlanta,  Ga.,  where 
Vic  is  an  interne  in  medicine  at  Grady 
Memorial  Hospital. 

In  June,  LEON  W.  POWELL,  JR.,  son  of 
LEON  W.  POWELL,  SR.,  '17,  of  Durham, 
received  his  medical  degree  at  Johns  Hop- 
kins and  is  interning  at  Duke  Hospital  this 
year.  A  son,  Stephan  Thomas,  was  born  on 
September  4. 

NORA  ELSIA  RECIO  and  Mr.  Douglas 
Eugene  Miller  were  married  February  28  at 
St.  Anthony  of  Padua  Church,  .Guayama, 
Puerto  Rico.  Mr.  Miller  is  working  on  a 
degree  at  Syracuse  University.  At  the  pres- 
ent time  they  are  living  in  Guayama,  Puerto 
Rico,  Box  267,  but  they  intend  to  return  to 
the  United  States  after  the  first  of  the  year, 
when  Mr.  Miller  will  resume  his  studies.  For 
the  past  several  years,  Nora  has  been  teach- 
ing school  in  Guayama. 

CLIFFORD  L.  SAYRE,  JR.,  B.S.M.E.,  has 
joined  the  staff  of  the  Experimental  Towing 
Tank  at  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology, 
as  a  project  engineer.  He  received  his 
master's  degree  in  fluid  dynamics  from 
Stevens  Institute  of  Technology  in  1950,  and 
since  that  time  he  has  been  a  fellow  at  the 
Experimental  Towing  Tank. 

'48  ^— 

Next  Reunion:    Commencement,   1952 
President:  Bollin  M.  Millner 
Class  Agent:  Jack  H.  Quaritius 
RICHARD    A.   BURKE    is    an   auditor    for 
Singer    Sewing   Machine    Company,   120    E. 
3rd  Street,  Room  300,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
A    daughter,    Ophelia    Gray,    was    born    on 
July  9  to  Mr.  and  MRS.  D.  JEFF  FAULK- 
NER,   JR.     (OPHELIA    GRAY    STRUM). 
They  live  at  1611  Mallory  Street,  Jackson- 
ville 5,  Fla. 

EARL  THOMAS  HART,  LL.M.,  is  working 
for  the  State  Department  in  Washington 
and  is  living  at  11532  Highview  Avenue, 
Wheaton,  Md. 

GLENN  W.  JOHNSON  writes  that  he  likes 
his  job  in  the  production  department  of 
WBTV  television  studios.  He  is  living  at 
427  East  Morehead  Street,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Miss  Peggy  Jean  Suitt  and  DAVID  HALE 
JOHNSTON,  '48,  M.D.  '51,  were  married 
June  16  at  St.  Philip's  Episcopal  Church, 
Durham.  For  the  past  year  Mrs.  Johnston 
has  been  employed  in  the  surgical  labora- 
tory at  Duke  Hospital.  The  couple  is  living 
in  Atlanta,  Ga.,  where  David  is  interning 
at  Grady  Memorial  Hospital. 
WILLIAM  B.  KENNEDY,  A.M.,  will  re- 
sume studies  again  when  he  enters  Union 
Theological  Seminary  in  Richmond,  Va., 
this   month.      His    address    is    Union   Theo- 

logical Seminary,  3401  Brooks  Road,  Rich- 
mond 27,  Va. 

MASON  of  202  E.  Holden  Green,  Cam- 
bridge 38,  Mass.,  have  announced  the  birth 
of  a  son,  Scott  Aiken  Mason,  on  May  23. 
Ward  is  working  toward  his  Ph.D.  in  so- 
ciology at  Harvard  and  is  a  research  assist- 
ant in  the  laboratory  of  social  relations. 
MARGARET  MEEKER  and  Mr.  William 
Weston  Bray,  Jr.,  were  married  in  Plain- 
field,  N.  J.,  on  June  23,  and  visited  Duke 
on  their  honeymoon.  They  are  living  at  342 
Douglas  Avenue,  Apartment  225,  Roselle, 
N.  J.  Mr.  Bray  works  for  Standard  Oil  of 
New  Jersey. 

JOHN  EDWIN  MYERS,  of  Montclair. 
N.  J.,  is  a  first  lieutenant  in  the  United 
States  Air  Force,  stationed  at  Eglin  Air 
Force  Base,  Fla.,  with  the  3200th  Climatic 
Squadron.  He  is  a  pilot  testing  planes  in 
climatic  conditions. 

The  marriage  of  JOANNE  RAE  to  Mr. 
James  Glover  McGhee  took  place  on  March 
10  in  Winship  Chapel  of  the  First  Presby- 
terian Church,  Atlanta,  Ga.,  and  they  are 
living  at  247  The  Prado,  N.E.,  Atlanta. 
Joanne  is  an  instructor  of  dance  and  physi- 
cal education  at  the  Atlanta  Division  of  the 
University  of  Georgia.  Her  husband,  an 
alumnus  of  The  Citadel  and  Emory  Univer- 
sity, is  a  partner  in  the  legal  firm  of  Currie 
and  McGhee. 

EILEEN  PARK,  '51  and  GEORGE  B.  SKIP- 
WORTH  were  married  June  1  at  the  Watts 
Street  Baptist  Church,  Durham.  They  are 
making  their  home  at  805  Watts  Street, 
Durham,  while  George  is  attending  the  Duke 
School  of  Medicine.  Eileen  is  working  at 
the  Edgemont  Community  Center. 
JANE  STEWART  SMITH  writes  that  she 
has  been  married  a  little  more  than  a  year  to 
Mr.  Andrew  W.  Smith,  Jr.,  a  native  of  Char- 
lotte and  a  graduate  of  North  Carolina 
State  College.  He  is  an  engineer  for  West- 
inghouse  in  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  where  their 
address  is  10  Sandy  Creek  Road. 
P.)  and  her  husband  became  parents  of  a 
son,  John  Rudy  Wallace,  on  July  27.  Their 
address  is  525 — 33  Avenue  North,  St.  Peters- 
burg, Fla. 

WILLIAM  LEE  WARLICK  is  office  man- 
ager of  the  Funkhouser  Corporation  in 
Anderson,  S.  C. 

'49  » 

Presidents:    Woman's  College,  Betty  Bob 
Walters  Walton  (Mrs.  Loring)  ;  Trinity 
College,    Robert    W.    Frye;    College    of 
Engineering,  Joe  J.  Robnett,  Jr. 
Class  Agent:   Chester  P.  Middlesworth 
R.   G.  KRITZER  and  Mrs.  Kritzer,  of  125 
Barnett    Circle,    Memphis,    Tenn.,    have    an- 
nounced the  birth  of   a  son,  Richard  Gaul, 
Jr.,    on    May    27.      Prior   to   her   marriage, 
Mrs.    Kritzer,    the    former    Betty    Cooper, 
worked  in  the  dean's  offices  at  Duke. 
CHARLOTTE     MILL    is     now    MRS. 

[  Page  232  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 



We  have  all  %3  Tjypes  of  Composition 

When  setting  type  we  give  due  consideration 
to  the  ultimate  purpose  ...  In  deciding  whether 
to  use  linotype,  monotype  or  hand  composition, 
we  first  ascertain  the  function  of  the  particular 
piece  of  work.  Each  method  was  designed  for 
a  specific  service,  therefore  initial  cost  is  beside 
the  question.  We  shall  be  glad  to  assist  you  in 
deciding  which  of  the  three  will  do  the  best 
job  for  your  particular  problem.  Our  composing 
room  service  is  planned  for  today's  demands. 


413  E.  Chapel  Hill  St.         (PEzSb)  Durham,  N.  C. 


DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951  [  Page  233  ] 

CHARLES  A.  HAMITY,  of  7200  South 
Coles,  Chicago  49,  111. 

cently completed  a  14-week  training  cycle 
with  Company  H,  13th  Infantry  Regiment  of 
the  Sth  Infantry  Division,  Fort  Jackson,  S.  C. 
Prior  to  entering  the  Army  he  was  em- 
ployed as  a  salesman  by  Marchant  Calcu- 
lating Machine  Company,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 

FLORA  E.  McDONALD,  whose  home  is  917 
Second  Street,  Durham,  has  been  living  at 
Cabarrus  Hall,  Kannapolis,  N.  C,  and  teach- 
ing fifth  grade  at  Aycoek  School. 

The  address  of  ELIZABETH  (BETSY) 
FRANK)  is  266  Independence  Drive,  Chest- 
nut Hill,  Boston,  Mass. 

assumed  his  new  duties  as  priest-in-charge 
of  St.  Joseph's  Church,  Durham,  on  Sep- 
tember 1.     He  was  formerly  at  St.  John's 

Episcopal  Church,  Battleboro,  N.  C.  In  ad- 
dition to  his  new  charge,  he  will  succeed 
Rev.  George  A.  Workman  as  chaplain  to 
Episcopal  students  at  Duke  University.  He 
and  Mrs.  O'Brien  and  their  daughter  will 
make  their  home  at  903  West  Markham 
Avenue,  Durham. 

The  marriage  of  NANCY  HART  ROUS- 
SEAU and  Lieut.  John  Staige  Kern  took 
place  July  28  at  the  First  Methodist  Church, 
North  Wilkesboro,  N.  C.  Until  recently, 
Nancy,  who  is  a  graduate  in  X-ray  Tech- 
nology from  Duke  Hospital,  has  been  on 
the  staff  at  Johns  Hopkins  University. 
Lieutenant  Kern  graduated  from  the  U.S. 
Naval  Academy  in  1947,  and  served  three 
years  in  the  Atlantic  and  European  areas. 
He  has  been  attending  post  graduate  school 
at  Annapolis,  Md.,  for  the  past  year,  and 
will  continue  graduate  work  at  the  Royal 
Naval  College  in  London,  England,  for  the 



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next  two  years.  The  couple  will  make  their 
home  in  England. 

KERR  STOCKTON  live  at  530  North  1st 
Street,  Apartment  5,  San  Jose,  Calif.  Man- 
ley  is  a  Private  First  Class  in  the  Army, 
stationed  at  Ford  Ord,  Calif.,  and  Barbara 
is  a  cashier-typist  at  Liberty  Mutual  In- 
surance Company. 

In  a  formal  ceremony  June  23  at  the  Watts 
Street  Baptist  Church,  Durham,  SUE 
CRUTCHFIELD,  '51,  became  the  bride  of 
They  are  living  in  the  Raleigh  Apartments, 
Raleigh,  N.  O. 

'50  > 

First  Reunion:    Commencement,   1952 

President :   Jane  Suggs 

Class  Agent :  Robert  L.  Hazel 
Miss  Kathryn  Davis,  of  Birmingham,  Ala., 
became  the  bride  of  CLAUDE  M.  ADAM- 
SON,  B.S.E.E.,  on  August  11.  Claude  is 
working  for  the  Alabama  Power  Company, 
Talladega,  Ala. 

(MRS.  BEVIN  R.)  is  living  with  her  par- 
ents on  Route  2,  Box  185,  Charlotte,  N.  C, 
while  her  husband  is  serving  with  the  1st 
Historical  Detachment  in  Japan. 
WILL  J.  CLARDY,  JR.,  son  of  MARY 
married  on  March  5  in  Duke  Memorial 
Methodist  Church,  Durham.  Will  is  a  lieu- 
tenant in  the  U.S.  Marine  Corps  and  is  sta- 
tioned at  Camp  Lejeune,  N.  C. 
PATRICIA  ANN  COLLINS  is  a  technician 
at  Duke  Hospital,  and  lives  at  12  Aycoek 
Apartments,  Daeian  Avenue,  Durham. 
VAN  OSDAL  DAVIS,  were  married  June 
30  in  Nazareth,  Pa.,  and  are  living  in  Dur- 
ham, where  Arnold  is  attending  Duke  Medi- 
cal School. 

LARRY  DOOLEY,  LL.B.,  whose  address  is 
120  Alston  Avenue,  New  Haven,  Conn.,  is 
associated  with  Robinson  and  Dooley,  at- 

W.  Maple  Avenue,  Merchantville,  N.  J.  is 
working  for  the  Atlantic  Refining  Company. 
He  was  married  to  the  former  Miss  Nancy 
Bottomley,  an  alumna  of  Goueher  on  Jan- 
uary 27. 

Miss  Betty  Jeanne  Mclnnis  and  NORRIS 
LONDON  FELLOWS,  B.D.,  were  married 
June  30  in  the  First  Presbyterian  Church, 
Henderson,  N.  C.  Mrs.  Fellows  is  a  graduate 
of  the  Woman's  College,  University  of  North 
Carolina.  Norris,  who  has  also  attended 
Drury  College,  Springfield,  Mo.,  and  Prince- 
ton Theological  Seminary,  is  now  assistant 
minister  at  First  and  Calvary  Presbyterian 
Church  in  Springfield,  Mo.,  where  they  are 
making  their  home.  He  was  formerly  min- 
ister of  the  First  Presbyterian  Church  in 
Oxford,  N.  C. 

LL.M.,    is    editor    of    Lawyers    Cooperative, 

[  Page  234  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 

Kochester,  N.  Y.     His  address  there  is  2005 

Norton  Street. 

MARION   LeROY   FISHER,   JR.,   B.B.,   is 

minister  of  the  Harmony,  N.  C,  Methodist 


JO  FRANCES  FULCHER  is  now  MRS.  C. 
J.  FRAZIER,  JR.,  and  lives  at  1218  Stan- 
ley, Ardmore,  Okla. 

DIANA  HINES  HEARD,  '51,  and  ENS. 
JACK  HENRY  GLAZER,  U.S.N.,  were  mar- 
ried July  12  in  the  First  Presbyterian 
Church,  Gulfport,  Miss.  Diana  writes  that 
when  Jack  goes  to  sea  this  fall  she  plans 
to  begin  work  on  a  master's  in  English  at 
the  University  of  California  at  Los  Angeles. 
Her  address  is  1148-D  26th  St.,  Santa 
Monica,  Calif. 

The  address  of  ELINOR  PRAEGER,  '51, 
and  GERARD  LOUIS  GOETTEL,  who  were 
married  June  4  in  Durham,  is  3432 — 34th 
Street,  N.W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 
The  marriage  of  CAROL  C.  TOPHAM  and 
WILLIAM  J.  GRIFFITH,  III,  Field  Sec- 
retary of  Undergraduate  Admissions  at 
Duke,  took  place  on  June  9  in  Holy  Trinity 
Lutheran  Church,  Clearwater  Beach,  Fla., 
and  they  are  living  in  the  Erwin  Apartments, 
Durham.  Carol  is  a  senior  in  the  Duke 
School   of  Nursing. 

DAVID  HARWARD,  B.S.C.E.  '51,  have 
moved  to  605  Hyde  Park  Avenue,  Durham. 
Betsy  is  teaching  at  the  Durham  Nursery 
School,  and  Dave  is  doing  graduate  work  in 
sanitary  engineering  at  the  University  of 
North  Carolina. 

Point,  N.  C,  is  a  private  first  class  in  the 
United  States  Army.  His  address  is  USS 
53021416,  4  M.P.  Co.,  4th  Inf.  Div.  A.P.O. 
#39,  c/o  Postmaster,  New  York,  N.  Y.  On 
February  1,  Bob  was  married  to  the  former 
Miss  Betty  Green  of  Thomasville,  N.  C. 
The  marriage  of  ELLEN  ROSS  IZLAR  to 
Dr.  Henry  Frank  Starr,  Jr.,  took  place  on 
July  7  at  Home  Moravian  Church,  Winston- 
Salem,  N.  C.  A  graduate  of  the  University 
of  North  Carolina  and  Jefferson  Medical 
College  of  Philadelphia,  Dr.  Starr  served 
his  internship  and  surgical  residency  at 
Baptist  Hospital  in  Winston-Salem.  He  is 
practicing  in  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
B.S.C.E.,  of  Brevard,  N.  C,  received  his 
master's  degree  in  civil  engineering  at  Geor- 
gia Tech  at  the  end  of  the  past  academic 
year.  He  is  a  fighter  pilot,  on  inactive  duty, 
with  the  naval  reserve. 

ROBERT  B.  LLOYD,  JR.,  LL.B.,  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Mary  Ruth  Hall  on  May  29  in 
the  Alumnae  House  of  the  Woman's  College 
of  the  University  of  North  Carolina,  Greens- 
boro, N.  C.  Mrs.  Lloyd  is  a  1951  graduate 
of  the  Woman's  College.  Since  his  gradua- 
tion from  law  school,  Robert  has  practiced 
law  in  Greensboro,  where  he  is  associated 
with  Norman  Block. 

DONALD  McCULLEN  has  moved  to  15 
Elm  Tree  Village,  676  Park  Avenue,  East 
Orange,  N.  J.     He  was  married  March  3  to 

the  former  Miss  Eleanor  Schutrum,  of  Buf- 
falo, N.  Y.,  and  at  present  he  is  working  in 
the  Production  Control  Division  of  CBS 
Television  in  New  York  City. 
JOHN  EVERETT  NELSON  is -employed  by 
Central  Hanover  Bank,  20  Place  Vendome, 
Paris  (I),  France. 

EUGENE  W.  NEWBERRY,  Ph.D.,  is  the 
first  full  time  professor  in  Anderson  Col- 
lege's new  Graduate  School  of  Theology, 
Anderson,  Ind.  His  address  is  1415  East 
7th  Street. 

The  marriage  of  INES  FLORENCE 
NIEMIERZYCKI  was  solemnized  May  12 
at  Sacred  Heart  Cathedral,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
They  are  living  at  1895  Smallwood  Drive, 
Cameron  Village,  Raleigh,  while  John  is 
studying  toward  a  master's  degree  in  psy- 
chology at  State  College  and  beginning  work 
for  a  doctorate  at  the  University  of  North 

ELBERT  R.  NUTTLE,  JR.,  B.S.M.E.,  is 
living  at  6904  Terrace  Court,  Milwaukee  13, 
Wis.,  and  is  working  for  the  Allis-Chalmers 
Manufacturing  Company  there. 
GEORGE  BEOWN  OLIVER,  A.M.,  is  an 
instructor  in  history  at  Randolph-Macon 
College  in  Ashland,  Va. 
PAUL  OGBURN  PEGRAM,  JR.,  is  unit 
manager  of  the  Commercial  Credit  Corpora- 
tion. His  address  is  1835  N.  W.  16th  Street, 
Oklahoma  City,  Okla. 

and  JACK  A.  PITT,  B.S.M.E.,  are  the 
proud  parents  of  a  baby  girl,  Carol  Ann, 
born  March  19.  They  are  living  at  4996 
Croissant,  Dearborn,  Mich.,  and  Jack  is 
working  with  American  Blower  Corporation. 
sistant manager  of  the  Eagle  Roller  Repair- 
ing Works.  He  is  living  at  215  W.  Earle 
Street,  Greenville,  S.  C. 

JOSEPH  H.  RUSH,  Ph.D.,  is  a  research 
physicist  for  High  Altitude  Observatory, 
Boulder,  Colo. 

of  534  Wayne  Street,  Johnstown,  Pa.,  re- 
turned to  the  Army  last  November  as  a  first 
lieutenant.  He  is  stationed  at  Fort  Knox, 

BEVERLY  SMITH  is  a  junior  accountant 
with  Raymond  E.  Rickbeil,  C.P.A.,  with  of- 
fices at  921  First  National  Bank  Building, 
Springfield,  111. 

CAROL  L.  CLEAVELAND,  '51,  and  HAR- 
were  married  on  June  3  at  St.  Mark's 
Church,  Basking  Ridge,  N.  J.  They  are 
making  their  home  at  119  N.  Cool  Spring 
Street,  Fayetteville,  N.  C,  while  Harvey  is 
stationed  at  Fort  Bragg  as  a  private  in  the 
U.  S.  Army. 

home  is  1015  College  Avenue,  Bluefield,  W. 
Va.,  is  an  optometrist. 

director  of  Christian  education  at  the  First 
Methodist  Church,  Starkville,  Miss. 

JOHN  A.  BUCHANAN,  President 

Home  Insurance  Agency 


Insurance  of  Every  Description 


212K  N.  Corcoran  Street 

Opposite  Washington  Duke  Hotel 

Telephone  Number  F-146 
Durham,  N.  C. 

1105  SftOAD  ST. -PHONE   X'I224 

The  marriage  of  MARY  MacKENZIE 
THOMAS  and  Mr.  Harold  Eugene  Cox  was 
solemnized  June  30  in  the  First  Presby- 
terian Church,  Burlington,  N.  C.  Mr.  Cox, 
who  is  a  graduate  of  Elon  College,  is  now 
employed  at  Burlington  Mills.  They  are 
living  at  118  Summit  Avenue,  Burlington. 
nurse  at  Duke  Hospital. 
RICHARD  C.  (DICK)  TODD,  Ph.D.,  is  an 
associate  professor  in  the  Department  of 
Social  Studies  at  East  Carolina  Teachers 
College,  Greenville,  N.  C.  Mrs.  Todd  worked 
in  the  Alumni  Office  while  he  was  doing  his 
graduate  work  at  Duke. 
GERALD  E.  TRIPPEL,  B.S.M.E.,  is  work- 
ing for  his  master's  degree  in  engineering 
at  Carnegie  Tech,  Pittsburgh,  Pa.  His  ad- 
dress is  No.  4,  Birch  Hall,  5054  Forbes 
Street,   Pittsburgh. 

WILLIAM  F.  VAN  HOY,  JR.,  is  a  teacher 
in  the  Asheboro,  N.  C,  high  school.     He  is 
living  at  151  Cranford  Street  there. 
J.   CHAL  VINSON,  Ph.D.,  is  an  assistant 
professor   of   history   at   the   University   of 
Georgia,  Athens,  Ga.,  his  address  there  be- 
ing  175  Greenwood  Drive. 
ARTHUR  A.  WEEKS,  LL.M..  lives  at  214 
Pennsylvania  Avenue,  Lebanon,  Tenn.,  and 
teaches  at  Cumberland  University. 
210  Williamsboro  Street,  Oxford,  N.  C,  is  a 
postal  employee. 

In  a  ceremony  at  her  home  in  Durham, 
BARBARA  WOMBLE  became  the  bride  of 
Ensign  Richard  Pearson  Inman  in  April. 
They  have  been  living  in  Boston,  Mass.,  but 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 

[  Page  235  ] 

were  transferred  to  Charleston,  S.  C,  on 
August  1.  Ensign  Inman  received  his  com- 
mission with  the  Class  of  1951  at  the  United 
States  Naval  Academy. 

GEOEGE  A.  REYNOLDS,  Ph.D.  '51,  and 
his  wife,  the  former  VIOLET  PIERCE, 
R.N.  &  B.S.N.,  have  moved  to  Apartment  5, 
60  Rand  Street,  Rochester  15,  N.  Y.  George 
is  a  research  chemist  with  Eastman  Kodak 
Company.  A  picture  of  their  small  daugh- 
ter. Margaret  Elizabeth,  is  on  the  Sons  and 
Daughters  Page  this  month. 

'51  » 

Presidents :  Woman's  College,  Connie 
Woodward;  Trinity  College,  N.  Thomp- 
son Powers ;  College  of  Engineering, 
David  C.  Dellinger 
ROBERT  H.  ALLEN  has  been  assigned  to 
the  Chicago  District  Office  of  the  Glass  and 
Closure  Division  of  the  Armstrong  Cork 
Company.  He  recently  completed  an  exten- 
sive sales  training  course  at  the  Company's 
Home  Office  in  Lancaster,  Pa. 
Miss  Barbara  Joan  Mabrey  and  VANCE 
BAUMGARDNER  ASHE  "  were  married 
April  21,  in  Durham.  Mrs.  Ashe  attended 
Jones  Business  College,  High  Point,  N.  C. 
and  at  the  time  of  her  marriage  was  secre- 
tary to  a  High  Point  attorney.  Vance  is 
employed  by  his  father  in  Asheville,  N.  C. 
where  the  couple  will  make  their  home  at 
93  St.  Dunstan  Circle. 

WADE  H.  BECK,  JR.,  B.S.,  is  living  at 
789  East  Paxton  Street,  Danville,  Va.,  and 
working  as  a  chemist  in  the  research  labora- 
tory of  Dan  River  Mills.  Wade's  father,  W. 
H.  BECK,  SR.,  is  a  member  of  the  class  of 

ANNE  A.  BRIDGERS,  daughter  of 
ANDERSON  BRIDGERS,  '29,  of  Wilson, 
N.  C,  has  been  appointed  field  secretary  of 
undergraduate  admissions  in  the  Woman's 
College,  succeeding  AMY  DRAKE,  who  re- 
signed to  continue  her  graduate  work  at 
Duke.  Anne's  address  is  Apartment  A-4, 
Piedmont  Apartments,  Durham. 
In  a  formal  afternoon  ceremony  at  the  Duke 
University  Chapel,  PEGGY  LEE  DAM- 
LL.B.,  were  married  on  June  5.  They  are 
living  at  Loudonville  Rd.,  Loudonville,  N.  Y. 
RENVILLE  FRAME,  JR.,  B.S.E.E.,  were 
married  July  28,  at  Trinity  Methodist 
Church,  Miami,  Fla.  They  are  living  at  811 
Miner  Street,  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.,  while  Nor- 
man is  attending  the  Graduate  School  of  the 
University  of  Michigan. 
The  address  of  PEGGY  HALDEMAN,  who 
was  married  June  4  at  the  Watts  Street 
Baptist  Church,  Durham,  to  Mr.  Roscoe 
Mayo  Holdeman,  is  1400  Nottingham  Road, 
Orlando,  Fla. 

The  marriage  of  MARIAN  LILLIAN 
REEVES,  United  States  Air  Force,  took 
place  July  29  at  Johnson  Memorial  Meth- 
odist Church,  Huntington,  W.  Va. 

Miss  Peggy  Donree  Lane  became  the  bride 
3  at  the  First  Baptist  Church,  Asheboro, 
N.  C.  For  the  present,  they  are  making 
their  home  at  1006  Sunset  Avenue,  Ashe- 
boro, N.  C. 

NANCY  ELLEN  PARSONS,  R.N.,  was  mar- 
ried this  summer  to  Mr.  Jan  Hendrik  Rudolf 
Beaujon,  a  native  of  Curacae,  Netherlands 
West  Indies,  and  they  are  making  their 
home  in  Durham.  Mr.  Beaujon,  who  has  a 
B.S.  degree  in  pharmacy  from  Rutgers  Uni- 
versity and  a  M.S.  from  the  University  of 
North  Carolina,  is  now  working  toward  a 
Ph.D.  at  the  University  of  North  Carolina. 
JOHN  D.  RUSACK,  B.S.M.E.,  and  ROBERT 
L.  VAN  DYCK,  B.S.M.E.,  have  been  ap- 
pointed to  the  staff  of  scientific  personnel 
of  the  Experimental  Towing  Tank  at  Stevens 
Institute  of  Technology. 
WESLEY  H.  SHIRK,  JR.,  B.S.E.E.,  is 
working  with  Leeds  and  Northrup,  4901 
Stenton  Avenue,  Philadelphia  44,  Pa. 
On  June  16  LENA  MAC  SMITH,  daughter 
of  W.  HERBERT  SMITH,  '23,  and  WIL- 
B.S.E.E.,  were  married  in  the  Presbyterian 
Church,  Clover,  S.  C.  They  are  living  at 
103  Sedgefield  Drive,  Norfolk  13,  Va.,  while 
Bill  is  serving  as  an  Ensign  in  the  United 
States  Navy. 

JAMES  SULLIVAN,  JR.,  were  married 
June  23  at  the  Church  of  the  Immaculate 
Conception,  Durham.  Jim  is  working  for 
the  State  Conservation  Department,  and  they 
plan  to  make  their  home  in  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
The  wedding  of  DOROTHY  WOODWARD 
and  NORMAN  C.  LeGORE  took  place  June 
5  in  the  Edenton  Street  Methodist  Church, 
Raleigh,  N.  C.  They  are  living  at  22  B 
Southwest  Avenue,  Vineland,  N.  J.,  where 
Norm  is  a  partner  in  the  LeGore  Agency. 
is  a  junior  electrical  engineer  for  Chance 
Vought  Aircraft  Corporation  in  Dallas,  Tex. 



Dr.  Ruth  Margery  Addoms,  professor 
of  botany  at  Duke  since  1930,  died  at  the 
home  of  her  mother  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y., 
on  August  30,  at  the  result  of  a  heart 
condition.     She  was  55  years  old. 

A  native  of  Haworth,  N.  J.,  Dr.  Ad- 
doms was  one  of  the  Nation's  outstanding 
botanists.  She  made  her  home  at  1413 
North  Duke  Street  in  Durham. 

President  Edens,  on  learning  of  her 
death,  said,  "During  her  many  years  on 
the  staff,  Dr.  Addoms  had  earned  the 
strong  personal  friendship  and  high  re- 
gard of  her  colleagues.  Her  passing  is 
a  very  real  loss  to  Duke  University." 

Dr.  Addoms  had  traveled  widely  ini 
Europe,  and  had  helped  with  the  writing 
of  two  books.  She  received  her  A.B.  and 
M.A.  from  Wellesley  College  in  1918  and 
1921,  and  the  University  of  Wisconsin 
awarded  her  the  Ph.D.  degree  in  1926. 
Dr.  Addoms  taught  at  both  institutions 
before  coming  to  Duke.  She  specialized 
in  the  study  of  plant  anatomy  and  plant 
physiology,  having  done  distinguished 
work  in  both  fields. 

Active  in  Durham  civic  life,  Dr.  Ad- 
doms was  chairman  of  the  Durham  Chap- 
ter of  British  War  Relief  and  a  member 
of  the  Drivers'  Corps  of  the  City's  Civil 
Defense  organization  during  World  War 
II.  In  July,  1946,  she  received  "The 
King's  Medal  for  Service  in  the  Cause 
of  Freedom"  from  England.  She  was  a 
member  of  the  Durham  Girl  Scout  Coun- 
cil since  its  formation,  and  held  member- 
ship in  a  large  number  of  scientific  and 
professional  organizations. 

Survivors  include  the  mother,  Mrs. 
William  H.  Addoms;  a  sister,  Miss  Eliza- 
beth Addoms,  both  of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. ; 
and  a  brother,  John  Addoms,  of  Cali- 


Julius  Clarence  Gregson,  '92,  pioneer 
cotton  mill  owner  and  industrialist  of  Siler 
City,  N.  C,  died  at  his  home  on  August  4 
after  an  illness  of  several  months. 

Funeral  services  were  conducted  at  the 
First  Methodist  Church,  Siler  City,  and 
interment  was  in  Oakwood  Cemetery. 

As  a  young  man,  Mr.  Gregson  went  to 
Siler  City  and  was  instrumental  in  or- 
ganizing the  Hadley-Peoples  Manufac- 
turing Company,  a  cotton  mill  of  which 
he  became  general  manager.  He  was  also 
one  of  the  co-founders  of  Gregson  and 
Dorsett  Wholesale  Grocery  Company  and 
the  Oval  Oak  Manufacturing  Company, 
the  world's  largest  washboard  factory. 
In  1902  he  helped  organize  the  Chatham 
Bank  and  served  as  director  for  many 
years  and  as  president  from  1919  until 
1928.  In  addition  he  operated  the  first 
Ford  dealership  in  Siler  City. 

Widely  known  in  national  textile  circles, 
he  was  noted  for  his  ability  as  a  cotton 
buyer  for  his  mill,  a  job  which  he  kept 
when  he  sold  his  interest  in  the  mill  in 
1944.  He  retired  from  active  work  a 
year  ago. 

Survivors  include  the  wife,  Mrs.  Mabel 
Hadley  Gregson,  of  Siler  City,  three 
daughters,  one  brother,  Walter  J.  Greg- 
son, '92,  Randleman,  N.  C.  one  sister, 
three  grandchildren,  and  two  great-grand- 

[ Page  236  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  September,  1951 


Tickets  for  all  football  games  may  be  secured  by  writing  the  Duke  University  Athletic  Office.     In 
sending  money  order  or  check,  add  10c  to  each  order  to  cover  cost  of  insured  mail. 




Homogen  ized 

Mellow  Milk  is  the  new 
deliciously  different 
milk  now   soaring  to 
popularity  in  the  Dur- 
ham-Duke market. 

•  Farm-fresh  Grade  A 

•  Pasteurized 

•  Vitamin  "D"  added 

•  Homogenized 

There's  cream  in 
every  drop! 



C.  B.  Martin    V.  J.  Ashbaugh 


Sept.  22— South  Carolina   Columbia 

Sept.  29— Pittsburgh  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Oct.      6 — Tennessee  Knoxville,  Tenn. 

Oct.    13— N.  C.  State  Durham 

Oct         7C\        V  P  T                                                                  AT„.^.ll.      TJ-. 


Wholesale  Paper 

208  Virion  St.                  801  S.  Church  St. 
DURHAM,  N.  C.      ROCKY  MOUNT,  N.  C 

Serving  North  Carolina  Since  1924 




ct.    27— Virginia   Durham 

ov.     3— Georgia  Tech  Atlanta 

ov.   10 — Wake  Forest  Durham 

ov.  17— William  &  Mary       Williamsburg,  Va. 
ov.  24— U.N.C Durham 



Insurance  Specialists 
DURHAM,  N.  C. 

Established  1872 

ickoff   for   the   South   Carolina,   N.   C.   State, 
irginia,   and   Georgia  Tech  games  will  be  at 
30;   V.P.I.,  2:15.    All  other  games  will  begin 
2:00  p.m. 


of  continuous  service  to  Duke 
University  Faculty,  Adminis- 
tration and  Alumni. 

HIBBERD  Florist,  Inc. 

Durham,  N.  C. 
Opposite  the  Washington  Duke 


Machinery  -  Mill  Supplies 

Plumbing  and  Heating  Equipment 

Contractors'  Supplies  and  Equipment 


Our  buying  facilities  are  such  as  to  enable  us  to  reach  the  markets  of  the  world. 
It  costs  no  more  to  buy  from  us  than  it  does  from  others.    When  the  trade  places 
orders  with  us  they  are  always  certain  of  receiving  the  greatest  value  for  their 

1 12  SOUTH  DUKE  STREET                                               SOUTH  WEST  STREET 
DURHAM,  N.  C.                                                                RALEIGH,  N.  C. 


Ih^Sk'  NO#  10"-THE   WOODPECKER 


•   ^  of  a   q     ?" 


oodrow  almost  bit  off  more  than  he  could  chew  when  he  tackled 
the  cigarette  tests!  But  he  pecked  away  'til  he  smoked  out  the  truth: 
Such  an  important  item  as  mildness  can't  be  tossed  off  in  a  fleeting  second! 
A  "swift  sniff"  or  a  "perfunctory  puff"  proves  practically  nothing!  He, 
like  millions  of  smokers,  found  one  test  that  doesn't  leave  you  up  a  tree. 

It's  the  sensible  test . . .  the  30-Day  Camel  Mildness  Test,  which 
simply  asks  you  to  try  Camels  as  your  steady  smoke— on  a  day-after-day 
basis.  No  snap  judgments!  Once  you've  enjoyed  Camels  for  30  days 
in  your  "T-Zone"  (T  for  Throat,  T  for  Taste) ,  you'll  see  why  . . . 

After  all  the  Mildness  tests... 

Camel  leads  all  other  brands  by  biff  fans 




October,  1931 

Key  to  the  "T"—  Quarterback  Barger 





•  •  • 

No  Unpleasant 

_added  to 

the  world's  most 

famous  ABCs  — 

|  Always  Milder 


\  Better  Tasting 
I  Cooler  Smoking  J 


..',•-  -:: 





"It's  the  snjy  one  witMheBig^s^ 






brands  tested  in  which  ma™r*  *        » 
panel  found  no  unpleasant  after-taste. 

fremH,..., — *- -*— *— 

Always  Boy  CHcSTbKjV 



&  Myers  Tobacco  « 

See  PAUL  DOUGLAS,  starring  in  "THE  GUY  WHO  CAME  BAC 

A  20th  Century-fox  Production 


(Member  of  American  Alumni  Council) 

Published  at  Durham,  N.  C,  Every  Month  in  the  Year 
in  the  Interest  of  the  University  and  the  Alumni 


October,  1951 

No.  IO 


Letters 239 

Homecoming  Schedule 241 

Glass  Agents  Join  Campaign 243 

Like  Father  Like  Son? 245 

An  Undergraduate's  View 247 

The  Arts  Council  Grows 248 

Some  Individual  Alumni 249 

Alumni  Meetings 250 

Books 251 

Blue  Devil  Sports  Events 252 

Faculty  Activities 254 

News  of  Alumni 255 

Sons  and  Daughters 256 

Charles   A.   Dukes,    '29 

Director,    Alumni    Affairs 

Roger  L.  Marshall,  '42 

Layout   Editor 
Ruth  Mary  Brown 

Associate  Editor 
Anne  Garrard,   '25 

Advertising  Manager 
Fred  Whitener,   '51 

Staff   Photographer 
Jimmy  Whitley 

TAvo  Dollars  a  Year  20  Cents  a  Copy 

Entered  as  Seeond-Class  Matter  at  the  Post  Office  at 

Durham,  N.  C,  Under  the  Act  of  March  3,  1879. 

The  Cover ~™~_ 

Jerry  Barger  (pronounced  Bar-jur,  please),  is  Duke's 
freshman  flash  in  the  all-important  quarterback  slot  in 
the  "T"  formation.  Already  named  Southern  Confer- 
ence Freshman  of  the  Week,  against  South  Carolina,  the 
Salisbury,  N.  C,  youngster  is  bidding  for  recognition  as 
one  of  Duke's  great  backs. 

Department  of  Alumni  Affairs 


JTVecently  the  class  agents  held  their  annual  meeting  on 
the  Duke  campus,  kicking  off  the  final  phase  of  the  de- 
velopment campaign.  For  the  first  time  in  the  history 
of  such  meetings,  more  class  agents  were  present  than  had 
indicated  they  would  attend.  This  is  the  kind  of  spirit 
that  prevails  among  the  class  and  school  agents. 

Although  the  class  agents  are  beginning  their  work,  the 
area  chairmen  will  not  stop.  If  you  haven 't  already  done 
so,  make  your  contribution  immediately  either  through 
your  class  agent  or  area  chairman. 

The  alumni  in  Northern  New  Jersey  had  planned  to 
come  for  Homecoming  in  a  chartered  railway  car.  Ar- 
rangements could  not  be  worked  out  because  the  railway 
does  not  have  facilities  for  putting  cars  on  a  side  track  in 
Durham.  A  number  of  the  alumni  are  coming  for  the 
week-end  in  station  wagons.  This  seems  like  a  good  idea 
for  alumni  in  other  areas. 

The  Senior  Classes  are  sponsoring  a  Homecoming  dance 
Saturday  night  following  the  game.  This  is  something 
the  younger  alumni  have  requested,  and  we  hope  they  and 
other  alumni  will  enter  wholeheartedly  into  these  plans. 

The  Homecoming  decorations  on  campus  will  be  lighted 
Friday  night.  Make  your  plans  to  be  here  and  visit  the 
campus  at  that  time,  as  the  decorations  will  be  at  their 
best.  The  entire  community  is  working  to  make  this  an 
outstanding  Homecoming.  Your  presence  will  make  the 
week-end  complete. 

Preliminary  applications  for  Angier  Duke  Scholarships 
must  be  made  by  December  1.5.  If  you  know  of  a  young 
man,  or  woman,  in  your  community  who  should  apply, 
urge  him  to  do  so  immediately.  These  are  $3,000  scholar- 
ships, over  a  four-year  period,  for  North  Carolina  stu- 
dents. New  Regional  Scholarships  have  been  set  up  by 
the  Duke  Endowment.  High  school  seniors  in  the  state 
of  Virginia,  the  District  of  Columbia,  and  Prince  George 
and  Montgomery  Counties  in  Maryland  are  eligible  to 

IVIany  of  the  local  alumni  associations  are  holding  an- 
nual meetings.  If  your  community  has  not  had  such  a 
meeting,  how  about  getting  in  touch  with  your  officers 
and  suggesting  they  make  plans  for  one  this  fall.  If  you 
do  not  know  the  officer,  write  the  Alumni  Office,  and  we 
will  be  glad  to  send  you  their  names. 

The  new  parking  regulations  on  campus  make  parking 
for  visitors  more  convenient. 

A  young  man's  career  was 

signed,  sealed  and  delivered  in 

We  were  sitting  around  after  lunch 
the  other  day— Bill  Howell,  Frank 
Parsons  and  I  —  having  our  coffee  and 
talking  about  this  and  that,  and  the  sub- 
ject got  around  to  how  we  all  got  started 
in  the  work  we  were  doing. 

I'd  told  them  how  winning  an  essay- 
contest  in  school  had  put  me  on  the  road 
to  being  a  writer  of  sorts  instead  of  the 
engineer  I  thought  I  was  going  to  be,  and 
then  Bill  Howell  explained  how,  as  a  young 
lad,  he  had  become  interested  in  architec- 
ture through  watching  them  remodel  his 
father's  grocery  store. 

I  turned  to  Frank  Parsons  and  said, 
"Looks  as  if  you're  the  only  one  here  who 
followed  his  father's  footsteps,  Frank. 
Was  that  by  accident,  or  by  choice,  or 

Frank  tamped  some  tobacco  in  his  pipe 
and  grinned.  "Well,  it's  quite  a  story,  but 
if  you're  really  interested,  I'll  tell  you  . . ." 

He  held  a  match  to  his  pipe  and  puffed 
thoughtfully  for  a  moment  and  then  went 
on.  "My  dad  always  wanted  me  to  go 
into  the  same  business  he  was  in,  but  he 
never  tried  to  talk  me  into  it.  He  wanted 
me  to  do  whatever  I  thought  I  could  do 
best,  and  let  me  have  my  own  way  about 
choosing  a  career. 

"One  day  after  I  got  out  of  college  back 
in  1920,  I  stopped  at  Dad's  office  to  tell 
him  I  was  going  across  town  to  see  about 
a  job  I'd  heard  was  open  at  the  mill.  Dad 
said  that  was  fine  and  wished  me  luck. 
Then  he  picked  up  a  couple  of  envelopes 
from  his  desk  and  said,  'As  long  as  you're 
going  over  that  way,  Frank,  would  you 
mind  dropping  this  off  for  me?'  He  handed 
me  one  of  the  envelopes,  shoved  the  other 
in  his  coat  pocket  and  said,  'I  want  to  de- 

liver this  one  myself  because  it's  pretty 
important — and  it  will  save  me  some  time 
if  you  take  the  other.'  " 

Frank  Parsons  put  down  his  pipe  and 
said,  "I  never  did  get  to  the  mill  that  day 
— or  any  other.  After  I  delivered  the  en- 
velope I  went  back  to  Dad's  office  and 
asked  him  how  soon  I  could  start  working 
for  him." 

Bill  Howell  leaned  across  the  table  and 
said,  "What  happened  that  made  you 
change  your  mind?" 

Frank  Parsons  smiled  and  said,  "It  was 
that  envelope.  It  was  addressed  to  a 
woman  who  lived  on  the  way  to  the  mill, 
and  she  opened  it  while  I  was  standing 
there.  Inside  it  was  a  check  from  New 
York  Life.  Her  husband  had  died  just  a 
short  while  before  and  left  her  with  four 
small  children,  and — well,  I  guess  you  just 
never  know  what  life  insurance  is  all  about 
until  you  see  what  it  means  to  people  .  . ." 

Bill  Howell  nodded.  "That  was  a  pretty 
smart  stunt  of  your  father's — sending  you 
on  an  errand  like  that,  knowing  that  it 

might  be  the  one  thing  that  would  swing 
you  over  to  being  a  New  York  Life  agent 
like  himself." 

We  pushed  back  our  chairs,  and  as  we 
were  leaving  the  table  Frank  Parsons 
said,  "That's  the  funny  part  of  the  whole 
thing.  Dad  was  in  such  a  hurry  and  the 
envelopes  looked  so  much  alike  that  he 
gave  me  the  wrong  one!  He  thought  he'd 
sent  me  over  to  pay  the  gas  bill!" 

51  Madison  Avenue,  New  York  10,  N.  Y. 

Naturally,  names  used  in  this  story  are  fictitious. 

Few  occupations  offer  a  man  so  much  in 
the  way  of  personal  reward  as  life  under- 
writing. Many  New  York  Life  agents  are 
building  very  substantial  futures  for  them- 
selves by  helping  others  plan  ahead  for 
theirs.  If  you  would  like  to  know  more 
about  a  life  insurance  career,  talk  it  over 
with  the  New  York  Life  manager  in  your 
community— or  write  to  the  Home  Office 
at  the  address  above. 


June  27,  1951 
Claude  G.  Pepper,  '92 
Hamlet,  N.  C. 

At  the  age  of  81,  a  letter  of  the  magni- 
tude of  the  23rd  of  June  from  you,  is 
touching  a  tender  spot.  There's  only  one 
Duke,  and  was  only  one  Trinity  College. 
Dr.  Craven,  Dr.  Crowell  and  Dr.  Pegram, 
gave  me  something  none  could  take  from 
me  in  life.  Prof.  English  gave  me  a 
voice  that  has  been  lifted  all  of  these 
years,  and  I  think  I  can  tell  a  speaker 
who  was  trained  at  Duke,  or  old  Trinity. 
My  life  has  been  freely  given  to  my  fel- 
lows. Now  at  81,  I  associate  with  young 
men  and  love  them,  and  they  love  me  to 
the  extent  that  I  was  told  that  I  was  the 
only  man  in  Hamlet  that  could  be  elected 
an  honorary  member  of  the  Lions  Club 
of  Hamlet.  Seventy-five  men  stood  and 
voted  unanimously  for  the  old  man.  Hum- 
bly, I  serve  them  all  the  time.  Thank  you 
sir,  and  I  assure  you  that  I  will  only 
thank  God  and  keep  my  feet  on  the 

Tours,  and  hoping  when  another  year 
comes,  the  old  man  may  still  do  better  for 
dear  old  Duke 

October  13,  1951 
Ainslie  Palmer,  '51 
221  W.  Sumner  Avenue 
Spokane,  Washington 

Even  at  this  long  distance  I  feel  very 
close  to  Duke  and  a  bit  nostalgic  for  the 
wonderful  experiences  I  had  there.  I  am 
hoping  that  in  the  next  few  years  Spo- 

kane may  be  represented  again  on  the 
campus,  for  it  is  well  worth  travelling  a 
few  thousand  miles  a  year  for  the  privi- 
lege of  attending  Duke !  There  are  a 
couple  of  good  prospects,  and  I  am  cer- 
tainly "beating  the  drums." 

October  13,  1951 
Pfc.  Alex  B.  McFadden,  '50 
A.  P.  0.  New  York 

Excerpt  from  a  letter  of  Pfc.  Alex  B. 
McFadden,  '50: 

"I  am  enclosing  a  small  contribution  to 
the  D.U.D.C.  I  hope  that  it  will  help  in 
the  drive  to  make  Duke  a  bigger  and  bet- 
ter University.  I  realize  that  every  little 
bit  adds  up.  I  wish  that  I  could  give 
more;  but  at  present  our  pay  records  are 
not  quite  straightened  out.  I  hope,  and 
will  plan,  to  make  another  contribution 
soon.  I  hope  that  all  of  the  alumni  feel 
as  I  do.  Every  little  bit  that  we  can  do 
will  be  of  great  value  to  the  future  stu- 
dents at  Duke.  Many  of  those  future 
students  will  be  our  own  children.  We 
know  how  much  we  profited  from  our 
experiences  and  classes  at  Duke.  Surely 
we  want  our  children  to  do  as  well  and 
even  better.  Every  time  that  we  add  one 
more  brick  or  book  or  make  it  possible 
for  the  educational  standards  to  be  raised, 
we  are  paving  a  better  road  for  our  chil- 
dren. These  contributions,  no  matter  how 
small,  also  help  us  to  feel  more  proud 
that  we  are  alumni  of  Duke  University. 
May  Duke  continue  to  grow  in  size  and 

Calendar  for  November 

3.  Organ  Class.  Ernest  White.  4:00  p.m. 

4.  Recital.  Ernest  White,  guest  organist. 

4 :00  p.m.,  University  Chapel. 

5.  Erasmus    Club.     Green    Room,    East 

Campus,  8 :15  p.m. 

6.  Bertram  Russell,  lecturer.    8 :00  p.m., 

Green  Room,  East  Campus. 
fro.  Dad's  Day. 
10.  Football  game  with  Wake  Forest. 

12.  Duke  Film  Society.     The  Quiet  One. 

13.  All-Star    Concert    Series.     Friedrich 

Gulda,    pianist.     8 :15    p.m.,    Page 

22.  Thanksgiving  Day :  a  holiday. 
24.  Football    game    with     University    of 

North  Carolina. 

27.  Off-the-series  attraction  of  the  All- 
Star  Concert  Series.  Opera  La 
Traviata,  8:15  p.m.,  Page  Audi- 

A  set  of  sixteen  prints  by  Durer,  a  16th 
Century  German  artist,  depicting  the  Bib- 
lical Book  of  Revelations  will  be  on  dis- 
play in  the  Art  Gallery  of  the  Duke  Uni- 
versity Woman's  College  Library  until 
November  5.  The  pictures  are  on  loan 
from  the  North  Carolina  State  Art  Gal- 

A  display  belonging  to  Earl  Mueller, 
assistant  professor  of  art,  entitled  "Ele- 
ments of  Design,"  will  be  shown  during 
the  rest  of  November. 





OCTOBER,  1941 

The  biggest  Duke-Durham  Home- 
coming parade  ever  held  was  witnessed 
by  100,000  people.  There  were  15 
bands  and  44  floats.  Classes  were  sus- 
pended, and  the  Blue  Devils  made  the 
day  complete  by  beating  the  Tennessee 
Vols  19-0. 

From  5,000  to  6,000  soldiers  are  on 
maneuvers  in  the  area. 

Duke  Players  present  The  Male  Ani- 

The  style  of  that  proverbial  fresh- 
man annoyance,  the  "dink,"  has  been 
changed  from  an  abbreviated  baseball 
cap  to  "crew"  style.  Most  students 
favored  the  change  since  it  presented 
innumerable  ways  of  wearing  the  us- 
ually disliked  head  covering. 

OCTOBER,  1926 

In  a  heated  contest,  Furman  Mc- 
Larty  was  victoriously  elected  senior 
class  president.  Other  officers  are  W. 
A.  Mabry,  vice-president;  Elizabeth 
Ramsey,  treasurer;  and  Rebecca  Land, 

Lillian  Gish  and  John  L.  Gilbert  are 
starring  at  the  Paris  Theatre  in  the 
movie  La  Boheme.  Another  "must  see" 
of  the  month  is  One  Minute  to  Play, 
starring  Red  Grange. 

Over  1500  students  are  attending 
Duke  University  this  year. 

D.  E.  Kirkpatrick,  Men's  Association 
president,  and  his  fellow  officers  are 
trying  to  impress  Duke  traditions  upon 
the  freshmen. 

Students  are  buying  snacks  at  the 
recently  opened  Blue  Door  Tea  Room, 
located  directly  behind  Dr.  Few's 

T.  E.  Wagg,  Jr.,  is  Chronicle  editor, 
and  Blanche  Henry  Clark  is  co-ed 

OCTOBER,  1901 

The  Reverend  John  Carlisle  Kilgo, 
president  of  the  College,  returned  this 
month  from  a  trip  to  Europe  during 
the  summer. 

Trinity  College  has  at  the  present 
eight  scientific  laboratories  supplied 
with  the  latest  equipment:  three  chem- 
istry, one  biology,  and  four  physics 
laboratories.  A  reliable  survey  shows 
that  almost  all  other  college  science 
laboratories  in  the  south  are  at  least 
30  years  out  of  date. 

The  total  endowment  of  Trinity  Col- 
lege is  $333,750. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 

[  Page  239  ] 

Designers  and  Makers  of  Fine  Living  Room  Furniture 

—HIGH  POINT,  N.  C- 

Big  '51  Homecoming  Set  for  October  27 

Duke's  1951  Homecoming  celebration, 
on  October  27,  will  offer  some  special 

The  Blue  Devils  will  challenge  the  Uni- 
versity of  Virginia  Cavaliers,  in  what 
will  be  the  second  appearance  of  the 
Murray-coached  team  on  Duke  ground 
this  year.  ( Their  Durham  debut — Octo- 
ber i3  against  the  N.  C.  State  Wolf- 
pack.)  The  Homecoming  crowd  will  also 
take  the  opportunity  to  make  it  a  fine 
Welcome  Back  Bill  Murray  Day. 

This  gridiron  battle  will  renew  one  of 
the  oldest  rivalries  in  the  South.  In  1890 
Duke  (Trinity)  and  Virginia  met  in 
Richmond  on  Thanksgiving  day  for  the 
first  interstate  intercollegiate  football 
game  ever  played  in  the  South. 

Registration  will  begin  in  the  West 
Campus  Union  Lobby  at  2:00  p.m.  on 
Friday,  October  26,  which  is  a  good  day 
for  alumni  to  get  settled,  find  out.  just 
what  the  week  end  has  in  store,  and  visit 
their  friends  and  fellow-alumni  before 
the  busy  Homecoming  schedule  gets  under 
way.  Everyone  is  especially  urged  to 
register  so  others  will  know  who  has  ar- 
rived, and  how  friends  can  be  located. 

Student  Homecoming  decorations  on 
^West  Campus  are  to  be  completed  by 
Friday  night,  when  they  will  be  spot- 
lighted and  ready  for  inspection.  They 
will  also  be  judged  at  that  time  by  a 
downtown  committee.  The  night  displays 
piet  with  such  success  last  year  that  a 
repetition  seems  to  be  in  order,  and  visi- 
tors will  particularly  like  the  carnival 
atmosphere  the  decorations  create. 

All  fraternities,  hiding-  behind  their 
Homecoming  decorations,  will  open  doors 
to  greet  alumni  brothers,  their  wives  and 
dates  in  a  new  Friday  evening  feature. 
The  Duke  Players  will  present  a  comedy. 

Engineers'  Homecoming 

Annual  Homecoming  of  College  of 
Engineering  alumni,  also  on  October 
27,  will  begin  with  a  meeting  at  10  :30 
a. ii!.  in  the  College  of  Engineering 
Auditorium.  The  session  will  be  de- 
voted to  an  explanation  of  the  Col- 
lege's research  and  develop  program. 
During  the  meeting,  wives  of  alumni 
will  be  entertained  at  a  "Coffee  Hour" 
in  the  Engineering  Library  by  the 
Engineers'  Wives  Club.  Russell  Ran- 
son,  '31,  is  Engineer  Alumni  Associa- 
tion president. 

"Room  Service,''  beginning  at  8:15  p.m., 
both  Thursday  and  Friday,  in  Page  Audi- 

On  Saturday,  the  big  day,  things  will 
start  rolling  with  a  Pep  Meeting  in  front 
of  the  Old  Gym  at  9 :30.  The  traditional 
Homecoming  Barbecue  will  take  place  in 
the  Old  Gymnasium  on  West  Campus 
from  11:30  to  1:00  o'clock.  This  will 
be  regardless  of  weather,  since  it  has  bee:i 
found  that  the  gym  is  pleasant  and  more 
convenient — no  ants,  no  leaves,  no  c  Id, 
no  threat  of  rain.  There  is  ample  seating 
room,  plenty  of  visiting  room,  and  every- 
one will  be  within  a  short  walk  to  the 

At  1:45  p.m.,  just  before  game  time, 
the  University  of  Virginia  marching  band 
will  perform. 

At  gametime,  alumni  will  get  a  sample 
of  just  what  this  Murray-coached  squad 
can  do.  During  the  half,  the  1951  Duke 
Homecoming  Queen  will  be  crowned  by 
William  M.  Werber,  '30,  president  of  the 
General  Alumni  Association.  She  will  be 
chosen,  as  will  her  court,  by  popular  stu- 
dent vote,  and  beauty  will  be  a  high  cri- 
terion. The  Duke  University  marching 
band  will  perform,  and  prizes  for  the 
best  homecoming  decorations  will  be 

Durham  Participates 

A  special  committee  from  the  Durham 
Chamber  of  Commerce  has  been  ap- 
pointed to  work  with  the  Duke  committee 
on  Homecoming.  Durham  stores  will  fea- 
ture special  window  displays,  and  the 
entire  city  will  welcome  alumni  and 
friends.  Richard  J.  Crowder,  president 
of  the  Trinity  College  senior  class  and 
member  of  the  National  Council  Commit- 
tee on  Special  Occasions,  is  chairman  of 
the  student  Homecoming  committee  com- 
posed cf  19  student  leaders.  Heading  the 
Durham  Chamber  of  Commerce  committee 
is  Dante  Germino.  Sr.  Other  members 
rf  his  group  are  Wesley  Me  A.f ee,  '41. 
William  F.  Swain,  J.  A.  Woodall,  R.  P. 
Garrison,  Jr.,  Fred  N.  Lloyd.  '34.  and 
LeRov  Graham,  '18. 

Following  the  game,  all  fraternities  on 
campus  will  hold  open  house,  and  the 
registration  desk  in  the  Union  Lobby 
will  again  be  open  for  the  alumni. 
Worthy  of  note  is  the  fact  that  the  Pi 
Kappa  Alpha  fraternity  celebrates  its 
oflth  anniversary  during  Homecoming 
Week  End.  A  highlight  of  the  occasion 
will   be  a   banquet  on   Saturday  night. 

All   former   students   are  invited   to   a 

Homecoming  dance  Saturday  evening  in 
the  Old  Gymnasium,  West  Campus,  from 
9:00  to  12:00  o'clock.  The  dance,  spon- 
soreel  by  a  student  organization,  will  be 
informal,  and  tickets  ($1.25)  will  be 
available  in  the  Alumni  Office.  The  Duke 
Ambassadors,  the  only  band  in  the  South 
to  be  named  All-Collegiate  Band  by 
Metronome  Magazine,  and  the  only  col- 
legiate hand  in  the  Nation  to  be  men- 
tioned in  Who's  Who  in  Music,  will  play. 
The  Homecoming  queen  will  be  guest  of 
honor  and  members  of  the  football  team 
will  be  recognized.     A  special  dance  hon- 

Welcome,  Bill  Murray 

The  1951  Homecoming  will  be  an 
official  "Welcome  back,  Bill  Murray 
Day,"  as  Bill's  friends,  classmates, 
teammates,  admirers,  and  well-wishers 
converge  on  the  campus  to  cheer  his 
first  Duke  team. 

Bill  Murray  is  the  first  alumnus 
coach  that  the  University  has  ever  had. 
Following  in  the  giant  footsteps  of 
the  venerable  Wallace  Wade,  he  has 
molded  a  team,  in  a  new  pattern,  that 
offers  its  rooters  more  than  a  fail- 
share  of  downright  excitement. 

The  spirited  Blue  Devils,  meeting  an 
old  rival  before  a  special  audience  of 
former  students,  can  confidently  be  ex- 
pected to  make  the  game  a  climax  to 
other  festivities  that  welcome  back 
their  new  and  popular  mentor. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  19: 1 

f  Page  -241  \ 

oring  alumni    will   take  place  during  the 

Begularly  scheduled  Homecoming  ac- 
tivities will  close  Sunday  morning  with 
a  Chapel  service  at  11 :00  a.m.,  at  which 
Dr.  James  T.  Cleland  will  speak.  Many 
alumni  will  want  to  remain  the  rest  of 
the  day  to  finish  seeing  the  campus  and 
visiting  friends  who  were  previously  en- 
grossed with  football  and  barbecue. 

That  First  Virginia  Game 

At  that  first  Virginia  game  61  years 
ago,  Trinity  College  had  no  coach  at  all. 
President  Crowell  had  brought  some  of 
the  new  rules  of  the  game  from  Yale 
University.  The  change  from  a  round 
ball  to  an  elliptical  one  had  just  been 
made,  and  the  game  itself  was  still  pretty 
much  of  a   free-for-all. 

The  score  of  the  1890  game  was  Vir- 
ginia 10 — Duke  4,  but  it  was  a  battle  all 
the  way.  (A  touchdown  counted  four 
points,  and  a  field  goal  five.  A  safety 
was  two  points.)  If  people  worry  about 
N.C.A.A.  rules  to  protect  players  and 
teams  now,  they  should  have  seen  that 
first  Virginia  game.  Dr.  M.  T.  Plyler. 
left  tackle  on  the  team,  has  said  that 
the  squad  of  '90  will  never  forget  the 
terrors  of  the  Virginia  onslaught.  "It  was 
Virginia  to  the  right  of  us,  Virginia  to 
the  left  of  us,  and  Virginia  in  front  of 
us.  In  the  end,  it  was  bruises  to  the 
right  of  us,  bruises  to  the  left  of  us,  and 
bruises  behind  us.  Never  did  Carthaginian 
swear  eternal  vengeance  on  Rome  more 
certainly  than  did  Trinity  on  Virginia 
following  that  first  meeting  on  the  James. 
Next  year  to  their  astonishment,  we  licked 
them," 20  to  0." 

The  late  R.  L.  Durham,  '91,  captain  of 
the  team,  wrote  an  interesting  account  of 
the  game  some  years  ago.  The  only  prac- 
tice the  team  got  off  their  own  campus,' he 
said,  was  the  game  played  by  the  Trinity 
students  at  the  laying  of  the  corner-stone 
of  the  main  building  of  the  new  college 
at  Durham.  There  was  also  quite  a  con- 
test for  place  on  the  "First  Eleven," 
which  meant  much  more  in  those  days 
than  it  does  now  in  the  two  squad  sys- 
tem. At  that  time  there  was  no  such 
thing  as  taking  a  man  out  of  the  game 
unless  he  was  injured  because  once  out, 
he  could  not  be  put  in  again. 

The  last  time  Duke  played  Virginia, 
in  1943,  the  score  was  49  to  0  in  favor 
of  Duke.  The  two  teams  have  had  a 
long  and  stormy  record  of  contest,  and 
the  1951  Homecoming  game  will  un- 
doubtedly be  in  keeping  with  that  his- 
toric tradition.  Of  late,  Virginia  has 
fielded  strong  elevens,  and  this  year  Duke 
will  have  its  hands  full. 

1951  Homecoming  Schedule 

Friday,  October  26 

2  :00-9  :00  p.m. — Registration,  Union 

7  :00-9  :30  p.m.— Judging  West  Cam- 
pus Decorations  (visitors  urged  to 
see  displays  at  this  time) 

7:00-10  :00  p.m. — Fraternity  Open 

8 :15  p.m. — "Room  Service" — A  Duke 
Players  Production  (Page  Audito- 
rium ) 

9  :30  p.m. — Pep  Meeting  in  front  Old 

Saturday,  October  27 

9  :00  a.m.-7  :00  p.m.— Registration, 

Union  Lobby 

10:30a.m. — College  of  Engineering 
Homecoming  Meeting  (Auditorium, 
Engineering  Building.  Subject :  Col- 
lege of  Engineering  Research  and 
Development  Program.) 

10  :30  a.m. — Coffee  Hour  in  Engineer- 

ing Library  for  Wives  of  Engineer- 
ing Alumni,  (sponsored  by  Student 
Engineers'  Wives  Club.) 

11 :30  a.m.-l  :00  p.m. — Alumni  Barbe- 
cue  (Old  Gym,  West  Campus) 

2  :15  p.m. — Virginia  Band 

2  :30  p.m. — Varsity  Football  Game — 
Duke  v.  University  of  Virginia 
Half  time :  Crowning  of  Homecoming 
Queen.  Duke  University  Band. 
Awarding  of  Prizes  for  Best  Cam- 
pus Decorations. 

4:30  p.m. — Fraternity  Open  Houses 

8 :00  p.m. — Pi  Kappa  Alpha  Golden 
Anniversary  Banquet 

9:00-12  p.m. — Homecoming  Dance 
(sponsored  by  the  Senior  Class.) 
(Old  Gym,  West  Campus) 

Sunday,  October  28 

11 :00  a.m. — University  Worship  Serv- 
ice. (Dr.  James  T.  Cleland,  preacher.) 

Contracts  Let  for  West  Campus  Building 

Contracts  for  the  construction  of  the 
new  Administration  and  Classroom  Build- 
ing, one  of  the  major  objectives  of  the 
Development  Campaign,  were  let  this 
month.  Total  cost  of  the  new  structure, 
for  which  ground  has  already  been 
broken,   is  to  be  $1,758,000. 

Contract  for  the  general  construction 
of  the  building  went  to  the  J.  A.  Jones 
Construction  Company  of  Charlotte,  N.  C, 
on  a  bid  of  $907,000.  Other  contracts  let 
were :  for  heating  and  ventilation,  $79,313, 
Durham  Plumbing  and  Heating  Company, 
Durham ;  for  plumbing,  $41,225,  Copeland 
Plumbing  Company,  Durham;  and  for 
electrical  work,  $47,280,  Star  Electric 
Company  of  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Equipment  for  the  building,  not  in- 
cluded in  contract  let,  is  to  cost  $680,000. 

The  new  Classroom  and  Administration 
Building  is  to  be  erected  on  the  long 
empty  corner  of  the  intersecting  main 
quadrangles  of  West  Campus,  directly 
across  from  the  General  Library  on  one 
side  and  Few  Dormitory  Quadrangle  on 
the  other.  It  will,  therefore,  be  of  the 
traditional  Gothic  design,  the  only  build- 

ing erected  in  this  pattern  since  before 
World  War  II,  with  the  exception  of  the 
library  annex. 

Duke's  students,  in  particular,  are  look 
ing  forward  to  the  completion  of  tha 
structure.  It  will  not  only  alleviate  q 
shortage  of  classroom  space  on  the  cam] 
pus,  but  it  will  free  the  present  Adminis- 
tration Building,  originally  designated  a? 
temporary  quarters  for  administrative 
offices,  for  remodeling  as  a  long-desireq 
Student  Activities  Center.  Money  foi 
this  remodeling  project  has  been  pro 
vided  by  Duke's  friends,  individuals  an( 
business  firms,  in  the  City  of  Durham  ir 
a  phase  of  the  national  Developmen 
Campaign  headed  by  George  Watts  Hill 

Another  favorable  aspect  of  the  build 
ing,  scheduled  for  completion  in  about  If 
months,  is  the  additional  space  it  wil 
provide  for  offices  for  the  teaching  staff 
Not  only  will  it  facilitate  the  work  anc 
study  of  the  faculty,  but  it  will  allow 
greater  accommodations  for  private  ano 
personal  interviews  with  students  in  & 
manner  that  will  contribute  to  the  educa 
tional  advantages  of  which  Duke  boasts 

[ Page  242  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 

At  the  October  14  meeting  of  Class 
Agents  in  the  West  Campus  Union 
are,  left  to  right,  Charles  A.  Dukes, 
'29,  Director  of  Alumni  Affairs; 
Alonzo  Edwards,  '25,  of  Hookerton, 
N.  C,  chairman  of  the  National  Coun- 
cil ;  President  Edens ;  and  the  Eev. 
Charles  P.  Bowles,  '28,  A.M.  '31,  B.D. 
'32,  of  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Class  Agents  Join  in  Campaign  Push 

Class  agents,  departing  from  the  cam- 
pus after  the  October  14  meeting,  pledged 
their  efforts  to  reaching  every  one  of  the 
University's  25,000  alumni  and  alumnae 
within  the  next  few  weeks  in  the  final 
great  push  to  boost  the  Development  Cam- 
paign over  the  top  by  December  31. 

At  a  luncheon  session  presided  over  by 
Alonzo  Edwards,  '25,  1951-52  chairman  of 
the  National  Council,  Class  Agents  heard 
President  Edens  assert  that  there  was  no 
question  that  the  goal  of  eight  and  one- 
half  million  dollars  would  be  reached  be- 
fore the  end  of  the  campaign. 

After  briefly  reviewing  the  progress  of 
the  Development  Program  since  it  began, 
on  the  present  scale,  in  July  of  1950,  the 
President  stated :  "I  think  this  campaign 
lis  one  of  the  best  things  that  could  have 
happened    to    Duke    University.      It    has 

Spanning  60  years  of  Trinity  Col- 
lege and  Duke  University  are  Class 
Agents  James  E.  Briggs,  '51,  of  Ra- 
leigh, N.  C,  and  Dr.  A.  W.  Plyler, 
'92,  of  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

drawn  us  closer  together  and  has  made 
us  stronger." 

Dr.  Edens  strongly  re-emphasized  that 
the  purpose  of  the  campaign  was  not  to 
contribute  in  any  way  to  "a  bigger  Duke, 
but  to  make  Duke  better.'' 

The  University,  he  said,  now  has  an  en- 
rollment of  about  5,000  students  and  that 
is  the  maximum  number  that  should  be 
accepted.  But,  he  added,  the  funds  being 
sought  are  to  provide  better  for  those 
students  already  here  by  fulling  those  es- 
sential needs  with  which  alumni  are  now 

December  31  Is  Last  Day 

It  was  also  emphasized  by  the  President 
that  there  will  be  no  "period  of  grace" 
after  December  31. 

"The  eight  and  a  half  million  dollars  is 
for  undergirding  the  entire  University," 
he  explained,  "and  that  is  the  amount  that 
the  alumni  body  set  out  to  raise  as  its 
share  of  this  program.  While  the  even- 
tual goal  is  $12,000,000,  the  remaining 
$3,500,000  will  be  sought  from  special 
sources — foundation,  corporation,  and  in- 
dividuals interested  in  some  particular 
phase  of  the  University's  work." 

Mr.  Edwards  pointed  out  that :  "There 
is  now  more  need  for  the  privately  en- 
dowed universities  like  Duke  than  there 
has  ever  been  before.  Our  course  has  been 
charted  and  it  is  our  job  to  follow  it. 
The  service  we  render  through  keeping 
Duke  University  strong  is  a  service  to 
ourselves,  to  our  children,  and  to  our 
State  and  the  nation  as  a  whole." 

Dr.  Henry  C.  Sprinkle,  Jr.,  '23,  who 
attended  the  meeting  from  New  York 
City,  remarked :  "Our  investment  in  Duke 
University  has  been  the  most  profitable  of 
our  lives.  Duke  has  grown  great  through 
the  years,  and  we  have  seen  it  happen. 

We  are  going  to  be  proud  that  we  helped 
it  grow  even  greater." 

The  invocation  was  pronounced  by  the 
Rev.  Charles  P.  Bowles,  ''28,  A.M."  '31, 
B.D.  '32,  Charlotte,  N.  C,  who  is  the 
School  Agent  of  the  Divinity  School. 

Two  Mailings  Planned 

Class  Agents  plan  to  make  at  least  two 
appeals  to  their  classmates,  who  have  not 
yet  participated  in  the  campaign,  be- 
tween the  middle  of  October  and  Found- 
ers Day,  Dec.  11.  Most  Class  Agents  will 
mail  their  first  letters  out  around  October 
25  and  plan  to  follow  with  a  second  ap- 
peal about  a  month  later. 

While  letters  will  go  to  all  members  of 
all  classes  who  have  not  yet  contributed, 
this  will  not  interfere  with  local  cam- 
paigns now  in  progress  in  many  cities 
and  towns.  Campaigners  working  in 
these  local  campaigns,  which  have  without 
exception  established  enviable  records  of 
success,  will  continue  with  their  plans  to 
visit  each  alumnus  and  alumna  individ- 
ually in  a  direct  effort  to  secure  new  con- 
tributors and  additional  pledges. 

Most  recent  local  campaigns  to  be 
launched  were  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  where 
Wayne  Ambler,  '38,  is  chairman,  Bruce 
H.  Greenfield,  '38,  is  general  canvass 
chairman,  and  Joseph  L.  Loughran,  '47, 
is  general  canvass  chairman,  on  October 
15;  and  in  Miami,  Fla.,  where  Dr.  Harold 
K.  Terry,  '38,  is  chairman,  Henry  H. 
Russell,  Jr.,  '40,  is  initial  gifts  chairman, 
and  James  L.  Davis,  '45,  is  genera!  can- 
vass chairman,  on  October  17. 

Meanwhile,  word  from  Asheville,  N.  C, 
the  last  major  North  Carolina  area  to 
begin  campaign  activities,  indicates  that 
an  early  report  of  progress  can  be  ex- 
pected and  that  this  report  will  be  an 
unusually  good  one. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 

[  Page  243  ] 

Father,  '19 

Father,  '17,  and        Mother,  A.M.  '30 
mother,  '22 

Mother,  '19 

Mother,  '25 

Father,  '23 

Father,  '18,  and         Father,  '24,  and 
mother,  '19,  mother,  '24 

A.M.  '24 

Father,  '26 

Father,  '17  Father,  '22  Father,  '29 

Mother,  '33 

Father,  '26 

Father,  '22 

Father,  '13 

Father,  '24 

Father,  '24,  and 
mother,  '26 

Father,  '14 

Father,  LL.B.  '30       Father,  '25,  and 
mother,  '26 

Father,  '15 

Father,  '22,  and 
mother,  '26 

Father,  '23 

Father,  '16       Mother,  '24 

[  Page  244  ] 

DFKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 

Like  Father  Like  Son?  Let's  See 

A  little  sly  snooping  in  the  offices  of 
the  freshman  dean  and  the  director  of 
admissions,  on  West  and  East  Campuses, 
has  uncovered  the  fact  that  there  are  at 
least  56  members  of  the  1951  freshman 
class  whose  mothers  or  fathers,  or  mothers 
and  fathers,  were  once  students  at  Duke 

These  may  not  be  all  of  the  freshmen 
who  are  sons  and  daughters  of  alumni, 
but  these,  at  least,  are  the  ones  who  would 
admit  it.  And  there  are  enough  of  them 
present  to  make  an  interesting  game  for 
those  "old  timers"  ancient  enough  to  have 
boys  and  girls  in  college. 

The  idta  is  to  try  to  identify  the  parent 
of  the  freshman  by  detecting  a  family  re- 
semblance in  the  freshman's  face.  Can 
you  do  it? 

Under  each  photo  is  indicated  whether 
the  freshman's  mother  or  father  is  the 
alumna  or  alumnus  (or  both)  and  the 
parent's  class.  This  immediately  limits 
the  problem  to  a  manageable  range  and 
the  rest  should  be  easy.  For  each  class- 
mate's son  or  daughter  that  you  identify, 
give  yourself  a  score  of  100.  It  is  pos- 
sible to  be  super-perfect  in  this  test.  Re- 
member, however,  identifying  your  own 
off-spring  doesn't  count. 

A   number  of  the  youngsters   pictured 

The  answers  to  this  graduate-level 
examination  may  be  found  on  the  next 
page  (246).  They  are  printed  upside 
down  to  remove  any  temptation  to  peek 
before  guessing.  Under  each  photo  is 
the  information  as  to  which  parent  at- 
tended Duke  and  to  which  class  he  or 
she  belonged. 

on  these  pages  are  third  generation  Duke- 
sters,  having  had  grandparents  as  well  as 
parents  who  attended  Duke  and  Trinity. 
There  are  a  number  of  freshmen,  the  in- 
vestigation disclosed,  whose  grandparents 
attended  the  University  but  whose  par- 
ents went  astray  and  wandered  into  other 
camps.  There  are  many  others  who  have 
had  uncles,  aunts,  brothers,  and  sisters  at 
Duke  in  past  years. 

For  the  purpose  of  this  quiz,  however, 
photos  are  confined  to  the  direct  descend- 
ants of  a  single  generation.  Sometime  in 
the  future,  maybe  it  will  be  possible  to 
ferret  out  that  freshman  who  has  had  the 
most  relatives  at  Duke.  When  we  find 
him,  be  confident  that  we  shall  let  you 

Each  year  the  number  of  alumni  sons 
and  daughters  entering  the  freshman  class 

grows  larger.  This  trend  can  be  expected 
to  continue,  since  the  comparatively  large 
graduating  classes  of  more  recent  years 
have  now  been  out  in  the  world  long 
enough  to  make  a  name  for  themselves 
and  provide  progeny  for  its  perpetuation. 
That  mothers  and  fathers  direct  the  foot- 
steps of  their  offspring  back  to  their  own 
Alma  Mater  is  a  profound  compliment  to 
the  University.  Parents  always  want 
"things  to  be  better  for  Junior"  and  this 
particular  tendency  would,  therefore,  in- 
dicate that  there  is  no  place  better  than 

Another  observation  might  be  made 
(impartially,  of  course).  These  56  boys 
and  girls  of  the  class  of  1955  are  a  hand- 
some group,  aren't  they?  There  is  a  lot 
of  leadership  ability  represented  among 
them.  There  are  some  exceptional  schol- 
ars, some  good  athletes,  and  some  all- 
around  good  citizens. 

The  University  expects  a  lot  of  these 
second  generation  Duke  freshmen,  and  the 
next  four  years  will  undoubtedly  prove 
that  these  expectations  are  well  founded. 
Not  only  this,  but  somewhere  on  these 
pages  are  pictured  at  least  a  few  of  the 
great  leaders  of  the  future.  One  of  them 
may  even  be  President  some  day.  Who 
knows  ? 


Father,  '28 

Father,  '19 

Father,  '26, 

and  mother, 

summer  session 

Father,  '13, 
B.D.  '39 

Father,  '13,  and 
mother,  A.M.  '25 

Father,  '14 

Father,  '30 

Father,  '29 

Father,  '34,  and 
mother,  '34 

Father,  '24, 
LL.B.  '31 

Father,  '24 

Father,  '28 

Father,  '23 

Mother,  '24 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 

[ Page  245  ] 

Father,  '23 

Father,  '29, 

M.Ed.  '36,  and 

mother,  '29 

Father,  '26 

Father,  '29 

Father,  '27, 
B.D.  '31,  and 
mother,  '29 

Father,  '35,  and 
mother,  '32 

Father,  '15 

Freshmen  Whose  Parents  Are  Alumni 

-ap  'ST,  "JS  'najooAV  I  mBUnAV  '^a  J°  uos 
'"0    'K    'a[[iAuaaj£)    "jf    'uajooAV   Ja[si    uu-KHAV 

0  'N  'aSiiBJfiBq   'Eg,   -qq^AV 
asnoy    qjaqEzi^g    puB    'passaaap    'gg,    'qqaAV 
ppaujy    'a    JajqSnBp    'qqaAV    ppoujy    qW^'ia 
'0   'N   '^V  lunopj  '63,   'JauoS 

•  £ba\  j3aio,j  EjBg  pus   'ig,    a'g   'AS.   'JauoS 
-SbaV  sjtajQ  JJaqiy  J°  uos  'jauoSSBAV  'd  JJaqno 
'0  'N  'eiuojsb*)  '63,  '"Jf  'Avojjaiuiung  p.IEAVpq 

X    jo    jajqSuBp    'Avojjaiuumg    BiqjuXQ    buuo^ 

bq  'uojsajj  '93.  '«ba 
qinS     3     H   1°    nos    'UBAinng    sninoo    pnoui.vBji 

'0  'N  'uojsuiEiniM  '6S, 
'UBAiajg  sSunrejg  niiaAa  puE  'gg,  'pa'H  '63, 
■jjE.uajg    o    g  jo  nos  "jf  'ljBAvaig  uapA'oif)    a 

'0  'N   'jaauadg 
'83,    '3Piu«qS    uoiig    jo    nos    'apiuBijg     ay   I3°f 
'0  'N   'uojSuixaq   'is,  'am,ttpay   ueq 
T    U(I    J°   JajqSnBp    'autAvpay    auuy    jajBSjBj^ 

■q  ■$  'uosjapuaH  'SI, 
"jg   'ajooa   'x  A'aAj  jo  uos   '-if   'aiooj  -j,  a\jax 

0  N 
'jnioj  qSiH  'S3,  '(JJadnH  sjpi)  suajjotj; 
uB^nnj^    Bpi    jo    uos    'suajpid    (A"puy)     'y    'a 

0  "N   '.«I10h'»uuok    '63,   "Jg 
'poOA\.io^  'q  aijng  jo  uos  'jj  pooAVJOvj  'q  aijnq 
'6   'N   'qSia[Ba   '03,   'uouon  Xog 

•  \\    'f  'j(T  jo  jajqSnsp   'uojJOft  uosnSja,j  UBaf 

■j  ->i   'uiBqJua   '93,    '^aopjnjt    jq  ™BHl!AY 
jo  jajqSnBp   'juapnjs  jajsuEjj   '^oopjnpf   qjipnp 
•pasBaoap  '62,  'jpopjnpj  'y  saiuBf  jo  jajqSnBp 
"0     'N     'uiBqmQ     '^aopjupj     uany     i[jaqBzi[q 


9»s  aovd 

'0  'K  ''«ai!«H   "tZ.   '(\I  "R  'SJK)    ub3.iok 
jaujnx    uesuq    jo    -xajqSnEp    'ubSjoh    -,g    auBf 

J     N    'a}J0;jBqj 
83,  'JaiI!H    f  janEA\  jo  uos  'japiH  'H  SBUioqj, 
f  'N  'autASuiqqoa  '8s,  "Jg  'uosaqjBjn  ajpuBa 
ui[o.^ibj^    jo    uos     "jf     'uosaqjepj      jj    mioo[Bj^ 

'0   'N    'P-iojuBg    't3,   "Jg    'X;aav 
apj   -y  .xauiojj  jo  uos  ".if  'A'laa^aj^  'y  jaiuoj-[ 

'0  'N  'aHopiBqo   'ig,    a  IT  'f3.  'ai3noa 
°K  'I  'H  J°  JajqSnBp  'aiSnoQOj^  suaAajg  uuy 

•ba   'Sjnqsjajaj   '^g,    'qajBQ 
oh  pBajsuiji  .CqioiOQ   puB   '^g,   'qaiBQapi   -q 

ubumox  jo  .njqsurp   q3tB0°R  pBajsui,")  Aqjo.iO(j 

•Q    "N    'lUBqjna    '65. 
".ig   'zjnq  'y  quxOAV  JO  uos  "jf   'zjnq   'y  qt-io\V 

avoh  awooas 

'0   'N   'BinoiSBg   '08,   "Jg 
'Suoq  'f)  A.I.IBJ-J  jo  uos  "jf  'Suoq  uuaifA  Xj.ibj-j 

0    'N    'ojoqspioo    >x,    'Suoq 
uojuil^  'JQ  JO  JajqSnBp   'Suoq  ^i'Mg   qupa 

J  ->l  'luaqjUQ 
'S3,  'H'V  '^^l  U^^Od:  «-"MD  puB  'gl,  •sai 
'A\   SBUI0MX   i°   JajqSuBp    'aaq   auuy   au;i[dasoj;- 

0    fj  'juouuipa  '66, 
■Q'g  'gx,  'auBq  (aiuBQ  jo  uos  ".if  'aui:q  [auiBQ 

'J  'N  "snodBiiuB>i  'uoissas 
jaiHiuns  'a|B>j  sjaj|BAV  B[.iaA  puB  '95,  'a(Bx 
"3    sauiBf    jo    .lajqSnep    'ajB^i    uosjjoiq    aiuiif 

'0  'N  'ojoqsp;o'o 
'61,    'S!PRH    3BBSJ    jo   uos    'sipBX   uoaq    poJBj-I 

0  'N  ''o.ioqsuaa.10   -SZi 
'sauop  "p  oqjQ  jo  jaiqSnBp  's:uop  .lauuog  -Ojag 


St-3   30VJ 

'0    'X    'uisqanu    't3.    'CH     q    'sJjf)    laiuiunfj 
s^aij-i    i[iaqBzi[g    jo    uos    'jaiuumjj;    Wb}j    ai;s3q 

0  'N  '.lajsaoyaq  'gx,  'jasnopj 
3    '3    T   J°   -tauiSuBp    'jasnoH    !)>lSB  \    Bqiuvj 

'0  'M  '  '83,  'lOTT 
'a  aa.Og  jo  jajqSuBp   'uojq  aui.iai[iBO    (uajaj-j) 

J  \l'luBl[.inn:  '93. 
'Suu-iapx  j.tbzo^)  biuiSjia  pub  '22,  'Suu.iaj^ 
T    'H    J°    JajqSnBp    'Sui.x.iaj-[    ^ubj^ 

'0   -ji   'paoauoj 
'ST,  'qj-iojoo    o   'a  jo  uos   'qjjojofi    h  su.i.ibji; 

'Bf)  'EjuB^y  '92, 
'.^ajjpo^  jaauadg  qBjsg  puyi  'S3,  "Jg  'Va.u 
•P°S    O  s3[UBg   jo  uos   ".if   'A'ajjpoo     0   s^uag 

'0  'N  '■3JJOlJ'!qO  'OS.  'H'TI   "JS   'SnjI 
-»E0   'I   P-IEII!AV  .1°  uos   "Jf   'a™B«a   'I   PJi'HLtt 

0     K[    'jucra-ag    '^x.    'nojSEg 
qaBxg  Xa|jEjq  jo  .taiqStiBp  'uojsbq  jjoag  auiiBop 

'0  'n:  '^!v  »k 

'92,    '.Co^   .iJnquajsijqo   aipBg    puB   '^3,    'aoj 
'H    'iA    1°    JajqSnBp    'io^    XjuquajsijiQ    aipBg 

'0   'N    'aU!ASBlu°qi  'T-E,   'qani^ 
•q;    aS.ioaf)    jo    .laiqSnBp    'qaui^;    .ia:looj    A"inu3 

'0  'N  'qSiaiBjj  'gx,  'uBouua    g  iuei[ 
-UAV    1°    JaiqSnBp   .'ubduuq    jja.\iE^)    J3jbSjb^ 

0    \N   'apiASBiuoqj,   'Ss, 
'aajju^  'ij;  'AY  ,1°  JauiSiiBp  'aapmQ  uuy  Bqj.iE*x<£ 

'0   'N   'uiBqjna   '92,   'qjajqpio   'Q 
F»0    jo   JajqSnEp    'majqniQ    qjaqBzqa    u,Ci0.iBj 

"0'  'N 
'iubi[.iuq  'gg,  '('0  '0  SJK)  qonoQ  p.iBuA'Bxij; 
ja.iBS.iBH    jo    jajqSnEp    'qanoj    Iiaa.O    u.C[ojb^> 


0    K 

s  uij  ujaqjnog  puB  uojjaqmuq  '62,  "Jg  'sui[ 

■l°0   'V   Pl°-IBH  J0   uos    "Jf    <SIlKl°0   "V  P[°JBH 

'0  'N  'uojueo  '33,  'auqo 
*H    'V    'JG    i°   Jaji[SnEp    'auij^    qiiuig    eiuiS.iia 
'0    'N   'uJEqjn'a   'ix\    'sjuaiuaio" 
'AV    'AV    J°    JajqSuBp    'sjuauia|Q    jaiddaj    MJ5P3 

'0  '^  'a'uoh  junopc  '92. 
'SSaj^j    g  sa[JBu„)  jo  -lajqSnBp  '23a;Q  uuy  a\ibh 

'0  'M  'uo; 
-Suqjng  'f  2.  'SSajQ  Xoub^j  .^qjojoq  puB  '^2, 
*S3ai;^)  'q  -a\  jo  jajqSnBp  '3SaiQ  asmoq  ,?qjojOQ 

0  '(J  'uiBqjnq  'x>2,  'H'V 
'RT.  'UKlJSlJqo  USqJlV  SH!3^  PnB  '8T.  "Jf 
'nBijsijqQ    -^>    -(j   jo   uos    'UBijsijqo    "p   uiBqiiAV 

'0   'tt   'uiBqJncf   'g2,    's^oojg' 
■3    auaSug    jo    jajqSiiBp    's^oojg    qjna    UBSug 

avoh  awooas 

"0  'N 
•pjEAajg  'S3.  '('AV  'AV  '"K)  nmjiJa  uoj^aa 
BuqaA    jo    jajqSnBp    'uiBjjijg    Xjeh    qjaqBziig 

■^X  'SEiuoqx  '»a 
'83.  '('d  'AV  'SJK)  uiBquiB.ig  uomoiog  qjaq 
-Bzna    J°   JajuSnBp   'uiEquiBjg    uouuifvj   saauEjj[ 

'0  'N   '^)ID  M^qsziia   '83. 
"jf  'sapB[g  -g  -q  jo  uos  'm  sapE[g    g  [amuaq 

•paSBaaap  '61,.  '(Jau 
-jtix  'Sjpj)  JaSJBg  uo[iBa  auBf  jo  JajqSuBp 
"f  ■££  *jiB[ajuOH  jaddQ  'jaSjBg  anJoqiB-Q  auBf 

'0    "N    'uiBqjna    'og,    'H'V    'uos.iapuy 
'H    'AV    'SJW   J°   uos    'uosjapuy   jjajaAg   pjEAvpg 
'0  '{J  'uiBqjna  '33.  'asilV  )»:-IJ3K  sUmrl  pis 
'iT.    'napry   '3   'I   jo  uos    "jf   'uany   '3   Suiajj 
•bj  'au*'BAV  '61.  'aSpiJPIV 

'D  paja  '-i<i  ?°  uos  'uf  'aSP?'xPiY  -tanno  p^jh 


**3  aavH 

I  Page  246  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 

u4n  Undergraduate's  J^iew 

by  Ronnie  Nelson,  '52 

The  1951-52  Men's  Student  Government 
Association  gave  early  promise  of  its  up- 
and-comingness  by  bringing  to  Page  Audi- 
torium George  V.  Denny's  "Town  Meet- 
ing of  the  Air"  radio  program  on  Tues- 
day night,  October  2.  With  President  A. 
Hollis  Edens  as  president  of  the  meeting 
and  Congressmen  Charles  J.  Kersten  and 
Richard  Boiling  as  speakers,  the  pros  and 
cons  of  "McCarthyism"  were  hotly  de- 
bated both  by  the  Representatives  and  by 
the  large  audience  of  faculty  members, 
students,  and  townspeople.  During  a 
half-hour  pre-broadcast  session,  members 
of  the  audience  took  to  a  portable  micro- 
phone to  present  their  views  on  the  sub- 
ject, and  some  highly  enlightened  opinions 
proved  that  many  students  had  done  some 
intelligent  thinking  on  the  situation. 

The  program  followed  its  usual  pattern. 
Each  speaker  gave  his  side  of  the  case, 
and  then  the  two  fired  questions  and  an- 
swers back  and  forth.  The  closing  fifteen 
minutes  were  given  -over  to  audience  par- 

Although  no  decision  was  reached,  for 
such  is  not  the  purpose  of  the  meeting, 
the  audience  was"  given  facts  to  digest  on 
both  sides  of  the  issue,  and  came  away 
better  prepared  to  make  up  its  mind  one 
way  or  the  other. 

Once  more  the  routine  has  set  in.  Ini- 
tial greetings  have  all  been  shouted  across 
slowly  filling  quadrangles.  The  fits  and 
starts  of  first-week  activity  have  settled 
down  to  their  normal  hum.  Upperclass- 
men  are  back  in  harness  again,  happy  to 
buckle  down  after  the  three-month  vaca- 
tion. Freshmen  are  rapidly  hitting  their 
stride,  glad  to  be  a  part  of  life  within 
the  ivy-covered  walls.  Everything  falls 
into  place;  the  familiar  pattern  is  evident. 

And  with  this  return  to  normalcy,  the 
old  student  begins  to  look  around,  noting 
the  things  that  have  changed,  the  things 
that  have  remained  the  same,  the  things 
that  will  never  change.  The  gaping  hole 
opposite  the  library  makes  the  new  ad- 
ministration building  appear  not  long 
from  reality.  And  the  summer  progress 
of  the  grad  dorm  gives  further  proof  of 
the  advancement  of  the  building  program, 
although,  to  the  old  student,  it  more  likely 
indicates  an  early  end  to  the  three-man 
room,  so  long  one  of  his  chief  gripes. 
Enlargement  and  improvement  of  parking 
lots  to  accommodate  more  cars  than  ever 

on  a  campus  that,  this  year,  has  more 
cars  than  ever,  is  looked  upon  as  a  fine 
achievement,  badly  needed  and  greatly 
appreciated.  The  establishment  of  park- 
ing regulations,  on  the  other  hand,  with 
fines  for  violators,  has  been  received  with 
somewhat  cooler  welcome.  This,  however, 
is  merely  a  ease  of  educating  the  car 
owner,  who  eventually  must  resign  him- 
self to  the  price  of  progress. 

High  on  the  list  of  things  "never  to  be 
changed"  is  the  venerable  practice  of  fer- 
tilizing the  grass  each  fall  with  molding 
tobacco  stems.  At  this,  the  old  student 
might  turn  up  his  nose,  but  he  is  nostal- 
gically reminded  of  other  years.  The 
beautiful  flagstone  walks  still  dip  toward 
the  center,  the  water  still  gathers  in  the 
same  old  places  (when  it  rains — this  has 
been  a  dry  year),  and  the  student  still 
utters  the  same  old  expressions  whenever 
he  goes  wading  unawares.  The  bells  of 
the  Chapel  continue  to  sing  out  with  pre- 
cise regularity  the  songs  that  are  so  much 
a  part  of  the  Duke  scene.  Some  things 
are  new,  but  most  are  familiar,  and  the 
old  student  wouldn't  have  it  any  other 

It  is  a  time  of  recruiting  and  re-recruit- 
ing among  campus  organizations.  The 
elected  and  appointed  leaders,  untried  but 
eager  to  succeed,  are  busy  planning,  or- 
ganizing, and  smoothing  out.  The  old 
student  is  sought  out  by  name,  pushed 
higher  on  the  ladder,  and  given  his  job 
to  do.  The  freshman  is  contacted  by 
high-pressure  advertising,  word  of  mouth, 
or  campus-wide  appeal.  And  when  he 
shows  up,  he  is  sandwiched  in  at  the  bot- 
tom, from  there  to  work  up  through  the 
ranks,  just  as  presidents  have  done  before 
him.  Gradually  the  chain  is  set  up,  and 
results  begin  to  appear. 

Duke  Players  announced  the  results  of 
casting  for  its  first  production  of  the  sea- 
son, "Room  Service,"  to  be  presented  on 
Thursday  and  Friday  evenings  of  this 
year's  Homecoming  Weekend. 

Publ:eations  Row  is  the  scene  of  fran- 
tic activity,  which  usually  continues 
throughout  the  fall  semester.  The  Chron- 
icle has  been  busily  putting  out  issues 
every  week  since  it  first  appeared  on  Fri- 
day of  Freshman  Week.  Its  new  blood 
has  lcng  since  been  injected  in  with  the 
rejuvenated  old,  and  the  newspaper  is 
thriving.  A  new  Archive  is  expected  to 
come  forth  before  the  month  is  out.    And 

Rep.  Kersten  pounds  home  a  point 
while  George  Denny  listens  and  Rep. 
Boiling  ponders  an  answer. 

the  Chanticleer  plods  its  weary  way,  un- 
known to  most,  who  as  usual  must  wait 
until  May  for  final  results. 

Shoe  and  Slipper  Club's  announcement 
that  Ray  McKinley  is  the  "big  name"  for 
the  fall  dance  weekend,  and  that  the  dates 
are  November  2  and  3,  sent  men  scurry- 
ing eastward.  Where  the  "S  and  S"  shin- 
dig is  involved,  nothing  is  left  to  chance, 
nor  pushed  off  till  the  last  minute. 

It  wasn't  long  after  classes  had  begun 
that  students  were  treated  to  the  most 
exciting  event  to  occur  on  the  local  Greek 
scene  in  several  years.  An  honest-to- 
goodness  IFC  trial,  complete  with  prose- 
cution, defense,  and  jury,  took  two  fra- 
ternities to  task  on  illegal  rushing  charges. 
More  important  than  the  actual  decisions 
was  the  proof  that  the  Inter-Fraternity 
Council  is  a  going  concern,  with  the  power 
to  uphold  its  rules  and  the  will  to  use  this 

With  the  football  team  under  the  new 
tutelage  of  Coach  "Smilin'  Bill  Murray," 
this  was  not  the  season  to  have  three 
away  games  lead  off  on  the  schedule,  or 
so  the  disgruntled  student  thought.  Ad- 
vance notices  being  what  they  were  and 
nothing  being  said,  good  or  bad,  for  the 
team  and  its  prospects,  the  student  hardly 
knew  what  to  expect  when  he  turned  his 
radio  to  the  first  game  with  South  Caro- 
lina. Consequently  he  had  to  take  the 
announcer's  word  for  the  prowess  of 
Duke's  star  freshman  quarterback  and 
the  rest  of  the  "split-T"  formation  team, 
although  the  Blue  Devils'  five  touchdowns, 
as  opposed  to  oiu'  for  the  Gamecocks, 
helped  convince  him. 

(Continued  on  page  268) 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 

[  Page  247 ] 

The  Arts  Council  Comes  of  Age 

One  year  is  not  much  time  for  the  proc- 
ess of  growing  up,  but  that,  its  members 
feel,  is  what  the  Duke  University  Arts 
Council  has  done.  With  a  membership 
of  more  than  four  hundred,  a  capable 
staff  of  officers,  and  a  notable  record  of 
achievement  in  its  one  year  of  existence, 
the  new  Arts  Council  is  now  an  effective 
working  organization. 

There  is,  of  course,  room  for  more 
growth,  for  an  expansion  of  activities 
and  fulfillment  of  program  for  fitting  it- 
self for  the  work  it  has  set  out  to  do. 
And  that  work,  specifically,  is  to  further 
artistic  and  musical  activity  at  Duke 
University  by  encouraging  talent  and  the 
appreciation  of  it  in  whatever  ways  it 
can  and  by  financial  assistance  for  special 

The  program  provides  opportunities  for 
both  growing  and  established  artists.  It 
also  provides  members  of  the  Council 
with  enjoyment  of  the  results  of  the  ar- 
tists' work. 

During  the  past  year,  after  it  had  strug- 
gled through  usual  throes  of  organization, 
the  work  of  building  up  a  membership 
of  several  hundred,  the  Council  sponsored 
an  exhibition  of  paintings  and  drawings 
by  the  well  known  Swiss  artist,  Paul  Klee. 
Some  of  these  paintings  were  lent  by 
Duke's  own  Law  Dean,  J.  A.  McClain,  Jr. 
Others  came  from  the  Yale  University  Art 
Gallery  and  the  Phillips  Gallery  in  Wash- 
ington. The  exhibition,  open  to  the  pub- 
he,  was  in  the  East  Campus  Library  Gal- 
lery. Members  had  the  privilege  of  a 
preview  accompanied  by  an  interpreta- 
tive lecture  by  John  Canaday,  an  author- 
ity on  Klee. 

Later  in  the  year  the  Council  sponsored 
a  concert  by  two  nationally  known  vocal- 
ists, Norma  Heyde,  soprano,  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  Michigan,  and  William  Hess, 
tenor,  of  New  York  City.  They  appeared 
with  the  Duke  University  Chamber  Or- 

Two  of  the  most  widely  used  and  popu- 
lar projects  of  the  Council,  and  especially 
favored  by  the  students  at  Duke  Univer- 
sity, are  the  record  and  art  reproductions 
rental  libraries  which  were  established  by 
the  Council  last  year.  The  amount  of 
$250  was  allocated  to  of  these  libra- 
ries. The  recordings,  of  which  there  are 
at  present  105,  range  from  older  classical 
composers  such  as  Haydn  and  Beethoven 
to  moderns  such  as  Stravinsky  and  Bar- 
tok.  The  allotment  for  this  year  should 
just  about  double  the  size  of  the  record 
collection,  but  requests  for  rentals  will 
still  exceed  the  supply. 

Robert  Stipe,  '50,  librarian  of  the 
Arts  Council  Record  Library,  and  Mrs. 
Calvin  B.  Hoover,  Arts  Council  presi- 
dent, examine  a  new  acquisition. 

In  the  library  of  art  reproductions, 
there  are  only  24  framed  and  ready-to- 
loan  pictures.  The  allotment  for  addi- 
tions to  the  collection  for  this  year  is 
equal  to  that  of  last  year,  but  the  diffi- 
culties and  costs  of  framing  have  not 
provided  enough  pictures  to  meet  the  re- 
quests for  them. 

One  generous  friend  of  the  arts  gave 
the  Council  $5,000  to  improve  conditions 
in  the  Library  Gallery.  Part  of  this  was 
used  to  buy  museum  cases  for  the  display 
of  ceramics,  textile  arts,  rare  manuscripts, 
and  similar  art  objects.  Part  is  being 
used  to  install  modern  lighting  in  order 
to  illuminate  the  various  exhibits  to  better 

This  year,  the  opening  event  of  the 
season  was  a  concert  in  Asbury  Hall  on 
the  East  Campus  by  members  of  the  music 
faculty.  The  attendance  was  so  great  that 
many  had  to  be  turned  away  at  the  door. 

Among  the  scheduled  events  is  a  dis- 
tinguished exhibition  of  Renaissance 
paintings,  which  will  be  lent  to  the  Coun- 
cil by  the  Metropolitan  Museum  of  Art 
for  display  from  January  23  until  Febru- 
ary 15.  They  will  be  shown  in  the  Li- 
brary Gallery  on  the  East  Campus. 

A  problem  of  immediate  concern  is  the 
improvement  of  the  acoustics  in  the 
Women's  College  Auditorium.  This  audi- 
torium is  used  frequently  for  musical  and 
dramatic  events,  among  which  are  the 
North  Carolina  Symphony  and  the  Dur- 
ham Choral  Society. 

The   Council  is  interested  also  in  pro- 

viding space  and  facilities  for  work  in 
sculpture.  For  this,  plans  are  being  con- 
sidered for  converting  a  small  structure 
near  Asbury  Hall. 

Officers  of  the  Duke  University  Arts 
Council  are:  Mrs.  C.  B.  Hoover,  presi- 
dent; Philip  Williams,  vice-president; 
Mrs.  Charles  Dukes,  treasurer;  Mary  Moss 
Wellborn,  secretary ;  Miss  Sarah  Baldwin, 
corresponding  secretary. 

The  Council  has  seven  different  types 
of  memberships  open  to  any  person  in- 
terested in  promoting  the  interests  of  the 
fine  arts  at  Duke  University  and  in  the 
community.  They  are:  Student,  $1.00; 
Regular,  $2.00;  Contributing,  $5.00;  Sus- 
taining, $10.00 ;  Sponsor,  $25.00 ;  Patron, 
$100.00 ;  Memorial,  any  larger  amount. 

Memberships  are  received  by  the  treas- 
urer, Mrs.  Charles  A.  Dukes,  1309  Oak- 
land Avenue,  Durham,  North  Carolina. 

Ceremony  Is  Scheduled 
To  Install  R.  A.  Harvill 

Dr.  Richard  Anderson  Harvill,  A.M. 
'27,  will  be  inaugurated  as  president  of  the 
University  of  Arizona  on  November  16. 
Representing  Duke  University  at  the  of- 
ficial ceremonies  will  be  another  Duke 
alumnus.  Dr.  Harvill  assumed  the  duties 
of  president  in  1950  after  having  served 
at  the  University  of  Arizona  as  dean  of 
the  liberal  arts  college  and  dean  of  the 
graduate  college.  Mrs.  Harvill  is  the 
former  George  Lee  Garner,  A.M.  '30. 
They  have  two  children. 

Dr.  David  M.  Harrison,  A.M.  '33,  Ph.D. 
'41,  represented  Duke  at  the  inauguration 
of  Arthur  Blair  Knapp  as  president  of 
Denison  University,  Granville,  Ohio,  on 
October  12.  Dr.  Harrison  is  an  associate 
professor  of  economics  at  Ohio  State  Uni- 
versity, Columbus,  Ohio. 

Dr.  Harden  F.  Taylor,  '10,  scientific 
consultant  and  president  of  the  New  York 
Academy  of  Sciences,  represented  Duke 
at  the  inauguration  of  Jess  Harrison 
Davis  as  president  of  Stevens  Institute  of 
Technology  on  October  12.  Dr.  Taylor 
lives  at  1185  Park  Avenue,  New  York 

The  inauguration  of  Edmund  Harris 
Kase,  Jr.,  as  president  of  The  Western 
College  for  Women,  Oxford,  Ohio,  on 
October  13,  was  attended  by  C.  M.  Hutch- 
ings,  '11,  A.M.  '14,  special  Duke  repre- 
sentative. Mr.  Hutchings  is  professor  of 
romance  languages  at  the  University  of 

Duke  University  was  represented  by  Dr. 
Joseph  A.  McClain,  Jr.,  dean  of  the  Duke 
Law  School,  at  the  inauguration  of  Law- 
rence A.  Kimpton  as  chancellor  of  the 
University  of  Chicago  on  October  18. 

[  Page  248 ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 

N.  C.  P.  A.  President  Shows 
Outstanding  News  Record 

Thomas  J.  Lassiter,  Jr.,  '32,  co-editor 
and  publisher  of  the  Smithfield  Herald,  a 
semi-weekly  newspaper  in  Johnston  Coun- 
ty, N.  C,  has  been  elected  president  of  the 
North  Carolina  Press  Association  for  the 
following  year.  The  son  of  the  late  T.  J. 
Lassiter,  who  served  as  president  of  the 
association  in  1906  and  1907,  he  was  es- 
corted to  the  speakers'  table  by  his  mother, 
Mrs.  Rena  B.  Lassiter,  a  former  vice- 
president,  when  he  was  installed  in  office. 

Mr.  Lassiter,  who  came  back  to  Duke 
for  a  year  of  graduate  work  after  earn- 
ing an  A.B.  degree  in  economies  and 
history,  is  an  active  alumnus,  serving  now 
as  chairman  in  the  northeast  central  re- 
gion of  the  state  for  the  Duke  Develop- 
ment Campaign. 

The  Smithfield  Herald  is  a  family  proj- 
ect, being  owned  jointly  by  Mr.  Lassiter, 
his  mother  and  brother  William  C.  Las- 
siter, '30,  LL.B.  '33,  who  is  city  attorney 
for  Raleigh.  When  Mr.  Lassiter,  Sr.,  died 
in  1920,  Mrs.  Lassiter,  though  a  novice  in 
the  field,  took  over  the  paper  to  "keep  it 
for  the  boys,"  and  two  years  later  won  the 
first  Savory  award  for  general  excellence 
in  weekly  newspapers  throughout  the 
country.  It  was  a  going  concern  when,  in 
the  fall  of  1933,  Tom  Lassiter  forsook  a 
musical  career  with  Jelly  Leftwich's  dance 
band  and  made  the  paper  his  major  oc- 

Today  the  Herald  is  the  only  rotary- 
printed  non-daily  in  the  state.  The  staff 
consists  of  12  persons  in  addition  to  the 
owners.  Tom's  mother  writes  a  folksy 
personal  column  and  he  writes  the  edi- 
torials. With  an  average  circulation  of 
6,500,  the  paper  is  one  of  the  10  top 

In  1946  the  paper  took  five  first  place 
awards  in  non-daily  contests  sponsored  by 
the  North  Carolina  Press  Association. 
One  award  for  the  best  editorial  resulted 
from  a  piece  Mr.  Lassiter  wrote  taking  a 
grand  jury  to  task  for  exonerating  an 
angry  youth  who  admitted  killing  a  Negro 
accused  of  stealing  his  hounds.  Another 
first  prize  went  to  the  Herald's  harvest 
edition,  which  has  become  an  annual 
monument  to  newspaper  enterprise  and 
hard  work.  The  third  was  a  citation  for 
the  Herald's  community  service  in  sup- 
porting a  special  25-eent  school  supple- 
ment for  the  Smithfield  school  district. 

In  1939  Mr.  Lassiter  married  Elisabeth 
S.  Johnson,  a  graduate  of  Meredith  Col- 
lege and  a  daughter  of  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Charles  W.  Johnson  of  Raleigh  and  Fa- 
yetteville.    They  now  have  three  children, 

Nancy  Louise,  9,  Thomas  Wingate,  3,  and 
Martha  Ann,  1. 

Mr.  Lassiter  played  in  the  Duke  Uni- 
versity band  as  well  as  in  dance  bands 
during  his  undergraduate  days,  and  still 
plays  his  trombone,  but  his  second  interest 
is  football.  As  a  Raleigh  News  and 
Observer  article  describes  it,  ''Since  the 
days  when  he  voluntarily  slopped  through 
'Kenan  Lake'  with  the  band  for  the  Duke- 
Carolina  game  of  1930,  he  has  been  an 
incurable  football  fan.  He  remembers 
every  Duke-Carolina  football  score  since 
the  turn  of  the  century,  and  can  describe 
the  key  plays  that  accounted  for  each 
score.  When  Duke  wins,  he  is  jubilant ; 
when  Duke  loses,  he  takes  it  as  hard  as 
the  most  ardent  freshman." 

The  article  relates  that  once  after  a 
Duke  defeat  Lassiter  vowed,  in  his  eight- 
year-old  daughter's  hearing,  that  he'd 
never  support  another  team.  Nancy 
Louise,  remembering  many  conversations 
at  home  in  which  her  father  had  espoused 
the  causes  of  liberals,  protested,  "But 
Daddy,  there  may  be  some  liberals  on 
the  team!" 

Broadcasters'  Advisor 

Frank  U.  Fletcher,  '35,  co-owner  of  sta- 
tion WARL  in  Arlington,  Va.,  has  been 
selected  chairman  of  a  recently  appointed 
legal  and  legislative  advisory  committee 
of  the  National  Association  of  Radio  and 
Television  Broadcasters. 

The  new  committee  is  an  advisory 
rather  than  executive  one,  and  its  duties 
are  to  advise  the  Association's  president, 
Mr.  Harold  E.  Fellows;  the  board  chair- 
man and  general  counsel,  Judge  Justin 
Miller,  a  former  dean  of  the  Duke  Law 
School ;  and  the  Association  Board,  on 
all  problems  in  the  legal  and  legislative 
field  concerning  radio  and  television 

Mr.  Fletcher,  who  is  president  of  the 
Duke  Law  Alumni  Association  in  Wash- 
ington, D.  C,  and  vicinity  will  represent 
FM  and  independent  stations  on  the  com- 
mittee. Other  broadcasting  interests  will 
be  represented  by  the  various  members 
of  the  committee. 

Founders  Day  Speaker 

Speaker  at  the  traditional  Founders 
Day  observance  on  December  11  will 
be  Gordon  Dean,  LL.M.  '32,  chairman 
of  the  Atomic  Energy  Comission.  He 
will  speak  in  Page  Auditorium  at 
10:20  a.m. 

Alan  K.  Manchester,  Ph.D.  '30 

Alan  Manchester  Leaves 
For  Embassy  in  Brazil 

Dr.  Alan  K.  Manchester,  Ph.D.  '30, 
dean  of  undergraduate  studies  and  pro- 
fessor of  history  at  Duke,  has  been 
granted  a  year's  leave  of  absence  to  serve 
as  Cultural  Affairs  Officer  at  the  United 
States  Embassy  in  Rio  de  Janeiro,  Brazil. 
His  appointment  has  recently  been  an- 
nounced by  the  State  Department. 

A  specialist  in  Latin-American  affairs, 
and  particularly  in  the  field  of  the  Por- 
tuguese Empire  and  history  of  Brazil, 
Dr.  Manchester  is  one  of  the  Nation's 
leading  scholars  in  Brazilian  affairs.  He 
has  taught  at  several  South  American 
colleges  and  lived  in  Brazil  for  five  years 
where  he  was  director  of  Moore  Institute, 
Campinas,  Sao  Paulo,  and  president  of 
Porto  Alegre  College,  Porto  Alegre,  Rio 
Grande  di  Sue. 

Numerous  books  and  articles  on  Brazil- 
ian affairs  have  been  written  by  Dr.  Man- 
chester, including  "British  Preeminence  in 
Brazil"  and  a  Descriptive  Bibliography  of 
the  Duke  Library's  Brazilian  Section.  He 
recently  collaborated  on  a  new  volume  in 
the  United  Nations  Series  published  by 
the  University  of  California.  Dr.  Man- 
chester's other  writings  cover  the  scope 
of  international  relations,  politics,  history 
and  Brazilian  literature. 

Dr.  Manchester  received  his  A.B.  de- 
gree from  Vanderbilt,  and  his  M.A.  de- 
gree from  Columbia.  In  addition  he  re- 
ceived academic  training  at  Southwest- 
ern University.  Before  coming  to  Duke 
in  1929  he  taught  at  Wallace  Universitv 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 

[  Page  249  ] 

School  in  Nashville  and  the  University  of 
Oklahoma.  He  also  taught  for  one  year 
at  Trinity  Park  School,  the  preparatory 
school  for  Trinity  College  before  it  be- 
came Duke.  Prior  to  his  present  posi- 
tion as  dean  of  undergraduate  studies,  he 
served  as  dean  of  freshmen  at  Duke. 

Miller  Is  Named  Dean 

W.  Starr  Miller,  a  Duke  graduate  stu- 
dent in  educational  administration,  has 
been  named  dean  of  Bessie  Tift  College 
in  Forsyth,  Ga.  At  29  years  of  age,  he 
is  the  youngest  dean  of  a  four-year  col- 
lege in  Georgia.  In  addition  to  his  duties 
as  dean,  he  will  be  chairman  of  the  Edu- 
cation Department. 

Having  completed  residence  study  for 
the  Doctor  of  Education  degree  at  Duke, 
Mr.  Miller  will  write  his  doctoral  disser- 
tation on  problems  of  practice  teachers 
and  beginning  teachers  in  public  schools. 
While  at  Duke,  he  served  as  a  supervisor 
of  practice  teaching. 

A  native  of  Plainville,  Ga.,  Mr.  Miller 
is  also  an  alumnus  of  the  University  of 
Georgia,  West  Georgia  College  and  De 
Paul  University.  A  World  War  II  vet- 
eran, he  taught  education  courses  at 
Young  Harris  College  in  Georgia,  where 
he  was  also  dean  of  men  and  assistant  to 
the  president,  before  coming  to  Duke. 

Bierstein  Is  Commended 

Joseph  F.  Bierstein,  Jr.,  '38,  is  the 
subject  of  a  highly  commendatory  letter 
to  President  Edens  from  the  headquarters 
of  the  Armed  Forces  Information  School 
at  Carlisle  Barracks.  Pa.  The  letter  was 
occasioned  by  the  outstanding  work  of 
Mr.  Bierstein  on  the  compilation  of  the 
first  edition  of  "The  Army  Almanac,"  a 
pioneer  effort  of  the  Department  of  the 
Army  in  the  field  of  public  information. 

Colonel  D.  M.  King,  U.  S.  Army  officer 
in  charge  of  the  "Almanac,"  wrote  that 
Mr.  Bierstein  "performed  his  duties  as 
research  editor  for  over  four  years  in  a 
highly  satisfactory  manner,  and  was.  in 
fact,  the  only  individual  who  survived  the 
extreme  pressure  and  exacting  require- 
ments throughout  the  life  of  the  project." 
The  Duke  alumnus  has  finished  the  project 
and  is  now  a  civilian  employee  of  the 
Army  public  information  department, 
with  offices  in  the  Pentagon  Building. 

Roger  Kirchofer,  '51 

Missing  In  Action 

First  Lieutenant  Roger  B.  Kirchofer, 
'51,  has  been  reported  missing  in  action 
in  Korea  since  May  18.  He  was  recalled 
to  active  duty  early  this  year  and  has 
been  in  Korea  since  March.  He  was  serv- 
ing with  the  Second  Division,  Company 
B,  38th  Infantry,  and  had  been  in  con- 
tinued action  of  the  East  Central  Front. 

During  World  War  II,  Lt.  Kirchofer 
served  in  the  Southwest  Pacific,  and  was 
later  stationed  with  the  army  of  occupa- 
tion in  Japan  and  in  Korea,  where  he  was 
on  loan  from  the  Army  to  the  military 
government  to  help  train  the  military  con- 
stabulary. When  war  broke  out  in  Korea, 
this  constabulary  formed  the  nucleus  of 
the  South  Korean  Army. 

Lt.  Kirehofer's  wife,  the  former  Eliza- 
beth Bryson,  '52,  and  his  parents  live  at 
22071/2  White  Oak  Road,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Local  Association  Meetings 

Roanoke,  Va. 

Dr.  Fred  E.  Hamlin,  '13,  presided  over 
the  dinner  meeting  of  the  Roanoke  Duke 
Alumni  Association  October  11.  Dean 
Robert  Cox  spoke  on  the  theme,  "Assem- 
bly Line  Education  Versus  Real  Educa- 
tion." After  dinner  the  group  was  enter- 
tained by  Mr.  Leehie  of  the  Standard  Oil 
Company,  who  presented  an  interesting 
film  on  "Historic  Virginia."  The  sched- 
uled election  of  officers  was  postponed  un- 
til a  later  date. 

Knoxville,  Tenn. 

The  Hotel  Andrew  Johnson,  Knoxville, 
Tenn.,  was  the  scene  of  a  very  informal 
but  entertaining  get-together  of  some 
Duke  alumni  attending  the  Duke-Tennes- 
see football  game  on  October  6. 

E.  P.  Bethune,  '48,  Ann  Markin  Beth- 
une  (Mrs.  E.  P.),  '48,  Clarence  Smith, 
'48,  Mickey  Lundeberg  Smith  (Mrs.  Clar- 
ence), '49,  all  of  Louisville,  Ky. ;  P.  Frank 
Hanes,  Jr.,  '50,  and  Mrs.  Hanes,  of  Win- 
ston-Salem, N.  C. ;  and  B.  Everett  Jordan, 
Jr.,  '51,  and  Ellen  MeMasters  Jordan 
(Mrs.  B.  Everett),  a  Duke  junior,  of 
Saxapahaw,  N.  C,  were  entertaining  all 
Duke  alumni  visiting  Knoxville  for  the 

Duke  spirit,  even  after  the  defeat  suf- 
fered at  the  hands  of  Tennessee's  squad, 
was  undaunted.  One  unidentified,  but 
distinguished  looking  gentleman  paraded 
through  the  lobby  of  the  Andrew  Johnson 
with  his  fine  bulldog.  The  animal  made 
no  bones  about  the  fact  that  he  and  his 
master  were  avid  Dukemen,  for  he  wore  a 
big  "D"  blanket  around  his  middle. 

Forsyth  County 

The  Forsyth  County  Alumni  Associa- 
tion honored  the  Children's  Home  and 
Bill  Murray  at  a  television  party  of  the 
Duke-Pitt  football  game  Saturday,  Sep- 
tember 29.  They  had  as  their  guests, 
boys  and  girls  from  the  Children's  Home, 
coaches  and  their  football  squads  from 
schools  throughout  the  county,  and  all 
football  fans.  The  party  was  held  at 
Reynolds  Auditorium. 

Western  North  Carolina  Conference 
of  the  Methodist  Church 

Duke  Day  at  the  Western  North  Caro- 
lina Conference  of  the  Methodist  Church 
was  held  September  29  at  the  Centenary 
Methodist  Church  in  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Douglas  Corriher,  '37,  pastor  of  Haywood 
Street  Methodist  Church,  and  past  presi- 
dent of  the  conference,  presided  at  the 
banquet.  Dean  James  Cannon,  '14,  gave 
a  short  talk  on  developments  in  the  Duke 
Divinity  School  including  audio-visual 
study;  and  Robert  Regan,  president  of  the 
Divinity  School  student  body,  spoke  to 
the  group  on  student  life.  A  quartet  of 
Divinity  students  entertained  with  several 
popular  numbers. 

Principal  guest  speaker  was  Bishop 
Ledden  of  Syracuse,  N.  Y.  In  addition 
many  Duke  alumni  took  part  in  the  five- 
day  conference. 

The  new  officers  of  the  Conference  are 
H.  P.  Myers,  Jr..  R.  '38.  Greensboro, 
president;  R.  H.  Stamey,  '39,  B.D.  '41, 
Charlotte,  secretary-treasurer;  and  A.  M. 
Smith,  B.D.  '43,  Charlotte,  and  J.  Charles 
Reichard,  B.D.  '40.  Kannapolis,  directors. 

[  Page  250  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 


Lie  Down  in  Darkness 

»by  William  Styron,  '47.  Bobbs-MerriU 
Some  of  the  most  generous  praise  re- 
cently showered  by  literary  critics  on  new 
writers  has  been  given  William  Styron, 
'47,  for  his  first  novel,  Lie  Down  in  Dark- 
ness, published   by  Bobbs-Merrill   Co. 

Maxwell  Geismar,  in  the  Saturday  Re- 
view of  Literature,  calls  the  book  "prac- 
tically perfect"  and  the  "best  novel  of  the 
year."  He  thinks  it  is  "one  of  the  few 
completely  human  and  mature  novels 
published  since  the  Second  World  War." 
John  W.  Aldridge  of  the  New  York  Times 
feels  one  can  say  "he  has  produced  a 
first  novel  containing  some  of  the  ele- 
ments of  greatness,  one  with  which  the 
work  of  no  other  young  writer  of  25  can 
be  compared,  and  that  he  has  done  bril- 
liant justice  to  the  Southern  tradition 
from  which  his  talent  derives."  Still  other 
critics  compare  him  to  such  acclaimed 
authors  as  William  Faulkner  and  Thomas 

William  Styron  came  to  Duke  as  a 
member  of  the  Navy  Y-1'2  program  after 
studying  at  Christchurch  School  for  Boys 
in  Virginia  and  Davidson  College.  At 
Duke  one  of  his  elective  courses  was  crea- 
tive writing,  taught  by  Dr.  William  Black- 
burn, and  it  was  in  this  class  that  he  dis- 
covered writing  was  to   be  both  his  goal 

Bill,  Styron 

and  his  unrelenting  taskmaster.  One  of 
his  short  stories  was  included  in  One  and 
Twenty,  an  anthology  of  Duke  student 
writing  edited  by  Dr.  Blackburn  and  pub- 
lished by  the  Duke  University  Press.  His 
stories  have  also  appeared  in  the  Archive. 
Mr.  Styron  readily  admits  that  writing 
for  him  is  the  hardest  thing  in  the  world, 
but  also  something  which,  once  a  project 
is  completed,  is  the  most  satisfying. 

The  highly  recommended  novel  was  be- 
gun in  a  novel  workshop  taught  by  Dr. 
Hiram    Haydn,    New    York    editor    and 

former  creative  writing  teacher  at  the 
Woman's  College  in  Greensboro.  Over  a 
laborious  three-year  period,  the  book. was 
written,  polished  and  finally  published. 
It  is  the  story  of  an  upper-middle-class 
family  in  the  Tidewater  society  of  Vir- 
ginia, which  is  doomed  because  its  mem- 
bers have  lost  the  capacity  to  love.  Pey- 
ton Loftis,  the  eldest  daughter  of  the 
family,  dies  by  her  own  hand  at  the  be- 
ginning of  the  book,  and  through  a  series 
of  cutbacks  the  story  of  her  life  and  the 
reasons  for  its  end  are  traced.  Her  fa- 
ther, a  weakling,  makes  a  desperate  and 
futile  attempt  to  salvage  his  family  life, 
but  fails,  ending  always  in  a  drunken 
stupor.  Her  mother,  a  neurotic  and  un- 
loved woman,  tries  to  find  herself  through 
religion.  The  defective  younger  daughter, 
Maudie,  is  described  as  one  of  the  most 
original  elements  in  the  story. 

The  book  has  no  "thesis,"  no  "frame  of 
reference,"  but  is  first  and  foremost  a 
domestic  tragedy,  and  an  absorbing  story. 
The  precise  technique  enables  the  reader 
to  be  with  the  characters  at  parties,  foot- 
ball games,  weddings,  and  to  sympathize 
with  their  inevitable  shortcomings.  Mr. 
Styron  did  not  intend  his  novel  to  be 
about  the  South,  though  the  story  is  laid 
there.  He  has  tried  to  portray  family 
wreckage  and  defeat  as  it  could  happen 
anywhere  under  the  circumstances. 

His  first  attempt  having  met  with  such 
success,  William  Styron  is  destined  to 
make  an  enviable  place  for  himself  in  the 
literarv  world. 

Additional  Local  Associations  and  Presidents 

Wilmington,  Del Robert  H.  Hover,  '41 

Atlanta,   Ga Allison   Waggoner  Duncan 

(Mrs.  Joseph  M.),  '49 

Baltimore,  Md William  B.  Somerville,  '38 

St.  Paul-Minneapolis,  Minn Charlotte  Kueffner  Tudor 

(Mrs.  Richard  B.),  '37 

St.  Louis,  Mo Edward  S.  Bott,  '44 

Chattanooga,  Tenn Gordon  L.  Smith,  Jr.,  '48 

Dallas,  Tex William  C.  Wettstein,  '47 


Cabarrus Harry  E.  Hollingsworth,  '29 

Durham James  B.  Coble,  '29 

Durham    (  Alumnae) Priscilla   Gregory   McBryde 

(Mrs.  Angus),  "29 

Iredell    Macon   Simons,  '27 

Lenoir-Green    Elmer  S.  Wooten,  '14 

Rowan    0.  C.  Godfrey,  Jr.,  '32 

Sampson-Duplin Dr.  Amos  Johnson,  '29 

Vance William  W.  McCracken.  '44 

Wake    (Alumnae) Florence  Fitzgerald  Tunstall 

(Mrs.  Kenneth  R.),  '29 
Wayne Frank  L.  Greathouse,  '41 


Divinitv  School 

Walter  C.  Ball,  '25,  A.M.  "26,  B.D.  "27 

College  of  Engineering L.  Russell  Ranson,  B.S.  '31 

School  of  Forestry J.  S.  Bethel,  M.F.  '39.  D.F.  '47 

School  of  Law Joseph  0.  Talley,  Jr.,  '40,  LL.B  '42 

School  of  Medicine Joseph  B.  Stevens,  M.D.  '36 

School  of  Nursing Jovce  Whitfield  Dorteh 

(Mrs.  Hugh,  Jr.),  R.N.  '46 

Duke  Alumni  of  the  North  Carolina  Educational  Association 
Benjamin  L.  Smith,  '16.  A.M.  '37 

Duke  Alumni  of  the  Eastern  North  Carolina  Conference  of 
the  Methodist  Church  Key  W.  Taylor.  R.  '40 

Duke  Alumni  of  the  Virginia  Conference  of  the  Methodist 
Church  James  L.  Robertson,  B.D.  '35 

Duke  Alumni  of  the  Western  North  Carolina  Conference  of 
the  Methodist  Church  Horwood  Myers,  R.  '38 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,   1951 

[  Page  -25\  ] 

Blue  Devil  Runners  Are  Pacing  Team  To 

Around  Duke,  they're  calling  the  new- 
look  football  squad  "the  comeback  kids." 
After  soundly  trouncing  South  Carolina 
34-6  in  the  season's  opener  under  Duke's 
first  alumnus  coach,  William  D.  "Bill" 
Murray,  the  Blue  Devils  rolled  back  in 
the  last  minutes  of  games  with  Pitt  and 
N.  C.  State  for  wins.  They  lost  to  Ten- 
nessee's powerful  grid  machine,  26-0. 

The  Blue  Devils  defeated  the  University 
of  Pittsburgh  19-14  at  Pittsburgh  on 
September  29,  then  sank  to  their  depths 
against  Tennessee  the  following  week, 
losing  26-0  while  committing  seven  fum- 
bles and  having  two  of  seven  passes  in- 
tercepted. As  the  Begister  went  to  press, 
Duke  had  come  from  behind  to  defeat 
N.  C.  State  27-21  in  Murray's  home  debut 
as  Blue  Devil  mentor. 

A  quick  summary  of  the  Pitt,  Tennessee 
and  N.  C.  State  games : 

PITTSBURGH— Duke  scored  after  five 
minutes,  halfback  Red  Smith  smashing 
over  from  the  three.  Green  kicked  the 
extra  point.  Pitt  took  the  ensuing  kick- 
off  and  drove  64  yards  for  a  touchdown, 
Cimerolli  going  through  center  for  15 
yards  and  the  score.  Blanda  kicked  the 
extra  point.  Early  in  the  second  period, 
Duke  scored  again,  the  drive  being  started 
by  a  blocked  kick  by  soph  tackle  Ed 
Meadows  and  a  return  of  the  kick  by 
Blaine  Earon  to  the   Pitt  15.     The  Blue 

Blue  Devil  Geography 

An  examination  of  the  geographical 
distribution  of  the  hometowns  of  the 
1951  Murray-coached  Blue  Devils  re- 
veals that  Duke  is  fielding  a  team  pre- 
dominantly natives  of  North  Carolina. 

The  squad  roster  lists  7S  names,  in- 
cluding 28  backs  and  50  linemen.  Of 
these  78  boys,  a  total  of  43  are  native 
North  Carolinians.  Included  are  such 
standouts  as  Charlie  Smith,  Red  Smith, 
Jim  Gibson,  Piney  Field,  "Country" 
Meadows,  Carl  James,  and  many 

Other  states  represented  on  the  Blue 
Devil  squad  are,  in  order  of  their  pre- 
dominance :  Pennsylvania  with  10 
players ;  Virginia  with  five ;  Georgia, 
Kentucky,  New  York,  and  New  Jersey, 
all  with  three  each;  the  District  of 
Columbia  and  Maryland  with  two  each; 
and  Indiana,  Wyoming,  and  Minnesota 
with  one  each. 

There  are,  in  all,  13  states  that  have 
contributed  to  the  '51  team. 

Devils  scored  when  Red  Smith  blasted  off 
right  tackle  for  three  yeards.  Extra  point 
try  blocked.  Duke  led  at  halftime  13-7. 
Pitt  drove  92  yards  early  in  the  second 
half  to  score  and  kicked  the  extra  point 

The  Murray 

While  Coach  Bill  Mur- 
ray, '31,  spends  his  work- 
ing day  with  rough  and 
tumble  football  players,  his 
home  life  is  predominated 
by  the  gentle  female  of  the 
species.  Coach  Murray  and 
Mrs.  Murray  (Carolyn 
Kirby),  '32,  have  three 
daughters.  Shown  in  the 
picture  (right)  they  are, 
standing,  left  to  right, 
Marilyn,  a  Duke  sopho- 
more, and  Joy,  a  Univer- 
sity of  Delaware  junior; 
seated,  left  to  right,  Carol, 
Mrs.  Murray,  and  Coach 

to  lead  14-13.  Blanda  booted  the  point 
after  Bestwiek  passed  to  Warriner  for 
16  yards  and  the  six-pointer.  A  41 -yard 
punt  return  to  the  Pitt  27  by  safetyman 
George  Grune  set  the  Blue  Devils  up  for 
their  pay-off  touchdown  in  the  final  quar- 
ter. With  Charlie  and  Red  Smith  carry- 
ing the  ball,  the  Dukes  scored,  Charlie 
tallying  on  a  two-yard  smash.  Green's 
try  for  the  extra  point  was  wide. 

TENNESSEE— Duke  lost  the  services 
of  senior  end  Gene  Brooks  of  Durham  for 
the  season  as  result  of  his  suffering  a 
broken  arm  in  this  game.  The  Vols  drove 
48  yards  for  their  first  score  in  the  first 
quarter,  Hank  Lauricella  faking  a  hand- 
off  and  racing  28  yards  for  the  marker. 
Reichichar  kicked  the  extra  point.  The 
tough  Tennessee  crew  scored  again  on  the 
third  play  of  the  second  period,  Erns- 
berger  copping  a  34-yard  drive  by  going 
over  from  the  one.  The  extra  point  try 
failed.  With  ten  seconds  left  in  the  third 
period,  Harold  Payne  bucked  over  for 
the  Vols'  third  touchdown  on  a  drive  that 
started  on  Duke's  48.  Kolenick  kicked 
the  extra  point.  Payne  passed  to  end 
Prank  Alexander  for  17  yards  for  the 
final  touchdown  with  only  four  minutes 
left  in  the  game.  The  extra  point  try 
failed  as  Tennessee  won,  26-0. 

N.  C.  STATE— The  Blue  Devils  led 
13-0  early  in  this  game,  only  to  have  the 
Wolfpack  come  back  and  go  ahead  14-13, 
a  lead  they  held  at  halftime.  The  Devils 
got  their  first  score  late  in  the  first  period, 
218-pound  fullback  Jack  Kistler,  voted 
athlete  of  the  week  in  North  Carolina  for 
his  performance  in  the  game,  blasting  over 
from  the  two  for  the  score.  Duke  drove 
64  yards  for  the  touchdown.  Extra  point 
try  failed.  Charlie  Smith  circled  right  end 
for  nine  yards  and  the  second  touchdown 
on  the  third  play  of  the  second  period. 
An  intercepted  pass  by  freshman  Worth 
Lutz  on  State's  42  set  up  the  score.  Green 
kicked  the  extra  point.  State  took  the 
following  kick-off,  however,  to  drive  from 
their  34  for  a  touchdown.  Jim  O'Rourke 
went  over  from  the  two.  Barkouskie 
kicked  the  extra  point.  Duke  fumbled  in 
its  own  territory  and  State  recovered  to 
start  the  Wolfpack  on  their  second  scor- 
ing drive  shortly  afterwards.  An  inter- 
ference penalty  put  the  ball  on  the  Duke 
one  and  after  three  scoring  tries  failed, 
Webster  went  over  for  the  Pack  from  the 
one.     The  extra  point  try  was  good  and 

[  Page  252  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 

New  Record 

State  led  14-13.  State  got  another  touch- 
down on  the  first  play  of  the  final  period, 
Moyer  passing  13  yards  to  Kosilla  for 
the  marker.  A  Duke  fumble  recovered  by 
the  Pack  on  the  Duke  23  set  up  the  score. 
Again  the  extra  point  try  was  good  and 
State  led  by  21-13.  The  Blue  Devils  were 
down,  but  not  out.  They  came  back  in 
five  plays  to  score,  Red  Smith  cross-buck- 
ing for  11  yards  and  the  score.  Green's 
extra  point  try  was  good,  cutting  the 
margin  to  21-20.  Then,  after  the  kick-off 
was  fumbled  deep  in  State  territory  and 
the  Duke  defensive  line  held  State's  of- 
fensive thrusts  to  no  gain,  the  Blue  Devils 
were  off  to  the  races  again.  After  George 
Grune  returned  a  State  punt  to  the  Wolf- 
pack  37,  the  Devils  scored  in  seven  plays. 
Charlie  Smith  went  off  tackle  for  two 
yards  and  the  six-pointer.  Green  kicked 
the  extra  point  for  a  27-21  win.  Duke's 
seven  fumbles  in  the  State  game  gave 
them  a  total  of  14  for  the  last  two  games. 
They  recovered  only  four  of  these. 

Jumping  away  to  a  four-touchdown 
lead  in  the  first  period,  Duke's  Blue  Devils 
went  on  to  crush  Virginia  Tech  55-6  in  the 
Oyster  Bowl  game  at  Norfolk,  Va.,  on 
October  20.  Report  on  this  game  was 
received  just  as  the  Register  was  going 
to  press. 

The  Blue  Devils  scored  the  first  time 
they  got  their  hands  on  the  ball,  driving 
79  yards  for  the  score.  Featuring  the 
drive  were  a  23-yard  run  by  Red  Smith 
and  a  pass  by  Quarterback  Jerry  Barger. 
Fullback  Jack  Kistler  raced  over  from 
28  yards  out.  Ray  Green  added  the  first 
of  seven  extra  points. 

Barger  scored  the  second  one  a  few 
minutes  later  after  a  VPI  fumble  on  the 
eight  and  a  five-yard  offside  penalty. 
VPI  then  fumbled  on  the  28  and  Charlie 
Smith,  Jack  Kistler  and  Piney  Field  al- 
ternated in  carrying  it  across,  Field  mak- 
ing the  final  yard.  That  made  it  21-0 
Duke  after  8:25. 

Dud  Hager,  later  in  that  period,  inter- 
cepted a  Gobbler  pass  on  the  Tech  32. 
Field,  Barger,  Kistler  and  Charlie  Smith 
alternated  in  taking  it  to  the  one  from 
where  Charlie  carried  it  across. 

A  new  star  appeared  on  the  Duke  hori- 
zon in  the  second  period  when  Charlie 
Niven,  the  celebrated  freshman  back  from 
Wilmington,  entered  the  game  and  led 
Duke  to  its  fifth  touchdown.  He  started 
the  Blue  Devils  on  a  69-yard  drive  with 
a  30  yard  offtackle  jaunt  and  then  made 
another  nine  yard  run  to  the  three  to  set 

Blue  Devils  Out  of  Uniform 

Above  are  four  of  the  photos  caught  by  a  Greensboro  (N.  C.)  Daily  News 
photographer,  who  recently  toured  the  campus  in  search  of  stalwart  Blue 
Devils  out  of  uniform  and  in  the  natural  habitat  of  undergraduates.  Top 
left  photo  may  well  be  labeled  "The  Smith  Brothers,"  as  the  three  Smiths 
of  the  squad  pose  with  a  box  of  well-known  cough  drops.  Left  to  right  they 
are  Charlie  Smith,  junior  halfback  from  Wilmington,  N.  C. ;  James  ' '  Red ' ' 
Smith,  sophomore  halfback  from  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. ;  and  Walter  Smith, 
junior  end  from  Raleigh,  N.  C.  (all  unrelated).  Top  right  photo  shows  Mike 
Souchack,  '51,  last  year's  sterling  extra-point  booter  now  coaching  ends 
(seated)  flanked  by  Blaine  Earon,  senior  end  from  Altoona,  Pa.  (left),  and 
Jim  Gibson,  senior  end  and  team  captain  from  Wilmington.  At  lower  left, 
in  the  library,  are  Piney  Field,  junior  halfback  from  Martinsville,  Va ;  and 
Joe  Self,  senior  quarterback  from  Greensboro,  who  has  been  out  with  injuries 
all  season  and  may  not  play  at  all  this  year.  At  lower  right,  in  a  dormitory 
huddle,  are  freshman  quarterback  Jerry  Barger  from  Salisbury,  N.  C. ;  Bobby 
Burrows,  sophomore  guard  from  Asheboro,  N.  C. ;  and  James  York,  freshman 
end  from  Asheboro. 

up  the  touchdown  which  was  scored  by 
Lloyd  Caudle. 

Charlie  Smith  made  the  longest  run  of 
the  day  on  the  third  play  of  the  second 
half  when  he  took  a  pitchout  from  Barger 
and  raced  85  yards  for  a  touchdown. 

A  few  minutes  later  Duke  had  another 

one  after  VPI  fumbled  on  the  16.  Charlie 
Smith  got  nine  and  Field  drove  it  over 
from  the  seven. 

Duke's  final  marker  was  on  a  great  run 
by  Field.  He  went  off  tackle,  broke  into 
the  open  and  then  simply  outran  the  Tech 
secondary.     Field  is  a  9.6  man  in  track. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 

[  Page  253  ] 

Faculty  Items 

Dean  Wilson  Is  Named 
To  Educational  Group 

Miss  Florence  K.  Wilson,  clean  of  the 
Duke  University  School  of  Nursing,  has 
been  named  a  member  of  a  new  Commit- 
tee on  Nursing  Education  by  the  South- 
ern Regional  Educational  Program. 

The  17  educators,  nursing-  specialists, 
members  of  state  boards  and  hospital 
administrators  who  make  up  the  commit- 
tee will  study  the  critical  need  for  nurses 
in  14  Southern  states.  It  is  the  latest 
extension  in  a  regional  project  through 
which  Southern  states  have  pooled  efforts 
to  improve  educational  programs.  The 
committee  met  for  the  first  time  at  Board 
headquarters  in  Atlanta,  Ga.,  on  October 

As  president  of  the  North  Carolina 
State  League  of  Nursing  Education,  Miss 
Wilson  expressed  her  "wholehearted 
agreement"  with  the  plans  of  the  program 
to  collect  facts  and  recommend  steps  to 
improve  the  training  of  nurses  in  South- 
ern states. 

Professor  Cites  Need 
of  Help  for  Schools 

Dr.  A.  M.  Proctor,  professor  in  the 
Education  Department,  was  leader  of  a 
five-day  meeting  of  the  National  Council 
on  Schoolhouse  Construction  in  Minne- 
apolis, Minn.,  during  the  first  of  Oc- 

"It  is  high  time  to  think  of  obtaining 
school-buildings  and  equipment  on  a  State- 
wide rather  than  a  local  basis,"  said  Dr. 
Proctor,  who  is  president  of  the  Council, 
at  the  opening  session.  His  speech  was 
entitled  "A  Possible  Way  to  Procure 
More  Schoolhouses  for  the  Tax  Dollar." 

"In  the  past  it  has  been  common  for 
school  administrators  and  the  public 
generally  ...  to  vigorously  oppose  any 
movement  which  looked  in  the  direction 
of  centralization,"  Dr.  Proctor  said.  "But 
.  .  .  the  public  school  is  a  social  institu- 
tion and  .  .  .  must  serve  a  soeial  purpose." 

For  the  sake  of  both  economy  and 
functionalism,  Dr.  Proctor  suggests  that 
State-financed  school  buildings  would  be 
much  cheaper  in  the  long  run  because  a 
pay-as-you-go  plan  could  be  used,  and 
properly  designed  buildings  for  each  area 
could  be  obtained  from  expert  and  expe- 
rienced school  architects  rather  than  local 
ones   who   have   never  before   designed  a 

school.  He  also  believes  contracting 
would  be  better  and  less  expensive  when 
done  by  regular  school  contractors. 

Jack  Persons  Honored 

The  Durham  Chapter  of  the  American 
Red  Cross  has  awarded  Walter  S.  (Jack) 
Persons,  '32,  Duke  swimming  and  lacrosse 
coach,  a  medal  and  certificate  of  apprecia- 
tion for  leadership  in  the  Red  Cross  water 
safety  program. 

Coach  Persons,  who  has  been  at  Duke 
since  1930,  is  now  in  charge  of  all  Duke 
water  safety  activities  and  has  contributed 
over  6,000  hours  to  the  program. 

A  special  swimming  examiner  and 
water  safety  chairman  in  Reading,  Pa.,  in 
1927  and  1928,  Coach  Persons  came  to 
Durham  in  1929  and  taught  water  safety 
for  the  Durham  Red  Cross  chapter.  He 
was  then  made  chairman  of  the  water 
safety  program  for  Durham  County. 

Durham  Ministers  Join 
Divinity  Staff  for  1941 

Two  well-known  Durham  ministers  have 
also  joined  the  Divinity  School  faculty  as 
lecturers  in  practical  theology  during  the 
coming  academic  year.    Thev  are  Dr.  Kel- 

sey  Regen,  pastor  of  the  First  Presby- 
terian Church,  and  Dr.  Edgar  L.  Hillman, 
superintendent,  Durham  District  of  the 
Methodist  Church. 

Dr.  Regen,  a  native  of  Tennessee,  will 
lecture  during  the  fall  semester.  He  is  an 
alumnus  of  Davidson  College  and  the 
Louisville  Presbyterian  Seminary. 

Dr.  Hillman  will  be  spring  semester  lec- 
turer. An  alumnus  of  Millsaps  College, 
Emory  University  and  Edinburgh  Univer- 
sity, Scotland,  he  is  a  native  of  Missis- 

Religious  Activities  Director 

Roland  W.  Rainwater,  B.D.  '44,  former 
chaplain  to  Methodist  students  at  Duke 
who  has  been  associate  minister  in  the 
First  Methodist  Church  in  Coral  Gables, 
Fla.,  for  the  past  few  years,  has  been 
appointed  director  of  student  religious 
activities  on  West  Campus.  He  will  also 
be  a  member  of  the  Universitv  Chaplain's 

A  native  of  Roberdell,  N.  C,  Mr.  Rain- 
water is  also  an  alumnus  of  Louisburg 
College  and  Wofford  College.  He  served 
two  years  during  World  War  II  as  chap- 
lain with  the  United  States  Navy  and 
later  held  Methodist  pastorates  at  Kitty 
Hawk  and  Louisburg  College. 

Mrs.  Rainwater  is  the  former  Zillah  J. 
Merritt,  '43. 

Dr.  Russell,  Former  Dean,  Dies  in  Florida 

Dr.  Elbert  Russell,  dean  emeritus  of 
Duke  University  Divinity  School,  died 
September  21  in  a  hospital  in  St.  Peters- 
burg, Fla.  The  80-year-old  professor, 
lecturer  and  author,  ill  for  several  weeks, 
suffered  a  heart  attack.  Funeral  services 
were  conducted  at  Baynard's  Chapel  by 
the  Society  of  Friends. 

Dr.  Russell  came  to  Duke  in  1926  as 
professor  of  Biblical  Interpretation  and 
was  made  dean  of  the  Divinity  School  in 
1929.  He  retired  from  the  deanship  in 
1941  but  continued  to  teach  a  few  years 
before  he  and  Mrs.  Russell  moved  to  St. 

A  native  of  Friendsville,  Tenn.,  Dr. 
Russell  was  educated  at  Earlham  College 
and  the  University  of  Chicago.  Last 
spring  he  was  honored  by  Haverford  Col- 
lege with  an  L.D.  degree.  Following 
World  War  I,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Russell  trav- 
eled and  lectured  in  Europe  and  South 
America.     He  served  on  the  faculties  of 

Earlham  College,  Johns  Hopkins  Univer- 
sity, Woolman  College,  Haverford  Col- 
lege, and  Swarthmore  College  as  well  as 
Duke  during  his  long  career  as  teacher 
and  theologian.  Earlier  this  year  he 
served  a  short  term  as  professor  of  re- 
ligion in  the  College  of  the  Gulf  States 
at  Mobile,  Ala.,  a  project  planned  for  re- 
tired educators  still  interested  in  teaching. 
Dr.  Russell  is  the  author  of  "A  History 
of  Quakerism,"  which  won  him  the  May- 
flower literary  award,  and  several  other 
volumes  on  religious  subjects. 

He  is  survived  by  his  wife,  the  former 
Lieuetta  Cox,  a  childhood  friend  whom  he 
married  in  1895 ;  a  daughter,  Marcia  Rus- 
sell Gobbel  (Mrs.  Luther  L.),  A.M.  '28, 
wife  of  the  president  of  Greensboro  Col- 
lege ;  a  son,  Dr.  Joseph  Cox  Russell,  head 
of  the  department  of  history  at  the  Uni- 
versity of  New  Mexico ;  a  sister,  Mrs. 
Carl  Bowen,  Fort  Wayne,  Ind. ;  and  five 

[  Page  254  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 


Charlotte  Corbin,  '35,  Editor 


September,  1951 

Audrey  Johiisoii  Cushman  (Mrs.  M.  An- 
drew), '29,  Charlottesville,  Va. 

Ruth  Fike,  '46,  Ahoskie,  N.  C. 

Claude  E.  Fike,  '41,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Hampton  Frady,  '50,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Louis  H.  Fracher,  '42,  Danville,  Va. 

J.  Welch  Harriss,  '27,  High  Point,  N.  C. 

Virgie  Bay  Bingham  (Mrs.  A.  L.),  K.N.  '48, 
Hamburg,  N.  Y. 

Alvin  L.  Bingham,  Jr.,  B.S.M.E.  '49,  Ham- 
burg, N.  Y. 

Ens.  Leslie  E.  Mack,  '51,  F.P.O.,  San  Fran- 
cisco, Calif. 

Robert  S.  Burrus,  '47,  Richmond,  Va. 

Vann  V.  Secrest,  Sr.,  '16,  Monroe,  N.  C. 

J.  Hampton  Price,  '17,  Monroe,  N.  C. 

Ernest  H.  Broome,  '17,  A.M.  '28,  Monroe, 
N.  C. 

S.  Glenn  Hawfield,  '15,  Monroe,  N.  C. 

Elizabeth  Bell  Midgett  (Mrs.  P.  D.,  Ill), 
'51,  Engelhard,  N.  C. 

L.  Taylor  Oakes,  '48,  Shelby,  N.  C. 

Sigrid  Louise  Lehnberger,  '49,  West  Hemp- 
stead, N.  Y. 

J.  O.  Thomas,  '21,  Leaksville,  N.  C. 

Lillian  M.  Harward,  '41,  Ealeigh,  N.  C. 

William  E.  Newcomb,  '50,  Boston,  Mass. 

Thomas  F.  Huckabee,  '44,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Dorothy  Kanoy  Clegg  (Mrs.  W.  L.),  '24, 
Burlington,  N.  C. 

Banks  O.  Godfrey,  '25,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Homer  A.  McNeely,  '24,  Sanford,  N.  C. 

Charles  S.  Sydnor,  Jr.,  '48,  Tilford,  Ky. 

Ruth  Fallon.  Howell  (Mrs.  S.  T.),  '17,  Upper 
Montclair,  N.  J. 

Robert  F.  Long,  '41,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Wade  H.  Eldridge,  '41,  Norfolk,  Va. 

Ben  L.  Smith,  '16,  A.M.  '37,  Greensboro, 
N.  C. 

Neal  MeGuire,  B.S.M.E.  '48,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Mary  H.  Divine  Baker  (Mrs.  S.  E.),  '48, 
Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Sumner  E.  Baker,  '47,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Virginia  Suiter,  '46,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Elizabeth  Stutts  Rogers  (Mrs.  R.  P.,  Jr.), 
'47,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Polly  Weedin  Baker  (Mrs.  J.  D.),  '48,  St. 
Joseph,  Mo. 

Kitty  Cassels  Daniel  (Mrs.  J.  R.,  Jr.)  '48, 
Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Jack  C.  Reed,  '38,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Murray  F.  Rose,  B.S.M.E.  '42,  Arlington, 
Va. ' 

Dr.  J.  W.  Roy  Norton,  '20,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Isaac  Kadis,  '19,  Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

Mary  Thomas  McLeod  Grover  (Mrs.  C.  A., 
Jr.),  '49,  Venezuela,  S.  A. 

C.  A.  Grover,  Jr.,  '49,  Venezuela,  S.  A. 

William  H.  Kirkland,  B.S.E.E.  '49,  Rich- 
mond, Va. 

Marvin  E.  Younts,  Jr.,  '41,  Graham,  N.  C. 

Lee  Griffeth,  '47,  Holmes,  X.  Y. 

1st  Lt.  Jack  Logue,  '46,  M.D.  '4S,  A.P.O., 
N.  Y. 

Gerald  E.  Cooper,  '36,  A.M.  '38,  Ph.D.  '39, 
M.D.  '50,  Chamblee,  Ga. 

Ralph  Baum,  '37,  M.D.  '41,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Edgar  H.  Nease,  '25,  B.D.  '31,  Charlotte, 
N.  C. 

Joseph  M.  Hunt,  Jr.,  '28,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Amos  R.  Kearns,  '27,  High  Point,  N.  C. 

David  Alan  Hill,  '38,  Westfield,  N.  J. 

G.  Ray  Jordan,  '17,  D.D.  '35,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Oscar  M.  Thompson,  B.S.E.E.  '49,  Cincin- 
nati, Ohio 

Rev.  J.  A.  Baldwin,  '93,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Josephine  Beaver  Morgan  (Mrs.  J.  W.),  '45, 
Albemarle,  N.  C. 

Thelma  Albright,  A.M.  '37,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Alma  Hull,  '36,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Coma  Cole  Willard  (Mrs.  W.  R.),  '22,  Ra- 
leigh, N.   C. 

Classes  having  reunions  at  Commencement, 
1952,  are  as  follows:  '02,  Golden  Anniver- 
sary; '21;  '22;  '23;  '24;  '27,  Silver  Anni- 
versary; '42,  Tenth  Year  Reunion;  '46,  '47; 
'48 ;  and  '50,  First  Reunion. 

'13  > 

President :  Henry  A.  Dennis 

Class  Agent:  H.  M.  Rateliff 
WALTER  M.  EDENS,  manager  of  the 
Brown  and  Williamson  Tobacco  Company 
of  Petersburg,  Va.,  is  now  a  director  of  that 
company.  Mr.  Edens  has  long  been  active 
in  alumni  affairs  at  Duke,  having  been  a 
member  of  the  Alumni  Council,  the  National 
Council,  and  Class  Agent  for  the  Class  of 
1913  during  the  first  two  years  of  the 
Loyalty  Fund. 

'24  > 

Next  Reunion:  Commencement,  1952 

President :  James  R.  Simpson 

Class  Agent:  Fred  W.  Greene 
J.  TEMPLE  GOBBEL,  SR.,  cashier  of  the 
Bank  of  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C,  has  been  elected 
chairman  of  the  Chapel  Hill  School  Board 
for  the  next  year.  A  member  of  the  Board 
since  1938,  he  has  been  chairman  of  its 
building  committee  for  the  past  10  years 
and  vice-chairman  for  the  past  two. 

'26   » 

President :   Edward  L.  Cannon 

Class  Agent :   John  P.  Frank 
LIS, JR.,  re-entered  service  in  May.     He  is 

stationed    with    the    150th    Gun   Bn.,    Camp 
Stewart,  Ga. 

THE  REVEREND  W.  M.  LATTA  has  be- 
come rector  of  St.  Paul's  Church,  Louisburg, 
N.  C.  He  was  previously  rector  at  St. 
Stephen's  Episcopal  Church,  Erwin,  N.  C. 
DR.  and  Mrs.  BEN  E.  POWELL  have  an- 
nounced the  birth  of  a  daughter,  Lisa  Hol- 
land, on  August  31.  They  have  moved  into 
a  new  home  at  3609  Hathaway  Road,  Hope 
Valley,  Durham.  Dr.  Powell  is  head  of  the 
Duke  University  libraries. 

'28  » 

President:  Robert  L.  Hatcher 
Class  Agent:  E.  Clarence  Tilley 
A  wedding  ceremony  August  19  at  the  First 
Presbyterian  Church  in  Chester,  W.  Va.r 
united  in  marriage  MARY  CAUGHEY, 
Ph.D.  '43,  and  MARSHALL  HELMS.  Both 
are  members  of  the  faculty  of  East  Carolina 
Teachers  College,  Greenville,  N.  C,  where 
they  are  making  their  home. 

'29  — - 

President:    Edwin   S.    Yarbrough,   Jr. 

Class  Agent:  William  E.  Cranford 
DR.  CARROLL  C.  LUPTON  received  his 
M.M.S.  in  surgery  at  New  York  Medical 
College  in  1943  and  is  now  practicing  in 
Greensboro,  X.  C.  His  address  is  2S11  Sher- 
wood Street. 


President:   Johu  D.   Minter 

Class  Agent:  John  D.  Minter 
her  husband  and  their  four-year-old  son  are 
living  in  Homestead,  Fla.,  Box  319,  Route 
#2.  They  lead  a  busy  life  caring  for  their 
citrus  and  avocado  grove,  13  beehives,  rab- 
bits,  ducks  and  geese. 

'34  * 

President :    The  Reverend  Robert   M.  Bird 

Class  Agent :  Charles  S.  Rhyne 
WILLIAM  M.  CALDWELL,  of  4455  S.  E. 
24,  Portland,  Ore.,  is  a  representative  of  the 
Atlas  Foundry.  He  and  Mrs.  Caldwell  have 
two  sons,  Gregg,  5.  and  Billy,  Jr.,  10  months. 
J.  W.  (JOE)  GETZEXDANNER.  JR.,  has 
accepted  a  position  as  assistant  vice-presi- 
dent and  assistant  comptroller  at  the  Na- 
tional City  Bank  of  Cleveland,  Ohio.  Joe, 
who  has  been  serving  as  treasurer  of  Trinity 
College,  Hartford,  Conn.,  and  his  family  are 
living  temporarily  at  2771  Sherbrooke  Road, 
Shaker  Heights  22,  Ohio,  pending  their  lo- 
cation of  a  permanent  home  in  Cleveland. 
PARKER),  her  husband,  and  their  four- 
year-old    son,    Roger,    live   at    603    Simpson 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,   1951 

[  Page  255  ] 

ft       ft      SONS  AND  DAUGHTERS  OF  DUKE  ALUMNI       ft      ft 

Evelyn-  Frances  Roach.  Evelyn  Cline  Roach, 
'44.  Herman  H.  Roach,  '47.  Thomasville,  N.  C. 
Grandfather:  John  Cline,  '17,  A.M.  '40,  Ph.D. 

Eleanor  Mims  Newell.  Eleanor  Mims  Newell, 
•48.  William  B.  Newell,  B.S.C.E.  '48.  Philadel- 
phia,  Pa. 

Robert  King  Steel.  L.  Steel  IV. 
Elizaheth  Deaton  Steel,  '43.  Charles  L.  Steel  III, 
'42.      Durham,   N.   C. 

Emily  Montague  Chadwick.  Margaret  Mon- 
tague Chadwick,  '40.  David  N.  Chadwick,  Jr., 
'48.      Durham,   N.   C. 

Thomas  Bur-well  Harris,  Jr.  Thomas  B.  Har- 
ris, '50.     Charlotte,  N.  C. 

"William  C.  Morgan,  Jr.  Louise  Vaughan  Mor- 
gan, R.N.  &  B.S.N.,  '45.  William  C.  Morgan, 
M.D.  '44.      Salishury,  Md. 

7.  Molly     Beth     Daniel.      Kitty    Cassels    Daniel 
(Mrs.  J.  R.),  '48.     Raleigh,  N.  C. 

8.  Dorothea  Louise  Cook.     Virginia  Jordan  Cook 
(Mrs.  W.  H.),  '35.      Kenmore,   N.  Y. 

[  Page  256  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 

Street,  Cecil  Apartment  "D,"  Greensboro, 
N.  C. 

A  son,  Andrew  W.  Starratt  III,  was  born 
August  7  to  ME.  and  Mrs.  ANDREW  W. 
STARRATT,  JR.  Andy,  who  is  an  attorney, 
and  his  family  live  at  26  East  Montgomery 
Avenue,  Rockville,  Md. 

The  new  address  of  COMMANDER  MAR- 
TELL  H.  TWITCHELL,  B.D.,  is  Staff 
Chaplain,  Headquarters  Fleet  Marine  Force, 
Pacific,  c/o  Fleet  Post  Office,  San  Fran- 
cisco, Calif. 

'35  » 

President:  Larry  E.  Bagwell 
Class  Agent:  James  L.  Newsom 

Little  Dorothea  Louise  Cook,  whose  picture 
is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this 
month,  is  the  daughter  of  VIRGINIA  JOR- 
DAN COOK  and  "William  H.  Cook.  They 
have  two  other  children,  Keirn  William 
Cook,  Sy2,  and  Jordan  Keith  Cook,  4%. 
Dr.  A.  C.  Jordan,  of  the  English  Department 
at  Duke,  is  their  great  uncle.  The  Cooks 
live  at  134  Colonial  Avenue,  Kenmore  17, 
New  York. 

COLE  DEANE  GENGE,  M.D.,  and  MAR- 
JORIE  SCRUGGS  GENGE,  of  502  Wood- 
land Drive,  Huntington,  W.  Va.,  have  two 
children,  Marjorie  Diane  and  Richard  Deane. 
Cole  is  a  radiologist  in  Huntington. 
JOHN  R.  METZ  is  credit  supervisor  for 
Karotkin     Furniture     Company,     221    West 

Commerce  Street,  San  Antonio,  Tex.  He 
and  Mrs.  Metz  have  two  children,  Eleanor 
Ann,  16,  and  John  R.,  Jr.,  4. 
The  marriage  of  Mrs.  Leenette  Hedrick 
Wyrick  and  WILLIAM  THOMAS  WIM- 
BISH  was  solemnized  August  18  in  the  par- 
lor of  the  West  Market  Street  Methodist 
Church  in  Greensboro,  N.  C.  Bill  is  the 
North  Carolina  and  Virginia  representative 
for  Ely  and  Walker  Dry  Goods  Company  of 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

'36  : 

President :   Frank  J.  Sizemore 

Class  Agents:  James  H.  Johnston,  Clifford 
W.  Perry 
D.  COLE  McMARTIN,  JR.,  his  wife,  and 
their  two  little  girls  are  living  at  361-20 
Street,  S.  E.,  Cedar  Rapids,  Iowa.  Cole 
edits  and  gives  the  news  on  Radio  Station 

LAURENCE  C),  her  husband,  and  their 
four  children,  live  at  5310  Hamilton  Street, 
Rogers  Heights,  Hyattsville,  Md.  Mr.  New- 
comb,  who  received  his  master's  degree  from 
George  Washington  University,  teaches  in 
the  Maryland  schools. 

HAROLD  S.  SNELLGROVE,  '36,  A.M.  '40, 
now  has  a  Ph.D.  degree  from  the  University 
of  New  Mexico  and  is  teaching  at  Missis- 
sippi A  and  M.  His  address  is  2627  40th 
Avenue,  Meridian,  Miss. 


President:  Dr.  Kenneth  A.  Podger 
Class  Agent:  William  F.  Womble 
SMITH,   of   2036   South   Pacific   Boulevard, 
Ocean  Side,  Calif.,  is  an  executive  officer  in 
a  training  and  command  battalion. 

*38  a 

President:  Russell  Y.  Cooke 
Class  Agent:   William  M.  Courtney 
DREW)    and    her    husband    are    living    in 
Manila,  Philippine  Islands,  where  their  ad- 
dress is  care  of  Atlantic,  Gulf  and  Pacific 
Company.     Their  son,  Charles,  12,  is  attend- 
ing military  school  in  California. 
DR.    ARTHUR   B.    BRADSHER,    JR.,    has 
opened   an   office   at   604   West   Chapel   Hill 
Street,  Durham,  for  the  practice  of  surgery. 
The  Bradsher's  Durham  address  is  421  Caro- 
lina Circle. 

DONALD  SHEEHAN,  an  instructor  at  the 
School  of  General  Studies,  Columbia  Uni- 
versity, has  been  appointed  visiting  instruc- 
tor in  history  at  Bard  College,  Annandale- 
on-Hudson,  N.  Y.,  for  the  fall  semester,  1951. 

'39  » 

President :  Edmund  S.  Swindell,  Jr. 

Class  Agent :   William  F.  Franck,  Jr. 
that  she  and  her  husband,  LeRov  M.  Dear- 

Qaad  Neuti!  9dealQk^ilt^nalQijjt 

A  Afeux  and  ^bi^eient  3)uJie  Calendar 

jpi  1952 

Although  the  price  of  publishing  the  1952  Duke  Calendar  has  increased,  we  are  pleased  that  we  can  still  offer 
it  to  you  for  just  one  dollar  (plus  15c  to  cover  mailing  cost). 

The  Calendar  contains  52  scenic  views  of  both  East  and 
West  Campuses.  In  addition  to  more  than  25  new  photo- 
graphs, the  calendar  includes  an  original  cover,  the  basket- 
ball schedule,  and  other  attractions. 

Each  week  is  divided  into  space  for  daily  morning,  after- 
noon, and  evening  engagements. 

The  calendar  measures  6x8  inches  and  is  spiral  bound 
in  heavy  cardboard. 


..Cut   out    and   Mail.. 

Social  Standards  Committee 
Box  6162,  College  Station 
Durham,  N.  C. 

YES !  Please  send  me copies  of  the  Duke  Calendar 

— 1952   at   $1.00   per   copy    (plus   15c   to   cover   mailing 



Zone  No State.. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 

[  Page  257 ] 

ing,  and  their  adopted  son,  Matthew,  live 
at  3289  Carse  Drive,  Los  Angeles  28,  Calif. 
Matthew  was  born  on  April  11,  1950. 
ARNE  T.  FLIFLET  is  a  vice  consul  of  the 
United  States,  stationed  at  Durban,  Natal, 
South  Africa. 
The  address  of  Lieutenant   Commander  and 

We  are  members  by 

invitation  of  the 

National  Selected 


the  only  Durham  Funeral  Home 
accorded  this  honor. 

Air  Conditioned  Chapel 

Ambulance  Service 

N-147  1113  W.  Main  St. 


W.  P.  Budd,  '04,  Secretary-Treas. 
W.  P.  Budd,  Jr.,  '36,  Vice-President 

DURHAM,  N.  C. 

*   *   *   • 
Contractors  for 





Duke  Chapel,  New 
Graduate  Dormitory 
Indoor  Stadium  and 

Hospital  Addition 

■*   +  *  * 




(ANNE  OLIVER)  is  U.  S.  Naval  War  Col- 
lege, Newport,  R.  I.  They  have  a  daughter, 
Dianne  Cummings,  who  celebrated  her  first 
birthday  on  September  1. 
LL.B.  '43,  and  Mrs.  Pat  Scheffer  of  Hous- 
ton, Tex.,  were  married  July  5  at  the  home 
of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  H.  Miller,  Wye 
Way  Road,  Knoxville,  Tenn.  Porter  is 
consultant  on  municipal  law  for  the  Mu- 
nicipal Technical  Advisory  Service  at  the 
University  of  Tennessee. 

READ,  JR.,  is  Director  of  Budget  for  the 
Far  Eastern  Air  Force.  He  is  stationed 
in  Tokyo,  Japan,  and  his  wife  and  three- 
year-old  son  hope  to  join  him  soon. 

DAVID  A.),  R.N.  '39,  B.S.N.  '40,  whose 
address  is   Box  564,  R.F.D.   #5,   Greenville, 

'40  , 

President:   John  D.  MacLauchlan 
Class  Agent :    Addison  P.  Penfield 

A  daughter,  Mary  Celesta  Buie,  was  born 
July  13  to  Mr.  and  MRS.  JOHN  M.  BUIE 
(LILLIAN  SECREST).  They  live  in  Wag- 
ram,  N.  C. 

DAVID  N.  CHADWICK,  JR..  '46,  and 
'40,  are  the  proud  parents  of  little  Emily 
Montague  Chadwiek,  whose  picture  appears 
on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  of  this 
issue.  The  Chadwicks  live  at  300  North- 
wood  Circle  in  Durham. 
JAKE  G.  HAGAMAN,  M.Ed.,  of  521  Kent- 
wood  Street,  Lenoir,  N.  C,  is  superintendent 
of  the  Lenoir  public  schools. 
JR.,  '40,  M.D.  '44,  is  aviation  medical  ex- 
aminer in  the  air  surgeon's  office  for  the  Air 
Force's  new  Air  Research  and  Development 
Command  headquarters  in  Baltimore,  Md. 
He  formerly  practiced  medicine  in  Fort 
Lauderdale,  Fla. 

R.  WINSTON  ROBERTS,  JR.,  M.D.,  is  an 
assistant  professor  of  ophthalmology  and 
chief  of  ophthalmology  at  Bowman  Gray 
School  of  Medicine  in  Winston-Salem.  N.  C. 
The  Roberts,  who  live  at  1045  Vernon  Way, 
have  two  daughters,  Patricia,  5,  and  Shel- 
ley, 2y2. 

RUFF,  and  their  children,  Barbara  and 
Arthur,  are  living  at  the  Irwin  High  School, 
Kolhapur-Shahupuri,  B.S.,  India,  where  Gor- 
don is  working  as  a  representative  of  Pres- 
byterian Foreign  Missions  and  Overseas  In- 
terchurch  Service.  The}-  have  found  India 
an  extremely  interesting  country  in  which 
to  live  and  work,  but  are  looking  forward 
to  a  furlough  in  the  States  in  August,  1952. 

GEORGE  H.  STONE,  JR.,  whose  address  is 
1951  Kings  Avenue,  West  Vancouver,  Brit- 
is'.i  Columbia,  Canada,  is  an  assistant  hos- 
pital manager.  He  is  married  and  has  two 


President :   Andrew  L.  Ducker,  Jr. 

Class  Agents:  Julian  C.  Jessup,  Meader 
W.  Harriss,  Jr.,  Andrew  L.  Ducker,  Jr., 
J.  D.  Long,  Jr. 
RICHARD  G.  CONNAR,  '41,  M.D.  '44,  and 
announced  the  birth  of  their  second  daugh- 
ter, Elizabeth  Ann,  on  July  6.  The  Con- 
nars  live  in  the  Alastair  Apartments,  Swift 
Avenue,  in  Durham,  and  he  is  an  instructor 
in  the  Duke  Medical  School. 
The  address  of  MAJOR  PAUL  C.  KEN- 
DALL is  ASAFM,  4D875",  Pentagon,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

DR.  J.  TALBERT  KING,  A.M.,  whose  ad- 
dress is  Apartment  A-ll,  Moore  Apartments. 
Burlington,  N.  C,  has  recently  opened  an 
office  for  the  practice  of  pediatrics. 
The  new  address  of  FIRST  LIEUTENANT 
CHARLES  H.  TAYLOR  is  119  Sumner 
Street,  Greenville,  S.  C. 

'42  » 

Tenth  Year  Reunion:    Commencement,   1952 
President :  James  H.  Walker 
Class   Agents:    Willis   Smith,   Jr.,   George 

A.  Trakas 
On  September  1  JOSEPHINE  BROWN 
joined  the  faculty  of  Columbia  University 
as  an  instructor  in  nursing  in  the  Depart- 
ment of  Nursing,  College  of  Physicians  and 
Surgeons.  She  resigned  as  assistant  direc- 
tor of  nurses  at  Nassau  Hospital,  Mineola, 
L.  I.,  last  fall  in  order  to  attend  Teachers 
College  at  Columbia  University,  where  she 
has  completed  requirements  for  a  Master's 
degree  in  nursing  education.  Jo's  present 
address  is  179  Ft.  Washington  Avenue,  New 
York  32,  N.  Y. 

WM.  R.  (BILL)  GRIFFITH,  B.S.C.E.,  and 
announced  the  birth  of  a  daughter,  Elaine 
Russell,  on  August  9.  They  live  at  422 
Hopkins  Street,  Narrows,  Va.,  and  their 
mailing  address  is  Box  565. 
The  Reverend  and  MRS.  BENJAMIN  LYXT 
(BETTY  JONES)  have  announced  the  birth 
of  a  son,  Christopher  Hunter,  on  August  19. 
The  Lynts  make  their  home  at  24  West  Cedar 
Street,  Alexandria,  Va. 

NEEL,  JR.,  Ph.D.,  is  serving  in  Korea  with 
the  31st  Infantry  Regiment  of  the  7th  In- 
fantry, or  "Hourglass,"  Division.  A  gradu- 
ate of  the  Armj-  Chaplains  School  at  Har- 
vard LTniversity,  Chaplain  Neel  was  a  pro- 
fessor of  philosophy  and  religion  at  Florida 
State  College  before  lie  was  recalled  to  ac- 
tive military  service. 

RUSSELL  S.),  A.M.,  is  teaching  at  the 
High  School,  Shippensburg,  Pa.  She  and  her 
husband,  an  alumnus  of  Penn  State  College, 
live  at  619  West  King  Street. 

CHARLES  L.  STEEL  III  is  head  of  Steel 
Music  Company  in  Durham,  and  is  distribu- 
tor for  AMI  Phonographs  in  North  and 
South  Carolina.     He  and  MRS.  STEEL,  the 

[  Page  258  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 

I  made  the  right  choice  the  first  time! 

1  wanted  to  avoid  a  trial-and-error  beginning. 
So  in  January,  1949,  after  I  graduated  from  UCLA,  I 
made  a  list  of  the  four  things  I  wanted  most  out  of  a  career. 

(1)  was  a  business  of  my  own  requiring  no  capital; 

(2)  was  an  income  not  limited  by  slow,  scheduled  raises 
or  a  ceiling;  (3)  a  sense  of  contributing  something  to 
society,  and  (4)  the  chance  to  live  in  the  community  of 
my  choice. 

The  only  career  that  fitted  all  these  points,  I  was 
rather  surprised  to  learn,  was  life  insurance.  I  had  liked 
the  advertising  of  New  England  Mutual,  so  I  stopped  in 
at  one  of  their  Los  Angeles  offices.  I  was  really  sold  by 
the  caliber  of  the  men  I  met  there,  and  by  their  sincerity 
and  helpful  attitude.  I  signed  up,  and  started  in  on  the 
company's  comprehensive  training  program. 

During  my  second  year  in  the  business,  I  sold  enough 
life  insurance  to  bring  me  two  or  three  times  the  income 
I  could  have  expected  from  a  salaried  job,  so  soon  out  of 
college.  And  at  the  same  time,  I  have  the  satisfaction  of 
adding  to  the  security  and  peace  of  mind  of  the  families 
I  have  served. 

No  wonder  I'm  sure  that,  in  choosing  a  career  and  a 
company,  I  made  the  right  choice  the  first  time ! 

If  you  would  like  more  information  about  a  career  in 
which  your  individual  ability  and  industry— and  nothing 
else  —  determine  your  income,  write  Mr.  H.  C.  Chaney, 
Director  of  Agencies,  501  Boylston  St.,  Boston  17,  Mass. 

One  reason  New  England  Mutual  agents  do  so  well  is  that 
they  have  a  truly  fine  product  to  sell.  The  New  England  Mutual 
life  insurance  policy  is  a  liberal  and  flexible  contract  that  can 
give  you  just  the  kind  of  financial  help  5'ou  require. 

And  you  will  be  pleasandy  surprised  to  find  that  the  rates 
for  many  New  England  Mutual  policies  are  lower  today  than 
they  were  20  years  ago! 

If  you  are  interested  in  having  your  life  insurance  program 
custom-tailored  to  fit  your  personal  or  business  needs,  get  in 
touch  with  one  of  your  own  alumni  listed  below,  or  one  of 
the  other  700  college-trained  men  who  represent  New  England 
Mutual  from  Maine  to  Hawaii. 

These  Duke  University  men  are  New  England  Mutual 

Kenneth  V.  Robinson,  '31,  Hartford 
George  D.  Davis.  CLU.  '37,  Charlotte 
Charles  R.  Williams,  '42,  Manchester 

New  England  Mutual  would  like  to  add  several  qualified 
Duke  University  men  to  its  sales  organization  which  is  lo- 
cated in  the  principal  cities  from  coast  to  coast.  If  you  are 
interested,  write  to  Mr.  Chaney  as  directed  above. 

u£#^*x  >*f&./.  The  New  England 


Life  Insurance  Company 
of  Koston 

former  ELIZABETH  DEATON,  '43,  have 
two  sons,  Charles  L.,  IV,  who  is  six,  and 
Robert  King,  who  was  born  on  August  3, 
1951.  A  picture  of  the  boys  is  on  the  Sons 
and  Daughters  Page  this  month.  The 
Steels  live  at  1409  Dollar  Avenue  in  Durham. 

'43  > 

President :  Thomas  R.  Howerton 
Class  Agent :  S.  L.  Gulledge,  Jr. 
WILLIAM  E.),  her  husband,  and  their  two 
children  live  at  1544  East  Broad  Street, 
Columbus,  Ohio.  Dr.  Baldoek  is  a  pedia- 

DR.  CAEL  H.  BIEKELO  is  a  first  lieu- 
tenant in  the  USAF(MC)  stationed  at  the 
Base  Hospital,  Selfridge  Air  Force  Base, 
Mich.  His  home  is  at  22916  Gary  Lane,  St. 
Clair  Shores,  Mich. 

J.  ROBERT)  has  three  children,  Robert,  Jr., 
4,  Barbara  Jean,  3,  and  Lois  lone,  who  was 
born  July  18.  The  Clarks  live  at  2843 
Voelkel  Avenue,  Pittsburgh  16,  Pa. 

WRIGHT   T.  DIXON,  JR.,  has   opened  an 
office  for  the  general  practice  of  law  in  the 
Capital  Club  Building,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
LEWISTINE    M.    McCOY,    B.D.    '44,    and 
JESSIE  WALL  MeCOY,  R.N.,  B.S.N.,  have 

Stall  Clectxlc  Company.,  3nc. 





Fresh  Fruits,  Vegetables  &  Eggs 

IT    PAYS    TO    BUY    THE    BEST 


Union  Building,  West  Campus  Cafeterias 

Union  Building,  East  Campus  Oak  Room 

Southgate  Dining  Hall  Woman's  College  Dining  Hall? 

Snack  Bar 

announced  the  arrival  of  a  son,  Edward 
Branseomb,  on  July  27.  The  McCoys  have 
two  other  children,  Marion  Lee,  3,  and  Mar- 
tin, 2.  Mae  recently  returned  to  the  United 
States  from  Hongkong,  and  the  family  is 
living  at  2006  Union  Street,  Charlotte  5, 
X.  C,  for  the  time  being. 
JOHN  E.  OWEN  has  been  appointed  by  the 
Department  of  State  as  visiting  professor 
of  sociology  at  University  of  Helsinki,  Fin- 
land, for  the  academic  year  1951-52.  Dur- 
ing the  past  summer,  he  taught  at  Stephen 
F.  Austin  State  College,  Nacogdoches,  Tex., 
and  previously  was  a  member  of  the  staff 
at  Ohio  University.  MRS.  OWEN  is  the 
former  GARNET  HAMRICK,  A.M. 
her  two  children  are  living  in  Floyd,  Va., 
'44,  is  serving  as  a  first  lieutenant  in  the 
United  States  Marine  Corps  Reserve.  Clem- 
ent graduated  from  the  William  and  Mary 
Law  School  in  1949.  His  service  address  is 
13th  Re;  lacement  Draft,  Camp  Pendleton, 

'44  * 

President:   Matthew  S.   (Sandy)  Rae 
Class  Agent :  H.  Watson  Stewart 
ROBERT  M.   (BOB)    GANTT,  JR.,  has  re- 
cently moved  from  Ahoskie,  N.  C,  to  Albe- 
marle, N.  C,  where  he  is  administrator  of 
the  Stanley  County  Hospital.     Mrs.  Gantt  is 
the  former  DOROTHY  HYLAND,  '45. 
CHARLES    C.    HAYNES,    JR.,    and    Mrs. 
Haynes,  of  Hope  Valley,  Durham,  have  an- 
nounced   the    birth    of    a    daughter,    Wendy 
Jackson,   on  July  31.     They  also  have  two 
sons,  John  Barry,  3,  and  Charles  C.  Ill,  2. 
Chuck  owns  the  CI  arles  C.  Haynes,  Jr.,  Con- 
struction Company,  Inc.,  514  Trust  Building, 
Durham,  X.  C. 

work  as  a  trainee  copywriter  at  Montgomery 
Ward's  main  offices  in  Chicago  when  he  re- 
turned from  service  in  1945,  and  has  pro- 
gressed steadily  until  he  is  now  a  Catalog 
Sales  Supervisor  for  Catalog  Offices.  In 
this  position,  he  says,  he  writes  promotional 
materials  for  all  of  the  offices  throughout 
the  country.  Although  he  is  living  now 
with  his  family  at  261  Walden  Drive,  Glen- 
coe,  111.,  after  December  1  he  plans  to  move 
into  a  new  apartment  building  on  the  lake 
front,  and  his  address  will  be  Apartment 
1716,  1350  Lake  Shore  Drive,  Chicago,  111. 
In  spite  of  his  busy  work  schedule,  Hode 
has  found  time  for  other  activities,  includ- 
ing work  with  Threshold  Players,  a  well- 
known  community  drama  group  in  Glencoe. 
MR.  and  Mrs.  WILLIAM  W.  McCRACKEN 
have  announced  the  birth  of  a  daughter. 
Wilma  Frances,  on  September  12.  Their 
mailing  address  is  Drawer  50,  Henderson, 
N.  C. 

WILLIAM  C.  MORGAN,  M.D.,  has  been 
practicing  pediatries  in  Salisbury,  Md.,  for 
the  past  two  and  a  half  years.  He  and 
MRS.  MORGAN,  the  former  LOUISE 
VAUGHAX,  R.N.  and  B.S.N.  '45,  have  a 
two-year-old  son,  William,  Jr.,  whose  picture 

[  Page  260  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 

Research — Development,  Design,  Production,  Application  Engineering,  60% 

Marketing,  Sales,  20% 

Other  Jobs,  20% 

What  happens  to  all  the  college  graduates 
General  Electric  hires? 

About  55  per  cent  of  the  graduates  of  General  Electric's 
Business  Training  Course  are  now  making  their  careers  in 
accounting  and  auditing  work.  About  17  per  cent  are  in 
marketing;  15  per  cent  in  administrative  and  management; 
3  per  cent  in  advertising;  3  per  cent  in  manufacturing; 
with  7  per  cent  in  fields  ranging  from  purchasing  to 
employee  relations. 

Of  the  more  than  ten  thousand  engineers  and  other 
specialists  at  General  Electric,  about  60  per  cent  are  in 
some  phase  of  engineering  or  research,  with  20  per  cent  in 

marketing,  and  the  other  20  per  cent  in  manufacturing, 
purchasing,  etc. 

Figures  like  these  help  to  prove  that  there  are  no  fixed 
paths  for  college  graduates  at  General  Electric.  The  grad- 
uate who  enters  a  G-E  training  program  doesn't  commit 
himself  irrevocably  to  one  type  of  work. 

It's  a  G-E  tradition  to  encourage  the  newcomer  to  look 
around,  try  several  different  assignments  on  for  size,  find 
the  kind  of  job  which  he  believes  will  be  most  satisfying 
and  to  which  he  can  make  the  greatest  contribution. 

'cxi  am /nz/ ' yoafc  cwyvd&nce  iti—. 




Our  business  is  improving  >ollr 
business.  We  offer  a  complete 
agency  organization  will,  every 
service  you  need  .  .  .p/us  na,ion. 
"'de  facilities  through  o..r 
associate  offices  in  more  than 
-50  major  markets.  Special 
attention  to  advertising  accounts 
of  Duke  people  and  their  busi- 
ness associates. 

-Wfl.tO.VC,  3S,  President 

Principal  Services 

i  i  nra|  Adverti*'m9 
Na,i°na,;Re:,;i"°n      "ICn.e.    ond 

•Me,:ha  P  b  c««    •«• 

\z£'"£**  »*'*'**? 

Publicly..-"  Adve""- 


rAorXe,  ««eo,ch  »d  S-eV  - 
Trode  Exhibit,  and»Y»  •  ■  • 

Recognition  /  Re,„„ 

f    "ec°mmendario 
A8ri.„|,ural  Pub|iih 
•    •  Ame,icon  N  *««,on 

—  ",«b.icolo™eA""ta,e-B««- 

-;»  *-.«*.-.* X0"'- 

'"•*«'    P-bHsHe,,   A„„   -■■■ 


Lang   Building  •  21  North  Queen  Street  ' 


York  tl-554 

is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  of  this 
issue.  The  Morgans  live  in  Apt.  A,  805 
Smith  St..  Salisbury,  Md. 
HERMAN  WILLIAM  OWEX,  B.S.,  of  115 
Cabrini  Blvd.,  New  York  33,  N.  Y.,  has 
received  the  degree  of  master  of  education 
from  the  University  of  Rochester,  Rochester, 
X.  Y. 

louise    Mcdowell    rambo    (mrs. 

WILLIAM  S.)  and  her  husband  are  living 
at  296  N.  Remington  Rd.,  Columbus  9,  Ohio. 
HERMAN  H.  ROACH,  his  wife,  the  former 
EVELYN  CLINE,  '44,  and  ten-month-old 
daughter,  Evelyn  Frances  Roach,  live  at  211 
Spring  Street,  Thomasville,  N.  0.  A  pic- 
ture of  little  Evelyn  is  on  the  Sons  and 
Daughters  page  this  month.  Herman,  who 
has  been  working  on  his  master's  degree  in 
industrial  psychology  at  N.  C.  State,  re- 
cently accepted  a  position  as  administrative 
assistant  in  the  Thomasville  City  Schools. 
C.  R.)  lives  at  3780  S.  W.  27  Street,  Miami 
34,  Fla.  She  and  her  husband  have  two 
children,  a  four-year-old  son  and  a  year-old 

LINWOOD  J.  STEVENSON,  B.D.,  is  a 
chaplain  (first  lieutenant)  in  the  United 
States  Army,  stationed  at  Camp  Cooke, 
Calif.  His  residence  address  is  Apartment 
914,  621  South  Oakley  Street,  Santa  Maria, 

The  address  of  LIEUTENANT  GERALD 
W.  WADE,  USMCR,  is  Headquarters  Co. 
1st  Engr.  Bn.,  FMF,  1st  Marine  Division, 
c/o  FPO,  San  Francisco,  Calif. 

'45  - — 

President:   Charles  B.  Markham.  Jr. 

Class  Agent :  Charles  F.  Blanehard 
The  wedding  of  MARY  ANNE  CLEMENTS, 
'51,  and  JAMES  GERALD  KELLY, 
B.S.M.E.,  took  place  on  September  7  in 
York  Chapel  of  Duke  University.  Jim  works 
for  the  American  Tobacco  Company  in  Rich- 
mond, Va.,  where  they  are  making  their 
home  at  Gilmour  Court  Apartments,  3509 
Stuart  Avenue. 

'51,  has  been  recalled  to  active  duty  as  a 
lieutenant,  junior  grade,  in  the  Navy.  He 
and  Mrs.  Herbst,  the  former  MARGARET 
SAWYER,  '48,  are  living  at  185  Columbia 
Heights,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
HERBERT  E.  HORWITZ,  who  lives  at 
1969  Stearns  Drive,  Los  Angeles  34,  Calif., 
is  a  hotel  owner.  He  and  Mrs.  Horwitz 
have  a  daughter,  3,  and  a  son  3  months. 
MOFFITT  HOWELL,  M.D.,  have  announced 
the  birth  of  their  third  son,  Kenneth  Wayne, 
on  July  11.  Their  other  children  are  Louis, 
3%,  and  Loren,  18  months.  The  Howells 
have  returned  to  Jacksonville,  Fla.,  where 
Moffitt  is  associated  with  Doctors  Kenneth 
Morris  and  Wilbur  Summer  in  the  practice 
of  surgery.  The  family  lives  at  1551  Ger- 
aldine  Drive,  JacksonvDle  5. 
DR.  RALPH  F.  HUDSON,  a  lieutenant, 
junior   grade,   in   the   United   States    Navy, 

is  in  charge  of  an  X-ray  mobile  unit  at  the 
Naval  Hospital  in  Newport,  R.  I.  He  and 
Mrs.  Hudson,  who  live  at  138-C  Lexington, 
The  Anchorage,  Middle-town,  R.  L,  have  a 
two-year-old  son. 

E.  (BUDDY)  LUPER,  '47,  have  announced 
the  birth  of  a  son,  Raymond  Elmore,  Jr.,  on 
August  5.  Buddy  is  a  teacher  and  coach  in 
Fayetteville,  X.  C,  where  their  address  is 
510  Huske  Street. 

OSCAR  M.  MIMS,  M.D.,  and  EDYTHE 
CANNADY  MIMS,  R.N.,  B.S.N.,  '46,  are 
living  in  Dublin,  Ga.,  where  Oscar  is  a  doc- 
tor at  the  Veterans  Administration  Hospital. 
WILLIAM)  and  her  husband  are  living  at 
170  Summit  Avenue,  Wollaston,  Mass.  Mr. 
Shelmerdine,  an  alumnus  of  Purdue  Uni- 
versity, is  an  engineer. 

On  August  3  Miss  Marion  Suzanne  Moore 
became  the  bride  of  CARL  WEATHERLY, 
'45,  M.D.  '49,  in  a  ceremony  performed  at 
Highland  Presbyterian  Church,  Louisville, 
Ky.  Mrs.  Weatherly  completes  training  as 
a  nurse  in  the  Louisville  Generol  Hospital 
this  month  and  will  join  her  husband  in 
Waco,  Tex.,  where  he  is  stationed  at  the 
James  Connely  Air  Base. 
The  marriage  of  Dr.  Harriet  Lamont  Husted 
and  JOHN  LEMUEL  WOOTEN,  '45,  M.D. 
'47,  took  place  in  Grove  Reformed  Church, 
North  Bergen,  N.  J.,  on  August  25.  Mrs. 
Wooten  is  a  graduate  of  Wells  College  and 
the  University  of  Maryland  School  of  Medi- 
cine. She  recently  completed  an  internship 
at  Baltimore  City  Hospital.  John,  who  in- 
terned at  Emory  University  and  received 
three  years  further  training  in  orthopaedic 
surgery  at  Baltimore  City  Hospital,  is  now- 
resident  surgeon  at  Kernan's  Hospital  for 
Crippled  Children  in  Baltimore. 


Next  Reunion:   Commencement,  1952 

President:  B.  G.  Munro 

Class  Agent:  Robert  E.  Cowin 
The  First  Baptist  Church,  Hendersonville, 
N.  C,  was  the  scene  August  18  of  the  wed- 
'46,  M.D.  '48.  Mrs.  Carter,  who  is  an  alumna 
of  the  Woman's  College,  Greensboro,  N.  C, 
and  the  University  of  North  Carolina  in 
Chapel  Hill,  is  also  a  graduate  of  the  Duke 
University  School  of  Physical  Therapy.  She 
has  been  employed  as  physical  therapist  at 
the  Miller  Orthopedic  Clinic  in  Charlotte, 
and  is  now  on  the  staff  of  the  North  Caro- 
lina Cerebral  Palsy  Hospital  in  Durham. 
Don  is  a  senior  assistant  resident  at  Duke 
Hospital,  having  done  research  the  past  year 
at  Royal  Victoria  Hospital,  Montreal,  Can- 

The  daughter  of  a  colonel  and  the  sister  of 
an  Army  lieutenant,  IRENE  R.  DERRICK 
followed  in  the  family  footsteps  when  she 
was  appointed  a  first  lieutenant  in  the  Air 
Force  Reserve  to  serve  with  the  WAF.  She 
is     taking     an     eight-week     indoctrination 

[  Page  262 ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,   1951 



We  have  all  O  Tjypes  of  (Composition 

When  setting  type  we  give  due  consideration 
to  the  ultimate  purpose  ...  In  deciding  whether 
to  use  linotype,  monotype  or  hand  composition, 
we  first  ascertain  the  function  of  the  particular 
piece  of  work.  Each  method  was  designed  for 
a  specific  service,  therefore  initial  cost  is  beside 
the  question.  We  shall  be  glad  to  assist  you  in 
deciding  which  of  the  three  will  do  the  best 
job  for  your  particular  problem.  Our  composing 
room  service  is  planned  for  today's  demands. 


413  E.  Chapel  Hill  St.        (W     3)  Durham,  N.  C. 


DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,   1951  [  Page  263  ] 

course  at  Lackland  Air  Force  Base,  San 
Antonio,  Texas.  Irene  was  formerly  em- 
ployed as  a  secretary  for  A.  D.  Little,  Inc., 
Cambridge,  Mass. 

Since  last  February  PAUL  DIETZEL  has 
been  assistant  football  coach  at  the  Univer- 
sity of  Kentucky.  He  was  previously  line 
coach  at  the  University  of  Cincinnati  and 
freshman  coach  at  West  Point,  N.  Y. 
is  with  the  1734th  Air  Transport  Squadron 
of  the  Military  Air  Transport  Service,  which 
helps  form  a  world-wide  air  route  command 
composed  of  personnel  and  equipment  from 
both  the  Air  Force  and  the  Navy.  They  are 
presently  supplying  a  round-the-clock  air- 
lift of  cargo  and  personnel  to  the  Far  East 
and  an  air  evacuation  of  wounded  from 
BEVERLY   E.   HOWEETON    has   been    ap- 

Engineer  Wanted 

Young  recent  EE  or  ME  gradu- 
ate by  Telephone  Company  serv- 
ing rapidly  growing  area  in  the 
Piedmont  section  of  South  Caro- 
lina. Previous  experience  not 
required.  Please  submit  per- 
sonal data  to  Plant  Engineer, 
Rock  Hill  Telephone  Company, 
Rock  Hill,  South  Carolina. 



KNokth  Carolina 

pointed  minister  of  music  at  the  Fountain 
Street  Baptist  Church,  Grand  Eapids,  Mich. 
He  recently  completed  his  studies  at  the 
Westminster  Choir  College  of  Princeton, 
N.  J.,  receiving  the  Bachelor  of  Music  degree 
with  a  major  in  organ. 

JANET  ELLA  PEEKINS  became  the  bride 
of  Mr.  John  Bronson  Martin  on  June  9  at 
the  Old  South  Congregational  Church,  Wind- 
sor, Vt.  Mr.  Martin  is  an  alumnus  of  Tufts 
College  and  the  University  of  Vermont. 
Janet  was  an  art  instructor  in  the  Windsor 
public  schools  before  her  marriage.  Her  ad- 
dress is  54  Bellevue  Avenue,  Rutland,  Vt. 

JOHN  W.,  JR.)  lives  at  3875  South  Cove 
Drive,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

ANDEEW  G.)  and  her  husband  have  moved 
into  their  new  home  at  318  Woodlawn  Street, 
Fall  River,  Mass.  They  have  a  son,  Drew 
(Andrew,  Jr.),  3%,  and  a  daughter,  Linda 
born  last  November  10. 

ROBEBT  FEANK  SPENCEE  of  Eock  Hill, 
S.  C,  is  a  sergeant  in  the  United  States 
Army,  stationed  at  Camp  Pickett,  Va. 

JOHN  E.  WAENER,  B.S.  '46,  M.F.  '49, 
who  has  been  teaching  at  the  University  of 
Michigan,  has  been  appointed  an  instructor 
and  assistant  in  forestry  at  the  University 
of  West  Virginia  in  Morgantown,  W.  Va. 

Miss  Betty  Carroll  Wimbish  and  TIMOTHY 
GOODE  WAENEE,  '46,  LL.B.  '48,  were 
married  August  3  at  the  First  Presbyterian 
Church,  Greensboro,  N.  C,  and  are  making 
their  home  at  1522  Whilden  Place  in  Greens- 
boro. Tim  has  been  associated  with  the  law 
firm  of  York  and  Boyd  for  three  years. 

'47  , 

Next  Reunion:   Commencement,  1952 

President:  Grady  B.  Stott 

Class  Agent :  Norris  L.  Hodgkins,  Jr. 
been  appointed  a  mechanical  engineer  in  the 
Mechanical  Evaluation  Division,  Technical 
Evaluation  Department  of  the  Naval  Ord- 
nance Laboratory,  in  White  Oak,  Silver 
Spring  19,  Md.  In  September  he  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Sally  Euth  Seils,  an  alumna  of 
the  University  of  Eoehester  who  has  been 
teaching  at  Wilson  College,  Chambersburg, 
Pa.,  for  the  past  two  years.  John  did  grad- 
uate work  at  the  University  of  Eoehester. 
PATEICIA  ANN  CONEOY,  R.N.,  is  work- 
ing at  the  Columbia  Presbyterian  Medical 
Center  and  lives  at  165  Fort  Washington 
Avenue,  Apartment  8  I,  New  York  32,  N.  Y. 

(MES.  GEOEGE  W.),  A.M.,  and  her  hus- 
band are  both  working  for  the  United  States 
government.  They  live  at  803  East  Broad 
Street,  Falls  Church,  Va. 

EOBEET  E.),  her  husband,  and  their  year- 
old  daughter  are  living  at  the  U.  S.  Naval 
Ammunition  Depot,  Crane,  Ind.,  where 
Comdr.  Cramer  is  stationed. 

stationed  at  the  Medical  Nutrition  Labora- 
tories, Chicago,  QM  Depot,  Chicago,  111.  He 
is  serving  in  the  Medical  Corps  of  the  United 
States  Army. 

Miss  Mars'  Hodson  Groover  Bardin  and 
JOHN  TEMPLE  GOBBEL,  JR.,  were  united 
in  marriage  September  1  in  St.  John's  Ca- 
thedral, Jacksonville,  Fla.  They  are  living 
in  Chapel  Hill  where  John  is  enrolled  in  the 
University  of  North  Carolina  School  of 
Dentistry.  Mrs.  Gobbel  is  an  alumna  of 
Stuart  Hall,  Staunton,  Va.,  Sweet  Briar 
College,  and  the  University  of  North  Caro- 

Miss  Dorothy  Spivey  and  GLENN  LEE 
HOOPER,  JE.,  were  married  September  2 
in  the  Elizabethtown,  N.  C,  Baptist  Church. 
Mrs.  Hooper  is  as  alumna  of  Flora  Mac- 
donald  College.  Glenn,  son  of  Dr.  GLENN 
L.  HOOPER,  '20,  of  Dunn,  N.  C,  is  in  his 
third  year  of  law  school  at  Duke. 
JOHN  S.  LANAHAN  has  been  named  as- 
sistant eastern  states  regional  sales  manager 
for  the  receiver  sales  division,  Allen  B.  Du 
Mont  Laboratories,  Inc.  He  has  been  with 
the  Du  Mont  organization  since  May,  1950, 
serving  as  sales  coordinator  for  the  receiver 
sales  division.  John  will  open  a  Du  Mont 
sales  office  in  Washington,  D.  C,  which  he 
will  use  as  headquarters  while  covering  the 
Washington,  Baltimore,  Pittsburgh,  Virginia 
and  West  Virginia  territories. 
VIRGINIA  E.  LOTT,  R.N.,  B.S.N.,  is  ex- 
ecutive secretary  and  nurse  at  Aiken  Hos- 
pital and  Relief  Society,  2319  Richland 
Avenue,  Aiken,  S.  C. 

The  marriage  of  Miss  Ellen  Derby  Tower 
place  September  8  at  the  Unitarian  Church, 
Walpole,  N.  H.  They  are  living  in  Brigh- 
ton, Mass.,  where  Gene  is  associated  with 
Connecticut  General  Life  Insurance  Com- 

whose  mailing  address  is  294  W.  Springdale, 
Athens,  Ga.,  is  serving  as  a  first  lieutenant 
in  the  United  States  Air  Force  in  Nagoya, 

HENRY  ROLSTON  NOLTE,  JR.,  who  were 
married  May  19  in  the  Great  Neck,  Long 
Island,  Community  Church,  are  making  their 
home  at  160  S.  Middle  Neck  Road,  Great 
Neck,  N.  Y.  Frances  has  been  working  on 
the  staff  of  Vo^ue  magazine,  and  Henry, 
who  received  his  LL.B.  degree  in  1949  from 
the  University  of  Pennsylvania  Law  School, 
is  an  attorney. 

HAROLD  S.)  and  her  husband,  who  live 
at  18  Lindenwoods  Road,  Norwalk,  Conn., 
have  an  eight-month-old  baby  boy. 

'48  » 

Next  Reunion:   Commencement,  1952 
President:  Bollin  M.  Millner 
Class  Agent:    Jack  H.  Quaritius 
JAMES   H.  BALL,  JR.,  and  MARY  LOU 
BRATTON  BALL,  '50,  of  Apartment  14  C, 

[  Page  264  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 

BALLET  is  one  of  the  new-af-tomorrow  fblors  4n.: 
beautiful  McCrary  nylons.  Othfrs  are  Tan|o,  Rhumba, 
Minuet,  Teadance  and  W|ltztime.  $ee  how  these 
fashion-right  shades  compliment  yojfr  smartest 
fall  clothes.  PropoftioneJ  for  perfect  fit 
in  a  length  that's  right/or  you.  And  every  stocking 
has  the  SEAM-REMINDER^  alow 
to;  streamline  youf-seamline! 
|      At  fine  starts  everywhere. 



iMM/  v 



"Sold  by  Better  Stores  Everywhere 


DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 

[  Page  265  ] 

11  West  Mill  Drive,  Great  Neck,  L.  I.,  N.  Y., 
have  a  daughter,  Deborah  Ann,  born  May 
13.  Jim  is  a  merchandizing  assistant  for 
Dan  River  Mills,  Inc. 

and  her  family  live  at  2327  Lyon  Street  in 
Raleigh.  She  and  Mr.  Daniel  are  very  proud 
of  little  Molly  Beth,  whose  picture  is  on  the 
Sons  and  Daughters  page  this  month. 

MARVIN  F.  ENGEL,  '48,  M.D.  '51,  is  an 
intern  at  the  United  States  Public  Health 
Service,  United  States  Marine  Hospital, 
Staten  Island,  N.  Y.  He  and  Mrs.  Engel 
are  making  their  home  at  86  Glenwood 
Avenue,  Staten  Island  1,  N.  Y. 

DON  L.  FLYNN,  B.D.,  is  director  of  the 
group  ministry  at  West  Virginia  Wesleyan 
College,  Buckhannon,  W.  Va.  During  the 
past  summer  he  "was  pastor  of  the  West  Mil- 
ford  Methodist  Charge,  West  Milford, 
W.  Va. 

C.  WESLEY  GILBERT  is  an  agent  for 
Eaves  Insurance  Agency,  whose  offices  are 
in  the  new  Home  Building  and  Loan  Asso- 
ciation Building  on  Chapel  Hill  Street,  Dur- 
ham.   He  is  living  at  3335  Chapel  Hill  Road. 

JAMES  R.  HAWKINS,  '49,  LL.B.  '51,  is 
contract  negotiator  for  the  Office  of  Army 
Ordnance  Research  which  is  located  at  Duke. 
He  and  MRS.  HAWKINS,  the  former 
TURISSA  WRIGHT,  live  at  311  West 
Trinity  Avenue,  Durham. 

Miss  Frances  Long  was  married  to  WIL- 
LIAM ELLIS  JOSEY  III  on  August  11  at 
the  Semora,  N.  C,  Methodist  Church.  Mrs. 
Josey  is  an  alumna  of  St.  Mary's  Junior 
College,  Raleigh,  and  Woman's  College, 
Greensboro,  N.  C.  Bill  is  a  junior  in  the 
Medical  College  of  Georgia,  and  the  eouple 
will  make  their  home  in  Augusta,  Ga. 
M.F.  '50,  have  announced  the  birth  of  a  son, 
Ernest  Grant  Marlow,  Jr.,  on  August  5. 
They  are  living  at  823  W.  Bessemer  Ave., 
Greensboro,  N.  C. 

A.  U.,  JR.)  and  her  husband  are  living  at 
1313  Pinemont  Drive,  Columbia,  S.  C.  Mr. 
Meadows  is  in  the  United  States  Army. 

Little  Eleanor  Mima  Newell,  whose  picture 
is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  page  of  this 
issue,  is  the  daughter  of  WILLIAM  B. 
NEWELL.  Bill  is  an  engineer  with  the 
Pennsylvania  Railroad,  and  the  family  lives 
in  Apartment  5,  Building  48,  Revere  Sec- 
tion, Drexelbrook  Gardens,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

MR.  and  Mrs.  L.  TAYLOR  OAKES  are  the 
proud  parents  of  a  daughter,  Maureen  El- 
liott, born  August  24.  Taylor  is  personnel 
director  for  Dover  Mill  Company  in  Shelby, 
N.  C,  where  their  mailing  address  is  Box 

Miss  Frances  Lowrance  Street  and  GORDON 
LAIDLAW  SMITH,  JR.,  B.S.C.E.,  were 
married  August  22  in  the  First  Methodist 
Church,  Chattanooga,  Tenn.  Their  address 
is  1501  Sunset  Road  in  Chattanooga. 

EARL  X.  WALKER,  JR.,  is  working  in  the 
traffic  department  offices  of  Alcoa  Steam- 
ship Company,  No.  1  Canal  Street,  New  Or- 
leans, La.  He  is  living  at  1472  State  Street, 
Apartment  E. 

'49  > 

Presidents:    Woman's   College,   Betty   Bob 
Walters  Walton  (Mrs.  Loring)  ;  Trinity 
College,    Robert    W.    Frye;    College    of 
Engineering,  Joe  J.  Robnett,  Jr. 
Class  Agent :  William  B.  Houck 
have  announced  the  birth  of  a  son,  Frederic 
Edward,  Jr.,  on  August  21.     Their  address 
is  Box  3428,  San  Juan,  Puerto  Rico. 
BEN  F.  JOHNSON,  LL.M.,  was  promoted 
from  an  assistant  professor  to  an  associate 
professor   at   the   Emory   University   School 
of    Law    this    fall.      Prior    to    joining    the 
Emor3r   faculty,  he   taught   at   Stetson   Uni- 

The  wedding  of  JACQUELINE  FAYE  Mc- 
BRIDE,  '51,  and  WILLIAM  JAMES  MIL- 
LER took  place  August  31  in  Rural  Hall, 
N.  C.  Jim  is  assistant  to  the  manager  of 
the  Duke  University  Dining  Halls. 

WILLIAM  T.  RAMSAY  of  Rocky  Mount, 
N.  C.  is  attached  to  Company  "C,"  982nd 
Engineer  Construction  Battalion,  Camp  Car- 
son, Colo. 

M.D.,  is  assistant  regimental  surgeon  with 
the  28th  Division,  110th  Regiment,  Medical 
Company,   Camp   Atterbury,  Ind. 

'50   » 

First  Reunion:   Commencement,  1952 

President:  Jane  Suggs 

Class  Agent :  Robert  L.  Hazel 
CYNTHIA  BARRELL  is  entering  her  sec- 
ond three-month  phase  of  training  in  Air 
Force  Officer  Candidate  School  at  Lackland 
Air  Force  Base,  Texas.  She  is  scheduled  to 
be  commissioned  a  second  lieutenant  in  De- 
cember. Cynthia  worked  as  an  artist  and 
copywriter  after  leaving  college  and  en- 
listed in  the  Air  Force  in  July.  DORO- 
LARKIN,  '51,  are  at  Lackland  with  Cynthia. 

RUSH  M.)  and  her  husband  live  at  260-31 
75th  Avenue,  Glen  Oaks,  N.  Y.  They  have 
a  year-old  son,  James  Lyndou.  Mr.  For- 
quer,  an  alumnus  of  V:P.L,  is  a  tax  account- 
ant and  is  attending  law  school  at  N.Y.U. 
at  night. 

JAMES  EDWARD  GIBSON,  JR.,  is  doing 
public  relations  work  with  the  San  Antonio, 
Texas,  Chamber  of  Commerce.  He  was  pre- 
viously membership  director  for  the  Win- 
ston-Salem, N.  O,  Chamber  of  Commerce. 
Jim  finds  his  work  extremely  interesting, 
and  just  about  the  only  thing  he  can  find 
wrong  with  Texas  is  that  it  is  too  far  from 
Duke.  His  address  is  1042  Donaldson  Ave- 
nue, San  Antonio. 
Thomas   B.    Harris,   Jr.,   whose   picture   ap- 

pears on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this 
month,  is  the  nine-month-old  son  of  MR.  and 
Mrs.  THOMAS  B.  HARRIS,  of  2126  Ches- 
terfield Avenue,  Charlotte,  N.  C.  "Skeet"  is 
already  wearing  a  Duke  sweater,  and  is  a 
future  candidate  for  the  football  team. 
Tommy  is  working  with  the  Atlantic  Refin- 
ing Company.  Mrs.  Harris  worked  with  the 
Alumni  Office  during  his  senior  year  at 

ROBERT  CARL  HUBBARD  were  united  in 
marriage  September  8  in  a  ceremony  per- 
formed at  the  Wesley  Methodist  Church, 
Washington,  D.  C.  While  Bob  is  attending 
Duke  Law  School,  they  are  making  their 
home  in  Durham. 

ELAINE  JOHNSON  is  working  in  the  At- 
lanta office  of  IBM,  and  is  living  at  969 
Todd  Road,  X.E.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

In  a  ceremony  at  the  home  of  her  parents, 
came the  bride  of  EBEN  TAYLOR  on  Sep- 
tember 1.  They  are  living  at  905  Sixth 
Street,  Durham,  while  Eben  is  attending  the 
Duke  Divinity  School. 

The  marriage  of  Miss  Sybil  Cameron,  daugh- 
ter of  E.  M.  Cameron,  Duke  athletic  direc- 
was  solemnized  September  1  in  the  garden 
of  "Fair  Pines,"  the  home  of  the  bride's 
parents  in  Hope  Valley,  Durham.  Mrs. 
Schiffli,  an  alumna  of  Bryn  Mawr  College, 
has  been  associated  with  the  Duke  Univer- 
sity Library.  The  couple  is  now  living  in 
Anderson,  S.  C,  where  Nick  is  working  with 
Owens-Corning  Fiberglas  Company. 

EDWARD  D.  SPRAGUE,  M.F.,  and  Mrs. 
Sprague,  Box  110,  Altavista,  Va.,  have  an- 
nounced the  birth  of  a  daughter,  Carolyn 
Rowe  Sprague,  on  August  3.  Ed  is  with 
the  Love  Company  in  Altavista.  Mrs. 
Sprague  worked  in  the  mathematics  office  at 
Duke  from  June,  1949,  to  September,  1950. 

TOM  F.  DRIVER  is  working  for  the  degree 
of  Bachelor  of  Divinity  at  Union  Theologi- 
cal Seminary  in  New  York  City.  He  is  do- 
ing field  work  at  the  Chester  Hill  Methodist 
Church,  Mt.  Vernon,  N.  Y.,  where  he  is  as- 
sistant minister. 

E.  P.  (SONNY)  ELMORE,  B.S.E.E.,  and 
Mrs.  Elmore,  of  5948  North  Camac  Street, 
Philadelphia  41,  Pa.,  are  the  parents  of  a 
son,  Jeffrey  Grayson  Elmore,  born  July  21. 
Sonny  is  working  with  the  Philco  Corpora- 

Miss  Mary  Kime  Bowman  and  THOMAS 
CAMDEN  HARRIS,  B.S.M.E.,  were  mar- 
ried September  29  in  the  Chestnut  Street 
Methodist  Church,  Lumberton,  N.  C.  Tommy 
works  for  Dubs  Sandwich  Company  in  Dur- 

CORINNE  MARVIN  and  Mr.  Robert  Brown 
Schultz  were  married  August  7  and  are 
living  at  70  Central  Avenue,  Apartment  123, 
New  Haven,  Conn.  Mr.  Schultz  is  a  fourth- 
year  medical  student  at  Yale,  and  Corinne  is 
attending  the  Yale  Graduate  School  of 

[  Page  266 ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 


Tickets  for  all  football  games  may  be  secured  by  writing  the  Duke  University  Athletic  Office.     In 
sending  money  order  or  check,  add  10c  to  each  order  to  cover  cost  of  insured  mail. 


Virginia $3.50            Wake  Forest $3.50 

U.N.C.                                                     $3.50 

JOHN  A.  BUCHANAN,  President 

Home  Insurance  Agency 


Insurance  of  Every  Description 

Offices : 

212 '  2  N.  Corcoran  Street 

Opposite  Washington  Duke  Hotel 

Telephone  Number  2146 

Durham,  N.  C. 

Games  Played 
Duke  34 South  Carolina  6 

Duke  19 Pittsburgh  14 

Duke  0 Tennessee  21 

Duke  28 N.  C.  State  21 

Games  to  Be  Played 

Oct.    20— V.P.I Norfolk,  Va. 

Oct.    27 — Virginia   Durham 

Nov.     3 — Georgia  Tech  Atlanta 

Nov.  10 — Wake  Forest  Durham 

Nov.  17 — William  &  Mary       Williamsburg,  Va. 
Nov.  24 — U.N.C Durham 


Wholesale  Paper 

208  Vivian  St.                  801  S.  Church  St. 
DURHAM,  N.  C.      ROCKY  MOUNT,  N.  C 

Serving  North  Carolina  Since  1924 

Weeks  Motors  Inc. 

408  Geer  St. 

Telephone  2139 

Durham.  North  Carolina 

Your  Lincoln  and 

Mercury  Dealer  in 




Insurance  Specialists 
DURHAM,  N.  C. 

Established  1872 

Kickoff    for    the    Virginia    and    Georgia    Tech 
games  will  be  at  2:30;  V.P.I. ,  2:15.    All  other 
games  will  begin  at  2:00  p.m. 

Power  Company 

Electric  Service — 
Electric  Appliances — 
Street  Transportation 

Tel.  2151                      Durham,  N.  C. 


Machinery  -  Mill  Supplies 

Plumbing  and  Heating  Equipment 

Contractors'  Supplies  and  Equipment 


Our  buying  facilities  are  such  as  to  enable  us  to  reach  the  markets  of  the  world. 
It  costs  no  more  to  buy  from  us  than  it  does  from  others.    When  the  trade  places 
orders  with  us  they  are  always  certain  of  receiving  the  greatest  value  for  their 

112  SOUTH  DUKE  STREET                                              SOUTH  WEST  STREET 
DURHAM,  N.  C.                                                               RALEIGH,  N.  C. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 

[  Page  267  ] 

'51  ^ 

Presidents:  Woman's  College,  Connie 
Woodward ;  Trinity  College,  N.  Thomp- 
son Powers ;  College  of  Engineering, 
David  C.  Dellinger 

In  a  eandelight  ceremony  at  the  Duke  Uni- 
versity Chapel  on  September  22,  NORMA 
PAGE  BARRINGER  became  the  bride  of 
Mr.  David  Anderson  Nichols.  Mr.  Nichols 
is  an  alumnus  of  the  University  of  North 
Carolina,  and  is  now  associated  with  the 
College  Shop,  men's  store,  in  Durham.  They 
are  living  on  University  Drive. 

JANE  ANN  FLANDERS  and  Mr.  Howard 
Justin  Helms,  Jr.,  were  united  in  marriage 
on  September  21  at  St.  Marks  Episcopal 
Church,  Newark,  N.  J.  Mr.  Helms,  an 
alumnus  of  Wake  Forest  College,  is  now- 
associated  with  the  Westvace  Chemical  Di- 
vision of  Food  Machinery  Corporation  in 
New  York.  The  couple  is  making  their 
home  at  19  Hunkele  Street,  Belleville,  N.  J. 

A  son,  John  Carr  Fullerton  III,  was  born 
July  26  to  MR  and  Mrs.  JOHN  C.  FULL- 
ERTON, JR.,  B.S.C.E.  John  is  now  work- 
ing with  Owens-Corning  Fiberglas  Company 
in  Newark,  Ohio. 

are  living  together  in  Washington  and  work- 
ing for  a  government  agency.  Their  ad- 
dress is  1673  Columbia  Road,  N.  W.,  Apart- 
ment 306,  Washington,  D.  C. 

RAY  has  recently  completed  a  six-week 
course  of  extensive  military  instruction  with 
the  Eighth  Division's  "Little  Benning"  In- 
fantry School  at  Fort  Jackson,  S.  C. 

The  marriage  of  Miss  Laverne  Ross  Hackney 
and  HENRY  LEE  SUBLETT,  JR.,  took 
place  at  the  Temple  Baptist  Church,  Dur- 
ham, on  September  9.  They  are  now  living 
at  240%  Allen  Avenue,  Panama  City,  Fla. 
Mrs.  Sublett  is  a  graduate  of  the  Watts 
Hospital  School  of  Nursing  and  was  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Watts  Hospital  School  of  Prac- 
tical Nursing  until  her  marriage. 
ROBERT  (BOB)  H.  ALLEN,  who  is  a 
salesman  for  Armstrong  Cork  Company,  is 
living  at  5655  North  Ridge  Avenue,  Chicago, 

JACK  BINGAMAN  is  a  salesman  for  H.  J. 
Heinz  in  North  Carolina  with  headquarters 
in  Greensboro.  His  address  there  is  1003 
Carolina  Street. 

JOAN  CLEMENCE  and  Mr.  Stanley  Lettas 
were  married  September  1  in  Trinity  Epis- 
copal Church,  Highland  Park,  111.  Mr.  Let- 
tas is  a  June  graduate  of  Northwestern 
University.  They  are  living  at  2788  Port 
Clinton  Road,  Highland  Park,  111. 
were  married  September  7  in  Camp  Hill, 
Pa.  They  are  living  at  32  East  75th  Street, 
New  York,  N.  Y.,  where  Joan  is  a  clerk  in 
music  clearance  at  the  American  Broad- 
casting Company,  and  Bob  is  an  assistant 
buyer  in  the  resident  buying  office  of 
Cavendish  Trading  Corporation. 
JACK    ESLICK    is    working    for    Southern 

Bell  in  Jacksonville,  Fla.,  where  his  ad- 
dress is  2579  Henschel  Street.  He's  the 
proud  father  of  a  new  baby  boy. 
RICHARD  W.  FALEY  is  associated  with 
the  Marinette  Paper  Company  in  Fort  Ed- 
ward, N.  Y.  His  address  is  100  Oak  Street, 
Hudson  Falls,  N.  Y. 

living  at  2524  Southern  Avenue,  S.E.,  Apart- 
ment G-3,  Washington  20,  D.  O,  while  he 
is  doing  government  work. 
WALTON  HARDIN,  LL.M.,  is  associated 
with  the  law  offices  of  Mitchell,  Donahoo 
and  Rogers,  801  Florida  National  Bank 
Building,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 
The  First  Presbyterian  Church  of  Ocala, 
Fla.,  was  the  setting,  on  August  25,  for  the 
wedding  of  LOVE  LOUREEN  LINDSEY 
and  Mr.  Robert  Early  Hardaway  III.  They 
are  living  in  Johnson,  S.  C,  where  Mr. 
Hardaway,  an  alumnus  of  N.  C.  State  Col- 
lege, is  employed  by  Deering  Milliken  Com- 

ROBERT  L.  MAIRS,  of  1611  Dexter  Street, 
Durham,  has  entered  the  College  of  Engi- 
neering at  Duke  this  fall. 
for  Sloane  Plvysics  Laboratory,  Yale  Uni- 
versity, New  Haven,  Conn. 
In  the  first  ceremony  to  be  performed  in  the 
Sarah  P.  Duke  Gardens,  STEPHANIE 
SHULSINGER  were  united  in  marriage  on 
June  4.  The  wedding  was  a  military  one, 
and  in  addition  to  the  beauty  of  the  garden, 
the  groomsmen  in  their  white  Navy  uniforms 
and  their  traditional  arch  of  sabers  for  the 
recessional  made  the  ceremony  a  particularly 
striking  one.  Joe  and  Stephanie's  address 
is  180-04— 140th  Avenue,  Springfield  Gar- 
dens, Long   Island,   N.   Y. 

DR.  E.  T.  DICKINSON,  '94 
Dr.  E.  T.  Dickinson,  '94,  died  in  a  Wil- 
son, N.  C,  hospital  September  7  after  a 
short  illness.  Funeral  services  were  held 
at  his  home,  301  North  Goldsboro  Street, 

Survivors  include  four  daughters,  two 
brothers,  four  sisters,  and  four  grand- 

Samuel  W.  Sparger,  '96,  who  had  been 
in    declining    health    for    several   months, 
died  July  29  in  a  Durham  hospital. 

Funeral  services  were  held  at  the  Duke 
Memorial  Methodist  Church,  and  burial 
was  in  new  Maplewood  Cemetery. 

In  1903,  Mr.  Sparger  entered  the  in- 
surance business  in  Durham.  He  was 
general  agent  for  the  State  Mutual  Life 
Assurance  Company  of  Worcester,  Mass., 

and  was  for  two  years  president  of  the 
North  Carolina  Association  of  Life  Un- 
derwriters.    He  retired  in  1936. 

He  is  survived  by  Mrs.  Sparger,  four 
sisters,  and  a  brother. 

(MRS.  H.  L.),  '35 
It  has  been  learned  in  the  Alumni  Of- 
fice that  Pauline  Oliver  Butts   (Mrs.  H. 
L.),  '35,  is  deceased. 

CHARLES  S.  DOVEY,  JR.,  '35 
Charles  S.  Dovey,  Jr.,  '35,  passed  away 
May  31,  1950,  it  was  recently  learned  by 
the  Alumni  Office.  He  is  survived  by  his 
father,  Charles  S.  Dovey,  Sr.,  of  1700 
Woodmere  Way,  Havertown,  Pa. 

(MRS.  C.  CARLTON,  JR.),  R.N.  '37 
Hazel  Bryant  Wallace  (Mrs.  C.  Carl- 
ton, Jr.),  R.N.  '37,  passed  away  in  July, 
1950,  it  has  been  learned  recently  by  the 
Alumni  Office.  She  is  survived  by  her 
husband,  a  daughter,  Judith  Gail,  and  a 
son,  C.  C.  Wallace  III,  all  of  Wilming- 
ton, N.  C. 

DR.  CHARLES  B.  SKINNER,  B.S.  '41 
Dr.  Charles  B.  Skinner,  B.S.  '41,  passed 
away  January  2.     He  was  a  physician  in 
Hartsville,  S."  C. 

An  Undergraduate's  View 

(Continued  from  page  247) 
The  next  Saturday  was  a  slight  im- 
provement in  the  eyes  of  the  student,  in 
that  the  Pitt  meet  came  over  the  local 
television  station.  Something  new  for  the 
Duke  student,  the  televised  game  gave 
rise  to  a  new  fraternity  sport — the  TV 
open  house.  For  three  and  a  half  hours, 
the  brothers  and  dates  sat  in  darkened 
chapter  rooms,  gulping  punch  and  cookies, 
and  wildly  cheering  the  tiny  figures  ca- 
vorting on  the  screen.  But  with  the  first 
real  live  home  game,  the  consensus  of 
opinion  was  that  TV  was  "awright"  but 
there's  no  substitute  for  the  real  thing. 

And  so  the  year  is  well  begun,  the  cycle 
well  entered  into.  To  the  accustomed  ear, 
the  campus  is  quiet.  Only  the  spirited 
cheers  from  nocturnal  pep  rallies  anfl 
occasional  outbursts  of  song  rise  above 
the  ever-present  murmur.  To  the  accus- 
tomed mind,  life  moves  at  an  even  and 
gradual  pace.  Only  the  weekend  parties 
and  unexpected  quizzes  jar  the  pattern. 
Old  students  and  new,  men  and  women  are 
going  about  the  business  of  education,  at 
times  perhaps  frivolously,  but  in  general, 
with  a  directness  of  purpose  that  is  al- 
ways a  surprise  to  their  elders. 

[  Page  268  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  October,  1951 


Army-Navy  parlance  describes  this  medical  under- 
taking which  demands  the  utmost  in  skill  and  patience 
of  physicians,  nurses  and  technicians.    We  like  to 
think  that  the  services  of  another  technician — the  Blue 
Gross-Blue  Shield  Plan — contribute  to  the  success  of 
"Operation  Operation"  by  providing  priceless  peace 
of  mind  to  the  patient  in  guaranteeing  payment  of 
hospital-surgical  benefits. 







Please  Send  Information  on  Blue  Cross-Blue  Shield  Group 


Address - - - 

City ----- - - 






Lou  have  to  get  up  early  in  the  morning  to  put  one  over  on  this 
cock-of-the-walk !  When  it  came  to  making  "quick-trick"  experiments 
of  cigarette  mildness,  he  stated  flatly,  "That's  strictly  for  clucks" ! 
How  'ya  going  to  keep  'em  down  on  the  farm — when  they  know 
there's  one  convincing  way  to  prove  cigarette  mildness! 

It's  the  sensible  test .  . .  the  30-day  Camel  Mildness  Test,  which 
simply  asks  you  to  try  Camels  as  a  steady  smoke — on  a  day 
after  day  basis.  No  snap  judgments.  Once  you've  enjoyed  Camels 
for  30  days  in  your  "T-Zone"  (T  for  Throat,  T  for  Taste) , 
you'll  see  why  . . . 

After  all  the  Mildness  tests  . . . 

Camel  leads  all  other  brands  by bf //ions 



November,  1931 

A  Report  on  Homecoming 

-added  to  the  world' 
most  famous  ABCs_ 

tt$>     TheBigPlusisahif^^melM^mU^ 


brands  tested  in  which  members  of  our  taste 
panel  Found  no  unpleasant  after-taste  " 

From  the  report  of  a  well-known  research 


iways  Bu/ Chesterfield 

Copyright  1951,  Ijgcett  &  Myas  Tobacco  Co. 

See  GLORIA  DeHAVEN  starring  in  "FRIENDLY  ISLAND" 
A  20th  Century-Fox  Product  ion-Color  by  Technicolor 


(Member  of  American  Alumni  Council) 

Published  at  Durham,  N.  C,  Every  Month  in  ike  Year 
in  the  Interest  of  the  University  and  the  Alumni 


November,  1951 

No.  II 


Letters 270 

Homecoming  Story 273 

Pi  Kappa  Alpha  Golden  Anniversary 274 

Founders  Day  Program 275 

College   Presidents 276 

Engineers'  Homecoming 278 

Jones  Engineering  Foundation 279 

Basketball  Schedule 279 

The  Undergraduate  View 280 

Local  Associations 281 

Books 283 

Sports    284 

Sons  and  Daughters 286 

News  of  Alumni 287 

Charles    A.   Dukes,    '29 

Director,    Alumni   Affairs 

Roger  L.  Marshall,  '42 

Layout  Editor 
Ruth  Mary  Brown 

Associate  Editor 
Anne  Garrard,   '25 

Advertising  Manager 
Fred  Whitener,   '51 

Staff  Photographer 
Jimmy  Whitley 

Two  Dollars  a  Tear  20  Cents  a  Copy 

Entered  as  Second-Class  Matter  at  the  Post  Office  at 

Durham,  N.  C,  Under  the  Act  of  March  3,  1879. 


The  Cover  •■•■ ■ — 

The  Homecoming  Queen,  Miss  Ruth  Ann  Fisher,  a  junior 
from  Raleigh,  N.  C,  is  escorted  from  the  field  by  William  M. 
Werber,  '30,  president  of  the  Alumni  Association,  after  the  half- 
time  crowning  ceremony.  The  band  serenades  Queen  Ruth  Ann 
before  some  35,000  Homecoming  spectators. 

Vne  Jbhectoti  p/^Q 

The  attendance  at  Homecoming  was  the  largest  and 
most  enthusiastic  in  the  history  of  such  events.  More 
alumni  came  earlier  and  stayed  longer  than  ever  before. 
The  addition  of  tables  at  the  Homecoming  Barbecue  made 
it  possible  for  the  alumni  to  see  each  other  and  visit  in 
comfort.  In  every  way  those  present  expressed  their  ap- 
proval of  the  idea  of  having  the  luncheon  in  the  old  gym 
on  the  West  Campus,  rain  or  shine;  so  if  you  were  not 
happy  with  the  arrangements,  now  is  the  time  to  speak 
up  or  first  thing  you  know  the  place  will  become  estab- 
lished through  habit.  The  student  decorations  on  Friday 
night  were  viewed  by  several  thousands  of  alumni,  towns- 
people, and  members  of  the  University  community.  Home- 
coming seems  to  get  bigger  and  better  every  year! 

The  Engineers  had  their  business  meeting  on  Saturday 
morning.  The  lawyers  had  planned  to  have  an  occasion 
on  Saturday  morning,  but  because  their  building  wasn't 
ready — you  see,  they  are  doing  Fall  cleaning — they  de- 
cided to  put  it  off  until  the  day  of  the  Carolina-Duke 
game.  The  Law  alumni  who  haven't  seen  the  building 
since  it  has  been  painted  and  had  the  Fall  cleaning  would 
do  well  to  come  by  and  see  it.    It's  mighty  pretty. 

Basketball  season  gets  under  way  on  December  1  at 
home.  Our  first  opponent  is  Temple  University.  There 
is  a  complete  schedule  in  this  issue  of  the  Register.  If 
you  would  like  a  card  schedule  for  your  desk  or  pocket, 
drop  us  a  line. 

December  15  is  the  deadline  for  applications  for  the 
Angier  Duke  awards.  If  there  is  a  young  man  or  woman 
in  your  neighborhood  who  should  be  a  candidate  for  these 
awards,  please  have  them  ask  their  principal  about  the 
awards  or  write  directly  to  the  Alumni  Office. 

Founders  Day  is  December  11.    Put  a  ring  around  this 
date  on  your  calendar  and  plan  to  be  back  on  the  campus. 

More  than  2,200  alumni  and  friends  have  made  gifts  to 
the  Development  Program  since  Commencement,  This 
participation  is  wonderful,  but  it  is  not  good  enough  for 
the  Duke  alumni  family.  The  program  will  not  be  a  suc- 
cess unless  your  name  is  listed  as  a  donor.  Remember, 
Duke  University  didn't  begin  as  a  university.  It  started 
as  a  cooperative  movement  in  the  little  town  of  Trinity 
because  a  few  people  wanted  better  training  for  their  sons 
and  daughters  and  were  willing  to  give  in  accordance  with 
their  means  to  establish  Union  Institute.  If  each  of  you 
will  give  according  to  your  means,  whatever  the  gift  may 
be,  Duke  University  will  continue  to  be  a  great  institution. 




NOVEMBER,  1941 

Helen  Traubel  opens  the  All-Star 
Concert  Series  for  the  year. 

Turn  about  is  fair  play  when  Sadie 
Hawkins  Day  is  observed  on  the  Duke 
campus  this  month. 

Ouija  boards  and  their  predictions 
take  East  Campus  by  storm. 

Noel  Johnson  is  chosen  Chanticleer 
Beauty  Queen. 

The  Duke  Blue  Devils  finish  an  un- 
defeated season  and  start  receiving 
bids  to  Bowl  Games.  Steve  Lach,  190- 
pound  half-back  sensation,  and  the 
driving  force  of  the  Duke  team,  is 
named  All-American.  Other  seniors  on 
the  team  are  Al  Piasecky,  Mike  Kar- 
mazin,  Bob  McDonough,  Pete  Goddard, 
Tom  Prothro,  George  Bokinsky,  Au- 
brey Gill,  Jimmy  Lipscomb,  Paul 
Thompson,  Wade  Talton  and  Ralph 

Among  the  hit  tunes  of  the  month  are 
Vaughan  Monroe's  Sam,  You  Made  the 
Pants  Too  Long,  Artie  Shaw's  Blues 
in  the  Night,  Chattanooga  Choo  Choo, 
Embraceable  You,  and  I  Don't  Want 
to  Set  the  World  on  Fire. 

NOVEMBER,  1926 

Duke's  first  graduate  school,  the 
School  of  Religion,  is  opened  formally 
November  9  with  services  at  Trinity 
Methodist  Church.  Dr.  Ralph  Sock- 
man,  President  Few  and  Dr.  Soper, 
dean  of  the  School  of  Religion,  are 
among  the  principal  participants. 

William  Sprinkle  steals  the  show 
with  his  part  of  the  Duke  in  the  Tau- 
rian's  play  "Wappin'  Warf,"  which 
was  directed  by  Mrs.  Paul  Gross. 

A  rumor  around  campus  has  it  that 
the  university  will  sponsor  dances  in 
the  gym — something  new  in  the  social 
life  of  Duke  students. 
NOVEMBER,  1901 

Five  professors  spent  the  past  sum- 
mer in  Europe  studying.  In  describing 
their  industrious  study,  the  Raleigh 
Christian  Advocate  refers  to  the  whole 
Trinity  faculty  as  a  "Crowd  of  Work- 

President  Kilgo  is  advocating  schol- 
arships for  Trinity  students.  Fifty 
undergraduate  scholarships  were  of- 
fered this  year,  ranging  from  $50  to 
$75.  Twenty  of  these  were  awarded 
upon  competitive  examinations,  and 
all  were  based  on  proficiency  in  schol- 


October  25,  1951 
Dear  Friends : 

I  appreciate  the  Register  so  much.  I 
knew  Plummer  Stewart  at  Old  Trinity. 
Glad  to  know  he  lived  a  very  useful  life. 
I  was  in  the  class  of  '94,  but  could  not 
graduate  for  want  of  funds.  Have  just 
passed  my  eighty-first  birthday. 

I  notice  you  have  a  new  pictorial  folder. 
I  would  like  so  much  to  have  a  copy. 
One  of  your  fellow  alumni, 

Very  sincerely, 
(Rev.)  Victor  L.  Marsh,  '94 
109  Orchard  Street 
Mt.  Airy,  N.  C. 

October  26,  1951 
Nina  W.  Troy,  '00 
114  So.  Mendenhall 
Greensboro,  N.  C. 

As  a  retired  missionary,  my  income  of 
$75.00  a  month  does  not  make  it  possible 
for  me  to  help  in  any  amount  that  counts. 
But  this  small  pledge  for  your  time  of 
three  years  will  help  you  to  "ring  up  an- 
other record  of  success"  for  our  class,  per- 
haps. So  here  is  my  small  token  gift  and 
pledge.  I  wish  it  might  be  fifty  times  that 

My  short  six  months  at  Duke  Univer- 
sity in  the  '90's  pay  me  well  in  friends 
and  in  a  feeling  of  ownership  of  our 
great  University. 

October  1,  1951 
Howard  R.  Moffett,  B.S.E.E.,  '42 
Palace  Hotel 
Karachi,  Pakistan 

Your  letter  of  June  27th  addressed  to 
me  in  care  of  International  General  Elec- 
tric (India),  reminds  me  that  I  have  been 
very  lax  in  keeping  the  Department  ad- 
vised about  my  whereabouts  and  also  I 
have  followed  my  past  practice  for  being 
generally  negligent  in  correspondence.  My 
only  plea  is  that  in  building  a  new  busi- 
ness in  a  new  country,  there  does  not  seem 
to  be  time  enough  to  maintain  contacts 
with  the  past.  Perhaps  the  Duke  psy- 
chologists would  have  some  comments  to 
make  on  this,  but  actually  it  seems  as 
though  all  of  us  are  looking  only  into  the 
future,  and  Duke  and  North  Carolina 
seem  many  miles  and  many  years  away. 

I  particularly  appreciate  your  writing 
to  inform  me  of  a  Duke  post-graduate 
from  India  who  will  be  returning  to  this 
Continent.  Unfortunately  it  is  doubtful 
that  we  shall  meet  because  I  have  been 
transferred  from  our  Indian  Company 
back  to  the  staff  of  our  New  York  office, 
and  I  am  stationed  in  Karachi  as  a  terri- 
torial representative  of  the  New  York 
Company,  assigned  to  Pakistan  and  Af- 
ghanistan. As  you  have  noted  in  recent 
newspapers,  there  is  not  the  interchange 
(Continued  on  page  299) 

Calendar  for  December 

1.  Organ  master  class  and  lecture 
by  Ernest  White.  4:00  p.m.. 
Chancel  of  the  Chapel. 

2.  Organ  recital,  Ernest  White, 
guest  organist.  4  :00  p.m.,  Uni- 
versity Chapel. 

3.  Erasmus  Club.  8:15  p.m., 
Green  Room,  East  Campus. 

6.  Student  forum  lecture. 

6.  Off-the-series  attraction  of  the 
All-Star  Concert  Series.  First 
Piano  Quartet.  8 :15  p.m.,  Page 

10.  Chamber  Arts.  Quartello  Itali- 
ano.     201  East  Duke  Building. 

11.  Founders  Day.  Speaker,  Gor- 
don Dean,  LL.M.  '32,  chairman 
of  the  Atomic  Energy  Commis- 
sion. 10 :30  a.m.,  Page  Audi- 

13-14.  Hoof  V  Horn  Show,  Hulla- 
baloo, a  four-year  continuity  re- 

view presenting  30  of  the  most 
popular  songs  and  acts  from 
Nuthin  Like  It,  Lovintime, 
Flap  'Er  Sails,  Ring  Around 
the  Moon,  and  Belles  and  Bal- 
lots. 8 :15  p.m.,  Page  Audi- 

16.  Christmas  Pageant.  8 :00  p.m., 
University  Chapel. 

17.  Duke  Film  Society.  Thunder 
Over  Mexico.  8:00  p.m.,  116 
Chemistry  Building. 

20.  Christmas  Recess. 

During  the  month  of  December, 
a  portion  of  the  oriental  collection 
of  Dr.  Leon  H.  Ellis,  lecturer  in 
political  science,  will  be  shown  in 
the  Woman 's  College  Library.  New 
cases,  presented  by  the  Duke  Arts 
Council,"  will  be  used  to  display  the 

[  Page  270  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

Did  You  Know  President  Few? 

Your  University  Press  is  publishing  in  December  a  collection  of  his 
papers  and  addresses  which  you  will  want  for  your  library.  A  biographical 
appraisal  which  constitutes  over  one-third  of  the  book  makes  for  fascinating 
reading.  Since  William  P.  Few  was  associated  with  your  institution  for 
over  forty  years — and  as  President  led  it  through  the  important  years  of 
changing  from  Trinity  College  to  Duke  University — his  life  and  writings 
are  of  interest  not  only  to  you  who  knew  him,  but  to  you  who  only  know 
of  his  work. 



William  Preston  Few 

with  a  Biographical  Appreciation  by 



Among  the  interesting  illustrations  are  portraits  of  Few's  parents,  one 
of  himself  at  about  the  age  of  thirteen,  and  another  taken  when  he  first  came 
to  Trinity  and  before  he  grew  a  beard. 

Write  for  our  catalogue* 


Box  6697,  College  Station  Durham,  North  Carolina 

*  A  Duke  Press  book  is  an  appreciated  Christmas  present. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

[ Page  271  ] 


Upper  left,  the  Duke  University  Band  formed  a  champagne 
glass  to  toast  the  Homecoming  Queen  at  half  time.  Realism 
was  achieved  with  soap  bubhles  emerging  from  the  top  of  the 
glass.  The  queen  and  her  court  entered  the  field  through  the 
hollow  stem  of  the  glass. 

Center,  above,  William  M.  Werber,  '30,  president  of  the  Gen- 
eral Alumni  Association  crowns  pretty  Ruth  Ann  Fisher,  junior 
from  Alspaugh,  Homecoming  Queen.  Charles  Slay,  son  of 
Dean  and  Mrs.  James  Slay,  was  crownbearer. 

Top  right,  the  largest  barbecue  crowd  in  history  gathered  in 
the  West  Campus  old  gym  for  heaping  plates  of  barbecue  and 
fried  chicken. 

Lower  left,  a  huge  pep  meeting,  complete  with  band  and 
cheer  leaders,  climaxed  an  evening  of  gaiety  and  carnival  spirit 
on  Fridaj'  before  Homecoming.  After  viewing  the  decorations 
and  attending  open  houses  on  campus,  Duke  rooters  were  in  the 
mood  to  do  some  cheering. 

Center,  below,  House  L  took  freshman  honors  for  first  place 
decoration.  A  cheerful  Blue  Devil  plunged  his  trident  into  a 
broiling  and  grimacing  Cavalier,  who  was  emitting  groans  of 
anguish  all  evening. 

Right  center,  the  Lambda  Chi  Alpha  Cowvalier,  being  milked 
dry,  of  course,  by  the  Blue  Devil,  marched  off  with  first  prize 
for  fraternity  decorations. 

Lower  right,  Alice  Gore,  of  the  Alumni  Office,  pins  a  Home- 
coming badge  on  Eugene  Edmonds,  '49,  Hampton,  Va.,  while 
his  wife  looks  on.  Agnes  Daub  Jones  (Mrs.  G.  Umstead),  '24, 
Garner,  N.  C,  registers  her  name  with  Dot  Whitaker  of  the 
Alumni  Office. 

Homecoming  Crowd  Is  One  of  the  Largest 

Students  and  Alumni  Join  in  Full  Week  End  of  Gay  Events 

More  than  700  alumni,  coming  from  21 
states,  Washington,  D.  C,  and  Argentina, 
registered  for  the  1951  Duke  Homecoming 
on  October  27.  It  was  one  of  the  largest 
registrations  in  Duke  Homecoming  his- 
tory. Many  more,  particularly  from  the 
immediate  area,  attended  the  game  and 
other  events  of  the  week  end,  but  did  not 
get  to  the  Union  Lobby  to  register. 

The  class  of  1950  had  the  largest  regis- 
tration, followed  closely  by  1951  and 
1949.  Outside  of  North  Carolina,  Vir- 
ginia and  South  Carolina  were  the  states 
with  the  most  Duke  alumni  returning. 

Mary  Katheryne  (Kay)  Jordan,  '49, 
coming  all  the  way  from  Buenos  Aires, 
Argentina,  made  the  longest  trip  to  at- 
tend Homecoming.  Other  alumni  who 
traveled  many  miles  to  take  part  in  the 
festivities  of  the  week  end  were :  Howard 
"Rube"  Churchill,  '39,  Portland,  Me.; 
Ernest  Cutler,  Jr.,  '45,  Newmarket,  N.  H. ; 
Wylie  Gardt,  '39,  Merrimac,  Mass.;  Rex 
Gresham,  '47,  Dallas,  Tex.;  R.  M.  John- 
ston, Jr.,  '45,  Evanston,  111. ;  George  Bush- 
nell,  Jr.,  '51,  Winnetka,  111.;  Charles  W. 
Hill,  '43,  La  Grange,  111. ;  J.  Robert  Hot- 
tel,  '43,  Albany,  N.  Y.;  John  W.  Patten, 
'43,  and  Jane  Strohm  Patten,  '45,  In- 
dianapolis, Ind. ;  Henry  C.  Brown,  '41, 
Gainesville,  Fla.;  C.  C.  Parker,  '21, 
Tampa,  Fla. ;  R.  L.  Allen,  '47,  St.  Peters- 
burg, Fla.;  and  R.  H.  Ricks,  '33,  Ft. 
Myers,  Fla. 

The  Plyler  twins,  Drs.  M.  T.  and  A.  W., 
'92,  who  celebrated  their  84th  birthdays 
in  September,  were  the  oldest  alumni  to 
register.  Both  famous  football  players  in 
their  college  days,  they  played,  in  fact,  in 
the  first  interstate,  intercollegiate  game  in 
the  South.  That  game  just  happened  to 
be  between  Virginia  and  Duke,  and  it  is 
of  further  coincidence  that  Virginia  was 
victor  on  that  memorable  occasion  also. 

Homecoming  Carnival 

Campus  decorations,  complete  and  in 
working  order,  were  floodlighted  Friday 
night.  According  to  popular  opinion,  the 
displays  were  "best  ever."  Crowds  from 
town  joined  students  and  alumni  as  spec- 
tators on  the  carnival-like  campus.  BOS 
and  Sandals  members,  stationed  at  the 
bus  stop  and  between  the  dormitory 
quadrangles  and  gym,  served  as  guides. 
Some  of  the  crowd  came  early  enough  to 

see  the  decorations  and  to  be  at  Page 
Auditorium  in  time  to  see  the  Duke 
Players'  production  of  "Room  Service." 
Fraternity  open  houses  supplied  students 
and  their  alumni  brothers  with  cider,  cokes 
and  cookies.  The  open  houses,  a  new  thing 
for  Friday  night,  provided  a  resting  place 
for  weary  alumni,  who  had  walked  from 
one  end  of  the  campus  to  the  other  to  see 
the  sights.  All  the  quadrangles  were 
turned  into  miniature  midways  with  pup- 
pet shows,  charging  Blue  Devils,  and 
harassed  Cavaliers.  The  ATO  House  of 
Horrors  completed  the  carnival  atmos- 
phere. A  huge  pep  meeting  climaxed  the 
evening.  ; 

A  committee  made  up  of  townspeople 
who  judged  the  displays  found  their  job 
was  extremely  difficult  because  all  the 
decorations  were  so  eye-catching.  Win- 
ners were  kept  secret  until  halftime  on 
Saturday  when  they  were  awarded  prizes 
by  Carl  Sapp,  '49,  assistant  manager  of 
the  Chamber  of  Commerce,  assisted  by 
Carrel  Power,  Sandals  president,  and 
Duane  Wolf,  BOS  president.  House  L 
won  first  prize  for  freshmen ;  House  P 
took  second  place,  and  honorable  mention 
was  given  to  House  M. 

Lambda  Chi  Alpha,  with  their  startled- 
looking  Cow-valier,  won  acclaim  as  win- 
ner of  the  first  prize  for  fraternities, 
while  Phi  Kappa  Sigma  took  second  with 
their  football  team  jury  and  Judge  Mur- 
ray sentencing  a  red  nosed  Cavalier  for 
his  crimes.  Of  course,  a  Blue  Devil  was 
serving  as  attorney.  Honorable  mention 
was  given  Pi  Kappa  Alpha,  Alpha  Tau 
Omega,  Phi  Delta  Theta,  Sigma  Phi  Ep- 
silon  and  Town  Boys. 

Bartecue  and  Chicken 

Registration  reopened  at  9 :00  o'clock 
in  the  Union  Lobby  on  Saturday  morning. 
By  the  time  the  annual  alumni  barbecue 
began  at  11 :30,  the  campus  was  jammed. 
Down  in  the  gym,  heaping  plates  of  bar- 
becue, fried  chicken  and  all  the  trimmings 
were  served  to  more  than  850  people,  the 
largest  barbecue  crowd  on  record.  The 
student  Homecoming  Committee  served  as 
special  hosts.  Decorations  in  keeping 
with  the  football  atmosphere  had  already 
been  put  up  for  the  dance  to  be  held  that 
evening,  adding  to  the  gaiety  of  the  oc- 

The  Virginia  Band  performed  for  the 
Homecoming  crowd  before  the  game.  At 
the  half  the  Duke  Band  went  through 
several  intricate  formations.  The  stellar 
halftime  event  was  the  crowning  of  pretty 
Ruth  Ann  Fisher,  Raleigh,  N.  C,  as 
Homecoming  Queen  by  William  M.  Wer- 
ber,  '30,  Washington,  D.  C,  president  of 
the  General  Alumni  Association.  The 
queen  entered  the  field  through  the  stem 
of  a  hollow-stemmed  champagne  glass 
formed  by  the  band  to  toast  her  highness. 
Maid  of  honor  was  Yvonne  Schweistris, 
Greensboro,  N.  C,  and  the  little  crown 
bearer  was  Charlie  Slay,  son  of  Dean  and 
Mrs.  J.  M.  Slay.  Other  attendants  were 
Molly  Bixby,  Detroit,  Mich. ;  Joanne  Can- 
non, Ankara,  Turkey;  Ann  Goode,  Lin- 
colnton,  N.  C. ;  Nancy  Hobbs,  Rocky 
Mount,  N.  C. ;  Joyce  Mouillesseaux,  Nurs- 
ing, Glen  Rock,  N.  J.;  Kay  Richards, 
Marion,  Pa.;  Betsy  Thompson,  Durham; 
and  Lois  Waldrop,  Greenville,  N.  C.  Fol- 
lowing the  coronation,  the  band  formed  a 
football  helmet  under  which  the  Home- 
coming decoration  awards  were  presented. 

Following  the  gridiron  battle,  many 
alumni  attended  traditional  post-game 
fraternity  open  houses.  Pi  Kappa  Alpha 
observed  their  Golden  Anniversary  with 
a  banquet  for  student  members  and 
alumni  at  Harvey's  cafeteria. 

Senior-sponsored  Dance 

Though  the  score  left  much  to  be  de- 
sired, spirits  did  not  seem  to  be  dampened 
in  the  least.  After  dinner,  many  alumni 
attended  the  Homecoming  dance  spon- 
sored by  the  senior  class.  The  Duke  Am- 
bassadors furnished  music  for  dancing. 
At  intermission,  Dick  Crowder,  president 
of  the  Trinity  College  senior  class,  pre- 
sented Queen  Ruth  Ann  Fisher,  her  court, 
and  their  escorts.  On  behalf  of  the  class, 
Dick  presented  a  silver  loving  cup  to  the 

Although  official  Homecoming  activities 
ended  Sunday  morning  with  a  special 
Homecoming  sermon  by  Dr.  James  T. 
Cleland  entitled  "A  Colony  of  Heaven," 
a  number  of  alumni  were  still  on  hand  to 
attend  the  Sunday  night  sing.  An  extra- 
special  production  of  "Ballad  for  Ameri- 
cans" was  presented  by  Giles  House  and 
several  West  Campus  students. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

[  Page  273  ] 


PHA-ALPHf   r  ' 

Alpha-Alpha  Chapter  of  Pi  Kappa  Alpha  fraternity  observed  its  golden  anni- 
versary on  the  Duke  Campus  during  Homecoming  week  end.  Some  500  members 
of  the  fraternity  were  on  the  campus  for  the  event.  Highlight  of  the  50th  year  cele- 
bration was  a  banquet  at  Harvey's  Cafeteria  on  Saturday  evening-.  At  the  speakers' 
table  were,  left  to  right,  Robert  G.  Moseley,  junior  from  Bluefleld,  W.  Va.,  program 
chairman ;  Colonel  John  D.  Langston,  '03,  Goldsboro,  N.  C. ;  E.  Wade  Cranford,  '03, 
Troy,  N.  C. ;  Dr.  Hersey  E.  Spence,  '07,  Duke  professor  of  Biblical  Literature  and 
religious  education;  L.  A.  McCall,  Jr.,  Florence,  S.  C,  national  association  vice- 
president;  and  Christie  G.  Harris,  senior  from  Washington,  D.  C,  president  of  the 
chapter  this  year.  Mr.  Cranford  and  Col.  Langston  are  two  of  the  three  living  charter 
members  of  the  Duke  chapter  founded  in  1901.  Edward  O.  Smithdeal,  '03,  Roanoke, 
Va.,  the  third  living  charter  member,  was  unable  to  attend.  All  three  were  awarded 
charter  member  certificates.  The  chapter  was  also  presented  national  fraternity 
awards  for  scholarship  and  proficiency,  based  on  last  year's  achievements. 

'Dads'  Day"  Draws  250  Fathers 

Duke  University  "Dads'  Day,"  held 
on  November  10,  brought  approximate- 
ly 250  fathers  of  Duke  freshman  and 
sophomore  men  to  the  campus.  Dads' 
Day  is  sponsored  annually  by  the  Duke 
Y.M.C.A.  Bob  Younts,  junior  from 
High  Point  is  president  of  the  organi- 
zation this  year. 

The  fathers  were  guests  of  the  Duke 
University  Athletic  Association  at  the 
Duke-Wake  Forest  football  game  in 
the  afternoon.  Robert  B.  Cox,  clean 
of  undergraduate  men,  was  speaker  at 
the  annual  father-son  banquet  held  that 
evening  in  the  Union  dining  hall. 

A  Saturday  night  variety  show,  de- 
picting the  "Inside  View"  of  campus 
life  furnished  after  dinner  entertain- 
ment. Dick  Hanner,  junior  from  Ashe- 
ville,  was  master-of-ceremonies.     Pre- 

sented in  the  East  Campus  Audito- 
rium, "Inside  View"  contained  acts 
from  last  year's  Hoof  'n'  Horn  show 
"Belles  and  Ballots"  and  a  special  per- 
formance by  Durham  ventriloquist  Les- 
lie Hummel.  Song  stunts  by  a  triple 
trio  from  the  Men's  Glee  Club,  a  fresh- 
man orchestra,  an  adagio  dance  team, 
and  a  Duke  Players  reading  completed 
the  show. 

Dr.  William  E.  Parks,  president  of 
the  Northfield  School  of  Massachusetts 
delivered  the  special  Dads'  Day  sermon 
on  Sunday  morning  in  the  University 
Chapel.  Chairman  Bob  Younts  pre- 
sided. The  fathers  were  also  invited 
to  attend  the  various  denominational 
Bible  classes  with  their  sons  on  Sunday 

Alumnae  Week  End 
Dates :  April  4,  5,  6 
Featured  speaker:  Dr.  Glora  M. 
Wysner,  consultant  and  secretary  to 
the  International  Missionary  Council 
in  Association  with  the  World  Council 
of  Churches.  She  is  also  the  author  of 
Near  East  Panorama. 

Bertram  Russell  Speaks 

A  capacity  crowd  filled  the  East  Cam- 
pus Auditorium  on  the  evening  of  No- 
vember 6  to  hear  Lord  Bertram  Russell, 
winner  of  the  1950  Nobel  Prize  for  Lit- 
erature, speak  on  "How  Can  Civilized 
Man  Be  Happy."  The  79-year-old  writer, 
scientist  and  philosopher  appeared  under 
the  auspices  of  the  Woman's  Student 
Forum  Committee. 

The  author  of  more  books  and  articles 
than  even  he  is  able  to  remember,  Lord 
Russell  believes  that  a  happy  world  is 
possible  and  may  be  brought  about  by 
using  the  right  methods  in  educating  chil- 

Lord  Bertram  Russell  is  the  third  Lord 
Russell  and  is  the  grandson  of  Lord  John 
Russell,  who  was  a  British  prime  minister 
under  Queen  Victoria.  He  lives  a  few 
miles  from  London  with  his  son  and 
daughter-in-law  Susan  Lindsay,  daughter 
of  American  poet  Vachel  Lindsay. 

Coach  Coombs  Honored 

Duke  University  is  not  the  only  place 
which  can  boast  of  having  a  Coombs 
Field.  Colby  College,  the  alma  mater  of 
Duke  baseball  coach  John  W.  Coombs, 
dedicated  its  new  baseball  park  on  the 
Saturday  of  their  last  commencement  in 
June,  1951.  It  is  named  Coombs  Field 
in  honor  of  Coach  Coombs,  who  played  ball 
at  Colby  and  began  his  major  league  base- 
ball career  after  graduating  from  there 
in  1906. 

John  Coombs  came  to  be  known  as  Colby 
Jack  and  rose  to  pitching  fame  with  the 
Philadelphia  Athletics.  During  his  first 
year  in  major  league  ball  he  had  the  dis- 
tinction of  pitching  and  winning  a  24-in- 
ning  game.  He  had  a  record  of  five  wins 
and  no  losses  in  World  Series  pitching. 
Three  of  those  wins  were  in  1910. 

Almost  all  of  the  men  who  played  base- 
ball with  Coach  Coombs  at  Colby  were  on 
hand  for  the  reunion  and  field  dedication. 
He  spoke  at  the  dedication,  and  later  was 
one  of  the  speakers  at  the  alumni  dinner. 

Coach  Coombs,  who  has  been  head  base- 
ball coach  at  Duke  since  1929  coached  at 
Williams  and  Princeton  and  was  manager 
of  the  Philadelphia  Phillies  for  a  year 
before  coming  to  Duke. 

[  Page  274  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

The  Founders  Day  Program 

Gordon  Dean,  LL.M.  '32,  AEC  Chairman,  Will  Speak 

Speaker  at  the  1951  observance  of 
Founders  Day,  on  Tuesday,  December  11, 
will  be  one  of  Duke's  most  distinguished 
alumni,  Gordon  E.  Dean,  LL.M.  '32,  now 
chairman  of  the  Atomic  Energy  Commis- 

Mr.  Dean  will  speak  in  Page  Auditorium 
during  exercises  beginning  at  10  :20  a.m. 

Recognized  as  a  brilliant  lawyer  and  an 
outstanding  capable  administrator,  he  was 
named  AEC  chairman  in  September,  1950. 
In  this  position  he  easily  rates  as  one  of 
the  nation's  most  important  men. 

A  native  of  Seattle,  Wash.,  Mr.  Dean 
received  the  A.B.  degree  from  Redlands 
University  in  1927,  the  J.D.  from  the  Uni- 
versity of  Southern  California  in  1930, 
and  the  LL.M.  from  Duke  in  1932.  From 
1930  to  1934  he  was  an  instructor  of  law 
and  assistant  to  the  dean  in  Duke  Law 

From  1936  through  1939  he  was  with 
the  Department  of  Justice,  first  as  a  spe- 
cial attorney  in  the  Criminal  Law  Divi- 
sion and  later  as  an  executive  assistant  to 
the  United  States  Attorney.  The  follow- 
ing five  years  he  engaged  in  private  prac- 
tice of  law  in  Washington,  D.  C,  leaving 
this  practice  in  1945  to  spend  a  year  as 
issistant  to  Supreme  Court  Justice  Robert 
H.  Jackson  during  the  prosecution  of 
Nazi  war  criminals  at  Nuremberg,  Ger- 

After  the  Nuremberg  trials  he  returned 
to  the  University  of  Southern  California 
is  a  professor  of  criminal  law,  until,  in 
May,  1949,  he  was  named  a  member  of 
the  five-man  Atomic  Energy  Commission, 
succeeding  to  the  chairmanship  via  presi- 
lential  appointment  in  1950. 

Gordon  Dean  is  the  third  in  a  series 
jf  distinguished  alumni  to  return  to  the 
jampus  for  Founders  Day  observances. 
Last  year  James  Rhyne  Killian,  '25,  presi- 
lent  of  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Tech- 
aology,  spoke,  and  the  year  before  it  was 
jreorge  V.  Allen,  '24,  ambassador  to  Yugo- 
slavia and  one  of  the  nation's  top-ranking 
3areer  diplomats. 

Students,  faculty,  and  alumni  alike  are 
ooking  forward  to  hearing  Gordon  Dean 
speak  at  the  Founders  Day  program. 
Although  the  subject  of  his  speech  has 
aot  yet  been  announced,  it  is  expected 
;hat  it  will  be  particularly  appropriate  to 
the  times  and  will  carry  a  message  few 
will  want  to  miss. 

The  Program 

The  tentative  program  for  the  Founders 
Day  exercises  follows  the  traditional  pat- 

Carillon  music  will  begin  shortly  after 
10  a.m.  when  classes  are  dismissed  and  the 
audience  gathers  in  Page  Auditorium. 
Instrumental  selections  will  be  offered  by 
the  Duke  University  Brass  Ensemble,  di- 
rected this  year  by  Paul  Bryan,  Duke 
Marching  Band  director. 

The  program,  presided  over  by  Presi- 
dent Edens,  will  include  vocal  selections 
by  the  Men's  Glee  Club  prior  to  Gordon 
Dean's  address.  The  address  will  be  fol- 
lowed by  the  presentation  of  a  tree  by 
the  presidents  of  the  senior  classes  of 
Trinity  College,  the  Woman's  College,  and 
the  College  of  Engineering. 

The  traditional  tree  planting  ceremony 
has  been  changed  for  this  year,  primarily 
in  order  to  accommodate  spectators.  The 
actual  planting  no  longer  takes  place  in 
an  easily  reached  locality,  since  the  origi- 

Gordon  Dean 

nally  planned  row  between  East  and 
West  Campuses  has  been  completed.  The 
tree,  always  an  oak,  will  be  presented  to 
the  University  at  the  end  of  exercises  in 
Page  as  part  of  the  auditorium  exercises 
and  will  be  planted  later  in  an  appropri- 
ate spot  on  the  campus.  This  will  be  the 
22nd  anniversary  of  the  ceremony  which 
began  with  the  Class  of  1930. 

National  Council  to  Receive  Fund  Report 

The  National  Council  will  hold  its  regu- 
lar semi-annual  meeting  on  Founders  Day 
with  the  principal  item  of  business  ex- 
pected to  be  a  report  on  the  progress  of 
the  Development  Campaign  by  Benjamin 
F.  Few,  '15,  A.M.  '16,  the  Campaign's 
national  chairman. 

Members  of  the  National  Council  will 
meet  for  luncheon  with  members  of  the 
Board  of  Trustees  in  the  Ballroom  of 
West  Campus  Union  at  12:15  p.m.  Gor- 
don Dean  is  expected  to  be  a  special  guest 
at  this  luncheon. 

The  business  session  will  follow  imme- 
diately with  the  Council's  chairman,  Alonzo 
Edwards,  '25,  presiding.  Reports  on  the 
activities  of  various  committees  will  be 
submitted  as  one  of  the  earlier  items  on 
the  agenda. 

Mr.  Few's  report  is  eagerly  anticipated, 
since  it  is  expected  that,  by  that  time,  the 
campaign  will  be  nearing  its  goal  of  eight 
and  one-half  million  dollars.  Only  about 
three  weeks  will  remain  before  the  Cam- 
paign closses  on  December  31,  so  this  re- 
port assumes  a  vital  significance. 

It  was  at  the  last  meeting  of  the  Na- 
tional Council,  at  Commencement  in  June, 
that  it  was  voted  to  extend  the  Campaign 
until  December  31,  since  it  had  been  im- 
possible to  reach  all  alumni  groups  by  the 
original  deadline  of  June  30.  In  the  re- 
port at  that  time  it  was  stated  that  only 
about  one  million  dollars  remained  to  be 
raised  to  reach  the  goal  that  had  been  set 
after  a  detailed  consideration  of  the  Uni- 
versity's needs  and  plans  for  the  future. 

Since  that  time  nearly  2,500  elonors 
have  been  added  to  the  list  and  a  substan- 
tial amount  of  money  has  been  raised. 
The  December  issue  of  the  Register  will 
carry  a  full  report  of  the  latest  progress. 

One  thing  that  has  assisted  greatly  in 
the  fall  campaign  has  been  the  work  of 
class  agents  who  have  resumed  their  ac- 
tivities of  writing  to  classmates  urging 
participation.  Two  sets  of  letters  have 
gone  out  to  all  alumni  and  returns  are 
still  coming  in  at  a  rapid  rate.  This 
phase  of  the  program,  added  to  the  splen- 
did work  of  area  workers,  has  boosted 
the  fund  close  to  its  goal. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

[  Page  275  ] 

D.  C.  Agnew 


J.  R.  Burgess 

J.  T.  Caldwell 
Alabama  College 

Dennis  H.  Cooke 
High  Point  College 

George  B.  Ehlhardt 

Luther  L.  Gobeel 

t    \ 


Samuel  M.  Holton 

J.  Rhyne  Ktllian 
M .  I.  T. 

College  Presidents 

There  Are  18  Among  Duke  Alumni 

From  its  very  earliest  beginnings  one 
of  the  principal  missions  of  Duke  Uni- 
versity was  the  education  of  preachers 
and  teachers.  In  this  way,  the  founding 
fathers  felt,  the  ideas  and  ideals  that 
motivated  the  institution's  establishment 
could  best  be  perpetuated. 

Duke  has  grown  since  its  first  charter 
was  granted  by  the  North  Carolina  State 
Legislature  more  than  a  hundred  years 
ago.  Among  its  graduates  now  are  law- 
yers, doctors,  scientists,  statesmen,  busi- 
ness executives,  and  men  and  women  in 
almost  all  of  the  productive  walks  of 
life.  It  is  no  longer  a  small  college.  It 
is  one  of  the  nation's  major  universities, 
and  it  engages  in  all  of  the  educational 
activities  that  the  name  "university"  im- 

But  through  the  years  it  has  retained 
many  of  the  worthwhile  characteristics 
of  its  smaller  predecessors,  and  one  of 
these  is  a  continued  emphasis  on  the 
training  of  men  and  women  who,  in  turn, 
will  assume  the  vital  responsibility  of  ad- 
ministering to  the  educational  needs  of 
new  generations. 

As  a  rule  educators  do  not  win  wide- 
spread public  acclaim,  as  do  members  of 
other  professions  more  in  the  public  eye. 
They  seem  to  operate  within  quiet  spheres, 
content  to  let  the  deeds  of  their  students 
and  colleagues  speak  for  their  own  ac- 

One  way  in  which  outstanding  service 
to  education  may  be  recognized,  however, 
is  in  the  selection  of  men  and  women  to 
fill  the  presidencies  of  the  nation's  insti- 
tutions of  higher  learning. 

Among  its  alumni,  according  to  a  recent 
count,  Duke  has  17  men  and  one  woman 
currently  occupying  the  position  of  chief 
administrator  in  as  many  colleges. 

It  is  noteworthy  that  16  of  the  18  col- 
lege presidents  who  call  Duke  Alma  Mater 
were  elected  to  office  within  the  past  10 
years.  And  most  of  them  took  office  at 
a  youthful  age. 

For  example,  DONALD  C.  AGNEW, 
A.M.  '32,  Ph.D.  '36,  became  president  of 
Coker  College,  Hartsville,  S.  C,  in  1944 
at  the  age  of  37.  JAMES  R.  BURGESS, 
JR.,  M.Ed.  '36,  became  president  of 
Reinhardt  College,  Waleska,  Ga.,  in  1944 
at  the  age  of  35;  GEORGE  B.  EHL- 
HARDT, B.D.  '46,  of  Brevard  College, 
Brevard,  N.  C,  in  1950  at  the  age  of  35; 

R.  WRIGHT  SPEARS,  B.D.  '36,  of 
Columbia  College,  Columbia,  S.  C,  in 
1951  at  the  age  of  38;  and  DR.  JOHN 
T.  CALDWELL,  A.M.  '36,  of  Alabama 
College,  Montgomery,  Ala.,  at  the  age  of 

In  1937  HUBERT  SEARCY,  A.M.  '33, 
Ph.D.  '37,  LL.D.  '42,  was  elected  presi- 
dent of  Huntingdon  College,  Montgomery, 
Ala.  At  29  he  became  the  nation's  young- 
est college  president. 

Five  of  Duke's  college  presidents  are 
ministers.  In  addition  to  the  Rev.  George 
Ehlhardt  and  the  Rev.  R.  Wright  Spears, 

Dr.  Charlton  C.  Jernigan,  '25,  A.M. 
'26,  Ph.D.  '35,  assumed  the  presidency 
of  Queens  College,  Charlotte,  N.  C, 
last  August.  He  was  formerly  chair- 
man of  the  Department  of  Classics  at 
Florida  State  University. 

A  native  of  Dunn,  N.  C,  Dr.  Jerni- 
gan began  his  teaching  career  in  1926 
at  Rutherford  College,  where  he  headed 
the  departments  of  English,  Greek, 
and  Latin.  From  1928  to  1930  he 
taught  English  at  the  University  of 
Chicago  while  working  on  a  doctorate 
in  English.  He  returned  to  Duke  in 
1930  to  teach  English,  and  the  next 
year  decided  to  obtain  a  doctorate  in 
Greek  rather  than  in  English.  His 
work  at  Duke  was  done  under  Dr. 
Charles  W.  Peppier,  now  professor 

Dr.  Jernigan  headed  the  Department 
of  Classics  at  the  Woman's  College  of 
North  Carolina  from  1935  until  1949, 
in  which  year  he  went  to  Florida  State. 

Mrs.  Jernigan  is  the  former  Mar- 
garet Ledbetter,  '25,  A.M.  '31.  Dr.  and 
Mrs.  Jernigan  and  their  two  sons,  ages 
5  and  8,  will  make  their  home  on  the 
Queens  College  Campus. 

[  Page  276  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

'rank  B.  Lewis 
Mary  Baldwin 

Ralph  W.  McDonald 
Bowling  Green 

Fletcher  Nelson 

L.  E.  Roberts 
Middle  Georgia 

Mrs.  H.  Russell  Robey 
Southern  Seminary 

Hubert  Searcy 

W.  Wright  Spears 
Columbia  College 

others  are  FRANK  BELL  LEWIS,  Ph.D. 
'46,  president  of  Mary  Baldwin  College, 
Staunton,  Va.;  WILLIAM  FLETCHER 
NELSON,  B.D.  '30,  of  Lees-McRae,  Ban- 
ner Elk,  N.  C;  and  LUCIAN  E.  ROB- 
ERTS, Ph.D.  '42,  of  Middle  Georgia 
College,  Cochran,  Ga. 

How  many  of  these  alumni  set  forth 
from  the  beginning  with  their  eyes  and 
careers  focused  on  the  eventual  attainment 
of  presidencies,  and  how  many  attained 
their  positions  through  the  course  of 
events  is  difficult  to  determine.  At  least 
three,  however,  seemed  intent  on  careers 
in  educational  administration  when  they 
planned  their  own  college  curricula. 

These  three  attained  advanced  degrees 
in  education  from  Duke  before  taking  up 
the  duties  of  their  present  posts.  In  ad- 
dition to  Mr.  Burgess,  they  are  DENNIS 
HARGROVE  COOKE,  '25,  M.Ed.  '28, 
president  of  High  Point  College,  High 
Point,  N.  C;  and  MERRITT  E.  HOAG, 
M.Ed.  '36,  of  North  Georgia  College, 
Dahlonega,  Ga. 

As  might  be  expected,  practically  every- 
one of  Duke's  18  college  presidents  have 
had  extensive  teaching  experience  in  in- 
stitutions of  higher  learning,  some  of  them 
at  Duke.  But  only  five,  according  to  the 
record,  taught  to  any  great  extent  in  pub- 
lic school  systems.  These  five  are  Dr. 
Agnew,  Mr.  Burgess,  Dr.  Roberts,  RALPH 
WALDO  McDONALD,  A.M.  '27,  Ph.D. 
'33,  of  Bowling  Green  State  University, 
Bowling  Green,  Ohio;  and  SAMUEL  H. 
HOLTON,  '21,  AM.  '25,  of  Louisburg 
College,  Louisburg,  N.  C.  Dr.  McDonald 
taught  at  Duke  as  a  teaching  fellow. 

Six  of  the  18  presidents  found  more 
than  a  love  for  learning  at  Duke.  Their 
wives  are  also  alumnae. 

Mrs.  Agnew  is  the  former  Lucille  Quil- 
len,  A.M.  '32.  Mrs..  Burgess,  the  former 
Martha  Stallings,  was  at  Duke  during  the 
summer  of  1933.  The  wife  of  DR. 
LUTHER  L.  GOBBEL,  '18^  A.M.  '27, 
president  of  Greensboro  College,  Greens- 
boro, N.  C,  is  the  former  Marcia  Rachel 
Russell,  A.M.  '28,  daughter  of  former 
Dean  of  the  Divinity  S;ehool,  the  late  Dr. 
Elbert  Russell.  Mrs.  Samuel  Holton  is 
the  former  Christine  High  Huddy,  R.N. 


'27,  inaugurated  as  president  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  Arizona,  Tucson,  Ariz.,  just 
last  month,  is  married  to  the  former 
George  Lee  Garner,  A.M.  '30.  Another 
recently  elected  president,  CHARLTON 
C.  JERNIGAN,  '25,  A.M.  '26,  Ph.D.  '35, 
of  Queens  College,  Charlotte,  N.  C,  is 
married  to  a  Duke  classmate,  the  former 
Margaret  Ledbetter,  '25,  A.M.  '31. 

Three  of  the  presidents  have,  or  have 
had,  children  enrolled  at  Duke.  Dr. 
Cooke's  son,  Dennis,  Jr.,  graduated  in 
1951 ;  Dr.  Gobbel's  son  Russell  is  a  senior 
this  year;  and  President  Holton's  daugh- 
ter Mary-Marie  is  a  junior. 

The  one  alumna  in  this  distinguished 
category  of  former  Duke  students  is 
H.  Russell),  '17,  president  of  Southern 
Seminary  and  Junior  College,  Buena 
Vista,  Va.  Mrs.  Robey  succeeded  her 
father,  the  late  Robert  Lee  Durham,  '91, 
whose  name  is  connected  with  some  of 
Duke's  most  venerable  traditions.  She  was 
president  of  Duke  Alumnae  Association 
in  1933. 

Perhaps  the  most  renowned  of  all  of 
Duke's  alumni  college  presidents  is  DR. 
'49,  chief  executive  of  Massachusetts  In- 
stitute of  Technology,  Cambridge,  Mass. 
Dr.  Killian  succeeded  Dr.  Karl  T.  Comp- 
ton  in  1949  after  beginning  his  career  at 
M.I.T.  as  editor  of  The  M.I.T.  Technology 
Review  and  rose  to  the  vice  presidency 
just  after  World  War  II. 

It  is  interesting  to  note  that  these  out- 
standing educators  that  Duke  has  con- 
tributed to  the  nation  have,  as  a  group, 
concentrated  their  activities  in  the  South. 
Six  as  presidents  of  North  Carolina  insti- 
tutions ;  three  of  Georgia  schools ;  two  of 
schools  in  South  Carolina,  Alabama,  and 
Virginia;  with  the  remaining  three  dis- 
tributed among  Arizona,  Massachusetts, 
and  Ohio. 

Needless  to  say,  all  of  these  Duke 
alumni  are  influential  members  of  top- 
ranking  educational  bodies  on  state  and 
national  levels.  Many  of  them  are  au- 
thors of  outstanding  and  widely  read  pro- 

fessional treatises,  books,  texts,  and  ar- 
ticles in  various  journals.  Each  of  the 
18  is  recognized  for  accomplishments 
outside  of  administrative  duties  connected 
with  guiding  the  destiny  of  a  college. 
These  accomplishments  cover  such  fields 
as  science,  economics,  law,  religion,  jour- 
nalism, history,  classical  languages,  gov- 
ernment, and  even  politics. 

Dr.  Richard  Anderson  Harvill,  A.M. 
'27,  was  inaugurated  president  of  the 
University  of  Arizona  at  Tucson  on 
November  16.  Duke  was  represented 
at  the  ceremony  by  W.  Speight  Barnes, 
'25,  A.M.  '41,  professor  of  law  at 

Dr.  Harvill,  a  native  of  Centerville, 
Tenn.,  earned  the  S.B.  degree  from 
Mississippi  State  in  1926  and  the 
Ph.D.  from  Northwestern  in  1932.  He 
taught  economics  at  Mississippi  State, 
at  Duke,  at  Northwestern,  and  at  the 
University  of  Buffalo  before  going  to 
Arizona  as  an  associate  professor  in 
1939.  In  1946  he  became  a  professor 
of  economics  and  dean  of  the  Arizona 
Graduate  School.  In  1947  he  became 
dean  of  the  College  of  Liberal  Arts,  a 
position  he  held  until  elected  to  the 
presidency.  He  has  been  active  in 
numerous  educational  and  professional 
groups  as  an  economist  and  economic 

Mrs.  Harvill  is  the  former  George 
Lee  Garner,  A.M.  '30,  who  was  docu- 
ments librarian  at  Duke  Library  for  a 
number  of  years  prior  to  1936.  The 
couple  has  two  children,  a  boy  and  a 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

[  Page  277 ] 

Scenes  from  the  Engineers'  Homecoming 

The  Engineers'  Wives  Club,  an  organi- 
zation of  students'  wives,  entertained  at 
a  coffee  hour  on  the  morning  of  October 
27  for  wives  of  engineering  alumni  who 
were  attending  their  homecoming  at  the 
College  of  Engineering.  Pouring  coffee 
is  Mrs.  Claude  E.  Stecker  (husband,  sen- 
ior C.E.),  president  of  the  Club.  To  her 
right  is  Mrs.  Chandler  W.  Brown  (hus- 
band, B.S.  '46,  B.S.C.E.  '47,  instructor  of 
civil  engineering  at  Duke).  Seated  on 
the  far  side  of  the  table,  left  to  right  are 
Laura  Kash,  Charleston,  W.  Va.,  who  ac- 
companied Dan  Martin,  B.S.M.E.  '51,  to 
Homecoming;  Sue  Ryon  Morris  (Mrs.  J. 
E.,  Jr.),  '45  (husband,  B.S.M.E.  '45), 
Glen  Burnie,  Md. ;  Mrs.  Blair  Hippie 
(husband,  B.S.C.E.  '45)  ;  and  Mrs.  Ralph 
S.  Wilbur  (wife  of  professor  and  head 
of  the  Department  of  Mechanical  Engi- 
neering). Seated  with  their  backs  to  the 
camera,  left  to  right,  are  Beverly  Dykes 
Griffith  (Mrs.  W.  R.),  '44  (husband, 
B.S.C.E.  '42),  Narrows,  Va.;  Mrs.  J.  W. 
Carroll,  Jr.  (husband,  B.S.E.E.  '50), 
Waccamaw,  N.  C. ;  Mrs.  Charles  Muscheek 
(husband,  B.S.  '46,  B.S.C.E.  '47),  Haver- 
town,  Pa.;  and  Mrs.  E.  M.  Levin  (hus- 
band, B.S.M.E.  '47),  Newport  News,  Va. 

Some  of  the  alumni  and  faculty  mem- 
bers who  attended  the  Engineers'  Home- 
coming at  the  College  of  Engineering  on 
October  27  are,  first  row,  left  to  right, 
Blair  Hippie,  B.S.C.E.  '45;  Charles  Mu- 
scheek, B.S.  '46,  B.S.C.E.  '47;  Edward  K. 
Kraybill,  Gr.  St.  '42,  assistant  professor 
of  electrical  engineering;  Banks  Clark, 
B.S.M.E.  '50;  James  E.  Person,  B.S.M.E. 
'50;  A.  R,  White,  Jr.,  B.S.C.E.  '51,  in- 
structor in  civil  engineering;  R.  A.  Ken- 
aston,  B.S.C.E.  '51;  David  Harward, 
B.S.C.E.  '51 ;  Walter  J.  Seeley,  professor 
and  head  of  the  Department  of  Electrical 
Engineering;  Lloyd  Price  Julian,  B.S.E.E. 
'36;  Russell  Ranson,  B.S.  '31,  past  presi- 
dent of  the  Engineering  alumni ;  L.  D. 
Hicks,  '20,  new  Engineering  Alumni  As- 
sociation president. 

Second  row,  left  to  right,  Henry  Cran- 
ford,  B.S.E.E.  '49;  Charles  R.  Vail, 
B.S.E.E.  '37,  assistant  professor  of  elec- 
trical engineering;  Chand'er  W.  Brown, 
B.S.  '46,  B.S.C.E.  '47,  instructor  in  civil 
engineering;  Robert  E.  Connor,  B.S.E.E. 
'50;  James  W.  Carroll,  B.S.E.E.  '50;  Hu- 
bert L.  Wilson,  Jr.,  B.S.E.E.  '50;  E.  P. 
(Sonny)  Elmore,  Jr.,  B.S.E.E.  '50;  E. 
M.  (Buddy)  Levin,  B.S.M.E.  '47;  Daniel 
Martin,  B.S.M.E.  '51;  Dean  W.  H.  Hall, 
'09,  A.M.  '14. 

Third  row,  left  to  right,  William  H. 

Charles  R.  Vail,  B.S.E.E.  '37,  assistant  professor  of  electrical  engineering  at  Duke, 
left,  is  the  new  vice-president  of  the  Engineering  Alumni  Association.  L.  D.  Hicks, 
'20,  Raleigh,  X.  C,  center,  is  the  new  president  for  the  group.  They  were  elected  at 
the  Engineers'  Homecoming  on  October  27.  Russell  J?anson,  B.S.  '31,  Charlotte, 
X.  C.  riaht.  is  outgoing  president. 

[  Page  278 ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

(Nick)  Gardner,  Jr.,  B.S.C.E.  '45;  Harold 
Holbrook,  B.S.E.E.  '49 ;  Harry  E.  Kaley, 
B.S.M.E.  '44;  John  E.  Norris,  B.S.M.E. 
'45;  Frank  N.  Egerton,  '09,  A.M.  '11, 
assistant  professor  of  electrical  engineer- 
ing; E.  M.  Jordan,  B.S.E.E.  '50;  Andy 
Doherty,  B.S.E.E.  '50;  Vance  Martin, 
B.S.E.E.  '43;  Lewis  Pifer,  B.S.M.E.  '39; 
Ronald  S.  Rose,  B.S.  '45,  B.S.M.E.  '47; 
Grimes  Slaughter,  B.S.E.E.  '48;  Charles 
Darby  Fulton,  Jr.,  assistant  professor  of 
mechanical  engineering;  Leon  Gibbs, 
B.S.E.E.  '50. 

Fourth  row,  left  to  right,  Harry  Owen, 
instructor  in  electrical  engineering:  Otto 
Meier,  associate  professor  of  electrical  en- 
gineering; M.  T.  Hatley,  Jr.,  B.S.E.E. 
'43;  Ray  Holland,  B.S.M.E.  '47,  instruc- 
tor in  mechanical  engineering;  Leslie  C. 
Wilbur,  instructor  in  mechanical  engineer- 
ing; Fred  L.  Mann,  B.S.M.E.  '45;  Lee 
Silverbach,  B.S.M.M.  '45;  J.  Wesley  Wil- 
liams, '31,  assistant  professor  of  civil  en- 
gineering; E.  E.  (Ned)  Newsom,  B.S.C.E. 
'44;  William  M.  Black,  B.S.C.E.  '44;  Wal- 
ter G.  Smith,  B.S.M.E.  '41 ;  Guy  Robbins, 
B.S.E.E.  '49. 

Several  other  engineering  alumni  at- 
tended the  Homecoming  meeting  but  were 
unable  to  remain  for  the  picture. 

At  the  Homecoming  meeting,  Dr.  Gross, 
vice-president  of  the  University,  spoke  to 
the  alumni  about  an  engineering  research 
and  development  program. 

The  1951-52  Basketball  Schedule 

Duke  University's  1951-52  basketball 
schedule,  recently  released  by  the  Athletic 
Department,  opens  with  the  Temple  Uni- 
versity Owls  in  Duke's  Indoor  Stadium 
on  December  1.  There  will  be  11  other 
home  games  played  before  the  season 
ends  with  Carolina  on  February  29. 

Prospects  for  the  team  this  year  are 
still  uncertain.  Coach  Bradley  has  been 
working  the  team  hard  to  get  ready  for 
the  season  and  All-America  Dick  Groat 
will  be  back  to  spark  the  Blue  Devils 
through  its  24-game  card.  The  next  issue 
of  the  Register  will  carry  the  squad  ros- 
ter and  a  round-up  of  what  Duke  sup- 
porters might  expect. 

The  schedule  follows : 

(Tame  Place 

—Temple   Durham 

— Haues  Winston-Salein 

—Bradley Durham 

— Furman  Shelby 

-V.  M.  I Durham 

—Davidson  Durham 

—George  Washington  Washington 

— West  Virginia 

Morgantown,  W.  Va. 

29 — Dixie  Classic  Kaleigh 

— Penn  Durham 

— N.  C.  State Durham 

-X.  Y.  U New  York 

—Temple  Philadelphia 

— Wake  Forest  Durham 






























Duke's  Blue  Devils  will  meet  North 
Carolina's  Tarheels  in  a  special  "Ger- 
ard Memorial  Game"  in  Duke's  Indoor 
Stadium  on  Dec.  5.  Proceeds  from  the 
game,  which  honors  the  late  "Jerry" 
Gerard,  whose  name  symbolizes  Duke's 
greatest  athletic  traditions  and  who 
was  head  basketball  coach,  will  go  into 
an  educational  fund  for  Gerard's  two 
daughters.     Tickets  are  $2.00  each. 

Feb.    1— U.  N.  C Chapel  Hill 

Feb.    2 — George  Washington Durham 

Feb.    7 — William  and  Mary  Durham 

Feb.    9 — Navy  Annapolis 

Feb.  12— N.  C.  State  Raleigh 

Feb.  18 — Maryland  Durham 

Feb.  21— Wake  Forest Wake  Forest 

Feb.  23 — South  Carolina  Durham 

Feb.  26 — Davidson   Davidson 

Feb.  29— U.  N.  C Durham 

all  home  games  are  priced  at  $1.50  each,  all 
seats  reserved.  Season  tickets  covering 
twelve  home  games  are  priced  at  $15.00  each. 
Address  orders  to :  Business  Manager,  Duke 
Athletic  Association,  Durham,  N.  C,  and 
add  10c  to  check  or  money  order  to  cover 
cost  of  insured  mailing.  No  tickets  will  be 
mailed  C.  O.  D. 

Professorship  and  Scholarship  Foundation  Created  for  Engineers 

A  gift  of  $126,000  to  endow  a  chair 
of  learning  and  scholarships  in  the 
College  of  Engineering  at  Duke  Uni- 
versity was  announced  recently  by 
President  Hoiks  Edens. 

The  chair  will  be  known  as  "The 
Jones  Chair  of  Engineering,"  in  honor 
and  memory  of  the  late  J.  A.  Jones  of 
Charlotte,  N.  C,  who  founded  the  J.  A. 
Jones  Construction  Company  in  1894 
and  who  was  a  life  long  supporter  of 
the  Methodist  Church  and  its  institu- 
tions. It  is  also  in  memory  of  his  son, 
the  late  Raymond  A.  Jones,  of  Char- 

Donors  of  the  gift  were  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Edwin  L.  Jones,  Sr.,  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Edwin  L.  Jones,  Jr.,  and  the  J. 
A.  Jones  Construction  Company,  all 
of  Charlotte.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jones, 
Sr.,  both  graduated  from  Duke  with 
the  Class  of  1912.  Edwin,  Jr.  gradu- 
ated from  the  University's  College  of 
Engineering  in  1948. 

"Duke  University  deeply  appreciates 
the  beneficence  which  creates  this  chair 
of  higher  learning  and  which  will  sup- 
ply scholarship  aid  to  young  men 
training  for  the  engineering  profes- 
sion," Dr.  Edens  stated.  "It  culminates 
many  long  years  of  support  of  Duke 
and  its  activities  by  Mr.  James  Addi- 
son Jones  and  his  son,  Mr.  Edwin  L. 
Jones,  Sr. 

"Mr.  J.  A.  Jones  gave  generously 
and  wisely  to  the  Methodist  Church 
and  its  institutions  throughout  his  life. 
He  was  keenly  aware  of  the  need  for 
strong  support  of  Methodist  educa- 
tional institutions,  such  as  the  one  from 
which  Duke  University  sprang.  He 
was,  as  well,  one  of  North  Carolina's 
pioneers  in  recognizing  the  need  for 
a  fundamental  technical  education  for 
young  men  aspiring  to  the  profession 
of  engineering.  His  son  and  his  grand- 
son, both  Duke  alumni,  inherited  his 
concern  for  the  welfare  of  education 
and   religion   in   the    State   of   North 

Carolina,  as  their  recent  generosity 

"We  welcome  this  opportunity  to 
bring  into  permanent  association  with 
the  University  the  name  of  a  family 
whose  philanthropy  has  greatly  ad- 
vanced the  cause  of  education  in  the 

Income  from  the  endowed  fund,  the 
donors  specified,  will  be  used  to  pay 
all  or  part  of  the  salary  of  the  dean  of 
the  College  of  Engineering  and  to  give 
substantial  scholarship  assistance  to 
worthy  and  qualified  students  in  the 

Dean  of  the  College  of  Engineering 
is  William  Holland  Hall,  who  has  been 
at  Duke  since  1915  and  whose  efforts 
contributed  greatly  to  the  founding  of 
the  College  of  Engineering  in  1938  and 
its  subsequent  advancements. 

Edwin  L.  Jones,  Sr.,  has  been  a  mem- 
ber of  the  University's  board  of  trus- 
tees since  1945. 

DTJKE  ALUMNf  REGISTER,  November*  1951 

[  Page  279  ] 

The  fraternity  quadrangle  was  typical  of  scenes  on  campus  preceding  Home- 
coming week  end.  Students  put  in  feverish  hours  of  planning  and  physical  labor  on 
special  decorations  for  the  occasion.  Delta  Tau  Delta  arranged  a  puppet  show;  Pi 
Kappa  Alpha's  Blue  Devil  hit  the  gong  with  the  mallet  every  time;  and  Phi  Kappa 
Sigma's  Judge  Murray  and  football  jury  sentenced  the  Cavaliers  to  just  punishment. 
Incidentally,  when  all  was  done  and  the  prizes  handed  out,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma  took 
second  place  honors,  and  the  other  two  honorable  mention. 

The  Undergraduate  View 

by  Ronny  Nelson,  '52 

With  students,  townspeople,  faculty, 
administration,  and  even  the  weather  co- 
operating, Duke  alumni  had  their  day. 
Smiling,  hand-shaking,  back-slapping,  they 
descended  upon  the  West  Campus  Union 
lobby,  where  they  registered  and  received 
large,  round  identification  tags,  and  then 
spread  out  over  the  campus  for  a  week- 
end of  revisiting  familiar  haunts,  renew- 
ing old  acquaintances,  and  reminiscing 
over  the  good  old  days. 

The  campus  was  ready  for  them,  had 
anticipated  their  return  for  weeks.  Com- 
mittees held  last  minute  meetings  to 
smooth  out  final  details.  Fraternities  and 
other  groups  frantically  put  finishing 
touches  on  displays.  The  beauty  queen 
and  her  court  were  briefed.  The  march- 
ing band  went  through  their  act  for  the 
last  time  in  practice.  And  the  football 
team  rested.  Everyone  knew  his  cue,  and 
on  Friday  night  the  big  show  began. 

As  darkness  settled  and  spotlights  came 
on,  the  sedate  atmosphere  of  gothic  arch 
'and  native  stone  was  suddenly,  magically 

transformed  into  one  of  gaudy  color  and 
blaring  sound.  Amplified  music  and 
voices,  flashing  lights,  animated  Blue 
Devils  and  Cavaliers,  and  smiling  crowds 
all  gave  to  the  campus  the  appearance 
and  air  of  one  huge  carnival.  Fraternity 
chapter  rooms  were  thrown  open  to  the 
milling  onlookers.  And  in  the  midst  of  it 
all,  the  judges  went  about  their  difficult 
job  of  selecting  a  winning  display  from 
a  field  unanimously  termed   "best  ever." 

On  Saturday  morning  the  carnival  was 
gone.  The  displays  were  still  there,  just 
as  noisy  as  the  night  before.  And  the 
crowds  were  even  bigger.  But  now  it 
was  a  college  campus  on  the  day  of  a  home 
football  game.  The  atmosphere  was 
unique,  something  you  find  nowhere  else. 
It  was  an  atmosphere  the  alumnus  so 
easily  forgets,  so  gladly  becomes  a  part 
of  once  more,  if  only  for  a  short  time. 

The  traditional  Alumni  Barbecue  was 
held  inside  in  the  Old  Gym.  Officials 
of  the  University,  along  with  the  members 
of  the   Student  Homecoming  Committee, 

served  as  hosts,  and  it  was  such  a  success 
that  the  old  grads  refused  to  leave,  but 
stayed  to  talk  after  the  meal  was  finished. 
But  come  game  time,  they  flocked  to  the 
stadium,  for  this  was  the  highspot  of  the 
weekend,  and  they  wouldn't  miss  any  of  it. 

Footballwise,  the  anticipated  highspot 
was  anything  but.  With  almost  brutal 
disregard  for  the  occasion,  the  audience, 
and  the  pre-game  odds,  Virginia's  Cava- 
liers lashed  out  against  a  potentially 
strong  Blue  Devil  team.  Only  once  was 
the  home  club  able  to  turn  that  potential 
into  the  real  thing,  while  the  invaders 
rolled  up  thirty  points  in  a  terrific  second- 
half  onslaught. 

But  if  the  football  wasn't  up  to  expec- 
tation, the  rest  of  the  show  certainly  was. 
Half-time  events  kept  the  alumnus  busier 
than  during  actual  playing  time.  The 
band  did  its  stuff  with  clock -like  precision : 
the  card  trick  section  frantically  flipped 
and  shuffled  its  colored  cards  in  a  series 
of  well-worked-out  welcomes  and  praises; 
the  Homecoming  Queen  graciously  ac- 
cepted her  crown  amid  a  fan-fare  of 
trumpets;  the  display  winners  received 
trophies  for  their  week's  work;  and  all 
in  all,  so  great  was  the  mid-field  activity 
that  the  team  had  almost  to  ask  permis- 
sion before  play  could  resume. 

The  sting  of  defeat  rankled  for  the 
moment,  but  soon  wore  off  as  open  houses, 
parties,  and  reunions  built  up  to  the  cli- 
max of  the  weekend.  The  senior  class 
staged  the  annual  Homecoming  Dance  in 
the  gym,  fraternities  gathered  their  past 
and  present  members  for  the  last  blow- 
out, and  alumni  joined  into  large  and 
small  groups  in  and  around  Durham  to 
put  the  finishing  touches  to  as  fine  a 
Homecoming  as   Duke   has   ever   known. 

For  the  second  straight  year  Hoof  'n' 
Horn  announced  its  intention  of  staging 
a  first-semester  musical  in  addition  to  its 
customary  spring  show,  and  suited  the 
action  to  the  word  by  calling  for  try-outs 
of  all  campus  talent.  The  mid-December 
attraction  will  consist  of  the  single  most 
popular  scene  from  each  of  club's  last  five 
offerings,  and  with  an  attempt  being  made 
to  use  all  of  the  original  talent  that  is 
still  on  campus,  it  ought  to  be  well  worth 

Displaying  that  wholehearted  support 
which  so  often  characterizes  the  college 
student  when  his  interest  is  truly  aroused, 
East  Campus  coeds  threw  themselves 
solidly  behind  a  very  worthy  cause.  Blow- 
ing horns  and  waving  signs,  the  girls 
(Continued  on  page  300) 

[ Page  280  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

Alumni  Associations 

Wilmington,  Del. 

Duke  alumni  of  Wilmington,  Del.,  got 
together  for  a  very  enjoyable  evening 
October  13  at  5  :00  p.m.  About  63  per- 
sons met  for  an  informal  saddle-shoe 
stomp  and  barbecue  at  Camp  Mattahoon, 
boys  camp  of  Wilmington. 

Any  Duke  alumni  in  this  area  who  have 
not  been  contacted  are  asked  to  call  any 
member  of  the  committee  which  arranges 
the  affairs  for  this  group.  They  are : 
W.  C.  Brown,  '42;  R.  W.  Lantz,  '40; 
R.  J.  McCormick  II,  '41;  and  R.  H. 
Moyer,  '41. 

Virginia  Conference 

Seventy-five  guests  attended  the  Duke 
Alumni  dinner  of  the  Virginia  Conference 
at  Roanoke  on  October  19.  The  dinner 
was  held  at  the  Greene  Memorial  Meth- 
odist Church. 

Officers  for  the  next  year  were  elected 
as  follows:  Roy  Everett,  Jr.,  B.D.  '45, 
president;  Harvey  Glauss,  '16,  vice-presi- 
dent; Gilbert  Cofer,  B.D.  '46,  secretary- 
treasurer.  The  speaker  of  the  evening  was 
Dr.  Kenneth  W.  Clark  of  the  Divinity 
School  faculty.  Dean  James  Cannon  also 
spoke  briefly. 

Raleigh,  N.  C,  Junior 
Alumnae  Association 

On  Tuesday  evening,  October  23,  an 
enthusiastic  group  of  the  younger  Duke 
alumnae  in  Raleigh  met  at  the  home  of 
Lillian  Dewar,  '49,  for  the  organization  of 
a  junior  alumnae  group.  Anne  Garrard 
and  Charlotte  Corbin  represented  the 
Alumni  Office  and  discussed  with  the 
group  the  needs  and  possible  objectives 
for  such  an  organization.  There  was  a 
unanimous  vote  in  favor  of  formally  or- 
ganizing and  holding  monthly  meetings. 

Officers  elected  were  Lillian  Dewar, 
president;  Mary  Hills  Divine  Baker 
(Mrs.  S.  E.),  '48,  vice-president;  Sybil 
Dameron  Redfern  (Mrs.  R.  B.),  '44,  sec- 
retary; and  Kitty  Cassels  Daniel  (Mrs. 
J.  R.),  '48,  treasurer.  Hostesses  for  the 
November  meeting  will  be  Edith  Bailey, 
'47,  and  Diquet  Pate  Bailey  (Mrs.  J.  H. 
Pou),  '44. 

North  Carolina  Conference 

Five  hundred  guests  attended  the  an- 
nual Duke  dinner  of  the  North  Carolina 
Conference  of  The  Methodist  Church, 
which  was  held  in  the  Cape  Fear  Armory, 
Wilmington,  N.  C,  on  the  evening  of 
November  1.  The  Reverend  Key  W.  Tay- 
lor, president  of  the  North  Carolina  Con- 
ference alumni,  presided  at  the  dinner. 
Speakers   were   Mr.   Robert   Regan,   Jr., 

president  of  the  Divinity  School  student 
body,  and  Dr.  James  Cannon,  dean  of  the 
Divinity  School.  The  Divinity  School 
quartet,  composed"  of  Russell  Montfort, 
Douglas  Shepherd,  Joe  Bryant  Young, 
and  James  Hall,  was  present  and  sang 
several  numbers.  Fred  Whitener,  '51, 
represented  the  Alumni  Office.  Those  in 
attendance  were  particularly  appreciative 
of  the  presence  and  participation  of  the 
Divinity  School  students. 

Officers  elected  for  the  year  1951-52 
were :  president,  Paul  Carruth,  B.D.  '43 ; 
first  vice-president,  LaFon  C.  Vereen, 
B.D.  '46;  second  vice-president,  0.  K. 
Ingram,  B.D.  '45;  managers,  C.  C.  McCoy, 
B.D.  '46;  B.  F.  Musser,  B.D.  '44;  and 
C.  H.  Mercer,  B.D.  '43;  executive  com- 
mittee, W.  D.  Caviness,  B.D.  '43;  and 
W.  A.  Crow,  B.D.  '36. 

Atlanta,  Ga. 

A  large  crowd  of  Duke  alumni  from  all 
over  the  State  of  Georgia  met  for  lunch- 
eon at  the  Georgian  Terrace  Hotel  on 
November  3  preceding  the  Duke-Georgia 
Tech  game.  A  quartet  from  Emory  Uni- 
versity sang,  and  Ralph  Paris,  '14,  gave 
a  report  on  the  Development  Campaign. 

William  J.  Hobbs,  '29,  president  of 
Coca-Cola,  introduced  President  Edens, 
the  principal  speaker,  who  described  the 
progress  and  development  at  Duke.  He 
also  spoke  in  appreciation  of  the  support 
alumni  have  given  the  University. 

New  officers  elected  for  the  Atlanta  or- 
ganization are  Walter  A.  Smith,  '36, 
president;  Kenneth  R.  (Bob)  McLennan, 
'48,  vice-president;  Louise  Mizzell  Ben- 
nett (Mrs.  William  H.),  '39,  treasurer; 
and  Robert  W.  Sterrett,  '33,  secretary. 
Dr.  Byron  J.  Hoffman,  '32,  is  retiring 

Beaufort,  Hyde,  Martin  and 
Washington  Counties 

Hannis  Latham,  Jr.,  '32,  presided  at 
the  meeting  for  Duke  alumni  from  Beau- 
fort, Hyde,  Martin  and  Washington  coun- 
ties on  November  6,  which  was  held  at  the 
First  Methodist  Church  in  Washington, 
N.  C. 

Chaplain  to  the  University,  Dr.  J.  H. 
Phillips,  delivered  an  address  which  in- 
cluded some  interesting  facts  about  the 
Development  Campaign,  but  principally 
he  dealt  with  the  need  for  character  along 
with  education  and  intelligence. 

The  nominating  committee  presented 
the  names  of  L.  Bruce  Wynne,  '25,  Wil- 
liamston,  N.  C,  for  president;  Mildred 
Guthrie  Mann  (Mrs.  E.  S.),  '32,  Wash- 
ington,   N.    C,    for- secretary -treasurer; 

and  Ella  Waters  Pfau  (Mrs.  Carl),  '37, 
Washington,  N.  C,  for  Alumnae  Repre- 
sentative. It  was  unanimously  agreed 
that  these  three  would  be  officers  for  the 
coming  year. 

Alamance  County 

The  Alamance  Hotel  at  Burlington  was 
the  scene  of  the  Duke  alumni  gathering  of 
Alamance  County  on  November  7. 

Eddie  Cameron,  director  of  athletics  at 
Duke  University  was  the  principal  speak- 
er. He  spoke  about  sports  in  general 
and  specifically  about  the  future  of  foot- 
ball. Mr.  Cameron  made  it  plain  that 
football  at  Duke  is  not  to  be  overempha- 
sized, but  on  the  other  hand  it  is  not  to 
be  deemphasized. 

The  new  officers,  who  were  elected  for 
the  coming  year  are :  Dr.  Emery  Kray- 
cirik,  M.D.  '45,  president,  Burlington, 
N.  C;  George  T.  Lawver,  '34,  vice-presi- 
dent, Burlington,  N.  C;  Mary  King 
Bailey  (Mrs.  Robert),  R.N.  '36,  secretary- 
treasurer,  Graham,  N.  C;  Mary  Alyse 
Smith,  '30,  alumnae  representative,  Bur- 
lington, N.  C. 

Union-Anson  Counties 

Officers  elected  to  serve  the  Union- 
Anson  Counties  Duke  Alumni  Associa- 
tion for  the  following  year  are  William  E. 
Powell,  '20,  A.M.  '32,  Lilesville,  president; 
Henry  Hall  Wilson,  '42,  LL.B.  '48,  Mon- 
roe, co-chairman;  P.  E.  Greene,  '15, 
Marshville,  and  Harry  Lovett,  associate 
secretaries;  and  Mrs.  Sam  H.  Lee,  wife 
of  Sam  H.  Lee,  '20,  Monroe,  alumnae 

Chicago,  111. 

Duke  alumni  in  the  Chicago  area  will 
meet  at  the  Lake  Shore  Club,  850  Lake 
Shore  Drive,  Chicago  11,  111.,  at  7  o'clock 
on  December  7.  Charles  A.  Dukes,  direc- 
tor of  Alumni  Affairs,  and  Dr.  Harold 
Bosley,  former  dean  of  the  Duke  Divinity 
School  who  is  now  pastor  of  the  First 
Methodist  Church,  Evanston,  111.,  will 
speak  to  the  group.  Three  members  of 
the  Chicago  Bears,  professional  football 
team,  will  be  special  guests. 

Cards  will  be  sent  to  alumni  confirming 
reservations,  but,  in  the  event  the  mailing 
list  is  incomplete,  alumni  are  requested  to 
contact  Milford  J.  Baum,  '30,  president  of 
the  Chicago  alumni  chapter,  at  his  office, 
Canal  6-5900,  or  his  residence,  Uptown 
8-5575,  for  reservations  or  further  details. 

Washington,  D.  C. 

A  Christmas  dance  for  all  Duke  alumni 

and  students  in  Washington,  D.  C,  and 

vicinity  will  be  held  December  28  from 

9  to  12  p.m.  in  the  Burgundy  Room  of 

(Continued  on  page  300) 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

[ Page  281  ] 

Ashbel  G.  Brice  Heads 
Duke  University  Press 

Ashbel  G.  Brice  has  been  named  direc- 
tor of  the  Duke  University  Press  to  suc- 
ceed Dr.  William  T.  Laprade,  professor  of 
history,  who  has  been  acting  director  since 

Mr.  Brice  has  been  editor  and  associate 
editor  of  the  Press  since  1947,  and  will 
continue  as  editor  in  his  new  position. 
Dr.  Laprade  will  continue  as  chairman  of 
the  board. 

In  1939  Mr.  Brice  joined  the  Duke  fac- 
ulty as  an  instructor  of  English,  and  be- 
came assistant  editor  of  the  Press  in  1945. 
He  previously  served  on  the  faculties  of 
the  City  College  of  New  York  and  North 
Texas  State  College.  From  1936-37  he 
held  the  Alexander  Moncreif  Proudflt 
Fellowship  in  Letters  at  Columbia  and 
was  later  awarded  a  fellowship  and  as- 
sistantship  at  Duke.  He  received  the 
A.B.  and  M.A.  degrees  from  Columbia 
and  had  done  graduate  work  at  Duke. 

A  member  of  the  committee  on  bibliog- 
raphy of  the  American  Literature  Section 
of  the  Modern  Language  Association,  Mr. 
Brice  is  also  a  member  of  the  Association 
of  American  University  Presses'  Commit- 
tee on  the  Educational  Directory.  This 
year  he  serves  on  the  University  Press 
Association's  Committee  on  Foxeign  Trade. 

Represented  Duke 

Dr.  Paul  Gross,  vice-president  in  the 
Division  of  Education,  represented  Duke 
University  at  the  inauguration  of  Philip 
Grant  Davidson  as  the  14th  president  of 
the  University  of  Louisville,  Louisville, 
Ky.,  on  October  30. 

Seventeen  Alumni  Join 
Duke  Teaching  Staff 

Among  sixty-five  new  faculty  members 
appointed  at  Duke  for  the  current  aca- 
demic year,  17  are  alumni  of  the  Univer- 

By  department,  the  new  alumni  faculty 
are :  Botany :  Catherine  Keever,  '30,  A.M. 
'42,  Ph.D.  '49,  temporary  instructor; 
Chemistry :  James  Worsharn,  a  graduate 
student,  part-time  instructor;  Civil  Engi- 
neering: Arthur  R.  (Bill)  White,  Jr., 
B.S.C.E.  '51,  instructor;  English:  John 
C.  Guilds,  A.M.  '49,  instructor. 

History :  John  B.  Oliver,  who  did  grad- 
uate work  from  1948-50,  part-time  in- 
structor; Mathematics:  Gordan  C.  Byers, 

a  graduate  student,  part-time  instructor; 
Romance  languages:  Sigrid  Lehnberger, 
A.M.  '49,  part-time  instructor;  Under- 
graduate religion:  Lewis  Wethington, 
B.D.  '47,  Ph.D.  '49,  assistant  professor; 
Zoology:  Joshua  Brown,  '48,  A.M.  '49, 
part-time  instructor. 

Divinity  School:  H.  Burned  Pannill, 
B.D.  '44,  assistant  in  philosophy  of  re- 
ligion; School  of  Medicine:  Leonard  Pa- 
lumbo,  '42,  M.D.  '44,  associate  in  ob- 
stetrics and  gynecology;  Robert  L.  Alter, 
M.D.  '38,  assistant  professor  of  obstetrics 
and  gynecology;  John  T.  King,  A.M.  '41, 
and  Dr.  Fred  Eastwood,  '41,  instructors  in 
pediatrics;  B.  A.  Wansker,  '45,  and 
Richard  Wren,  '43,  M.D.  '47,  instructors 
in  anatomy;  and  J.  Philip  Pickett,  '44, 
technical  instructor  in  pathology. 

Phillips  Brooks  Club  Holds  Monthly  Meets 

For  20  years,  ministers  of  all  denom- 
inations from  an  area  of  more  than  50 
miles  have  been  meeting  at  Duke  once  a 
month  for  informal  seminars,  designed  to 
establish  a  bond  between  the  University 
and  ministers  of  the  community. 

Out  of  a  small  meeting  of  Durham  min- 
isters at  the  University  in  1931,  for  an 
informal  literary  discussion,  grew  the 
Phillips  Brooks  Club,  conceived  by  Dr. 
Frank  S.  Hickman  of  the  Methodist  in- 
spired Duke  Divinity  School,  and  named 
by  Dr.  W.  R.  Cullon,  Baptist  professor 
of  Bible  at  Wake  Forest  College,  after 
Phillips  Brooks,  an  Episcopalian  who  had 
sponsored  a  similar  meeting  of  ministers 
for  intellectual  stimulation  and  Christian 
fellowship  in  Boston. 

Sponsored  by  the  Duke  Divinity  School 
as  an  informal  seminar,  the  Club  elects 
its  own  officers  from  among  the  denomi- 
nations represented  in  its  membership. 
There  are  no  dues,  but  an  offering  is  taken 
to  defray  incidental  expenses.  All  minis- 
ters are  cordially  invited  to  attend. 

The  Club  meets  at  the  Duke  Divinity 
School  on  the  Monday  morning  following 
the  third  Sunday  of  each  month  from 
October  through  May.  Two  hour  periods, 
10:30  to  11:20  and  11:30  to  12:20,  are 
devoted  to  lectures  and  discussions  on 
various  topics,  theological  and  otherwise. 
The  programs  are  planned  jointly  by  the 
officers  of  the  Club  and  a  committee  of 
the  Divinity  School  faculty. 

Three  sets  of  lectures  have  been  sched- 
uled for  the  year  to  be  presented  by  three 
Duke  faculty  members :  Dr.  Frank  S. 
Hickman,  professor  of  psychology  of  re- 
ligion; Dr.  H.  Shelton  Smith,  professor 
of  American  religious  thought;  and  Dr. 
Robert    E.    Cushman,    professor    of    sys- 

tematic theology.  Psychology  of  religion 
will  be  represented  by  Dr.  Hickman's 
series  entitled  "The  New  Psychology  and 
Religious  Experience."  Theological  crit- 
icism and  construction  are  dealt  with  in 
Dr.  Smith's  series  of  four  lectures  on 
"Focal  Points  in  Ecumenical  Faith"  and 
Dr.  Cushman's  two  lectures  on  "The  Per- 
son of  Christ  in  the  New  Testament." 

The  first  meeting  of  the  Club  this  year 
was  held  in  October.  For  the  rest  of  the 
year,  the  schedule  is  as  follows: 

December  17. 

1.  "The  Instincts  and  the  Religious  Life" 
— Dr.  Hickman. 

2.  "The  One  Household  of  God"— Dr. 


January  21. 

1.  "The    Religious    Consciousness    and 
Experience" — Dr.  Hickman. 

2.  "The  Kingdom  of  God"— Dr.  Smith. 
February  18. 

1.  "The     Consciousness     of     Sin" — Dr. 

2.  Program  to  be  announced. 
March  17. 

1.  "Psychological    Conception    of    Con- 
version"— Dr.  Hickman. 

2.  Program  to  be  announced. 
April  21. 

1.  "Peace  and  Power  in  Religious  Ex- 
perience"— Dr.  Hickman. 

2.  "The  New  Testament  and  the  Person 
of  Christ" — Dr.  Cushman. 

May  19. 

1.  "The  New  Psychology  and  Christian- 
ity"— Dr.  Hickman. 

2.  "Christ  According  to  the  Flesh  and 
the  Spirit" — Dr.  Cushman. 

[ Page  282  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 


Charles  Stearns  Wheeler  :  A 
Friend  of  Emerson 

by  John  0.  Eidson,  Ph.D.  '41.  Univer- 
sity of  Georgia  Press. 
John  0.  Eidson,  Ph.D.  '41,  professor  of 
English  at  the  University  of  Georgia  and 
editor  of  the  Georgia  Review,  has  recently 
completed  a  biography  of  a  little-known 
American  who  played  a  significant  role  in 
the  career  of  Ralph  Waldo  Emerson. 

The  biography  is  based  largely  on  the 
manuscript  journal  and  letters  of  Charles 
Wheeler,  a  young  transcendentalist  who 
fell  under  Emerson's  spell  in  the  1830's, 
became  a  devoted  disciple,  and  worked 
closely  with  him  on  important  editorial 
and  scholarly  projects.  Two  appendices 
describe  Wheeler's  published  and  unpub- 
lished writings. 

Dr.  Eidson  has  dedicated  bis  new  book 
to  the  late  Dr.  James  A.  Chiles  of  Wofford 
College,  Spartanburg,  S.  C.  He  holds 
degrees  from  Wofford,  Vanderbilt  and 
Duke.  A  native  of  South  Carolina,  Dr. 
Eidson  has  also  written  a  volume  entitled 
Tennyson  in  America. 

The  Economy  of  Turkey 

Dr.  B.  U.  Ratehford,  chief  editor.  In- 
ternational Bank  for  Reconstruction  and 

Dr.  B.  U.  Ratehford,  Duke  professor  of 
economics,  is  chief  editor  of  a  book  on 
The  Economy  of  Turkey  published  in 
Washington,  D.  C,  by  the  International 
Bank  for  Reconstruction  and  Develop- 
ment. He  was  given  a  leave  of  absence 
last  fall  to  complete  work  on  it. 

The  book,  which  has  been  translated  into 
Turkish  and  presented  to  the  government 
of  Turkey,  recommends  improvements  in 
Turkey's  development  and  investment  pro- 
grams based  on  a  compilation  of  reports 
on  agriculture,  industry,  transportation, 
public  administration  and  other  fields. 

A  14-man  mission,  including  Dr.  Rateh- 
ford, deputy-chief  and  chief  economist, 
last  year  made  a  co-ordinated  survey  of 
economic  conditions  in  Turkey  under  the 
joint  sponsorship  of  the  World  Bank 
and  the  Turkish  government.  Recommen- 
dations were  made  after  an  analysis  of 
the  country's  historical  background  and 
a  study  of  its  economic  development  dur- 
ing the  last  30  years  were  completed. 

Assistant  editors  are  Professor  William 
H.  Nicholls,  Vanderbilt  University;  Dr. 
Murray  Ross,  senior  economist  of  the  In- 

ternational Bank ;  and  Robert  W.  Kerwin, 
fellow  of  the  Middle  East  Institute. 

Through  Eight  Decades 

by  Marion  Timothy  Plyler,  '92,  D.D.  '37. 

The  Seeman  Printery,  Incorporated. 

Dr.  Marion  Timothy  Plyler,  '92,  mem- 
ber of  the  North  Carolina  Conference  and 
former  editor  of  the  N.  C.  Christian  Ad- 
vocate, has  written  a  book  especially  dedi- 
cated to  his  seven  children  and  nine  grand- 
children. Through  Eight  Decades  As  Min- 
ister, Editor,  Author  is  a  collection  of 
essays  by  Dr.  Plyler  about  various  high- 
lights of  his  life,  and  it  includes  a  number 
of  speeches  and  papers  he  has  written 
during  his  lifetime  that  were  especially 
appropriate  for  inclusion  in  this  book. 

The  seven  chapters  of  the  book  encom- 
pass Struggles  of  Early  Years,  New  Op- 
portunities Develop,  Productive  Period  of 
My  Ministry,  Becomes  Editor  of  the 
Church  Paper,  An  Estimate  of  Will 
Rogers,  Expanding  Horizons,  Busy  for 
More  than  Half  a  Century,  an  appendix 
containing  information  about  genealogical 
lines  of  his  family  and  the  family  of  Mrs. 
Plyler,  and  a  second  appendix  written 
by  Mrs.  Plyler. 

Though  directed  especially  toward  mem- 
bers of  the  Plyler  family,  this  little  book, 
printed  by  the  Seeman  Printery,  Incor- 
porated, Durham,  contains  much  of  in- 
terest to  those  who  would  learn  more  of 
post  Civil  War  North  Carolina,  of  the 
Methodist  Ministry  in  North  Carolina,  of 
the  early  days  of  Trinity  College,  and  of 
Dr.  Plyler  himself. 

The  Rose  Bowl  Game 

by  Rube  Samuelson.  Double  day  <&  Com- 

Followers  of  Duke  football  and,  in  par- 
ticular, friends  and  admirers  of  Wallace 
Wade,  will  find  this  book  by  a  West  Coast 
sports  writer  one  of  the  most  highly  read- 
able football  chronicles  of  a  decade  or 

Mr.  Samuelson,  an  intimate  of  that 
granddaddy  of  all  post-season  gridiron 
classics,  the  Tournament  of  Roses,  has 
produced  a  book  that  purports  to  be  the 
"inside"  story.  And  it  is  pretty  much 
just  that.  He  traces  events  leading  to, 
circumstances  surrounding,  and  the  after- 
math of  every  Rose  Bowl  game  from 
Michigan's  clash  with  Stanford  in  1902  to 
the  California-Michigan  tussle  on  Jan.  1, 
1951.  The  key  plays  of  each  game  are 
competently  and  excitingly  described, 
with  the  influence  of  personalities  involved 
duly  recorded. 
Not  in  the  least  neglected  are  the  trials, 

tribulations,  triumphs,  and  poKtics  of  the 
Bowl  itself,  and  herein  lie  a  number  of 

first-told  tales. 

Duke  readers  will  be  particularly  en- 
ticed by  the  accounts  of  Duke's  two  ap- 
pearances in  the  Rose  Bowl — once  in 
Pasadena  on  Jan.  1,  1939,  and  again  in 
Durham,  in  the  transplanted  version,  in 
January  of  1942.  Wallace  Wade,  gen- 
erally credited  with  bringing  football 
fame  and  fortune  to  the  South,  appears 
almost  as  a  thread  upon  which  the  story 
hangs.  After  his  initial  appearance  as 
a  guard  in  the  Brown  line  in  1916  (Brown 
14 — Washington  State  0),  he  returns  to 
the  story  a  total  of  five  times  as  a  coach — 
three  times  with  Alabama  and  twice  with 
Duke.  Outstanding  is  the  recital  of  the 
meticulous  conduct  of  Wade-coached  teams 
and  their  staffs,  before,  after,  and  during 
games  both  won  and  lost. 

No  alumnus  can  fail  to  enjoy  a  glow  of 
pride  in  his  Alma  Mater  and  its  men 
when  this  book  is  read,  and  it  is  recom- 
mended for  football  enthusiasts  every- 

Military  Training  in  School 
Suggested  by  Dr.  Bolmeier 

A  recent  issue  of  the  journal  "Educa- 
tional Forum"  contains  a  plea  by  Dr. 
E.  C.  Bolmeier,  Duke  education  depart- 
ment member,  for  the  utilization  of  pub- 
lic schools  as  an  important  link  in  the 
system  of  universal  military  training. 

Dr.  Bolmeier  believes  that  the  simpler 
aspects  of  UMT,  such  as  good  health  hab- 
its, respect  for  law  and  order  and  na- 
tional loyalty,  could  well  be  taught  in 
elementary  schools  with  an  orientation 
toward  preparedness,  and  that  high 
school  R.O.T.C.  programs  could  be  ex- 
tended to  include  many  more  secondary 
schools  than  the  very  few  now  including 
this  activity  in  their  schedules. 

"The  machinery  for  providing  univer- 
sal training  already  exists,"  he  writes. 
"It  is  the  public  school  system.  If 
schools  would  get  into  high  gear  for 
the  task  of  developing  strong  bodies,  civic 
attitudes,  national  loyalty  and  service 
competency,  our  national  security  would 
be  greatly  strengthened." 

Bringing  the  girls  into  the  picture,  the 
educator  asserts  that  they  should  not  be 
excluded  from  high  school  military  train- 
ing. "Although  girls  would  not  be  trained 
with  rifles,  they  should  be  given  training 
in  physical  conditioning.  .  .  .  Girls 
would  also  profit  by  the  development  of 
group  discipline." 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

[  Page  283  ] 

Blue  Devils  Approach  Final  Game  With 

Duke's  young,  eager,  and  sometimes 
overly  generous  Blue  Devils  have  arrived 
on  the  eve  of  the  climactic  struggle  with 
Carolina's  Tarheels  with  a  creditable — and 
in  most  quarters  satisfactory — 50-50  rec- 
ord. Four  games  have  been  won,  four 
lost,  and  one  tied. 

The  tie,  coming  against  Georgia  Tech's 
unbeaten  Yellow  Jackets  in  Atlanta, 
represented  the  team's  best  game  to  date. 
Tech  was,  and  is,  ranked  as  the  No.  5 
team  in  the  nation.  Although  "moral" 
victories  sometimes  have  the  sting  of  con- 
solation prizes,  this  one  was  particularly 
sweet.  Against  a  potent  and  traditional 
rival,  the  Blue  Devils  played  nearly  flaw- 
less ball  and  demonstrated  potentialities 
that  will  be  realized  more  fully  within 
the  next  couple  of  years. 

Victories  have  been  won  over  South 
Carolina  (34-6),  Pittsburgh  (19-14),  N.  C. 
State  (27-21),  and  V.P.I.  (55-6). 

Losses  were  to  Tennessee's  powerful 
Volunteers  (0-26),  Virginia's  Homecom- 
ing invaders  (7-30),  Wake  Forest  (13- 
19),  and  William  and  Mary  (13-14). 

A  charitable  inclination  toward  oppo- 
nents contributed  to  each  of  the  defeats, 
with  the  Blue  Devil's  thoughtfully  fum- 
bling or  tossing  misdirected  passes  to  set 
up  opponent's  scores  or  to  thwart  their 
own  opportunities.  Fumbling,  in  particu- 
lar, has  plagued  the  Devils  throughout 
the  season.  Heads-up  rivals  have  been 
pouncing  on  Duke  bobbles  like  Junior 
hitting  a  gaily  wrapped  package  on 
Christmas  morning. 

These  fumbles,  however,  while  regret- 
table, are  understandable  and  forgivable. 
Youth,  inexperience,  and  a  new  and  diffi- 
cult formation  thrown  against  wiser  op- 
ponents will  frequently  prove  discretion 
superior  to  valor.  But  from  the  specta- 
tor's standpoint,  let  it  be  said  that  this 
team  of  young  upstarts  has  provided  a 
minimum  of  dull  moments.  And,  curiously 
enough,  miscues  in  every  losing  game  have 
been  pretty  well  confined  to  but  one  of  the 
two  regulation  halves. 

Against  every  team  but  Tennessee,  the 
Blue  Devils  have  outscored  their  rivals  in 
at  least  one  half  of  the  game.  They  led 
Virginia  7-0  at  halftime,  scored  13  points 
to  Wake  Forest's  none  in  the  second  half, 
and  achieved  the  same  feat  against  Wil- 
liam and  Mary.  In  the  latter  pair  of 
contests  they  also  emerged  with  the  edge 
in  statistical  calculations. 

Sure  enough,  it  takes  two  halves  to 
make  a  whole,  but  this  is  a  year  of  look- 
ing ahead.     The  promises  are  what  count. 

Virginia  30-Duke  7 

Ironically,  Coach  Murray's  charges  gave 
their  most  dismal  performance  of  the  sea- 
son before  a  Homecoming  crowd  of  some 
30,000.  Virginia's  woefully  underrated 
Cavaliers,  slaughtered  in  effigy  all  over  the 
campus  in  Homecoming  decorations,  rose 
up  like  insulted  Goliaths  and  bulldozed 
through  a  baffled  Duke  defense  in  a  wild 
and  woolly  second  half. 

The  Devils  invaded  Virginia  territory 
no  less  than  six  times  in  the  first  half 
before  freshman  Charlie  Niven  climaxed 
a  39-yard  drive  by  scooting  over  from  the 
one.  The  score  came  with  less  than  two 
minutes  remaining  in  the  second  quarter. 

Virginia's  spirit  was  miraculously  re- 
vived just  before  the  end  of  the  third 
quarter,  when  halfback  Charlie  Smith 
scrambled  back  into  his  own  end  zone  to 
recover  a  wild  pitch-out.  Before  he  could 
recross  the  goal  line,  Virginia's  Paul 
Phipps  and  Tom  Berry  downed  him  for  a 
2-point  safety.  Trailing  2  to  7  at  the 
beginning  of  the  fourth  quarter,  the  Cava- 
liers went  touchdown  crazy.  A  60-yard 
drive  ended  with  Ashwell  plunging  over 
from  the  two.  The  conversion  was  good 
and  Virginia  led  9-7. 

On  the  next  kick-off  halfback  Piney 
Fields  was  snowed  under  by  three  burly 
Cavaliers  on  his  own  18.  The  ball  was 
knocked  out  of  his  arms  and  reclaimed 
by  Virginia.  Four  plays  later  Furst 
went  over  from  the  two  to  make  it  Vir- 
ginia 16,  Duke  still  7. 

The  next  Virginia  score  came  when 
Knowles  intercepted  a  Barger  pass  on  the 
50.  Eight  plays  later  Barkly  passed  to 
Scott  for  Virginia's  third  touchdown.  The 
fourth  marker  came  when  Scott  inter- 
cepted a  Duke  pass  by  Sam  Eberdt  and 
scampered  15  yards  to  paydirt.  All  Vir- 
ginia points  were  scored  in  approximately 
10  minutes  of  the  game. 

Duke  14-Georgia  Tech  14 

An  inspired  and  fighting  band  of  Blue 
Devils  invaded  Atlanta's  Grant  Field  for 
their  finest  performance  of  the  year. 
Duke  entered  the  game  a  two-touchdown 
underdog  against  the  5th  ranking  Yellow 

Standouts  in  the  game  were  freshman 
halfback  Worth  Lutz,  who  played  nearly 
60  minutes  of  ball  and  who  scored  one 
touchdown  and  passed  for  the  other;  full- 
back Jack  Kistler;  guard  Bobby  Burrows 
and  tackle  Ed  Meadows,  who  played  like 
they  belonged  in  Tech's  backfield.  Mead- 
ows, from  Oxford,  N.  C,  has  been  one  of 

the  line  standouts  all  year  and  is  bidding 
to  become  one  of  Duke's  greatest  all-time 

Safetyman  George  Grune  intercepted  a 
Tech  pass  by  Crawford  and  raced  to  the 
Tech  11  before  being  dropped.  The  very 
next  play  Lutz  hurled  the  ball  into  the 
waiting  arms  of  end  Blaine  Earon  for  the 
score.  Ray  Green  converted  and  Duke 
led  7-0  at  halftime. 

Tech  took  the  kick-off  to  start  the  sec- 
ond half  and  held  on  to  the  ball  until 
Crawford  bowled  over  from  the  one  to 
tie  the  score,  with  Rodgers'  conversion. 
A  few  minutes  later  it  looked  like  another 
rout  when  Tech's  Wheat  sifted  through 
the  line  to  block  a  punt  by  left-footed 
Red  Smith,  grab  the  ball,  and  race  for 
another  six-pointer.  A  good  conversion 
made  the  score  Tech  14-Duke  7. 

Kistler  and  Lutz  teamed  up,  however, 
to  drive  and  pass  the  ball  back  into  scor- 
ing territory  for  the  Devils.  Tech  took 
over  when  the  drive  petered  out,  but  alert 
Dudley  Hager  intercepted  a  second  Tech 
pass.  Kistler  ran,  Lutz  passed,  and  hard- 
driving  Red  Smith  hit  the  line  to  the  one. 
From  there  Lutz  took  it  over.  Green 
calmly  converted  to  tie  the  score.  Tech 
was  effectively  repulsed  by  some  fine  line 
play  and  scrappy  safety  man  George 
Grune  for  the  balance  of  the  final  quarter. 

Wake  Forest  19-Duke  13 

This  was  one  the  Devils  wanted  badly. 
A  disastrous  second  quarter,  however, 
gave  Wake  its  fourth  victory  in  as  many 
years.  The  victory  gave  a  Wake  a  clean 
sweep  of  the  Big  Four  league,  since  it 
had  previously  defeated  State  and  Caro- 

A  scoreless  first  quarter  saw  both  teams 
sparring  cautiously  for  an  opening,  but 
in  the  second  quarter  Wake  Forest  seared 
Duke  supporters  into  anticipating  a  rout 
worse  than  the  one  witnessed  at  Home- 

Wake  began  its  first  scoring  drive  from 
its  own  40  at  the  beginning  of  the  second 
frame,  a  drive  climaxed  about  three  min- 
utes later  when  slingshot  artist  Dicky 
Davis  rifled  the  ball  over  the  goal  line 
from  18  yards  out  to  end  Bob  Ondilla. 
The  conversion  was  good  and  Wake  led 

Two  Duke  fumbles  set  up  two  more 
Wake  scores  in  rapid  succession.  Wake 
recovered  the  first  on  Duke's  30  and  the 
second  on  the  32.  Hard-hitting  fullback 
Bill  Miller,  whom  Dukesters  will  be  happy 
to  see  run  out  his  eligibility,  rammed  over 

[  Page  284  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

50-50  Record 

both  times  from  the  one-yard  line  to 
climax  the  two  short  drives. 

But  the  Devils  came  out  for  the  second 
half,  trailing  19-0,  like  a  team  that  had 
just  discovered  it  could  play  ball. 

Duke's  first  score  came  when  the  third 
quarter  was  five  minutes  old.  Covering 
68  yards  in  10  plays,  with  Red  Smith's 
21-yard  dash  to  the  11  the  highpoint  of 
the  drive,  Duke  hit  pay  dirt  when  Lutz's 
pass  to  Red  was  caught  in  the  end  zone. 
The  second  touchdown  came  at  the  end 
of  an  84-yard  drive.  Red  Smith  got  off 
another  21-yard  gallop  from  the  vicinity 
of  the  Duke  20.  Lutz  fumbled  a  pitch- 
out,  scooped  the  ball  up  deep  behind  the 
line,  reversed  his  field,  and  raced  for  23 
yards  behind  a  beautiful  block  by  Tank 
Lawrence.  In  two  more  plays  Smith  and 
Kistler  took  the  ball  to  Wake's  two  and 
Barger  sneaked  over  from  quarterback 
on  fourth  down.  The  conversion  was 
missed  and  Duke  trailed  13-19. 

The  Devils  stormed  back  and  were 
threatening  again  in  the  closing  minutes, 
but  an  intercepted  pass  killed  the  chance 
for  victory.  In  the  second  half  Wake 
Forest  registered  but  one  first  down 
against  a  suddenly  stingy  defense. 

William  and  Mary  14-Duke  13 

Fans  who  journeyed  to  Williamsburg 
to  view  a  game  rated  as  a  toss  up  came 
away  marvelling  at  the  consistency  with 
which  Devils  seemed  to  grant  their  op- 
ponents a  winning  margin  in  the  first  half 
only  to  storm  back  in  the  second  to  miss 
victory  by  a  hair. 

Against  William  and  Mary's  rejuve- 
nated Indians,  who  had  won  five  straight 
against  major  opposition  after  a  slow 
start,  Coach  Murray  uncorked  a  junior 
halfback  named  Lloyd  Caudle.  Caudle 
had  played  only  briefly  in  one  game, 
.against  South  Carolina,  previously,  but 
this  particular  Saturday  he  ran  like  a 
mad  bull  and  all  but  saved  the  day  for 
the  fighting  Devils. 

W&M  scored  after  four  minutes  of  the 
first  quarter  when  the  Indians  quarter- 
back Lewis  threw  a  pass  to  Ed  Weber, 
who  trotted  17  yards  to  score.  The  try 
for  the  extra  point  was  good,  and  it  pro- 
vided the  winning  margin.  A  young  fel- 
low named  "Hadacol"  Hines  did  the 

In  the  second  period  Indian  halfback 
Tommy  Roller  broke  around  end  on  a 
naked  reverse  for  an  80-yard  dash  to  the 
Duke  goal  and  Hines  booted  another 
extra  point. 

Fullback  Byrd  Looper  (11)  finds  a  nice  hole  around  end  as  he  goes  for  yardage 
against  Virginia.  Looking  blocking  assignments  are  end  Bill  Keziah  (86)  and  Charlie 
Niven  (10). 

The  second  half,  again,  was  all  Duke. 
Coach  Murray  found  his  first  string  backs 
sidelined  with  injuries  early  in  the  third 
quarter.  Caudle  was  inserted  into  the 
line  up  and  he  proceeded  to  take  charge. 
With  the  ball  on  Duke's  48,  the  Raleigh, 
N.  C,  youngster  took  the  ball  on  a  double 
reverse  to  the  W&M  39.  Barger,  trying 
to  pass,  had  to  run  instead,  and  he  got 
to  the  29.  A  pass  by  Barger  and  two 
line  plunges  by  Caudle  accounted  for 
Duke's  first  tally.  Green  kicked  the  extra 

The  second  Duke  drive  started  in  the 
third  quarter  and  extended  into  the 
fourth.  It  was  for  70  yards  with  Caudle 
accounting  for  35  of  them.  The  score 
came  with  Barger  inching  over  from  the 
two.  Ray  Green,  a  highly  dependable 
place-kicker,  slammed  his  helmet  to  the 
ground  in  disgust  when  he  missed  the 
conversion  and  failed  to  tie  the  score. 

Caudle,  however,  wasn't  through.  John 
Carey  intercepted  a  W&M  pass  on  the 
Indians'  40  after  it  had  been  deflected  by 
end  and  captain,  Jim  Gibson.  Caudle 
teamed  with  Barger,  Red  Smith,  and 
Kistler  to  put  the  ball  on  the  eight.  A 
key  play  was  end  Howard  Pitts  catch  of 
a  Barger  pass.  The  Raleigh  substitute, 
however,  who  had  played  flawless  ball  un- 
til that  point,  got  into  the  fumbling  act 
and  lost  the  ball  on  the  four.  Duke  made 
one  more  threat,  but  a  Lutz  pass  inter- 
cepted on  the  five  ended  it,  and  Duke 
bowed,  14-13. 

And  then  Carolina 

This  issue  of  the  Register  must  go  to 
press  before  the  Carolina  game  on  Novem- 
ber 24.  By  the  time  it  reaches  readers, 
however,  the  result  of  this  contest  will  be 

Duke  is  expected  to  enter  the  game  in 
the  favorite's  role.  The  Tarheels,  facing 
some  mighty  tough  opposition  this  year, 

have  won  but  two  games.  For  Duke  a 
victory  will  mean  tipping  the  season's 
record  toward  more  victories  than  defeats. 
It  will  mean  that  first-year  Coach  Bill 
Murray  has  given  his  fans  a  season  better 
than  just  good. 

So,  as  usual,  the  crucial  contest  comes 
up  with  a  lot  at  stake  for  both  teams. 
It  should  be  a  whizzer  of  a  game,  wasn't 

Late  flash 

Duke's  fired-up  Blue  Devils  scored  in 
the  first,  third,  and  fourth  quarters  to 
down  North  Carolina's  Tarheels  by  a  score 
of  19  to  7  to  finish  the  season  with  a 
record  of  five  wins,  four  losses,  and  a  tie. 

The  Duke-Carolina  game,  played  before 
50,000  yelling  fans  under  gray  and  threat- 
ening skies,  was  everything  that  this  tra- 
ditional contest  is  annually  expected  to 
be.  It  was  hard-fought  and  featured 
some  savage  line  play,  with  junior  guard, 
Carson  Leach,  winning  acclaim  for  his 
performance  as  the  "fifth  man  in  Caro- 
lina's backfield." 

Duke's  first  score  came  in  the  first 
quarter  after  Red  Smith  ran  39  yards 
around  end  to  the  Carolina  one  and  then 
slammed  over  on  the  next  play.  The 
score  was  6-0  at  halftime.  Carolina,  how- 
ever, took  the  lead  early  in  the  third  pe- 
riod on  a  pass  play,  Gravitte  to  Wallace, 
and  a  good  conversion  by  Williams.  The 
Devils,  however,  roared  back  on  the  kick- 
off  and  a  series  of  runs  put  the  ball  on 
the  one  again,  from  which  spot  Jerry 
Barger  plunged  over.  The  final  score 
came  in  the  final  quarter.  Duke  took  over 
on  downs  on  their  own  32  and  began  a 
drive  that  ended  when  Piney  Field  skirted 
end  from  six  yards  out  to  score  standing 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

[  Page  285  ] 

ft       ft      SONS  AND  DAUGHTERS  OF  DUKE  ALUMNI       ft      ft 

1.  Janet  Caudili*.  Terry  Caudill.  Lucy  Caudill.  Eleanor  Anne 
Campbell  Caudill,  '43.  Carrel  Mayo  Caudill,  '42,  M.D.,  '45.  Min- 
neapolis, Minn. 

2.  Katherine  Anne  Hubbell.  Barbara  Baynard  Hubbell,  '47.  David 
S.  Hubbell,  '43,  M.D.,  '46.  Hamden,  Conn.  Dr.  J.  B.  Hubbell. 

3.  Richard  Summer  Merrill,  Jr.  Ivy  Baldwin  Merrill  (Mrs.  R.  S.), 
'48.     Westfield,   N.  J. 

4.  Mrs.  R.  Carlyle  Groome.  Malcolm  Gkoome.  R.  Carlyle  Groome, 
Jr.      Capt.  R.   Carlyle  Groome,   '44.      Oceanside.  Calif. 

5.  Thomas  Anthony  Dolson,  Jr.     Thomas  A.  Dolson,  '45.     Rochester, 
N.  Y. 

6.  Blair  Allen  Keagy.     Dale  Robert  Keagy.     C.  William  Keagy,  '41. 
Altoona,   Pa. 

7.  Katherine  E.  Newens. 

8.  Richard  Scott  Newens,  Jr.     Dorris  Harrison  Newens,  '39.     Capt. 
Richard    S.    Newens,   '38.      Fort    Benning,    Georgia. 

[  Page  286  ] 

DUKE  ALTJMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 


Charlotte  Corbin,  '35,  Editor 


October,  1951 

William  F.  Dudley,  '37,  Vineland,  N.  J. 
Lt.  Marion  L.  Long,  '46,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 
Kate  Lee  Harris  Adams   (Mrs.  Robert  C), 

'41,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 
W.  Albert  Stanbury,  '31,  A.M.  '32,  Ph.D.  '38, 

New  York,  N.  Y. 
Ken  G.  Gould,  Jr.,  '50,  Durham,  N.  C. 
Capt.    Thomas   D.    Donegan,    A.M.    '51,   Ft. 

Jackson,  S.  C. 
Ietje  van  Dobbenburgh,  B.S.  '51,  Enka,  N.  C. 
Ensign  H.  A.   Orr,  Jr.,  U.S.N.,  '51,  Green- 
ville, S.  C. 
Anne    Hillman    Luper     (Mrs.    R.    E.),    '45, 

Fayetteville,  N.  C. 
W.  Richard  Kelly,  '51,  Asheboro,  N.  C. 
Gordon  O.  Seeberg,  '39,  Chicago,  111. 
Mary  Fae  Finter  Ensslin  (Mrs.  Robert  E.), 

'50,  Lawton,  Okla. 
Betty  Brooks   Ballin    (Mrs.   John   L.),   '47, 

Upper  Montelair,  N.  J. 
Jeanne  Moreton  Kernodle  (Mrs.  W.  H.),  '39, 

Cincinnati,  Ohio 
William  H.  Kernodle,  '40,  Cincinnati,  Ohio 
Tom  C.  Shuler,  B.S.M.E.  '47,  Dayton,  Ohio 
Agnes   Long   Whiteside    (Mrs.   R.   E.),   '45, 

Jacksonville,  N.  C. 
Beverly  M.   Streeter   Sebold    (Mrs.   G.   K.), 

'44,  Madison,  N.  J. 
Lt.   Sidney   H.   Bragg,   B.S.E.E.   '49,   Camp 

Kilmer,  N.  J. 
Madge  Slaughter  Vaughan    (Mrs.  Earl  J.), 

'50,  Orlando,  Fla. 
Earl  J.  Vaughan,  '49,  Orlando,  Fla. 
Noble  S.  Willis,  '37,  Shreveport,  La. 
Marie  Coma  Heller   (Mrs.  George  H.),  '42, 

Glen  Olden,  Pa. 
George  H.  Heller,  '43,  Glen  Olden,  Pa. 
Emily  J.  White,  '50,  Elizabeth  City,  N.  C. 
Stuart  F.  Miller,  '35,  Chatham,  N.  J. 
Leslie  C.  Bell,  '51,  Scarsdale,  N.  Y. 
Robert  D.  Johnstone,  '44,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
Mildred    Gerlach    Marueci    (Mrs.    Washing- 
ton), '42,  Spring  Lake,  N.  J. 
Frederick   W.    Harwood,    '48,   Longmeadow, 

Robert  W.  Goodwin,  '36,  Norway,  Maine. 
Wm.    V.    Westmoreland,    Jr.,    B.S.C.E.    '51, 

Goldsboro,  N.  C. 
Sidney     L.     Gulledge,     Jr.,     B.S.M.E.,     '43, 

Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 
M.  Bailey  Gulledge,  '45,  Albemarle,  N.  C. 
Elbert  L.  Wade,  '48,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 
Fred  Knight,  '49,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
W.  Jasper  Smith,  '23,  Bethel,  N.  C. 
Fred  W.  Greene,  '24,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Ben  H.  Hackney,  Jr.,  '51,  Lucama,  N.  C. 
P.  J.  Thomas,  Jr.,  '50,  Salem,  Va. 
Virginia  Grainger  Bowman  (Mrs.  T.  E.,  Jr.), 

'38,  Harrisburg,  Pa. 
Dr.    Thomas   E.   Bowman,   Jr.,   '38,   Harris- 
burg, Pa. 
James  S.  Bowman,  '40,  Harrisburg,  Pa. 

Allen    B.    Cammaek,    Jr.,    '48,    Burlington, 

N.  C. 
Frank  L.  Greathouse,  '41,  Goldsboro,  N.  C. 
Lee  F.  Davis,  '30,  LL.B.  '32,  Richmond,  Va. 
Neal  W.   McGuire,  B.S.M.E.  '48,  Charlotte, 

N.  C. 
Joe  K.  Matheson,  '28,  Hickory,  N.  C. 
Ralph  S.  Pitts,  '30,  Morganton,  N.  C. 
James  H.  Register,  '28,  Clinton,  N.  C. 
Sidney    L.    Gulledge,    Sr.,    '15,    Albemarle, 

N.  C. 
Charles  B.   Markham,  Jr.,  '45,  Washington, 

D.  C. 
Dwight  M.  Irwin,  '50,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
William  J.  Taylor,  '50,  Warsaw,  N.  C. 
Mark  W.  Lawrence,  '25,  B.D.  '30,  Kinston, 

N.  C. 
C.  A.  McKeel,  '28,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Thomas   E.   Braswell,  Jr.,   '42,  Washington, 

D.  C. 
E.  Grant  Marlow,  B.S.  '49,  M.F.  '50,  Greens- 
boro, N.  C. 
A.  J.  Brower,  Jr.,  '47,  Darlington,  S.  C. 
Ottis  L.  Green,  '97,  Asheville,  N.  C. 
Jim  Latham,  '41,  LL.B.  '42,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
Imogene  Barrett  Barden   (Mrs.  J.  G.),  '24, 

Boone,  N.  C. 
Johnnie  D.  Aycock,  B.D.  '48,  Scotland  Neck, 

N.  C. 
Murray  H.  Owen,  '40,  Baltimore,  Md. 
Louise  Van  Hagan  Wenrich    (Mrs.  C.   D.), 

'41,  Chatham,  N.  J. 
Charles  D.  Wenrich,  '37,  Chatham,  N.  J. 
Elizabeth    Churchill    Underwood    (Mrs.    W. 

A.),  '27,  Asheboro,  N.  C. 
Annie     Louise     Steele     Redding     (Mrs.     T. 

Henry),  '38,  Asheboro,  N.  C. 
Harvey  B.  Craven,  '96,  Lakeland,  Fla. 
Myrlon  L.  Gatling,  '47,  Rawlins,  Wyo. 
Samuel   F.   McMurray,   '46,  No.   Charleston, 

S.  C. 
Ann  Richardson  Winstead  (Mrs.  C.  C,  Jr.), 

'50,  Roxboro,  N.  C. 
George   E.   Spangler,   M.D.,   '18,   Humboldt, 

Sue  Ryon  Norris  (Mrs.  J.  E.,  Jr.),  '45,  Glen 

Burnie,  Md. 
John    E.    Norris,    Jr.,    B.S.M.E.    '45,    Glen 

Burnie,  Md. 
Lawrence  K.  Gessner,  '50,  Plainfield,  N.  J. 
Pauline  Ligon  Nease  (Mrs.  F.  R.),  '49,  Oak 

Ridge,  Tenn. 
Felton  R.  Nease,  G.  St.  '48-'50,  Oak  Ridge, 

William  Kerr,  '47,  Durham,  N.  C. 
George  B.  Ehlhardt,  B.D.  '46,  Brevard,  N.  C. 
Charles  W.   Hill,  B.S.M.E.   '43,  La  Grange, 

J.  Robert  Hottel,  B.S.E.E.  '43,  Albany,  N.  Y. 
James  H.  Walker,  '42,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
William   H.    Hammer,   '51,  Virginia   Beach, 


Carolyn  Cowsert  Hammer  (Mrs.  W.  H.),  '50, 

Virginia  Beach,  Va. 
Peggy    Walls    Booth    (Mrs.    Edward),    '42, 

Georgetown,  Del. 
Jack  W.  Bingaman,   '51,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
James  M.  Sloan,  Jr.,  '25,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 
Clarence  E.  Kefauver,  Jr.,  '43,  Washington, 

D.  C. 
E.    Steve    Stockslager,    Jr.,    B.S.M.E.    '45, 

Georgetown,  S.  C. 
Thomas  C.  Kirkman,  '22,  High  Point,  N.  C. 
"Tommy"   Thomas   Foreman    (Mrs.   R.   E.), 

'43,  Elizabeth  City,  N.  C. 
Lou  H.  Fracher,  '42,  Danville,  Va. 
James    A.    Wessinger,    '49,    Winston-Salem, 

N.  C. 
Henry  C.  Profenius,  '42,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Walter   N.    McDonald,    '44,   B.D.    '48,   New 

Bern,  N.  C. 
M.  Teague  Hipps,  '24,  Spencer,  N.  C. 
Ida     Greene     Hipps     (Mrs.     M.     T.),     '25, 

Spencer,  N.  C. 
John  D.  Minter,  '33,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
James  R.  Simpson,  '24,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Mattie   Spence    Simpson    (Mrs.   James   R.), 

'26,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Joan  Simpson  Jones  (Mrs.  Branson  C),  '50, 

Concord,  N.  C. 
Brooks  B.  Little,  '41,  Nashville,  Tenn. 
Robert  M.  Johnston,  Jr.,  '45,  Evanston,  111. 
Mary  Katheryne  Jordan,  '49,  Buenos  Aires, 

Daniel    M.    Williams,    Jr.,    '48,    LL.B.    '50, 

Camp  Pickett,  Va. 
Margaret  Taylor  Linton    (Mrs.  John),  '36, 

Richmond,  Va. 
Harriet    Morrison   Poole    (Mrs.   R.   Frank), 

'45,  Durham,  N.  C. 
William  W.  Cope,  '50,  Mocksville,  N.  C. 


Classes  having  reunions  at  Commencement, 
1952,  are  as  follows:  '02,  Golden  Anniver- 
sary; '21;  '22;  '23;  '24;  '27,  Silver  Anni- 
versary; '42,  Tenth  Year  Reunion;  '46;  '47; 
'48;  and  '50,  First  Reunion. 

'18  » 

President:  Dr.  Ralph  L.  Fisher 
Class  Agent:  Le  Roy  E.  Graham 
The  G.  C.  Murphy  Company,  the  firm  of 
which  PAUL  L.  SAMPLE  is  president,  re- 
cently completed  a  transaction  to  acquire 
the  71-store  chain  of  Morris  5  &  10  Cent  to 
$1  Stores,  Inc.,  which  has  stores  in  four 
states.  There  are  already  222  G.  C.  Murphy 
stores  in  12  different  states  and  the  District 
of  Columbia.  Mr.  Sample  has  been  elected 
chairman  of  the  board  of  the  Morris  Com- 
pany. Two  new  units  have  also  been  opened, 
making  a  total  of  295  Murphy  Company 

DUKE  ALTJMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

[  Page  287  ] 



Our  business  is  improving  your 
business.  We  offer  a  complete 
agency  organization  with  every 
service  you  need  .  .  .plus  nation- 
wide  facilities  through  our 
associate  offices  in  more  than 
30  major  markets.  Special 
attention  to  advertising  accounts 
of  Duke  people  and  their  busi- 
ness associates. 

-W-g-  M.OISG,  *35,  President 

Principal  Services 



•"fln-  '    OoCion   o,   Sa.e, 
,,0Mo'rk<!t  Research  and  Survey..-- 
. . .  NVome'  "  Di.pioy.  ■  •  •     Exhibit.      --       .^dPaIHer,. 
-Aoto-lypW     Per.onol.xeo 

Recognition  /  R„,„_ 

/   Ke">mmendotion 
Agricullurai  pub,j,h 


Long   Building   •   28  North  Queen  Street 


York  11-554 

'25     > 

President:  Marshall  I.  Pickens 
Class  Agent:  Joseph  C.  Whisnant 
After  a  year  at  William  and  Mary,  EDITH 
HULIN  REED  (MRS.  HARVEY  G.),  her 
husband  and  their  daughters,  have  moved 
back  to  the  "West  Coast.  Their  address  is 
714  Josephine  Avenue,  Corcoran,  Calif., 
where  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Reed  are  both  teaching. 
Daughters  Ann  and  Mary  are  attending 
Lewis  and  Clark  in  Portland,  Oregon. 

'26  > 

President:  Edward  L.  Cannon 

Class  Agent:  John  P.  Prank 
ERASMUS  H.)    has  moved  to  3606  North 
Pershing  Drive,  Arlington,  Va. 

'28  » — 

President:  Robert  L.  Hatcher 
Class  Agent:  E.  Clarence  Tilley 
P.),  '28,  A.M.  '34,  is  finding  herself  a  busy 
person  these  days.  Besides  caring  for  her 
three  daughters,  Mary  Elliott,  15,  Marjorie, 
13,  and  Anne  Winslow,  10,  she  is  active  on 
the  School  Board,  Girl  Scouts,  P.T.A.,  and 
is  library  treasurer.  The  Brinns  live  at  19 
Front  Street,  Hertford,  N.  C. 

'30  »— 

President:  William  M.  Werber 
Class  Agent:  J.  Chisman  Hanes 
143  Narragansett  Avenue,  Newport,  R.  L,  is 
a  naval  officer  at  the  U.  S.  Naval  War  Col- 
lege. He  and  Mrs.  Tuttle  have  two  sons 
and  two  daughters. 

'35  » 

President:  Larry  E.  Bagwell 
Class  Agent:  James  L.  Newsom 
and  FRED  N.  CLEAVELAND,  '35,  A.M. 
'42,  are  living  at  508  Pritchard  Avenue, 
Chapel  Hill,  N.  C.  Fred,  who  received  his 
Ph.D.  degree  at  Princeton,  is  an  assistant 
professor  of  political  seience  at  the  Univer- 
sity of  North  Carolina. 

BURKE  DAVIS,  JR.,  recently  joined  the 
staff  of  the  Greensboro  Daily  News.  Pre- 
viously he  has  held  positions  with  the  Char- 
lotte News  and  the  Baltimore  Evening  Sun. 
He  has  also  written  two  novels,  "Whisper 
My  Name,"  and  "The  Ragged  Ones,"  and 
is  now  working  on  a  sequel  "Yorktown."  He 
and  Mrs.  Davis  have  two  children,  Angela, 
9,  and  Burke,  III,  5. 

'37  ■ 

President:   Dr.  Kenneth  A.  Podger 
Class  Agent:   William  F.  Womble 
JAMES  EDGAR  SCOTT,  JR.,  R.,  pastor  of 

the  Methodist  Church  at  Waverly,  Neb.,  and 

?PH  executive    secretary    of    the    Town-Country 
~^f  commission  of  the  Methodist  Church  in  Ne- 
braska, has  been  appointed  an  instructor  in 
rural  sociology  at  Nebraska  Wesleyan  Uni- 
versity.    He  and  Mrs.  Scott  are  the  parents 

of  two  children,  James  Edgar,  III,  12,  and 
Mary  Emma,  9. 

'38  a 

President:  Russell  Y.  Cooke 
Class  Agent:  William  M.  Courtney 
Before  being  recalled  to  active  duty  with 
the  Army  last  June,  CAPT.  RICHARD  S. 
NEWENS  was  assistant  zone  manager  for 
the  Hudson  Motor  Sales  Corporation  in 
Washington,  D.  C.  He  and  MRS.  NEWENS, 
the  former  DORRIS  HARRISON,  '39,  with 
their  two  children,  Katherine  Elaine,  21 
months  old,  and  Richard  Scott  Newens,  Jr., 
5  months  old,  whose  pictures  are  on  the 
Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this  month,  are 
living  at  45  Fort  Benning  Road  in  Colum- 
bus, Ga. 


President:   Edmund  S.  Swindell,  Jr. 

Class  Agent:  William  F.  Franck,  Jr. 
Mrs.  Baskerville  have  announced  the  birth 
of  a  son,  Robert  Dortch,  Jr.,  on  October  7. 
Their  home  is  in  Warrenton,  N.  C. 

'40  * 

President:  John  D.  MacLauchlan 
Class  Agent:  Addison  P.  Penfield 
EDWARD  L.  HENDERSON,  who  is  vice- 
president  and  treasurer  of  The  Business 
News  Publishing  Company  of  Detroit,  Michi- 
gan, was  made  general  manager  of  that  firm 
last  spring.  Ed  and  his  wife,  the  former 
HELEN  COCKRELL,  '38,  have  two  sons, 
Jimmy,  6,  and  Roger,  3,  and  a  daughter, 
Nancy  Jean,  who  was  born  on  the  eleventh 
of  last  February.  The  Hendersons  live  at 
1273  Stanley  Blvd.,  Birmingham,  Mich. 
RUFUS  C.  BOUTWELL,  JR.,  '40,  LL.B. 
'47,  has  been  promoted  to  the  rank  of  Cap- 
tain, U.S.A.F.  He  is  assigned  to  the  office 
of  the  staff  Judge  Advocate,  Headquarters 
Flying  Training  Air  Force,  Waco,  Tex. 
I.  S.  JACK  EUBANKS,  JR.,  who  is  office 
manager  of  the  Travelers  Insurance  Com- 
pany branch  office  in  Camden,  N.  J.,  is 
living  at  116  A  Wallworth  Park  Apartments, 
Haddonfield,  N.  J. 

BURNETT  N.  HULL  is  manager  of  the 
Cox-Carlton  Hotel,  683  Peachtree  Street, 
N.E.,  Atlanta,  Ga.  Mrs.  Hull  is  the  former 

J.  O.  TALLY,  JR.,  '40,  LL.B.  '42,  mayor  of 
Fayetteville,  N.  O,  has  recently  been  elected 
governor  of  the  Carolinas  District  of  Ki- 
wanis  International. 

The  wedding  of  IDA  LEANE  WARREN, 
A.M.,  and  Mr.  Alexander  Henry  Flax  was 
solemnized  at  Walter  Reed  Memorial  Chapel, 
Washington,  D.  O,  on  August  25.  Ida  has 
been  a  member  of  the  staff  of  the  Applied 
Physics  Laboratory  of  Johns  Hopkins  Uni- 
versity. Mr.  Flax,  an  alumnus  of  New  York 
University,  received  the  1950  Lawrence 
Sperry  Award  for  notable  contributions  to 
aeronautical  science  and  is  now  head  of  the 
aerodynamics  research  department  of  Cor- 
nell Aeronautical  Laboratory,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 
Following  their  wedding,  the  couple  left  by 

[  Page  288  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

plane  for  a  six-week  tour  of  Scotland,  Eng- 
land, France,  Switzerland,  and  Italy.  While 
in  England,  Mr.  Flax  delivered  a  paper  be- 
fore a  joint  session  of  the  American  Insti- 
tute of  Aeronautical  Sciences  and  the  Royal 
Aeronautical  Society  of  Great  Britain. 

'41  » 

President:  Andrew  L.  Ducker,  Jr. 

Class  Agents :  Julian  C.  Jessup,  Meader 
W.  Harriss,  Jr.,  Andrew  L.  Ducker,  Jr., 
J.  D.  Long,  Jr. 
C.  WILLIAM  KEAGY  has  two  sons,  Blair 
Allen,  7,  and  Dale  Eobert,  2,  whose  picture 
is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this 
month.  The  Keagys  live  at  2300  First  Street 
in  Altoona,  Pa. 

B.S.E.E.  '42,  are  living  at  17  Ben  Street, 
Greenville,  S.  O,  while  Warren  is  stationed 
at  Donaldson  Air  Force  Base. 
Announcement  has  been  received  of  the  mar- 
riage of  Miss  Lois  Mary  Juengel  to  MAJOR 
States  Air  Force,  on  June  30  in  Frankfurt, 

'42  » 

Tenth  Year  Reunion:   Commencement,   1952 

President:  James  H.  Walker 

Class  Agents:  Robert  E.  Foreman,  Willis 
Smith,  Jr.,  George  A.  Trakas 
cently been  appointed  assistant  professor  of 
air  science,  Air  R.O.T.C.  Unit  at  Duke  Uni- 
versity. A  technical  supply  and  flight  emer- 
gencies officer,  he  has  more  than  five  years  ac- 
tive commissioned  service.  Mrs.  Clark  is  the 
former  Miss  Frances  Wade,  daughter  of 
Wallace  Wade,  former  Duke  football  coach. 
The  Clarks  have  two  daughters. 
CAREEL  MAYO  CAUDILL,  '42,  M.D.  '45, 
is  a  resident  in  neurosurgery  at  the  Univer- 
sity of  Minnesota  Hospitals.  He  and  Mrs. 
Caudill,  the  former  ELEANOR  ANNE 
CAMPBELL,  '43,  with  their  three  children 
Terry  5,  Janet  3,  and  Lucy  2,  live  at  2705 
Emerson  Avenue,  South,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 
A  picture  of  the  children  is  on  the  Sons  and 
Daughters  Page  of  this  issue. 
LAURA  EMEESON  and  Dr.  Ernest  Fulton 
Neal  were  married  September  15  in  the  Main 
Street  Methodist  Church,  Danville,  Va.  A 
graduate  of  the  University  of  Virginia  and 
the  Medical  College  of  Virginia,  Dr.  Neal 
is  a  dentist.  He  is  presently  serving  as  a 
first  lieutenant  in  the  Air  Force,  stationed 
at  Pope  Air  Force  Base,  Ft.  Bragg,  N.  C. 
RONALD  JOHNSTON,  B.S.E.E.,  and  Mrs. 
Johnston  have  announced  the  birth  of  a 
daughter  on  October  5.  Ronald  is  working 
with  Eastman  Kodak  Company,  Churchville, 
N.  Y. 

been  assistant  professor  of  biology  at  West- 
ern Maryland  College,  Westminster,  Md., 
is  doing  graduate  work  at  Duke,  where  her 
address  is  Box  6845,  College  Station.  Ann 
received  the  M.S.  degree  from  the  University 
of  Maryland  in  1948. 

£    .»• 

BALLET  is  one  of  the  new-ai-toniorlrow  colors  in  6 
beautiful  McCrary  nylons.  0th|rs  areTanp>,  Rhumbo,^ 
Minuet,  Teadance  and  Woltzfime.  See  how  these 
fashion-right  shades  compliment  your  smartest 
fall  clothes.  Proportioned  for  perfect  fit 
in  a  length  that's  right  Jor  you.  And  every  stocking 
has  the  SEAM-REMINDER^  arrow 
to;  streamline  your  seamline! 
At  fine  stores  everywhere. 




"Sold  by  Better  Stores  Everywhere" 


DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

[  Page  289  ] 

,jt5  /iuhpiwouAjCj  L&u)  nmmL> 


Claire  Bryant  managed  to  look  quite 
composed  as  she  finally  walked  into  the 
reception  room.  She  had  stood  outside 
for  a  full  minute,  studying  with  great 
satisfaction  the  name  on  the  door:  Burton 
&  Bryant,  Attorneys-at-Law. 

Suddenly  the  door  at  the  left  swung 
open,  and  a  tall  young  man  with  a  big 
grin  filled  the  doorway. 

"Hello,  Mom!" 

Together  they  walked  into  his  office 
with  its  view  of  the  tall  buildings,  the 
river,  and  the  harbor  out  beyond.  She 
looked  and  approved,  then  looked  again 
and  approved  some  more.  She  sat  in  the 
deep  leather  chair  by  the  window  and 
smiled  back  at  her  boy. 

"Jack,"  she  said,  "for  years  people 
have  been  warning  me  not  to  dote  on  you 
too  much.  I  took  their  advice  seriously. 
I  have  tried  hard  not  to  spoil  you.  But 
today  I'm  bound  to  say  I'm  proud  as  a 
peacock  of  you — and  as  satisfied  with 
myself  and  with  life  as  I  can  be!" 

"I'm  happy,  too,  Mom.  It  was  won- 
derful of  Mr.  Burton  to  take  me  in  as  a 
partner  so  soon.  By  the  way — I've  had 
Dad's  big  walnut  desk  moved  up  here. 
It  fits  in  swell!" 

"I  noticed  that,"  said  Claire  Bryant. 
"I  wish  he  could  see  you  now." 

The  young  man  grinned  that  nice,  slow 
grin  of  his.  "Just  before  you  came  in," 
he  said,  "I  found  something  in  the  top 
drawer  of  the  desk."  He  pulled  a  fragile, 
time-yellowed  piece  of  paper  out  of  his 
pocket.  "That's  Dad's  writing,  all  right. 
But  what  the  deuce  does  it  mean?" 

Claire  took  the  piece  of  paper.  Her  face 
softened.  "Yes  .  .  .  it's  his  writing.  He 
was  always  writing  himself  notes  in  a  sort 
of  private  shorthand  he  had.  Can't  you 
figure  out  what  it  means?" 

The  young  man  read  the  note  again: 
"6-7-23 — see  RW  re  more  ins." 

"Who  is  R.  W.?"  he  asked. 

"That  gives  it  away,"  she  smiled. 
"R.  W.  is  Robert  Wilson  .  .  ." 

"You  mean  the  agent  who  took  care 
of  Dad's  insurance?" 

"That's  right — he  was  with  the  New 
York  Life.  Notice  the  date  . .  ." 

"Six-seven -twenty- three — June 
seventh,  1923 — why,  that's  the  day  I 
was  born!" 

His  mother  smiled.  "Your  father  had 
a  thousand  plans  for  you.  And  being  a 
lawyer,  he  never  liked  to  put  things  off." 
She  looked  at  the  note  again.  "You  see, 
your  father  got  hold  of  Robert  Wilson, - 
whose  advice  he  respected,  and  took  out 
more  insurance  That's  why,  when  your 
father  died,  everything — including  your 
law  education— was. provided  for." 

The  grin  again  relieved  the  serious  ex- 
pression on  the  young  man's  face,  "I 
suppose  you  don't  frame  a  thing  like 

this,"  he  mused,  looking  at  the  piece  of 
paper.  He  dropped  it  into  the  top  drawer 
of  the  old  walnut  desk.  "But  I  guess  I'll 
keep  it  here  handy — to  remind  me  how 
I  got  off  to  a  wonderful  start  .  .  .  yes, 
before  I  even  knew  it!" 

51  Madison  Avenue,  New  York  10,  N.Y. 

Naturally,  names  used  in  this  story  are  fictitious. 

Few  occupations  offer  a  man  so  much  in 
the  way  of  personal  reward  as  life  under- 
writing. Many  New  York  Life  agents  are 
building  very  substantial  futures  for  them- 
selves by  helping  others  plan  ahead  for 
theirs.  If  you  would  like  to  know  more 
about  a  life  insurance  career,  talk  it  over 
with  the  New  York  Life  manager  in  your 
community— or  write  to  the  Home  Office 
at  the  address  above. 

JARRELL  READ  have  announced  the  birth 
of  a  daughter,  Carolyn  Angela,  on  Septem- 
ber 14.  Their  address  is  301  B  Longwood 
Towers,  Brookline  46,  Mass. 
sistant boys'  buyer  for  J.  L.  Hudson's  in 
Birmingham,  Mich.,  where  her  address  is 
31680  Lahser  Road,  Route  #6. 

'43  — 

President: Thomas  R.  Howerton 
Class  Agent:  Sid  L.  Gulledge,  Jr. 
DAVID  S.  HUBBELL,  '43,  M.D.  '46,  assist- 
ant resident  at  the  Grace-New  Haven  Hos- 
pital at  Yale  University,  has  been  awarded 
a  $3600  fellowship  by  the  American  Cancer 
Society  for  1951-52.  He  and  Mrs.  Hubbell, 
the  former  BARBARA  BAYNARD,  '47,  and 
their  young  daughter,  Katherine  Anne,  live 
at  177  Mix  Avenue  in  Hamden,  Conn.  A  pic- 
ture of  little  Kathie,  taken  on  her  first 
birthday,  is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters 
Page  this  month. 

The  marriage  of  Miss  Alice  Blanche  Stewart 
CLINE,  '43,  B.D.  '46,  son  of  JOHN  CLINE, 
'17,  A.M.  '40,  Ph.D.  '48,  took  place  October  6 
at  New  Harmony  Presbyterian  Church, 
Fountain  Inn,  S.  C.  Mrs.  Cline  is  an  alumna 
of  the  University  of  North  Carolina.  They 
will  reside  in  Bynum,  N.  C,  where  John  is 
minister  of  the  Methodist  Church. 
LILLIAN  A.  LEE,  who  works  with  the  Girl 
Scouts  of  Richmond,  Va.,  is  publicity  chair- 
man of  her  local  A.A.U.W.  board  and  is 
treasurer  for  her  section  of  the  American 
Camping  Association.  Her  address  is  c/o 
Girl  Scouts,  803y2  East  Main  Street,  Rich- 
mond 19. 

LEONOR  WRENCH  WELSH,  '44,  and 
GLENN  E.  WELSH  are  both  teaching  at 
Bradford  Junior  College,  Bradford,  Mass. 
Glenn  is  an  instructor  in  music,  and  Leonor 
has  recently  been  appointed  to  teach  a  two- 
hour  course  in  Spanish  composition  and 

'44  * 

President:  Matthew  S.  (Sandy)  Rae 
Class  Agent:  H.  Watson  Stewart 
R,  CARLYLE  GROOME,  who  was  recalled 
to  active  duty  with  the  Marines  in  March, 
received  his  promotion  to  captain  the  same 
week  end  that  his  family  joined  him  in 
California.  There  is  a  picture  of  Mrs. 
Groome  and  the  boys,  Carlyle,  Jr.,  4,  and 
Malcolm,  2,  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters 
Page  of  this  issue.  The  family  is  living 
in  San  Clemente,  Calif.,  while  Capt.  Groome 
is  stationed  at  Camp  Pendleton. 
FORD  J.),  R.N.,  B.S.N.,  and  her  husband 
are  living  in  Apartment  30  D,  Vet-Ville, 
N.  C.  State  College,  Raleigh,  N.  C.  They 
were  married  September  12  in  the  garden 
of  Olive's  home  in  Whiteville,  N.  C.  Olive 
is  on  general  duty  at  Rex  Hospital,  and  Mr. 
Auger  is  a  senior  in  mechanical  engineering 
at  State  College. 

(HENRIETTA  LORENTZ)  of  1504  Hamp- 
ton Road,  Charleston,  W.  Va.,  have  an- 
nounced the  birth  of  a  son,  Joseph  Bernard, 
Jr.,  on  September  11. 

SHIRLEY  HELMICH  has  moved  to  6103 
Waterman  Boulevard,  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  where 
she  is  a  medical  social  worker  at  Washing- 
ton University  Clinics. 

DONALD  K.)  and  her  husband  are  living 
at  R.F.D.  5,  1  Ward  Street,  Augusta,  Me. 
JR.)  is  a  physician  at  Linwood  Health  Cen- 
ter in  Columbus,  Ga.  She  and  Dr.  Rivers, 
an  alumnus  of  Harvard  University,  were 
married  July  10  and  are  living  at  1528  Wild- 
wood  Avenue,  Columbus,  Ga.  Dr.  Rivers  is 
also  a  practicing  physician. 
U.S.M.C.,  have  announced  the  birth  of  a 
daughter,  Kathleen,  on  September  2.  They 
also  have  a  three-year-old  son,  Kenneth. 
The  Sims'  address  is  M.O.Q.  3336,  Camp 
Lejeune,  N.  C. 

ARTHUR  ("ART")  VANN,  '44,  LL.B.  '51, 
who  has  served  as  director  of  athletics  for 
the  Durham  City  Recreation  Department 
since  September,  1947,  has  opened  law  offices 
at  323  Trust  Building  in  Durham.  He,  and 
his  wife,  and  their  five  children  live  at  1111 
Oval  Drive. 

Miss  Eliza  Herring  Cox  became  the  bride 
LL.B.  '49,  on  October  14  at  the  St.  Paul 
Methodist  Church  in  Goldsboro,  N.  C.  They 
are  living  in  Charlotte,  N.  C,  where  Calvin 
is  working  for  Travelers  Insurance  Com- 

'45  » 

President:   Charles  B.  Markham,  Jr. 

Class  Agent :  Charles  F.  Blanchard 
THOMAS  A.  DOLSON  has  been  transferred 
from  Akron,  Ohio,  to  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  where 
he  is  terminal  manager  for  Roadway  Ex- 
press, Inc.  He,  Mrs.  Dolson  and  seven- 
month-old  Thomas  Anthony  Dolson,  Jr.,  live 
at  45  Raeburn  Ave.,  Rochester.  A  picture 
of  his  son  is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters 
Page  this  month. 

Miss  Margaret  Anne  Wells  and  LEWIS  M. 
BRANSCOMB  were  united  in  marriage 
October  13  at  the  First  Methodist  Church, 
Milledgeville,  Ga.  An  alumna  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  North  Carolina,  Georgia  State 
College  for  Women,  Littauer  Center  of  Har- 
vard University  and  Radcliffe  College,  Mrs. 
Branseomb  spent  the  past  year  at  the  Lon- 
don School  of  Economics,  London,  England, 
on  a  Rotary  Foundation  Fellowship.  Lewis 
received  the  Ph.D.  degree  in  physics  from 
Harvard,  and  for  the  past  two  years  has 
continued  his  research  as  a  member  of  the 
Society  of  Fellows  of  Harvard  University. 
He  is  now  a  member  of  the  staff  of  the 
National  Bureau  of  Standards  in  Washing- 
ton, D.  C. 

HOLLIS  HUSTON,  B.D.  '47,  Ph.D.  '49, 
have  announced  the  birth  of  a  daughter,  Re- 



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DURHAM,  N.  C. 




Mellow  Milk  is  the  new 
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C.  B.  Martin    V.  J.  Ashlmuph 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

[ Page  291  ] 



Tickets  for  all  basketball  games  may  be  secured  by  writing  the  Duke  University  Athletic  Office.    In 
sending  money  order  or  check,  add  10c  to  each  order  to  cover  cost  of  insured  mail. 


All  Games $1.50 

JOHN  A.  BUCHANAN,  President 

Home  Insurance  Agency 


Insurance  of  Every  Description 


212}4  N.  Corcoran  Street 

Opposite  Washington  Duke  Hotel 

Telephone  Number  2146 

Durham,  N.  C. 

Weeks  Motors  Inc. 

408  Geer  St. 

Telephone  2139 

Durham,  North  Carolina 

Your  Lincoln  and 

Mercury  Dealer  in 


Games  Played 
Duke  34 South  Carolina  6 

Duke  19 Pittsburgh  14 

Duke  0 Tennessee  21 

Duke  28 N.  C.  State  21 

Duke  55 V.P.I.     6 

Duke     7 Virginia  30 

Duke  14 Georgia  Tech  14 

Duke  13 Wake  Forest  19 

Duke  13 Wm.  &  Mary  14 

Duke  19 U.  N.  C.     7 


Wholesale  Paper 

208  Vivian  St.  801  S.  Church  St. 

DURHAM,  N.  C.      ROCKY  MOUNT,  N.  C 

Serving  North  Carolina  Since  1924 



Insurance  Specialists 
DURHAM,  N.  C. 


Established  1872 

Power  Company 

Electric  Service — 
Electric  Appliances — 
Street  Transportation 


Tel.  2151 

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We  are  members  by 

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the  only  Durham  Funeral  Home 
accorded  this  honor. 


&Vor,th  Carolina 

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N-147  1113  W.  Main  St. 

becca  Ann  ("Becky"),  on  September  17. 
They  also  have  a  four-year-old  son,  Hollis, 
Jr.  Hal  is  teaching  at  Amherst  and  is 
minister  to  the  First  Congregational  Church 
in  Hadley,  Mass.,  where  the  Huston  address 
is  58  Middle  Street. 

DR.  R.  THORNTON  HOOD,  JR.,  a  pedia- 
trician, is  serving  as  a  lieutenant  in  the 
United  States  Army  Air  Force.  He  is 
stationed  at  Craig  Air  Force  Base,  Ala. 
REX  WILLS,  II,  is  a  radio  sportscaster 
for  Station  KHON,  Honolulu,  T.H.  He 
and  Mrs.  Wills,  the  former  SHIRLEY 
MARGARET  DECKER,  '49,  have  two  chil- 
dren, Sharynne  5,  and  Sheryl  2.  Their  ad- 
dress is  1123  Koko  Head  Avenue,  Honolulu, 

'46  »— 
Next  Reunion:   Commencement,  1952 

President:  B.  G.  Munro 

Class  Agent:  Robert  E.  Cowin 
Lieutenant  and  MRS.  WILLIAM  WOHL- 
SEN  BEHRENS,  JR.  ("B.  A."  TAYLOR), 
B.S.,  have  announced  the  birth  of  a  son, 
Richard  Taylor  Behrens,  on  September  1. 
They  also  have  a  daughter,  Elizabeth  Hunt 
(Betsy)  4,  and  a  son,  William  W.,  Ill,  2. 
Lt.  Behrens  is  serving  at  the  U.  S.  Fleet 
Sonar  School,  and  the  family  is  living  at 
1403  Reynolds  Street,  Key  West,  Fla. 
JAMES  H.  COOPER  has  been  in  Hollywood, 
Calif.,  for  two  years.  He  worked  with  the 
Little  Theater  Group  for  a  year  and  later 
studied  Shakespeare  with  the  Charles  Laugh- 
ton  group.  He  is  now  appearing  in  "Dark 
of  the  Moon"  with  an  equity  group  in  Hol- 
lywood. Jim's  address  is  Player's  Ring 
Theater,  8351  Santa  Monica  Boulevard, 

M.D.,  B.S.M.  '48,  has  returned  to  active  duty 
with  the  Army  Medical  Corps. 
B.  G.  MUNRO  is  attending  Divinity  School 
at  Emory  University.  His  address  is  236 
North  Columbia  Place,  Decatur,  Ga. 
ried to  Mr.  John  Evald  Unger  in  the  Lake- 
wood  Methodist  Church,  Lakewood,  Ohio, 
on  May  6.  They  are  living  in  Parma,  Ohio. 
Mr.  Unger  is  an  alumnus  of  Purdue  Uni- 

Miss  Nancy  Clark  Finch  and  LIEUTEN- 
ANT FRANK  A.  PIERSON,  JR.,  were  mar- 
ried August  11  at  the  home  of  the  bride's 
parents  in  Hoopeston,  111.  Mrs.  Pierson  is 
an  alumna  of  Mary  Baldwin  College,  and 
Frank,  also  an  alumnus  of  LaFayette  Col- 
lege, was  graduated  from  West  Point  in 
1950.  They  are  making  their  home  in  Fair- 
banks, Alaska,  where  Frank  is  stationed. 
EDWARD  J.  SHARKEY,  a  private  first 
class,  is  a  member  of  the  Quantico,  Va., 
football  team. 

'47  - — - 

Next  Reunion:   Commencement,  1952 
President:  Grady  B.  Stott 
Class  Agent:  Norris  L.  Hodgkins,  Jr. 
SALLY  A.  ADDINGTON  is  teaching  school 

and  living  at  1761  Harvard  Street,  N.W., 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Miss  Delia  Lee  Felger  and  T.  MARSHALL 
COURTNEY  were  united  in  marriage  Sep- 
tember 22  at  the  Chapel  of  Saint  Mary's 
Episcopal  Cathedral,  Memphis,  Tenn.  They 
are  at  home  at  440  Cherry  Road,  Memphis. 
Marshall  is  working  with  the  Buckeye  Cot- 
ton Oil  Company. 

Saint  Albans  Episcopal  Church,  Washington, 
D.  C,  was  the  scene  of  the  wedding  of  Miss 
Evelyn  Beard  and  MERIWETHER  LEWIS 
CUNINGHAM  on  August  29.  They  are 
residing  in  Winston-Salem,  where  he  is  with 
the  insurance  department  of  Wachovia  Bank 
and  Trust  Company. 

PARKS  M.  KING,  of  2040  Coniston  Place, 
Charlotte,  N.  C,  have  announced  the  birth 
of  a  daughter,  Nancy  Rodwell,  on  Septem- 
ber 26.  Parks  is  working  with  Connecticut 
Mutual  Life  Insurance  Company. 

ELAINE  B.  KUPP,  '47,  LL.B.  '51,  has  suc- 
ceeded her  late  parents  to  the  presidency  of 
the  Depew  Agency,  Inc.,  of  The  Phoenix 
Insurance  Company.  The  address  of  the 
agency  is  567  Penora  Street,  Depew,  N.  Y. 

Miss  Janice  Wagner  and  T.  C.  SHULER, 
JR.,  B.S.M.E.,  were  married  October  6  at 
Hope  Lutheran  Church,  Dayton,  Ohio.  T.  C. 
is  a  design  engineer,  and  the  couple  is  liv- 
ing at  915  McCleary  Avenue,  Dayton  6. 

DAVID  K.  TAYLOR,  JR.,  '47,  LL.B.  '49, 
of  Oxford,  N.  C,  who  was  inducted  into  the 
Army  in  January  as  a  private,  has  attained 
the  rank  of  first  lieutenant.  Prior  to  his 
induction,  he  was  an  attorney  in  the  New 
York  Office  of  the  Indemnity  Insurance 
Company  of  North  America. 

WILLIAM  A.,  JR.)  and  her  husband  live 
at  421  Wakefield  Drive,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
They  have  a  two-year-old  daughter,  Barbara 


W.  P.  Budd,  '04,  Secretary-Treas. 
W.  P.  Budd,  Jr.,  '36,  Vice-President 

DURHAM,  N.  C. 

•  •   •   • 

Contractors  for 





Duke  Chapel,  New 
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Hospital  Addition 

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DURHAM,  N.  C. 









Member  Federal  Deposit  Insurance  Corporation 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

[  Page  293  ] 

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'48  » 

Next  Reunion:    Commencement,   1952 
President:   Bollin  M.  Millner 
Class  Agent :  Jack  H.  Quaritius 
IVY  BALDWIN   MERRILL   and   her   hus- 
band, Richard  Sumner  Merrill,  have  a  six- 
month-old   son,   Ricky,   whose   picture  is   on 
the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  of  this  issue. 
The    Merrills    live   at    10   Village    Circle    in 
Westfield,  N.  J. 

CAROLYN  C.  BUNN,  B.S.  '48,  A.M.  '50, 
and  THOMAS  C.  KENASTON,  '50,  were 
married  in  June  and  are  making  their  home 
in  Durham.  Tom  is  a  student  at  the  Duke 
School  of  Medicine,  and  Carolyn  is  a  re- 
search assistant  in  the  Duke  Zoology  De- 

MR.  and  Mrs.  FRANK  T.  LAMB,  of  21 
Rosalind  Street,  Rochester  19,  N.  Y.,  have 
announced  the  birth  of  a  son  on  August  27. 
Frank  is  working  with  the  Railroad  Branch 
of  the  YMCA. 

McGINNIS  are  the  parents  of  two  children, 
Molly  K.,  3  years,  and  Peggy,  16  months. 
Molly's  address  is  c/o  General  Delivery, 
Riehlands,  N.  C,  while  George  is  serving 
in  the  Marine  Corps. 

has  been  sent  to  Germany  by  the  United 
States  Army. 

ROBERT  LEE  STYERS,  '48,  LL.B.  '51, 
and  MARTHA  E.  GRAFF  were  married 
September  1  at  the  Broad  Street  Congrega- 
tional Church,  Columbus,  Ohio.  They  are 
living  at  3421  Chapel  Hill  Road.  Bob  is 
doing  graduate  work  at  Duke  and  Martha 
is  a  lab  technician  for  the  Durham  Health 

CHARLES  S.  SYDNOR,  JR.,  of  Durham, 
was  ordained  as  a  Presbyterian  minister  in 
a  special  service  held  September  16  at  the 
First  Presbyterian  Church,  Durham.  He 
received  his  divinity  degree  in  May  from 
the  Union  Theological  Seminary,  Richmond, 

LL.B.  '51,  of  7  Sterling  Drive,  Orange,  N.  J., 
is  a  law  clerk  in  the  office  of  Judge  Walter 
D.  Van  Riper,  Newark,  N.  J. 
LL.B.  '50,  is  stationed  at  Camp  Pickett,  Va. 

'49  » 

MARY  THOMAS  McLEOD  became  the 
bride  of  CARL  ATWOOD  GROVER,  JR., 
on  September  6  at  the  First  Methodist 
Church,  Laurinburg,  N.  C.  The  ceremony 
was  performed  by  TROY  BARRETT,  B.D. 
'48,  of  Broadway,  N.  C.  The  couple  sailed 
in  October  for  Lagunillas,  Venezuela,  where 
Carl  has  been  working  with  Creole  Petroleum 
Corporation  for  the  past  two  years.  Their 
address  is  in  care  of  that  company,  Lagunil- 
las, Estado  Zulia,  Venezuela. 
Mr.  and  MRS.  JOHN  H.  GAY,  III  (SARAH 
DODSON)  have  announced  the  birth  of  a 
daughter,  Margaret  Rowland,  on  August  4. 
The  Gays  are  living  in  a  200-year-old  Cape 

Cod  House,  in  South  Bristol,  Me.,  which  they 
have  been  fixing  up — putting  in  all  the 
electricity,  plumbing  and  heating  systems 
themselves.  This  winter  they  plan  to  finish 
the  painting  and  re-decorating. 

September  10  was  the  date  of  the  wedding 
of  Miss  Margaret  Murphy  and  JULIAN  G. 
HOFMANN,  D.F.,  at  the  Sacred  Heart 
Cathedral  in  Raleigh,  N.  C.  Mrs.  Hofmann, 
an  alumna  of  the  College  of  Chestnut  Hill, 
Philadelphia,  Pa.,  and  North  Carolina  State 
College,  was  employed  by  the  department  of 
agronomy  at  North  Carolina  State  College 
as  research  assistant  until  her  marriage. 
Julian  is  forest  manager  of  the  Halifax 
Paper  Company  of  Roanoke  Rapids.  The 
couple  is  making  their  home  in  Maysville, 
N.  C. 

JR.)  and  her  husband  have  announced  the 
birth  of  a  son,  William  Bryce  Hunt,  III,  on 
September  21.  They  are  living  at  2510-B, 
Miller  Park  Circle,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 
B.D.  '50,  and  MRS.  KNIGHT  (MARY  EVA 
FLAKE),  R.N.,  B.S.N.,  have  announced  the 
birth  of  a  son,  Ronald  Calvin,  on  August  10. 
They  live  on  Hope  Valley  Road  in  Durham. 
The  wedding  of  PHYLLIS  WHITE,  '51, 
took  place  on  September  15  in  St.  John's 
Episcopal  Church,  Palmerton,  Penna.  They 
are  living  in  Washington,  Ga.,  where  Willis 
is  associated  with  his  father  in  the  automo- 
bile business. 

WALLY  McMAHON,  B.S.C.E.  '49,  have  an- 
nounced the  birth  of  a  daughter,  Diane  Wil- 
son, on  May  21.  They  are  living  at  857 
North  McKnight  Road,  University  City,  Mo., 
and  Wally  is  a  salesman  in  the  St.  Louis 
district  sales  office  of  the  Granite  City  Steel 

D.)  and  her  husband,  who  were  married 
June  3  in  the  Naval  Academy  Chapel,  An- 
napolis, Md.,  are  making  their  home  at  923 
7th  Street,  South,  Columbus,  Miss.  Lieut. 
Perky,  a  graduate  of  the  United  States 
Naval  Academy,  Annapolis,  is  serving  with 
the  Air  Force. 

EDNA  MAE  POPLIN  and  Mr.  Noel  Charles 
Sharp  were  married  September  5  at  Our 
Lady   of   Perpetual    Help    Catholic   Church, 

Rocky  Mount,  N.  C.  They  are  living  at 
1003  East  7th  Street,  Hopkinsville,  Ky.  Mr. 
Sharp,  an  alumnus  of  Western  Carolina 
Teachers  College  and  North  Carolina  State 
College,  is  employed  by  Asplundh  Tree  Ex- 
pert Company. 
There  are  now  four  members  of  the  GUY 


The  Fidelity  was  the  first  bank 
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DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

[  Page  295  ] 



We  have  all  %3  Tbypes  of  Composition 

When  setting  type  we  give  due  consideration 
to  the  ultimate  purpose  ...  In  deciding  whether 
to  use  linotype,  monotype  or  hand  composition, 
we  first  ascertain  the  function  of  the  particular 
piece  of  work.  Each  method  was  designed  for 
a  specific  service,  therefore  initial  cost  is  beside 
the  question.  We  shall  be  glad  to  assist  you  in 
deciding  which  of  the  three  will  do  the  best 
job  for  your  particular  problem.  Our  composing 
room  service  is  planned  for  today's  demands. 


413  E.  Chapel  Hill  St.        (P^w)  Durham,  N.  C. 


[  Page  296  ]  DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

L.  BOBBINS  family:  GUY,  B.S.E.E., 
Frankie,  Bobbie  (Guy,  Jr.),  and  David  Wil- 
liam, who  arrived  September  18.  Their  ad- 
dress is  1047  Dewey  Street,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
LEE  A.  SMITH,  '50,  and  ELLA  ANN 
PROCTOR  SMITH  are  living  at  1822  Ken- 
sington Drive,  Charlotte,  N.  C.  Lee  is  a 
salesman  for  the  H.  J.  Heinz  Company. 
(MRS.  JOHN  M.)  and  her  husband  have 
moved  to  70  Rand  Street,  Apartment  4, 
Rochester  15,  N.  Y.  Mr.  Warren  has  been 
made  a  salesman  in  the  Rochester  District 
office  of  Sharon  Steel  Corporation. 
D.  JEANNE  WHITE  was  married  July  14 
to  Dr.  Lewis  Ross  Whatley  at  the  Peachtree 
Christian  Church,  Atlanta,  Ga.  They  are 
living  in  Cartersville,  Ga.,  where  Dr.  What- 
ley, a  graduate  of  the  Medical  College  of 
Emory  University,  is  practicing  at  the 
Howell  Clinic. 

ROBERT  L.  WILSON,  '50,  and  MARY 
are  living  at  721  West  South  Grand,  Spring- 
field, 111. 


First  Reunion:   Commencement,  1952 

President :   Jane  Suggs 

Class  Agent:  Robert  L.  Hazel 
Among  the  alumni  of  the  Class  of  '50  serv- 
ing in  the  United  States  Air  Forces  are 
JOHN  GRIER  HUDSON,  JR.,  who  is  at- 
tending the  United  States  Air  Force  Intel- 
ligence School  in  Cheyenne,  Wyo.;  JOE 
ALLEN  NUCKOLLS,  Keesler  Air  Force 
Base,  Miss. ;  FLOYD  DAVID  ROSE,  who  is 
stationed  at  Lackland  Air  Force  Base,  San 
Antonio,  Tex.;  HUGH  G.  THOMPSON,  who 
is  training  at  Sheppard  Air  Force  Base, 
Tex.;  and  DAVID  L.  TUBBS,  B.S.E.E., 
who  is  stationed  at  Goodfellow  Air  Force 
Base,  San  Angelo,  Tex. 

BRYANT,  who  were  married  December  30, 
1950,  are  living  at  91  Church  Street,  Charles- 
ton, S.  C.  Clyde  is  working  with  IBM. 
CROWE  were  married  September  7  in  the 
Parker  Memorial  Church,  Anniston,  Ala. 
Ann  is  a  student  at  Duke,  and  Lawson,  a 
private  in  the  Army,  is  expecting  to  be  sent 

PRIVATE  ROBERT  E.  DYE  of  Keystone, 
W.  Va.,  has  been  assigned  to  the  5th  In- 
fantry Division,  Indiantown  Gap  Military 
Reservation,  Pa.,  for  Army  basic  training. 
LARRY  GESSNER  has  recently  finished  a 
year's  training  course  at  Smith,  Barney  and 
Company,  an  investment  brokerage  firm  at 
14  Wall  Street,  New  York  City.  Larry  is 
living  at  1382  Park  Avenue,  Plainfield, 
N.  J. 

The  Main  Street  Methodist  Church  of  High 
Point,  N.  C,  was  the  scene  September  1  of 
the  wedding  of  Miss  Carlene  Kearns  and 
M.F.  '51.  They  are  living  in  Brunswick, 
Ga.,  where  Bill  is  employed  by  the  Bruns- 
wick Pulp  and  Paper  Company. 
NANCY  A.  HAMLEN,  R.N.,  is  an  ensign 

in  the  United  States  Navy  Nursing  Corps, 
and  is  stationed  at  the  U.  S.  Naval  Hos- 
pital, Portsmouth,  Va.  Last  summer  she 
worked  in  obstetrics  at  the  Hartford,  Conn., 

ANN  HARLOW  has  been  assigned  to  Camp 
Haugen,  Japan,  as  a  librarian  working  for 
the  Special  Services  Section  of  the  United 
States  Army.  She  received  her  Library 
Science  degree  from  the  University  of  North 
Carolina  last  year. 

WILLIAM  T.  HAWKINS,  M.F.,  and  Mrs. 
Hawkins  have  announced  the  birth  of  a 
daughter,  Kim  Marie,  on  July  19.  Their 
address  is  P.  O.  Box  177,  Alma,  Ga. 
JOHN  HERBERT  HELLER,  whose  home 
address  is  4  Slade  Avenue,  Pikesville,  Md., 
is  serving  in  the  United  States  Army. 

LONNIE  HERBIN,  JR.,  of  604  Park  Ave- 
nue, Greensboro,  N.  O,  is  a  second-year  law 
student  at  the  University  of  North  Carolina. 

M.  HOPKINS,  A.M.,  were  married  in  Salis- 
bury, Md.,  on  August  4.  Their  address  is 
51  McClellan  Terrace,  Hutton  Lafayette 
Gardens,  West  Orange,  N.  J. 
The  marriage  of  MARY  ANN  JOHNSON, 
R.N.,  B.S.N.,  to  Mr.  Robert  Parker  Suther- 
land took  place  on  October  6  in  the  First 
Methodist  Church,  Henderson,  N.  C.  They 
are  making  their  home  at  210%  East 
Eighth  Avenue,  Johnson  City,  Tenn.,  where 
Mr.  Sutherland,  an  alumnus  of  East  Ten- 
nessee State  College,  the  University  of  Ten- 
nessee and  Vanderbilt  University,  is  in  the 
contracting  business.  Prior  to  her  marriage, 
Mary  Ann  was  a  member  of  the  nursing  staff 
of  the  Veteran's  Administration  Hospital  in 
Mountain  Home,  Tenn. 

JOE  McGERITY  of  West  Palm  Beach,  Fla., 
is  attending  the  Duke  Medical  School. 
FRED  A.  McNEER,  JR.,  is  serving  in  the 
United  States  Navy. 

Miss  Flossie  E.  Krites  and  CORPORAL 
WILLIAM  M.  MILSTEAD  were  married 
in  a  formal  ceremony  at  Immanuel  Moravian 
Church  in  Winston-Salem,  N.  C,  on  July  1. 
Mrs.  Milstead,  an  alumnus  of  the  Woman's 
College  of  the  University  of  North  Carolina, 
is  teaching  school  in  Winston-Salem.  Bill 
is  serving  in  the  LTnited  States  Air  Force. 
Four  Duke  people,  two  of  them  sisters,  were 
participants  in  a  double  wedding  ceremony 
on  August  18  at  Trinity  Methodist  Church 
in  Durham.  MARY  YVONNE  HEENDON, 
R.N.,  '51,  became  the  bride  of  CHARLES 
CLYDE  TUCKER,  JR.,  Divinity  School 
senior;  and  JOYCE  CAMILLE  HERNDON, 
'51,  became  the  bride  of  WILLIAM  HOYLE 
MITCHELL.  Yvonne  and  Charles  are  liv- 
ing at  818  Sixth  Street,  Durham,  while  he 
is  completing  his  work  at  Duke.  Joyce  and 
Bill  are  making  their  home  at  518  Burwell, 
Henderson,  N.  C. 

W.  WARD  NELSON,  of  540  West  First 
Street,  Tustin,  Calif.,  is  a  Corporal  in  the 
United  States  Air  Force. 
GILBERT  KATZENMEYER,  '51,  were  mar- 
ried June  23.     Betty  is  living  with  her  par- 

ents at .  810  Palmetto  Street,  Spartanburg, 
S.  C,  while  Bill  is  serving  as  an  Ensign  in 
the  United  States  Navy. 

HENRY  SPEARMAN,  JR.,  were  married 
September  15.  They  are  living  at  439  B 
Wakefield  Drive,  Charlotte,  N.  C,  where 
Jim  is  working  with  the  City  Savings  Bank. 

is  a  dealer  for  Atlantic  Refining  Company 
and  a  partner  in  the  Sprinkle  Oil  Company, 
Lenoir,  N.  C.  He  is  married  to  the  former 
Miss  Shirley  Rowena  Boughman. 
Miss  Marjorie  Maxine  Selvage  and  ED- 
WARD STONE,  Ph.D.,  were  married  this 
past  summer  in  a  garden  ceremony  at  "Glen- 
thorne,"  the  home  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph 
R.  Goodwin,  Amherst,  Va.  They  are  now 
making  their  home  at  1011  Lamond  Avenue, 
Durham.  Mrs.  Stone  is  publicity  director 
for  the  Duke  University  Press,  and  Edward 
is  a  member  of  the  Duke  English  Depart- 

WILLIAM  B.  TUTTLE  is  assistant  man- 
ager of  the  G.  C.  Murphy  Company  in 
Alexandria,  Va.  His  address  is  214  East 
Mason  Avenue. 

MR,  and  MRS.  JOHN  VERNER,  JR. 
(SALLY  PROSSER),  '51,  have  announced 
the  birth  of  a  daughter  on  July  26.  They 
live  in  G-l-A,  University  Apartments,  Dur- 
ham. John  is  attending  Duke  University 
Medical  School. 

PLATO  S.  WILSON  and  his  wife,  the  for- 
mer Miss  Betty  Cashion  of  Charlotte,  N.  C, 
are  living  at  1300  Eaton  Place,  Apartment 
"D,"  High  Point,  N.  C.  He  is  a  salesman 
for  Heritage-Henredon  Furniture  Company. 

'51  > 

Presidents:      Woman's      College,      Connie 
Woodward;  Trinity  College,  N.  Thomp- 
son   Powers;    College    of    Engineering, 
David  C.  Dellinger 
Class  Agent:  James  E.  Briggs 
CAROLINE     (COOKIE)    BECK    has    been 
doing  property  ledger  and  office  work  with 
the  Manhattan  Building  Company  in  Toledo, 
Ohio.      She    lives   at    2129   Richmond   Road, 

In  a  ceremony  at  the  First  Presbyterian 
Church  in  Atlanta,  Ga.,  on  July  24,  KATH- 
ERINE  BLACKSHEAR,  A.M.,  became  the 
bride  of  WILLIAM  K.  BOARDMAN,  III, 
A.M.  Bill  is  on  active  duty  as  a  lieutenant 
(junior  grade)  with  the  Navy,  and  his  and 
Katherine's  present  address  is  e/o  J.  R. 
Bryant,  Chesapeake  Beach,  Bayside,  Va. 
Lakewood,  Ohio,  has  been  appointed  a  physi- 
cist at  the  Naval  Ordnance  Laboratory, 
White  Oak.  Md.  He  is  working  in  the  Elec- 
trical Evaluation  Division  of  the  Technical 
Evaluation  Department. 

CHANDLER  M.  BUSH,  B.S.M.E.,  is  living 
at  707  West  Abram  Street,  c/o  Mrs.  F.  J. 
Bates,  Arlington,  Tex.  He  recently  joined 
the  engineering  department  of  the  Chance 
Vought  Aircraft  Division,  United  Aircraft 
Corporation,  Dallas.  Tex. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

[  Page  297  ] 

The  Duke  University  Chapel  was  the  setting 
June  4  of  the  marriage  of  GERTRUDE 
WARD MORGAN,  JR.  They  are  living  inv 
the  Poplar  Apartments  in  Durham  while 
Tom  is  a  student  at  the  Duke  School  of 

VERN   D.    CALLOWAY,   JR.,   of    Orlando, 
Fla.,  is  attending  the  Duke  Law  School. 
SARAH   JANE   COGGIN,   of   Cary,   N.   C, 
is  a  teacher  at  Central  High  School,  Char- 
lotte, N.  C. 

RALPH  E.),  R.N.,  and  her  husband  are 
living  in  Clintwood,  Va.  They  were  mar- 
ried on  June  7.  Mr.  Cummins,  an  alumnus 
of  Emory  and  Henry  College,  is  a  school 
teacher  and  coach. 

The  mailing  address  of  AUDREY  DAUM  is 
e/o  Harrington-Wilson-Brown  Company, 
3510  Chrysler  Building,  405  Lexington  Ave- 
nue, New  York  17,  N.  Y. 

Miss  Jacqueline  Self  Boleh  and  RODNEY 
OLIVER  DAVIS  were  married  September  1 
at  St.  Pauls  Lutheran  Church,  Hickory,  N.  C. 
They  are  making  their  home  at  1001  Watts 
Street,  Durham. 

ROBERT  G.  (BOB)  DEYTON,  JR.,  son  of 
R.  G.  DEYTON,  '24,  and  EDITH  WARD 
DEYTON,  '26,  of  Brevard,  N.  C,  is  at- 
tending Duke  Medical  School. 
JR.,  and  her  husband  are  living  in  Houston, 
Texas,  where  he  is  teaching  at  Rice  Insti- 

is  attending  the  Duke  Law  School.  He  and 
Mrs.  Gibson  live  at  838  Louise  Circle,  Apart- 
ment 35B,  Poplar  Apartments,  Durham. 
research  assistant  in  the  Alleghany  Ballis- 
tics Laboratory,  Hercules  Powder  Company, 
Cumberland,  Md.  His  address  is  628  Fay- 
ette Street,  Cumberland,  Md. 
airplane  engineer  for  Wright  Patterson  in 
Dayton,  Ohio,  is  living  at  418  East  State 
Street,  Alliance,  Ohio. 

BEN  HALL  HACKNEY  of  Lucama,  N.  C, 
is  doing  graduate  work  in  education  at  the 
University  of  North  Carolina. 
BETTY  LUCILE  HAUSER,  daughter  of 
Professor  and  Mrs.  C.  R.  Hauser,  and  EN- 
B.S.M.E.,  were  married  June  12  in  the  Duke 
University  Chapel.  Their  address  is  Del 
Mar  Apartments,  2172  Front  and  Ivy 
Streets,  San  Diego,  Calif. 
UEL E.)  is  living  at  3706  Wyoming,  Apart- 
ment 10,  Kansas  City,  Kans.,  and  is  working 
at  the  University  of  Kansas  Medical  Center. 
KERWIN  HYLAND,  JR.  who  did  work  on 
his  Ph.D.  in  zoology  at  Duke  during  the 
years  1949-50  and  1950-51,  is  teaching  sci- 
ence at  Christchurch  School,  Christchurch, 
Va.  He  and  Mrs.  Hyland  became  the  par- 
ents of  a  son,  John  Kerwin  Hyland,  on  Sep- 
tember 28. 

SARAH  ANN  KNOTT,  B.S.,  and  WIL- 
LIAM PAYNE  KING  were  married  August 
20  in  the  Blessed  Sacrament  Church,  Bur- 
lington, N.  C.  They  are  now  living  in 
Memphis,  Tenn.,  where  Bill  is  attending  the 
University  of  Tennessee  College  of  Medicine. 
Air  Force,  were  married  July  29  at  Johnson 
Memorial  Methodist  Church,  Huntington, 
W.  Va.  They  are  making  their  home  at 
3212  Stevenson  Avenue,  Austin,  Tex.  Ernest 
is  an  assistant  professor  of  air  science  and 
tactics  for  the  ROTC  program  at  the  Uni- 
versity of  Texas. 

GORDON  R.  MeKINNEY,  Ph.D.,  is  living 
at  2723  Brown  Avenue,  Apartment  E,  Dur- 
ham, and  is  an  American  Cancer  Society 
Research  Fellow  at  Duke  Hospital.  He  re- 
quests that  his  mail  be  sent  to  Post  Office 
Box  3640,  Duke  Hospital,  Durham. 
CECIL  DALTON  MAY  is  attending  the 
Duke  Law  School.  He  and  Mrs.  May  live 
at  1203  East  Trinity  Avenue,  Durham. 
BURT  H.  MOORE  and  Mrs.  Moore,  the 
former  Martha  Eugenia  Fry,  who  were  mar- 
ried June  8,  are  now  living  at  1312  East 
Boulevard,  Charlotte  3,  N.  C.  Burt  is  an 
administrative  intern  at  Memorial  Hospital 
in  Charlotte. 

research  chemist  for  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Ne- 
mours in  Richmond,  Va.  He  and  Mrs. 
Myers  reside  at  118  Larne  Avenue,  Rich- 
mond 24. 

M.E.,  is  a  mechanical  engineer  for  Wright 
Machinery  Company  and  is  living  at  1206 
Vickers  Avenue,  Durham. 
NON  NOELL,  JR.  B.S.M.E.,  is  living  at  706 
West  20th  Street,  Wilmington,  Del.,  and  is 
working  as  a  designer  in  the  power  division 
of  the  Du  Pont  Company. 
is  a  supervisor-in-training  for  E.  I.  du  Pont 
de  Nemours  and  Company,  Inc.,  Dana,  Ind. 
JOYCE  PENTZ  of  140  East  63rd  Street, 
New  York  21,  N.Y.,  is  studying  at  Katherine 
Gdbbs  Secretarial  School. 
a  design  and  development  engineer  for  the 
Gardner  Board  and  Carton  Company,  Mid- 
dletown,  Ohio.  His  address  is  209  East  3rd 
Street,  Franklin,  Ohio. 

JACKSON  S.  RYMER,  B.S.E.E.,  of  304 
West  5th  Avenue,  Gastonia,  N.  C,  is  a  junior 
operating  engineer  for  Duke  Power  Com- 

On  August  11,  Miss  Martha  Scales  Zachery 
united  in  marriage  at  St.  Peter's  Episcopal 
Church,  Charlotte,  N.  C.  They  are  living  in 
Durham  while  Bill  is  attending  the  Duke 
Law  School.  Mrs.  Shuford,  an  alumnus  of 
St.  Mary's  Junior  College  in  Raleigh  and 
the  Woman's  College  of  the  University  of 
North  Carolina,  is  teaching  in  the  Durham 
City  Schools. 

FARISH  SIZEMORE  is  working  in  the  ad- 
mitting office  of  High  Point  Memorial  Hos- 

pital, and  is  living  at  103  Brantley  Circle, 
High  Point,  N.  C. 

JR.)  is  doing  furniture  retailing  at  Colonial 
Furniture  Company,  West  End,  N.  C.  Her 
husband  is  serving  as  a  private  first  class 
in  the  United  States  Army. 
science  teacher  and  assistant  coach  at  South 
Hill  High  School,  South  Hill,  Va.  His  mail- 
ing address  is  Box  397. 

B.S.E.E.,  is  an  engineer  for  Westinghouse 
Educational  Center,  Wilkinsburg,  Pa. 
is  a  civil  engineer  with  the  Aeronautical 
Chart  and  Information  Service,  Moses  Build- 
ing, 11th  and  F  Street,  Washington,  D.  C. 
He,  his  wife  and  their  young  son,  Timothy 
Bates,  who  was  born  on  October  24,  live  at 
7804  Atwood  Street  in  Washington. 
Miss  Joan  Eileen  Dempsey  and  KARL  VAN- 
DERBECK  were  united  in  marriage  in  a 
ceremony  held  at  the  First  Presbyterian 
and  Trinity  Church,  South  Orange,  N.  J., 
on  June  16.  Karl  works  for  Chemical  Bank 
and  Trust  Company,  New  York  City. 
an  entomologist  for  the  Forest  Insect  Lab- 
oratory, Ogden,  Utah. 

The  address  of  JAMES  NEILL  WALLACE, 
A.M.,  is  242  East  Pike  Street,  Pontiac, 

A.  R.  (BILL)  WHITE,  JR.,  B.S.C.E.,  and 
Miss  Alice  Maddox  were  married  Septem- 
ber 1  at  the  Centenary  Methodist  Church  in 
Richmond,  Va.  Bill  is  an  instructor  in  the 
College  of  Engineering  at  Duke  this  year. 
He  and  his  new  wife  are  living  at  1005 
Carolina  Avenue,  Durham. 
J.  ATWOOD  WHITMAN,  M.F.,  and  Mrs. 
Whitman  are  living  in  Glendon,  N.  C,  where 
he  is  a  consulting  forester. 
KENNY  WITHERS,  who  is  a  graduate  stu- 
dent at  Johns  Hopkins  University,  asks 
that  mail  be  sent  to  him  at  his  home  ad- 
dress, 1832  Mcintosh  Place,  Jacksonville, 


John  Raymond  McCrary,  '91,  retired 
lawyer,  former  U.  S.  District  attorney  and 
state  legislator,  died  at  his  home  in  Lex- 
ington, N.  C,  on  October  4  following  a 
brief  illness. 

Though  he  had  not  been  active  for  the 
past  six  years,  he  only  recently  dissolved 
a  25-year  partnership  in  law  with  Sim  A. 
DeLapp,  former  Republican  state  chair- 
man. During  the  Hoover  administration, 
Mr.  McCrary  had  been  U.  S.  attorney  for 
the  Middle  District.  In  1898  and  again 
in  1917,  he  represented  Davidson  in  the 
North  Carolina  legislature  when  he  was 

[  Page  298  ] ' 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 


named  minority  leader.  He  was  one  of 
the  organizers  of  the  big  Dixie  Furniture 
Company,  bedroom  furniture  manufactur- 
ers, in  Lexington,  and  was  for  years  its 

Following  his  years  at  Trinity,  Mr.  Mc- 
Crary  received  the  M.A.  degree  from  the 
University  of  Michigan,  and  studied  law 
at  the  University  of  North  Carolina.  He 
was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  1894. 

Surviving  are  the  wife,  and  three 
daughters,  Mrs.  Christine  Bowles,  States- 
ville,  N.  C. ;  Mrs.  Joe  H.  White,  '33,  and 
Miss  Penn  McCrary,  '49,  A.M.  '51,  of 
Lexington;  and  five  grandchildren.  His 
only  son,  John  R.  McCrary,  was  killed  in 
the  Battle  of  the  Bulge  in  Belgium  in 
January,  1945. 

FRED  J.  FORBES,  SR.,  '04 

Fred  James  Forbes,  Sr.,  '04,  died  in 
Greenville,  N.  C,  recently,  following  an 
illness  of  several  weeks.  Funeral  services 
were  conducted  at  the  chapel  of  the  S.  G. 
Wilkerson  and  Sons  Funeral  Home  and 
interment  was  in  Cherry  Hill  Cemetery. 

For  25  years,  Mr.  Forbes  was  cashier 
of  the  National  Bank  of  Greenville.  He 
then  became  liquidating  agent  in  several 
North  Carolina  towns.  In  1936  he  moved 
to  Raleigh  where  he  liquidated  the  Raleigh 
Banking  and  Trust  Company  of  that  city. 
While  there  he  was  one  of  the  organizers 
of  the  First  Federal  Savings  and  Loan 
Association.  He  returned  to  Greenville 
in  1941,  and  since  that  time  was  engaged 
in  the  real  estate  business. 

Surviving  are  the  wife,  one  daughter, 
Mrs.  Robert  Black,  New  London,  Conn. ; 
two  sons,  Fred,  Jr.,  and  John  M.  of 
Greenville;  four  sisters,  two  grandsons, 
and  several  nieces  and  nephews. 


The  Reverend  Fred  Herbert  Price,  '20, 
pastor  of  First  Street  Methodist  Church, 
Albemarle,  N.  C,  died  at  his  home  Oc- 
tober 8.  Funeral  services  were  held  at 
the  First  Street  Methodist  Church,  and 
burial  was  in  Monroe  Cemetery  at  Mon- 
roe, N.  C.  Mr.  Price,  who  was  just  be- 
ginning his  second  year  as  pastor  of  the 
church,  had  apparently  been  in  good 
health  and  was  at  work  in  his  yard  when 
he  was  stricken. 

A  native  of  Union  County,  N.  C,  Mr. 
Price  was  admitted  to  the  Western  North 
Carolina  Conference  of  the  Methodist 
Church  in  1917,  and  had  completed  34 
years  of  active  service  in  the  ministry. 
He  had  served  several  North  Carolina 
pastorates,  including  the  Lenoir  Circuit, 
Lowell,     Henrietta,     Shelby,     Statesville, 

Granite  Falls,  Statesville  Circuit,  and 
Albemarle  First  Street.  He  had  been 
pastor  of  the  Albemarle  church  exactly 
one  year. 

Survivors  include  the  wife,  the  former 
Amy  Amandy  Helms;  two  children,  Fred 
H.  Price,  Jr.,  Riderwood,  Md.,  and  Mrs. 
Robert  Hickman,  Granite  Falls.  Five 
sisters  and  two  brothers  also  survive. 


Thomas  A.  Priest,  '28,  of  516  North 
Maple  Street,  Durham,  died  September  1 
in  a  Durham  hospital  following  several 
months  declining  health.  He  had  been  crit- 
ically ill  and  a  patient  at  the  hospital  for 
several  months.  Funeral  services  were  held 
at  the  Hall-Wynne  Funeral  Chapel  and 
interment  was  in  the  new  section  of 
Maplewood  Cemetery. 

During  World  War  II,  he  served  with 
the  U.  S.  Army  Air  Corps.  The  greater 
part  of  his  four-year  term  of  service  was 
spent  as  an  instructor  with  the  rank  of 
sergeant.  He  later  worked  with  the  Dur- 
ham Post  Office. 

He  was  married  in  April,  1943,  to  the 
former  Miss  Thelma  Poe  of  Durham,  who 
sui-vives  in  addition  to  his  mother,  Mrs. 
Mettie  Anne  Priest  of  Cumberland  Coun- 
ty, and  two  brothers,  Lawrence  Priest  of 
Hope  Mills,  N.  C,  and  J.  G.  Priest  of 

LUCILE  DUNN,  M.  Ed.  '44 

It  has  been  learned  by  the  Alumni  Of- 
fice that  Lucile  Dunn,  M.Ed.  '44,  is  de- 


Myrl  Mitchell,  A.M.  '44,  died  Septem- 
ber 8  in  a  Durham  hospital  following  a 
cerebral  hemorrhage.  The  funeral  was 
held  at  Doughty-Stevens  Funeral  Home, 
Greeneville,  Tenn.,  and  interment  was  in 
Oak  Grove  Cemetery. 

Miss  Mitchell  had  a  brilliant  academic 
record  at  Tusculum  College  and  Duke. 
She  specialized  in  history  and  political 
science,  majoring-  in  American  foreign 
relations  and  making  a  special  study  of 
American  Southern  History  for  her  mas- 
ter's degree. 

She  taught  in  grade  and  junior  high 
schools  in  Tennessee  and  in  1946  joined 
the  Tusculum  faculty  in  the  department 
of  history  and  political  science.  Last 
spring  she  was  named  head  of  the  depart- 
ment. In  addition  she  took  part  in  sev- 
eral of  the  extra  curricular  activities  of 
the  college  and  was  a  member  of  the 
Southern  Political  Science  Association. 

She  is  survived  by  her  mother,  one  sis- 

ter, Mrs.  L.  N.  Humphreys,  and  two 
brothers,  John  J.  Mitchell,  of  Greenville, 
N.  C,  and  David  L.  Mitchell,  Cleveland, 


(MRS.  FRED  W.),  A.M.,  '48 
Margaret   Stevenson   Poos    (Mrs.   Fred 
W.),  A.M.  '48,  died  May  17. 

It  has  recently  been  learned  in  the 
Alumni  Office  that  Jared  Bailey,  '50,  was 
killed  in  an  accident  on  December  25, 
1950.  He  is  survived  by  his  parents,  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  C.  M.  Bailey,  507  52nd  Street, 
S.  E.,  Charleston,  W.  Va. 

Marvin  S.  Pittman,  '41,  died  in  Decem- 
ber, 1950,  it  has  recently  been  learned  by 
the  Alumni  Office.  He  is  survived  by  his 
parents,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  S.  Pittman, 
Statesboro,  Ga. 


(Continued  from  page  270) 
of  commerce  nor  personnel  between  India 
and  Pakistan  that  one  might  wish  for, 
and  as  Pakistan  requires  full  time  atten- 
tion, it  is  seldom  that  I  have  the  oppor- 
tunity to  keep  up  contacts  south  of  here. 
Nevertheless,  should  I  ever  visit  the  East 
Godavari  District  in  Madras,  a  most  in- 
teresting District  from  the  standpoint  of 
power  development  and  ancient  culture, 
I  shall  certainly  try  to  locate  Mantrala 
L.  N.  Sastri. 

Thanks  for  the  personal  news  of  Duke 
and  of  the  various  efforts.  I  wish  that 
I  could  reciprocate  with  a  little  chit-chat 
from  here,  but  I  am  afraid  anything  I 
say  today  would  be  wrong  tomorrow,  and, 
besides,  our  most  interesting  news  is  re- 
ported more  faithfully  than  I  could  re- 
port, by  newspaper  and  current  affairs 

I  did  have  a  chance  to  meet  Dr.  Frank 
Graham  while  he  was  in  Karachi,  and  for 
the  first  time  had  a  feeling  that  North 
Carolina  was  adequately  represented  in 
Pakistan.  On  Dr.  Graham's  staff  was 
Bill  Aycock  from  Greensboro,  who  taught 
me  when  I  was  in  high  school.  We  had 
a  most  enjoyable  and  interesting  dinner 
together  the  night  before  he  left,  but 
unfortunately  even  on  a  friendship  basis 
he  would  not  give  out  any  of  the  top  se- 
crets concerning  our  most  urgent  and  in- 
teresting problem,  Kashmir. 

Best  regards  to  you  and  all  the  good 
people  at  Durham.  Hope  to  see  you  on 
my  next  leave  a  year  or  two  from  now ! 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 

[ Page  299  ] 

Undergraduate  View 

(Continued  from  page  280) 
staged  a  triumphant  eight-convertible  pa- 
rade around  East  Campus  circle  to  offi- 
cially open  the  annual  Campus  Chest 
drive,  which  this  year  calls  for  a  dona- 
tion total  of  $3,500.  The  opening  was 
climaxed  by  Dr.  Frank  DeVyver's  address 
on  "The  Importance  of  Giving''  in  the 

Following  up  their  successful  sponsor- 
ship of  the  "Town  Meeting  of  the  Air," 
the  Men's  Student  Government  will  bring 
Senator  Robert  Taft,  candidate  for  the 
Republican  presidential  nomination,  to 
Page  Auditorium  late  in  November.  The 
stop  at  Duke  will  be  part  of  the  Sena- 
tor's Southern  campaign  tour.  His  ad- 
dress, plus  a  fifteen-minute  question  and 
answer  session,  should  give  students,  many 
of  whom  will  be  voting  for  the  first  time 
in  the  coming  election,  a  pretty  good  idea 
of  just  where  Mr.  Taft  stands,  and  what 
issues  the   campaign  will   center   around. 

With  polls  of  student  opinion,  library 
displays,  and  a  mock  court,  the  United 
Nations  came  to  Duke.  In  celebration  of 
UN  Day,  the  flag  of  the  international 
peace  organization  flew  over  the  campus, 
and  the  Security  Council  met  to  discuss 
an  attack  on  Formosa.  With  students 
taking  the  parts  of  the  various  member 
nations,  one  of  which  was  represented  by 
a  Spanish-speaking  foreign  student,  the 
session  had  an  air  of  authenticity  which 
was  furthered  by  the  late  arrival  of  the 
Russian  delegate.  Recognized  by  the  pre- 
siding Polish  delegate,  the  representative 
for  the  U.  S.  demanded  immediate  armed 
intervention  in  Formosa.  Although  they 
failed  to  have  the  resolution  passed  due 
to  a  Russian  veto,  the  delegates  in  favor 
succeeded  in  placing  it  on  the  agenda  of 
the  General  Assembly. 

Alumni  Associations 

(Continued  from  page  281) 
the  Wardman  Park  Hotel.     Sydney's  Or- 
chestra will  play. 

For  further  information,  please  con- 
tact Frances  H.  Davis,  '32,  Hancock  Hall, 
McLean  Gardens,  3665  38th  Street,  N.W., 
or  Bill  Werber,  Jr.,  Box  4377,  Duke  Uni- 

In  celebration  of  Duke  University 
Founders  Day  the  Washington  Duke 
Alumni  group  will  hold  a  luncheon  meet- 
ing on  Saturday,  December  15,  1951,  be- 
ginning at  12:30  P.M.  at  The  Fairfax, 
2100  Massachusetts  Avenue,  N.  W.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C.  Admission:  $1.50  per  per- 
son. Tickets  may  be  obtained  from  Mrs. 
Joseph  P.  Breedlove,  Jr.,  5519  Pollard 
Rd.,  Washington  16,  D.  C.  Telephone: 
01.  4597  or  Miss  Frances  A.  Davis,  3665 
—38th  Street,  N.  W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 
Telephone — Home:  Or.  7645;  Office:  Re. 
1820,  Ext.  3158. 

Note :  There  are  only  a  limited  number 
of  tickets  available.  Please  send  your 
order  as  soon  as  possible.  All  reserva- 
tions must  be  in  not  later  than  Decem- 
ber 13. 

Consult  the  Duke  Gift  List 

Whether  it  be  Christmas  or  any  other  time  of 
the  year  when  a  distinguished  gift  is  needed, 
Duke  etchings,  plates,  place  mats  or  calendars 
are  the  perfect  answer. 

Union  with  Chapel  Tower  in 
Distance,  an  etching  by  Louis 
Orr.  Just  one  of  five  etchings 
suggested  on  the  Duke  Gift 

To  place  orders  or  for  further 
information  write  the  Alumni 
Office,  Duke  University,  Dur- 
ham, N.  C. 

Gift  List 

for   Christmas   and   Other   Occasions 

Duke  etchings  by  artist  Louis  Orr. 
Five  Duke  campus  scenes  available. 
$18.00  each. 

Duke  Wedgwood  plates  in  blue  or 
mulberry  on  white.  $2.00  each,  $14.00 
for  six  scenes,  $24.00  a  set  of  12 

Duke  waterproof  place  mats.  A  set  of 
eight.    $1.25* 

Duke  calendars  with  a  different  pic- 
ture of  the  campus  for  every  week  in 
the  year.    $1.00* 

*  Add  15c  for  mailing  charges. 

[  Page  300  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  November,  1951 




No,  but  she  is 
an  important  young  lady.  Her  hand  clasped  confidently 
in  mother's,  she's  leaving  the  hospital  after  a  minor 
operation.  Blue  Cross-Blue  Shield  benefits  will  take 
the  financial  sting  out  of  her  first  hospital  adventure 
— and  whether  or  not  she's  going  to  be  our  country's  first 
woman  president,  when  it  comes  to  sickness  expenses, 
her  future  looks  bright.    How  about  your  children? 







December,  1951 

Copyright  1951,  Liggett  &  Myers  Tobacco  Co. 


(Member  of  American  Alumni  Council) 

Published  at  Durham,  N.  C,  Every  Month  in  the  Year 
in  the  Interest  of  the  University  and  the  Alumni 


December,  1951 

No.  12 


Letters 302 

Campaign  Tops  $8,250,000 305 

Gordon  Bean's  Address 306 

Solomon's    Temple 307 

Local  Association  Meetings ,508 

Recollection  of  Dr.  Flowers 310 

The  Undergraduate  View 312 

From  the  Faculty 313 

Cage  Season  Opens  Well 315 

Sons  and  Daughters 316 

News  of  the  Alumni 317 

Charles   A.    Dukes,    '29 

Director,   Alumni   Affairs 

Roger  L.  Marshall,  '42 

Layout   Editor 
Ruth  Mary  Brown 

Associate  Editor 
Anne  Garrard,   '25 

Advertising  Manager 
Fred  Whitener,  '51 

Staff  Photographer 
Jimmy  Whitley 

Two  Dollars  a  Year  20  Cents  a  Copy 

Entered  as  Second-Class  Matter  at  the  Post  Office  at 

Durham,  N.  C,  Under  the  Act  of  March  3,  1879. 


The  Cover  — — ■ 

In  keeping  with  the  season,  the  cover  of  this  month's 
Register  has  a  religious  theme.  Pictured  is  the  large 
chancel  window  of  Duke  Chapel  which  is  situated  behind 
the  pulpit.  The  top  and  middle  rows  of  figures  picture 
ten  of  the  twelve  apostles.  On  the  bottom  row  are  five 
Old  Testament  prophets.  This  window  is  considered  one 
of  the  most  beautiful  examples  of  stained  glass  art  in  the 
United  States. 

Une  ^blxectoti 

I  wish  it  were  possible  to  say  '"Merry  Christmas  and 
Happy  New  Year"  to  each  of  you.  Because  of  your 
willingness  to  share  in  the  alumni  work,  you  have  made 
this  one  of  the  happiest  Christmases  the  staff,  of  the 
Alumni  Office,  and,  for  that  matter,  the  entire  University 
community  has  ever  had.  Because  of  your  interest  and 
enthusiasm,  the  University  will  be  in  a  position  to  make  a 
greater  contribution  in  the  field  of  education  during  the 
coming  new  year. 

Many  of  the  local  associations  have  been  unable  to  hold 
their  meetings  during  the  fall.  Several  have  waited  so 
that  they  could  have  them  at  a  time  that  would  be  better 
suited  to  local  conditions.  Others  have  shifted  their  dates 
to  suit  the  convenience  of  the  speaker.  Despite  the  con- 
stantly changing  plans,  this  year's  series  of  meetings  is 
one  that  alumni  can  view  with  pardonable  pride. 

Founders  Day,  December  11,  had  as  its  speaker  Gordon 
Dean,  an  alumnus  of  Duke  University.  This  occasion  gave 
the  students  an  opportunity  to  express  their  appreciation 
for  what  the  University  has  contributed  to  them  and  to 
make  known  in  a  public  way  their  interest  in  assuring  the 
University 's  future.  This  year  the  traditional  tree  planting 
exercises  in  connection  with  the  program  were  held  in 
Page  Auditorium.  Various  comments  indicated  that 
everyone  could  hear  what  was  going  on  for  the  first  time. 

I  suggest  you  read  the  letter  to  President  Edens  from 
Hinohara.  It  reminds  us  that  Duke  University  has  been 
made  possible  because  of  the  men  who  have  given  then- 
lives  in  its  service.  Running  through  the  entire  pattern 
of  the  institution  are  the  threads  of  the  lives  of  the  men 
and  women  woven  together  to  give  strength  and  purpose 
to  the  institution.  It  also  reminds  us  that  each  former 
student  can  have  a  share  in  Duke's  future.  We  can  make 
the  institution  more  effective  by  seeing  that  it  has  the 
necessary  ingredients  for  greatness,  or  we  can  minimize  it 
in  our  thinking  and  leave  its  future  to  someone  else. 

The  basketball  team  has  already  played  in  Winston- 
Salem  and  Shelby,  and  is  going  to  play  in  other  towns. 
This  gives  the  alumni  an  excellent  opportunity  to  see  this 
year's  team  in  action.  If  you  would  like  a  schedule  or 
information,  drop  us  a  line. 

The  Angier  Duke  Scholarship  Committee  received  a 
greater  number  of  applications  this  year  than  in  any  other 
year  since  it  was  established. 

Do  Y  on  Jtvem.em.oer 

10  Years  Ago  {December) 

The  Rose  Bowl  Beckons  Mighty  Blue 
Devils  for  New  Years  Game. 

Pan  Hel  sponsors  a  three-dance 
series  with  Charlie  Spivak  giving  out 
with  the  background  music. 

The  saga  of  the  barefoot  sopho- 
mores :  When  freshmen  retaliated  for 
Goon  Day  by  swiping  their  sophomore 
sisters  grimy  saddle  shoes,  it  seems 
some  of  the  boys  from  West  couldn't 
resist  the  urge  to  collect  souvenirs. 
The  poor  sophs,  minus  their  shoes,  are 
clamoring  for  pity — and  their  missing 

Latest  fad  on  East — dying  hair 
black  by  rubbing  carbon  paper  on  it. 

Duke  Players  present  a  mystery 
drama,  "Mr.  and  Mrs.  North." 

It's  Clark  Gable  and  Lana  Turner 
in  "Honky-Tonk"  at  the  Carolina. 

Duke  students  greet  war,  on  Decem- 
ber 7,  with  calm  resignation.  Press 
association  ticker  tape  was  watched  as 
it  was  for  news  of  the  Rose  Bowl 
game,  but  with  an  entirely  different 

Vinee  Courtney  and  the  Duke  Am- 
bassadors are  making  music  on  cam- 
pus. They  find  competition  in  Phil 
Messenkopf  and  the  Duke  Blue  Satins. 

25  Years  Ago 

The  first  celebration  of  Duke  Univer- 
sity Day  was  held  December  11,  just 
two  years  after  the  signing  of  the 
Duke  Indenture.     Dr.  Flowers  spoke. 

Don't  miss  Irving  Berlin's  fourth 
and  greatest  Music  Box  Review,  ap- 
pearing at  the  City  Auditorium. 

Furrnan  McLarty  is  elected  Rhodes 
Scholar  from  North  Carolina. 

G.  E.  (Jelly)  Leftwich,  Jr.,  is  leader 
of  a  popular  band  on  campus. 

Everybody's  reading  Albert  Cot- 
ton's Chronicle  Column — The  Crow's 

The  second  annual  IFC  dance,  held 
at  the  Washington  Duke,  was  a  great 

The  Paris  is  showing  the  Four 
Horsemen  of  the  Apocalypse  with 
Rudolph  Valentino  and  Alice  Terry. 

50  Years  Ago 

James  and  Benjamin  Duke  have 
presented  a  $6,820  tract  of  land  to  the 
College.  Benjamin  N.  Duke  has  also 
provided  funds  for  a  new  dormitory. 

James  H.  Southgate  is  chairman  of 
the  Board  of  Trustees. 


Mary  I.  Jackson,  '50 

102-17  64th  Road 

Apt.  6-G 

Forest  Hills,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

November  28,  1951 
Dear  fellow  alums, 

Since  I've  just  moved,  thought  I'd  bet- 
ter drop  you  a  line  with  my  new  address 
and  a  word  or  two  about  what  I've  been 
doing  since  leaving  my  Alma  Mater  a  year 
and  sis  months  ago. 

After  leaving  Duke  the  thought  of 
"going  back  home"  didn't  seem  in  the 
least  bit  exciting,  so  three  weeks  after 
graduation  (in  '50)  found  me  making  a 
grand  tour  of  the  employment  agencies 
in  New  York  City  in  the  hopes  of  getting 
a  job  that  was  "different."  And,  being 
that  I'm  a  lucky  person  to  begin  with, 
I  walked  right  into  a  job  so  different  that 
I'm  always  stuck  for  an  answer  when 
people  ask  me  what  I  do.  In  the  first 
place  I  work  with  Displaced  Persons  for 
an  organization  called  Church  World 
Service,  which  handles  all  Protestant 
D.  P.'s — with  the  exception  of  the  Lu- 
therans— entering  the  country.  My  job 
title  is  "notification  worker,"  a  very  elu- 
sive and  nebulous  term  even  to  me.  I, 
along  with  about  15  other  notification  and 
"pier"  workers,  go  down  to  the  piers 
whenever  the  D.  P.  ships  arrive  (U.  S. 
Army  transports),  help  the  D.  P.'s 
through  customs,  then  send  them  on 
their  way  to  wherever  they're  going  in 
the  country.  Some  stay  here  in  N.  Y., 
but  many  go  out  to  farms  in  the  Midwest, 
some  to  factory  jobs  in  other  big  cities, 
or  positions  as  domestics  most  anywhere. 
Some  go  as  far  as  California  or  Wash- 

ington. (To  enter  the  country  at  all,  all 
persons  must  have  a  "sponsor"  who  will 
guarantee  them  a  job  and  housing.)  By 
now  I  think  I  could  find  my  way  around 
Grand  Central  or  Penn  Stations  blind- 
folded, for  I  am  also  a  "station  worker" 
which  means  taking  the  D.P.'s  from  the 
pier  to  the  stations  for  entraining.  You 
might  be  wondering  at  this  point  how  I 
manage  to  communicate  with  them,  and 
this  I  do  by  means  of  a  very  crude  sort 
of  German  which  I've  picked  up.  When 
this  fails,  as  in  meeting  a  solely  Russian- 
speaking  Russian  (most  Europeans  speak 
and  understand  some  German)  then  one 
starts  using  one's  hands  instead  of  one's 
vocal  cords.  Back  in  the  office  we  spend 
our  time  notifying  sponsors  of  the  arriv- 
als of  ships  and  straightening  out  prob- 
lem cases  which  involve  sponsorship — or 
lack  of  it.  I  venture  to  say  that  I've  got 
the  most  unpredictable  job  ever  heard  of. 
In  fact  the  word  "routine"  is  most  for- 
eign to  our  ears.  I  never  know  from  one 
minute  to  the  next,  let  alone  one  day  to 
the  next,  what  I'm  going  to  be  doing  next. 
I  spend  as  much  time  out  of  the  office 
as  I  do  in,  and  I'm  just  as  apt  to  be 
working  from  12  to  8  as  I  am  9  to  5. 
The  farthest  I  ever  got  from  the  ordinary 
man's  routine  day  was  during  the  recent 
dock  strike  when  I  wasn't  called  into 
work  until  10  in  the  evening  and  worked 
until  4  the  next  morning.  The  best  part 
of  all,  though,  is  the  unusually  wonderful 
bunch  of  people  I  work  with.  We're  all 
young  college  grads  from  all  parts  of  the 
country  who  were  chosen  primarily  on 
the  basis  of  our  individual  personalities . 
and  group  compatibility,  since  we  work 
(Continued  on  Page  310) 

Calendar  for  January 

3.  Instruction  resumed  after  Christ- 
mas vacation. 

7.  Erasmus  Club.     8 :15  p.m.,  Green 
Room,  East  Campus. 

8.  Chamber  Orchestra  Concert.    8 :15 
p.m.,  Asbury,  East  Campus. 

16-26.  Mid-Year  Exams. 

24—25.  North  Carolina  Press  meeting  and 
dinner.  204-205-206  West  Cam- 
pus Union. 

28-29.  Registration  for  Trinity  College 
students  for  spring  semester.  9  :00 
to  5:00,  204-205-206  West  Cam- 
pus Union. 
30.  Instruction  for  spring  semester 

31.  All-Star  Concert  Series.  Nor- 
wegian Singing  Boys.  8 :15  p.m., 
Page  Auditorium. 

During  the  month  of  January,  an 
exhibit  of  the  archaeological  findings 
of  Dr.  Elizabeth  R,  Sunderland,  Duke 
professor  of  art,  at  Charlieu,  France, 
will  be  shown  in  the  Woman's  College 
Library.  Dr.  Sunderland  has  done  re- 
search on  the  foundations  of  an  11th 
Century  Cluniac  Monastery  and  a  9th 
Century  Carolingian  Church  which  for- 
merly stood  on  the  same  location.  A 
photographic  display  will  explain  her 

[  Page  302  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER.  December,  1951 

Glenn  G.  Geiger  and  family,  New  York 

I  found  unparalleled  opportunities 

Vvhile  I  was  still  an  undergraduate  at  the 
University  of  North  Dakota,  I  made  up  my  mind  that 
I  wanted  to  live  and  work  in  the  New  York  area.  But  I 
was  interested  onlv  in  a  position  that  would  provide  an 
adequate  living,  and  of  equal  importance,  one  in  which 
I  would  have  personal  contact  with  people  and  be  of 
help  to  them  with  their  problems. 

So  I  began  an  intensive  studv  of  career  possibilities. 
I  found  that  the  one  field  that  offered  exactly  what  I  was 
looking  for  was  life  insurance.  And  after  comparing 
various  companies,  I  chose  New  England  Mutual  — the 
first  mutual  life  insurance  companv  chartered  in  America. 

I've  received  wonderful  training  in  New  England 
Mutual.  And  I've  found  unparalleled  opportunities  to 
serve  my  fellow  man  and  to  give  my  family  security. 

I'm  living  and  working  in  the  city  of  my  choice.  I'm 
guiding  the  financial  affairs  of  a  wide  variety  of  people, 
and  I'm  establishing  many  valued  friendships. 

No  wonder  I  feel  so  strongly  that  life  insurance  offers 
immediate  and  satisfactory  rewards  for  college  graduates 
who  work  hard,  have  high  ideals  and  a  genuine  interest 
in  the  welfare  of  other  people! 


If  you  would  like  more  information  about  a  career  in 
which  your  individual  ability  and  industry— and  nothing 
else— determine  your  income,  write  Mr.  H.  C.  Chaney, 
Director  of  Agencies,  501  Boylston  St.,  Boston  17,  Mass. 

One  reason  New  England  Mutual  agents  do  so  well  is  that 
they  have  a  truly  fine  product  to  sell.  The  New  England  Mutual 
life  insurance  policy  is  a  liberal  and  flexible  contract  that  can 
give  you  iust  the  kind  of  financial  help  you  require. 

And  vou  will  be  pleasantly  surprised  to  find  that  the  rates 
for  manv  New  England  Mutual  policies  are  lower  today  than 
thev  were  20  years  ago! 

If  vou  are  interested  in  having  your  life  insurance  program 
custom-tailored  to  fit  your  personal  or  business  needs,  get  in 
touch  with  one  of  vour  own  alumni  listed  below,  or  one  of 
the  other  700  college-trained  men  who  represent  New  England 
Mutual  from  Maine  to  Hawaii. 

These  Duke  University  men  are  New  England  Mutual 

Kenneth  V.  Robinson,  '31,  Hartford 
George  D.  Davis,  CLU,  '37,  Charlotte 
Charles  R.  Williams,  '42,  Manchester 
E.  R  McMillin,  Jr.,  '40,  Nashville 

New  England  Mutual  would  like  to  add  several  qualified 
Duke  University  men  to  its  sales  organization  which  is  lo- 
cated in  the  principal  cities  from  coast  to  coast.  If  you  are 
interested,  write  to  Mr.  Chaney  as  directed  above. 

New  England 



Li/e  Insurance  Company 
of  Host  on 




William  Preston  Few 

with  a  Biographical  Appreciation  by 



I  have  read  Mr.  Woodv's  "Biographical  Appreciation"  and  his  selection  of  Dr.  Few's  papers  and 
addresses  with  keen  interest.  Dr.  Few  was  not  an  easy  man  to  know  and  it  took  years  of  association  to 
understand  and  appreciate  all  of  his  rare  qualities.  By  his  skilful  use  of  quotations  and  through  his 
sympathetic  interpretation  Mr.  Woody  has  succeeded,  it  seems  to  me.  in  drawing  a  true  picture  of  this 
quiet  scholar  and  able  administrator  whose  whole  heart  and  unbending  purpose  were  devoted  to  the  educa- 
tional ideals  in  which  he  so  profoundly  believed  and  whose  life  is  forever  inwrought  into  the  life  of  Duke 
University.  —Alice  M.  Baldwin 

Dr.  Few's  wise  observations  and  comments  on  educational  issues  during  his  long  service  in  Trinity 
College  and  Duke  University  are  as  valid  in  mid-twentieth  century  as  when  originally  made,  for  some  of 
those  issues  have  had  a  way  of  persisting.  Professor  Woodv's  excellent  introduction  makes  the  man  live 
as  he  was  so  well  and  so  favorably  known  by  many  generations  of  Trinity  and  Duke  men  and  women. 

— Edgar  TV.  Knight 


Duke  University  Press 

Box  6697,  College  Station,  Durham,  North  Carolina 

Please  send  me  a  copy  of  each  book  checked  below.     My  check  is  enclosed. 


BY  ROBERT  H.  WOODY.     $5.00 
[     ]     TRINITY  COLLEGE.  1839-1892:  THE  BEGINNINGS  OF  DUKE  UNIVERSITY.     By  Nora  Chaffin.     $5.00 
[     ]     PERSONAL  RECOLLECTIONS   OF   TRINITY  COLLEGE,  NORTH  CAROLINA,  1887-1894.     By  John  Frank- 
ling  Crowell.     $3.00 
[     ]     JOHN   CARLISLE   KILGO,   PRESIDENT   OF   TRINITY  COLLEGE,  1894-1910.     By  Paul  Neff  Garber.     $3.00 



[  Page  304 ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER.  December,  1951 

Campaign  Total  Tops  $8,250,000  on  December  11 

Founders  Day  Report  Shows  Program  Near  Its  Goal 

Twenty  clays  were  left  before  the  dead- 
line of  December  31,  when  Benjamin  F. 
Few,  '15,  A.M.  '16,  reported  to  the  Na- 
tional Council  on  Founders  Day  that 
$8,251,243.15  has  been  raised  for  the 
University  through  the  Development 

Mr.  Few,  who  is  the  Development  Cam- 
paign's national  chairman,  also  reported 
that  7,832  alumni  and  friends  were  listed 
as  contributors  up  to  December  11. 

"And  just  today,"  he  added,  "nearly 
100  new  contributions  have  been  received 
totaling  several  thousand  dollars.  This  is 
iu  addition  to  the  figures  just  announced." 

Meanwhile,  it  should  be  added,  new 
contributions  are  continuing  to  arrive  at 
Campaign  Headquarters  at  an  undimin- 
ished rate. 

This  adequately  illustrates  the  fact  that 
campaign  workers  are  pushing  hard, 
right  up  to  the  last  minute,  to  reach  the 
goal  of  $8,650,000;  and  it  also  demon- 
strates the  sustained  enthusiasm  on  the 
part  of  all  alumni  that  has  characterized 
the  Development  Campaign  right  from 
its  beginning. 

Mr.  Few's  report  was  submitted  to  the 
National  Council  at  its  annual  Founders 
Day  meeting,  which  took  place  in  tlie 
Union  Ballroom  following  a  luncheon 
with  members  of  the  Board  of  Trustees. 

Presiding  at  the  meeting  was  N.  E. 
Edgerton,  '21,  of  Raleigh,  N.  C,  in  the 
absence  of  Alonzo  C.  Edwards,  '25,  the 
National  Council  chairman. 

A  high  spot  of  the  meeting  was  the  in- 
duction of  two  honorary  members,  David 
Ovens  of  Charlotte,  N.  C,  and  George 
Watts  Hill  of  Durham.  Their  citation 
read,  in  part:  "Because  of  their  extraor- 
dinary interest  in  the  objectives  and  pur- 
poses of  Duke  University,  and  by  their 
faithful  and  distinguished  service,  (they) 
have  demonstrated  their  continuing  and 
recognized  loyalty  to  the  University." 

Citations  were  read  and  certificates 
presented  by  P.  Huber  Hanes,  Jr.,  '38, 
of  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Praise  for  Workers 

"This  is  a  superb  report,"  Mr.  Few 
commented,  after  announcing  campaign 
totals,  "and  it  has  been  made  possible 
through  the  untiring  efforts  of  many  peo- 
ple without  regard  for  personal  con- 

He  paid  high  tribute  to  the  many 
alumni,   alumnae,   and   friends   who   have 

Looking  over  the  Founders  Day  report,  and  pleased  with  what  they  see,  are  (left 
to  right)  N.  E.  Edgerton,  '21,  Raleigh,  N.  C;  Ben  F.  Few,  '15,  Development  Cam- 
paign National  Chairman,  New  York  City;  President  Edens;  and  B.  Everett  Jordan, 
'18,  Saxapahaw,  N.  C,  general  canvass  chairman  for  North  Carolina. 

devoted  time  and  energy  to  the  success 
of  the  program.  Specially  mentioned 
were  B.  Everett  Jordan,  '18,  of  Saxapa- 
haw, N.  C,  chairman  of  the  general  can- 
vass for  North  Carolina;  J.  Raymond 
Smith  of  Mount  Airy,  N.  C,  chairman 
of  Initial  Gifts  for  North  Carolina;  and 
George  Watts  Hill,  who  headed  the  cam- 
paign among  non-alumni  friends  in  the 
City  of  Durham,  a  campaign  that  sur- 
passed its  goal  of  $250,000. 

"The  important  thing,"  Mr.  Few  de- 
clared, "is  not  the  giving,  but  the  devel- 
opment of  the  habit  of  giving  to  Duke 
University.  There  is  no  question  in  my 
mind  but  that  if  the  habit  of  giving  is 
continued,  Duke  will  remain  in  its  high 
place  among  leading  national  institutions." 

Speaking  informally  to  the  National 
Council,  President  Edens  termed  the  cam- 
paign's successes  "truly  remarkable,"  and 
he  added  to  Mr.  Few's  praise  of  cam- 
paign workers  and  class  agents,  without 
whom,  he  said,  the  campaign  would  have 
been  impossible. 

"I  sincerely  hope,"  President  Edens 
stated,  "and  I  believe  it  will  be  true,  that 

when  we  come  to  December  31,  we  shall 
be  able  to  announce  that  we  have  ex- 
ceeded our  goal,  and  that  all  of  us  will 
be  pleased  with  the  results. 

"I  do  not  know  of  any  other  institu- 
tion that  has  more  tangible  evidence  of 
the  willingness  of  its  former  students  to 
serve  it." 

The  Last  Appeal 

Meanwhile,  preparations  are  underway 
for  a  final  appeal  for  gifts  before  the 
December  31  deadline.  Now  in  the  mails 
for  all  alumni  is  a  progress  report  and 
a  special  letter  from  Chairman  Few  call- 
ing for  last  minute  support  to  put  the 
campaign,,  over  its  goal  before  the  New 

Responses  are  still  arriving  to  the  most 
recent  appeal  by  class  agents,  and  a 
similar  response  to  this  final  mailing 
should  bring  the  campaign  to  a  highly 
successful  conclusion.  j. 

Exercises  in  Page 

Speaking  at  exercises  in  Page  Audi- 
torium was  Gordon  Dean,  LL.M.  '32, 
chairman    of    the    Atomic    Energy    Com- 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER.  December,  1951 

[  Page  305  ] 

Recognized  by  Council.  George  Watts  Hill  (left),  Durham  civic  leader, 
and  David  Ovens,  Charlotte,  N.  C,  pioneer  merchant  and  philanthropist,  were  elected  to 
honorary  membership  in  the  Duke  University  National  Council  for  outstanding  serv- 
ice to  the  University.  Mr.  Hill  headed  the  Durham  City  campaign  and  Mr.  Ovens 
has  been  one  of  the  campaign's  most  generous  contributors.  The  induction  ceremony 
was  performed  by  P.  Huber  Hanes,  Jr.,  '38,  of  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

mission  and  formerly  a  member  of  the 
Duke  Law  School  teaching  staff.  Ex- 
cerpts from  Mr.  Dean's  excellent  address 
appear  in  this  issue  of  the  Register. 

The  exercises  opened  with  a  carillon 
recital  by  Mrs.  Mildred  L.  Hendrix,  which 
began  at  10 :10  a.m.  when  classes  were 
dismissed  to  allow  students  to  gather  in 
Page.  Music  for  the  Page  program  was 
provided  by  the  University  Brass  En- 
semble under  the  direction  of  Paul  Bryan, 
and  the  Men's  Glee  Club,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  J.  Foster  Barnes. 

Presiding  was  President  Edens,  and  the 
speaker  was  introduced  by  Dr.  Paul  M. 
Gross,  vice-president  of  the  University 
and  president  of  the  Oak  Ridge  Institute 
of  Nuclear  Studies. 

At  the  conclusion  of  the  program, 
Glenn  Marlin,  president  of  the  College  of 
Engineering  senior  class,  accompanied  by 
the  senior  class  president  of  the  Woman's 
College,  Alice  Youmans,  and  the  senior 
class  vice-president  of  Trinity  College, 
Carl  James,  presented  a  tree  to  Presi- 
dent Edens  in  observance  of  the  annual 
tree  planting  ceremony  that  has  been  a 
tradition  for  more  than  20  vears. 

Dean  Calls  for  Calm  Approach  to  Atomic  Age 

Gordon  Dean,  LL.M.  '32,  Chairman  of 
the  Atomic  Energy  Commission,  ivas  the 
1951  Founders  Day  speaker.  The  posi- 
tion that  he  holds  makes  Mr.  Dean  one 
of  the  nation's  most  important  men,  and 
he  spoke  concerning  one  of  the  world's 
most  important  topics.  Below  are  ex- 
cerpts from  his  address  which  should  be 
of  interest  to  all  thinking  men  and  women 
of  this  generation. 

When  I  last  visited  the  campus,  back 
in  March,  1950,  I  discussed  the  impor- 
tance of  keeping  balance  in  our  atomic 
energy  program.  With  your  indulgence 
I  would  like  to  repeat  one  paragraph 
from  those  remarks. 

"This  is  an  age  of  atomic  bombs  and 
international  tensions.  In  such  an  age  it 
has  become  fashionable  to  be  extreme.  It 
is  a  fashion  which  springs  basically  from 
the  uncertainties  and  anxieties  in  the  minds 
of  people,  and  from  the  urge,  in  times 
when  certitude  is  gone,  to  grasp  at  easy 
solutions  to  complex  and  troublesome 
problems.  In  such  an  age  people  tend 
to  become  rash  in  statement  and  extreme 
in  position.  ...  If  there  ever  was  a  time 
in  our  history  when  we  badly  needed 
balance,  it  is  today.  .  .  ." 

Too  many  people  seem  to  be  living  in 
an  unreal  world  marked  by  deep  gloom, 
frenetic    but    undirected    activity,    or    a 

fatalistic  resignation  to  the  coming  of  an 
atomic  holocaust.  Many  of  these  people 
are  going  through  the  motions  of  living, 
but  they  are  not  really  living,  and  they 
are  not  making  the  responsible  contribu- 
tion to  society  that  society  has  every  right 
to  expect  from  them  in  time  of  crisis.  .  .  . 

The  present  crisis,  while  admittedly  an 
uncomfortable  one,  is  no  worse — and  in 
many  ways  is  not  so  bad — as  .  .  .  other 
crises  ...  at  the  time  they  occurred.  But 
the  lesson  of  history  is  that  this  crisis, 
like  the  others,  will  not  be  solved  by 
allowing  ourselves  to  become  panicky  or 
to  slip  into  the  lazy  and  irresponsible 
escape  of  fatalism.  The  answer  lies 
rather  in  our  ability  to  analyse  the  prob- 
lem, to  work  out  our  answer  to  it,  and  to 
buckle  down  to  the  job  of  putting  its  solu- 
tion into  effect  in  a  cool  and  businesslike 

In  my  opinion,  one  of  the  most  valuable 
services  to  be  performed  by  the  great  uni- 
versities of  this  country,  of  which  Duke 
is  an  outstanding  example,  is  to  assist  in 
supplying  the  balance  and  perspective  so 
badly  needed  in  these  times.  Our  uni- 
versities are  eminently  qualified  to  per- 
form this  vital  service,  partly  because 
they  are  the  repositories  of  the  accumu- 
lated wisdom  of  the  ages,  and  partly  be- 
cause   they    are    populated    by    rational, 

Gordon  Dean 

intelligent  people  accustomed  to  approach- 
ing problems  analytically  and  unemo- 
tionally. .  .  . 

The  way  to  solve  the  problem  of  atomic 

energy  is  to   stop   turning  away  from  it 

and  to  put  it  out  on  the  table  where  it 

can  be  examined.    If  we  do  this,  we  can 

(Continued  on  Page  328) 

[  Pag-e  306"} 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER.  December,  1951 

Solomon's  Temple 

A  Noted  Replica  Results  from  Research  of  Alumnus 

"Then  Solomon  began  to  build  the 
house  of  the  Lord  at  Jerusalem  in  Mount 
Moriah,  where  the  Lord  appeared  unto 
David  his  father,  in  the  place  that  David 
had  prepared  in  the  threshingfloor  of 
Oman  the  Jebusite."  (II  Chronicles 

Solmon's  Temple,  the  most  famous 
building-  in  the  Bible,  was  so  spectacular 
that  one  royal  visitor  traveled  by  caravan 
more  than  1,500  miles  to  see  it  and  other 
marvels  of  Solomon's  court,  so  magnifi- 
cent that  when  the  Queen  of  Sheba  saw 
it  there  was  no  spirit  left  in  her.  Erected 
on  Mount  Moriah  in  Jerusalem,  where 
Abraham  had  prepared  to  sacrifice  Isaac, 
and  fashioned  of  marble,  cedar,  gold  and 
bronze,  it  never  ceased  to  amaze  peoples 
of  the  world. 

Built  for  King  Solomon  by  Hiram  of 
Tyre  about  950  B.C.,  the  Temple  stood 
for  nearly  four  hundred  years  as  the 
"cathedral"  of  the  Hebrews  until  Nebu- 
zaradan,  captain  of  the  guard,  in  the 
19th  year  of  Nebuchadrezzar,  King  of 
Babylon,  burned  it  and  carried  away  all 
the  brass  and  gold.  To  Biblical  scholars, 
the  Temple  of  Solomon  is  of  great  im- 
portance, since  it  marked  a  major  change 
in  public  worship  for  Judaism. 

Many  reconstructions  of  the  Temple 
have  appeared  at  intervals  since  1720, 
but  they  have  resembled  everything  from 
a  foundry  to  Victorian  gingerbread. 
None  has  had  extensive  written  or  ar- 
chaeological bases,  but  were  mostly 
imaginative  creations. 

Exacting  Research 

Dr.  Paul  Leslie  Garber,  a  Gurney 
Harris  Kearns  Fellow  in  Religion  at 
Duke  from  1937  to  1939,  now  head  of 
the  Bible  department  at  Agnes  Scott  Col- 
lege, became  interested  some  years  ago 
in  this  much-misunderstood  and  misrepre- 
sented example  of  architecture.  Dr.  Gar- 
ber spent  four  years  doing  research  to 
find  out  all  he  could  from  every  possible 
source  exactly  what  the  Temple  must 
have  looked  like.  Hope  of  a  model  was 
almost  discarded  because  the  cost  of  such 
an  exacting  piece  of  work  was  prohibitive, 
until  E.  G.  Howland  of  Troy,  N.  Y.,  a 
professional  model  maker,  offered  to  con- 
tribute his  labor  (  and  materials  to  pro- 
mote the  cause  of  Bible  teaching.  The 
completed  model,  executed  in  meticulous 
detail  and  built  as  exactly  to  scale  as 
possible,  is  now  insured  for  $10,000. 

A  great  deal  of  praise  has  been  given 
Dr.  Garber  for  his  scholarly  undertak- 
ing. Three-fourths  of  an  issue  of  The 
Biblical  Archaeologist  was  devoted  to  the 
model,  which  was  unveiled  about  a  year 
ago  in  Buttrick  Hall  at  Agnes  Scott, 
where  it  is  still  on  display.  The  recon- 
struction is  thought  by  many  to  be  the 
most  accurate  approach  to  the  original 
ever  made. 

"(This)  model  of  Solomon's  Temple  will 
enable  students  and  laymen  to  visualize 
some  pages  of  Biblical  history  better  than 
the  written  or  spoken  word  could  do," 
says  Professor  Robert  H.  Pfeiffer  of 

A  filmstrip  of  the  model  reconstruction 
was  released  in  March  by  Southeastern 
Films,  Atlanta,  Ga.,  and  is  available  for 
distribution  to  educational  and  religious 
groups  for  $2.50. 

"How  would  you  find  out  what  Solo- 
mon's Temple  looked  like?"  writes  Dr. 
Garber.  "You  would  secure  a  student  of 
the  Bible  who  could  look  up  what  experts 
in  Biblical  languages  know  and  what 
Biblical  archaeologists  have  found.  You 
would  get  a  professional  model  maker 
skillful  in  working  with  miniature  objects 
of  wood,  metal  and  plaster.  You  would 
allow  these  partners  four  and  a  half  years 
to  carry  on  correspondence  half-way 
around  the  world,  examine  a  dozen  or 
more  libraries  and  spend  much  time  in 
what  often  proved  unfruitful  experimen- 
tation. What  you'd  get  would  be  like  the 
Howland-Garber  model  reconstruction  of 
Solomon's  Temple  which  is  now  on  display 
at  Agnes  Scott  College  in  Decatur,  Ga." 

Although  the  Bible  gives  exact  meas- 
urements and  explicit  descriptions  (I 
Kings  6-8,  II  Chronicles  3,  4,  Jeremiah 
52,  and  Ezekiel  40-42)  of  the  building 
and  its  construction,  many  points  are  left 
in  doubt,  causing  the  wide  discrepancy  in 
former  models.  It  was  for  Dr.  Garber 
to  determine  what  the  missing  details 
might  be. 

Elegant  Simplicity 

Many  of  the  former  reconstructions 
depicted  the  Temple  as  being  very 
ornate.  However,  using  the  very  detailed 
explanations  in  the  Bible,  Dr.  Garber 
constructed  a  Temple  at  once  simple  in 
design  and  elegant  in  the  rich  materials 
used,  a  fine  example  of  construction  after 
the  Phoenician  manner.  Evidence  from 
both  Biblical  text  and   Biblical  arehaeol- 

Dr.  Garber  is  shown  above  with  the 
base  of  the  Temple,  illustrating  the  floor 
plan  and  showing  how  prefabricated  con- 
struction methods  used  in  the  original 
building  were  copied. 

The  entrance  to  the  Temple  illustrates 
the  almost  modern  simplicity  of  design  and 
the  beauty  of  the  legendary  Temple,  a 
building  now  considered  much  less  ornate 
than  earlier  models  depicted  it  and  which 
owed  its  splendor  to  its  materials  and 

ogy  substantiates  everything  included  in 
the  Howland-Garber  reconstruction.  Any 
features  previously  included  in  other  re- 
constructions were  omitted  if  recognized 
authorization  could  not  be  found. 

According  to  the  Bible    (I  Kings  6:2) 
"the  house  was  built  of  stone  made  ready 
(Continued  on  Page  328) 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  December,  1951 

[  Page  307  ] 

Local  Association  Meetings 

Wake  County 

The  Wake  County  Duke  Alumni  held 
their  annual  meeting  in  the  Social  Room 
of  the  Edenton  Street  Methodist  Church, 
November  20  at  6 :30  p.m. 

Retiring  president,  R.  Shelton  White, 
'21,  presided  and  special  guests  at  the 
dinner  were  President  and  Mrs.  A.  Hol- 
lis  Edens,  and  the  Reverend  Robert  E. 
Brown,  B.D.  '33,  new  District  Superin- 
tendent for  the  Raleigh  District  of  the 
North  Carolina  Conference  of  the  Meth- 
odist Church. 

Principal  speaker  for  the  evening  was 
E.  M.  Cameron,  Director  of  Athletics  at 
Duke,  who  discussed  the  history  as  well  as 
current  happenings  in  the  Athletic  De- 

New  officers  elected  for  the  coming 
year  were:  Charles  F.  Blanchard,  '45, 
LL.B.  '49,  president;  L.  L.  Ivey,  '15, 
vice-president;  and  J.  Allen  Norris, 
LL.B.  '30,  secretary-treasurer. 

Two  tickets  for  the  Duke-U.N.C.  game 
were  won  by  James  Johnston,  '36,  for 
holding  the  lucky  ticket  stub. 

Also  present  at  the  meeting  were 
Coma  Cole  Willard  (Mrs.  Walter  B.), 
'22,  president  of  the  General  Alumnae 
Association  and  Florence  Fitzgerald  Tun- 
stall  (Mrs.  K.  R.),  '29,  president  of  the 
Wake  County  Alumnae  Association. 

Caswell-Rockingham  Counties 

Duke  alumni  of  Rockingham  and  Cas- 
well counties  met  Tuesday,  December  4, 
at  the  Belvedere  Hotel  in  Reidsville,  N. 
C.  Dr.  Charles  E.  Jordan,  vice-president 
of  the  University  in  charge  of  public  rela- 
tions, spoke  on  the  history  of  Duke  Uni- 
versity, citing  the  red  letter  days  of  the 
past  which  were  significant  to  the  Uni- 
versity's progress. 

Another  Son 

of  Alumnus 

in  Freshman 


Lewis  Lynn  Caviness,  a  Duke  fresh- 
man this  year,  is  another  in  the  ranks 
of  new  students  whose  parents  also 
attended  Duke.  Lynn  is  the  son  of 
William  B.  Caviness,  '19,  of  Raleigh, 
N.  C. 

Fred  Whitener,  assistant  to  the  Direc- 
tor of  Alumni  Affairs  at  Duke,  showed  a 
color  movie  of  the  1951  Duke-Carolina 
football  game. 

Ralph  Fonville,  B.S.  '41,  presided  at 
the  meeting  and  was  succeeded  as  presi- 
dent by  Allen  Gwyn,  Jr.,  '47,  LL.B.  '50. 
Mr.  Fonville  will  act  as  secretary-treas- 
urer for  the  coming  year. 

New  Hanover-Pender  and 
Brunswick  Counties 

In  the  absence  of  Ethel  Williams  Bar- 
rett (Mrs.  G.  Warren),  '36,  who  was 
critically  ill,  Jasper  D.  Davis,  Jr.,  '41, 
presided  at  the  meeting  of  Duke  Alumni 
from  New  Hanover-Pender  and  Bruns- 
wick counties. 

The  group  heard  Dr.  James  Cannon, 
dean  of  the  Divinity  School,  speak  on 
the  importance  of  local  associations  in 
helping  to  steer  good  students  from  their 
communities  toward  Duke. 

A  good  dinner  at  the  Azalea  Room  of 
the  H  &  W  Cafe,  a  congenial  group  and 
Dr.  Cannon's  dry  wit  all  combined  to 
make  a  most  enjoyable  evening  for  all 
those  present. 

New  officers  for  the  year  are :  Jasper 
D.  Davis,  Jr.,  president;  Inez  Newsom 
Fonvielle  (Mrs.  Louis  0.),  '24,  president 
elect;  William  B.  Newbold,  '28,  vice- 
president;  Margaret  G.  Banck,  '38,  treas- 
urer; and  Malcolm  Lander,  '27,  secretary. 

Gaston-Lincoln  Counties 

Officers  elected  to  serve  the  Gaston- 
Lincoln  Alumni  Association  for  1951  and 
1952  are  George  A.  Trakas,  '42,  Gastonia, 
N.  C,  president;  Jane  Goode  Ward 
(Mrs.  Thurman  R.),  '36,  Lineolnton, 
vice-president;  W.  F.  Edkbert,  M.D.  '39, 
Cramerton,  vice-president;  Ivan  L.  Rob- 
erts, '26,  B.D.  '29,  Mt.  Holly,  vice-presi- 
dent; C.  W.  Boshamer,  Jr.,  '15,  Gastonia, 
vice-president;  W.  C.  Freeman,  '31,  Gas- 
tonia, secretary;  and  Elizabeth  Bock- 
miller  Williams  (Mrs.  Darrell  B.),  '49, 
Gastonia,  treasurer. 

Western  New  York 

Duke  alumni  in  Western  New  York 
State  have  a  full  schedule  of  activities. 
They  made  a  profit  of  $289.85  on  their 
Playhouse  Benefit.  Forty  per  cent  was 
placed  in  the  scholarship  fund,  40  per 
cent  in  the  local  treasury,  and  20  per 
cent  was  forwarded  to  the  Development 
Campaign.  Jean  and  Dick  Weil,  '36, 
and  Midge  Epes,  '41,  were  chairmen  of 
a  picnic  held  a  few  days  after  the  benefit. 
The  group  has  also  been  sponsoring  a 
monthly  bridge  group. 

'42  Plans  lOlh 

Several  members  of  the  Class  of 
1942  met  on  the  campus  on  December 
9  with  Class  President  Jimmy  Walker, 
of  Raleigh,  N.  C,  to  begin  preliminary 
planning  for  a  big  10th  Year  Reunion. 

Bob  Clarke,  with  the  Air  Force 
R.O.T.C.  unit  on  the  campus,  was 
named  general  reunion  chairman,  and 
during  the  next  few  weeks  committees 
to  handle  arrangements,  programs, 
and  mailings  will  be  named. 

A  meeting  of  these  committees,  Mr. 
Walker  announced,  will  be  called  for 
January  26,  the  day  of  the  Duke-Wake 
Forest  basketball  game.  Further  in- 
formation for  the  reunion  will  be  sent 
to  all  class  members  in  the  very  near 

The  Duke-Ster,  a  newsletter  published 
by  the  group,  has  met  with  great  suc- 
cess. Jay  Shirley,  '41,  and  Joanne  Miller, 
wife  of  Gar  Miller,  '39,  are  out -going 

A  new  plan  for  electing  association 
officers  has  been  proposed  by  Dick  Weil, 
chairman  of  the  nominating  committee. 
The  Executive  Board  suggested  that  in- 
stead of  submitting  a  slate  of  officers, 
nine  names  be  presented  to  compose  a 
Board,  three  members  to  be  retired  and 
three  to  be  elected  each  year.  Any  offi- 
cers would  be  elected  from  the  group  and 
by  the  group.  The  purpose  is  to  always 
have  in  office  an  interest  group  assum- 
ing responsibility  instead  of  one  or  twa 

The  fall  dinner  meeting  was  held  by 
the  group  on  November  7,  at  Katherine 
Lawrence's.  A  turkey  dinner  was  served. 
Charles  Jordan  and  John  Dozier  of  Duke 
were  special  guests.  Harold  Peterson, 
Ph.D.  '33,  was  in  charge  of  the  program, 
and  Fran  and  Skip  Bain,  '51,  were  chare- 
men  for  the  meeting. 

Duke  Economics  Meet 

A  Duke  University  Breakfast  was  held 
at  the  Andrew  Johnson  Hotel  in  Knox- 
ville,  Tenn.,  on  Saturday  morning,  Novem- 
ber 17,  in  connection  with  the  annual 
meeting  of  the  Southern  Economic  Asso- 
ciation. A  total  of  20  people  were  pres- 
ent including  five  staff  members  of  the 
Duke  Department  of  Economics  an! 
Business  Administration,  one  former 
staff  member,  and  14  alumni  of  the  De- 
partment. The  14  alumni  represented  11 
colleges  and  universities  in  the  South  and 
two  other  organizations.  Following  the 
breakfast  there  was  a  period  of  discus- 
sion   in   which   the    staff   members   sum- 

[  Page  308  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  December,  1951 

marized  recent  developments  at  the  Uni- 
versity for  the  benefit  of  the  alumni. 

Participating  in  the  program  of  the 
Southern  Economic  Association  were 
Lionel  Wilfred  McKenzie,  Jr.,  '39,  assist- 
ant professor  of  economics;  B.  U.  Ratch- 
ford,  A.M.  '27,  Ph.D.  '32,  professor  of 
economics;  and  Edward  C.  Simmons  and 
Joseph  J.  Spengler,  both  Duke  profes- 
sors of  economics.  Dr.  Ratchford  was 
elected  vice-president  of  the  Association 
for  1951-52  and  will  have  the  responsibil- 
ity for  preparing  the  program  for  next 
year's  meeting,  which  will  be  held  in  Jack- 
sonville, Fla.,  during  the  month  of 

Atlanta  Chapter  Award 
Is  Now  Held  by  Freshman 

Charles  P.  McClellan,  a  Duke  Univer- 
sity freshman  from  Atlanta,  Ga.,  is 
studying  at  Duke  under  a  scholarship 
awarded  him  by  the  Atlanta  Duke  Alumni 

Established  in  1941  by  the  Association, 
the  scholarship  fund  is  designed  to  pro- 
vide financial  assistance  for  the  higher 
education  of  worthy  students. 

Charles  graduated  from  North  Fulton 
High  School  in  Atlanta  last  June.  Out- 
standing in  high  school  activities,  he  was 
among  the  top  25  per  cent  of  his  class 
scholastieally.  He  was  president  of  the 
North  Fulton  High  School  chapter  of 
the  National  Honor  Society  and  treasurer 
of  the  senior  class.  His  memberships  in- 
cluded the  Key  Club,  junior  organization 
of  the  Kiwanis  Club ;  the  student  council ; 
Hi-T  Club;  and  the  high  school  band. 

Comans  Are  Praised 
in  Trade  Journal 

The  Coman  Lumber  Company  in  Dur- 
ham has  made  quite  a  name  for  itself 
among  small  city  lumber  dealers.  It 
is  owned  and  operated  by  James  Hilary 
Coman,  Sr.,  '16,  and  his  sons,  William 
Thomas,  '46,  James  Hilary,  Jr.,  B.S.  '44, 
and  John  S.,  who  attended  art  school  in 
New  York.  Still  another  member  of  the 
family,  Willena  Grouse  Coman  (Mrs. 
J.  H.,  Jr.),  '44,  is  also  a  Duke  alumna. 

The  June  issue  of  American  Builder,  in 
writing  about  last  year's  National  Home 
Week,  devoted  three  whole  pages  to  a 
model  home  built  in  Durham  by  the 
Coman  Lumber  Company.  More  than 
12,000  people  came  to  see  the  home  dur- 
ing the  first  two  days  it  was  open  to 
the-  public  in  spite  of  inclement  weather. 
The  house  was  sold  the  first  day  for 
$22,000,  and  within  60  days  from  the  time 
it  was  first  opened  for  inspection,  deals 
were  closed  on  materials  for  30  new 

When  the  decision  was  made  by  the 
Comans  to  participate  in  National  Home 
Week  and  an  exhibition  house  was  chosen 
to  be  the  focal  point  of  interest,  the 
father  and  sons  team  then  had  to  choose 
a  plan  for  the  demonstration  home.  They 
decided  upon  a  modern,  ranch-style  house. 
Timing  was  perfect,  and  the  house  was 
completed  just  before  National  Home 
Week.  Decorator  colors  were  used  inside 
the  home,  and  it  was  furnished  for  in- 
spection by  a  local  furniture  store. 

Class  of  '27  Plans  for  Silver  Anniversary 

Twenty-two  members  of  the  class  of 
'27  and  some  of  their  wives  gathered 
for  a  dinner  meeting  at  University 
House  following  the  Wake  Forest 
game  on  November  10.  Dr.  Furman 
G.  McLarty,  president,  presided  as 
plans  were  laid  for  the  silver  anniver- 
sary of  the  class  to  be  held  at  com- 
mencement next  June. 

Committee  chairmen  were  appointed 
as  follows:  A.  H.  (Bus)  Borland, 
Durham,  general  chairman  of  the  anni- 
versary celebration;  A.  Hugo  Kim- 
ball, Statesville,  chairman  of  the  25th 
year  gift  committee;  Albert  A.  Wil- 
kinson, Greensboro,  chairman  of  the 
booklet  committee;  George  R.  Wal- 
lace, Morehead  City,  chairman  of  the 
program  committee ;  Elizabeth  Church- 
ill Underwood  (Mrs.  W.  A.),  Ashe- 
boro,  and  J.  Murrey  Atkins,  Charlotte, 
publicity   co-chairmen;    and   Amos    R. 

Kearns,  High  Point,  chairman  for  re- 
union finances. 

Each  chairman  spoke  to  the  group 
of  plans  for  his  committee.  The  class 
booklet  was  discussed.  In  order  to 
make  this  successful,  all  members  of 
the  class  must  fill  in  their  information 
blanks  for  use  in  the  biographical 
data.  Members  of  the  class  who  were 
present  expressed  hopes  that  there  will 
be  100  per  cent  participation  in  the 
class  gift  to  the  Development  Cam- 
paign. Anne  Garrard  of  the  Alumni 
Office  outlined  other  tentative  plans 
for  the  commencement  week  end  for 
the  group. 

Special  class  notepaper  was  dis- 
tributed to  the  members  present.  They 
plan  to  write  notes  urging  other  class 
members  to  attend  the  25th  anniver- 
sarv  at  commencement. 

Mr.  Barnes  and  John  Alexander 

Former  Glee  Club  Singer 
Returns  in  Opera's  Lead 

In  the  years  from  1941  to  1944,  J. 
Foster  ("Bishop")  Barnes  took  an  in- 
terest in  a  tenor  soloist  who  was  singing 
with  the  Duke  Chapel  Choir  and  the 
Duke  Men's  Glee  Club.  This  month  that 
same  tenor  returned  to  the  Duke  Cam- 
pus to  sing  the  role  of  Alfredo  in  the 
Charles  L.  Wagner  Opera  Company  pro- 
duction of  Verdi's  opera  "La  Traviata," 
an  off-the-series  feature  of  the  All-Star 
Artist  Series.  He  is  John  Alexander,  a 
native  of  Meridian,  Miss.,  now  on  his 
first  operatic  tour.  John  made  his  debut 
in  opera  two  years  ago  with  the  Cincin- 
nati Summer  Opera,  singing  the  leading 
role  in  Gounod's  "Faust." 

As  a  pre-med  student,  John  sang  the 
tenor  lead  in  "H.M.S.  Pinafore,"  pre- 
sented by  the  Duke  Musical  Club  in  his 
freshman  year.  He  led  many  of  the  Sun- 
day Night  Sings  on  East  Campus,  and 
during  1943-44  was  Glee  Club  president. 
John  also  was  tenor  soloist  in  the  Duke 
Choir's    presentation    of    the    "Messiah." 

Inducted  into  the  Army  in  1944,  he 
continued  to  use  his  voice  to  good  ad- 
vantage, singing  the  part  of  Canio  in  "II 
Pagliacei,"  presented  by  the  Chanute 
Field  soldiers  in  1945  in  Chicago. 

After  getting  out  of  service,  John  be- 
gan to  study  music  in  earnest.  He  be- 
came a  student  at  the  Cincinnati  Con- 
servatory of  Music,  and  was  given  excel- 
lent reviews  after  his  appearance  in 
"Faust"  and  in  recitals. 

John's  present  address  is  c/o  his  voice 
teacher,  Robert  Weede,  Demarest  Mill 
Road,  W.  Nyack,  N.  Y. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  December,  1951 

[ Page  309  ] 

Recollection  of  Dr.  Flowers 

Letter  to  President  Edens  Recalls  Late  Chancellor 

Taniagawa-Heian    (Peace)    Church 
3-5  Taniagawa-Okusawa 
Setagaya-Ku,  Tokyo,  Japan 

Oct.  23,  1951 
Dr.  A.  Hollis  Edens 
Office  of  the  President 
Duke  University 
Durham,  N.  C. 
U.  S.  A.       , 
Dear  President  Edens: 

My  heart  almost  breaks  when  I  think 
of  the  passing  of  Chancellor  Flowers 
that  took  place  just  two  months  ago. 
Two  of  my  dear  friends,  lovers  of  Duke, 
kindly  informed  me  of  it  with  newspaper 
clippings.  The  pictures  of  his  later  days 
on  them  do  not  fail  to  remind  me  of  my 
good  days  at  Trinity  as  he  used  to  teach 
me  trigonometry  and  at  the  Main  Street 
Church  Sunday  School  the  Bible.  I  loved 
his  eyes  when  he  lovingly  smiled  and  his 
lips  seriously  warned.  I  shall  never  for- 
get his  most  spontaneous  reply  he  gave 
to  us  at  our  S.  S.  when  questioned  about 
hell.  "Boys,  I  really  don't  know  how  it 
looks  like,  and  I  truly  hope  I  shall  never 
need  to  know  about  it."  Ever  since  I 
have  never  been  bothered  by  the  question 
concerning  of  the  hell!  I  simply  try  to 
long  after  the  heaven.  In  May  1938  I 
attended  the  General  Conference  of 
M.  E.  Church,  South  in  Birmingham, 
Alabama,  as  the  Fraternal  Delegate  of 
Japan  Methodist  Church  and  also  had  an 
opportunity  to  visit  the  Duke's  Com- 
mencement. I  called  on  him  and  he 
tightly  shook  my  hand  as  usual  calling 
me  "Hinohara"  with  his  characteristic 
smile  even  most  beamingly.  Some  time 
in  the  fall  in  1904  during  the  Russ- 
Japanse  war  I  was  reading  some  news- 
papers in  the  Library  when  Prof.  Flow- 
ers happened  to  come  in  and  saw  me  so 
absorbed  in  reading  the  news.  He  patted 
my  shoulder  and  told  me  that  he  had  held 
a  little  gift  his  S.  S.  Class  meant  to 
surprise  me  with  as  they  knew  I  had 
been  working  hard  to  make  my  way 
through.  He  returned  to  his  room  and 
brought  me  a  tobacco  sack  full  of  silver 

It  was  a  Tuesday  afternoon  and  on  the 
Sunday  previous  I  attended  the  West 
Durham  Church  to  hear  the  late  Rev. 
Langston  preach.  It  was  a  Missionary 
Sunday  and  a  special  collection  was  taken 
up  for  his  Church's  assessment  after  his 
strong  appeal.  I  had  a  quarter  left  in 
my   pocket  which  was   my   last   coin   for 

some  time  to  come.  But  I  dared  to  give 
it  for  the  cause  only  to  be  so  ashamed  of 
myself  for  my  most  insignificant  offering 
hence  deciding  to  give  myself  as  well 
with  it  for  the  great  cause.  For  I  had 
been  preparing  myself  for  a  teacher  in- 
stead of  preacher. 

When  I  opened  the  sack  I  received 
from  Prof.  Flowers  in  my  room  I  found 
there  the  jingling  coins  of  silver  and  cop- 
per as  much  as  $11.25.  Only  two  days 
after  I  gave  a  quarter  to  the  Lord  and 
He  gave  it  back  to  me  plus  eleven  dollars 
almost  immediately  to  my  great  surprise 
and  gratitude. 

The  late  Dr.  Plato  Durham,  a  man  of 
great  prayers,  loved  Kugimiya  (who  was 
made  the  Bishop  of  our  Methodist  Church 
in  his  later  days)  and  gave  him  his  own 
overcoat  for  his  first  winter  at  Trinity, 
but  our  Prof.  Bob  Flowers  gave  me  Faith 
in  God  whose  Love  never  faileth. 

I  know  you  all  miss  him,  this  great 
sainted  man  and  most  devoted  Duke  serv- 
ant, more  than  words  can  express  for 
your  great  Institution  of  Learning  there. 
So  much  so  we,  or  rather  I,  miss  him  very 
much  here.  But  over  There  we  will  meet 
him  again,  if  we  only  strive  to  live  like 

Dear  President,  please  pardon  for  my 
lengthy  words  of  condolence  which  I  hope 
you  will  convey  to  the  bereaved  family 
of  our  beloved  teacher  and  leader  as  I 
know  them  not  well  except  one  of  his 
brothers.  I  have  one  of  my  sons  study- 
ing at  Emory's  Graduate  School  of  Medi- 
cine. I  asked  him  to  send  to  your  office 
(in  care  of  Miss  Garrard)  $5  for  a  little 
bouquet  for  my  sake  to  decorate  the 
monument  of  my  dear  teacher  as  a  little 
token  of  my  affection  and  gratitude.  By 
the  way,  my  son  will  pay  a  visit  to  you 
and  to  your  great  University,  my  dear 
Alma  Mater  sometime  next  year  before 
he  starts  back  for  home.  I  hope  you  will 
help  him  to  see  your  Medical  School  and 
fine  hospital. 

Tours  most  cordially, 

Rev.  Zensuke  Hinohara 


(Continued  from  Page  302) 
together  so  closely  and  informally.  Our 
group  also  includes  a  few  ex-D.P.'s  with 
case  histories  as  fascinating'  as  any  ad- 
venture story.  One  fellow  worked  in  the 
underground  in  Italy  during  the  war. 
All   escaped   Communism   and   have  rela- 

tives who  were  less  fortunate  and  didn't. 
One  girl  in  our  office  lost  her  husband  in 
Siberia.  Among  us  also  is  the  young 
screen-play  writer,  recently  immigrated 
from  England,  who  collaborated  on  "The 
Search"  (which  played  at  the  Quadrangle 
my  senior  year)  and  wrote  "Stairway  to 

Wish  I  had  time  and  space  to  tell  you 
more  of  the  interesting  details  and  about 
some  of  the  other  things  I've  been  doing 
while  not  on  the  job.  I  certainly  do  enjoy 
reading  the  Alumni  Register;  I  don't 
miss  a  page  or  paragraph  of  it.  I  am 
looking  forward  to  my  first  visit  back 
which  I  hope  will  be  soon. 

Dan  Edwards,  Ed  Fike 
Take  Posts  in  London 

Dan  K.  Edwards,  '35,  former  mayor  of 
Durham  who  has  been  serving  as  Assist- 
ant Secretary  of  Defense  in  Washington, 
D.  C,  since  last  May,  was  recently  ap- 
pointed Vice  United  States  Deputy  of 
the  North  Atlantic  Defense  Council  by 
President  Truman.  The  appointment, 
which  became  effective  November  19 
with  an  indefinite  term  of  office,  has  re- 
quired Mr.  Edwards  to  move  his  head- 
quarters from  Washington  to  London. 

Ed  Fike,  '41,  who  is  on  leave  of  ab- 
sence from  his  job  as  head  of  the  Duke 
University  Bureau  of  Public  Information 
while  serving  as  Mr.  Edwards'  adminis- 
trative assistant,  is  accompanying  him. 

The  new  post  has  arisen  out  of  in- 
creased responsibilities  of  the  North  At- 
lantic Defense  Pact,  according  to  Mr. 
Edwards.  Mr.  Edwards  points  out  that 
"decisions  have  not  been  made  as  to  the 
specific  manner  in  which  the  mutual 
assistance  program  will  be  administered." 
His  work  will  be  essentially  a  policy- 
making and  inter-governmental  relations 
job.  He  will  be  assistant  to  Ambassador 
Charles  Spofford,  who  is  the  United 
States  representative  on  the  North  At- 
lantic Defense  Council.  That  Council  is 
composed     of     one     representative    from 

No  Reduction 

Duke  University  Wedgwood  plates 
are  still  priced  at  $2.50  per  plate.  In 
the  November  Register,  the  price  was 
erroneously  listed  as  $2.00  per  plate. 
The  plates,  with  12  Duke  scenes,  are 
available  in  blue  or  mulberry,  and  are 
priced  at  $2.50  each;  $14.00  for  six 
scenes,  and  $24.00  for  a  set  of  12 

[  Page  310  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  December,  1951 


In  the  last  issue  of  the  Register  it 
was  erroneously  stated  that  Dr.  and 
Mrs.  Richard  A.  Harvill  are  the  par- 
ents of  two  children.  This  mistake 
occurred  through  a  misinterpretation 
of  published  biographical  data.  Dr. 
Harvill  was  recently  inaugurated  as 
President  of  the  University  of  Ari- 
zona. He  was  awarded  the  A.M.  de- 
gree by  Duke  in  1927.  Mrs.  Harvill 
is  the  former  George  Lee  Garner, 
A.M.  '30. 

each  of  the  12  North  Atlantic  Defense 
Pact  nations. 

In  a  letter  to  Mr.  Edwards,  President 
Truman  said,  "Your  outstanding  service 
in  the  military  forces  during  World  War 
II  and  recently  as  Assistant  Secretary  of 
Defense  have  contributed  greatly  to 
strengthening  the  security  of  our  nation. 
I  am  happy  that  you  are  accepting  this 
further  assignment  abroad  where  you  can 
contribute  to  the  building  of  the  mili- 
tary strength  of  our  allies  in  Western 

Accepting  the  new  position,  Mr.  Ed- 
wards commented,  "I  am  delighted  to  get 
into  this  particular  aspect  of  the  United 
States  defense  problem.  This  area  is  one 
of  the  most  vital  of  our  defense  activities 
at  the  moment.  Our  North  Atlantic  and 
European  allies  are  our  first  line  of 

Todd  Wins  History  Prize 

Richard  C.  Todd,  Ph.D.  '50,  who  is 
associate  professor  of  history  at  East 
Carolina  Teachers  College,  Greenville, 
N.  C,  has  been  awarded  the  Mrs.  Simon 
Baruch  University  Prize  of  $1,000  which 
is  offered  biennially  by  the  United  Daugh- 
ters of  the  Confederacy  for  an  unpub- 
lished monograph  or  essay  of  high  merit 
in  the  field  of  Southern  history. 

Dr;  Todd's  "A  History  of  Confederate 
Finance,"  written  as  a  doctoral  disserta- 
tion at  Duke,  was  chosen  for  the  honor 
because  of  its  contribution  to  the  history 
of  the  Confederacy  and  of  the  War  Be- 
tween the  States. 

Selection  of  the  prize-winning  work 
was  made  on  the  bases  of  "effectiveness 
of  research,  originality  of  thought,  accu- 
racy of  statement,  and  excellence  of 
style."  The  award  was  presented  to  Dr. 
Todd  by  Mrs.  Oscar  McKenzie,  Monte- 
zuma, Ga.,  chairman  of  the  Mrs.  Simon 
Baruch  University  Prize  Committee,  at 
an  evening  ceremony  in  the  George  Van- 

derbilt  Hotel,  Asheville,  N.  C,  during 
the  National  Convention  of  the  United 
Daughters  of  the  Confederacy. 

Dealing  with  the  various  financial  ex- 
pedients used  by  the  Confederacy  in 
meeting  its  obligations  at  home  and 
abroad,  Dr.  Todd's  history  focuses  atten- 
tion upon  the  "organization  and  person- 
nel responsible  for  carrying  out  the 
financial  measures  of  the  Government  and 
on  the  numerous  problems  confronting 
their  operation." 

"Federal  specie  located  in  the  mints 
and  customhouses  of  the  South  was  con- 
fiscated," Dr.  Todd  states  in  the  work; 
"property  of  alien  enemies  was  seques- 
tered, and  military  supplies  were  im- 
pressed ;  duties  were  placed  on  exports 
and  imports;  direct  taxes  were  levied; 
donations  and  gifts  were  cheerfully  ac- 
cepted and  gratefully  acknowledged;  and 

Treasury  notes  flooded  the  market  while 
loans  were  floated  in  a  attempt  to  stabi- 
lize the  redundant  currency  and  offer  a 
basis  for  foreign  exchange." 

A  native  of  Lancaster,  Pa.,  Dr.  Todd 
received  his  education  at  State  Teachers 
College,  Millersville,  Pa.,  Pennsylvania 
State  College,  and  Duke,  where  he  held 
a  graduate  assistantship  in  1946-47  and 
was  awarded  a  fellowship  in  1947-48 
while  working  for  his  doctor's  degree. 
Before  coming  to  North  Carolina,  he 
taught  at  various  high  schools  in  Penn- 
sylvania. He  taught  at  High  Point  Col- 
lege, High  Point,  N.  C,  before  joining 
the  faculty  of  East  Carolina  College. 

Mrs.  Todd  worked  with  the  Depart- 
ment of  Political  Science  and  with  the 
Alumni  Office  while  her  husband  was  in 
school.  They  are  now  living  in  their  new 
home  in  Greenville. 

Hun  ii  Family  Praised  for  Far  in  Achievement 

A  green  farm,  winter  and  summer,  is 
the  achieved  ideal  of  Charles  Settle  Bunn, 
'17,  and  his  family  of  Stanhope,  N.  C. 
The  family  includes  Mrs.  Bunn,  the  for- 
mer Agnes  Smith;  their  sons,  Charles 
Ivey  Bunn,  '39,  and  his  wife,  Florence 
Craig  Bunn,  '47;  Braxton,  '46;  Spruill, 
who  is  still  in  high  school;  and  two 
daughters,  Nan  Bunn  Cummings  (Mrs. 
Ray),  R.N.,  B.S.N.  '47,  and  Sidney,  '49. 
The  Bunn  homestead,  Gold  Leaf  Farm, 
is  an  excellent  example  of  the  vital  con- 
tributions to  agriculture  and  modern 

Recognition  has  been  given  the  Bunns 
for  their  outstanding  farming.  The 
April,  1951,  Country  Gentleman  car- 
ried a  lengthy  feature  on  the  Bunn 
family  and  farm,  complete  with  illustra- 
tions. A  particularly  significant  award 
was  made  to  Mr.  Bunn  and  his  family 
this  year  when  they  were  designated  a 
Master  Farm  Family.  This  nationally 
awarded  honor  provides  an  opportunity 
for  farmers  to  receive  appropriate  recog- 
nition for  outstanding  endeavor  which 
was  denied  them  before.  It  is  sponsored 
in  the  South  by  the  Progressive  Farmer 
and  the  agricultural  extension  services  of 
the  respective  state  colleges. 

In  November,  the  people  of  Nash 
County  turned  out  more  than  400-strong 
to  further  honor  this  Master  Farm  Fam- 
ily. The  first  family  in  the  region  ever 
to  win  the  Master  Farm  Family  designa- 
tion in  nearly  30  years  of  competition 
for  this  award,  the  Bunns  have  proved 
that  farming  as  a  profession  and  as  a 
way  of  life  can  be  both  successful  and 

satisfying.  A  special  ceremony  was  held 
in  the  Stanhope  School  auditorium.  The 
crowds  who  came  were  not  all  able  to  get 
into  the  school.  Afterwards  they  were 
all  invited  to  a  barbecue  supper  pro- 
vided by  the  Bunns.  Miss  Anne  Garrard 
and  Mr.  Allen  Tyree  of  the  Duke  Alumni 
Office  attended  the  ceremony.  Speakers 
included  Colonel  J.  W.  Harrelson,  chan- 
cellor of  North  Carolina  State  College, 
and  Dr.  Clarence  Poe,  editor  of  the  Pro- 
gressive Farmer. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Settle  Bunn  were  mar- 
ried in  1917,  and  after  World  War  I 
they  moved  to  the  farm,  where  they  have 
lived  ever  since.  According  to  the  Rocky 
Mount  Evening  Telegram,  "The  Bunns 
have  provided  all  that  one  could  look  for 
in  the  ideal  farm  family.  They  started 
on  land  they  did  not  own  and  battled 
their  way  through  mortgages  and  the 
other  hardships  until  today  they  own  not 
only  the  original  tract,  but  have  added 
considerably  to  it.  They  also  have  im- 
proved their  methods,  their  stock  and 
their  knowledge  of  farming.  More  than 
that,  they  have  made  farming  interesting 
enough  for  their  children  to  want  to  re- 
main on  the  soil.  And  in  addition  to 
all  this,  the  Bunns  have  been  good  neigh- 
bors all  the  way  through." 

Besides  maintaining  a  green  farm  the 
year  around,  the  Bunns  are  among  the 
leading  livestock  people  in  North  Caro- 
lina. They  have  a  miiking  herd  of  100 
cows,  and  have  also  found  hogs  very 
profitable.  Tobacco,  corn,  oats,  barley, 
certified  seed  wheat,  alfalfa  hay,  and 
(Continued  on  Page  328) 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER.  December,  1951 

[  Page  311 ] 

The  Undergraduate  View 

by  Ronny  Nelson,  '52 

Who  Had  the  Bell? 

While  University  officials  and  student 
leaders  were  launching  their  campaign 
against  vandalism  and  state  police  ex- 
tending by  several  links  their  long  arm, 
school  spirit  began  to  shake  off  the  com- 
paratively dormant  state  in  which  it  has 
lain  since  the  end  of  last  year's  football 
season.  The  reason :  the  sixty-f ourth  re- 
newal of  the  Duke-Carolina  football 
series,  slated  for  Duke  Stadium. 

As  usual,  the  freshmen  took  the  initia- 
tive, if  by  force  in  the  beginning,  cer- 
tainly by  their  own  willingness  and  sheer 
inability  to  remain  untouched  by  the  thing 
later  on,  as  the  entire  student  body  was 
snatched  up  and  swept  along  by  the  tide. 

By  Wednesday  the  materials  of  the  tra- 
ditional bonfire  began  to  take  visible 
shape  on  Freshman  Field,  and  prepara- 
tions for  Friday  night's  colossal  pep 
rally  were  well  in  the  making.  Thanks- 
giving Day  proved  the  lull  before  the 
storm,  as  all  concerned  rested  and  gorged 
themselves,  as  is  the  custom.  But  by 
Thursday  night  it  was  on  again  stronger 
than  ever. 

Throughout  the  small  hours  four-hour 
shifts    stood    guard    against    trespassers 

from  the  Hill,  and  the  night  and  next 
day  passed  without  incident.  During  the 
rally  and  subsequent  firing  off,  frenzy 
reached  its  highest  pitch,  and  remained 
there  well  after  the  final  gun  had  sounded 
the  following  afternoon,  leaving  Duke  the 
19-7  victor. 

Until  now  the  whole  episode  had  come 
off  with  a  surprising  lack  of  incident, 
considering  the  amount  of  spirit  that  had 
been  generated  and  sustained.  But  it 
wouldn't  be  a  Duke-Carolina  weekend 
without  some  sort  of  shenanigans,  and 
this  year  was  certainly  no  dud.  The 
whole  thing  centered  about  the  Victory 
Bell,  a  very  real  and  revered  symbol  of 
success  which  Duke  has  had  the  good  for- 
tune to  possess  for  the  last  year,  the 
first,  incidently,  in  its  five-year  history. 

During  the  hectic  confusion  following 
the  game,  a  Duke  freshman  charged  with 
seeing  that  the  bell  got  to  wherever  it 
was  supposed  to  be,  somehow  managed, 
unknowingly,  to  enlist  the  aid  of  two 
Carolina  boys  and  their  car  in  towing  it 
to  East  Campus  for  another  small  rally. 
En  route  the  party  stopped  off  in  down- 
town Durham,  which  ordinarily  is  pretty 
well   off   the    beaten   track    between   East 

and  West,  for  some  sort  of  birthday 

Innocently  believing  himself  to  be  in 
the  midst  of  a  strictly  Duke  gathering, 
the  frosh  proceeded  to  forget  completely 
about  the  bell  and  plunge  himself  into  a 
whopping  good  time.  When  he  next 
thought  of  his  responsibility,  it  was,  of 
course,  well  on  its  way  to  Chapel  Hill. 

Several  days  of  mystery  followed,  when 
almost  no  one  knew  the  whereabouts  of 
the  bell  and  those  that  did  weren't  saying. 
Several  newspapers  played  the  story  up, 
running  a  picture  released  from  Chapel 
Hill  showing  the  bell  and  absconders, 
and  labeling  it,  "Somewhere  in  Orange 
County."  But  by  the  middle  of  the  week 
no  one  had  given  much  serious  thought  to 
the  problem  of  how  to  get  the  bell  back, 
nor  even  seemed  worried  about  its  safety. 
The  Carolina  boys  were  suddenly  put  in 
the  position  of  having  something  on 
their  hands  that  nobody  wanted,  a  situa- 
tion contrary  to  their  hopes  and  wishes. 

Finally,  on  Thursday,  a  plan  of  re- 
venge began  to  take  form.  Leaflets  were 
posted  around  campus  and  shoved  under 
doors  announcing  a  mid-night  raid  on 
Hogan's  Lake  to  recover  the  bell  and  also 
to  make  an  attempt  at  snatching  the 
Carolina  Ram.  Presumably  everything 
was  in  readiness  when  the  long  arm  of 
the  Chapel  Hill  law  reached  out,  scooped 
up  the  bell,  and  deposited  it,  intact  and 

At  left  are  shown  the  winners  of  the  1951  renewal  of  the 
Thanksgiving  Day  Wheelbarrow  Race  between  East  and  West 
Campuses.  Sponsored  by  the  Y.M.C.A.,  the  race,  marked  by 
thrills,  spills,  and  chills,  was  won  by  Sigma  Chi's  team.  Left 
to  right  they  are  Jack  Pyle,  junior  from  Maitland,  Fla. ;  John 
Ferguson,  junior  of  Groton,  Mass.;  Ken  Menken,  senior  of 
Asbury  Park,  N.  J. ;  Bill  Werber,  junior  of  College  Park,  Md. ; 

Bob  Chandler,  sophomore  of  Mt.  Airy,  N.  C. ;  Flint  Liddon, 
sophomore  of  Yazoo  City,  Miss. ;  and  Bill  Donigan,  junior  of 
Belmont,  N.  J.  In  the  wheelbarrow?  That's  pretty  Martha 
Ludwick,  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  freshman.  At  right  are  members  of 
the  student  body  welcoming  home  the  Victory  Bell,  retained  by 
this  year's  victory  over  Carolina,  but  subsequently  kidnapped 
by  Chapel  Hill  pranksters. 

[  Page  312 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  December,  1951 

evidently  none  the  worse  for  wear,  on  the 
Duke  campus,  where  it  will  reside  until 
hostilities  are  renewed  once  again  next 

Thus    a    march    on    Chapel    Hill    was 



In  a  whirlwind  campaign  tour  of 
North  Carolina's  universities,  Senator 
Robert  A.  Taft  stopped  at  Duke  long 
enough  to  eat  some  lunch  and  talk  for 
an  hour  to  an  overflowing  crowd  of  stu- 
dents, most  of  whom  he  hopes  will  be 
old  enough  to  vote  by  next  November. 
Without  benefit  of  notes,  the  Senator 
touched  on  Communism,  the  Democratic 
Administration,  the  Voice  of  America, 
his  foreign  policy,  and  the  three  major 
issues  of  the  coming  election  campaign. 
But,  strangely  enough,  he  failed  to  go  into 
detail  about  his  views  of  the  draft  and 
UMT,  the  two  subjects  which  are  prob- 
ably uppermost  in  the  minds  of  most  col- 
lege students.  It  was  noted  by  many 
that,  although  the  Senator  bore  a  closer 
resemblance  to  a  professor  lecturing  than 
a  candidate  campaigning,  still  a  poli- 
tician is  a  politician,  and  the  proof  can 
usually  be  found  in  the  things  he  doesn't 
talk  about. 


No  sooner  had  Duke  football  breathed 
its  last  than  basketball  was  upon  us,  and 
in  bigger  and  better  form  than  we  had 
ever  seen  it.  The  season  opened  with 
hoop-famous  Temple  taking  on  the  Blue 
Devils  in  the  Indoor  Stadium,  or  as  many 
newspaper  writers  put  it,  Groat  against 
Mlkvy.  Both  Duke's  team  and  its  star 
fared  equally  well,  over-shadowing  the 
opponent  with  comparative  ease.  And 
almost  as  exciting  as  the  game  itself  was 
the  presence  of  Life  magazine  photogra- 
phers, whose  equipment  and  the  use  of 
it  literally  dazzled  the  crowd.  Life  sales 
will  undoubtedly  double  on  the  campus 
until  after  the  article  appears. 

Once  again  the  age-old  problem  of  class 
attendance  has  come  to  the  fore,  this  time 
with  some  new  and  more  convincing  argu- 
ments. Sponsored  by  the  Student  Gov- 
ernments of  both  campuses  and  supported 
by  campus  newspaper  columnists,  the 
move  is  aimed  at  a  more  liberal  cut  sys- 
tem, which,  interpreted  by  the  student 
body,  means  unlimited  cuts.  Besides  the 
usual  case  for  the  free  cut  system,  which 
includes  the  desire  of  the  student  to 
stand  on  his  own  feet  and  make  his  own 
decisions,  the  idea  has  been  put  forward 
that  if  a  professor  were  not  guaranteed  a 
full  audience  three  times  a  week,  rain  or 
shine,   but  had   to   depend   solely   on   the 

interest  of  his  lecture  and  his  ability  to 
draw  the  student  to  his  classroom,  it 
might  well  improve  the  quality  of  lecture 
and  lecturer,  not  to  mention  the  student's 
capacity     for     assimilating     information 

thrown  out  in  these  classes  which  he 
really  wants  to  attend.  At  present  the 
chances  for  adoption  of  any  such  system 
seem  narrow,  but  then  again,  at  Duke 
you  never  can  tell. 

From  the  Faculty 

Recent  Honors  -  Expressions  of  Opinion 

Dr.  Gross  Elected 

Dr.  Paul  M.  Gross,  Duke  vice-president 
and  one  of  the  nation's  leading  scientists 
and  educators,  has  been  elected  to  the 
presidency  of  the  Conference  of  Deans  of 
Southern  Graduate  Schools.  Currently 
president  of  the  Oak  Ridge  Institute  of 
Nuclear  Studies  and  a  member  of  the 
Board  of  Directors  of  the  National  Sci- 
ence Foundation,  Dr.  Gross  recently  re- 
ceived the  1951  Science  Award  for  dis- 
tinguished service  to  the  South  from  the 
Southern  Association  of  Science  and  In- 
dustry. He  has  served  as  scientific  ad- 
viser to  the  U.  S.  delegation  to  the 
UNESCO  conference,  and  holds  the  high- 
est award  a  civilian  can  receive,  the 
President's  Medal  of  Merit. 

Dr.  Powell  Re-elected 

Dr.  B.  E.  Powell,  Duke  librarian,  has 
been  re-elected  chairman  of  the  American 
Library  Association  Board  on  Resources 
of  American  Libraries  for  a  second  one- 
year  term.  Dr.  Powell  is  serving  his  fifth 
year  on  the  Board,  whose  function  is  to 
study  present  resources  of  research  li- 
braries and  suggest  plans  for  coordination 
in  the  acquisition  of  research  materials  by 
American  Libraries. 

Dr.  Cleland  Named  Visitor 

Dr.  James  T.  Cleland,  preacher  to  the 
University,  has  been  named  visiting  min- 
ister for  this  year's  "Spiritual  Life  Mis- 
sion" in  Morristown,  Tenn.  Dr.  Cleland 
will  deliver  seven  sermons  on  the  general 
theme,  "Names  for  the  Christian"  during 
the  six-day  event  designed  to  offer  a 
sound  and  attractive  interpretation  of  the 
Gospel  by  an  effective  and  distinguished 
Professional  Jargon 

"Professional  jargon  is  more  precise 
and  less  liable  to  errors  of  interpretation 
than  ordinary  English,"  says  Mrs.  J. 
Harned,  Duke  University  Medical  School 
record  librarian.  In  her  new  and  unique 
book,  Medical  Terminology  Made  Easy, 
Mrs.  Harned  explains  origins  of  medical 
words,  presents  techniques  for  learning 
meanings,     spelling,     and     pronunciation. 

and  gives  a  list  and  explanation  of  com- 
monly recognized  practices  in  medicine. 
Designed  as  a  text,  it  will  be  used  to 
train  medical  record  librarians  at  Duke 
and  elsewhere. 

Aid  for  Atom  Victims 

Realizing  the  impossibility  of  admin- 
istering anesthetics  to  the  countless  vic- 
tims of  an  atomic  attack,  Dr.  Kenneth  L. 
Pickrell,  professor  of  plastic  surgery  at 
Duke,  thinks  he  has  hit  upon  an  answer. 
While  exhibiting  a  trilene  inhaler  to  the 
American  Society  of  Plastic  and  Recon- 
structive Surgery,  Dr.  Pickrell  explained 
that  "trilene  is  a  liquid  and  is  not  an 
anesthesia,  or,  simply,  it  doesn't  produce 
unconsciousness.  It  takes  away  the  pain 
without  necessarily  putting  the  patient 
out."  With  this  inhaler,  which  could  be 
operated  by  a  child,  vast  numbers  of 
patients  could  be  treated  quickly  and 

Restraints  Threaten  Freedom 

"Restraints  upon  the  liberty  of  educa- 
tional and  intellectual  activity  are  a  chal- 
lenge to  the  very  principles  of  democracy 
itself,"  Dr.  Glenn  Negley,  chairman  of 
the  Duke  Philosophy  Department  told  the 
North  Carolina  Philosophical  Association 
in  a  speech  delivered  in  Greensboro.  "The 
very  ideas,  principles,  and  ideals  of 
democracy  must  be  subject  to  controversy 
and  attack.  In  no  other  way  can  it  be 
supposed  that  democratic  ideas  will  pro- 
vide us  with  reliable  guides  and  purposes 
of  action."  Dr.  Negley  attacked  Loyalty 
oaths  and  Congressional  immunity  as 
serious  threats  to  our  democracy.  "No 
individual  in  a  democracy  can  be  allowed 
immunity  from  legal  procedure,"  he  said. 
"In  democratic  society,  lawlessness  is  the 
eternal  foe  of  liberty." 

Solar  Effect  on  Behavior 

"Behavior  and  human  feelings  may  be 
conditioned  by  external  force  to  a  degree 
hitherto  unsuspected,"  said  Dr.  Leonard 
J.  Ravitz,  psychiatrist  at  Duke  Medical 
School,  while  explaining  a  new  theory  to 
the   Southern  Medical  Association.     For 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER.  December,  1951 

[  Page  313  ] 

two  years,  Dr.  Ravitz  has  been  experi- 
menting with  the  idea  that  the  behavior 
of  insane — and  normal — persons  is  linked 
to  the  solar  system.  By  measuring  the 
electric  potential  of  the  human  body  and 
plotting  the  mathematical  results,  the 
Duke  psychiatrist  discovered  that  marked 
changes  were  shown  to  coincide  with  sun- 
moon  phases  and  with  the  seasons.  "This 
doesn't  mean,"  Dr.  Ravitz  said,  "that  we 
can  diagnose  insanity,  but  now  we  can 
definitely  diagnose  the  changing  degrees 
of  mental  disturbance." 

To  Slow  Smoking  Habit 

"People  who  have  to  have  cigarettes 
need  psychological  help,  not  scare  tac- 
tics such  as  threats  of  stomach  ulcers  or 
lung  cancer."  This  is  the  opinion  of  Dr. 
Gelolo  McHugh,  Duke  psychologist,  based 
on  data  collected  over  a  five-year  period 
and  covering  some  600  people.  Instead 
of  trying  to  swear  off  smoking,  or  limit 
smoking  to  a  certain  number  of  cigarettes 
each  day,  Dr.  McHugh  suggests  that  an 
hour  or  two  of  each  day  be  set  aside  as 
a  no-smoking  period.  In  this  way,  ac- 
cording   to    Dr.    McHugh's    experiments, 

cigarette  control  gradually  grows  stronger, 
and  the  smoker  is  well  on  his  way  "to 
mastering  cigarettes  instead  of  being  mas- 
tered by  them." 

OPS  Questioned 

"The  Office  of  Price  Stabilization  is 
resorting  to  regulations  which  attempt  to 
fix  prices  by  freezing  the  methods  used 
in  computing  prices  instead  of  the  prices 
themselves,"  wrote  Duke  economist  Dr. 
Lloyd  Saville  in  the  current  Southern 
Economic  Journ-al.  "Under  this  type  of 
control  the  public  tends  to  relinquish  its 
power  to  hold  prices  down  by  consumer 
pressures,  and  inflationary  tendencies 
often  result."  Outlining  his  opinions  in 
an  article  entitled  "A  Problem  in  the 
Economics  of  Price  Control,"  Dr.  Saville 
set  forth  several  alternative  programs, 
based  on  the  results  of  a  detailed  study 
of  controls  during  World  War  II. 

Struggle  Can  End  in  Stalemate 

All-out  war  between  Russia  and  the 
United  States  would  probably  end  in  a 
stalemate,  Dr.  Theodore  Ropp,  Duke  his- 
tory professor  and  military  expert,  said 
in   a   recent   talk   at   a   Pinehurst,   N.   C, 

Baldwin  Scholarship  Continues  Growth 

The  Woman's  College  Scholarship  Com- 
mittee feels  that  the  continuing  wide- 
spread interest,  both  in  the  raising  of 
funds  and  in  the  selection  of  scholars 
indicates  the  recognition  of  the  value  of 
concerted  effort  in  expanding  and  admin- 
istering impartially  scholarships  adequate 
to  the  needs  in  the  Woman's  College. 

One  of  the  more  far-reaching  scholar- 
ship funds  in  the  Woman's  College  is  the 
Alice  M.  Baldwin  Scholarship  Fund.  On 
June  30,  1951,  the  fund  reached  a  total 
of  $22,703.26.  This  amount  represents  a 
gain  during  the  fiscal  year  1950-51  of 
$2,863.07  derived  from  class  gifts,  Cam- 
pus Chest,  individual  contributions,  and 
increase  in  investment  account.  Two 
items  especially  account  for  the  major 
part  of  the  gain:  the  Campus  Chest  con- 
tribution, which  has  constituted  a  vital 
annual  source  of  support,  was  $840.69; 
and  the  Senior  Class  gift' of  $985.59  was 
made  in  memory  of  two  deceased  mem- 
bers,    Berenice    vLipscomb     and     Betsy 

Thorup.  :;„m.r;    to 

The  third  of  a  series ,, of  ..engravings  for 
the  Baldwin  Fund  Charjel^W^ndow  Note 
Paper  .project  was  made,  by  Professor 
Earl  Mueller.  A  small,  supplv  of  note 
paper  is  still  available.  Tagome  from  this 
project  goes  to  defray  expenses,  and  all 

that  is  possible  is  put  into  the  Fund's 

Interest  from  the  Fund's  principle  made 
it  possible  to  finance  four  scholarships  for 
1951-52.  For  the  first  three  years  of  the 
Fund's  operation,  only  one  scholarship 
was  awarded  each  year.  In  the  fourth 
year,  there  were  three  scholarship  re- 

Acting  on  the  principles  of  selection 
set  up  in  the  Plan  of  Establishment,  the 
Committee  awarded  scholarships  to  those 
applicants  deemed  most  worthy  on  the 
bases  of  seholarliness,  character,  contri- 
bution to  Duke  community  life,  and  finan- 
cial need.  Out  of  21  worthy  applicants 
considered,  Hester  Van  Metre  Hough, 
'52;  Anne  Moreau  Jansky,  '54;  Barbara 
Snyder,  '52;  and  Christina  Katheryn 
White,  53,  were  chosen  as  scholarship 
winners  for  1951-52. 

Members  of  the  Woman's  College 
Scholarship  Committee  for  1951-52  are 
faculty:  Miss  Mary  Poteat,  chairman; 
Richard  L.  Watson,  Jr.;  Julia  R.  Grout; 
alumnae:  Mary  K.  Clyde  (Mrs.  P.  H.), 
"27;  Louise  Seabolt,  '25;  students:  Thelma 
Stevens,  '52  (president,  WSGA)  ;  Susan 
Pickens,  '52  (student  member  at  large)  ; 
Rebecca  Woollen,  '52  (president,  Pan- 
hellenic  Council)  ;' and  Joan  Gilliam,  '53 
(Panhellenic   scholarship    chairman). 

forum.  Backing  up  this  statement,  Dr. 
Ropp  explained,  "For  the  first  time  in 
modern  European  history,  there  is  no 
great  land  army  in  Western  Europe. 
Thus  there  is  no  balance  of  power.  This 
has  disastrously  affected  traditional  U.  S. 
foreign  policy,  which  has  turned  on  tip- 
ping that  balance  against  the  aggressor. 
The  balance  is  slowly  being  restored,  but 
the  slowness  of  our  progress  makes  it 
reasonably  clear  that  a  stalemate  would 
result  from  an  actual  war."  In  regard 
to  an  atomic  war,  Dr.  Ropp  stated  that 
although  we  lead  Russia  by  a  large  mar- 
gin in  the  stockpile  of  atomic  bombs — 
he  puts  the  number  of  U.  S.  bombs  at 
1,000  against  fifty  for  Russia — delivery 
is  a  serious  question,  since  the  B-36 
bomber  is  now  becoming  obsolete  and  the 
new  jet  bombers  are  just  getting  into 
production.  "Their  (Russia's)  greatest 
weakness  is  still  their  inability  to  get  at 
the  United  States,  but  we  cannot  get  at 
them  either  except  by  air." 

Religion  in  Medicine 

"It  is  time  religion  began  to  speak  its 
piece  and  exert  its  creative  efforts  in 
the  field  of  health  and  mental  hygiene," 
declared  Dr.  Russell  L.  Dicks  of  the  Duke 
Divinity  School  upon  the  announcement 
of  a  new  magazine,  Religion  and  Health, 
which  will  make  its  appearance  in  Feb- 
ruary. The  proposed  pocket-size  publi- 
cation, which  aims  at  "bridging  the"  gap 
between  medicine  and  religion,"  will  be 
under  the  editorship  of  Dr.  Dicks.  In 
addition  to  regular  departments,  the  mag- 
azine will  feature  articles  by  recognized 
leaders  in  the  fields  of  religion  and 

Divinity  School  Seminars 

FOR  1952,  which  are  made  possible 
through  the  James  A.  Gray  Fund  of  Duke 
Divinity  School,  were  recently  an- 
nounced. These  will  take  place  in  Green- 
ville, N.  C,  at  the  Jarvis  Memorial 
Methodist  Church  on  January  21  and  22, 
and  in  Winston-Salem,  N.  C,  at  the  Cen- 
tenary Methodist  Church  on  January  24 
and  25. 

Topic  of  these  two  days'  study  courses 
for  ministers  will  be  "Our  Mission"  and 
will  be  led  by  Dr.  Daniel  J.  Fleming, 
Emeritus  Professor  of  Missions  in  Union 
Theological  Seminary,  and  Dr.  Robert  E. 
Cushma,n,  Professor  of  Systematic  Theol- 
ogy in  the  Divinity., School  of  Duke  Uni- 

The  cost  of  three  meals  to  be  paid  at 
each  church  b,v  .aJJ.  registrants  will  be 
$4.00.  Over-night  .accommodations  and 
breakfast  will  be  .provided  without  cost, 
if  requested. 

[  Page  314  ] 


REGISTER,  December,  1951 

Dick  Groat 

Carl  Glasow 

Rudy  D'Emilio 

Bernie  Janicki 

Flashy  Devils  Open  With  Four  Wins 

With  five  sophomores  and  a  graduate 
student  playing  for  the  first  time  on  a 
12-man  squad,  Duke's  basketball  team 
appears  headed  for  one  of  its  best  seasons 
in  recent  years. 

In  the  Blue  Devil's  first  three  games 
in  Coach  Harold  Bradley's  second  year 
at  the  helm,  they  scored  impressive  wins. 
They  downed  Temple  85-48  in  the  opener, 
lagged»;behind  in  the  stretch  but  won  over 
Hanes**  Hosiery  78-68,  trounced  North 
Carolina  77-59  in  the  Gerry  Gerard 
Memorial  Game,  won  out  over  highly 
regarded  Bradley  87-69,  and  then  aston- 
ished everyone  by  dropping  a  72,-73  de- 
cision to  underrated  Furman. 

Dick  Groat,  six-foot  guard  from  Swiss- 
vale,  Pa.,  captains  the  team.  He  is  one 
of  six  lettermen,  the  others  being  for- 
wards Bill  Fleming  of  Philadelphia,  Kes 
Deimling  of  River  Forest,  111.,  and  Dick 
Latimer  of  Bethesda,  Md.;  center  Dick 
Crowder  of  High  Point,  N.  C;  and 
guard  Dick  Johnson  of  Dayton,  Ohio. 

The  sophomores  are  forwards  Bernie 
Janicki  of  Ambridge,  Pa.,  one  of  the 
high  scorers  in  the  early  games,  and 
Charlie  Driesell  of  Norfolk,  Va. ;  center 
Rudy  Lacy  of  Roanoke,  Va. ;  and  guards 
Rudy  D'Emilio  of  Philadelphia,  and 
Fred  Shabel  of  Union  City,  N.  J. 

The  graduate  student  among  the  crew 
is  six-five  center  Carl  Glasow  (pronounced 
Glass-O)  of  Rochester,  N.  Y.  During  the 
war  he  attended  Cornell  as  a  member  of 
the  Navy's  V-12  program,  graduating 
with  a  B.S.  in  mechanical  engineering  and 
winning  two  basketball  monograms.  Later 
he  received  his  master's  in  physical  metal- 
lurgy at  the  University  of  Rochester. 
After   working   as    an    engineer   for   one 

year,  he  entered  Duke's  Divinity  School. 
He  was  discovered  while  playing  intra- 
mural sports  with  the  future  preachers. 

Groat,  who  led  the  nation's  major  col- 
lege players  in  most  points  and  most  free 
throws  last  year,  setting  new  national  rec- 
ords in  both  departments  with  831  points 
and  261  free  throws,  has  again  been  the 
top  scorer  for  the  team  in  early  games. 
He  tossed  in  33  tallies  against  Temple  to. 
outscore  the  Temple  ace,  Bill  Mlkvy,  33- 
17,  then  added  26  points  against  Hanes 
Hosiery.  He  was  held  to  only  two  points 
in  the  first  half  against  North  Carolina, 
but  rallied  to  score  14  points  in  the  sec- 
ond half  before  fouling  out  with  two 
minutes  left.  Against  Bradley  he  tallied 
25  points,  and  got  15  in  the  Furman 

Janicki  scored  50  points  in  the  first 
three  games.  He  had  21  in  the  opener 
against  Temple,  13  against  Hames  Ho- 
siery and  16  against  Carolina. 

While  their  scoring  totals  haven't  been 
as  sensational  as  some  of  the  others,  two 

of  the  three  newcomers  who  have  won 
starting  berths  haver  aided  the  team 
greatly  with  their  all-round  performances. 
They  are  Glasow  and  D'Emilio.  Glasow 
is  the  center  and  owns  a  potent  hook  shot. 
D'Emilio,  who  in  some  ways  follows 
Groat's  style  of  play,  is  a  great  floorman. 

The  Blue  Devil  cagers  face  a  strong- 
schedule  this  season.  Besides  the  regular 
campaign  against  Conference  and  inter- 
sectional  foes,  they  will  again  play  in  the 
Dixie  Classic  Tournament  at  Raleigh. 
Runners-up  in  the  meet  last  year,  Duke 
faces  a  strong  Columbia  University  team 
that  won  22  games  without  defeat  last 
season  in  the  first  round.  The  tourney 
runs  for  three  days  with  all  entries  play- 
ing each  day. 

After  the  game  with  Bradley  here, 
Duke  will  have  ten  home  games  left  on 
the  docket.  Among  the  leading  teams  to 
be  met  here  are  Pennsylvania,  N.  C. 
State,  Wake  Forest,  George  Washington, 
William  and  Mary,  Maryland,  South 
(Continued  on  Page  328) 

No.  Name  Pos. 

*14  Kes  Deimling   P 

26  Charlie    Driesell    F 

*31  Bill   Fleming   F 

20  Bernie   Janicki   F 

*33  Dick    Crowder   C 

f32  Carl  Glasow  C 

21  Rudy  Lacy  C 

15  Rudy  D'Emilio   G 

*10  Dick    Groat   G 

*24  Dick   Johnson   G 

*23  Dick  Latimer  G 

34  Fred    Shabel    G 














Wgt.  Age  Class                                  Hometown 

196  20  Junior  River  Forest,  111. 

195  19  Sophomore   Norfolk,  Va. 

195  22  Senior   Philadelphia,  Pa. 

180  19  Sophomore    Ambridge,   Pa. 

200  22  Senior  High  Point,  N.  C. 

190  26  Graduate  Student-Rochester,  N.  Y. 

185  19  Sophomore  Roanoke,  Va. 

175  20  Sophomore   Philadelphia,   Pa. 

180  21  Senior  Swissvale,  Pa. 

176  20  Junior Dayton,    Ohio 

168  21  Senior  Bethesda,  Md. 

188  19  Sophomore  Union  City,  N.  J. 

*  1951  Letterman. 

f  Won  Two  Letters  at  Cornell. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER.  December,  1951 

[  Page  315  ] 

Sons  and  Daughters 


Duke  Alumni 

1.  Paul  David  Freed.     Betty  Jane  Seawell  Freed,   '44.     Greens-  5.    John     Charles     Armbrust.       Robert     William     Armbrust. 
boro,  N.  C.  Betty  Creider  Armbrust  (Mrs.  W.  C),   '41.     Dunmore,  Pa. 

2.  Alton  G.  Campbell,  Jr.     Alton  G.  Campbell,   '44.     Pittsboro,  6.    Thomas   Woodbury  Hall.     Emily  Nassau  Hall    (Mrs.   C.  L., 
N-  c-  Jr.),   '43.     Needham,  Mass. 

3.  Mary   Ellen   Young.     Marian   Tiller   Young,    '48.     Franklin  _     m                   ,T         „                 „           _                 „,               m 

;                                                               6'  7.    Thornton  \ern  Dilcher.    Diane  Dilcher.    Marilyn  Thorn  - 

Young,   '50.     Salisbury,  N.  C.  ton   Dilcher    (Mrs.   H.  E.),    '46.     Kristine  Dilcher,     Oak- 

4.  Pamela  Wyche  Reade.     Pamela  Reade  Beade    (Mrs.  J.  Rob-  field,  N.  Y. 
ert),   '29.     Timberlake,  N.  C. 

[  Page  316  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER.  December,  1951 


Charlotte  Corbin,  '35,  Editor 


November,  1951 

Edward   D.   Hutson,   HM3,   '50,   Key   West, 

W.    Harold    Hayes,   '28,    A.M.    '30,    Hyatts- 

ville,  Md. 
"Babs"  Gosford,  '46,  New  York  City,  N.  Y. 
Dwight  L.  Fauts,  '25,  B.D.   '29,  Plymouth, 

N.  C. 
J.  "Pat"  Felton,  B.S.M.E.  '47,  Baton  Rouge, 

Jack  O.  Kirby,  '50,  Newark,  N.  J. 
Fred  0.  Aldridge,  '19,  Wayne,  Pa. 
Thomas  A.  Aldridge,  '26,  Baltimore,  Md. 
Ralph  S.  Nichols,  '41,  Waltham,  Mass. 
Noah  O.  Pitts,  Jr.,  '45,  Morganton,  N.  C. 
Sarah    Dashiell    Stark    (Mrs.    R.    W.),    '23, 

Greenville,  N.  C. 
Charles  W.  Porter,  '26,  Lenoir,  N.  C. 
David  Porter,  '50,  Lenoir,  N.  C. 
Robert  S.  Duncan,  '50,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Donal  M.  Squires,  '51,  St.  Albans,  W.  Va. 
"Tommy"   Thomas   Foreman    (Mrs.   R.   E.), 

'43,  Elizabeth  City,  N.  C. 
Robert    E.    Foreman,    '42,    Elizabeth    City, 

N.  C. 
Robert  M.  Gantt,  Jr.,  '44,  Albemarle,  N.  C. 
O.  E.  Dowd,  '27,  Greenville,  N.  C. 
Elbert  L.  Wade,  '48,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 
Ross  Francisco,  B.D.   '43,  Mt.   Airy,   N.   C. 
Josephine    Beaver    Morgan    (Mrs.    J.    W.), 

'45,  Albemarle,  N.  C. 
J.  Murrey  Atkins,  '27,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Evelyn  Culp  Pickler  (Mrs.  R.  R.),  '39,  New 

London,  N.  C. 
Josh  L.  Home,  '09,  Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 
Mary  Louise  Home  Warner    (Mrs.  M.  J.), 

'34,  Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 
Melvin  J.  Warner,  '35,  Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 
Robert  G.  Deyton,  Sr.,  '24,  Brevard,  N.  C. 
Leonard  S.  Powers,  '40,  Wake  Forest,  N.  C. 
Tom  A.  Redmon,  '27,  Elkin,  N.  C. 
T.    Ruffin   Hood,   '42,   M.D.   '46,   Smithfield, 

N.  C. 
J.  Garland  Wolfe,  '46,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
William    B.    Robertson,    '50,    Ft.    Benjamin 

Harrison,   Ind. 
Sam  P.  Patterson,  '51,  Memphis,  Tenn. 
Luther    K.    Williams,    '36,    Winston-Salem, 

N.  C. 
Marion  Johnson  Bruckner  (Mrs.  J.  L.),  '40, 

Augusta,  Ga. 
Jack  L.  Bruckner,  '42,  Augusta,  Ga. 
Shirley  Zuckerman,  '52,  Asheville,  N.  C. 
Cecielle  Sanders  Cahow   (Mrs.  J.  N.),  R.N. 

'47,  Torrance,  Calif. 
James    N.    Cahow,    B.S.E.E.    '48,    Torrance, 

M.  W.  Maness,  '28,  B.D.  '33,  Durham,  N.  C. 
Alyse  Smith,  '30,  Burlington,  N.  C. 
P.  D.  Midgett,  Jr.,  '50,  Englehard,  N.  C. 
Colin   S.   MeLarty,   B.S.M.E.    '48,   B.S.    '48, 
Beaver  Falls,  Pa. 

Edward  E.  Marx,  LL.B.  '51,  Atlanta,  Ga. 
Mark  W.  Lawrence,  '25,  B.D.  '30,  Kinston, 

N.  C. 
Norman  L.   Wherrett,   '38,   LL.B.   '41,   Cin- 
cinnati,  Ohio. 
A.  T.  Davison,  '49,  Portland,  Ore. 
Doris  Stine  Bennett   (Mrs.  F.  S.,  Jr.),  '39, 

Hagerstown,  Md. 
Floyd    S.    Bennett,    Jr.,    '37,    Hagerstown, 

Richard  S.  Smith,  '50,  Hartford,  Conn. 
C.  Heber  Smith,  '43,  Allentown,  Pa. 
Nancy   Farrington   Chritton    (Mrs.    E.   F.), 

'50,  Knoxville,  Tenn. 
Ernie  F.  Chritton,  Jr.,  '50,  Knoxville,  Tenn. 
Warren  H.  Pope,  '47,  Princeton,  N.  J. 
Jack     N.     Highsmith,     Jr.,     '48,     Flushing, 

N.  Y. 
Kathleen  Foscue   Slate    (Mrs.   R.   W.),   '28, 

High  Point,  N.  C. 
J.   Alex  McMahon,  '42,   Chapel  Hill,   N.  C. 
E.   Steve   Stockslager,   Jr.,  '45,   Georgetown, 

S.  C. 
William  L.  Watts,  '50,  Ithaca,  N.  Y. 
Charles  B.  Markham,  Jr.,   '45,  Washington, 

D.  C. 
Dudley  W.  Bagley,  '12,  Moyock,  N.  C. 
Fred  H.  Shipp,  '26,  New  Bern,  N.  C. 
Arthur  C.  Christakos,  '51,  Charleston,  S.  C. 
William  M.  Werber,  '30,  Washington,  D.  C. 
Robert  L.  Sheldon,  '44,  Roselle  Park,  N.  J. 
Kenneth   S.  Williams,  '53,  Charlotte,  N.   C. 
John  W.  Winkin,  Jr.,  '41,  Englewood,  N.  J. 
Dot   Thomas   Poole    (Mrs.   J.   G.,   Jr.),   '44, 

Clifton,  N.  J. 
John  G.  Poole,  Jr.,  '44,  Clifton,  N.  J. 
John   C.   Withington,   '43,  M.D.  '46,  Savan- 
nah, Ga. 
Margaret   Courtney   Crowell    (Mrs.    G.   H.), 

'41,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
George  H.  Crowell,  '39,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
James  M.  Brown,  '51,  Miami,  Fla. 
Leon  C.  Larkin,  '17,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
1st    Lt.    David   K.    Taylor,    Jr.,    '47,    LL.B. 

'49,  APO,  New  York. 
C.  Settle  Bunn,  '17,  Spring  Hope,  N.  C. 
Capt.    Charles    I.   Bunn,    '39,    Spring    Hope, 

N.  C. 
Ben  L.  Smith,  '16,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
George  D.  Finch,  '24,  Thomasville,  N.  C. 
Lewistine    M.    McCoy,    B.D.    '44,    Charlotte, 

N.  C. 
Ann  McClenaghan  Lanahan  (Mrs.  E.  Lauck), 

'44,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
E.  Lauck  Lanahan,  '43,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
Clarence    (Luke)    Lewis,  '48,  Wilson,  N.  C. 
Alfred  H.  Piatt,  '47,  Norfolk,  Va. 
Pat  Collins,  B.S.  '50,  Waynesboro,  Va. 
Charlotte    Thompson   Cooley    (Mrs.    A.   P.), 

'47,  Union  Level,  Va. 

Arthur    P.    Cooley,    B.D.    '47,    Union   Level, 

Deanie  Shaw  Pound  (Mrs.  R.  M.,  Jr.),  '46, 

Charlotte,  N.   C. 
Nancy  Lee  Nicklas   Mohler    (Mrs.   R.   W.), 

'48,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
John  Karmazin,  '49,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 
Kenneth  Younger,  '49,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 
Norma    Lee    Coleman,    '51,    Winston-Salem, 

N.  C. 
Sybill   Paynter   Sharps    (Mrs.   W.   E.),   '42, 

Oakland,  Md. 
Luther    L.    Gobbel,    '18,    A.M.    '27,    Greens- 
boro, N.  C. 
Marcia    Russell    Gobbel    (Mrs.    Luther    L.), 

A.M.  '28,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Paul  H.  Insch,  '50,  Maiden,  N.  C. 
Andrew    L.    Ducker,    Jr.,    '41,    Greensboro, 

N.  C. 
Quincy  Jack  Sutton,  '50,  Warsaw,  N.  C. 
William  Mellon  Eaton,  B.S.  '45,  New  York, 

N.  Y. 
Joseph    M.    Duncan,   B.S.E.E.    '49,   Atlanta, 

Allison    Waggoner    Duncan    (Mrs.    J.    M.), 

'49,  Atlanta,  Ga. 
Ens.  William  B.  Wilmer,  '51,  Norfolk,  Va. 
Lena  Mac  Smith  Wilmer  (Mrs.  W.  B.),  '51, 

Norfolk,  Va. 
W.  Herbert  Smith,  '23,  Clover,  S.  C. 
Robert  B.  Gibson,  '50,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
James  E.  Gibson,  '50,  San  Antonio,  Texas. 
Harvey  "Chink"  Johnson,  '26,  Blackey,  Ky. 
Leon  Gibbs,  '49,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
2nd   Lt.   Whitefoord   Smith,   Jr.,   '46,   Camp 

Rucker,  Ala. 
Nancy  Hanks,  '49,  Washington,  D.  C. 
Mary    Evans    Cooper     (Mrs.    Arthur,    Jr.), 

'47,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
Mary  Anne  Duncan  Groome    (Mrs.  J.  H.), 

'49,  Lumberton,  N.  C. 
James  H.  Groome,  '49,  Lumberton,  N.  C. 
Allison  L.   Ormond,  '24,  Hickory,  N.  C. 
Joyce    Preston    Hipp     (Mrs.    C.    R.),    '47, 

Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Charles   R.    Hipp,    B.S.M.E.    '48,    Charlotte, 

N.  C. 
Frank  A.  Finley,  '28,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 
Helen  Brooks  Brashear   (Mrs.   W.   C),  '44, 

Greenville,  S.  C. 
Stanford  R.  Brookshire,  '27,  "Charlotte,  N.  C. 
James  P.  Mahoney,  '50,  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 
Ernest   Cutter,   Jr.,   '45,   Newmarket,  N.   H. 
Dottie   Groome   Hanford    (Mrs.   John,   Jr.), 

'45,  Salisbury,  N.  C. 
John  Hanford,  Jr.,  '43,  Salisbury,  N.  C. 
Blanna  Brower  Harriss   (Mrs.  M.  W.,  Jr.), 

'43,  Sanford,  N.  C. 
Meader  W.  Harriss,  Jr.,  '41,  Sanford,  N.  C. 
N.  V.  Shuford,  '28,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 
W.  James  Miller,  Jr.,  '47,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Seth  Vining,  Jr.,  '48,  Tryon,  N.  C. 
Betty    Rushing    Lineberger     (Mrs.     Henry, 

Jr.),  '49,  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  December,  1951 

[  Page  317  ] 

Get  more  than  you  bargained  for- get 

n,r       You  don't  have  to  be  a  football  hero  to  know  the  sheer, 
exhilarating  :comfort  of  Hdiieisv'rhid-length  knitted  shorts. 

And  while  our  dazzling-white  T-shirts  are  good  for 
extra  yardage,  they're  good  for  extra  yearage,  too! 


Henry    Lineberger,    Jr.,    '50,    Chapel    Hill, 

N.  C. 
J.  Marion  Woolard,  III,  '50,  Richmond,  Va. 
Fred  C.  Wright,  Jr.,  '36,  Hagerstown,  Md. 
Novella   Murray  Snyder    (Mrs.   T.  E.),  '44, 

Ardmore,  Pa. 
Clay  S.  Felker,  '51,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
John  Alexander,  '45,  Meridian,  Miss. 
Wiley  M.  Pickens,  '16,  Ealeigh,  N.  C. 
Willis  W.   Stogsdill,  '45,  Bloomington,  Ind. 


Classes  having  reunions  at  Commencement, 
1952,  are  as  follows:  '02,  Golden  Anniver- 
sary; '21;  '22;  '23;  '24;  '27,  Silver  Anni- 
versary; '42,  Tenth  Year  Eeunion;  '46; 
'47;  '48;  and  '50,  First  Eeunion. 

'12  > 

President:     Polly     Heitman     Ivey     (Mrs. 
L.  L.) 

Class  Agent:  J.  Allen  Lee 
EDWIN  L.  JONES,  of  Charlotte,  N.  C, 
was  elected  treasurer  of  the  United  States 
section  and  associate  treasurer  of  the  world 
organization  of  the  Ecumenical  Methodist 
Conference  when  it  met  in  Oxford,  England, 
August  28  to  September  7.  Mr.  Jones  is 
also  a  member  of  the  American  executive 
committee  of  the  World  Methodist  Church. 

•13  * 

President:  Henry  A.  Dennis 

Class  Agent:  H.  M.  Ratcliff 
TOM  PACE,  after  serving  sixteen  years  as 
District  Judge  of  the  Twenty-first  Judicial 
District  of  the  State  of  Oklahoma,  volun- 
tarily retired  in  1943  and  again  assumed 
the  duties  of  the  office  in  January,  1951. 
He  has  recently  moved  from  Pureell,  Okla., 
to  825  Hoover,  Norman,  Okla. 


President:     Dr.    H.    0.    Lineberger     (de- 

Class  Agent :  Harley  B.  Gaston 
B.  W.  RUARK  is  living  at  913  Michigan 
Avenue,  Evanston,  111.,  after  residing  for 
many  years  in  Park  Ridge,  111.  He  is  gen- 
eral manager  of  the  Motor  and  Equipment 
Wholesalers  Association.  FRANCES 
and  FRANK  S.,  '43,  two  of  his  four  chil- 
dren, attended  Duke  also. 

'21  = 

President:   Charles  W.  Bundy 

Class  Agent:  Henry  E.  Fisher 
LEE  B.  DURHAM  of  the  Department  of 
Adult  Education,  Detroit  Public  Schools, 
represented  Duke  at  the  inauguration  of 
Harlan  Henthorne  Hatcher  as  eighth  presi- 
dent of  the  University  of  Michigan  on 
November  27. 

'24  » 

Next  Reunion:    Commencement,   1952 

President:   James  R.  Simpson 

Class  Agent:  Fred  W.  Greene 
GRAHAM  F.  RANKIN  of  102  North  Jeffer- 
son Street,  Staunton,  Va.,  is  associated  with 
Logan  Brothers,  electrical  appliances. 

'27  > 

Silver  Anniversary:  Commencement,  1952 
President:  Dr.  Furman  G.  McLarty 
Class  Agent:  A.  Hugo  Kimball 
SON, who  received  an  M.D.  degree  from 
Johns  Hopkins  University  in  1931,  is  clin- 
ical professor  of  pediatrics  at  George  Wash- 
ington Medical  School.  The  Andersons, 
who  live  at  4237  Garfield  Street,  N.W., 
Washington,  D.  C,  have  two  daughters, 
Margaret  Dunham  and  Stella  Harper. 
HOWARD  E.  BARLOW  of  1030  Las  Tunas 
Street,  Morro  Bay,  Calif.,  is  offieer-in- 
charge  of  the  United  States  Veterans  Ad- 
ministration in  San  Luis  Obispo.  He  and 
Mrs.  Barlow  have  one  son,  Howard  E.,  Jr. 
BLAIR  EDWARD  BEASLEY,  partner  in 
the  Beasley-Snell  Insurance  Agency,  lives  at 
2835  Barmettler  Street,  Raleigh,  N.  C.  The 
Beasleys'  son,  Blair  Edward,  Jr.,  is  11 
years  old. 

H.  Z.),  whose  address  is  109  West  51st 
Street,  Savannah,  Ga.,  has  one  son,  Wil- 
liam Henry. 

TER A.  BIGGS  are  living  at  2116  Club 
Boulevard,  in  Durham,  where  he  is  presi- 
dent of  the  Home  Building  and  Loan  Asso- 
ciation. They  have  one  son,  Charles  Thomas. 
T.  F.  BRIDGERS  of  909  Anderson  Street, 
Wilson,  N.  C,  is  president  of  Farmers  Cot- 
ton Oil  Company,  manufacturers  of  fertiliz- 
ers and  cotton  seed  products.  Mrs.  Bridg- 
ers  is  the  former  MARY  LOUISE  ANDER- 
SON, '29.  They  have  three  children,  ANN 
ANDERSON  BRIDGERS,  '51,  who  is  field 
secretary  for  undergraduate  admissions  in 
the  Woman's  College,  Mary  Lou,  and  Thomas 
F.,  Jr. 

'29   * 

President :  Edwin  S.  Yarbrough,  Jr. 

Class  Agent:  William  E.  Cranford 
Little  Pamela  Wyche  Reade,  whose  picture 
is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  of  this 
issue,  is  the  daughter  of  PAMELA 
READE  READE,  '29,  and  J.  Robert  Reade 
of  Timberlake,  N.  C. 

'30   >— 

President:  William  M.  Werber 
Class  Agent:  J.  Chisman  Hanes 
WILLIAM  C.  LASSITER,  '30,  LL.B.  '33, 
and  Mrs.  Lassiter  have  announced  the  birth 
of  a  son,  John  Carroll,  on  October  13.  They 
live  at  2432  East  Lake  Drive,  Raleigh, 
N.  C,  where  Bill  is  an  attorney  with  Las- 
siter, Leager,  and  Walker. 

'32  * 

President:  Robert  D.  (Shank)  Warwick 
Class  Agent:  Edward  G.  Thomas 
RALPH  L.  HOWLAND,  a  member  of  the 
Washington  bureau  of  the  Associated  Press, 
will  head  the  news  bureau  in  Raleigh  to  be 
opened  soon  by  the  Charlotte  Observer. 
Having  been  with  the  Associated  Press  for 
15  years,  he  has  served  as  news  editor  of 
the  AP  for  the  Carolinas,  as  member  in 
charge  of  the  AP  Raleigh  office,  and  as  a 
Washington  correspondent.  He  is  married 
and  has  two  daughters. 

'33   * 

President:  John  D.  Minter 

Class  Agent:  John  D.  Minter 
RAVEN  I.  McDAVID,  JR.,  A.M.  '33,  Ph.D. 
'35,  is  doing  research  in  dialect  geography 
for  the  Middle  English  Dictionary.  He  and 
Mrs.  McDavid,  the  former  Miss  Virginia 
Glenn    of    Minneapolis,    Minn.,    live    at    219 


W.  P.  Budd,  '04,  Secretary-Treas. 
W.  P.  Budd,  Jr.,  '36,  Vice-President 

DURHAM,  N.  C. 

•   •  •  • 

Contractors  for 





Duke  Chapel,  New 
Graduate  Dormitory 
Indoor  Stadium  and 

Hospital  Addition 




DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  December,  1951 

[  Page  319  ] 


Our  business  is  improving  your 
busmess.  We  offer  a  complete 
agency  organization  with  every 
service ^you  need...  plus  nation- 
«"de  facilities  through  our 
assocate  offices  i„  more  than 
•*«  major  markets.  Special 
atte„„„„  (o  advertising  accounts 
ol  Duke  people  and  their  busi- 
ness associates. 

-»'.  B.  LOIS G,'3S, President 

Principal  Services 



„d   Radio    Adverti.- 

Publicily  • 

...Television   ol  Produc. 

.„„  planning-CopY-**" 

:„"„".      C,e-.i.n  o.  Sol..  LHb™.»« 

Wo,We,Reseo,chond  Survey... 

t     A.     Exhibit,      ond 
Trade      Exh.b.  d  aetlers. 

"Aula-lypi.*      renona 

Recognition  /  Re,„„ 

'    KCco,,"nenda»ion 

A9rKUl(urol  pub|l.s(| 

•  ■  •  American  Newson       *"-«-lion 

A«ociotion     NeTr,SP/QDe",oblishers- 

'•»•««'  pUb,isher,  iZ£z: 


Long  Building  •  28  North  Queen  Street 


York  « 1-554 

Chapin  Street,  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.  Their 
son,  Glenn  Henderson,  was  born  May  14, 

'36  > 

President :   Frank  J.   Sizemore 

Class  Agents:  James  H.  Johnston,  Clif- 
ford W.  Perry 
Washington  College,  Chestertown,  Md.,  rep- 
resented Duke  at  the  inauguration  of  Dan- 
iel Zaehary  Gibson  as  President  of  that  col- 
lege on  October  27. 

JOE  S.  HIATT,  JR.,  '36,  M.D.  '40,  asso- 
ciate superintendent  and  associate  medical 
director  of  the  North  Carolina  Sanatorium 
for  the  Treatment  of  Tuberculosis,  McCain, 
N.  C,  was  elected  secretary-treasurer  and 
counselor  for  the  Fifth  District  Medical 
Society  of  North  Carolina  at  its  annual  Fall 
meeting  at  the  North  Carolina  Sanatorium 
on  November  15.  Participating  in  the  pro- 
gram at  the  meeting  were  several  doctors 
from  the  Fifth  District,  including  Dr.  W. 
C.  Sealy,  head  of  the  Department  of  Tho- 
racic Surgery,  Duke  Hospital,  who  interned 
at  Duke  in  1936  and  1937;  and  J.  L.  CAL- 
LAWAY, M.D.  '33,  B.S.M.  '35,  head  of  the 
Department  of  Dermatology,  Duke  Hos- 
pital. Joe  says  that  he  and  MRS.  HIATT 
(SARAH  RANKIN),  '38,  and  their  two 
children  live  between  Southern  Pines  and 
Pinehurst,  and  he  commutes  to  the  Sana- 
torium daily. 

R.  ODELL  LINDSAY  is  working  with 
Laird,  Bissell  and  Meeds,  stock  brokers, 
Liberty  Lincoln  Building,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
He  and  Mrs.  Lindsay,  the  former  Helen 
Sault  of  Toronto,  Canada,  have  a  son,  Delie, 
4,  and  a  daughter,  Gloria  Diane,  7  months. 


President:  Dr.  Kenneth  A.  Podger 
Class  Agent:  William  F.  Womble 
Mr.  and  MRS.  LELAND  J.  STUMP 
(LTJCILE  HESSICK)  have  announced  the 
birth  of  a  fourth  daughter,  Judith  (Judy) 
Anne,  on  October  18.  Their  address  is 
5620  Western  Avenue,  Chevy  Chase,  Md. 

'38  * 

President :  Russell  Y.  Cooke 
Class  Agent:  William  M.  Courtney 
became  the  bride  of  Dr.  Ashel  Stanton  Col- 
vin  on  October  23  at  Trinity  Avenue  Pres- 
byterian Church,  Durham,  and  they  are 
making  their  home  at  3207  Chapel  Hill  Road 
in  Durham.  Dorothy,  who  has  a  B.S.  de- 
gree in  Library  Science  from  the  Univer- 
sity of  North  Carolina,  was  employed  at 
the  Duke  University  Library  before  her 
marriage.  Her  husband  received  the  de- 
gree of  doctor  of  veterinary  medicine  from 
Cornell  University  and  is  now  associated 
with  the  Vanderbilt  Veterinary  Hospital  in 

of  Graham,  N.  C,  has  been  named  Assistant 

Deputy  of  Plans  of  the  1602nd  Air  Trans- 
port Wing  at  Wiesbaden,  Germany. 
Mr.  and  MRS.  EDWARD  W.  YORKE,  JR. 
(LOULA  SOUTHGATE),  of  504  Kingston 
Road,  Enfield,  Oreland,  Pa.,  have  announced 
the  birth  of  a  daughter,  Margaret  Mead, 
on  October  21.  She  brings  the  total  to  four 
children,  and  evens  the  score  with  two  boys 
and  two  girls. 

'39  » 

President:   Edmund  S.  Swindell,  Jr. 

Class  Agent:  William  F.  Franek,  Jr. 
GARFIELD  L.  MILLER,  JR.,  and  Mrs. 
Miller  have  announced  the  birth  of  a  son, 
Stephen  Lawton,  on  October  12.  The  Millers 
live  at  205  Columbia  Road,  Wanakah,  Ham- 
burg, N.  Y. 

ROBERT  E.  SLEIGHT  is  assistant  direc- 
tor of  the  University  of  Virginia  Hospital, 
Charlottesville,  Va. 

'40  * 

President:    John  D.  MacLauchlan 
Class  Agent:   Addison  P.  Penfield 
PAUL   F.   ADER  is   an   officer  in  the   Air 
Force  stationed  at  Fort  Myer,  Va.     His  ad- 
dress   is    Apartment    6,    536    Argyle    Drive, 
Falls  Church,  Va. 

been  promoted  from  the  rank  of  lieutenant 
commander  in  the  Navy  and  has  received 
orders  to  Newport,  R.  I.,  to  command  a 
destroyer.  He  served  in  the  Far  East  last 
year,  and  was  recently  assigned  to  the  light 
cruiser  Juneau. 

E.  R,  (DUTCH)  McMILLIN,  JR.,  has  be- 
come associated  with  the  Thos.  G.  Harrison 
Agency  of  the  New  England  Mutual  Life 
Insurance  Company  in  Nashville,  Tenn. 
Dutch,  who  served  as  a  fighter  pilot  in  the 
China-Burma-India  Theater  with  the  rank  of 
captain  during  World  War  II,  has  had  a 
successful  career  as  a  professional  musician 
since  then,  having  been  associated  with  Sta- 
tion WSM  in  radio  and  television  for  the 
past  several  years.  He  is  married  and  has 
two  small  daughters. 

assistant  judge  advocate  of  the  Japan 
Southwestern  Command,  has  been  rotated 
to  the  United  States  for  reassignment  after 
three  years  in  the  Far  East.  Upon  his  ar- 
rival in  the  Far  East  Command  in  August, 
1948,  Tord  was  assigned  to  the  judge  advo- 
cate section  of  Kobe  Base,  and  later  to 
Southwestern  Command  Headquarters.  Dur- 
ing World  War  II,  he  served  in  the  Euro- 
pean Theater  of  Operations.  Mrs.  Malm- 
quist  and  their  son,  Chris,  have  returned  to 
the  United  States  and  are  living  at  607 
Seventh  Street  W.,  Huntington,  W.  Va. 
WILLIAM  R.  NESBITT,  B.S.M.  '40,  M.D. 
'42,  is  director  of  the  student  health  service 
at  the  University  of  Wyoming,  Laramie, 
Wyo.  His  address  is  965  North  14th  Street. 
LEONARD  S.  POWERS  and  Mrs.  Powers 
announce  the  birth  of  a  daughter,  Laurie 
Josephine,    on    November    6.      Leonard    is 

[ Page  320  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  December,  1951 

teaching  in  the  Law  School  at  Wake  Forest 
College,  Wake  Forest,  N.  C. 
PHILIP  A.  TURNER,  A.M.  '41,  of  3644 
Edison  Street,  Alexandria,  Va.,  have  a  son, 
Mark  Alan,  born  April  27,  1951.  Philip  is 
working  with  the  State  Department. 
The  address  of  BARBARA  CLIFFORD 
WINFREE  (MRS.  ARTHUR  T.)  is  Box 
1510,  Daytona  Beach,  Fla. 
LELAND  J.  GIER,  Ph.D.,  head  of  the  De- 
partment of  Biology,  William  Jewell  Col- 
lege, Liberty,  Mo.,  represented  Duke  at  the 
inauguration  of  M.  Earle  Collins  as  the  sev- 
enth president  of  Missouri  Valley  College, 
Marshall,  Mo.,  on  December  10. 

'41  > 

President:   Andrew  L.  Ducker,  Jr. 

Class  Agents:  Julian  C.  Jessup,  Meader 
W.  Harriss,  Jr.,  Andrew  L.  Ducker,  Jr., 
J.  D.  Long,  Jr. 
PAUL  CIVIN,  A.M.  '41,  Fh.D.  '42,  associate 
professor  of  mathematics  at  the  University 
of  Oregon,  Eugene,  Ore.,  represented  Duke 
at  the  seventy-fifth  anniversary  exercises  of 
the  University  of  Oregon  on  November  2. 
DR.  RICHARD  C.  FOWLER  of  208  Center 
Avenue,  New  Rochelle,  N.  T.,  has  been 
appointed  associate  medical  director  in  the 
medical  division  of  the  E.  R.  Squibb  and 
Sons.  Previously  engaged  in  private  prac- 
tice, Dick  will  be  concerned  with  the  clinical 
evaluation  of  preparations  for  dental  thera- 
peutics and  hygiene  and  for  the  treatment 
of  oral  diseases.  He  was  also  graduated 
from  the  University  of  Pennsylvania  Dental 
School  and  did  graduate  work  in  ehemistry 
at  Columbia  University.  He  was  formerly 
secretary  of  the  Duke  Alumni  Association 
of  Greater  New  York. 

A  son,  William  Lee,  was  born  on  June  5  to 
BLANNA  BROWER  HARRISS,  '43,  daugh- 
ter of  A.  S.  BROWER,  '12.  "Red"  is  assist- 
ant cashier  of  the  National  Bank  in  San- 
ford,,  N.  C,  where  they  make  their  home. 
Samuel  Robert  Watson,  Jr.,  were  married 
October  19  in  a  ceremony  in  the  Duke  Uni- 
versity Chapel.  Mr.  Watson  is  an  alumnus 
of  North  Carolina  State  College  and  holds 
a  position  as  District  Engineer  with  Caro- 
lina Power  and  Light  Company.  The  couple 
is  making  their  home  in  Henderson,  N.  O, 
where  their  address  is  Box  253. 
CAPTAIN  LEX  E.  O'BRIENT,  whose  home 
is  at  210  West  Markham  Avenue,  Durham, 
recently  joined  the  8224th  Engineer  Con- 
struction Group  in  Korea.  He  is  in  charge 
of  the  inspection  of  heavy  road  and  bridge 
building  equipment  in  the  war  area. 
PRICE,  B.S.E.E.,  their  adopted  children, 
Nancy  8,  and  Chris  5,  and  their  ward, 
Mickey,  now  live  on  Munro  Road,  Route  3, 
Hixson,  Tenn.  Bob  is  an  electrical  engineer 
for  T.V.A. 
ARTHUR  B.   RICKERBT  was   awarded   a 

first  honorable  mention  prize  of  $100  in  the 
individual  picture  division  and  a  third  hon- 
orable mention  prize  of  $25  in  the  picture 
story  division  of  Life  Magazine's  Contest 
for  Young  Photographers.  He  is  one  of  the 
few  contestants  to  have  winning  pictures  in 
both  divisions  of  the  nationwide  contest. 
Art  works  for  Acme  Newspictures,  461  8th 
Avenue,  New  York,  N.  Y.,  and  resides  with 
his  wife  and  two  children  in  Port  Wash- 
ington, Long  Island. 

W.  C.)  writes  that  their  second  son,  Rob- 
ert William,  was  born  on  the  fifth  of  last 
May.  John  Charles,  better  known  as  Jack, 
is  four.  A  picture  of  the  children  is  on 
the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this  month. 
The  Armbrusts  live  at  315  Cherry  Street, 
Dunmore  12,  Pa. 

'42  » 

Tenth  Year  Reunion:   Commencement,   1952 

President :   James  H.  Walker 

Class  Agents:  Robert  E.  Foreman,  Willis 
Smith,  Jr.,  George  A.  Trakas 
W.  CREEKMORE  and  Mrs.  Creekmore  an- 
nounce the  birth  of  a  son,  Ray  Tazewell,  on 
October  2.  Their  address  is  5502  Parkland 
Courts,  S.E.,  Washington  19,  D.  C. 

O'BRIEN)  of  2325  Hathaway  Road,  Ra- 
leigh, N.  C,  announce  the  birth  of  a  sec- 
ond daughter,  Susan  Carmichael,  on  Novem- 
ber 13. 

VIN  G.)  and  Mr.  Robins  have  announced 
the  birth  of  a  son,  Rick  Paul,  on  September 
18.  They  are  living  in  Panama,  where 
their  address  is  Sterling  Products,  Inc., 
Apartado  1210,  Panama,  R.  P. 

'43  *~~ 
President:  Thomas  R,  Howerton 
Class  Agent:  Sid  L.  Gulledge,  Jr. 
Miss  Miriam  Emily  Hill  and  WOODROW 
married  November  7  at  Wightman  Chapel, 
Scarritt  College,  Nashville,  Tenn.  They 
are  living  at  1501  East  Ash  Street,  Golds- 
boro,  N.  C,  where  he  is  pastor  of  St.  Luke 
Methodist  Church.  Mrs.  Caviness,  an  alum- 
na of  Meredith  College  and  Scarritt  Col- 
lege, taught  school  in  Raleigh  for  three 
years  prior  to  serving  as  counsellor  for  a 
Methodist  Youth  Caravan  in  Iowa.  Wood- 
row,  who  served  as  a  Navy  chaplain  in  the 
Pacific  Theater  during  World  War  II,  is 
also  an  alumnus  of  Wofford  College  and 
Louisburg  College.     Before  going  to  Golds- 

Statt  c-lecttlc  Company.,  3nc. 




DURHAM,  N.  C. 









Member  Federal  Deposit  Insurance  Corporation 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER.  December,  1951 

[  Page  321  ] 

boro,  he  was  pastor  of  the  Morehead  Cir- 
cuit, Morehead  City,  N.  C. 
L.,  JR.)  writes  that  their  third  child, 
Thomas  Woodbury  Hall,  was  born  on  April 
20,  1950.  There  is  a  picture  of  him  on  the 
Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this  month.  The 
Halls  lire  at  46  Birds  Hill  Avenue,  Need- 
ham,  Mass. 

'44  ^ 

President:  Matthew  S.  (Sandy)  Rae 
Class  Agent:  H.  Watson  Stewart 
E.  ERNEST  BEAMER,  who  was  in  grad- 
uate school  at  Cornell  last  year,  has  accepted 
a  position  as  supervisor  of  training  and 
education  in  the  Harrison  Radiator  Division 
of  General  Motors  Corporation  in  Lock- 
port,  N.  Y.  He  and  Mrs.  Beamer,  the  for- 
mer JULIA  RAMSBURGH,  '45,  and  their 
year  old  son,  Henry  E.,  live  at  373  High 
Street,  Lockport. 

B.S.M.E.  '49,  are  living  in  Apartment  3, 
5920  Suson  Place,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 
IRVIN  G.,  JR.),  her  husband  and  their 
children  have  moved  from  Port  Thomas, 
Ky.,  to  30  Poeono  Drive,  Greentree,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa.  They  have  a  new  son,  Kent 
Schofield,  born  August  20. 
A  daughter,  Susan  Ellen,  was  born  Novem- 
ber 2  to  FRANK  JOSEPH  LOFTUS  and 
They  are  living  at  S09  East  Ellsworth,  Mil- 
waukee, Wis.,  and  Frank  is  assistant  general 
manager  of  Res  Manufacturing  Company. 


208  MILTON  AVE. 
DURHAM,  N.  C. 


Clvde  Kellv 


MR.  and  Mrs.  JOE  PRESLAR,  JR.,  have 
announced  the  birth  of  twins,  Janice  (Jan) 
Swisher  and  Arthur  Josephus,  III,  on  Octo- 
ber 15.  The  family  lives  at  104  Carlisle 
Lane,  Oak  Ridge,  Tenn. 
In  a  formal  candlelight  ceremony  Sunday, 
October  14,  in  St.  Paul  Methodist  Church, 
Goldsboro,  N.  C,  Miss  Eliza  Cox  became 
the  bride  of  CALVIN  ROBERT  YELVER- 
TON,  '44,  LL.B.  '49.  Mrs.  Yelverton  is  a 
graduate  of  Richmond  Professional  Institute 
of  the  College  of  William  and  Mary  with  a 
degree  in  fashion  drawing  and  illustration. 
Calvin,  who  is  also  an  alumnus  of  Atlantic 
Christian  College,  N.  C.  State  College  and 
Vanderbilt,  is  associated  with  the  Travelers 
Insurance  Company.  He  previously  was 
associated  in  the  practice  of  law  with  John 
T.  Manning  and  E.  L.  Haywood  in  Durham. 
The  couple  is  making  their  home  in  Char- 
lotte, N.   C. 

JOHN  B.  BRYAN,  '44,  M.D.  '46,  and  VIR- 
GINIA BENNETT  BRYAN,  R.N.  '45,  have 
a  daughter,  Beverly  5,  and  a  son,  Jack  4. 
They  live  at  21S1  Sunnyknoll.  Berkley, 
Mich.,  and  John  is  a  doctor  at  Henry  Ford 
Hospital  in   Detroit. 

ALTON  G.  (DOC)  CAMPBELL  owns  and 
operates  Hoof-Patter  Farm  on  Rt.  2,  Box 
57-A,  near  Pittsboro,  N.  O,  where  he  raises 
both  milk  cows  and  beef  cattle.  He  and 
Mrs.  Campbell  have  a  new  daughter,  Mary 
Porter  Campbell,  who  was  born  on  August 
16.  A  picture  of  their  son,  Alton  G.  Camp- 
bell, Jr.,  is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page 
of  this  issue. 

ried to  the  Rev.  Paul  Ernest  Freed,  a  Bap- 
tist minister,  who  is  doing  evangelistic- 
work.  During  the  past  summer  she  accom- 
panied him  on  a  missionary  trip  through 
England,  France,  Spain,  and  Portugal.  A 
picture  of  the  Freeds'  two-year-old  son.  Paul 
David,  is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page 
this  month.  Their  address  is  Box  31, 
Greensboro,  N.  C. 

'45  > 

President:   Charles  B.  Markham.  Jr. 

Class  Agent:  Charles  F.  Blanc-hard 
H. ),  her  husband,  and  their  two-year-old 
son,  David  Scott,  live  at  1005  Harwick 
Court,  Willow  Run  Village,  Mich.  Ann  is 
working  at  the  Ypsilanti  State  Hospital  as 
a  psychiatric  social  worker  while  Mr.  Elder 
is  finishing  his  last  year  of  law  school  at 
the  University  of  Michigan. 
PEG  PIERCE  HUTCHINS  and  Chaplain 
(Captain)  Gordon  Hutchins  report  that 
their  two-and-a-half  year  old  son,  Donnie, 
is  thrilled  by  the  arrival  of  his  new  brother 
Ricky.  Howard  Russell  (Ricky )  was  born 
October  31.  Capt.  Hutchins  is  assistant 
Army  Chaplain  for  Alaska,  and  the  family 
will  continue  to  live  in  Anchorage  for  two 
more  years.  Their  address  is  Office  of  the 
Army  Chaplain,  U.  S.  Army,  Alaska,  APO 
942,  U.  S.  Army,  e/o  PM,  Seattle,  Wash. 
JOHN     L.     IMHOFF,     B.S.M.E.,    who    has 

been  teaching  in  the  Mechanical  Engineer- 
ing Department  at  the  Institute  of  Tech- 
nology at  the  University  of  Minnesota,  will 
go  to  the  University  of  Arkansas  in  Fay- 
etteville,  Ark.,  on  January  10,  1952,  where 
he  will  head  the  Department  of  Industrial 
Engineering.  Mrs.  Imhoff  is  the  former 
LOIS  R.  JOHNSON,  '47. 
LIPE,  '45,  M.D.  '47,  is  stationed  at  Parris 
Island,  S.  C. 

JAMES  W.  McGINNIS,  B.D.,  pastor  of 
the  Guilford  Park  Presbyterian  Church, 
Greensboro,  N.  C,  has  been  appointed 
chaplain  of  the  252nd  National  Guard  Field 
Artillery  Group  by  North  Carolina  Gov- 
ernor Scott.  He  has  been  given  the  rank  of 

NOAH  O.  PITTS,  JR.,  and  Mrs.  Pitts  be- 
came parents  of  a  son,  Noah  O.  Pitts,  III, 
on  August  26.  They  also  have  two  daugh- 
ters, Elizabeth  Hill  5,  and  Barbara  Jean  2. 
Noah  works  with  the  Burke  Lumber  Com- 
pany in  Morganton,  N.  O,  where  the  family 
lives  at  505  Collett  Street. 
who  has  been  with  the  International  Paper 
Company  in  Georgetown,  S.  C,  has  been  re- 
called to  active  duty  with  the  Navy  as  of 
December  7. 

The  address  of  MALVERN  H.  WYCHE,  his 
wife,  and  their  son  and  daughter  is  Box 
202,  Sylvan  Beach,  Bayside,  Va.  Malvern 
is  a  civil  engineer  in  Norfolk. 
M.D.  '49,  is  on  the  staff  of  Duke  Hospital. 
Her  husband,  ROBERT  S.  ABERNATHY, 
M.D.  '49,  B.S.M.  '49,  is  serving  in  the  Army 
in  Korea. 

After  two  years  in  the  Harvard  Department 
of  Legal  Medicine,  J.  ROBERT  TEA- 
BEAUT,  II,  '45,  M.D.  '47,  became  chief  of 
the  Division  of  Forensic  Pathology,  Armed 
Forces  Institute  of  Pathology,  7th  and 
Independence,  S.W.,  Washington  05,  D.  ft, 
in  July,   1951. 

'46  »— - 

Next  Reunion:    Commencement,   1952 

President :   B.  G.  Munro 

Class  Agent:  Robert  E.  Cowin 
LINCOLN,  II),  A.M.,  and  her  husband  live 
at  1385  Tupelo  Road,  Waltham  54,  Mass. 
Mr.  Baxter,  an  alumnus  of  the  University 
of  Richmond  and  Cornell,  is  a  physicist. 
They  have  a  son,  Lincoln  Arthur  Baxter, 
born  July  6. 

stationed  at  the  Naval  Electronics  School 
at  Great  Lakes,  111.  He  and  Mrs.  Boger, 
who  make  their  home  at  221  Brentwood 
Drive,  Indian  Hills  Sub-division,  Route  2, 
Round  Lake,  HI.,  have  two  children.  Randy 
4,  and  Barbara  Lou  three  months.  Clarence 
is  a  photographer,  and  Life  Magazine 
printed  his  pictures  of  the  first  air-sea  res- 
cue in  June,  1950,  which  are  soon  to  be 
published  in  True  Magazine  as  the  pictures 
of   the  vear. 

[  Page  322  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  December,  1951 



We  have  all  t)  Tjypes  of  Composition 

When  setting  type  we  give  due  consideration 
to  the  ultimate  purpose  ...  In  deciding  whether 
to  use  linotype,  monotype  or  hand  composition, 
we  first  ascertain  the  function  of  the  particular 
piece  of  work.  Each  method  was  designed  for 
a  specific  service,  therefore  initial  cost  is  beside 
the  question.  We  shall  be  glad  to  assist  you  in 
deciding  which  of  the  three  will  do  the  best 
job  for  your  particular  problem.  Our  composing 
room  service  is  planned  for  today's  demands. 


41  j  E.  Chapel  Hill  St.        [WLQM  Durham,  N.  C. 


DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  December,  1951  [  Page  323  ] 


Tickets  to  all  Basketball  Games  may  be  obtained  by  writing  the  Duke  University 
Athletic  Association.  In  sending  money  order  or  check,  add  10c  to  cover  the  cost 
of  insured  mail. 

All  seats  reserved 

All  home  games  $1.50 


Home  Insurance  Agency 

Insurance  of  Every  Description 


212}4  N.  Corcoran  Street 

Opposite  Washington  Duke  Hotel 

Telephone  Number  2146 

Durham,  N.  C. 

Weeks  Motors  Inc. 

408  Geer  St. 

Telephone  2139 

Durham,  North  Carolina 

Your  Lincoln  and 

Mercury  Dealer  in 


Power  Company 

Electric  Service — 
Electric  Appliances — 
Street  Transportation 

Tel.  2151 

Durham,  N.  C. 


1951-52  Basketball  Schedule 

Date  Game     Duke   Op.  Place 

Dee.     1— Temple — 85-48    Durham 

Dec.     3— Hanes— 78-6S    Winston-Salem 

Dec.     5 — North    Carolina — 77-59    Durham 

Dec.     8 — Bradley — S7-69    Durham 

Dec.   11— Furman— 72-73    Shelby 

Dec.  15— V.   M.   I. — 102-45   Durham 

Dec.  18 — Davidson ■_ Durham 

Dec.  21 — George  Washington  Washington 

Dec.   22 — West  Virginia  ....Morgantown,  W.  Va. 

Dec.  27-29— Dixie  Classic  Raleigh 

Jan.     2 — Penn    Durham 

Jan.     5 — N.  C.   State   Durham 

Jan.  10— N.  Y.  U New  York 

Jan.  12 — Temple    Philadelphia 

Jan.  26 — Wake  Forest  Durham 

Feb.     1— U.  N.   C Chapel  Hill 

Feb.     2 — George  Washington  Durham 

Feb.     7 — William  and  Mary  Durham 

Feb.     9 — Navy    Annapolis 

Feb.  12— N.   C.   State   Raleigh 

Feb.  18 — Maryland    Durham 

Feb.  21— Wake   Forest   Wake   Forest 

Feb.  23 — South   Carolina   Durham 

Feb.  26 — Davidson    Davidson 

Feb.  29— U.    N.    C Durham 

Ticket  Information:  Tickets  for  all  home 
games  are  priced  at  $1.50  each,  all  seats  re- 
served. Address  orders  to:  Business  Manager, 
Duke  Athletic  Association,  Durham,  N.  C,  and 
add  10c  to  check  or  money  order  to  cover  cost 
of  insured  mailing.  No  tickets  will  be  mailed 
C.  O.  D. 


Wholesale  Paper 

208  Vivian  St.  801  S.  Church  St. 

DURHAM.  N.  C.      ROCKY  MOUNT,  N.  C 

Serving  North  Carolina  Since  1924 



Insurance  Specialists 
DURHAM,  N.  C. 


Established  1872 

We  are  members  by 

invitation  of  the 

National  Selected 


the  only  Durham  Funeral  Home 
accorded  this  honor. 

Air  Conditioned  Chapel 

Ambulance  Service 

N-147  1113  W.  Main  St. 

[  Page  324  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  December,  1951 

Lieutenant  and  MRS.  NORMAN  F.  GEER 
(RUTH  ANNE  DUFFY)  have  announced 
the  birth  of  a  daughter,  Anne  Hollis,  on 
October  19.  "Duffy"  and  little  Holly  are 
with  her  mother  in  High  Point,  N.  C,  while 
Lt.  Geer  is  assigned  to  naval  duty  in  the 
Pacific.  Their  address  is  Apartment  A-3-A 
Emerywood  Apartments,  West  Main  Street, 
High  Point. 

RICHARD  H.  HEDIN  is  an  account  execu- 
tive for  O.  S.  Tyson  and  Company,  Inc., 
advertising  agency,  in  New  York  City.  On 
May  5,  1951,  he  was  married  to  Miss  Aileen 
Gischel  of  Maplewood,  N.  J.,  and  they  are 
now  making  their  home  at  190  Milburn 
Avenue,  Milburn,  N.  J. 

HOWARD  E.  HERRING,  JR.,  '46,  M.D. 
'48,  of  Wilson,  N.  C,  a  lieutenant  in  the 
United  States  Air  Force  Medical  Corps,  is 
stationed  overseas.  He  and  his  wife  have 
two  sons,  Richard,  2,  and  Douglas,  8  months 

ROBERT  L.  KIRK,  141  Stanley  Avenue, 
Glenside,  Pa.,  has  been  elected  an  assistant 
cashier  of  Central-Penn  National  Bank  of 
Philadelphia.  He  holds  a  master's  degree 
in  business  from  the  Harvard  Graduate 
School  of  Business  Administration  and  is  at 
the  present  time  attending  courses  in  finance 
conducted  by  the  American  Institute  of 
Banking.  He  is  also  the  author  of  several 
papers  and  articles  on  banking  and  indus- 
try, and  a  member  of  Robert  Morris  Asso- 
ciates. A  member  of  the  credit  department 
of  the  Central-Penn  National  Bank  since 
1948,  he  is  the  youngest  officer  in  the  bank 
in  his  new  position. 

has  been  appointed  electronics  engineer  at 
one  of  the  country's  newest  and  most  com- 
plete scientific  laboratories,  the  Naval  Ord- 
nance Laboratory,  White  Oak,  Md.  He  will 
work  in  the  Electrical  Evaluation  Division 
of  the  Technical  Evaluation  Department. 
R.N.,  B.S.N.,  who  is  serving  with  the  Nurs- 
ing Corps  of  the  United  States  Navy,  is 
stationed  at  the  United  States  Naval  Hos- 
pital, Philadelphia  45,  Pa. 
H.  E.)  and  Lt.  Dilcher  have  announced  the 
birth  of  a  daughter,  Diane,  on  October  15. 
Lt.  Dilcher  is  commanding  officer  of  the 
Loran  Station  on  the  island  of  Kauai  in 
the  Hawaiian  chain,  and  Marilyn,  Thornton 
Yern  3,  Kristine  2,  and  little  Diane  hope 
to  join  him  there  soon.  Meanwhile,  their 
address  is  c/o  Eldoune  A.  Thornton,  Oak- 
field,  N.  Y.  A  picture  of  Marilyn  and  the 
children  is  on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page 
this  month. 

'47  > 

Next  Reunion:    Commencement,   1952 

President:  Grady  B.  Stott 
Class  Agent:  Norris  L.  Hodgkins,  Jr. 
THOMAS     C.     AYCOCK,     JR.,     formerly 
priest-in-charge  of  the  Good  Shepherd  Epis- 
copal   Church,    Cooleemee,    N.    C,    is    now 

assistant  priest  at  the  Church  of  the  Good 
Shepherd,  Rosemont,  Pa.  Tom  and  Mrs. 
Aycock,  the  former  LUCILLE  PROCTOR, 
R.N.,  B.S.N.,  have  a  daughter,  Mary  Ellen, 
born  January  20,  1951. 

'51,  is  an  intern  at  the  Medical  College  of 
Virginia  Hospital.  He  was  previously  at 
City  Memorial  Hospital,  Winston-Salem, 
N.  C. 

MURDAUGH,  M.D.  '50,  have  announced  the 
birth  of  a  daughter,  Sara  Huckle,  on  Octo- 
ber 2.  Vick  finished  one  year's  internship 
at  Grady  Hospital  in  Atlanta,  Ga.,  last 
July  and  is  now  stationed  at  Keesler  Air 
Base  Hospital  in  Mississippi. 
The  address  of  FRED  C.  WIGHT  and 
ROSALIE  SMITH  WIGHT,  '48,  is  Apart- 
ment 6y9,  Arlington  Village,  Arlington, 
Va.  Fred  is  now  serving  as  a  lieutenant 
in  the  United  States  Navy.  The  Wights 
became  the  proud  parents  of  a  daughter, 
Vema  Elizabeth,  on  July  31,  1951. 

'48  > 

Next  Reunion:    Commencement,   1952 
President:   Bollin  M.  Millner 
Class  Agent:   Jack  H.  Quaritius 
Lieutenant  and  MRS.  EDGAR  WEBB  BAS- 
SICK,    III    (TRUE    D.    COCHRAN),    have 
announced  the  birth  of  a  son,  Edgar  Webb 
Bassick,   IV,    on    September   28.      They   are 
living  in  Brooklawn  Park  Hills,  Bridgeport 
4,  Conn. 

Street,  S.E.,  Fairfax  Village,  Apartment 
201,  Washington*  D.  G,  is  attending  law 
school  at  George  Washington  University. 
GEORGE  W.  EAVES,  JR.,  '50,  and  JEAN 
PATEE  EAVES  are  living  in  Durham, 
where  George  is  operating  the  Eaves  Insur- 
ance Agency.  They  have  recently  moved 
into  their  new  home  at  1900  Glendale 

ROY)  and  her  husband,  who  were  married 
February  1,  1951,  are  living  at  33  Patton 
Avenue,  Asheville,  N.  C.  June  received  a 
master's  degree  in  business  administration 
from  the  University  of  Florida  in  February, 
1950.  She  is  now  working  for  her  husband, 
an  alumnus  of  the  University  of  Miami,  who 
is  manager  of  Carolina  Jewelers  in  Ashe- 

HELEN  MERCNER  and  Mr.  Robert  Hough- 
ton Morrison  were  united  in  marriage 
October  13  at  the  First  Congregational 
Church,  Westfield,  N.  J.  Following  a 
honeymoon  in  Europe,  they  are  making  their 
home  at  235  Wooster  Street,  New  York  12, 
N.  Y.  Helen  received  a  Master's  Degree 
in  Journalism  from  Columbia  University. 
Mr.  Morrison,  an  alumnus  of  Harvard  Uni- 
versity, is  a  news  writer  for  "The  Wall 
Street  Journal." 

MON is  a  secretary  for  the  Doehler-Jarvis 

Corporation  in  New  York  City.  Her  home 
address  is  2094  Ryer  Avenue,  Bronx,  N.  Y. 
KATHARINE  N.  TAYLOR  and  Mr.  Wil- 
liam S.  Coghill  were  married  in  Winston- 
Salem,  N.  C,  on  September  15.  They  are 
now  living  in  Avon  Park,  Fla.,  where  Mr. 
Coghill  is  serving  in  the  Chemical  Corps 
of  the  United  States  Army. 
JAMES  C.  VARDELL,  JR.,  M.D.,  is  serv- 
ing as  a  lieutenant  (jg)  in  the  Medical 
Corps  of  the  United  States  Naval  Reserve. 
He  is  stationed  at  the  Philadelphia  Naval 
Hospital  in  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Irene  Cyl  Aronin  was  born  September  22, 
NIN (MRS.  HOWARD  J.)  and  her  hus- 
band. Shirley  writes  that  she  worked  as  a 
case  worker  after  leaving  Duke,  first  at  the 
Child  Welfare  Association  in  Atlanta,  Ga., 
and  later  at  the  Sheltering  Arms  Associa- 
tion of  Day  Nurseries.  She  and  Mr.  Aronin, 
an  alumnus  of  Emory  University  and  a  certi- 
fied public  accountant  in  Atlanta,  were  mar- 
ried in  March,  1950.  They  are  busy  com- 
pleting their  new  home  at  1557  Kay  Lane, 
N.E.,  Atlanta. 

A  daughter,  Melinda  Ann,  arrived  Novem- 
ber 18  for  LIEUTENANT  ROBERT 
HARRY  MASCHMEIER  and  Mrs.  Masch- 
meier.  Their  address  is  7632  Marion  Court, 
Maplewood  17,  Ohio.  Bob  is  on  active  duty 
with  the  Navy  in  the  Pacific. 
Little  Mary  Ellen  Young,  whose  picture  is 
on  the  Sons  and  Daughters  Page  this  month, 
is  the  three-year-old  daughter  of  MARIAN 
YOUNG,  '50.  The  Youngs  live  in  Salisbury, 
N.  C,  where  Franklin  is  a  reporter  with 
the  Salisbury  Post. 

'49  * 

Miss  Elizabeth  Wilson  Sydnor  was  married 
October  20  to  EDWIN  EUGENE  BOONE, 
JR.,  LL.B.,  in  the  First  Presbyterian 
Church,  Beckley,  W.  Va.  They  are  living  at 
2324  Cornwallis  Drive,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Mrs.  Boone  is  an  alumna  of  the  Woman's 
College  in  Greensboro,  and  had  a  year  of 
dietetic  internship  at  Duke.  She  has  been 
dietitian  at  City  Memorial  Hospital,  Win- 
ston-Salem, N.  C,  for  the  past  year,  and  is 
now  therapeutic  dietitian  at  Wesley  Long 
Hospital  in  Greensboro.  Ed,  who  is  also  an 
alumnus  of  Guilford  College  and  the  Uni- 
versity of  North  Carolina,  is  now  with  the 
law  firm  of  Hoyle  and  Hoyle  in  Greensboro. 
JARVIS  P.  BROWN,  B.D.,  has  been  trans- 
ferred from  the  Western  North  Carolina 
Conference  of  the  Methodist  Church  to  the 
newest  church  in  the  Southern  California- 
Arizona  Conference.  His  address  is  5259 
Newcastle  Avenue,  Encino,  Calif. 
JOHN  S.  DONOVAN,  '50,  and  MIRIAM 
have  a  son,  John,  Jr.,  born  September  10. 
Their  address  is  1360  Riverside  Drive,  Wil- 
mington, Del. 

LL.B.  '51,  is  on  active  duty  with  the  United 
States  Navy  and  is  also  working  toward  an 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  December,  1951 

[  Page  325 ] 

LL.M.  degree  at  George  Washington  Uni- 
versity. His  address  is  6666  Hillandale 
Road,  Chevy  Chase  15,  Md. 
In  November  JEAN  NOBLE  FULTON 
(MRS.  DAVID  H.,  JR.)  began  working  as 
a  medical  secretary  in  Towson,  Md.,  having 
previously  been  personal  sales  representative 
for  Liberty  Mutual  Insurance  Company  in 
Baltimore.  She  lives  at  27  Lambourne 
Road,  Towson  4. 

Miss  Lily  Gene  Thaeker  and  MELVIN 
married  October  20  at  Epworth  Methodist 
Church,  Washington,  D.  C.  Mrs.  Herrmann, 
an  alumna  of  High  Point  College  and  Wom- 
an's College,  Greensboro,  N.  O,  is  a  secre- 
tary in  the  office  of  the  secretary  of  the 
Air  Force.  Melvin,  who  is  an  engineer  with 
the  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  is  doing 
graduate  work  at  the  Glenn  L.  Martin  Col- 
lege of  Engineering  of  the  University  of 
Maryland.  The  couple  is  making  their  home 
in  Arlington  Va.  Mr.  Herrmann's  brother, 
FRANK  THACKER,  '49,  traveled  from 
Venezuela,  where  he  works  with  the  Stand- 
ard Oil  Company,  to  be  an  usher  at  the 

PHYLLIS  HOGE,  A.M.,  and  Mr.  John 
Creighton  Rose  were  married  October  6  in 
Elizabeth,  N.  J.,  and  are  now  living  at  104 
East  Gilman  Street,  Madison  3,  Wis. 
Phyllis  is  a  graduate  teaching  assistant  in 
English,  and  her  husband  is  a  research 
assistant  in  geophysics  at  the  University  of 

MARTHA  BEE  HUGHES,  R.N.  '51,  and 
SAM  A.  BANKS  were  united  in  marriage 
November  11  at  the  Associate  Reformed 
Presbyterian  Church  of  Bartow,  Fla.  Sam 
is  now  attending  the  Candler  School  of 
Theology  at  Emory  University,  Atlanta, 
Ga.,  and  is  pastor  of  Fairoaks  Methodist 
Church,  Marietta,  Ga.  Their  home  is  at 
213  Joyner  Avenue,  Marietta. 
JOHN  D.)  and  Mr.  Kennedy,  of  84  Cactus 
Street,  Providence,  R.  I.,  have  announced 
the  birth  of  a  son,  John  Daniel  Kennedy, 
Jr.,  on  October  19.  Young  John  is  the  first 
grandchild  of  COMA  COLE  WILLARD 
(MPS.  W.  B.),  '22,  of  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
united  in  marriage  September  8  at  St. 
John's  Episcopal  Church,  Portsmouth,  Va. 
They  are  living  on  Hillsboro  Road,  Durham, 
while  Wallace  is  a  student  at  the  Duke 
School  of  Medicine.  Margaret  is  a  lab- 
oratory technician  at  Duke  Hospital. 
RAYMOND  M.  RICHESON,  B.S.,  is  a  sales- 
man for  the  United  States  Plywood  Cor- 
poration, operating  out  of  Richmond.  His 
address  is  e/o  Raydon,  Ashland,  Va. 
M.Ed.,  lives  at  "Beechwood,"  Rosedale, 
Chester  County,  Pa. 

G.  BRUCE  WILSON,  B.S.M.E.,  and  Mrs. 
Wilson,  who  live  at   3717  Normandv  Road, 

Royal  Oak,  Mich.,  have  a  daughter,  Christy 
Ann,  born  last  February. 

'50  . 

First  Reunion:    Commencement,   1952 

President :  Jane  Suggs 

Class  Agent:  Robert  L.  Hazel 
a  technician  for  the  Bloodmobile  Unit  of 
the  American  Red  Cross  in  Washington, 
D.  C.  His  address  is  1447  Chapin  Street, 
N.W.,     Apartment     No.     36,     Washington, 

D.  C. 

JAMES  S.  BYRD,  who  is  a  student  in  the 
Duke  School  of  Law,  has  passed  the  Vir- 
ginia Bar.  He  plans  to  practice  in  Rich- 
mond, Va. 

geant Robert  F.  Ensslin,  who  were  married 
September  29  in  Washington,  D.  O,  are  liv- 
ing at  1721  Ferris  Avenue,  Lawton,  Okla. 
Sgt.  Ensslin,  an  alumnus  of  the  University 
of  North  Carolina,  is  stationed  at  Fort  Sill. 
EDWIN  EARL  FOREMAN,  B.S.,  of  901 
South  Tarboro  Street,  Wilson,  N.  C,  is  a 
timber  cruiser  for  Home  Builders  Supply. 
his   second  year   at   the   Duke   Law   School. 

JO  DAWES  HIGGINS,  '50,  A.M.  '51,  and 
FRED  C.  HIGGINS,  JR.,  '51,  live  at  311 
East  3rd  Street,  Apartment  7,  Rome,  Ga. 
Jo  is  a  secretary  at  the  Harbin  Clinic  in 

RAGNAR  E.  JOHNSON,  B.S.,  is  a  geol- 
ogist for  the  Carter  Oil  Company  in  Carmi, 
111.,  where  his  address  is  628  Oak  Street. 
He  and  Mrs.  Johnson  have  a  son,  Glenn 
Edwin,  who  was  born  July  24  of  this  year. 


E.  KLEES,  '51,  live  at  51  Grove  Lane, 
West  Caldwell,  N.  J.  Bob  is  working  in 
the  advertising  department  of  the  Bakelite 
Division,  Union  Carbide  and  Carbon  Cor- 
poration, with  offices  at  300  Madison  Avenue, 
New  York  17,  N.  Y. 

CAROLYN  MORSE,  B.S.,  was  married 
September  24  at  Trinity  Church,  Swarth- 
more,  Pa.,  to  Mr.  Richard  Lloyd  Jones,  Jr., 
an  alumnus  of  Washington  and  Lee  Univer- 
sity. They  are  living  at  S9-4  Feme  Boule- 
vard, Drexel  Hill,  Pa. 

JAMES  W.  WARD  is  a  junior  accountant 
with  Ernst  and  Ernst  in  the  First  National 
Bank  Building,  Birmingham,  Ala.  He  and 
his  wife,  who  live  at  2233  21st  Avenue 
South,  have  a  son,  Arthur  Spies,  born  Au- 
gust 26. 

WESTER,  M.D.  '51,  are  living  in  No.  7 
Carolee  Apartments,  Elder  Street,  Durham, 
while  Thad  is  interning  in  pediatrics  at 
Duke  Hospital. 

JUDY  WOOD  is  living  in  the  Manchester 
Hotel  Apartments,  1426  M  Street,  N.W., 
Washington  5,  D.  O,  and  is  teaching  in  a 
junior  high  school.  She  writes  that  last 
summer  she  had  a  trip  to  the  west  coast, 
travelling     about     11,000     miles     in     three 

months.  Along  the  way  she  ran  into  a  num- 
ber of  Duke  friends. 

'51  , 

Presidents:      Woman's      College,      Connie 
Woodward;  Trinity  College,  N.  Thomp- 
son   Powers;    College    of    Engineering, 
David  C.  Dellinger 
Class  Agent:   James  E.  Briggs 
KARL   VAN   DER   BECK   is   working   for 
the    Chemical    Bank    and    Trust    Company, 
New  York   City.     He  lives  at   106   Kilburu 
Place,  South  Orange,  N.  J. 
ANN  OLIVIA  BULLOCK,  a  secretary  for 
the  U.  S.  Fidelity  Life  Insurance  Company, 
lives    at    3001   Lewis    Farm   Road,    Raleigh, 
N.    C.      She    is    the    daughter    of    OLIVIA 
BRAME  BULLOCK,  '27,  and  ED  J.  BUL- 
LOCK, '26,  of  Macon,  N.  C. 
TIMOTHY     S.     CHANG,     B.D.,     may     be 
reached  e/o  Dr.  W.  T.  Scott,  Southern  Con- 
vention Office,  Elon  College,  N.  C. 
B.   THEODORE  COLE,  A.M.,  of  120  East 
Edgewood    Drive,    Durham,    is    a    graduate 
student  in  the  Department  of  Physiology  of 
the  Duke  Medical  School. 
ROBERT    P.    CRAWLEY,   B.D.,   is   a   min- 
ister in  Wingate,  N.  O,  where  his  mailing 
address  is  Post  Office  Box  371. 
THOMAS  E.  CURTIS,  M.D.,  and  Mrs.  Cur- 
tis are  living  at  2872   East  Archer,   Tulsa, 
Okla.,   while   he   is   interning    at   St.    Johns 

LL.B.,  is  an  attorney  at  law  with  offices  in 
the  Johnson  Building,  Aiken,  S.  C.  His 
home  address  is  Apartment  6-B,  Colleton 

and  JAMES  L.  (JIM)  MATHESON  are 
all  attending  the  Duke  University  Divinity 

ERNEST  FITZGERALD,  B.D.,  is  minister 
of  the  Calvary  Methodist  Chureh,  North 
Asheboro,  Asheboro,  N.  C. 
MARTHA  GESLING,  Ph.D.,  is  an  associate 
professor  of  education  at  Bowling  Green 
State  University,  Bowling  Green,  Ohio.  She 
was  recently  elected  a  member  of  the  execu- 
tive committee  of  the  National  Association 
of  Remedial  Teachers,  and  is  program 
chairman  for  the  April  25-26  meeting  of 
the  Ohio  organization  of  persons  interested 
in  remedial  teaching,  to  be  held  at  Western 
Reserve  University. 

Singapore  as  a  general  sales  representative 
for  Standard-Vacuum  Oil  Company. 
ENCE WILLIAM  GOSNELL,  JR.,  are  liv- 
ing at  982  Duke  Drive,  Bueknell  Manor, 
Alexandria,  Va. 

is  a  student  at  the  George  Washington 
School  of  Medicine.  His  present  address  is 
200  Oakdale  Road,  Chesterbrook  Woods, 
Falls  Church,  R.F.D.  2,  Va. 
CHARLES   (BUD)   LUCAS,  JR.,  B.S.M.E., 

[ Page  326  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER,  December,  1951 

Mrs.  Lucas,  and  their  daughter,  Liza,  born 
June  12,  1951,  are  living  at  7  Corcoran 
Drive,  Clemson,  S.  C.  Bud  is  a  junior 
mechanical  engineer  with  Deering-Miliken 
Research  Trust,  Pendleton,  S.  C. 
HAL  LANCASTER  LYNCH  is  at  the 
United  States  Coast  Guard  Academy  in  New 
London,  Conn. 

an  intern  at  Cincinnati  General  Hospital, 
Cincinnati,  Ohio. 

Methodist  minister  in  Cedar  Balls,  N.  C. 
RUTH  MYERS  NANCE  is  teaching  school 
in  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 
MARSHALL      (MICKEY)      NOVICK      is 
working  with  the  Novick  Transfer  Co.,  Inc., 
700  North  Cameron  Street,  Winchester,  Va. 
and   his   wife    are    living    in    Laurel,    Miss., 
where    he    is    an    assistant    ranger    for    the 
United  States  Eorest  Service. 
JANE    PRESTWICH    is    teaching    in    the 
Cincinnati   Public   Schools,   216   East  Ninth 
Street,  Cincinnati  2,  Ohio. 
address   is   c/o   R.   W.   Ragland,   1440   East 
Chapman  Avenue,  Orange,  Calif.,  is  an  in- 
tern as   Los   Angeles   County   General   Hos- 
pital, Los  Angeles,  Calif. 
ALFRED     MAYER     SELLERS,     M.D., 
B.S.M.,  is  an  intern  at  the  Hospital  of  the 
University  of  Pennsylvania.     He  is  living  at 
5200  D  Street,  Philadelphia  20,  Pa. 
ELL  D.    SHOLTZ,   who   were   married   Au- 
gust    4    at     St.     John's     Lutheran     Church, 
Phoenixville,  Pa.,  are  making  their  home  at 
2826     Thornhill     Road,     Apartment     293-B, 
Birmingham,  Ala.     Mitchell  is  working  with 
the  Birmingham  Slag  Company. 
J.  GRAHAM  SMITH,  JR.,  M.D.,  is  serving 
his    internship    at    Lawson    V.A.    Hospital, 
Chamblee,  Ga. 

working  with  the  Freeman  Millwork  Com- 
pany, Box  217,  Manning,  S.  C. 
WILLIAM  P.  SMITH,  B.D.,  and  Mrs. 
Smith  are  living  in  Haw  River,  N.  O,  where 
he  is  pastor  of  the  Congregational  Chris- 
tian Church. 

The  address  of  GUY  SPANN  is  11A,  High- 
land Street,  West  Hartford,  Conn.  He  is 
working  with  the  Connecticut  General  Life 
Insurance  Company. 

BINS,  of  Darien,  Ga.,  is  a  hostess  at  the 
Chesterfield  factory  in  Durham.  She  lives 
in  Poplar  Apartments,  803  Louise  Circle, 

JOAN  FOSTER  TATE  is  living  at  1901 
Columbia  Road,  N.W.,  Washington  9,  D.  C, 
and  is  working  as  a  receptionist  in  the  em- 
ployment office  of  Woodward  and  Lothrup. 
TON, JR.,  B.D.,  is  a  member  of  the  North 
Carolina      Conference      of      the      Methodist 

Church.      Mail    rnay    be    sent    him    at    Box 
187,  Apex,  N.  C. 

RAYMOND  H.  WHITE,  JR.,  B.S.C.E.,  and 
BARBARA  GREEN  WHITE  are  living  in 
Jackson,    Miss.      Ray    is    working    for    the 
Mississippi   National   Forests,   and   Barbara 
is  teaching  in  the  Jackson  Public  Schools. 
MARIAN  WIENCKE  is  attending  the  phys- 
ical therapy  school  at  Duke  Hospital. 
OSCAR      BROWN      WILLIAMS,      JR., 
B.S.M.,  is  house  officer  at  the  Veterans  Ad- 
ministration Hospital  in  Houston,  Texas. 
and  Mrs.  Wingfield  are  living  in  Apartment 
A,    400    Monroe    Lane,    Charlottesville,    Va. 
Terrell   is   an    intern    at   the    University   of 
Virginia  Hospital. 


William  Barringer  Green,  '01,  retired 
merchant,  died  at  his  home,  236  South 
Main  Street,  Graham,  N.  C,  on  Novem- 
ber 6.  The  funeral  was  conducted  at  the 
Graham  Methodist  Church  and  interment 
was  in  Linwood  Cemetery. 

A  native  of  Chatham  County,  N.  C, 
Mr.  Green  went  to  Graham  in  1903  to  fill 
the  unexpired  term  of  his  brother  who 
died  while  serving  as  pastor  of  Graham 
Methodist  Church.  He  also  was  one  of 
the  founders  of  Green  and  McClure  Fur- 
niture Company  in  1907  and  remained 
with  the  firm  until  his  retirement  in 
April,  1944. 

In  addition  to  Mrs.  Green,  he  is  sur- 
vived by  one  daughter,  Mrs.  Wallace 
Bacon  of  Hillsboro,  three  grandchildren, 
and  two  sisters,  Mrs.  A.  T.  Lambeth  and 
Miss  Alice  Green  of  Sanford.  His  only 
son,  Lt.  William  N.  Green,  '43,  was  killed 
in  an  airplane  crash  in  Alaska  in  1947. 

Alonzo  Gibbons  Moore,  '05,  died  Octo- 
ber 5,  1951,  in  Pasadena,  Calif.,  as  the 
result  of  a  cerebral  hemorrhage.  Inter- 
ment was  in  Forest  Lawn  Memorial  Park, 
Glendale,  Calif. 

Soon  after  Mr.  Moore  graduated  from 
Duke  "cum  laude''  in  1905,  he  went  to 
Arizona  where  he  married.  Shortly  after 
moving  to  California  he  became  auditor 
of  the  Mexican  National  Gas  Company 
and  went  to  Mexico  City  to  live.  With 
the  outbreak  of  the  Mexican  Revolution 
the  Moores  left  Mexico.  Mr.  Moore  then 
wTorked  with  Mexican  Petroleum.  Ltd.. 
and  was  sent  to  Rio  de  Janeiro  to  handle 
office  and  accounting  of  their  Brazilian 
subsidiary,  The  Caloric  Company.  He 
became  assistant  general  manager  of  the 
company    and    remained    in    Brazil    until 

1930.  After  returning  to  the  United 
States,  he  worked  with  the  United  States 
Government  Bureau  of  Internal  Revenue, 
retiring  in  1949. 

Mr.  Moore  is  survived  by  his  wife;  one 
daughter,  who  resides  in  Florida;  a  son, 
Alonzo  G.  Moore,  Jr.,  who  lives  in  Brazil ; 
two  brothers ;  two  sisters ;  and  five  grand- 

J.  S.  FOLGER,  '11 

Julius  S.  Folger,  retired  minister  of  the 
North  Carolina  Methodist  Conference, 
died  November  4  at  his  home  in  Decatur, 
Ga.  Funeral  services  were  held  in  Decatur 
and  burial  was  in  a  local  cemetery. 

Mr.  Folger  had  been  a  member  of  the 
Western  North  Carolina  Methodist  Con- 
ference for  22  years  and  had  served 
many  pastorates  including  the  Farming- 
ton,  N.  C,  Methodist  Church. 

Survivors  include  the  wife;  two  sons, 
A.  G.  Folger  and  J.  W.  Folger,  of  Deca- 
tur; two  daughters,  Mrs.  G.  L.  Tanner, 
Washington,  and  Miss  Julia  Folger  of 
the  home;  one  sister,  Miss  Beulah  Folger, 
Dobson,  N.  C;  and  two  brothers,  H.  G. 
Folger,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C,  and  M.  M. 
Folger,  Pembroke,  N.  C. 

Henry  G.  Hedrick,  '11,  general  so- 
licitor of  the  Southern  Railway  Company 
and  former  Durham  attorney,  died  Novem- 
ber 11  of  a  heart  attack  in  Washington, 
D.  C.  Funeral  services  were  held  in  the 
Durham  First  Presbyterian  Church  and 
burial  was  in  Maplewood  Cemetery. 

After  practicing  law  in  Durham  from 
1914  to  1942,  Mr.  Hedrick  went  to  Wash- 
ington as  general  attorney  for  the  rail- 

Surviving  are  two  sons,  Henry  Grady 
Hedrick,  Jr.,  '42,  of  the  United  States 
Army  at  Savannah,  Ga.,  and  James  Tay- 
lor Hedrick,  a  student  in  the  North  Caro- 
lina Law  School;  and  one  daughter.  Mrs. 
Strouse  Campbell,  '44,  Arlington.  Va. 

It  has  been  learned  by  the  Alumni  Of- 
fice that  R.  Ernest  Atkinson,   '17,  is  de- 
ceased.  Mr.   Atkinson   made  his  home   at 
S31  Grace  Street,  Richmond,  Va. 

Robert  H.  Smathers,  whose  address  was 
313  Johnston  Building,  Charlotte.  N.  ft, 
passed  away  several  months  ago. 

The    Alumni    Office    has    recently    been 
informed  that  Joseph  B.  Sherrill,  '37,  is 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER.  December,  1951 

[  Page  327  ] 

Solomon's  Teniple 

(Continued  from  page  307) 
before  it  was  brought  thither:  so  that 
there  was  neither  hammer  nor  ax,  nor  any 
tool  of  iron  heard  in  the  house."  It  was, 
perhaps,  Dr.  Garber  says,  the  first  pre- 
fabricated building  in  the  world. 

The  Bible  also  says  that  much  of  the 
building,  or  at  least  the  columns  in  front, 
the  molten  sea,  and  many  of  the  orna- 
ments inside  were  made  from  "brass." 
Dr.  Garber  found  that  discoveries  had 
been  made  of  Solomon's  copper  mines  in 
Ezion-Geber,  proving  that  brass  in  that 
day  was  poorly  refined  copper  alloy 
which  could  be  burnished  until  its  smooth 
surfaces  shone. 

Many  seemingly  unexplainable  ques- 
tions arose,  such  as  what  kind  of  stone 
was  usedf  Where  did  it  come  from? 
What  size  were  the  blocks?  Did  cedars 
of  Lebanon  grow  large  enough  to  pro- 
duce beams  which  could  reach  from  wall 
to  wall?  What  color  was  the  wood? 
These  and  many  other  problems,  includ- 
ing the  type  of  roofing,  the  method  of 
door  hinging,  and  the  nature  of  the 
"winding  stairs,"  presented  themselves  to 
Dr.  Garber. 

The  finished  Temple  model  shows  three 
large  inner  chambers,  surrounded  by  other 
smaller  rooms  or  chambers.  The  doors 
leading  outside  reach  almost  to  the  roof, 
enabling  the  builders  to  carry  in  whole 
sections  of  ceiling  or  floor  already  pre- 
fabricated. In  front,  on  either  side  of 
the  entrance,  are  two  brass  pillars  named 
Jachim  and  Boaz  in  the  Bible.  On  the 
space  in  front  of  the  Temple  is  a  huge 
"molten  sea"  or  open  container  resting  on 
the  backs  of  bronze  oxen,  an  altar  for 
sacrifice.  The  model  itself  is  78  inches 
long,  45  inches  wide,  and  38  inches  high. 
Each  %  inch  represents  one  foot,  and  the 
scale  fits  exactly  with  the  measurements 
listed  in  the  Bible. 

Contained  within  Solomon's  Temple 
were  such  important  religious  relics  as 
the  Ark  of  the  Covenant  which  held  the 
two  tables  of  stone  which  Moses  had 
placed  there.  Dr.  Garber  has  attempted 
to  make  replicas  of  the  Ark  and  of  the 
other  furnishings  and  appointments  that 
were  inside  the  Temple. 

Solomon  himself  sat  in  judgment  in  the 
Temple;  it  was  there  he  settled  the  dis- 
pute of  two  women  over  a  child  they  each 
o'aimed.  It  was  no  wonder  that  the  shin- 
ing marble  and  brass  and  gold  building, 
puiieled  inside  with  cedar,  was  thought  so 
marvelous,  indeed  a  place  most  sacred  on 

As  the  conclusion  of  the  brochure  pre- 

pared by  Mr.  Howland  states :  "The  Lord, 
God,  whom  'neither  the  heavens,  nor.  the 
heaven  of  heavens  can  contain'  did  not 
dwell  in  a  Temple  handmade  with  hands, 
nor  heeded  any  such  Temple,  but  in  re- 
sponse to  his  people's  prayer,  His  dwell- 
ing place,  and  had  said  of  Solomon's 
Temple  'My  name  shall  be  there.' " 


(Continued  from  Page  306) 
find  out,  first  of  all,  whether  it  is  really 
too  secret  to  be  looked  at,  really  too  tech- 
nical   to    be    understood,    and    really    too 
awesome  to  be  contemplated. 

Anyone  who  has  done  this,  I  believe, 
has  found  that  although  a  lot  in  the  field 
of  atomic  energy  is  secret,  there  is  enough 
of  it  that  is  not  secret  to  permit  public 
understanding  of  the  basic  problems  in- 
volved. The  secrecy  wall  surrounds 
mainly  the  subject  of  how  we  make 
weapons.  There  have  been  more  than  a 
hundred  million  words  officially  pub- 
lished on  what  weapons  will  do,  how 
atomic  energy  can  be  used  in  peaceful 
pursuits,  how  it  can  be  controlled  inter- 
nationally, how  it  is  controlled  in  the 
United  States,  and  upon  what  basic  scien- 
tific facts  the  whole  structure  of  the 
atomic  energy  enterprise  is  built.  These 
are  the  things  that  people  can  know  if 
we  are  to  stop  cringing  before  the 
atom.  .  .  . 

If  we  look  at  atomic  energy  coolly  and 
analytically,  we  no  longer  see  a  fearsome, 
uncontrollable  force.  We  see  instead 
what  it  really  is — a  new  and  potentially 
highly  useful  source  of  energy.  In  its 
practical  aspects,  it  means : 

1.  Radioisotopes  for  better  health,  in- 
creased food  supplies,  new  industrial 
products  and  continued  scientific  advance- 

2.  Power  to  drive  ships  and  airplanes 
and  to  light  the  cities  and  do  man's  work. 

3.  Weapons  for  the  defense  of  our  coun- 
try and  the  free  world.  .  .  . 

Here  at  Duke,  you  have  the  advantage 
of  being  more  familiar  with  the  atom 
than  most  people.  This  is  illustrated  by 
the  research  contracts  you  hold  and  by 
your  leadership  in  the  founding  and  man- 
agement of  the  Oak  Ridge  Institute  of 
Nuclear  Studies,  whose  board  of  directors 
is  now  so  ably  headed  by  Dr.  Paul  M. 
Gross.  It  devolves  upon  you,  then,  per- 
haps more  than  upon  many  other  institu- 
tions, to  think  on  these  things  and  to  do 
your  part  in  convincing  mankind  that 
the  atom  is  not  something  to  fear,  but 
that  it  is  something  to  understand — and 
thus  to  master. 

Bunn  Family 


(Continued  from  Page  311) 
ladino  pasture  are  all  grown  on  Gold 
Leaf  Farm.  The  farm  is  now  a  three- 
family  one,  for  Charles  and  Florence 
built  a  modern  ranch  type  house  near 
their  parents.  Charles  is  serving  in  the 
Army  again,  but  expects  to  be  out  soon. 
They  have  a  son,  Charles,  Jr.,  born  July 
14,  1951.  Braxton  lives  in  a  third  house. 
Sidney  and  Spruill  also  live  at  Gold  Leaf 
Farm.  One  son,  Mark,  a  Naval  aviator, 
was  killed  during  World  War  II. 

About  700  acres,  350  open  and  the  rest 
woodland,  comprise  the  farm.  Besides 
the  Bunn  family,  there  are  a  few  happy 
and  satisfied  sharecroppers  who  have  lived 
on  the  farm  for  many  years. 

The  Bunn  family,  in  spite  of  its  in- 
tensified farm  work,  seems  to  find  plenty 
of  time  to  take  part  in  community  affairs. 
Mrs.  Bunn  is  an  accomplished  pianist, 
though  she  says  she  does  most  of  her 
playing  on  the  kitchen  range.  And  for 
the  men  there  is  always  the  grand  sport 
of  hunting.  One  look  at  this  Master 
Farm  Family  is  enough  to  prove  they 
have  most  certainly  deserved  the  award 
they  received. 



(Continued  from  Page  315) 
Carolina  and  North  Carolina.  Topping 
a  road  schedule  are  contests  with  N.  Y.  U. 
in  Madison  Square  Garden  January  10, 
Temple  at  Philadelphia  two  days  later, 
and  Navy  at  Annapolis  on  February  9. 

JayVee  Cagers 

The  Duke  junior  varsity  cagers  are 
being  coached  by  Tom  Connelly,  co- 
captain  of  the  1941  Southern  Conference 
champs.  In  his  starting  line-up  are 
four  boys,  three  of  them  freshmen,  who 
measure  six-four.  The  current  starters 
are  Don  Cashman  of  New  York  City  and 
Earl  Skiff  of  Schenectady,  N.  Y.,  at  for- 
wards; Harold  "Herky"  Lamley  of  Hav- 
ertown,  Pa.,  at  center;  and  Marv  Decker 
of  Bloomfield,  N.  J.,  and  Hype  Larsen 
of  Woodbridge,  N.  J.,  at  guards.  All 
but  Larsen  are  six-four  and  all  but  Lar- 
.  sen  and  Decker  are  yearlings.  Larsen  is 
a  six  foot  senior  and  Decker  is  a  promis- 
ing sophomore. 

Soccer  Honors 

Duke's  varsity  soccer  team,  coached  by 
Jim  Bly  and  runner-up  to  Maryland  for 
the  Southern  Conference  championship 
as  a  result  of  a  3-2  loss  to  the  Terrapins 
in  the  final  game  of  the  season,  claimed 
five  of  the  11  positions  on  the  All-Con- 
ference team  selected  by  coaches. 

[  Page  328  ] 

DUKE  ALUMNI  REGISTER.  December,  1951 


The  machine  operated  by  these 
technicians  is  only  one  of  many  devices  utilized  by 
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the  hospitalized  ill.    Prepaid  hospital-surgical  plans 
have  a  role  in  the  drama  of  healing  arts,  too.    Of 
all  the  plans  in  North  Carolina,  only  Hospital  Saving 
Association  offers  double  approval  protection  of 
Blue  Cross-Blue  Shield. 





Lhis  nimble-minded  nutcracker  almost  tumbled  for  those 
tricky  cigarette  mildness  tests.  But  he  worked  himself 
out  of  a  tight  spot  when  he  suddenly  realized  that  cigarette 
mildness  just  can't  be  judged  by  a  mere  puff  or  one  single  sniff. 
Smokers  everywhere  have  reached  this  conclusion — there's  just 
one  real  way  to  prove  the  flavor  and  mildness  of  a  cigarette. 

It's  the  sensible  test the  30-Day  Camel  Mildness  Test,  which 

simply  asks  you  to  try  Camels  as  your  steady  smoke — on  a 
pack-after-pack,  day-after-day  basis.  No  snap  judgments.  Once 
you've  enjoyed  Camels  for  30  days  in  your  "T-Zone" 
(T  for  Throat,  T  for  Taste) ,  you'll  see  why  . . . 

After  all  the  Mildness  Tests... 

Camel  leads  all  other  brands  by  billions 

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"Vifc  ■>*" 








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